Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 May 1862, p. 3

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fl Dr, so JV- ifSURGitoIv DENTIST WILL BIZ IN Newmarltet. tst, 2nd and .‘lrd of Each Monti. i Bradford. 4th if Each Montlii COUkNIOWll. 5th of Eitcll Illovth i ’-Bo‘u‘d Head. 6th ' of Each Month i Brownsville. 7th of Each Monthi King Station. 8th -0fE‘tCll Month : Stoufiville. 23rd of E ich Month : l Markham Vil.24th and 95th of Each Month: Brown's CornerrAth ('ott.of Markham 26th do : 3“'lien he will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls. or make good any operation ‘ prpviously warranted. _ Those who require Ar '3 full upper set of best quality of Block Teeth . inserted on VfllCull‘Zed Rubber. for $8, usually charged $95 by other Dentists. ' .jl‘eeth filled with Gold. Silver or {fillings ' I ' To remove miaappreltensioii. he. begs to an- iiouuce that all irGuaranteed to lo, or no charge. {Beech Extraote = Tufltli the least possible l’aiii. ‘ ' " Particular attention paid to the Regulation "-ofCHILDREN’S TEETH. ‘. Ir. requested to Call and Examine Specimens. , ‘rNowmarket. May 29, 1363. 182.1)" Q aux. HENDERSON _ (tum: ritou lISqLAND.) .€~rll-il"lttlllCAL cwcx 8r. WATCHMAKER, y. i-‘JEWEI.LER.'&c. " ' Tiff-RICHMOND HILL,‘ aw; l I -- . rat V i V 1. Friends and the Public t'or tlmirt'uvcrs since be commenced business. begs to hope fo- 33' continuance of their custom as it shall always Evbo his study to give staisl‘action He also begs “to state that he has received a fresh stock ot the best MCLOCKS WEDDING RINGS. the. &c. &c.« "wear: \VARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR. ‘N‘ Work done on the shortest notice Lthop next door to the " York Herald " Otliue Richmond Hill. May 7, IRGIL 180 .rldt’c itisliig Essential to Busllttss WEBBER. Europeoti and Colonial Ad- "' .‘ vertising. and General Morel-trill». itShippitu’ and Railway Agtltt, ‘VEIJJNGIWN t.§r'a.r:i2r, TURONTO (7.W., receives Advertise- "tents for all Newspapers and Periodicals pu‘r- tlis'lied either in the Canada. llrtish Columbia. =Eti'rope. 0‘ the States. aflgeut for this paper. in iiiiii iiiti {131‘ received at S. POLLOL‘K’S an ' assortment of FRESH GOODS adapted 182 :for the season. consisting of some nice, new ‘ style ol'l’rints. Rolled and Del.aine. Printed ia'hd" Leno Muslin Dresses. .rcellertt asrortmotit of ‘-‘L:Idics’; Gents to Children’s Hosiery ' "Gloves, Neck Ties. Ribbons, Erlusliit Collars. ylfa‘rasols. Striped. Checked arid Regatta Shirt tings, Factory and Bleached Cotions, Deniriis. aDrill. Tweed and Summer Cloths, with a large ' assorttnenl of Men's Ready-made '«_COA Ts, PAN Ts (3- VES *s . trillion. vaiiels ol'style and iiiaterig~l;-vrlit*alier' ‘tllan heretofore sold on Richmond llrll; also, ' a well selected stock of Fresh , . â€" GROCanES 8:. LIQUORS ,‘i‘l‘ea't'y‘aiid Shelf Hardware, Dye-Stuffs, Drugs. ' Medicines, and Crockery. which will he sold at lathe. lowest re'ntineratmg prices. AND AS tCHEAl’ as at any other noose-in the neigh- ribotireoody illslerase call and examine before purcha~inpr "*olsowliere. - tr-t‘ WM. S. POLLOCK‘S. .. V (Late er Barttard‘eil Richmond Hill, May [5. ’62. lFI S ! HATS ! I HATS ! l l 3," low traceiviug. direct from NEW Your. the largest and best selected assortment of Men’s and Boys’ flats and Caps 'Ever befo e offered on Richmond Hill, in every ,SIZE. VARIETY of S l‘Yl.E and (YOU lUlt, :Ill Felt. Wool, Cloth. ‘Iassimere, Straw, Pedal. ‘ Panama. and Leghorn, which, I ‘Will he Sold 318 Cheap As the same qualities can be house in Toronto. Please call and examine our New Styles. At WM. S. POLLOCK’S “Mm procured at any :1ther MANTLE CLOTH - A t . 'I‘onge ‘9‘ Queen , Toronto, May ll. 1862. Fine Colours. 6-4 wide, only 5 shillings per yard. At WM. S. POLLOCK‘S. Leno Muslins 2 NEW Material of Wool and Cotton.â€" healthful for Summer Dresses. ooh 7.,d per yard. at WM. S. l’OLLUCK'S '_“I{ADIES’ SHOES& SL IPPERS ,_ NICE assortment in Plain and Enamelled. Kid and Calfskin, from 35 lgd per pair. At WM. S. POLLOCK'S. O L !1'1 Excellent. sunvdried, pure. fresh. fine ' flavored Tea. at 3s 9d oer lb At WM. .8. P()I,I.()CK'S. (liate Geo Bernard’s) .o .3 7: 2il’tirétmmmi‘Hilt. Mas mus-2. .3, of?" -. » v _ LBOOTH & SONS, BEG T0 INFORM THE PUBLIC, That they have taken the Store, 204 iiiii iiiiii‘,‘ ‘AMERON’S Block. opposited ll. B y WILLIAMS, until the premises lately occupied by them, corner of Streets, ARE ,aanutixr. OUR M ANUFACTUING ' DEPARTMENT, .» ls continued as usual, and we are prepared to attend promptly to all orders. with which we may be entrusted. BOOTH 8L SONS. ' ‘159-ly Dr. Batman‘s Sug tificial Teeth can have $Vltile work Warranted what it ‘1 MN B.-~I'-’tlll(‘$ requiring Artificial Teeth are I. iii returning thanks to his numerous [13’ Acknowledged l A large and ex. i RE within the reach of all, by the use of Dit. BUCHAN’S,Vleitil‘lTAllLl‘l 'DU- MES l 10 MEDICINES, prepared from tho. Prescriptions of the late Dr' .Bu'chan, Fellow of 1the Royal College of Physicians. A c.. dire.â€" Cuies are daily made. and their efficacy proved in thousand of cases, attestei before the .‘tldcr- men at .titiirdiiall. 'l‘llE iticrir HON... THE LORD moron or =t.ONtiuN, . . and sitting Magi, traits" of Marlborough Street. Vvi-sllllllh'lfll'. Wu ship Street. llow Street. die. Used by the must celebrated Medmal Men, Clergymen. and others. . - ar Coated Sarsaparilla Pills.“ ’ i It is a writ.t.-ttxow 5 mm that util- ‘SAl’ARILLA’ is the greatest purifier o the blond iii the World. KLL-P NUUR BLUUD l’URLlâ€"‘l'he BMW-ls regularllnâ€"Aird liErY the. DOC I‘Ulllll ,Tlicso l’irls. strike at the '60: of e ch disease, and are for the cure of ew'crj ailment lucrdeiitti'l 't‘iinaii Human and Child, such as al: eruptions en the Sam. Indi gestioii. ililious. Liver. and Stomach Colu- plaints. General \Ivealtnmgtom. lthueiiia- trstn. Litriiliago. l’ains {it the Limbs, Head- aches. Sore Tomato, and every complaint caueed by ir'egtti‘rities- ol ttiegbowels. oli- structcd perspiratnm. and deteriorated and on- healthy blood These l’ilis werk their way to the very roots of each disease. Cleansing iti their p'assaige. especially Lt‘vllere mercury has been taken, and roiiioving. every uiiireanlrpac- comulatiou. till the blend is purified. the ‘wlioie systell) renovated. and all the functions acting . according to nature. lliq,duttes of rile become {teary burdens. UUIIDELJIQFllafll’Fvâ€"QO llbl. tie-r Int ! a clean storiiacli,'tiii_rsl iiia'lféifa clean body. A'clean body will contain pdi'é‘blooll. when the stomach, body, and "blood are pure. from reg'u lating a rd vcea-isiiigrthe-bowels, health is certain. Begin at the» [region iig. \‘t‘uste‘ilu time: st-ike at the rout Ollévour airment. Agar", I say. look to your sto riach.’ One trial ol'lliese Pills will for-2e conviction: 7 and 115. Dr Bueha .i’s Invigorating Essence. For NERVUt S lila'ln‘X'ATlUN and GE- .sElt \L. W EAKNEfiS-ai once restore and invigorate WJllL magical pundit} the most ’ «- oilit ted (.foitstittitiitii. thereby ensuring perma- tieut health, incensed strength, energy, and u rcdouhled iiOVt‘llllllllC‘III ol‘ the iiiuscul .rsystein. Failure is impossible. l'oit stic'cess is as Connor :8 that day iglit l'ollotts darkness. The only infallible tented-V for mouthed local and general debtirt) , treivous prostratroli! depress-tori Ulsttl' rrts. diiiiinulion ol' vrt'il energy. eriracraliun, and for all female corriplz‘eiriis. 'l‘iiis lllL‘L‘lltilllé- irotonly restoms health anr.’ Sllelglll at once. but iiiczoascs the itatitraI-..vigou: of mall in ninth, maturity, and old , age 'l he properties of this invaluable re-iiivig._iraiitig, lussence act directly on the nervous and iiiuectilnr system enriching, i'iicteasirrig. and ptiiit’yirig each par? ticular vit-rl fluid; its aclioriuis ‘llL‘Vt‘r-lltllllig, and iii perlmtt accordance with. the laws of tin ttiro. As the failing rain vivifies the parched vegetation. so will the power of this ial|~poleiit ago-til restore the lost strength and energy of all who stiller from exhaustive derangement. which so low of the iiietlical profession .ilierrrp. to treat. 43'. tid.. I‘ls , or in!" quantities in one. 3.3.5. '-’ rm. BUCHAN'S' VEGETABLE SKIN UlNi t‘ll hNfil', lstlte only one yet discovered that curt-s the ritual inveterate sores. lts effects: are Wonder» :til. giving instant reliel to the stifl'erer M-irir thousands have. used it". and declare it to be "the best in the World" lt'iu'the only N ' 'i‘Ultx'tL REMEDY for all kinds Macros and skin eruptions. , _, ‘ it never closru up'ihe surface of a wound whilst full of matter: out will first bring all to the surface. and finally heal Without breaking out again. Tire Pills hid the (liltllllelll in the tollowiiitrâ€"l'ics, lloiles. llrtises. lCitooriatiolts, llloti'lres on the Ffll't‘.-rUA(‘7t‘lS,' Ii'hg'wornls. Sore lleads. Eyes, and ips. llaliltinss, Chap- p-~d Hands, ( hat'cd and Ill-stern! Feet. Coins. Bllllitllle. Cliilhlnm I'Vtiisr Bill-"es, Scolds. lint- llites. Fredrick." Siti’ig-‘fi-Scmfula King's ltlvrl llrid I.t‘gs,_l‘l‘ttl' r l't‘vl‘ilh.‘ ('oruiac'vd and ,8 all. .loiiils. Pistol-as Gout; Swelleil Git-pits. intol- i-ago, lilir-tiiu'rltsiii. ‘v'l ltiiLoti Nl‘tpletn Sore l'lii'tiats. or llr‘ y. Sore iii-ad. llikll. ii»- II‘UUI'R. Old and (tr epes‘rzt'ed ?U-r-e s, "ll ounds. n orrris. lti-tz. Ac. l~‘ lid triid‘ds. lld per pot. stir-.- PILPHI Medicine Warehouse. l9. Henri-is street. Oxford Slit‘el, London. Wholesale Aperitr:â€"â€"I}arclay & Co. 75. Fairingdou street; that he had at the cfiice of this paper, out. from all (‘heiiiistn throughout the world May 23. 1862. no 05' NERVOUS RELAXATIUN and FX- HAUbTiUN. New editions e‘lllflrgv ii to ltlir pages. illustrated by ltltI_Aii:rtoriiiI:a_l Colored Eitgravriigs on Steel. Just published, price is. ’ ' HE SILICNTAFRILND, the greatest Marti. cal Work of the Age. oii_ Youthful Indis- nations and consequent llllllgtdllllbllls to Mar- i-iage, describing the Anatomy of the lepro ductive ‘Sysletii ill health and disease, and pointing out the sure mnan: of perfect restora- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a l'rescriptroii known l as the Preventive Lotion; "precluding ‘ the pos sibility of contamtnaltdtt. ' Also to he had from all Agents in all pans of the world. EXTit .ch ii‘itoiti lHE SILENT r for ill ‘ guidance of patients Mess-s. R. AI. l. Vicith t\L«C0. are only to be Consulted at tliwir' resideirco, it), B “the”: Street. Oxford Street. l.oiittoii,_ as trim “wet, under any (illcufllslalfcvh, travel either at. home or abroad. and they“ lierehy- "Cull‘ililll the l'uui c against. any person using their-imitie. and as a further precaution ugulllal‘rlratltl. the l’ub'ic is notified that iioiie of their mediation are ge- nuine. unless the snlgrohellfire-ounth oi th'e-r Flgllfllfll‘u is attached to their arlI'ereui wrap Gizti'auivn Se Mosccua'l'owcn REGAINED a! rite tr'sis'o'i‘ ‘ Parr-1's Contact "Bali/2&1 of Suri'acum. FlilENii. pricc 6-1., which ,contains directions [ _ l 1 Established nearly .‘a century, and known throughout the world as the UREA l EST Rh- (iEJl‘JRATUR; a never-tailing remedy for bp‘ermato-rriw. loss of mainly: power. «produced by‘ ittdiSci’etiuiis. or. any other cause .â€" lt enriches the principal yittl fluids, enabling those wno have dueitied’themselves irii-urtbze at once to litrfil the thirst sacred SODllglflMllS ul married life. l'iice its per bottle, or lo'ur quaniities in one. 33s., which ޤfes lls. ; and to £5 bottles. effectinga savmg or £1 I23. l’tiltltt ’S CONL-E 'iTI’t gt LD DETER- b‘lVb ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis iii all her stages, also tor purifying the systerii from contamination. recointuendrd r‘lb‘t‘ secondary syiirptoins. blotches on the head and face. en- largement of the throat. tonsrls. and tivula. lls beneficial influence ,on the systeitt ta undeni- abio Pric- lls. and 335. per bottle. alsoa saving of HS. l’rJtRY'a‘ PA'IENT CO\CE.\’ l‘llA I‘ltlD ESSEJLE Or‘ L‘Ui'nlilk ‘th CUBEU bUUAK-('UA i ED GLUBULED‘, tile most speedy lien-rd) known The liilubules. cott- tatning tire Qui .tess'erice til Copaiba, Cubans. Bucliu. &c . at or ce cure. t itliout tho possibh irty ol' latitre. Uorrorrliwa. ob~tiiiate Gleet, Stricture; etc , immediately sttlrtruiitg all iii- flarnriintory action; EIICfl‘Bd in sugar . free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and ll.~. per box. HLAIJIH Dar. hDS upon lfurti; I‘Loon.â€" PLRRI’S PUltllt‘YltVG Si’ltb‘llt‘lt} Hues. an itiiallible cute for all lllsoaaou ot' the skin such as :rcurvy. Sc’rofrila, Ulcers, Neils. Brotclies, i’iiiiples on the face and bull\'. doc. l’rice ll.-. ant'l il3s.-po‘r box; . Sol. at .l'lessrs. R. dz lb PNRllY& Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Barriers Street. Ox. ford Street. London. . . Agents: BARCLAY & (36.. 75 Farringrlon Street. London. ' ‘ ' Mag 23, 1562. 18-2.- ein commencing. iteairir.tiappiness,&tongutei ‘stNGLic or. DOUBLE \Mirl'iiiiiittitxhii Waikiki "" 'I beat lll‘tllttt‘ltllx, Ari assortment of \thll’fi. LA l t a, pleasure, where before they had hi on and and ' Sold in bottles. at ls. 1ng 2s 9th, 4:. 6d ,i .FO ‘ y (I? (73” and lL‘T‘II’lil-llll‘. lilClIm‘lml l'lill. ()t’lnbfil' I7. 1861. P UB L 1 C NO '1'] (IE. N GIVING this Public Notice of my de- , 'parwre for England to my friends and toinlitrors. I have two ohjr-cis iii view. viz:â€" to tender my thanks for theirfavors and patron- age for i.- long series of years, and to ask the nine kind favors-and patronage lor my talen- ted medical friend and ,Msticcessor I). J. HOS'l‘ETTElt, of- Richmond l'Illl.â€"R05l- dent-c. opposite the Elijiii Mill. ‘ ‘Vitli “no ordinary feelings: of'iespect. I remain. Il’onr most faithful Servant. - -J DUN'JHPL MILL? R‘clrtitr-nd Iliz‘ Th-May. mite . 1230.3 Wantedto Rents; curries in Richviioiid Hill for a ' only of two. _ ftppltft'o’tlie Proprietor of'tlte “ Yo ‘k ill-raid." It'll r. _I it, lilllulli'l II It, any 16. l86'2. 'rirt: ifllldr‘dlitA'l‘lCl) HORSE } . v a. . lI’lll' i Sew‘tu..\i' t'i ran: Furm Neere .u . . u H" "HL 3 I resideitict-‘vnaiir Witt shim! for Ill-tires this season at the ’ " following plot-trawl: :~- ; MURDAY. Nlat 5~lle will leave lllfillWII‘: stable, Lot No. 22. re -r of the find (lo-i. Mark. ham. and proceed to “'ilumK llolcl. Rtl‘llli‘rulld I'lzl,.‘aiid stop at noon : thence up Yonge fin. to butlle's. a- d stie)‘ all night I ’ 'l'ursquâ€"lle wlrl proceed to the Mansion House, ng Slitllf)”. and remain l! hplit; thence to Laskiiy, and stay at licoh tliétitte to, )lct arliiet’s hotel. 7th Colt Vaughan, and stat all night. W chansonâ€"Ho will proceed to '1‘ hornpson’s ltulrl. 'l'llfl'ut‘erlre ’md WW 3 “mm” "'m‘c“ i in the first concession. granted to- him bv the to Mr Wm. Craddock’s. and stop at noon; thencefo Maple, arm. by way of Richmond “lit. to his own stable. , iitritsiuvâ€" tle will proceed to Sutton 9 thence to Inglis' irotel. Markham Village. and "full the night. ' ' Fititrn~lle will proceed to Calrtoriiia, and ~l0li the noon ; ’ y Srnufl'ville. and sir p the tiigirl. S"|Ui{l,AYâ€".IIB wrl proceed along: the town- liiie to Govii-lci's Cvl‘llerr "l'd "wl’ me’rnmm ‘ thence to Dnroee’s hotel. Vl-“lom' D‘l'mmr “i”, ~t0ll l hour: thence to his oivtlmfibl“: "lwr" m wrll remain till the followillll M‘m‘l’“ "’°"""‘P-'- llo will continue the saliva mule ‘l‘_'""l-’ lb” Season, health and w'ot‘ter hermitting. . A JOHN units, Proprietor, .‘larklram,)lay, 1&6'2. lt-sll DEMUREST’S M 31 l5, r, Quarterly throw of Fashions. \H - H lerA lit *itrivi: iii-2:218 A r-l) AlllllTithD‘. ‘IHr ‘vl MNEh lsl‘MBHH Ctl‘llAl 6 Four Large & apleedid Ftshrozt-Plz'vtei: :t 'r‘Ul..l.-SIZ::}D A'l‘l‘rlltN'S rii‘ unless-,8 CUM“ t’ SI‘JG 'I'Hr: ' New French Waist; an Elegant SLEIrLV H. AND A M'S 45.8 SACK, AND A SHEET t-l" NIH-V AND B AUTH‘UL Braid and Embrordcsirrg Patterns ‘Riclm’w‘ld“"hAP‘ilg-“‘52 r ()Gl‘ZTH lilR with nearly 1”“ Etizravitigs ol alI the noveltie- for Suinrrwr Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings. C-iildron‘< Dresses. &t'., and Valuable information to Midiiiors, Uri-ea Makers. Mothers, and Ladies generall". pre- lelllillg the largest and best Fashion Magazine ill. the world. publishep 473 Broadway. and ~_~__.‘._.~â€"..â€"â€".__~L-KJ_â€".-'.L__..â€"AJ; trait-Nazis: moms ! titan-rm RSMOF WELIa-MADE AND DURAiBLE 1 MAY BE HAD oti‘ "llE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purcltaSers, and of tire Hanna's-s OF THE ABO Collars Wzlrt‘i‘l satcrl to Fit. Look do \Vcrac “’ell. Also, kcptfor Strife Patterson. & Bro's. .Plows, Points, Landsides, &c. I I flu lufmiz tar/moi, l tiVoticois Elm" by r GARGLING (in. 5111533331331). ho ol, Brown’s (,‘ov'ier'smhd stopl hour; thence r to Site's hotel, L'tiioiiville. and stop the noon _ - thence! to Singstefls hutch; . may. ..«.... . .. w. r v.‘ y w H,“ “I, ‘. ;,_...,...W..» . ,_. :.~.,. ‘3. «straw. weft . v. nail-H‘gnfto vu. « A ‘ _, 1, ‘H V ‘ ‘ _ . ._ .. :. ,. .i.\»,-v', ’ ~ " FACTS WORTH KNOWING. ,wOBIAs _ ‘ Vi’l-NG to the. disturbed state. of the Aiiicric'nns and the exhaustion .of their funds. has been inter-ed to invest money, to great advantage; in purchasing an elegant air-J fresh stock of Summer . p _, _ “which lie is prepared to Salt of Prices tit‘ipi-e.:etlciiteil on 'Rieltrnond llill. rl'lie Stock Ctttllpl';st's_ over lorty varieties of (.ltlllli, Ladies" and Cliildrétis r,“ ‘j i. r 3h a. ’ "lint-it limit “with lint tin" J“till “liiiiiiiii intuit“ ‘ ' i J B. DRIG'JPI', if? ‘A special invitation is it‘lltlcl‘etl to all to tf'isit lllr sho’p’ltpid i‘ita-tiiine, as nothing -.- , ‘~' , ' --‘ 1r .‘ e I. . 'l' ll"l r‘rrtce. !( ’-OUN I‘Y Ceristnbl6.â€"â€"lranillord’s “Warranti- l U" “He‘ll”! WI” "mnpa P‘ “WE”. n" goo“ Elmer 0-! s ) 8' q A u .lu “ ; OXt'Clllt'd Rents and Dorris collected on " Ricliiilnnd l'ltll. \lay 1862 the shortest pessiiile notice. . . Addresswmchiiiond Hil-l l’.0, W U h V ""“‘“*7" "M" "*v"“*‘-M>’“‘+2'=‘”“T‘“ 1 Cheap Boots and Shoes . 7 [H131 Subscribe? begs to intimate to them?“ liabitnnts ol Richmond Hill (ll-Ill vicinity, that he has leased the Shop of Mr. Ruben Lgcey V'l’liore howintends to carry on the BOO'I‘ and SHOE business iii all iis'liraiiclies. ‘ Mr. Lee’s Customers will have. the some at; te'ullon given to their work as formerly. , ~ _All wo‘rk done at the lowest reiniiii‘eialing' prices. r . H .- - _ -~ . _ RICHARD DURHAHL. Richmond llill, April ll), ’62. 176 ! [*IEAVYVOR LlGlI'l. For Sale or to Rent, coMiiooious self-contained HOUSE"; . situated in the vicinity olf.Ri,cr-itiio.~it‘i' , HILL. containing 4 Bed’rooriis. I’arlor and Kitchen, with other Utithn‘ildings. 'l‘liere id also an Acre of Land, and another Acre can be leased adjoining. For further pat‘tiCulars apply at the ‘ liltinub"5 Office. Richmond Hill. March 6. 186,9. vs DESCRl-PTION. w all it} 'i. Sic. con~trintly on hand. at WM. llA'tilr’tlSUN’S ‘ _ 151-3m 2,..1; :r, l7l-tf: _ 179-3m JUST lelClClVlCi), a fresh supply of a new '. edition of SANGS'l‘ER'S ELEMENT: A'RY ARlTlltllthC. at the Book Store. Richiiiotid llillr RE 5 11' 1 9' BE SOLD. . 18 Acres of Cleared Land, on Lar- atoll." lst Concession 0f Vaughan, ‘1 .i' lTI’I n Cn'ihlttl'tnble (‘flIHIVlI-lf‘l‘l-l, H‘JUSE. l: with BARN .atid Sitâ€"mar. H€_)U::;E. Sl'lEilb'. t\'i.-.: a goodflrvlta d. (in-den and Lawn. .A never-failing Stream runs through 'lhetliroperty. ' ’ " A. ppl )' [ii . MOVALH .0F'l‘llE ‘MiRKHiMCiR '1‘ o '1‘ “ Haitian" I V 1 _ , Pails and Sap Buckets.- . ' p i I ~â€"â€"â€" .. _ . ' 'I‘HE Under-signed .is prepared to furnish, . a. * ' '1. t r .v ,- any quantity of l’AllJS AND SAl' . i, I _ ' 0n0NT0J_W ' BUllKl‘I'l S, at his Factory, Lot No.11. Qud (.‘OllCHSHlull . of Mark-bani: -or at :1)...“me Caesar's. Richmond ilill, at greatly '- reduced Prices. Address. ,postrpaid. Butte ., S‘- ' ‘lIE Subscriber- respectfully«announces to the Public that he hits removed his Ex nitrite Carriage \Vorkc to the City of Toronto. After thanking them for their liberal patronage while. at Niniklrruti. lie solicits r'i cont’intlancc of their favours at his . New Stand, res ‘King street Four tlu’ll’S west of'tlie l‘tfl‘ln llolise é-on the premises formerly OCcupictl by OWEN. MlLLlCl’tot BULLS. .' nville raga...- JOHN AMQSS. 189-961" mils“ Fé‘iGGIN. ()ii the l‘rertrisrâ€"a. I l February ‘20. l86l. Vaughan. March 7, 1869. " vl7lott'. . .sriritfitin DWELLINGTO LET infallt z, -. [its JHHN Sill l‘ll, begs to intimate to _\ the Pi "er-tidiitl rzrmtaaris tif.!"lti5dr'eii I in the reig- borhood of R-i-hiizotid H ‘l that all.» lilihltdi to open, on 'li'tiizsnir .ftrrtlt. lst. its jtjita _ Village of Richmond Hill! Na good posrtion. for b‘usiit’ess, House coin; modio-ns..with 5 Rooms and an excellent Cellar. Wired Shed and otltcrgCottvenieucel.‘ at present in occupation by Mr. Cdotiter.â€"’ Possession given on lst January. 186l. Eirqtiiro of CA R ETA G ES 2 (ti? THE M'IST APPROVED . . 4, . . , ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN , STYLES . Constantly on hand or in irislteil at the slit).th notice. C. If. i 179 '2 When .he will be happy to receive llllllttl' her 4 and ,with charge any child between the ages of |9vi~ars. l‘tte usual bronchi: taught G.A.BARNARDQ ‘ For leriils. are. I Richmond tiiii. Dec 5. 1861. 1534i klnlnifllll" llo‘lel Richmond Hill. March ‘27-'122 " app'y at inc IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR'S PULMONIC SYRUP, ll highly rel commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lun a and Throat 25 cent. bottle g a ' ‘ l74 M u l i'nriyull'i. Al‘tt‘ll reorr ) - l . . l (“your . . . t V . rim-“TW'W'N lisv‘rEWwiWW-V'" A the iii-xi S salt)" ol‘the t’i-trviocial l‘nrlia- An Old L_. l in a New Stand !! 0 ~.' a curtain _ . gm» a u... _......__.- ___._______-._. ,ruorooaapusr i PHOTOGRAPHS i ‘ merit hi“ an Act to confirm his title to the Road allowance hurting his farm, lot iii. lnltbr 1st cooce-sion of King. being the m‘w'i, line be- tween the‘ Townships of Kiln: tied Vaught-tn. 83h . . The Cheapest and Boat Attiln'otypc and Photograph GALLERY lN CANADA, County (.dblicll of York . ___.______._..__._..._.. w»... l7ll-3m â€"_iâ€"..-.â€" Ra H. “A LL RIGGS' aura Ott.l§wh9vhdfiod by any» , EGS‘ learn in intimate that he has RE VIOV ED the. S'ock of the li'lClil MOND m H M" “Mi‘r.‘°"°.'“9°“°' ‘° ‘5‘“! “W 0‘“ °' ‘ lllLl. DltUtl S PURE, to the New Store one door south ol Van lVOstrantl's ‘ ‘ any other Medicine now tretore the the. for 5 . = y _ . v n pita-inns, lama-cabfcm. Grills,b:ndt all _ mtoa to ; Joli-I, doll rum receitrd - orueai. oo.0rtnanau .aa. .- _ ' , . _ - Pr‘ at in bottle. sold 3 all imii i -’t .3 ‘ w‘ L .' _ " ' “ - .- tiara. P" r r’ r ' Lrtltbla ADDITIONS TO HIS STOCK, , ,_ _ r I - i l .. _ _ ,, ' \‘VlllCll will be l'ltlll‘l c‘tzt'plcti' (1"m,~’l'l$lll2 ' l 'J‘ORUVTO' t herons. titanicrNi-zs. ('IlllEilltJALs, ow; s'rirrrs, rJlA-MEs ' - ~ PAINixIHLs VAIiM-oiias. intrmr MEDICINES, ‘ R VV 1‘3, Plil’tl’U \lliliV. Bl‘tUNlllifi Slfililj‘i, M R SALE in the Tourrzcliip of ES‘IA. ‘ Proprietor and Principal Operator '1'." No. " in the is! flirtir‘ihsloh. 2”” I '(l 1 t. b ._ ‘ 7‘ _, ‘ , .. ., , T0" it! . -\ ~'l Ill. lRt‘ . ’- -A("Rl"S. 7 Acres cleared. joitiiitg the villvge at Dlt U(rl_1l ‘ l t l‘ A (rUUD'); ___0>L: W l": mflwvll’ . *M‘flm 12" 15' Alliâ€"town. Either the Whore lot (tr l0:‘= 8m. bu. acres will be soid to unit purchaser . For further p..rtil'tti:ir- nt‘tplt iii A ql\l{fi‘\‘.i JA MIES L‘s’. Vaughan. post-paid to Kliire~ l-urg, l'.U.. 0! to _ 3‘ JOHN McLH-‘N. (firmer Hill, ".0. ’ l7:'i-3:ti. , . at“. . gingtlutti aat‘ili. " Hi". Subtirriher. owimy to other fitting."- itictrt-i, Wlahfl‘i to~ R'nt liiv‘ UllflipllNl lemu- (l7 months) at the; welr‘okmtwn and corn- rriodii-tis Hotel. the the (firefly florist" Situated in the village of llirrlrmimd Hill.â€" For fttttirur particulars apply on the pri-mims to ' N 0 VV 0 “S E H V E, r"l’IlAT all persons owing Dr. James Lang; _ staff. will tind it to their advantage to call and pay as soon as po~sible. ' l 'iho. a witty-loti- STUCK 0 ‘ V CTIKS‘H‘I‘IVG. or _' ‘2 , I. y If; KS, Ct” SFFiCl‘ZR, SUGA V S, NINCES’, FIiUlilr‘C, TDBACCOS,‘ ‘wrm p 5.....- ii.-.-r. .rrznirr? t dill-t. H d trnrrélil rm! (‘ri-lr. .‘ti-tl will he, sold for] the same at tin» i‘.':\’ aim-x. .lu-' l'tft‘t‘ll'l‘ll it Supply of fresh GARDEN SEEDS, Purchased from reliable. sci d dealers, and warranted to glue satisfaction, for sale iii .89....“ 0.. lH' the mini-e. or pound. 'l‘iiiinlliy Seed. Oil 31.35.! Clover, $~li 50. [{("3k ()iL 4.0g»... 'l‘ar. 'l‘urpciitiiic. Alcohol, lltiriiing Fltiid,‘&c.‘ [n sniirnum rim patronage of his former Fi'iutitls rind (Ithtomei's‘. and the public F GROCERIES ! A GOOD Timid. _, . DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth 8 kill, in any case ot'l’iliis, Burns, Scolds, 'Old lnflamod or Sore Eves. Eruptions on the Skin, and h every clue where an ointment is useful. It will to commend itself, after one trial. unrrhatigAiiril 4, la 52. _- ._.'.i.._ Blackwootl’s Magazind AND THE 7 BRlTlSH REVIEWS . , scor r &. (30., NEW YORK. continuo to publish the following leading British 7 a II insulin GA BY. - . . . . . -. . . l‘ Vii" 'ls "..:â€"- r X76 4 Nun-any, [-1. ll. ll. would state that it. wrll be. his aim to supply" iii all cases Article~ l “no ma 1 H7 , f ‘1’] 'V “tr which ,wdl giro entire satisfaction ill the lowest prices. > THE LONDONQUARTTERLY women“,in l 3 i1 -. " 3 I, Wme m" AW“ 25‘ 1862' 178’6‘" TH!" EDWBURGU iiiavmw (WhigJ ’1‘ i“ 4“ 4'" :3 E .â€".â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"~â€"â€"~â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"_. V ,______,.__ -._.,._._ ' I». ._ .:'_~:T~'* ,fi':ttf:?:â€":~_:;::?:rr 3' V‘ i I . ‘ ‘-‘ ' k‘ "‘“""”“"“ W“ 2 in}; Noam BRl'l‘ISll REVIEW, (Free N0~ 93 King Street: UNIONVILLE _ Church.) sold everywhere at ‘25 cents. or sent by mail ()1:V EAT, pest true. on receipt of do amount. in stamps or edit er. Yearly $l , with the following valu able premium: Each \earlv Sulucriber will he entided to a receipt for the selection of 5"cts. north of plain patterns. from the designs iii the book. or from the show room. or they him he ordered and sent by mail any time during the year, by pay- ing the postage Splendid tiartvassers. ilIf Summer number now ready ’10 Hers WAY I, did. Armstrong M ry Jane Jamie-son Mr. Brillinger. Jacob Jenkins James A. ll ker, Mrs George lugg. Mrs Lucv Br wn. Mrs. George lnoii. llariiet Carni'ro-t. Marv ' ;\'laithew~u-n G l rert Cameron. Mt-s Janet \li-Vlillait. ’lugh (in this, Mart Jinn Blfllu’lVV‘, Rev Mr. Dtiimldenn .l S. l’layter. Henry Daniels. \Vrliiam Patton. lsnnc Dntirlen. John Patton, Alex (lorriran, James I‘ogite. William Got-man, .loltn Phi-lips, Geo-go Hesfop. James Szii- ids. John Heme. John . itnpron. James if part. .lo'rn VVall'ice. J antes Hutchins, John C. Winters. Thomas James, M r. V‘ licelnr, l3. (.7. M T'riEFY. I’. M. . ‘ Horse for sale ! _.....-. warranted quiet and good to work. Applt' to ‘ ' ll. 46:. l H.\RRlS‘)N, Lot No. 26.2nd (Ion Markham. . Richiiiond'I-Iill. Apriici, l8h'2 . 175.41.} C H EA 1’ FOR CASH ‘llE Subscriber. in returning thanks to his 1 tittiiierotls citetniiiers who 'tmve so liber- allv supported him for upwards or five tear“. would state that he continues to manufacture, -* A'l‘ llb’ OLD STAND." BOOTS AND SHOES! cfeverv description. and of the best materials. and after the Latest Stile. and hopes by close attention to business. combined With moderate charges. to ensure a co-ivuoance of their favor. He would also beg to intimate to the inha- bitants ol‘ Itrcnmoml Hill and V'Clllll’i’. th-it he‘ has on hand qui:e an assortment of LADIES’ 86 (Emma. N’S BOOi‘S 8t. SHOES which he ofl'c-rs L 0 w fo r‘ G a s ! JAVlr.b' VERNLY. Bicht‘mnd iiiit,» April t7, 1862. [77.6m ' Q _ will] distl'ilhh Is the place in Tor low. to it”? pure hill it liilllllt filth, , TO I' only because the proWh-tonEDW A ll D L l.:\ \VSUVJs one of the oldest and itrost inducements to nxperieticed Tea-bit ers in the trade. but t‘rorn the fact that he pun-limes hrs lens in such target quantities at the Ca go Sales. thereby eu- alrlirrg him to seller a vorv Reliittililltpilt RIC-HM IADlHlLPosnifiice SMALL AD VANCE, 0N COST~ Fulfilling the old ‘tlnge " lmrge ‘e‘afes. Small Profits and Quick Returns :“ a'so in cortices, nit: .-\ its: Fruits. fi‘picrs A ND , iiiiiii litigant! He cannot. lie‘iiiiilei’~oltl . a a. “Will xtill m 'lliiiiiiiii iii ' 4“ mil , lip. 'l , 3., :11 V L, I aim“ ® him. “l4 , G EC) HG E ' E A KIN GENERAL DESCRIP l‘ KEEPS C(3NST\t‘i'l‘LY ON HAND A m iiiti AGES, BUGGl GIGS, ac. MADE FR OM THE BEST IMPORTED MATERIAL. ASSORTMENT OF EVERY ION OF All W’oik \Vi‘irritntcd. - Uuiouville, A,:ril 18, “362. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE .’ A \l) t).\7 'l ill!) MOS l' ltt:'.ASUNABl..E TERMS. 4. "‘llE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberalj r, J. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA- ZlhE, tTory.) The present critical state of European affairs ’will render these publications univarsallv in- teresting during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the has- tilv writeii news items, crude speculations, and living l'lllllOl‘S of the daily Journal, and the pot].- i‘eroiis Tome of the future lllSlUl‘litll,‘“'l'lItCn rafter the living interest and excitemen'tofstho great political events of the time shall have passed away It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelli- gible and reliable history of current events, and as such. lll addition to their well~established literary. sr-ieiititic, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of thd reading public. ’ EA R LY COPIES. . Tie receipt of Advance sheet: from time llritisli pnh‘ialicrs gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be, [placed iii the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. -' ;. ' ' "‘ " HIS 1813c; tiII'I'S V. 13-. TERM” ' P,, . no ' ' ' ' " . ' M . '1 a .. *r ‘ ' ' For any one of the four Revrewsr‘u. . . 3 00 Egghgftjj {at ‘5; g v a y w ‘ ~- .. For any two of the four vaieWS, . . . . . . . A", mmnpmmqi (m. quark. W“; pm all be ll}! . I ‘ w ’ (H { ~ g S 3 For any-titresof the loci- i cvrews. . . . . l‘ ,, manufactured on m" “Mu-IN“? mm, We he“. I ‘ I ‘ ft . . y . i l , l a, 3ft)“ Ialll lint“ 011th:I levietvs. . . . . . . . .. . . . t ‘ 5 b’ ti. -:l s " Eitrri d ' ' r‘or Eric woor ’s .' "tg‘illle . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ > ma or” 'l “I g, a 8| ,wu‘mdm? ' a” . - 1 .. ~ 1. ' ’ . ' ‘ ” ‘ For Blaclttt'ood and one Review“ . . . . . . . 5.00 . tron main W llOngsALh AND Rh FAIL, . For Bhwkwood and mo mews 7 00‘ “'cililin t; and other i attics ’ ’ ' R S “.15, a good Farm ozT ain HORSE, Always on hand or made to order in any style 0.. the sliorte‘t 'Iotico. (lrders bv mail a'ld otherwme. attended to All Goods n'arrrin'ed as repre- seuted. and del vorcd free ot'cliaige to the cars or in the City limits. V ' Q6? NO SECOND P. ICE. llei'iieniher the Place-- I No 93 KING STR‘ClL'i‘, Plan or THE Ql‘aaN. EDWARD LAWSON, Proprietor. 167‘ Gill Toronto. Feb 5. le'li‘l at Home I ' LEiitNr; s. llUCKLAND’S GAhDfigySEEDS 7 ' llle'rl SEEDS that he rely lipi'iii as be- ing genuine, hn‘vmuI been selected with greatnareh‘y’ the above lirm.â€"â€"Seetlstiietl to the l'rovitimal lldrt’ctihural Assodiationâ€"aitd which are sold much cheaper t.iaii'those im- ported For Salem the Richmond Hill. April 1862. ‘ 375 COPPERSIMI‘H, ' l W ANUFAC‘I‘UHE. r While we “‘Pl‘f‘. iii partner-hip in these places ’tichtnond l'ltll. March 7 1862. sot-10017 AN GENERAL STATIONERY, « HERALD’ BOOK, STOREHM THE M YORK HERALD" errors, A'I‘ PRICES L’owait was TORONTO. r Richmond Hill. December 20.1861; ‘ ‘.~' and Sells every Article in the above li‘iieyand has had the _ pleat-tireol'supplying both the Navy and Aritii' in Eirglrnd and out of England hrf re lictouclii-d the shores of America. and has also had Ill" honor of'llltimiiinliiig till". Royal Hotel and every house on the Royal l'ert'iicc at \chmoutli, England. on hi.- ott‘rn t‘es'rnusihillty~â€"takes this opportunity of returning hissinccre thanks to” his friends and the. public in . g-"lll‘lal~~â€"ll()l forgctiiig those Store A'l-i‘clitints and Store l’e‘dlrrs in Hamilton and variirirket who have so kiiidy patronizrd me and my sons to litztritifncture ever" article In 'lie above business. at his rdioi (in Richmond Hill. l if? All lVor/c l’l’arranted and attended to with (trspatch. For BlacltWood and three Reviews,. ... 9 ) y ,_ V . i For Blackivood and the four Reviews... .1000. ) \ , . . . , , ,. . . J. b r 3 _ - . .L \ ) And Iron Plate Worker. _ y l ; and begs to slatcliiat he still continues 1 I7l ‘3”! “W KS 2' 163‘ Money current in. 1/”: State when: issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent from llios above prices will be allowed to Owns ordering four or more comes of any one or more oftho above works. Thus: Four copies of Black-I wood. or of one Review. will be sent to one address for :39; four copies of the four Reviews and Blacltwood for $30 ; and so on. M Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. . - , N.H â€"-'l'he price iii Great Britain oi’vlhe five Periodicals above named is $31 per annum. lieiiiiitances for any ofythe above publrcatioria lshmtld alW4_\'B be addressed,- post-paid; to the l’uhlishers, .‘ . LE NARI). SCOTT 6: CO. No. 54 Gold street, New Yorht New York. Dec. 5,l861. ._.. -mwmm~ .- E‘Ei- sale, CHEAP 'or Cash or approved Credit, A. ' ' 'l‘eii-horse power THRESHlNG MAT CHIN E with Cleaner: also a Sport of TEAM l HORSEE. good to Work. Apply to I JOHN AMOSS. , I Let liflitd Con. Markham. 1‘“

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