Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 25 Apr 1862, p. 3

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5 EUR. 0F YONGE 8'. COLBUHNE STS., , "uptu-i“ .v H». MARKHAMCA " OF THE ' ' RRIAGE FACTORY i To TORONTO”. j, . - tensiveCairingevVVorksnto tthit-y of Toronto. After t’liar‘ikiing thcm'ifo'r théir tberal patrOnage while at Markham, he solicits a Continuance of theirtnvours at his IHE:SHI‘)SCFIIICC respectfully annOimces to the Public that ho {removed his ‘ En? KEEPS CONSTANTLY CON u New Stand, 163 King ‘:__1st‘‘, Four doors west :of it: e Iiosin Homer-on the premises formerly occupied by' OWEN,I\IILLE It 3:. _.\1ILI.S. TA G t on THE MOST APPROVED “ ‘ CANADIAN, - ENGLISH, AND " AMERICAN."STYLES t V'Cbns-tanlly on hand, or furnished at the shortestn'OIiCe; ' Toronto, April 18, 1862. tttt...titttunt tut} ..§ ' .' ll'iIISS, ""COULTER' BESS most respectfully to intimate to tl'o Ladies of Richmond Hill and Vicinity.- that she has commenced business as a V MILL IN'ER . In the’SliOp formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Charles Shepherd. and immediately opposite Mr. W. S Pollock’s store, where she will be happy to giVe the utmost attention to all Work entrusted to her care. S TR A IV ""012 K “’illbe done Ill a superior manner. and at very low charges . Richmond Hill. April :I, ’69. l76-4 2 Buy a. A TILE M I NG &~_II_UCI{LA N US GARDEN SEEDS. H ESE SEEDS may be rely upon as be- ing genuine, having been selected with great care by the above tirm,â€"-Seed:mien to the Provincial Agricultural Associationâ€"and M'Itiéh are sold much cheaper than those im- ported. For Sale at the ‘ HERALD " BOOK, STORE, Richmond Hill. April 1862. i 176 JOHN N.” REID. M.D., 'I‘IIORNII II.I.. Consultations in the office on the mornings of'l‘nesdgtys. Thursdays and Saturdays, 8 to 10, run. IL? All Consultations in'the utiico, Cash. Thoruhill, April 9, ’02. 176' George “7119911, - (LATE room ENGLAND ) masonic arms seam, ' ‘ RICHMOND H ILL. l OOD Accommodations" and every attention shown 'to 'I‘rnvollers. (Iood 'Yards for Dro'veCat-tle nud'l.ooso'Bo_'xes for Race Horses and Studs. " ‘ ' “ Thebcst of Li stantly on hand. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday in each month. Richmond. um. April 8.1.8623. ’ _ > V V AVING received a Potver‘of-Attorncv from, and having purchased the Book Accounts of JOHN L lMI’b‘ON, late of the 4th concession of Mulkhatn,‘to collect the saute.â€" l‘artius Indebted to the above are requesth to settle up without any further delay. THOMAS I“lllSI5Y . . , I..ot_‘2.'». 4th Con. Markham. Victoria. Square, April 9. 1862. I’ll-4 quors and Cigars Itcpt con- [76 ..._._....._.__.. "â€"1 ' H otel to Rent ‘I'IE subscriber, owing to other engageé merits. wishes to Rent his unexpin lease (1? months) oftthat well-known and corn- modit'us Hotel, the - Half-tray House 1 Situated in the village of Richmond i-llII.â€"â€"‘l For furthur particulars apply on the premises to JOSEPH GABY. Richmond Hill, April 9. 1862. 176-4 CHEAP FUR 'CASll ! HIS Subscriber. in returning thanks to his ‘ r1 numerous customers who have so liber- hllv supported him for upwards of five years. Would state that he continues to manufacture. .rA'I‘ Ills OLD STAND," BOOTS AND SHOES! t‘f every description, and of the bestimaterials, and after the Latest. Style. and bones by close attention to httsiDEss, Combitt'éd with moderate charges, to ensure a continuance of their favor. rHe would alSo bet: to intimate to the inha- bitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity. that he has on hand quite an assortment of IADIES’ 59 CHIIDIIENIS BOUTSEQ SHOES which he oflbrs . LOW‘ for Gash! " mates VEttN EY. Richm-md Hill, April l7,:1862: f 173-6... PIECEle Looking Glass fir Picture Frame MANUFACTURY. , No. 2‘21 EAST 'n‘VEN'i'voTHutD STREET, 1736:. I75 GRAND STREET & 215 CFENI’RE STREET; Established lass. New York Established ’38 HIS Establishment has been in successful ' operation 94 years, and is the Linensrol' the kind in the United States. We have on hand or manutactufe to.order evorv description of ' Looking Glass. Picture c§~ Portrait Frames, Plain Ormmwmul Pier, Walt Owl and Mantel (glasses, Connecting {Jemima ,Base e} B racket Cl‘ublcexwgéth Mar- ble Slabs. Toilet 'Glasses‘, ifs.- it-oa'wmcs‘ for I’icrtiun Fanms, in lengths suitable for transpOrtntion'. cit-hm- (I‘ztt. Barking, filisefb‘dlld, (Jolt. chirtl, BtrdScffil. Mahogany. I &c'.- Our new h’lanh‘t'actory ands-menstve t'a- cilitie‘s‘ enable us to furnish any article in our ‘ line as good as. tiltesbcs‘t, and as cheap as the cheapest. ' ‘. DEALERS ARE th'frED't‘é Gilt/Urdu Us when-they visit New, York. “We clrtinito be able tosupply them with every article in our line which they can possibly require. at. prices lower than they can purchase. elsewhere. Orders bv mail attended to with promptness. Ctr“. HALL. ' ' 1.79:2 N .,$.'M'J:,TI-f. O .T . EGS to intimate to the Farmers audiothers to the neiglrbur‘lmdd;=thathe has leased fora‘ term of years the-'lllacltsmith’u Shop, owned and lately occupied. by Mr. S. Sanderson. nearly Opposite the post office. Richmond llill, where he intends to carryou‘tno lilacksmithing business in all its branches, and he hopes, bv attention and punetualityea-oombincd with his 1“ o.d Country” experieDCe,vto merit. a share of theirsupport. ‘ V r - . Hammond llill. March 27, 1862'. m tf J; B. Deco-Her. , OUN I'Y Constable,-â€"I.andlord’s Warrants exuzutcd. Items and Deth‘Tolloctod on the shortest pomihlc notice. Addressâ€"R ichmond Ilill I’.O.‘ T B E VICTORIA T .5.“ A VV A 16 E HOUS E i No. 93 King Street, SIGN OF THE. QUEEN, ‘Is the )lace iu~Tormto. to but: )ure . l BIIEK it liltiilll TEAS, N O I‘ only because the proprieterCDWA RD LA \‘VS()N,IS one of the oldest and most experienced T‘ea-bu‘ ers in the trade. but'from the fact that he purchases his 'I‘eas in such large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby eu- ablinQ him to sell at a Very SMALL Al) F7 A N013 ON COS-T, Fulfilling the old adage “ Large Sales, 321ml! l’roilis and Quick 'Ix‘etttrtis a” ‘a'eo itt' COFFEES tittttut,ttttms HIS . BISO Kill _ Ava;p..:.: - -> " Are unsurpassed for quality ‘a‘iid price. all being manufactured on the premises. from the best material by first-class werkmen. Iced and Ornamentcd \V eddin g an (1. Other Cakes Always on hand or made. to order in any style on the shortestvnotice. ; iccs~ "AND " ' ' Orders by mail and otherwisc. attended to with dispatch sented. and dolivercd free ofciiaigo to the cars or in the city limits. ' ' [{einembcr the Placeâ€"‘â€" _ ~ No. [‘93 KING S'I‘It'CICT, Stun DETHE QUEEN. vi « 't v; s 8C? 1 USEOOI 1).th” EDWARD LAWSON, - - « v = . â€" :l’roprietor. Toronto, m .5, 1862. -167-6m ' Letters. Remainingin ILICIIMUND HILL I’CstOfiice APRIL. 1, .502. y ‘ .. I Aha-it’d". . McC'Onttei, .itjillt ,(seu) McDonald. Mary Nollilltn. .tugn . Mcbaws Rev. hi!) Newton. Charles Patten. Alex, I’att’eiiflsn'aC I’hillips, George l’hillipsMSnmuel I’ogne, \"ViJiaur (sen) Reid,‘ Elizabeth bititpson. James (se'nr) _- = <2> " . Simpson. James (Jun) Trustees Sch. Sec. Klinck, .I. A, No ‘3, Vaughan Laugstati', John (Q) Vernier. Fred. A. Marshall. Thomas (‘2) Van I‘iverisl Miss Abbie Mitchell, George ' W-helau.,..Danie| Bnylie, James Bowman, 'I‘homat‘: Basto, II. C. Campbell, Ilene. Camftet. Mary Collie, Ilcnry Dntton, “’iiliuin Dove, George t2) Durham, I‘Lll‘llilld It‘wrltcller. Adam G00thcIl. .lohn Galloway, William Heiso, John H eslop, .Iohn lunes, William . n: TEEN. I’.M. l - To BE eOLD;' lstConcess‘ion of Vaughan, ‘ film the Property. ' ' -01‘€ I251"JNG‘41.3 '- JTtt a Epi'ntbr‘laljle tat-mettle... HOUSE. 1 h u‘ith DAth " SHEEP .HOUsE. SHEDS. elicit a good Orchard. Garden and Lawn. _tl'_l12V€r-_fttllll‘lg Slt‘éam runs through Align; t5 .tCtt-N ECGGEN. ' 'Utt Iitf- I'l‘bmisés. ' I? I ~th '5 t 5,4 Vaughan , March RICHMOND niin. 7 LIBRARY ASSOCIATION l1‘IIIS ASSOCIATION has tt'an'sterred their v LIBRARY to the ‘ IIHtALD ’ Book Store, vhero ‘Stockholders and others may procure IlOOKS every Friday afternoon. tiro’m 4‘to- 8 o’clock. r it. ‘ i »_ I A. SCOTT, Ligrorian. [liclimot'id Hill, Feb. 27. i ‘ * r~ ..-.. " a» .. .» J‘ v sandman 01:. seems EDED. _, RIGGS’ BLACK OIL is acktmwl . by auth have used. it, to be superior to Gar; tin; Oil, or any other Medioiaeunod' Hetdre,the W‘Dlic, for s rains, Bruises Odie. oar-ts, and m it pass to urgent-sit. owl! fdr inseam beast. .. _ V . Price, 23 cents out bottle. said or at! '2. team it medicines . y t, - - . For Sale; HEAP ‘or Cast. 0'. approved Credit, A 'l'en-horse power 'I‘IIRESUING MA- “C l ._.. x. .., y '7 ~. UfiIOENVILLE‘ .- : Inn: ‘ lll ,ltuumn . nu ' l _ __ ._ ll. ll“ 1 :p‘ ll]. -, ‘ 'l'utuli ‘ _ {GEORGE- - AND A‘ GENERAL ASSOR DESCRIPTION or; ‘ CARRIAGEfiBUGGIES :5- A ‘zz « t .a TMENT‘ or - EVERY? mm MADE-FR" 0M THE BEST'IMP'OR TED MA TEEIAL. I Wart'anted. i .â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- REPAIRING Damon. THE snoring T NO my; . 0.33:3; WELL“ 1 ‘ifiODG l l l 1 ON , SUGARS 1 All Goods .wartnntrd as repre- H I1 I! | l I l l l HARNESS Oi‘F“ _‘ Do not fail 'to call when you visit New York CHINE with Cleaned: also aSp‘dn ot’ 'I‘EAM’ Office and \Va’rer’oonrs, No,’ 2l5 Centre St., New York. 3 . . HORACE V. SIGLER, Agent. HORSES; good to worl‘l‘. Apply to' . JOHN AMo‘s‘e, . l Lot 11 2nd Con. Marlthnm. . p z . i7-t Richmond Hill, October 17,. ' March 527, 186:2, . , . . AND ON'TH‘E MGST REASONABLE TERMS. _ Uptonvntegltprit18,1962; _ ' ~ WEOLESALE AND RETAIL 15;, [Sen’m 177.3... 7. C _/ COPPERSMITH, BEAZEE. TI}: AIIUFAC'I‘URESand Sells every Article in the above .lincmand has had the plt‘asnre ol'stiltply'ittglbotlt the Navy and Army in Englmd and out of England hi1 be To he IOtchH'tl. the shores of America. and has also had the honor of Illuminating 'Rich mond III II. March 27. no: :.. . 1 RS: JOHN SMITH begs to-imimate to: the Parents and Guardians Of Children a in the ‘noifihbdrhood'of Richmond HIII.'-thdt sheinte‘nds to"open,' oug'l‘unsvnx, ZAPRILJSt, * , . .lln 1nfant~Schoolh When she will be happy to receive ntn-der'l'rer charge any cltild.,.betwe'en the ages of,,4 and ' "I"? yenmx ‘ l‘ne usual branches tough-ta with Plain Sewing, Mining and. Fancy Needle Work. For tormsd‘é‘ec. apply at thxe‘residenco near Raymond’s Hotel. ., 'iiil .7 ’1 74 (COPY)- . ‘ . ' . ‘ Notice is Hereby Given HAT MARTIN IMACLEUD will apply to the next Session of the I’rovihciall’arlja- mom for an Act to cohfirm'liis title to the Rand allowance butting his farm, lot 6!. in the 1st. . concession of King, being the‘ town-line be~ the Royal Hotel and every house On the Royal 'I'erracc at \chmouth. England. on" his own responsibilityâ€"takcs “this opportunity ' of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and the pttblié iti generalâ€"not fmgeting those Stove Marchants and Stone Pedlers in Hamilton and Ne'tvtnat‘het who have so kindly patronized me and my sons wlttlt: wt: werein partnership in there places; and begs to state that he still continues Richmond tun, March 7. 1862. - A it... to manufacture every article In the above business, at his shop on Richmond Hill. , . .. CUEâ€"5 All III/ION." Irl’idrmnted and attended to wit/Lhdespatck. PEstLV _ 7 17l-3m _ ,3 .. OVA 1.. MONDAY. MARCI‘I‘fllst, it... Stock of the at S‘t‘OPtt'S has been removed to MR. “7M. AMBLER’S NE IV \Vhore will found an Enlarged and Complete Sttti't of PURE DRUGS. MEDICINES, - CHE'VIICALS, PATEBT IVIEDICINES, I’ _‘DY’E STUFFS, PERFULVIERY, urns, summonses ! CIIMOL‘D HILL 1) R L‘G STORE, OILS, AYARNISHES, PAINTS, 81c, .«S'I‘ATI ON E RY, rtnmgAND FANCY GOODS.&c. ac. ac." G‘ARIH‘ZN SEEDS in season. Iiuving abundance ,ot' room in the New Stare the Subscriber has concluded to open also with a carefully selected [hock of ,7. CHOICECECERIES Wltidlt he intends to put incharge of a competent Salesman, and: which will be Sold at the very . ‘In soliciting the patronagepf‘ltis and undersigned Would state that it will be. as turmoil of the BEST QUALITY at. LOW PRICES. “Richmond‘Hill. March 6,1862. . 18 ME PLACE TO GET. PURE .. ‘VI‘tEASONABL-E P The reason of which is that h ' Sell at a Fair Profit. f -..- 1a.; c3 N’s HICKS, n will not keep bad Tea in Stock, and is willin LOWEST fiflrom$' Ever} attention will be lgllfdll' to making this branch all that can be desired. cits-turns”, and the public generally, the y, his aim to supply in. all cases ARTICLES! ’ ROBERT tâ€"t. ittAL 1.. 171-4 (I a R. L. has lately reCeivcd p:irt Of an importation from London, England, among ‘ which are some very FINE FULL FLAVORED Including a Few Chests of E‘ine N‘s) \Vhiclrha will Sell at $5. per ll). 'v! OW“.â€" -TEAS, nâ€"lemureél Japan, i I l , Corner of Yonge and Queen S’ts., .’ 'I‘oronto. December lb. I86l. . twoen‘ the 'I‘ewnsirips ofu‘Kiug. and )"augltan. in the first concession. granted to him by the County Council of York)! I ' l70-3m L If asked What was line best medtctntigfi): blooming the'blo‘tirt, and‘t‘or bilious complaints,Sick Headache. kc... we should say LIFE PILLS; Costtvencss BRIGGS’ mom monastic . - - . FEGEONQ}?ULIEO. - DOWNIXTIIE‘L’nsLI-. . c. If ., wigqfiu’ it. . transmitting . .. lefit‘t‘fj‘r _, .l V, H . . ax“ THE GEN UINE ANIA- noon on. t 50 , Con ts per Gallo-m \Varranted Genuine or the money returned. . BOOTH SONS’, counter. or much AND owns 3qu Touou’ro. The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Lumps! In Canada, ‘3; i an I:- > > > 5 S o E o ° 5 .° in endless Variety, Latest improvements as Well as the OLD Well-ltnnwn l’atterns. 03’ Intending Purchasers are rcspoctfullv in- filed to cttll and examine Stock and I’ric‘es'_ 159-13' j'vt‘ A GOOD THING. ‘ ' y HQPE’S Magnetic Ointment; Journal! worth a l Incl, In any case or Piles, Burns, Scams, 01d Sores, ’ ' under a high state at Cultivation" l I Beware of Painted Tans; Mt ion. are n o better than poison, 'ttoBErcti"LAw‘sON’s is also the pittt‘e to get Plilltlllllltl; tun intuit lbw... innit t 3‘ . . . ‘. i ,u n e i w , At. ROBERT LAWSON s youlcan procure‘ I‘ttrc Spices, all kinds di Sugars, Fruits, Tobaccos, Sauces, Pickles, Annirlcnn. Cnecttt, Cdmdiun Cheese. Candles, Soup. Brooms Brushes of all kinds OntzMeol Flour, Cert! Monk-Dried A 9 v ’H . 7 with every other article in the Grcclsry Line. It! low prices. . - 9 i n ‘ .. You Will also find at [{OIiEltA'iin.’\h_SUl‘li8 Son a . Ea, IUIIEB, st. Abernathy and Arrbwt‘o'ot Biscuits and Crackers, W'holefltie and [lettuihnlsd all kinds of Confectionery, negotiate being 18 (pf - Lana9 the best manufacture. ttnd {toldzlfiltcapz TROEEB‘Q‘LLdWS-Q‘Nisi place of businessis‘ 6'2 Kh'g”l' Nttiif'lilv lllarltctrN’cxt no... to the... .llorontorFebruary . v I I .t -_ , . ‘ttitt'fc Hutch ' - tea I no - B ooK s”! fifi‘n'fittnl.’STATtCNERV, - Al“- till - roux liEttALDv’“ UP‘ECE, AT rn‘tCEs DowEii tilti'N-"fottoNi‘o; Richmond Hill, December ‘30, 1801-. ’ i , _. r..___A. HARNESS " SINGLE OR. DOUBLE I WEiEs-iifi'MAp r. 3“ tin. . Y on Mom MAY :b‘E nA‘D or 113 t l... ""t t "t, j . ‘11, 't,’ 11, ll“ "If , "~ I; -, " lint ‘lnmr -‘tmtmu It “With. ‘ ilu‘ ucl‘ I . l r utE subset no tend; dtl'itlll malts. is utter is: get! pttrcha ' best n'ta‘ltirtais; 9mm C-.~, THE” . AEOVE EiESCR't An assortment of WHIPS, LA‘Sl-IES, sac. Constantly ‘o‘ii hahd. I60 a ‘l 3 ill“, b it“ " unto: "tn hunt Kill; I‘ 5‘ III and of the men. COlInrs w...‘ to [geekydiLKVeztr We“. Also, kicpzt fo’r~ Sa'le‘ Pdttéi‘isoii’ 8f Boole. .Plotiis", Points, i'tiiidside's, 8(6.’ Cdll and Dianne,- , ., i 3861. at WM. HARRISONB 1314352! axioms, ! :- l t lntlamod or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on this Skin, and h every case where an ointme‘ ‘. in month, , It um to commend itself, after one trial. ’ " ' i .3. FAHM FOR SALE. V ‘H E Subscriber offers for sale part of l.0t;No.'l3 In the fist. the north ' was : .2 -. - -- ‘ Cuncesston or Tun ‘ ’ . Township of Howard. Containing 75 acres, about’40 of which are 'I‘here is on the Farm 8 nut-es ovaa-ll Wheat. :1 good Orchard. a Leg Hotlse and other outbuildings. 'I‘hete is‘ also a IiED OF ()CI’IRE-Oll tli‘é pro- liichniond Hill. March ‘BookVStore; Richmond Hill. V snur Ail) DWELEDE TO LET gs" “one HARD: FARM For ¢SXLET HF." Subscriber ofi'e‘rsrttir Sale the West .hirlt‘ ' ~ .~ OCMarkham... containing. I A 10 E 8.1!. 80 0‘ which are, cleared. and in a bighgstatelofj .cultivatiett..\vith a comfortable .House and other, Buildings; also; “a ‘1 young thriving .iForr‘pdrtiCulars apply to I . ' ’ - -' 2' Janus-Guinean: ' .173-3. JHoadford. March20fi186'1. 7- .. .__,_. Cm Sale? orb. lien-t, . 1" CONISIODIOUS self‘co‘ntit’ined'HOUSE, » situated in- the vicinity ~3-'ot"éthtI.u.9sD HILL. Containing 4 Bed-rooms, Ilai'lorgattd Kitchen, witlrother Outbuildings, ’I‘here‘is also an Acre or madman ’andther‘ A’c're' can be leased adjoining. ' ‘ I . For further [iartictglairs apply at the} “gnaw? ‘y g; 3.3,, m... . l Wyn EVA." (1,), T i «in; Law." * . .iTr-i.'t.iii‘ .6.“ 6,186e. . ;.iI.7I-lf. .. u: 0. UST. RECEIVED, frnslrsupply bf a‘hew edition" of SANGS'I‘ER’S ELEMENT; ARY. ARITHME’I‘LC, at. tlteyit‘ivljlntuw" I Pails-him Sap tut; Undersigned' is‘ prop’a‘li'edit furnish , any" quantity" of] FAILS 3‘31? ‘SAI’ BUBKFITS, at his Factory",~"lt.ot No. 11, 2nd- ‘Concession- of " Ma‘rkhrim. or. at... PARKER ,Cnosm'ls. Richmond Hill, at greatly reduced l’rices. , _ r. . , Address. post-paid. ButtouvillevPOsthofiice. ' JOHN AMUSS. . .lGll-Qtzx February 20. It6l. 7 t xx Tun , Village of Richmond Hill l IN a go’Od position for business,- I'Iiouse com‘ modious, with 5 Roomsand an excellent Cellar. Wood Shed and other Conveniences. at present in occupation by .Mr. Coomer.â€"-’ Possession given on lst January. ISGI. ‘ Enquire of r ‘ G. ANEERNAED. Richmond Hill, Dec. 5, 1861. 1584f .. IMPORTANT. 7 I DR. WIS’I‘AR'S PULMONIC SYRUP, in highly te- Oommended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group. and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat. 25 cent; ’3 ' ‘ I’HOi'l‘OGRIAiP HS-l l PHOTOGRAPHS! - ' Thacmapestandnest _ _ Ambrotype and Photograph GALLERY IN “CANADA, Ill lllllll I‘l'llllllllltST, ' _ 'TonONTOJV‘j‘ 2 IA. Proprietor-and Principal Operator 'I‘oronto,'April‘19, 1861., m..- IS‘AT l NOW onsnnvlfs. ’ V illfiT‘alI persons biting Dr. Jainos )IJang- party, \vhi'ch Only requires a small Capital to ' There is also strong-indications. of For further partitiulars opmt it up. OIL on the property. apply to V 7 . RO BERT - MA RSIl. I . ‘ Lot 4I.,_|.s_t Con. Markham, Richmond Hill, Feb. '20. 1862. 170-0 ‘0 .Blackwood’s Magazine I, Aim Tun~ I: BRITISH REVIEWS I Ex? “‘1‘ I scorr &, (30., N. wrouA. conllntttl o to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz.:â€"- t Tn E LONDON QUARTERLY {Consfl‘l’atival 2 ,. TttE EDtNBUtiGt-t REVIEW (\Vhig;) 2 Tile Nunt‘u unt't'tstt nEvtnw,.(rm Church.) ' 4. , ‘ ~ "‘{lE WESTMINSTER nEvIEW (Liberat‘j 5. BLACKIYOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGJS- ZINE, (Tory,) The pt‘t‘lvlrbtll dt‘itl'dal state‘of Iliutlopeanfill‘lilt‘s will render theta plllélicatio’us tttiivct'sally in- teresting during the Forthcmning' year. 'i'ltby wit! oL‘tE'dpf.‘ a 'tttidtllo ground some». {the has- tily writon news items, crt de spscula'pens. and Eldrotts Tome’ of the future ‘ltlstoiiatl, "written al‘ttjr the living interest ant;i excilcment of the great political events-of tlt‘e fitime shall have passed away It' is Id tvltdslfi .I’bt'lodlcald that readers must Itiolt.t'crtlle..cn_Iy really intelli- g‘lbl‘a and reliehlc historylof‘Ettrt‘etll lawsuits, and as such. ln, additiul‘. ldiiilleltl"‘Wfill'flSiflUllSIletl 'gis’ts, and at the sole G’onerul' ilteritl'jst Srrfetttffic, and theological.Sltdrnliter, we are“ them upon. the tldltsitleratiozt of he reading} iliililte. _ - y p ' ,COPI ES. Lu . EAR L", The l'~-ceipt df Ada/moi; Slaclsiro'm the British publishers giv‘cs' additional these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of's’ubsm‘lbers about as first: bathe origami Editions; TERMS s . . Per mm for ally one of the four Ilcviews,. .1. . . 3 00 For any two of the four Reviews.. . . . .1: 5 llll For any three ot'the four Reviews, . . . . . t ‘i‘ tltl, For all four of the Reviews. . . .. . . . . . t . I 8 00 For lllackwood's Magazine” . . . . ... l l t . . 3 00 For Blackwood and one Ilcvievlt‘, t a I t‘ t t it 5 00 For Blackwebd and M"! liteVieWII, .- t t .' t; 7 00 Eur Iilaéki‘i’odd and titt‘téli i'te‘i’le‘d’s" .. 9 '00 Fer Illacliwotfid and {915 t'dur Iileview's” .10 00 Momy culit‘étté in tin} Misti: {More issued will its retinitis?! Iii 7731'. ' “ m V. y _‘ 'OL’HBB‘ING. A disco’tlttl. ‘tllsl‘tvifive per cent. from the above pricen t‘rlll be allowed to Owns ordering four or ;Hsrs Built}:er of any one or more oftho ab‘ovh Wall‘s; ' Thus: 'F‘oiu' vcopIeS'Of’l Black- woodi ’3!” 8f one-Review, will due zilltil-lssfi l'ttl’ $9; four cupies Of the fditr Retii‘ews an? .llléltlhwood for $30; and soon. a i V,” . ' Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of tlnitod States postage. ., ‘ . .. N.l)’ ~-The price in Great Llritaih Of the five Periodicals above Ila-ilPtl, ls $3l lpe‘r anuum. Reinittaucesfor anjl’ ttfthe abdiz'ii publications sltould always be addressed, pest-paid; tb the Feminist-"5,. ,. l . K , , .. K ,. . LEONARD; SCOTT at. Cd; ' No. 54 Gold street, New York. Nm you, Dec. 5,1861. ' ' . . , 4-. »- . -.. I ,4. flying rumors of llltf daily upttrnal, am Int: pon- reliable form of D! . Cut. t l. THIS is the only... ‘stall'. willtind it to'tlzdir advbnlng'e to ball ' and pay as soon‘as possible. . y 5.; t. . w0‘nM$.'fi"<'ii.s" ' » V rot- destroying Worm in children strrzmt‘s fEnlilFUtlE CANBY Ia‘by mum niost plean'an file, and oqec‘tttsl remedyndwlazuso; Try it! «Sol by all dealer. in medicines. ~ Sold b7W S. POLLOCK. Richmond Hill, i WinchéSter.’s Hypolrhosphitcs ( DR . * ii Cnoncfin.r.’s ercirtc 1.Em:DY,) FOR CONSUMPTION. Nérv‘oiw Debill‘ty, Sorry/lulu amt DySpcpsia. Bronchitis, 4w. HIS is the niosi thunder/id curative agent known to medtdal science. It has of- fectod crime in 'every stageof Consumption, “ UNrA_u.~s_t.t.Etu:D 1N Tm; ANNALsOF !- M ED’ICINEJf A 1.. Nerl/‘OttsuDobilily and Dys- pepsin. the Hit I’OI’HOSI’IHTES‘ tiray be re I garded as an almost sovereign remedy. Tlte VIIypophosphitcs Have a two-flout hull Specific notionâ€"eon the one hand. increasinglthe principle, which CON- S'I'ITU'I‘ES NERVOUS ENERGY; and. on the other. being the-[MUST IPOYVEIIFUL BLOOD (:4 EN 'R'A'I‘IN (l AGEHIS KNO \VN They act with promptgtpss'and certainty in all , general morbid conditions.’_ such 5.3 Chronic Bronchitis. Asthma, Soroftila, Mai-asmus; Ane- mia. Female (Jotngvlainte, &c., and in all_dis- or ers of the Nervous or lilood Systems. Their ; etiect upon the tubercular condition is immedi- l' albiwâ€"‘sll tllb ghn‘eral symptoms disappearing will! a rapidity which Its really marvelfltmhi 'I‘hey Increase the nervous or vital energy. re- lieve Cough. Check Night Sweatd’dlifilnish Expectt‘it‘nticm inlplov‘e the- Appétitot arrest Dian-limo. and promote», ret'rcsltingsleep.. A FAIR 'I‘R‘I..rlLL IS A CER'ITAIN' CURE. ' Winchester’s , Genuine Preparation oti‘ Tit. E ttrromtosru135th is the only i' li‘chiil’s 'Iieiitédy. and is approved Iit“‘tl'tc I'dodlq'alv Profession generally. USE N.) (HHER. Olt AN Y REMEDXCON- 'I'AtN'tNG IRON. - ., _ ‘ ' , IL? Pawns :.â€"In 7 oz. Bottles, $-I‘â€"'-‘iiii‘Bottlos fut-$5. In 16 02.. Bottles. $2,â€"fllhree‘for‘$5. CirCuIars gratis. ‘ Sold by all'respeotable Drug- ,Depot in the 7 .. t United States.’ by. H J. thCttEhTEttfén Jot... ,‘Ni'. THE SPECIFIC "'13.!ng .’ VA ercrrto REMEDY you Spc‘rmatorrheam- Seétinal rid/631372.555, (5‘ I Genital. Irritabz'lz'ty, in cit/tor 835:. ‘ m’edy lbr i’iexual Debility, r Impotency, Sterility, «Viol. whiCh has the ap- prot‘ml ol'tlte medical prb‘iossion."*ltsi success has been:mostextraordinaryâ€"efi'ebting cures in gases whareiatl other methods of treatment had k "mad. Oué to six boxes of tho SPECIFIC] PILL: Will permanently cure any case of Scmi- t ttal Flealtness, or its: resulting, Impotencv. however aggravated, whether constitutional. or arising from abuse or Excess. IMPORTANT M EI‘XCAL' TESTIMON Y. _"I have used your Specific Pill llt minty cases of Spermatbrrhea, and with the Most per. foot success. . ' ‘ .‘PJ. MILTON SANDERS, M.D..l.;L.D.’;‘ "‘V‘Ve believe it to be as near a ‘ Specific’ as‘. any medlcine catt be. ‘\‘I'e'heve.' durdd malty l severe oases With from six to ten doses.»’i~3-Dr. B. KEITH; fAmerican .Iour. of Med. Felt-meet ‘_'I haVe found‘tlte‘m all that Could bode: simil,’ 'l‘héir etl'ect'bas' been tritle Woltdei‘l'hi.â€"'-Â¥ E. I). Dtcx‘rzk, Kill” » ~ .5 [IT This isn‘ot‘a llomcepat tic Remedy, nor is there anv mercurv or other clet’erlous ingre4 dients co'n’ibined with it. ‘ V -_ Pk!(§Eâ€"‘-‘-$l perl‘mx; six. 2:03:29: .for $5, by mail“ prewpaid. .For gates,” all respectable Druggists. and at the see General Depot tn the United States. by »-: ‘ > ' J WtNCnEs"Ett.3s John StuNJi', + New York, Dec, 12, 18mm MID-'ly, THE lineup of Lot No. it). in thoBrd Concession U iBy Professor Henry S, Hagan, THE ' PEOPLE’S -._w $1000 A’ YEAR I $10.00, 'A :YEAI'. " valuia df‘tliéir‘ contents. a. certain an SINGLE nut‘ - M REIT anoint. THE HORSE, ~ Alia ins DISEASES . EOBEM JENNINGSurVrS-L. Puornsson‘ on I’A-rnomov AND Orr-:tufinvri Sung (may IN THE V E'rnnma n1 Consist; or PHILA- DELPHIA. Prioryor Vu'rutttNAut' MEDICINE 1N TrueturnAncient/roan. t OLDEGE or . , Onto, SnortET'Auv OF 'l‘H‘ii‘. finxmdm 7' VE'rErthAnv Assoctau‘wN Ol-‘ii‘i-Htf , ’ :Pflnlibl’flloy Fifth :, ETC- 12mo.;.k(.‘.loth Extra... i. . .; .._ v... .. 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