Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 May 1862, p. 1

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v -:--v'w » («13"5-“4‘1'fl'. mr’i'“ ~- .717- ”ir‘ '3 Title lint guilt: IS PUBLISHED éVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And desputched to Subscribers by the earlios m ails, 'or other conveyance. when so desired The- YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the latestand mostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptahiv totlic man of business. and a valuable 1"amili Newspaper. TERMSâ€"Somali and Sixpenreper Annuni, 11‘ AoVANcrz; and it" not paid within Three Months two dollars will he charged. I VWV VWVVWW.‘ 3 COTT, Proprietor. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Sixlinesand under, first insertion . . . . .$llti 5i} Each subsequent insertion.. . . . . . . . . . llll 12,5 'l‘eitliues and under, tirsi insertion.. . . . Utl 75.3, Above ten lines, first in., per lino.... tit) (17 Each, subsequent insertion, perliiie. . . . (11:02 113’ Advertisements Without written (limit-- tions inserted till forbid', and charged accord- ingly. i All transitory advertisements, from struiigms or irregular customers, must be paid for Witt”: liandeo in for insertion. ‘7‘)lfi QW. fit"). 33%- fith Mots-9n: HOTEL. CARDS. - _ o . «MNKAVWV‘. .»c--W./WVN «wwqewremvv /.«. R1 C H M O N D hICHt’mD IlltjerLS, Proprietor. " LAR‘JS 11\l.t. is connected With this’ L lli-tcl lot' Assemblies. Bills, Coii'cm'iis,l Myetlnps; Sic, A 5111612 leaves this Hotel ove‘ry mornin for Toionto, iii 7 a in : retuiiiing, Toronto at hint" past '3. 1L3” Good Stunting and a careful Hustler in waiting. ltichmond llill, Nov. 7, 1561. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad vertisiiig by the year. All advertisements published for tiless pe riod than one month. must be paid for in “d. Vance. 'All letters addressed to the Editor must bi :ost paid. _ No puperdiscontinued until v.11arrearagnsare aid : and parties refusing papers without pay ing up, will be held accountable l'orthe sub- seription. J: leave ‘ U l45-lly. W‘ Mice SEQâ€"Kart Iran, ltlL'JlMtJiVi) 1111.1.. "(1111C Subscriber begs to inform the Public J. that be 11.18 loast the' above 110161.! E. where he willkeepconsianily on hand a goodE supph of first-class Liquors, (Xtc. As llllSl house llosscssrs every iiccoiiiiiio‘uton Tru- vol (us can tit-site, lllU?~t‘ who wisl: in. mi} where they can find every (101111011111'01".~ijil‘t‘;ililly1115 vitod to give him a call. (.‘UlthlnLlUb VAN N’lir l RAND. Richmond Hill. 1)ec.§.’8, 186i». ltlb‘dy THE YORK I-llilltAl..1) Book and .5 ob. Elfin ti n ' ESTA lllJlSMlijN '1‘. RDERS for any of the undormoniionoo’ description of PLAIN and FANCY J01,l “’0 11K will be promptly attended to :â€" nooxs, FAch BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LAHGF AND SMALL i’os'risiis,(tint-omits, i.,ti.v FORMS, BILLHEAUSJIANKtillli;(71(S,I;ltAl“'l'S,AND PA MP 111.1‘1’1‘5. o r r. L, And every other kind of '3 N N ' ) v V ,V . LETTE {â€"I’Rlut‘sb l)1\.11\r111\G done in the besisiyle, at moderate rates. Our assortiiioiit, of .lllli TYl’l‘i is entircl}~ new and of the latest patterns. A large variety ofncw Fancy T\pe and llortlers, tor (Jams. Circulars .A‘ c. kept always on hand YONGE STREET H GOOD supply of Wines and Liquors AURORA. always on hand. Excellent Accvuiiiio~ d=ition for 'l'i'avellors, Farmers, and Others. Cigars of all brands. 1). McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora, Juno (3, 1859. 25 ]y ,mm finances {altruism}. humour. CARDS. EXQTEL, Kth St. JiZACT, tVliLAl‘t 'l’lll‘. MAHKLT EQUAMK, '1‘(_)ltt).\"1‘t), C. W. .70le ill I L L S, Proprietor. m tall. HOSTEL TTEn, Mei}; her of the Royal College of Surgeons England, Opposite the lClgin i lills, liltillhliixl) ..~v\- Good Stabling attached and attentive Hustlers always in attendance. Toronto, Novonbor isn't . Jamefi (Late of the King s lie-rid. London. ling.) Bio. 28 “743st Market Place, 'l‘t)ll()N l'O. 1111.1.- Muy1.1€f31. 137-bp l. BOVVIl‘v’ifitN, Ml), Physician, hinges One Dom South of Lemon‘s llolel L ‘ . ' . -. . A . , Elli»; liCfiillilltliNlfir luvmy accnmmodation 101‘ 1‘ armors and others attending Market Good Staining. if}? Dinner from 1‘2 to 2 o'clock. ' 167 THORNIIILL. May I, 18111 ,L ..‘.v, _. flatware anemone, lll‘iSubscriherhogs to inform the l’ublic that he has loale the, above llotel, LAW CARDS. 1:”7'N‘ t M. 5 iszV, " I’H'it tuna. " Hut-In, }. Cflidll’libulilzilbml’l flit “LLlVl’O BEkCll (JUN \'1~J\’A.\\.‘, A N 1.) r 1 DIVISION COURT FLO-EMT, ItIClihillNl') 1111.1. i"lST ()I‘Vl‘dCl‘I. (1111': l“. 11 EN 135, 13t)iitl.<,1)e(ids,blurtgngcs, \Vills, &c., l\'.(:., drawn into attention and protnptitudo. ‘ Richmond Hill, Aug 2'9. C 1‘: l‘iliililii. l‘lwp, of ill" (lily of Tor- V 0 Ohio, has Upt‘llt'tl an clinic in the \V11- .ag‘o (if/\iii'ot'a for the transaction of Common Law and (huncery liusti-ioss, also, (Ioiiwtâ€" aiicing executed with coiri-ctiit-ss and despuich , {if Wiltll‘i‘ he \\‘1llllt‘.(’|) constantly on hand a good Hippi)‘ o: tirst-c‘ass Liquors, die. '1 his house possctscs cvon uttcunllllildlllioll '1‘1ai'illors can i desire, those. who wish to stay whore they can ‘ lind every cotiifori are respectfulh invited to call. [ W. Vill‘lS'l‘l’llAii. Corner of Church and Stanley :‘5ts.,i 14L”- Toruiito, Sept. (3, loll]. l45~lv 'i‘lll‘} WELL-KNOWN BLACK HORSE HOTEL“ ll‘oiiiieily kept by ‘v‘t illiaui ltolpli, l (for. of l’alut-e a. George sits. {in s'r oF 'I'IHJ iii..:;it tat-,1 ’10!-tt}:\i(i. liltlilllll bill, Proprietor, A CARE) Division Courts attended Wellington St. Aurora, Ct. Queen St. lorouio | [MI- Lccsoi' to llioinus lrLllllLlJ. I November 20. took). ‘ 104-1) Good Stability attached. 'l‘i nsty Hustlers til .\';i'. s in attendance. l 'l'oi‘oiito. April lll, 1561. 125-1)" lflAlHESilll 8i. FllZGEll,“.LD, Barristers, Attorricysâ€"at-Law, 801.1(21'1 Out-3 IN t;ii.\.\t:i-:iii’,.\~c. OFFICE 3/- .108. littoit‘s , lion n tail ii i: ..:-. :5 u rant 2 (35) limo L311: 121': r, ills r ' 'Toiturcro 11) Ill CORNER ()17 KING A\D TORONTO STREETS Over “’liitiiiorc 6v (.‘o’s. litllllilllg Oliicc, . Lunch everv :1: r." from 1}. rill ‘1’. iOBONlt} «i :3 r c I 11? Soups, (iatrtcs, a'wms on hand. Dinncis and hug-pus t'or i’iivat-e Parties got g t )_\ sit-rs, l.til)‘s, an Agency Portion/ar/g/ attended to. THOMAS G. MATHESON. JAMES FITZGICRAI ]) up in Hm [mm H ‘ ,u Toront:‘:,.luly 1, 1.3.79, 31â€"tt‘ Toronto, April it}, isiii. 125-1,» Mâ€""m “"""" " '* '* h... .-__D,_.. w._Wfi__h_‘w_~__Aflv_~_,__* t mTEI' .(h'. (N. tick; ST . , .. . .. .,. . . NEWBl iifilsm til-“J'E t BARRlSTER-Al-tliw Hill} SQthlTOR C ‘W is “s i ’ A1 1'} ()1urcrcon lioicl, No, zit-l, 311 and 32. jJ 1"r0iit Street, 'l‘oruuto. llotird $1, per day l’ortois always in attendance at the Cars and Boats. ta catheter, Oflicc rotiiovod to (lam (,oiiipuny’s Buildings. Toronto Street. 7 \V. Nlfi'i‘i' iiGGlNG, Proprietor. 124-1)‘ Toronto, .lauuary El, 1651. Charles 0. Keller, TTORNEY-AT l LAW, SOLlf‘thni in Chancery, Conveyancer, «\tc. titlice, n Victoria Buildings, over the Chronicle otiicel Brock Stroet. W lllil)_\‘. Also a Branch Ollice in the village of Bea verton, Township of Thorah, and County of Ontario. The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. VVllitby, Nov. 00 isoo. 104-1) ~41.” Toronto. April 8, 1861. he! ,i ‘:,,--'”""”« i YUhh. MiLLS .2: J l EL, YONGE STl: t'. I " r 1113 Subscriber hegu utimaie that he has leased the abou hotel, and having filit‘d it, iipiii the latest s15.» travellers may rely upon having every condor? and attention at this first class. house. Good Siabling and an attentive Howler al- ways in attendance. WILLIAM LENNOX, Proprietor. U14 ZYOAT, Esq. York Mills, June. 7. 1861. 13‘3-13' Barrister, Wellington Hotel, Aurora. ! Law Officeâ€"Corner of Church and King Sts. , orrosrrr; mi: 'ioiionro HoUsE. Toronto, March 8, 1861. 119-tf " ' GEO. L GRAHAM, PROPRIETOR. 3L LARGE and (foinii’imlious ilallahd other F A iiiiproveniouls have. at great expense. _ J“ ’ y EDWARD E. w. llUltl), filiitls'l‘lfllt, Solicitor m Chancel-y, Convm uncer' ,gw. Mom“ been made so as make this ll‘ouso'tllo largest “ounces procured on Eortgages. ' and best north ol loroiito. 1 raveilers at this . llouse find every convonionco both for them- No' 3’ Jordan bimel‘ selves and horses. furomo' December 13‘ 1860' los'y N.l$.â€"t\ 611161111 ostlor always in attendance Aurora Nation, April lotil. flm ” u 1‘26-1)‘ A. RICNA BB» ARRIS'l'l‘lR, Attorney, Solicitor, ti'c. King Street, East, [over Leader Office,] Toronto, (LW. Toronto, Apiil, 12,1861, l‘23-1y /°' /.‘ / ’t r W whom G ant, EL TTOltNlCY :\T-1.A W, Solicitor in Chan- 1 CB!Ԥ',C011V0_\‘81)CQI', 6.20. 'l‘moiito. Ullice inythe “ Leader” Utiihlings, King Street. «5 Carriage and Waggon Toronto, April 12, 1861. 123~ly MAKER. a 7' """" r " UNDERTAIK ER: A- MAIRS, B- A- die. are. &c. T'I‘ORNEY - AT-LAW, SOLICITOR Residenceâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Office, in Chancery. Conveyancer, «Sac. Main Richmond Hill. ‘ I Street, Markham Village, March 14, 186?, 179-] *1 ' V um r'\..‘ \N"\_’ v‘ \N‘xA/v V'WAWV W"./‘\/W\N\/VW _ , t HILL HOTEL 1 . In furnishiupr store to pumhasc a pair .yomsg man in my mind, and 1 next i(.'illI'lCd back agent, who promised on lcavmg to llct me hear the denoumcnt of the AURORA AND I RlClllOND HILL “ Let Sound Reason weigh more 'ullilh"7:l8 than Popular Opiniqnf + ,, than}. THE voictcs 0F Sz'lthG, What melody airesis the,earl What rainbow hues (1.- light the eyel _- 1N hen virgin Spring salutes the rear, While earth and gait resound with joy. Scht then, as shades of night rrcede 'l‘o gaze upon the Morning Star, Ere its mild lustre fades from view. As So; ascends his eastern car, Sweet then to rise before the down, As stealthy tiviiigli glides away. And mark the siroaky forms of light, Fair heralds of the King of Day. Sweet to look from lofty cliff, And watch the sea-birds in their flight, Or stately ship, with fav’ring breeze, l'ler sails woll filled and canvass tight. Sweet to pass thro’ woodland scene Vt'herc round the oak the ivy clings. And listen as the feathered throng Pour forth mellifluous \v‘arblliig’s‘. Sweet bv tneaud’ring siroarm to walk, Where violets the banks bostrow, And humble daisy. ‘ eye of day,’ Boga-mined with Morning‘s dew, Swth to contemplate such scenes, And feel how great to be a Maul To rise. above mere instincts sense, Impell’d by one unorring plan. Sweet to return from such Sin-Vs)" “’iih mind refreshhland thankful mien To flint whose bounty crowns the; year“. li'lieie’ei‘ llis haiidiworlts are scenl mm . ur- ~mmu-Wm Etilniiliitt. , (soak rises. , A TALE. no -â€"-â€"â€" l (Concluded) ‘ But if this was the (:ns'e,’ 1 suggested ‘ would not tho failicr send him remittances?" ‘ It is not known twat he ever sent THE him anything. The mails hat/c been \-v.iiclied, but there are no doubt others in tho ploi,‘aiid if 1 could only soc young Groom, 1 could So not upon him" that 1 should know his secrets. Witt-rt: did you him. and how recently ‘1' ‘1 Sorry my iiifor-u:-tion is only likely to ttist-o-urziztc yoti,’ l tilib'tfith‘d, ' for if the young man 1 saw \ths really the object of your search, he has gone to Englantl.’ ‘1".Xphiitiâ€"cxpiiiiii, my dc'ii' lollottf ‘ \\ ell, to relieve your utiuil,it Was about three \vccks ago that l noticed a tilting mun Walking around the city, apparently engaged in no busi- ticss, ziiil intent orly upon killing, time. He walked. as you say, al liiilc lamc. One lilol'lilllg 1 colored SFZ‘U lllll ol‘ghivcs. and 1 found him engaged iii the some business, and as ho exâ€" tended his hand 1 .‘it't:1t1t:llllill}’ gltiticcd at it and noticed the top of out: of his fingers \Vt‘lS g‘ztltf. A dax or two after, 1 met him again. look- ing into the Window ofa paint. shop, and he wore the dark-gi‘ccn gloves which he had selected wlieul met. him. 1 glanced at his hand to know what disposition he had made ofihc; end of the gli‘vc linger which W:qu missing, but 1 could not detect am 1 ddfcrcticc bohvccii his hands. Tln-sc lililc incidents naturally fixed the 1 saw ban on board the steamer which sailed loi‘lflurope. l was :it the wharf to bid a friend fatctvell, and as the boat 'as leaving the dock there were cxrliiingcs of adicus betwecn tbosc an board and the muiiv collected on ihe Wharf. 1 saw my unknown among the rest. and as 1 caught his eye, he seemed to recogiizc me as one of his sti'ecti acquaintances and smiled. 1 ven- tured to wave my hand and shouted “tron voyage,” which he acknow-. lodged by a touch of his hat, and; the steamer Went on her way, andl that is lllll know of the yung man.’ ‘He had a very pleasant smile, had he not 7." l ‘ Yes, and his whole manner was very distingue. ' Did you beat him speak 7.’ ‘ Only a few words when he was: buying his gloves, and then he spoke in i: very low Voicc.’ "There can be no doubt it was lic,’ said the ag. ht. ‘ and he has no donut gone to Fuglaod.’ 1 suggested the possibility of his stopping in Halifax. but he thought he had returned to Europe. and the next steamer which loli lor England the French police drama. I waited patiently many marmwnmmu _, .,"',.M'°‘.."'".’ '" since lit-1t you in B'istonl- ililz<11t§ll', (fortune. toil “1’3 .R'LIellIl-“Hlll l assured KM) illfilfiih ill ' 5!? Eli. ii, if lit: lilf‘A Y, iiiAY '33; M “M‘ «mum - W'ccks' for the hoped-for'lei'ter, butt any love or any~ desire to renew his ‘; lorincr .lriendsliip. let llvlmrllltti come mouths passed away, and your lot- lmved year. and no tidi‘i‘ig‘é caiue'. Ottitrisltitiailv, as the smoke of my cigar curled into the air. i thought. of my adventure, botit 'was nearly ulfilticd from my' ri-collctltion, when, but a” few dayS'sii'urc a leitc‘t‘ reach- cd the: which gives the sequel to the opisiidc which 1. have telaicd. 51 transldc the letter, asit :illotjds all the information 1 possess of the alfair, ' ‘ Paris, Doc. ‘21, 1861. Mv DEAR Fitti-2Ni),-â€"l hope this may find you in good health, and in the enjoyment of ihc'world's pros- perity. How unitiv- years have llcd All, time thus. What have you" thought of incl 1 promised tO. ‘Writc ant infirm you the result of my scare: afici‘ young Grciue. Well, it had no result till quite recently. did see (hctric, as you su‘piioscd; he remembered very well the incntcuts you recited, and especially your adieu to him as ho lett’in the steatiicr. 13th let the be t. lii;lc more ‘st slourdic in my statement of facts. \thn 1 left you I visited England. but Could not find young Gi‘cuic. 1 returned to l‘aris, and was i)i'd::i‘ctl. to investigate the case further, but the more 1 sought for it'lltitiih.1lit3 less it tippi-al‘cii to pic that M. de Group: and his son were g‘uiltt . in course of time 1 ‘iectime satislicd that all suspicion of either had been unjust, lint how to account for their possesszon of the coui'ilm'fcitsl lt puzzled all our force. Our. slirewdcsi tleieciitos Wcrc engaged. could not solve the problem, and we even called in the aid of the most expert London detectives. But it was uselcss. For a space ol'lthrt c vcara there was no new emissions of the hills, and the whole question gradually lost, all intcrcst. Anon! this thin: M. dc Gacsnc. who still hold his (illiciii puslilim in thr- bank was taken seriouslv ill, and as the doctors said no had but a short time to llVC, the govcrnzncni graunul him prcniissioii to send for his SOJ,’ whom it appears he lliid (it‘ltluldi‘lll. corresponded ititfi. and who “as their rcsidu-t: in a Siriulltown iii Scotland. The latlicl‘ died, .atltl young (ill‘ttlilt‘. his only child, lH-itjdtl’ii: inns iiihoriiintg an hint: that: Soon after he had again settled in Paris tic Scot for the, and then assorted his entire ignorance oi the whole charge. and though ho was aware ill-’3 bank had long; strict: been convmccil of his innocence, he was aiixwiis, il'iiioncy could do so, to procure some (‘Xirlfll'ltlllllil til the fact of his having in his [NJSSUSS‘ iou llli' cvutiictlcit hills. 11c ltSSlll‘~ ho i'<_e(:i,:svi'ui tlicii‘i fiom his This snrpriscl inc, and 1 shame upon the-â€" thought it possible that :hc father was after all, ilic culprit. 1 did iioi wish to tell him my sus‘pil-iou, for he fa 1 “CF. loved the memory of his father, and i' so 1 loved him. Years passed away and no new coriiilcrlt’tis appeared. doing great good with his nun-ins. lie avoided the ft‘ivolitit‘s of life,und gave his attention to scientific pu1‘-“ soils and literature. 1 often tell the humid his intended wife “'Cigllcd licavily upon him. in his room there hung a portrait ofa latly,.who ,1 suspciied was the only love he chrlmtl. 11c appeared to lead, if such a thing is possible, a inchin- clioly, happy 1111:, conscious ()1. his own integrity but not forgctful oi the siiSptcions of the past. But the clou l has pas‘Scd orchaud it is how broad daylight with him. The whole mystery is cleared up. and this is how it. came about. On the first of this month 1 was sent for and 1 found hint iii a Stall; of great excitement. lie was delirious with joy. As I entered he said:â€" ‘1 have sent for you because you know my history. 1 have. lilitlh tine fiiciids Who would no doubt serve inc, but loutrnsi myself to You for various reasons. This morn- Rinid li.’ Vi'ilS ing 1 received this letter. 1 took the lcticr,aiid it follows.â€"~â€" Marseilles, Ne)v.23. 1861. If Alfred tie Grcmc still Clil‘l tszitrs for his early love. that ltllilt'IHHl watch she never fora single instant has withheld from him, let him be that circinnsiauces which have transpired within a few hours, as though sad in themselves, havc‘ removed all suspicions from 1101“ mind of the pOSlellitV of his having perpetrated any act which bore trace ofguilt. if he still entertains ADVOCATE Ann; Ylltl, Ilitit'flt’, .i‘ N AA /-\_/- .V __â€".....__.__P___.( ._ at ouc‘eto e~ t, w ,. ., E ’ h’ltltllliSA- . P.S.I«¥i\1y. failiciridied. for these many ~‘ve‘ars. informed of her liiicliiy to» inc,:.:ind at last 1 an) rcwardcd,‘tie exclaimed. ‘ And she evidently, has not been ignorant of your positiondu’. life.’ 1 added. ' But the postscript losing- ular, 1t merely rounds-the- death ofhcr ftiilicr.’ , . » . “Sin: is in grief. cviileniilv, ande i, must leave at oxito,’ llC’ replic'l..‘a;nd you must go with inc-,for 1' am sure that she has d.scovcred sonic explan- ation of the. mystery of the bunk bills, or SllU‘X‘VOUld never have sent for me.’ . ' ‘ You don't appear to understand it, but 1 do,’ 1 remarked. ‘ itow 1 What do you mean 7." i ‘1ltiizij; be only my suspicious, and 1 Will keep them to)” l]')_\’St:lf for tile ptescni, if you _\_\'ill allow ipc.’ A i'-l_t)lil trip brought us to Mar- scitlcs, and WE‘ attended the funeral of the father of Mario. in the even- ing, we were slim-vii by her to a ,pi'ivnlc mom in the attic, ainlliherc, l :covercd with dust and rusty for want ofnsc, were the implements of .21 most export cooutcrlciicr. Fir tears, unknown to any one, and un- .'suspt:cicil by all, he had cai‘runl on - his trade. 1 lie had made his con-~ ,f-ssio. to h’l-il‘l'), and he confessed filial he had arranged the thoncy in lAlfred'spockets alicr'hc had retired lat night for the false issues. The tbill 1001111 on the elder Greme had, too doubt, been couvcyed there by limit, as Azfrcit’s father visited Mur- scillcs shortly after the allitir. 110 died, however, poor and miserable, at‘ last. I have not ntlmnplod to tic-scribe the scene. You can‘t imagine it. It Wis 1‘131'115 intention to outer a convent, but Alfred has altar “(11011. 1 must close my Epistle, already itoo long -â€"-You Will rice in the t tizipci" various versions of the alfair, 1 intro of x». inch states the counterfeiicr the “Ill Soon witness there 1w .8 iii routed, and you know you can rel}. upon this fro H Yours. truly, EMILELEGENDRE. ‘Wliait an improbable sloifiv,’ 1 “0211‘ etiolahncd -_y some .of my ,readcrs. Do vou think SC)?-â€"Hllt1 luhy l Because it don’t seem true 1 ‘tuat the Albion, Hotel should have 1 l l l l l l j in i‘tltirscillcs. It is not so Strange, .liuivovcr, when we relic-ct upon ii,l . . . . i perfectis our apprelicnston, even in as the lorinncs ofthc Emperor Nu- lpnlcuii. 110 has Walked through iilic streets of Boston when he was quite uncertain where he was to ootam nirans for another week’s dodging. if you do not believe the ,siory, go look at the. register of the Albion, and ask the Major if soc" an liiictdciit as that l relate in the first ;puiagraph is not a posriivc tact. The room in which 1 passed the 'cvcniiig with the agent of the by my bachelor friend, Coloiicl ' , :1 always saw Legendre inkling,r trout cork m the linger. T vjv 1:. til 1’ iii ltg’l N C E CA N DO. in Mr. Hull's book on li'clantl, ocn curs the foiloWhg passug -, \vli'cli a person Will haidly read without ctiioiioi‘i: ’ We entered out: day a cottage in W ii A '1‘ . . imam Was killllltlg at the door. it Wits as neat and (fihiiliii’lalvic its any in the iriost prosperous district of ilili'itzland. We tell her brief story can recall 111::i11 :--~--‘ My husband is a. \Viicclwriglii, and has always earned his guinea a week ; he was .i 1 drink Was so strong in him. and ii Wasn't otten hc brought me.- home more than live shillings out of his one pound oi. Saturday night. and tit broke my heart to see the children too rugged to send to school, to Say nothing of tho starved look they had, out of the little] could give them. Well. God be praised, lli took the pledge, and the next Satur- day, ht: laid tiiiciity-one shillings upon the chair you sit upon. Oiil didn’t 1 give thanks Upon my bcndcd .gootl workman, but the love, of 1110; yesterday. 4. "litiave waited for that mos-sage _ .l kneth would'comc. 1 have kept mySclf s-issimdcd her from such a life, and' tany (Jiltlii'ftJIiUll with a Counterfeit/in . . E French iolicc Was reccntlv occu iiod i M. de Gi'cuic lived a retired lllt‘,‘ l ' * 1 land when 1 called there oizuzisioiily,‘ his V.illSt.‘ the ghw with a bit of l l in “(‘1‘ own words,- as nearly as we i i this: millions. V Tuners: $1 so 1;; Advance. " Vii/lirle , ih'c‘s:imc, auditlie ncxt,aud the next, until. cigliti We} k‘s i had" passed; and glory to.G0d_! there was no change foi‘f the; bad inmv husband"; and all the ,wliilc he never '{i'Skédme why there was nothing better for him out "of his earnings; So I felt-there was no fear for him, and the ninth week, jvvlien became to me, I had this.~ table houglit,‘ and these six chairs. four for the children,and one for‘hiinsclf; and 1 was dressed in a new gown, and the children all had new (:ltitllCS,Dlld shoes and stockings, and upon his chair ‘1 put anew suit, and upon his plate 1 putihe bill and receipt. of them all, just the eight, tsixtecn shillings. the cost that id saved out of his wages, not know- ing what might happen, and that alw-ays went for drink. PAnsu'rAi. lNi«‘i.UuNCE.-No chil- dren or?" ever so happy as those who have been curly taught implicit my] immediate obedience to parent’s wishes, or will, or comintinds.~â€" ilVould that parcntsmore universallv felt that! W'lien' they suffer their childrm to disobey them, they are absolutely teaching" them to sin against God by breaking one of his commatitlimihis, and to 'wbnm the promise- of long life is given. No Wonder, if God, in just displeasure, remove the child lroui such tuition. llcmcmbcr What a solemn and iii- stt‘iiciivo lesson the Holy Ghost has given in the historv‘of Eli. There is much dilllgel‘ from an amicable wish to gratify a child, of Counter- ordering your own orders. if you once direct a child to do a thing, lit'ivi‘cv'cr unpleasant it may be to yourself or the child, insist with firmness upon immediate and full obedience. There should be no dc- tmur nor dclay. .1)roinpt obedience is as lovely lira child as its enforce- ment is it! a parent. The firm and gentle coiist"tiiut. of parental authoâ€" rity brccds low: in ll'lB‘tllllld towards the parent. 'l‘hns, then, ifyou de- sire your children should grow up clieiisbing you in profound esteem and induction, insist upon this filial duhâ€"tho duty of implicit obcdi- onceâ€"and commence early. To begin right is the way to end right. "" rfi 18,1) THE VVOlelliltFUL WOR OF GOD. How immeasurably small, what a very speck does man appear, with all the wonders of his invention, when contrasted with the mighty works of the Creator; and how im- ihc highest flights of poetic imagin- ation, of the boundless depths- of Space 1 These rct’lcctions naturally suggest themselves of the content- plation of the worksof an Almighty Power, and impress the mind with a reverential awe of the great Author of our existence. The {great revolution which laid the foundation of modern asironon‘iv, and which, indeed, marks the birth of modern physical science. is chiefly doc to ,ihrce or four distinguished philc‘ stiplioi‘sâ€"â€"'l'y(:liiLBi'ahe, Copernicus, Galileo and chlcr.â€"â€"-'1'lie sun's spots llaVCl)Ct:ilp1't)i)C(1,lilS‘llll’l’llthUS lciivclops’ conntcd,his rays analyzed, his pi'oiraii taken iti various attitudes 1‘by the a ‘pimtliclograph,’ and his lftililcd svmpzttliy with the fortunes of tilic earth coiiclusIVcly verified. it iiiagnctisui that has supplied this lliuk. Observers have snccccdcd in ,ll'ul‘lllg iiiagnciic disturbances, hat/o for their icspcctive “1111.11 periods the solar day, the solar lycar, and, still more remarkably ‘i‘ I 2” .‘. "(".‘f')" mu Suman U, Gmk; ” “mm, W”- an. Ulllll litely iiiisnspcctu 5 lat circle of about ten of our torrcslial yours.â€"â€"~(1i‘..irb:iiiit’s Inaugural Ad- dress at the British Assocnition.) A Strange Stoi‘y.v~'1‘liei‘e lately diedâ€" ,iili‘Hfi‘ ininil \vlicrem-ari exceeding iicli lllldn. Suppose we call him Dives. lie lira: not only enormously wealthy, bubâ€"â€" mall. what slitil. we bl) lâ€"t‘mrsiinonious. 1 5A few months before his death a friend asked him to whom he intended to leave Dives reflected for a nil 'nii-iii, and then replied : t 1 think I should like, ten minutes before 1 died, to buy the 1‘:Oll-'l~11001' and Slut/[on it.” But oh! ,[)11'PS,111K'1'618 no gastric juice that Will dissolve. diamonds. What says the lta~ lian proverb l ‘ I’élii'oiitls have no pockets.’ »~â€" Illustrator! A'cws. To rail against humanity for. not being abstract peilcction, and against human low: for not realising all the Splcmllil kncss that night ; still 1 was lcai'liil it \VUUld-iil lusi,and I spent no more- visions oi the poets of chivalry, is to rail “mm the five Smmng I used [0, 5”“ at the summer for not being all sunshine, mg ,0 myself, may he. the mmwy and at the rose for not being always in W111 be more Wanted than it is now. bloom‘ VW ,/ V\-'\ ~._/\. ’\_/'\1 &,~,\,\ a v we. IVcll, the next week tic~ brought me t ~ 3an w. outâ€"mun»- . _.., . _ _ , THE“ Arm’mic "TrudeauMisti-T had a conversation this ti‘lOl‘llll’lg at iVillard’s Willi Cyrus lvV.Ficld,Esq., in which he mentioned some facts that 1 think have not been put bejforé the public in so condensed .a form, at, least not lately. He said that on conversing with various grain mer- chants in England, he found, that theysent very few orich here to what they -WOUld do if there were telegraphic communication between England and the United States, fol~ this reason. They 'can telegraph to their agents-at OdeSsa io'pt'irciiuse 4a cargo and by aficrrtooii of the l vgaziup; at their Cil.l'll‘i'lt, a Iral‘ l . . . t . § music in tho SOl-llld of their children s some day can receive advices ofthc purchase, and thus be enabled to offer the some for sale on arrival. that the purchase cannoti'bc tirade at 11101111111 fixed and act ,ac- cordingly. But 15 t1: cy seckio make a similar operation at Glut-ago, they must wait amonth. or five weeks for :1 reply, which pcrl’iups is ..tlia*tl prices. rule a traction too high for the limit assigned to the agent. And all that time their capital lies unemployed. 1 am not. one of the sanguine ones on the snlijcci'ol' per- serving the corliii'iu‘itv of a cable through the Atlantic coca-n, habit is. ii’npossdile not to see the iirimerSe benefit which it would be to the United States. One. of the advant} ages would be that above mentioned, and it would also put us in coin~ mtin'iicatiou by telegraph with every capitol iii Europe. and with all the principal cities of Europe, and with the most important, plat-cs own in ’Afi'ice and Asia. Mr. li‘iold Speaks in tho highest terms of the (lislllllll'm 5110“ n in the matter by the l‘iliii’llSll tzovcrumont.â€"â€"N. Y. (.y'onmzcrcial Corresporthc/tcc. .A LIFE '1‘iiooon'rrâ€"ul heard a man who had failed in business, and whose furniture wits Silltl at auction, say that when the cradlo, the crib. and the piano 'vcni, the tours ivoold come. and liclizid to lttHthllli: house to be a man. ’ Now than; art: thou. sands of men who h;th lil‘il isicir pianos. but who have found better voice and footsteps goingr (‘lltttfil'lllllV down with them to poverty, thaii any harmony of (aliozdcil instru- Oli, 10W haul;- rnptcy. when it saves :i man’s chil- drum. 1 sec iiiatiy mou who are bringii’ipr up their 215' I A ,l l ' incurs. locust-u is children tshould bring up mine. if, witch they were to” yours (liltl, 1 should lay them on a dissecting table and cut the sincws of their arms; iln‘.l legs, so tlnit'tlicy could uciiln‘i‘ walk nor use their hands, but only sit still and be fed. Thus rich men are. putting the knife ot'iniloliuico and luxury to their childrcnls energies, and they grow up, latled, lazy calves, good for nothing at twenty-live but to drink deep and squander wide, and the father must be a slave all his life in order to make boasts of his chil- dren. 110w blessed, then, is the stroke of disaster which sets the children free, and gives them over to the hard but kind bosom of Poe vcrty, who says to them ‘ Work,’ and working makes; them men.»â€" Bt‘CC/tcr A tipsy customer, who was. seated on the box with tln; stage diver, swayed backward till he tumbled oil. The‘ mud was deeh and he, fell soft. “ 'l‘lioreuioiv,” he thiilLlil'l’lifti, as he crawled out of the slough, “1 know you‘d upset, if you didn’t take care.” On being lllltl they had not: upsetâ€"“Not upstrtl" hi: vi-liotil in amaze- ment. “if 1'd kuomi that, 1 wouldn’t; , have got 011‘.” Duke ilftfl'tlltllllltl and lllt' .‘kltll)‘ll’llsl.*-‘ During; the seven yiniis‘ war an ateliymist Olict‘t‘ti his seniors to i‘h‘i'diii'iizil, Duke of Brunswick, for the ptii‘posii of converting iron into gold. “ 13y no llll'iiits‘ 3” answer- ed the Duke; lellli iron to fight the lt‘i'vncli: as for gold. fact it from Eng- lai d. lint if you are able to (fillll'lil‘l mice and rats into calves and oxen. you are my man. The former make sad havoc 11‘ my military stortés; no.1 the latter 1 stand in great need off."j The lion. lieury ,lCi‘: standing his powers as it humorist. once overcome in wit by a country ('lt‘é’1fv'lllllnt will“? Wtist. outwith- 'l he licv. ,lli‘. l‘~l_'l7»â€"«-â€"«â€"~, nil: :u’wr of Douglas, and Mr. i‘il'.\l{1?l". bub m’ :‘1 the illlll’ltil"lallltf cl a mutual l't-ieui‘l. _‘ -5:~\:t it; crosses being on llh‘ tunic, thr- writ-:51" gentleman took a supply on his p':t‘;w.-»-.r'r-:-ii llti-I ‘t‘Ik‘, _~ he. proceeded to tourism; hi» liii'sliiiic remarked lirit cedure l't?l‘;illlil'~‘ll 111111 of ' r\ 7” “ .41, . 11h) tliir'iilt""“' illi‘l' “.vbut:ii-uliiczZ‘ir. i ' ” .'.. i rctoi'too ,l_)t'.t‘tl‘O~-â€"-. " lbtit i~ on because 1‘ui catni’ aunt;in tho hours." Scenesâ€"Ii stout gentleman .iztl his wife. of twins, who were encircled in each Mir :3. arms in the cradle. ill/{ff}: ~â€"l)o look it them hus- band; ain’t they a prcciOiiSpmr of lambs? HasbtnuZ~â€"_l{they are lum‘ls‘, Wife, what am 1 .’ letinie, the Engineer, hazl been pm- ploycd to imke a new l'l'lil‘J‘P across the list: at A’iusslebnrgh, lill'l lilltl completed a. handsome and ‘lulhitttlil :3 one W111) an al- most level roadway. Il‘z'ivlli’ll the engineer was taking the work ".‘él' the llltllilS of the contractor, one of line ill 14131511105 of the. town, who was ptcscni, awe-.1 a country" the lt:ll:' With his cart" how he liked the new hit”. * ling,” said the man, ‘ it‘s me iii-i5; .ii:i ' yo nwiilier ken wlian yo re on'i, nor when yir‘i-c atf‘t.’ man, who passed iii, Adviceâ€""flit: market is glutted with itâ€"Tlic oflerers are plenty, but the takers f0 w . It

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