Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Mar 1862, p. 2

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5%. I gr‘iirrlgri Stimuli... Nort ‘ j, t J i. ‘ “"17"; ""“ '“ g" ,"g" 7“” _?“"*: "'“ Time table takes etfect Vlo .(ta , Dec, 10 '61 an tit. AL 0« 1 tin h .\O\' A- Home Ngm'", 3 ’ ECUTIAN.” . . . Mail. luxpress. ) _ Loavo Toronto. . . . . . . . . 7 20 a,in. 4 It) p iii. 1 URTLAAD, NI‘dl'Cll 23. 'I‘hornhill. . . .... . . 8 it) a in. 4 50 p in. The steamship A'ovu, Semi“); from Richmond Hill. . . . 8 7.4 a m. 5 l0 p.m. Liverpool, 13th instant, via Londonderrv I‘mg' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° ' 8 “‘8 “""' '1”? l"'“' l 11 . I h.’ d l ‘ 4 Aurora........... 1100mm, O‘TOPJII 0" He Hm mhlfml" a’l‘lll‘e w”: m Newmarkot. . . . . . . 9 15a in. ti ()0 p,.ni. o’cl0ck this morning. I he dates per the Holland Lblldltlg.. 9 30 mu. (5 if) p it]. Ivovu-Scotl'an are two days later than Bradford . . . . . .. 0 42 (5 25 pan. those already to hand. .riiov'iivo scum The steairiphip Kangaroo and Teutionci Leave Collingwood. . . . . .‘2 30 pm 30 (1.”). from NEW york, awn-ed out on we Bradford. . . . . . . .. . 0151-3 p.m. ti l8 a.rn. 13” i l t IIoliand Landing” 6 In p.m. 8 32 (1.11] , “a an f , _ Newniarkot. .. .... (i 30 p.iii. 8 45 rem. the political news is unimportant. ' Aurora, , , , . ., (i 45 pm. 9 till a.tli. London, bl arch 14.~â€"-The I’arts Patric King. . . . . 7 to p in. 9 >25 d.lti. assepls may a member of u“. lingual, Richmond NHL... 1 28 p.m. 9 4-) am Cabinet recently declared to a deputation from the manufacturing districts, that ac- cording to information from \Vaslilngton, an amicable separation betiveen the North and the b‘outh w0uld lake place about June, and the basis of the treaty would he as follows :â€" " “ Missouri, Iientuckey, and Tennessee are to return to the Union. The two Republics are to have no laid customs line». Search for slaves is to be prohibited in all the States. b‘lavery is to disappear within thirty years. I’aris, March liarâ€"M. 'I'houvenel has sent a note to M. Ratazzi, denouncing the dangers created by the Italian l’rovide- inento Association. The specie in the Bank of France has increased during the month (51,000,000 francs. Jules Farre, in the Corps Legislatif, denounced the Mexican expedition, but, the paragraph favouring it in the address to the Emperor was adOpted. Liverpool, March ]4«.--â€"The Sumter still remained at (iibaraltar on the 7th inst. The London Times publishes an aili- cle against any revision of the maritime law. It argues that if England gives u,~ the right to capture merchant ships, she will surrender the Only arm that has gain- t-d her all she has; and deprived her of all she has gained. The London Times thinks that the victories recently gained by the Federals will lead to :i separation, and peace be- tween the Northern and Southern b’tates. F lANCE. The ordinary expenses of the year are estimated by the Government at 1,729.- 000,000f., and the recipts are estimated at iiearely 10,000,000f. in excess of this. The Paris bourse was heavy and dr00p- ing. The ientes being: quoted at (39f 90c. It was rumoured that the English Go- vernineiit had notified the French Govern- ment of the sudden departure from Lon don of three men who Were implicated in the Orsini plot, and that these men were- suspected of harboring designs against the life of the Emperor. The French police were on the look out for the men. ITALY. The majority of the members ofthe Chamber of Deputies have resolved to sUppoi-t the new Ministry. The details of the first sitting of the General I’rovidv- inento Asscnbly at Genoa, had been pub- fished. Garibaldi was most enthusastically re- ceived in his speech, and applauded. The holy idea of a Central Committee of the l’rovideinentoâ€"-the idea of forming one society from all the liberal Italian so cieties, would receive the approval of all the repri sentatives of those societies. IIe «T215 strongly in favour of such a union, in older to form, and to express it in a word {he Ilon'iziii fusces. (The assembly hereI .rOse to their feet and loudly applauded .the sentiment.) Garibaldi, when the applause subdued. resumed lllS remarks. He said he hoped Thornhill. . . .. .. . . 7 40 [Lin 0 5.3 min, Arrive at 'I'oronto. . . d 30 pan. IU 40 “ l" R 0M Richmond, Hill P.0- to, Railway station. Morninu mail for Toronto closed at. .7.0' a.m. Railway I’ost Office going north . . . . . 7.00 a in. Evening mail for Toronto'closed at. . 5.3) pm .L.‘__.___.. .._____’ New. Advertisements. Infant Schoolâ€"Mrs Smith Threshing Machine for b‘aloâ€"J. Amoss Dissolution of I‘artiiersiiipâ€"-Southard, Boyh- ton a: C0 Noticeâ€"â€"Yunge St. Agricultural Society General f.llacksinithâ€"â€"John Smith I’ublic I‘thiioitionw-Grammar School a little 'ljllfli thrill RICHMOND HILL, It] A R. ‘28, l8ti‘ ,3 OPENING OF THE SESSION. THE popularity of the Ministry was fully tested in the election of the tipeakcr of the House of Assembly on 'l‘hursday. Mr. Turcolie, the government nominee, was elected by the rcSpectable majority of fill teen. The position of parties as strewn by this vote, is much more satisfactory, according to the prin- ciples hitherto laid down by the Opptisition than that which they held during last parliament. In Upper Canada, Ministers have. re- ccivcd an increased support. It requires only another vote from among the western iriei‘nbers to give them a iiiajot‘ity in both sections of the province. The niei‘ribcrsofttie Opposition appear to be distinlted. jealous of one another, and withal cxcecdiagy anxious to prevent their light from being placed under a bushel. Every that) would fain be a leader. The ll'lallllt‘l‘ in which they exhibited their dislike to serve in a subordinate position, reminds us Very much, of the volunteer movement in a certain town in the it'orthcrn States; in which out of several hundreds of applicants for enrollment," Some huff-dozen only would serve in any other ca- pacity than as officers. There were several candidates for the leadersmp of the Upper Canada Opposition, and M r. It‘ozcy has been the lucky man; but it remains to be seen whether the other aspir- ants to the same position will quietly submit to thc dictation of their more fortunate rival. Indeed. there is alreath ample evidence of insubordin'ition in the ranks.â€" Thcy have canscd considerable ,the Italians would also hold out their ihands to all the enslaved nation of the earth. The Government had warned the Proâ€"l ‘l‘ldttlllt‘lllo Committee of Genoa to resume a certain toneâ€" otherwise they would be; compelled to tllstlll’P the Association. C REISCE. All ports on the coast. of Greece, in the (luff of Angolis, have been placed under a strict blockade, in consequence of the iii~ surrection iii Nauplia. I’RUSSIA. The King of Prussia has declined to accept the resignation of the Ministry and disolt'e the Chamber of Deputies. Sl’AlN. The Confederate Commissioner llost had arrived in Madrid, but Government refused to receive him. Li't‘rsi‘ VIA LONDONDERRY. London. Hutuâ€"Tue Tl‘z'mcs city arti- cle says: the funds opened yesterday at an improvement of ,‘3. There was a temporâ€" ary relapse, maintained at the close. Busi- ness in American stocks was ristricted, pendingr another arrival. A meeting of the majority of the dep- uties of the l’i’iissian Chambers has been held, and they decided by a vote of 92 to 4 to support the ministry. l.ivi«:i<poor. Brita/insrurrs MARKET. râ€"ll‘lour is still declining in tone. \Vlieat j heavy at l‘uesday‘s decline. Corn still declining, and again (id. a Is. lower. l’ro- i'issiuns quiet but steady. Loxnox. hfrich Il.-â€"Consols for mo- tley at 913;};1 .933- ,Aincrican securities firm. llullicn iii'the Baal; increased to £353 000. . ,., . .._. >1: 7 ‘t‘~fâ€" Loni) l’ALMEiis'roN ital) Cxxxoraxl Jibticiix'iiox.~â€"\Ve learn with much pleasure that Lord I’aliirerston, with his characteristic generosity in the manage. pit-tit of his Irish estate, has given iii- siriy-lions to Ills agents to find out those ivf his teiiiintiy desirous: of riiilgi'atiiig to (lanaila, iiile afford them not only thr- luit also to provide IIIt-‘lll \\ltll the necessary tools, 8%., to enable them lttllllt‘tlldtrly 'on their reaching their new home to commence work. It is un- recessary to say that many have availed ilniiiselws of this noble offer, and that many more are arranging to follow. livery iiiloi‘iiiatlon regarding Canada is in w in great demand in l'relarid. and the l.b0irs of the tirand Trunk l’t'ailiwy Company, who are so sedulously sup. plying it gratuitously, are worthy of all praise, ineans of going, 1are not. the men to allow considerâ€" (lozen years, have actually tcemed delay to the business of the counâ€" try by their inability, or to agree upon a decided course, re- specting the resolutions they shall propose, in reply to the speech from the throne. As a final resort, it ap- pears tlicv have resolved to move a general nun-confidence resolution, .is the most likely to, secure an united vote. The Clear-grit hob- bies have been entirely discarded by the Opposition as a body. They must indeed be in a pitiable preâ€" dicament when they could not af- ford to venture a trial of strength on the question of Representation by Population. ' ' ‘ ~â€"-~â€"â€"-â€"â€"mi .4”â€" «w BROWN versus BEATY. Wu understan‘d'that it is the in- tention of the plaintiff in the above case to enter his suit in the County instead of city Court of Assize; imagining, no doubt, that Clear- grit sympathies are more stronglv developed in the rural districts than among his own fellow-cui zens. It has also been asserted that Mr. Brown hopes by this move to avail himself of the prejudices supposed to exist uniting fai‘ti‘icrs against Mr. Ileiily, on account of his connection with the York Roads. But we can assure our needy contemporary, that if he places any reliance on such extra- neous influences, he will find, perhaps‘to his cost, that he has committed a grave error. The in- .. {V -l~ . d p..1 telligt nt Idlmt is o 10] \ an Lt. ations of this nature to have any weight in their decisions as juryâ€" iien. If the matter he left to their adjudication, ajust and impartial decision may be expected, without any reference either to personal or party pi‘cdilections. There is, however. a feeling pretty generally expressed, that Mr. Brown should be the last man in the country to enter an action for libel. The co-I lumns of the Globe, for the last lic character of our best statesmen. : It has originated slauders suffici-l cntly numerous to afford matter for a thousand libel-suits. Since the establishment (if the Leader, Mr. Bcatv’s private charamer has frc-I quently been the subject of attack ;‘ yet he has never sought redress in the law courts; very Wisely ap- pealing to public opinion for a refu- tation of the. charges brought against, him. And the rapidity with which the. Leader has increased in popu- larity, proves: that the shafts of the Cl ‘ar Gilt lcadcr have. fallen wide of their mark. There one circumstance which. has transpired in connection Willi. this case, which throws some light on the motives that have given it origin. Mr. Brown made applica- tion to the Court for leave to amend his claim for damages by making the sum £5000 instead of £I,000.i The application was refused. the judge starting at the same time, that if Mr._ Brown wished to inflict greater punishment on the proprie- tor of the Leader, his proper course would be to cute ‘ a criminal action; but such a proceeding, holding out no prospect of pecuniary advant- age to the prosecutor, was not to be thought of; the object being evid- ently. not so much to aid public morality, as to realize cash. Pro-i bably the liberal advances of 3d- inonstone, Allan 8; Co. are nearly exhausted, and a few thousands from the well filled purse of Mr. Beaty would be "cry accieptuble, and serve to infuse new energies into the Globe. We think Mr. Brown will be obliged to make a virtue of necessity, and console himself with the scrapings of his friends who have displayed such a wonderful degree of energy and perseverance in llie begging enter- prisc. What ifsacriliglous inroads should be made into the offerings of the faithful. in order to dcfrav the expenses of the present litiga- tion, instead of making Mr. Bcaly lan unwilling contributor to the Grit testimonial! We admit that it must be very golfing to Mr. Brown to ponder over the fact that he has been hurled by the thundcrs of the Leader, from a seat in Par- liament, just at the time when he thought the Spoils of office almost within his grasp. we think conductors of the Leader are titled to the thanks of the comment nity for thus contributing to llic‘ public good, and we sincerely trust that they may still be successful in their efforts to her-p unprincipled scherrii-rs as far as possible from the public chest. t the. PD“ -~-â€" rvâ€"“r 04M-â€"wâ€" Plans of Village Lots. -- l A SHORT time ago, the sheriffofthc United Counties of York and Pool achrtiscd a sale of Lands for taxes ,â€"â€"it caused quite a C()llltl’lt)~ lion among owners of vacant vil- lage lots, and a very great difficulty presented itself in arriving at the exact proportion oftuxcs to be pa‘d. The want of a proper record of vil- Iago lots, is a source of great incon- venience and trouble,â€"-and is in di- rect violation of the law, the ob- . the ,w. dollars, and a like sum fer every year there- after until such plan or map be made and de- posited in the Registry Office of the County Wllfl‘t‘lll the Town or Village is situate. “ The several Penalties or Forfeituros men- tioned in th‘ preceding sections of this Act. may be recovered upon information and com- pfaint before' any three of Her Majesty’s Jus- tices of the Peace of the County in which the lands he, and shall be levied by warrant signed by any two of tho'Jusiices, who have heard the complaint, directed to the lieiitl‘ot‘ the County commanding: him, the said Shenfl', to make of the Goods and ‘ hittles‘ of the person of per- sons convicted on such information and com- Military Drill. YVE are glad to observe that a num- ber of the officers of the 4th and 5th battalions of York Militia, have set to work in earnest to qualify them- selves for the duties of the positions to which they have been appointed. About twenty have regularly as- sembled at. Richmond [Iill for drill, itwice a Week, for nearly two for its Object the establishment of well- regulated gaols and local Peniteiitaries throughout to Province. I have directed papers to be laid before you, which show that the Imperial Govern- ment entertains no objection to the estab- jlishinent of" a system of free”commercral intercourse between the different Proâ€" vinces of British North America, if the Goveria'iieiits and Legislatures of those I‘rovinces can agree as to the basis upon which such an arrangement shall no carâ€" i plaiiit in his County, the amount of such t’en f months! past, and are making very ried into (ffect. allies or Forfeitiires, and the costs ofsuch eon- victi'ou, and to return the said warrant. and to pay the moneys thereon made to the Treasurer of the Couiity,-0ii a day toilio therein named, being not. less than One month front the date of such warrant, and the‘ said moneys shall be rqipropriatod iii'like manner as the Assess» merit levied for the general use ofsuch County. “ A rid whereas- there are many unincorpo- rated in Upper Con dot of which no plan or map has been deposited pursuant to law in the Registry Office‘oftbe County within which the same are respectively situate, in consequen’cu‘of‘ the se‘veraf original owners of the lands comprising the said Villages either not having joiriflylald out and surveyed the sonic, or because some. of“; the original owners left no legal representatives : 'I'herofore, in each and every case in Upper Canada \‘. here an unincorporated ,Villagu comprises different parcels70f land, owned at the original division thereof by two or more persons, and the same was not jointly surveyed and laid out iiitoa village plot, and wherein such case no, entire plan or map of the said Village has but de- posited with the Registrar of the County within which the same is situate, the Mantel pality of the 'I‘owushlp within which the said Village is situate. shall irii'ncdiately causea plan or map of such Village to be made on the scale required by law, and to be deposited in the Registry Office of the County within .. hicli the said Village is situate; and fit» expense at- tending the getting up of the map and deposits ing it as aforesaid slial‘ be paid out of the goâ€" neral funds of the Municipality, or by a local tax upon the rate-payers of the Village.” â€"- >‘O4-lâ€"â€"â€"â€" The British Reviews for Ja- nuary, 1869... REPUBLlSHED by L Scott 8: C0,, 54 Gold bit-cot, New York. Leon- ard Scott 8; Co.’s Reprints of Black- wood's Magazine and the British Reviews come regularly to our table from the attentive pi‘tblishcrs. \Ve have recently received Black- wood, the ‘\'i'cstininstcr, the Lotiâ€" (I'll) Quarterly, the. Edinburgh and North Bf'lllrl) Reviews to“ Janu ary, all of which have. articles on the American war of decided inter- est to those who wish to be in- formed of the opinions of the lead- ing English writers in the various circles which these magazines re- present. The best. talent in Eng- land is employed upon them, and although the circulation of some of them is actually less in , Britain than in the United States, y are, to a certain extent, the organs of the advanced opinions withinlheir several spheres of in? 'fliu‘th, corresponding in some do- grec with the gradations of Ameâ€" rican sentiirient in religion, philoâ€" sophy, and slates-rininsliip. This fact accounts in some measure for the yearly increasing circulation of the British reprints in the United States, and the csliii‘iution in which ,thcy are field in ei’ilightened and .jcducaled circles here. They likeâ€" wise sound a dt'ptll of profound though coniparutivi-lv unknown to our literature, and pursue abstract and practical investigations to a point seldom atteiriptcd by Arne- rican critics and reviewers. This quality renders them the more valuable to us as a study which de- Velops the radical diversity in the servancc of which the Municipal Council of each Township, int which plans of village lots have been laid out, (but not registered as the law directs) being the proâ€"r periy authorized authority in ‘ such case, should see that all' such plans are rcgistcrcd,â€" by ,which means it would enable those interested to ascm‘tain the numbers and names of owners of every vacant lot ;â€"â€"and in addition to this,it would afford a security to parties buying. and facilitate the transfer of such lots. As matters are at present, a plot of ground is silt- veycd into village lots,â€"‘a plan ’ is spoken of as being in existence, but. not registeredmin such (32150,; the parties who buv are taking a leap in the dark. The law, in regard to the Regisâ€" tration of plans of Village Lots, is. c car and explicit, and we now di-i rect public attention to it forthe bc- nefit of ‘all whom it may concern,’ â€"hoping that our 'I‘owus‘l’iip Coun- cils will make enquiry and enforcer compliance with the sratute in this important iriuttcr. The following extracts from the consolidated statutes of Upper Ca- nada, chap. 93, apply to our case: “ The original owner or owners of' the lands forming the site of any Town or Village in Upâ€" per Caiiarla, mentioned in the four last preCed- licirs or other legal representatives of the origiâ€" nal owner or ow tiers of airy such Town or \r'll- Inge, or any original division thereof, shall, (if imi almudi done) provide and deposit in the, Registry Utlice of the County wherein such, Town or Village is situate, a fair and correct; plan or map of such Town or Village, or Luigi-l iial division thereof, on a scale of not less than one inch in every four chains, and shall lay down thereon all roads, streets. lol/ and cour- Illtllls within the same, with the courses and width thereofi’ospectiVely, and the width and’ length of all lots, and the courses of all divr- sioii-lines between the respective lots within the same, together with such information ltsl will show the lots, concessions, tracts or biotin: of land of the Township wherein such Town 5 or Village is situate. l “ If" the owner or owners of any such 'l‘own E or Village, or any original division thuroof, or their agents, heir , or other legal representa- tives. infuse or neglect to make or cause to be iiiadetbo plan or map of such Town or Village, S WJBI'BII) the some is situate, within one year], with the most unscrupulous at» tacks. both on the private and pubs fiou. and alter the time of survetii-g and lay- ing out the same, he or they shall, Iorfeit and pay for such. refusal or neglect, the sum often I) (l 1 trons. j any one ofthe~ four Reviews are $3, mg “cm, or “.15 Act, or the agent or “gene-d and also the same for Black wood. , Any. two of the number rnav be ob: l $10. where issued will be received. at par Club, held at ‘) aiued an accession of strength to their mental methods of John Bull and Brother Jonathanâ€"a study which cannot be closely pursued with- out a iiiodificalion to an of some of our \rapid cliaructct'is‘tics. extent Yankee 'l‘here is no doubt 'thut the imperceptible ii'iingliug of the two nationalities now going on is effecting a favorable result upon both, and nothing will tend to increase this ameliorating pro- cess like a' free "interchange of sentiment through the current literâ€" ature of Great Britain and the United States. The republication and extensive circulation of the British Reviews in this country has to a great extent effected this ob- ject, and through their columns a mutual interest in the affairs of botli countries has sprung up and ripened llllO important and heal- thy results, We commend Black- wood and lhc‘lli‘itish Reviews to our readers. I . New volumes of the four British leviews,’ t'fie \Vgistiiiiiislct', the Norlhl'li‘itish, the London and the .lfldinburgi’i, and also Black- woods illagaziiie, republished by L. Scott a Cow-New York, com- mence with the January nui'nbers, making the present a most favorable time to coirimcnce new subscrip- The lt:l‘lllS per annum for ained for $135, and all together for encouraging progress. They have been fortunate in securing the effi- cient instruction of Mr. L. H. Evans, Head Master of the Gram- mar b‘chool, whose long connection \v’i the Rifle Corps of ’I‘rini )llcge, Toronto, has thoroughly fitted him for the, proper perforriis ance of this service. We under- stand that they have nearly com- pleted their course of IeSs'ons in facing, and marching. and will soor: commence the ' manual ’ and L plaloon’ exercises with arrns.~ This is a movementin the right di- rection. .The militia force, in all. its- departments, has hitherto been merely a dumb show; but if the officers of the different battalions make quainted with the drill, they will be able at any moment when rc- qnired, to perform the duties which their position requires of them. TD [5 GOVERNOR’S SPEECI l. Quranrc, March 21, 1862. Ills Excellency the Governor'-General a1 3 o’clock this fternoon, lll'OCt‘tâ€"lllt’fl in state to the Legislative Council Chamber, and having taken his seat noon the 'I'hrone commanded the attendance of the Legis lative Assembly. The ii’iriiibeis of that body preceded by their Speaker. the tlon. J. h). Turcotte, speedily appeared at the bar. The lion. J. E. 'l‘uicotie Informed Ills I‘JXCtlltttlclV that the c..('ilce of the Assembly had fallen Upon him to be their b'peaker, and he prayed for file members the customary parlia'iii-iitary privileges. was pleased to deliver the following SPEECH .' Honourable Gent/6mm 0f the Legisla tier: Cori/zed; Gentle/lien oft/re Legis- lative Assembly, xbilllce tais Legislature last met, err K . .\la1esty and her subjects have suffered an irreparable loss in the death of the Prince Consort. It is not necessary for me to re- mind you that this illustrious Prince. though born, and iii a great. degree edu- cated, in a foreign country, was truly Brit Ish in thought, feeling, and action, while the spirit of universal benevolence by which he was animated, caused him to de‘ vote the. great intellectual abilities With which nature had endowed him, and tin.- slores of acquired iiiloriniiion with which by his own industry he had filled his mind ti the promotion of every well advised plan for the moral and material improve nient of his fellow creatures of all nations and races. Iain sure you worlhily esti mate the virtues which marked the Climate “‘1‘ of the departed l’ririec. that you appre ciate the great bei-i-avenienl which our 6o- icieign has sustained, units in tier public and her ‘donicslic relations, and that you will join with me in laying at the foot of ,tlie 'f‘lirone the respectful expressions of our heartfelt syiripathy and condolence. Circumstances hate occurred during the pasl autumn and winter, which gave an Opportunity for exhibiting in a most strik- ing and satisfactory manner, the sentr- inents of recrprocal attachment which ex- st between the inhabitants of this I’m- vinee, of every race and creed, and their fellow subjecs in the mother country.â€" l‘he feeling~ of loyalty shown by North American Stlllji’clS, has made a matter of special notice by ller Most Ural-ions Majesty in her Speech from the Throne, on the opening of the Imperial Parliament, and such a ri’cog- niti'igi Cannot fail to be most grateful to you as the representative of the people of Canada. I have to congratulate you on the bles- sing of an abundant harvest in the past year, and on the continuance ofa satis standing the partical derangement to which it has liven suajected by the effects of the United States. I have directed papers to he laid before you, showing the extension by the ' rench Government to Canadian built ships, of‘ the privileges in French ports already on joyed by ships of lit'tlisll build. This will be advantageous to the ship buildingr iii- tc‘cst, and affords a fresh proof of tin- fri.‘;.~'.ly It‘l’llllg which tttitlr’tlles the alliance between lingland and France. During the past recess a confcrener-l took place between the delegates t'ept'tz's (hung the Government of this Province. and those of New Brunswick and Nora- chutia, to eons det‘ the propriety of re- newing the application of the imperial Government. for assistance in constructing the railway which will unite the three l’rovinccs. A joint delegation proceeded to England for the purpose of re-openii‘ig themselves thoroughly ac~ After which, His Excellency hcr‘ been ‘ factory condition of our trade, notwuh» civil war, now u.ihappi|y ragingr iri thci I have seen fit, during the recess, to issue a Commission to consider the pres- ent condition of the Militia Force of the Province, and the propriety of amending its organization and improving its efficien- cy. The report of that Commission shall he laid before you. and I. Would bespeak r the recomrnenllations it contains, and tie Bill which will be necessary in order to carry thoso recommendations into ef feel, your most careful and favorable consideration. r Otherineasures of: public usefulness will also be submitted for your consider- ation. ,' i _ , _ Gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly; The accounts for the year which has just closed shall be forthwith laid before you, and will, I trust, be found satisfac- tory. I have to ask from you the supplies necessary for carrying on the service of Her Most Gracious Majesty for the cars rent year, and I have directed that the estiiriates shall be framed with all the economy consistmt witha due regard to efficiency. 1102i. Gentlemen and Gentlemen : I take this Opportunity of gratefully acknowledging the good will and kindness lwhich have been shown to inywll on the occasroii of my assuming the Government of this colony. The Constitution has C’Jmtllllltd your hands the guardianship of the iii- lerests of this~ great pzorince. I cori-i-~ ittlt’lltl to your earnest, impartial, and diligent care the several matters which may be brought before you. and I ferâ€"â€" Vently pray Almighty God so to direct _your Councils, that your acts may conâ€" iluce to Ills glory, the honor of our blover~ eign, and the prosperity and happiness of the people of Canada. lti Auction Sales. FRIDAY, March 28.~â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock. 81.0., the property of Mr. Louis Czcrwinski, lot No. 5, rear of the 4th con. W hitchurch.â€" sale at 1 p.m. J. Gorinley, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, March 29.â€"-Auctinnj Sale of Farm Stock, Std, the pro- perty of Mr. \Vni. Craddock, on lot No. 28. 4th Con.» Vaughan. Sale at ll a.m. ll. Si’nelsm‘, Auction’r. 'l‘urcsoav, April lâ€"Auct'ion Sale of Furniture, &c.,- the property of Joseph Gaby, Halflway house, Richmond Hill. Sale at 11 21.10. J. Goriiiley, Auctioneer. ...â€"â€"-â€"»â€"- DEa’I‘ttUCl‘lVE Fine LAST i\'iGHT.â€"-â€" A bout a quarter past eleven o‘c lock waile a number of lads Were passing along Queen street thry discovered a (plantity of smoke issuing froiiithe cellar window. No time was last in giving the alarm at the Baystrect station, and iii a few minutes the Rotary steam fire engine was on the ground, with steam up and ready for work. the water was soon turned on, and the enâ€" tgine commenced w0rk, bill while tae fireâ€" men Were getting the branch in at the eel jlar window a loud eXpIOsion took place, a barrel of Oil had exloded, taking fire, and the flames suddenly burst through the win- dow preventing the entrance of the branch men. A powerful stream of water was however poured in at the window. The Chief Engineer was ttiJL‘l‘ the impression thet tile fire had got under when a second, third and fourth cXplosion occurred, and the [lanes burst forth anew and communi- cated witn the store above by the stairway and easing taking fire. The branch was brought round in rear of the store and the work was short and decisive7 for in a very few minutes, the tire was completely extin- guished. tuch was the force of the stream of water from the engine that it I.0tCCf.I out the windows and shutters in the front stoic. Very few persons, were pre- s‘rnt as the bells rang Nos 3, 4i, and 5 Wards, and the flames were confined inside the premises Besides the goods destroyed by fire and duiiiagc'l by water, Messrs. l50oth hada large quantin of glassware and lamps destroyed by the trusty removal. they are insured in the ‘Liverpool and London’ for $2 Silt), but it is doubtful if this amount \vill cover the loss. The ori- gm of the fire is unknOWn; and it. is stated. that no light had, been usid in the cellar lust eveninga Globe of l'VCdIlCSdity. It. is reported that France has urgently called on 5pm” at once to put an end to the iiiisuudr:rsmnding between the Spanish and branch COIIllllillttltfil‘S at Vera Cruz. It is asset ted that the Greek insurrection The Government cal- led out 30‘, 000 men to complete the army. is gaining git-mid. K TORONTO it'lARKlC'l‘S. negotiations with ller .Vlajestyls Govern ment. No answer has yet been t't-‘t'eltted.[ Moncy current in the State s05 Cricket. At a meeting of the Aurora Cricket dlcfieodis Hotel, on the 0th instant, the following officers were elected for the tlliSttltlg year: hie-.srs A. lOULTllElQ, President. R. KEELE, Vice-President, J. H A LLODA Y, -'l‘reasu rer, J. JUI’I’, It‘ield Captain, J. ARNOLD, Secretary. El'turialirgConiiiiittoeâ€"Mor'srs David. ltobiir oti sud Hugh. The Club will resume their play on the or original dwision thereof. and deposit the ground used last year, as soon as the same in the Registry ()lTlce ut‘ the County weather will permit. They have obâ€" hl play ers- : a pros c expected. perous campaign may iadininistration 0f bankrupt The ll'llll deeisiozi of the. Imperial Govern. ment shall be communicated to you as soon as it shall reach me. I have reorired front the Secretary of State for the Colonies, an intimation that it is the intimation of Her l\l.ijt’sty"s Government to introduce into the fin- perial Parliament. in the present session. a trill for the abolition in this and other colo- iiies similarly (-ircuinstauced, of the power of the Superior Courts in England to iSsue the writ Ilabeas (701721.13 into such colon ies, in conformity Willi the representations made by my predecessor to the Imperial (iov'eruii‘ient. THURSDAY, March 27, 1862. Florinâ€"Superfine sold at front $4 20, (71$! '25; Fancy $4 4;") ((1) $4 50 ; lixtr'a b5 ([1; $4 75 ; Double Extra, $5 l5 ((0 $5 35. ‘ lt‘all Wlieai.,â€"â€"-3llttt bstils was the extent of the supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were from $I 0‘2 [(17 fill 05 or bs'hl, Spring ‘vVlieat--l,.'llt(l lishls in market, which sold at from $087173 $0 89 per bshl. Barleyâ€"sold at front 7'2 fill 750.. Foamâ€"9700 bshls went off at 48 ((E 500 per bshl. Oatsâ€"at 39 db 40c per bshl. flayâ€"is from ffitflftb 5,5!6 per ton $10 per ton. ' Apples $2 (1) $4 per barrel. Eggs, -â€"I“i‘esft from wagons l8c fl) 200 p0. doz. Potatoesâ€"Vary in price from 60 (D 756. ‘ Rutter -I“resh is in fair supply at front 17c FUD Straw $8 {a i would ask your carefil consideration for a measure, which will be submitted to you, for the purpose of securing a proper ) Estates in T ‘ ' - tipper Canada; and also forbiie baring 20 per ll). â€" Recall-$4 [(â€"1) $5 Oll per 100 lb. Calves $3 (D $5 each. Lambs $2 rm $3. Sheep $1 01) ((3) $5 00 each. ‘ Tallow, $6 per 100 lb - ' Timothy Seedâ€"$1 50 ffu $2; per bushel,_ Clover Seedâ€"$4 525 per bushel. CHURCH OF ENGLAND .Snuwcnâ€" ,Will commence at Dr. Duncomb’s Hall on Sunday, April 6, 1862, at halfâ€"past 2 o’clock, pan. A collection will be taken for incidental expenses. will continue to ‘ be field re Sunday‘at the above hour. “mu _ rm“ MARRIED. At the bride's residence, on the 13th March; by the Rev. D. Ross, WILLIAM DINWOODIE. Esq., of Essa, to Maneuver, second daughter of Aurthur McNeil, Esq. of Vaughan. ' By the Rev. James Dick. Richmond Hill; . on the 24th March, Mi. WILLIAM GLOilclt to Miss JANET IllSLOP, both of Vaughan. ' DE \‘I‘IIS. At lload'ford, on the 26th March, inst.,' Anna Sophia Riky. eldest daughter of Mn. Susan Riky, Headf‘ord Post, Office, Township of Markham, C,VV., aged 16 years. ._..__.__ l The mviccp; -_ gularly every“; At Bond’s Lu... Hotel. Oak lingual“ ssb.‘ bath. the 23rd instant, \Voorrtu, aged 23 y ears. I, At Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, WIQSAh’l 'i’nst" Elfin Janis, daughter bt' George Aikny, Esq , aged 5(years 6 months. JASPER H it:th firm antacids Infant School! \i RS. JOHN SMITH begs to intimate to" l’ _ the Parents and Guardians of CENT." meats?“ 7? i 1. in the neighborhood of Richmond Hill. If!“ If she intends to open, on Tunsmr, Artur. Int. an In fant School, When she will be happy to receivo under her charge any child between the ages of 4 and I‘Jyears. l'ne nsnril branches taught. with l‘lain Sowing, Nittiiig and Fancy Needle \Vorlt. For lei-ins, &,c. apply at the residence nut Ray mond’s llotel. Richmond Hill. Marcl127.'69. J74 , For tsale, ' “‘IIEA I’ 'or Cash or approved Credit. A J 'l‘anil-orso power 'l‘IIRESl'IING MA- ClllNE with Cleaner: also a Span of TEAM HORSES. Hood [0 work. Apply to JOHN AMOSS, Lot ll, 2nd Con. Markham. .. I74 Dissolution of” Partnership. Vl‘llE Partnership hitherto carried on under. the name and title of SOUTHARD, March 27. I862. BOYN'I‘ON «L 0)., Faulting Mill Makers, Richmond Hill, has chis day been dissolved by . mutual consent. All the Libilities ofiho said firm will be paid by Wm. V. Svalbard, New- tiiarket. ‘ WM. V. SOUTHARD. 0. L. IlOYN'ION. G. 1.. BOYN'I‘UN, March 19; 1862. I790 The above business will in fit me be curriod on by (1‘. l.. lloyiiton, at the factory near Ray- mond’s Hotel. Richmond Hill, March 97, 1862, 176-4 f\ (P'E‘ICE- 'I‘HE Annual Meeting of the YONGE-ST. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will be held at Mr. Ricn‘n Nicnor.i.s’ Hutch, Rich. jillOlHl llill,on TUESDAY, April 3, at three o'clock, p in. V _ G, A. Damiano, Soc. &. Trou Richmond Hill, March 28, 186:2. "+2 0 H N S M I TH, Late from Yorkshire. England) General Blacksmith, EGS to intimate to the Farmers and other. in the neighborhood. that he has tensed for a term of years the lllacksmltli’s Shop, owned and lately occupied by Mr. S. Sanderson, nearly opposite the. post office. Richmond Hill where he intends to carry on me Blacksrnithiiig business in all its branches, and he hopes, by attention and punclualilyâ€"combined with his “ o.d Country” experience, to merit ii. share of their support. Richmond Hill. March '27, 1862. NOIICE. LL PERSt t‘iS indebted to GEORGE SIMSON, either by Note or Account. will please call and settle the same before the 15th Al’lllL next, and save expenses. if noâ€" thing else. Any , persons having claim: against the aforesaid will please send in their Accounts. AUCTION SALE HAVE received instructions from Mr. JOSEPH GABY. to Sell by Public Auction. a quantity of his I74 tf -‘ MA siixic A RMS Horn“ Richmond llil|,Z\l:irch to, 1862. 173-2. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 82c. ' Taming, the let of April, 1862, AT THE Half-way House,Richmond Hill Consisting of 1 Horse. 9 years old. I Horse aged; l (Jolt. 5 years old : 1 Colt, 3 years old; I Yearling Cult, 3 Cutters, Buggies. I Sleigh. 1 Spring \Vaggon. I set of Singlo Harness, nearly new. I Sulky. &c, The I“URNlTURE consists of 12 Cane. bottomed Chairs, nearly new, a Sofa, Bur- roorn, Dining-room. Sitting-room, and Bed-t 2 ,roon'i Furniture. Beds and Bodstoads, Parlour bftoves and vao I’ipes. and many other Articles too numerous to mention. 'l'rziiiiiszâ€"$fi. and under, Cash: over that amount 7 nionths' credit by furnishing apâ€" proved joint notes. ~ Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock,a.m. J. GORMLEY. Auctioneer. Richmond Hill, March 20, IBGI. 173. Letters Remainingin RICHMONDIHLL I’ostOfiico “ MARLII l, @613. I.argo, Wm Morden. J acob Martin, Mr. Meliaiiiiy, Miss Mitchell. George . Milh‘champ. fienry McPherson. John McLaws. Rev. McLean, James ll’lagill. Ami Jane McNaughton. Wm. McBride. John ' Oliver, Jesse Poguo. Emily Phillips. Samuel Ricliens, Elijah Richens. Robert. Ross. Joseph Ramsay, Mr. Simpson, James (8) Sintth. \Villiarn Scott. James Trench. Wm. 'I'ennison. Arthur \Vhalen, Samuel Weed. J. D. W ill'ianrs. William Ansley. Thomas Brillinger, Jonathan Bridgman. Norah Benson. David Bridgman. Matilda Critteiideii. Alexander Criiiieioii. Donald Collins, Mary Jane Cooper. William ' Cohor. Peter (‘2) Davis, Mary A. Donald. Mary Espy, Joseph Fox. Edward (‘2) Grant. George (10) Gordon. James Gilbertson, George Harrison. Surali Hill. Lawrence Hislop, John Hiese, John Hutchlii. Jane Hutchison. Wm flaff'y, Barney (‘2) Jmnieson, Mr. t9) Jefferson. Wm. Langstafl'. John (‘2) Luwo, Rev, .‘l. TICIJYY. RM. ’ I

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