Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Mar 1862, p. 3

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, _ Elan. WIELLIAM I HODGE, Sen’r., i r V A I, WHOLESALE AND R‘E'l‘All' thrruuaunrt BBAHHL’TI S and Sells every Article in the aloVe. litre and has ltad the , And. Iron Plate Worker B] supplying both the Navy ANUFAC'I'U R E pleasure of b'vff‘l‘e bfitouclied the shores of America, and has also 1):)(1111’110001‘ of Illuminating Hie Royal [101131 “‘1 emf-1' l'O‘lse 0” '1”: litll’ill l‘et‘racc a \Vttl'moutlt, England. on " his own responsibilityâ€"tai<es this Opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to “is friends and the public iii generalâ€"dint forgeling those vae Marctmnlg and 5mm Pcdlersvin Hamilton and Newrnarlaet who have so kindly patronized me and my sons "I'dfleiwl‘i “9'3",1” l‘al‘lnt’l'r‘ltip in these places; and begs to state. that lte still continues to manufacture erery a'ticle In the above business, at. his shop on Ricmend Hill. QEPAIZ II’o'r/r IVaJ‘ranted and altemkd l0 wit/z despat‘ch. ltichgplggaitiiit, March 7. 18.32. ' r71 3m 13$ 1 them a fair trial. I . J. K.‘FALCONBR1DGE. Richmond [1111, February 520, 1862. _w__~-._, _ ._ L. -~â€"â€"â€"â€"-.~ FIRil/l IN ANDâ€"OLD- \l , l“ A NEW Hill and surrounding country'to the fact that they have purchascd the Lately held by Mr. J. K. FALCONBRIDG E. and having Bought For Cash 2 l confident of llitll‘ ability to OFFER ’EXC'HELLENT INDUCEMENTS .TO P U13 CHASEHS, .. r ~â€" and will keep constantly supplied witlr a complete assortment of the R13} 07.; L. .t ,.t :1” i Fit“ 1 . I i i ' i t .N MONDAY; MARCH 315i, the Stock Ofllle RICHMOND IIILL DRUG J- » b n STORE will be removed to MR. WM. AMBLER’S NEW STORE. A,” ,' “'here will be found an Enlarged and Complete Stock of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, ' t 3:‘ilICA LS, PATENT MEDICINE = . DYE S'I‘UFFS, PERFUMERY, OILS, VARNISHES, PAIN"S, SIC. STATIONERY, . FANCY GOODS,&C. 81c. Ste. FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in season. IItviug attitidaiuce of room in the N with carefully selected Stock of CHOICE GROCERIES Which he intends to p11 in charge of a competent S LOWEST P.RI\JE§ FOR CASH! , Every attention will be given to making this branch a elsewhere. 8, FLOOD & PRICE. Richmond Hill, Feb. 21, 1862. ROBER’E LA 'WSON’S IS I‘IIE PLACE TO (.‘E'l‘ PURE 'r EAS A'l‘ Il EASONA Bl . E The reason of which is that he \thI not kt'ep b:nl lien in Stock Sell at a Fair l’roftl. i.’ ow Store the Subscriber has concluded to open also P... L. has Liter received pin-t ofnn iiuportaiioti from London. England, among Which are some very FINE FULL FLAVORISD TEAS, Including a Few Chests of Fine Non-Coloured Japan, \Yhich he will Sell at 313‘. per lb. it'esinan, and which will he Sold at the View 11 that call be desired. Iii,-s,oli.t;ititig the patronage of his former friend.- and undersiuneil would state. that it Will he of thymus l‘ QUALI ctt~tomors, and the public generally, the > . as forn'ierly, his aim to supply iii all cases ARTICLES TY at LO‘V PRICES. ROBERT II. HALL. 1 Beware of ’uittted T eas, \\ lticlt are no better-than poison 171-4 2 ‘lticliiuond llill, March 6, 186-2. FA RMWFO 1H": Subscriber olfirs for Sale the. “led: Jialf of Lot No. 19. iii the 3rd (Ionces ion ‘ ;‘,.;*T' ""‘T‘ ‘ i lor bale or to Rent, C()M.\I")1)IOUS self-contained 110i Fill, 1" situated 11] the vicinity of IIICHMIHI) ‘..;.;".'OfN1n,-khanll cunmingng Iiii.i.. containing 4 Bed-rooms, Parlor and ' Kitchen, with other Outbuildings, There is 1 o o A C “E- E S I also an Acre of Laird,,and another Acre cm 80 o. ,whtclt are cleared. and in a high state of be leased adjoining. ROBERT LA \VSON‘S is also the place to get- liitli tlllllt, llllllllll'lll Ill llllll t t At ROBERT Lawsos‘s you can procure Pure Spices, all kinds of Sugars, Fruits, cultiva‘tien with a coriifort'iblo IIUIlsié and F ,. I . I l l U ’ 'I‘Obaccos. Sauces, Pickles, American Cheese, Canadian Cheese, Candles, Soap. ‘. . ‘ ’ ‘ . , ' ‘ ‘ r urtier 'l‘L ' " i ' ‘ " .) - , - . - ' other 1;“.1d..,gs; also. u young mnvmg ” l" 'L“ “Sap-U “he “A” Brooms, Brushes, of all kinds, Oat Meal, Flour, Corn Meal. Dried Apples, Prunes, I Office. Richmond Hill, March 6, 1562. JAMES GAMBLE-i ( Just: IlliclfilVlCl), a fresh ....’;.‘i;f.r a new my 1,3_3_ i edition of SANGS'I‘ER’S ELEMENT- -..H____.__~_ _, t ARY ARI'I‘IINIIL'I‘IC', at the “ I'IERALD” r. S ' Book Store ltichiiiond lllill. , K5" ORCHARD. with every other article in the GrOcery Line, at low prices. For particulars apply to > You will also find at ROBERT LAWSON‘S Soda, Abernetby and Arrowroot Biscuits and Crackers, Wholesale and Retail also all kinds of Confectionery, the wltolc being of the best manufacture. and sold cheap. '171-tf. lonsitr LAWSON-S place of business is ((COPY.) ‘ 7 '7 162 [ling-st. East, Near the Market, Next Door to the Clyde Hotel. Niclmlls’HotclJfichmgnd Iii“: Notice is IIIOI‘CDY Given Toronto, February 1‘2, 186-2. ' 168 - - r HAT MARTIN MACLEUD will apply to mmn'-'mn-«mmwm'wvunummvm-vvmm»-----,-,.,.,...,-,- 0N . . ~ .. .- - I - - IVcdneSdaj/A l the next Session of the 1i0\incial larlia- S C O O L ‘ O 0 S I ‘ . 0 AND 32]”?! 2nd; iiient I'm an Act to confirm his title to the Road GENERAL STATIONERY, v" 7- . , allowance butting his farm, lot 61. iii the 1st To LDI concession of King, being the townâ€"litre be- 18 Acres of Cleared Lillltl, AT TIIE “YORK HERALD" UFFOE, AT PRICES LOWER THAN TORONTO. , Richmond Hill, Decomber 20, 1861. [60 IIendfor‘tipl‘larull 20, ,, Bot leilbzs ugh, U \VIIJ. Bl: AT ‘ tween the 'I‘otvnsliips of King and Vaughan. ox Lor so 41, in the first concession. granted to him by the y County'Cotincil of York. 17ll-3in 1st, concessron of Vaughan, 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ‘ 1T1Lfl certifiti'titljle C(‘llt’f‘lllt‘ltl HOUSE. IIA’I‘ all Parties indebted to the Estate of - V ‘, ‘H’IIII 15A [6N and IIOUPI‘I. H181an JN(). BIJTT()N‘are re_ ‘SHLDb’A‘w‘: a' H.00d U‘r‘lha d, (""80" 3”" quas'ed to pay the satire on or before the lst Lawn. A never-failing Stream rims through (1,". of APRIL "0“; and 3.5“ a” mom WIN a” Primal-‘3" have any claims agfillhi the said Estate: are requested to hand in their Accounts for set- tlement before the. said time, to the tinder- signed Executors. ? I’ltA‘lClS BUTTJN, g Executors. HARNESS ! lfiAlthlESS ! 2 SINGLE or. DOUBLE! HEAVY OR LlGll'l WELLâ€"MADE AND DURAEEJE! MAY BE HAD or , i. l t 't ili‘ .“ .l, g.“ h", 1” 1p, “p I “W “‘liiittttr "liuitttu “'tlitt “‘9”th MN“ ‘ ' f} ‘IIE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purchasers, and of the best materials, ' HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. An assortment of \VVIIIPS, LASIIES, Sic. constantly on hand. Collars warrai'ited to Fit, Look Oz. VVcar Well. Also, kept for Sale Patterson 8/ Bro's. Flows, Points, Landsides, &c. (i? Call and Examine, at ‘NM. UAR. {ISON‘S llicbn‘tond IIill, October 17, 1861. ' 151-3in CUrirus*CU”ruks WW H i _ l. t . - , l, i the blood, and for bllious Littlnlilillllit‘r‘,31(‘.k Headache, \I H I V ‘ 1 ’i ’ t 1 l l’ 8‘ Costiveni-ss, kc, we should say BRIGGS" INDIAN AT 'I‘HR BLIEK at tasty T353 5 _ ; UNiONViLLE Originator; FACTORY NO I; disâ€""7; 'Y'i‘j ")1": ‘ A ‘ 1‘ only hecauw the proprietorulillWA It I) i 1- U LU' l I ICU-S must respectfully to inform his Frittrls and the. p OWN AT . w. .â€"~ has on hand a quantity of a s. s» is Apply to .1011 N FOGG I N. On the Premises. « Vaughan. March 7, 1862. 171-lf. _. R": ’ ‘ MUN o "ll-1LT. rLIBRARY .a..ssOCIATION (111115 ASSOCIA'I'IOR has translerred their", LIBRARY to the ' 11I RALI) ’ llook Store," where Stockholders and others may procure BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from 4 to 8 o’clock. F. iii. '1‘! \lO’l‘llY MONROE. HENRY LEVER, Buttonville, Feb. 13, 1869.. ! l 168-6. Land for Sale, f ‘llE thsmiberofl‘ors for Sale on reason- ah‘e terms, .53 Acres of Land, 3 Situated on Lot No. 326, iii the rear of the 4th .Coni‘ession of the township of Vaughan. and in the village of 'I‘haiiesville. For further particulars apply to A A. SCOTT, Librarian. PIt'ichinond Hill, Feb 27, 1861, THE thorouur TEA VVA it EHOUS E ' ' February 95, 186:2. No. 93 King Street, SIGN OF T11 E QUEEN," Is the place iii Tormto, to buy pure JOHN VEI.1E.sen. Lot 19. Qnd Con. Vaughan. 170-4 NOTICE. If asked What was the best. medicine for cleansing I1A\VS()N.iS one of the oldest and most experienced Tea-bu ers in the trade. but hour the fact that he port-hams his 'l'eas in such t large quantities at the Ca-go Sales. thereby eu- ‘ nbling ltiiii to sell at a very SMALL AD VANCE 0N COST, ublic generally, that he a???" ‘ t it t v ' v; . muses 1" ' :. “‘tlrtt ‘lttitltit r i ‘ ‘tt i. ‘l‘;. 't' "if ’ ' l”!th i t'l‘tiw' “lair! illltll‘itl ‘1‘th “tritttui “irritate Ilttititltii Fulfilling the old adage “ Large Sales, Small ‘ 1 Profits and Quick It’t‘ltll‘lts;" rum in Wilton HE \viLi. SELL _ , CHEAP, FOR CASH, 0R APPROVED CREDI T. w Fruits, Spices AND llllllllllll. Ellllllllllll l “e caniiotbe undeisotd Intending Prrchascrs will do Well to (if? Give Ilim a Call Before Purchasing Elsewhere, As an inSpection of a good Article is all that is required to ensure a sale. "TUE GENUINE HIS BfiousziruNsmvrm BOOK 3% Cents per Gallon. VVarrauted Genuine or the motley returned. BOOT 11 AL SONS’, CORNER OF YONGE AND QL KEN s’rs., TORONTO. COFFEE->1, S U G .‘t it S ’ l l The reputation of tne above Establishment should sutIice the Public a: to the superiority of the Articles tt'rned ottt. I 01" ‘ Unionville, December 5, 1861. .1 -71.”; is I. _,r._,.j€~.’£-L .,, FARM TO B ONTâ€"i ,I’OJVGE STREET, tilzrtvmzn Richmond Hill and Thornhill. For further particulars apply to G. J. F. PEARCE, On the Premises. 162.3i ! Richmond Hill, Jan. 30, 1861, 16(i-tf. E Subscriber offers for sale a Very su‘ 1 1T“ p'erior Dark Bay BUGGY MARE, -»â€"J-' â€" LL- ' _ .,_. 1.3 6" NOTICE. It; RS. CAMI’B‘EI..I. begs to intimate that llel‘ ! ,i School will RIC-OPEN oti Monday, Janu- : ; ary 6th, 1862. \Vnere will be taung as here- rotors, the ustlitl branches of Useful education. TERMS tâ€"lioard and Tuitou iii the Iligher, Branches of English, $9.4 per quarter; Music,l $6 ; French and Drawing, each, $3. 1 Richmond Hill. .Iau. 1. 1862.. Are unsurpassed for quality and price, all being manufactured on the premises, front the best material by first-class WOl‘ltllletl. Iced and Uriianiented Wedding and Other Cakes Always on hand or made to order in any style 01) the shortest notice. _...~ The Largest and Cheapest stock of Lamps ! In Canada, 0': m m m in i a a: a a: aNg'Mâ€"M > > I; t» > "3 E. t- E :3 0° U) in at: U} Kl) GARGLING OIL SUPERS EDED. [0068’ BLACK OIL-is acknowledged by allwhe ' have used it, to be superior to Gurg liri Oil, or Orders by mail and otherwise, attended to with dispatch All Goods warranted as repre- sented, and delivered free ofcliarge to the cars or in the city limits, ' . as: NO SECOND PRICE. Remember the Place-- No. 93 KING STREET, SIGN or THE Query. More for Sale. A NI) (GOES :03 Tel lu endless variety, Latest Improvements as well as the OLD well-known Patterns. ‘ ‘Rr a VV 113’ Intendino Purchasers are respectfully in; any other Medicine now before the 1* z-tic. for Rising 8 years old . good traveller and without j h L. ‘ . . . I ED ARD L bop}! vited to call and examine Stock and Prices" all“? hBruéf“-*‘zj {Cl‘w- Gill'sibag‘slt '11 ‘ 1‘1"" ‘9 blemish. For l’al'llb‘ulars apply to ). .- are on . ‘00 or man an e . r I how‘ewr' Corner of Youge and Queen 815., Pfice,25ccnts per bottle. Sold byfll alersin ‘ I _ “7‘ “l CI‘A Yr T°r°m°i Feb 0: 1809' 107-6111 Toronto, December lb, 1801. 159-13- ledicino' rIbortihill, February 4, 186?. and “my in 1,‘|,,[,nd.,nd out of 1.‘,,,.|.md V [IE Subscribers respectfully call the attention of the Inhabitants of Richmond L A: ( l J D I "hey wish it to be MOST 'DIS'I'INC'I‘LY UNDERS'I‘OODthat they soliclt the patronage of the public on. their own responsibility. and tliat‘they hive no biisi- . _ i ,. v . tn,“ tress connection whatever, with (my ot/terpersmz or persons in Ric/unoond III/l c7" “"83"” d“""t‘~’ ‘1'” r0” '°°"“"g 3”" - P I: ICES, BEG to state that Messrs. FLOOD &. PRICE have succeeded me in my busi. ness at this Village.and feel pleasure in being able cordially to recoinmed them touthe notice of all my Old Friends and Customers. v .I therefore respectfully ask for 169-8 STANDI 'Ewcellent Stacie of Goods .’ . S And on very favorable terms, and leased the Store for a period of years, they feel I, l'ltey have already made large additions to the; Of‘Igll’laI ‘Stockikfhy. fresh purchases. 169-8 l 167-49 New York, Dee, 1’3, 1861, 'gists, and at the sole General FARM FOR SALE. 1113 Subscriber offers for sale the north wes part of Lot No. 13' In the 1st Conriessloii 0F 'I‘Hl'l Township of Howard, Containing 75 acres, about4ll of which are under a high state at cultivation. '1 here is on the Farm 8 acres of Fall Wheat, a good There is also :1 BED OF OCHRE on the pro- perty, which only requires a small capital to There is also strong indications of opt-it it up. I 1 For further particulars 01L on the property. apply to _ - ROBERT MARSH. ' Lot 41. 1st Con. Markham, Richmond Hill. Feb. 26, 1862. V 170-6 Blackwood’s Magazine AND THE BRITISH REVIEWS COT’I‘ & (30., NEW YURI". continue to 'publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz. :â€" V 1. RT ERLY (Conservative) 2. , THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Wliig.) . 3. THE NORTH . BRITISH. REVIEW, (Free Church.) 4. ""HE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) "t T1113 LONDON QUA BLACKWOOD’S Eniuuuacn MAGA- ZINE, I‘Tory,) The present critical state of European affairs will render them publications uniVersallv 'n- will occupy a middle ground between the has- tily writeii news-items, crude speculatlens, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the port- derous Tome of the future historian, written after the IIVII’IT interest and excitement of the great politica events of the time shall have passed away It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelli- gible and ieliahle history ofcurrent events, and as such, in addition to their well-established literary, scientific, and theological character, We urge them upon the consideration of the , and is willing to reading public. E A ll LY COPIES. T‘ite receipt of Advance Slilctslrom the British publishers gives additional value to these Reptirits, inasmuch as they cart now be "placed in the hands of subscribers about its soon as the original editions. TERMS : Per mm For any one of the four Reviews,. . . 3 ()0 For any two of the Ii)tll‘I’I.OV10WS,. . . . . . , 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews. . . . . . . 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, . . . . . . . . . . 8110 For Bl'arkwood’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (it) For Blackwood and one Review.. . . . . . . . 5 011 For Blucltwood and two Reviews, . . . . . . 7 (111 For BlarkWood and three Reviews,. 9 00 For Blacktrood and the four Reviews,. .10 00 Maury current in the State where issued will be I‘eceirm/ at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twei‘ty-five per cent fom the above prices will he allowed to CLUBS ordering four or more copies of any one or more ofthe above works, Thus: Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review, willbe sent. to one address for :39; four copies of the fottr Reviews and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. ‘ N.1)‘ â€"â€"'I‘lie price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is $31 per aunnm, Rel'llllliillces‘ for airy of the above publicatiotn should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD, SCOTT Kr CO. No. 54 Gold street, New York. New Yorlt. Dec. 5, [861. DMD rt GOOD THING. DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth 3 trial, in any case of Piles, Burns, Scolds, Old Sore. lnflamed or Sore Eyes. Eruptions on the Skin, and in every case where an ointment. is useful. It will to commend itself, after one trial. Wiiielicster‘s llypopltospliites (Du. Catoitcrtiiufmrrzcu-‘ic llr:m:ur,) FOR CONSUMPTION. Nervous chiltty, Sci-ti/irlri. and Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, (S‘B- IIIS is the most wmulcyfiil curative agent known to medical scrence. It has of- fected cores in every stag-ire of Consumption “UNI'.\ll;\l.1.El..1§Il) IN THE A‘lNALS OF .\1 11.1)IC’N E ” 1n Nervous llnbihty and Dys- pepsia. the IIYl’Ol’IlOSI’IIITISZF may be re garded as an almost sovereign remedy. 'l‘lie I‘IypOpllOSphitt’S Have a two‘fiold and specific actionâ€"on the one hand, IllCl'eZlSlllg’ the principle which CON- S'IITU'I‘ES NERVOUS ENERGY; and, on the other. being the MOS 1‘ l’()\V'ERFIJI, Illl(')t)l)GEN'Il.\'I‘1t\G AGE}? [‘5 KNO WN They act with promptness and certainty in all I . . . . | general morbid conditions. such as Chronic; ironcltitis. Asthma, Scrofula, Marasmtts. Ane- mia. Fetiiitlo Complaints, &c., and in all dis- orders 01’ the Nervous or Blood Svstetus. Their effect upon the tubercular condition is immedi- atr-â€"all the general symptoms disappearing with u rapidity which is really marvelous.â€" They increase the nervous or vital energy, re- lieve Cough. check Night Sweats, diminish I‘IXIWCIOI‘HIIOI]. improve the Appetite. arrest. Dirii'rlitna, and promote refreshing sleep. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE. Winchester’s Genuine Preparation 1 OF THE llYPOPlIOSPHITES is the only reliante form of Dr Churchill’s Remedy. and is approved 1)\ the Medical professiou generally, USE Nk) OTIII‘IR, OR ANY REMEDY CON. ' ‘I'AINING IRON. . llrj‘ Pincus :â€"1n 7 oz. Bottles, $I-~6 Battles for $5. In 16 02;. Bottles, $2â€"Thl‘ee for Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Drug- Oepot in the Uiiitod States, by J. \VlNCllEh’t‘ER, 36 John St., NY. TIIE SPECIFIC PILL! A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR Sprrinrttoz'r/tcaor Senivzal I/Vr'al‘ness. Genital Ir/‘z'tubi/z'ly in either Sex. TIIIS is the only remedy forSexttal Dobility. Iiiipoiencv, Sterility, «\tc.. which hits the ap- proval ol the medical profession. Its success has been mostektrimrdinaryâ€"ellbcting cures iii cases where ail other iiiotlioos of treatment had failed. One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL will periiinnently cure any case of Settli- ual Weakness. or its resulting Iutpoteucv. untvevor aggravated, whetherconstitutional, or arising from abuse or excess. IMPORTANT MEDICAL 'rrzsriitiosr. “1 havo used your Sziecific Pill in many cases ofSpermator-rhea, and with the most per. foot success, “.1. Mitrror: SANDERS. M.1)..1..L,D," "We believe it to he as near a ' Specific ’ as any inedlcine can be. \Ve lteve cured many severe cases with from six to ten doses ”â€"â€"1)r. B. KEl'l‘H : 'Aiiiorican Jour. of Med. Science. "1 have found them all that could be de- sired, 'I‘heir effort has been truly wonderful.â€" E. P. Dir-inch, M D.” ‘ 11:? This is not a Homifipathic Romedv, nor ls tltere any mercury or other deleterious ingre- dients combined with it. PRICEâ€"4:31 per box; six boxce for $5, by mail. pro-paid, For sale by all respectable Druggists. and at the sole General Depot in the United States. by J WlNCHESTER. 36.1011n st.,N.‘v. Orchard, 3 Log Heuse and other outbuildings. ~ ' I He has SUGARS as sweet as the purest marina, ISO-15*, .‘33 Cedar-street,Neu York. Pails and Sap Lockets. HE UndersignOd is prepared to. furnish any quantity of PAILS AND SAP BUBKE‘I‘S, at his Factory, Lot No. 11, 2nd ('oucessiou ,of M'lrkham. or at PARKER Gnosur's. Richmond 11ill,at greatly reduced Prices. . ' Address. post-paid. Buttonville‘l’ost-Voflice.’ JOHN 'AMUSS. February 20, 1881. . lfiD-Qm Sitar IND lllllELLING'TO tin Village of Richmond Hill! IN .’ Cellar. Wood Shed and other Conveniences, at present in occupation by Mr. Counter.â€" I’OSsession given on lst January, 1861. Enquire of ' G. A. BAR-NARD.‘ Richmond Hill, Dec. 5.1861. 158-tf Eras- F. Brown, BROKER, . a good posttion for business, House com- Estate and General Agent“ AGENT FOR. » ‘ Qfolouial fiife Qtes’n'ran‘te ' flu}. 1 MASONIC HALL, Tonosro S'ritmz'i‘. ‘ TORONTO- ll?’ Money to Lend on Improved Farms April 19. 1861. 125-1v PHOTOGRA Ptâ€"tst PHOTOGRAPHS ! The Cheapest and Best Ambrotype and Photograph GALLERY IN CANADA, IS AT 137 lift Sllllll'l', 1131, TORONTO. J'.A. MES RAWE, t’roprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19, 1861. 125-ly VV ANTED CORDS OF OAK STAVE Apply to TIMBER, Cash on delivery. 11, &, J, HARRISON, Plank Road. 150-31, N“ W 0 “SE R VE, AT all persons owing Dr. James Laug- T” staff, will find it to theiradvanlage to Cull and pay as soon as possible. i ORA \VFORD’S PUEIICAL GREETINGS TO THE PUBLIC. means! do you wish. iit these very hard times To get the full Worth of'your dollars and diiitos ? Ilo you wish to purchase the purest and best And chart/rest of trends foryourself or you rguest? Then go to Clutvr‘trio’sâ€"you’ll liiid that he Well deserves his great popularity. This ofeacli brand trout tho flowery laud. Called amidst rose-scented zephyrs bland; Gunpowder, IIyson. the rich Pekoe, The best of Green and the faii'i’ Bolton. Come to Cran rd’s, and you’ll crime You neve- saw liner itor cheaper TEA. The sellers of Coffee in vain to competeâ€"- Crawford has (Jelt'ee that can’t he beat; ’Tis aromatic. ’tis fresh, ’tis good, ‘ nil combines the virtues of meat and food. Richmond Hill, Oct, 10. 1861. Fro-at from the canes of Louis-aria. Co :03. Chocolate. Raisins and Spice. Vinegar. Pickles. Crackers and Itlce; Soap of the "6 plus ultra brand, The equal of which can’t be found in lheland; Currants and Raisins that. can’t fail to pleaseâ€" The sweetest of Butter, the finest of Chooser And then the Tobaccoâ€"shut enough of details, I‘o satisfy customers Crawford ne’er fails: Ilis goods the the best, and his prices you’ll find A e such as to leave competition behind! ALSO ON HAND, SPIOEI) BEEF .3. OTHER HAMS Yarmouth Bloaters,Finoa Haddiesdcc DUGALD CRAWFORD, Corner of Youge and Agnes Streets. Toronto, Oct. 31, 1861. 153-tf. IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR’S PULMONlC SYRUP, 15 highly m. oonnneudtd, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat 25 cents nil bottle TICEIOF REMOVE V I115 unscribcr, in returning thanks to his numerous friends, begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and Vicinity. that he has removed INTO HIS NEW HOUSE! one door South of Mr, Harrison’s Saddlery Shop, where by strict application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a continuanc‘e ol' the support so liberally bestowed ' on him heretofore. All Orders punclttally attended to.| 113’ Garments cut to order on the shortest ‘ notice. and in the latest Nyle, JAMES B, BURNES, Tailor. 1861<3in Richmond iiili. Oct, io, 1861. WORMS. ‘ \Vorms in children, SITTZER'S VERMIFUGE CANDY is by far the most pleasan Info, and etl‘ectual remein now in use. Try 1t ! 801 by all dealer: in medicines. F01- dostt‘bviug Sold in; \V, S, POLLOCK.Richmond Hill, our" irritant taint... No article ever before introduced to' l . , . l the public has equalled the LtQUtD (a U’I‘TA- ’ PERCHA for coating tin or other roofs, new or old. One gallon, costing $1.50 7 will thoroughly coat front 900 to 300 feet of roof, arid this coating wrll render the reof perfectly water-proof, and will IaSr three times as long as white lead or othet paint. For coreriug roofs,'eith‘er new or old, We rcpeut, it has no equal for durabiâ€" lity and clieapness, and we offer it to the. I My. . modious. with 5 Rooms and an excellent ' ...' not running iiooits THE HORSE, ME“ H13 BISEASES : .3, ROBERT JENNINGS, V. 8., I’Rot-‘rrsson or: PATHOLOGY AND Ormiu'i'ivrt SUB.- GERY IN THE VETERINARY COLLEGE or [filtrate DELPHIA, PROF. or VETERINARY MuiiiciNu m 'rriia DATE AGRICULTURAL ( oi.i.r:<;r: or OH to, SECRETARY or run .AMERICAN Vurrsugmuy ASSOCIA'I‘ION or PHI- ‘ LADELPHlA‘, E'rCL, ETC. 12mo. Cloth Extra. Price $1.25 i JENNINGS GREAT Vi ORK UN THE HORSE Tells you all about breeding and Managing the animal with his various vices, and how they cart be corrected JENNINGS’ Gnmr WORK ON THE I’I()RSEDOSCI‘11)BS more than 150 diseases to which he is subject, and gives the various remedies best adapted to their cure. GREAT IVORK ON THE IIORSE Should he in the hands ofevery man who owns the animal. At a critical moment it may save you hundreds of dollars in horseflesh. Thrilling Adventures Among The Early Settlers. 1 i BY IVARREN VVILDWOOI). Esq, \Vitlt 200 New and Original Eugravingsa 19mm, Cloth Extra. Price $1.25. I THRILLING A D V E N TURES AMONG THE EARLY SET I‘LERS We venture to say is" the most intensely interest.- I ing collection of stories ever issued. I A‘ M TH KILLING A D V E N TURES AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS While drawn from the most authentic sour cos, yet pat-takes cfall the wild, weird, and fearful character of romance. THRILLING A I) V E N TURES AMONG THE EARLY SETTLE IS With startling vividness brings before the tniud of the reader many a deed of blood and cartr- age. l'llallV a scene of heroism and patient. endurance. THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; A COUNSELLOR 1N SICKNESS. PAIN AND DISTRESS. By Professor Henry S. 'l‘aylor, M.D. 12mm, Cloth. Price $1.00 TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR. IS \YRI'I‘TEN in plain language. free from medical terms, and tails you how to cook, prepare drinks, and tiiauage the _ sick gene- rally. ' 'I‘AYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR DESCRIBES nearly 150 distinct diseases to which men, “0111611 and children are subject, and gives the various simple i'etitedies best. adapted to their cure. TAYLOR‘S FAMILY DOCTOR IS .VVltl'l‘ I'EN itt plain language. free front Medical terms, and may snort save you muclt suffering: and many times the cost of the book. . Everybody wants it, THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other works of great value . that will be found in our printed catalogues. and which will be forwarded to ant” address on application. ' THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other works of great value, that will be found iii ottr printed catalogues, and which Will be forwarded to any address on application. O TH E PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS will be furtiis’ryiad to agents and others in quantities on very liberal terms. Ilnequalled in mechanical execution. as Well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. THE PEOPL E’S GREAT BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others iti quantities on very liberal terms, Unequaled _ in mechanical ex ‘cu‘tlou, well as value of ' their contents, a certain and rapld sale fellows their introduction everywhere. $1000 A 1’ EAR IS 13 EING MADE by many enterprizntg men in the sale of “ the People‘s Great Books.” Unequalle in lllOCllflllICal eXecution. as Well as value of their contents, a certait. and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere $1000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many enterprlzing inert, iii the sale of " the People’s Great Books.” Uneqnalled I in mechanical execution, as Well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. $1000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many ontei'prizing men, in the sale of " the People’s Great Books.“ Uri. equalled in ineclirnical eXecution, as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sol-a follows their introduction everywhere. SEND FOR $25.00 WORTH OF the People’s Great Banks and try them among your neighbors. Everybody wants them. ~W~VV.A FA.:-.._. ,5. SEND FOR $50.00 W'OR'I‘H OF the People s Great Bricks and} try. tiltein. among your neighbors. Everybody wants. them. ~vâ€"--â€"-â€"~_,“...___..__ _ 'SENI) FOR side-.00 WORTH OF the People’s Great Books, and try them among your neighbors. Everybody wants them. SINGLE COPIES, SEWT TO- ANY address, postage paid on receipt of price, Address, JOHN E. POTTER, Fiddle/ion, No. 617 Sausom St, Philadelphia, Pa, public frilly confident of its intrinsic excel- leiiCe, and with our warrantee that it will do all We claim for it. Sold in barrels of forty gallons each, at a liberal discount to Address all orders to ‘tialtov lOOFING C0,, dealers. l IIS 13m.‘ SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO AN Y address, postage paid on receipt ofprice. Address, JOHN E. POT'I‘ER. PUBLISHER, No. 617 SJIISOID St., Philadelphia, Pa SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO ANY address, fic<lag6puit1 on receipt ofpriCu .t Address, JOHN E. POTTER, PUBLISHER, No. 617 Summit St ,I"iii1at1clphia,,§‘o

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