Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 May 1862, p. 1

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fillicmiiiirt {built IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. And despatched to Subscribers by the earlios malls. or other conveyance. when so desired The YORK HERALD will always be be foundtocoutaintlie latestand niostinipor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets. and the greatest care will be taken to ~ronder it acceptable to the man of business. and avaltiable Faniilt Newapaper. TERMSâ€"Sewn and Sixpence perAniiuni, tr ADVANCE; and if not paid within The. Mouths two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Sixliiiesaiid under, first insertion... . .$()U 5!; Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . "ll 12;, Ten lines andunder. first insertion. . . . . (1075;, Above teu lines, first iii., per line.... ttll ti‘; Each subsequciitiiisertiou. per line . . . . (IH 02 If? Advertisements thIlUlIl written dire. - lion. inserted till forbid, and charged accord- tugiy. All transitory advertisements, front 811711113028 or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties mt- V,O|‘l.18illg by the year. ALEX. SCOTT, Proprietor. "(’Il Ev. 26- WW‘ A, MAJ-“Am IIO‘I‘E I. CARDS. RICHMOND HILL HO Trill. RICH can NICHOLL‘J, Pl'Opt‘telO). 1 LARGE is connected With this .1 )Ict‘UIIgS. Nit, A b't‘AGfi leaves this Hotel every morning ‘ for Toronto, til 7 ‘n m. : returning. leaves 'I‘uiotlni at Iinifpust 3. All advertisements published for alerts pe rim than one month. must be paid {or “I “a. yahoo. (ioou b‘tabtiiig and a careful Hostior in All letters addreSSed to the Editor must “in “WWI: ost paid. lttchitioud Ilill, Nov. 7, lo’til. No paperdiscontinued until allurrearagesnn ptid : and parties refusing papers whim", P,“ in: up. will be held accountable l'orttie sun. lcripliotl. 1' ' hite Hart [illollfVIUt‘IJ ttt‘l.t.. ._... M,~~,..m.~_4wm ,v THE YORK 11 I‘jltA Ll) Book and Job I’riii ti n5: ESTABLISMEN'I‘. that he hits touswl the above tioiel. wilch he willkeepconstnntt} oil It iid a good .uppti of tirst-ciass LatthUl'h. Arc. As this «unso possess” every accoiiiinouatioii Irat- vol 01> can (It-site. those who Wth! 10>th Where the} can find cvm'y coniturt are respectfully iii- VItetl to give him a call. l.{)1.1\1’.l.l(/D VAN 5051 It :33”. Itichiiiolid 11111. Dec. 25. isoo. tuo~ly RDERS for any of the underinentionet: description of I‘LAIN and FANCY JOII WORK will be promptly attended to :â€"-â€" nooKs, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LAItoi ANDSMAIJ. POS’I‘J‘ZRS,CIRCUI.AIts. i..\w roams. BILL HEAI)S.BAI\‘K CHECKSJHtAF’I‘S,AND I’A MP BLE'I‘ S. And every other kind of YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. ‘ 7 . 7 , GOOII supply of Vt’ilios and Liquors alwaysouhatid. Excellent Accommo- done iii the licststyle, at moderate rates. datiou for I'ravellers. Fainiers, and others. ' n r. . . ‘ v -- I' all brands. Our assortment of JOB IYI’I‘. is etitirclt (“l-5d” 0 . , ‘ i . A )- , 1 ‘ ) . . . new and of the latest patterns. A large VHHBI} l M“ LUD‘ l'ol’l'efm ofnew Fancy Type and Borders, tor Cards, 25 1y Circulars .N-c. kept always on haiid Aurora. June 6. 1859. CLYDE Iâ€"IOTEL, Ktso sr. EAST, NEAR 'rui; MARKET thiAua. TORONTO. OW. JOIIN‘ IIJILLS, Proprietor. Good Stabling attached and attentive Hustlers always in attendance. Toronto, November 1861. finances factory. A .. sJV A,~AJ\J~ ' Wrx.» MEDICAL CARDS. .w». m -WJ~A-A N». a AA A WAN.,-,~x-.-. \~_~\~.A.V,W\.~M~ DR. HOSTETTER, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons England. Opposite the E'giiz Millsy RICHMOND HILL 1'27- 13p 157-tf Jalnes Massey, (Late of the King s Head. London. ling.) N0. 26 “7 est. Market Place, 't‘OitoN'i'o. lively accoititiiodution for Farmers and others attending Mntket Good Stttbhhg. If Dinner from 1'2 to 2 o'clock. May 1. 1861. JOHN N. Ruin, M.D., CUR. 0f YONGE 86 CULBUHNE SIS., 'I‘IIOIINII ILL. Consultations in the ofiice o" the li‘tOl‘nIIlg.‘ of Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, H to 11!, flJl‘. If? All Consultations iii the office, (Lash. Thotiihill, April 9, ’62. 167 Hulater’s Hotei. mutantsâ€"isotonic i‘lII'i Subsciibcr bugs to inform the lublic lllnt he has Ioas'vd the above Hotel, wllcl't‘ no it ill kccp constantly on hand a good ~upply ol liratIc ass Liquors, &c. this IIUUM‘ posst-sscs t’VUl‘I at-coiiimodalion hart Hers can (Io.~tt‘c, those wnu wish in :tny .whei‘o the} con :ind every comfort ate respectltitlt I.a\'Il"(I to 176 ISAAC BOWMA Mfiif Graduate ofllie Uitivcnity of Vic Coll. & Provincial ticciitlitc, AS settled (permanently) at 'I‘HUPNHIIJH where he can be consulted at till tint .~ on the various branches of his prolcssmii ex- cept when absent on busniess. 'l'horiihill, May, 1:562. l l c.t't. W. H I'IS'I'I‘IIAI. Corner of Church and Stanley Q‘IS, l'oi‘onto, Scpl. ti. Iotil. :45 I_ v I79 I 'ritlz WELL-KNOWN sLACK HORSE HOTEL, Formed} kept by William Itutptt, LAW CARDS. M. TEEFY, ' COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH 001'. Of ’"Im'l’ 3‘» GUM?“ SIS CONVEYANULK, AND [i;.\>'t' 0h"1Hr'.t\I..Itl\'I/I'.J ’I oiitimo. DIVISION COURT AGENT. WILLIAM Clix, Proprietor, RICHMOND IIILI. PUS’I‘ OFFICE. [Tilli’tiCSSUI‘ to Thomas l'aitiici]. GRICEM ENTS, Bonds,1)ceds,M0rtgagcs. Wills, &c., &c., drawn with uttcllllutl and proinptitudo. Richmond Hill. Aug :29. --w.~v Good Stabtivig attached. .-Iostleis always in ntit-ndatcc. 'l'orouto. April 111.1561. l'ilnty 125 1\' LII-ll H A ems?“ \ C KEI‘ILIC. Esq.. ofthe City of 'I'or- 0 onto. has opened aii oliico in the Vil» .age of Aurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also. Convey niiciiig executed with Correctness and despatch Ii‘ouzi tiliil Iii“ ostttti rant t 6:) KING 5't‘ttltll‘1'l‘.VI‘LAS'I', Toum'ro [13’ Soups. (ironies, ()ysters. hobs-tors, tbc Division Courts attended. , p I a writs on hand. \Vellingtcn St. Aurora, do Queen St. Toronto November 20. 1661). Ill-I-ly Up iii the best stylc. 'I'orotito, April II), 1861. I25-Iy Charles C. Kc] ler, V ‘V- \\/"\, r. 1 - . . \/‘\/ x. m\» MN /\ \vv\ .VW./-V» \/\,~\/\,V\..â€"-\/WW Hotel for Assemblies. Bulls. Conceith Inn. ,lIliIVt'l'S-‘Il tttvrnxtc iii o s “fig? JOS. GREGOR’S , Lunch every day from 11 till 2. l ninth-rs and Suppers for I’rinite I’arties gut, AURORA AND RICHMOND -HILL “ Lrtt Sound Hm. {IUaEdlUN I 1.3mm] I l 'I 11.. sou \ttt. AND '1‘ i: t.i.Vt;t., ; “'0 meet upon the few] and we part upon the square. \Vliot words of precious iitoaniiig those Words I Mason‘c arc . \ onto. let u: contemplate lllt‘lll-«llivi' are wor- lh_\ of :1 tonightâ€"â€" 14.3-ily. With tin hig‘wst au-i the lowest. and the rarest . .~x.A}.mm-d. m a terrible passion, the) are fraught. llIt‘l'l upon the level, though from th-ry station cotllt': . . . vi. , ' -. . , . . i111*.bubscribi-rtn-gs to iiitot'inlhe l’nblic L” [\"L' WI“ "III 1'" iml Icev and ‘1‘“ I’”or "minimum prusudqninu, um] I Will than flout “is home; For the one must leave the diadctii outside the Masoti’> door, And the other fitid his true rt-spcct upott the checkered floor. ' ' Wu part. upon the square, to the Word must have its due. We tun-flit; With the inultitude.a cold.unt‘riend- I). "HAV; But the influence of gatherings iii memory is g eon. And we long upon the level, to renew the happy acetic: There is a World “here all are equal. we are Iiuzryiiig to it last, We shah inert upon the level there. when the gates of death are p at. \V'e shall 'llilld up upon the Orient, and our Master W111 be there. To try Illt‘ books we offer with his own utter- ring square, We shall meet tipoti the levol thoro; biit never thence depart,â€" Tliore’s a itlatlritilIâ€"’IIS all ready for each trusting. faithful heart: There's a mansion, and a welc0tiie,and a titul- titude is there, We have met upon the level. and been tried upon the square. Let us "1901 upoit the level, then, while labor ing Iii-re below ; Already in the Wurlel‘ll sky the signs hid ub pt‘t pate 'I'e git her up otir working tools, and be tried upon the square. Hand round. to ‘fllfltful Masons, all the bright fraternal chain. We meet upon the square below. to meet in lteawn again: U ! w‘int Words ofprecious tile tiiiig Iiosc wurds' Masonic arc, We met t upon the Level. and We put upon the square. tLiti-tiiiiiri. DEA TH Wratiilijtfiki‘i l.\.\'t‘tt().\\' Minn-iii. Was .2 but.» yiittiip, SHIIIUV no ::\:'r lurrc minim m: “I! “A Illlfliotlllf"flt‘1'l. “:s :1; almost 21cm.â€" 'Iiie llth'tI III’S fluidity and titration, .litdiilltix'. ultti '.V'tfi“i':‘tl flats her beautiful trics iipcni them. .ttut i'ctnriicd lIIv"|l‘ IIIIIIlIIIvHIS with ’wiiiiiing Smile. 'I'lici'e “Hi suldirr tti III'.‘ “hull: l'aigginilrnl itit Would have lH‘tn pititin to thin» shed his lost drop of blood to I‘iait'tll an insult to the bright slur til Nis cllc t\'1:iii_\' wr‘i‘u Ilzeic wlni ‘VUI'SIIIIIPIHl .it hot ti “Hts shrine, but tltcrc wits Hill‘s ATTORNEY-AT I LAW, SOLII‘I'I'UH in Chancery, Conveyaiicer. t& c. «'fiice, n Victoria Buildings. over the Chronicle. office Brock Street. Whitby. Also a Branch Others in the village of 13th verton, Township of Thumb, and County oi Ontario. The Division Courts iii ()ntiirio. Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Whitby. Nov. 9-2. isoo. Hid-t} JAMES B0 UL TON, Esq. Barrister, Law Officeâ€"Corner of Church and King Sts. Toronto, March 8. 1861. It9-tt' NEWBiCGING HOUSE, ‘ A I 1‘. (‘lai'el (.Ull 110ml, No. :26. 3% and 3.’ _1J I‘I'UIII Stu-ct, 'I oroiito. day l'oi'tets always in attendance it the Cats and Boats. \V. N EW Ilthi ING. l’roprto-tor. 'I'oruiito. April 8. 1861- I'J-Lly 96h? MILLS HOTEL, ' YUNGE STREET, 1111‘. Stibir-riber begs to intimate that he has least-d the above Ilt-IO'I, and havnig rer upoti having every comfort and attention at this first class house. Good Sinbliiig and an attentive Hustler al- ways In attendance. WI IJI..IA M LENNOX, Proprietor. .Tliwiiuiitfiv. IIUttI), ‘ ARRIS'I‘ER, Attorney-at- Law. Solicitor in Chancery,Conve\ HIKE-‘1‘, doc. Motto} York Mills ‘ June 7. 1561' 13.3.”. advances procured on Eortgages, ’ No. 3, Jordan Street. ' 0- ‘ 9 i I . Toronto. December 13. 1860. 1(18-y bton “on/l? Alll 01“ ' -~â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"~~ ' orrosrra ma 10RONTO 110051;. A. .McNA B B. .ARRIS'I'ER, Attorney. Solicitor, 61c. GEO“ 1L GRAHANI‘ PROPRIETOR' King Street, East, [over Leader Office,] Tot-onto, C.W. Toronto, April, 12, 1861, 123-1)- ii’tiproveiitents have. at great expense. and best north of Toronto. "‘illiam Grant, T'I'ORNEY AT-LAW. Solicitoriu Chan- , cery, Conveyancer, 5. c. Toronto. Office in_the “‘ Leader” Buildings, King Street. Toronto, April 19, 1861. 123-13' George Wilson, . . - (LATE ritou ENGLAND ) Masonic firms mom, RICHMOND HILL. Aurora Station, April 1861. Iionrd .fi-‘l, pcr V fittcd it tipiii the latest stile travellers iiiayl LARGE and Conitnodious ilalland other been made so‘ as to make this House the largest. Travellers at this House find every convenience both for theni~ selves and horses. N,B.â€"-A careful ostler always in attendance IQG-ty Iout: woo rim-tied ti I‘t'fltll'tt to his twirl-in, and that uns Anthony Mdl‘lvl. ' The Colonel of thc routine“! to which he belonged was ti lllttll n ‘Vlolciit passions, IIISHIUIII :iint tin-I‘- bcatring iii the extreme to 11‘! sunor din-rites; and “HS universally hutod its Muriel was loved. On W'i‘til occasions he had mode I laid initnc an apology for his former which \NHS readily give-ii. pt‘cium Ilig lllitl he would It‘littlile IICI' IH fut‘lltct‘; bill in this she appointed . for he. iui'ticdmtcl} suit he would load her with pri-ucnts and also make her his lawful bride she “as true to her that love. station, and thou your [willful would be htghei' than the prolich Indy in our tillage, besides. attendants and all the luxury ant liluliltfs‘l it: Ni! i'llv. -7iI'1 than}? (ric' |nc lictttts flint litt'ltl ‘Jl’lllt E-w‘e‘ titiil j‘U‘. \VIII”.H iIHB Iihl‘ (:uLlfifity; ql]»'us-I'I until finding himself baffled iii all this ctidcawirs he dctci'tiiiiied to liltIOPI. a new prot'cdtit‘c. hoping to i1)“ more Stit't'ussful in IIII designs.â€"â€" "‘7" I Accordingly he called on Cadiiliite, rndv-ii ss, and asked for formulae“, was dis- inade new overtures of love to her. promising if she would latch to his iiicnis had no effort upon her, for ' Consider. Cadaliiic. m_\ rank and, me, life of bin allttt'l'lhf officer, Colonial Bt'ltilttu him I e/A ./' /7 tam ~Ia¢lwfio GATE son weigh more wit/i. us than Popular Opinion.” ADVO vv W Y, tiiAY 39, [9-62. i l i l D hitch, truism 'I know not.’ I‘tld LiVilliei‘. ‘ VVth provoked the insult I. - ‘ A coitvci‘~:itinii With i \‘oun: bit! out c.’ i ‘ 'I‘bcti Why not but: me ’I’ l ‘ 13-.‘t’a‘tte f ztti'caidy Iowanothei'. ' D l V ‘ linlcc-l. IIH mu» «lizii-uit-r,’ s-tiid girl with whom the prisoner is :n- l , .j . - illie (Johny I, irnul 'altt. ‘ may I be 1 quuiiitcd. ‘ Is that all. 7.’ ‘ It is. your i-Xrtcllciicy.’ ' Allct‘ a short CUIIVUI‘S itiun will. the other iilfii'crs, the judge turiicd to the prisoner. .itid tliUs uddi'cnst-d him: ‘Authniiv Martel, you hows. been found guilty of an attempt to itiurdcr 'pcr'iiiltn-d lu kiiuw the mum: of Illp igalliiiil I. ' Anthony M d‘tcl,’ it'eltl aichr. 5 ' \‘tht, a vociniion soldierâ€":1 Iiirc- By heavcii I” be was the loud iling for a rind! 1‘ unless I _\ou instantly acct-pt iii) AND ADvEnTIsER. ,. ‘kvy‘ffi‘fl'fi’wfl‘flifl‘ew‘h’tvi 2w »' z. .1 at. \/\./\N\ r"«/\/VW\A’ \A TERMS: $1 50 In Advance. \Vhotc 1‘0. 183. -li«.-, like a man and a Soldier. Iain {tLllt of no crime; I have never lio‘ltOt'liif'UtI my country «it my t’i'ui uctit ; I him: fought by your side !l the llll“k€l‘l of flu- balztlc, when he guns of tile cucuiv poured hot load into our ranks, and swept our wine countrymen like chaff before the whirlwind. . But you can affirm that I did not quatfo‘r- fuller Mlle” the grim monitor storcd mo in the face. And should I tremble now when .I am to die by the hand: of :Stttl. ond i'cj 4'! the tieggiirlv cliurl, .. superior officer In the French my beloved comrades? No! I -”I will IlJVt‘ IIIHI shot like a dog for army ; tlic punts iiiciit is deutli.â€"â€"~ consider it an honor; and the last \Vllul have you to say tlzit you should not suffcr thc cittrciiic pcii- all},’ of the law which you have of- fUtIdUtI I, Martel. who stood as though tiri- conscious till hoax, raised his tlI"lII_\' form; he bciit his eyes scorchineg upon the Colonel, and said in a firm voice : ‘ Your excellcncyd an'i awm‘e that any vindication which 1 may make. will be of no avail. but being,r pet‘â€" untlcd I will speak the trutn; I ill“ innocent of the charg: ‘bi'ought no tinst me. I did not fire upon ()0- Ioiicl L<ivillicr, and had no \vcttpon when :irrcstcd. ‘ At the moment I entered the t1\‘t’t'.lll,'t,t_{ of Citvlilllttc,1 found Iici struggling in his arms. I stoppcd iiii' to enquire his rnk. but struck hiui with my doubled list to the.- floor, 'I'his is all I done, and had it, been the Eitipei'oi' Ii insclf iii his way. But it- was observed by (into place. I should have done likewise their of the persons III the room, so For the duty of the true soldier is abs'ot'bcd were 1116) iii their "Wit of. n to protect the innocent and defence- lch you but a iiioaiicut to decide ‘his fatc.’ ‘Uii, sir,’ cxclai litffi Citditliiic. ‘uc is guilty of no crime he has never injured i ou.’ ' this he not dared to supplant it Colonel in the French unity, and be Is only it stiltlii-r.’ ‘ {\vy. Colonel Lavillicr, I loved him ci'cI Sit\V you. I‘lc is gener- ous, noble, and will injure titi one.’ ‘ Do not fuse tune in idle Words; consont to be mine, or ore the morn- ing sun has risen, his heart shall 1: itse to built I’ 'Uh. Ilt'ilVL‘Ill spurt: him 1‘ said Culitliiic, iii :iiiuuisn. ' You blood in vain.’ ‘ Gnu tho but d Single (lily to d- Glitch. ‘ Not on liour.' At this moment :i nizij stic form cast its shadow iii the outer door- l'tirs. Stepping aside so :13 to be less. Itim willing to dicuâ€"but my llltb‘ttt'l), tln: s.i'2iiiger retiitiiiicd ti death Will not go umtveiigcd. for Spectator (if till. 'I import! tou ti: let his spook toe the giass \thI not have covercd in_«wave before my cuiiii‘inlcs sliull Iinvc h Anthony before I give you on I lound the lit-art of my iiiurdcrt-r. for nnsu-ci'.’ liner": is not I no that VHII shrink ‘ Not a Word to his: ; therefor. whcn the hour comes. I out ready iiislontl. bccumc llt\ bridc or si_ ti â€"â€"p:ts~' your sciilcuvc.’ ‘tlec dcnlh unt‘i‘nnt ul Murtcly I would i'uâ€" thousand d atlIIS than 1”" ‘ M ll'icl. your language dth not In conic it than who Is on tho threshâ€" ho d til'eiieinity.’ ‘ Iuhtiuidii iiintmtci'l llitfil’ lllt‘ u your wit}. â€"â€"cv.-n \VK'IU you :hw ‘ 'I‘iulh ticcuun-s it than at till proud I‘Ittpct'wi'til Ft‘ntmc. [\titlt fly I Illlttf‘.’ ri'plicd Aiitli my. furs not it... «tooth, and It“ would (Joli-nut Luvdiici', during the time miucr owe any his hit: tnzm llilVi'iI'tll tne prisriiicr “as Speaking, llt‘ a‘t'uvc 14131’ t.) itiui.’ lsvflltlt‘NI giciiiy cxcitcd. and IUI'IIUtI ‘ -.\'I.t:l gar! ton til itH p i\\'cr. piilc ; In: kin-w tiiiit I‘lvtl‘ltll was it I will tt‘”) 5.2m itsl phone. siiwc \Hll grunt I'zivoi'itc with tho t'ephiicnl. l|i\’." so toenails-gig, spoilt-IL. and he knew that his life \t’ns tn ‘ ? ‘dttngcr. ' .lx- mutt :twi}. turf: to any fzivc IE ' Anthony Mtti‘tcl.’ snid llic judge, I‘hos lo: “9'! pzaivc in}. WOLS Irv ‘lnt: si-iitciit'c ofttic court is. that mutton; ti Iii' "till oi :tlc sit-cl tia-~:toc (In: to-linii'iow HI sunrise. ttfltl 1,“; iii‘~' oi your s:"~;t‘itittl lips.‘ 'thnt you he shot by twel"c of your i con-rinlcs. \nti whinging; E'IH '.:',’=l.\' around til i , Auziiti III" roll of the drum told ,foioi of l} 2w cinlcnv-icd to Ip-il tits rim: .1 mm x» u ion. ‘thni thc one find ticcii dot idcd, :iiid , ‘ilt‘ipl ii cxnnniiud sttc. they wcrt- about to conduct tlic tillâ€" it: that attention! t‘n: l't'lltlll «it "gentle! to his quarters, when a titling paint iii 153:; Mantis wit. thc nllnl'lfllfl'lgitl I‘ttsltt'tl post the uiiord into thc .tc hm; limitltt iii-néiwticd. ttitsltcitt and pi'usti'ntcd tit-isclf at the lbt .id, out Ill. l .. . ' ltlliltf' Sittillr'l'tftl inc ,1 h-ci of tho pmsnfng tiflll'(:l‘, and 23-; .irui of the uggii-ssor, t‘ctt civig claimed: 1; i1 illtt: slit): tiliilt \\‘.'t‘c Htlfli'lt‘ It! left, 'th' Ill! sooner \‘mtfi lltl' weapon dis~ ,clint'gcd tliziitllic tchlVL-it‘i‘d Sit ritual- ed, and [\IIIIIUJV Muriel rushed into the room by nit thcr door. L)» Iseiv n:__v the Wll-I Illitmdt'dtltit! of Ca ualinu. lit'cultiiig Itniii thr- Colour-I. ‘II on instant lic «tinned the “hole. innit uith o pmvciful oth laid the hint liiimtflI‘r't‘. utu-iicc c .nci '11:: is innocent ‘ Spore liiiiil Ilf’ :ditl iiul stitnit U-il. LavillicttA I As the tears flout’d down hcr beautiful fare. every Iictii‘t \Vos ttiut'lh'tl \ilith pity. sure one. He stood unitimed by her applications. The judge informed ht-r that it Wits t.iip issi’olc for him to alter the Itfll‘ ,tv-nt-c of this court. and that the only hope that was left her We: in Colo- iicl Livtlltcr, who was the itijtiri-d party. who hint pmmcr to ask for his pardoiinir rcciitiimciid 111'" to mercy, IllIl'lltII'l'tlllIIS1-1701. B\ this little the i‘cpirt of fire liii‘ttis hid brought it dctucnitii-itt oft >()Itllt:l‘s to the spot, who. on other. hug thc room. Wore lllltllcllltllttly or- 'dercd to arrest Anthony, for at- ltciiipting to murder the supcrior of- lie wa- iiicxorziblc. and she borne Icnoelcu from the tent. On the following morning. a little,,,..,,, pmpnsuls H, Cadmium ficci'. Iii vain Cadultnc protested before ounriw. some soldiers were .whp; , at", had rpsmned i” Spurn. his iiiiiov'cuccâ€" they put htiii undct‘ busily eiigogcd in placing red lingo ibu, .,,,H he Immune pmnwlunuu,‘ stzoiig guard at short iiitcrviihiou a beautiful plain On the following morni g :tn nn- , not for from the camp. No sooner usual activny anion! the officer. told ‘ had tons been iii-com, Iished than the Il‘lut something of utoi'c than ordtn- .uomnl (if a mum-ad drum and a bond 'mportam'e was to take plm‘c. l playing the dch march was heard. I i In vain Untalioe blend with him ;. was} aUIIlltI that Will cvor greet my can. WIII be the glorious dying music of your own tiuc guns as 1 full. I ttuow that you will not sufferiny :ishcs In 510 tintiveugcd. LU! [hit your hand: trcinbtc, but with a stciidv aim, level your pieces at uiv breast, when I give the word fire. for1 Would have the mark of evcrv tniin if you love me. Coiiirttdcs. fui'CWcll, and may We all inch where the warrior tests from his biittlcs and victorics.’ ‘ The soldiers brought trcir pieces to their shoulders, but stopped sud- into the arms of her lover. ‘ Oh, Anthony! Anthony! you must not the; Colonel Lz-tvillior Will IIEIVC 'lttit'ly : he cannot be so cruel its to tiiiirdci' you.’ ‘CtttIEIIIIIU, there is no hope. I am prepared to dic,but this meeting uiiiici‘vcs inc. 1 could have wished you had bccn spared tiiio scene; but calm yout‘sldf. and do not Weep when 1 am gone. You will not want for defenders, for my regi- iiicnt Wlll go hard with him who dares to offer on insult to Cadatitic, be his rank “but it niny.’ ‘Uounnandnnt,’ slid Colonel Lit- viilict‘, in an iuipitii-iit tone, ‘it Iii pilot the: littlt‘ Ultii‘letl for lllt: L’Xc’t‘u- tron; st-pnrntc them and perform your tliily.’ With grout difficult? Cztdrtlinc was torn from the embrace of bill‘lt‘l. The Word rcnly was givvn, and quickly follchd by tho second com- maiid, mini, and the tliiid and htst lzitul Word, fire, was on the lips of the cotiitiiztndiint.when it Iterii voice frOui it person who stood a short distance apart. closely muffled up. pave the ctniiiiiatid to recover iii-ms, So sudden Was the ordct, tho: 1 every eye was turned to the pcrson “ho bud thus diircd uncei'ciiiotii- 1W flmw/ L / f o eke“; é”:_ »:= w... .. .,-...m.»-...2. . tr, It”, .v.,., ., fearful orders were given, but the heart of the (tulptilt'sutlk within him, and he implored for inei'cv. . “How can you ask for'that which. a few iiioiricn‘t-s ago you refused an innocent man? ' _ “ I own my fault.” was the reply. “ Then I refer to Colonel Martel; who has full power to pardon you u" not. as he thinks proper,” said McDonald. 1 ‘« . ~ . t i‘ "Col. Martel.” said the disgraced officer, “dare I hope for tncrcy P”. “I grant .you full and unconditional. pardon. -You are at liberty,” was the willing reply of Martel. "and, don’t forget to show inert-y tliutyou only receive the same." I By this time Crdaline heard tite- glaidsomc tidinst which spread rcpid- Iy thronin tin.- :iiiiip. and hastily. returning, sht- was such in his warm. cuibt‘at'c. The day was a glorious (fuel!) the rcgiiricnt, and there was it grand cclcti’iittion givcn in honor. of Field "Marshal McDonald and Colonel Martel. In the course of a few wecks after. this event, the church of- Nissclle live"ll~itvetl with those iisscuiblcd 10‘. Minus tl.c nuptials of Martel aid his lovely bride, Cznhiline Dupce. And many were the little presents; and keepsakes the piit‘ received- froiti the l‘egitt‘it'nt, who loved their brave and lgone-roost commander. ~11; PRESIDENT InmzotJmâ€"J :l'd. saw that lie is u_:ly, is nothing; to add. that his figure is grotesque, is to convey no tuft-quote iiiipression.â€"â€"-. Fancy 2i than six foot high, and then out of proportion * with long bony- dctily as the frantic Utidtiliiic rushed ’ l ously to countiand iin cider on so important an occasion. ‘Oi'tcr thtit unlit under at‘rcst,‘ s‘nid CUI’HICI Lavillicr.’ As ilic person zipproiiclicd rapidly to uhcic he stood. throwing the (‘Itnlk from his fore, the :istouislicd ul’Iii'ct' bclicld Ftcld ()lIicct‘ Mthi- ltttltl ‘ Will Grit iicl L-it'illier inform trio of “but crime the culprit suffcrs I’ ‘FHI‘ an attempt Upon my life with a pistol," was the :iiichi‘. ‘Are you sure he is the guilty one I‘ ‘ ch.’ ‘ Will you not pardon him I’ ‘ It has been decided by court tllitl‘tlttl that he shall dic.' ‘ Still you have the some powc 'tu pirdoii liiiii.’ ‘I tlct-liiic :ill inlcl‘fct‘cticc in the course of justice.’ '1 do l:ot,' Said McDonald, tlieicfnre stop the cchntiou. ihuny Muriel is not guilty.’ ‘ Miy I ask your cxi'eltcticy who is the goilty onc.’ askcd 1,.IH'IIIICI‘. ' ‘ I am,‘ said McDonald. ' Will you please eXphtin to the tibia mystery 3’ ‘I will. Having business of imâ€" gpm‘tatice with you on the evening of ltho tiee:ttilt,l called ll youi head- ' I An- as each one Iniotened to the quar- A company of Bi‘tldmt‘l drew near, .ltct’l of the counnatnlutit. 'I'liougli accompanied by a large tintii‘icr of la court itizirtiiil is not an iinusunl ofI‘iccrl. who came to witness the thug. yct it is sufficiently rare to punishment of death. Atifhoiiv attract uttt-nIt-iii iii-'niip. Muncl was walking with in him Smut the quick roll of tie drtiiiiiu-tcp to meet his doom! Arriving . told that the court had (titliVUlle, at the spot dusignzitmi fut him to Within it spacious tout Were iniber- tiio approaching crisis. cd I number of olIi-crs in full uni. his fellow soldiers wt-ro brought into form. Scaled on a raised platform { lit-c. Ewry itiovctnent II‘UWC‘I Bu, 3“ must, .fluming mdunwl was gercral Lovit-k. acting asjtidgc. lilieit' unwillingneu to perform the Another roll ofttie drum announced odious duty uliicu had been no- thc prisoncr. signed mom. ' Of what is this mini charge-d I’ All being 6H'I‘RDQ’"(I,II|0 command-v 9d tIn- j-idgc. ' ' Fur It'e-ntptitig 0 d strut thcl ,‘iislu ‘ l nittt by the hand shoot; it warmly. n-‘cwrll, his govt: him “itZ'I‘IIIISSIUII to addioss In.‘ compo 1,, t\ itln-r,’ sntil lIltE :i’ttnntiilc. qu triers and found you not. On iii- (‘llsi’_\'.1 learned the direction \ml bad tziltcii. and followed in pursuit. ‘Fltltlll'fz you had entered Ciidalitic’u‘ cottage, I :iit'ivcd just in tune: to be iatt tinoimcrved Witness of your vil- lltiiiiy. and trio hall which only shat- lilie life of the girl, it should have ;rutlttllcd your heart. Col. Martel, l ]gt‘cct you in behalf of your Eni- lperor. to Iihom I have related your case, and who has been pleased to confer thin title and honor upon you. out wal-tcd up to M .rth. and I:Iklflgl(/‘HI. Lnnllicr. yollt‘ sword ; bent-c- ifdl‘lll too are no longer an officer lltt the grand army. and now lake: I . iMthel’s pliicc, and receive the l . ‘Pâ€" . . 1 ..~.'. .......". . .‘ . ~ " ,.. ' i w - U‘ i H ‘I‘ G'OODficcom"mdauom'3 and "veryauemiw C .' a - l 0|] I‘clinciiiciit flint Wi-nltn cult furnish. , i AM: WW1“ 1” m" ‘1‘ ""591 l “’“‘ i “‘“l'” “' "rm‘" 1”" "'d'l‘ “1 “'“d' 1 “mm mm a “mum”. 8mg” “we shown to 'l‘ravellers. Good Yatds for arllabv » “11‘ “gg . A“, Cnlmml Luv‘liwr, Mm? lltltlt‘tl tlic ctiurt. ' rims tittivcd the: (to do thud mun, I ainiicd at tho brcust Ol an Innocent ffivgtsfime and Loose BOXGSl'U" IIaCGllorses ‘ M \KlaR. “HUM “H “mm mph. [,0 wfllmm a“ ' lIci'c. only it plmist» your cva - and a imir started in his cye, but, . until. _ . The beam, Liquors and Cigars k0,), com “0,,” p said thiine loticy,’ rcpticd the C Monet. whom Quinlin regaining hull comp sure. he Every heart beat with Joy atthis “mayo” hund' 610' M" Aux ‘ You \Nultltl soon learn to in“, arm \y is dnnn- up HI a sling. nttdicssmt ttiosc “no Wort; a HIUI to sudden cliiiliuc. Poor lJilleIUr' 'I‘heMoutth Fair held on the Premises first ~ Wednesday in each month. Richmond Hill. April 8. 1862.. ResidencewNear'y opposite the Post Office Richmond 11.11. 170 Match I4, 1862, l72-Iy me ’ said the Colonel, ., V .. , ‘ No, (.oloucl, We can never loVe,,\our tilt. t i " How come Mar c to a e . pt l hint low to death ‘Uoutraucs, Iiiave come here toglcd to the" red flag. 1ircnmluttz \Hlll fr-iir and shame, w.ts . I . ‘ . Adam “"3 ‘m‘ Routlexlga 3 .Natural History! 9 arms and logs, , which S‘HIIGIIO\V‘ scout tube :ilwnysvin the way ; with great rugged furrotvcd hands, whichf grasp you like a vice when shaking yours; With a long sciaggy Ilcttk,’ tIII’I a chest too narrow for the great arms :itits aide. Add to this figure~ a hand cocotieiiut shaped and sinne- whttl too small for such a stature, covered with rooin rough, UnmnnD-z ed and uttchutbiible iiiiir, thztt stands out iii cvcrv directional once ; a. fact: furrowcd, wrinkled, :ind inden- ied; as though it had been scored by vitriol ; u hiin iiiiri'ow forehead; and, sunk (lecp beneath linshv eye- brows, two bright, somewhat dreamy, eyes, that seclu- to gaze through you without lookitigat you; a few irregular IIIUICIIU‘) of block brially ltiill’ iii the place where beard and whiskers ought mgr-“W ; a Close sct, thiii-Iippcd, slct‘n mouth, with two rows of large white teeth, and a nose and cuts which have been inkcn by ltllsltllie from at head of twice the size. Clothe this figure, then. in a long. tight, badly-fitting still of black, creased, soiled and puclict‘i'tl up at every salient point of the figure (and every point ofthis figure to Bltlteltl) ; put on large ill- fitting boots, gloves too long for the long bony fingers, and fluffy lint. co- vered to the top Willi dusty puffy Grape; and then add to till this an air ufslrcngth. physical as Well as moral, and strange luck of dignity coupled Wlill all this ui'otosqucncss, and you will IIUVU the impression lcft upon me by Abraham Inucolti.’ - - Cor. offlflcmiflnn's Jlfigrtzinst ..~-W__.._.__. Srttticrunn or 'rnn outs-MESH David Brewster unites the following: ri-uiul’hS relative to the structure of the sun: So strong hats been the belief that the suit cannot be :1 habit- able world. that a scientific gentle- ill:th Was pronounced by his medical attendant, to be insane because he- h:td sent it ptipcr to the Royal Socic. ty in which be maintained that the. lig'd of the sun proceeds from a dense and universal aurora. Which iii it afford aiiiplc Isght to the inhab- itants of the surface nvtneath and yet be at such a distance aloft as not to be uniting,r tiietii ; that there may. bc \V:itct‘ and dry land there, hills, r laud dtilcs. rain and fair weather, and that Is the light and seasiins IIHISI ‘ic ctci‘iiiil, the unit may casin be conceived to be by far [no most blissfu. habitation in the whole svst it"tlt. In less llliltl ten years after this apparently extravagant notion was coiisidcrcd a pro f of insanity, it was ti‘inititained by Sir VVilliiim IIUI'Sl'Ilul us a rational and probable tiplnltil), ‘Allttttt might be dcducibc ~rtiiii his U‘Nti observations on the structure (if the sun. 'l‘tta Benton Ciiarronnmâ€"Jl‘lie citriuuslyâ€"elougatcd muzzle of this fiin is employed in it riithcr unexâ€" pected tiiziuncr, being,' used us a gun or bow, at drotr of Water taking that blot-e of the arrow or bullet. If the ()l mttiduti sees a fly or other insect. resting on it twig orgrass blade that overhangs the water, it approaches. and Wu. ready to try I criniittul.â€" die. he wits calm and Utiititivtfd Ilium/“I 3"” all": W” fired b)" “"7. Ivory qucttly. thc gt‘eutcr p-tt‘l of its Twelve oh and bad it not. been for endangering body subiiicrucd. and its nose just, showing itself above the SUIfthC. the point diiccted towards its victim.~ Suddculv it shoots at drop of water til the fly with such accuracy ofaim that the unsuspecting insect is knocked off its perch. and is snzippcd up by the fiin as Soon :15 it touches the surface of the water. This habit, it continues oven in captivity. and is ill cutist-qucticc in great estimation as it household put by the .I ipiincsc- 'l‘ticv ltccp the fiin in a large bowl of water, and oinusc themselves by .olding it it fly tipon the endofa’: sender rod. and seciuuthe tinny arch ‘I'Sll'tlttl its prey into the water.

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