Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 16 May 1862, p. 2

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,‘r‘ntrigii 311mm. ~_._ u...‘ -m ..â€"___._â€"..__. ___~ m FURTHER BY THE i‘l'lANb‘A.” The steamer Hausa, from Southampton on 301h April, With three days later dates from Euroi-e. arrived in New york, at two o’clock, on Monday morning. ENGLAND. On Monday the Lord Mayor enter- tained the ,Duke of Cami). idge. the [loyal Commissioners, and the Foreign Commiso sioners to the International Exhibition, at a grant banquet in the Egyptian Hall. The Court Circular sny.â€"â€"“ Althouin the Queen will not open the Exhibition in person, yet ererytliing short of actually opening the Exhibition in person will be done by ller Majesty on the occasion Seven of the state carriages will be plated at the disposal of the Iloyal Commis- sioner-i who specially represent the Queen A suitable escort of household troops will be in attendance. The Postmaster General has made are rangements for" the establishment of a l’ost-oflice, including a motley-order “thee. and “ Poste Restariti,” in the Exhibition building. Intelligence of the great fire at Jamaica has been confirmed by letters per the Shannon. 1 FRANCE. The London ’I‘zmes‘ correspondent says:â€"Some returns hare been later published, winch give an unlavourahle account of the state of'trade in France. M. Jourdain, one of the principal spinners in the town of "I‘haun. has inforiried. his workmen that, after the present week the hours ol work at his factory Will be reduced by two-thirds. ITALY. A despatch from Naples, of April 28. say:â€"-“'l‘hc King of Italy arrived here to-day. escorted by three F-ench frigate» The enthusiasm was indescribable. I’er feet order prevails. 'I'Iiree [angliin tri- gatcs are here. 'I‘liree French frigate-s and a French man-ol-war have. arrived A grand serenade is being held in front ol the palaceâ€"500 singers and 500 instru- ments. The whole city is illniriioatei.’ The King was enthusiastically cheered at Gaeta, on his way to Naples. A despatch from Rome. of April ‘27 ny:â€"“'I'he Emperor of I’uissia harm; demanded that the nuncio whom the Pope was to send to or. Petersburg should maintain his relations with the clergy in Russia only through the Minister of Pub- Iic \Vorship, the . ope has determined not to despatch the nuncio to tit. Petersnueg." A despatch from 'I'ritan, of April ‘28. Iayzâ€"A-gteat conspiracy has been dis covered here among the soldiers of the old Neapoltan army. It is asserted that the clergy had supplied them with arms and money. They were prm'ided with poin- ards, pistols and other arms, and contem plated attempting to get up a reactionary. movement in Lombardy. Forty were arrested. A similar conspiracy has nee-e discovered at hionga. have been arrested. Several priests ARRIVAL OF THE “ JURA.” FATHER Pors'r, May 13. The Jun). passed Father Point at two o’clock a.m., bringing 31 cabin and 3H steerage paSsengeis. 'l‘lii- Hibernia/i arrived at Moville at four o'clock a.ri.., on the 52nd. The Jura passed the North American, off Gospe, yesterday I‘2tli. GREA'I‘ BRITAIN. The Queen arrived at Balrrioral yes- terday. Although the Queen’s birth-day will not this year be celebrated by the usual l'vsti. vities. her Majesty desires that the usual holiday may be observed on the 2-H“ ot May. This morning’s papers are filled with accounts of the opening of the Exhibition yesterday. The opening of the great Exhibition ii: London was a perfect succims. The. Times says the ceremonial was emphatically the lgrandest, best managed. Ind most imposing public pageant seen lit this country tor years. The bundirg it- self for extent, convenience, elevation. beauty oi form and charm ct colour, is described as far superior to that of Hyde Park. There are the same apparent laby- rintlis and spreading vistas ol courts. each a complete exhibition in itself, and worth a day’s study. \\'liaterer there Was in ’51, will be found ten-told in ‘69., Besides what was in the old Cx'iiibiâ€" tion, there is the finest collection ol ling- lish and foreign pictures eyei' got together in this rnetroiiolis. The Minister of Finance bid proposal a' large reduction in the dude: on salt and fish. A reduction is also projected iii the duty on Mu~covzido sugar. SOUTHAMPTON, May :2.â€"-'l‘he A/lram. bra has arrived, having lett Lisbon on the 27th of April. (Reader’s Telerlmm.) Nana‘s, May I. Frince Napoleon is eXpeclerl here on a visit to King Victor Emmanuel. It is stated in oflicial quarters that Gen. Guyon has been recalled from Rome. PARIS, May 2nd.â€"â€"'I‘he Mom'tcur ot this morning publishes a letter ll'Oltl Mex- ico, commenting on the intolerable con- duct of the .hilexican Government, and the probability that the French troops will not delay marching on the city ol Mexico. The Journal Dcaprit Pull/Ziqu of to clay says there is a question or sending Marshal Niell to Home, with military and diplomatic powers. It is said that he will be charged to reconcile, if pussible, the protection which France owes to the Iloly See, with the rights of the Italian nation. M The Paris correspOrident of the. Indo- pmdence Beige asserts, in the must post- ‘tiye manner, that the projected interven- tion by France and England in the a arts of America. is confi med. The South Will be required to guarantee the emancipation of her slaves. The same autliorit y states that a secret treatyexists betivem France and bipain,~ providing for the early aboliâ€" , “ than at Pwlorery in Cuba. i surnptive sale -; white 3‘)» 6d at 335 till; I I to be appropriated to the payment of jurors; If these however are insuf- licient for toe purpose the. County councils supply the (leticency. The bill i-Xiends to one hundred and sixty-nine clauses. 'I'lie statrmciit that the, b‘panish and French troops Were about to march against Mexico has been lavorabiy re- ceiieil here [4183th. May 1.-â€"â€"-'lilie King has viii t-ially announcml his approaching marriane. The. new Ministry Was finally censo- Iida'ed. ' Breadstuli's dull; quotations barelyl maintained Provisions heavy. Consols, 937; at 93% American bccurities dull and unchanged. Livnneoxit. hlAiixiz'rs,.\loy 1 â€"â€"\\'eaâ€" ther line. Flour 6d. per barrel cheaper: W’esteru Canal, 25s (iii 5’ Philadelphia and Baltimore, 26s at ‘29s. \\ heatâ€"Irate- sactions only on a IItltllt‘tl scale; \tllllt.‘ and united ‘26s; untied I‘ls 4d at 13.. 6d; lied 10s 6d at 12s Utll'll'â€"â€"A lair con- >9 GRA'I‘UI'I‘OUS COUNSEL. THE Globe undertookdlie other (lat, in lecture the pr-ople ofth Midland Division on their potiiir-a- duties in View ol the approaching election ot a rept‘osentatiVe to the Legislative 'Council. It tells them, with a laughterâ€" gravity, the it non-d be much Wiser and better not to put themselves to the trouble and expense oi an céection ‘concst at all, but to diltHV its nominee to walk the course Without opposition. I-low kind and considerate ol the rotund organ, to dispense. gratis. such valuable.- advice to the elec- tors! Very tlrouglitlul, indeed, to relieve the l'ai‘iiiers in the busy sea- son ol all anxiety about election matters bychoosrng ti re-ucscntaâ€" i live for them. Would it not be the; mood 538s; yellow 28s lid. Niéar coirâ€" tnities dull. 'l'eiio-I’iililic sales are pron gt't'aslllg heavily. Ci‘rticr-â€"â€"I'lie Iillltttti business doingis at firm rates. Consuls, 93}, at 97}. Northern Railway of Canada. ‘ , nevi“ '1, . :- 'l‘inie 1 nine “raiser. orient Monday. you. to, “01 uovrno soii'i‘u’ l Aurora. .. . . .... . . it till will, 5 45p. hcwmarhet . . . . . .. 9 if) ii iii. 0 U0 p. Ilolland Landing. . 9 30 our ti if) p Bradford. . . . . . . . . . 9 to nail. ti 25p. NOV liVG SUU I'll Leave Collingwood. . . . . .2 30 p m 5 30 a. Ilrudioi'd. . . .... 5) 55 p iii. 6 is a. Holiurid Landing. . 6 lb p in ct 32 a. Newrnarkel. . . . b .itl o‘ 45 a in. Aurora. .. .. . 6 *5 p in. 9 till n.iii King....... 7 ii) p iii. 9 2.3 d.lll. Itlcliiiioiiit tti-l. . . . 7 2r! p iii. 9 4 l a in. 'rllollliilli. . , .. ,. . . 7 4t p.iii 9 5.} mm. Arrive at l‘oruulo. . . ... .. a 3i) nun. lit 40 " _._.. __ .. ._....._.._â€". .._....,_....-___..__. .. MAILS IRUM Richmond Hill P.0 to Railway station. hittl‘llllll mail for Toronto closed at. .7 Oil a.iii. itailivay I’ost Uliice going north. . . . .7 .0” best that)! \Vi- Itipe the electors feel do y gra‘i'l'irlpinil that they will iiiahc lticir uChIIU\\'rt‘(Igtllt’nls .in a fitting tiiubm'r V‘ hen the proper time. arrives to record lIlt‘ll’ Volt-s. 'I‘hi-v \\ ill, however, in ad: probabi isy be found to possess more ol independ- ent spirit and manly seli~iespect than to how Itllpallzllly to the die. titles of this sell-constituted adviser; and will claim the right to think and art for tlii'insclu s. The Grit organ dcsirc’s to cast oppro‘iiuiii on Mr Gillllbit‘ by dc- sigt‘iatiug Iiiiii " po- iitician 'l‘hc epithet (:tttttl‘s qiiile naiura-ly to the lips ol‘one, who has for years mode a trade ol politics, and is now completely bnnltrupt.-~ B olieii down po iticiaii indeed Iâ€" Tlie term will apin \\illi peculiar approprlateness much nearer home. But it no doubt all'tii'tls soliic con~ solation to the discarded opposition chief to iii lg others into the same In III In l H). Ill. ill Evening mail for Toronto closed at. . 5 3i p iii. New Advertisements. Booth 61 Sousâ€"Notice. Cardâ€"Ur, Bowman. New Spring Goodsâ€"W. S. Pollock. Iluts! llatslIâ€"W. S. i’olock. Ladies' Mantle Clothâ€"W. h. Pollock. Leno Musliiirâ€"W. S. l’ol'o It. I adio‘i' Show 5:. Slim)» ~â€"-W S Polloc}; caiegmiy “ “n hilnstiu' 1‘ "xii-ii” Jam“ TU“ w S Pupovk naturally be expected, I]i)\Vt‘\’t‘l‘, I ' i 4 ° that a. Common triislortitne uoulil Notice -â€"-I)r. Dollenbsugh. 'I'ea Meetingâ€"“l. M. Church. Cottage Warlte l to Rent. Public Notice_b. S inderson. loud to engender more ol'a fraternal lcvling, even innards a political 0p- ptmt‘tll. An Engliin poet. of noble. oirih tells us, that 'a lt‘II(l\\’ lei-ling took :5 us uotidrous hind ;' and the only uav in which we can ac count for be nose-nee oftlie lrir-ndiy ooitconz-itr-iui of this li‘.II()\V-l(‘t.'litlg, is by (:iillthg to the (trincusiim that the editor oil 8 Globe (It es not be- IIt'Vt' llisonn slat merit in relciencc to Mr. l-aiibl 1. (Elli ninth finely. IA Y 16. 186?. illCillu’imi'iili LL. ‘a w” . -. ,...,._...- -____._._..._.._-.V-..w ~ -0 .-_,-â€"........ V_._..._..... THE NEW JURY LAW. The Jury Law recently intro-lilo ed into the Legislature by the lit n. Sidney Srniih, appears to he a most complete and comprehensive mea- sure. It exhibits, in the. aritliory, the same capacity to de' l successâ€" fully \VtIIl matters of de.ail, which Q. Vaughan Council. .â€" I‘Hn Court of Rt'Vision on the Vaughan Assessment. Roll was heard :1] the 'I‘own Hall on Monday, the . . )l ’- II the iiir-iiibcrs has characterized his able l'iianage- 15eh‘vmmdy A merit of the pusl‘oliicc departtiient P ' ' 'I‘hrei: appeals were lodged with the Clerk, and the several parties had the usual legal notice ol tin- lllt‘tfiitlg sent to them, but failed t - attend l() sutistzrnliiilt‘ tl'it‘lr apps-als. The Council then procvcdcd with other business. The Clerk having read the lui notes of the last ltlt'trlllig, I'le laid bclore the. Council a communication from the Treasurer of East Nissonri, expressing the willingness of the East Missouri (loiiucil to redeem a portion of lIlt'Il‘ debentures held by the Municipa- lity oi Vaughan. at bar. Mr. Iloularid moved secont by Mr. .Ietlery, that the Reeve and ‘I‘i‘eusurcr be, and tho}! are Ilt'l‘t’I)Y itistrticlt'il It) st‘ll to the. Municipa- lity of East Nimouri their deben- tures lo the i'xlcnt ol $3.000. at par, iii‘ovid- (I this amount ol money can be invested at once iii City of '10- room Debentures, which will pay seven or seven and it half per Cent Interestâ€"Abe iiioiii-v to be paid iv Without any expense to this Muni- We shall bi‘it‘lly notice a few of its most proii'iincnt lectures. It provides that in fumble lhi‘juries in cities, towns, villages and town- sliips shall be selected by the rriavor or rct'vc, clerk and assessor or ass- essors, who shall Illt't’l annually for that purpose. In fourteen counties ol Upper Canada, it is priiptised to make one-half of the rate payvt‘s eligible to serve as jurors, in the rctiiaining counties one-tliird. In both instances the. number is ob- tained by (:tlll'lllu‘tlclng at the name of the person aSsesscd highest and counting downwards until the re quircil proportion of the whole is enui’rieratcd The following class- es of brosons are excrrip‘icd from serving on juries. Ullict-rs and servants of the governincnl, servants of tin: Gover- nor Gcneral ; inspectors of prisons, wardens, OlilCt‘l'S and servants ol the penitentiary ; all judges except those of the Quarter Sessions of ill- peace ; ministers of the Gospel l v! at‘U , ) l l l lawyers and t lliccrs of the Iavr- . ,. ., . couiH ' )ost (liicc and railway (:llm'ny'_bamtid' ‘ ‘ ‘fl. i“’ . lr‘t. l I'ld H (her (,1) 'I‘Iic Reeve laid befl-rc the Court- t ]t‘ w. s: "i U i’ss‘u‘s 'd‘ "t: ‘ s . ._ . ' ' ‘ ‘ oil a letter he had t't’Ct‘th'tl born the colleges and schools, editors, rc- portvrs, and printers of iiewpapi-rs; telegrapli-Operators, iiiillcrs and firemen. A petit Juror i‘t-ceivi-s ~51 per day for every day he attends ciiurl. and IOi-ts per mile for every l{t‘t‘\’(‘ of King, irritif ing him that it. was the intentionol the King Council to dissolve the. union Iii-re- tolore. taxiin ig between m hoot Sic iions No. 6, in King, and 22 in ile be ii in I to am nd such couil vm'ghan' 1 s; c.) S n a ‘x I s a - t m ’ Mr. llowlund moved. seconded or soon other sums as the county council may from time to time determine ; the allowances to grand jurors to be tixod by the council also. , V A fund for the payment of grand and petit jurors will be (lei'i'~’ed from the. follou ing sources: the sum of three dollars uill be deriiandcd with every record entered tor trial or assessment in the Court of AssiZe and half that sum with each record in the County Courts. In criminal cases in which either the party prosecuting or the party prosecuted is liable to pay the. costs of the pro- secution; the party so liable. shall pay the sum of three dollars orer and above other expenses. These sums together with all fines and by Mr. .lt‘Iii'lV. that the Clerk be instructed to notin the 'I‘rtisli'es ol’ fittitiml Sc :litin N0. 22 ()i. this Town» ship, that the King t'oiincil eon- leiiiplau-d passing a By law on the 28th insr.. severing that section hour No 6 ol'Klng â€"â€"Carried. The 'I‘rcasiirer having requested the Council to aulhorizn him by resolution to deposit any balance It." may have in a 'I‘oronto Bank, Mr. Ji-flei'y moved, Seconded by Mr. Cook, lIlel the Treasurer be, and be is hereby authorized to de- posit any balance he has. or may have in his hands. in the Ontario, Bank, until further action of this] Cotinci|.â€"â€"Curricd. I 'IThe loilowing accounts were. 11. - . -)-) ed and 1H,] d in We presented, and the 'I‘reasurer or-~ .\ - ~ .5 (S (s I _ I“ “d ( 1m] ldered to pay the same :â€" ‘ Several counties of U. Canada, not IN S f l of domwd chi] . . - _ i 5 rs.. 10. or so ior r Payable” 1" ll“? -‘-R‘.‘<C7;‘3‘V‘?r-:G"mlral or| tor tliice'irioiiilisn . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .sra no to any municipal corporation, are Jeni. Nelson, do. do. do. 13 00 Mail. Express. ,- ‘ ~ ;‘ ,, _ ., , ‘ ‘ Leave 'I‘oronto.. . .. . .. . 7 20 nun. 4 it) p iii. hf “gm 0‘ “whim” ’8 "nd Prcfiumli ( ’l‘hornli‘ilt. . . . . 8 to a in. 4 56 p to Hon to bring torwtti‘d tiny oppost- 5 Richmond HII‘.. .. c4 :4 ain.51ilp.rii. nun. ufier “,9 Gtobg has “neg, Lie. ’ ' r ’1 . K'"L""'”"“"‘ a “b” '” “‘4 "'3' elated that M r. Mull-aster is the. . first pl'lZ", arm, as will be linen. Hm honour (ti-(li'll‘l'YI'lg ot’fihe first pr zv- iii fiist i It. i; l l _ Poundhcepers, was then passed. The Pathinasiers are lor Beat No. 44. David Troyer 4;). lmvrd W ittierspoou 46. John .VchrtIiur 1. Rain. Gordon 9. Wm. Lane 3. John flickering 4. George Lt‘lf 47. Wm. JtlIIihn.Jr. 5, Divitl Boyle ‘8 Andrew J’Illllt:§)| 6. Edw. Slieph rdjr. 49. Joiiu Vlori‘isun 7. Thus. Hrslop‘ 5ll. Brig’m Wilkinson 5. Isa-Kl! Chaplin's" 5i JtiIltt Eilllll 9 ‘John Hilglll 5:2. Nathaniel Wulaco - Ill. John ileaiiett 53. John Maynard ' II Nathaniel Kirby 5-1. .l. T Ed'an l2. l‘eiei l’utersoii 5:3. “in. latlor l2 it \‘v m t'owall .56 John Stovmisen l3. Gideon Iiislop 57. \Vor. Motsritlc I‘ John Hurt 55 districts ridtfHIS 1:3 (liiristh‘r 'I'royer 56â€"3 Juries Livingston '6 Henry Vi'hit» . ."ill Jot-ii l'l bite [7. Joseph Keffer GU. Win. Joti'ory It'l. Joliii Corruption 61 John ‘~ illiunis l9. John Got dwell (52 1V Ill. Bu=tun 217-2]. Hugh Develiii ti3 \‘Viii lt.clic.dsoir .;., John Jackson "23. Utilllt’l Smith ‘24 I’eter .‘drissolinan 2-35. i’~ter liiipert 64. John King 6.). Iiicliaul Jell‘ury till Uiiiiiel Stcvrle 67. John :‘iiuiisiead :26. John ltupert bra. .luhu Cherry ‘27. “(in Kirby 69. “in. I‘ortr-r 23. Thus. Watson to. .‘tiuik I'Irirrisou '29. Just. llrovvn 7!, Andrew Ridde- .l|' \\ alter Dowel 72’.» Isaac Noun-5s, 3.1. John Stung " 73. (ion Keiliam 52 Sol. 'i‘iiterbauglt 71 John Karlz. jr. . 33 “I'm Ml'wuud '75). James Burgess Jul lsaac Murray 76. Hour} Paul I . 'I‘iios Chairman 77. Juan Watson For, 5.: h. Sevetisoii 78. i‘ouerl )I'tcllell "3 5-302: H truer 7:l Fi'arrcis H rulon re..- Wow so. Tao... it; {inner n. .r‘ 3:}. i), Iiitti‘uauglitoii at, tworgo -silrsay 'll, or. (ititlstul‘le 8:. Fl‘ derick (Why 4. , f. (7. .‘Vladirews 80’. Aaron t‘rmiiico t2. (.olzn hicilaclierii 64. Utiii’l .‘IICULLCIIGOH 4“. lieu. Constable 'i'HNCi‘Z VII “'ERs, In Ward No, iâ€"Ueurgo Charlton. 'iL-onjan-iiii iltiid “ “ 52 Peter Venderhurgli Joseph Matineson “ “ 3 B. Wtikiiisoll. Willi Cine. “ “ 4 William Constable A. Me \iurcltt . “ “ 5 Jacob Bii knolder, (ieotgc i'eaasuu. PUUN ‘Ki LI’I'Jt’S. Ir Ward No. Iâ€"â€"(_l'~o:go .‘rtepnenaon. Jon (I nioboll. “ “ ‘2 Jos ‘plt Gilly. Robert T Iolllpsolk. ” “ 3 Win. In Iiht Walton Ilnlzinl. “ “ 4 Bernard Mi; Hribiil}. later I' l‘nllk “ “ ’5 John Illllips. ‘ Francis Irayn'on. By-Iaw No. I34. making an ap- Dvopi‘iuiioii of money to be laid out on Roads, “as also passed. The Council then adjourned to I the first Monday in July. H..- East Riding of York Agricul- tural Society. The East York. .‘i'iailtlizim..iotl Scar- horo’ Union Spring; Fair. and Ploiuliin- Vlatcli, came fill "in the 7th inst- at Ellesmere, at the trim of A. lilenelcriiri.;. The day was cXceedingly line. and "the ground Esq . Kennedy Proud, Scarboro.’ upon which the thatch toot; place was in excellent order. In consequence of the late period at Whit-Ii the. fair was held and the bit-y season ol' the y»-ar',cornparitivelr few plouglinit-n entered lnr competition, F'rusr (‘L-issâ€"Slix Esroir25~looons.- James Walker. Aslilirizn; llngh M: l-znnnlin Ilnn‘wt‘tot): .lnhu Wiur. Mitht‘l'l) st p ize. John '; (.‘otti'tier. I’ichwitw sill-'3: 72nd "nnrlv'ew iiOU'l Swat!" I'O', 3 [Muzak] Wichita“ Eats! Y” K. flit“: 4 Ii 5 mp mr “Millie Surr- hot'o’, $5 ; 5th. 9"!” T intrinsic-ii Svarhoro’, $6, 6th. llormld Douglass Mo khani. $4. Sncmp ('t .\.~S~â€"Nl\t. Exrttxezs -â€"-.lvno~:s-â€" 'len vas. Eliminm-e: ltooert i’uhersoii and l);rnl'orih : George T! tes'tarv. Sea hora’ ls: prize ,laliies McLean. Vaughan. 3L5: ’2urL Itoh-rl Mr? can. l-Zawt Yoik. l2: 3d. .l tI‘ll Svlve~tor Er-t Yu'k SI”; 4”] .l'is, I’nttv‘e'sovt, Scaihriro’. $8: 5th. George I‘hr'res-‘er. .Vlurli l-nm, $5; 5th, Alex‘,. bit-wart. Son boro’. $4, 'l'iiliiii (‘r ps- Yoorue union I8 Yeahs â€" Form EN] irii 5.â€"-.l:‘liGl s -â€"W in. (‘ra-i ford. \‘cailmro' : Win ,lark. Jr . Scarborn’ : J'Illle" T ' ll". Ma kll'illl. lsi prizu. W n. I)l('kitn, Scalixlflo $l'2; ‘ZItfi. .loliii donning“. \‘l‘irkli'iiii, ,l": Zlid. John Morn-an, Scarbczo’. $5. 4'h. nines Larwin, Jr.. 36- Tlle work perforiiir-(I was very superior. and ,r I l i tin- Judges experienced grunt anxiety in solvmq' the dillicultv to who-n should be awarded the ickeriuu has ss, and Vaughan lint priz' Ill second: nud‘ or parties (I served the honour converted upon ' it: :«1: who AND BULLS â€"'iinnrs-\Ir. Doris. Rico llill: Mr. (Irovii. Scavboro‘. and \l:‘ .S'imes Davidson. l’i"k*riiig I); ,1 'GHT S- \I.I.IH’\S-~â€"Ttlltl-Zt, Esriiivzs -l.~i p'izv, Lorimm S iii. Jos l'iiutiipson. \Iai k’tam. $10: ‘Ztid, Kill) tiny. A , fix, F, Scott Swrlmro', :55; 3rd. Sir “’nltcr, A. (ileiiileiiirig. Elle-r- merc. $6 ' tTizsnuAi. Pom-ass Srii.i.ioN«=â€"-â€"I’.ionr EN- Tuir.s-- lst till/M Your: llritzon. Win Dn-k on. I R.’. .rgi-ril Bv-Iaw No. 133, appointing Patbiriasters. Fence VIPWPI‘S andl I WE - entry the. following, extract ;d‘“l' '0 "“C‘H'd ill" *ll""“l";4 ""9 Ollll” ""“l . lideI-fill‘illllt: atcrdens that has occurred III; “on . l ‘ Worthyr of Imitation. __ i from the South S’imcoe Times, pub- ‘lislicd at Bi‘urllord. (I‘otvnsliip of? West G~.\"il.iinbury. with a View to [inducing the 'l‘im-nship Council ol l Vaughan to‘ri'ianit'est their appreci-v atioo ol' the advantages ol having! it“ ..,v l llEl’LoltABLE Acciiisvr‘_--â€"l:‘ivc :ris TLRS DltiiWE.\‘D is THE BAY. -It is our the Vicinilv of 1t’oromo for u very long pe- lriod. About one o‘clock yesterday a.ter- noon, Virillinin Worth-ion of Mr. 1). Ward, ilisheiman, a lad abortl filleen years of age, 'i-i'noaririfd in a small sail boat fer a cruise . on the Hay. accompanii d by his live sisters “"9 “film lemy Gra'mlmr sch‘ml’" llillflr'tl ri-spei liver I’huzhe, Mary Ann. lin the 'I‘own.~hip We coirirnend lthe action of the West GWIIIIIIIIMH‘)‘ [Township Council as worthy ol limitation, and hope to St‘t'. the 'l‘mvnship Fathers do Stlttlt'lIlIli/g handsome- Iiil‘ our Grannnar School, u liicli is now pi'oiiiu~~iii;.;r to bcciiiiic one! uI lltt’ I’if‘st institutions at the kind in C -ttztdri, undi-r Inc cart. ol L. It. Evans, Esq“ B A. “The. Council ot' the Town-hip of “lost Giviltiiubur} has. we are exceedingly happy to stain. respoiidwl l‘avorawly to the appeal oi the Bradford Grammar School Iloard, through its Chairman, the. Rev. J Focher. tor the e~ia blistiriient of a behoinmhip o, on to the pupils of t' i: Schools of the Tint'lhillp I'liis act of the Conucrl is yeri Clt‘dIIflDlU. and indicates on the part. of the member-:4 therool' their ap- preciuiiun of the excellence of the institution. and the advantages to ho cuniet‘red on tho youdi of the township l~_\ the ad iplluli of this course. 'I here can be no doubt o the wisdom of the proceed-rig. and ii is to be earnestl} hoped that. other Councils of the South thing of Sorrow will speedily l’ollow such a laudable t'XalIlpitfi 'I'hc eXpeudilnie oi a reasonable sum of rironey annually to the purpoâ€"c of aiding the llllellt‘C' lUttI-levc opulent ol the young iii our riii-‘l-u Udllllnl be too stroiitrit' uigeu. \VIII other C-urrcils do likewise '3” l __._.___‘uo Q 1 Selfish Legislation. WE believe we. are sale in Saying that theorin riii-asuri's introduced by lIlL‘ representative of the King DiVision, since his election, have been solely and directly for his own lpersonal benefit, “is bill to per- lriiit alterations to be made in the ‘pItltlS of villagcs, after portion litttl bt't-‘tl Sold out in lots, mmbies him to make more money out ol his vilrage-Iots, whim.- il injuries and de- l‘i'auds innocent and lil’lslispt'citng purchasers. His other bill of three n L; l lc‘duses lsdrawn up expressly for ‘tlic purpose of l'cllt‘thlg I‘iiiiisell' and other speculators It'Ulll paying; their fair and proper prop in on of tlic .‘tiuliiclpul times. The latter lis iinivi-i'saliy declared to be one of ltlie most iniquitous and one-sized Ion-s over enacted. 'I‘Iic Muuicipal Council of the city of I'oroiilo have unutiitiioiisly decided to petition l’irliziiin-iil for its ltlll’lM'd-‘dlt‘ repeal. \Vr' slissél take neuron.“ to refer it) the lilil‘iit‘t again. ) -â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"->va.-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . FIRE â€"~0ii Monday last. about ,noon. ilie‘ neighborhood was room sidirrz-ttrly tilariiicil try cries UI fire ()n proceeding to the place indi- .tt‘dlt'ti. it was found that a uool~ pile,bcron_-ing to Mr Itobt. Ilo‘ppcr UlllCllt'l‘ was on fire. The wood was in close proximity to lilt' (i\\'t‘Iill]g‘Ilt)ItSt‘, and but tor the ex- ertions oftlic neighbors Would have elitist-NI a serious fire. As it nothing but the wood-pile is dam aged. I(;‘l at care ought lobe taken, and more {N} i-ciallv in warm, 1er weather. as to “here liri-s are lilllll Outside- for household piirpuscs. is. ...__.__........,...._.__ afielhir readers will observe that Mr. Wm S. Pmlock is out in our c.ilii ribs with a whole string of new ladvertisr-iiii-iiis. Sic has received it large and (flll)Ct‘ selection ol lSprinu Goods, and V\ itl sell at prior-s that will izoiiipriti- favourably with those charged in I‘oronio. Parties in II)“ tit-iglibiirlitmd should Visit this old establishriicni Pztl‘iy next week. Prop-c from a distance slioual inspect the latest fashions [while at the fair, by visiting Mr. I’oloch. b‘ee advertiscnicnts. e Dam» The Sedentary Militia. UsUAt. \tUS'l'l-Jt blsrimsuiz \vii‘ii THIS than, I‘lll‘l “' 11 EA l.) QUAR l‘lC RS. " Qunuzc. 5th May. Idh" -‘ Minrru Ghana“. Ounces. ".\t) “ Io ciuitlirrnity with the power vnsteii iii Hr l‘iscu'I-tti'} ttm (Joniri'tiiiler-ltlâ€"CiltcfUV lllt‘ tiili section of the Eris-ti g Militia L w. thi- \llltllltl Manner ot' the oedniiturv Militia 0' Upper and Lower Canada. iiiidsr til-i said law. Scarboro‘. Silil; Ql‘lti.,Y|tlllg airport. It B-ir- rows. Marklmtii. iN: 3:d. Little John, \Viri. \Viiiieunk. Vial-knot" $6: 4th. Su-Joli 1 Frank- lin. It. Iltiriows. Ma khaiii. sl. “LOUD Silt! Luisa --l~'t iriizc. Ketiuet. E. At-klaiirl Oshawa} 55W; 13nd, Sir '5 atti-ii. 'l'hos Dowli- 2' U hui‘vn. Bdols ;3‘d. Young ltllp' ra~ tor, 'l‘liom-s ‘ owling. ()sliaivn. b' d-ils.: 4th. Wagaroaor Inclipse. I28. DUHIIIIOIHI, Scarboro’. I dollars - llULLs (Duririiw)â€"'Osi~; Es'rnv -lst priz-, Prince of “him. Goo. Miller, Vini‘lrharn. ticlols. Ara marâ€"Use: Ester.â€" Ist purse. Tue Provost. tn Scott. 'I‘. Nhlnn. Scarbom‘. ti do's. liAl.WAYâ€"Twn E'N"Rlv~'.-Isl priz--. Jock llit‘ Stolt, It Rennie, N: rboro’. 6 dols. : 2nd, S tribo, Wm. Robson, Mulrkllalll. 4 dols. Owing to the advanced period of the. sr-zium, lezv Stallions were on exhibition. I This is accounted for by the fact thatl et‘ery horse is now on his season route. and cannot be. withdrawn without serious loss to IIIP. Otttlcr. On the Whole. it must be admitted. that the. fair and ploughing match were not so TV: til. successl'u' as llsllll in this I'tiding. j. circumstances: Operated against this do} the most material of which was the late iiess ol the Season. Mr. Glcnilening kept open house for the day. The pl-iuglimen and till \\ ho chose. fared sninpliioilsly, and tho- day pass ed oil very agreeably. A.;B.A Pi KER, Secretary.- Mairhbam, May.7‘,‘186‘2; i _ '_ is tip-retry dispensed with for the present your " No 2. " l - cottwqumico of the recent bereavement. of H -r it‘lusl Hummus Majesty the Quuou, kin-r Bl-I‘Hiny Will not be (Br‘Idll'flIt‘d hi the Voi- uiiti-er Voice of the I’ioriricc. on the 24th instant. as lio-retol'oro ” “>04”â€" (tgsthir rt-zidcrs wrll hour in mind that next Friday (the 23rd) the Y digr- Si. Agricultural Society will hold their Spirits,r Show on It cli- iiionrl Hill. I'his year the. Society has added larger to their prize Ii it, and we fully aritici.»ate a very sue scssl'ul affair. . “MDCfip‘fi NEW ‘i ARK. .tlnv l3. - A destruct‘w fire has lie-t1. raging on Lin: Island. Aiioti‘ 60 000 ittil'tfv has bet-n burned over. inroliinfi a loss ill from $300 000 to $400,000. . l‘L'iuciirm MATCH ar Alsrzxiiau ~ A specnil plou hing match for a silve. . min:- $50, came. off at \Ia:k- him on l‘.itlay 'I‘tre day was way line. and the ground in :nod order 'I‘wo com p-«tr'ors, IlUWtf-tft, only appearedâ€"Mr. Patton ol hilarkliain. and Mr. <tepln-nso-r of King. I‘lny slitti'itI at II ‘20. A. .\I , hilt did not complete the task by the time n‘llIWd- 4« o‘clock. Air. I’atton bring ll lllllilllr‘s bi-liinil, and \Ir. Stephenson 39 niinii'es. 'I‘he priZe thI therefore have to ne competed for again. - I'lie ploughing done by both parties was“ ‘ most excellent.- it‘ll so i" let .latncs lJaneL'arnliiie. and .‘riargawt‘. 'I he eldest {girl was. about thirteen years I‘ll rig, and lllit‘ young-st only tour. Alter sailing up and «intro the Hay tor an hour or so. “In-n .‘ib ul hair a iiiil out lit-iii .tIi-ssrsiQGooil» it'l'ltuill s. to s wizarl'. \\ illrani who was lslt‘t‘tlll: the boat with an oar, attempted to put it on another lack. Al ,tliis‘iiiiie I ~ there “as a 3llfl breeze blowing:~ Ironi the s-ntli-west. lie sat noun the guuuah- in order that Le llllglll have :i greati-r ptir chase. over the. oar, when the sail ~nddenly liappetl against the mast. and the boat cap sized All who were on board, instantly ltvll into the water. etlorl to save his sisters and to tight the boat. After t‘ttllhltit‘l‘altlfi' r‘llolt he slid eo-t-tleil in getting the twat on her keel again. and When the two eldest at his sis- ters came toili'e surlace he n‘ianaiged to .4” up)”. into the boat. which vras ball 'Iiih-tl With Water. board Iiirnsi-ll, the wind a;ain caught the sail ot’ the Utlttlnalttl in an instant she Was. capsized a second time, and the poor girls along, with the. lad who had acted so than lolly, Here again battling for their Ili't“ ill the. Water. tie made anoiherattenipl to save them, but tin-y stink before his eyes to rise no more in life. The boy although much exhausted succeeded in getting hold ot the. boat “Iilt'Il was dritcii lIiIIlt'l' lIlllltt‘l by the ward and navm and sli'uwd and lttliere the accident occurred on what is tuioivn as tire Marsh shine, a short distanci- ever, not lirard by the utilities in the IIie I and conveyed hurt to his IitlIIl'l".~ tIWt'IIIlIL: I‘hi- grief ol the paren's iniy be iiiiagtrird Whrn they It-ar‘in-tl tire irrelaiiclioly iiitz-I Il;l'll(:t‘- that their the. daughters who liall letl illr‘tll iii iii-alzli a shirt time before had all met a watery grave. The iii-us ot the sad accident reached the city about tour olrloch lll IIli: allerrioi‘iii and crvalerli much excitement ,wd .\ir\\ts. (filallaroii \‘iuioliy and :’IIltt’.~lithliitiilillrl)’ proceeded in the spot, in a boat to lb: a; for the. build-s \\ lirn about to get on L M US l‘ received at W“. S, PULLOCK’S In unsortiriaut OF FRESH GOUDS'I'daptod for the Season entrusting of some nice, new i . Ft\le ot Prints. ROIle and Deliaino, Printed and Lena Muslin Dresses. A large and 0:- coilent nroruiicnt of_ '- r " Ladies”, Genit’s at Children’s Hosiery ’1 , i Gloves, Neck Ties." Ililrlions, t/Iuslin Collar-l. ‘ V Parasols. Striped. Checked and Regatta-Shirt- ; logs. Factory and Bleached (lotions, Denimie, l Drill, 'l‘wred and Surriri'ror Cloths, with a Inrgv a~sortiiicnl of Who's Rendyemndo 0011 TC, PANTS é‘ VES TS . In overt v'a'ieis of style and iiiateriaIâ€"cheapor I than heretofore sold on Iiioliinond Hill; also, a well selected stock of Fresh ' ,GROCERIES & LiQoo‘Rs Heavy and Site-f Hardware, Dye S'iuti's, Drugs. Medicines, an d Crockery. which will be sold at the lowest re annotating prices, AND . A8 CilhlAi’ as at any other house in the ‘i‘ibigh- Loureood J . pr thin llllllllll i r r I’lonse i-alland examine before purchasing WM. 8. rormocx's. . (Late Geo Barnard ’n.) Richmond Hill, May 15, ’63. 18! The boy tirade every l elsewhere. HATS ! HATS t1 HATS i t i TOW receiving, direct from New Your; the Imgest and best selected nssort'mottto Men’s and Buys’ Hats and (laps . l'lver belo e ofi'cret'l on Riclrirmndi Hiill,in every SIZE. V «\ ltllfi'I‘Y of S I'Y LE. and COLOUR, in Felt. Wool, Cloth, Cassi'tiioro, Straw", li’edll, Panama, and Leghorn, which “fill be Sold as Cheap As tho same qualities can be procured at any house in I'o-orito. ‘ Please call our) examine our New Stylog. At WM. 8. PULLOCK'S LADIES’ MANT-LE CLOTH N Pine Colours, ti~4 wide, only 5 shilling; per yard. At “'M. S. I’OLLOCK’S. “353.0 Mama}? ,‘. NE W Material of Wool and. Cotton.â€" fh beautiful for Summer Dresses, orilv 73¢ per yaid. at W M. S. l’OLLUCK’S LADIES SHOES an SLIPPERS , NICE asSoitmeut in Plain and Enamelled, L Kid and Cudskin, lrorii 35 lid per pair. At WM. s. Poncocigrs. J A. P A N u:- E A x it Excellent, sun-dried, puro,.fr’oslt, fine- I\ flavored T ~ii. at 35 9d per' lb. ' A: war. s. l’tftLt'.OCK'S. (Lalo Geo. Burunrd’c) Richmond Hill, May I5, ’62. " N‘ 18! . . ISAAC BOVt’MAN, M. cg, Grirdittm ot‘tlic Urriiiersity, of We litre) pii.sii -_il tiieii search till late in tin-- 1‘\'I‘lllll~‘.lllli Willi-mil twin; auto- to IllttI not in the rioiiivs ol' the unfortunate chil- born the month of the Little Don an ‘. on lather-s hill. but a young man train (I liar» nest hail onsernd the accident trout itjsplniiitlir and put “Ii-Ill a boat to render al.t‘tl. I‘llt‘y will renew ttiwii" r-tlorls this lilslily tor assistance. Iirs father's house [is situate-I about .a thou-mill yards from roe east side ol the (lap in the Island. Ills painlul cries Ioi' assistance were, how assistance. Ile for'luii-iley siiicwdeil in result”.- liI-- Iatl til it may «fill Ilfilt‘rl sliiic‘!‘ Il Ih slitit‘ti |Ital IIIi' IWI) t I-ltal lg‘ ‘ls. and the b ry Were well art} in llit'tl - - I r Ill llu Hg with .lw tii.i Allr't"tl|t'lli ill .5 Enrol, but win-ii l". loey \"l‘l'rfilbflli it) leave the lit-cacti Lien triliiei trn d to -Ii\'~.iili‘ thrill no.” you: but wr'lrout ctlr-i-i.-â€"a’.r'/obe of .‘lla'imlrly. A meeting J'ICIItIt'tI by about 0,000 perâ€" mri.» wa~ held at Ashton upon-tyne. to consider the. crisis to the cotton disli':c s. i il‘mliun calling on the time nni hi to H'- lmqmz: llir: Li'llti-r‘dt‘l'dllt hurt-s. and iiilnpt rli'. bolidcnis proposed alteration ill the An amend ’ltt‘ni was pi posed tiilllltI;.1lilllttfl,i-ltt's‘ll nttu-ittlliv- law, was proposed I i ' l u ‘7‘ ..r-i.t.~ tit .\iii--ili:.i, I‘;|l_;I-llli .iiitl t‘ a ice It'- cr its - IIl-' r griinl iii Il-‘Iti W‘J~ curred oy .i conquer- .‘ tlilr lllvlJi'l ily. the r oellnur on‘ on .i ‘lI\‘t~lUlI I b‘itt \\ ).’,i.!\l‘v1 tN‘l) liiur ii i}! â€"â€" F om til .\I IlltllleQ‘. Argus «it ill" Lila-l Heat nary fili‘ William and I; ily Dim tutti" .i zii'itrv-Il Ut‘tbt‘il’l at tile v Il‘mihf Royal. on he. l0tli at that month. \IH'." the house was NW} iiilly attended; 'llti tln- baronet, in talcum leave of the .ludl' “VP. "‘"HllINN‘Ji Iil‘ollllt llil‘lll ‘lil Dt‘t'tttll- :II; it managt“ mt his t'l‘lliill lt) hii'ltmilt‘rtr' It‘s ptltpthi' ol .ein n i; in the colony for some y. ars to “It”! 0‘ We‘ tr-m'n “th trout - In at», as also ~._.~-_... - I‘UItUN it) iii A I‘lli i‘j'l'b. 'l‘uunsrmv. May l5 1862 Flour â€"â€"-Sunorfioo Mild at from $4 if), ((17 $4 30 . Fancy til-l 4.3 ((D ‘54 5'l: Extra $4 70 (ii/.54 75 - Double. luxlrn. till [(3 5 i. if...” W'huuhâ€"i‘lidl Iia‘ltlr was the extent of the Coil. 5L i’romicral Licentiate, Ab‘seitied (erriiaiieiitiy) at»-Tuorsutt.l.. l where Ilv can be consulted at all time- ..n the: var ions branches of his profession u- crept \V-inll absent on business. I'Iioriiliill, bio), lrti'll. 179- t Dr. F. DELLENBAUGil-I, 'lHli‘. OLD A31) ORIGINAL GERMAN PHYSICIAN, Uh" liUFFALOJN. Y’,. XVII be in the lollowrng places in the mantle oil May 2- ~-. ' .II"ohmsâ€"American lioel, May in and 2d, Br. l..l.‘r~ â€"â€" Siiittli Hotel“ .. . . . " .3d and 5th. (in. Leliaâ€".laziies' American Hotel 6th: Antone-i hrrli’s Huron. . . ; . May 7th. AIJI.PUt\'â€"‘\Villi this liolni,. . blh'vn‘ltd 9th- 3)] it. u svri.i.i~â€"I,iioho Hotel, Huh 8:. l2th. Iiiquzu --l:.riort‘.-‘ Uulol. . . 13m did-5th. \‘h‘ r E 0 ---â€"3Vt)udi;‘ IIJLUI. . .r. " “it”. ltii “Monti ltlLi. â€" It. ' Niclrozis’ lIotol,. . . . . . AUttuIM-u-McLewd-’5 Hole... 20th. . ittiaiir'o»oâ€"tiiiighani lloitel. first 6:. 22d. Whore he can be consulted on all forms of laliig‘ll‘lilg Uhoasus, Richmond Hill, May 16 150?, “Tim litters-'1‘“? ’l‘ilE quarts BIRTH-DAY! 0‘ " strut-a 19th. 181-“, TI“. \ Ml‘ihi'l INC} Will be held on the 24th I inst iii the VV Inb‘tJuY AN M BTHO- DIST i I’lUttCI'l, RiCIlMUNU MILL. TLA to no: relt‘t'd at FLU“ "crock. PAL. alter which several AIJDKLSI‘.S will be delivi-red . llttr-t'spot‘tted with SELECT Zl} USICB Y'THE CHOIR Chil- 'l inun'isoâ€"Aduli’s, 3H cents each; d-eii’s do. 2‘) cents, to be had at the door, Tao proceeds to be applied to ‘the enlarge. irrent ol the Vestry ol' the Church. E WEBBER, supply which sold at the following prices. The -ricos paid for this host saiiipies were troni $1 9 l {(7) $l “7 o- lislit, ipring iV'Ilrittl‘~l.illlll hslila in market, which sold it from 53»! Hi fa) 9.),wr lrslrl. H.I‘l0\ - Sold at from 70 fit) 75c. “camâ€"270d iisiils “but oil at 5-) fl) 35c per b ill. unitsâ€"at 4‘3 43c per lishl. Ilai ~rs from filo/(I) :552 per ton, Straw $12 {(3 at] i pct loll, _ o sppms fiD all-'1 pry barrel. Eggs. ~FlesllIt‘tllliiWflgUllS 76 fr?) 9r: per .loz. t'oinloosâ€"J/arr iii prirc troiii Ni ([1) 850. Mutter. â€"Frt‘r~ill is in fair supply at from irlc fiD 22 per lli. Heelâ€"$4 ((3 $5 (lll per 100 lb $ll elicit. Lambs 352 ft?) $3. till elicit. I‘nlloiv, $5“. per Ill“ lb Tillltbtlu' Seedâ€"$1 5)” {ti} $2; per bushel, til-ivor Seedâ€"$4 25 per bushel. l l l l Calves $3 fob Sheep $100 rm B Rl‘ilS. TERFYâ€"On *(\\’eduu-da\'. the 14th May. iri-t.. tIrs Ni I‘cei'y, Richmond Ililr, CJVH of ii daughter. V \NUIJUlUlUlH -0il F iday. the 9th: slay. Mrs, i'eler: Vanderbiirgii, Richmond Hi I, C, l\ ,, of ii son. l l $2.311) fifiht’xtmm £31113. .I. 7’ Wanted to Rent, CU l‘ l'AGtfl iii Richrrioiid Hill for o fa- ;X min of two.- - Applx to the Proprietor oftlie “York Herald." Richmond II ll, .\1 iy'lti, IBM. ldl ll. P0131410 NO no? t -l‘lio subscriber begs to notify all parties iii-- (Ibblttl to him. either bv note or book account. lo settle up forthwith, otherwise they Will be put in court lor CUIIUCtiUH. SA MUEL SANDERS )N. ‘ Richmond Hill, any 15.1662. 3 Summary of Committee. Richmond Hill, May 16.1862. 18! count «Sc SONS, 11th O R M THE 1" U3 LI 0, ’l‘hat thev have taken the Store, llll. til/r uni ruin \MI‘IIUJN’S Block. opposited H. B. \‘Il.’ IAMS, until the premises lately occupied by‘tliem. comer of . - range ‘0' Queen Streets, ARE REBUILT. OUR MANUFACTUING D ISP A RT M E T, Is continued as usual, and we are prepared to with which w. attend promptly to all orders. may he onirusted. BOOTH 8t. SONS. 'l'oronto. May 11. 186%. l59â€"ly ___.___. P UBLIC‘ NO TIC'E. ' N GIVING this Public Notice of my de- l pariure for England to my friends and tolglt=0l'.~', i have two oojr-cts in view. viz:â€" :o tender lll\‘ than ts, {or their favors‘uud patron. age for a long series of years, and to ask the nine kind favors and patronage for my tilens red lllld“‘al friend and successor. Dr. J. HUS ‘ LT’I‘ER of Itichrnond NHLâ€"Rush deuce, opposite the Elgin Mill. Willi no ordinary feelings of respect. ‘ I reiiiniu, Your most faithful Servant. J. DUNCUMB, MrDiaJ R. Richmond Hill, 1th May", 1862. ‘ n ” 1‘3063

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