Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 May 1862, p. 3

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RNEss '2' inns ass- ! ! SING-LE OR-‘DQUBLE l ' IiEAVtionV Licu't ‘ AND .DURABLE! ll: .. ,, MAY BE HAD or I t... I l . It, I , I: I. I I t,” .1, t, ,1 I , ,kl V, ,liullllllll 4‘Itittiimi "tutu liii I" ll' “Ilium “I III loin ' ' l t .- 'I Ill . v ‘ EiStlbscri'ber has on hand, or [will make to order to suit purchasers, and of the _ best. materials, - RNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. - An assortment of VVHIPS, LASHES‘. &c. constantly on hand. I *: W 1 i r' ,. Collars warranted to Fit, Look do “’enr W ell. , . .uAlso, keptfor Sale "Patterson. & Bro's. Plows, Points, Landsides, &c. i H Call and Examine, ’ at WM. IIAIII’tlSON’S Richmond Hill, October 17, 1861. 151-3m _ ,‘jJOHN‘N. REID, no, .BOII. “OF Y0 ROTH.) E I ..nâ€"â€"â€"â€"_. NGE a. CDLBUB'NE STS.,I 1- .OR SALE in the Townsbi of ESSA THURNH “‘L- 1 Lot No. 2. iii the 1st Cuiilcossiou. 2lltl ACRICS. 7'.Acres cleared. joining the village of Allis-town. Either the wltole lot or 100 acres will be sold to suit purchasers. Flt! further particulars apply to A \ll)RE‘.".’ IJAMIES )N. ,Vallgllllll. past-paid to Kline- 176 burg, l‘.U., or to Consultations in the office o'1 the mornings ofTuosdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, 8 to , 10, (1-111. 11? All Consultations iii the olfice, ,. Cash. , . - Thornhill, April 9, ’6‘2. - JOHN MCLEAN. ' Clover Hill, Pl). v 175-3m. UYONGE'STREET ‘ _ - _ Vaughan. April 4, 18.02 ‘Agricultural Society 2 I E‘Hcflkix 1 j. ' THE * Tl, LookingGIttss hrlzlotttrc F 'aine . N G S H W I . No. s'rm-zic'r WILL BE HELD ON THE, ROUND, RICHMOND HIILI ‘ | 17361 175 GRAAD s'rnnn'r fit 21:) CENTRE S'riintc'r 6 Established 1838 New York Eswbll bed ’35 " fl‘IIIS Establishment has been iii suceessfnl 1 operation 94 years, and is the l_.Anar;s'i'ol . s Frtday, the V237'd, Illay, l the kind iii the United States. We have onltand or titanulacture to order every description of Looking G/(Iss. Picture Portmzt Frumrs. Plain Omrmmzml Pier, IVaZ/ Owl and [Ida/ital Glasses, Connecting Cor/Irons Base (l~ Bracka Y'all/6‘8 with. Zl/Iar- b/e Slabs. 'l’oi/it G/asscs. (l'c. Monti-1sz tor Itic'ruai; Futures, in lengths When the following: Prizes will be awarded,vi;. : l HORSES. _ cuss no. 1. Fecâ€"â€"â€"Hm~scs. $1 ,' Brood Mares, Calls and Fillcys, 5tlcts, ouch. . , lst'. QND. 3H1). Draught Stallion. 00 $3 00 $2M) Stallion, forgen’ral purposes 4 00 3 00 Q 00 ~Brood Mare. for general pur- a ~Eh trance . poses“ ' _ . . _ . _ . _ . _ _ ~ . 4 00 3 {)0 2 00 suitable It)! transportation, either (It/JV, Illinling, Bmod Maredordmugm ,mr. Hitscuwiiirl, Ullli. Zoo/yr. Btu/says, Mimi/gully. . poses" . . . I . ' . . . . _ . 4 00 3 00 2 ()0 the. Our new Manulactory and extensive la- :Emite Celt, for draught pure cilittos enable us to turnish any article in our _ posefifimvd, in 1559.. _ 3 ‘30 2 00 l 0” line as good as the host, and as cheap as the “Entire d0.'for general 'pur- A Cl’“”]’“‘- 1 * lPOBOS. dl'Ott’d. In 1659,. . 00 2 00 1 (III DEALERS Am; vatrnii TO CALL UPON Us “Erin's do {or'limf‘l’hl pm" 9 'Wheii thPy Visit haw York. I We claim to he I ' _'.l’°ses’ dInl) d I" ITEM” ' 3 00. " 00 able to supva them With evarv article itt our Elm", do' lor,gellem’_.31ur' , 0 ‘ line which tliey'cnu possibly rtqttire. at prices F. " Posesa-dll'éll’ d '1“ 3 (’3 ’° 00 lower than they can purchase elsewhere. ' '1 638‘s”, '0. figuilfihhji 9 no 1 no ' Ordersby mail attended to with promplrltess. Joh’dmpped in ,86,” H ... 2 (,0 l (,0 Do not tail to call when you VlSlt \cw Iork filleyfiropped in lsbt. . . . . . 2 00 l 00 Office and \l’aierooms, No, 2|!) Centre St.. ‘ ‘CMSS N0. IL New York. ‘ , HORACE V. SlGIdCl‘t, Span”, matched .arringo 4 on 2 CO t75-3inns. ' Agent . .orsos, tti harness. . . . _,,,.._L,,,_.--_.A_~“hm”- _.-____- - _ Span Draught Horses, iii _ . harness, .............. 400 nor. 2 no George W 2118011, Single Horse, in harness. . . . 3 till 2 01) I l0 (um 1») FROM ENGLAND ) saddle Horse,; . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (ll! 2 Oil 1 (ill masonic stress zoom, RICHMOND ll lI.L. IIORNED CATTLE P s . EntranCc fires-Balls and Gums. 5.Ic. each ; Heifers (‘2 years old. (mil under) 251: Lac/l. Thorough Bred Durham Bull 00D Accuttimodations and «very attenti‘in shown to 'l‘ravellcrs. (loud Yaids for G ~ Of all.“ “23v - - - - - - t - ~ - i _' 4 00 3 00 Drove (Tattle and Loose Boxes for Rate Horses ,Thorougszt-ed Durham Bad and Studs 2 Veal?“ Old. . . . - - - . - l - - 3 00 ' 2 00 The host of Liftttors and Cigars kebt conâ€" ,.Thorough Bred Durham Bull , 1 year old. and under. . 2 ()0 l 00 Thorough B ed Galloway .y- .BuL. of any age . . . . . . . 3 (If) 2 1‘0 Grade Bull. of atty agit.. . . . 3 IN 2 (IO Mllch Cow, rI‘borougb Bred stautlv on hand. , 'I'he .‘tlouthly Fair hold on tlte Premises first Wednesday in each month. Richmond Hill, April 8.}86'3. Hotel to Rent. Durham, . . . . . . . . . . , 3 ()0 ‘2 ()0 ' 1 ' " I ‘ . . i Mllcgbo“' 3 00 9 U" ’1 [IE Subscriber, owtng‘ to other clique-o- Goil (. 10")“3‘ “5 .3 n0 9 no monts. wisltes to Rent his unexpired Heife]320:2:i)'0',',’G'r;a;' ' ' 2; ,m g, (,0 l m, lease (1? months) of that Well-known anticom- .9 _‘ '5 t l ..... .I ~. . . Do 1 year &-under,Grade 2 00 1 ()0 mudlpu: mel’lhe . ' V i " S H E'E P V, . Eilllf-Ql/‘(l'y [501/536 i _ . Enhance Fes_é5,.$s. Situated in the village, of Richmond Hill.â€" waéswr Ram 3 0,, 2 no For I'uithur particulars apply on the premises Yearling ‘2 (ill I It” m r q r 3 ' 1 Two Ewes and Lambs . . . . . 3 (it) 2 00 R- _h 1 Hm A , -,9J,1‘65‘H’ GAinnp 4 Yearling Ewe..... 9 till 100 m mom ’ I” ' K’ ' H. Sontltdown Ram . . . . . . . . . . 3 Ill) 53 00 "WIâ€"M ' ‘ , , . V"“_“‘“‘â€"“' E\v°s and llanlbs I . I I - 3 2 I V st 1N E, LIBRARY ASSOCIATION I Entrance Frchzicts. each- ,Blllt.-.............»...----- ‘3 all 2 (In LIBRARY to the ‘IIHtLMJ ' llook Store Brood 80"" ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3 00 2 CU .vhore Stockltolilurs and others may procure F O W I. S . Entranceâ€"Free. Cock and Two Hons. . . . 2 00 I 00 Drake and-Two Ducks. . . . . 2 Ill) 1 (ll) " "QDAIRY PRODU"E. Eulranccfccâ€"Qéts. mch. 8i: Pounds of Butter .. . 4 III‘ 3 ()0 2 (it. Cheese, weighing over ti lbs. 2 (It) 1 (it). FARMING. Ill/IPIACMENTS, SOHKS every Friday allot-noon. from 4 to 8 -i’cloclt. P n. A. SCOTT, Librarian Richmond Hill. Feb 27. lé-til. GARGLING OIL SU?ERS EDED. [{IGGS’ BLACK Oil. is acknowledged by all who have used it, to be superior ‘to Gcrg tin Oil, or any other Medicine now neforexithe 1"- tlic. for Sprains, Bruises, Pins. Gulls, and 1.11 '- 'prieltn _ Horseflcsb. Good for men and'beest. I » Ehlruucc Foc-QSi‘ts. each ; Roi/ping Machines Price, 25 06013 PW 50m”- §9ld by 8“ file" 3 IVagguns. ill-c. $1 mic/L, Medicines , Iron Plough ..-. . . . . . . 200 1 -- , , _ . ' _ . Wooden Plough . . . . . . . . . . . 21h) ] .. I ‘5: L} I \lrl‘ . ) i ‘ Iron Headed 'o........ 200 1.. L H J ’ \J f Pair Seeding Ii'arrows . . . . . . ‘2 0t) 1 . . . I , '~ ’ Fanning: Mill or Grain So- if if A, E para'tor..........,....200 1.. - Lumber Waggon. . . .. . ,. . 4 00. 3 . . 2 . NO' 93 King Street, Reaping Machine, mauufac- ' ~ 7 tured itt Canada. .. . .. .‘ 5 (IO 3 . Q Mowing Machine. . . . . 4 00 2 . Is the place itt Tor into. to buy pure Straw‘Cuttiug Machine. . . . 2 (it) 1 . . ' ‘- Horse Rake .- . . . . . 2 tll) l .. ' ’ ..S'tu‘inp Machine. . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 1 . . ' ' v v s E E D s . a l ’ 1' only because the proprietothI)WARD LAVVSUVJS one of the oldest and most NO Entrahcofcc 25cts. eachâ€"If previous season” , ,,,,g,:otatltâ€"-ta have been. grown. hy exhibitor. ..Two'busbels Fall Wheat. . . I (III (I 50 the factthat he purl-bases .bis‘. Teas itt such ' Two do, Spring do. . . . 1 (if) t‘ 50 large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby eu- Two do. Black Oats... , , , I ()0 II 50 abliug him to soil at a very Two, .do, White do. . . . . . 1 I’ll 0 50 . Twp- 'do'. ,B'..rtey......... t (to '0 so SMALL ADVANCE 0N COS-T. Two filo. Peas 1,00 051). Fulfilling the old adage " Large Sales. Small Profits and Quick Returns ;" a‘so in COFFEES,‘ "Souths {138.1 Swados Turnip Seed I 'PlVll‘Plo' or Green Top. . . l 00 0 50 ” HARNESS om .. . Entrance, fillets each set; _ V . ‘ . SéfSl‘lpi‘t TugTearnHat'hess 3 III) _ 2 Ill) Fruits, Spices .S_o_{Siti‘gloV‘Haruessj..V...... 3 no 200 AND , ' . LADIES! w ORK. Entrancofcs. 25cts. each. Six yards all-wool Flannel, Illllllillill. Iillfllllll “I , not factorvniade . . . . . 1 ..- . 50 . . .~ git-Eds Hortte-ntarlelCiotlt. 1 . . . 5t) “6 Lallllowudmwld V - Patt- hitted Woot Socks... 1 .. . 50 H B" i I Fancy”: Counterpain . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 50 IS 0‘ Enecj Patchwork Quint . . . . 1 . . . 5%) AND hi:t”t:.lll‘.%'ua;t "on; " l " ‘ 23 “WIPES;“all-©3333” Crochet work l ' ‘ 1‘ 50 Are unsurpassed for Quality attd prion. all being [nu-made ,Wmitef-‘C'Jliél; " ' manufactured on the pretiiises, limit the best Smnt-(U‘hbn “mus and material by first-class werkineu. Iced and Clix.“ on o :1: no o u u‘o o 1 l ornameutt‘d I Liar-m. Household Bread, “'eddin g and Other cakes 9,, ,,(not,Baker’,s)....... .. 1 .. . 50 Always on hand or made to order in any style - . 0n the sltorte~t notice. Orders by mail and otI'iei‘Wise, attended to CLOTHING, :AND BOOTS AND SHOES v Entra'itcbfeeâ€"'!5cz:. each. , h d_ h “I G d _d ' ‘ 3, . W11 tspatc -: ‘08 s warrante- us .epm. Ajbgpbgfizfanzai“ I?:L::al’ 2 I settled. and (lo-I .vered free at charge to the. cars tiller Vest so do ' l U 0 V or I" ‘h" Clll'll‘m'llS- ‘ '- . _. 1,-'_ u to o. . $nmm_er,Panls. ,do. do... 1 .. 0 _ 0E? [‘70 PairMon’s Calfskin. Boots-no.2 .. t . . a ' v . _ Pat: Ille'u‘s'Heavv Kip do. do 2 . . l . . Remember the Place“ ' I i’d do 2 i .. cotton ARRH; ' President. , Richmond Hill. May l.tt562. No.93 KING STR‘CI‘JT, SIGN or THE QUEEN. G. A. BARNARD, t ‘ EDWARD LAWSON, Sec’y. dz. Treas’r. 179 Toronto, Feb 5, 1962., ,,. Tit I experienced Tea-bu‘ et's iii the trade. but fmtn ' Prbprielor. AT THE" “ YORK HERALD" on: ' 167-6in Richmond um, December 20,1851, ' I FACTS WORTH KNOWING. TOBIAS DOLMAGâ€"E, ‘ nuances or Want For ’ Stile; IIEAP jor Cash or‘ anprov'cd Credit, A ’l‘eii-horse power '1‘1'1RESIIING MA- CHINE with Cleaner: also a Spun ut' TEAM HORSES-goon {0 work. Apply to JOHN AMUSs, ' “Lot11,'2iid Con. Maikltam. I74 I s" i. ; I I March 27. 1862. SWING to the disturbed state otLthe Americans and the exhaustion of their Inutls, 7H Nâ€" V SMITH, bus been Inntlttetl to invest money, to great advantage, in purchasing an elegant and fresh stock of Summer BOOT S & SHOES. I'Nliicb be is prepared to Sell at Prices unprewdenled on Richmond Hill. The Stock comprises over forty varieties of Gents, Ladies’ and Clttldrens’ 3,, lt,,,,lltlu,,i ,,.' lllmutuuu tumult llltltlll’ “Illutlll' lllllll 1Ill 01’? A special invitation is lt‘ndtl'ed to all to visit the shop and examine, as nothing on the Hill will compare with the goods either for style, quality or price. Richmond Hill, May 1862. 179-3m __., REMOVAL MARKHAMCARRIAGE FA "TORY J . T O T 0 R 0 N T 0 . ' E Subscriber respectfully announces to tbcl’ublic that ho has removed his Ex- tensive Carriage \«Vorks to the City of Toronto. I r p171 Alter thanking them for their liberal patronage while at Markham. he solicits a continuance of their favours at his fife-w Stand, ESE King street, Four doors west of the I’m-in House-on the prciuises formerly occupied by OWEN, MILLER 8L MILLS. CARRTAGESI OF THE MOST APPROVED. CANADIAN, ENGLISH, ‘ AND AMERICAN STYLES ! Constantly on hand, or furnished at the Shortest notice. C. If. HALL. ’ ‘ 179 '2 inst Toronto. April 18, 1862. m An Old Business in a New Stand 1 II __...â€".â€"â€"â€"Lâ€".:..â€"â€"â€"- R. H. HALL EGS leave to intimate that he has REMOVED the Stock of the RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, to the New Store one door south of Van Nostrand‘s Hotel, and lists recciwd ‘ aileron ADDITIONS T0 His STUCK, Which will be loiin'l coir-plow com trisiog Di". U 13‘, M EDICINICS. CHIC \IICALS, DYE 51‘” FPS, I PAIN'I 5. OILS. VA'I’tNISIIID-s‘, PAKI‘I‘IN'I‘ h‘llfiDlClNES. PERFU \l icitv. BRUSHbe snubs, . DRUGGIS'I‘S FANCY GOODS, &c. &c. ow. ' Also, a complete stock or“ consortium CONSIS’I‘ING OF ' 'I‘EAS, COFFEES, SUGAh’S, SPICES, FRUITS, TOBACCOS, I'Vliiixh have been ruiel'tilly H‘Ict'lt-zl. bought Itlr'C‘tlsll. and will he sold for the satin» at the very Iotwst orices. Just. received a supply of fresh GARDEN SEEDS. Purchased from reliable Sl‘l‘d dealers, and warranted to give ~alisfuction, for sale in papers, or by the ounce or pound. Timothy Seed. 00 N. $3 50 Clover, $1 lock ()ll. 4~5cts., 'I‘ar. 'I‘urpcntine. Alcohol, Burning Fluid, 8“, In Sullcitiitg the patronage of his former I‘llI‘WlIIS lltltl (Juqnmwg, mumhe ,mhlic generally 1’... II. I]. would state that it will be his aim to supply in all cases Article. - ~His ASSOCIA'IVL .N has ,randerred the“. which WIII give entire satisfaction at lltelowcst prices. Richmond um. Apiil 25, 186-2. 178.6,, r. l “ll: '. “out 'ltiuli ‘ltitit-iii A“, _ _. 7.. N..~__.._.._.__-_____.____n UIVIONVKLLE ‘liiiiiiiii "lmu “turtth ‘lii‘iiiiiii lit ‘ "l‘iinttii ‘lltiiii ‘hi GEORGE EAKIN KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, GIGS, to. MADE FROM THE BEST IMPOR TED MATERIAL. . _ All “fork VVnrrantcd. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHOR TEST NOTICE! AND ON THE MGST REASONABLE TERMS. Unionville, April 18', tea-2. 177-3m WtLLiAM notion, - semi WHOLESALE AND R E'TAIL v COPPERSM-I’l‘H, BPAZER, Tr:T And. Iron Plate Worker», B/[ANUFAC'IIURES and Sells every Article in the above line and has bad the , pleasure at supplying both the Navy and Army in Engl nod and out of.lCnvI:tr.d bef‘re be tour-bed the shores of America, and has also Ililtl‘llll’ honor of Illuutiuhtiug the Royal Hotel and every house on the Royal ’l‘errace at W'cymouth, England. on his own respmisihility~takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general-not for-gating those Stove Merchants and Store Pedlers in Hamilton and Newmarkct who have so kindly patronized me and my sons while WP were in partnership in lllPSe places ; and begs to stati- that be still continues to manufacture every article iii the above business, at his shop on Richmond Hill. i ' Pei'i‘mn For any one of the four RevieWs,. . . 3 ()(l '3 For any two of the four Reviews; . . 4. 3 .=. 5 ()0 For any three of the four lit-views. . . . . . . 7 III) Fur all four of the Reviews, . . . . .. . . . 8 lift For lllackwood’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (It) For Blackwood and one Review" -. . . . . . . . 5 (HI For Blackwood and two Reviews, . . . . . , 7 “(I For Blackwood and three Reviews,. .. 9 (h) For Blacktvoud and the four Reviews.. .10 (Ill Money Current in the State when: issued will be received at par. -Lt£tefrom Yorkshire. England.) ' General ifilacksmitli, EGS to lutlttialu to the Farmersand others in the tieigliborl‘iood. that he has leased owned and lately occupch by .\'1 r. S. Sat‘idersmi. nearly opposite the post office. Richmond Hill, wliet‘e‘he intends to carry on the Iilat-Itsutitltiiig business iti all its brunt-lies, and 'he hopes, by attention and punctuatihâ€"-â€"cotnbiued With his “ o.d Country" experience, to merit. a share of their support. Richmond Hill. March 27, 1862. M J. Eliâ€"Beet? tier: OUN'I‘Y Cettstablo,â€"-Landlord’s Warrants eXe-cutod, Rt‘IIIS and Debts collected on the shortest possible notice. Addiessâ€"Richmoud Hill 1’.O. Tu BE SOLD.’ . 18 Acres of Cleared Land, 0N Lor so 41. lot Concession of Vaughan, 1TH a comfortable convenient HOUSE. with BARN and SHEEP HOUSE. SHEDS. &c.; a good Orchavd, Garden and Lawn. A never-failing Stream runs through the Property. Apply to 174 tl‘ / 175 JOHN FOGGIN. . ,Oii the Premises. i ' Vaughan. March 7, 1862. l7l_-tf. Infant School: , , [LS JOHN S'VII'I‘II begs toiiitiutate to N the Parents and Guardians of Children Iuthc neighborhood of Richmond Hill. that she intends to open, on TUESDAY, APRIL 1st, din Infant School, When she will he happy to receive under her charge allyL’Illld betwr-en the ages of 4 and 1‘2 years. I‘ne usual branches taught. with Halo Sewing-V, Nitting and Fancy Needle W'orlt. ' For terms. &v:. apply at the residence near Raymond’s Hotel. Ricbtn opd Hill, March 27. ’62. 174 Notice is Hereby Given HAT MARTIN MACLEUI) will apply to i) {)Té the nuxt Si‘SSlltll of Ithe I’roviuclal I’nrlia- ment to an Act to confirm his title to the Road allowance butting his farm, lot 61. in the lst conce sion of King. being the towu'line be- tween the 'l‘ewnships of King and Vaughan. in the first concession. granted to him by the County Council of York. - 17Il-3in NOTICE. If asked what-was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and for bilious comptuiuts,Sick Headache, Costtveness, &c., we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLE um: rims. . , Elf ,. t 'l 7 * ’ FARM FOR SALE. ‘ I . ’ ‘HI‘. Subscriber offers for sale the north wes par' of I Lot, No. I3 In tho Isl. Concession OF THE . Township of HoWard, Containiqu 75 notes, about4ilof which are under a biin state m cultivation 'I'liere is on the Farm 8 acies of F'III I’Vbeat, a gum! Orchard, a Log House ltllerIIlVl‘l' outbuildings-i 'I‘Itete is also it Ill‘ll) 01“ UCEIRE on the pio- pnrtv, which nult requires a small capital to not-ii it up. There is a so sitting indications- .it ()1I.oii the property. For further particulars apply to ~ V V ROBERT MARSH. Lot 4|, lst Con. hilarkhatn Richmond 11211, Feb. do, 1852. 170-6 Blackwood’s Magazine AND Tun BRITISH REVIEWS SCOTT 8:. III)”. NIuW‘ YURK. continue I. to publish the following leading British I’etlodicals, \‘l'l..:-â€" V 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) o , THE EDINBURGH iiicviaw (Whig) - :1, rue NURTH BRITISH nsvmw, (rite ClllJICIl.)' 4. ‘ run Vl'ESTMlNSTE_H mavuaw (I.iberal.) .1. BLACKIVOOD’S EDINBURGH MACAD- ZINE, (Tory,) The present critical state of European affairs will tender these publications uitiVersaIIy in- terestlug during thel forthcoming year.- They will occupy a middle ground between the has- tin writoit news itmis, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Jou: ital, and the putt- doi‘o'us Tame 01.1.IIO luture historian, written after the living iiiteiest and excituttteut of the great political events of the lllllt’f shall have passed away It is to these I’eriodiCaIs that readers must look for the only really intelli- gible and ieliahle history ol'curreut events, and as such, in addition to their VVGII‘O-Slalllialltfll literary. scientific, and theological character. We urge than; upon the c0tislderati01i of the reading public. 7 EAR LY , corms. T to r'coipt of Adminct: Slugs 1mm the Iliitis't publi hers gives additional value to these lleptiuts, iitasiituc'n as they can now he placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS: 'CLUBBING. A discount of twoi‘tr- ive per cent fom the above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review. will be sent to one address for $9; four Copies of the fottr Revlews attd Blat‘kwuod for 9430; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of {336* All lVor/c IVai‘mnted and attended to with despatch. United Stal"s"°smge' Richmond Hill, March 7. 1862. , '- SCHOOL'BOO AND; GENERAL STATIO 171-3m KS! NERY, on, A'l‘ t‘RIQEs culvert THAN TORONTO. . I t . turnout half, after one trial. ' lntlamed or Sore N.Bâ€"â€"The price itt Great Britain of the five Periodicals above name-d is $31 per annum. Remittances for any of the above pubhcations should alwriys be addressed, "postspaid, to the Publishers, V H LEONARD. SCOTT (Ir CO. No, 54 Gold street, New Yen-k. New Yo’:l\, Dec.V5,lc61. A GOOD THING. SMaguetio Ointment is well. w 't' ' case of 1’iles,‘Burns, Scalils, Old Odell“: Eyes, Eruptions on the Ski "cry can where an ointment is useful. nn’wllldn- on. HOPE’ trial, to any fora term of years the Blacksn‘iitb’s Shopp - Nervous , sired, Their effect has been truly wouderl'ul.â€"'â€"' ’ New York, 12, 18th. >~ '~,'s‘~--a.. x ‘ ,-.. gtl , .M‘ FARM For: SALE 2' TEE worms item 111“. S ‘bscriber olIle‘rs for Sale the West: 5 half 3f Lot, No. 19. in the 3rd'00ttces'sion I . .Offilllrkhaln. CDIItdlnlllg . V7. S" '1 O 0 .- A C s ‘3 Paornsson or: I’A'ijnonocvxnu OPERATIVE Sutt- . 80.0; which are cleared. and m .a high Stall) 0f iamuvm THE VETERINARY COLLEGE or PHILA- cltlliVflllell. will! a COI'UIOI'lfll’le “01150 I end DELPHIA. PROF. ot'Vu'rumNAnv Mammal! other Buildings; also. a young Ihrlvmg IN 1'H_t_i:_i.A'rn AGRICULTURAL t ounces on , ,ORCHARD. " ‘ ' ‘ Unto, SECRETARY or THE AMERICAN Fo'rpamcutars apply“ . Vm‘nnlnanv A'ssoct/t'rion aF‘Pm- ‘V JAMES GAMBLE, ‘ - . I . LADEbPHilA, arc, u'rc. ‘ = P Headford. March 20, 186:3. 173.3. 12mm ClothExtra. Prlae‘ $1.25--~ ._._._ . F01“ Sale 01' 10 Rent, JENNINGS! GREATM-VoRK . COMMODIOUS self-contained HOUSE, UN 'I‘HE HORSE Tells you all about' situated in the vicinity ot‘ RICHMOND; breeding and Managing the nnimahvvitlii'ltis HILL. Containing 4 Bed-rooms, l’ai'lor and variousvices, and howthev can hecprrpcted Kitchen, with other Outbuildings, There is m , also an Acre of Land, and another Acre can “’“Ti'M‘ .’ - ~ JENNINGs’ GREAT WORK be leased adjoining. For further particulars apply at the ‘ IIERALD’ . THE HORSE Describes more than "150 disoases to which lie is subject, and gives the Office. Richmond Hill. March 6. 1862. vallolls l'eme'dles be“ adal’led 10V lhftll' 9W9- 171-tf. UST RECEIVED, a fresh supply of a new - edition of SANGS'I‘ER‘S ELEMEN'I'- ARY ARITHYI-ISTIC. at the .“ HERALD” Book Store Richmond Hill. JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK ON THE HOESE Should be in the hands ' Ofevery mun wl.o owns the animal. At a critical moment it may save you-hundreds 01' dollars in horse-flesh. ' I Pails aud‘Sap Buckets. , . -7 . , Thrilling Adventures Among The Early Settlers. ' BY WARREN WILDWOOD: Esq... . With 200 ,New and Original . Engravings; 19mm. Clotlt'Extra. I’rice,$1.25._l HE Undersigned is prepared to furnish ‘ any quantity of I’AILS AlNl) SAP llUllKE'l‘S,'at liis' Factory, Lot No. 11, 2nd , Concession of Mirkbatn. or at PARKER] Citosnv's, Richmond Hill, at greatly reduced l Prices. 'Address. post-paid. Buttouville Post-office. JOHN AMOSS. 169-0 a. 3:! y 0‘ V _ THRILLle A D V E N TURES AMONG THE EARLY SET'I‘LERS‘. We venture to say is tllc most intensely interest- ing collection of stories 'ever issued. February ‘20. 1881. _ Sitar Alli) DWELLING do LET Village of Richmond Hilll IN a good position for business, House com- modious, with 5' Rooms and an excellent Collar. Wood Shed and other Jottvettiences, at present in occupation by Mr. Coomer.â€"â€"- Possession given on 1st January. 1861. Enquire of ’ G. A. BARNARD. 158-tf M Tl-IRILLING ADVENTURES AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS While drawn from the most authentic sour. ces, yet put-takes ofall the-wild, weird, and fea ful character of romance. ‘ I‘HRILLING AD V E N TURES AMONG THE EARLY SE'I'TI..ERS -Witlt startling vividuess brings before the mind of ,the reader many a deed of blood and carn- age. many ascetic of heroism and patient endurance. ' . V K , - THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; i .t COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS". PAIN If V :3 i AND DISTRESS. V PHOTOC RAP 3 I By Professor Henry S. Taylor, 111.1). - 12mm, Cloth. Price $1.00 , The Cheapest and Best ___.________._.._ Ambrotypc and Photograph 5 “no [as F AMI L Y DOCTOR IS IN CANA1)A’ , l W'RI'I‘TEN in plain language. free from IS AT ' Richmond Hill, Dec. 5. 1861. IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, ls highly re- commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup. and 0.11 diseases of the Lung: and Throat 25 cents pa]: bottle . J medical terms, and tails you how ' to cook, prepare drinks, and manage the sick gene- rally. TAYLOR’S' thLr DOCTOR DICSCRIIHCS nearly 150 distinct diseases to s TORUN'Hl which men, “onion and children‘are subject, _ V and gives- the various slinple‘remedies bé‘st Jig. adapted to their cure. Proprietor and Principal Operator 'I'ormtto. l\pril III. leil. THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other Works of great value, that will he found iii our printed catalogues. and which Wlll be forwarded to any address on application. N” “7 (BIBS E E VE, HAT all persons o'viiiiz Dr. James Langâ€" stall'. will find it to their advantage to Call atid pay as soon as pussible. WORMS. For destroying Worms in children, SITTZER'S VERMIFU ‘rE CANDY is by far the most pleasan Info, and chemical remein now in use. Try itl 801 by all dealers in medicines. - THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other worksongreat value that will be found iit our printed catalogues. attd which will be forwarded to any Heidi-cos on application. ,' i . ‘ - .: THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS .will be furnished to agents and others iti quantities on very liberal terriIs. Unoqn‘alle‘o in mechanical execution. as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid’sale follows- thoir introduction everywhere. ‘ ' ' 'soid Ity‘W s. POLLOCK. Richmond um. Winclicstcr’s llypopitosphltcs (Du. CnUnCHtLi.’s SPECIFIC REMEDY» FOR CONSUMPTION. chiltty, Song/lulu. and Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, do). - â€"-â€" TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTolt'l's WRITTEN in plain language. fract'ront Medical terms. and may soon save yott m n‘clt suffering and man v times‘the cost of the book. Everybody wants it, . . ' ‘A ' 'HIS is the most minute-fill curative agent known to medical screuce.‘ It has of- footed cures'iii every stage of Consumption “UNI’AllAliLELED IN THE ANNALS OF M I‘LDICINE ” In Nervous Debility and Dys- pepsia. the HYI’OI‘TIOSI’HITES‘ may be res- garded as an illll‘OSI sovereign remedy. ‘Thc Hypopltospbitcs Have a two-fluid and specific actionâ€"on the one hand. increasing the principle which CON- S I ITII'I‘ES NIQRV- JUS I'lPl.(;Y; and. on the other. being the MUS I‘ l’OVVlC {FUL BLOOD G EN RATING AGICN I‘S KNO WN They act \vitlt'promptuoss and certainty it) all general morbid COlldlllltllS. such as Chronic l,roucliitis. Asthma, Sc:ofule, Marasmus. Ano- iuia, Female Corriplaiuts, 62m, and in all dis- orders of the Nervous or Blood Systems. Their afl’ect upon-the ttthcrc'ular condition is int medi- atc-â€"all the general symptot‘ns disappearing with a rapidity which is really marVeIous.â€" 'I'bey increase the nervous or vital energy, reâ€" licve Cough. check Night Sweats. diminish E :pectoratton. improve the Appetite. arrest Diarriima, and promote refreshing sleep. A h‘AlRTllIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE. Winchester’s Genuine Preparation 1 OF THE ltYl’OI’llOs‘l’tllTES is the only reliable form of Dr Churchill’s Remedy. and is approved by the h’ledical profession generally, USE Ni) OTHER. OR ANY REMEDY CON- I‘AINING trio-N. ’ IL)" I’mcns :-â€"1u 7 02. Bottles, $lv'â€"â€"6 Bottles for $5. In 16 oz. Bottles. $2m'l'hree for $5. Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Drug- gi'sts, and at the 5016 General Depot in the United States, by ‘ J. WINCH EI'ITER, 36 John St., N.Y. ‘ :THE SPECIFIC PILL .r A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR Spermatorrhmpr Seminal 'Wea/mes’s, (in Genital I/‘ritrihi/it? , in cit/oer Sect. . J , THE PEOPLE’S GREAT I30 OHS will be furnished to agents and others in quantities on very liberal terms, Uttequalod inf mechanical ex‘~cution, as well as Valu'o Dot" their contents, a certain and rapid sale‘follows their introduction everywhere. ' > - ' I $1000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many euterprizutg men, in the sale of “ the I’eOplo‘s (areal Books.” Unequal-“ed itt mechanical execution. as well as value of their Contents. a certain and rapid sale follow: their introduction everywhere. . , $1000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many eitlerprizing men. in the sale of -‘ the l‘oople’s Great Books.” Unequalled in mechanical execution, as well as value ‘of their contents. a certain and rapid sale follow: their introdqu in everywhere. $1000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many enterprizing men, lit the sale of ~‘tlt6_1’oople’s Great ‘Books."" 1711-. ‘ equalled in inechrnical execution, a'a well 'as value of their contents. a certain and rapid salts follows their introduction everywhere. M SEND FOR $25.00 WORTH UP tho_l’eople’s Great Books and try them among your neighbors. Everybody wants them. SEND FOR $50.00 WORTH 01“ the Pe'uple 3. Great Books and try them ’ among your neighbors. Evorybody wants their); THIS is the only remedy for Sexual Dobility. Iiiipotencv, Sterility, &c.. which has the an-, proval ol tlto titedtcal profession. Its success has been mostextra’drdiuaryâ€"-â€"etl'ectittg cures in cases where all other methods of treatment had ' I * failed. One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC . I’ILL will permanently cure any case ot'Semi‘. I ital Weakness, or its resulting anoteucv, OF the People’s Great Books, and try them. however aggravated, whether constitutional, 0,,- among your neighbors. Everybody waan arising from abuse. or excess. them. IMPORTANT m EDICAI}. TESTIMONY. V ' ‘ ' “ I llftvo used your Specific Pill in many , T a 1 V cases of Speri‘iiatorrliea, and with the most per- II fgcg suécugs, I ' ' address, postage paid on receipt of price. “J. MILTON SANDERS, B .D.,I.‘.L,D,” “1698. _ , , ‘I ' “We believe it to be as near a ‘ Specific ’ as Joufig ., . _ any medicine can he. W'u have cured many ' -. a e p.113, severe cases with from six to ten doses ”-â€"1)r. ' ' B. KEITH: 'Aiiierican .Iour. of Med. Scieuce. , ' I ,‘ “I have found them all that could be deb F ANY address, postage paid on receipt oliprico. Address, _ ' ’ JOHN E. POTTER. l’uaLtsuicn, " i No. (517 Sinsou‘) St., Philadelphia, Pa W a; Ill. I’ , Ilii awn. M D.” it? This is not a Homeopathic Remedy, nor is there any ti'iércury or otbér'delete'rlims ingree dients combined with it. V PRICEâ€"43,31 per box; six boxes forr$35, by mail, pro-paid. For sale by all respectable lh-uggists, and at the sole General Depot in the United States. by - i WINCHESTER. 36 John St,,N,Y. 159‘ SINGLE COPIES, SENT. TO ANY address, postage paid on receipt of pric: Address, ’ -' " ‘ JOHN E. POTTER. Poemsmm, I ‘ No. 617 Sansoin St.,1’niladolpltin,"8 ’

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