_V hula]. .1 c--,.-.__.c..__..-__m___,_._-, .._,, , [Fertile ’Yarlr. Herald-r. 'r 1111‘ r ILIGRI it’s-R'Sfo N or. Fn a vast howling wilderness. , > I’m a pilgrim homoward bound; Eager to reach the seat of bliss, Where everlasting joys are found. While in my passagetotlre-skies .l. ‘ Temptations often me assail ; And Satan with deceit and lies, . _ ' Would o’er my soul at once prevail] But in temptations darkest hour, I am not left alone to fear ;. I find in Christ a saving power 3. .‘ I feel a great Deliverer near, He lifts my fainting soul on high, He makes me know his gracious will! .- Yea, ï¬ercest storms and troubles fly, If lie but whisper peace be still. ’Ile is my refuge in distress, My comfort in a weary land; Heclothes me iii his righteousness, And holds me by His mighty hand, Strong in His strength E onward move, Restless to gain that happy shore; Where in the courts of bliss above, Satan and sin are feared no more. . l L. Baown. Whitchurch, March 94, 1862. Ill'lL/ittlllllll’flll “There have been many dcfinitons of a gentleman, but the prettiest and most po- etic is that givon by a lady; ‘ A gentle- man is ahutnan being combining a woman’s tenderness and a man’s courage.’ y 33. The aim of a real lady is always to be natural and unaffected. and to wear her talents her accomplishments and learning. as the newest and finest dresses, as if she did not know she had them about her. A Pretty Considerable Shakenâ€"A pa- per out west says that the agile has been so severe in ‘ them parts,’ that a person afflict ed with it actually shook the toe rzazls off his ï¬nger-ends. In most quarrels there is a fault on both sides. Both flint and steel are necessary to 7the production of a spark; either of them may hammer on wcod for ever, and no fire will follow. There is no use in young ladies resist- ing a young Scotchinan’s addresses. When he comes to ask her in marriage he is not content with using Cupid’s ordin- ary darts, but spech at the young damsel. A Yankee editor remarked in a poll- tical article that, though he would not call his opponent a liar, he must say, that if the gentleman had intended to state what was utterly false, he has been reâ€" markably successful in the attempt. Mrs. VV., the widow of a celebrated musician, had inscribed on his monument: ‘ He is gone where only his music can be excelled.’ The widow of a pyaoteclinist saw this, and had inscribed on her hus- band’s tomb: ‘ .l to is gone where his ï¬re- WUrks can only be excelled.’ ‘ Polly, dear,’ said a loving husband to his spouse, who was several years his junior ‘ what do you say to settling at the Cape ?’ ‘Oh, I‘m delighted with the idea! You recollect when Morgan went out there he was as poor as we are, and he died, in three years, worth two hundred pounds!’ A‘ poor Irish laborer had an impedi- ment in his speech, and could not pro- nounce words beginnino'witli the lettc‘ P without stammering. neighboring get . llelnan, Seeing him diggiiigpotatoes, and Wishing to make him ridiculous, said: ‘ What do you call them things you’re digging ?’ ‘ Sir,’ says poor Pat, ‘1 don’t call them ; when I Want them, I fetch them. ‘ A Very Just Observation.-â€"-I\'Ir. Had- ï¬eld, M. 1)., for Sheffield, says that, being a Dissentcr, of course he does not approve the vindictivencss of the Yankees in spoil- ing the arbours, but that it does not so much matter, as in this weather the people can’t want to take tea in them. THE SMOKE NUISANCE IN 1650.â€"â€"â€"In the reign of Elizabeth, the burning ofcoal was again prohibited in London while parâ€" liament sat, least the health of the knights in the shire should suffer injury during their abode in the inctroiiolis ; and this prejudice was revived about 1650, when several pain- phlets were written on plans to rid London of the nuisance of smoke. At this period coals were liawkcd about the streets ttpon men’s backs, and chiefly bought by the poor, who could not afford to buy wood; but it must he icinemoercd that the pit- men had not then dugr down to the main stratum, that, consequently, the coal pio- duccd, not being of the best quality, would scarcely burn without the. additional assis- tance of other factâ€"English-‘Womcm‘s Domestic Magazine (June). Distinctions in the Graveâ€"Bishop Thomas, of Salsbury, usred to relate the following story: ‘ Vl’hile I was chaplain to the Britiin factory at I'Iamburgh, a gentle- man belonging to the factory died at a village about ten miles distant. A pplication was made to the parson of the parish, for leave to bury him iii his churchyard; but, upon being told that he was a Calranist, he refused. ‘No,’ said he; ‘tlicre are none but Lutherans in my churchyard, and there shall be no other.’ This being told tne,’ says Dr. Thomas, ‘resolved to ? go and urge the thatth with him, but found him inflexible. At length I told him he made me think of a circumstance which once happened to thyself when I was a curate inn'I‘hatncs Street. I was burying a corpse when a woman came and pulled me by the sleeve in the midst of the ser- vice, saying, ‘ Sir, sir, I want to speak to you.’ ‘ I’raythe,’ says I, ‘ woman, wait till I: have done.’ ‘ No,’ sir, I must speak to you immediately.’ ‘ \\'hy, then, what is the tnatter?’ ‘Sir,’ says she, ‘you are burying a man who died with the small- pox next to my poor husband, who neVer had it.’ This story had the desired effect, and the curate permitted the bones of the poor. Calvinist to rot in his cliurcliyard.’ «ms; "After the Word you have just utters- , morrow..’- singular ctmditions. decided that lots should be drawn , to-morrow 'l’ bowed coui‘tcously to eace ether, 'cision on the left side of the skull. merely an antiquarian, she is an .world, not Adventurers 1101' Ram- . of their condition 'to any lack of . a. n... H. ,. , Ups,» ,. .-.,... ,..... . - .t ‘ ' r. A ~. $3AG1¢AL_‘.STth.â€"+AL tensi- from St. Pctersbu-rgh gives llleQl: lbwi‘ri‘gfy’ld'etails. of the death (if General. Gerstensweigz,~ Mi llitary. Commandant of-W'ar‘sawhwliich it‘ may be remembered took place some, :moiit‘lis_since:;â€"â€"-‘ Three of the aides- deâ€"ca-mp'of General Count Lambert, 2t.lie_Eiiipcr01"s LicutenantinPoland, ‘ ' hearing a loud altercation in the cabipctofithe latter, between him and Gotet‘ehsWe’i'g, entered for the purpose of respectfully interposin-g, but the Count, without giving them ,the 'time to speak, ‘Gentlemen, I. have just been giossly insulted,’ and then turning to the General, added, ed one of us must ,.be dead to- ‘That sliouldbc so,’ re plied General Gersterisweig with the greatest coolness, and, the three officers, "\Vlio 2had entered on" a friendly mission,.rwitncsscd the most The laws in Russia interdict and severely punish dueling, :andnnoreover, _'in the- pre- sent state ofa nits in Poland, the effect would have been tnost dis- asterous, if any dispute were known to 'liave ' arisen between the, two highest persons in the government of the kingdom. It was, therefore, by the Ivvo adversaries as to which of them should put an end to his own eXistence. place witltthe greatest coolness, for both Generals were motels ofbrave- ry, and the lot fell. on General ' Gcrstcnsweig, who turning to Count Lambert, said in o fi"m voice, ‘Count, there" are several matters Connected with the scivice ,__t_o be arranged, and Ihave also private papers to pttt in order, will it suit I do'tiothccute the sentence until. ‘It is just what I should myself have requested,’ 1'c-' plied Count Lambert. The two and GcneralGerstenswcig withdrew. The three,aids-de-decamp, pale and motionless, remained silent, and the. Count, with much emotion, said to thomâ€"‘I can readily conceive, gentlemen, the feelings which op- press you, but the fault of this deplorable event does not lie with me ;’ and then striking his forehead with his hand, he addedâ€"‘ What a fatality lw'l‘his will greatlycffcct the Emperor! I should have preferr- cd that the tomb were opened for tnysclfl’ On the following day, General Gerstenswcig, standing be- fore a looking-glass, discharged two pistols at his head. The ball of the first went round part of the frontal bone, making, however, a deep iti- 'l‘lic second was mortal, and the General fell. Two soldiers, hearing tiic report, rushed into the room, and found him lying on the floor in great agony. They placed him on his bed, when he soon recovered his senses. He refused all medical at- tendencc, but sent for his aid-deâ€" camp. The report of his snicide soon became current, although every , endeavor was used to make it beliv- ed that he had been struck by apo- plexy. Count Lambert wont to him, and, shaking him by the hand, exâ€" pressed his regret for what had happened, and retired bathed in tears. The General lived for forty two hours in the greatest sull'cring, and then expired. He was sensible to the last, begging the officers who were near him, to conceal the cause of his death, as'long as possible from his wife. ‘ As to my son, (a young maii'of seventeen, now at StPeters- burgh), ‘let him know that I have not died like a coward, who failed in‘ his ’duty, or feared the re- si oasibiliiy of his acts, but to obey the prescriptions of military honour. Let ' him know all, that he may honour the memory ofhis father.’ OLD Mathsâ€"l love an old maid. l do not speak of an individual. but oftlie species; I use the singular number. as speaking of a singularity in humanity. An old maid is not antiquity; not merely an antique rc- cord of the past, but the very past, itself. She inhabits a little eternity of her own. She is Miss from the beginning of the chapter to thc’cnd. I do not like to hear her called Mistress, as is sometimes the prac- tice, for that looks and sounds like resignation of despair-11 voluntary extinction of hope. I do not know . whether marriages are made in heavenâ€"sonic people say that they are; but I am almost sure that old maids are. There is something about “1611] which is not of this earth, earthy. They are Spectators ofthe blers; perhaps Guardians; we say nothing of Tattlers. They are evi- dently predestined to be what they are. They owe not the singularity beauty, wisdom, wit, or good temper there is no accounting for it but on the principle of fatality. I have known many old maids, and of them all not one that has not possessed as many good and amiable qualities as ninety and nine out of a hundred of my married acquaintances. Why, then, are ttcysinglcl Heaven only kiiows. It is their fate lâ€"T/tc flat/tor of fltherton. “'hat is' that if‘directly you name it you are sure to break it 'bâ€"Silence. ' , _ :Junâ€"e3,1859, 'Ihat sad formality took 2 .A!»7.‘w"*..“ 2.. .73 _ 1.4...2: « 1,..~mv..‘. ’ 4.. ..-a.2.- ' 2.2....» a > r '5 I .. a... 1.. .- = » {witâ€"wan.- - )"p‘ .nâ€"..~-;~.- - .- ;CO‘M-MI-SSIONER~PN QUEEN’SBENCH, Convey-anew, and ‘Auotion’eer, ’_ i a LOT 31, it'i‘ii Manhunt: " S ‘September to, 1860. " "â€"- Aucsiofl "ENG-side; 'riioiiiasTEOWMAN, 'i Licenses" . Allotioucer, , _ 'Fou THE l I COUN'I‘I'ICS'ZOF YORK &*I’EEL. receive prompt attention. Orders received at :‘the “ York Herald†OfHCe, Richmond Hill; ‘Mr. Henry Lemon, Thornliill, and Mr. James Cavannab, Mansion Ilotise, Sharon. where ‘ Terms. doc. may he. obtained. ‘ , Ali’niraLNov. 25. 1859'. v 62-“: > CHARLES :TAGGART, ' ‘ CONFECTIONER, j. BREAD FANCY BISCUIT BIKER RICHMOND HILL- Pic-nic Parties & Tea Meetings Attended and supplied on reasonable terms. Richmond Hill. June 24, 1861. ' 135-tf Eave Troughs, xWater Spears, Cistrons and Pumps, . Manufactured-aim for Sale by ' .5 O HN LANE-STAFF ’ . STEAM IYIILLS, 'I‘nouiviitL-L. 27â€"tf- 1 SURGEON DEN'I‘IS I', AURORA. 'I'eetlt inserted on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performed in the most approved manner and Warranted" Aurora. March 9. ISGO‘ 67-1y w. G. TA LOR. VETERINARY SURGEO"', « Member of 1/“; Royal College of KS. N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- thai he is now prepared to treat all ment heretofore received begs to intimate Bésozrscs of .élnimals .' At his own stables on the shortest notice. and can with Confidence warrant a cure in allcases within the reach of medical skill and treatment. Residenceâ€"~Ncar the Eagle Howl. N.B. No Charge for Stabling. Newmarket, Feb, 26, 18653. 170â€"1;- amax. HENDERSON (LATE FROM ENGLAND.) PRACTlCAL CLOCK '&‘ WATCHMAKEB, JEWELLER, the. , RICHMOND HILL, ow. H., in offering his services to the inhabi- tants of Richmond Hill and Vicinity, begs to state that they may depend cit getting their work well done, frotn the tact that he has had 25 years experience in some of the first- class houses in London, Yorkshire, and Lati- cashire, he hopes. by strict attention to business and moderate charges, to gain the support of the public. ~wonK WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR. " N. 3- Work done on the shortest notice . Shop next door to the “ Yotk Herald†Office Richmond Hill, Nov. 7. 1861, 145- THE AURORA lttASthIil QUADltiLLE BAND! IS beral terms, for any number, to suit the convenience of large or small parties. Applications to Mr. WM. IRELAND, at Aurora, or Mr. W, Wii.i.is, 3rd Con. Whit- j e11 u rch. N.B. Also, a SAX-HORN BAND mél'y be had on application. Aurora. Nov. 2. 1860. 100-3111 C. W. COLEMAN, WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, no. 283 YONth STREET, TORONTO, ,‘IRST store north of Crookshankretract.â€" Repairing in all its branches properly at- tended to. All work warranted. $93.15. An assortment of VVaiches, Clocks, Jewellery and ,throughout the United States. ‘ ’ now open to rec‘eive engagements on li- I i will send his any person of ordinary capacity, young or old, Fancy Goods kept on hand. Toronto, Sept. (3, 1861. 145-6111 f if llllllllllllll ll 0N RICHMOND HILL. Edwin "WE? eb'ber, EGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Rico-j iiiond Hill and Vicinity, lhat he has commenced besiness as CABINET ultra, UNBEEIAKER, an, YTWO doors sou,“ of [he ,, York nemld,,0fl}co 1 high as $200, for teaching it personally to a where he has on hand a general assortment of .Elouscholt’t Furniture, , Oftho best quality. cheap for cash, f ' A Call is Solicitcd. 9 Richmond Hill. June '7, 1861. new we IMPRQVED Map of Upper Edition“! I or the Typographical, Statistical AND Illustrated Map of Upper Canada In preparation by Geo. C. 'l'ren‘taine, the old and well-known publisher of Descriptive Contity Maps. 113: Residents of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local or 'I‘ravciling agents Toronto, May 1861. OULD you secure a valuable and orna- mental Work of Reference '-.’ Subscribe .1 H. & d. HARRISON F 10hr, Barrel litl‘ttllll‘g', Stave and Shingle Manufacturers, and Luniher Planers. l Seasoned Flooring and Siding kept on hand,i aitd I’laned to order in qpantities to suit pur- . Chasers. ll? Factoryâ€" on Markham and Flight Mills Plank Road. I’.O. address; Richmond Hill. ‘ Juno 7, 1861. ' 39-6111 ‘ ill 137?.- ft - tea-tr ' DR. Surgeon; Dentist; _: i : EWILL BE-AT w _ ’95... Nicltolis' flute], nichminr Hui; On .the End, Monday 0f.63611 month, at BIEIQS no TEL, ï¬laplc. On the Tuesday following, at McMaIin’s Hotpl, Kï¬nebtn'g, ~ - Oit Wediiesday following. 1' i H ERIC he will be happy to wait on those requiring his services in any branch of ;l;is-’profe-SSioti;.. i'i» - All letters addt'essed'to “Ali-iiira.†P,0_ w“ 3 Teeth inserted on Gold. Platenum,nguloan:~ ized Rubber, or Continuous Gum on Platenum. The latter being the-most beautiful teeth now in use. Dr. Buoyhas all the advantages ofthe- Profession, both ‘in the States ipnd'Cauadas,‘ having formerly been connected With Dentists in New York: he now receives direct from' them every improvement of the Profession Particular attention of Children’s ’I‘edth. Consultation Free. I . . . All letters addressed to him at Aurora prem- ptly a'tte‘lidedgto'fi‘ - ' ' Aurora. For... 211.: 1861 given to the Regulation s iiiiiiii, iiiiiii ._ mist-tuna . THE LAfrhsr 1M P R O V E D Faustino: 111111., EEORE buying any other Fanning Millâ€" ' considered by ceiiipetoitt Judges to be the best ~constructed Mill before the Canadian public for separating Oats frotii Spring Vt’heat, Peas and Odis,’ and for cleaning iii fact all kinds of Grain. This Mill stands unrivalled, is made of good iii '1) URABLE "111/1 TERIAL ! I l And is, from its constrpction, the best for Fai- mers use in the Province. They are manufactured by the undersigned, at Ricl‘iiiiond Hill, .to whom all orders should be addi'ched. V [If Farmers would do well to call and ex- amine the Mill, when passtng down Yonge St. Orders left at the residence of Mr. Sonthaid, 1 at Newm-arkei, wi l receive prompt attention. iSliopâ€"VVitliin Eight Rods of Itayti‘iond’s Ilote SOUTHARD, BOYN'I‘ON & Co Richmond uni. Julv 18. 1861. ias-i‘i GE 0. Mo P H I L L IPS , Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, CJ’V. December 14. 1860. D E N 'I‘ I S '1‘ KY I w. ,c."Aome. o. ‘1 ' Surgeo‘h Dentist, 99 KING EAST, SOUTH SIDE. THIRD DOOR \VI‘ZS'I‘ FROM CHURCH ST. TORONTO, ARTICULAR attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s Tout/L. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr, A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches, and can supply the profeSsion with Teeth. Gold. Valcaiiized Apparatus. and Vulcanite Rubber, and the best Bette filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber, With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto,0ctobcr 11, 1860. 49-13‘ 'lin iii“ D. S. W . U.’§1K‘E N ‘ MILLWRIGIIT, cg T 07%, of 3 EGS to intimate that he is now prepared to l erect MILLS of every description, b‘l'l contract, or otherwise, on reasonable termS' He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and frotn his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec ‘23, 1859 4 IMPORTANT 11? TRUE ! And every word is true. ‘ For upwards of three years past, I have been engaged in a business, which has yielded me at the rate of $3,000 per annum, but being dosi- ious of going to Europe in the course of a few months for the purpOse of there introducing the business, I am willing to teach it loamy cite who The business is no huiiibiig, but of a highly tiscful and general character, adapted both to cities and villages. and one that male or female. can acquire with a few hours’ practice, and by which they can secure a very handsome income. Several young ladies who have received instructions from me, both in New York State and Pennsylvania, are earning upwards of $520 per week by it, and there is no reason why any one else cannot do the same. Invalids, even, can do Well by it, asit is no pedâ€" dling affair. but a business that is perfectly re- spectable. Gentlemen and ladies of leisure who would like to learn the business for their i their own amusement or pleasure, will find the practice of it a pleasant pastime, and one that they will take great interest in. On receipt of $1 , I will send printed instructions by which any person can readily acquire the art, and these instructions will also contain every particular relative to the carrying it on so that it will be highly proï¬table. ’l'hcpurchascrof the “ print- ed instructions †will also be authorized to teach , it to others; and I have sometimes received as single individual. I «would state further that $2.50 or 553.00 trill buy every thing that is no- cessarv to commence the business with, and the articles can be got aliiiostanywhere, in city or country, or, if preferred, I can furnish them Abortnss, PREPAID, Alvoid T. Parsons, No 36 Liberty St., New York. The best of references given when required. FANNING MILLS&PUMPS II E Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that he manufactures the latest improved PUMPS AND FANNING MltLS In his Shop. at Stouffville, wheie all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt atten- tion; and fUl‘CIlBapHcSS aiid'durability he defies competition. Repairing done with dospaich. All letters addressed to PE'I‘ER KRIBS, ‘ Stoutfvillo 1’. O. Stouffvillc, Oct. 15, 1861. 151-6m. 107_ly J. Frethingham, Esq. ,sively used during the last 20 years. CHEAPER THAN. EVER! IIE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous patrons and the public thathe is prepared ‘ to make Boots and ï¬hoes Ofevery . style and description, at the lowest possi'ile remunerating prices. All work war- t rented to give entire satisfaction. W, II. MARTIN. Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, ' IOG-Iy December 7, 18110. MONDAY 01‘ every majnder of the month at his residence, McCaysville, 7th “Concession of York, WorkWarrant'etLl ‘ ‘ " ‘ " ‘ ' Teeth ï¬lled with Osteoplartic or Artiï¬cial Boneâ€"Thisï¬lling is put into ,the Tooth while soft, causing no pain, asit requé‘res' no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt ï¬rmly adheres, renderlng it almostimpossible for theifilling. ever tocome, can. _,, I: . l: 1;: Dr. Husband has madeai’mngements with Mr. G, 'L. Elliot, of Toronto, to manufacture his Artificial Teeth ; those who engage Doctor , "Husband to do tlieirswwk ‘wilhbgs sure‘of' have ing it done in a superior mannerâ€: July 8,_]§8593._ 32-lv. .' l. 31‘. (neuroses S'I‘AL‘ET. ' :MONUMEN Srâ€"Tio M as items, ' 168-1v ' _ [tuba/iss’roms &c. Twenty , Per. (Cents; Cheaper- . vatan ANY OTHER as'i-lliaittsnuhsr. HE: UNDERSIGNED Assignees of flip : eSta'fepf D, "CE. do W. YALE, willerjdi of our duly euthorizcd agents, AUSTIN Aneizv and D, Caucus VALE, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. 1‘ 'v ‘:~ I: ' « P,'S.â€"â€"-All notes and accounts remaining un- , paid ourthe lst day of, June, .1858, will be put : into Court for collection, C. YALE, t“. CUMMER. Toronto, Api‘il 29, l859=. 48-tf 1...._..._. UNI'I‘Y Fire & Life Insure 11cc Association OF LONDON, VJith which is Amalgamated the Equitable Fire Office. CAPITAL, £2,500,000, STERLING. _Avail'-ible Assets Fiie Departm’t $4,547,061 '10 - 2,526,595 46 50,000 00 150,500 00 Life Department. . . . . . . . Deposit Fund in'Cauada . . . . . . . " Deposit Fund iii New York. . . . . nutritious tXQllllNGE MuttTREAL. Diiectors, FirgDepartments ' W. [.unn, Esq. J. G. Mackenzie, Esq. B. Holmes, Esq. l .l. 'I‘ot'rnnce, Esq. A. Larocque, Esq. _ Trusteesin London : r , Sir W. C- Dalyell, C.,l“. BazinLEsq, . Trustees in New York : S. Livingston. firinof'Bai'clLyt‘k Livingston, Win. 11. Macy. Pres’t LeatherManut'act Bank W. Sherman, firm of liluncanl, Sherman &Ce , ‘Ever’y description of l. . . . Fire and Life In suran cc Business transacted at the most moderate rates I of Premium. ' W. 1’. REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N, A. Agent for Torontoâ€"A RTHUR 1“. JARVIS, ' Ofliceâ€"VVhittimore’ Buildings, 'I'oiotito St. Toronto, April l2, 1861 1533â€"13' . Dr. LA 030::er PRIVATE I‘lEDlCAL TREATEES ON THE Physiological View of Marriage. 950 PAGES AND 130 ENGRAVINGS.â€"Pl‘ice only twenty-five cents. Sent free of postage to all partsof the Union. 011 the inï¬rniities of youth and maturity. disclosing the secret follies of built sexes of all ages, causing debilitv, ner- vousuess. depression of spirits, palpitation of the heart, suicidal iiiiaginings. involuntary emis- sions. blushiugs, defective memory, indigestion and lassitude, wit/i confessions of thrilling mth est qfa, Boarding School Miss, It College Slu- (loiit, and it Young Married Lady, (ii-0., (530. It is a truthful adviser to the tiiarried and those contemplating marriage,who entertain secret doubts of'thoir physical condition. and who are conscious of havinghazarded the health, happi» ness, and piivilegcs to which every human . being is entitled. ., Young Men who are troubled with weakness, generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of which ai‘e'dizziiiess. pains, forgetful- ness, sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, weakness of the back and lower extremi- ties. confusion of ideas, loss of tiieinory. with melancholy. maybe cured by the author’s New Paris and London Treattiiont. \Ve have recently devoted much of Our time in visiting the European Hospitals. availing ourselves of the IKIIOWIF l the most skilled Phyr“,i:ins and Surgeons in Europe and the ‘Coiztiiit’Etit. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many new and efficacious remedies which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest as- sured of the same zeal. assidiiitv, SECRECY and attention being paid to their cases, which has so successfully distinguished as heretofore. as a Physician in our peculiar department of profes- sional Practice, for the pasttwenty five years. ‘ Fumes FEMALE Piusâ€"Ladies who wish for Medicines. the efficacy of which has been tested in thousands of cases, and never failed to effect speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr. DeLancy’s Female Pc- riodical Pills, The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies should not take them if they believe they are in Clz‘l‘lILilb situations (the particulars of ’which will be found 011 the wrapper accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy. so gentle, yet so active me they. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any part of the United States or Canada. To THE LADIES-YVIIO need a conï¬dential medicial adviser with regard to any 01" those iii- tci‘esting complaints to which their delicate or- ganization renders them liable, are particularly invited to consult us. . THE “ ELEC’I‘KO GALVANIC PROTECTIVE. "â€"â€"For married ladies whose health will not admit. or who have no desire to increase their families, » may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe preventive to conception, and has been exten- I’i‘ice re- duced to $10. . THE SECRETS 0F YOUTH UN VEILED. A Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decay â€"A Solemn warning, .lnst published. a book showing the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both male and female], of this fatal habit; pointing out the fatality that inva- i‘iablv attends its victims. and developing the whole progress of the disease, from the coin- mencetnent to the end. It will be sent by mail on receipt of two [3] cent Stamps. †[13†Attendance daily from 8 in the morning till 9 at night, and on Sundays from 2 to 5 p.111. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of... the United States or Canadas, by patients communicating their symptom-s by letter. Busi- ness correspondence strictly conï¬dential. [13†Dr. L’s Office is still located as established, under the Daniel of Dr. La Croix, at No. 31, Maiden Laue, Albany, NJ’. 152-1)†l URGEON II'Detitiétiiltiri‘ll’be at Nichpll’is - ' iH‘otel,†Richmond! iIdi'l'l,’ the FIRST month,f- and, nthe - res; ‘ * tarantula“ ARBLEWORKS ’ _. fir-2‘40 'omFéTemNré- ., . a . , , tinue the busmess under the superintendence , i t i scriptions go and researches of l ‘ other 0011 i’UdClflICS. t SLAVERY as‘otisnao; ANY who hays heeTi slves to Rheuï¬fa‘ffcw tyranny have her it curer emanCip‘at'e'd' " by the use of r Itertittt’siï¬ttalaalli Limited A A certain cure for ltheumritisr, Tic Dolei'eaux, Sprains, Bruises and Swelling: 1 _ 'i Prepared and sold by Joseh Ingram, Willagp,‘ipibottles tit-25 and do. each. Maple;ViIlage, Feb.“ 14. 186., ‘ Maple , . 13y- I’t‘ovincial, Insuranc: company, .. ’QFCANADH » , r â€" - F0“ 1 ï¬re out: ï¬lo 5,: ‘ ESTABLISHED .18t9, . ‘INBouPon‘ATED’ 13v ACT or PARLIAMENT"! Subscribed oaï¬i'a1,fs1p43,5ao. riue. Aron-rants, Hilliad Cameron, Herald, Esg. PRESIDENT; :â€"I:10n. John VICE-Pitssmnn'r :â€"â€"J. S. j iiflllltiEC'l‘Ot‘tSit‘i _ ,_ Ilbn Ii. ’I1-.;Catiier011,, GeorgeDtiggan, Er grunt. Geo. era-tram; 215's."Honiardi‘Esqf Hon.M.Caiiieron,M.P. Edw-A C. Jones», J.Cameron,Esq. M .I’.I’ “ A. Morrison,Igsq,.MLPP A. M. Smith Esq. Lewis Mot’fat, Esq. ; W. L. Peri-in, Esq 4 ' . t V I , V .- I ’.. j 'Zlfmmgcr and' Secretary :-â€"Jumes Sydney Cracker. Esq. A ssist., Secretary : lerm agar Agencies : J W , \‘Vootlliouso,Esq. Wiii._ Blight, Esq. Fâ€" I ._ ; i i ‘. SOICITORS zâ€"NI essrs. Duggan ti Burns, BANKicns :â€"~Tlie Bank of Toronto. _, IRE atid MARINE INSURANCE busi- ' ness transacted by this Coi’iipany at its val- rions Agencies, as well as the, Head Otlice. To- ronto, at fair and average rates. I The numerous and responsible Stockholders of this Company, and the large amount of ca-. pita] subscribed, afford aii amount of security to .l'ie assurtd, equal at least to that of any other Company transacting business in the Province A; LA W. AgentaiRichmond Ilill. 'I‘orontorApril 18. 1861. I254)" F this 1113.- a; LYON .338 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 0 person who contemplates purchasing a " I I\ Sewing Machine for family or manufacâ€" turing ['ittrposes. should fail to send for one of our Circulars. which contains cuts and full (le- ‘ of the several stiles, prices and satin)le of work. all of which we send by mail free. We claim to have the best Sewing Machines in the tilorltl For cit/rev: Family’ur f‘Jdiwg/iwt-nr'ing purposes. And all we-ask is a fair trial. ' Road the following; IMPGRTANT FAC'I‘S. FACT No. 1-.â€"â€"~'l‘his Company beiiig'dtily li- censed. their Machines are protected against infringements or litigation. , NAC'I' No. Q.â€"â€"'l'hcse Machines make the look i sticknalike on both sidesâ€"~and use a little less than half as much thread and silk as the chaincr loop stitch machines. PACT No. Ilaâ€"These Machines are better adnp- ‘ ted than any other sewing-machines in the i’iiarhet to the frequent changes and almost endless variety of sewing i‘equiied in a fa- mily. They will sew from one to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, and in‘ake every stitch perfect. 'I‘liey.will even sew from the finest gauze to the hea- viest cloth. and even stout, hard leather,“ without changing the feed, needle, or toti- sion, or iiialiiiig any ailjtistiiient of machine whatever. Is not such a machine best. adapted to family use ? and if best adapted to futility use, Why not for every variety of light sawing niaiiut'actnie? For work too ’heavyt'or out Fainin Machine, we t'ccoiii- . mend our larger sizes. ' FACT No. 4.â€"â€"'l‘liese Machines make the most elastic south of any sewing~tiiac|iiiie iii useâ€" a fact of very great importance in sew~ ing elastic goods, or goods of any kind, 011 a bias. Facr No. 5.â€"No Machine is more durable or more simple in its construction,or more easily understood. The reputati in of these Ma- chines wlierever used “7111 fully demonstrate each of the above FACTS. FACT No. 6 -â€"~'l‘tiese Machines took the High ‘ est Premium at the Franklin Institute, Phil- adclphia. FACT No. 7.-â€"-These Machines took the High- est lt‘retiiium at the New Jersey State Fair. Fac'r No. 8.â€"'l'he.-e Machines took the high- cst Medal at the American Institute, in the City of N‘ew York, together with the High- est Premium for fine Sowing-Machine Work FACT No, 9.â€"â€"-These Machines took both the Highest Premiums at. the Mechanics’ Fair, Utica. NY. FACT No. tO.â€"'l‘hese Machines can do the same tliing’genorally, whenever properly exhibited iii competition with other ï¬rst-class Sewingâ€"Machines. But we have space for only onefuct moreâ€"it is the most important Fact of all. FACT No. lI.â€"â€"IVo wurrtmt ovary lilac/tine we sell to give better satisfaction. than (my other Sowing-flfacliine iv) (/11: mar/rel, or money rqfitmlul. UESend fora Circular. AC'ICNTS VVANTICD Address, FisKLn d: .Lvon Simian-MACHINE Co,, No . .338 Broadway, New York. Septembei 5, 1:61, 145-Gni m it sooner Fillies, THE HEROES OF WAR. ANTHONY, No. 501 linoanwav, New , YouK, is now publishing, in addition to other portraits, the celebrated coltectioii known in Europe and America as BRAD Y’S NA'I'IUNA I. PHOTOG tAI’HIC I’OR I‘IL'AI'I' GALLERY, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of Atiiei'ioa. not excepting Jeff, Davis, Gen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of Price of Portraits, $3.00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are publislied,card size, and in stereoscopic form ALSO. Stereoscopic Views of Scenes in Paris, London, and in other prir's of England and France; in Scotland, Ireland, \‘i'alos. Holland. Switzer- land. Spain, on the Rhine, in Athens, Egypt, 'l‘urke’.‘. the Holv Laud, Chi- na. India, Cuba. (Vac, &c., ad ulï¬uiliim. { 011s Instantaneous Stereoswpic Views Are the Greatest IVondcr of the Age. These are taken it) tho l'urtieili part of a second. and the rushing of water. the moving of vehi- cles. or the march ofan ariiiy, does not in the sligliost degree affect the taking of these views. 1 They are sold for $3,0tl per dozen. “70 have also on hand and manufacture the largest assortment of S'I'Elt’EOSCUI’ES, PHOTOGRAPch ALBUMS, and Photographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in .the world Catalogues, containing lists of all our Por- traits. Views, Stereoscopes, &c., sent free by mail on receipt of a stamp E. ANTHONY, 501 BROADWAY, near St. Nicholas IIotel,New York. September 5, 1861 145-1y «semi 1.. I g or: scoririsutiramrunamtro NEWS w auwpmpv ’ ~. sacramental: TIE. 21.247,- " 'vé'VIFrosbectus or Tam: gyauiiuiuiuie , - ~iftss'ifotthi‘iivuaws ‘ P' u, ‘ g, H .: caveraurro ma INTERESTS OPS-COTSMEIS 1N emulated, AND. T? 5 THE {Derivations , » J brass ~ Van...“ 3.. .3FHF'1‘H21YEAR.B~T : é ‘01; January 2, 18132. ‘fwiii! lie, allowed,- new volume (V) or the Soo'r't‘isn‘ AMERICAN C : l l JOURNAL,†and in future the’ numbers issfied‘bdlgri tween the ï¬rst andtlast days of each-year will" constitute a complete volume†of convenient size for binding, and each number will cone; tain a most entertaining and instruCtiVe“i'eperwr tory of readingimatter, calculated to lnter‘eétjall" _I'§adel'$ of British origin. . The- Scerris-H‘AMEDԠRICAN ‘JoUHNAL. though decidedly international, units constant efforts to promoNa-peace and prose. parity between the peopleot'.Greatrliritainhau'd; America, is “yet'etriphatically Sco'ttislii‘in its eopious records of all events occuwing iiit'SQQES land that can be negarded of the least interest ' to natives of that country- residing in America," 1? and Willis f;‘:,.nfe“’5-ï¬frolllihOHIQv'IS addedflt‘eékg IV, a summary, of general intelligence. from En‘gra’ii‘d‘; Ireland, and other parts of the world. Q :,A distingdiS'hing feature of the “Scottish .A‘tnericah-Jdut‘ual †is its regular rte-publication â€"vcrbalim at lilci'atimâ€"ofthe ‘,‘ leading articles†, cf'ttie prominent. British ‘ newspapers and otbgr; E . periodicals upon the, glIlOSI important.- totï¬cs the day. This feature is a,upique one, and be u been found very acceptable ’to,_.'tb‘e people .0 British North America, as it stip‘plies’ a fon‘gl ' , iieededdesideratuni in the Provinces. In re- ference is the “editorials â€_ of the Scouts; Andaman Jonttts'lfiL. it is a significant fact that} the III'illSll press frequently acknowledges their intrinsic tieutth and three by copiously extracting from our colui'n'tjs' atrddeclaiing that the Scor- 'i'i.§.=ii AMEtuC/‘tl‘i,doblfh‘al. is the must able and interesting paper published In America. A cone cise weekly suntuiaty is also given of the prin- cipal items of American news, and a similar narrative of events transpiring iii the various :llii.ish Provinces, the latter’teature supplying a deficiency which was felt iii several of the Pro. vinces of intelligence as to what was transpi- ring in other parts of the British possessions. our: 111 the fortlit-zoiniiig volume of thew“ Scottish American Journal†increased space willihei‘de-l voted to- the literary department iii the publica- ' noan SERIAL TALES AN!) SKETCHLS, vividly i i'usiraiiiig the. customs, habits, sentiments and); “general cliziractei istics of the people of Scotland; each tale etllttndlll’lg from the. pen of. an fluvial of celobiity, As heretofore. particular care will be exercised in the choice of ORIGINAL POETRY, composed by write-rs of acknowledged genius and purity of, thought, iesideut here or abroad. The first number of the new volume willcon- , tain the commencement of a deeply interesting tale, entitled ' “ TIIE LIEUTENANT AND HIS SON.†.Tliis tale will prove who one of the most in- teresting ever published, and will be appreciated bygall classes of readers. ‘ "i ‘ PAYABLE IX Single Copies (each.). ADVANCE. ,5cts. IDDOIUI'OO'UI Orzo copy for one year.) . . . . . .-. . .. .. .1. . 2.50 CLUB RATES. Pivecopies“... . . . . . . . . . 1000 Twelve copies,. . . . . . . . . . . . u - - u -- . 20 00 rI‘wenty-five copies... . . , .. . . ... . . .. . 4U 00 Specimen copies sent gratis. Subscribers in tho Provinces may remit their subscriptions iii Provincial money. in Provincial Post Ofï¬ce statiips. 1 Copies forwarded ii Europe per mail, Unite States, postage paid, for $3, or 13s. sterling, per annum. . :5. TERMS OF SYU‘IJ’SCRJPTION,'Q Odd change . ‘4 .«l Subscriptions for the current yearnre novu , delay to A. M. STEWART, N o. 37 Park Raw, New York. i‘ New York, Jan. I, 186‘}. B. M. R. Try the truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS' MA. GIG RELIEF, and if you are not satisï¬ed of its supe- riority, after using the medicine, the price will be ro-e funded b the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 cents per bottle. old by all dealers in medicines. (HZ: 53 Acres, 23 of which is tii'nbered, 40 Acres under Cultivation. being received, and should be forwarded withoul .5 u Valuable Property for Sale ‘ Seveial l’A ItK LOTS with timber thereon. i Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. The above property is situatedat, and ads. joining to, the Village of For further particulars apply at the Ofï¬ce of this paper. Itichmond Ilill, Sept. 2, 1850. 9-0 Consuitthe Old English I’liydeian FOR ASTHMA. INCiriEN-r CONSUMPTiTcN,3 INPIRMI’t‘lES 0F YOUTH: AND..- OLD no «1, sic. 4* 1.. No Mercury Used. ' ‘ Richanonc'i H111.i Dr. «so 11S EAST GENIESEE STREET, Buffalo, New York; RIC the only Physicians in the State wh€ are iiiciiibci‘s of the Royal College Of Surgeons, London. o’clock in the morning until 9 atnight, in every state and symptom ofdisease. r May be consulted from 8_' The treati’nenttliey adopt is the result of up- wards ot'thiity years’ extensive and successful practice in London. 1. MOST SCIEVTIFIC INVENTION, An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- liiv, ’of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal Weakness. 6w. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by: the use of this iiisti'niiieut, when uséd con~ jointly with medicines. Dr. Amos 62 Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair, trial, the money will be refunded by returning" the instrument in good order. Price Ten Dole, tars, by mail or express. ' " "i ‘ vounc MEN TAKE rAiiTieULAiIt NOTICE. Those who havo injured themselves by adieu; tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit frequenJy learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nigh tlyfelt even when asleep, and if not cured. renders marriage impossible and destroys both mind and body, ’ should apply immediately. Sclfkabuse is one of the most formidable enemies to health, for how" thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis- lnxi' eases causes so destructive a drain upotrthojï¬ human system, drawing its tliousands'of' vic- tints through a few years of suffering down to“, an untimely grave, It destroys the nervous svstein rapidly, wastes away the energies of life, I u ' 1 . causes mental derangement. prevents the pro- ' per development of the system, disqualiï¬es for . society, business, and all earthly iiiarria ' happitlis, and leaves the sulfater wrecked in‘ bodv and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. ‘ RERSOSS, IN ANY, PART on THE \VQRLQ may be successfully treated by forwarding a. 'correctzdetail of their case. .Address Dr. Amos 65 Sex, 48 East Genesee .t‘ - F. Street, three doors West of Ellicott Street. at Buffalo, N. Y . 8845'