Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 May 1862, p. 2

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rim: itittlltlt‘dfv REtht.Ut‘le,l .‘tr‘httigit Shrine. PADUCHA, Ky” May 6. . A s ecial dcsiatch to the Chican THE EDiN BU RGH' JOLH'IZCLE stiys:â€"â€"AI report is current lieii'e. I ‘lliat Pope's ar-uy oeCUpied Corinth on Sunday. Only afew Confederate regi- ments were posted in front. who are said Ito have been taken prisoners. CAIRO, May 6. A special despatch to the. Clnrng-r Times says:â€"'llie steamer E. it’d/sh _/__s_-._i.â€"4 ....._.__._.. ARRIVAL. OE iNEW _YoRK, May 6. The Edinburgh arrived at six o’clock this evening. She left Queenstown on. the 24th. . The Titties of the 24th says that ad- vices from America: indicate that the recent battle had no effect in. creating the hope among the leading houses that the termination ofthe war was at hand. Northern Raj 'I'uiie iaoic tones oncCL Monday. Dec. 16, bl Movmu nowru’ ' Mail. Leave Toronto. . . . . . . . . 7 20 mill. 'i'iioriiliill“ ... ... . . 810 a in. Richmond tub. . . . 8 1:4 3 m. ' ..........838aiu. Aurora. . . .. ... . . . ll lit) 11.111. Newmai'kei. . . . . . . 9 if) n iii. Express. 4 it) p in. 4 56 p in 5 It) pan. 5 24 5 45 p.ui. ti UU certificaie,â€"Valid throughout the 'l'liet'c arc‘uo less titan,.f’i.ghteeu.l entire i’rovince. We cannot cou- specimens ol copper ore enuiiiei'ated‘ ceive any reason that can l)t):21$it)ly“iil the catalogue, ' three. of native be urged in favor of such an Ut]lai|‘;CUp[)t‘-r, and one. of the pure metal svsleiii of favouritism. Why sliouldisrtielted from ore taken from tile oite teacher enjoy the privilege of Bruce mines. lticli?‘ ir‘mnjore IS. Competing for a provincial license. - found (Well it C‘mSldt’t'étlifg extent of while another, whatever his qiiali- , country on the north side of 'tlieSt. fications mav be, must be satisfied Lawrence. T iron, it Justified, has. with (me, that Confines lttm' ttiialbetrn smelled- in the n‘t‘igiibiu‘lit)titil _°'rnii; iiigcousir the rum or con. NAVY. in addition to the iron frigate Achilles. _ 50, 6,079.,tons. 1250 horse porVer, build tug at Challmtn ilocltyard.tbe following; squadron of iron vessel-r are now Under construction by piivate liims for the Adpin‘a‘lty,eeviera| of which are in a VPty ‘ alluaiiced‘ slate. viz.. the Auiiirourt. ’30. 6621 tons, 1250 horse power. building at I N; N‘ . l. .v. _, .Tiin CELE-UltATtét) House ,: SiMCQE MESSENGER . FVM striiilt‘fiir"Mures this season Wt? , _ follywingi'plucesmiz: :>â€"' p, _. ..M0NDA.Y.IMay 5-‘râ€"He will leave his own stable, Lot No.) 22; rear ofthe 2nd- (Jou. Mark-- on reartied Lere this morning; it out i’ittsburg, Leave Collingwood n _2 3,, p m Holland Landing. . 9 30 iii-III- Bradi'ord. . . . . . . . . . 0 4.1 (1.“). MOVING 500 I‘ll single county 9 15v what system of ' logic can it. be sliewn,'tliat teachers 53,, ad”. wlioreceiie gratunous instruction ' "f 'lillmei KW?” Em. upward“: "t a litrkentiraii; the Nortliimrbei'iantl, 50, ham, and proceed" to Wilson’s hotel, Richmond Hill. and stop at‘ noon : thence up Yonge St. to Suttle’s,.and stuyull night. a ‘ ,i . . 'l‘unsotvâ€"tle will proceed to the Mansion House, King Station. and remain 1 hour; thence to Lashes", and stay at noon.‘ thence to cvnmrv' Acc“”“ng~m Bmwm’l'e, 662i tons, 12:30 lior~e power, and the from 250 ’0 300d"‘"~"”"~" .“i‘l'e bu; Viltttnt. 32,, 4063 tons 800' lint-Le poWer, 'gaged in the 85. Maurice Forges in buildin; at ’ Aiillwnli , the Minotaur, 50, ifhe year 183i. The metal is said 0621 tons, 1250 horse printer, and the i t Shipment of gold were beginning to excite apprehension, and it would surpriSe no one to hear of a decree from VVusiiing- ton prohibiting the export of specie.‘ The "imcs announces the. termination of its correspondence from the Potomac, and says that the President formully decided that Mr. 'iu.~sell would not. be permitted to avail himself of General McClellan’s invitation to accOinpany the army, that the Government fear independ- ent criticism ', that the troops Were desirous of carrying with them a historian whom the world would believe; that Russell would have been received with joy in the . Confederate camp, but outof a scrupulous regard for confidential trust and fear of impumation, he returned to England. Pullinger, the defaulter, died on a con: vict ship en route for Australia. Subscription clubs are being formed for the benefit of the unemployed through- ' out the manufacturing districts. The steamer Etna and New York arrived on the 24th. ‘ LATEST. Breadstuffs quiet and steady. Provisiom very dull. ' LONDON. April 2t. Consols closed at 93% to 94 for money and account. American stOcks were dull. ‘ ARRIVAL OF THE ‘- AUSTRAan- SIAN.” NEW YORK, May '7. The Royal Mail Steamship AustraZa- s-ian, Capt. Anderson, winch sailed from Liverpool at 8.30 on tile. morning of the 26th, and front QueensloWn on the ‘27lli ultimo, arrived here at 6 30 RM.- News quite meagre. The steamer Tubal Cain had left Liverpool for Nassau Wllil a Cargo of arms and ammunition, doubtless designed forthe South. ' The Parliamentary recess continued. The London Star gives a report that the Austrian Government had demanded explanations relatii'e to Lord Palinerston's ‘ late speech on Italy, so far as regards the retention of Venetia. The Times has a sarcastic editorial on President Lincoln’s proclamation for a day of thanksgiving, and thanks it quite pie mature, as the affairs at the time were" most critical, and battles were impending It asks the meaning of 'that part of the preclamation which riiers to deliverance from foreign invasion and intervention. 11 scarcely thinks it can be for tardy justice done in the Mason and Slideil affziir. Nearly all the Irish members of Parlia- ment had signed a petition to the House of Commons for the restoration of the Galway Subsidy. It is reported that a bill placing at the. disposal of the Emperor the amount in tended to reward the army and navy. will be immediately placed before the French Chamber. It. is proposed to consolidate the public debt of France in one uniform security oi three per cent. The Bourse was heavy and declining at 70f. 35c. I Garibaldi had renounced his intention of going to Southern italy. It is reported that Victor Emmanuel will remain some time in Naples, and then go to Rome. . The French and Italian troops had come to an arrangement for the suppression of reactionary movements on~ the Papal frontiers. and were acting in concert. .1 ‘A Shanghae despatc'n of March 15th, says it is rumoured that the rebels intend to attack Foo Choo. The Russian loan of $310,000,000 was to be announced in London on the 25th. But for this it is supposed that the Bank minimum would-have been reduCed to ‘2. per cent. LIVERPOOL MAiiKsrs, April ‘26, a. in. -â€"â€"Breadstuffs-.-i\’1ess;s. Wakefield, Nash 8!. C0. report flour slow of sale :it a reduc tion of 6d. per barrel; sales iii 26% a 31s. Wheat is vory dull. and no effect sales 111.31 2d, reduction in piires would have to be made. Red Western, 10s. 6d. u 118. 6d._; white, 11s. 9d. a 12s. 6d. Com . ii'oint, the head of navigazion. in or y 30 Landing. The army had so tar titlitlllllt‘ti ltmdloid. . . . .i 55 p III. a to u.m. at the public expense, who are sup- lI‘Om the Wet“. “ml “Olin”: “'85 lWUWH llU'W'd mittlmgu 5 P~'“ 5 fl-m plied with all licenssaty books, and of its Itioveiiienls. A drenching ratii XEZ'IlLMl‘N' " "" in; I; ‘even assiswd .by pecuniary aid, . . . . i ' o a a on- - - I ’ ' ‘ . . was mnmg’ thh had column“! {wrmy King. . . .. 7 l.) p in. t4 2:34.1ii. should therefore be entitled to ad- four hours without intermission. A re-. port is generally believed that Corinth was evacuated last night. and our trUOps are now in fttll poSsessuiil. BIVOUAC [N Fuosr or \Vtt.LtAMSBDRG, May 5th, 10, p in. To Hon. E. M. Stantou, Sec. Wartâ€"â€" After arranging for mov‘eineiits York liners 1 W115 “29ml! ‘Ulll f‘N‘ llfllt‘u Evening mail for ’i‘oioiito closed at.. 5.3) pm. i find General Joe Johnson ill front of in. in strong,r force-r, probably greater it good . . deal than my cum. (J't‘li. iiazicock has taken two tedoub-ts. and repulsed Earley's , . oi «tier le briusidc b ' ‘1 real . . L. i it a 3’ . l | Mirror ot Pavilionsâ€"Mine. Ueuiorost with the buyoutt. i‘dlélllg one colonel and ‘ 150 bumpers, and killed at least two- 00- smcoe ‘Hm°e""7°r-J w'le's' hotels and many privates. ills c()titlu.'l was indeed brillianta I do not l(t|t)-V our (ex-act loss, but fear that Lien. liooke. inn lost considerable on our left. l 7 ,___~ from the Hislltlt’t'S taken that the Collies. ,. 'i ” deralcs iiitend disputin; every step to “It” iiclnnood. i shall run the risk of at least holding them in ciiY'Ck lieie while i OUR SCHOOL LAW-A MUCH resume the. original plan. My entire NEEDED ABJENUT‘TENT‘w force is undoubtedly considerably interior â€"â€" to that of .tlie' Coiilederuies, wno wi l light W'HILE me Shiva/.1 0f Sopamw wcll- bull w'“ do a” 1 “a” “fill “l”- ‘0'.“e Schools is under consideration we at my disposal. ’ Geo. B. l‘viCCLELLAN, biaj (u‘reii. Coiiiiuandiiig lticliiiioud lilii. . . . 7 25 pm. 9-4 l a in. Tliorniiill. . . .. .. . . 7 4d p.iii 9 55) min, Arrive at l‘oronio. . . 6 3t) nun. 104d '- FRUM Richmond Hill EU to Railway station. Morntiiat uiail tor 'l‘orouto closed ut..i.t)v' H-ln. up ttallway i’ost Ut‘fice going itoitli. . . . .700 a in. __.____..._ ._.._.._ __.._.._.4 New Advertisements. Court of Rewsioli Vaughan Tuw‘usiiip. Public Notice» Ur. l)uiii:oiiib. Ciliil'él’ ‘ learn on. iii'ox' o hum; MA 9. ___.__._. ._____..â€" _.__..._.._ .. would take the Opportunity of di- recting attention to a clanse in the. present school act, which deiiinnils due consideration 'nt. the hands of The Louisville four/ml says, Ge:i. the Legislature_ \Ne wt}..- m lhc Ditttm‘tlt,7wlllt poitioiis ol Wollords turd great and [‘nunllf'Sl. injustice untit‘t‘ butltlisixi-nluckycavalry.and \\’yiik0ps'whi(,h u large Pruponinn “f the Pennsylvania (‘it\'ull‘)’,800 in number at ,, \ ,.. .‘ - . - ' LilijttllOll On Monday IflOlltitW at four “Quin” engdg‘d m 0m Punhc ’ _ n’ schools are obliged to labor, owing O‘clock’ t the unueit at a (l v Xit' u , . t) f-‘SS‘ ‘ ' ’ tt ‘ ' t) .‘ the Confederates were titteer routed. '3 t i l ‘ .LUUISVILLE, May 6. I y I . K‘ _‘ : I k‘ ‘ ' I )‘s a large. number slain, 1:)0 piismieis taken. lib ll '23.“,“(01‘ 1min ‘ed upon and nearly all their horses and arms l ’6'“- ‘J ( 0 “m i’l"l)()“0 ‘0 Plead ('ii-O‘ i ' v . i . l u . o \‘w lured. They tied after liéhting no how [he “tans” “i any Pillllull‘“ (ah-“N amt ,. half, any farther than the interests of that Gen. Lutiront is in full pursuit. ile will (:luSS, “Dd lilUSe Of the ptlhlit‘ the capture the whole force. The pi'lsoiicis identical. Bill tilt" futureol Canada Will be how this evening. Hit was a brilliant alfair, and tt’tzinaged the pro, 'er and judiciouS [mining Uf Will" t-‘l'eal ka'” ll! (It‘ll- .Dtl'ltlllll- . its youth, that all true patriots ti‘iust . morgaii ls reported kilii-‘d; (“oh Smith desire 1,, 5“, (“Try 1,1,M,.Hm,,, m lhc I lsw‘m'd‘id ‘” “l” “’3’ 9”" "'“mu "‘ progress ol bopusar education reâ€" wouiided in the abdomen seriouslv. , “‘ _ ,- , - ,. , . 4 moved With as little delay as pos~ llie (.oolederatis were completely ink . s ‘.. surprised and outwuteil. . . . __ most gch place to the interests of BALTWORE 31.0.6 the (:ouiiiiiinity ; and no monopoly should be encouraged or pei'iiiitted. Among the prisoners time“ at York- ‘ toun. is the Chief of bil‘gillt'rrfi of Uren by Whig“ m9 c‘.’u“”y at Mfg“ 1" made to stiller. llowever colli- Johnson’s staff, who Mules that the whole Confederate army at York'own atllnuni‘d pleie the superstructure of out sys- to 83.000 men. lie gives a most deptor tom of education may be, and account of the condition of the army. and however liberally the public fun is ’2‘)” “my “l” “6 “H‘tblc '0 "er *1 Wm“ may be. appropriated for its support. :my when: this side of liicliiuounl. Then it “ms” WIN“. duyy h is ,0 wurk "f’m’df C“”“"”f“'~‘"d Swim": delllttll "“ out the. details of the system are Salmon),.in lieioiiotsnol ltiii discouraged l“. needyess and my the advance was 20 miles distant at itlU - i . a ' ' ' . . .. lliiylllr' esiictions, the tilt-tinsl.)l‘ll]g tune the List gun thJ lire i from Yorktown '3 . 7 , . ol the machinery Wlll lack lll'dt'dt' on Saturday inci-ning. (ii-en. McClellan ,. ‘l , l . I \ - . n 1 J . i r ' ‘ i ' ‘- ~ignalled live gunuoats lying belore York 5mg 0 5”“ “23 I‘dm 9‘ dfiucny‘ m tnwu of the fact of the t.‘\"rli,‘llditlltl, Wiitt , , ,“shumons ,0 wowed up Hm pm“. 6, and u’lll tail to accomplish the ob- West Point. and remove all the obstruc-‘Jt‘clS f0" Whip“ ll “’35 lllS‘llUled- tionsintlmrway. 'l‘lie Normal School was estaâ€" it is said that by 3 o‘clock'iu the after- blisllt'd, and literally endowed bv noon the gunbonts had reached \\'e.~t the Legislature, for the purpose of increasing the number of pro- perly qualified teachers throughout lil' country. But, few ever ima- gined, that persons who tit-tight proper to acquire the necessarv knowledge and lt‘ltill’lt‘t‘g at their own Cost, would thereby debut miles above Yorktown lvrquulllly sin-lint;~ parties of the enemy, who Wei-e discovered living aloii‘g,r the shore and limiting th.ii portion of the reheating aru‘iy who Were movng to\\'a:ds \'\e.~t'l.’oiot to lake the railroad to Richmond. ‘ltlltllr'til'rl’lt'iy’i in the wake. of the gttnlioats follmved il ion; line of riversteainliotils loaded with troops. carryingr Gen. Franklin's iiinsiou of from [0 tili'll', iiir‘se il'Otlps reached Yorktown durin; tlieafli-riiioon. and Were stopped there to nWait intelli- geiice from the gunboats. business of teaching, this institution. This, lio‘wm'er, sll‘J-ingt‘. as it may appear, is ref..lly PnESExT (JONDI-pmN OF THE. 3,13..- the case. its order to iiidoi e a large ntMAC.’â€"-â€"'l‘lie tlt‘H'lttllJ rn nor al‘litltiil attendance at illt’mNtH‘llJ‘dl School, Norfolk was that the. dimrnnut -ivouil and to t)l)i'd n for it a high degree Oi soon try to pdS‘. up Yolk liiVer to (it“ll'ft'i populzii'ity.:_iilvantages are conferret‘i the hetleral shipping now Iris-re. on teachers who tllt'l'c receive their instruction, most unjust to those not i-lio ising to avail iit~‘lllSt;‘th_‘S of its bit't’i Widgets have been prepared with a view of boarding the Monitor and lightening lier turret so that it cr ‘ll 0' [mm -. . . _ ‘ I . _ it II 1.. l\t.,'d:ntt advumugps, 0,. not needing ill“ for cutting lose her slieatiuna. ili~ . a assistance. .ViEI'L'itnrttI-S prow. or rutter, is now lWelt'e Mere individual prefeienCes ~ Ct'ssltt‘y to its siicciessful working; - ltion llieii’iselVes from engaging in the llunt. F ii. S. l vantages, denied to those Vi ho have filled themselves equally Well for their Apl‘tlltffit'l()n.. entirely unaided by public funds. We. do not desire in the slightest degree it) Under- value the gr -at benefits the Normal school is capable of conferring. but it certainly appears strange, that if it does produce well qualified ' ' l teachers, an honest (:oiiipetltion be-' tween them and others should be dreaded. it \" s established atrow- edly for the purpose of sup, lylné,r ‘ti deficiency; not to cieaie one. tact, that the iiinsters of the Normal School are the examiners oftlwir own pupils leaves t'ooiii l()l' the supposition; that the latter may be especially trained \\’ at Vieu tn‘ the examination they ate. illit‘tldin to- undergo. \Ve do not assert that this is really the case. but people old very naturally entertain sUspi cioiis,-~â€" when they reCotlect that tile credit of the school depends iii a tgreat unwisure on the number of students able to obi-tin certificates a: the close of a session. Indepen- (“TH and u'iipai‘tial exaiii tiers would be more.-creditable. . The business of teaching is sur rounded by difficulties. and dis- ourageiiieuls pcuiiar to itseif, of suliicient iiiautiitude already with- out iniposiug on teachers unnecesâ€" sary restrictions. ,it i no easy matter to induce men of talent and education to engage in it, unless as a riieans of allording tliein oppor- tunities to prepare themselves for more elevated positions. ' Let all teachers be er'ai'tiiucd by the some board of examiners. and P depends to soon a large extent up-..-n l” mu“. who am. [pupa it, ptfisgss the necessary qualifications, receive provincial certificates" irrespective oflho locality in which they may have acquired their know ledge» or trait'img B) this iiieutts \\"ill merit be rewarded. and the country will enjoy the benefit ofthe labours Inf those whose abilities fit them for beingr successlul teachers, but who do not require the, aid of a i\oriiial to repeated exaililtlutloug bV county boards. ECONOMlC MlNlfiRALS OF CANADA. ~â€" WE have received from Mr. John Lovrll, tile entct‘tirislug,r Montreal publisher, a copy of ‘ a Di--.~ci‘iptive Catalogue of a collection of the Eecouomic Minerals of Canada. and of its crystalline rocks, sent to the London international Exhibi- tion for 1862.‘ it is published in p iiiiphlet l'oi'iii,.:ind contains about ninety pages of matter printed in a nicer type, on excellent paper â€" The uiiinerous specimens of mine- ral production: intended for exhibi- , have been arranged and clus- sitieil under the able supervision ol the two eiiiltient Geologists, Sir W. E. Logan, F. it. 8., and 'l‘. Sherry These are t'tlii- U” lilt‘ SHIN“ iiiet'aled in the catalogue 'd('C.)l'tll[lg terms, and Will) the S‘dl'ltt‘ privileges to their technical names, aeciiiii- as those who i'eCetve assistance at panioil also by their Canadian tie- signatoins, where such exist. Each tilatcrlul beats the name of the lo- ICality from \\lliCll it comes, as Well us of the exhibitor wilt) furnishes lt. Beneath these is planed a list lof the objects presented by each ex~ ll‘tiliitor. a short description of the coiliiribntio'n, and an indication ol" inc geological formation froin which ,toe. substance is tlerivml. 1 Under the head of “metals and l inI inactivo and 6d. a 9d. lower; miXeil 27> 9d.;' white nominal at 33s. per 4.80 lbs. 'iichardson, Spence & Co. call a decline invflour of 6d. a is. per barrel. The Brokers’ circular reports:â€"â€"â€"Aslie.~ -_â€"-,â€"sales of pots at 32:“. 6d. a 33s.; pearls scarce and nominal. Cofice continued dull and drooping. jiice dull at rather lower rates. feet long, made 01 Wl'tlllgdtt tit)”, and steel. pointed. iiiilt: CiliZt’fiS are, etitienl‘y br- coining very uneasy. tittti ltltltlv urthletit‘lng tor more. secuie iOCitllilt‘S. It seeiili-d l-- be generally L'Otl(',t-fttit‘ti by every one that New Or.e.ins had fallen. it was rumored that Commodore 'l‘aln ill hail lint-"n reinov ed from the command of the dilerriinac. l‘lie prssent law requires that. all g: teachers who have not attended the; Normal School, shall he exaiiiineil by County Bonrilsol Public instruc» tion. The licenmesor certificates, granted by these Bozirils,ai'e (liVided into three classes. The third, or lowest, is mild for one year only ; heir ores’ we haw all the coin- iizoii iiietuls- represented except tin and agpiicksllver. it may not he get tally known that (inundation talus gold in sufficient quantities to render the scan-h for it a profitable undertaking. Such, lion‘evi-r. the (use. A tract of country lying Ii J’x ls LONDON MARKETT.-â€"l‘dessrs. Bruin; Bras. 8!. Co. report breadstuffs quiet. and steady. Sugar inanimate and barely so,» ported. Teri firm. Coffee buoyant and partially dearer. Tallow firmer. A Weekly journal is to appear in Lon Wasuixoq‘ou, May 7.â€"-Genllctlienof ll“: 8900’“l ft)" 1W0 )‘f‘ul‘s; uptl the this city who Vl~tl€ti Yorktown ul'er the hr" for .501“. years m if)” first "1' ppucuulim; stall! flit! position. was a. “mu: Siiln‘CL“, SIX V’t’kil'S in ilifJ Si‘COin, “Dd one and the works \‘el'y fmiuiiiuble in rill“ ml“ Ill-‘l‘dmit’ litll' life. COD- ineiiilier of Congress who ix:iiuuied lite St'qiteully, tilt indiVidtI‘aI. even of place tliorourg‘hly says that all be enemy's the highest scholastic attainments, don». next Week, advocating the cause of the rebels. ' The Prince Dolgonrowsky has been banished for life from the Russian Empire. for refusing to obey the Imperial order to return» to Russia. ' ’There has been a- battle between the large. guns Were left in pOsition, there built»; but one t‘lltill'ttsllSl'e racziiit.ivlici-e. from up peat-auces, it Was doubtful if a gilt) ilittl even been mounted. The prisoners cap lured at Yoiktown Converse freely re specting the men, cXCept that they iefiise to give information of the strength- ofGen- able and Willing. to undergo the most rigid examination in all the branches of a thorough English education, unless he consent to spend a session under Mr. Robert son, must submit to three suCCes- alongr the south side of the St. Lawrence. in Lower said to be uurilerou-s. two formsâ€"nuggets and dust.â€" Tbere are. nine of tho nuggets \\t’l§llin;{ from 10 (lots. to 120 dwts. each. These were obtained in the year 1852 by the Canada Gold Mining Company, an associ- ation formed in 1851, and which Canada, l15.UUO square miles in extent: is The speci- mens of gold for exhibition are. in lto be of excellent quality; V ltcen samples are to be exhibited. Persons desiri us to obtain reli- ' ‘able information respecting,Ir the . mineral resources of Canada, can- 'not do better than to procure eopia s lof the book iiiiii'iediately. 'liii'e ipoblislier will si-nd'il, (post-paid) price of 25 cents. l MH-IW Yonge St. Agricultural society. A MEETING of the Committee of Management to make arrangements for the ft)l‘lll(‘.(lli'llU-_Z show. was held at Raymond’s hotel, Richmond l . ,Uliit‘l‘ buslne the Pin-sident, presided. sisâ€"Lit. Marsh, Tim :5"- tlio minutes of last meeting, which were approved . The following judges were ap- pointed : iloiisus -â€"-' Messrs. CliristOpher Smith, Wliitcliurcli; 'l‘lios. Steele, Yonge Street; Jas. Laurie, Scar? .lioro’; and John ~Veilie, "sent, {itzlliiiottd l'iill. CATTLE AVD SHERP.-â€"l\iessrs 'i‘lios. A. Millie, John Cartier, Juo. Walkington. and Wm Masan ] lManMest.«Messrs. 'l‘lioinas Sedition, Geo. Eakiii and TilOlllaS Bouililiy. . Satan AND liAtiNEss.â€"-l\lessrs. iGeo. Squire, Geo. 1’. Dickson. and Geo. Arksey. ' I DAIRY PlioDUCE, Lamas? WonK. lCLOTHlNG, Boo’rs AND Shims-â€" ’M rs. M 'l‘eefy, Airs. i’eier Patter- son, M rs. Richard Vanderburg, and Messrs J K. Foleonbridge,.Geo. Barnard, and PXCros-by. _ . kw”; THE Mok'rumr Faiii.-â€"-'I‘iiis fair was held on \Vetlnesduy first. A good show of stock was on the ground, and die l'iiostof it changed hands for fair prices. MD O1W‘ Fou ’l‘HI~:_ ExutBlTiON. â€"- Two \\ eeks ago Mr J tilt] l..:i\\ tier, ol this _ _ Hinge, sailed for .Eltgi'dllti--'dlibi N,,,.,hg,,,,coe'( School. and \t‘llt’bWtHltl not, submit m. M)”, Mr_ Jam, 3_ .N,.,',.,,,,.,y 3mm, and ilt‘. Duncomo have strii'tedies- terday for the. saute destination. W19.“ hints: YES'l‘EiiDAY MouNlV‘G. â€" BetWen-n three, and tour o clock yi sterility morning. tlze. stable in the ~oi .\lt'. ‘iltll'utlls grocery and protismli slur», i-oi [lt’t' Of ii‘t'litiiii’} and hid. rlis'i‘eetw “as dis cove ed to be on lire. llie illtlitli “it? ;; \‘t'll at the Buy street Hull and in a ten iiiiiutes. the. two steam lite copious l"‘a(‘ll- »d the spot. [it hit: tune the. fire oeriir- sell, tliiligil wind Was blowing from tli. \oriii. and III (I Very short time the liiinw spread to the. two story frame building In trout, ocrupied by Mr.- ii. Emery. "ptnr. ili'ltg_»is‘t,_tlod .\lr. Vitiruu piovlston deitlet' mm Jam 9 lite, purl es iiolWillistaiitlliig that the liir spread rapidly. being. littlth ti by the win-ti, stint-veiled in mung 'il coiisiileiiible portion ..l- their goods. llie (‘lilei Euyneiâ€"r ol 'ilt' i“ll"t{ lit'lptitie s‘t‘t‘lllg there was little hope of sitting the pit-iiilses tlirec eil lllt brancli-ueii to plat oil the titlj'ilitltlg build- I. ' i ' lugs to prerei't lite flitllt‘\ lt'~"ill ‘pl't’itlllll;. which fortunately proved szii'crssltil. lint the two story budding itittt'tt! mentioned as Well as the marbles. was d-mlrot'i'l l he plt‘lllhi s belongrd to .\'l r. lime ry, si-lil‘. lie is iil‘iii't‘ii to lllf’ extent at snoop, 800 in the 15200 ill the ‘ Uiiily.’ is also ttnt‘ei'eti by llhlittlllt‘t’. to the amount of 000 in the ‘ Bl'iii‘il Ame in l here is - very reason to believe the tire . Wits llie Woik of at: lei-titliary. A ft e. ore cur ed at lilt' suiiie place and about tili- snoutâ€"- lllli)‘ as the show on the in wrong; at | ~iivid=ir 21st April, last year.» G/obe of l'll’rd/zrsduz/ ' \Vt’sli‘l‘n‘ tiled fi‘l r. :‘inltilh‘ ‘ lo~s '- iJAMlLl‘ON (CANADA WEST) in nonrmwss.‘ â€"â€"â€"'i’t e Spectator says that ‘iil. lsii c i3tlt1ilalltltt has lllttic to the legal up oi oi the l‘.n=,_,lt.~li bondholders at pio- pus-dz. i tobilu t: of which is time. stated: â€"â€"‘ t\ii' l'iurlia‘uziii's proposal has been made W.lll a new to encourage the tPiUFe - ii.; tIrOSpl‘l'ily of the city, and is to tn- ior a period ol ten yeziis. Thus: Uzi cutie 'ilitlou of tile i)“tltill0!tit"l"~' agreeing lo’exte'nd ilit‘ll' rretlil ten years, the ratelt-l tax min» is to be lim ti-d to twen'y ceii's on Ihe dollar. Fire. Ol'lti" on the present a~- ~es~inent Would pav the \Vater \Vorks in ‘ilebletit.e~s and all other ordinary eitpi-ii ses, and it might grailuilly be reduced be- low that, as tbevziine. of property increns ed. ifiVe (:l‘tlis'wnuld pay the railwat debt of $900 000. under the l"ll‘0,tOS't'ti ar- rangement wiilrllie Gov’ei'titiielit, which is svven- Omittes. 31, QSU Itm‘, 500' horse power, '0 any Pa” "livandda for me mw Uri-ail, :30, 404-?) tons, 10.00 horse power.' ilil”, "n \Vl-Jdlll's‘layi “"9 7”] Infil'i Iltlti(_Ytltd§,‘llll).‘ti of “inch are admirably .to select Judges and to trans ct a4d,.th lnr ('Olltrl'siO” “to shield ships, Catt , -n Captain Colt-s' principle (:relury, Mr George Barnard read '91.’ at \‘sono‘ui; the liolitht, 91 at ‘ Oats-a-al 4i (CD 4‘2c per bslil. Mot annoys hotel, sun all night. _ y ‘. .5, ' Williamsonâ€"4H6 will proceed to Thomphon’b hotel. 'l'liuiiesvdc. and stop '2 hours; “who. to Mr, Win. Craddock’s. and stop at- tmo'tt ; thence ‘0 Maple. and, by way of Richmond Hill. to his nWtr stable; _. ‘HU-RSDAY-H6 will proceed to Sultan’s lio'el, Brown’s Cl)"!‘el'§.allti stop l hour; thence 'to Size's lioie UlliOlIVllle, one stop, the tibon ; thencoto l.iglis"hoi;i, flarkliain Village.‘a;nd stop the night. i v Futonâ€"Ale will proceed to California, and stop toe noon" thence to Siiigs'ter’s hm'ei‘,‘ I V 7th Gen. Viiughan, and building at lfilaickwnllt and the ileittor. ‘ ([2. 4063 thus, 800 horse power, ilUlitiltt! at Glasgow. The following-iron-plated. lrigtites are. now building at the several national dock t'ni ds, the whole of whit-h are intended to he tltitlttl timing the. prrsent tear, \iz . the Caledoi'aiu, 50 4045 tons >200 . horse power. at _\\'opluicl_i; the , the Prim-e ('Ion‘smt. 50. ~81 Du‘ioiipoit 4045) tons. 1000 liaise. poivei-.a‘ Pom» s,,,,,fl-vine_ mm’qflp meniuh,‘ "Wk" {NW “‘0?” Uilk‘ 50~ 3716 l‘lll-“v SHUHUAYâ€"He th proceed along the town- li-ie to Gin-inlet ‘s Corner, and stop the noon: thence toDnrose’s hotel, Victoria Squaie, and M0P l_ hour: thence to his own stable, vhere he, Wlli re'iii'aiii'till ’tliefbliow’ing MOlldaY morl‘ln‘g' 3' lie will coutiiiue-tlie same route during the Season, health and weather permitting. J o u N, W l L as, Proprietor, Markham. May , i862, 180'. 100J li use pipVer, at Chit-limo; allti‘illt‘ iinyitl Alfred. tony horse bower. lit l"oit~uiotilli.' ln'ndditiisn-to the- «both there are no lt'Wi‘t‘ than tliirtyoue» line (if-battle sins and other screw strainers now oIHhe stocks nl'tbel several- ()l' theme the iiu milk. til, «it Clttilliaiii; the lit‘ptiisr‘,l MME. DEMOKEST’S- .- 1 Quarterly Mirror of Fashions, , .thu unicA'l' IMPROVEMENTS " . ' AND ADUITlONS." - 'mc lsun’rhau' NUMBER cowath Four Large & Splendid Fashioanlate s» 3 FULL-SlZED l’AT’I‘ERNSOF'DRESSES COMPRISING THE i New French waist. an Eleg'afit SLEEVE, AND A MlSs‘ES SACK, AND A SHEET OF 'Nt.W AND BSAUTIFUL Braid and Embroidering Pattern: t ' "UGETHER with nearly 100 Engravings‘of . all the novelties for Summer Bonnets. Clonks, Trimmings. Children's Dresses. &c., and valuable information to Milliuers,’ Dress M..ker-‘. Mothers, and Ladies aetierall". pro.- sentiiig the largest and best Fashion Magazine in the World. publishep 473 Broadway, ‘nnd sold everywhere at 25 cents. or sent by melt post tree. on reCeipt of the amount, instainps- or Miter. Yearly gill, with the following valu- able premium 2 , Each teall'y subscriber will he enthled to a receipt for the-selection of 5"cts. worth of plain pattmt‘iS, from the designs in the book. or from the show room, or they may be ordered and‘ sent by tiiail any time during the year, by pay- log the postage. Splendid inducements ‘to- Caiivassei-s. [13“ Summer number now ready. i.) to: p0 it add the Zetilotls, 91 at Pt‘tll- hi- ke, me all. in :i reiy admin-ed sate, requiring only it Coil pu‘atit‘el)‘ suitill out» Ly to plate tittttt won iron There are also liilt‘t‘ first-t: ass 5i gun frigate build up. VIZ., the Belviilei'a, at Clmlliaiii ; the tweed, at Pembroke; and the Drtad. tit l’ortsniou'llâ€"u hieh are admirably adopted lor co;iiersion into aiiiioui'â€"pl.ited ships they would not require the. rein-ivul ol .dlly decks. as would be the case with line» of battle. ships, bill would only have to be lengthened and strengthened to enable them to bear the in: rained \i’t’l;ili which would be placed on them. ()l' the niliei vessels in prowl-m, several are intended to entry twenty-two guns and lipwaiids. J: .cmnpleted .is ll'tin-t'theti steamers. they would be larger and of greate'i tonnage than either the Monitor or .\leriiiii.ic l‘lie womb: of the hands have in?" t'eiiiorl l ed from the wooden ships buililin,‘r at the \Bt‘fllftl .lot'kt'aids. and are now employed on the lion -(-a.~ed higales tinder construc- tion. fit‘e' of Which 'vill tie klflJ'dl by the end of the present year. . Lo ttc 1's imminmgm talcum-osmium romantics AIAY l, :63. 'l‘iiE SA UGEEN ELECT lON. Armstrong. ill li'_\' Jane Jamiesou, Mr. B illiugor. Jamil) - Jenkins. James Ar Baker, Mrs George Lego. Mrs. Lucy lir wu. Mrs. George Lyon, Barnev Caiiiil‘ret. Mary ' b’iritthettisoit. Gilbert - tiniuoroii. lair-s .liiuet McMillan. Hugh (‘0 hits, Mart Ja‘ne McLuivn, Rov. Mr» i)t)lltlld>tlll. .l S. l’layter, Henry i\il‘. Mchuriii-h‘s majority iii Brut-e is larger than has been already reported A (lespntcii liom (iirdet'lcll lad places the majority- in that Ctlltlily at 7'30. but not give partirulars. 'llie. 0,;ures wouid, therefore. stand tliu-e- :â€"- night tifH‘S PATWN‘ MGMURHICH' i)'tltit‘l.~‘, \Vliilttlt] i’utton. lsaac M tj iriti ). . l54 . . . Damion, Joliii Patton, Alex " . . . . 790 (:‘rorinaii. James Pogue, 'iNilliam- G ey. “ . . 75‘ Got-mun, John Phillipe, George ' â€"â€" ‘ -- Hes'op. .latiios ~ Suicide. John F; 154 893 Heise. John ; inipsou, James ' 154 it iqau. John \Nallnco. James!» . --' lluutliins, John C, \‘Vinters, Thomas M ipirity for McMuriirlt, . . . . . . - . 741 l James, M r. V\ lieeler, D. C, i .M TEEFYV P.M. mm H Bray at Iâ€"Iome. s ’\l liii-ltuioud liiil. ou the. 4th inst" the wife «H H. A. iiellt’ id.‘lC.~q,. of a (laughter. DEATHS. At Victoria Square, Markham. on Friday. Mr Quit iiisl.. Susan. foii=tli daughter of Mr. T otiitis Mai-tin. apt-d 3 years and 5 months. At Hl‘llltt‘i, illH United States, on the igllt insi.. Messiana. tlio lio'oVr-d Wife of Mr. Thomas Cm-pei‘. late of Thoriiliill. ‘ LEMING- SLâ€"EUCKLAND’S GARDEN SEEDS. l'I‘illESitI SEEDS may be rely upon as ht!-r iiig genuine, having been selected witlv great care by the above lirui.â€"Sced5ineti "to- tlie l’i‘ovinctal Agricultural Itasociatiouâ€"attd' which are sold much cheaper than those im-‘ ported ' For Sale at the ‘ ‘ IlifiiALD’ BOOK, STORE, Richmond Hill. April H562. 176 ()n Sit-It‘dav, the 3rd ilisf.. at his residence, \Voiiiloiidge. tewusiiip of Vaugli in.- Dr. V‘i'il- ii‘dtll‘~‘, a uni Ve of lingiiy, \Vni-\viclt.bire, Eng land. aged 59 tears. .._.__.._...._â€"- Cheap Boots ait'iti‘SiitiCS "i in Wobiirir Si-arlioi'o’, on the 5th insl., after a show and severe illiiew; ('atliarine. ton llyt‘h‘ii daughter of Win litilplt. i‘l~'q., aged 1:! yours H _ . . 1 ‘Hr. Stiltsl'l'lilel‘ begs to intimate to the ins :1::.:_‘: "- 1: s ~-â€"â€"~.â€"”~â€"â€"â€"â€"~ _ liabiiiints at Richmond llill and vicinity, Tupi“,qu ,U MA R K 1375. but he has leased the ‘ Shop of Mr. - Ruben Lee, 'l‘hursnav Mar 8. 1862. I Elmiraâ€"Sn:iei'i‘iiie sold at from $4 ii. 517 $4 30 ; Funny $t 4.3 {(3 #4 5": Extra 75-3-1 70 Fri/.154 75: I) iiiiile l‘LXIru. till {(3 5 ‘. it‘all \‘t’lieat.â€"12t‘.lll lisiil- was ilie extent of ti)". suppli which Sold at the following: prices. The prices paid for the best samples were trout :B SM Qt) $l H7 at hshl. - ! Sp-iiig W'liuat.-l..‘itltl lislils in market, which siliii it from Sill 8* (I) is" 9;) tit-r lislli. l l l Who-o he intends to carry on tlieBOO'l‘ and SHOE bin-iiiess in all its branches. Mr. Lee's customers will have the same at- tention given to their work as forliieily, All work done at the lowest ieinu’iiotating pri es. . : th 113R o DURHAM. Richmond Hill, April 1 l, ’62. ‘ _ I76- Dcsirablc Vilita go Property For Sale. ' NHE- Rnlisei-ilier ofl'ers for/Sale two valuable l ‘v'lliliAGltl LOTS. situated in the very centre of the fast rising town of P011 Elgin, on lmke iluron. and in the County of Bruce ; the Lots are known as Lots No. 40 and 41. it: block No. 87 of the Village.- iisii'loi.-sold at from iiii [LE G‘lt'. t’ens.-â€"27illl lisliis went off at Fri Q) 530 per lhili. ii~'I\-‘is from 'Blffc‘o :52 pet ton, Straw $l‘3 {(2' $14 per ton' Appigw $2 fab 33:4 per barrel. ' ' . Eggs. â€"i“resb from wagons 8c ((3 Hit: pe. Joz. Potatoesâ€"Vary in {nice flout Ml (07 85c. Rutter. -Frcsh is in fair supply at from 180. W) 22 per lb. lit-er...“ as $5 on p91 too it St; each. ' Lambs $2 @ $3. :45 (it) each. 'l'nlloiv, :30 per ltlll lb 'l'iuiothv Seedâ€"$i 5" 4’1) $2; per bushel. til iver Seedâ€" $4 '25 tttit' bushel. Sheep $4 0;) Fa) \‘l Calves $3 ((3 This is a rage opportunity for any one who wishes to make a home for himself, The shipping front "the Port is considerable, and u pushing and improving business is done in the townâ€"Lt'or a Mechanic the opening is unequalled. ' For particulars apply at the ‘HurtALoOIif .rictz,’ or to . . ‘ ‘ WM. COURTNEY. Richmond Hill, Api‘il‘24. 1862. ' l78~tf. rte mummies! cute. . ,P UB LIC NO TICE. N GIVING this l’uhlic Notice'of my de- l ptil‘t‘li‘e for England to my friend< and ., piglilim-e, l have two objects in view. viz:â€" :o louder in\‘ thanks for their favors and patroll- age for a long series of years, and to ask the “auto kind favors and patronage for my talen- ted med-cal frieii‘d and Sl‘lCCHSSOt' l.) . J llt_)SlET'l.‘ir‘.it of Richmond ilill.-â€"-itesi-' deuce. opposite the Eight Mill. With no otdiiiary feelings of respect. 'Horsc for Sale! 3 OR SA LE. :1 good Faim 0r Team HORSE, warranted quiet and good to Work. " Appr to H. a. .l. HARRISON, Lot No. 26. 2nd Con Markham. Richmond Iii”. April 2d, l862 1 178.“. CH EA. 1’ F0 R ‘HE Subscriber. in returniiig‘thanksto his I l numerous (instoiiiers who have 90‘ liberâ€" allv supported him for upwards of five years. I remain, Turks and insurgents- at Alfania. The Turks lost 400* men and. four cannon. 7 THE Paris papers containsraf despatcli Of Mr. Seward, of .the United States. on the Mexican question, in which he shows that the European Powers would not only to maintain it. He observes that, in the opinion of the President of the United States, the emancipation of the American Continent from European control has been the principal featme of the last century, and that a revolution in a contrary sense has no chance of success. ei-al Johnston’s at my. they expect to be driven out of Virginia and all the border States and from >04»â€" 7il§= We are indemfll, ‘0 Amos has been instructed at the Normal Wright, Esq., M.i’.i’., for several‘ for which Parliamentary papers, we return him our thanks. Capt. Lee, out; of their number, declares that the South will continue to light to Ille'last that tliei. re- verses liail not disheartened them, that their have to found a monarchy, but constanth Swill”t "W053 bl” lilal “'“L‘ll‘ “’6 “let” them In the inteiior. than for man. they will show us that they are. unconquerablc. sive exautiuations, at intervals of contiuLted its operations during four and six years. At the eXpiraâ€" three years. The following is the '3'“ Cf '9“ Wills. he “3091"” a lift“ i result of lilt: first two years” work; cel'lllic'rlle- But his tumble doesiuie total area washedbcing equal not end here. His diploma is avail- l m one agre, in extent: able in. the county alone in which GULDCOLWm VALUE, “may, worn. it was issued. if he passes into dwts grs. at? $ $ another it. is good for nothing, and 4968 5 4332315 3539-68 6‘9047 he must begin again. On the other hand, the youth that The locality in which the search Was carried on which produced these results, was the Piriere (in School and contrived to secure tliellmup, near its junction, with the approbation ol histeachers receives, Cliuudiere, in the Scigniory of according to his-standing, a life- Aubert dc l’lsle. to place this city upon a footing. :with the municipality which borrowed. lion. the loan tuod.‘ V'ii‘tlt'l cents would pnv _ thine pel' ci-nt. on the. remaining debt of $1 000, and gradually pay inofe as the assesâ€"4‘ iiieiit inri'eased. 'l’eii centson $452000 \\ ouid primitive $41000; three per Cent. I OTIC 3 K have,” given, that the COURT on $1 000.000 would I‘CiiltZe $40,000 - l l of REVISIUN for the 'i'owuship of the latter eieilttors to be paid ;. the other; V'aughan [‘sseSSIItFlit Roll, will beheld at the 'ilst-‘H per ce'iit..iir debentures-at '20 years. i Tiin l'lAtih. 0" .MZPNJA ii We '21!‘ “hi” l’f lit-arm; six per cent interest. ‘Surli ' MAY' {892’ ."t J “deliictlf m melmmriM'. the scheme pinpos d bt' Mr.- i‘3iiiziitinott,l Ii“ P0110.“ munch“. “If govern hemw .vus , - _ , _ according). With tlo C01|~i€l|i We believe. oi the city ‘ ‘ au-tiiointies. Of course,- it eaiiiio't. bepcarr~ V ried out Without the aid; of the legislature.) Vaughan, May 8, 1862. Your most faithful Servant. J. DUNCOMB. M.D . J P. Richmond Hill. 7th May, 1862. i8ll-3 ”_ ’vaucHAN. 'IS. 'G. J. F. 'Pt‘ARLCE, Township (Jerk. $01. 9 4-» - , LADIES’ as it would statethat he continues to manufacture, A'r tits OLD supine, .OOTS AND SHOES"! of every description. and of the best materials, and after the Latest Style. and hoo’e's by” close attention to business, combined With moderate charges, to ensure a continuance of their favor. He Would also beg to intimateto the inha- bitants of Richmond Hill and" vicinity. that. ho has on hand quite an assortment of! .. HlLDhE N’S' BOOTS o SHOES which he offers Iii-0w, for Cash! . . JAMES VERNEY. Richmi nd Ii ill, April 1'2, 1862.. 1771‘!!! 3-,.

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