Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Jun 1862, p. 3

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ass ., , ,.., 0f Mr.,\,.l,on Langstafi'. near 'l'hornhillngs, George, “Brett, aged 6,0,,years, formerly of leedlfitry,» Nettingha-m'sh‘i-r’e, England. 1 i A NEWSS‘TORY . 1N -‘l‘HE .att... “cafihlflappinésa’lflorgWEAR sis ‘ . saunas s: Scottish, AmerimaJourntil : wrmsrécmss. INTERNATIONAL “waning.” r N .'Mayi"9:,':‘1862, was Commended a new storyln the SCOTTISH ‘AA'MERIOAN Jock,- NAL, entitled; . , -_ j .11.. _- {g ‘ - .DEL-LBURN HOUSE ‘4 A Tale of the Scottish Rebellion of174=5t I “Q, BY {rue Aulipoit'olr, ‘ r . , , .‘ Chaptersfrmn theILife of "JaSr rho/set) . This tale will prove to be one of the ’most in- teresting-even published, and Cannot failfto be -appreciato'd by all'classes’bfreaders: _ . ' ' -.']‘he SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL is a paper peculiarly adapted to meet Ihe requiremeiits'of the British people and their families front all parts of‘the old country resident on the Ameri- can continent, lt is, in fact, a family paper iii the highest and best sense of the term. its jflome and Foreign News is amply given and carefully prepared, from a wide range of British and foreign sources; and omits no ham or fea- ture calculated to iiiterest'its readers. whether 'ladies or gentlemen : so that the Sco'r'risu AMERICAM'ZJOURNAL contains (presented in a concise Land readable form) all the local, per- conal, and political intelligence which could be only found scattered over a vast number of Scotch, English, lrlslr. and Continental news- papers. Another most important teaturo of this journal is, that it gives the leading articles of the prominent British newspapers and other periodicals upon the principal topics of the day. In reference to the ‘editorials ’ of the SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL. it is a significant fact that the British press frequently acknowledges their intrinsicâ€"truth and force by copiously extract- ing from its columns. and declaring that the SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL is the most able and interesting paper published in America.â€" A wellâ€"digested weekly suniiriary is also given of the [principal items of American news. . . .il _ ’ is‘g SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.50 PER Annual. Specimen Copies senfgratis. Subscribers in the Provinc: s may remit their subscription in Provincial money; odd change in'l'rovincial Post Office istamps. ,. Copies forwarded to Europe per mail, United States postage paid for or 133. sterling per an auto. Subscriptisons for the current year are now being received, and should be forwarded with- outdelay to ., . _ . A. M. STEWART. 37 Park Row, New York. F or Sat 1 e , CULTIVATOR, new, from the manufac- tory of Mr. JAMES ICcKAitn'r, Unloiiville ; . _ ' and in perfect aerzorilanco with the laws of na- " litre. . ‘may be had cheap. Enquire at this Office. Richmond Hill, June 6, 1862. l l l I l l inuMHMu «- UST received at WM .‘ 8'; PO LLOC'K‘S a‘n \- assortment of FRESH‘ ('}O(')l)S'adaptod j for the season, consisting of some l-n'io'epnctt' l style of Prints. :Robed and Uelmitie'l’rintvd :I and Leno-Muslin Dresses. A large and ex~ l ceflen't as_rortment of ‘ l Ladies", Gents & Children ‘ ' Hosiery ! _ Gloves, Neck Ties, Ribbons, Muslin Collars. Parasols, Striped. Checked and Regatta Shirt iiigs, Factory and Bleached Cottoiis, Illenims,’ Dillhjllwwd and SummerZ Widths, with a large assortiir'enl of Men‘s {early-triads 00A Ts"; PANTS. (3‘. VES TS - 3s ~ ' ,l l hi every vaiiets of style and materialâ€"cheaper than heretofore sold on {ichmoiid Hill; also, , a well selected stock 01' Fresh? 5 GROCERIES 8:. LIQUO RS Heavy and Shelfflardware, Dye Stutl's, Drugs. Medicines,.aiid Crockery, which will be sold at the. lowest re’nunerating prices, AND AS CHEAP as at any other house irrthe neigh- bodre'ood." ‘ ' ; . Please call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. WM. S. POLLOCK’S. . (Late Geo Baitiiai‘tlfs.) 5, ’62. i 181 ‘ HATS! HATS l I‘IIATS l l l NOW- receiving, ' direct from NEW YORK. El . the largest and best selected assortment of' Men’s and Boys‘ Hats and Caps, Ever before ofl‘ercdon Richmond llill,in every SIZE, VARIETY of STYLE‘a‘nIl COLOUR, l in Felt, Wool, Cloth, Cassimere, Straw, Pedal, J Panama, and Leghorn, which "‘ \Vill be Sold as Cheap As the same qualities can be procured at any '1 house in Toronto. ' r "X’Pleaso call and examine on Richmond Hill, May 1 1' New Styles. ‘1 At WM, s. POLLOCK’S -‘:', v «11., .I_____L,__ A, LADIES’ MANTLE CLOTH IN Fine Colours. 6-4 wide, only 5. shillings per yard, m , , At WM. S._POLLOC,K"S. Leno Muslilas .2 NEW Material of Wool and Cotton,â€" j“. beautiful for Summer Dresses, onlv 7.;d per yard. at WM. S. I’OLLOCK’S IEDIESI SHOES & SLIPPEES ' NICE assortment iii Plain and Enamolled, Kidand Calfskin, from 35 lld per pair, At WM. S. POLLOCK'S, 9 JAPAN ‘I'EA N Excellent, sun-dried, pure, fresh, fine flavored Tea. at 3s 9d per lb. At lVM. S. POLLOCK’S. (Late Geo. Barnnrd’s) Richmond Hill. Msy‘15,’62. 181 BOOTH & SON S, BEG T0 INFORM THE PUBLIC, That they have taken the Store, unnumm ’ 5-» AMERON’S Block, opposited H. B. _ WILLIAMS, until the premises lately occupied by them, corner of fringe J‘ Queen Streets; .17 ‘ ’ ARE REBUILT, ; OUR V MANUFACTUING . ~DEPARTMENT, ls continued as‘usu‘al, and we" ‘are‘ prepared to attend promptly to all orders, with which we may be entrusted. i BOOTH 8t Toronto, May 11, 1862 159-137 r Blotches on tlIeII‘Vace. Ulcers, Riiigoworms, , pt'd Hands, Cliafed and Blisteroid Feet,’Cerns,.; tmfiéétd szdsers'fidtg}; Yfétm-janguamgxaxid ,an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, i1“ litre wit-liin' the reach of‘Fall, ij nigh-st.“ or DR. BUCHAN’SVEGETABLE DO- MESTlC MEDICINES, prepared from the Prescriptions ofthe late. Dr. Buchatr, :Fellow of the Royal college of Physicians, &c,. &c.-â€" Cuies aredaily made, and their efllcacy proved in thousandofcases, attested before the Alderâ€" men at Guildhall, - ' " THE RIGHT nest. f THE to ‘ ' I ‘ 'MAYOR, OF LONDON, , andSittlng Magistrates ofuM'arlborough' Street, :Westmlns‘ter, Worship ‘Street, Bow Street. «Ste, Used by "the most celebrated Medical Men, Clergymen.auduothers, - _ Dr. Buchxéin‘s‘ Sag RD aij’Coa‘ted sarsaparilla .Ptlls. - - It is a WEL'L‘KNOVV N FACT that SAR- I SAPARILLA is the greatest purifier of the blood in' the 'world.r KEEP'YOUR BLOOD PURE!‘â€"~'l'hevBoWels regularlliâ€"And DEFY the DOCTOR!” Tlieeu’iPills'r'strike at the root'o‘f "each disease, and are for" the cure of every ailment incidental to Man" Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin,1ndi- gestion, lilious. Liver}, and Stomach, Corn- plaints, General Weakness, Gout. Rhuema- tisrn, Lurribago. Pains in the Limbs, Head- aches, Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irregularities 01 the bowels. ob- structed perspiration, and deteriorated and uti- healthy blood. These Pills work their way to the very roots of each disease, Cleansing in their passage, especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulation, till the blood is purified, the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of, life become t a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- lay ! a clean stomach must make aclean body. A clean body will contain ptire blood, When the 'stomach,body, and blood are pure, from regulating aid cleansing the bowels, health is certain, Begin at the beginning, waste nb time : strike at the root of your ailment. Again, 1 say, look to your stomach. Ono trial ofthese Pills will force conviction, Sold in bottles. at is. 1%d., 2s. 9a., 45. 6d., and Us. ' Dr. Buchan’s Invi oratin Essence, g For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NERAL W EAKNESS, at once restore and invigorate wrth magical rapidity the most De- bilitatcd Constitution. thereby ensuring perma~ nent health, increased'slroogth, energy, and a redoubled development of the inttscularsystem. Failure is impossible, for success is ascertain as that daylight follows darkness. Tire only infallible remedy for acquired local and general tlvbility, nervous prostration. depieSsion of spiv rits, diminution of vital energy, ornacialloll, and for all female complaints, This medicine not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in youth, Iiiatiirity, and old age The properties ofihis invaluable re-iiivigorating Eswnce act directly on the nervous and muscular system, enriching, increasing, and purifying each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, As the failing rain vivifies the parched vegetation. so will the powerof this all-potent agI-irt restore the lost strength and, energy of all who stiller frmn exhaustive derangement, which so few of the medical profession attempt to treat. 4s. 6d., .118, or four quantities in one, 33s. on. BtICHAN‘S VEGETABLE 'SKIN . . 'UJNl‘tl‘lEN’l‘, is the only one yetdiscoverod that cures the most inveterate sores, lls effects are wonder- ful, gluing instant relief to the sufferer Many thousands have used it, and declare it to be “the best in the world.” it is the only unionist. REMEDY feral-l kinds ' and skin eruptions. lI rrover closes up the surface of a wound whilst. full of trialtcr, out will first bring all to the surlace. and finally heal‘ watliout breaking ‘ The Pills aid the Ointi‘iient in the' out again. i'ol.lo_wiiig-â€"'Piles, Boilos, Bruse‘s, l:.l.\'coriatioiis, fore Ileads,,Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Chap- lunioris, Cliilblains, Frost Biles,-Scalds, Cut-i,‘ lites, Freckles. Stings, Scrol‘t-ila, King’s Evil.‘ Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Contrac‘ed and Still” .loiirt.-,1<‘istti|as, Gout, Swelled Glands, Lum- bago, ltlu-nmatisrn, Whitlow, Sore Nipples,‘ Sbre 'l'liroats. Scurvy, Sore Heads, Rash, Tu-l moors. Old and deep-seated Ulcers, Wounds, Worirrs, Itch, &C‘ is. lgd. and 2s. 9d. per pot. Pa.cut Medicine lVai'ohouse, 19, Bertiersf street, Oxford street, London. Agentstâ€"rllarclay do Co.. .76, Farringdon street; may he had at the office of this paper, out. from all Chemists throughout the world. Mayflll. 1863. 182. ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EEK IIAUSTION. New Ptlillotts'r‘lilargtwl to 191) pages, illustrated by Hill Anatoirrical Colored Engravings on Steel, Just-published, price ls. 11E SILENT r‘iiiizunniié greatest Medi- cal Work of the Age. eti,,l"outli,l‘til Indisâ€" cmtions"and-consequent lurpediiiien‘ts ti Mari ' riago, describing the .r'tirafeiny of the Repro- ductive Systorri in llr‘d'l'l and disease, and pointing out the sure irioairs of perfect restora- tion lo manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, or Irtaiiring a Prescription .known a.- the, Preventive Lotion, precluding the pos sibility of contamination. ’ Also to be had fr'orri all Agents in all parts of the world, EXTRA 0T3 FROM THE SH. E-N't‘ FRIEND, price tid., which contains directions for the guidance of patients. , Messrs. ll. do L. l’IcirIty at Co. are only to be consulted at their residence, No. 15), Burners Street, Oxford Street, London, as they never, under any circuiristttnces, travel either at lionte or abroad. and they hereby caution the Publ.c against any person using their name. and as a further precaution against fraud. the Public is notified that none of their medicines are ge- nuine. unless the subjoined fimâ€"similic of their signature is attached to their different wrap- pers. GEN’nATIVE Sc Mosccmit f’owrm REGAINED BY THE USE or" Perri/’5 Cordial Balm 0f Syriacum. Established nearly a. century, and known throughout the world as the GREA'I‘EST RE- GENERATOR,‘ a never-failing remedy for Sperrnatorrhoc. loss of manly power. produced by early indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of married life. Price US. per bottle, or four quantities in one. 335,, which saves 11s.; atid in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £1 19s. PERRY’S CONCENTRA'I'ED DETER- SIVE ESSENCE, a remedy for Syphilis in all its' stages, also for purifyingthe system from contamination, recommended for secondary symptoms, blot'ches on the bead and face, 8114 largeinent of the throat, tonsils. and uvula: its beneficial influence on the system is undeni- able. Pi‘ice 11s. and 33s. per bottle, also a saving of 11s. PERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OI" COPAIB A AND CUBEB SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known. The Globules, con- taining the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cnbebs, Bncliu,.&c , at orce cure, \tithout the possibi- lity of failure, Gonorrhma, obstinate Gleet, Strictnre, etc, immediately snbduing all in- flammatory action; ,Errcased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and 11s. per box. IIEAIxi'iI' DEI’MNDS UPON PURE Phoeniâ€" PERR‘Y’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Blotches, Pltnples on the face and bed Price US. and 33s. per boa". , Sold at Messrs. R, dz L. PERM? & Cd’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Bel‘llOl‘S 'Streot, Ox- ford Street, London, lloils. yo 65C. 0‘ 50"“ : ho el, Brown‘s Corners,aud stop 1 hour; thence 4: MAY. BE an) or 'j,‘ ‘ q ml,l_ r ' Iliriili ll lilill _ '. :TH ‘ HARNi-zssii'ror ( Stuoili‘i or. DOUBLE lle . 'i. t "“l l‘liiiii lliiiriiiiu l .lliii hurt . li .. ‘lliiiiiii~ llli'iii g ' E Subscriberlias on hand, .best materials, . ' 5 .o ! transaction '7‘” ' t," ‘ . " ll‘tliih'll‘liiiltiii‘, . ' ' trauma. :t-oi order to suit.- purchasers, and: orrftiie ABOVE goss‘oairriou. . An ass’ort’in‘entot' VVHIPS, LASHES, Sic. constantly on hand. ~ . Collars warranted to -Fl‘t‘,"‘1.oolii.&,Wcar Wen. Also, k’eptfor Sale Patterson [31? Call and Examine, Richmond Hill, October 17‘, 1861.‘ - , Advertising Essential to Business A WEBBER._Europeon and Colonial Ad- 0 vcr‘tising. and General Mercantile, Shipping and, Railway Agent,»WELLINGTON S'rrriirc‘t',"l‘oitoxro. C.W. receives Advertise- ! merits forall Newspapersrand l.’ei"i'odica1s pub-. lished oitlier in the Cunads. British Columbia. Europe, or the, States. 8? Acknowledged Agent for this paper. " 182 e- » P UBLIC NOTICE. 1N GIVING this Public Notice of my d parture for England to my friends and telghbors, I have two objects in view. viziâ€" to tender my thanks for their favors and patron- age for a long series of years, and to ask the ante kind favors and patronage for my talen- ted medical friend and successor. .Dr. J. HOS'I'ETTER. of .Rlchmond‘ Hill-.«â€"â€"Resi- ‘ donce, opposite the Elgin Mill. \Vholesale I I ? Quarterly Mirror of Fashions, l With no ordinary feelings ofres I remain, .,.Your most faithful Servant. J. DUNCOMB, M.D. J.P. Rchmond Hill, 7th May, 1862. 180â€"8 Wanted. to Rent, COTTAGE in Richmond Hill for a fa- mily of two. . - Apply to the Proprietor ofthe “York Herald.” Richmond Hill, May 16, 1862. 1814f. pect, N" ow or N’ ever 3 l ‘5' ‘7 ., Til E CELEBRATED HORSE SIMCOE 'MESSENGE’R lVill shunt. for [Wares this season at the failnwmg plucesxiz. :- . MONDAY, [Jay 5â€"110 will leave his otvn stable, Lot No, :39, io‘ar of the 13nd (Ion. Mark- ham, and proceed to 'VVilson’s hotel, IiiCllliltHltl Hill. and stop at noon: thorltm 11p Yonge St. to Suttle’s, nud‘stay all night. TUESDAYâ€"lie will proceed l0 the Mallslml ulcCartney’s hotel, 7th C911. Vaughan, 311d stay allnight. . _‘ . _, , VmensriAYâ€"Ilc will proceed to Theinpson’s‘ hotel. 'l'hanesville. and stop 2 hours; thouco to Mr. \Vni, Craddock’s, and stop at noon; thencoto Maple, and, by way of Richmond Hill. to hisown stable. , _ 'luUitsDAyâ€"rle will proceed lo, Sutton’s & 'Br'o’s. “Plot/vs, House, King Static-upâ€" and ' remain _1 hm”; ' ‘ thence to ,Lasliey,_;and,stay at noon; 11161“:6 to Landsides,‘ , A r at ‘NM. HARRISON-’5 “1 i143 m l; i 13." BccGécr,‘ " J executed. Rents and Debts collected on the shortest pOSsible notice. - ' Addressâ€"Richmond Hill 13.0. 1 5 TO BE SOLD. 18 ACl‘OS of Cleared Lauri, 0N LOT up 41, 1st Concession of Vaughan, X 71TH a. comfortable convenient HOUSE. l with BARN and SHEEP HOUSE, SHEDS, &c.; a good Orchard, Garden and Lawn. A. never-falling Stream runs through the Property. Apply to a, I JOHN P‘OGGIN,’ Ontlte Premises. l7lâ€"tf. l l l l . l Vaughan. March 7, 1862. lanfant $011001! 1‘ RS. JOHN SMITII begs to intimate to l the Parents and Guardians of Children in the neighborhood of Richmond Hill. that she intends to open, on TUESDAY, APRIL 1st, .élln Enfant School, When she will be happy to receive under her charge any child boh‘veen ' the ages of 4 and 1‘2 years. The usual branches taught. with Plain Sewing, Nitting and Fancy Needle \Vork. For terms. doc, apply at the residence near Raymond’s Hotel. Richmond Iiiii, March 27. ’oé. ‘1‘74 (com/1) ' . ' Notice is Hereby Given VEHAT MARTlN MACLEUD will apply to the next Session of the, PronllClitll’al‘lla- merit for an Act to confirm his title to the Road allowance butting his farm, lot 61, in the 1st concession of King. being the townâ€"line be» tween the '1‘ew'nships of King and Vaughan, in the first concession, granted to him by the County Council of York. ‘ 170-3In t :‘r‘GARGLING OIL SUPERS EDED‘.’ RIGGS’ BL.tCK,'01’[.‘is acknowledged 1):! a1 ltgfhc I “Hive u'se'd it, to‘be s'upo’rior to Garg but: .011, or any other Medicine now before the Pit the, for ‘ Sprains, Bruises," Cuts. Gang, and all latrines to Horseflcsh. Good for man and beast. _ Price, 25 ‘cents per bottle. Sold by all 5. liters ll! Medicines - ‘ . floaters-t OR SALE-in the Township of ESSA, lmi No. ‘2. in the 1st. Concession. 200 , . F 10 Size’s hotel, Unionville. and stop the noon ; ACRES, 7Ach Cleared. thllllllll 1h“ Vlllafle Ol thence to Inglis’ hotel. Markham Village, and stop tlie'iiight. ‘ Fitnmviâ€"lle will proceedio california, and ' stop the noon ; thence to 'Snitgster’s Stdnffville. and stop tlie-tiiglini ‘ SATURDAYâ€"lie will proceed along the town- Iine to Gormley’s Corner, and stop the noon ;' hotel, = stop 1 hour; thence to his own stable, where he . i will rerisaiu till the following Monday morning, He will continue- the same'routelduring the Season, health and Weather permitting. . , _ " JOHN; WILES, Proprietary; Markham, May, 1862, 180. MME; DEMOREST’S WITH GREAT JM'PROVEMENTS ' - VAND ADDITIONS. ‘THE summit suli'iizint ’courAisS Four Large & Splendid Fashion’Plates 3 FULL-SIZED PATTERNS OF DRESSES . j .COMl’RlSlNG- THE 0 New French WaiSt. an Elegant SLEEVE, AND A MISSES SACK, AND A SHEET 0F Braid and Embroidering Patterns OGETHER with nearly 100 Engravings of al! the novelties for Summer Kennels, C-loa’ks, Triirimirigs. Children’s Dresses, Sun, and valuable information to Milliners, Dress Makers, Mothers, and Ladies generall‘r. pre- senting the largest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, publishep 473 Broadway, and sold everywnere at ‘25 cents, or sent. by mail post free, on receipt of the aniomit, in stamps or silver, Yearly $1, with the following valu- able premium: Each yearly subscriber will be enthled to. a receipt for the selection of Sllcts. \t orth of plain patterns, from the designs in the book, or from the show room, or they maybe ordered and sent by mail any time during the year, by pay- ing the postage. Splendid inducements to Canvassers. 113’ Summer number now ready. NE‘V AND BEAUTIFUL Letters Remainingin RICHMOND HILL PostOflice MAY 1, .662. ‘ Armstrong, Mary Jane Jamleson, Mr. Brillinger. Jacob Jenkins. James A. Baker, Mrs. George Legg. Mrs. Lucy Brown, Mrs. George Lyon, Barney Camfret, Mary Matthewson. Gilbert Cameron. Miss Janet McMillan. Hugh Collins, Mary Jane McLaws, Rev. Mr. Donaldson, J. S. Playter, Henry Daniels. \Villiain Patton, Isaac Dnnden, John Patton, Alex Gorinan, James Pogne, \Villiam German, John Phillips, George I'Ieslop. James Shields. John IIeise, John Simpson, James Hogan. John Wallace, James Hutchins, John C, Winters, Thomas James, Mi". W’heelcrfllC, ' Iii. TEEFY. I’.M. CHEAP FOR CASH! F 11113 Subscriber. in returning thanks to his numerous customers who have so liber- ally supported him for upwards of five years. Would state that he continues to manufacture, “AT HIS OLD STAND,” BOOTS AND SHOES! of every description, and of the best materials, and after the Latest Style, and hopes by close attention to business, combined with moderate}. charges, to ensure a continuance of their favor. He would also beg to intimate to‘ tho inha- bitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that he‘ has en hand quite an assdrlment'of tADlESl a CHILDREN’S BOOTS a. SHOES which he offers l Agents: BARCLAY do 00., 75. Farrlngdoni LO WV for 043.551”). 2 Street, London. May 23, 1863?. .1852. JAMES VERN EY. , Richmtud Hill, April 17,1862. 177-6m i great care by the above firIn.â€"-Scedsmen to "AlliStown. ’ Either the Whole lot or ' 100 acres will be sold tosuit purchasers. v - For fit rther ' particulars apply to AVT)RE‘¥‘; JAM‘I’ESON. Vaughan, post-paid to Kline~ burg, P.O., ’orto ‘ ~‘ 5 ' ’- ' ' . ~' JOHN McL‘EAN, , Clover Hill, l’.(). Vaughan, April 4, .1862. 17553m. E lollâ€"cl? to then t.“ T HE Subscriber. o‘wiii‘g: toloilier- engage- A merits, wishes to Rent his unorpired lease (17 months) of that well-known and com- inodious Hotel, the Eittliiesay Ifotise Situated in the village »of Richmond Hill.â€" For furthur particulars - apply on the ‘ premises to 7 o JOSEPH GABY. Richmond 11111, April 9, 1862. 176-4 r i. . r r i ‘ 3 till] VICIORIA T is} A WW A R E?) HOEIS E , No. 93 King Street, SI‘G’N for? THE QUEEN, Isthe place in Toronto, to buy pure Billl it llllll Till, NO 1‘ only because the preprietor,EDWARI) LAWSON,is one ofthe oldest and most experiencedTea-hmers in the trade.- btit fi‘brn the fact that he purchases his Teas in Such large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby eu- ablin'g him to sell at a very SMALL AD VANCE 0N COST, Fulfilling the old adage “ Large Sales, Small Profits and Quick Returns ;” also in COFFEES, SUGARS Fruits, Spices hunt . illllll it He cannot be uridersold. Iâ€"IIS BISClUITS AND Arc unsurpassed for quality and price, all being manufactured on the premises, from the best material by firstâ€"class Workmen. Iced and Ornamented “Wedding and Other Cakes Always on hand or made to order in any style on the shortest notice. Orders by mail and otherwise, attended to with dispatch All Goods warranted as repreâ€" sented, and delivered free of charge to the Cars or in the city limits, 8G3 ZVO COATD PRICE. Remember the Placeâ€"â€" 1 No. 93 KING STREET, em or T... Qum. ' EDWARD LAWSON, Proprietor. Toronto, Feb. 5,~ 1862. lG’fâ€"Gin Buy“ at: e 9 131.1: MING {itâ€"IlUCKLAND’S GARDEN SEEDS. l’ HESE SEEDS may be rely upon as beâ€" ing genuine, having been selected with the, Provincial Agricultural Associationâ€"and which are sold much cheaper than those 111]“ ported. 1‘ or Sale at the ‘ HERALD’ BOOK, STORE, RichmondHill,Apri11862. ' 1’76 ‘erichihe isnprepared to? at,Prices,ixuripi'ec'edentedi on ,OU§.,,Y'COM,a,-),e _, analordfi Warrant“ on the Hill will compare with the goodseitlier for style, quality or i ., r p . i “FACTS; W'ottTH Kpoyifmc. . "Sal. l|| ' . TOBIAS ' ‘WINGStozl‘he disturbed'state of the. land't'hié‘eetliaustipn‘pf iloot-fits. ' Ira's'been induced to invest money, migrate In purchasmg elegant and freshstockofSumm‘er .» *' -' .- -: .2 ;. . .v. ., 2- . .u‘iiln. ~ 3 ‘ -â€"--râ€"- . i ‘i I ’II: ;»-* .1 T9 ' The »- r . .,. 1.,“1; r ,. .- my ». r r' .,.>' ."~ 9. r ,l ‘ ‘Sto‘t-k comprises 'over‘ ‘forty varieties of Gents, Ladies’wand Chrid’reps“ Y“it, l ‘1 "I, lll'll lair , , , eclal invitation. is tendered to all tbh’iéit tlie'sh'op‘, arid eXamine,‘as-‘Inothlng tisAsr. Richmond Hill, May 1862. MARKHAM CARRIAGE FA. item To TOR NTo. r ‘HE Subset‘iber respectfully announces to the Public that he has removed'his Eitâ€" tenslve Carriage Works to the City of Terento. After thanking them fopr‘thei‘r liberal patronage while at Markham, he solicits a continttanCe of their favours at his New Stand, Efigfflng street, Four doors west 10f the Rosin Houseâ€"run the premises formerly 0ccUpicd by OWEN, MILLER 8:. MlLLS. ' CARRIAGES! 017' THE MOST-APPROVED . ‘ CANADIAN, ENGLISH, ANDQ'AMERICAN Constantly ton hand, or furnished at the shortest notice. ' C'- 1:. ES! IIALL. - 1795-2 V‘Toronto, April 18, 18652. An ggfild- Business: in I a" '" ti ' It} : H A “I” L f :EGS‘lcaveitolintiiinatethai he has MOPED the Stock of the HILL DRUG STORE, to the New St‘ti‘rc one door south of Vau‘Nbstrand’s Hotel, and has received ' ' ’ - A ' - . ' A» LARGE ADDITIONS TO HIS STOCK, I V’Vhlch will be found complete, comprising ' ‘ ‘ , MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, ‘ ' DICINES, I 'g! _;l- DRUGS PAINTS, OILS, VA RNISIIES, PATENT ME '- PEREUM‘ERY, BRUSHES, SEEDS, " ' . DRUGGISTS FANG-Y:- GOODS, . V Ste. five." ' , 5' Als.o,acomplete I STGCK _ " CONSIS'I‘ING or ‘ ' TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SPICES,FRUI l/Vliitdi have been carefully selected, hou‘ght‘ for (331511, ialld Will he SOld for llle"53me . .; 3 . , g r, v '5‘ g .r ,rt't ,5 ‘ P. N . _ t. 1. LAE i: = 11 ,_:_ ‘\ > g,” I; y, A 5', V: \ ,l '. .' ’. J g”: a} ‘ - v- - ,,::,,a.;:x-~; -r§',‘,‘,tf' .. . a .. ._________ ' ~..1'. :- ' that “he has leased the tumâ€".â€" Tfs, TOBACCUS‘. _ ., ‘ ..... C(Jltcapifiiootsfl dul- Secs "7 - WIT. , ~ , . HE Subscribe; sighs t lithium to the In!» T habitants o Richm Id Hill and warranty, Shop of'.i‘1lItf.»'..fitm )1 Lee; Where he intends to caer 2p the BOOT and SHOE business lu'all’its'" ti Eclieih m. u Mr. Lee’s, customers _Wil , “I? I, , " ' tention givenitéi“ their work its fofhlbstia . All ‘worl't‘ “driller ’at the invest- confluent-rig prices, '. 'rlf' 9..P‘ll‘tlAl§-,, fiil‘l‘;‘ l. yup»; ‘ .‘I :.... it, April 10,}, a. Rich mend For “‘Stilé'l'ltlt" fitment, ‘ I. . ,. ..,,,I w i COMiioD’IO’US‘ .éétlâ€"gaiiillaliefi‘lhoUSE. "sftuated in the"Wit-intrermitten...» HILL. containing-4;: Bed-:t‘mns. Parlor and». Kitchen, :with other. ,Uuthutidings,n_-'l'ltere is also aniAcre of Land, and another-“Acre can be leased adjoining." ' . ' ‘ For further pali‘ticulars'applyht the " I’lERAlLD' Office. H v r “U Richmond IIill, “a ‘:€;I:_Xfl 1711.“; i "â€"- _ ‘â€" ‘- ,..r , UST RECEIVED, afreshsnppl o 8""? - edition" 'or SANGS’PEit’s-jndtahfilfl'fi; ARY ARITHMETIC,-‘at‘ the' fl-Hnnst.” Book Store, Richmond Hill.-, Isa... amtâ€"sap retirements HE Uiidersignod is prepared to furnish any quantity of PAILS .A-Nl! SAP . BUBKETS, at his Factory, Lot No.. .1. 2nd 1 Concession of Markham. ‘or at ARIEK Caesar’s. Richmond Hill, at greatly reduced Prices. I 3,, Address. post-paid, Buttonville Post-office. I ' JOHN AMOSS. ‘ , lG9â€"‘2m February 20, 1861. airliner... or to Village of Richmond" Hill! IN a good position for business, House. com- modi-ou‘s. with 5 Rooms and anwéi’bellent Cellar. Wood Shediaud otherfContlelnlences. at present in occupation by Mr. CoomeLâ€" Possession given on 1st January, 1861. Enquire of ,- , . ,_ ' , p, G. A, caesium). Richmond Iâ€"iiii. Dec. 5. 1861. ' 1584f IMPORTANT." 1' DR. WISTAR’S ,PULMONIC SYRUP, ls higth ro- eommendetl, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, II‘ all diseases of the Lungs and Throat .25 cent!” bottle, I ‘,. ., t; ., Ell, PHCTQGRXPHS! PHOTOGRAPHS“! -. . The Cheapest and Hest"*"‘”~"’"“?3“fi‘ Anilirotype .1. and ,lfliotograp , .GALLERY IN CANADA....... 1- Is n" -"~‘ mapper Proprietor and Principal Operate?“ “if: T9rohto. Arum-,9. 1,861.1 'T'I'T‘25‘” T .- 7 w 3 z :i ow onstgtt‘vwia . HAT all persons owing Dr. James. Lung- staff, will and it to their advariugégiohii and Paves soon be possible. i - - “my?” ' DB HOPElSAt/Ieoolfi '1: "l 5" all.) ' _ agn‘etio int'ment i l f trial, in any case of Piles, Burns, .Sci?)thisliltolii‘m£.a?l [nflamod or Sore Eyes, 'Eruptions on the Skin, and - every case where an ointment is useful; 13.1mm" b GARDENSEEDI Purchased from; reliable seedy dealers, and warranted to give satisfactiOn, for sale in papers, or by the ounce or pound. ,Timolliy Seed, $2 00 50. Clover, $4 50. ' Rock Oil, 40cts.. Tar, Turpentine, Al'cplroLBurning Fluid, &0. p , ‘ III soliciting the patronage of his former Friends ’ and Customers, arid the public generally R. II. 11. would sta‘te'that it will battle aim-"to supply in all cases (Articles which Will give entire satisfaction at the lowest prices. ‘ ‘ " ' ' Richmond tiiii, April 525, 1862. at the veryl‘owest prices. Just I’CCClVL‘d a supply Of {"3311 ‘ - ' ‘ Sr 178~6m UNIONVILLE V I II, t, , ,1 i l l , l l iiiriiit l’llmllitr llli llliiiliii lliiiiir 1‘ Lltiiiiliiii ll ' ‘lliii l ~ GEORGE "EEKIN KEEPS CONSTANTLY 0N HAND A tsunami. ASSORTMENT bf av CARRIAGES, iiUGGiEs, GIGS, to. MADE FR 0M THE BEST IMP 0R TED MATERIAL. All Work ‘Warrantcd. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHOE TEST NOTICE .’ AND ON THE MGST REASONABLE TERMS. ' Unlonville, April 18, 1862. 'lli Em? 177-3m V. 7 . W'HLLEAM action, semi... WHOL ESALE AND RETAIL COPP" A” RSI/11TH BF AZER Till Ed 8. l 9 i. I 3 A"? And. iron Plate W'orker, * E ANUFACTURES and Sells every Article in the above lirie,’and has had the 'L pleasure ofsupplying both the Navy and Army in England and out of England bcf‘re be (elicited the shores of America, and has also had the honor of Illuminating the Royal Hotel and every houSe on the Royal 'l‘erracc at \Veymouth, England, on his own rospon‘sibilityhtakes this Opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in, generalâ€"mot for-geting, those Stove Merchants and Steve Pedlers in Hamilton and Newmarkct who have so kindly patronized me and my sons while we were in partnership in these places; and begs to state that he still continues to manufacture every article in the above business, at his shop on Richmond Hill. 53C? All lVork lira/roamed and attended to with (ZBSPCttdfl. l Richmond Hill, March ’7, 1862. 171~3m. soHOOLBOOKsi AND .. , isllo-nlrlalwa GENERAL srarrousav, AT THE “ YORK HERALD" Olt'l’ClJ, A'I‘ PRICES LOWER THAN TORONTO.} Richmond 11111, December :30, 1861. 160 HORSES. good to work. March ’37. lSUi’. -i. .r . mendltttelf,at‘ter onotrial. , , g .. -*r",:‘ :i- H " i“? ‘3 , lackwood’s. Magazine , . ' '- AND THE - “ ’1‘r1.*.“1;l:t .. . ,‘N , “I; ~ BRiTisH RE-vi Ewe, ,2... SCOTT & CO, NEW YORK, contlpuo 8. to publish the following leading British Periodicals. viz. râ€". - . ~ -. ' 311‘?” I »l . ,- flat“, isaint (Consumed): THE EDINBURGH norm *“ *_ r I I , 39 ' .‘ 'I H‘. The. NORTH BRITISH anviaw, Chlircli,) . , . , . . 4.~ ' ‘ T THE WESTMINSTER REVIEIV Uiibeta‘l.) BLACK-WOODS EDINBURGH MA_G;&--;_ ZINE, (:Tory,) - ' 'ftiE' coupon eon w. (Whigi) I‘ll r’ {l'i The presentcritical state offiuropoan‘ 8W”? will render these publications uIIiVersallyiit-‘g toresting during the forthcoming year. They" will occupy a middle ground between the has- tily writen news-items, crude speculations, and“ flying rumors ofthe daily Journal, and the ponâ€"" (lerous Tome of the future- historian, written“ after the living interest and“. excitement 9f,:tl10" great political events of the time shall hath passed away It is to these Periodicals that'- readers must look for the only really intellifi gible and reliable history of. current events, and. as such. in addition. to- their well-established" literary, scientific, and: theological clia'racter,-. we urge them upon». the consideration of the“.- reading public. _ EARLY COPIES. The receipt, of zfrlmincc Slirets from] the‘,. British publishers gives additional value to‘, tlresa Reprints, inasmuch as they can new be": placed in the» hands of subscribers about ‘ soon as tlteoriginat editions; - TERMSi _ . .-: Paranli'. For. any one: of. the four Reviews,. '. . 3d" Fer. any tworoflthe four Reviews,. . '. ‘. ..‘.‘.. 5 For any three of the,four RevieWS.'... -.’. 7 For all fotii“ of the Reviews,.;.,. . ‘. ‘. .. z . . Oil ‘ For Blackwoo'd’s Magazine. . ; L“. . ..‘. '. . i . . 3 Di) d For Blackwood and one Review; '. . ‘. . ‘. '.'. 5 Oil" * For Blackwood and two Reviews, . ‘. . '.‘.'. 700'" For Blackwood and three Reviews,. .. .. _ 9 00 For Blackwoodr an 'd' the four Itevievlrs,. ' L10 60 Money current in. the State when: £33161}?! will let; remitted at par. .. i ' . CLUBBING. , , A. discount oftwet‘tv-five per. cent fr'dti‘l tilt ' above prices will be allowed to Choirs ordering“... four or mere copies of any one or more oftlie", above works. Thus: Pour "copies 'or' lllabltéi _ wood. or of. one Retriew. will be start lb dnd‘ address for $9; fonif copies of the fotlr Revb‘yfiiui 'alid'.l.llac,lt\vood for $30 ', and so on‘. , ‘ Canadian mail Subscribers sopplled free of' United States postage, ‘ ‘ ' N.1>‘.â€"â€"The price in Great Britain of the five /‘ Periodicals above named is $31 per annum, Remittances fer any of the abOVe pnthatlons ys be addressed, post-paid,- to the r Publishers, V, V U , . , , Licor;.titn.,scor't' at 00. , ‘ ‘ No. 54 Gold street,'Ne-w York. ‘_ New-trait. use. 5,1861. ‘ " ' ‘ " . h"- , For-Sale: CHEAP -‘dr"Cash "or auprovad Credi't‘. A , ’l‘erpliorse power 'I'IIRES'lllNGlIA- Cl'llNE with (Eleanor: also a Span of TEAM Apply to ~ JOHN AMOSS, v 1 Lot 11,2rid Con. Markham. 174 ‘fli ..

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