Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 May 1862, p. 4

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lentil]. C“- .. A HURRYING ON. Hurrying on in the midst of excitement. Pushing extravagant projects through. Few of us know or pause ever to question Even to ask where we’re hurrying to; Hurrying on over blessings unneeded, Chasing some joy, like the butterfly gone, What is the good of our wonderful frenzy, What is the use of hurryillg on '1’ We have been hurrying on from our cradlesâ€"- What but its shadows have we for the past? We are still hurrying on as expectantâ€"- What shall we get by our hurry at last? them, Going with only the clothes we shall wear; Where shall be, then, all we’re hurrying after? What shall we have with our hurry when there? Hurrying on ill the wake of the phantoms. Corrjured alone in the fever of haste; Hurrying on with extravagant projects, Little we wreck of the treasures we waste; Little we think of tlievdiamoud moments, Wealth of Eternity planted in Time, The soil for its seed growing barren as ashes, While we are hurrying out of its clirrle. God works butslowlyâ€"but brothers-â€" Not hurrying onward iii passion and strife-â€" Works with Love only. and only for others. Not for Himself, in the green fields of Life. Let us sitdown.and be calm and be thoughtfulâ€"~â€" Liftiilg our hearts to Eterility’s brink-â€" Let us cease living alone for the Present, Let us cease hurryingâ€"what do you think? Eillrrtllunruur, Men of the time.â€"â€"\Vatcirmakers. A ‘Roaring’ Trade.â€"â€"Keeping a men- agerie. Care is a very bad thing yet we are continually told to take care. Dr. Samuel J0bnston,employing a pun described St. Andrew’s University as, growing rich ()7 degrees.’ As the prickliest leaves are the driest, so the pertest fellows are the tires! barren. A country lass in Aberdenshire being in- terrogated as to her matrimonial prospects, said she was going to ‘marry the farm ower the gate, an’ bide wi’ the mannie.‘ Old Nick.â€"â€"â€"As cunning or as deep as Old Nick. is an old proverb, and account ed for by Di. Cocchi, who says that if alludes to 0er Nicholas MachiaVel, and so came afterwards to be perverted to the devil. Gone, and Left no Addressâ€"As a good reason for discontinuing a paper, a Western paper thus goeth it: ‘ We strike the names of two of our subscribers from our books this week, who have been re- cently hung in Texas. We do this beâ€" .cause we are not advised as yet of their present locality.’ A Joke by a Scotsman.â€"â€"A Scottish friend of ours, whose sympathies are with the Southerners, on hearing how the ‘Mer- rimac’ had fought and crushed the Con- gress and the Cumberland, exclaimed '. ‘Eh,sirsl after sic a victory, how they wad iliak’ merry on board the Merrimac !' Feeling in a Soldier.â€"â€"A soldier in the war was one day told by his officer to take aim when he fired, and make sure of his man. ‘I cannot do it, sir,’ he replied; It}: fire into their ranks, and that does its ,mfl, bn‘t to Single out one among them, qudfymrk him for death, would he Upon ,rmxmfid afterwards? «Thane is a peculiar class of epitaphs “which, “labile commemoi'afiiig the dead. servegalsoaas an advertisement for the 11V» 5,,Qne,,c,f these two-sided inscriptions ;.{ll§y..slill_,be seen in the churchyard of ,Upton-on-Severn : Beneaththis stone, in hopes of Zion, Doth lie tileglandlord of the Lion; Ills son keenssn the business still, _I{esigned.,unfo;t~he heavenly will. ‘5 It seems to me if have seen your pity. ,siognomy somewhere Ilef'ore,’ said a swell to a stranger whom he met the other day; ‘but I cannot Imagine wherc.’ ‘Very likely,’ replied the other; 'I have been the keeper of a prison for the last twenty years.’ Condolenceâ€"A corin’fsy editor, notic- ing the decease of a-wealt'hy gentleman. observes: ‘I‘Ie has died, regretted by a numerous circle of friends, and leaving a widow as disconsolate as any widow need be who has obtained the uncontrolled pos- session of five thousand pounds per annum. More than twenty young men have sent letters of condolence to her.’ Popularity.â€"â€"-â€"An aSsistant ofthe late ec- centric Rev. Hâ€"â€" I’ , of B n, was very popular in the parish, attracting large crowds to listen to his ministrations. ‘30 you think yourself a great than her cause ye’re followed by the multitude,’ said Mr. P 5 ‘a still greater crowd, man, would gather to see you hanged.’ A Scotch paper tells the story efa dairy farmer, who, after the funeral of his wife, drove a hard bargain with the grave digger. At last the indignant grave digger, bringing hand down on a grave stone, exclaims :-~“ Down wi’ aniflrer shillin’, or up she comes I” Prudent Reseve.â€"O.d Mrs. Double, chin, who had married oft all her six daughters, says a young lady should often maintain a prudent reserve and silence in the presence of her lover: he will be cer- tain, to fancy her a great deal wiser than she can show herself by her talk. To, an angler who was complaining of the absence of fish to the keeper of one of, the Shropshire preserves waters, said keeper replied, ‘- All, there’s a plenty of fish, but they won’t rise; and no wonder, sir,â€"â€"-see what a hedication they gets There’s so many gemmen a'fisliing now.” Graves are so thick that we cannot well mesl ww-"ry-us... .’ ~7‘.° ma... .‘ I. -. i A ,, Aer. RESEMBLANcE BETWEEN VICTORIA AND THE PRETENDERnâ€"Jrlle por- traits of our own Royal Family furnish in themselves a very clear example Of resemblance continued through a series of g"l'lel‘lillt)llS. The most observable peculiarity may be said to consist ofin fullness in the lower part of the check. it can be traced buck not only to the first monarcn of the family of Brunsâ€" wick Lnneuberg, but to his mother, the Electrcss Sophia of HdIchr; which shows that it did not come from the paternal line of the family. but more probably from the House of Stuart. of which the Elucil‘cas‘ was all iliimcdiatc descendant. being grarddaughtcr to King James 1. No attempt, so far as the writer is aware, has ever been made to tract: this physiognomy further back than the Elct'trcss Sophia; and certainly, in her mother Elizabctll,tticElectures Palatine of thc Rhiiic. and in Elizabeth's father, King James, We do trot find any such peculiarity prominently broughtouf. Illcrc nevertheless. reason to believe that common points of physicgnomv in the Stuart and Hanover families can be traced to a generation prior to the Sovereign last mentioned, who is the common ancestor. The writer, at least, must own that hc has been very mucll struck by the resemblance borne by the recent portraits of our present aminblc Sovereign to one representing Prince Charles Edward 111 his latter years. The fullness of check is palpable in both portraitsâ€"tho form Of the mouth is the same in bothâ€"~ and the general aspect, when some allowances are made for difference of age and sex, is identical. It is four generations back from the Prince, and eight from the Queen. to King James ; two ccnturrcs and a half have elapsed since the births of the two children from whom tin: subject of the two portraits are me- pcctivcly descended, yet there is a likeneSs exceeding what is found in half the the CIISCS of brother and sister. The peculiarity. however, is apparent also, in a portrait years; and it may further be remarked that, between the youth- Charles Edward and those of the Prince of ful portraits ~f I’rmce Wales now coming into I:ir(.:uiatioo, a very striking resemblance exists. Thus the perseverance ofpbysiog- nomy may be said to extend our three centuries and eleven generations â€"-â€"thcreby reminding us of tilt: conâ€" ncction between the present Roy al Family and that ancient one VVlIICli ll. superScdcs, and telling us empha- tically that the Posscssor and Pro tender are now happily oxenâ€"Book of Days. ANEOOOTES OF LORD ERSKISE.~â€"- It is well known that Lord Erskine had experienced wire: 11-.- considered its a ghostly visitation. '1‘hoclrcmn- stances, as related by himself. arc given in Lady Morgan's "Book of the Boudorr: “ When I was a vcry your’rg than, I had been for score tiinc absent from Scotland. On the morning of my arrival in Edinburgh. asI was descending the steps ofn close or coming out from u bozrku seller’s shop, 1 met our old family butler. He looked greatly changed, pale. Willi, and shadowy us a ghost. ‘ Eli, Old boy,’ 1 said. ‘ what brings _ you here?’ He replied, ‘To meet your honor, and solicit your infer- fcl'cnce with my lord. Io rccovlr a sum due to me, which the steward at the last settlement did not puy.‘ Struck by his looks and nmnncr. l bade him follow me to the book seller’s, into whose shopI stcppcd back; but when I turned round to speak to him he had vanished. 1 rcrrrctllbered that his wifc Carried on some little trade ill the Old ToWn. lrenlembercd oven the house and flat slle occupied, which I had often visited in my boyllood. Hailing made it out, I found the old woman in widoW's mourning. fIcr husband had been (load for some months. and had told her on his death-bed that my father’s steward had wronged hurl of Some money, but that when Mlistcr Tom returned he would see her righted. This I promised to do, and shortly afterI fulfilcd my proâ€" mise. The impression was iridelilzc .” An amusing Circumstance regarding Lord Erskine arose from his becoming possessed of a Sussex estate which grew nothing but stunted birches. That it might not be wholly a loss 10 film be com- menced getting the birches convert- ed into brooms, winch were sold throughout the country. One of the brown-sellers being tnkcn before a magistrate for acting without a license, Erskine went to defend him and contended that there \VilS a clause to inch this very cirsc. Being asked which it was, he answered. "the sweeping clause-,3 our worship 1” A lawyer, who was sometimes forgetful, having been engaged to plead the cause of an offender, began by saying :---“ i know the prisoner at the bar, and he bears thi- character of being a most eonsuimnnte and iiiipudcnt scouudrcl.” Here somebody whispered to him that the prisoner was his client, when he immediately continued. “ But what great and good man ever lIVt'd who was not caiumniatcd by many of his contemporaries 3 ” of Mary Of Scotland taken ill l‘lcr latter J. G 0 RM L E Y, ,COMMISSIONER IN QUE EN’S BENCH, Conveyanc’r and Auctioneer, LOT 31. 4TH Cort. MituKHAM. September 18, 1860. 9541' Auction Notice. THOltlASTB-OWMAN, lriccllscill Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES or roux a. rEEL. All’lettnrs addressed to “ Almira.” P.O. wil receim prompt attention. Orders received at ilie “ York Heralil”OfIicl-, Richmond 1131]: Mr. Henry Lemon. 'I‘bornhill. and Mr. James fiavaurra“, Mansion Hearse, Sharon, where Terms. Sec. may he obtained. Alririra, Nov. 525. 1859. G‘Z-tf CHARLES TAGGAR‘T‘, CONFEC'l'IONER. BREAD if; FAN CY BISCU IT BIKER RICHMOND HILL- PIc-nic Parties & Tea Meetings Attended and supplied on reasonable terms. Richmond Hill. June 24. 1861. Euro ’I‘roughs, Water Spouis, Cistrons and Pumps, Manufactured and for Sale by JOHNLANGSTAFE STEAM MILLS, 'I‘nonuuiLL. June3, 1859. By Dr. E. c. EDMONDS, SURGEON DEN'I‘IS r. AURORA. Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performed in the most approved manner and \Varralltod' ’ I Aurora. March 9. 1860 67-1\' _M W . G . TA Y L O R . VETERINARY SURGEO lllcm/Ici' oft/u; Royal College 1y" V.S. l merit lleitltufore received begs to intimate that be is now prepared to treat all Biscnsrs of Jilirrenls .' At his own skeliles on the shortest notice, and can Willi confidence warrant a cure iii all cases Within the reach of liiedical skill and treatment. Residenceâ€"«Near the Eagle Hail-3i. NB No Charge for Staliling. Newrriarket, Feb, ‘26, 1rf62. 9 170-Iv A I. EX. II 31235 “E PIECES (LATE FROM ENGY.AN1),) PRACTlCAl. CLOCK & WRICHMAKER, a J W 1.4 I; , dun RI HMOND HILL, CF”. r II, ill offering his services to lilo inhabi- J. tents of Richmond Hlll and Vicinity, begs to state that they may depend on gluing their work Well done. from the met that he has had 25 years experience in some of the first- class houses in lnndun, Yorkshire, and Lair- casbire, llc- tropes. by strict attention to business and riioderrte charges. to gain the support of die public WORK VVARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR. N B IVork done on the shortest notice Shop next door to the “ York Herald ” Ofliie tichmond llill. Nov. 7. 1861. 145- 'l‘ll E AURORA .lIISOIIIC QUADIIILLE Ilzlr‘llll l S now oper. to receive engagements on li- f- beralterins. for airy number, to suit the convenience of large or small parties. Applications to Mr. WM. larrmso. at Aurora. or Mr W. \ 3rd Con. \Vhit- ellurclr. N.B Also, a SAX-IIORN BAND may be had on application. Aurora. Nov. 2. 1860. 100-311) C. W. COLEMAN, WATC HM AKliIR & JEWELLER. NO. 283 YONGE STREET, Touoti'ro, b‘IRS-T store north of Crookshanksstreetrâ€" tended to. Repairing in all its bi'anclfp-‘t properly at- All work warranted. N.15. All assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Fancy (floods kept on hand Toronto, Sept. (5, 186l. I45-6lrl fill iiiiiliii trill ON RICII MUN 1) HILL. (IS to intimate to the inhabitants of Rio.- Ec‘iwin 'Web'fioer, WI: 1% round flill and Vicinity, lllat be has cornrileirced bcsiuess as CABINET MAKER, UliDEnTAKiR, 803., Two doors south of the " York Ilernld" Office. where he has on hand a general assortment of Household Furniture, Of the best quality. cheap for cash. {£9 A Call is Solicitcd. Richmond Hill. June 7, 1861. l3‘2-ft NEW AND IMPROVED Help of Upper taillith or the Typographieal, Statistical AND Illihtratcd lilap of Upper Canada 'l'reiiiaine, the old of Descriptive ‘ OULD you secure a valuable and orna- mental Work of Reference ’2 Subscribe In preparation by Geo. C. and Wellâ€"known publisher County Maps. It? Residents of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local or 'l'raveiliilg agents ‘l'orouto, May 1851. I38-tf H. 81. d. HARRISON Flour Barrel Residing, starve and Shingle Iliiiliiflrctiirrrs, and Lumber Planers Seasoned Flooring and Siding kept on nano, and ,Plaiied to order ill quantities to sub par- chasers. . fiijctory~ on Markham and Elgln lidills rim Road. no. address, Richmond lllll. ' June 7. 1m. "9th . N. J.PECI, i35-it' 27-tf N Returning thanks for Ihe liberal encourage- i .In his bllf'p.19f bionil’iille, wneie all orders Surgeon Dentist, WILL BE AT Nicllel’s liotcl, Richmond Hill, ()n the 9nd Monday of each month, at DICII’S no TEL, .7710, pic. Oil the Tuesday following, at McMann’s Hotel, Klineburg, On Wednesday following. V HERE he will be happy to wait on those requiring his services iii any branch of his profession. l'eerh inserted on Gold Platenum, Vulcan- lan Rubber, or Continuous Gum on l’lalelrum. The latter being the most beautiful teeth now in use. Dr. I’m-x has all the advantages of tile Profession, both in the States and Carladas, having formerly been connected with Dentists in New York: he now receives direct from them everv improvement of the Profession throughout the United States. Particular attention given to the Regulation of Children’s I'getb. Consultation Free. All letters addressed to him at Aurora prem- ptly attended to. Aurora. Feb. 90.. l861 Ilia-Iv GU'I‘I‘A-I’ERCIIA ROOFING. No article ever before introduced to the public has equalled the LIQUID GUTTA- PERCHA for coating tin or other roofs, ner or old. One gallon, resting $1.50, will thoroughly coal from 1’00 to 300 feet of roof, and this coating will render the roof perfectly water-proof. and will lasr three tithes as long as white load or othct paint. For covering roofs, either new or old, we repeat, it has no equal for durabiâ€" lity and cheapncss, and we offer it to the public fully confident of its intrinsic excel- lence. and wrth our warrantee that it will do all we claim for it. Sold in barrels of forty gallons each, at a lilwrnl discount to Address all orders to READY ROOFING C0,, 23 Cedar-street, New York. H I L L irs, dealers. Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, CW. December l4. ibtif‘. DENTISTRY! W . C . A D A M S . . Surgeon Dentist, KING ST. EAST SOUTH SIDE. THIRD VVI‘25'1‘FIIOM CHURCH 5T. TORONTO, ARTICULAR attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s 'Icclh. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr. has turiiedllis attention to the im- proven‘reilts of his profession in all its-branches. and can supply the profession with 'l‘eefh. Gold, Vulcanized .‘Ipparntim. and Vulcallite Rubber, and the best Bout: filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums, which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto,October li , 156“. 49-1\‘ DOOR W. U. 12am NE. MILLWRlGliT, .11 I. 7' o .n' .s , lFEGS to intimate that hols now prepared 1.0 3 erect MILLS of every description, b‘r contract or otherwise, on reasonable termS' He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altoila, Dec 23. 1859 4 IMPORTANT IF TRUE ! And every word is true. For upwards of three years pas-t. I have been engaged in a business, which has yielded too at tile rate of $3,000 per auburn, hilt being dosi- lons or" going to Europe. .n the course of a few months for the [)lll‘imrf‘. of there introducing the. business, 1 am willingr to teach it funny one who will send me 351. The business is no humbiig, but of a highly useful and general character. adapted both to cities and villages. and one that any person of ordinary capacrty. young: or old. male or telltale. can ht‘qilli'e wiiil :» few ll"l1t‘<’ practice, and by which the} can secure a Very lialidsoiile income. Several young ladies who have l’t‘CI'lt’Stl ltlsll‘llt‘lltlll’f from the, both in New York State and Pennsylvania, are eariringr upwards ot".‘$ztl per week by it, and :‘lcrt is no reason why any one else cannot do the same. li'ivalids. even, can do well by it. as it is no ped- dling affair. but a business that in perfectly rc- speclable. Gentlemen and ladies of leisiiri- who would like to learn tilel business for their their own amusement or pleasure, will find the practice of it a pleasant pastiiilt, and one that they will take great iirterert in. (in receipt of $1,1will send printed instructions by u'bich any person can readily acquire the art, and tire-so instructions will also contain every particular rI-lative to the carrying it on so that it Will be highly profitable The purchase-r of the “ print- ed instructions ” Will also be authorized to teach it to Others; and I have sometimes receiVed as hdzh as $2110, for teaching it personally to a single individual. I would state further that t'2.511 or $3.0” l't’lll buy cvvfl‘ thing that is lic- ccssarv to commence the business with. and the articles Cull be got almost. anywhere, in city 0,. country, or, if preferred, I can furnish them Almanacs, fanatic. Alvord T. Parsons, The best ofreferetlcus given when required. FANNlNG MILLS&PUMPS ’1‘115 Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that he Irranufaciu'es the latest improved PUMPS Aim FANNING hills l niiti‘usled to his care will receive prompt alien- tion; and for cheapncss and durability be defies con'ipetitioil. Repairing done with despatcb. All letters addressed to YE'I ER KRIBS, Stoull'vilie l’. ‘0. Stouffville. Oct. 15. 1861. l5l-fiin. CHEAPLP. 'l‘llAN VERI f' ItiiE Subscriber begs to inform iris numerous patrons and the public ihalhe is prepared to make Boots and. Shoes Ofever) stvle and description, attire lowest [)DSSI lle rernuiiorating prices. All work nar- ranted to give entire satisfaction. W. H MARTIN. G. P. Husband, l URGEON Dentist, will be at Niclloll’s Hotel. Richmond Hill, the Enter Mounav of every month, and, the re- mainder of the month~at his residence, McCaysville, 7th Concession of York. All Work Warraii ted. Teeth filled with Osteeplartic or Artificial Renee-This filling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing no pain, as itrequires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt firmlv adheres, rendering it almost impossible for theifilliug ever to come out. Dr. Husband lies made arrangements with Mr. G. L. Elliot, of Toronto. to manufacture his Artificial Teeth ; those who engage Doctor Husband to do their work Will be sure of hav- ing It done in a superior manner, I July it. 1859. 39-lv. TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS l 185 YONGE S'I‘ALE'I‘. MONUMENS, TOMBTABLES, TO M BS'i‘ON E ‘ etc. Twenty Per Cent _ Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. r HE UNDERSIGNHI) Assignees of the l estate of I). C. d1 W. YALl'L, will coir |tiilue the business under the superintendence lof our dilly outlinrized agents, Aus'rin ABBEY and I), Cannes VALE. whose receipt will be ! duly acknowledged. |’.S.--â€"All notes and accounts remaining 1111’ paid on the is! dav of Julio. 1858, will be put ‘ into Court for collection, C. YALE, G. CUM )1 ER. Toronto, April ‘29, 1859. UNl'l‘Y Fire & Life Insurance Association or LONDON, Vv’itli which is Amalgamated the Irlqtli table F i re Office. CAPI'I‘R L, £2,510,000, STERLING. Available Assets File Deparim’t S; i.547.l‘fil it) Life. Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,5;6595 ~11i Deposit Fund‘in Canada. . . . . . . 5(l.btitl of) Deposit Fund ill New York. . . . . 150,5tltl tit) MERCHANTS! defines commit. llirectors, Fire Department. J Flotbingharil, Iiisq. \IV. Lilian, Esq. ii. Holmes. Esq. J. (I. Vlackerlsie. Esq. A. Larecque, L'sq. i .I. '1'orrarice, qu. Trustees in London : Sir VY. C. llalyell, | (I. I“. Bazin, Esq. Triisfec-s in New York : S, “Wings-ton. firlilrlf'liarI-l~.y .\ Livingston. Wm. H. Macy. I’rcs’t LeatherMadufnct flank W. Sherman, firm of I’llllC‘dI), Sherman &Co Every description of Fire and Life Insurance Blislness transacted at the most moderate rates of Premium. w. r. nil: 'NOI.DS, Manager ill B. N. A. A gent for Torontoâ€"A R'I‘IIUR M. JARVIS, OfIiceâ€"W’liitfiinore’ Buildings, 'l'nronto St. Toronto, April 12, 1661 1523-1)" Dr. LA CROIX’E PRIVATE IIIEDI CA L TREATIE ON THE Physiological View of Marriage. 250 mm AND'I31) ENGIIAVINGSrâ€"Plif'o only twenty-five cents. Sent free of postage to all partsof the Union. Oil the iiifii'liiilies of math and maturity. disclosing the secret follies of both sexes of all ages, causing dehilrtv, tier- vousness. depression of spirits, palpitation of the heart, suicidal irriaginings. involuntary emis- sions. bllislliiigs, delectivn Ilielrlory, indignation and lassitude, wit/r curl/casinos oft/trifling 1m '1" net n 'u. Bonn/ling School Miss, a College Stu.â€" Ilcnt, mm] a Yul/ring [lltn'l'lmi Lolly, (Sm... (S'II. It a truthful adViscr to the illfll‘i’ll‘d and those contemplating Illarriage,tvlio entertain secret doubts of their physical condition. and who are conscious of having hazarded the. health, bappi» rises, and priviIEges to which every human being is entitled. Young Men who are troubled with weakness, gone-ally caused ill a bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizzrness, pains, forgetful- ness. sorrleiimes a ringing ill the ears. Wt‘hk eyes, weakness of lift! back and lower extremi- tieh, confusion of itfc.‘v:, loss of riieiilorv. with iiielancboly, maybe cured by the author’s New l‘aris and frilltlilll 'l‘icatiiient. l “'e have recently devoted much of our time in visiting the European Hospitals, availing Uiii'selves of the kiln“ ledge and researches of (the roost r-klllfld l‘hyleians and Surgeons in Europa ;.Iitl the GUIIIllIvllll. Those who place lillemselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many new and cflicwloits ferric-dies which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest as- sniod of the same zeal, assiduitv. SECHECY and attention biting paid to their cases, “’11” ll liar; so ~Iit'cesstiill} distinguished us heretofore. as a l'll\\'l(:llill in our pccuiiul department of profes- sional l‘raclice, tor the jihh‘lchlll. five years. Fuchu FEMALE PILLSnâ€"Ifiltllea Wllu wish lOl'i‘IBtlltillleS. the efficacy of which has [well tested ill t-rous rods of cams, and never failed to effect speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but Dl'. UoLancy’s Female- I’c- riodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies should not take them If the. believe they are in Curtain summons- (tlle particulars of which Will be found on the wrapper :Iccorilpaii} iiig each box,) Ilioilgli always safe and healthy. so gentle, yet so active are . . . . l ’. No .36 Libolti St., New York ‘lhe‘ Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any part or the UlllIl'd SLHII‘S or Canada. To THE IJAIIIESâ€"VVIIO need a confidential medical advner urtb rrgar:l io rm oi filth-6 in- !cresfing colilplaints to which their delicate or- ganilntion renders them liable. are particularly invrred in (filliSIlll us. THE “ .ELECTHO GALVANIC Puerncnvn. ”â€"-I'“ol Iltfit'vlefl ladies lvllosc Ilf'fxllll vcro nor iidiiiit. or u ho have no desire in increase their iariiiiics, “HIV be obtained as allow. It is a perfectly sa c preventive in conception, and has but it exten- sively need during the last 2i} years. Price re- duced to $IU. ' THE SECRETS 0F YOUTH UNVEILE‘D. A Treatise on the Lansc of Premature De-I a) â€"â€"-A solemn Warning, Just published, a book showing the insidious progess and prevalence among schools. [both male and female], of fins fut-ll habitvpointing out the taieliu lhni inva- riubiv attends its victims. and developing the whole progress of the disease. from the com- uienceilient to the end, It will be sent by mail on receipt of two [3] cent Stamps. 1L5" Attendance daily from 8 in the morning till 9 at night. and on Surldaj s from 2 to 5 p.rn. Medicines with full directions shut to any part of the United States or Canadas. by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. Busi- ness correspondencc strictly confidential. 113’ Dr. L’s Office is still located as established, Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 1. was. WWI under the name of Dr. La Croix, at No. 31, Maiden Lane, Albany. LLY. 48M} ‘ rious Agencies. as well as the Head Office. To. Iffl-Jy Septembel 5, 1861 ,1». L LI. SLAVERY ABOLISHED. 1 ANY who have 1;; slaves 'to Rheumatic tyran ly h‘lVe bet it entirely emancipated by the use of . Ingranl’s Infalable Lilliiilent A certain cure for Rheumatism, Tic Dolereeux, Spraiils, Bruises and Swoltings Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple Village, in bottles at 25 and 50c. each. Maple Village, Feb, 14. 1861. 1-y. Provincial Insurance Company, or CANADA, FOR fir; anh marine finenranrc, ES'I‘ABLISHLD 18-19, INBORPORATED BY ACT 0)‘ PARLIAMENTII Subscribed Capital, $1,743,520. HEA D OFll'l-(FlLâ€"‘Tâ€" 'l'Uli’ ON TO. PurzsioEurzâ€"Ilon. John Hilliard Cameron, VICE-I’Rnsrnrzis'r :-.I. S. Howard, Esq. DIRECTORS I George Duggan, Esq .l. S. Howard. Esq. ltldw. C. Jones, Esq. llon 1.1-]. Cameron, Hnn. Goo. Crawford, lfori.t\l.Canieron,IVI P. LCI-rnerond‘lsq.M.I’.P ."l. Morrisorl,l‘isq. MI’I’ A. M. Smith liisq. Lewis Muffat, Esq. W. L. Peri-iii, Esq Manager and Seerstnry:â€"Jumes Sydney lCrocker. Esq. Ilhmnger of Agencies .- Wm. Blight, Esq. Assist. Secretary : J W . \V‘oodhouseksq. Soici'rons :â€"-iV'lessrs. Daggan 8. Burns. Banxnus :â€"-'I'lie Bank of Toronto. TIRE and MARINE INSURANCE busi- ness transacted by this Conlpaiw at its va- rorlte, at fair and average rates. . The numerous and responsible Stockholders of this Company, and the large amount of ca- pital subscribed, afford an amount of security to .he assure d, equal at least to that of any other Company transacting business ill the Province A. LA \V. Agent at Richmond Hill. Toronto. April 18. 1861. [ZS-Is" ‘â€" FIRKLEISIILYON sauna - incline Ciiiir’i'. .338 httOAUVVAY, NEW YORK. 0 person who contemplates purchasing a ‘J. ‘ Sou-mg Marlin-Ire for family or iiiaiiulac- tilting purposes‘. should fail to send for one of ourt :rcnlars. which contains cuts and full deâ€" -criptions of the sI-veral st.les, prices and Shillille' of work. all of which we send by mail free. We claim to have the best slewing illttt‘liiticsiil the World For ell/ml Fruuifgm Mrmqfiwturing purposes. And all we nsk is a fair ti inl Read the following: IMPORTANT FACTS. FACT No. 1.-â€"lbis Company being duly li- censed. their Machines are protected against infringements or litigation. A'ACI No 2.-'1bese Mill liines make the lock. stickâ€"a‘ike on both sidesâ€"and rise it little less than half as much thread and silk as the chain or loop stitch Iilncliiilee. FACT No. 3.â€"â€"'1'liese Machines are better adap- ted thnir any other sewingviliachincs in the Iliarket to the frequent changes and almost endless variety of sewing required in a fa- mily. They will sew from one to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, and make every stitch perfect. They will even sew from the finest gauze to the hero viest cloth. and even stout. bard leather, without changing the feed. needle. or tell- siorr. or making any ItflJlISIlllOlll. of illacllille whatever. Is not such a adapted to family use ‘I and if best adapted to family use, Why “)1 for every variety of light sewing manufacture? For work too heavy for our Family Machine, wo recom- mend our larger sizes. FACT No, 4.-â€"'I'he.~=e Machines make the most elastic seam of any sewing-machine in useâ€" a fact Of verv great iliiportancc iii sew- ing elastic goods. ’or goods of airy kind, on a r l’rovrncial Post Office stamps. machine best I " l - swear“ 1'8‘6'2. Prospéctus " SCOTTISH AMERICAN J 0111“ AL A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY andi‘fiua, ' ammo TO THE intrusive OFSCOTSMEN-IN All/IBM.” trio T0 ruemssnmur'rlou i l OF SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND FIFTHâ€"STEAK. On January 2, 1862. will be commenced a new volume (V) of the SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL; and in future the numbers issued be- Which the first and last days of each year will constitute a complete volume, of convenient size for binding, and each number will con- tarn a most entertaining and instructive reper- tory of reading matter. caicrlated to interest all readers 01' British origin. The SCOTTISH AKI- nrcxu JOURNAL, though decidedly international in its constant efforts to promote peace and pros- periiy between the people of Great Briiafulend» America, is yet emphatically Scottieh‘id its copious records of all events occurring in Scot“ larrd that can be regarded of the least'interest to natives of that country residing in America; and to this “ news frorrl home" is added, week- Ir, a summary, of general intelligence from England, Ireland. and other parts of the world. A distinguishing feature of the “ Scottish American Journal ” is its regularre-ptlblication -â€"vcrlmlim at lilaratfm~0f the “ leading articles” of the prominent British newspapers and other periodicals upon the most important. topics of the day. Tins feature is a unique one, and has been fouild very acceptable to the people .of British North America, as it supplies a long- needed desideratum in the Provinces. In re- ferellee to the “editorials” of the Scout”! AMERICAN JOURNAL. it is it significant factth’at the British press frequently acknowledges their intrinsic trutll and force by copiously extracting from our columns and declaring that the SCOTâ€" ’I‘ISH AMERICAN JOURNAL is the most able and interesting paporpublished In America. A con. cise weekly summary is also given of the prin- 'cipal Home of American news, and a similar narrative of events transpiring iii the varied! British Provinces, the latte-r feature supplying a deficiency which was felt iii several of the Pro- vinces of intelligence as to what was transpl- ring in other parts of the British possessions. ‘ In the forthcoming volume of the “ Scottish American Journal" increased space will be de- voted to the literary department in the publica- tron of SERIAL TALES AND sxrrrcnss, vividly il- lustrating tile customs, habits, sentiments and general characteristics of the people of Scotland; each tale QIIIaII-tllilg from the pen of all author of celebr ity. As heretofore. particular care will be exercised in the choice of ORIGINAL ron'ritv, composed by writers of' acknowledged genius and purity of thought, resident here or abroad. Tire first number of the new volume will con- tain the commencement. of a deeply interesting tale, entitled “ THE LIEUTENANT AND HIS SON." This tale will prove to be one of the meet in- fcl‘esting ever published, and willbe appreciated by all classes of readers. TERMS OF s-LTBSCRIPTION, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE- Single Copies (880.11,)................i50f“. One copy for one year................ 250 CLUB BATES. P‘ivecoiries......................... 1000 Twelve copies,................-.... 2000 l‘wenty-five copies,. . ........,...... 40 00 Specimen copies ,sent gratis. Subscribers in the Provinces may remit their subscriptions in Provincial money. Odd change (Jupios forwarded to Europe per mil, United States, postage paid, for $3, or 133. slerlmg.por annum. I Subscriptions for the current year are novv being received,aiid should be forwarded without delay to A . M. S'I‘EIVA RT, No. 37 Park Row, New York. New York, Jail. 1, 1863. Try the truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS' XL. GIG RELIEF,und if you are not satisfied of its an riority, after using the medicine, the price will be re- mnded by the A gent, in all cases. Price 26 cents p. bottle. Sold by all dealers in medicines. bias. 2 Fact N0. 5.â€"No Machine is more durable or more simple in its coilstruction,or more easily understood. The reputation of these Ma- chines wherever used wilt fully demonstrate each of the above Fliers. FACT No. ti -â€"-'l'nese Allachines took the High- est l’romium at the Franklin Institute, I’llil- adclpbia. li‘lcr No. 7.â€"'l‘iiese Mazhines took the fligh- esl f‘i'eiiliunl at the New Jersey State Fair. Valuable PrOperty for Sale IZ: 63 Acres, 523 of which is timbered, 40 Acres tinder Cultivation. Several l’A RK LOTS with timber thereon. Also, VILLAGE PROI’ER'I‘Y with or without Buildings. The above property is situated at. and ed- FACT .\0 15.â€" l'lleso d’lacliioos took the high- joining to. the Village of est Modal at the American Institute. in the City of New York, together with ihe fligh- est Premium for fine Servingâ€"Machine Work PACT No, 9.â€"â€"'1‘hose Machines took both the lilCl‘mOlld HI”: Sept 2. Highest l’rerrliurlis at the Mechanics’ Fair, Utlca, N.Y. FACI' 1V0. lll.â€"'I‘licuo same thing generally, whenever properly exhibifvd ill competition with other first-class Sewing-Machines. only oriefnct moreâ€"it is the most important Foot of all. 1"Ac'r No. 11 â€"â€" [Va warrant every Machine we sell to grim: Irct'cr .sutisjiwuun. t/uur (my other .‘nwingi dine/line In the mar/ml, or money my it" (led. llj'i‘Send fora Circular. AUEN’I‘S WANTED Atltft‘t‘ss, Fruit”; & IIYth SidWING-O‘IACHINE Co,, No. 538 Broadway, New York. September 5. icGl. l45'fll“ rill: llElttlES hymn, THE HEROES OF WAR. ' "v .4 AN'l‘-fONY. No. Sill BROADWAY. NEW , Yon-K, is now publishing, iii addition to other portraits, the celebrated collection known n Europe. and America as BII'ADY‘S NA 'I'IUNA I. PHO'I'OGRAI’HIU FOR I RAI'I' GALLERY, in which is included l’ortraitu of nearly all the proriiineni men of America. not exceptingdefl‘. Haws. Gen Beauregard, Floyd, and a best of oilier coril'edciaics. l‘rice of f’urtrsiits, $3.0U per dozen. (Ian be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are publisfled,cai‘tl size. and in stereoscopic form ALSO- Siereoscopic Views of Scenes in Paris, London, and III other p-rr's of lilogland and France; iii Scotland. Ilefitlld, \Yales. Holland. Switzer- land. Spannon Illt‘. IklllllB,I!1 Allicils. Lgypl, ‘1‘urlle.. the. Holy L lIId' Cili- lln. India. Cuba. &c., &c., all infinitnm. Otis Instantaneous StereeScopic Views Are the Greatest IVumlm‘ of flu Age. These. are taken III the f rtieih part of a second. and the rushing of water. the moving of vehi- cles, or the march ofau army, does not ill the sligliest degree affect the taking of these views. They are sold .for $3.1)” per dozen. We have also Oil hand aild manufacture the largest assortment of S'I'EREOSCOPES, I’HU'I'OGRA I’HIC ALBUMS, and Photographic Materials ill the United States. and perhaps in the world .Catalogues, containing lists of all our Por- traits. VieWs, Stereoscopes, 610., sent free by mail Oil receipt of a stamp E. ANTHONY. 501 BROADWAY, near St. Nicholas Ilotel,New York. 145-1y Richlnond H111. For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. 1860. 9-0 Machines 081160 the Corrsultthe Old English i‘hy-ieinn FOR But we have space for ASTHMA. INCII’IEN'I‘ CONSUMPTION, INP‘IRMI'l‘lES OI" YUU'I‘II. AND OLD AGE, sc. No Eleven i'y Used. Dr. Amos w Son, 4‘5 EAST GENES EE STREET, Buffalo, New York, RIC the only Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in tile morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom of disease. The treatmentthey adopt is the result of up- wards of thirty years’ extensive and successful practice in London.» 1. MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi. lily. of Nocturnal Emissioris, more properly known as Seminal Weakness. &0. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 211 days, by the use of this instrument, when used can- jointly with medicines. in. Amos die Sell. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that iii any instanco where it may prove uns’a‘tis'fhctory, after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. I’rice Ton Dol- Iars, by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR. NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by acer- tairi practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit freqneiiJ} learned from evil companions. or It school, the effects of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and if~nrt cured. renders marri'a“ o IrnpOssible. and destroys both mind and be y. should apply immediately. Self-abuse is one‘of the most formidable enemies to health, for: his thing else iii the dire catalogue of human,dis- eases causes so destructive a drain upon tho human system, drawing its thousands Of vic- tims through a few years of suffering dewn to an untimely grave. It destroys the net-Von. _systern rapidly, wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement. prevents. the pro- per development of the system, disqualifies for marriage. society, business, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer Wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. ' nEusons IN ANY PART or THE weam may be successfully treated by forwarding I correct detail of their case. _ Address Dr. Amos & Son, 48 East Gene’eee Street, three doors West of Ellicott Street. Buffalo. N. Y. 88-1!

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