Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 4 Apr 1862, p. 3

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3,5,“. ... I . . . ._ . . .-... . ( .._ If. .. II IIIII_ 31., f».....I I :s I __II .W on. .1... v I... .. , , _ II I I . . ..,, .. . __, c . ., . .,I . . .. .I .. .n . ,r - Juncwu‘i"V‘V‘AIJfiuxv'fir" ~ .« s. I I‘m...“ w J“ . 4 , CARD; I i‘ I. ‘I I; - FARM :FO‘REASALE. HE Subscriber olfors for sale the north wee I l' --FA1{M5FoR SALE 2 THE Praising; um Books." ._ .____I . V _ f _ . I , . HE subscriber offers for, Sale the W t v ' ' “m ' BEG to state that Messrs. FLOOD 8i. PRICE have succeeded me in my bU‘Sl p?" of , . - . ' hair“ Lot No, [9_ in coh‘céssi: IA”?! 3.5.3. is ness at this Vi-l'lage,and fee] pleasure in being able cordially to recommed them L012 N0u13 1.119 001108851011 I _I _I ‘ IIIorMIarkliam. containing II ~I ‘ROBERT JENNINGS, 3., V to the notice 01 all my Old Fiiends and Customers. I therefore respectfully ask for . i r or Tim. O 0 IA 0 "RI E s I! Paoresson on I’Arnocoer“imprison-ViiSlin- them a fag; "gal. I . - Townshi of Howar& ; 80o 'Iwhicb'are cleared. and in a high, etejemf 9”“ N “I”: 'VETEK'Ml‘Y‘C‘mLWEM P““‘*‘ W . . . , J K~ FALCONBRlDGJE. Containing 75., “or: abom 40 of whiz“ ,‘r. cultivatioit.‘ with a. comfortfible‘ House "and; :DB::$;T;°X:: gme'NAFPM'Df‘kfl - _..- ’ . ‘ ' ' . . ' ' '- ‘ ' ' ~ ’ . . .. . ’ ' : ‘ ~ . . - ' ~ - ~. 1 ' R c 'I‘URAIv ’ozmze ' HOLESALL AND RE FAILI Richmond Hnl, February ‘20, 1862. ‘ . _ - II 169-8 under a high state at cultivation lhore rs on also. fi thrivmgI II OHIIO’ISIgcnmI-Aflgggrflt AMEnichflfié the F amt~ 8"acf69'0f Fa”? Wheat, 8 20"" Vermin”: Assocu'rioiioiilfiiis. ’ F°llPanlculllra apPl." to . - 5; 7 . LADELPuiA, are, no. ... ,; , JAMES GAMB.LE-= - ' " Headford. March 20, 18.52. , I .II:;1;I3.3. IIme'Icloltf Fm“? _____ _ __*__~__‘q__â€"___ ' for sale 01" ‘0 lit/“t.” JENNINGS’ GREAT. ironic .. 1.9-. , . I _ _ l , .. I "1 l i H r i ' I l \l . v , . ;., Or hard, a-‘l.’ I HIouse iii-donor out; 'ld'n s. H“ A NEW FIRM IN AN OLD STAND. their:listens? ' I ‘ 4 i ‘ » open it up. There is also strong indications of , ANUFAC l URES and Sells every Article in the above line, and has had the __ 01L 911'th proper-ty- For further Pan‘culars : pleasure “supplying be”, me Navy and Army in England and out of Enghmd THE Subscribers respectfully call the attention of the Inhabitants of Richmond aPPlyI.‘.° he touched it“, shows of AmericaI and has. also had .1“. honor of muminming Hill and surrounding country to the fact that they have purchased the Roggil Efggg‘MarkiI-ém ‘ ICOMMODIOUS self-contointidfliOUSiE, UN THE HORSE Tells $00 Valli-inbuilt- I . .- I II I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I . I I , ~ Si,“ t d - ma v-I- -t r r R, M II II _ breeding and Managing the animnlw'gthkit Eoyal Hotel IiInd every house on the Roy al 1 erraci, Iat VIV tymoulli, Inigland. on I I I I . . Richmond Hill, Feb. 2c. 1862. _ lib-6 HIIIIII COIiiIIfIIIIIIII; II BeIiIoIIiIIIIOyIIsp ‘iarIglIZlI 2:3 . various vicesI and “Wm”. 93“ MIMI,“de : Isomi responsrhilityâ€"Itakes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to tns 6 r i -I ~â€"â€"_ -â€"-â€"-â€"â€"--â€"9 . Kitchem with other UumundingsI .Irhémis _ . . I friends aInd the public in generalwâ€"not l'orgeting those b‘tove M‘Ircliants and Store , ‘ I ~ . Black‘vood‘ s 11111532,;1116' also an Acre of Land, and another Acreean â€" ‘ “ ' " " .I, , r, ‘ ' Pfidle‘r’s in Hamilton and Newmnrket who have so kindly patronized me and my sons - ‘ 7 JENNING» GREAT I I _ , t I .I‘ AND THE I be leased adjoining. I I I I I. ,I I , . I ,whilc we, were in partnership in these places; and begs to state that he still continues Lately hem by Mr' J' K' FALCONBRIDGE' and havng BRITIS H REVl EWS 1 For mull" particulars applyal‘l“?~iH-Ei“tn,' I THE HORSEDBSCfil-Jés mo.” "3“ 115° Iii-manufacture every article in the above business at his shop on Richmond Hill. Bought For Cash. 1 v ' Oflice' I ‘4 '1 i. ‘I diseases lo Wh'wh he's sumac“ “m gm” the All 17V 1 Hr .. d ’ _ . ‘ ‘ . i . ‘ scours CO, NEW YORK. continue Richmond Hill. March 6,1862. ~ Iri-ir. 'fif‘.?“?‘:?"?§d‘°s=b°sf “Fl-39‘“ ‘°;‘ll?!-F'¢ltl‘z 07‘s anam‘e and attended to with despatch. And on very favorable terms, and leased the Store for a period of years; they feel . to publish the following leading British 1 4 m V _. v .. .cg - z I _I « ’ I [I _ 5 edition of SAVGS'I‘ER’S ELEMENT. , ' OFFER EXCEL LENT IND UOEMENTS T0 Tina LonNQUARTEnLY(conservative) ARY ARITIIML‘TIC- the Hmw'i ON THE- 303.85.3'109'd be invite-ow _I v .) I I I - ‘ 2. - Book Store. Richmond Hill. -: '1 N f of: every man who owns the inflated. I 111 I I I I I P THE EDINBURGH REVlEW (Whig) â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"I_ I I I II CJIIIIICal moIvInent may save you huhdreds 9L ,, . _ -I I .. .. ‘ V ' ' , » ) ' . . “ oar in - ' ‘3‘- ' ' l‘liey have alrrady made large additions to they original Stock by fresh purchases 3 l 3115 and Sap LuCkctS. s or“ 6“ THE NURTH BRlTI'SH REVlEVV, (Free ‘Church.) HE Undersigned 'is prepared to furnish '_ I ‘ 7 ,I , . i - andeill keep constantly supplied with a complete assertinent ol' the r. . REAIUVAL. - ~ . N MONDAY". MARCH 3m, the Stock of the RICIIMONISHILL DRUG I '1- S . -S'l‘ORE will be removed to Thrilling Adventures Among; i. "The Early Settlersyfii A ‘ * ' "- _ - Concession of Mar ham- or at Plum“; , «i lid-NW . BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGHI MAGA- 0mm“, Richmond 1.1;“, m granny Ire“ch WARREN WILDWQOQ.I;.IExqm-Ig C I - . ‘ I, A .A,‘ l. l I 4. I any quantity of FAILS AND ‘SAP I '"HE‘VVESTMINSTEli REVIEW (Liberal-l BUBKE'TS,.at.hisFactory, LotvNo.’=ll.v-2nd Richmond Hill, March 7. 1862. 17] gm confident of llltll‘ ability to ' l’eiiodlCalS. Viz-3*- UST RECl‘ilVEDI 8 “"311 slittpli'bfia new II I. . _ I I ’ ._..__ ZINE, (Tm‘b-I) ' Prices. th 200 New and. Original: ifingmingt.’ . . I ' 1 V l .‘ u - I-svw - "Vv v‘ r - . i ' i. ‘ . . . v ' ' g'. . I i i 3:! i AW M, A V] BLER S NE W hey Wish it to be MOsi DisriNCILY uNouus won that. they soliclt I The I,,eso,nc,.mca,staw of Europe... affairs Address. post paid. Buttonvniie Post ofiica. 19m°.C10.thExtra- PnIIeIoIIinfs i . Where will he found an Enlarged and Complete Smock of the patronage of the public on thczr own responszbility. and that they have no busi- will tender tlieSn publications uiiiVersallyI Iin- II 0 I III JOHN Amiga: I . I ' III.I 33' [ I ~ ' I - - - ‘, ‘. f, ~ tei'esting during the forthcoming year. " iey deruai r “0. SJ. ' «.- m . I I ' ' . ' I‘ " PURE DRUGg I“ _ p lit s connei ion w in ct er, With any othel person 0? poisons m Ric/[77200)ch Hill 0? WI“ IICCII III II middle IIIIIIIId IIIIIWIIIIII I'm IIIIISI I II THRILLING V E 1 i , l 1) “I l elseuhwe' lll\‘ \Vl'llfill'llE'lVS it-ing crude speculations and AMONG THE EA LY SET PLE‘RS “’0 . I 1 I r ‘ Y ‘ - » . , ‘7 . s k, . ‘ I I iI r I Pt‘b l '1‘ &-I flying rumors of the dailv Journal, and the pon~ hwmlfi'loIsay'l? “WImoISt‘ “1.1313953 inlanh' DYE is" ‘UFFS, PERFUMERY’ .iielimmul Hill, Feb. 2‘1, 1862. 169-8 dew": Ti":"!6 01;?” ‘Iumi'fj “i*Â¥?r$:;II‘jI'gl;zg _ ‘ III THE: » . - meco action? stories everissiieII- r ' u ___~._____~~_____.. ‘ “her is ivmg in ores an exm e A W r. . V .. :. . -. OILS VARNISHFS PAINT“ 81 ‘5 -.. . . .. . . .._ 4» . o C ieut iolilii,al events of the time shall have T. I . . i I . éTATmN F HY’ ’ i n o B E R T L A W s o N i s 5......9 u... u i. .0 it... pumice. ii... tillage of Richmond Hill ! TH BILLING . A D V E NTURES . J ‘ Vs” ‘-. 1 . id . ' ~ - " '- . . l ' ‘ ni.‘ ~- . , FANCY booosec. 8.0. s... ‘5 ‘0 W PURE ' esteem"::iu'igtltitti:::Ii..:::li,it;rila IN2.3.11:â€"’°::l.i"{timing Efrem; ivllfi‘liwl‘film $35312? afllfiifi - i i ' ' N _ N I I“ 1 US 811011, ll] addition 10 their “'(‘ll'OSlfibllhlli‘d I l" I ‘ I ‘ I i . .‘ cask yet partakes of a” the \I II I D In season. I E R 1‘ B a A literary. scientific, and theological Cliftl'iifllt‘l‘, actelLaI-L'cexofiil fél‘ell‘patilllldlloilfield/1201;222:5123? realm] Characmr of romance‘ ' 1 V i, i H ' h I ,. - I. i v , ~. I. I I I I I I . , I ‘ I‘ we iii-Io them upon the consideration 0 Ilie‘ II . ‘ I - I ' ’ ‘ ' ‘ ’ I ' 521 i with ancgg’qfuanygjzifeed goofy; m tho flew Slo’e “‘6 bubsmbe‘ ha“ Obnduded 1° 01"?" “l” l‘lie reason of which IS that ho wall not keep bad You in Stock, and is willing to reading public. [)oswsmon [fixeaiglolfm Januar)‘ 186" I v I I“ I3 . ~ .. t ' j I . Sell at a Fair Profit. ‘ - i E AIR [Air COPIE3_ q GI AI BARNARDI THRlLLllV GII: A P'V E N I‘D RES ' i ' - \J I .____.__. I~ , . . . ,, AMONG THE JAR Y.SETTLERS With .g I I 4 I I I I I I I I I r- toint of Advance ots bath the Richmond Hill. Dec. 5. 1861. I I108¢tf startling, vividne” brings before the mind}?! ' - R. L. has lately receiied Inn of an im-mrtmmn from London anland amonw British pub isheis gives additional value to i . i ‘ I- ' â€"J W“ .h ,Ir: mmp v . ’ r” ’ ‘ 5 these Rep'iiits, inasmuch as they can now be - the reader many a deed ofIblood and cum- ?” Which he intends to Put in cliarze of a competent Silesmau. and which will lie SJld at the vary it i L ‘ my Placed in the hands "1‘ subscribers about as . Jas' F' Bro ‘1 c n" 2531‘?;::: a scene heroism and Ipaiioin ' I I ' ' I 1 T r 1 I 1 soon as tlie'original editions. BROKER ' ' ' LOWEST PquEs FOR CASH ' It L AV I y i I i ‘ . . . . a " ‘ ' ' TERMS : ~ - _ ."_ LverIi attention Will be given to making this branch all that can be desired. 5' ‘L I I‘L J 3 ‘ I P”. mm EStatc and Genel a1 Agent" THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; ‘ _. lmlu‘llnfa’ a PM" CheS'S 0f For any one of the four Reviews,...... 3011 AGENT FOR A COUVSELLOR IN SICKNFSSI PA”: ‘ ~ - ' - ' i ' ' ..........'00 ' -" ? ' 9‘ " 4 ungérstIiliCiuIng tliIedpiitroniIge (Iil‘ liIiTIl'Iirmer t'neiidsIand customers, and the public generalli‘, the Japan, ttlini'zeoil‘tllfeflld:I'IESZlSXSS . . 'llll) galoutal Life {Aggnrancc Q10 AND DISTRESSI ~- 3 title , IWOllV state [131 III WI in, as format 3', his aim to sun l i in all cos 8 ARTICLES ’ '. . .6 ‘. . ~ . - -- " ‘y ‘ ' ~ ' ' . I . 1 ' ' S 3 u ' i r ‘ oftho BLSl QUALITY at LOW PRICES, ‘p l U “1"” 1“ “H m” d‘ 33° 1’” 11" Fl" a'l,'.°"i°f.‘:m 1‘°.,V'~°.W°" """ 3‘,“ 1 MAch HALL’ TOMATO "m" By Professor Henry S. ,Taylor 11.]! I _ IorIEI (kwood Mag 21 ie,.. .. . . . . . . . . . (t) TORONTO, 12 CI II P I $I 00 i A I - . , . , li‘o~ ‘l lv d dt R '. . . . . . . ... 500 v mo. 0t . rice . A '_ rah d H." \I I r ROBERT 11' HALL' Beware of Paintcdl‘ eas, “inch are no better than ponson |Foi-Bl::litiv:3d :iid iii: Rejiigb.,.....,‘7 no T? Mime" ‘0 Lend 0“ Improved Farm“ ’ . V nil-mop | . .iIâ€"arfi i, 1862. 171-4 ' For BlacltWood and three Roviews,. .. 9 0i) April 19. 1861. 125-1Y , , I - I ‘7.” K w m. :u- LHDâ€"AW” 7â€"777 ROBFR'I‘ LA V‘fQOV’h'; ~ I H i t t For Blackwoud and the tour Reviews.. .10 00 "WW S i *. ' ‘1 We 1 k isasn icpnce oge . a M, I 1: III thII I . - d - ~ I ‘ ~ NI W'RII'I'TEN in plain language. free‘t‘roIin om‘y minenbé’gzéfwzl Ztrptfrimc “we will l ! '.medi'cal ternis.-and 'tells you how to coat, , IHE AIIIIIIIII MIIGIIIIII or we YONGEISTI . Acres 0f Cigared Land ‘ g * ., Prepare drinks and .manage the sick‘ in. AGlUCUl.'l‘Ul’.AL scenery r i b ‘ ‘ ’ 3 5 B ! CLUBBING. - ' ~. .- ’ . , ~ " ‘h'old at'Mr. RICH’D 'NICHOI.LS’ llU'Il.L,“llâ€"l|.lcll‘3i 0N Lor No 41,‘ I , , ' '7‘ is A discount of lWel‘l.\'-five per cent from the l 'm") I l I I ' I ‘ men-d “a”; 0“. .Tu ESUAYI April-BI at three I ls,a Concession of Vaughan, above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering o’cl " ‘k, . . _ «. ~. ~ - w . ' ' .. ' ‘ '. ' s ' . ’ - ' , ' i. ,Iim p I; A B \R“ \R I I de a comfortable canvmfiem HOUSEI At ROBERT LAWSON S you can procure Pure bpices, all kinds of tiugars, Fruits, Zflxggr‘x‘mlcoeffing; 2:23!f'Lzlg’ilesmgiwlfigéifi Phe Cheape land He“ ». I I' i v i - ~ A I' U. bee. <55 Twas with BARN and SHEEP HOUe‘E, Tobaccos, Sauces. Pickles, American Cheese, Canadian Cheese, Candles, Soap. wood. or or one Review, Wm be sent to 0m, Ambrfltype all“ PhOtOgl'aph If h ‘ “ear” h.;§'m°tdi’°“i§‘ 3° Ricliinond'llill. “131131128, 1862. 174 2 SHEDS. &c.; a good orchard, Game” and B . c B . .h fI H l- dI OI w I Fl C I M . - “I III I (II I. II _ I II I Who I men, women an o i red are Isu you I __ I ioom., ius es, 0 u (in s, .it 1 ea , our, om L. cal. Dried Apples Prunes mil? 5 or $~ , 0U Bullies Ollhe four Renew * and rives the various sun to remedi a but ; Lawn. A never-failing .Stream runs through - , - - i i I - - ’ ’ d Bl. k (d 1- . I on . d G kLLE'QY IN CAVAD A ,. is . 1’ ° - i p . , Nllll every other article in the Grocer Line. at low prices. . a” "" W‘“ ”' 53‘ i a" so 0“' . I 1 i - i adapted to their cure. . , r- SM 1TH “e rollelll- I 7 I y I I I Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of , I - > ‘ . ‘ - ' " ’ " . iLate from Engh d) ’ ‘Al’l’ly m JOHN IFOGGlN. 1 0” will also find at LOBERT LA‘VSON S go‘laq Abernelby flnll‘Al'l‘OWI‘OOl BISCUllS United States postage. is AT Remittances for any ot'the above publications WRIT1 EN m plum langufiga'wffqeflfmm . . On the Premises. and Crackers. l‘l'liolesale and lit-tail also all kinds of Confectioner the whole beino N'~l3'â€""-Tl10 P1100 in Great Britain 0f the fly '1 ‘ i ' i ‘ ’ TAYLOR-’8 FAMILY IS General Blaclismlth, Vaughan. March 7, 1862. l7l-tl'. oi' the best manufacture. and sold cheap, I I t D Periodicals above noun-d is $3l per anuum, V. ! 7 EGS to iiiiiiInain to the, Farmers and othprsI l" w I. iOBERT LAWSON‘S place of business 15 should always be addressed, post-paid, to the mend?“ mimlgl and maysfimi_mye‘y(:n.':“? _ in the neighborhood. that he has leased I {COP} .) I I, . I 1 Publishers, TORONTO, BllggdaI'N man.) “mas‘ 6 WS‘ 0 “6 0° " ,Ifqrn term of years the Blacksmitli’s Shop, ‘INOticc iq £161.91) (“1",- l 192 Klflg-St. East. Mar “10 Market, Next 0001‘“) the Hotel. LEONARDI SCOTT & COI _ vet} o It wants it, 'ounqd bud lately occupied by Mr. S. Sanderson, " k ’ y '1 6] Toronto prmar 10 1862 " i V .1 68 _ Nth-54 GOld Sire“, NBW Yorki ‘ v ne‘urlonpposito the post office. Richmond Hill,i THAT MAllTlN MACLEOD will apply to ‘ ’ 7 y A" h I ’ V r V New Yuk Dec r, [.6] . . ~ ', “Imre..he imwds m cam on me mavksmim-mg; me no,“ Sash,” of ‘heipmvinciai pamm ",MMM, . . - . . _ prop‘i-ieloi- and Pi-niCipal Operator ~ 1 . their support. tween the Townships of Kiner and Vaughan. mul’ m any case Otipues’ Bums’ Scams! Old 50"“, U U on application” I Inflamecl or Sore Eyes. Eruptions on the Skin, and h thusiness'in all its branches and he Iioiius [w I' ment for an Act to confirm his title to the Road 7 \1 ________ Vfi- w‘ ‘i Toronto April 19, 1861. 125-1 - BOOKS embrace 9th" walls or great "I'm attention and punctualitrLcombined thll’lllS allowance butting his farm, lot 61. in the lst " A GOOD THING‘ . ’ - - y um; m” be {b-und m~ our primed entail-mad“. 4; 02d Country” experjvuch [a 0.6,.“ a share of concession of King, being the [ownJine be. V . DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth . 811 Which Wlll be forwarded tb an". address D . Richmond Hill, Marc); Q7I JRGQI 174 “I in the first concessionrgranted to him by the AN . every case where an ointment is useful. It will to CORDS 0F OAK STAVE County Council of York. . l7ll-3m mmel‘diMIr’aner on "N' ' I I TIMBER, Cash on delivery. ‘ ’ ‘5 :;..:; . NONCE â€"â€"~ ,. _ GENERAL STATIONERY, I _ _ . Apply n. e .i. mmsor. Ellis .PEQlel‘P 3' FREAIT .. , - _‘_ I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVr-Ni . .. .. . . .. . ,. . Winchester’s llypoliliosphitcs PM Md" mazwmiinréifid in 73113353311 $3133.33? LL indebted to a” Panies indebwd to “I” Egmte of AT l , ‘ Richmond 150‘3l, and which will be forwarded to any a. I SIMSUN. either by Note or Account. l I Um late IMAJUIR JNU. lllIJT'EON~3"e TeI' Richmond Hill, Decen1hcr‘2ti, 1861. [60 (DRI Cnvkcmmys SPECIFIC REMEDY» on application. v - will please call and settle the some below the quested 10 pa) the same on 0i belore the lot , _ I . _ (’ W 0 lSthAPRlL next, and save expeiisos‘. il iioâ€" I any of Al’l’tll. next; and also all these who »«-‘ ‘ ‘ v N v ' CONSUMPTION. ‘ "‘ ’ ‘thing eISP. Ain- persons having claims have any claims against the said Estate, are H 1% Eff? Nerve”, chiltt‘I/I Envy-um and DyspcpsmII ( HAT a“ parsmls owing DIII James La" _ _ i I , , .I I against the aforesaid Will Ipioase seiid'in their? requested to hand in their Accounts for set- ‘ ‘ - Rig; ‘ ' y . Brandiillsi ‘S‘C- - -[‘ “alf- W'” find it ‘0 lhelr advantage to bf” TEEKS "Accounts. tlement belbie the said time. to the under- . ‘ I ‘ ’ ‘ «um and pay as seen aspossible. . _ _YV‘ ° “mi” 9 1° agentsfind 0mm" II IIII , I_ . Si nod Executors, l ~- I is the 111.03! wundcr {uniting (1 'cnt _____iw_______’__; ' 1“ quamIHBISUn VBI'ylibernl 1811113: Uneq’ualledI . .MAsrimc Aims HONL. Z g r i g - 'n l I l ' ‘ “l1 1 ‘ . WELEMADE AND Dunmmmv. h oquFoRDis 'l‘lM()TllY.\1()‘lltOE. Ex 't .. I“ ' " 901‘“ cures "1 "W"? WV!“ ° inl’fillml’l'm‘ K .. . . ‘. ,. * ‘2' , : VI RICHMOND “lle HENRY [‘EVin-{I g cm org MAY BE HAD 0F “UNl’AltAl.l.ELEl) IN THE ANNAle 0F the” “"mduclldn “VeryWhef'e' ' .I , . . I i ' i s: - . ‘ ‘ . u. , I LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ! - Buttonvme. Feb. 13,1862. 168-6r- .I II in tin ’ ‘ llhgli’iilf’uriii}illii’ils’llii.iÂ¥iigfli§.§3in: I I . I . I I d I. 6' . I ~â€"â€"â€"~ ~â€" â€"â€" r ~~~~~ . ‘li: '11 ‘1 . 'II it. .14, i II t '1. i: ' I I I I I II I . I I ,' ltlESDS. (oyou Wisi. in t iese very iaIr imI's p . i‘ ‘i ‘ " 7' . HIS ASSOCIATION has transrerred the“. I 'lllid for S116 “mm” “mm” mm M“ Maul “mm La“,in as an all] 0 tsmermgl lam-ad“ , F To get the full worth of your dollars and Til-1111's :4 _ ‘LlBRARYI to the ‘ HVRALU ' Book Store. a r‘ , r1? g bQ .51 l l d '” k0 t d ' I i r116 fly!)0p!l()sl)ll Ites ’ dim“? :BUOR XV.” be fumiShed to agems ’3'” when. where Stockholders and others may procure “E Sullscrlher Offers for Sale 0“ “3501* J J u ‘UlIlfIfll‘I mg on Hm ’ or WI ma ' O or er to sun Purc‘lasers' and of me Have a two-liold and specific actionâ€"on the D0 3'0“ W15“ lOIP‘iml‘aISé “‘5 Pm“: and be“ (afizgfignglng::gulg:fi:la;tennfii Ull??”°‘¥ BQIOIIiS every Friday afternoon. l'rom 4 to 8 . able ‘5‘““5: ‘ be“ "1mm"! 5’ ’ (We “and. “term-“"2 “‘9 I’l'lncll’lo Wl‘lCh CON' {SIM Clwmfasé M 290d“? yonrsfil‘f Er 5031;??95” their contents 'a certain dud r‘dVSid islzi‘o‘llfii'qu' ’c oc . Pl. ’ " ' " ‘ r ‘ VEI hV iU ‘ EMF;va . I ’ icn go o RAWFORI) sâ€"Ivou n ie II II I iI I II . _ II . A. SCOTT Librarian. écfifisnggl‘aflci HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRlPTlON- iihlgiiili-Lbbiin: the ilUSl‘ Piiwiiiii‘uoi‘: We‘lldéserves his{5"eflll’0l‘11l8'ltfi’é . II M“ ““‘°d“°“°“ everl""he"°° ' I I I ’ "Hillel 011 :0 L 0. L ). In 10 Year 0 18 l ‘ 7 ' ) a i “ i ‘- I I ' ‘ .\ w v- \I i i- \ xv I: '[‘,.;As (,fe'a‘ch brand lrom [he iIiwe'ri’ la‘li I‘ s’rnlchmond H'": Feb‘ 27‘ 1861- > conceSsion ol the township of Vaughan, and A" assor'mem of V‘ H” 5" LAth‘S’ &c' commnfly “n llmld- “I‘OUHGL‘V hATl‘VG Abuvrb KNOWN ' I - I . . I ~ . .. . - i 0 [id illd.‘l_ri)s'é‘scellled zeihyrs bland; , Y ’ ; " ’ ’i ' ' m m “w vi'laae of ThanPSVIHe- For further Collars warranted to Fit, Look & -W’ezii‘ VVe‘lla mm" mm“ “mmmawl’d "mm‘y "‘ “” (’i‘liiitiiosldo-:Hyson. it... rich i’ekoe, $1000 A YEAR ‘ IS BEING general morbid co‘ndiiions. such as Chronic 2, I , r 1 particulars apply to , I ., ~ k \ . w .. . . . _ The best of Green end the l'am’ Bohea‘.‘ ' - MADE b," many ellitel‘pl‘lil'l‘lfl men in the $810 "I E l O If‘ JOHN VELIE. sen. Also, Iceptfor Sale Patterson & BFO 8. Plows, Points, Landstdes‘, 8’6. Human“ ' A Lhma‘ 500mm malasmué' Ana Come to Criin i'd’s. and i'ou’ll agree 01' “ the People's Great Books." Unoqualled’ min.- Female Complaints. doc... and in all dis- LOt 19 2nd can. Vflummn' (V ‘ . ' ~ ' ' r ' ‘ ~ " " ‘- fi ‘ ' l "1‘ ‘ in mechanical ex cutie ' ll ' ’l " f I. I ' " ll ? .all and lbxaiiiine a ‘N' , . ‘ “R Orders ol the Nervous or Blood Si'steins. Their Y0“ "69° 93“ Ille' "0‘ CIleall‘“ 19" s _ . , V ‘3 ,,“‘ as w? 35 V3 “9 ° T1544. 0 February 95' 1962’ 170-4 1 'l , I t N1 RABBI-EON k1 ell’cct upon the tuberculnr condiiion is immedi- Tl") “new or com” Al“- va'” ‘0 competed: their .comgmfifl 05%!“ and mind sale {OIWW‘ ' i ' [\lclnnond th’ Odom”. 17’ 1861' 151-3'm “flea” [he (renal-.11 Svnunomg diguwearmg Crawford has Coffee that can’t be beat: their introduction everywhere ‘ I=Ir ' I ' l u .5" Ft. ‘. " ‘( ’ " . .'. ' . ' I .II'. , . Hi No- ~~â€"â€"râ€"~ «mi 7 W- _I,,,_,_ _ _Iâ€" with a rapidity which is really marvelous‘_ ’le 8101734119. ’US fies“, ,US gOOd. . Chm-» f V 1 '1 V - _ hi i 7 i 7“ V I ’ w W ‘4‘ TI ' ' ' ‘ tl ’'t l ‘ - - And combines the virtues ol' meat and food. . i. .i. Q EAT, If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing C U 1 1 In R S C [J ' ‘ J‘E S U'lv S “pt: C;I:é;fr§::::rs:gIIZIS‘i“missing; He has SUGARS IIS sweet as “Is purest mafiIIaI A ., I _ I K 3 the blood, and for bilious complaints, Sick Headache, ~ . . ~ ' . - . - . . Fresh from the canes of lio'uisiina. MADE [3v manv eniernizin "mefi ‘5“ the 331:; . ‘ " v Costi vencss &~. vo should so BRIGGS’ INDIAN th’l"cmlal'0“i ""1Hove “'9 Ai’Pm'wO 371651 ‘ . t . I - r ~ l E: I : I'. “A . Is the plate in lei into, to ho} pure VEGBETABJIE LEIIJE‘MLLSI 3' . AT THR DI.II.I,}I(B.II and WOHWO refreshing S‘BepI A Cocoa, Chocolate, B-iisins and IprIce. I ?f .iIthe [)eop‘eys Gram Books}, Unemmnad FALR TRIAL 15 A CERTAIN QUREI Vinegar. l‘ICleS. Crackers and Rice; . in mechanical execution, as well as vol 9 of T T ~ I 1 I I I I , Soup of the "splits ultra brand; I . their contents a-cei-tain and ra“ id Ealdil'b owe Uh WIEChSSter’s Gen-“me P'epa‘atmn l The equal oliwlllClI can’t 136 (timid ill lhelandi their introduciion over’vwh‘e‘re.tP : = - é . .______ ' OF THE llYl’Ol’lIOSl’l-HTES is the onlv Currants and Raisinstliatcan’t fail to, pleaseâ€" . -' . v. - i - F1. . i-elianle form of Dr Churchill’s Remedy. and is The Sweetest or flutter, the finest of Cheese; - ' M I r i :0» i G “loneâ€"E " appmvcd hi the Medical "rofessioii generally, And then the Tobacco-shut ennuglrdf details, A lilllll i iiiii Till. ' O P'onlv because the p1'0pl‘let01‘.El)W A lt 1) l LAWSONJS one of the oldest and most experienced Tembw ers in ‘th "adeI but (mm I I I I _ I . I . I. I I . . I USE N1) ()Tlll‘lR. UR ANY REMEDY (3051â€" lo satisfy customers Crawford ne’er tails; ~ . , t, . , . ~ , I.- . the‘facl that he ptlfl'llthes his 'i'eas in such' I limit "Spectlully to inform his Fiienls and the public generally, that he [AINHG “‘UNI I I His gouds are “,9 best”in his ppm-63 you,“ find 31:31:? :12)? Ienteigrzipggompnwn {huge quammesvat m6 Cargo salesI thereby em I as 0" “111d 3 quantity 0f I ll; Pincus :â€"1n 7 02. Bottles, $1-6 Bottles A e such as to leave éotiipetiiion behind! e “fined in ‘medlgpisl . r a . (“5' ,I' "w “bung IIIIII III SE” III II very ._ t ' - for $5. In 16 oz. I Buitles. $2â€" “tree for $5. ‘ ' “so by H iNo ' ' ’ viilue of their cb'iileii‘ts ‘thsnld ambit? I - ;_II»I. ..Ii IIII I u “I - I . I I _I I I I I I Circiilais gratis. .Solil byell ieepectable Uriig- -~ . '1 “A ‘ " ~ . ,. - '1 - .- 3...; SMALL AD VANCE ON COST. é “ l. . "t i , "“ii.’ ’“l'R l. u i. . iw-f .. . a: me sole Gene-ran Depot in me SPfCED 3131914 «l OTHER HAMS sa‘” “mm” me” “‘“’°"“°“°“ “‘“Y‘H'm' " ‘ ‘ ~ ~~ “W “Willi! ‘llllll li‘ Llmi “tummy “Mg-m “ml u United States. by ‘ ’ ' . . ; v . YarmouthBloaters,Fi110n Haddiesdzc .. - : « 5 i ‘ i ' ,: I I I I _ VJ. WlNLHEliIER,38 301]llSt.,N.Y. DUGMID CRAWFORDI ._ “ Hm” HE W ILL SELL ‘ comer (if Young and Agnes‘lisuems‘ OF the People’s Great Books find by th‘éimlv i TIiE SPECIFIC PILL !’ Toronto. Och-31, 1861. I ‘ 153â€"tt'. among your neighbors. I pron-pod; Iwiinw A SPECIFIC Rummy Fou ______. them. “-.Fu~1fiIlliiig the old adage " Large Sales. Small 3 Profits and Quick Returns ;” a'so in FEES, SUGAliSi "We believe it to be as near a ‘Spocific ’ as 0” hl‘" hemlo‘dre- ~~i i-iii‘ '. " r ‘ . ‘ ‘ - I'- _ . . S €r77t'aflorr/wior eitimil. H?" 'c ‘ .‘ 3 3 my-“ 1 e » I . r - ,. “gal-ii? «'i'? -Flultss bp‘c‘JS j “‘“li : , I Itltl’ndlllg PurcliuSei's Will do Well to ' pGe/‘aifu/ Edda/33o"? in elf/i??? ' 1 IMPORTANT' '* " j " ~‘ e . ' ‘ . 1; .II . I . i . " ‘ .- ' ' ' " ' DRWISTAR'S PULMONIC SYRUm ' 'i . '.' ' . 1- ..; u. -; AND -- - “ ~ I .I 62’? Give Him a Call Before I’m-chasm 2; Elsewhere, 1 . . . ~â€" . . commended. for Coughs. voidsAstnmescilfiiilga. SEN-D FOR. $50“ 0: . I I I I . . II I I I I I I I » 11115 is the only remedy (0,. Sexual Dehnim all diseases of the Lungs and Throat: 25 cenflfil l 0F the People 8' Great ooks and try the " I ! I ~II As an inspection of a good Article ISIall that isrcqiiired to ensure it sale. ImpoiIeuci-I. Sieripiy, &c.. Wlllcllllas the up- bottlo among your neighbors". Everybody Would . i I ‘- “Q‘I II I_ “53% ._ _ _~.__._l Prove 0| He Aliieiical profession. its success ___.____________________. them; ’ - - I : ’ â€" -» a . v ~ - . i ‘- w r: The re ill ll i ; z t . . '. . - I , has been mostextruordinaryâ€"efibctingcures in . - ~ -, '3 1-4.1 i i i , - He cannon be un‘lelmld l . 1hb (‘ Emu-15h fillpt‘r‘lOl'll;0Fll?:1{iiiitlie- Pimbhbhmcm Should 'sumce the Pumm a; to the gases where all Ulllel‘lllelllllds 01' treatment lied " “I‘m-7' ' 5 i ‘7, I V I ‘ “5 "5 " mt“ _ I iiilod. One to six boxes oftlie SPECIFIC _. ,' II N | - - ’I ‘ I - .' ' Unionvme DECEIIIIIEI‘ r) 1861 I I ~ I [JILL Wm permanently cure any case ol'Seini- . HE ubscriber. in returning thanks to his i: ‘H i L ‘ " ‘ I’ l ' ’ ' "31 Weakne-‘S. or its resulting Impotencm ' - numerous l'iiends. begs to intimate lo the OE lhe ‘09P 5.5 (“eat ""0 '9' a" “'3”! 9- i I . 4" c; '._~:: . - ‘ I ' r - . ‘ ' huso or excess. that he has removed them- I _ -. ., . - I ‘ I T " i 4‘ 3 ‘ ’ ‘ ' aTISUIg Iron] a . 4 >2 ‘ l V i ‘. ~ : w .‘y .-; ' r: » tr: ta *"' .‘L‘ 3 :3“: .i; '.. mismpaesed for quality and price, all being Cents per GallflnI I l. 0 I' IMPORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMONY. INTO HIS NEW HOUSE 1 "i h ,7: . I . i. . . , ’I‘yaiiul'aietui'ed‘Ioii the premises, from the best . _ I I I I I I I I 0'“ _ ' ' ' u[ h I I. d . . . Irfi. -” - ”1 ~ .‘ , a .' ’9 i - -. ‘ ' . I ‘ i ‘ ' ' ' f Ipaterinl,.by. first-Class. workmen. lead and W.“”a“‘°d Genume or the moxie-l mlmned' ‘ 'RS. CAMPBELL'begs to intimate that her T case's Ol‘RSv;81‘l-lll::ll01:\l'liul Slam 'C[ P; m‘ man“ 0."? door SfmthI orI.M" “Tut‘o” ‘3 baddle’Iy ' S 4 I I II II I I I II ‘ \I 7 I‘, I I II I I I I . ‘I 9 . 1 ea, on Wititie mostper. bliop, whole by stiict application to business ANY dd “ta 9 d onrec I ‘of if“ r- '- > . omamem‘ed » & § Isd'ztélw'xlgll‘E‘UPENu“ MO‘1dflyi-lanu' m “HEN feet success. - ' and sludvino' to please he hopes to merit it Am A ress' p i g pm I pp; p L ~2- II ,I I. ‘ 9 ary 611 lb “. new wnl' be taught as here- r i :1 HJ. M v N , ; 3 _D, l, [J D n ‘ , ‘. h i i- ‘ - y i t "638’ .-~ . Other calies CORNER OF YONGE AND QUEEN “'3”, 150mm?“ tot‘nri; his usual branches of use-fill education. Richmond. Hill and .Thornhill. mm 8mm Rs, 1 i ' l ’ commu‘me or we buppo” so Imam“) besmwed JOHN' PlyPTERi‘ET‘l’h-gl‘flu TERMS‘:~â€"Bom‘d and Tuiiou in the Higher ~ For further particulars apply to' ' :Ahwuys on hand or made. to order in' any style “Email”? I I I I I I.’ . I. I I I I I any niedlciiie can he. \Ve hove cured Iiiiany . i ' . 7 H 5 i l V “ r ' (I I _ . I I â€".i..' _j ._ I , “I I 2 3 r i - ' , ' ‘ ' '. . . . i .'. - ‘i i * ‘ . ' . . I II; Orders by, mail-and: otherwise, attended m Cheapest htOCk 0f Lamps ! »RICIImOIId HIII Jan 1 1860 162 III (I ,dfiIII. J. 30 ,Isgu thol’iemilsgs. B.IIKIi~.;I1IiIi:II; “f::aetlSIIZSIJ:IIIT}ITLINIEiIdscliglfis. "0“ch and in the latest NyleI r 1‘ ' ~ , i . l ., ' » .. . . . 4. . - 'ic mn i . , _ , '. . , ‘, _ , ’ ‘ . i - w ' - ' ' .I.:gizgisgghcléaIf::LdfigggboplsiztgsifiI1:52:38 ~ In Canada. - I ’_an ’ ' b ;lf_ sired. 'l heir efiei-t hasbeeii truly Wonderful.â€"- JAMES B» BURNES, ANY fiddle”? 1I’°ISt§g° Pfl'd 0“ 130911)? °fl_’"°°‘ . . . I .. . h i I ‘- -""”* E. P. l)ii'xr:ii;M D.” v , Twill”. 'Adddfisyi?-( .. - A v , t LPr l“ them“ “must c for $316. [1? This is not a Hm'nmpathie Remedy,- nor ifliichmondI Hill; Oct_ Id, 1861; 1861-3111 " ' l I'lOH‘N EVPOT‘TER‘ PUBL'SHER’ ' i ' ‘ v: on a: m m a; 3 int ‘3: a; > > > > > k: c 9, c .o .. «â€" E- i- 1- 2'â€" w w m m u: . . . . . A“) . e... _-. i -- . ' ' ' - t ‘ ~ - ' ‘ . i i - - n vour n'ei libero" i Eitefi'bod “’W Ii‘ " ‘ 1 , v .â€"- . c.-t‘ ' ’ â€" ' ‘~ “"4;- “fr-“I”jâ€"~-~*â€"~w---~---r~«â€"~‘~â€"â€"~w~sâ€"~â€"- .. however aggravated, wheinerconstitutional. or lturhabltal‘ls 01 limllmolid Hill and Vicmity. amo- g - g " ‘- 3" a! _’ :.-.I-@©WE@TLL©NAEJE&Y I 9 . . it I . I I . I 1 THE SIIIIISCIIIIIIIII oflIIéIIs IIér ssIIIe II: VIeIIyI a“. were anEIiIImeIOuIV 0}.olhm.dcleteflous mgre‘ MW“ II I _ I _, .,. », “,i :NOiiGIT Sinsom SL, Philadelphini PIL I Remember the Place-f- I. II II In endless variety, Latest Improvements as GAPRGLING OIL SUPERSEDEDi l Polio" Dm'k “31' j , “Bufcigilfiinelge:[€2,331 [3,}; home {0}. $1; g). -‘ ‘ I ' A I i ii. a : ’ . I I i I _ _ R'lsGS’ BLACK on; k i i b, iiw'bd ' ‘ ' ‘ . ‘- ’ , . 1 ' . . I i . "i . '- . i - - ' .' : ' ' " ,1 No. 93 mgcgsmm, s... o. ,wIIjIen 33:35:;53334::vigIrfgngIIII III Eggpgin. fiqGfi-Yod IMIAIIftfi. 33:535-213.“ 5;;55333;;aggésvgwgie .tiiieieircitiriz horticui’iitiir SINGLE COPIES; SENT. T9: - I I ; ~ ' - I J I, , Ic i, i; now core c . Iic o; isin Ii'eai's- ' . o ' ra‘ve ‘er en w't tit “i ' ~ . I“ 6pc! 111 10 ' ' ; . W . . -; ' ' '- ~ .t ' i recei to rice - ' * . WARD "LAWSPS “W Sick-aid tissues. w urine to bomb... F... Wt... um.- i. ‘ ° Unwed ,States._bt, - westernmost“ Tm“ S“ V .=2bÂ¥.:3,dl°”“ip°‘ ‘i‘g°»"“' °‘ . " I F b 5 BC 9 ' I Corner of Yonge aiid‘Q’tieeIii StSL, .. Priceflocents per bottle. sold' byfllx- a'lei‘i‘i’in‘ . . W. H, CLAY} J WINCHESTER- 35-1011" SlnNoYo ' r .. JOHN E' POTTER) PUB'ZISREE’ .‘ " 1. £1011 0: 0 - ! 1 ‘2- 7 157-6!" ITomitO. December 10. labl- 159-lv 730?“??? Thornbill, February 4, 1862- 67-4 New York, Dec, 12, 1861' 159.1“ Sold by W, S. POLLOCKLRlCltmODd Hill, No. 617 Sansom St , Pmludz-lphia, a

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