l VAUGHAN. ' OTICE’ts'i‘terebt given. that the COUR’I‘ of REVISION for the {I‘ownsliii of" Vaughan Lssessment Roll, will be held at the SINGLE .0?» DOUBLE iiKiiNEss z x lidâ€"EN I I HEAVY Oil LIGH'I Towxzfliu. on MUNJA Y. the t2ih (lay of W ELL-MADE AND DURABLE 2 MAY BE HAD HF MAY. I862, at II o'clock in the l'orenoon. All persons interested will govern themselves uccordingly. G. J. F. I’FAR‘T‘E, Township Clerk. 8,“. I I , Now or Neverâ€! Vaughan. May 8, 186-2. " THE CELEBRATEI) HORSE SIMCOE MESSEECNR “rill stand for Mares this season at the ‘ " h following plilcesmiz : MONDAY. Mar 5â€"I'Ie will leave his own stable, Lot No. 22. rear of the 2nd (Zoo. Mark- ham, and proceedto Wilson’s hotel, Richmond Hill, and stop at noon : thence up Yongo St. to Suttle’s, and stay all night. TuESUArâ€"Iie will proceed to the anion Heloise, King Station. and remain l hour; thence to Leakey, and stay at noon ; thence to McCartney’s hotel, 7th Con. Vaughan, and atnv all night. WtunmnArâ€"He will proceed to Thompson’s hotel. 'I'haiiesville. and stop :2 hours; thence to Mr. Wm. Crnddock's. and stop at noon; thence to Maple, and, by way of Richmond Hill. to his own stable. Tnvusonvâ€"He will proceed to Suttoii’s hotel, Brown’s Coriiers.mtd stop 1 hour; thence to Simi's hotel, Unionville. and stop the ti0oti ; thence .to Iziglis' hotel. Markham Village. and atop the night. FRIDAY-He will proceed to California, and atop the noon ; thence to S itigster’s hotel, Stoltï¬â€˜ville. and stop the night, SATURDAYâ€"He wil‘ proceed along the town- ‘~Iioe, to Gormley’s Cul'lwr, nun Hop the iiooti : tthence to Durose’s hotel, Victoria Square, and stop 1 hour: thence to his own stable, vhore he will remain till the following Monday morning. He will continue the same route during the Season, health and wuntoer permitting. JOI". .‘4 \VILES, I’l‘Opi ictor, Markham, May, 1861?. 180. MME. DEMORES'I"S Quarterly Mirror of Fashions, , WiI'I'H GREA'I‘ IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS. THE SUMMER NUMBER COV'I'AIN'S Four Large & Splendid Fashion-Plates 3 FULL-SIZED PATTERNS OF DRESSES COMPRISING 'I‘HE New French Waist. an Eiegant. SLEEVE, ANI) A MISSES SACK. AND A SHI‘ZE'I' (VF ICiW AND BIRAUTIFUI. Braid (and Embroidering Patterns. ' OGETIII‘JR with nearly IUU I‘Iiigravings of} I all the llovclliew for Suitier I‘lulillt‘ls. Clocks, Trimmings. Children‘s Dresses. Gun. and valuable information to Mtlline-‘s, Dress Melters, Motlim-e,aiid {fltdieh‘ goiter-All". prt» naming the largest nnd'best Fashion Magazine in the World, ptiblisliep4t‘i lirnttdwnv. and aold-everywsitere at cents. or sent. by mni; post free. on receipt of the amount. in :Iittiips or silver. Yearly $1, with the I'ollo'ninp valu able‘pr'omium: Erich yearly subscriber will be enti.lcd to a receipt for the selection tifél‘cts. north at plain patterns. from the designs in the book. or from the show room, or tlwy that be onler ant: Heat-by mail any time dating the year, by pay- ‘ing the postage Splendid Illtillf't‘ilit'llls' tn Convassere. IL? Summer number now ready. Letters Remniningin RICHMONDHILLPosthï¬cv BIAY I, .3362. Armstrong. Mary Jane Jomieeon, Mr. I Brillinger. Jacob Jenkins. James A. Baker, Mrs. George lit-go. Mrs Lucy I Brown. Mrs. George Lynn, Barney Camfret. Mary MattlieWstni Gilbert Cameron. Miss Janet McMillan Hugh Collins, Mary Jane hIt'LnWs, Rev Mr. DonnldsonJ S. I’layter, Henry Daniels, \Villium I’ntton, Isaac Dunden. John I’altoti, Alex German. James Pogne. William German, John Phillips. Genige Henlop. James Sillv'ldfl. John Heine. John I impsou. .lunies Hogan. John \Valloco. J-lntos Hutchihs, John C, “Hitters, Thomas James, M r. Vl llt‘tt‘ltfl‘, I). C. M TI‘IEI’Y. I’.M. I. FLEMING &_;UCI{I..AND’S ' GARDEN SEEDS. I'IESE SEEDS may be rely upon as be- l iiig genuine, hinting been selected with great care by the above fit-onâ€"Seedsmen to the Provincial Agricultural Associationâ€"rind which are sold much cheaper titan (“0‘6 im- 3.‘ 61,1, “till "hilt ‘ l ‘IIE Subscriber has on hand, or will inn best llllllel‘lllls, HARNESS An tissnrluwnt of VVIIII’S. LA ‘I Mflh“ ke to order to suit purchasers. OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. ‘illlï¬ï¬'. Sic. (ZOtlhlillIllY on Illtllll. Also, keptfin‘ Sale Patterson. & Bro's. Flows, Points, Landsides, 61m. 6:? (iall :ind I‘lxuinitie, Richmond Ilill, October 17, 1861_ JOHN N. REID. M.I)., COR. GE YOilti‘vE & cotBURNE STS., TH )KNJILL. Consultations in the ofï¬ce 0'1 the mornings of'l‘.ie:diys. rl‘litirsdnts and Sniuidnyn, H to Ill, rt.|I\. All Consultations in the «dice, Limit. Tltoiiibill, April 9, ’62. . I76 _. ~._._. .H ._‘__..~~ï¬- __...,.__c __<,,____A._.._._..__.-...__. __ ... YONG E S'i‘iiEu'r l Agricultural Society :l _._.â€" 'I‘ II It} SPRING SHOWI \VII.L BE HELD (IN THE F.5th GROUND, RICHMOND HIIII Friday, the 23rd, May, 1862, When the following Prizes it in be awardedwiz. : HORSES. J CLASS no. I. Entrance Frcâ€"Horszs. $1 ,’ Brood dimes, Colts and It‘illcys, 5l'rts. Gulch ls'i. 2ND. 3RD, Draught Stallion. . 15.5 (III 343 00 $2 (90 I I O O I ’1 Stallion, for L'Bll’lfll pmptiscs 4 I10 3 III) ‘2 Ill) (I/u‘g'sfls (l1; ‘S‘c' Brood Mitre. Ibl‘gt‘ncrnl our , NOUH'INGS I†liwrm‘l‘ F†“"135- I“ INIEIIL‘ paws†_ . ' . . . . _ _ . . . . n 4 00 3 ()0 2 00 enrolm- tm trmispov itllim. either Uzlt Belling. Brood Ma,,.,‘,,,,.d,-augi,l PM. Ramona/ml, ()Ilk. Zebra. Birdseye, Mahogany. paws. . . _ . . ‘ . . _ _ o . . . ' . 4 on 3 00 2 ()0 &c. “or new .‘vlnnntnt-torv and ex etislve lit- Entile Colt. l'or draught "in . cilities enable us to furnish itny ttl‘lit‘le iii otii P05â€, d,-,,,,'d_ in 1559, I _ 3 co 2 00 I (m V ltnn as gut/ll its the ï¬rst, and as cheap as the Entire do. fur general pur- jc/wupcst. 1 For-(:8, drolt'p. in infill†. 3 00 2 00 I 001 DEALERS Am. INVITED 'ro CALL UPON Us Ctitiie o for ( lallLVlI piir- ', H \ _ ‘ . , "was, mm)â€, in 186†' I 3 00 2 00 iii ion tho} visit t cw Yotk. “u chitin to he F 1.. d) ' . m ‘ I ’ able to supply them With eVorv article in our. "1 “Ow L‘droxgh "Unrliur' 3 0, 2 00 line which they can possibly I‘Flilllll‘fl. at prices Fillel')‘(‘,f‘(f;m'(;lllm :1l:um');d"u'l ‘ lower than they cut; ptirrhuse elsewhere. ‘WG,’ I i . . . . . . . . . . .2 no I “0 Orders l)\‘ mad attended to with promplnt-ss. (.Ohflimz'pm, in .56, I ' . . . . 2 “0 l m, I Do not l'atl to call when you visit \‘ew York It‘illey,droppod in thï¬t, . . . . . 2 00 1 (IO ;N ()fii;o and “'nierooms, No. ‘215 Centre St., CLiss no. ll. 0"“ "‘k' . , , IIUI ,9 '. .3 Span melt-bed (inrrmgo l “53â€,†l ACL ‘ SIGIASJM Horses. in harness, . . . 4 (In 2 no ._ .. -A. . . Spun Drought Horses. in in S Wâ€" I ‘ fl__â€"~ .â€"i hmuexs. .............. 4 on :t «it. 2 tin j George 'Wilson, Single Horse. in burnest . . 3 -'0 2 (it) I ttll, (our: i‘noM momxn) Saddle Ilorso, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ill! 2 OH I UU ‘ il,()lt.\‘El) CATTLE 1 Erit’mtce Ft'cS-»Bitlls cut/l Cows. 5W2. curt/t; l Heifers (‘3 years old and under) 9.5:: cue/L. ‘IIIIOI‘OHLYII Bed Durham Bull ot'nnv nae . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 3 00 TIIO’T'UEIl Bred Durham Bull 2 yeni-~‘0ifl. 300 2 00 Tho-ouqu llrm’l lltttlimii lliill I your old. and under. . ‘2 (II) 100 t Thorough It ed GalL-wnv IItiI of our rig» . . . . . . . 3 WI ‘2 ('0 ï¬red-t Iiiill of any ï¬gm. . . . 3 IN ‘2 ill) Mitch ('ow, 'l‘lmrougli B ed Durimlii. , , _ , , _ _ , , , 3 tlll ‘2 00 \int-t. Cow. (Hilde). 3 no 2 no Do. ('I‘liotnittglt bred _ Galloway) , . , , . . , . . . . . 3 ll!) 9 on i Ilt‘lft‘t‘. '3 you“ old Grade“ . 3 ll†9. lifl I Ilo l yr-at'dz tindrrllrmle 2 t'U l 00 S ll IC E I) But once Femâ€"535118. I cit-ester Ram . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Ii'l 2 Ill) Ye ring RIM†. . . . . . . , . . . ‘2 till I fill I'wo I'IWB“ and Lambs . . . . . 3 It!) .‘2 (III Yearling Eweâ€... ..... 2Illl I “0 Suitthdown thtll . . . . . . . . . . 3 "(I 2 (III 'I'wo Eyes and Lambs . . . . . 3 ()U 2 ()0 S WI .‘v' I‘]. Entrance For, â€"-2"cls molt. at ‘N M. “All III ~‘iUN'KS' 15i-3m E NUE'ILE! :I:OR SALE in the Township of ESSA. I Lot. No 2. iii the Isl Concession. 2W) I ACHI' S 7 Acres cleared. joining the villicgo oi lAllisLUWII. Either the whole lot or II)“ amm- will be sold to suit purchasers. Yo: l'ttrtbor particulars apply to A \lIIRE‘r‘C .lftT-IIICDIJN. Vaughan, pest-paid to Kline ling, I’.O.. or to JUIIN McLEAN. ’ Clover Hill. 1",â€. Vaughan. April 4, 18:72 l75-3ni. l o 1 looking Glass It Picture Frame M :SNUFa‘tCTDRY. No. ‘4"3I EASI‘ 'IWEN‘IY Trina) ETREE“, = I736: l75 GRA .n wrunirr & 2th ennui: S'r..ni~;'i- Established l838 New York Estein bed ’35 ,- VI‘IIIS Establishment has been in successful 1 operatit n 94 years. and is the I..Aitons'i‘ti- the kind iii the United Sta es. \d e. linvo on llhlltl or Illitlllllaflllre to order evorv t escription nt' Loo/ring- G/uss Picture [’ortmzz .1“‘/'(I7II,(S Plain ‘I- (bwvmmztu/ Pier. ll'ul/ 0171/ and [Ila/(tel (J/nssrs, Ummrrting Corr/ich Bose cl- Brut li’l‘l 'I'u/l/r's writ/i diur- b/C 8/11/73 Toll! l laments ï¬rms motel, RICHMOND IIILL. UOI) Accommodations and every nttenti in shown to Travellers. ()ood ands for Drove (‘nttle and Loose Boxes for Ilaco Horses and Studs ’I‘m; lie-st of Liquors and Cigars kept con- ,stnlitiv on bond. 0, .. .-r FACTS VVOR'I‘H KNO WIN G. TOVBIA'S DOLMAGâ€"E, Ms ""M WA R ! ING to I;Ilt‘._f.IISltIt‘I)t‘lI state of the Attierictins and the. exhaustion of their binds. Jo Inn~ been in- melt to invest money, to gloat advantage, iii purchasnig an elegant alld OI II" atl'I fresh stock of Summer Collars warranted to Fit, Look 4& Wear ‘Ncll. . B O & 0 E i 'v‘v'hit-b be is prepared to Sell at Prices iiiipre-edontcd on Richmond Hill, ' The 9 . . . . , . _ _, Stock comprisvs ot‘er Iorty vain-tics of (with, Lndtes and Cliildtens Iiil‘ .. 'I. P "It, . " : 'tlli'llll 'L’Illl‘lt‘llll "I . It] tum}. ‘lttlllltli (if? A special invitation is trndrred to all to visit the shop and examine, as nothing on the Hill will compare with the goods either for style, quality or price. llichtnond Ilill, ‘\Iuy 1862 M BKH M T 0 thi R E M o v A :21: OF 'I‘IIE T 0 R o N To . 179 3th Ct R: tutor: FACTORY E Subscriber respectfully announces to the. Public that he has removed his Ex tonsive Carriage \Vor'ks to the City of 'I‘oronto. After thanking them for their liberal patronage while at d'lnrltbam, be Solicits a continuation of their forums at his lit/Vow Stand, MSS King street, Four doors west of the Whirl Houseâ€"0n the premises formerly occupied by OWEN. MILLICII &. MILLS. CARRTAGESI CANADIAN, OF THE MI‘IST APPROVED ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STYLES! Constantly on hand, or furnished at the shortest notice. C. 14'. HALL. 'l‘oronto. April 18. ISG'L’. L 2‘ .â€" l l A n "foil 1 .i‘ 33 Old Business D m it: a New R. H. H A L L oorriss i Stand I I EGS leave to intimate that be has RE MOVED the S'ock of the RICHMOND IIILL DRUG S’I'ORIC. to the New Store one door south of Van Nostrand‘s Intel, and IIZIS I'BCCIVI'II l \Vliicli will be lotian t-mi‘plwte comgrisiog t...titOE .AI)i)lTlONS TO HIS STOCK, DIIU 15‘. MEDICINES. (“IIIICAIICA LS. DY It) S'I‘IIFFS. I’AIN'I N. OILS. VAl’tNl ‘illES. I’A'I‘I‘JN'I‘ MEDICINES, l’lï¬â€™l’tlt‘U-ll lilIY. Bil USIIIC". SEEDS, DI‘IU(}til.\"I‘S FANCY GOODS, 'I'iie \lontlih Fair held on the Premises first I \Ii‘ni 3 ('nlnl'II‘I“ Wednesday in ouch mouth. Richmond Ilill. April8. I882. ITG 3 Hotel to Item. ‘HE Subscriber, owingt to other etlvzagt-o lIlâ€ll{S.V\'I>IIt“' to Rent his unexpired lease (l7 months) of'tba: well-known andcom- modit'its ilotel. the Half way Home .' Situated in the village of Richmond Hill.â€" For I'mtitur particulars apply on the pi'ciiiison I0 ' JHS‘ICI’il GAIlY. Richmond Hill, April 9. lrili‘2. I764 RICHMOND min." LIBRARY ASSOCIATION I ' ‘HIS ASSI'ICIA'II'E 'N has transtei'rcd their F'q'arvl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - r ' - ' ‘ ' 3 LI IlltAIIY to the ’ Iii R .t.n ‘ Hook Slur». “00‘ KOW ~ - - o ~ - is-d-w-IH‘; whore Stockholders and others may procure “ ' BUUKD' o-tery Friday afternoon. from 4 to 8 Entranceâ€"Free. o‘clock. I‘ M. Cook and Two Ileti< . . . . . . . 2 00 l 00 A SCOTT. Librarian Drake and 'I'wo [locks . . . . . '2 tlll l 00 Richmond Hill. It‘s-b 527 ‘Hiil I) A I R Y I’ II 0 I) U C If) . “““_"†Wâ€"‘mmm“““ Eulmu (:cfcc~-â€" 9523. I‘lll'll. Six Pounds of Iliittor . . . . . . 4 lb" 300 $200,} G .iGLING OIL SUPERS EDED. nub" BLACK “II. is acknowledged by all who mve used it, to be lupcrior to (1' .r‘ H': t Oil, or Clmesei WPIEINIIL'OVWII Ill-5‘ 2 (In I “U [ iii} other Medicine now before the 1' the. for u .7 x , ) “ ,~ : t . Sprains Bruises Cuts. Gulls, and all prielto ‘ F A 1‘ 3‘1 I G l M I I‘ k M l‘ h 1 S' ‘ Bttrsenéeh. Geoit for man and beast. . ‘ Entrance Faeâ€"25"Is. 1311f"! ; [lei/ping Mac/lines. : Phi-"(Os 25 Cents Per boule- 50“ by 3“ ï¬le" I I Vuggons. 4-0 $1 con/i. 3 “NW.†' Iroti Plough . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . ‘3 Oil 1 . . Porlvd- For Saki at the l \Vooden l’lotigli . . . . . . . , . :2 no I .. ¢ ’ i w '1 t- It: ' . . . . . . . . i. .. HERALD BOOK: 510M» tlit'llei‘i’Z 3‘63 1 .. Richmond Hill. April ISGQ. I76 Desirable Village Property For Sale. > THE Subscriber offers for Sale two valuable VILLAGE LO'I'S. situated iii the vercentre of the fast rising town of l’ott Elgin, on Lake Huron. and in the County of Ilruco: the Lots are known as Lots No. 40 and 4|. in block N0. 87 of the Village. This is a rare opportunity I for any one who wishes to make a home for himself. The shipping from the Pet: is considerable, and a ,pushingend improving business is done iii the townâ€"for n Mechanic the opening " unequalled. "For particulars apply at the ‘Ilmum Or- ria,’ or to in W“. COURTNEY. Richmond Hill, April 24. 1862. l78-tl'. â€"â€".._ Horse for Sale! OR SALE. a good Farm or Twin HORSE, warranted quiet and g0od to work. Apply to H. 6i. J. HARRISON, Lot No. 26. 2nd Con Markham. Richmond Hill. April 2 l, l86‘2 l78-4t. CHEAP Po :2: CASH: THE Subscriber. in returning thanks to his numerous customers who have so liber- l nlly supported him for upwards of live years. would state that he continues to litre} “AT 1115 OLD s't‘AND." BOOTS AND SHOES! of every description. and of the best materials. and after the Latest Style. and bones bv close attention to business, combined With moderate charges. to ensure a continuance of their favor. He would also beg to intimate to the inha- bitants of Richmond Hill and VICIIIIIY. Illill. be ‘ has on hand quite an assortment of MDIES’ 8r. CHILDREN’S BOOTS 86 SHGES which he offers how for Cash: JAMr.S rumor. Richmtn'd Hill. April 17,1862. 177-6m ' Fanning Mill or Grain Se- parator . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . ‘2 00 l . Lumber Waggon. . . .. . .. . 4 (III 3 . ‘2 Reaping Nlnchine, manufac- tuiv-d iti ("titiiida....... 5 00 3 -- Mowing Machine . . . . . .. . . 4 ()0 .2 , , Sin-w (Hitting Machine. . . . 2 ()0 I . . Ilorsc .I-inlte . . . . . . . . . ..... 200 I .. Stump Mncbiiie . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 ‘ I . SEEDS. Enlrrrncefcr. 25015 moltâ€"If precious season’s growthâ€"to have, been grown lry exhibitor. 'I'wo bushels Frill \Vlient. . . I (III I) 5†‘I'tvo do, Spring doi ... I lit) l' 50 Two do. Block O:\lt~.« . . . . I I)†l' 50 'I'wo do. lVIiile do. . . . I I’ll fl 5" 'I'wo do. Bailey , _ . . . . . . I lifl ll .50 Two do. I’ons . . . . . . . . . 'I (ll) 0 5) Six lbs. Si\'P(If‘R I‘urutp Set-d I’urplc or G:t‘t‘ll Top. . . I 00 0 50 II A R N E S S. Entrance, 5llcls cue/i sot. r W1 N ’r v 1 ' in In V IL Will A TEle W'A Ill EHOUSE No. 93 King Street, SIGN OF THE QUEEN, It the place in 'I‘or into. to buy pure Brit. O N LA W'SUN'JS one of the oldest and most experienced Ten-bu ers in the nude. but limit the fact that he purt'hwes his 'Ions in such Inigo quantities at the Ca go Sides. thereby ou- obliiig him to sell at a very SMALL AD VANCE ON COST. Fulfilling the old 'idnge " Large Sn‘es. Small Proï¬ts Hlld Quick Returns ;†e'so in COI‘I‘ICES, SUG A ltS Set Short Tug Team Harness 3 HO 9 nl) I‘I‘HIIS, Set Single Harness . . . . . . . . 3 (Ill 2 (:0 ,D LADIES" WORK. ‘1‘ Entrance fee. -25cts. sac/l. . I ‘1 ' Six yards ..lI-wool Flannel. J ' . (not factory ninde) . . I . . . 50 .. - Six yards Home-made Cloth. l . . . 5t) “6 “mum he ummmm l’air Knitted Wool Socks. . . I . . . 50 I Fancy (Iotiide'pnin. . . ... . . . l . . . 50 Enecv Patchwork Qtii : . . . l .. . 51) AN†{,‘,“g"';,“','tzt;,-,~,- -- I -- - g" ee trln ). ,_ ,t . . . piece Gimme, \‘Vtmk. I" ll 5,; [Are unsurpassed lor quality and price. all being Homo-made White u ' “manufactured on the- premises. from the IIBAI Shirt (Lint-ti. fronts and ,mntortnl by ï¬rst-class workmen. Iced and band) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . 50 I ornament“! Loaf ot' houseboat Bit-ad, .“'oilditi g and Other ('akcs (not Baker’s) . . . . . . . . . l . . . 50 CLOTHING, AND “OUTS AND SHOES Entrancufeeâ€" 5cts. each. ' Albert Cont. any material, [workmanship the tom]. 1? . . I . . Summer Vest, do. do .. l . (I in! Summer Patios. do. do... I .. "50 l’airMen’s Calfskin Boots.do 2 . . l . . I’nir Men's Heavy Kip do do 2 .. I .. do Ladies Kid UOOIS,UC\\ ’d do 2 . . I . . RUB'I‘. III .\R‘II. G. A. ILIR‘UUII), President, Seé’j‘. & Ti‘eue’r. Richmond Ilill, May 1, I662; 179 Always on hand or made to order in any style 0n the siiorte I notice. Orders by mail n'id otherwise. attended to with dispatch All Goods warranted its more- limited. and Hal veiod true of charge to the cars or III the oily limits. 0? A70 SECOND P. .ICE. Holt-ember the Place-â€" No. 93 KIN†STREET, Start or run QI'EEN. EDWARD LAWSON, Proprietor. Toronto. Feb. 5. 1868. lS7-‘Sm “Mm†it. W l ! l -AT THE “ YORK "HERALD" UI'TCE, A'I‘ I‘RI JESS LOW STUCK . TEAS, ()()FI<‘ICIE‘.;'-l, SUGA 8%. &.c. 8212 .. CUNSIS'I‘IVG til? ‘ or? chocolates: KS, SPICES, Fl} (TITS, TOBACCOS, IV birlt have llt‘rll rat-Mid y >l‘lt‘('lt d. bought for (itch. and will be sold for the same a! the very lqu-st oi'ict-s. .lu-‘t I‘L’t't‘IYt‘II 2i ellpllly of fresh GARDEN SEEDS, Purchased Iroin telitible M’t'd tlt‘fllt‘l'e. and wnrinolt-lIJo 25W Natisfaclinn, for sale, in .IIIDPI'S, or by the mint-u or pound. generally I». II. II. would state that it will he hi.» aim to sup which Will give entire satisliirtion til the lowest prion. lint-It ()il. 40:15.. 'I'ztr. 'I‘ttrprlitine. Alcohol. Burning Fluid 8w. In Soliciting the Patronage. of bi~ former l“tl“lltI~ and (hummer-s. and the public ) l’tichmond Ilill. April 25, 1862. ll KEEPS CONST.\N'I‘LY 0N GEOR GE EA KIN IIANI) A MINERAL DESCIIIP'I'ION ()I“ 'I‘iuiotliv Seed. 95'}. 01) or. $3 50 Clover. 5 ply in all cases Articles AS SORTMENT OF EVERY CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, GIGS, &C. MADE FROM THE BEST IMPOR TED MATERIAL. All ‘VOI’IK \Var united. REPAIRING DONE Oz 7 THE SHOE TES‘ T NO TICE ." AND ON THE MGSI‘ REASONABLE TERMS. Uiiionvtlle, April l8, leiZ. COPPERSMI'l‘H, BPAZER, : l | ‘ ploiisut‘c t)l'~tipplying b I)!" re he Ifllli'llt‘tI tln- shores W I10LESA LE AND RETAIL And. Iron Plate Worker, 177-3m TIN} ANUFAC I‘UIIIQS‘ and N-lls ei'ery Attirlt- In the above line and has bad the 0th the Navy and Attnv in liltth -nd and out of England oi Atncrirn. and has also had tltw honor of Illuminating the Royal [Intel and every house on the Royal fermion at \Voyinoutli. England. on Inn own i-mpomtlitlity~â€"~tlikt~s this opportuni‘y of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and this public Ill mineral-not l‘orgcling those Store Mo‘clmnts and Stone “bu†“WI†Thus: Fm" °°PI°S “I Had“ I’odlers in IIiIIHIIIUll and Newtnurket who have so kintlzy patronized me and my sonsl whili- WP Wei-e in partnership in these places; and logs to slat»- tliat he still continues to tiiatiul'ticltire every article in the above htiuiimss, at his sl top on Richmond Hill. 1303: All ll’or/c le‘ra/zlcd and attended to will; despair/z. llichliiond Hill. March 7. 1862. w __. _.c__...__ SCHOOL AN CENERAL STATIONERY, Richmond Iiillgvcccmbcr 20,; 1561...: .2 i 1 7] 3m BOOKS! cit TILISI TOï¬dN'l‘0., to rpm-x.) ~ Fdi' sale, ‘ II'EAP 'or Cash or ariprnvod Credit. A Ten-horse power 'I‘HRESIIING MA- CH I N E with Cleaner :_..also a Span of TEAM HORSES. good to walk, ,Apply to JOHN AMOSS, , t. ", a Lot II, 2nd Con. Markham. March 27. 1862. I74 1â€"]: N s M 1 TH, -Late from Yorkshire Engla d) General Blacksmith, . EGS to intimate to the Farmers .and others in the neighborhood. that he has leased for a term of years the Blackstiiitli’s‘ Shop, owned and Intelv occupied In Mr. S. Sanderson. nearly opposite the post oï¬ice. Richmond? Ilill, where he intends to carry on the Hint-.ksuiitliing bustness in all its brain-hes, ‘ and he hopes, bv attention and pnncitiaiittâ€"combiiied With, his "’ old Country†experience, to ll‘OI‘Il. a share of their support. Richmond Hill. March '27, I862. †J. B Darcieâ€"277""â€" .OUNI‘Y Cetistnhle,â€"l,ondlord’s W’arrants executed. Rents and Debts collected on the shortest powhde notice.‘ Addressâ€"Jlirhinond IIiIl 'I’.O. 175 it. BECSQLD- 7" 18' Acres of Cleared Lain], ' 1 on Leiffiio 31,1 'I " ist Concession cf Veughan, "VITH a comfortable convenient HOUSE. ' with BARN.‘nild SHEEP .HOUCE. SHEDS. &c.: a good Orcha d, Garden and Luwti. A never-failing Stream runs through the I’roperty. . Apply to JOIIN POGGIN. _ M _ ‘ ()n the Premises. Vaughan. March 7, 1862. l7l-tl‘. Infant seh’o'olz ; , RS. .toi-iN swim begs to i‘iitimnte to 1, 'i the Parents~ and Guardians of Children iii the neighborhood of Ilichiitoiid Htll.. that she intends to open, on TUESDAY, Arch. let, .Iln Infant School, When she will be happy to receive tinder her charge any child between the ages of 4 and l‘) wears. I‘iie tisnnl branches taught. with I’litiii Sewing, Nitling and It‘micv Needle Work. For terms. &.c. apply at the residence near Rayiiioiid’s lloiel.‘ Richmond Hi I. Mort-Ii 27. "62. 174 ._....._.â€"â€"~.__. (COPY) VNoticc is Hereby Given l l HAT VI \IITIN MARLEUI) will apply to l the tht S ssiint ol'tho Provincial l’nrlia- merit t'0' an Art to conï¬rm his title to the Road allowance butting his farm, lot (ii. iii the list concersion of King. being the town-line bo- lWl‘f‘ll the 'I‘ewnsbips of King and Vaughan. iii the ï¬rst. concession. granted to him bv the County Council of York I7tl-3m t NOTICE. If asked what was the best; medicine for clowning the blood, and for bilious complaints, Sick Headache, Costlveness 320., we should my BRIGGS’ INDLAN VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. FARM FOE SALE. 'I‘HE Subscriber offers for sale the north wcs par' of Lot, No. 13 In the 1st Concession OF THE Township of Howard, Containing 7.") acres. nbout4llof which are 2 under a Iiiin state (it cultivation 'I'Iicre is on the Farm 8 notes of F (II “’lient, a good Orchard. :1 Log House and other outbuildings There is also it BED OF UCIIRE on the pro- I perry, which ooh requires a small capital to i own it up. There is also strong indications of ()II. on the property. For further particulars apply to ROBER'I‘ MARSH. Lot 4|. let Con. Marlibmn Richmond Hill. Feb. 26. 1562. 17ll-(i Blackwood’s Magazine AN“ THE BRITISH REVIEWS I SCUTI‘ dc C0,, NI‘LVV YORK. continue 0 to pulllldl tho I'Ollowmg leading British I'eiiodicals, viz. :â€" I. TII E LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) I) I Title EDINBURGH tiizviisw twang.) t 'I'HE NURTII BRITISH REVIEW, (Free Church.) 4 "‘IIIC WESTMIVSTEK REVIEW' (Liberal.) J. BliAf‘KlVllOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA ZINE, lTory.) ‘ The present critical state of European affairs will it‘lldt‘rLIII‘SI"llullllcullt‘otls ttniVersalty in- tercstiiig during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the hits- III\' writen iieWs Ilï¬lll“, cliide speculations, and flying rumors of the driilv Jou'nnl, and the porn ('orotts T me of the tuture bi~toriaii. written at’ler the living interest and eycitenient ot' the grout political events of the time SIHIII have passed away It is to those Periodicals that reader.» must look for the only really intelli- gible and reliable liis‘tory ofctirrent events, and as such. in addition to their well-established literary. scientiï¬c, and theological character. Wt'l urge them upon the consideration of the I reading public. EA ll LY COPIES. The r coipt of Advance Slivcls from the British ptiin-liers gives additional Value to these Rep'iiits, inasmuch as they can now be placed iii the hands of‘subscribers about as soon as the original editions. ' TERMS : v Par mm For any one of the four Reviews. .. ., 3 till For any two of the tour RovieWS. . . . . . . . 5 ()0, For any three of the I'Otirlievietvs . . . . . . . 7 "(I For all four of the Reviews... . . . . . . . . . ' 81:0 For Blot-kwood’s Mag-zine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (It) i For Blot'kwood and one Review. . . . . . . . . 5 (It! I For Blzicltwood and two Reviews, . . . . . . 7 Ill) t For Blot-kthd and three Reviews,. .. 9 0') For Blackwood and the four Reviews.. .10 llll [Honey current in. the State where issued will be; received at par. CL UBBI‘N G. A discount of twenty-ï¬ve per cent f cm the above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering four or more copies of nnv one or more ofthe wood. or of one Review. will be seiitto one address for $9; four copies of the fOur Reviews and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. N.b’ â€"â€"'I‘he price iii Great Britain of 'be ï¬ve Periodicals above named is $31 per annuin. Remittances for any of the above publication's should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD. SCO'IT Sr CO. No. 54 Gold street, New York. I New York. Dec. 5, IHGI. A GOOD THING. PR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth 1‘ ml, In my case of Pilot, Burn, Scolds, Old Som Inflomod or Sore Eyes. Eruptions on the Skin, end every we where an ointment it (weld. It will I. l nuanced linens-nor one trial. ' ' tToronto. April If). ISIiI. mail. pre- paid. New York, DIM, 1%, 13!}.- .2... .».a .3; i S:-’»‘4A‘< , _ lll‘HE Stthscriber begs . to inttm‘atc-l-to the in. bubitants oi Richmond Hill and vicinity, hat he has leased the Shop of Mir. ï¬liilicn . Lee; Where he intends to carry on. theBQO'I‘ and ‘ SHOE business in all its branches. ‘ - tention given to their work. as formerly. > 4 prices, . - I , I ‘ ' .- ‘ RICHARD DURHABIlv é Richmond Hill, April It), ’62. I76 For, Sale or to Rent, COMEI’)DIOUS self-contained HOUSE-,5- , situated in the Vicinity~of RICHMOND. illII.L. Containing 4 Bed-rooms. I‘arIOr nnd ,Kitcbeu, with other Outbuildings. {also an Acre, of Land, and another Acre can be leased adjoiii-‘ing. , ‘ Ofï¬ce; Richmond Hill. March 6. 185-2. iii-tr. r v â€"A -~~~»-»~â€"â€".â€"-â€"--â€"â€"-~. '1“ ' IUST RECEIVED, a fresh supply or n ne’w- . edition .of SAVGS'I‘ER'S ELEMIQN'IQ' ARY ARITIllll1.TIC. at the N HERALD†iBook Store Richmond Hill. Pulls mid sap Luiikcts.‘ 'l‘IIE Undersighed is prepared to furnish ‘ any ‘qtinntitv ‘of I’AIIJS AND SAI" BUBKE'I S, at his Factory, Lot No. II. 2nd. (toncemion of Markham. or at I’Aitli-zitt ,Cimstir's. Richmond Ilill, at greatly reduced ll’rices. ' Address. post~paid. Buttonville Post-ofï¬ce. JOHN AMUSS. .. February 20. 186i. .t69-2m ._._.. -_ n... -__..,_- sfiitir iii“) DWELLING To Lid Village or Richmoiitl, Hill! n good posuio'ti for business, Ifou'iie coini-' N I . nlo(Ilt)us.:WIIll 5 Rooms and an excellent. Cellar.~ Wood Shed and other Conveniences-y at present in occupation by Mr. Coomer.-â€"- Possession EIW'II on lst January. ISGI. Enquire of = ‘- -' _ I - ,. . G.‘..A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 5. 1861. I58-tf IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR'S PULMONIC SYRUP, to highly ro-i commended, for Coughs, Golda, Asthma, Croup,,nnd III disenu ot‘ the Lung: end Throat 25 cents†bottle I - .. _.,_-._.c....___.g--_. ...-_-. y.»â€"_..â€".â€"‘ enorocnnnusi PHOTOGRAPHS i‘ . The Cheapest-and Best H Ambrotypo and Photograph GALLERY iii GANAIJX; IS. gr umflpmi JAMES RAWE‘, Proprietor and Principal Operator 125M. ' A.-.“ l 0 BS [1} R. ,V , THAT all persons owing Dr. James Lanng ntofl‘. wrll find it to their advantage to call and pay as soon as possible. “ ' WNWâ€"WM“ W0 R M S i“ For destroying Worms in children, SITTZER’S VEHMIFUGE CANDY is by far the most pleaun ' Info. end olfecttial remedy now in use. Try itl Sol by III. deuorl in medicinu. ‘4 {’. ’ Sold livVV S. I’OLLOCK. Iliclimoudllill. Wiiicliestor’s llypopliospliitc‘s†(Du. CuUttcuiLi.’s SPECIFIC anmr,) FOR CONSUMPTION. Nervous chiltty, .Sct-ilfhlrr and Dyspepsia. Bronchitis, 4‘0. HIS is the most (IL/Idlaful curative agent known to IIIOdICitI science. It bite of- fected cures in every stage of Consumption “UNI’AIIALLELED IN THE ANNALS OF. MEDICINE †In Nervous lleliility and Dyer- pepsm. the llYl‘OI’liUSl‘HITES may be rev unrded as an clu'ort Sovereign remedy. 'l‘lic Hypophosphttesi ' ilnve a two-field and speciï¬c :ctionâ€"â€"-on the one ltiiuti. increasing the principle which CON- S - lTU I‘ICS Nl<7,itV\JUS ENERGY; and. on :lie other. being the MUS I‘ PUVVICRFUL “LOUDGEN RATING ACLN I‘S KNOWN. They act with promptlinss and certainty in all getiriral morbid conditions. such as Chronic llroncliitis. A~titnia, Sciof’ulzt, Mai-asmus. Ane- mia, Female ()otiiiilaints, &c., and in all- dis- orders of' the Nervous or Blood Systems. Their effect upon the tiiherculai‘ condition is Ifllnledl-I air-â€"ull the general symptoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really IIIHI‘VOIOU‘S.‘ 'l‘liev increase the nervous or vital energy. re-t linve Cough. check Night Sweats. diti‘iinish I'lxpcctorntton. iiiiprove the Appetite. arrest Bowditch. and promote refreshing sleep. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE. Winchester's Genuine Preparation I UF THE lIYI’Ol’lIOSI’IIITES is the only reliable form of Dr Churchill’s Remedy. and is approved hi the MediCal prof't'essioii generally, USE Ni) ()THICR. 0R AN Y REMEDY CON- TAINING IRON. j ILA“ I’iticns zâ€"Iti 7 oz. Bottles, $lâ€"6 Bottles for In l6 oz. Bellies. $2â€"‘l‘hree-i'or:$5. Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Drug.) gtsts. and i at the sole General Depot in the United States. by . ' I J. WINCIIEhTER, 36 Joltn SL. NJ." THE SPECIFIC PILL I i A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR Spermalorr/ieri or Seminal W act/mess, (5' Genital Irritubility. in either Sex. THIS is the only remedy for Sexual Dehility, Impotenct'. Sterility. &c.. which has the up-‘ proval ol the medical profession. Its success has been mostexti‘nordiimryâ€"eiiecting cures iii, cases where ail other methods of treatment find failed. One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL will pertiiatiently cure any case ol'Semi- iinl Weakness. or its resulting Impotencv. however aggravated. wbetber constitutional. or arising from abuse or ex’coss. .- IM‘PORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMONY. "I have used your Specific Fill in many cases of Sperinatorrhea, and with the most per. foot success, -. _ , . . . "J. MILTON SANDERS, M.D.,l..L.l),†"We believe it to be asAnoar a. ‘ Speciï¬c ’ no any medicine can be. \Ve hove cured many- severe cases with from SIX to ten doses "-â€",Dr.« B. Kizir'ii: 'Ainerican’ Jou‘r. of Med, science. " l have found them‘ all that could be de- sired, 'I‘lieircti‘elzt has been truly wonderful.â€" E. P. DICKER. M D.†. ' ' [IT This is not a Iloriioépathic Remedy/4pc!" is there any mercurv or other deleterious Ling dients combined withit. PRICE~$I per box; six boxt-s for $5.. For sale by all respectable: Drugtgists'. and at the sole General Depot in the United States. by .J, WINCHESTER. 35 John sin-um :_ t" laid}. Cheap†cools and slices - Mr. Lee's customers williheve tbe’jsnm‘e 31-," t . .All werk done at the lowest remuneratini The re is: 7 For further particulate apply attire ‘ I-IERALD’ ,,