I‘ icoprcasnrrn, BFAZER’ "-while We were in partnership in these places; and begs to state. that he still continues ‘ ROBE {T II. HALL. . Richmond Hill. not-i. c, 18132. 171-4 1 FA use ti liter Sale or to Elect, A. ._ y:- ‘- EWVELLHaZ‘t/t GE. SW“: \VIIOLESALE AND RETAIL \I TI». And 11°01} Emlace W" orker, . ‘ BlANUTTAC/HFLTIIICS and Sells every‘Ariicle in the above lin,e,,and has had the pleasure ofsupplying built the. Navy and Army in England and out. of England bef‘rc he touched the shores of America, and has also had the honor of Illuminating, the Royal IIotel and every house on the Royal Terrace at \Veymouth, England, on i his own responsibilityâ€"takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general~-uot forgciing those. Stove Merchants and Stove Pedlers in Hamilton and Newmarkct who have so kindly patronized the anti my sons tp“manufaclure every article in the above business, at his shop on Richmond Hill. 5313? All IVor/c II’TCZI‘t't’lf/‘th’tf and attended to with (136519511671. Richmond I'IIII, March 7, 18152. RIB} OW A II. p y N MONDAY, 11A l’iCII .‘3 st, the Stock of the RICIIMt ND IIILL DRUG ‘ _ S'I‘Ol’tl‘] will be removed to Iii/7M. Aft/ISLEITS NE W STORE, I I \Vhere will be fount an Enlarged and Complete Szock of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, I’A' ‘IENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, I’liliFUdIICItY, OILS, VARNISIIICS, I’AI TTS, S'I‘A'I‘IONIC RY, FANCY (HIICIOI)S,8{C. 8:0. SLC. FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in season. ' II‘iving‘ abundance of room in tho §Iew Store the Subscriber has concluded to open also ‘Wllh a carotully selected Stock of &c. CHOICE {IES‘ Which he intends to p it in charge of a competent Sa'esnian, and which will be S.)ld at the vevv 't QAbsEI .2 LNE‘ v a :3 E: V R "F f" if M-"x- ash“ ‘L- 3:» R" “Kw 3" " L’Z‘l I river) attention will be given to making this branch all that can be desired .Insoliciting tho patronage of his former friends: and custoinars, and the public generally, the undersigned would state that it will he, 11-; formerly, his aim to supply in all cases ARTICLES 01 the III‘LS l‘ QUALITY at LO\\I PRICES. ‘ (‘OJ‘IJIUDIOUS self-cutit'iined IIOUSIC, situated in the vieinitv in liCiiAioxh III‘I Subscriber off-rs for Sale the. \Vest half of Lot No. ll). in the 3rd Concession i‘t :. . “Ayn-khan]. contaming Ilii.i.. containing It lletl»i‘r~t.-~ i‘arlor and ~ ' I‘Vltt'lltlll with other ()tlllltll't'u‘us. There is I v . «if? * a I r ' - r 1 O @ A... {5:}! Ed. 333.215 can» a ' also an Acre of Land, and :i~:-.iiei‘ Acre can 80 0‘ which are cleared, and in a high state of [m tweed “(apanmg cultivation, with a comfortable Iloum and Fm.1,11,11,31,pumicmus m, ,h. at {he .11â€, H 1). other Buildings; also. a young titriv ng 0mm ' ‘ - "‘ ‘ "ORCHARD. ‘ . ' ‘ iItichmond Ilill, March 6, 156'). 17l-tf. For particulars apply to JIUIILS Git M I’: l .E. t's'r illiClClYl‘ll), a freslisnppfyof anew “Gimpmd. Mme}, 2“, “may 173,3_ 2) edition of SANGS'I‘IIZII’S IlliEMldN'T- __-..m__..____~____.._.___. _..._.,_,,,c,__ir\l‘.\l Alll'l‘lllll‘XITIC. at tho “IILIIALDH . r ’. ,_ “- o . V ill. It Flor. li'itlii 0t l llill. HES. It/lliltltlggil, ti m - o i H H 777*, W Win. 13:; AT 1 (COI’T 1'. ill.“ ‘3- t‘m ‘1 Wit Notice is Hcrch * Given It, at filth. “It a 11E 4) - ox MACldiOD will apply to ,rEiiA'r .‘ilAlt'l‘lN =, the next Session of the Provincial I’arlia- ment for an Act to conï¬rm his title to the Road ,allowcnce butting his farm, lot 61, in the Ist icoiicession of King, being the townâ€"line be. ‘ tween the 'I‘ewnshlps of King and Vaughan. in tho first (:oncessi in. granted to him by the t ‘ County Council of York. thl-Biu ‘TIQ’LZ/H’Stfajï¬ April 211d, 1862, TO BE. coco. 181.11.931'98 at†initial, on raw no ~11, NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN, t t i l ' “Est Concession of Vaughan, -‘E‘dJJTLl a comfortable convenient IIOIISIC. '5‘ ‘ with I,\,,\. and RUNS? HUUNF TILI‘T all l’arties indebted to't‘h‘o Estate of 1, glj}fl)q ‘_ I 1‘ UN?“ ,’ ‘(,' w, H "u the late MAJOR .ll\U. BU I I.O.\,are reâ€" ' I ‘ k†i L" '1 fill“ ,1" 1‘1 ( ' “Uâ€"" “hf (pies'ed to pay the same 011 or before the Isl :Imwn. A never-tailing Stream runs thronin GM. Up Ap'u'p no“; and also a†mom who the Property. Apply to have any claims agaiurt tho said Estate, are requested to hand in their Accounts for setâ€"1 .tlenient bcfoao the. said time, to the under- Zxrcutors. It‘ll.\.‘\'tlli~‘ l1ll’i‘TdN, 2 TI MO'l‘llY f‘vlt )t‘x‘ ROE. 1111301110119. LICVICR, f I663). JOHN I’OG llN‘, On the I‘i‘eiiiirtes. 171-11“. Vaughan, March 7, 1862. Sigurd RICHMOND nun. LIBRARY mascotzarzorr t ,1â€!in , _ t Iiuttonville, I‘eb. 1.3, ’ IIIS ASSOCIA'I‘IUN has transferred their, LIBRARY to tho ‘IIri-tALii ’ Ilenk Storm; where Stockholders and others may procure I i V, BOOKS every Fijdav afternoon, {mm 4 to 3 filth". Subscriber ollers for Sale 011 reason- n’cloek. um, ah'o terms, Amara 0f Laald, Situated on l.ot No. #26, in the roar of the 4th concession of the township of Vaughan, and in the village. of 'I‘hanesville. For further particulars apply to 168-61. A. SCOTT, Librarian. I Richmond Hill, Feb. 27, 1851. .r ‘t a r 1.: ‘ r r r" a. v III in l. U I lilttilt VFESA. RIVA. Iii? Edgdï¬iflï¬i ELI No. 98 King Street, .1 ' " SI Giv O-F 1111,1131 Q UEJEIV: t it asked what tvas‘iiigifcftggiiicinc for cleansing l l l i , . . ,. i the lllOtltl, a ‘ i'or hilions coinplaints,.\ick lleadaclie, l l l t l l 5 JOHN VICIJIC, sen. Lot 19. 53nd Con. Vaughan. I969. 170â€"4 QB, ' February Is the place in 'I‘orinto, to buy pure Billll it hunt lath, Costiveness, ML, We should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLE LIIVLJ I’llilb‘. . . , . \ r . , - Illi‘ill illicit) PUI IbO O I‘ only because the proprietordfll)W A It I) L «Li 7 J \ i r a J ' ‘ LAW'SONJS one of the. oldest and most my '_"_ experienced Tea-bn‘ iu the trade. but from we, FTST' the fact that he purchases it"s 'I‘eas in such y rs†my_;7:________ fï¬vihswugï¬jfl large quantities at the Cargo Sales, thereby eu- ‘ I. . abling him to sell at a very ‘" SIIIALL ADVANCE ON (It'lST, Fulï¬lling the old ad:th “ Largo Sales, Small Profits and Quick It’etnriis ;†a'so in COFFEES, SUGAllEtI ‘ Fruits, Spices AND IEllIlllll. Itiliiftilli lg He cannot be undersold Rig BKï¬GUKTï¬Ã© ANI) GEE‘O_lÂ¥l'1l:llt3fi? 'I‘llli GENUINE retentive rent Cent‘s per ‘allon. \Varrantcd Genuine or the money returned. 0111 I @OILE'E‘SE Are unsurpassed for quality and pi‘cn, all being manufactured on the premises, fron. the hostj material by first-class workmen. Iced and i Ornamenth “’edding and other Cakes ' Always on hand or made to order in any style on the shortest notice. COIINI‘JI‘» CF YONGI‘} ANI) QLPZICN 81TH, TORONTO. The Largest {IL-i , , 1! \fl .H‘ ‘_ ‘7‘ wk" 3n» ' Orders by mail and othertvise, attended to tilt/«513951; Seaaï¬â€˜ (’3 5‘" llups ’ with dispatch. All Coeds warranted as iepre- . sented, and delivered free of charge to the cars » U.» 09w. . C A RD. I BEG to state that Messrs. FLOOD 8L PRICE have succeeded me in my busi- '_ ness flI’IIIIS Village','an‘d feel pleasure in being able cordially to recommed tllt‘m to the notice of all my Old Friends and Customers. ,Itherefore respeclfflllyï¬aSl‘" for them a fair trial. V l J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Richmond IIiil, February ‘20, 1862. 1698 A. NEW. FIRM SIN was gran V HE Subscribers respectfully call the attention of the Inhabitants cf Richmond Hill and surrounding country to the fact that they have purchased the ‘ ‘ lyEafcellcni Stacie of Goods 1' Lately held by Mr. I. K. FALCON‘BRIDIGE, and having Bottght Felfcash 2 ' And on very favorable terms, and leased the Store for a period of years, they feel Conï¬dent of their ability to OFFER EXCEL LENT IND ZfOEL/‘IIEATTS‘ TO P U1: UHA ems, They have already made large additions to the; original Stock by fresh purchases and will keep constantly supplied with a complete assOrtment of the near DESIRABLE GOODS. ’ fl 'riiey win. it to tie MOST foisriNC'er UNDERSTOOD that they soliclt the patronage of the, public on their own respmzsz'bility. and that they liaveno busi- ness connection whatever, wit/1 (my otlwrpersozz orpcrsfmzs in Richmond 1111! or c/scw/icrc. FLOOD 81‘ PRICE. Richmond Hill, Feb. 21, 1802. 169.8 ROBER'E LA W' SON’$ IS rut: PLACE TO our PURE visas AT REASONABLE PRICES, The reason of which is that he will not keep bad Tea in Stock, and is Willing to Sell at alfair Proï¬t. 11.. L. has lately received part ofan importation from London, England, among which are some very . rtnn_rntt rptyonco rota Fine N‘ouâ€"leoured Japan, \Vhich llC Will Sell (It 35. 1361' lb. Beware of ’ai’tntctl '1‘ :as, w Latch are in 0 better than poison in i HUBER/1‘ LA ’WSON’S is also the place to get At. ROBERT Lawson's you can procure I’ure Spices, all kinds of Sugars, Fruits, I" ‘ "E 3'5 - Ell ‘ . fill fiifiiit iiiiill Milli til it it at :t .v, . - its, r . a. t ’l‘obaceos, Sauces, I’ickles, American Cheese, Canadian Cheer-e, Candles, Soap, Brooms, Brushes, of all kinds, Oat Meal, Flour, Corn Meal. Dried Apples, Prunes, with every other atticle in the Grooery Line, at low prices. You will also find at ROBERT Lawson's Soda, Abernethy and Arrowroot Biscuits and Crackers, \Vliolesale and Retail. also all kinds of Confectioneiy, the whole being of the best manufacture, and sold cheap. {occur Lawsox‘s place of business is . 1632 hing-st. East, Near the Market, Next Door to the Clyde Hotel. Toronto, February 1‘2, 1862. 168 -a -‘ - . ,‘ -‘,-,"‘,"uv ‘qu‘- ‘-"‘l‘l‘,vu -,u‘-»‘-‘,v‘,‘lu‘,\-‘lv‘l‘ "Ju\""l"’ ‘1‘ SCHOOL BOOKSl AN GENERAL STATIONERY, AT 'I‘IIIC “ YORK HERALD" OI‘TCI‘I, AT PRICES LOWER THAN TORONTO. Richmond Hill, December ‘20, 1861. 160 3' ~ Igaï¬IitiidSS l i SIN ELIE OR DOUBLE! HEAVY OR IilGll’l‘ WELLHMADE AN'D DUEKAIBXJEE IVIAY BE IIAI) OF litititiiiit ‘ttitiliti' hpi‘ ,l, litiiit “trial " t ‘it l Ii. "(Ill 1 It. “tittitiiu 5’ ‘IIE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purchasers} and of the best materials, i‘lARNESS OF THE AEOVE' DESCRIPTION. An assortment of \VIII I’S, LASIIIQS, Sic, constantly on hand. Collars war ranted to Fit, Look dc Wear 12374311. Also, Itcptftn' Sale Patterson & Bro’s. Plows, Points, Landsides, (‘96. 95:? (lull and Examine, at ‘NM. IIAII IISON'KS Richmond Ilill, October 17, 1861. 151-3m cnrrnas.CUrtnas.oUtrn UNIONVILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY GEORGE MARIN. EGS most reSpectfully to inform his Friends and the public generally, that he has on hand a quantity of ‘41.“ H l,“ tit| It“ lit} all - ‘1 “it, In "1,. l '1lltll litttiiii ‘ilttltttll ’tiiiu t. . i . “it. nu“ ‘tiltt‘ll t. '1‘; lhw ‘ , ‘bl. _ H ,_t.tllllll tllllllllli illtltll’ lllll "tit wmen [1E WILL SELL CHEAP, FOR CASH, OR AJ’PIZ QLVED CREDIT. i Intending Purchasers will do well'to (‘21? Give Him a (.all Before Purchasing; Elsewhere, As an inspection of a good Article is all that is required to ensure a sale. The reputation of the above Establishment should suffice the Public as to the superiority of the Articles turned out. Unionville, December 5, 1861. E‘ "it as it out i b. warren. R IIS. CAMI’III‘II.L begs to intimate that h'ert School will RIC-OPEN on Monday, Janu-t ary 6th, 125622. \Vnere will be taught as here- tot'ora. the usual branches of useful education. I TI‘IltMS:â€"Iloard and Tuiton in the Iliqher, III'iillt‘lIcS of English, per quarter; Musicfl ; French and Drawing, each, 33. .Iiclimond llill. Jan. 1. 1862. 1‘.P‘.’l‘\’\'l‘)l€l\' Richmond. Hill and. Thornhill. For further particulars apply to G, J. I". PEARCE, ‘ On the Premises. Richmond Hill, Jan. 30, 1861, lGIi-tf. ‘162.3t it or in the city limits, ac? No SECOND PRICE. Remember the Placeâ€"â€" No. 93 KING STREET, Show or run QUEEN. EDWARD LAWSON, Proprietor. In Canada ' S T S! 3 V1 . r.) - v3.7 :- an . g $2.1 1n endless variety, Latest Improvements as ‘ m well as the OLD well-known Patterns. S'I OVES STO Vl‘ZS 10V S'I‘OVIIS S till? Intending Purchasers are respectfully iii- vited to call and examine Stock and I’rices‘ . Corner of Tonga and Queen 818., Ibi-tiin y ’l‘oi'oiito, Deceitiber lb, ISGI. Toronto, Feb 5, 181213. lSQ-ly “ 7 for Sale. HE Sithst'criber offers for sale avery su- perior Dark Day M A BUGGY MARE, Rising 8 years old . good traveller and without I blemish. For particulars apply to ' "NT‘ '1 vet-n GARGLIRG OIL SUrcReEbL [{thy‘i‘i’ BLACK (Ill. is acknou Sadr;de by all who have used it, to be superior to (-i .rglivi on, or any Other Medicine now Delete the l\.'.1iu. t'or Sprains, Bruises, tints, Calls, and 8.11 t. times to Uorsetlesh. Good for man and beast. Price, 25 cents per bottle, hold by all ulers in l W. II, 011A Y. Medicines l'I-‘hornhill, February 4, 1862. RS, ~ anv severe cases with from six to ten doses.â€â€"-â€"Dr. ' 167-4‘ .~, .4. .. was... 1- «M». '. -~.~ 7‘ < FARM. FOR SALE. 11113 Subscriber offers :for sale the northwes part of ‘ Lot No. the 1st C0 1106981011 ~0r run . , i a Township of Howard, Containing 7.5....a'cres, about 40 of. which are under a'high State at cultivation. 'l'he're’Is‘ on the Farm 8 acres of Fall Wheat, :1 good Orchard, also}: House and other, ontbuildings. 'I‘heieiis also :1 BED OF OCI‘IRE on thaliprod: Jp'ertyi, which only requires a smelled-pita] to Open it up. There is also strong indications of Oil; on the pi'operty._ For further particulars apply to r " ~ ‘ ’ , , ROBERT MARSH. ., » A l Lot 41, lst Con. Miirkham, Richmond Hill, Feb. 25. 1862. i arguments Magazine - 'Akn THE BRITISH REVIEWS ! I SCOTT 6:. C0,, NICIV YORchontinue - to publiin the folloiving leading British I’eiiodicals, viz. :â€" TH E noxoox QUAR' ERIN (Conservative) 2. THE ignixnttuoii REVIEW (Wing) 29‘ ‘ " . . SII REYIEVV,’ (Free T1111 NO‘I‘t'f‘Il ERITI C hu rch ,) 4 THE II'IJS'I‘MINSTEII REVIEW" (Liberal) .). BLACKWOOD’S RUIN BU RG11 MA‘GA-‘y Zinc, crow-a _ .- _ . . 1 The present critical state of European affairs. will tender these publications vuniversally, in- teresting during- the forthcoming yeat‘z... They will occupy a middle ground between the has- tilv \vriten neWs-items, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, aiid‘the pon- derous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political eventsfof the time shall have. paSSed away It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelli- gible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well-established literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public: , EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Advance Slivcts from the British publishers gives additional'value to these Reptints, inasmuch as they can now be soon as the origiiiat editions. TERMS : , _, , ,. r , . . , - ‘ Per mm. For any one of tho fourReviews,. .3 00 For any two of the four Reviews, . . . . . . . 5 00 For any three of the four-Reviews,: . . . . . 7 (10 For all four of the Reviews, . . . . . . . . . .- . . 8 CO For lilackwood’s Magazine... . z . .u. . . : . . 300 For IiiaCkWOOti and one Review.. . . . For Illackwood and tv'vo Reviews, . . . . . . ()0 For lllackwood and three Reviews,. .... 9 00 For Blaekwood and the four Reviews.. .10 00’ t’llmtry current in the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-ï¬ve percent from the above prices will be allowed to Owns ordering four or more Copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus.‘ FOUI‘ copies of Black- wood. or of one lleviow, Will be sent. to one address for 359; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30; and so on. - Canadian inail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage, NJ; â€"â€"'I‘he pricediii Great Britain of the ï¬ve I’oriodicals'above named is'$3l per aniitim, Remittances for any of the above publications should always be. addressed, postâ€"paid, to the Publishers, LE NARI), SCOTT tilt CO. No, 54 Gold street, New York. New Yorli, Dec. 5,1861. mamâ€"A A GOOD THING. DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth a trial, in any case of Files, Burris, Scolds, Old Sores, {attained or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and In every case where an ointment isuseful. ' ,It will to commend itself, after one trial. “ ‘ ’ ‘ ' illiiiclicstcrh llypophesphites (Dc. Cal}ltC1-11111.’:~él’}ICIFIC RICMEDYJ“ FOR CONSUMPTION. 17113.0 placed in the hands of subscribers about as- .I M. 5 00 Richmond it ill, Oct, _ u x._xk_.z_~,._â€" t c_ ‘f2__:_"L_____.‘_ ._,.:,A Pails and Sap Buckets. HE Undersigne‘d is prepared to furnish any quantity of FAILS AND SAP BUBKEZI‘Spat his Factory, Lot No. 11,“;2iid ConceSsio'n" {of'i‘Markliam,‘_ o'r at 'I’Aiiftnit *Guoscv’e, flicltmond‘ Hill, at greatly reduced latices, - . y , h L Address. post~paid, Buttonville Post-office. JOHN AMUSS. dim-21;: . February 530. 1861. .Slltlt’t Ana mmn re Liar . . IN THE ‘ V Village of Riclntiend Hill ! a'goodiposition for busiiiess,'IIouse odm~ N I modious, :with 5 Rooms and .a‘ii excofllent I Cellar. Wood Shed and other Conveniences, at preseii't'iu‘ occupation by Mr. Counter.â€" POSsoSSiOh given on 1st January, 186I. - » Enquire ot' _ G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Ilill, Dec. 5, 1861. I ' IbS-tf Jens... F. Brown, ' "" naoxnu,s ‘ v 'l‘st'ate and, General Agent. _ _ . AGENT FOR v (’folouiul ï¬lls (15511126111120 Qfo‘n. I Masosic HALL, Touonro S'rumc'r, » 7 ’ TORONTO-1.» , If? Money. to .Lelld on Improved Farms .April 19. 1,861. ï¬QQ-ly 13143 c was it tins i “‘enorocnaens It The Cheapest and Best. Ainhrotype and» EliotOgrapli GALLERY 1N CANADA, IS AT ' ‘ 7' i 7 . ' :TOI’tON'I‘O. . v amawmea Rawm , t’roprietor and Principal Operator 'oronto, April It), 1861. 125-131 VVï¬er’ED coups or , OAK. STAVF. TIMBER, Cashmn delivery. » it, at J, HARRISON, Plank Road, 150-31, 5th Apply id 10,1861. I new onsunvn. r HAT all persons owing Dr. James Lang- staff, will Iiiid it to their advantage to Bull and pay as soon as possible; ORA weights PUEIICAL GREETINGS III THE PUBIlCi FRIENDS! do you Wish, iii these very hard times To get, the full Worth of your dollars and dimes? . _ Do you wish to purchase the purest and best And chm/pest ofgo‘ods for yourself or your guest? Then go to CRA\VFOIU)’Sâ€"-}’Oll’Il find that he Well deserves his great popularity. V Tum ofeach brand treni the flowerv lan‘d, Cullcd amidst rose-scented zephyrs bland; Gunpowder, IIyson. the rich Police, The host of (lreen and the l'am’ ISohea. Come to Crawf: i'd’s, and you’ll agree You HOVO“ saw ï¬ner nor cheaper Tim. The sellers of. Cotl'oo in vain to compete; Crawford has Cell'ee that can’t be beat; ’Tis aromatic, ’tis fresh, ’tis‘ good, And combines the virtues‘of meat and food. He has Scouts as sweet as the purest marina. Frezh from the canes of Louisana. Cocoa, Chocolate, Raisins and‘Spico, Vinegar, I’ick'es; Crackers and Rice; Soup of the 11:: 31/113 ultra. (brand, V l . The equal of which can’t be found in theland; Currants aiid'ltaislns that can’t fail to pleaseâ€"â€" _ ‘I‘ho sweetest of Butter, the finest of Cheese; And their the Tobaccoâ€"but onontrh of details, 1 ~ . - - ' l . -- . - | Io satist customers Crawford lie or fans: 1 Nervous Dcditlfy, iSoi'1f11.l/1.and Dyspepsia, . Bronchitis, «3-0. V ‘ j _ known to medical science. It has efâ€". fected cures in'every. stage of, Conshmption †UNI’ARALLI‘ILI‘ID IN TIIE ANNALS OF' MEDICINE.†In Nervous Debility and Dys- pepsia, the IIYI’OI‘IIOSI’IIITI‘IS may be re gartled as an almost sovereign remedy, The Elypopliospli ites .' Have a two-field and speciï¬c notion-Km the one hand. increasing the principle which (X N- S'I'I'I‘U'I‘ICS NERVOUS ENIu iGY; aiid,,oii the other, being the MOST XI’OIVERFUI. BLOOD (it EN 'IZATIN G AGI‘IIIVI‘S KNO \VN They act with promptncss and certainty in all general morbid conditions, such as Chronic Bronchitis. Asthma, Scrofula, Marasi’nus, A410- inia, Female Complaints, &c., and in all dis-. orders of the Nervous or Blood Systems. Their effect upon the tuhercular condition is immediâ€" ate~~all the general symptoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous,â€" They increase the nervous or vital energy, roâ€" lieve Cough, check Night Sweats, diminish Expectoration, improve the ’Appetite, arrest Diarrhma, and promote refreshing sleep. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN ' CUR I1]. Winchester's Genuine Preparation ! OF TIII'I IIYI’OI’IIOSI’HITES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churchill’s Remedy. and is approved hythe Medical Profession generally, '1'.v\l.\"I_i\'G IRON. 1 ID" I’nicns :â€"â€"-Iii '7 o7..130ttles, 5:41â€"43 Bottles for "5. Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Drug- gisls, and at the sole General United States, by . .l. wmcn Eirrnit, 36 John St., NY. THE SPECIFIC PILE I ' A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR Spcrmawrr/ica,01‘ Scm'mil 'I/Vca/mess, (S- G Clarita! [rumor/21y, 2'12 cit/181‘ Sex. TIIIS is the only remedy for Sexual Dobility, Iinpoiency, Sterility, (TO. which has the ap- proval ot' the medical lll'UI‘OSSIOll.. ills success - has been mostextraordinaryâ€"eiiccting cures in cases where all other methods oftreatinent had failed. One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC IIILI. will permanently cure any case ot'Semi- iial \‘i’eakness, or its resulting linpotoncv. however aggravated, whether constitutional, or arising from abuse or excess. 1M 1’0 R’I‘AS‘ '1‘ M l‘ll‘lUAL TESTIMON Y. “I have usad your Speciï¬c Pill in many cases of Sperinatorrhea, and with the inostper~ feet success, ".I.I\Ill.1‘02\‘ Slivnicits, M.D.,l..‘L‘,D," “I’Ve believe it to he as near 'a' ‘ Specific ’ as medicine can he. \I'o hove cured ,niany II. Kni'rH: ‘Aniericaii Joui'. of Med. Science. "I have found them all that could be de- sired, "I‘heir etl'eet has been truly wonderful.â€"L t1. I)IL‘KE1(,I\I:D,†' 3.3†This is not a lIomojpathic Remedy, nor is there any mercury or other deleterious ingre- dients combined \\ ith, it. 7 Pinonâ€"351 per box; six boxes for $5, by mail, pro-paid, For sale by all, respectable l)rnggists, and at the sole General Depot in the United States, by J WINCIIES'I‘ER. 36.101141 St N,Y, New York, Dec, 1'2, 1861,, VIIIIS is the most wonderful curative agent,†USIC NO OTHER. OR ANY REMEDY CUN- ‘ In IS 07., Bottles, it"z,"2â€"'I‘hree for I Depot in the ' Ilis get-ills are the best, and his prices you’ll find i the such" to leave coinpotitiOu behind! i . Ai.so ox HAND, SPICED BEEF (3‘ OTHER-[1111118 Yarmouth Bloatersfinon Haddieswé’cc DUGALI) CRAWFORD, Corner of Yonge and Agnes Streets. Toronto, Oct; 31, 1861. lob-if. IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly re- commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma/Group, and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat 25 cents pct/3 bottle. ' lNOTICEOF REMOVAL r HE " unscriher, in returnihg thanks to. his numerous friends, begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and Vicinity, that he has removed INTO HIS NEW HOUSE ll one door South of Mr, Harrison’s Saddlery Shop, where by strict application to business and studying to please, he hopes i0~llleiI a on him heretofore, All Orders practically attended to. nonco. and iii the latest Style, JAMES B, BURNES, . V V y x H I . Tailor, Richmond Hill, Oct, 10, 1861. 186l_--3m I WORMS. . For destroying 1V0rms in children, SITTZER'S VERMIFUGIG CANDY is by far the most pleasun safe, and ctTectnal remedy now in use. Try it! 861 by all dealers in medicines. . ' 3 Sbld by w, s, POLIJ'OCKhRichmmi'd Hill; eU'r'ri.reaui.i interim. ’ .____.â€"..._u.. No article ever before introduced to the public has equalled the .lncidii) GU'I‘TA-, PERCIIA for coating tin or other roofs, new or old. One gallon, costing $1.50, will thoroughly Coat. from 900 to 300 feet of roof, and this coating will render the roof perfectly t'vater-I‘iroof, and will lasr three times as lentor as white lead or othet ’ paint. It‘or covering roofs, either new or old, we repeat, it has no equal for durabi». public fully confident of its intrinsic e'Xcelâ€" lei‘ice, and? With our warrentec that it will: do all; we claim for it. Sold in barrels of forty gallons each, at a libe ‘a-l discount to Address all orders to R E A D Y IQOFIN G‘- C‘O. , 1181an dealers. 723 Cétl~aY-5lt‘09i,N-ew York. continuance of the support so liberally bestowed ‘ ' A: . V t [L3 Garments cut to order on the shortest . v . . l lity and cheapness, and we oï¬er it to the 1.14- m ' v my, tuna mortars THE HORSE, AND HIS DISEASES nY - KROBERJI‘ JENNINGS, V. S.‘. l’uornssott GI‘IgI’ï¬'l'flOliOG’Y Anti Ornuari’va St v GEHY IN Tun Vn'i'icuirjauv Comaka or 'i’iiIi.A- DELPHIA, I’uor. or V ic'rhniivauv hlrmncmn‘ in THE IplA'l‘IfJ Aeiti'cuuruua L t 01.14am: on Onto, Sucurrra‘uv o'it 'rim Anrnit'iéAN ' VETERINARY Assoom'riouon l’iii- l.ADELPH|A,~]CI‘C., mo: 12mo. Cloth “Extra. ‘Pr‘hie‘eu $1.25 s. ,_,., v ,W _ _-A-,v,. , .-.,_.A _r__.__ .113th INC: is? ONE-AllieSWEORK UN 'I‘ll'lC HORST-l5 Tells you‘iiall about breeding and Managing the allilnal__wlfll his various vices, and how they can be‘c’érrected JitNNiNirs’ ouniifrwoutt ON THE IIOIISIC Describes more than 150' diseases to which he is subject, and gives the“ various remedies best adapted to their cure. JENNINGU""GREAT "WORK on 'riii: HORSE Shouiiiiiaiu the atrial.- ol'evory than who owns the animal, At a‘ critical moment itmay' ram yozi'h’t'tt'idret‘fs of dollars in liorso-Ilcsli.’ ' ' Thrilling. Adventures Among The~Ea1~1y Settlers;- BY WARREN wicowoo'b: Esq, With 200 New and ' Original i 'Eiigraviiigs'. .b121110.,Clotli.E.vti'a,-.. Pricct$lfléi v s THRILLING "A'D V F. NVTURES AMONG THE EARLY SET I‘LERS We venture to say is “the most intensely interest- ing colle'ct‘io'n of'stories over issued. 'v‘ THRILLING . ADV E N-TURES AMONG THE many SE’I‘TLERS While drawn from-the most authentic scuff ces, yo’t partakos atoll the. wild, weird, and feaiful character of romance; TIIRILLING AI) V E NTURES AMONG TIIIIIIARLY SETTLERS With. startling vividno'ss brings before the mind of the reader many a deed of blood and earn-:- age, many a scene of heroism and patient endurance. FAMILY DOCTOR ; A coonshnmtt 1N SICKNESS. ram AND inertiasa; 'By Professor Henry S. Taylor, MI); 153nio,, Cloth. Price $1.00†TAYLO R'S FAMI LY DOCTOR IS‘ “'Rl'l'TldN in plain language, free from medical terms, and tolls you how to cook, prepare drinks, and manage the sick gene; rallv.‘ ’I‘AY.I.;OR’S FAN ILY DOC'I‘OII DICSCRIBI‘IS nearly I50 distinct (IIHHHHHH'R: which men, n omen and children are subject. and gives the various simple remedies hes: adapted to their cure. ' TAYLOR'S FAMILY DOCTOR IF? \VIII'I"I‘ICN in plain language. free from Medical terms, and may soon save you Illllt'll suII'ei-iug and many times die oust of the I)tml« Everybody wants it, run, PEOPLE’S ‘ Gama BOOKS embrace other works of groat'valic that. will be found in our printed catalogues, and which will be ' forwarded to anv addiess’ on application. 'I‘II IQ PEOPLE’S. GREAT BOOKS enihi’aCe other works of great value,‘ that will he found in our printed catalo‘gh‘ds,‘ and which Will be forwarded to any addresr on application. TIII‘.‘ , PEOPLE’S GREAT IIOOKS will be furnished to agents and others‘ in quantities on very liberal terms. Utioquallod, in mechanical execution, as Well as valu‘éiof V their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. 'riiia , l’ltltH’LE’.‘ GREAT . BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others‘ in quantities on very liberal terms. Unedudled', in mechanical execution, as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follost their introduction everywhere. ,, a“ m“ .. ' $1000 A ‘1? IJIAR IS BEING' IA DIG by many Olltm‘pl‘l'llllt! men in the sale? of. “ the I’eoplo's Great Iloojlts.†Unequï¬gled: in mechanical execution. as well as valngmf their Contents, a certain and rapid Sa'le foflé‘vvs‘ their introduction everywhere " (‘1131000 A YEAR IS BEING‘ MA DI'I by many enterprizing men; iutlrcsalo' of 'f the l’coplo’s Great ilooltsi’f >5Uiiequaï¬ed in mechanical oxacutioii, as, well as value/lof their contents, :1 cortain’aiid:i'a‘pi'd(sii’e'folldws‘ their introduction everywhere.“ ‘i ‘ ‘* -. ‘4 P_ 3’." "I... ' .__. *Llâ€"W static A YEAR‘IS‘1-BEI'NG MADE by many. eiitiei'priziug men“, in Mid sale of.-c‘_t|ie I’eopl’e’snGigeat BooksJ‘F. Uh; , equalled in mechanical “execution, as well as: “ value,0f their coliteiits, ii certain and rapid sat. fellowstheir introduction everytJVIiore.“ SEND, FOR $25.00 WORTH 0F. the Poo‘ple’s Great' Books and try thdin' . among yo’ur neighbors. Everybody whhitf thein. ’ fl; ' w SEND FOR $50.00 WORTH OF the People s Great Books and try them‘. ' among your neighbors. I‘lverybody wants their). tSEND roe station WORTH , OF the People’s (lireatyltooks, andtrythern‘ among your neighbors. Everybody wants; them. ' i â€" r M . 1â€"" y . SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO ANY address, postage paid’ ou‘ receip‘t‘of price; Address, r ‘ ' “ l JOIIN'II. POTTER, Publisher, l . , No. til?" 8311150131 St., Philadelphia, Ila: i SINGLE COPIES, SICN'E‘ if AN Y address, postage paid on receipt oi palm , Address, A I _ JOIIN I‘I. POTTER: I’oniasuicu No. 617 Sinsoin St, Philadelphia. I'm ‘SINGLIC COPIES, SENT 'l‘ii- ANY address, postage paid on receipt ofpi'iw: Address, ._ ( JOHN 1'1. POTTER, I’uiriasurzir, ' , No. (“7 Sinsoni‘ I’iijiladclphi‘aifl’cg