WNWDEBT or inconoaiv.‘ Said John unto his wife one day. I’m sorry. dear, to ï¬nd. That with two hundred pounds a year We’re getting much behind. The butcher’s bill remains unpaid. And Scales, the grocer’s. too; And Brown, the baker. writes that he Shall be compelled to sue. Duns daily press and bother me To settle trifling claims; And when I strive to put them off. Each one my conduct blames. They say that I’m extravagant. Or well might pay my way; But that my threadbare suit denies. Enjoy what thoughts they may. Excuse me. wife. but don’t you think You might contrive to make. Say. thirty pounds a-year suffice For dress, just for my sake? It is not that I grudge you, wife. One fraction you expend; God knows my sole desire is thisâ€"â€" To make of debt an end. I ï¬nd. on looking at my books. That sixty pounds last year V‘Vas spent on dress and ï¬iiery, For you alone, my dear; Now add to this our housekeeping, Rent, taxes. servants’ wago’; And not a penny will be left. I mournfully presage. I'd rather, for my own part, wear A suit of humble gray, Than turn a patient creditor Without his cash away. I feel ashamed to meet the man Who hands me an account, And anxiously, but vainly. asks Me for the small amount. ’Tis not the plea of income small Will justify delay; I had no right t’ contract the debt Without the means to pay. True. very true, therefore, good wife, Our course is straight and plain; We must economise forthwith. Or still in debt remain. m \ . _ _._._.~__.,. Jilirrrllunruur, get free, lodgings;Comiii .w..__ "7f; theft. --:mf‘ it a petty To discover your friendsâ€"Ask them to endorse. To discover who is honestâ€"Edit a hive- paper. A false friend and a shadow attend only when the sun shines. MAN AND CLIMATE. Bayard Taylor. the justly cele- brated Amiericnn traveller, has re- cently delivered a lecture on the above subject in t"c city of Hamil- ton, in the course of which he sets forth that “ nothing can change the woolly hair to straight nor straight to woolly.†This assertion is con- trovcrtcd in a letter bv Mr. A. Crawford Wailshc|,officinting Chap- lain to one of the Regiments which have lately arrived in the Province. Mr. Walshe says :â€" ' “ Those who have taken the trouble to observe it, are n ware that in eVCi‘y species of animal under a change of condition has a corres- ponding change in its organic and physical developments. Sheep came originally from Africa, but on that continent the animal is covered with hairinstcnd of wool, and it is only by a transition to colder climates that its becomes woolly, and on a return to the torrid zone these ani- mals shed there wool, which is re- placed by hair, as in the case of those imported into the West Indies from England. . But this law of na- ture in the brute creation, is exactly the opposite in the human race. for the heater man comes to the Equa- tor so does his hair becmiie more and more of a woolly character. " I have noticed the Negro in tho slaVc markets of Egypt on the East and West coast of Africz . in Negro villages, near Halifax. Nova Smile; and I have served in the West In- dies. in garrison, with the lst West India Regiment, composed of Afri- can Negroes. “I have therefore been able to make myself acquainted with the Negro physiological appearance in his own arid and intensely hot coun- try, as Well as in the humid islands of trophical America and the gclid regions of the North. “ In the tr'Oplcs, the Ncgro's head is covered thickly with crispy, curl ing and short wool ; lllS boncs are large ; he is flatfooted , his feet and hands are immense iii pi'oportioi‘i to his stature ; his face is broad. unin- tollcclual. but ofu vcrv sensual cast; nose flat and nosrrils extending al- most from car to cur; his lips thick, and skin jet black. On the other hand the Negroes of Nova Seotizi, who, I understand have been settled there for upwards of a century, dif’. fcraltt‘rgethcr from their brethcrn resident within the l"opics ;for their features exh‘bit none 01' the African cast, and approximate more to those of their white neighbors. They are strong. robust. active and well-pro- 1:21;†yea†donevlerybzmn Elnlncfllll’ pertioned. Thc ricgrcsscs arc grea, ie.ion.in lie am welltogetnei-. Sprighflv and no, “prawncd. The There is a current belief that the wolf Is never more dangerous than when he feels sheepish. hair ofbotb sexes is toleratva long and smooth; certainlv it neither crispy nor woolly as the Ethiopians, and the color of tllcil‘ bodies brown. And as a proof of their is ThOSc who occupy the highest stations often think with regret of some pleasanter J. GORMLEY. " COMMISSIONER 1N QUEEN’S BENCH, Conveyanc'r and Auctioneer, LoT 31. 4TH Con. Mnmtium. September 18, 1860. 95-tf Auction N (31:100. THOMASâ€"IIOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK «5L PEEL. All letters addressed to “Aliiiira.†P.O. wil receivo prompt attention. Orders received at the “ York lleraldâ€()fIiCn, Richmond Hill; ‘ Mr. Henry Lemon, Tliornhill. and Mr. James ,Cavniinalt, Mansion House, Sharon. where Terms. doc. may he obtained. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. GQ-tf CHARLES TAGGART, CONFECTION 112R. ‘ BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT BIKER RICHMOND HILL- Ptc-nic Parties & Tea Meetings Attended and supplied on reasonable terms. Richmond Hill. June 24. 1861. 135-tf Eiivo Troughs, Writer Shouts, Cistt‘ons and Pumps, Manufactured and for Sale by JOHN LANCSTAFF, Srmn MILLS, 'I‘nonsnum. June 3. 1859. 2741' By Dr. E. c. EDMONDS, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcauized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession. performed in the picst approved manner and Warranted' Aurora. March 9. 1860 67-lv N W . G . TA Y L O R. VETERINARY SUB-GEO Member oft/Lo Royal College of" VS. 1 N Returning thanks for the liberal crimmrago- ment heretofore received begs to intimate that he is now prepared to treat all Biscases of dinimals .' At his own stables on the shortest notice, and can Will] confidence warrant. a cure in allczcvss Ivitliin the reach of medical skill and treatment. Residence~~~ZVcar {he Eagle Hotel. N.B No Charge for Stabliug. Newmarket, Feb. 26, 1669. AL EX. H ENDERSON (LATE FROM ENGLAND.) PRACTICAL BLOCK &. WATCHMAKEH, JEWELLER, &c. . RICHMOND HILL, C.W. II., iii offering his services to the inhabi- A. tents of Richmond Hill and Vicinity. begs to state that they may depend on getting their work Well done. from the tact that he has had 25 years experience in some of the first- class houses in L'mdon. Yorkshire, and Lan- casbire, he hopes. by strict attention to buSiness and moderete charges, to gain the support of the public ’ 170-1y WORK \VARRANTED FOR ONE YICAR. one they left below. Plough deep while sluggards sleep, and you will have corn to sell and keep. It is no misfortune for a nice young wo- man to lose her good name if a nice young man gives her a better. A Corkonian, on being asked at break- fast how he came. by ‘ that black eye,’ said he ‘slept on his fist.’ The editor of the Brz'rlglmz Reporter, speaking ofa Lyceum entertainment, says ‘ the hall was lighted tip by the smiles of fair women and by kerosene lamps.’ ‘ \Vhat is the femenine of Hero 7’ asked ‘ Shem .†was the prompt answer’ which took the a pcdugogue ofa young hopeful, dorninie all aback. The Dubuque (Iowa) Times tells of a little girl in that place who went into a large drug store, and walking up to the proprietor, asked, in a half whisper, ‘Ifa little girl liaint got no money, how much chawni’ gum do you give for notlnn’ l’ ‘ I suppose,’ said a quack, while feeling the pulse of a patient who had reluctantly submitted to solicit his advice :‘ I sttpposc you think me a bit of a humbug ?’ ‘ Sir.’ gravely replied the sick man: ‘I was not aware until now that you could so readily discover a man’s thoughts by feeling his pulse.’ V‘v’hen General Lee was aprisoner at Albany, he dined with an Irishman. Be- fore entering upon the wine, the General remarked to his best, that, after drinking, he was apt to abuse Irishiuen, for which he hoped the hosl would excuse in ad- vance. ‘ By my soul, General, I will do that,’ said his host, ‘ ifyou Wlll excuse a trifling fault which I have myself. It is thisâ€"whenever I hear a man abuse ould Ireland, I have a sad fault of breaking his sconce with my shillvlzigh !’ ,The Gen» eral was civil during the whole eveninv. ABSENCE OF NIIND.â€"-L0rtl Dudley was one of the most absent men. I think. I ever met in society. One day he met me in the street, and invited me to meet thyself ‘ Dine with me to-dayw-dine with me, and I will get Sydney Smith to meet you.’ I admitted the temptation held out to me, but said I was engaged to meet him elsc~ where- Another time, on meeting tile. he, turned back. put his arm through mine, muttering: ‘ I don’t mind walking with him a little way; I’ll walk with him as far as the end ofthe slreet.’ As we proceed- togther, \V passed. ‘ That is the vil- lian,’ exclaimed he, ‘ who helped me yesâ€" ' tcrday to asparagus and gave me no toast.’ He Very nearly upset my gravity once in the pulpit. He was sitting immediately under the, apparently very attentive, when he suddenly took up his stick, as if he had been in the Housc‘of Commons, and tap- ping on the ground with it, cried out in a low but very audible whisper: ° Hear! hear! hear !’ ' mental capacity, more than one of then. recently took high honors at Cniribridgc. ‘In order to carry out furthur thcsc vio ws, lot as contrast tht ln- diaus of Canada with those now lo- cated on the north-cost corner of the Island of Trinidad. The former have long. soft. silky rnir. a light brown skin, small hands and feel with a pleasing nppciirnncc ; whilst those at Trinidad have an Iiiicoiricly lcok, large bones. flit fch, heavy eyes, thick lips. expansive nostrils, hair crispy and of a wotilly nnlurc. And their colour is almost as dark as the AfriCnu Negro’s. " The Jews in temperate latituâ€" ties are a fair and well proportioned as the most favored nations aii’iongst Whom they sojourn ; whilst, observe them in Africa, or Arabia, 0r India. and they are as dnl‘k as the nutivcs. Their hair, too, is of a hard, crispy and Woolly character, and without inquiry one cannot distinguish them from the rest of the cmriiiiuuity.-â€"-â€" And lastly, the pure Portuguese of Genoa are perfectly blacks, with very large features and crispy wool ly hair.†HOW To PRESERVE THE TEETH.â€"-â€" The mouth is ti very warm placeâ€"â€" ninety degrees Fahrenheit. In this nortlicru climate we seldom have a temperature so high in the shade. Even at ninety. beef.will begin to decompose Ill twenty-four hours.â€" Thc particles of bccfand other food dinner begin to purify before dinner the next day. If you pick the tooth, the odor'of the breatli'testifics to de- Con'iposiliou. With this management. we ought not to be surprised that the gums and teeth should become the subjch of diScase. What is to be done? 1st. Use the tooth-pick (goose quill) after each meal. Follow with a mouthful or two of water, to re- move the particles the tooth-pick mnv have left behind. 2nd. Every morning, on rising, use the brush and castilc soup. With these Simple things tho- roughly done, you Will preserve the teeth to old age. Lord Cockbtirn was sitting on a bill side at Bonnlly wrlh a shepherd, and observing lhc Sheep reposing in the coldest situation, he observed, ‘John if I were a sheepl would lie on the other side of the hill.’ The shepherd answered, ‘Ay. my lord; but if ye had been a sheep ’had mair scuxc.’ which are left hcthcn the tooth tlI ' N .3 Work done on the shortest artifice Shop next door to the “ York Herald †Ollice Richmond Hill, Nov. 7. 1861, 145- 'I'IIE AURORA IIASIIXIC QUADRILLE BAND! S now open to receive engagements on li~ bcralterms. for ally number, to suit the convenience oflarge or small parties. Applications to Mr. WM. IRFLAND. at Aurora. or Mr W. WILLIS, 3rd Con. \Vhit- church. NJ}. Also. a SAX-HORN BAND may be had on application. Aurora. Nov. 2. I860. 100-3m C. W. COLEMAN. WATC HMA K 1*] R 82 JEWELLER. so. 283 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, b Repairing in all its branches properly at- tended to. All Work warranted. N.B. An assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Fancy Goods kept on hand. Toronto, Sept. 6, 1861. HIST store north of Crookshank-strectâ€" I45-6iii Alli llllll‘llill Sill UN llICl'I-VIUN I) HILL: V Edwin 'Web’ber, 7‘ IGGS to intimate tothe inhabitants of Rio 5 rnond Hill and Vicinity, lhat he has commenced bcsiness as CABiNET MAKER, UNBEnTAKER, 8&8. Two doors south of the “ York Herald†Office. where he has on hand a general assortment of Household Furniture, Ofthe best quality. cheap for cash. 3C? A Call is Solicitcd. Richmond Hill. June 7', 1861. 132~ft NEW AND IMPROVED Map of Upper Canada! “WIOULD you scotIiieâ€"ji valuable and orna- mental Work of Reference '3 Subscribe l l l or the Typographical, Statistical AND , Illustrated Map of Upper Canada In preparation by Geo. C. Tremaine, the old and Well-known publisher of Descriptive County Maps. iii? Residents of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local or 'I‘i'aveiliiig agents Toronto. May 1861. l38-tl' H. & J. HARRlSON Flour Barrel flooding, Stave and Shingle lllanutiicturers, and Lumber Planers. Seasoned Flooring and Siding kept on hand, and I’laned to order in quantities to suit. pur- cliaseis. IE? Factoryâ€"on Markham and‘Elgin Mills ye would has Plank Road: v.0. adtll‘asflt, Richmond Hill. June 7. 1861. ‘32-6m ~ WILL BE AT Niehol’s llotel, Richmond Hill, On the 2nd Monday of each month, at " 1110108 no TEL, .771“ pic. On the Tuesday following, at McMann’s Hotel, Klineburg, On Wednesday following. II ICRF. be will be happy‘ to wait on those requiring his services in any ranch of his profession. _f l‘eeth inserted on Gold I’lateiiuiu. Vulcan iZed Rubber, or Continuous Gum on Platenum. The. latter being the most beautiful teeth how in use. Dr. I’icx has all the advantages of the Profession. botit iii the States and Uanadas, having for-irerly been connected with Dentists in New York: -be new receives direct from them every improvement of the Profess'on throughout the United States. . Particular attention given to the Regulation of Children’s I'eeth. Consultation Free. All letters addressed to him at Aurora prem- ptly attended to. Aurora. Feb. 20. 1861 168-1\' GU'I‘I‘A-I’ERCIIA IltltlFIi‘éfil. No article ever before introduced to . Surgeon Dentist, the public has equalled the LIQUID GUT’I‘A- PERCHA for cOaling tin or other roofs, new or‘old. One gallon, costing $1.50, will thoroughly coatifroin 900 to 300 feet of roof, and this coating will render the roof perfectly water-proof, and will later three times as long as white lead or other paint. For covering roofs, either new or old, we repeat, it has no equal for durabi- lity and cheapness, and we offcr it to the. public fully confident of its intrinsic excel- lence. and wtth our warrantee that it will do all we claim for it. Sold in barrels of forty gallons each, at a liberal discount to Address all orders to READY ROOFING Co., 23 Cedar-street. New York. dealers. 111.8 12m. GEO. MCPHILLIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, meanest) HILL, c.w. December 14. 1860. ~““¥â€" K.__ __ w. c. ADAMâ€"S. D. o. s. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING ST. “ST sour" sips. THIRD noon wasr FROM cnvncn sr. TonosTo. ARTICULAR attention given to the regu- lation of Children's Teeth. free. and all work warranted. , Dr. A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches. and can supply the profession with Teeth. Gold. Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanite Rubber. and the best Bette filling. ' Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver. or VulcaniZed Rubber. With Continuous Gurus, which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto.October Il. 1860. 49-13‘ Consultation W. U. S RENE. MILLWRIGIIT, .61. T03â€ofl, BEGS to intimate that be is now prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable terms- He is also agent. for the. best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction. Altona. Dec ‘23. 1859 IMPORTANT IF And every word is true. For upwards of three. years past, I have been engaged in a business. which has yielded me at the rate of $3000 per annum, but being dosi- rous of- going to Europe ill the course of a few months for the purpose of there introducing the business. I am \tilling to teach it funny one who will send me $1. The business is no liiimbug. but of a highly useful and general character. adapted both to cities and villages. and one that 4 male or f'en‘iule. can acquire with a few heurs’ practice, and hv which they can secure a verv handsome income. Several young ladies who have received instruction". from me, both in New York State and Pennsylvania, are earning upwards of $20 per week by it. and titer-t is no reason why any one else Cannot do the same. Invalids. oven, can do well by it. as it is no nod- spet'table. (Fleiitloinen and ladies of leisure who would like to learn the business for their their own ariinsemcnt or pleasure, will find the practice of' it a pleasant pastime, and one that they will take great. interest in. “n receipt of $1, I will send printed instructions by which ally person can readily acquire the art, and these instructions will also contain every particular relative to the carrying it on so that it will be highly profitable. The purchaser of the †print- ed instructions †Will also be author 'Zl‘d to teach it to others: and I have sometimes received as high as $200, for teaching it personally to a single individual. I would state further that $2.50 or $3.00 will buy every thing that nu- t-eSsnrv to commence the business Willl.tln(1 the articles can be got aiinostanywliere. in city or country, or, if preterrcd, I can furnish thein Anonnss, PREP-HI). Alvord T. Parsons, No 36 Libeltt Sn, New York. be best of references given when required. FANNING MILLS& Ponies 11F. Subscriber begin intimate. to the pub- ‘ I lic generally, that he iiianul'actnres the latest improved PUMPS AND FANNlh‘fS MILLS i In his Shop. at Slouli'ville, where all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt atten- tion; and for cheapness and durability he defies competition. Repairing done with despatch. ‘ ‘ All letters addressed to PETER KRIBS. Stouti'ville P. O. 151-6m. .c CHEAPER THAN EVE-1:! V II E Subscriber begs to inform his numerous patrons and the public thatlie is prepared to make Boots Shoes Ol‘everystvle and description, at the loWest possi vle reiiiunorating prices. All work war- ranted togive entiresatislaction. W. H MARTIN. too-Ly Stouï¬'ville. Oct. 15. I861. Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7. 1360'. . fl... '. r .,,’:_ l- . . row" . I , URGEON Dentist. W111 be at Nicholl’s Hotel, Richmond Hill. the FIRST Mohn'a‘lï¬ldf every month, and, the re- mainder of the month at his residence, McCaysville, 7ih‘Cenc_ession of York. All W-erk Warra’nted. Teeth ï¬lled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Iior.e.-â€"-'I‘his ï¬lling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing no paiti, as it requires no pressure, it soon becomes as ‘hard as the tooth to which tt firmly adheres, renderlng it almostimpossible for the filling ever to come out. 'Dr. Husband has made arrangements with Mr. G. L. Elliot, of Toronto, to manufacture l his Artificial 'I'eeth ; those who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will be sure of hav- ing-it dptie,iii a superior manner, July H, 1859. .‘i 8.. 32-h]. TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE' STALET. MONUMEN 3,?0MBT anus. Tourism-nus ac. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER‘ ESTABLISHMENT. HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of I). C. dis W. YALE. will con- .tinue the business under the superinteudonce lof our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN Aiinrzt' and D, CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. l I’,S.â€"â€"All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the lst day of-June. 1858. will be pttt into Court for collection. C. YALE. C. CUMMER. Toronto, April 539. 1859. 48-tf UNITY Fire 5L Life Insurance Association OF LON DON, Vlith which is Amalgamated the Equitable Fire Office. CAPITAL, £2,500,000, STERLING. Available Assets Fiie Departm’t $4,547,061 10 Life Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,596,595 46 Deposit Fund in Canada . . . . . . . 50.000 00 Deposit Fund in New York.. . . . 150,500 00 MERCHANTS’ txqruset brilliant. Directors, Fire Department. J“. Frothingham, Esq. W. Lunn, Esq. B. Holmes, Esq. J. G. Mackenzie, Esq, A. Larocqne. qu. J. 'I‘orranco, Esq. Trustees in London : Sir W. C. Dalyell, [ C. F. Bazin, Esq, Trustees in New York : S. “ivingston. ï¬rmofBai-claydc Livingston, Wm. H. Macy. Pres’t Leather Maiiut'act Bank W. Sherman, ï¬lm of Duncan, Sher man o’eCo Every description of _ Fire and Life Insurance insiness transacted at the most moderate rates ' at l’reinium. \V. P. REYNOLDS, Manager in. B. N. A. l | smvm-ggousnsa I tyranny have bet it entirely emancipated by the use of ' . em. veteranâ€, Sprains, Bruises and Swel-!ings - ‘ -i - ' ~ Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram‘, Maple Village, in bottles at 25 and 50c. each. . Maple Village, Fob.. I4, 1861. l-y. Ingram’s Infalable‘ Lint .‘t certain cure for Rheumatism, Tic; Provincial Insurance Cempnny, or CANADA; ' ‘ FOR fire anb marine insurance, as'ranmsnso 1849, Am or PARLIAMENT ! Subscribed Calâ€"iiiai, $1,743,520. HEAD OFFIEICTâ€" TOR ONTO". I’nlzsinss'rzâ€"Hon. John Hilliard Cameron, Vicn-Pnnsmnm' :â€"J. S. Howard. Esq. DIRECTORS I George Duggan, Erq J. S. Howard. Esq I‘Zdw. C. Jones, Esq. “on 1.11. Cameron, Hon. Geo. Crawford, lloii.tVI.Cameron,M.f’. J.Cameron,Esq.M.P.P ‘1.Morrison,l'jsq.MPP A. M. Smith Esq. Lewis Motfat, Esq. “I. L. Perriii, Esq. Manager and Secretary :--James Sydney Crocker, Esq. Assist. Secret/try : J W. Woodhousedflsq. Manager q/‘Agizncies : W iii. Blight, Esq. Sotcnons zâ€"blessrs. Du ran A. Burns, ,r. BANKERS :â€"-The Bank of Toronto. 4 IRE and MARINE INSURANCE busi- ness transacted by this (.‘otiipnlvy at its va~ nous Agencies, its well as the Head Otlico. To. route, at fair and average rates. The nuiilerous and responsible Stockholders of this Company, and the large amount of ca- pital subscribed, afford an amount of security to .he assured, equal at least to that of any other Company transacting business in the Province A. LA W . Agent at Richmond Hill. 1251? '9 Toronto. April 18.1801. Fl SE LE IT; LYON Sill‘l’li‘iti - MACHINE CIIMP’Yq 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. V0 person who contemplates purchasing a .l. Sewing Machine for family or manufacâ€" turing purposes, should fail to send for one of our Circulars. which contains cuts and full de- sCt‘ileOllS of the several sttles, prices and sample». of work. all at which we send by mail free. We claim to have the best Sewing lllacliincsin the World For either Firmin 07' Manufacturing purposes. And all we ask is a fair trial. Read the following: I | IMPORTANT FACTS. FACT No. 1.â€"'l'liis Company being duly li- l censed, their Machines are protected against infringements or litigation. NAC’I' No. 2.-«'I‘liese Marliincs make the lock. stickâ€"alike on both sidesâ€"and rise a little less tllfl‘li‘ half as much thread aridsiliv astlle chain or loop stitch machines. FACT No 3.â€"'I‘liese Machines are better adap- ted than. any other sewing-machines in the market to “18‘ frequent changes and almost endless variety of sewing required in} a f‘a- inily. They .tvilltse\v from one to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, They will ANY who have been slavesto‘ Rheumatic I 1862‘." Prospectus " OF THE SCOTTISH AMERICAN J 0URNAI’: AFIRST-CLASSFAMILY . , " onvo'rao TO THE tumult:de V OF SGO-TSMEN IN AMERIAJ AND TO‘ THE DISSEMINTTION . ,- or‘ SCOTTISH- LITERATURE Ann ’ FIFTH YEAR. ' ' On January '2, 1862.» 'will‘he ' corrinie a new volume (V) of the Scanner! AM. can JOURNAL; and in future the iiu‘mbersdssueï¬bo- tween the ï¬rst and last days of. each year Ii" constitute a complete volume,’of' b‘ofi'VO’li nt size for binding. and each number‘?Willâ€eon-=- tain a most entertaining and instructive repel: tory of reading matter, calculated to interaction readers of British origin. The SCOI‘TISHHAB’IE‘ RICAN‘ J'ounnnti. though decidedly international in its constant efforts to promote peace we pres. perity between the people of Great Brit ' and America, ‘is yet emphatically ‘Sï¬fittiisit! copious records of all evelits'eecurringdmï¬pl- land that can be regarded of the. leastjititerofl to natives of that country residing in America 5 and to this " news from home" is add'éMk‘ lv, a summary, of general intelligence ï¬rom England, Ireland. and other parts of the" orld’. A distinguishing feature of: the-.59 till" American Journal†is itsreglilarreqquli â€"-nerbuti.m ct Iiiemtimâ€"of'the “ leading~ ‘ of the pl'olllll.ellt British newspapeh's'dlt periodicals upon the most important." tdpl the day. This feature is a unique oite,-a‘tid’llu been found very acceptable to the peoii’lbn'of British North America, as it sttpplies“a"1b1:-' needed desideratum in the Provinces. “Iff o fereiiee to the “editorials†of the AMERICAN JOURNAL. it is a signiï¬cant‘f‘diftitbat the British press frequently ackitowlédg‘eéftheir intrinsic truth and force by copiously extracting from our columns and declaring that theScor- 'rtsH Amnucarv JOURNAL is the most dbl "and interesting paper published In American- {- A on- crse weekly summary is also given of the in. cipal items of American news, .illldjï¬- ‘h‘tllfl narrative of events transpiring l'kithé ariouo llriiish Provinces, the letter featurefgu‘pplyihg a deficiency which was felt in sevei'til‘of the Pro-v vinces of intelligence as to what‘was".tvangpi- ring in other parts of the British possessions. 1n the forthcoming volume of» the “Scottish American Journal†increased space will, , 0- voted to the literarv department It; theipglgn- tion of straw. TALES AND SKETCH-LS, vivï¬ï¬‚z ill' luslrating the customs, habits. sentimefltï¬â€™ind general character-ix tics of the people of Scotlpnd; each tale emanating from the pen of an VIIIIIOV oi' celehi ity. As heretofore. particular care will be exercised in the choice of ORIGINAL Pot’rn’, composed by writers of acknowledged elvin and purity of thought, resident here or a roadi.» The ï¬rst number of the new volume will conv rain the commencement of a deeplyinteresting tale, entitled “ THE LIEUTENANT AND'HIS SON." This tale will prove to he one of the most in» teresting ever published. and will be a-ppreciatotl by all classes of readers. ’ TERMS OF S.U_8SOR1P NON, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Single Copies (each . . . . . . One co py for one year................ 250" CLUB RATES. Fivecopies................. 1000' rIlwclve copies,.. . . . . . .... ....... .... ., 2000‘ 'I'wentyfwe copies, . H. . . . . . . r... .4. '40 00‘ Specimen Copies sent gratis. Subscribers in the Provinces may remit their subscriptions in Provincial money, Odd clung. in Provrncial Posl Office st'atiips. ,. COpies forwarded to Europe per mail; Editbd States, postage paid, for $3, or 13s. slerlmg.per annnni. and make every stitch perfect. . even sew from the finest gauze to the hen- viest cloth. and even stout. hard leather, without changing the feed. needle. or ten- sion, or making any adjustment of machine whatever. Is not such a machine best adapted to family use? and il' best adapted Agent for Torontoâ€"A RTHUR M. JARVIS, Officeâ€"Whittimoro’ Buildings, Toronto St. Toronto, April 1‘2, 1861 123-1y Dr. LA CROIX’S to family use. why not. for every variety of TRUE anv person of ordinary capacity. voting or old, . dling afi'nir. bill a business that is perfectly rc- , PRIVATE light sewing iiiahufacttiie? For work too ’1‘]{E4§TIE heavy for our Family Machine, We recom- mend onr larger sizes. ON THE FACT No. 4.-â€"'l‘hese Machines make the most 0 e ’e ' , o .Physmlogioal how of Marriage. 950 moss AND 13!) uncommonâ€"Price only twenty-five cents. Sent free of postage to all partsof the Union. On the infiruiilics of routh and maturity. disclosing the secret follies of both sexes of all ages. causing debilitv. ner- vousnoss. depi'tSsion of spirits, palpitation of i the heart. suicidal imaginiugs. involuntary emis- jsions. hliishings, detective memory, indigestion ' and Ittsrlllttlt‘, wit/r. covg/bsainns of thrilling znt -r~ (is! of u. [four/ling Sir/roof Miss. II College Slu- IchII. and it Young IITILTI'Iflfl Lady, (96., ‘sw, It is a truthful ndvrser to the married and those conlciiiplaling inariiage,who entertain secret donhls of their physical condition. and whom-o conscious of havmg liazardod the health, happi- ness, and privileges to which every human being is entitled. Young Men who are troubled with weakness, gene‘allt caused by a bad habit in youth. the effects of which are dizzniess. pains, forgetful. ness, sometimes a ringing in the ears. Wonk eyes, weakness of the back and loyver extremi- ties. confusion of idem, loss of memory. with melancholy. may be cured by the author’s New Paris and London Treatment. “ “is have recently devoted much of our time in visiting the European Hospitals. availing ourselves of the knowledge and researches of the most kkilled Physicians and Surgeons in Europe Hllfl the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many new and efficacious l'el'l’lt’ltlles which we are enabled to introduce 11110 our practice. and the public may rest as- sured of the some zeal. as:iduity. sucnucv and attention being paid to their cases, which has so successfully distinguished us heretofore. as a Physician in our peculiar department of profes- sional Practice, for the pastlwentt‘ five years. FIHNCH FEMALE PILLs.â€"Ladies who wish for Medicines. the eflicacx' of which has been ltostod in toous'nnds of cases, and never failed to effect speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr. DeLniicy’s Female Pe- riodical Pills. The only ['n'ecantion necessary 't.o be observed is, ladies should not take them if the_ believe they are ill certain» situations (the particulars of which will he found on the wrapper accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy. so gentle, yet so active are they. Price $l per box. They can be mailed to any part of the United States or Canada. To THE LADIESâ€"\Wio need a conï¬dential medicM adviser with regard to any of times in- teresting complaints to which their delicate or- gitlll'lJlIlOtl renders them liable. are particularly iiiivned to consult us. ’l‘iin “ ELECTHO GALVANIC PROTECTIVE."-â€"-F0r liiarricti Indies vhose health will not admit. or who have no desrre to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe preventive to conception, and has been exten- ’sively used during .010 last 20 years. Price re- duced to $10. , THE SECRETS 0F YOUTH UN VEILED. A Treatise on the Cause 'of Premature Decay â€"A solemn warning. Just published. a book showmg the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both male and female]. of this fatal habit; pointing out the fatality that inva- riablv attends its vicdms. and developing the whole progress of the disease. from the com- mencement to the end._, It will be sent by mail on receipt'of two [3] .cent Stamps, 113 Attendance dady from 8 in the morning till 9 at night. and on Sundays from 2 to 5 p.tn. Medicines with fiil.l directionssent to any part of" the United States or Canadas..by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. Busi- ness correspondence strictly confidential. ' [13’ Dr. Us Office is still located as established, under the name of Dr. La Croix, at N0. 31, ' Maiden Lane, Albany. N.Y. 152-13; I l elastic seam of any sewing-mncliine iii useâ€" a fact of verv great iiiiportnnce in sew- ing elastic goods, or goods of any kind, on a bias. FACI‘ No. 5.â€"â€"No Machine is more durable or more simple in Its coiistl‘uction,or more easily understood. The reputation of these Ma- chines wherever nsed wrll fully demonstrate each of the above FACTS. FACT No. 6 â€"-'l‘tiose Machines took the High- est Premium at the Franklin Institute. I’hil-r : adelpliin. FACT No. 7.â€"â€"â€"These Machines took the High- est Premium at the New Jersey State Fair. .Fsc’r' No 8.-â€"-’1‘hese Machines took the high- est Medal at the Airierican Institute, In the City of New York, together with the High- est Premium for fine Sewing-Machine Work FACT No. 9.-â€"â€"'l'liese Machines took both the Highest Premiums at the Mechanics’ Fair, Utica. N.Y. FACT No. IIIâ€"These same thing generally. Machines can do the whenever properly exhibited in competition with other first-class Se\viiig-.Vlachines. But we have space ior only onefuct moreâ€"it is the most important Fact of all. FACT No. 11 â€"IVe warrant every Mac/lino we Sell to give bctzcr stills-friction. t/um. mtg other blowingvi’lfric/Iine in the mar/tot, or 'mrnwy refunded. l ï¬Send fora Circular. AGENTS WA N TED A (Idress. FINKLn & Lvos SEWING-MACHINE (30.. No. 538 Broadway, New York. Septoiiibei 5. 1861. 145-6m TllE intranets PEICE, THE HEROES OF WAR. ANT:.10N Y, No. 501 BROADWAY. Nicw . YotiK, is now publishing, in addition to other portraits, the celebrated collection known in Europe and America as BRADY’S NA'I'IUNA I. I’HO'I'OGRAI’HIG PORTRAIT GALLERY, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of America. not excepting Jeff. Unws. Gen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of other .confetleiales. Price of Portraits, $3.00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, ttl'O published,card size. arid in stereoscopic form ALSO. l Stereoscopic Views of Scenes in Paris, London, and in other p'ir's of England and France ; in Scotland, 1i-eland,\Vales, Holland. Switzer- land. Spnin,on the Rhine, in Athens. Egypt, 'l‘urltet'. the Holy Land Chi- na. India,_ Cuba. &c.. &c., ml urï¬nitum. ‘ 011s Instantaneous Stereoswpic VieWs Are the Greatest IVondcr of the Age. These are taken in the l'.‘rtieth part of a second. and the rushing-of water. the moving of vehi- cles, or the march of an army, does not-- in the slightest degree affect tho taking of these views. Tin-y are sold for $3.00 per dozen. We have also on hand and iiinnufacture the largest xssoi‘llnelll OI: S'I'EREUSCOPES. Pii'o'l'ooRAI’Iilc ALBUMS, and Photographic Materials in the Uiiited'Statcs._aud perhaps in the world Catalogues. containing lists of. all oitr Por- traits. View», Stereoscopes. 610.. sent free by mail on receipt of a stamp > E. AN'I‘HON Y. 501 BROADWAY, near St. Nicholas Ilotel,Now York. September .5. test 1.4.54,f L _,-_-_,_ .,_ Am- it i» Subscriptions for the current year are now being received, and should be forwarded without delay to V I I A. M. STE‘VART, . E: I No. 37 Park Fiow, New York.- New York, Jan. 1,1862. B. M. R. Try the truly great PAIN KILLER, BBIGGS'I'Nâ€" GZIC. RELIEF, and if you are not satisï¬ed of its up.» norit‘y, after using the medicine, the price will be rev funded by the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 enter bottle. Sold by all dealers in medicines. Valuable Property for Sale IZ: 03 Acres, 23 of which is timbered', 40 Acres under Cultivation. r Several PARK LOTS with timber thereon. Also, VILLAGE . PROPERTY with or without Buildings. The above property is situated at, and‘ ad‘- joiiiing to. the Village of . Richxnond H111. lp'tirt'u‘rtli'er particulars apply at the Ofï¬cd 0‘ this paper. Richmond Hill, Sept. 2, 1.850. 9“ (insult the Old English Physician Pea ' ‘ ASTHMA. PN-CIPIEN'I‘ CONSUMPTION, INPIRMI'I‘IES OF YOUTH, AND oLD AGE, &c. __ ~ No Mercury Used. Dr. Ameâ€"3}. dc' Son, 4% EAST GENESEE STREET, Burmlop New York, -~ i RE the only Physicians in the State who J. are members of the Royal College 0‘ Surgeons, London. May be consultedfrom 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in emery state and symploiii ofidisease. 'l‘lio treatinentthey adopt is the result. of. np'o wards ol'thirry years’ extensive a'iid'succo’s'sfuf practice in London. , . . 1. MOST seinvrivic [NVENTION‘,"‘ An instrument for the cure of Genital Dbbie’ lily. of Nocturnal Emissions. more properly known as Seminal Weakness. &c. C‘ati b0 permanently ,cured in from, 1510 midway by the use of’ this instrument, when» used-con- jointly with medicines. , Dr. Amos 6L Son. in order to satisfy, the most. slteplical as to the merits of their inf; ru- iiient, pledge themselves that in' an‘y‘i'lis't‘a‘nc. where it may prove unsatisfactory, . after a. fair trial, the money will be refunded by 'retwuing the instrument in good order. ‘Pri‘ce 'I‘e'n’Dol- lars, by mail or express. " i YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE-'9 Those who have injured themselves byucor- tain practice indulged in when alOneh-aTMbI! freqtletrJ) learned from evil conrpanionstfer It school, the effects of which are nightin tangy“ when asleep, and if not-cured. renders marriage impossible and destroys both mind/ellldï¬body, should apply immediately. Self-abusdtl‘fllflo of the most formidable enemies tollteflthgiff‘uf‘inaoâ€" thing else in‘tlie dire catalogue ot'lhstmani idio- eases causes so destructive-s draft: report: the human system, drawing its thousandsbfï¬vico rims through a few years of'su‘f’ferieug'fluum to an untimely grave- It destroys the permu- ’_‘system rapidly, Wastes away the energies oil-life, courses mental derangement. prevents the proâ€" per development of the system, disqualiï¬es for marriage. society, business, and all. earthly happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in bodv and mind, predisposed-to consumptiougand a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. ; ‘ ‘ : annsoxs Is, any PART or" THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwarding . correct detailtof their case. ;., Address Dr. Amos 61. Son, 48 East Gene". Street. three doors West of Ellicott Street. Buffalo, N..Y . 88-13