Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 20 Jun 1862, p. 3

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1:373; ,ra-r it.” "1 ’ ST RECEIVED. another lot of Cheii'ii Leghorn Hats ! All Sizes, from 25 to 25 6d eachâ€"worth 3s 9d each. , At W. S. POLLOCK’S; ‘ [(Late G, A, Bernard’s) Richmond Hill, June 19, ’62. 186 . éARAsoLs 3 NEW! CHEAP .r a PRETTY! N Black. .Brown.-:aiid Fancy Silky-Watered nudplniu-s-from $1.00 each. ' ,At w. s. POLLOCK’S. (Late G. Bernard’s) Riehufand Hill. June ISL-’62. 166 HENRY GRIST, DEPARTMENTAL ‘86 PAHIIAMENIARY AGENT, QUEBEC, NVESTIGATES and ADJUS'l'S CROWN 'LAND CLAIMS, SECURES LAND PATENTS, procures information obtainable from any of the Public Departments, TAKES OUT PATENTS OF INVEN’I'IONS, RE~ GISTIERS TRADE MARKS AND DE- SIGNS. TAKES CHARGE OI" PRIVATE BILLS ' during their passage through the Le islature, eke. Egor parties who are unable to devote their owntime to such business or unwtlling to in- cur the expense of travelling to Quebec, Blisiness with the Crown Land and other Goiérttmetrt Departments, which often takes months to do by correspondence, can be trans- acted in a few days. and ate. small cost. by e‘inpl'oyiiiga , ' eiit. agent. Address, po ._ 'd. to HENRY GRIST, Box 344, P.O., Quebec. Quebec._Jtlno 12. 1862, 185-15I $10,000 to Lend. N SUMS of $401! and upwards, on freehold farm security in the County of York. None but principals need apply. W. T. BOYD, Esq. Solicitor, Toronto. 185-4 Toronto, June 6, 1862, GRAN I) FESTIVAL! “ Arm Goo SAID Liz'r THERE an LIGHT, AND Tunas was LIGHT.” HE Members of the Markham Union and Richardson Lodges of Free and 'Ac- cepted Masons WIII celebrate the FESTIVAL OF ST. JOHN, THE BAPTIST, On Tuesday, June 24, 1862, At Cashell. (late CrOsby’s Corners.) 'I‘lie Brethren will meet in the Masonic Hall, at half-past 9 o'clOck, for Installation of Officersâ€"â€" when the Right Worshipl'ul the Deputy Dis- trict Grand Master will attend, ano other Officers of the Grand Lodue. The Lodges and Brethren will form in Procession! At the Hall. at half-past II A.M.. and proceed to the Free Church. headed by THE SHARON BRAS:i BAND. When the Rev. G. J. Hill, Chaplain to the Lodges. will preach a Sermon lti conformity to the festival of the day. / Lodges and Brethren will receive a cordial welcome, and the right. hand of fellowship will be extended By order of the “Torshipful Master, JOSEPH IIILL, Secretary. Markham. June 12, 1862. 185. Letters Remainingin RICHMOND HILL PoetOiIice JUNE I, tots-2. Armstrong, Mary JaneKiiig, W L (3) Liiit‘oot, John Burncs. James B Laugstafl', John (2) ' Benson, Mrs Jane Linn, Margaret Butcliert, Robert Lyons: Barney Cock." William Monknian, Gee Camfret. Mary Mutisliaw, Wm Collie, Henry McDonald, Geo Dnnden, John McLaws.' Rev. ‘ Dellenbaugh. ChristianMeLeaiI, Robert Dove. George MeElyan. William Forbes, Mary (2) Patton, Alex'r FOX, 'VVm Palmer, Time ('3) German, Mrs James Playter. Henry Glass. Hugh Patton. Isaac German, John Quinton, William Grant. Jesse Rumble, William Harris. John Ryall. Miss (2) Hotson, Edward Reid. Margaret M Hielop, James Ste‘el, John (3) Homer, Daniel Simpson, James Heine, John Smith. William H Jenkins. James M Simpson, James Jr Jameson. Mr (‘2) ‘ Sheppard, Joseph Johnston. Johnston Winters, 'I‘lios James, Mr Wheeler, 'D C Kilfeder. Francis Willis. A Kersey, Wm _ M. TEEFY. P.M. A NEW“ STORY IN TH E Scottish American Journal: A rtnsr-cuss INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER. ON May 9, 1862. was commenced a new story in the Scor'rlsu AAMERICAN Jouu- nan, entitled: DELLBURN HOUSE '. A Tale of the Scottish Rebellion of 1745, BY THE AUTHOR 0|“ ‘ Chapters from the Life 0/ Jas. Tacket.’ This tale will prove to be one of the most in- teresting ever published, and cannot fail to be appreciated by all classes of readers. The SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL is a paper peculiarly adapted to meet the requirements of the British people and their families from all ports of the old country resident on the Ameri- can continent, It is, in fact, a family paper in the highest and best sense of the term. Its Home and Foreign News is amply given and carefully prepared, from a wide range of British and foreign sources. and omits no fact or fee.- ture‘calculated to interest its readers, whether ladies or gentlemen : so that the SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL contains (presented in a concise and readable form) all the local, per- sonal, and political intelligence which could be only found scattered over a vast number of Scotch. English, Irish. and Continental news- papers. Another most important teature of this journal is, that it gives- the leading articles of the prominent British newspapers and other periodicals upon the principal topics of the day. In reference to the ‘ editorials ’ of the Scorris'n AMERICAN JOURNAL. it is a significant fact that the British press frequently acknowledges their intrinsic truth and force by copiously extract- ing from its columns. and declaring that the Sco-rnsn Auunrcas JOURNAL is the most able and interesting paper published in America.â€" A well-digested weekly summary is also given of. the principal items of American news. Sunscnrprrou Paicc, $2.50 ran ANNUM. Specimen Copies sent gratis. Subscribers in the Provinc: s may remit their subscription in Provincial money ;. odd chaiwe in Provincial Post Office stamps. ' b Copies forwarded to Europe per mail. United States postage paid for $3, or 13s. sterling per annum. Subscriptisons for the current year are now bein received, and should be forwarded With- out _elay to A. M. STEWART. 37 Park Row, New York. ' .lllll ll’ll AM. .4 ..-v -v.‘_r., »..-.v,.. .A 3:. m US'I‘ I'ec'eiwd at WM. S, POLLOCK’S an assortment of FRESH GOODS adapted for the season. consisting of some nice, new style of Prints. Robed and DOLaine, Printed and Leno Muslin Dresses. A large and exâ€" cellent asrortment of Ladies”, Gents 8.; Children’s Hosiery ' Gloves, Neck Ties, Ribbons, Muslin Collars, Parasols, Striped. Checked and Regatta Shirtâ€" lugs, Factory and Bleached Cottons, Deniins, Drill. Tweed and Summer Cloths’, with a large assortmenl of Men’s Readyrmade 00A TS, PANTS S TS In every variets of style and materialâ€"cheaper than heretofore sold on {ichmond III"; also, a well selected stock of Fresh GROCERIES & LIQUORS Heavy and Shelf I‘Iardwa‘re, Dye Stuffs, Drugs. Medicines, and Crockery, which will be sold at the lowest re'nuneratitig prices, AND AS CHEAP as at any other house in the neigh- houreoo‘d. Please call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. WM. 8. POLLOCK’S. . . (Late Geo Bernard’s.) Richmond Hill, May 15. ’63, 181 HATS I HATS ! I HATS I ! ! OW receiving, direct from NEW Yonx the largest and best selected assortmentof Men’s and Boys’ Hats and Caps Ever hole 6 offered on Richmond Hill,iiI every SIZE, VARIETY of STYLE and COLOUR, in Felt, Wool, Cloth, Cassirriere, Straw, Pedal, Panama, and Leghorn, which Will be Sold as Cheap As the same qualities can be procured at any house in Toronto. Please call and examine our New Styles. . At WM. S. POLLOCK’S LADIES; MANTLE CLOTH N Fine Colours. 6-4 wide, only 5 shillings per yard, At WM. S. POLLOCK’S. Leno Muslims: "' NEW Material of Wool and Cotton.â€" A beautiful for Summer Dresses, only Tld per yaid. at W M. S. I‘OLLOCK’S LIIDIES‘ SHOES a SLIPPER s I NICE assortment in Plain and Enamelled, Kid and Calfskin, from its Iéd per pair, At “'M. S. POLLOCK'S. V J A P A N ‘1' E A. iX-N Excellent. suii~dried, pure, fresh, fine At WM. S. POLLOCK‘S. (Late Geo. Barrinrd’s) flavored Tea. at 3s 9d per lb. Richmond Hill, May 15,452., 181 . ,,-,, .1 , .. _. Health, Happiness, It Long Irlfe RE within the reach of all, by the use of _ DR. BUCIIAN’S VEGETABLE DO- MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the l’resmiptions of the late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, {ten the,â€" Cuies are daily made, and their efficacy provOd in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, THE RIGHT HON. THE MAYOR OF LONDON, and sitting Magi: trates of Marlborough Street, Westminster, Worship Street, Bow Street. «Vac. Used by the riiost celebrated Medical Men, Clergymen. and others. Dr. Buchan’s Sugar-Coated Sarsaparilla. PIIIS. It is a WELLâ€"KNOWN FACT that SA R- SAI’ARILLA is the greatest purifier Ol the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD l’URlfllâ€"Tbe Bowels regularll-And DEFY the DOC-TORI“ These Pills strike at the mot 01' each diseas0, and are for the cure of every ailment incidental to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi» gestion. llilious, LiVer. and Stomach Coin- plaints, General Weakness, Gout, Rliuema- tism. Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs, Head- aches. Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by iriegulrrities 01 the bowels. ob- structed perspiration, and deteriorated and un~ healthy blood. These Pills work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage. especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ae- curiiulation, till the blood is purified. the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- lay! a clean steiiiacli must make aclean body. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the stomach, body, and blood are pure. from regulating aid accusing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning, waste no time; sti ike at the root of y our ailment. Again, 1 say, look to yoursto.iiacli. One trial of these Pills will force conviction. Sold in bottles. at Is, 1&1, 25. 9a., 4s. 6d., and IIS. Dr. Buchan’s Invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NERAL WEAKNESS. at once restore and invigorate With magical rapidity the most De- bilitated Constitution, thereby ensuring perma- nent health, incieased strength, energy, and a redoubled devolopmeiit of the muscularsystem. Failure is impossible, for success is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and general debility, nervous prostration, depression ot'spi- rits, diminution of vital energy, emaciation, and for all female complaints, This medicine not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in youth, maturity. and old age The properties of this invaluable rte-invigorating Essence act directly on the nervous and muscular system, enriching, increasing, and purifying each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of na- ture. As the falling rain vivifies the parched vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement. which so few of the medical profOSsion attempt to treat. 45. 6d., 115., or four quantities in one. 33s. DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE SKIN OIN'I'MENT, Is the only one yet discovered that cures the most inveterate sores, Its effects are wonder- ful, giving instant relief to the sufferer. Many thousands have used it. and declare it to he "the best in the world.” It is the only NATURAL REMEDY for all kinds of sores and skin eruptions. . It never closes up the surface of a wound whilst full of matter, but will first bring all to the surface, and finally heal Without breaking out again. The Pills aid the Ointment in the followingâ€"Piles, Boiles, Bruses, Exeoriations, Iilotches art the Face, Ulcers, Ring-worms, Sore Heads, Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Chap- pd’d Hands, Chafed and Blistercd Feet, Corns, Bunions, Cbilblains, Frost Bites, Scalds. Cuts, Bites, Freckles. Stings, Scrol‘ula, King’s Evil, Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. Contracted and Still? Joints, Fistulas, Gout, Swelled Glands, Lum- bago, Rheumatism, Whitlow, Sore Nipples, Sore Threats. Scurvy, Sore Heads, Rash, 'l‘u- mours. Old and deepcseated Ulcers, Wounds, Worms. Itch, 6w. Is. Ifid. and 2s. 9d. per pot.- Paient Medicine \Varehouse, 19. Berners street, Oxford street, London. Wholesale Agents :â€"Barclay &. Co, 75, Farringdon street ; may be liad‘ at the office of this paper, am. from all Chemists throughout the world. May23. 1862. 182. LORD stones r To Contractors 2 A LARGE AMOUNT OF Stamping, do Ditching. On the side-line between lots No. 40 and 4|. in the let concession of this Township. will be let by Contra‘ct, upon the grOund, on \VED- NESDAYJIIO 25th ifnst'., at ONE o’cl;ek,p m. JOHN HE’LMK‘AY, ALEY. MARSH, Markham, June 19, 1862. Dr, 8- JV. PECK, SURGEON DENTIST } Commissioners 186-1. win. an IN Newmarket. Ist, 2nd and 3rd of Each Month ; Bradford, 4th (f Each Month , Cookstown, 5th of Each Month ; Bond Head, 6th Brownsville. 7th King Station, 8th Siotifi'rillo. 23rd Markham Vilfldth and 25th of Each Month; Brown’s CornersAth Con.of Markham 26th do... When he will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls. or make good any operation previously warranted. Those who require Artificial Teeth can have a full uppe’r set of best quality of Block Teeth . inserted on Vulcanized Rubber, for $8,, usually charged $95 by other Dentists. 'l'eeth filled with Gold, Silver or filling. To remove n'iisappreliensiott, he begs to art- nouiice that all work Warranted what it is Guaranteed to l e, or no charge. Teeth. Extracted with the least possible Pain. Particular attention paid to the Regulation of Each Month of Each Month ' of Each Month of Each Month ; White of CHILDREN’S TEETH. . N B.â€"â€"Parties requiring Artificial Teeth are reqrested to Call and Examine Specimens. Newmarket, May 29, 1862. 1851-137 BOOTH do” sONs, INFORM THE PUBLIC, That they have taken the Store, llll. 2Mllllllil llllil'l‘, AMERON’S Block, opposited II. B WILLIAMS, until the premises lately occupied by them, corner of Tonga .9“ Queen ARE REBUILT. OUR MANUFACTUING DEPARTMENT, Is continued as usual, and we are prepared to attend promptly to all orders. with which we may be entrusted. Streets, BOOTH 8L SONS. Toronto, May 11. 1862. 1594)‘ ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EJ- I‘IAUSTION. New editions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Eiigravings on Steel, Just published, price 1s. r HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatestMedi- cal Work ol'the Age, on Youthful Indis- cretions and consequent ltnpedlmeiits to Mar- riage, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restora- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos sibility of contmiiination. Also to be had from all Agents in all parts of the world, EXTRACTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price 6d., which contains directions for the guidance of patients. . Messrs. R, die L. I’nuaY & C0. are only to be consulted at their residence, No. 19, BGI‘IIBTS Street, Oxford Street. London, as they never, under any circumstances, travel either at borne or abroad: and they hereby caution the Public against any person using their name. and as a further precaution against fraud, the I’ub’ie is notified that none of their medicines are ge- nuine. unless the subjoined foo-similic of their signature is attached to their different wrap- pers. Gus ‘aATIvn & Museums Powm REGAINED BY Tan use or Perri/‘3 Cordial Balm of Syriucum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the CREA'I‘ES'I‘ RE- GENERATOR; a neverâ€"failing remedy for Speriiiatorrhw. loss of maiin powor. produced by early indiseretions. or any other cause.â€" It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed tlieinselvos incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred Obligations of married life. l’riee 11s. per bottle, or four quantities in one, 33s,, which saves 11s. ; and in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £1 12s, I‘ERRY’S CONCENTRA'I'ED DETER- SIVE ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for purifying the system from contamination, recommended for secondar' symptoms, blotclies on the head and face, en- largement of the throat. tonsils. and uvula: its beneficial influence on the system is underli- able. I’riea 11s. and 335. per bottle, alsoa saving of 11s. PERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OI“ COI’AIBX AND CUBEB SUGAR-COA'I’ED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known. The Globules, con- taining the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu, &c , at ot.ce cure, without the possibi- lity of failure, Gouorrhcea. obstinate Gleet, Stricture, etc, iIIIiiiediately subduing all in- flammatory action; Encased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and 11s. per box. HEALTH Darnsns UPON PURE FLOOD.â€" PERRY’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Rolls. Blotches, Pimples on the face and body. &.e. Price lls. and 33s. per box. - Sold at Messrs. R, dz L. PERRY & Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Berners Street. 0x- ford Street. London, Agents: BARCLAY &. Co., 75, Farririgdon Street, London. May 23, I862. 182. Advertising Essential to Business A VVEBBER. European and Colonial Ad- 0 vertising. and General Mercantile, Shipping. and Railway Agent, WELLINGI‘ON S'rannr, TORONTO. C.W., receives Advertise- ments for all Newspapers and Periodicals pub- lished either in the Canads. British Columbia. Europe. or the Statpp. UTAcknowledged Agent for this paper. 182 P UBLIC NO TI CE. 1N GIVING this Public Notice of my de- parture for England to my friends and i.eiglibors.1 have tWo objects in view, viz :- to tender my thanks for their favors and patron- age for a long series of years, and to ask the ame kitid favors and patronage for my talen- ted medical friend and successor. Dr. J. HOS'I‘ETTER. of Richmond Hill.-â€"Resi- deuce, opposite the Elgin Mill. \ With no ordinary feelings of respect. I remain, Your most faithful Servant. J. DUNCOMB, M.D.J.I’. Relimond Hill, 7th May, 1862. 180-3 i Wanted. to Rent, , COTTAGE in Richmond Hill for a fa- I mily of two. , Apply to the Proprietor ofthe “York Herald.” Richmond Hill, May 16, 1862. 1814f. ‘Folr Sale, CULTIVATOR, new, from the manufac- tory of Mr, Janus ECKARDT, Uiiionville ; may be had cheap. Enquire at this Office. Richmond Hill, June 6. 1862. 183. Now or Never! ,...v«, V: . THE CELEBRATED HORSE SIMCOE MESSENGER W'itl stand for Mares this season at the following placoswiz. :â€" MONDAY. May7 5â€"He will leave his own stable, Lot No. ‘22. rear of the 2nd Con. Mark. ham, and proceed to Vl’ilson’s hotel, Richmond Hill, and stop at noon : thence up Yonge St. to Suttle’s, and stay all night. TUESDAYâ€"He will proceed to the Mansion House, King Station. and remain I hour; thence to Lasliey, and stay at noon ; thence to McCartney’s hotel, 7111 Con. Vaughan, and stay all night. WEDNDsDAYâ€"He will proceed to Thompson’s hotel. 'I‘hanesville, and stop '2 hours; thence to Mr. Wm, Craddoek’s. and stop at noon; thence to Maple, and, by way of Richmond Hill, to his own stable, 'l HURSDAYâ€"I’Ie will proceed to Sutton’s ho el, Brown’s Corners,and stop 1 hour; thence to Size’s hotel, Unionville. and stop the noon ; thence to Iziglis’ hotel. Markham Village. and stop the night. FRIDAYâ€"He will proceed to California, and stop the noon ; thence to Sangster’s hotel, Stoufi'ville. and stop the night, ‘ SATURDAYâ€"~II6 will proceed along the town- line to Gormley’s Corner, and stop the noon ; thence to Durose’s hotel, Victoria Square, and stop 1 hour; thence to his own stable, where he will retriaiii till the following Monday morning. He will continue the same route during the Season, health and Weather permitting. JOHN WILES, Proprietor, Markham, May, 1862, 180. MME. DEMOREST’S Quarterly Mirror of Fashions, WITH GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS, THE SUMMER NUMBER. CONTAINS Four Large & Splendid Fashion-Plate s 3 FULL-SIZED PATTERNS OF DRESSES COMPRISING 'I‘Hic New French Waist. an Elegant SLEEVE, AND A MISSES SACK, AND A SHEET OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL Braid and Embroidering Patterns OGETI-IER with nearly 100 Engravings of al‘ the novelties for Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings. Children’s Di'esses,_&c., and valuable information to Milliiiers, Dress Makers. Mothers, and Ladies geiierall". pre- senting the largest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, publishep 473 Broadway, and sold everywriere at 25 cents, or sent by mail post free, on receipt of the amount, in stamps or sum-r, Yearly $1, with the following valu- able premium: . Each \rearlv subscriber Will be entitled to.a receipt fOr the selecnon of 5tlcts. \\ orth of plain patterns, from the designs in the book, or from the show room, or they may be ordered and sent by mail any time during the year, by pay- ing the postage. Splendid inducements to Canvassers. IL? Summer number now ready. CHEAP FOR CASH 2 HE Subscriber. in returning thanks to his numerous custoiiiers'who have so liber- ally supported him for upwards of five years. wo'uld state that he continues to manufacture, “A'l‘ Iris OLD STAND,” BOOTS AND SHOES! cfeverv description, and of the best materials, and after the Latest Style, and hopes by close attentidn to business, combined With moderate charges, to ensure a continuance of their favor. He would also beg to intimate to the lube» bitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity. that he has on hand quite an assortment of IADlES’ 86 CHILDREN’S BOOTS 86 SHOES which he offers I I... O W fo r C a “511 2 JAMES VERNEY. Riehmi nd Ilill, April 17, 1862. 177-6m .m J. B. Iterator, COUNTY Ceiistable,â€"-Landlord’s Warrants J executed, Rents and Debts collected on the shortest possible notice. Addiessâ€"Richmond Hill P.O. a. l 15 THE VICTORIA TEA WAREHOUSE No. 93 King Street, SIGN OF THE QUEEN, Is the place in Toronto, to buy pure BIIEK ii llllll Till, O I‘ only because the proprietor,EDWARD LA‘VSUN.lS one of the oldest and most experienced Tea-bur ers in the trade. but from the fact that he purchases his Teas in such large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby eul- abliiig him to sell at a very SMALL AD VANCE ON COST, Fulfilling the old adage _“ LargeSales. Small Profits and Quick Returns;” a'so in COFFEES, SUGARS Fruits, Spices llllllll lllllllll i I‘le Cannot be undersold. HIS BISCUITS OONE‘EOOEONERY Are unsurpassed for quality and price, all beihgl manufactured on the premises, from the best, material by first-class Workman. Iced and . Ornameiited W'eddin g and Other Cakes Always on hand or made to order in any style art the shortest notice. Orders by mail and otherwise, attended to with dispatch All Goods warranted as repre- sented. and dellVere‘d free of charge to the cars or in°the city limits, QC? 1V0 SECOIVD PRICE. Remember the Placeâ€"a No‘. 93 KING STREET, SIGN or THE QUEEN. EDWARD LAWSON, Proprietor. ‘ 167-6m Toronto, Feb. 5, 1862. go5 ._.._â€"â€"â€"â€" Au 1%. H. EGS leave to intimate that he has REMOVED the Stock of the RICHMOND " HILL DRUG STORE, to the New Store one door south of Van Nostrand’s i Hotel, and has received LARGE ADDITIONS TO HIS STOCK, “ mistre- 01' to Which will- be tound complete, comprisi DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE SI‘ PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH ilALIA ll’I Ifa‘Fs, ES, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, SEEDS, / DRUGGISTS FANCY GOODS, Soc. Ste. 8w. Also, a complete . STOCK 0 CONSIS TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SPICES, FRUITS, TOBACCOS, l I’Vhich have been carefully selected, bought for Catch, and will be sold for the same at the very lowest prices. GARDEN SE EDS, Purchased from reliable seed dealers, and warranted to give satisfactiOn, for sale in 1 papers, or. by the ounce or pound. 'l‘imot .iock Oil, 40cts., Tar, Turpenti In soliciting the patronage of his former Friends and Customers, and the public generally R. 1.1. 11. would state that it will be his aim to supply in all cases Articles TING OF F encounters I, Just received a supply of fresh by Seed. so 00 s. $2 50. Clover, $4. 50 he, Alcohol, Burning Fluid, Ste. which Will give entire satisfaction at the lonest prices. .Ricbmond Hill, Apiil 25, 1862. €61 Old Business in ‘a New Stand 1! .__â€"â€"â€"â€"- .C‘Iicap Boots~ afiIII'_'-Sh0es I â€"‘ . T . ' .r ' H 1'. Subscriber begs to intimate to III; in- ] habitunts of Richmond hill and vicinity, .that he has leased the ,IV shop of Mr. Ruben Lee, \Vhere he intends to carry on the BOOT and SHOE business in all: its branches.i . . Mr. Lee’s customers will have th semi It- te-ntioii given to their work as former y. , I All work done at the lowest ’reinuiietatiug l prices. ‘ y , . .RICHARI), DURHAM. Richmond Hill, April 10, ’62 p.‘ I ‘ "176 f COMMr )DIOUS 'sei'r.§3.i‘i.§’ situated in‘ the Yic‘IflIIS’r-‘lgu HILL. Containing .4: Bedâ€"merits, ‘~ '. oven. ‘1 curios» Parlor and Kimhe'h With Ollmr Qutbuiltbtlgwifl‘hero is '3 also an Acre of Land. and another . be leased adjoiutn'g‘i' ' h " i For further particulars apply Ih'e‘f‘ Huuur' Office. a I, :; *Riclimoud Hill, March 6.1862. , a ,Aore can l7I-tf. US'I‘ RECEIVED, a fresh so edition of SANGS'I‘ERIS ARY ARITHMETIC. in 'the Book Store..Richmond Hill. p 1 ‘Of a new EIIIEMENT- “(Hanan ” Pails and Sap Buckets. HE Uiidersigned is prepared to furnish 7 any quantity 'of rams ANalli'SAl’ BUBKETS, at his Factory, . Lot No-11; 2nd Concession of Markham. or ,at ,, Paulina Cnoqu's, Richmond Hill, at g’re‘at‘ly‘hr’epueod . Prices. _ ‘ ' Address. post-paid. Buttonvillo Pest-Odie; I 1 JOHN AMOSS. February 20, 1861. g V 178-6"! SHOP AND DWELLING TO'LIII‘ UNIONVILLE v , I ii," i, t i.' ~t -tonann ‘lltiiiiiiiii IRON lfi I“trill l “lint [I ‘ I‘liml ll GEORGE EAKIN KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON IIAND A GENERAL ASSORTMEN DESCRIPTION OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, GIGS, &C. MADE FR 0M THE BEST IMPOR TE‘D MATERIAL. All Work Warranted. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHOE TEST NOTICE ! AND ON THE MGS'I‘ REASONABLE TERMS. Unlonville, April 18, I862. 177-3m WILLIAM ‘IIODOE, Sen’r WHOLESALE dnnnnnuorng BBAZER, Tut '3 AND RETAIL And. Iron Plate Worker, N ANUFACTURES and Sells every Article III-tilt" above line, and has had the pleasure ofsupplying both the Navy and Army in Englind and out. of England 811d Pay as 500" as DOS-filme- bef‘re he touched the shores Of America, and has also had the honor of Illuminating the Royal Hotel and every house on the R . his own responsibilityâ€"takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his oyal Terrace at VVeymoutli, England. on friends and the public in generalwnot forgeting those Stove Merchants and Store Pedlers in Hamilton and Newmarket who have so kindly patronizod me and my sons while We Were in partnership in these places; and begs to state that he still continues to manufacture every article III the above b usiiiess, at his shop On Richmond Hill. QC? All lVor/s lVarm-nted and attended to wit/z despatch. Richmond Hill, March 7, 1862. 171â€"3m SCHOOL BOOKS! AND GENERAL STATIONERY, AT THE u YORK HERALD” UFFCE, A'l‘ PRICES LOWER THAN TORONTO. Richmond Hill, December 90,1861. 160 HARNESS _! SINGLE OR DOUBLE! W‘ELL-MADE ~ AND I ' MAY BE i ll], lt‘.‘ ll' ll; lilil . ’ f % It‘lllfllllllllMM "lulu luau .1. i 1') unfit ‘llf‘tl VIIIIE Subscriber has on li'and, or will make to order to suit purchasers, and of the best materials, i HARNESS ! HEAVY OR LIGH’I HAD 0!" "I It . 'l w. M11 limb % Ulllllllll I“ltiiiilii % I I‘ll I ll IR HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRlPTlON. An assortment of VVI-IIPS, LASIIES, 81c. constantly on hand. Collars warranted to Fit, Look (to Wear Well. Also, kept for Sale Patterson & Bro’s. Plows, Points, Landsides, &c. (if? Call and Examine, Richmond Hill, October 17, 1861. at ‘NM. HARRISON’S 151â€"3m "NOTICE: " i {OR SALE in the Township of ESSA, Lot No. 2. in the 1st Concession. 200 ACRES. 7 Acres cleared, joining the village of Allistown. Either the whole lot or 100 acres will be sold to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to ANDREW JAMIESON, Vaughan, post-paid to Kline- burg, P.O.. or to JOHN McLEAN, Clover Hill, l’.0. Vaughan, April 4, 1862. 175-3111. Buy at Home : II‘LEMI NG 8L BUCKLAND’S GARDEN SEEDS. ass snubs be rely upon as be- [I T ing genuine, having been selected with great care by the" above firm,mSeedlsn'IeII to the Provincial Agrtcu’ltural Associationâ€"and which are sold much cheaper than those im- ported. For Sale at the ‘ HERALD ’ BOOK, STORE, Richmond Hill, April 1862. 176 (coma) Notice is Hereby GIVOII HAT MARTIN MACLEOD will apply to the next Session of the Provincial Parlia- ment for an Act to confirm his title to the Road allowance butting his farm, lot 61, in the 1st concession of King. being the towIi-liue be- tween the Townships of King and Vaughan. in the first concession. granted to him by the County Council of York. 170-3m l â€"~â€"2 _ ITO BE SOLD. 18 Acres 01‘ Cleared Land, oft LOT No 41. let Concession of Vaughan, 1TH a comfortable convenient IIOUSE, with BARN and SHEEP HOUSE. SHEDS,_&c.; a ood Orchard, Garden and Lawn. A never-{filling Stream runs through the Property. Apply to JOHN FOGGIN, On the Premises. Vaughan. March 7, 1862. 17l-tf. Infant School! RS. JOHN SMITH begs to intimate to the Parents and Guardians of Children in the neighborhood of Richmond Hill. that she intends to open, on TUESDAY, APRIL 1st, an Infant School 5 When she will be happy to receive under her charge any child between the ages of 4 and 12 cars. Pue usual branches taught. with Plain Sewing, Nitling and Fancy Needle \Vork. For terms. doe. apply at the residence near Raymond’s Hotel. Richmond Hill. March 27, ’69. 174 GARGLING OIL SUPERS EDED. HIGGS’ BLACK OIL is acknowledged by all who ' have used it, to be superior to Garg liar Oil, or any other Medicine now before the Public for Spralns, Bruises, Cuts. Gulls, and all uprfes to Borseflesh. Good for man and beast. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all I alerts in Medicines aIN T OF EVERY Richmond Hill, Dee.5. IN THE i Village of Richmond l .9. a good position for business, House com- modious. with 5 Rooms and att'e'x’c'ellent Cellar. Wood Shed and bther Conveniences. at present in occupation by Mr. Coorner.â€"-‘ Possession given on 1st January, 1861. “ Enquire of , .r ‘. G. A. BARNAERD. 1861. v 158-“ IMPORTANT. on. WIS'I'AR’S PULMONIC SYRUP Is hi at commended, for Coughs, Golds, Asthmit, colic}... all diseases of the Luu s and Th t home- g roe 25 occur" PHOTOGRAPHS! PHOTOGRAPHS ‘ The Cheapest and Best W Aurbrotype and Photograph GALLERY IN CANADA, W Is AT 137 Iiitllliltnst _ Proprietor and Priiicipaerperet‘or 5'3“: Toronto,April19, 1861. ’ ” 123*er NOW onsmtvni.’ .HA'I‘ all persons owing Dr. Jame Leng- ctafl'. will find it to their advantage to call »: 1", z‘ A coon Tame. DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment 15 well ' I on? I trial, In any case of Piles, Burns, ’ ' Inflemod or Sore Eyes, Eruptions every case where an ointment commend Itself, after one trial. Sealds,,Old on the Ski and I is useful. ~ Rubin??? BIO ckwoo (1’s Magaziu AND THE ' ‘- BRITISH REvvil-zwv'swrr. “LIJ'III I. scorr a. 00., NEW YORKJ‘éiiitin‘ii'. ' to publish the following lestfiifg’BritiBl'r Periodicals, viz.:â€" . ' - v - ' I I THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). .. 2 , , THE EDINBURGH REVIEW tiring.) 3, I g y, ' .I i, i . vying THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (Free Church.) ' - . ‘ 4. ., If. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW clarion.) BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH atrium“ (Tot-)3) : The present critical state of European affairs Will render these publications utIIVersally- ine teresting during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the'baa- tin writen news-items, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the port- derous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall havo‘ passed away It ispto these Periodicals that_ readers must look for the only reallyinteilif gible and reliable history of current events’, and as such, in addition to their well-established literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge thorn upon the consideration of the reading public. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Axloairic'a Sheets from the British publishers gives additional Value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the "hands of subscribers about no . soon as the original editions. ’ TERMS : For an". For any one of the four Reviews,.â€" ...-. . 00 For any two of the four Review”, . . .- .- .~ . .~ '5' 00 ' For any three of the fout‘.Reviews..- . . . . . 7.00 . For all four of the Reviews, .. . . . . .- .. . . . 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine, . . . . . .- . .- . . 00 For Blackwood and one Review. . . . .- . . i . '5 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews, . . . . . . 7 ()0 For Blackwood and three Reviews,. . . .. 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews,. .10 00 Money current in. the State where issued will be received at par. ‘ CLUBBING. A discount of twentyufive per cent from the above prices will he allowed to CLUBS ordering four or more copies of any one or more ofthe above Works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the foilr Reviews and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage, N.l>'.â€":-:The price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is $31 per annum. Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD. SCOTT &, CO. No. 54 Gold street, New York. New York. Dec. 5,1861. For 8:113: HEAP ‘or Cash or approved Credit, A. Ten-horse power ’I'IIRESHING MA- CHINE with Cleaner: also a Span of TEAM HORSES. good to work. Apply to JOHN AMOSS, Lot 11,2nd Con. Markham 1862. 1’31 In: 21. i March

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