Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 May 1862, p. 3

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Infans 5.311.591: FARM For: SALE; THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BINI‘KST‘T ' “inlaid:di‘"§..‘:3i:.§°.i“‘é’tt‘tlfl m: subscriber arm for sue me "was: THE HORSE, nit;r HIS DISEASES: ' ' ' . '3]. ,h t half of Lot No. 19. in the 3rd Concession Li.illiiéifiiiil°5333d03f $312233? 3.... 1.3, or Markham. contain-mg -.ROBEIIT. JENNINGS. v. s. ’ PROFESSOR or. PATHOLOGY AND Orr-:Iu'rivn Sun. , '."-~~‘A ‘RES: an Infant SCh0019 1 o o O {’GERYIN THE VETERINARY COLLIICEOI‘I’HILA- . . r ' e cleared. and in a hi I] state of When She will b0 happy '0 racewaunderiher Sgli’ivavi’ildifhe Pviith a Comfortable [foam and DE"?“"" PRO“ 9'" VETEMNAR" Mm’mm" . charge any child between the ages of 4 and ‘ ' in mg “TE AGRICULTURAL (:OI‘LE‘GE’VOFAIJ i : ' ' - ' th ’vin R H H A L L 1‘2 Vears- rm? "51ml Mullah” Iaufl'hh Will) ggeéHffilgmgs’ also. a Boung ” g OHIO,SECRETARY or'rm: AMERICAN . . . Plain Sewing, Nittiug and Fancy Needle Work. ' ' VETERINARY ASSOCIATION or PIII- , » EGS leave to intimate that he has REMOVED the Stock of the RICHMOND F0, terms. 55... appiy a, the residence near F0? l’attllmllm'3 aPPlY ‘0 “Dam”, “C” we. w HILL DRUG STORE, to the New Store one dOOr south of Van Nostrand‘s‘ Raymond’s Hotel.~ - JAMES GAMBiag-s 12ml). 0101211 Extra. Price $12515. I .w Hotel, and has received Richmond Hill. March 27. ’62. H°adfmd0 Mard‘ 20’ ' ' » LARGE ADDITIONS To HIS STOCK. Which will he found complete, comprising DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE S'I‘UFFS, PAINTS. OILS. VARNISIIES. PATENT MEDICINES, . PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, SEEDS, DRUGGIS'I‘S FANCY GOODS, '8Lc. 8m. bnc. iiiAn Old Business in a New Stand l, QRRGRS OWWAR FACTS = WORTH KNOWING. â€"â€" TOBIAS DOLMAGE, WING to the disturbed state of the Americans and the .exhamtion of their funds. A haS‘been induced to invest meney, to great advantage, in purchasing an elegant n'l fresh stock of Summer OOTS & SHOES. The i l74_ JENNINGS GREAT WORK I UN 'I‘HE'HORSE Tells you all abbut breeding and Mlaiiaginig‘Vthe animal With-Iris various vices, and how they/can be corrected (COPY) Notice is Hereby Given HAT MARTIN MACLEOD will apply to the next Session of the Provincial Parlia-l ment fer an Act to confirm his title to the Road , allowance butting his farm, lot 61. iii the lst concession of King. being the town-line be- tween the Townships of King and Vaughan. For Sale orflto Rent, t COMMODIOUS self-contained HOUSE, situated in the vicinity of RICHMOND HILL. containing 4' Bed-rooms, Parlor- and Kitchen,‘ with other Outbuildings, There is also an Acre of Land, and another Acre'can be leased adjoining. ‘ ‘ For further particulars apply at the ' Hmunn’ Office. . Richmond Hill, March 6. 1862.- Which he is prepared to Sell at Prices unprecedented on Richmond l-Iill. ’ Stock comprises over forty vaiicties of Gents, Ladies’ and Childrens’ - . a, fi ll ‘lltllt ‘llluiti llllllllill' hIIIIIIIII. lily iIIIII limp "will It "1w . . . i in the first concessmu. granted to him by the l3? A special invitation is tendered to all to visit the shop and examine, as nothing Alsov a complete County Comm” of York 170.3”, In therHill will compare with the goods either for style, quality or price. 1793") i 2 '. ‘ = Riclnnond Hill, May 1862 ‘ CONSISTING 0F . _ TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SPICES, FRUITS, TOBACCOS, ‘Wl’llCII have been carefully selected, bought for Cash, and will he sold fer the same I at the very lowest "times. Just received a supply of fresh GE EDEN SEEDS, Purchased from reliable seed dealers, and warranted to give satisfaction, {or sale in HE Subscriber respectfully announces to the Public that he has riviiioved his. Ex, papers, or by the ounce or pound. Timothy Seed. 00 &.$2 50. Clover, 50. E ‘tensive Carriage Works to the City of Toronto. After thanking them for their ROCl‘ Oils 450‘s" Ta", Tllrpemmeo A_lc°l“’l~ Bumm‘sl Fluid» &-C- . liberal patronage while at Markham, he solicits a continuance of their farodrs at his I“ Sonatina “‘9 l‘a‘m'mge 0f llls former Flilfil'ds. and C““°mers~ and me ["1th generally R. H. H. would state that it will be his aim to supply in all cases Articles , I ‘. ., l... W310 Stan-d9, 163 King street, $33,131:: iiiifiii'fi 22's.???" it “w JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK ON THE HORSEDesci'ibes more than 150 diseases to which he is subject. and gives the various remedies best adapted to'their cure. ., 171-11". w_a_____ UST RECEIVED, ,a fresh supply of 'a new J edition of SANGS'I‘ER’S ELEMENT- ARY: ARITHMETIC. at. the “HERALD” Book Store. Richmond Hill. JENNINGS’ 'GREA’I‘. WORK ON THE HORSE Should be in tliejhan'ds otlevery man who owns the animal; 'At a critical moment it may save you hundreds of dollars in horsevflesl‘i. " ' Pails and Sap Buckets. v : PRO BONO PULICO. T... t. Anion __ -auv Quantity of PAILS AND SAP The Early Settlers. , DOWN AT LAST. , , ‘ ' -- : NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and forbilious complaints, SiCk Headache, Costiveness &c. , we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABII: LIFE PILLS. , OF THE MARKHAM CARRIAGE FACTORY T0 TORONTO. BUBKE'I‘S, at his Factory, Lot No. 11. 2nd. ‘ V_ . _, Concession of Markham. or at PARKER BY'WARREN WIVLDWOQD‘. Esq?” ‘ CROSBY,“ Rial‘m‘md'Hlllial'greally reduced With 200 New and Original Engraving“ Prices. . , _ _. “M Address. post-paid. Buttonville Post-office. lemo" Chm Elms: Pm” $l'2°' JOHN AMUSS. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-.__._____ Isa-2m THRILLING A D V E N T‘Utt‘ES ' AMONG THE EARLY SET PLERS VWQ venture to say is the most intensely intereisF iug collection of stories ever issued. ' ‘ February 20. 1861. Siior ANII DWELLING TO LET Village of Richmond 'Hill! - IN a good position for business, House com- modious. with 5 Rooms and an excellent Cellar. Wood Shed anti other Conveniences. at present in occupation by Mr. Coomer.-â€"- Possession given on lst January. 1861. Enquire of 178-6m , H fififbficnaii i if ' .. GEORGE EAKIN ' PENSYLVANIA Iiticit OIL: KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Cents per Gallon. VVarrauted Genuine or the money returned. lit BOT H 6L SONS’ CORNER OF YONGE AND QUEEN 81‘s., TORONTO W THRILLING A D V E N TURES AMONG THE EARLY SETTITLERS While drawn from the most authentic sour~ ces. yet partakes Ofall the Wild. weird, and feaiful character of romance., doors west of the Iiosin Honm.â€"~on the premises formerly occupied by OWEN, MILLER 25; MILLS CA R BIA on S I I I I-{j‘i ‘lIIIIIIIIIII as. GENUINE OF THE MOST APPROVED THRILLING A D V E N TURES AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS With startling vividuess brings before the mind of the reader many a deed of blood and earn- age. many ascone of heroism and patient endurance. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, Dec. 5. 1861. ms.“ bANADIAN, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STYLES! Constantly on hand, or furnished at the shortest notice. : C- CARRIAGES,BU‘GGIES, GIGS, &G. eo(rge Wiison, JO Ifid‘ s iii-ii, MADE FR OM THE BEST IMP 012 TED MA TERIAL.- LATE FROM ENGLAND All \Vork Warranted. , ) ILate from Yorkshire, England.) Wantich firms moist; General Blacksmith, i .REPAIRIIVG DONE 0N TIiE SH’OR TEIS' T N0 TIC'E .’ AND ON TIIE MGS'P REASONABLE TERMS. RICHMOND Ii ILL, BEGS to imimm. to “,8 Fame”, and when, Uhiouville, April 18, 1962. IMPORTANT. - DR. WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly re. commended, for Coughs, Cold|,,Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat 25 cents pa: bottle THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS. PAIN, AND DISTRESS; ' By Professor Henry S. Taylor, MD. 152mm, Cloth. Price $1.00 ~_.â€"______ ’ I’HO'I‘OGRAPHSI PHOTOGRAPHS ! The Cheapest and Best} ' 9 ' Ambrotypo aiItl Photograph ' ‘ GALLERY IN CANADA, The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Lamps! In Canada, a: m in Q _ w x 'aC kl :- ’A‘ > > > > > o O 9 0 -° .â€" l‘ 5" F‘ "‘ U2 (I4 U! - U) U) K , _____ in the neighborhood. that he has leased FOOD Accommodations and overt. attention for a term of years the Blacksmith’s Shop, TAYLOR’S FAMILYDCCTOR Is W'RITTEN in plain language. free from medical terms. and tails vou how to cook. prepare drinks, and manage the sick gene- stiown to Travellers. Good .Yards for owned and lately occupied by M r. S. Sanderson, ro‘ve Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses nearly OPPOSitO the post office. Richmond Hill, ind Studs. _ y where he intends to carry on too Blacksmithiug The best of Liquors and Cigars kept con- Ilbtisiness in all its branches, and he hopes, bv Mantly on hand. attention and punctualityâ€"combined with his 1. ‘l‘ne Monthly Fair held on the Premises first 177-3m 1n endless variety, Latest Improvements as “ old Country” experience to Irerit a share of f V - . » _ is!” Wednesday iii each month. their support. ' P . _ k ‘5 R. g gl las 1112.014; welll-kiiown Patternsi.‘ H . I o , rally. ' ~ . - , .' . 'R' -, ' . . ' . '4: A nteii mg urc lasers are respect u v in- , *"r‘eâ€"WW Richmond Hill. ADIIIB. 1862. I76 "lil'th’gljll'llv Malfll 27,-17862: _17'_‘l:f . ‘ ' a vited to call and examine Stock and Prices' TAYLORIS FAMILY DOCTOR W Hotel to Rent. J‘ 3‘ “flaw”, ', a {‘1 E3 % 9 . $230:oilf‘ngshgfci‘Qggg; Sta-v 159 1' ‘ I 7 ! onscntons nearly 150 distiiictdiseasesto ‘ HE Subscriber, owing to other engaeo- 1 COUNTY Cellslableiâ€"Lm‘dlord’s Warmnls L i ’ k n I .3 »â€"â€":~f,:-<â€"ef:0nl I if i ‘--â€"â€"â€"-:--V “ORUN ro‘ . Slider;valfhbyociiiibg:dstiIiideeIgbedfeusbjlfgi 'meiits, wishes toe Rout his unexpired : I exrcumd- Rt‘llls and Debts collected on r ' J < d t dt 1 ' . geaso (17 inmiths) of that well-known and com- “"5 shone“ PmSIl‘le "0009- VVHU 1; ESALE AND RE PAIL A 'A' E, a El) e 0 He". cu” DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Qtntment, is well worth a trial, In any case of Piles, Burns, Scolds, 01d Sore. lntlamed or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and h, every case where an ointment is useful. It will to mend itself, after one trial. Addiessâ€"Riclitnond llill P.O. TH E YIC'I‘ORI 1‘ EA WA ii iii) IICUSE __ m_ ____ 1 N0. 93 King Street, . CHEA P were CASII 2,81 GN OF THE QUEEN, I Is the place in Toronto, to buy pure r ‘HE Subscriber. in returning thanks to his l v illli i1 film “iii I 1 i , numerous customers who have so lll)t‘l“ ally supported him for upwards of fire years. iItqâ€"O 1‘ only because the propi-ietor.El)WA RD 1 LA \VSON‘JS one of the oldest and most Proprietor and Principal Operator 'l‘ornnto, April 19. 1861. 125-1y THE PEOPLE’S GREAT N” w BOOKS embrace other works of great value, that will be fotiiid in.our printed catalogues, THAT all persons owing Dr. James Lang- and which Wlll be forwarded to any address staff. will [hid it to their advantage to Call on application. andpay as soon as possible. Inodirusrlllotel. the . 1 " Hatfiwoy [louse .' Situated in the village of Richmond IIill.â€"- For l'urtliur particulars apply on the pretilist‘sl to COPPERSMII‘H, BBAZEII, II I And Irena initiates ‘W'orker, ; i ,1 ANUFAC'I‘URES and Sells every Article in the above line and has had the V, pleasure ofsupplying both the. Navy and Army in Engl Ind and out of England bcf‘re he touched the shores of America, and has also had the honor oblituminaling the. Royal [Intel and every house on the Royal Terrace at \chmoutli, England. on his own respmisihility-tukes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to His friends and the public in geni‘ral~-â€"rint fmgellllg those. Stove Mai'chants and Store. l’c lens in Hamilton and Newtuarket who have so kindly patronized mi- and my sons while we were in partnership in these places; and begs to state that he. still continues to iii-.tntifucture every article in the above business, at his shop on Richmond Hill. FARM FOR SALE. rl‘HE Subscriber offers for sale the north wes par' of JOSEPH GABY. Richmond Hill, April 9, lob"). 176-4 m“ THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other works of great value that will be found in our printed catalogues. and which will be forwarded to any address on application. ' WORMS. For destroying Worms in children, SITTZER’I VERMIFUGE CANDY is by far the most pleasan Info, and effectual remedy now in use. Try itl 801 by all dealer. in medicines. Lot No. 13 In the lst Concession OF THE Township of Howard. Containing 75 acres, about40 of which are under a high state OI Cultivation There is oti the Farm 8 acres of Full \Vlteat. a good Would state that he continues to In anui‘ucmre, A'l‘ 1115 OLD S'l‘AND," Sold inW S. POLLOCK. Richmond Hill. ‘ """" _ " ""’ ‘ THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOTS AND SiiOcSl .experiemwd T034)". ers in we nude. but from Orr-hard. a Log House and other outbuildings. 111:? All l’l’ror/c ll’rarmrzted and attended to wit/2 despotic/z. Winchester’s Hypophosphitos BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others of every description. and of the best Iiinterials Tl“ fa” “ml l'“ llllrfllmeS his 7989 l” 5‘1th Richmond I’Illl, IVIaI'cll 7. 1862. I71 3:!) Them is also a RED OF. UCHRE 0“ “I? pro- . .. in quamitifiso" verleemherms' Unequane“ and after the Latest Sit lo and hopes bv ciosd . large filiaiitities at the Ca 1:0 Sales. thereby eu- l’enu‘v wl'wh only reqmms a small. Calmal to (1)!" CuuacmLL’S PPF‘CINC REMEDY’) m mael'amcal exocmlon'las we” as value or . s H . a ' V ~ V r y . . . 7 ~ g - wimfid m ,' __I_ ,. . ‘4 1h, """WZIWI.__,;:_’ *. ‘: gr: ’ ’ “ "“"' opal] it up. There is also strong indications of ~ their contents. a Certain and rapid sale follows attention to bustness. couiliiiwil iiitti inotleiate ) ablmg hm) to 58” m a var-l * ' ' ‘ ' ' charges. to ensure a continuance of illt'll‘ favor. VAI‘TCE B. O B E R I. A. W S O N ’ S on” 0“ “‘9 Plol’elt) k or furlh” parl'culars Nervous Debimy, Sam/rum and Dyspclmw. the" mtmduCl 9n °V°ryWh°l° . ’ 9 . . . l' c He would also beg to Intimate to the iiilm- l"I’Pl l ' . . ' )' . " y' .' ' v ». I a . . ‘ bttouts oi ]\.l'.lllllO|l(l‘lllll and \IcIIIIh. lllvttt lm ,- P ullillmg the old adage “ Large bales. Small has on hand qune .iii iissOIIiiieiit ot | moms and Quick Ram-mg! also in lADlES’ 86 CHILDRtN’S BOOTS do SHOES ' A... I. ICOFEEES, SUGA ltS IS rIIE PLACE TO GET PURE TEAS AT REASONA St .E P in}. ICES, The reason of wliich‘is that he Will not keep bail Tea in Stock, and is will log to Sell at a Fau‘ Profit. ROBERT MARSH. ' 140141. lst Con. Markham. Richmond Hill. Feb. '26, 1862. 170-6 . f Blackwood’s Magazine LOW, or Cassia! Are unsurpassnd fot qiialitr and price. all being manufactured on tllt‘ pl‘Hmises. flout the best Iced and 1 operation 94 years, and is the LAIIGI«:S'I‘of the kIud in the United Sta es. We have on hand ‘ material by firsbcla‘s workman or manutacinre to order every description of I Uriiamentvd Loo/ring G/ass Picture Portmzt ‘ , * ' ‘ n - ‘ v . I ‘ i H ‘V' : .‘7 . Frames Plain (1’ Ornamental Pier » “ Cddl F a" d (“L a. l- cal‘cq ' I ‘ ' ' _"' ' Always on hand or made to mdor In any style Wall Oval and Marital Glasses, on the shortest ‘l Itice. ' Connecting Comiccs Base 1} I Orders by mail and otherwise. attended to ‘- Brat/(d Tables with [map with dispatch All Goods warranted us repre- blc Slabs, Toilet sen ted. and delivered free ofcharge to the cars Glasses, (fro. Lira. . . Cl ‘ l. Beware of Painted '1‘ ans, \\ limit are no better than poison ""c') 4 _____. Tim WESTMINSTEII REVIEW (I.iberal.) ROBERT LA \VSON’S is also the. place to get PIIII IIIIIES, liliill, Illllll‘lll III Illllllllll I At ROBERT LAwson‘s you can procure Pure Spices, all kinds of Sugars, Fruits, Tobaccos. Sauces, Pickles, AlllPl'lCtln Cheese, Canadian Cheese, Candles, Soap, Brooms, Brushes, of all kinds, Oat Meal, Flour, Corn h’leal. Dried Apples, Prunes, with every other article in the Grocery Line. at low prices. You will also find at ROBERT LAWSON‘S Soda. Abernathy and Arrowroot Biscuits J. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA; ZINE, (Tory.) The present Critical state of European affairs will tender these publications universally iu- terestiiig during the forthcaming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the has- tily writeu news items, crude speculations, and‘ flying ru mors Of the daily Journal, and the pon-‘ dermis Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the grant political events of the time shall have passed away It is to these Periodicals that or iii the city limits, T . MOULI‘INGS for Pierce»; FRAMES. in lengtlis' UK? 0 suitable for transportation, either Gilt, Burliug, ! Remember the Place..- Rosewood, Oak. Zcbm, Birdseye. Mahogany." N0. 93 KING STREET Sum OF THE QUEEN &c. “or new Manufactorv and exienstve fa- EDWARD LAWSON, cilities enable us to furnish any article iii our Bronchitis, d-c. HIS is the most womlcvful curative agent known to medical science. It has ofâ€" fected cores in every stageof Consumption “ UNI’ARALLELED IN THE ANNALS OF mia, Female Complaints, &c., and in all dis- orders of the Nervous or Blood Systems. Their effect upon the tubercular condition is immedi- atr-â€"all the general symptoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous.â€" They increase the nervous or vital energy. re- lieve Cough. check Night Sweats. diminish Expectoratiou, improve the Appetite. arrest Diarrhma, and promote refreshing sleep. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE. Wmchester’s Genuine Preparation 1 OF THE I'IYPOPI'IOSPHITES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churchill’s Remedy. and is approved by the Medical Profession generally, USE NO OTHER. OR ANY REMEDY CON- 'I'AINING IRON. _ 11:?" PRICES zâ€"lu 7 oz. Bottles, $1â€"6 Bottles $1000 A YEAR IS TAYLOR'S FAMILY DOCTOR IS WRITTEN in plain laanguage. free from Medical terms, and may sooii save you much sufferingaud many times the cost of the book. \ ‘ . ‘ _ _ . . Everybody Wants it § .‘ . . , p . _ MEDICINE.” III Nervous Debility and Dysd _ - - ’ .IAMIS Vl'lltaVliY. iun's’ apwes ”" TH" pepsin, the HYI’OI’HOSPIIITES maybe re- * Richmnnd Hill, April 17, 1862. 177.6... 41"" ' PM L- has laie’Y “’09le 1ml! of?" imi’m‘tflmn from London, Englaud, among BRIT l SH RlEVl EVVS l ganged “3 a" “"10” S°Ve’e'g“ "°mf’d3'- , THE PEOPLE’S GREAT _ V ,_, w--- ._ . A V21 winch are some very _ SC TIP & CO_ NEW YORK “minus [118 Hypophospllltt’s ! BOOKS Will be furnished to agents and others I Px-xas‘raxx ‘ it 0 I - . .. , l “‘l l ' '1 ‘ ‘T " '1 r' \ 1 i o to publish the following leading British Have a two-field and specific actionâ€"on the I“ qualll'llefi 0“ very libel'allel'ms‘t Unequaled LOOI‘IIH" GIHSS & PICIIH'C Frame “Q a 4" E h L A V 14 D l A [amiodicatsy viz,5_ one hand. increasnw u", principle which CQN_ in mechanical ex-cution, as well as value of a MAI‘UF"‘IOFIY “9 mm l'” ”””""“'°'” 1 J r 3 l STITU'I‘ES NERVOUS ENERGY; and. on if°lr 9°"":1"”S’-“ “mm alild rapidsalmuow‘ It ' fit; I ...__-_ J . 4.‘ ' ‘ - A- , 'M . the, when being me MOST FOVVERFUL tell“ Intro uction everyw ere. No. 2‘21 om u-mwwâ€"rm-w arrow. HIS 7" ‘ lm‘mlmg a 1‘“ Chest“ 0f THE "owm QUART CBLY (C°"S°”a”v°) BLOOD GEN'RATING AGENTS KNOWN 1""&]"” R I it 121‘ 5 lo. ‘LTS F1 N C 1 d a" 2' 'II t 'th t idc t ' I ' 11 m . too As )5"tlfil¢'l' v ' scrim”; ThEE’l‘ ‘. .. _ , Li ‘ {.3 v . ' . ‘iey ac WI promp ness at or am y In a I, . Established 1838 New York Establhhed v33 (CJ©N._J,T.,..,,AEG. l.\.r;..1_{,y ne \\,?lzl]' ,” E)” apan’ THE EDINBUPGH lg] ‘ IDW (Whig) general morbid conditions. such as Chronic A j Ix pf may; i, C’ Li}? ,{_ , “ Hi: I to “’1 L81 a S. )(31‘ . . .v ’ _- ~ ' , r 15- l 't". Asthma, Sotofula, Marasmus. tue- ' DE by manventer r' .‘ . , ' tl I l f ' "‘HIS Establishment has been in successfull ' I [HE NURTH BR” IS” REVIEW ’ (Free lone H h I 1 p mug men m w 5a 0 of “ the People‘s Great Books.” Uncqualled in mechanical exocution. as well as mine of their Contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere B IING MADE by many enterprising men. in the sale of " the People’s Great Books.” Unequalled in mechanical execution, as well as value of their contentsta certain and rapid sale follow: their lllll‘OdUCIIJII everywhere. $1000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many enterprising men. iii the sale of "the People’s Great Books." Un- equalled in mechanical execution. as well an . N V a )l- ; -' "a r I i '0' 4. - . -' '- ‘__‘_"v ".V'2 mm as good as the (’68:, and as cheap as tho Proprietor. and Crackers, It holesale and Rt Idll. 1150 all kinds 0. Confectioneiy, the whole bemn readers must 1001(‘101 .t'howouly ieally iiitelli fox-15,35. ‘ III 1602.‘Bottles. $2 lllrle8101.$5. va'ue'of ,heir contents, a certain and rapid cheapest. , 01 the best manufacture, and sold cheap. gible and Ieliable hiStOIy ot current events, and CerlllalS gratIS. Sold by all tespectaile 0mg 1 I. n {l . . t i p H 1 Toronto. Feb 5. 18b2. 167-6m as such. in addition to their well-established gists. and at the sole General Depot iii the gm 5 o ows 16” m rmuc‘m" evel3w‘em' DEALERS ARE lsvrrcnro CALL crow Us ROBERT LAWSON’S lace of business is P xiii:1:237)pIiISiihiianwwItfirkeyery:rfikillidn ItiOOiii- R . . . Late” 162 King-st. East, Near the Market, Next Door to the Clyde Hotel. - s - emamingigGISICHMUNDHILL PostOflice Toronto, February 1% 1861 p , 168 line which they can possibly require. at prices I APRIL ‘ . v _. I.) o D literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. EA R LY COPIES. The r»-coipt of Advance Shots from the British publishers gives additional value to these Rep-iiits, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as lower than they can purchase elsewhere. Orders by mail attended to with promptness. Do not fail to call when you visit .\'.ew. York Office and \Varerooms, NO. 215 Centre St., ...uâ€" McConuel, John McDonald. Mary McMillan. rlugh Baylie. James ‘ Bowman, Thomas Basto. II. C. (Sun) United States, by J. WINCH EIITER, 36 John St., N.Y. THE SPECIFIC PILL ! A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR. 'Spermatorrheaor Seminal. Weakness, (IA Genital L‘ritability, in either Sex. l I SEND FOR $25.00 WORTH OE the People’s Great Books and try them among your neighbors. Everybody wants them. SEND FOR $50.00 WORTH New York. Campbell, Benn McLaws. Rev. Mr, soon as the original editions. â€"* . _ HORACE V. SIGLER, Gamtret. Mary Newton, Charles AN ‘ TERMS , THIS is the only remedy for Sexual Debility. 0F the People's Great Books and try them l75-3mos. I Agent. Collie, Henri’ Patten, Alex, ~ ' Impotency. Sterility. &c.. which has the up. For arm Duttou Wi'liam . l I For any one of the four ReVIews,. ...- . . 3 00 Dove, George (2) Patten, Isaac Phillips. George GENERAL STATIONERY, RICHMOND HILL Its success has been most extraordinarymefl'ectiug euros in proVal ol' the medical profession. I among your neighbors. Everybody wants them. .' q Derliam, Rieliard Pliilli s. Samuel ’ .s’ u 91 ~ ‘ v t y l ' It“ “"5' two 0f ll": {our RPVIS‘VSI‘ ~ ‘ ~ - - - 5 00 cases where all other methods oftreatment badi I l l A ABSOCIATION ! Flerhenw’ Adam Fog“; Wimam (86“) AT THL YORK HERALD OFFLE, A1 IRICES LOWER THAN TORONTO. For any three Of the‘four Revwws. . . . . . . Z 00 failed. One to six boxes of tlie SPECIFIC I HIS ASSOClATION h t f d I Goodwell, John Reéd, Elizabeth Richmond Hill, December ‘20, 1861. l60 5°" Elli rim offtililhelvll’ws' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘30 PILL will permanently cure any case of Semi- i 1L i P l ’ G I" I d . LIBRAIW,’ 1 ‘ ‘35 ’3‘,“ “re will?" ‘ Gallowny. William Simpson, James (sour) ‘0‘: ‘ W‘o" s‘ ldag’mmev-f I '- m t -' I - ' (‘0 nal Weakness. or its resulting Impoteucv. 01“ ‘10 80P e 5. real ’Ogfira‘“ “Yl em . t to tie HrnALn Book Slate. Heise' John . N ‘ . N 1‘01 blackuood an one ROView.. . i . . u. 500 nowever aggravated, whemerconswmionap or among your neighbors. .very body wants, HARNESS' Ii Aiinnss I o’cmck. PM, y II 3 a ternoon. mm to I1unes,V\IllIam Trustees Sch. Sec. I . ' « b. _ . . oi actwom an tiiee eVIeWS,. .. . OI) IMPORTANT MEDICAL TESHMONL For Blackwood and the four Reviews.. .10 00 Monty current in. the State where issued will ' be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twortwfive per cent from the above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering 1“ four or more copies of any one or more ofthe above works. Thusi Four copies of Black- wood, or of one Rewew. will he sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $31); and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. « NB -«-The price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals abovo named is $31 per annum. Kliuck, J. A, No 3, Vaughan Laugstaff, John (2) Vernon Fred. A. Mai-shall. Thomas (2) Van Everie, Miss Abbie Mitchell, George Whelan. Daniel M. TEEFY. P.M. A. SCOTTr, Librarian. Richmond Hill. Feb. 27. 1961. I sandman OIL SUPERS EDED. I EIGGS’ BLACK OIL is acknowle by all who have used it, to be superior to Gar; ling Oil, or ‘my other Medicine now before the motto for Sprains, Bruises, Cute. Galls, and all “info: to Rorschach. Good for man and beast. , Pr ascents or bottle. Sold 1) Alli-oleth w .190, P 1 fl For Sale,- CHEAP ‘or Cash or approved Credit. A v , Tm,_horse power THRESHING MA_ SHEDS. dun; a good Orcliaid, Garden and SINGLE OR DOUBLE! HEAVY OR LIGHT WELLâ€"MADE AND DURABLE 2 MAY BE HAD 0F ' ill I Iii illl it ill' '5‘ i’ I 1:, .Il til it ‘I ll]: . l I ll , ‘I J m llIIIII "IIIIIIIIII “IIIIIIIIII l‘lIIIII “bun l‘llI‘Ii’iI "llfltll‘illlll I“IIIIIIIII 1' ‘HE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purchasers. and of the best materials, HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. An assortment of W HIPS, LASHES, 81c. constantly on hand. ‘ TO BE SOLD. 18 Acres of Cleared Land, 0N LOT N0 41, lst Concession of Vaughan, ‘g? 1TH a comfortable convenient HOUSE, with BARN and SHEEP HOUSE. " 1 have used your Specific Pill in many cases of Spermatorrhea, and with the most per. foot suceess. "J. MILTON SANDERS, M.D.,I..L,D," "We believe it to be as near a ‘ Specific ’ as any medicine can be. W's hove Cured .many severe cases with from six to ten doses.”--Dr. B. KEITH : ‘Ainerican JOur. of Mad. Science. "I have found them all that could be de- sired, Their effect has been truly wonderful.â€" E. P. DICRER. MD.” 11:? This is not a Hommpathie Remedy, nor is there any mercurv or other deleterious ingre- dients combined with it. ' SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO ANY address. postage paid on receipt of price. Address, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO ANY address,postage paid on receipt ofprice, Address, , JOHN Ej. POT’I‘ER. PUBLISHER, No. 617 S‘Insom St, Philadelphia, Pa. v V . - . . . P ;â€"'- 1 or box‘ 'ix bokes for 5, b.) ‘ ' ' ' I ' with Cleaner: also a Span of TEAM [gap/In. A never-failing Stream runs through Gallars ‘Varrant6(l t0 I100k Ck ear ell. Eh fiifilrllyixxgsbgron? 810:8 pvgl'ctflntrs malliwlll‘e‘faldi) F0" gal; by 8” respiiabl‘}; H S. good to work. Apply to I‘ 0 )FOPGI'IY- ' ' d I ; '~ . * . A .~ . s i 0 .‘ l" -‘ a r9859 ' P 3 'pa‘ ’ " '9 Drnggists, and at the sole General Depot inthe ‘_ , ' L . r r - JOHN AMOSS’ Apply to JOHN FOGGIN. Also, keptfor Sale Patter 30Il & BID 3. P101018, P037118, Landszdes, 8/0. Publishe18,LE0NARD SCOTT ,& CO United States. by » ANY addiess, postage paid on IeCOIpt 0. price 9f?“ Call and Examine, Richmond Hill, October 17, 1861. Lot 11,2ud Con. Markham. 174 Vaughan. March 7, 1862. at W M. HARRISON’S 15lâ€"3In On the Premises . No. 54 Gold street, New York. l71-tf. “March 24. 1862. New Yorlt. Dec. 5,1861. ‘ new Yuk. 12. 1861., J WINCHESTER. 3,6,.Iéohn St.,N,Y. . 159-15" Address. JOHN EHPOTTER, PUBLISHER, p No.31? Sansom St., Ptiiladelplllfixfi

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