Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 May 1862, p. 4

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~W... burial. C222- __..___,..._...... . common CONVERSATION. The circle form’d, We sit in silent state. Like figures drawn upon a dial plate ; Yes ma’em. and no ma’am, uttered softly-.ehow Illvcry five minutes. how the minutes go: Each individual, sufi'h'ing a constraint. Poetry may. but colours cannot paint ; A: if in close committee on the sky. Reports it hot. or cold, or wet. or dry : And finds a changing clime. a happy source Of wim reflections. and well tin‘d di course. “’0 next inquire, but softlv, and by stealth. Like commentators ofthe public heelth. Of epidemic throats, Watch them are, And coughs. and rlieurns. and phthisic. and caviarrli . That theme exhausted. a wide chasm ensueri, Fill‘d up at last with interesting views, “the danc’d with whom. and who are like to wed. And who is hang'd. and who is brought to bedi Rut fear to call a more important cause. As if ’twere treason against English laws. The visit paid. with ecstacy we come. As front a seven years’ transportation, borne. And there resume on unenibarasseo brow. Recovering what we lost wo knew not how; The faculties that Seeni'd reduced to nought. Expression and the privilege of thought. COWPER. mm ‘â€" W..â€"â€"J ._._.__.__.__._ Ill rillutitmiii, Wm: COMMENCING BADLY.-â€"-A man was taken up lately for robbing a lcllowolodger. He said be commenced by cheating a prin- ter, and, after that, everything ruse-ally came easy to hurt. v 1.1 '“ Mami-na,’ said an inquisitive little lady of some six summers, ' \virui tllalws the seat so hot in a storm I’ Hot, urr dear I' Inamma answurcd. ‘ what makes you think it is hot I’ ‘ \Yll)’, tilniiritiii. I litit‘t- jun been reading about the boiling ivavrs.’ IMPROVEMENT IN Circuitsâ€"Tire or- dinary mode of churning butter Ill Ctnli i- to put the milk III a skin-usually a do; akinâ€"tie it on a donkey; inourit it buy oti him with rowrls to his spurs about IIH' length of the annuals ears, and their run them four-mile heats. NOT lMPitonABLc.â€"â€"'l‘cetotal- Chap lain. addressing an Ill'ltiillgt'lll cent-int: ‘ \Vell, what brought you here I’ I’I'tsOn er: ‘ 'I‘lie sheriffs. sir.’ Chaplain ‘ But I want to know il'liquor had any thing to do witlt it.’ Prisoner: ' Uh, yes, sir. they were both drunk.’ Exit Chaplain. How KIM) lâ€"The follmving notice Was posted in 1860 on the est ire of tin noble Marquis of Kent : ‘ Notice is Ilt'l'i - by given that the Marquis 01 Camden (on account of the backwardrn-ss ol‘tlie season) will not shoot liiin~ell nor any of his tentirrs till after the sixteenth of br-ptciziber I’ As two gentlemen Were discussing the merits of a popular preacher, one 01 than remarked. ' He always prays for the widows and orphans. but iicicr says any- thing about the iridowcrs.’ The other, an inteterate ohl bachelor, rcplicd, ‘ I’vI'IIJp.‘ it would be more appropriate to rerun thanks for them.’ 3 YOUR MONEY.â€"-I.ife is a continual struggle after that which We cannot talu- With us, riches; which Seems given to u~, as the nurse gives the child a pretty Ottlit Inent 01‘inle from the trundle-piece, to keep it quict until it falls asleep, when it props from its helpless hands, and is re dlaccd to pleaso other babies iii their turn. Collcy Cribber oncc went to visrt Booth at a time when he knew he would he at home. Soon after Broth called. on Crib her. who opened a window and told Booth he was not at home. ° What do you mean ?' asked Booth. ‘ Why that I b -- Iievcd your servant the other day,’ retort- ed Cribber, ‘and you ought to bebcrc Illt' to-day.’ During the stormy days of 1818 two Stalwart mobocrals entered the late Baron A. ’iothschild at Frank- fort. ‘ You have millions on tiiillions." said they to hitn ‘ and we hate nothing; you must divide with tis.’â€"â€"3 Very Well; what do you suppose the III”) oi Roths- child is worth ?'â€"-‘ About forty millions of Ilorins.’~â€"‘ Forty millions of IltII‘IIlS ycu think oh? “’r-ll now there are forty iliil lions of people in Gclmany that Will be a florin a-piece; hero’s yours ’ POWER or .t LAUGmâ€"Jl‘be man that laughs is a doctor without a (Iipit ma. Il's face does more g rod in a sick room than a bustth of ponders or a gallon of bitter droughts. People are. always glad to si e him way out to meet his grasp. while they turn involuntarily from the clutniny touch ol the dyspeptic who speaks in the groom“; Itcy.~ II? Ianglzs you r tit of your faults. while. you never dream of being oll‘endi-tl with hint; and you never know what a pleasant world you are living in. untill he points out the sonny streaks on its path way. A young urchin employed to churn a chimney of a house in IYIr’CIth‘IIt‘ItI. and having a~cended to the ‘sumtvnt of his profession,’ took a survey '. this cninpletrd. he prepared to descend, but mistaking the flue, he found himself on landing. iii the private study of a liitib of the law. Wlinet‘ meditations on some abslrmc point win-e put to flight. The sensation of both p: r- t'ies it is impOSslble to describe. the her terrified lest he should be punished. stood riveted to the snoband the Iaywer, strut-Ii dumb, started from his seat. the very Inntge of horror, bitt spoke not.â€"â€"-:Sooty Iltlwi'Vt'l soon found a tongue and iii accents which only inc-i‘casrd the terrors of the man of law, cried out. ‘ My Itillit'l"s ctnrnnin‘ directly.’ 'I‘hat was‘cnonplt ; the pr'r‘rc’ttctf of such an equivocal being. so inlrnducml unnerwd his heart. With one bound the afirightcncd lawycr Ilt'W swiltli' down stairs and in his kitchen sought refuge from the enemy. -‘._______.â€".â€" A ROMANTIC STORY ABOU I‘ to it roniandc story about the Prince of V’Valcs. III" Bank if rI‘heit‘ hauls irisiiitclitcly go hull .. ~ my”.-. .4... A .~.- M m... . .mnm-mww... ... «on --:v TIIIS PRINCE OI“ WALES. â€". The Bristol Times gives currency The facts are said to be these : When the Prince of ‘VllIUS Wu. With his rcginicnt iii Ireland, and statiotttd at the Currnh. Ic.'WlIS tn the Illillll oi ruling out frequently to Visit the Itcluliilut‘liig gentry of Kil- dttt'c. To One of those houses. “I ancient and historic standing. lire I’i'iiicctiiigtzt tic scnn turning Ille horse’s trend almost over} dai; until at Inst his visits t'this‘ctl to be Ibi‘tiial. Nothing tins cvtrrsUspctzt- ed by any of tlic )rruce’s Iticiitnrs lit the camp. until one :illei‘iirmii tun yuurig Ilttllcs gullopcil uvci‘ IItr green sword and pulch up in front (ii the I’t'ttir‘c's ltut and tin: uluttrtl. with WIilt'll tic ttntrrc but In titucl them. and his pdl‘llt‘ultit' itt.rittn.-r in tin: younger one. attracted the lilltfl.’ tion of an officer ol nigh i‘iii it. “bu at that trionent paying ti Visit to the .I’IIII‘L‘, and being a Ve'luiitii iii love as Well as War IiHhIglit there was SHIIIUIIII g more than. mere politeness of a Prince in a young Indy, Dublin possips say that Soon lifter this, in a little church not many miles from Newbriilgc, there Was mic iiioi‘iilng unilcd iii ititttrluinny lite ~\oung Indy iii question :itiJ at young gentleman very like the heir :tpptti‘ctit to the throne of Great Britain, the Only parties being the i:.ct'gi'iiiiin, ii brother oilicci‘ 01' the Prince. and bride's brother. It It HIS” said that Iltt,‘ tools Were conrrntnticnttsd to the Queen and the late l’iitir'c Consort on their \isil in Iii Inriic) .ittluitiu. tiiid llic I’rii-r'ce journey to Illt' East nuid tct‘tiitiit-il it“ by Ills lutc I-Itiicttlud lititlici, tit order to wean Iiliti It Dill his :itlur'li- tiit‘til to his Irish bi‘trlo. I'lic I.nl_i , hon'evcr. Is stiltl to ticdcarct to him than his future crown; and icrcivm almost daily It lcttcr li'oni Uttdci‘ litrt royal Ichi’s hand. ill'dSUlIl i'dSl ACCOMMODA'I‘ING I’os'r-ussrizits. .__l’i‘iiltalrly tliui'v is lit) t lites of pun Ir rtrrrnitts \ilit) are found l'LiuII ~Vlllt more IIIiIIl the P ist-rttustcrs. 'I'lict :trt: (:xpt‘rrltrd In (In it” IINI IIIW :‘v- quires. llllti a great dcnI morn. A. :i poncrnl thing tut-y .rrc “Ill”; null anxious to pluttsu tlic pnntivâ€" tti Ill't'llllillit‘ttl'dlt.‘ lIlt‘lll Ill t-vv-rt' l‘t‘l siiiuiltic Ilcitiiiittl. Ttitzv \thI got up tIlIIIS for your ptipnt‘. ltiuk illlr'l missing pope-rs and letters With as file it :inxrct_. as others. In cam.- in sickness and death, they wdl ni.ri' letters at all hours; dolivci‘ lllr‘ mulls Willi lllI' possible dispatch ; and it is a ISIllkCll itlcu‘ tutti they lites; tilt: to deliver all until humor that comes into the tiflit:c.â€"â€"it is for Iic r init'tt'etiictir c to get it into the hands Richmond Hill. lt‘eti. 2o, i562. of the proper owners possible. On the othci'huud permit us to suggest it few hurts to flu: public : IIS SUCH] as Fmsl. see that your [rafters are pro- pc [3/ directed. Scarce n truck passes llUl sonic ititt‘clirss pci‘Stin puts it lctv tor into thcollicc tltII tii'i‘cct‘cd“ Itci‘t: they wish it sent. Sci-rind, Put on a stamp of IIii' t‘iglil dcnn I mutton ; ll” it yours-uh. ltln-n you know it is paid. Do not risk the post-iiiuelm' to put on stnii‘rl'is wncn you Cit” inst as hell do It yourself. 'I hird, Put your letter in the letter box. A letter lrilll on 4 counter “ll .five tzctiIS UII It tittiy gut t-tivctcu 'up, rttislutt', or lhr: rtitiiicv Inn} gut si-parnti-d from the letter, and it Li- .Ictziiticd lit the Hilltle Ir Purlllgt.’ because suppuscd It) be broad -y iiiistnkc. Fourth, Dclit'ct‘ your letters (i r3. .1)!” tliciii iii tin: letter box) during the hours ofdomg business. I)» not t‘UtllO hall an hour IIIIUI‘ the mulls for the day are made Up, and un- awuy growling became the post master will not Intill your letter. In regard to Newspapers: I’ll} your postage proudly Ill advance. If p Ipttrs do not until". remember the pilot liltlb‘lr i' does not know why more than you silk-vii. you wish to send tilf lI'ttIllfItJtiI papers, do tint fail to put on :i stonip of the lift" i deno IilliitllOtl. Do not \\'I'lll.' on till", wln it you kin-w tlic I1l\\’ t'Xl'f'S I} 1).. int try in St'tI-t rib- t'nt‘tnds it. trons, ti H is, hot 3, iit'otnci‘ "Ya do i: Notion ” III the paper, iiitli u pt-nn. If you act sinnip on the outside. caught in trying to tlcfruud thi- Guvct'iniicnt, do not find faith because: the post master has done his swurti dtilt'. Do not ask the post tiittstcr In Watt on you In preference to others. who-c claim is just its good as yours. Lastly read this over before you your minds to deal justly Il\ tin- public Surrenis, who are “lllltig u- do the Smith: by. you. ‘ Put ‘ sail a bu'l l. r to an rri~|unun ct â€" I am. wake. ., 1:0 to the post-willow, and Illtlkt: tipl .e-r we". r . __ ~v.‘-r'. - '. Iv'«te1w"vr. 'ur-"JM‘J‘W as.“ a .. . .-.- J . G 0 RM L E Y . COMHI>SIUNER1N QUEEN’S tit Conveyanc r and Auctioneer, , Lo'r31. 4TH Coil. M martini. September Id, 1860. 95-tl’ Auction Notice. 0 THOMAS-IIOWMAN, License" Auctioneer, FOR 1'ch COUN'I'IICS OI" YORK «k. PEEL. .-\Il letters addre-scd to “ Almiru.” I'.(). wil rem-iv" prorrtpt attention. Didi-rs received at the " York llet~airl”t)fiicv, Richmond Hill: \Ir. llenr} Lemon. 'I‘liornbill. and M". James Cavatitiu . Mansion House. Shirroii. where 'I‘ei-ins. «\tc. may be obtained. .\|Iiiira, Nov. ‘25. 1859 GQ-lf CHARLES TAGGAR'I‘, CONFEC'I lthrLIl. RICHMONI: HILL. Pic-nic Parties & Tea Meetings .\ttcitdnd and ~nppliod on reasonable terms. Riclittt -Iid Hill. Julie 24. 18lil . lilfi-il' I‘antl 'I‘i'bllgll’i, Witter Sprints. Cistroiis and I’ll-trips; Manufactured and for Sale by S'rmtit MILLS, THORNHILL. .luneil,1859. By Dr. E. o. EDMONDS, RUINS EON III-Lh't‘IS I'. AURORA. 'Ieetli lIlSt‘l'lt'CI on Silver. Gold or Valcntiizt-d tIiibbt-r. All Upnratiom in his I'rofessrou. .ierl'ortned iii the most approved manner and Wnrt'aritcd‘ Aurora. March 9. IHb'U 67-IV W . G . T A Y L O R . VIC l‘ICRI-NARY SURGE) , MLIIt/mr oft/Ir: Itupttl (I llrgu if KN. N lit-turning thanks for die liluual t‘IIt'trIIrr‘Igt'- Illt'tlt lien-t More wot-ind bi gs to inititiutt' that he is now prepared to in at all Discus-s (If .Wninuris .' At his own stables on the shortest notice. and turn with coilli iPlIl‘c‘ warrant it cute iii :illtmse» within the reach of medical :kill and treatment. Rr’sz'rlc/rce’ Near the Eagle Hufe/ .\' I5 No Charge for hilt ling Newniarkrt, Feb. 26, 1'62 till-I FARM FOR SALE. 'IiIll’i SIIINIIHIN’I' offers for min the north wow put" of Lot No. 13 In “W Li Costco «ion OI" I‘lir; Township of Howard, (ritllll‘rllllillfl 75 notes. about 4ir-f which are under a lilin state it C'llllVUIIOlI There is on the Farm 8 heir-s of Fill \Vlie-itt. a good ()rchord. Ii Lop House- HIHI trim-r ulltlllllllll"g‘~ l'helc is also :i III‘ZD ill" IIIIIRE on the pro tim'I\, which rinli requires a stimil capital to upon it tip. There is a ~o shout; indications til #11. on the property. For l'uitlicr particular» rpply to RURICR l‘ MARSH. Loi41. let Lon. Markham 17nd; .‘r o H N s M I T H, Lute from Yorkshire I'Liiglr (I) Geiicrt'l Blacksmith. bliGS to intimate to lIir‘ Vintners IIIHI other:- In the neighborhood. that ‘26 has lcnsnl t'or a 10‘“! of \etits the B acksrnilh's Shop. owned and lateli‘ occupied ti. \Ir. 8 Sanderson. nearly opposite the post office. Richmond Hill whine Ill' intends to carry on titr- Iilurltsitrtthi .u noun-us in all its lii‘ntir'licS, and he litmus. bi .TIIPIIIIUII and ptIIIClllit'II’iâ€"t:"IiII)lI;i(I with Ii .-- n.d Country” experience, to I- out a snare 0 hair support. ttieliinoud Hill. March '27, toll? I74 .1 tlllll Illlllllll lflllli UN tiltjttitltrbt) lili.I.. Edwin Tikebber, Flirts in intimate .o the ililmlitltillts of Rio -- triund Hill and VIII it\ . lltnt he has commenced bc~iuo~s as n CABINET MAKER, UNDE TAK 1°, in, 'I'ivo doors south ot the " Yo k lliunlrl”trllict- where he has oii hand a general assortment of Household It‘lll'nltlll'tl. Of the best quality. cheap for cash. {If}: A Call is Mrlicitcd. Richmond Hill. June 7, 1861. I3'2-l'i NEW AND IMPROVED Map of Upper (tritium! W ol‘ IIIP Typographical, Statistical A‘HD Illtrlratcd ill-p of Uppct’ found. 'I t'o‘tnuitic, the n;: at Destriptirr DULD you secure It Valuable and ortin mental “wk of Reference 'r' bubscribi- Ill preparation by “on (T ind \i'i-Ii-kiioivu [-tiblidic'r tlurtuiy Map . H Residents of the Province cvcrvwlic 9 will be called on by Local or Iravciliug agent.- lorontn. Mar lot-'1. Iiid'tl H. & J. HARRISON Flour Barrel II aiding, Stave anti Shingle lllttitufzicttirri's, and Lumber Platters. Seasoned Flooring and Siding kept on hand and l’tancd to order iii quinttties to suit. pur- clinseis. 1?F‘artttit‘tâ€"iiii hlni‘kltutii and Elwin Mill- I’laiiit Road. I’ U. utltll'f‘>.\‘, Iiicntiiond IIlIl. June 7. leb'l. 32-biii IiCllMUNI) lill.l. gilgliti I] (iiil'l') illg.r Slillt‘ I‘) Ille "'P “II-(I IDII ° ! story buildiug,‘ have. you any houses [I Ireland its lull its this one I. ' Yuius .\’Ii-- Mithcr's calnu.’ ‘ How many looms It ul it I‘ 'l lit-rt: “as the illt‘llig room. the slap- ing room the kllt'IIt‘ll room. and it e p g , pen four roorns.’ That's a story so ' the builder. ' Ya’as, four stories,’ said Pat. ’ ‘HIS ASSI )ClA I II. )N has transieer tllt‘lt‘ Ll Ill’o 'tIIY to the ‘ IIIAR .i.ti ' Book Store. wire it Stockholders and tubers may procure B‘)()KD wer Friday afternoon. trout 4 to d ii'cluc i. 1’ III. I A. SCOTT, Librarian. ' Richmond Hill, Feb. 27. user. .1» s r .. intuit) & rncv Intern B nit-zit I. 'mu. Lug-«4. no new“... .179 I -... l . .,_. t N; m... u..,. I) N. J.PEC‘1{,’¢" ‘5"- te‘nirgeoii‘ Dentist, erI. an AT .. t \‘iclitil’s violel, Richmond Hill. On the ‘Jud Monday of each month, at ICIK’S "(I TEL, flluplc. On the 'I‘tiesray following, at McMann's Hotel, Klincburg. On \Vednesda} IOIIUWIIIQ'. W H ERIC he Will be happy to unit oti those requiring his services iii any branch of his prob-such. i‘eeib inserted on Gold I’Iatetiunr. Vulcan- izi-ti Rubber, or Continuous (Sum on I’Iatenuiti. 'I he. latter lit-tug the most beautiful teeth now in use. Dr. I’I CK has till the l dvantagr-s ot the Profession. butt. in the Status arithanadas, having for iiet'lx been connected WIIII Dentists . in New York: he IIO“ rtt‘cues direct I't‘n’ll tlwiii fiV"l‘\ Illllll‘IiVflfllBIll. ot' the I’roless'm throughout the Unite l States. I‘miiuulli attention given to the Rt'gulation vt' Children’s- I'retli. Consultation Free. All letters addressed t-- hint at Aurora lireIII-r y attended in. Aurora. Feb. ‘2”. ll‘fil Hill-Ii. GU'I‘ITrl-I’Iilttlill lilllllt‘lfili. No fli‘ltt'lr' ewr lrclotc introduced to 'Ilt' , ublic linso quztllcd lIH.’ LIQUID (2U t‘TA i’IIItCtlA lor' (routing tin or other tools. iIcW or old Uite ultlll‘ll. costing fill :30, of roof. all this crating Will render Ilb roof perfectly water-proof arid will Iasr three times as long as white lead or other paint. For covering roofs. either nl-'\V Oi old. we repeat, it has no "final for ditrnbi lili' and cllctipl'tt’Ss. and WP hill-r it to lhr public fully confident ol its intrinsic PXCI'I- bloc. and “III! our warranlcc that it will liti .3” We claim IOI' it. Sold in barrels of to if. g‘i‘lons ranch. ill a lilo-rid discount in -\dtl:c~~ all orders to It =‘i DY ROOFING Co . IIH 12m dr'ttl"t ‘. '23 INeda: «Errol. NPW York. (1110. .‘ilCI’H ILL IPS, 19‘t‘ovincia1 Land Surveyor, KICHMUNII HILL. C W. Dc-cetiibei l-l. Itili". AoXM-s. 0. vv D I I Surgeon Dentist, ill) l(|.\(. 51‘. LAST sou I‘ll SIIIF. 'I‘Hlllli Ironlt “WE”! FII'MI CHURCH ST. 'IUHOVI‘H. ARIH‘III. ‘i R itttcttitoii "lVHII to the1 ‘05!“- ii l-‘rtion of l‘liilrlrttn’s 'Ieistli. Consn thtlvilt rind all work \viirru'lted -. has turned his attention to the IF“ Dr. rovcnwnis ot his profession in all its-branches. and can supply the l‘rrofcssiou wrlli 'I‘ccth. Hold, Vulcanized \ppnrotns rind Vulctitiile lobby. and the best Ran filling. Milo ml 'I'N-tli Iriiitiitii-d on Gold, Silver. or Viilcautxcd Rubber. With Continuous Gurus. which tt’V' warranted to give entire satisfaction 'I‘oronto,October ll, 1&6“. 49- Ii IIII' MILLWRIGII'I‘, e/I T e7" .0 3 ‘< EGS to intimate that he is now prcpart-d to err-ct \IILLS of cveri‘ description, ii‘." contract or other-who. on reasonable terms- 119 is also agent for the best l“oi Itdries in Cu- tizida. and front his lengthened Rxllf't'lt‘lltte he hopes to give general satisfaction. Minna, Dec 23. 1859 4 NOTICE. If asked what was the trust medicine for cleansing the blood. and for bilious complaints, Sick Headache, Ciriitiveness, the, We should say BlllGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. IMPURI‘ANI‘ IF T Ul'l! And every word is true. For upwards of three years past,l hare been engaged III 31 business. vi liicli bus )Icldcd mt! at the rule ol $3 (lttll per aunuttt, but living dt-si- ions of going to Iiutope it im- course o' a ten months for tlir‘ piirprr-c of “MT? iiilrodua-ing the business. I am it ill-rig to teach It Inuit} one who trill svttt‘ the rail. 'I he lIlhIllt‘rh’ In no Itttitiltttg, but of n litulili useful and gout-int character. :itlaptcd both to cities and villages. and one that ..r.\ mm...” or mummy capacity. totin or old, male or It‘llt"-(‘. can acquire wt Ii .t'cit' II' tus’ p3: mice. and its which t‘rt-i can >(‘l‘ltl'8 a Vr‘l‘IINIHIHMIH‘ it (HIIHQ‘. Sen-rid \Cittig Indies tr Iiii IIMVM ri-ct-ivetl lli‘~l'|i(‘.lltlii‘ tiotii me, both irr Nrw York Suite and l‘enusilvania, are- earning iipwazd~ or $311 per week by it. and t-teri i~ no reason wbi any one else c.niioi do the same. Invaltds. CVGIILCIHI do well by it. as it is no pud- dltng atl'riir. but a business that is perfectly re.- spectnble. Gentlemen and ladies ol leisu-e who Would like to learn the business for then their own fillillb‘t'lilt‘lll or pmusiire, will Iind the pit-Clive. (if it a pleasant purlitiir , and one. that lII(‘\ will take great llllelf‘rl in ' Ii receipt ot tilt ii iii I sent! piinied Instructions by which any pe'rtitt can t‘t‘tttill)‘ acquire tlreurt. and these tri~titicliuii~ will :thI contain evert pnitit'ttlzir t'v Inlit't‘ to the carrying it on so that it Will be wig-:37: profitable .-"lttlirtis " \vill ‘HIMJ be author 'I.t (l to lt-at'h w‘ ;;t i w «Hr-rs: and I haw sometimes io~Cein~tI as high 3?: It'll. for It-nt-hi 1g it personally to a sinatr lluiivmilitl. l thllld r-inb- further that $2.5m : e ill buy l'Vt'I'\ thing that is nw t‘t-.\'~'"I‘\ .. ..~..tncnve the business With. and the tritium :- n be got a‘itinst anywhere. in (:It\' It!‘ notintri. or, 't plaifill'td, I can iurutsli IIIL‘III 'rIlllllIiFS. iIlI'J‘All). Alvmd T. Parsons, No 36 Libeiti 5L, New York The lie-st of rvl'vrr tit-us given when It'qttll't'd. FANNING MILLS&PUMPS ‘r W‘ 1115 Subscriber lie-gs to intimate to the pub~ llilt'sl IIHIII'UI'HII PUMPS AND FANNING MILLS In his Phi-p. at, Noiill'vihe. Where atl orders r-liltll~lr(l to tit; cure Vtill IPCI'IVI‘. prompt iillt‘ll- lttin. and for r Iica,tt--ss and dur biliit lrc detios Ulllll'jf‘llll II lit-patting (ionic \iith dosimtch. All letter.» undressed to PE i Eli KRIIIS. atoull'vdlc l‘. O. Sioutl'ville. Oct, 15. '861. l5I-iiii’1. WOBMS. For destroying Wortns- in children. SI'I'I'ZER'S VERIIH‘UGR CANDY .in by far the most pleat-tam. late, out effectual remedy now in use. Try it! Sold by all dealere in medicines. A- W mâ€"M Bold b:W S. POLLOCK. Rieltmoud Hill. 'l’ht pi tt-liitSvrof the “ priut- . tic geretrilly, that he manufactures the_ iURGrIiIONV Dentist. will be at, Niclioll’s Hotel Richmond Ili.l'l.tlio FIRST l ' . t. I , Mommy oi every month. and, the re- mainder of the month at his restdciice, McCayeville, 7th Concession of York. All VVo‘k \Vnrrniited. , Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Bor.e.â€"-â€"'I‘his filling is put into the Tomb while soft, causing no pull]. as It requires no pressure. it soon liettoiiies as hard as the looilt to which it firmly adheres. reittierlng it alnrostiiiiposslble for llleililllllg ever tot-.orn» otit. Dr. MUSDHIII’I its tirade arrangements with Mr G. L. I‘Llliot. of 'I‘oroiito. to Iiit‘tutitncttire his Att'iicinl 'l‘ei-th : those who engage Doctor Husband to (to their work Will he sure of hav- ing it done in a etlpr‘ilol' manner. Julv it. i359. 1'01. 01V“) till 1‘ 1“ .1 ItBlJt \I'tllt its 185 YUMIE S'I'AIIE'I‘. MONUMEN slyâ€"roan ’I.‘ ABLES. 't.‘t).\lt35'l‘tii\il§.s ac. flu-Iv. It ’A Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN AsY OTHER I‘LS'I'ABIASHMLNI". t" "I'IIS UNIIERSIGNl-d) Assignees of the- estate of D. (T. 61. W. YALI‘q iiillr-oit iiniie the business under the stipei-inteiidt-nce 'ot' our dlllt.‘ authorized agents, Austin Anon nnrl I). tlktttms VALE. whose receipt will be duly ackii trlcdged. , I’.S. â€"-Ail notes and accounts remaining titr- paid oit the Is! day ot June. I855. will be put into Court tor collection, (7 YALE. G. (JUMMICR. 4el~if 'I'oronto, April ‘29. IBSII. UN I'I‘Y Fire 8L lift Insurance Association _ or LUN nos, \‘r'itb which is Atrialgatnated the :‘iQUIHIbIC Fire Office. CAI’I'I‘.‘ 1., £2.5titi.lll ll, STERLING, Available Assets Vite Deptiitni’t $l.547.l til It; Lite Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,526.595 it; Ufi|i0>ii tnnd in (latitude . . . . . . . I (t Deposit Fund in New York. 150,5lill till neutrons! rains: Milllttitltt. Directors, Vite Departure-ill . \V. Litnn, I‘isq. .l. (I. .llaclw‘uzm. I'lsou I .l. 'I'orruiice, I'.>q. Trustees iii London : Sir i'V. C. IlnIyL-II, | t‘. I" Iiziziti, qu. J I“riitIlIl-glllilll, I‘irq- II. lln tries. 1‘; q. A. Laror qno. I‘mq. 'I‘rttstees in New York ; S. ..iving.â€"toii. Iii'rnol'linrcl».y.\ Livingston. \Vtit. II. \liu'i. l’it-s’t Leather bluuttlut't Rank W. b'l'ei'mari, firm of Duncan, Slit-intuit In (it Evert description of Fire and Life Insurance lithiiivss transit led at the triest moderate rates ul I’I'cttiiuni. REYNOLDS, manager III II. N A Agent for 'I'oroiituâ€"A R'I‘IIUR M. JARVIS llllice. I17 Ytltlgt: Street. 2nd Door South 0: King. 'Iiot'otito, April I2, 1851 W. I’ PRIVATE M I? D] (.‘A L T“ EA'I‘IE 1 ON THE ,Plzysiolcglcril lieiv oi Marriage. 2’5ii PALES Ami 11w ENGII ivtxas.â€"â€"-|‘rit'e UIII [worth-livi- l't‘lllr. S-vt It'ce tit littsl‘igr Iii nil [mil til the Union. ()1! I.» IIII‘IIHIIIII'.‘ of mm! and IIIHIIII'IH. tlist' wit-g the secret follies tiniIt'iII-xi-s of all :gns. Cit-hilt}! distilling tier votislirse. (lupus-Inn 0‘ the Iii-art. suicidal irzrngiuings 'tlt‘eiilllllflt‘} noun. l)III.~IliIM_T~. do t-t-:Ii'i- rumor-ti in :i ""‘IIIII‘r "ltd Iris- tltid--. Mil/I thitrjh'al tus- 1:," dirt/lint." mt /- ,IINL‘ of". ii Hill/If; 5:41.20! :‘IIISS. (I (lit/[run 15th (ll/ll. (Hill (I liiuttg diarrirrl Lolly. ur Aw. ] I.‘ It I.itiullrl :itii'ist‘t‘ til the ‘v'ltll thirst- ('UIIIIHIIIII tlttlg montage. wilt) t-ii elitiiit smut-i doubts of their pliysb .iI Condition. and “‘Ituflt‘r bazarileil tliv limrliti, litippi litiiiiuii 'llllh- ri.:1lt‘|i'tl (jntisrtii Its (9r il‘.Vll| ," Iit’.~'8_ and priszch to “'llltfll r-vei} Ilt‘lllL’ is t'lltllll'd Young Men \ilio :ne tro: lib-d with “'EIIIUIO‘S>. gr-tie Mitt cairn-d b. n Illttl buliri iii youth. ilu i'fli'ttis‘ til which are «‘Izz'liesh. pains, lotgt‘it'ti‘» tit-ss. sortieiitnes a ringing iii tit. cars. \Vl‘ik t‘_\r.~. iietiltttess til the bar It and Inner extreirit tics. confusion of tilt-as, loss of titutttori‘. wrtn tuclniii-hnlv. turn be cured by llir‘aulliul'ia Ne“ I’liris and L ind-tr T t-utitit-lit. \Vo Ilh\t‘ I'r'ct‘iilifv' devoted lilti(.'ll of out litm- in VI‘IIIIILY the. I‘litropi-att hospitals. :ivmliiig the Ilrtlrl :killrll l‘h_\ sac-tons and Sillg’o'lrlls In Eli-ope tilt the C tliIilIr‘IlI Tu-JN' who plain- tticttiscit‘cs under our core .\tii on“ have the hilt Ill'tii‘lil til the man} new and r-Ilic..i-Ious ieiiiettics which we are vital-led to introduce lit-o our practice. and the- public mu} rest 1..»- irtirwl of the some Zuni. its-ttluttt. SECI-ECY and attention being paid to II-t'll‘l'flst‘s. WIIII‘II llas so stit'ct-ssittlli distinguished its lre‘rctolot‘e. as a I’Iiistttiati iii our Ini' department of protes- 'siniial I't'Iir‘tlcu. 'or the past [went live years. For NC“ [inn/rm: PILLS.~â€"-~Lmtie.~ win. Wis-l. lot Medicines. the ellicuci or which has tit-en testi-d in turns lltl‘ of (tires. and never failed to - Ill-ct sperm con-s Without nth bid results, ltiill use nonr- lint Dr.\'s Vernal» Pcâ€" Iltl(lll'trl I’ilis. Tue oril_\ precaution iii-i'essnri to be ot'se-VI-d , radios should not take them it the ItC‘tGVQ the) are in amttrru Silutlluilm’ (he particulars oi Wlill II it it: I!“ Ioiiitd on the it rapper IICC‘UIUIIBII} trig encn Intro.) lIIIitlglihlt\'11_\s 'snl'e and health}. so gentle, yet so artiie an ‘ llici. .‘ Price $1 per box. Tue} can be trialled to uni port oi the UIIII' it Stlttt‘fi or (intruder. To THE IAAI'IESâ€"‘V'UD need a confidential litictiica’ :irttt-er “IIII I‘i Lrurf ttr i'll‘» ui [rinse iii- It‘leetlltg coliipl this to which their delicate or- gauizatinn renders titeni liable. aropuittcuhuly irivned it. t't)i;StiIl US" THE " .ELECTLO Uvaaxw PHOTEC’IIVE."â€"l“(it Iiinr ri-u unites Iltirt' in-altrr kill rm. admit. or t who have no desiro- to tiiciwtse thet- littlilllt‘>, that be ntiiatin-rl its abnv . It is :i perfectl) so i: .prevvntivo to Conception, anti tins lice-ti exten- siveti uSt‘ti during the lust 2d )eurs. Prior: re- duced to $ill. ‘ THE SEC RETS 0F YOUTH UN VEILED. A Tieattsc on the ( tHI-‘t' ol I’rcititttitre Der a} .â€"-A solemn Warning. Just published. a book shorting the insidious plug ess- and [It‘t‘valellt't‘ anti-rig schools, LINHII male and leinulcj. ol iii s fatal tifrtiil; pointing out tlit‘ intent: III ll inva- lrtuh v attends its victims. and doieluptiig the lwhoie progress of the disease. troui the com- uieiitreineni to the end. It will he sent by mail on receipt of two [3] cent Statiips. ‘ _ . IL} Alti-ndance da 1y front 8 iii the morning ltill I) at night. and on Sunda: s from 1.) to 5 IS M ‘(lll‘tIH-‘N with lull dritctions svnt to am) part ' ol the. Untted'Stntr-s or t.) .natlns. by patients- Busi- l communicating theirs} Iriptom- by letter. he.» (rotlcsirtilldt'lice.51Ilull) confidential. , IKE“ Dr. L’s Ollice is still located as established, jut-oer the name of Dr. La Crotx. at N0. 31. -Matden Lane. Albany. h.Y. to2-ly spirits, ptilpilu‘nn of HIII‘M‘HQ‘S ut the IIIIUHIt’tiFifl nod tow-niches of 'PHCENISK“‘ ' Looking Glass lt-I’ictttrc Frame MANUFACTUFIY. ' I No. 221 msr tummy-THIRD. strict-2T. . 1736: I75 GRA ‘De'fREE'I‘ &; STREET Established 1835 New York- Establfhed I36 ’I‘IIIS Establishment has been in successful 1 operation ‘24 years. and is the LARGEST ol the kind in the Untied States. We have on hand or manulacture to order everv description of Looking G/(rss. Picture [’urtmzt Farm/s P/uz'u Ornamental Pier. Wall Owl turd lilo/Mel “losers. (Irnt/Im'tiug Cur/tiers Base Brut/rel. '1 'II/I/I‘a wil/I Mar. I'l/t‘,’ 8/11/13 7 iii/r 6 G/uss's ("6 (IV; Macmillan tor iltIlUKh Firming. Itl lullgllh .ni'nme to. trtiiispn tilttrll. either (hit. Belling, [{ist'wrmd, Uri/t. Zebra. Birdseye. Mahogany. Ac. Hur tirw blurrinurtor. and ex ensIVe ftp cilitii-s t‘liltlllr' us to furnish any article in our IIIIP as good an the (test. and us chart]; us the vitally/est. V DEALERS Ant. Ifit’l‘t‘IiIt't'O CALL UI’ON Us when they visit .‘ew York. We claim to lie :~hle to supply them witii evvrv article iii our line which that can possibli require. at prices lower than they can purchase elsewhere. Orders hr llIfltI attended to with proinplness. I‘o irot fiiil to call when you visit \‘ew York Office and \Va erootris, .‘o. 215 Centre St.. New York. HORACE V. S.GLI£R, 17.3-3uins. Agent FIVKLE -\1 LYON SEWING - MACHINE COIII”Y., .336 IrItUADWAY, NLVV YORK. person who 'coniernplntes littltthasitt! it .I. ' firming Mai-Itine- for faintly or itiriiiutac. titling purposes. should tail to send tor one of our t tit'tiiars. which contains cuts and full ile- ~cripttous of the bt‘I’et'iH stiles, tutors and suitiple~ of work. all ol which we send I)\' until free. “’6 claim to ltnve’tlie best Sewing Machines in the World Fm cit/rm Family"; Mr/Itq/itcttuulg [Hui/Imus And all we risk is a fair trial I! end the todou'ing: I "ab-1"..." mustex“.,,,,,dmm‘.___efi IMPORTANT FACTS. FACI' 1V0. I.-â€"-I|iԤ Coiripaii} bciiigrlnly li- ceitst-d. 'Ilt‘ll‘ Machines are protected against ititiingcint-nts or litigation. .\ACI i\.r 2.â€"â€"'I hose .iiui bines make the lock rlltilxr-‘alliu on lmllt sides-unit rise a little lass Itiilll ball as much tIlI‘t‘IitI and silk as the (main or 1 top stiltzit trritttliines. I"At‘l‘ No. 3.-â€"'I'lic.~i- Machines are better adap- tcd than uni other scwurg~machines in the market to'tbe frequent changes- mid ulttrosi endless variety oi sewing I't'qm ed iii n fa- iitili. They Will rat-iv li'oin one to twenty tlttckticsres of IIIHI‘M'IIIUN without stopping. and llti'iIiU evr-ry stitch tierlcct. 'I‘ltcy Will r‘\'ull m \\ limit the lincst gnu/.0 to the lien- Vb st l‘ItHII. and even stout. iiatd leather. “IIIHIUI (.‘llul‘iglltg’ the fei-d. tit-cdle. or tetr- stun. or making an} adjustment of machine “liatever. Is not such a machine best adapted to family use ! and i best adopted [0! “HIV use. wui' ltJl for may variety of light suiting Inauitlnctnie? For work too hoary lot out I‘Itli.II\' Machine. we recom- ittcnd our larger sizes. 1",ic'r .\o, 4 â€"â€"'I'Iie.~e Machines make the most ettis‘ttc Mint” UI. :i|t\' New IlIg-liitiCItillt‘ in us”â€" n tact 01 very gi‘t‘nt tlIiIltlt'lIIlithâ€" in sew. In}; elastic goods. or goods of any kind, on it bit 5. I“.it;l No. 5.â€".\"o Machine is Ilitllo durane or more simple in its cotts-ti‘itctiott,or inori- easiti understood. 'lbu reputation ol these Ma‘- clitiies wherever used wtll frilly demonstrate UIIUII til the Iibnie r‘.it:i'.-. FACT Nu ti -â€"- I new Machines took the High- est I‘Icintnm In the 1' rankliii Institute. l’hil- tidrlptiia. 1"ic'r No. 7.â€"â€"" ltcse i\ln:liines took the High- est Fieniiitni rt tllr' New Jeism Stole Fab. FAG! .\o ei.â€" I'liesn \IHUIIIIH‘h took the high- est Illeuat at the Atiiericnn Institute. I.I the City of New lurk. together with the High- est I'rcittinttt lor litre Sowing-Machine H ork I“.ii'i~ no. 9.-.I‘Il059 Machines took both the Illgllflst Il't‘Illllillie at the MecltuniCs' Ifati‘. Ultra. N.Y I'AUI' .\o Illâ€"'llii-so Machines can do I ~- satiic thing Lit‘llt‘t'fllll', wttencccr pl'npr«.l_(‘Altlltlt' d III competition Willi other first-Clo» bettiirg- Itttclilittis. Iltrl tin have strum.- only out-fut?! inort~â€"It is the Itinsi ittiportaiti l‘iztl'l til tilt. s M 'I' \o II â€" an murrurrl cru'u Mint/titrr wt: .s‘tlf .u Iii/r. hm cr Salli/.1111!!!” lint/I any ill/m1 the tutti/(ct. "rating (I? Mun/tine III III my 1: Iii/ml. ii hunt in it (Jittilllnr. AUI‘JN IIS \Vd‘iN'I‘I‘iD ‘it‘ldrc: s. l‘ I-\Kl.r' or Imus .‘Tr-wno-Nltitrttsr; Cn.. Nu...3d Broadway, New York. "l‘lllt‘llilltt: 5. 11-61. Idti-litti --ru mg I). sirabl Villa 'fi'iiit’ropci-ty For St: It: 3: III“. ‘liI)~‘("‘ii18l' “II-«:5 tor Sib- two valuable I VILLAUI‘. I.” l S sitnnlr-d iii the van to; to of the tint risingr too it ol I’oil Iilg It, on Ink“ llill‘ti'l. and in the County of Iiruce: Ilit' Lots u'c killiwtl as Lots~ N0. 4% and 41. iii ltItN'k NO 51â€" rrl‘ the Vilutpt'. This Is it rare oppor unit) for any one who wishes to make It homo- lor ltiitiselt'. 'I'tie nipping four the I’ott is considerublc. and a Illi‘IlllIg Iii-d iitiprovitig Illl‘lllt‘ss is (I um iit IIH‘ t-ivtI-â€"â€"tor :1 Mechanic the opening ' Illif’qll-IIII‘II Ii For particulars apply at the ‘IIEIHIJIOF- I'tcr..’ or to W‘I. CUURI'NEY. Richmond Hill, Apri ‘24. IBGL ITS-1'. TIII‘] IIEIIIIES OF PEACE, . AND ‘ THE HEROES OF WAR. “4‘ AN'I‘ lONY. No. full DHOAI-WAY. Niiw . Ytitix ritliei' ‘ltll'Ittilh. the VP ebrated Collection known it Ilium; c and America as Ult‘Al) V‘S NA '1 [UNA I. I’HU'I'UG RA I’Hll} I’UII. RAH GALLER Y. ' in which is itit-llidvtl I‘mttattn ol Itcnrlv till the irttrllilllt'lll men of America. not excepting .lcli'. tIrIVIs. Gen Beauregard. I“Itl'\(l, and It lio~t ol other corvette-airs. I‘rice oi I’ortraits. $3.00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail. e’csnes of the War for the Union, are pu‘-li.~.licd.r:ard size. and in sietcosciipic lbrm ALSO. { Sereoscopii' Views 0' Scenes in Paris, London. and to our r p'rr's of I'Lnglntid lllltl France; in b(‘UII£1li(I.IIL‘IHIld, \Vulvs. IIolliIlItl. Switzerâ€" land. b‘patn,oti the Rhine. iii Athens. Lgt'pt, '.I'urke.. thr- IIoli Lind Clll' no. India. Cuba. &c.. &c., ad tnfinitnm. Gus Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Are the Creoles! [I/lllllllfl‘ of "I! Age. Tuese are taken iii the f I'Ili‘lll part or a eccottd. and the rushing of water. the moving of vehi- rates. or the match of an nrniy. duos not III the sligtier-t degree ati'ecl the taking of these vieivs. I h- V are sold tot 333.0“ per iIn'I.cii. “in have also oti hand and manufacture the inrgest Hrs-tl‘lllit‘lil ot S'I'EREUSL‘UI’ES. I’HU'I'UGRAI'HIG ALBUM-5‘, and Photographic Materials iii the United States. and perhaps in the world Catalogues. containing lists or all our l’or- ti'atts. View~‘. Stereosco, cs. 5.0 . sent. free b_\' mail on root-ipt of a statin IQ. ANTHONY. 5161 I’rnoiimvar. near St. Nicholas llote|.New York. September 5. 1861 I45-Iy i \ViitcliosteTIS“III’DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW Itiiail. pro-paid. ,Valtiahlc Property for Sale is now publishing, in addition to, . .4 a, on: rCauacmafisfi schema FOR CONSUMPTION. Nervous Debillty, Scrrgfulu. and Dyepeplia. " » . Bronchitis, 4w. . ~- HIS ;‘Is_‘tli9 most wonderful curatieetagent; ' , -:known to medical science. It-heeet'vq. reeled cures in met-y stage of Consumption V “ U_.‘lt.'Al{ALLELEI) IN THE ANNALS OF... MlnDICINE.” In Nervous “Ability and Dye- pepsia. the IIYI’OI’HOSI’HITE? may be re- garded as an almost sovereign remedy. 'l‘lie ,Hypopliosplritcs .' - Ilavea twoâ€"Iiold rind specificiactiotiâ€"on the one band. increasing the principle which CON- S i I‘TU’I‘ES N ERVUUS ENERGY; and. on the other. being tire ~VII'SI‘ PUYVERFUL “LOUNGEN RATle AGLN I‘b‘ KNOWN" 'I‘lie.y act with protnptiiess and certainty in all general morbid condLi-rue. stitch as Chronic“ bronchitis. Albina. Sciol'ula. Marasmns. Ane- Iiiia. Female Complaints. she” and in all ditt- Orders of the Nervous or Blood Si‘stems. Their efl’ect upon the tnbercular condition, is irtime.di-- '- atr---'â€"all 'the general sylHIMIIlS "disappearing with a rapidity which is really ItiiirVel'ous.-' 'I‘l'iey increase the nervous or vital energy. re- iguve Cough. check Night Sweats. diminish. Expectoi-airon. improve the Appetite. arrest Di.rri'l'ta:a. and promote refreshing sleep. FAIR 'I'RIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE. I Winchester’a Genuine Preparation . r ;F THE IIYI’OI’IIOSI’IIITES is the only reliable form (iii 12):, Churchill's. Remedy. and.“ approved or the Medical "rofesri-ion generally, USE Ni) OTHER. OR ANY REMEDY CON- IAINI.\'GIIIUN. -. _' . ‘_ ', it; I’ntctzs :â€"In 7 oz. Bottles, $lâ€"6 Bottlee for $5. In 16 oz. Bottles. $2~ l‘liree for $5. Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Drug- gists. and at the sole General Depot in the United States. by J. WINCH ICII’I‘ER,38 John St., N.Y.' THE SPECIFIC PILL .' A SPECII'IC NLMI‘ZIII Fun Sprrnmm/‘r/tert or szz'rm/ I/Vcal‘ficss, (5’ Genital Irritant/rig in cit/wt Scat. THIS is the only retriedy for Sex-ital Delrility.~ IllilHilt‘llCV. Sterility. Arc” which: has them»: ptoval (‘I the iiiodical profession. Its success,- bctiug cures in- cases where all other irieili ms of treatment had’ failed. (Inc to six blues of the SPECIFIC I‘II.L will peruurnently cure any case 01 Semi- ital \\"t~aliue.-s. or Its resulting IIIipoteticv. however aggravated. whether const I'IIIIOIHII. 0|" .riising from abuse or excess. IMPORTANT MEI‘ICAL TESTIMONY. “ I have used your S rccific l’ill in many cases of Spermatorrltea, and with the most perv. ~"ect sucCess. ‘ "J. Mth't‘ots' Sismzks. M.D..I..L.D." “IVs believe it to be as near a ' Specific ’ at» any medlclne can be. \Ve hove cured many: severe cases with from so; to ten doses.”~-â€"Dr.- ll. K EI'I'H : ‘Auierican Jonr. of Med. Science, "I have found them all that could be ‘0‘, sired. 'I'heir ell'eitt has been truly wonderful.â€" I52. 9. I)IrIrr~:ii,I\‘l.D.” , irf', 'I'ltis is not a Homeopathic Remedy. nor is there any mercury or other deleterious ingre- dients combined with it. PRICEâ€"3'51 per box; six boxes for $5. by For sale by all respectable Drnggists. and at the sole General Depot in the United States. b\‘ .1 wt xcnicsrcti. 36 John 's:.,N.Y. New York. Dee. 1‘2. 1861. V 1594!, sLAiniV neousr-izo. 1 ,l ANY who have be- rt slaves to Rheumatic I i . e L _ t_\rmt .y b ive her it entirely emuncrpatcd by the use of liigraiu’s Infalable Linimcnt \ certain cure for Rheumatism, Tic Dolereeux, Spiaiiis, IillIlSt‘S and Swol'iiigs I‘repared and sold I)\' Jeseirli Ingram, Maple Village, in bottles at ‘25 and fil’c. each. Maple Village, Feb.. 14, 1861. B-y. _..___.... B . M . R . Try the truly great I’AIN KILLER. BRIGGS' “A. GIG RELIEF. and if you are not satisfied of it! lupi- riority. after using the medicine. the price will be re- funded b the Agent. in all cases. Price 25 centepd bottle. old by all dealers in medieinee. 7 IZ: li3 Acres. '23 of which is iiiiibcred, 4’ Acres tinder Cultivation. Several PARK LU'I‘S wrtli timber thereon. Also. .VlLl.A(:‘I§' PROPERTY WllIiUlll Buildings. with or The above property is sittiatedtfl. and adv joining to. the Village of Richlnond 1â€"1111. For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. Richmond Hill. Sept 2. 1850. 3-. Consultllic Old English Physician TOR Ae-‘l HllA. NCII’I'EX 1‘ CONSUMPTION, INI' IR. 'nI l'lIilS UF YOUTH. AND- ULD Alt-E, ac. No M c To ti i'y U sod. Dr. Amos dc Son. 4% l-‘AS'I‘ GLNESEE STREET, Buffalo. New York, RIC the only I’li}str'iuns iii the State who are members. of the Royal College II Surgeons. London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock iii the morning tittiit 9 at night. in every state and symptom of disease. , ... y. The treatinentihey adopt is the result of up- words ol'thltty years’ extensive and successful practice iii London. A MOS-‘1' SCII‘ZVI‘IFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lily. of Nocturnal omissions. more properly known as Seminal Weakness. «Km. Can be , permanently cured in front row '20 days, by the Use of this instrument. when usedcon- jointly with titet‘ttzines. “ - lir. Amos oz Son. iii order to satisfy the nrosr skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment. pledge themselves that .iii any instance where it may pruve‘niisaiislhciory. after. a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the Il‘stl‘utnclit in good order. Price 'I'en Dol- lars. by mail 0r express. YOUNG brim TAKE PARTICULAR Horton. Those who have injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit l’reqtieitJ} learned trom evil coiiitianioiis. or at School. the eti'ect's of which are nightly feltyVfir when asleep. and if..iirtcurn‘d. renders msrria e impossible and destroys both mind and beefy. should apply iiIiutediately. Self-abuse is one of the most formidable enemies to health, for no. thing else III the dire catalogue of human die- oases causes so destructive a drain "upon the human st‘stt‘lll, dinwiug its thousands ofvico time through a le'w years of Suffering down to an untiirieli' grave. It destroys the nervoue systctti rapidly, wastes awnytheetrergieu of life, causcis mental derangement. prevents the pro- pt-r (Ir-velop'l‘t‘til of the B\ stem, di-quaiitb s for trim-lingo. society. business, and all earthly happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in bodi‘ and Ilillld. predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded titan 'deeth itself. . . iiiciisms IN ANY PART or THE would) they be successfully heated by forwarding | Correct detail of their case. ’ Address IJI‘. AMos or bots, 48 East Genesee Street. three doors West. of Ellicott Street Bufi‘alo. N. Y . 88-}!

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