“war ..u- A... J~‘.'".GORMLEY. " '. mm. .. e Lookinglï¬aamhPloï¬li’rihne Winchesterislliiienliasiilittol. a BLiSTEit; IN" THE PALMVA ~2â€" *ï¬â€˜. ' -~,Ivn , , 9â€"11â€"13» .v “HT ' (DB-l .Cuvncnm’s Seameallamv.).7:.: " " tooth]. 9m...â€" _. mosses T0 FRIENDSHIP. it!" cannons srawart'r.» Hail! lion a‘lllitlce“ of Hearts, Sweet refl'eri of something divineâ€"- If aught a real blessing imparts. The glory, 0’ Friendship. is thine“. Unfettered by custom or creed. Uiibonded by climate or zone, In nature by Heaven decreedâ€" The spirit of goodness alone. Like a wandering angel, unseen, Through life’s boundless reign thou dost wand, Dispensing. where sorrow has been. New bliss in the smiles of a friend. ’Tis thine the despairing to soothe, The homeless to shelter and feed. The naked to warm and clothe, The wayward to counsel and lead. 'Tis‘ thine on leal mgm‘ries to trace Endearments that ‘cease not to be; Nor distance nor time can effects One record inscribed there by thee. For when soul is attracted to soul. And wedded by thee whilst a-near, Though oceans between them shall roll, They still to each other are dear. By a name or the bounds of a hearth. In each heart though encirled thou be. Yet where is the bosom on earth That beats not-devotion to thee? No servile sustainer of wealthâ€" The humble to‘ thee are most dear; To whom. or in sickness or health, Bliss flows from thy smiles or thy tear, Have I not thine influence known 7 By thee have I never been blest? ‘Wheir by sickness and care overthrown, Dids't then never lull me to rest? Ah.,yesl like an angel at night, Relieving my heartsot’ its‘w’oes, An II put-my-dark bodlngs to~"flightl, And soothedjme‘ to blissful repose. As the moon woos the desolate sky Till the earth drinks the beams of herlove-â€" So td man, when dark ruin is nigh, Thou. Friendship, a saviour dost prove. And would he the slim cerements but rend Which thy omnipresence conceal, Every soul'thou in union wouldst blend, And Heaven to Nature reveal. The wailings of misery would cease ; Extortion and Pride become dumb ; And War yield dominion to Peace ; And Bondage to Freedom succumb. And :the ties tliatfeudearingly bind The fond hearts of parent and child Be cliériéhed‘by all humankind. Inhabiting city or wild. For though neither temple nor shrine R‘eseclioes an anthem to 1.1180, Yet in man thou art something divineâ€"- O Friendship ! thou'rt heaven to me ! ._ _ illiatillriiituur, -“__.. DEEs's plainly; the thinnest soap- bubbles wear the gaudiest colors. ‘~ VERY good, but rather too pointed,†as the fish said when he swallowed the bait_ IN extent British America measures 2,880,000 square miles, larger by 660,000 square miles than the area of the United States. A CRUS’PY old bachelor says that Adam’s wile was called Eve, because, whenslie appeared,'ma’n’s day at happiness was fast drawing to a close. SOCIALLY PHILOSOPHICAL.â€"Want8d to know, whether the hoopla, who endorse the th'eOry that all property is common. ever 'wa‘llop their children for stealing preserves. _ A Well at any point along Saginaw mver, Michigan, to the depth of 700 feet, willbring to the surface the strongest and purest salt brine found anywhere in the United States. “Bob, you say that you believe diseases to be contagious. How long hare you entertained such notions i†‘ Ever since I sat alongside a blue-eyed girl, and caught the palpitation of the heart. Why are women like ivy? Because the greater the ruin. the closer they clina. -â€"â€"VVhy is "ivy like women? Because sometimes the closer they cling, the greater the ‘ruin‘. Of all things, may I never become that despicable thing, a woman living upon all-- miration. The village matron, tidying- up for her husband and children at evening, is fanfarimore' enviable and respectable.â€" .Mrs. Hemarzs. "I live in Julia’s eyes,’ said a fool in Coleman’shearing. ‘1 don’t wonder at it,’ replicd‘George.‘since I obServcd' she hadJa styc in them when I saw her last. ECONOMICYL PATrâ€"T‘WO men ï¬red at an eagle at the same rim; and, killed him. An Irishman observed, ‘ They might have, saved their poWder and shot, for the fall would have killed him.’ WANTED.-â€"-A couple of dozen good girl's wi‘tliilargc‘bum’ps of cook'ativ'eness, wasliatiyeness, ‘and' 'scrubliouseactiveness’ on their heads and hands, to whom liberal wages will be given. ' A WRITER in the Dublin University Magazinesrieaking lot the poor of Ireland, says: “ Many thousands of ~them' were often. destitute 'of the only food they possessed.†IT seems impossible to convince pimple tliat‘training is asuecessary to .a woman as toa‘ man; that priiiting'and law cepving are 5 businesses which 3 “most ‘be through servihg an apprenticeéhip"(gene- rally in youth), printing eSpecially.â€"â€" Emily Faithfull. ,stomach. “ms: learned ' " CURE EOR “DISEASE-7 We proclaim another mode of treating diseaseo-a 'tr’entment that casts homeopathy, hydronathy, steam-doctorihg,the movement cure, and the science ol tliereapentics it- selfentirely in the shade. It is Well known that all these systems, though they make a loud noise in the world, really accomplish vc‘ryflittlc; nearly all patiehis who reCCVcr under the treatment of physicians of any'sch-ool, would have recovered without the aid of the pliysiciaii,and it is very seldom indeed that fatal diseases are diverted from their course by putting drugsinto the But our system is effoc- tual; it will cure many of the worst diseases to which mankind are sub- ject. and will prevent them all. It is as simple as it is powerful; it is nothing more than rais‘ing a blister in he palm ol the hand. The blister must not be raised by 'nritliorides Or other poisonous iriitiims, but must be produced by friction, iii-- companicd with an alternate con- traction and extension of the muscles. If the operation acts as a sudoriï¬c, inducing a sensible perspir ation between the claviclcs one above the eyebrows, it is all the more efficacious. Almost ary solid substance my be employed for administering the friction, though it has been discovered that the best Substance for the purpose is the handle of some tool, such as a ham- mer, saw or plane, the very best of all being the handle of a plough or a hoe. This treatment produces the good effect of all the articles in the whole materia mediocz,and with more power and certainty than they. For in- stance, it is a more powerful opiate than opium, and, while the sleep induced by narcotics is succeeded by nausea and debiliiy, that result- ing from’this treatment is whollv refreshing and invigorating, and is followed by a peculiarly healthful and buoy ant exhilaration. As a tonic it is more beneï¬cial than bark or iron, not only stren- gthening the muscles, but actually enlarging their volume. To give an appetite, it is better thanvany dinner pill. Ifihe epicure who sits down to his table with indifference, and forces a few month- fuls of his dainty viiinds into his stomach, where they give him great he will come to the table with n keen desire that will give a relish to the ploii‘iest fOod ; and digestion Waits upon an appetite thus pro~ duced. It is a better remedy for incipient consumption than cod liver oil. and is a sovereign cure for dyspepsia, jaundice, liver complaint, and a long train of chronic diseases. but is the best of all medicinesdfor a mind diseased. If a man Who is suffering from liypooliondrhiSis. who \lecls that the burdens of life are lgreater than he can bear, and who sees the clouds of despair settling over his future, will take hold ol a shovel-handle and raise a blister in the palm of his hand, he will be surprised to see how the troubles that have Opprcssed him are i rushed aWay. and the future before him is brightened. New beauties will come upon the face of nature, and new joys and hopeswill spring up to his heart. This is the true elixir of life. thile other modes ol treatiiieni are CXDCIISIVC, this not only costs absolutely nothing, bui it is a source of revenue to the patient. It i'c- moves not only sicknch and deepond- army. but povortv also. It is a remedy for all the ills that flesh is heir of. It will not only remove bodilv ills, ' COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S BENCH, Conveyancor and Auctioneer, Luv 31. 4TH Con. MRRKHAM. September 18, 1860. 95-tf Auction Notice. THOMASIEOWMAN, LicensedI Auctioneer, FOR rm: _ - COUNTIES OI" YORK dz. PEEL. ‘ All letters addressed to “ Almira.†P.O. wil receive prompt attention. Orders received at the “York Heraldâ€0ï¬ico, Richmond Hill ;' Mr. Henry Lemon, 'I'hornhill. and Mr, James Cavaiinah. Mansion House, Sharon. where Terms. 650. may be obtained. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. 6241' CHARLES TAGGART, CONFECTIONER. BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT BIKER RICHMOND HILL. Pic-nic Parties & Tea Ivl'eetings Attended and supplied on reasonable terms. Richmond Hill. June ‘24. 1861. 135-tf Eove Troughs, Witter Shouts, Cistrons and Pumps, Manufactured and for Sale by JOHNLANGSTAFE STEAM Mines, 'l‘rronnniLL. June 3.1859. 2741' sonouon DENTIST, auaoiu‘. Teeth inserted on Silver. Gold or Valcanized Rubber. All Operations in his I’rofessron. performed in the most approved manner and Warranted' Aurora. March 9. 1860 67-1y W. G. TAYLOR. VETERINARY SURGEO , Member oft/w Royal College Qf V.S. I N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage. ment heretofore received begs to intimate that he is now prepared to treat all Diseases of animals .' At his own stables on the shortest notice, and can with conï¬dence warrant a cure in all cases within the reach of medical skill and treatment. Residence ~Nca7‘ the Eagle Hotel. NB. No Charge for Stabling. Newmarket, Feb. 26, 1862. l70-ly FARM FOR SALE. r HE Subscriber offers for sale the north pres part of . Lot Ne. 13 In the 1st Concentric distress, will adopt this treatineiit.' OF Tch Township of Howard, Containing 75 acres, about 40 of which are under a high state ol cultivation There is on the Farm 8 acres of Fall Wheat. a good Orchard. 8. Log House and other outbuildings There is also a RED OF OCIIRE on the pro- perty, which only requires a small capital to open it up. There is also strong indications of OIL on the property. For further particulars apply to ROBERT MARSH. Lot 4|. lst Con. Markham. Richmond Hill, Feb. 26. 1862. >i;( .17ll-fi J O H N S Ed: I TH, ’Late from Yorkshire Engla d,) General Blacksmith, EGS to intimate to the Farmers and others in the neighborhood, that 'ie has leased for a term of years the Blacksmith’s Shop, owned and lately occupied by Mr. S. Sanderson, nearly opposite the post ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, where he intends to carry on too Blacksniithing business in all its branches, and he hopes, by attention and punclualityâ€"coinbiiied with his “ o:d Country†experience, to merit a share of their support. hmond Hill, March '27, 1862. 174 U NEW l‘lllllllTllllll lTlllll on RICHMOND MILL. Edwin 'Webber, wIsEGS to iiiiiinate to the inhabitants of Rico- inoiid Hill and Vicinity, Iliat he has commenced hcsiiiess as CABINET MAKER, UNDEhTAKER, ac, Two doors south of the “ York Herald†Oflice. where he has oti hand a general assortment of Though this system is the best of IIOIISGIIOIII I‘flll'llltlll' ‘3, any for the cure of complaints. its great superiority is a prophylactic. ll prope. ly administered to a healthy subject, it will prevent all disease. His next neighbor to the writer of this died at ninety-four, of old age. A few days before his death, in conversation with him, we asked him if he had ever consulted a physician. He replied that he never had. “ Were you ever sick I†“ N0.†“ Not a day H No.†“ Not an hour I†u NU.†“ You were never sick during your whole life I†it No.†This man knew nothing of phy- siology ; he had nevc‘rpractised any system of dieting; but every duv, Sundays and all, for more - eighty years, and generally, except- ing Sundays, through the whole day, from before sunrise till after sunset. he had applied friction to the palm of his hands. -â€"- Scientiï¬c flmericun. ' ’ z†FRANCE. as well as England, has been expcrii'nctiting‘Cn the vulnerablcness oli ironéplatéibsidps, and has provéil. it is said to her Satisfaction. upon lli'i‘ckly-coatvd targets at Vinccniics, that shot can be made to penetrate such vessels. SOME people are very dull when per- fectly sober; like a Water, they must'be iwell wettcd to be good for anything. than . Ofthe best quality. cheap for cash, at? A Call is Solicitcd. Richmond Hill. June 7, 1861. [32â€"h NEW AND IMPROVED , ,Map of Upper Canada! OULD you secure a valuable and orna- mental Work of Reference 1' Subscribe or the ~ Typographical, Statistical AND Illustrated Map of Upper Canada. In preparation by Geo. C. 'l'remaiiie, the old “and well-known publisher of Descriptive County Maps. t1? Residents of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local or Travelling agents 'l‘oronto. May 1861. 138-tt‘ H. are. HARRISON Flour Barre-l Heading, Stave and Shingle llIanufiictiircrs, and Lumber Planers. Seasoned Flooring and Siding kept on hand, and Pinned to’ order in quantities to suit pur- chaseis. I13†Factoryâ€"on Markham and Elgiii Mills Plank Road. P.O. address, Richmondlrlill. June 7. inst. seam RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION l r .‘HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their . LIBRARY to ihe ‘ Ilsa .Ll) ' Book Store. where Stockholders and tubers may procure BOOKS every Friday afternoon. lrom 4 to 8 o’clock. r M, V A‘. SCOTT, Librarian; Richmond Hill, Feb. 27,-1861. i Niehol’s Hotel, Richmond “Hill,- ‘ or country, or, if proterred, I can furnish them ‘FA’NNING MILL,S&PUMPS T†Surgeon: Dentist, , 0n Tuesday at . McMann’s Hotel, Klineburg, On Wednesday following. .11 ERE he .will be happy to wait-on those ‘ requiringhis servicesin any branch of his profession. _ l‘eeth inserted on Gold Plateiiuin.'Viilcaii- ized Rubber, or Continuous Gum on Platenum. The latter bring the most beautiful teeth now in use. Dr. Pncx has all the advantages of the- Profession, both in the States and Caiiadas, having formerly been connected with Dentists in New York; he now receives direct from them every improvement of the Profession throughout the United States. Particular attention given to the Regulation of Children’s I'eeth. Consultation Free. All letters addressed to him at Aurora prem- ptly attended to. Aurora. Feb. 20, 1861 168-ly our iiiâ€"rniioin acorns. i No article ever before introducrd to woman AT On the ‘2nd Monday of each month, at f ' DI 0108' (1,0 TEL, ï¬ler-pie. the public has equalled the LIQUID GUTTAâ€" . . . , .. i PERCHA lor coating tin or other roots, new or old. One gallon, nesting $1.50, three times as long as white lead or other paint. For covering roofs, either new or old, we repeat, it has no equal for durabi- . lily and cheapness, and we olfer it to the ‘9 public fully conï¬dent of its intrinsic excel- lence. and With our warrantee that it will do all we claim for it. Sold in barrels of forty gallons each, at a liberal discount to Address all orders to READY ROOFING Co., l4«8~12m. dealers. 23 Cedar~street, New York. GEO. McPHIL-LIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, C.W.‘ December 14. 1860. DENTISTRY i A D A M S . D . Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING s'r. uxs'r, SOUTH SIDE. Titian noon \VI‘IS'I‘ FROM CHURCH 8T. TORONTO, n ARTICULAR attention given to the ragti- lation of Children’s 'Iecth. free. and all work warranted. Dr. A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all itsbranohes. and can supply the profession with 'l‘eeth. Gold. Vulcanized A pparniiis and ancanite Rubber, and thetbest Bone titling. Mineral 'l‘eetli mounted on Gold, Silver. or Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto.October 11, 186“. Consultation 49- It' W. U. S K E N" Ev MILLWRIGHT, .HLTOJV.H, T EGS to intimate that he is now prepared to j erect MILLS of every description, b contract. or otherwise, on reasonable lel'llls‘ He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada, and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, â€" Altona, Dec 23. 1859 4 NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and fur bilious complaints Sick Headache, Oostiveness &c., we should any BRIGGS’ INDIAN murth LIFE PILLS. IMPORTANT IF TRUE ! And every word is true. For'iipwards of three years past, I have been engaged in a business, which has yielded mo :11. l the rate of $3,001) per annum, but being dosi- . runs of going to Europe .ii the course of a few months for the purpose of there introducing the business, 1am willing to teach it toaiiy one who will send me 951. The business is no liiiiiibug, but of a highly useful and general character, adapted both to cities and villages. and one that any person of ordinary capacity, young or old, male or female. can acquire with a few hr‘urs’ practice, and by which the} can secure a VN'V handsome income. Several young ladies who have received instructions from me, both in New York State and Pennsylvania, arc earning upwards ni $20 per week by it. and her. is no reason why any one else cannot do the same. Iiivalids, even, can do Well by it, as it is no pod- dling affair. btit a business that is perfectly re- spectable. Gentlemen and ladies of leisure who Would like to learn the business for their their own amusement or pleasure, will ï¬nd the practice of it a pleasant pastime, and one that they will take great interest in. ‘On receipt of $1 ,I will send printed instructions by which any person can readin acquire the art, and these instructions will also contain every particular relative to the carrying it on so that it will be highly proï¬table. The purchaser of the “v print- ed instructions ’f Will also be authorized to teach it to others: and I have sometimes received as high as $200, for teaching it personally to a single individual. I would state further that $9.50 or $3.00 will buy every thing that is tie- cessary to commence the business with. and the articles can be get almost anywhere, in city AuDaEss. Peanut), Alvord T. Parsions, No 36 Liberty 51., Nevaork. The best of references given when required, E Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that he manufactures the latest improved PUMPS AND FANNINE MILLS In his Shop. at Stoutl'ville, where all. orders entrusted to his carewill receive prompt atten- tion; and for cheapness and durability lie defies competition. Repairing done with despatch. I All letters addressed to PETER KRIBS, Stoull‘vilfo P. O. l5l-6m. l Stoufl'ville. Oct. 15. 1861. WORMS. For destro ing Worms in children, SITTZENS VERMIFUGE CANDY is by far the most plea-an: cafe, and effectual remedy now in use. Try it! Sell by all dealers in medicines. - Sold byW s. POLLOCK', Richmond Hill. a. . " .. nan; I‘W-fy A will (hm-orig;th cent from ‘200 to 300 feel (if roof, HUI this coating W111 render Illr.‘ . reofpcrfcclly water-[woof and will lasr ' err w. c. Dalyell, i , URGEO‘N Deiitist,'will in. at N‘i‘c'iwii’s Morton} of every month, and, the re- mainder of the month“ attm his resmo‘nce, McCayeville, 7th Ce‘ucessib'n of York." All .. . Work ‘War‘rï¬'fffed. " U I Teeth ï¬lled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Bone.-This ï¬lling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing no pain, as itrequires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the toefltto which it firinlv adheres; rendering it almost'i’r‘trpessible for theiï¬lliiig ever to come out; ' - -‘ ‘ Dr. Husband has made arrangements with Mr. G. L. Elliot, of Toronto, to. manufacture his Artiï¬cial Teeth ; these who'éng'age Doctor Husband to do their work will be s'ure or IIflVv- ing it done in a superior manner, July 8. 1859. airâ€"n. TORONTO CITYMAR‘BLE W0 RIIS 185 YON CE STAEET. MONUMEN simmer ABLES. TOMBSTONES ac. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper, THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. «HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of D. C. & W. YALE. will con- tinue the business under the superiiitendence of our duly euthorized agents, Avs'riiv Annrzv and D, Cannesyana. Whose receipt will be, ’ SEWING- MACHINE duly acknowledged. l’.S.-â€"â€"All notes and accounts remaining tin- paid on the 181 day of June. 1858. Will be put into Court for collection, C. YA LE. P. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29,1859. 48vtl' UNI'I‘Y Fire & Life Insurance Association or LONDON, - Vlith which is Amalgamated the Equitable Fire Ofï¬ce. CAPITAL, £2,500,000, STERLING. Available Assets Fire Departm’t $4,547,061 10 2,526,595 46 50.0110 ()0 150,500 00 Life Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deposit Fund in Canada . . . . . . . Deposit Fund in New York... .. CHIEF OFFICE IN CANADA : MERCHANTS’ EXCIIANGE MONTREAL. Directors, Fire Department. W. Lnnn, Esq. .l. G. Mackenzie, Esq, J. Torrance, Esq. .I Frothingham, Esq. B. Holmes, Esq. A. Lar'o‘cqne, Esq. Trustees in London : C. F. Bazin, Esq. Trustees in New York : S. Livingston. ï¬rm ofBarchyd’r Livingston, Wm. H . ViVlacy. Pres’t Leather Mantil‘act Brink W. Sherman, ï¬rm of Duncan, Sherman cho Every description of Fire and Life In suran cc Business transacted at the most moderate rates at l’reiiiium. W. P. REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N. A. Agent for Torontoâ€"ARTHUR M. JARVIS Office, 67 Yoiige Strcel. 2nd Door South of King. 'l‘oreiito, April 12, 1861 Dr. LA. CROIX’S PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATIE ON THE Physiological View of Marriage. 250 PAGES AND 130 meantimeâ€"Trice only twenty-five cents. Sent free of postage to all purt~< of the Union. On the inï¬rmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of both sexes of all ages, causing debility, ner- vousness, depression of spirits, palpitation of the heart, suicidal imagiiiings, involuntary emis- sions. blushings, defective memory, indigestion and lassitude, with confessions thrilling ma 1'- es! qf a Boarding School Miss, a College.Stu- dent, and a Young Married Lady, 4.0., (Sm. It is a truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, who entertain secret doubts of their physical condition. and who are conscious of having hazarded the health, happi- ness, and privileges to which every human being is entitled. Young Men who are troubled with weakness, gene'alh caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pains. forgetful- noss. sciiietiines a ringing in the ears, Weak eyes, weakness of the back and lower extremi- ties. confusion of ideas, loss of rnei‘riory. with iiielnuclioly. may be cured by the author’s New Paris and London Treatment. \Ve have recenin devoted much of our time in visiiiiig the European Hospitals. availing ourselves of the knowledge and researches of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many new and efï¬cacious remedies which we are enabled to introduce 11110 our practice, and ’the public may rest as- sured of the same zeal. aSsiduity. SECRECY and attention being paid-to their cases, which has so successfully distinguished us heretofore, as a Physician In our peculiar departi'neiii of profes- sional Practice, tor the past twenty ï¬ve years. FRENCH FEMALE PILLS.-â€"-_Ladies who wish for Medicines. the efï¬cacy of which has been tested in thousands of cases, and never failed to effect speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr. DeLancy’s Female Pe- riodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies should‘not take them if they believe they are in certain situations (the particulars of which will be found on the wrapper accompanying each-box-,) though always safe and healthy. so gentle, yet so active are. they. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any part of the United States or Canada. To THE Lamas-Who need a conï¬dential medical-adviser with regard to any of those iii- terestiiig‘ Complaints .towhioli their delicate or- ganization renders them liablerare particularly invited to consult us. ‘ THE“ EL-Ec'rao GALVANIC PROTECTIVE. "â€"-â€"For married ladies whose health will not'admit’; or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe preventive to conception, and has been exten- sively used during the last 20 years. Price re- duced to $10. THE SECRETS OF YOUTH UNVEILED. A Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decay -â€"â€"A solemn Warning. showrng the insidious progress and prevalence among subcols, {bath male und.leiiiale].‘ol' this ' fatalhabit; pointing out the fatalitviliatiiiva- riablv attends its victims. and developing the whole progress of the disease,er the com- meticemer’it to the end. ‘ It will be sent by mail-on receipt of two [.3] cent Stamps. . tL'!’ Attendance daily from 8 in the" morning till 9st night: and OII'SIIIIdH‘ISII'l'Om.2 to 5pm. Madmines with full directions sentvtoanypart of the United States or Canadas, by patients coinmunicaiingftheir symptom» by letter. Busi- . ness correspondence strictly conï¬dential: " 11:? Dr. Us Ofï¬ce is‘still located as established, under the name of Dr." La Croix, at No. 31’», Maiden Lane, Albany,-N.‘¥. “loll-1y fRicfihiondEï¬H-ill; Ilia " “351', .Np 123~Iy . Juste published.) a book. ‘ September 5. 1861 " “knives/iterating i I No. 2‘21rasr‘i-wm-rirnmb srnnn'r. I733? 1’75'onaun‘s'mcar 65.215 osa’rau s'rnEET y . Established less I New York cushioned P38 7 ‘HIS"iE§Iy/lillli'sllmellt has beenzin successful ’ operation 94 years, and is thethtessij of the kind in the; United State’sï¬We haveon hand; or manufacture to‘order'ev'erv description of ' Looking Glass‘, Pictu‘fé '- Pok‘i/czt' Frames, Plain Omcrï¬cntal 'Pz'cr, l/V all Oval and Mal/Ital Glasses, Conizccti-Itg CorniCes. Base, 6* Brae/rel Table$,with Mar- , : ,ble . Slabs, Toilet ' Clarissa, (yo. (yo. . MOUL'I‘INGS for PICTURE FRAMES. in lengths suitable for transportation. ,éiiher tht, Berling, Rosewood, Oak. Zebra, Birdseye, Mahogany.~ 6w. Our new Manufactory and extenswe fa- cilities enable its to furnish any article in our line as good, as the best, and as effort]; as the cheapest. -- .DEALEiia am.- la‘vmcn 'ro Cauldron Us when they visit New York. We claim to be, able to supply them with every article in our line which "they can possibly require. at prices lower than they can purchase elsewhere. Orderis by mail attended to witli‘promptness. Do not fail to.call when you .visit New York Office and W’arerooms, No. ‘215 Centre St.. New York. HORACE v. SlGLER, l75-3iiios. Agent. FINKLE & LYON CthP’Y., 538' BROADWAY, NEW , YORK. person who contemplates purchasing a Sewing Machine foi‘ family or ‘n‘ianulacé luring purposes. should fail to send for One of our Circulars. which contains cuts and full de- scriptions of the several styles, prices. and samples of work, all or which we send by irlai-l free. \‘Ve claim to have the best Sowing Machines-in the World For either [kindly or Manufacturing purposes. And all we ask is afai'r trial. Read the following: I IMPORTANT FACTS. FACT No. l.â€"-'l‘liis Company being duly li- caused, their Machines-are protected against infringements or litigation. NAC’I' N0. 2.-¢These Machines make the lock- stickâ€"alike on both sidesâ€"and use ' a little less than half as much thread and silk as the chain or loop-stitch machines. I FACT No. 3.-â€"'I‘hese Machines are better adap- ted than ant other sewingmachiiics in the market to the frequent changes and almost endless variety of sewing requiied in a fa- mily. They Will sew from one to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without siopping, and make every stitch perfect. They will even sew from the ï¬nest gauze to the hen- viest cloth. and even stout. hard leather, without changing the r feed, needle, or ten- sion. or making any adjustment of machine whatever. Is not such a machine best adapted to family use 7 and if best adapted to family use, why not for every variety of light sewing manufacture? For work too heavy for our Fai’nilv Machine. we recom- mend our larger sizes. FACT No. 4 â€"'l‘hese Machines make the mest elastic scam of any sewiiig-iiincliiue in useâ€" a fact of very great importance in sew~ ing elastic goods, or goods of any kind, on a bias. '~ - Facr No. 5.â€"-No Machine is more durable or more simple in its construction,or more easily understood. The reputation of these Ma'â€" chines wherever used \VIII fully demonstrate each of the above FACTS. FACT No. 6 -â€"'I‘iiese Machines took the High~ est Premium at the Franklin Institute. Phil- adelphia. FACT No. 7.â€""‘hese Machines took the Highâ€" eSi Fremiurii at the New Jersey State Fair. FACT No. 8.â€"-'1‘hese Machines took the high- est Medal at the American Institute. in the City of New York, together with the High- est Premium for line Serving-Machine Work FACT No. 9.-â€"â€"These Machines took both the Highest Premiums at the Mechanics’ Fair, Utica. N.Y. FACT No. lO.â€"â€"These Machines can do the same thing generally. whenever properly exhibited in competition with other ï¬rst-class Sewing-Machines. .Bu't we have space for only onefact moreâ€"it is‘ the most important Fact of all.‘ ' F ACT N 0. ll.-- W'o warrant every Machine we sell to give better satisfaction. than any other Sewing-Machine in t/ré‘f/mrkct, 01' Money refunded. ‘ IFSend foraCir‘cular. AGENTS WANTED Address. FINKLE & Lvon SEWING-IVIACHINE Co., No . 538 Broadway. New York. September 5.1861. lard-Sm ‘ Desirable viii-mgr: Property For sale . ‘ ’FHE Subscriber offers for Sale two valuable VILLAGE LOTS. situated in the very centre of the fast rising town of Port Elgin, on ' lmko Huron. and in the County of Bruce; the Lots are known as Lots No. 40 and 41, in block N0. 87 of the Village. ’ This is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make a home for himself, The shipping from the Port is considerable, and a pushing and improving business is done in the townâ€"for a Mechanic the opening is unequalled. For particulars apply at the ‘Himltim Or- FICE,’ or to WM. COURTNEY. Richmond Hill, April 24, 1862. 178-tf. THE iiiiiioiisori Prior. THE HEROES OF WAR. ANTHONY, No. 501 BROADWAY. NEW , YORK, is now publishing, in addition to other portraits, the'celebijated collection known it Europe and America as . BRAD Y’S NA 'I'IONALPHOTOGRAPHIG POR I'RAI'I' GALLERY. in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of America. not excepting Jeff. Davis. Gen. Beauregard. Floyd and a host of other confoderates’. Price of Portraits. $3.00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the _War .for the Union, ‘ are published,ca‘rd size, and in stereoscopic form ' ALSO. Stereoscopic Views of, Scenes in Paris, London, and in other parts of England and France ; in Scotland, Ireland, \Vales. Holland. Switzer- land. Spain, on the Rhine, in Athens, Egypt, Turkey, theHoly Land Chiw na, India, Cuba. &.c.. &c., ,ad inï¬nitum. â€"â€"_.. Ous Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Are the Greatest _ Wonder of the Age. These are taken in the fortieili part ot'a second. and the rushing oliwater‘. the moving of vehi- cles. or the march of air army. doesâ€n'ot in the sligliest degree affect the' taking of these views. They are sold-for.$3,00 per dozen. 'VV'e have also on handand manufacture the iargest assortment of S’I‘EREOSCOPES. PHO'I'OGRAI’HIC‘AL‘BUMS, and Photographic Materials in the Uniled‘SiaLes", and perhaps in the world Catalogues. containing lists of all our Por- traits. Views, Stereoecogies. &c., sent: free by mail on receipt of a stamp .E. ANTHONY. 501 BROADWAY, near‘Nicholas Hotel-.New York. u-Un‘PARAbLELED, I .THE amuse 145-1'y- 'Buï¬'alo, N. Y. ' FOR CONSUMP'E’IW.‘3“ 1 l ‘ Nations;- Debiltt , Scrqfultlggandy 522, i - ’ '.omhitul.'&c'i’ v Curb"! iii'i ; HIS .ie the ,most wonderful cut-41'â€, ’ V I 2 known togmedlcalgscieuce. ltd)†footed cures in every ,st go. of .Consurhp ' (1 M ENGINE-3’1 .In News“. . Default-vaunan gs. pepsin, . thb» , I’mxï¬semgy. Iâ€: ‘N’iit .' garded as an almost sovereignremedy, , , The} .Hyvstflwnfltltrv t . Have a ‘tWodiold and ,iipecjilic @1695â€?qu I one thand. increasing tlief‘priiic'iplervvhloll;CQ ' f . S’l‘lTU'I‘ES NERvoUs ENERGY; warm, ’ the other, being the MOST . innoon GEN ‘RATIN c AGENTS KNOWN They act with promptness and certainty in all}, general morbid conditions. such as Chronic Brbnchitis. Asthma, ScrOfn‘la, MaresmusnAhefi inia, Female Complaints, &c.,’ and'in‘alludiaé: orders of the Nervous or Blood Sy'ste'rr'rsf', 'Ii‘heitji, effect upon the tuberculin condition is'lmmgdia’ ates-all the . general symptoms disappegrmg _ ,with a rapidity Which is really ma'rvelou‘sp-V, l'l‘hey increase the nervous or vital energy. to- lieve Cough. cheek Night SWeatst diminish- lilxpcctm'ation,r improve theï¬rppetite. arrest Diarrhoea, and promote refreshing sleep. A FAIR. TRIAL IS A' CERTAIN CURE. Wmchesterf p. Genuine. reparation. !. OF THE hf, rd’rhosriitgt’ns n lament): , reliable forin'of..l)'r. Churchill’s, Remedy...and,to, . approved bylhe Medical Profession general ',,.V, USE NJ OTHEROR ANY REMEDY Co. 5, , ,; 'I‘AINING IRON. , L PiiiCrzs :’--I;n Zioï¬ikffottles, $1â€"6 Bottles“ for $5. In 1662. Bonig‘.;$*-2,.â€",1‘hreerqr $5,. Circulars gratis. Sold by; all respectable Drugs, ,,, gists, and arms sole General. Depot."iii'tltej._ United States, by I ' J. WINCH EhTER, 36 John St.. N.Y. THE SPECIFIC†PILL I A SPECIF‘IC‘REMEDY FOR Spermatorrhéa or s........z Tit/earners: .92 Genital Irritability, in'either Seat. ‘ THIS is the only remein for Sexual Debility, Impotency. Sterility. &c.. which has thegap'n proval ot'the medical profession. Its success has been most extraordinaryâ€"effecting cul'es in cases where all other methods of treatmenthnd failed. One to six boxes of‘ the SPECIFIC" PILL will permanently. cure any case of Semi“ iial Weakness. or its resulting Impotencv. noweve’r aggravated, whether constitutional, or » arising from abuse or excess. ' ‘ IMPORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMONY- "I have used your Speciï¬cgl’illin. many cases of Spermatorrhea, and withthdmust pgrc, feet success. _ "J. Mimon SANDERS, M.D..I..L,D.†“We believe it to be as near a 'Speciï¬c’ an . any medicine can be. W's have cured marry severe cases with from six to ten doses.â€i--.Dr. . B. KEITH : ‘Aiiierican Jour. of:Med..Science. _, "I have found them all that could- be de- sirod, Their effect has been truly wonderful.â€" E. P. DIt‘KER.IlI.D.†" ' ' ‘ IL? This is not a Hommpathie Remedy. nor is there any mercury or other deleterious ingre- dients combined with it, Pawnâ€"$1 per box; six boxes for $5. by mail, pro-paid, For sale by. all respectable Druggists. and at the sole General Depot-iii the United States. by ' ' I J WINCHESTER. 36 John St..N.Y. New York. Dec. 1‘2. 1861. 159-!!! SLAVERY ABoLisnso; ANY who have 1;;in slaves to Rheumatic Bf tyranny have bern entirely emancipated by the use of ' i Ingram’s Infalable Liniinent ~ »\ certain cure for Rheumatism, Tic Doloreatix, Sprains, Bruises and Sweltings ~ ‘ - I ' Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple Village, in bottles at 25 and 50¢. each. ‘ ' Maple Village, Film, 14. 1861. I‘y. Try the truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS'XA- GIG BELIEF, and if you are not satisï¬ed of its afl- rlorlty after using the medicine, the ‘ so will herd? fundedby the Agent, In all cases. P ee‘ 25mm. )‘C bottle. Sold by all dealers in medicines. m. Valuable Property, for-Sale. VIZ: 63 Acres, 23 of which is timbered, Acres under Cultivation. Several PARK LOTS with timber thereon. Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY with er without Buildings. ' ‘ ' " The above property is situated at. and 9(1- joining to, the Village ‘of " ' l H v Richmond 132111... For further particular-s apply at the 0me gef ‘ this paper. i ' ‘ l ' .9191 Richmond Hill, Sept. 2. 1860. Consultth Old English Physician r you ‘ ‘ As-riiMA. I'thr‘rE'NT CONSUMPTION, INFIRMI’I‘lES or YOUTH, AND OLD AGE,&c‘. No Mchiï¬y Used. Dr. Amos do Son, 4‘3 EAST GENESEE STREET, ' " Buffalo. New Yours RE the only Physicians in th’e“ State who are members of the Royal Collegint' Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 3‘ o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, iit every state“ and symptom of disease. '- r ‘ ‘ “ ’~" †The treatmentthey adopt is the result of up- wards of thirty years' extensive aiid=-suoces_bt‘u‘l .; practice in: London. -* ' - ' ' ‘ ' 'l 1.- MOST sCiEu'rmic INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi‘ lily, of Nocturnallflmission's, inorecpropedy known as Seminal Weakness,"&d‘. Cali 1% permanently cured in' from .15 to ‘20'days, by the use of this instrument, when used den-i jointly with. medicines". Dr..Am0s do Son. in I order to satisfy the most skeptical’as to the merits of their instrpe inen‘t, pledge themselves that in’ any instill!!! where it may prove unsatisfactory. after a fair trial. the money will be refundedgbyv retur in ~ the instrument in goodorder. PriCeTeti' lars. by mail or express; vounc MEN TAKE Panricu'nxn series. These who have injured themselvesgby taiu practice indulged in when aloneâ€"ya a "t' fro'quoiin learned tram evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are ni’g'rbtlyrfeltieven when asleep, and if not cured. renders marriagd impossible†an(destroyst both mindi‘antlbodf. ' should apply immediately. Self-abnSelï¬'s one the rnostfoijmidflhlq enemies‘td heallh,,f0f‘ It?“ thing elsein the dire catalogue of human- dis- eases causesVSu ‘destructive'a drain'. upbrith human siistem, drawing its th'ot'lsa'nils.of'vic-~ ‘ tiiiis through a few years of suffering down-ton, an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous , ;system rapidly, wastesaWay'the e’nergiéb‘df Iifdt, . causes mental derangement. prevents the pro-r per development of the system, disqualiï¬es for marriage. society, business, and all earthly .happiness. and ,leavesjtlié ~‘sltiï¬i'srhr In; body and mind, predisposed to consumption and h train of evils “more to ,‘be‘ dreaded-than death itself. * ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ RERSONB In an}! PART OF THE .-WORLD may .be successfully treatedlby forwarding y correct detail of their case.» ' ' ‘ Address Dr. Amos & SoN, 48' East Genesee Street. ' three doors NVest‘ of Ellicott Street ‘ " "8891f “up; ‘ionh tiizm l‘ti'â€?