Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 May 1862, p. 1

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vilifilhrioiiii EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And‘dc‘sp'atched toisubscr‘ibers by the earlies .. 3...} .. eci- . minis. or other Conveyance. when so defined" The YORK“"'HERALD will always be b to contain the latestand moslti‘inpor- tai _, aiidi’rovincial Newsaiid Mar- kmm‘hud the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of b’iisiness, and-dvaluable Family Newspaper. TERMSmâ€"Sevenalid Sixpence per Annum, iN Agvm‘qng Band if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Sixlinesand under, first iiisertiOii..i.L3§01160 Eaehsubsequeiitinsm'tion . . . . . . . . . 00 12g Tenlinesand under, first insertion. . . . . 00 75%: Abqve icii,_liiies. first iii., per line.. . . ()0 07 Each‘subseQuentinsertion. per line . . . . 00 02 11:? Advertisements without written direc- tions inserted tillforbid. and charged accord- ingly. " All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A iberal discount ,will be made to parties ad~ vertisiiig'by the year. ' All advertisements published for a less pe riod than one month. must be paid for in ad- Vance. All letters addressed to the Editor must be ost paid. No paper discontinued until allarrearages are paid : and parties refusing papers without pay ing up, .will be held accountable fortlie sub- scriptiou. THE YORK HERALD> Book'and Job Printing ESTABLISM ENT. v Wx/VVVV W. m ALEX. SCOTT, Proprietor. .3éfi!“ ~~; AURORA AND RICHMOND, g i a“... one «'1‘... u TOO”. l.‘ “ Let Sound Reason weigh (more with list/ion- Popular Opinion.” VOCATE- ANS ’ ADVERTI SER TERMS: $1 50 In Advance. N Vol. w. No. '25. HOTEL CARDS. W'vwx/ M»M- ./ W (vv RICHMOND HILL HOTEL": RICH ARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. LARGE HALL is connected witlpthis Hotel for Assemblies. Bulls, Concerts, Meetings. obit. A STAGE leaves this Hotel every morning for Toronto, at 7 am. ; returning, leaves Toronto at halfvpast 3. 11:31 Good Stabling and a careful Hustler in waiting. Richmond 11111, Nov. 7, 1861. i45.ily. W'hite Hart 11111, E Subscriber begs to inform the Public lthtih‘lCNu illLL. lift that he has leased the above lloiel. where he willkeep constantly mill-rind a good supply of first-class Liquors. 6L0. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vel are con desire, those who wish to stay where *â€" RDERS for any of the undermeiitioned they can liiid every comfort are respectfully iii- description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB vited to givo him a call. WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LA RGE AND SMALL POSTERS, CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS, BILL HEA1)S,BANK CHECKS,DRAII‘TS, AND P A M P H L E T S . And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING! A done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Cards, Aurora. June 6, 1859. Circulars .&c. kept always on hand fluctuate Efiirraom. MEDICAL CARDS. ‘ DR. iiOerTTER, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons rpm-0...... England. Opposite the Elgiu Mills, RICHMOND HILL. Mayl.p1861. . JOHN fRElD, M3, 6011. OF YONGE 86 CULBURNE $18., THORNHILL. Consultations iu the office 0" the mornings of Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, 8 io 10, am. [IT All Consultations in the office, Cash. Thoriibill, April 9, ’62. 176 flSAAC BOWMAN, Ni. Graduate of the University _of Vic Coll. & i’rovincial Licentiate, AS'settlcd (permanently) at 'I‘HorsHii.i.. Where he can be consulted at all times on the vuiious branches of his profession ex- cept when absent on business. Thornhill, May. 1862. 179 i “TWOâ€"“LAW CARDS. WVWW»VWVV .. t, WWMVWW M. TEEF Y, COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH CONVEYANCEK, AND DIVISION COURT AGENT, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. GREEMENTS, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, 820., &c., drawn with attention and promptitude. Richmond Hill, Aug ‘29. A C A RD- C. KEELE. Esq., ofihe City of Ter- 0‘ onto. has opened an oilico iii the Vil- .age ofAurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also, Convey- ancing executed with correctness and despaich Division Courts attended. Wellington St. Aurora. do Queen St. Toronto November 20. 1860. 104-ly 0 Charles 0. Keller, ‘TTORNEY-AT I LAW, SOLICITOH in Chancery, Conveyancer. 61c. zlflice, ii Victoria Buildings, over the Chronicle ofi'ice, Brock Street_ Whitby. V Also a Branch Office in the village of Bea vertoii, Township of Thumb, and County oi Ontario. The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Whitby. Nov. 2-2. 1860. 104-ly JAMES BO UL TON, Esq. Barrister, Law Officeâ€"Corner of Church and King Sts. Tel-unto. March 8. 1861. 119-tf some? E. w. HURD, Attorney-at-Law. Solicitor , I in Chaucery,Convey ancer, doc. Money advances procured on Eortgages, No. 3, Jordan Street. Termite. December 13. 1860. A. MONA BB, ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, doc. :..Kin StreetrEast, [over Leader 0fiice,] Tennis,- .W. To'rol'ntb, April, 12, 1861, 144-tf. 108-y 123-1)? Trillium iquzt; .T'I‘ORNEY AT-LAW. Solicitorin Chait- ‘ 'cei‘y,‘Conve ancer,&c.Toi-oiito. Office mytholtLeader“ uildings, King Street. Toronto, April 12, 1861. 123-1y George Wilson. (mm icon ENGLAND.) $650.11“ arms motel, RICHMOND HILL. _OQD Accommodations and every attention ‘~ shown to Travellers. Good . Yards for DroveCattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses and‘Btuds. - ’ ' ‘ The best of? Liquors and Cigars kept con- stantly"‘onzhand. . ' ~ The: Monthly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday in each month. Richmond Hill. April 8. 1862. 176 CUltNELlUS VAN NOSTRAND. Richmond Hill. Dec. 28. 1860. 108-1y YONGESTREETHOTEL, AURORA. G001) supply of Wines and Liquors always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers. Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. l). McLEOD, Proprietor. 25-1y CLYDE HOTEL, KING sr. EAST, NEAR THE MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO. C.W. JOIflV IMILLS, Proprietor. Good Stabling attached and attentive llostlers always in attendance. November 1861. 157-tf James Massey, (Late of the King 9 Head. London. Eng.) 197-1)? N0. 26 West Market Place, TORONTO. v attending Market Good b‘tabliiig. 11:? Dinner from 12 to 2 o’clock. Hannibal-E fiotei. fituttbtfi @flfitbdfifi, ’1 111‘)Subscribcrbogs to iiifOrm the Public that he has leased the above Hotel, l Eveiy accommodation for Farmers and others T' D bum]. (L '1‘1713V10LET. Sweet flower,who scarcely peep’st belwoiiii The frondlets of thy leafy screenâ€" 'l‘hine unassuming modest head Half buried in its owly bed-â€" Thou dost so little court the eye. We might, unconscious, wander by, Did not iliy heavenly perfu'ui’e Arrest us, and reveal iii), bliioiii. ll}; 116 Which dyes the petals azure blue-u- Yet. though Celestial is the 11 Although the fragiaiice oi thy smell D011] e’eu the boasted rose excel 3' 1 know a maid us’bi‘igiit and (air. Who boasts an incense yet more» rare : Whose bosom is the taintless shrine 01' Virtues far surpassing thine I Like you, she loves to shrink from view. , To shun the many for the few: "l‘is hers to mould the mind of youth '1'0 dove-like innocence and truth ; To guide it through the paths of love. To higher, happier realms above : To seek the suffering homes of care, And shed serene contentment these' The sweets that owe to you their birth, Rich though they be,still cling to earth; To dissipate in vernal air ‘ Their odours: but the trusting praper Of lips, first taught by her to move In accents of adoring love, With incense liulier for than thine. Ascendeth to the throne divine. Titanium BRILLIA NT ADDIi‘Ess ’ARCY McGEE, M.P.P., AT THE FESTIVAL 01“ THE If? lRISH PROTESTANTBENEVULENTSOC’Y QUEBEO. . A FESTIVAL was held by this So- ciety, recently, at Quebec,â€"-at where he willkeep constantly on hand a good which 1111‘. McGee was invited to supply of first-class Liquors, &c. This house ( poxsess'es every accommodation 'l‘iaVcllers can (lesire, these who wish towstuy where they can find every comfort are respectfully invited to call. 7 l W. WESTPHAL}. Corner of Church and Stanley Sis, Toronto, Sept. 6, 1861. THE VVELL-KNOWV BLACK HORSE HOTEL, Formein kept by William Rolph, 145-13” honour to his head and heart. take part-38 will be seen by the following brilliant speech. the ho- lnvilzition in a manner that does We have no apology to Offer the readers of the York Herald for transferring it to our columnsâ€"for We feel that (301-. of palace 3; George Sts, a perusal of SUt‘h sentiments, clothed [EAST OF Tm: MARKET.) TORONIO. WILLIAM 00X, Proprietor, [Successor to Thomas 1’aliiier]. Good Stabling attached. Trusty Hustlers always in attendance. Toronto, April 19,1861. V125~1y JOS. consoles Fountain fiesta/it out i 69 KING STREET. EAs'r, ‘UltUNTO : 1 ‘ Lunch every all} #9111 1,1,till 2. n such beautiful language, cannot fail to repay our readers ;-â€"â€"niid We ,cun only suv that. it is a thriller of norablc gentleman responded to tie astoi'iishu'icnl to us that such a mum can work iii harness Will) the remit]! George Brown, \Viii. Mullougzil. and men of that ilkâ€"we (:Opv thol Chronicle of Friday, the 16m inst. : Mr. McGee, on being introduced; [13’ Soups, Games, U)Ԥtei‘s.. Lobsters, _&c , In it few :iplll‘tlpi‘lzllr- will'ils by llii.‘ always on hand: V Dinners and Suppers for Private Parties got up in the best style. Toronto, April 19, 1861. NEWBiGGlNC HOUSE, 125»ly A'l'E Clareiicon llolel, No. 28. 30 and 3‘.) ’ Front Street. Toronto. lloaril $1, per day Porters always in attendance at the Cars and Boats. W. NEWlllGGlNG, Proprietor. Toronto. April 8, 1861. 124-ly vORK MILLS HOTEL, YONGE STREET, THE Subscriber begs to intimate that he has leased the above hotel, and having fittod it iipiii the latest style travellers may rely upon having every comfort and attention at this first class house. Good Stabliiig and an attentive Hustler al- ways iii attendance. WILLIAM LENNOX, Proprietor. York Mills, June 7. 1861. l3‘2-1y Wellington Hotel, Aurora. ! orrosrrn THE renou'ro noose. GEO. L GRAHâ€"Aâ€"M. PROPRIETOR.‘ LARGE and Commodious 'rlalland other improvements have. at great expense, been made so as to make this House the largest and best north of Toronto. Ti'aVellers at this House find every convenience both fer tiiotn- ‘ selves and horses. N.B.-â€"-A careful ostler always in attendance Aurora Station, April 1861. i26-ly -- ,1 Hatâ€"1 ‘adprvâ€" w ;- 3:" As SEDMAN‘, Carriage and Waggon MAKER. '&c. &c. &c.’ Residenceâ€"Nearly opposite the Post- Office, ‘ 'Richmond Hill; March 14, 186?. 172.13 President. Mr. A. C. BliCllitll'dlLVVHSI warmly chccl'cw. He said 2â€"- Lndios and Goiillciiuiu,l rcccivcd 1501118 tiiilt digit, a worm iiiVitwtioiil jfrom my friend, Capt. Anderson. in: Secretary of illi' Sziizivty, asking. take pull llll ‘l'ilt‘. m be pvt-sent and (the pi'occciliiigs of this UVi‘lllilg.â€"-‘ ,1t was on invitation MHIVCH \Vllil gl'lflil Ctll ibellcfil, and the object was to en lable the socieii to assist the friend- .less and die unfortunate. It seems lto be incident to our state of society, ‘where we have no legal prOvision for the poor. no organized system ,Of ielief Of any public general kind, that there should be a division of charitable labor among our different voluntary societiesâ€"and all lodk upon ihcm'all, whether under the auspices of Saint Patrick or any Patron Saint, as being themselves but members of one vast society-â€" the Society of Canadaâ€"1 did not feel ibatl could, either on ll‘iall or Canadian grounds, decline Captain Anderson’s invitatiou' (Cheers.) It is very true, Mr. President, that you and .1 will not be found to-mor- row worshipping under the same roof, but is that any reason why we should not be united here to-night in a common work of charity 1â€"â€" (Cheers.) With me it is not rea- sonâ€"such difi'e'renCes exist in the first elements of our population-â€" and it is the duty of every man, especially of every man undergoing the education of a statesman, to en“ deavor’ to mitigate instead of a in- flaming, religious animo’suies. NO prejudices lie nearer the surface than those which plead the sanction of religionâ€"Iany idiot,may rouse ‘ them, to the wise man's consterna- tion, and the peaceful man’s deeplP l“Pillfk"llllitirlltll's diality. lill‘ .iii 1risli sumcly’sl Biennium) iii_i.i_., Fitting MAY e3. [3962. I lf'egret; 11 in times pzidt they lidve been too often and too easily :iz'odsed,‘ we must all deeply deplore it 3 but for the future, in these new and eventful, days, when it is so essen- tial that there shall be complete hiriiiony within our ranksâ€"lot us 'nll agree to brand 1111‘ progogziiidisi Of bigotry its the most dangerous of ‘Oiir enemies, because his work is to .divide us among ourselves, and reu- iicr us incapable of defenceâ€"'â€" .(Cheers.) it is upon this subject of lot: public spirit to be cultivated lilillfllg us- ~03 the: spirit which min 18101"), unlit: 0111:1113 slifc and sti'tii‘c, :l'lCll and , i'=:nownodâ€"winch can iillillli‘} attract populdtion eiiid nug- 1116111ifdiillill-Lâ€"rliltll 1 dcéirc to soy 'thc tow words with which ,1 must lendeaviir to fulfil your expectatidds. I feel that it is a serious subject for a popular festival-shill these are serious times. and they bring upon their Wings most serious reflections. That shot fired 211 Fort Sumter, on the 12th April, 1861, had a message for the North as well as for the South, and here in Quebec, if any- where, by the light which history lends us, we should find those who can rightly read that eventful mes- sage. Here, from this ruck, for which the immortals have conâ€" tended, here from this rock, over which Richeiicu’s Wisdom and Chaiham's genius, and the memory of heroic men, the glory of three great nations has hung its halo, we should look torth upon a continent convulsed. and ask of our rulers, ‘ Watchman. what of the night?’ That shot fired at Fort Sumpter was the Signal gun of a new epoch for North America, Which told the people of Canada as plainly as hu- maiixspeech; can ever express it, to sleep no more, echpi on their arms, -â€"â€"unless in their sleep they desire to be overtaken and Subjugaied.â€"â€" (Cheers.) For one, Mr. President, 1 can safely say, that ifl know my- selfl have not a particle of preju- dice against the United States; on. 1.116 contrary, 1 am bound to declare that many things in the constitution and the people,1 sincerely esteem and admire. VVhiit 1 contend for“, with myself, and wliatl would iiii- press upon (filters is, that the 185" sons of the lost eighty years, more", especially of the last few years, lur- nished by America to the world, should not be thrown aWziy upon the inhabitants Of Canada. 1 do nut believe that it is our destinv to' be ciignlplicd into a Republican" union, renovated illld inflamed with‘ the wine of victory. Of which she now drinks so freely-41 scciiis 0 inc We have theatre riiio'iigii under our feet to uni another and «I. Wt)"- Aiiioricaii union on our own terms, 1.51’93‘31‘ “3 ” "l’l’eilfe‘l “-‘ 'h" "0"”)? and we ought never to join them on iliclis. (Cheers) A Cannibalism-â€" timiality, not a Freiicii-Cuiiadian. nor a Briiish-Caniidiun, not an ll‘l"1l-Czitltitllt’ii'l -â€"piitrioiisui rejects the prefixâ€"is, in my opinion, What We should look forward iiiâ€"that is What we oliglii to liiborl'or, that is what We ought to in: prcpul‘cd inf detenti the dcalh. (Cheers) llaeiisii! mile-seventh ()1 inc l'lHlil’, of .1 long (macs-l [it the glorious label by cold chronicles only, but by liv- ling scenes, passing before our eves, [of the dangers of an unbalanced Dcinocracyr-s‘nwe are here to vindi onto our our capacity. by the test ofa new political creation. (Cheers) W at We most immediately Want, Mr. President, to carry on that work, is medâ€"more menâ€"«and still more men! The ladies, 1 dare say, will not object to that doctrine. |(Laughter.) We may not want linore 'laWyerI and doctorsâ€"but we want more men, in town and country. We 'want the signs of youth and growth in our young and growing cutiniry. One of our maxims should beâ€"‘ early mar- riages, and death to the old bache- lors.’ (Luugbter.) I have long entertained a project of a special tax upon that most undesirable class of the population, and our friend the Finance Minister may perhaps have somethii’ig of the kind among the agreeable surprizes of his next budget. (Lauglitei‘.)â€"~ Seriously, Mr. President, what chiefly wantel to say in coming here is this, that if we would make Canada safe and secure, rich and renowned, we must all liberalizeâ€"â€" lOcally,"sectionally, religiously, na- tionally. There is room enough in this country for one great free peo- le, but there is not room enough,- ' Whole no. 182. ( under the some flag, iiiid t::e same PERSEVERANCE. (id-is, for two’ or ,ilire‘e,‘ angry. sus-- _ , ' ' I . pu-ioiis, obstructive ‘ nationalities] He vilioallows: his applications to (Cheers.) Dear, most justly dear falter, or shirlis‘ hiswork on frivol- 'to everyliiud beneath the sun, art: ous pretexts. is on the sure road to the childreuborniu her bosom, and ultimate failure. Let any task be nursed upon her} breast ; but when undertaken as a thing not possible to the man of another country, wher- be evaded, and it will soon come to ever- born, speaking whatever be performed with .,alacrity|_ and speech, holding whatever creed, cheerfuln'ess.’ The h‘atb'lt «strenuous.- seeks out a country to serve .and 1Cflrllilihl<3d 1:150: Will become 000%, honor and cleaveto, in weal or in. paratively easy in time, like every woeâ€"when he heave; up the other habit. Thus even men with anchor of his heart from its old commonest brains and the most. moorings, and lays at the feet of the mistress of his choice, hisnew country; all the hopes of his ripe manhood, liceéiablifilics by such dc- votion a claim to consideration. but second eveuto that of the children, encountered an army Oftiie soil. (Cheers.) He is their, brother; delivered by new birth from the dark-Wonibed Atlantic ship that ushers him into existence high bank, and for three hours the in the new worldâ€"he stauds'byfbis battle was undeeided. All length own election among the children of they turned and 66¢ the household. and narrow andfmost ' unwise iii that Species of public spi- rit, which in the p'efve'ncd name of Wins soldieis' battles, and indeed patriotism, would refuse him all he every b41116- asksâ€"J a fair field and no- faiomfs‘. nearer that wins the race and shows I am not About to talk the blood ; the one pull more of the politics. Mr. President, though these out that proves the beefiiiess of the are grand politicsâ€"1 reserve all fellOW.’ as OXfOI‘d me“ say i “13th (Cheers) else fOi what is usually called ‘ an; other place ;’ -â€"aud1 may'add, for flamila'g” l the five; “finale? more another time. But 1 am so tho- roughlv convinced and assured that .1116 fight. ,Tho’ugh your force be we are gliding along the currents less than 5100111916511 You equal and outmaster your opponent if you con- ence at all, in the presence of my tii’iue it longer and conCentraie it fellow-subjects. 1 cannot choose but more- speak of the immense isSues which father .W'hU sald [0 his 30“, When complaining that his sword was to ofa n‘ewiepoch, that if I break’sil- devolve upon us, at this moment, in this country. (Cheers) 1 may be pardoned. perhaps, if 1 refer to Cable to everything in life. another matter that comes home to Though we are alike Opposed to all this soil, we are not opposed. 1 hope, to giving full credit to all the ele- ments, which, at the present day, compose our population. their Houseâ€"mwho drew native breath in our own dearly beloved and our best thought action. ancesnal island, (Cheer...) [Makes liuinblest and least-literate must three quarters of the world in these "Fm his sense of duty, and accustom fun,i|y__ himself to an orderly iind'diligcut h o l d iliiys to an lrish tics and fortunes of theirs country . of Canada; and who are determined to lost it in a spirit of genuine li- llcl’alilfi’. [Cheersz .W'2, Irish- man, Protestant and Catholic, born and bred in a land Oi religious con- traveller; thus su'ms up ,he results trove-ray, should never lol‘get that of modern discoveries :-â€" ' we now live and act in ii land of the fullest religious and civil liberty.â€" [Chccrs] All we have to do, is, each for hiiilsclf. to keep down dil- stnsiuno which can only Weaken; inipoverish and keep buck the coun-‘ itial sioi‘yâ€"â€".iml no part of ii nini‘ellri' ; each for himself do all he can ltltldl’tfl‘ to us than of this last centuryâ€"warned not ' I'd its reputation ; each for himself, to increase its wealth, its strength you and you, gentlemen, and all of us, to welcome everytaleni, to bail every promise, to (cherish every gem of art, to foster every gleam Of authorship, to honor every acquire- meni and any natural gift our- Vou' Mn Pres-men“ and to myself. know that'is Ofso much importance invidious national distinctions on kY’OWSll- In this more benevolent. more energetic, respect it is a source ol'gratificatioii and more emc'em 1“ ll" Pummt Dr to learn that among your invited every high Purim“ in “('3' guests tonight. mew are twelve,” must ourselves be and do, and not inn-mun mun-mew of [he hnuse '10 ‘rest satisfied merely With reading which 1 have the honor to belong_... illld tin-dilating over what other men gentleman from both sides of the have wrim’" and done- (l‘mr‘llll‘ir)â€"â€"uiid it is [)1’1184111 to “l”- kiiow that sonic of the elder soils of “Mme: “‘3 highest “flu” "my .be the family are considered. by their acquired by me“ Of me Nimble“ Idlsul‘iiilliilliliié filllow-citizens, Wor- ill’lllile‘ through careful sell‘d‘3‘711" tlzy lobe entrusted with the liber- lme- 4 dopte'j to say, as Riicher did, ‘_‘1 have [Unemg] ] have he”, made as much outof mys‘ellas could liner part; we can never join the .i‘iicn of Irish birth who have led, be made “6 me Staff, and "0 mu“ land who still lead, the Parliament Shou‘d reqmre more-,7 slender powers, will accomplish much, if they will apply themselves wholly and iiidefuiigubly to one thing all a time. - a , , Sii‘ Charles Napier; When in India, of 35,000 Belooches Willi 2,000 men, of whom only 400 were EurOpeans. He charged them in the centre up a It is this sort of pluck, tenacity, and dctei'mined peiseverance Which It is the one neck one march more than wins the persistent couragcthat at last wins The reply of the Spartan short, “ Add a‘step to it,” is appli“ It is not how much a man may as the end and purposefor which he The object of knowledge should be to mature wisdom and improve character, to render us better, happier, and more usefulâ€"â€" We Our best light must be made life, The Though talents are the gift of At least we ought to be able MODERN DiscOvsaiEs. â€" Bayard Taylor, the celebraiéd “Within the last twenty-five years, all the principal features of the geoography of our own Vast in- terior regions have been accurately déterininod ; the great ticlds of Central Asia have been traversed in various directions, from Bolihara and Oxul to the Chinese wall; the half-known river systems of South America have been explored and wrvayed ;' the icy continent around the southern pole has been disco- vered; the North-West Passageâ€" the {gm} fatuus of nearly two cen- turies, is at last found, the Dead selves 10 the level. Of our (1681111188,- 1 Sea in stripped of its fabuloug ter- lto rise above all low limitations and narrow circumscriplions, to culti- vate that true catholiciiy of spirit which embiaces all creeds, all classes and all races, in order to make of our boundless Provinces,' so rich in known and tinknown re- sources. a great new Northern na- tion. [Long and continued cheers, amid which the hon. gentleman retired] ’ ‘ ' ‘ rors ; the touring of the Niger is no longer a myth. and the sublime se- cret of the Nile is almost wrested from his keeping; the mountains of the Moon, sought for two thou- sand years, have been beheld by a Caucasian eye; an English steamer has ascended the Chabba to the frontiers oftlie kingdom of Borneo; Leichardt and Stuart have peneâ€" traied the wilderness of Australia ; the Russians have descended from Irkoutsk to the mouth of the Amoor; We have heard many women complain ethe antiquated walls of Chinese of their iiusbands’ neglect at home. A lspoonful of honey Will keep more bees ,in the lich titan will ten 01 iinegar. Government is like an hour glass; when one side is quite run out, we turn up the other and go on again. ' DESIRABLE MONEYs.â€"--Matrimony, patrimony, harmony, and ready motley. bins are like places at court; we seldom lresign them until] we can keep them no llonger. AN OLD SAiLoa’s ADVIC's.â€"â€"Do'n’t undertake to kiss “a furious woman; risk not. asmack in a storm. prejudice have been cracked, and are fast tumbling down, and the screens that surround Japan have been cut by thesharp edge of Ame- rican enterprise. 1 Such are the principal results, Of modern explora- tion What quarter Of a century 'since the form of the earth, and the boundaries of its hind and “fil- ter were known, can exhibit such a list of achievements ’1’ A wag who’ was asked to buy a bank _ note detector said he would purchase it. if lusditalivc .,._‘ _:. ,7 NEFIT OF Anvait‘riSiNG..â€"'1d an article .on ,thebeiieiit‘oi advierti‘so‘ ’ing, Chamber’s Journal Has the fol- lowing .2 ' ja having once establish- , . , . , 4 pie, never, buy out Of mere whim out Wlliélliv'wiglfe heirlooms from least relax ité=eiertion§, and Suffer writer of the present papei': once made so bold is to observe so much , to the junioi‘ partner of ti firm ofthis description, iiiid this was his reply â€"-‘° When 1 first enteied buSiness 1 thought as you do, and persuaded the house to reduce its advertising decount from £9,000 "to 6,000 per anhum ;' but the loss‘of custom con? sequent on the reduction for 'eXceedé at the beginning Of the following year to advertise more than before in order to recover lost ,grround.’â€"'~ Several firms expend the above , enormous amoiint upon advertising; and some so much eitceed it as to reach £17,000 2:1 yearâ€"all spent iii mere assertion and the production of vertigo. petition. the Old adage ii,‘ that “ii man may as Well take down his Sign“ as keep his name and business of the papers.” OViiia-womtro WOMAivâ€"Ar'i over; worked woman is alv‘vays a sad sightâ€"«sadder than an OVcr-worked‘ man, because she is so much more fertile in capacities of Suffering than small.“ She has so many varieties of headacheâ€"sometimes as if Joel were driving the nail that killed Sis; era into her templesâ€"sometimes letting her work With half her brain, while the Other hall throbs as if it would go to piecesâ€"sometimes tightening round the brows as if her capsband Were Luke’s iron crownâ€"4 and then’ her netiralgias,and her back aches, and ker fits Of depresston, id which she thinks she is nothing; and these paroXyims which men speak slightly of as hystericalâ€"couqu sions, that isall, only not commonly fatal (riled-«sol2 many trials whichbeé long to her line and mobile struc-1 ture, that she is always entitled to pity, when she is placed in condi; tions which develop her nervous tendenciesâ€"Dr. 0. M". Holmes. Goneâ€"Lord Macaulay, a fevv years before he died. had something presented to him at a great public: meeting in Scotland ; something which pleased him much. ‘1 shall treasure it,’ be said, ‘as long as I live, and after [am goneâ€"’ There the great man’s voice faltered, and the mutants remained unfi'nis'hedgâ€"é Yet the thought at which Macaulay broke down may touch many a les- ser man more. For when we are gone, my friends, we may leave bc-J liiud us those who cannot well Spare iii. .11 is not for one’s'own sake that the gone, so linked with one’s Own name, touches so much. We shall have enough of this world before very long ; and, (as Uncle Tom ex- pressed it,) ‘heaven is better than. Keiituck'.’ But we can think of some, for whose sake we may wisli to put off going as long as may be. ‘ Our minister,’ said a Scottish rus- tic, ‘iiye preaches about going to heaven, but he’ll never go to hear: veu as long as he can get stoppiii’ iii Drumsleekic.’-â€"-â€"Fraser’s Maggi zine. Dieecras “our Housesâ€"tâ€"Tiie only way to avoid disputes concern-J iiig horses is to employ the very best available judgment before ti bargain is closed, aiid-it should be ti.- rule never to rely on the law of Warranty. The Veterinary profess-I sion iii called upon to protect the public generally in horse transac-J lions ; but it can ill sei‘Vc those W116 lire inclined to try the chances of a. jiirv’e verdictor sheriff'sinterlocutor. A knowledge of disease, experience amongst horses, a good eye as to' form and action, may render the veterinarian an invaluable aid to those who need or delight in horses; but if it be supposed that Veterinary surgeons will ever insure even’i handed justice being dealt in a lawâ€" court, it is far more than we are led to anticipate.â€"â€"‘ Edinburgh Veterin- ary Review.’ ‘Tun PROPHE'ric.'â€"-l have known men who sit on fifth rowsin‘ the? House of Commons, and have never been heard in debateâ€"wnay, 1 have known men who never sat in parlia- ment at ailâ€"-â€"in whom ‘the prophetic eye’ has been as sure as Cassandra’s â€"--inen who behold afar off the sha~ down of events nol yet comingâ€"i predict the questions that willdivide cabinets yet unformedâ€"-â€"nam‘e. amongst the adversaries of such questions. the converts by whose aid toe questions will be carriedâ€"and fix, as if they had rend it in an aliiianack; the very date on which some crochety motion, the riu'rseling- ofa minority, will use into" place amongst the laws of the land. TWd men have 1 know who, in this gift to political pr'evisionphatve excelled all the chiefs of our sepiaâ€"«one was a saturnine tailor, and the other a saddler.--Sir Bit-liver lit could detect a pate in his poekpt. ‘Lyuqn in ‘ Blackwooq‘,’ edvthe £3,000 savad, sb that-we had How true, in these days of cord? . .. 1.. v.3” “ One would suppose that . ed a " re‘putatiOn for excellence iii“ anv expensive waresâ€"~such as pee. gciieration to generation, and not to" ' be indulged in,,dupl-icateegmight ,a‘i - . the publicto iesi occasiIOnally upon; shots unnoticed by its lltlfl'lErF-rThC‘

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