Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Jul 1862, p. 3

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. .,..', ...; 17:95.: ,-.r, .,'.,J.-.-_ ... ' .. v..--:vr,.:- ..-w.~:.a.~:'...~~ a~.~- _. A... DIED. At Richmond Hill, 011 Saturday, the 5111 instant, Charlotte, youngest daughter of Mr, Robert Hepper. butcher, aged ‘2 years and '3 months; m amass extremeâ€"tits: Stolen or strayed. N the 95th ult.. from the promises of the Subscriber, lot No. 41, rear oftlto lst_ concession of Vaughan, A "MULLY COW, Light color. with red ears and red spots over the body and neck. Any person giving such information as will lead to her recovery, or re- turning tho same to the subscriber will be suit- ably rewarded. THOMAS BUOTIIBY. Vaughan, July 10, 186:2. 4 Letters Remainingin RICHMOND III LL I’ostOfIice JULY 1, 1:62. Ilroen, Thos. Butchart, Robert Bonnet, .lohn D. Ilrillingor, Mrs Mary Collie, Henry Colbert, Ruben Doadman, John Forrester. Mrs. Glover, Thomas I'lorner, Daniel senior Harris. John L. Iloslop, Thomas (‘2) gate. No. 4) Hall. Robert H. ’ McBeth, A. Many, Ann (care of McNair, Matthew ('3) Rae Green) ‘ Patterson. Miss Jane Hodge. Mr. Stee , John (4) Johnson, Samuel Simpson, James ‘ Kizsey, Wm, King. \V, L. Kirby, Miss Iiillips, t’Vm. Langstafl', John (-1) Law, Eli'Labeth Lynel. fr'lr, Laugstafi‘, Dr. James Manly, P. L. Marsh, Miss 11. McLeod, Nor. '1‘. McLean, Robert (Toll- M. TEEFY. PM. this: On SMALL sums ! bloncy! Ellen ey 1 Money! (“O LI'IN‘D on Mortgage, front 3 to 5 years. " Apply to Mr. A. \Vrznnrcu, Patent Oflice. Ilanlt ll itislr North America Duhdings, To Tonto, OW. N ll. Patents for Inventions secured. Toronto. July l. 1863. tat eyed )N FRIDAY. the 327111 ult., from the pre- mises of the Subscriber, 10'. No. 5, in the 4111 Con. Vaughan, A Dark Red Cow, 1With two white stripes on her flanks. the top of her ears cut oil', and a dark nose The find- er will be suitably rewarded by bringing her to PATRICK O’CONNEL. Vaughan, July 53, 1862. 188â€"3} A Work of Absorbing Interest. . 188-6 Thrilling .t dventnres : AMONG 1'1} ”.2 new SETTIERS, lly WARREN VVILDWOOD, Esq. " RAWN from the most eventful period of 1 Americ'ru History, arrrl from themoit authentic sources. these stories yet partake of. all the Wild, weird. and fearful character of ro- mance The volume contains the following. among others, .‘vIcCullongh‘s Fearful Leap, Tue llloody lllock House. l’oes’ Desperate I'lncouutre with Big Foot, Adventures of Daniel Iloonc. l’erilous Adventures in a Canoe, The Mystery at Lancaster, Davy Crockett’s Adventures, "I‘lto Destvt-rndnl's’ Mistake, The Old Trapper in a 'l'ight l’laco, l I The Wonderful Mistake. The Desperado and the Regulators, The Ranger’s 'I‘hrilling Indian Adventure, The Fighting Parson, llorr'or's of a llomhardNicol-«Norfolk in ’76, Fearful Adventure among the Guerillas, 'I'lte Garrrblers’ Den at Natchez. Perilous Adventure of Captain Brady, Fearful Encounter with a Rear. General Putnam’s Daring Exploits. The Massacre at Fort Minrms, The White Horseman, Illack Dick and the Lynchers, Adventures of Simon Kenton, A She- Devil au‘ong the Tories. The Swamp Robbers of Louisanna, Thrilling Escape from a Prison Ship, 'I'he Rilem'rn of Chippawa, Surprised by Guerilhas. -'I'he Canadian Rebellion and Gen. Scott, A Duspmado’s Thrilling Adventures, How a Bravo Man saved Detriot. A Desperado among the Mail Bags, The Indians and the Ifollow Log, The 'l‘raveller and the Arkansas Bully. A Race for Life, ‘l‘hrilling Adventures of Two Scouts. The M urderer’s Ordeal, 'l‘ho ‘Vl’olves and the Darkey Fiddler. 'l‘he IVIurderer’s Creek. LMAJ. die. Everybody oserywhere should get THRILLING AD VENTURES ! The Book contains 384 pages, Illustrated with Two Hundred new and original Engrav- ings, and will he sent to any address, postage paid. on receipt efprice. Extra cloth $14». \Ve are also Publishers of EVERYBODY'S LAWYER & COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, by Frank Crosby, qu. Price. 5‘51 25. THE HORSE AND HIS DIS- EASES. by Dr. Robert Jennings, V.S. Price. $1.25 THE FAMILY DOC" ‘OR, By Prof, II. S. Taylor, M.D. Price, $1.06. SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW, or '- The POETRY OF HOME,” by Harry Pencil- lor. Price $1 ()0. LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF KIT CARSON. The Great Western IIuntt'r and Guide. Price $1.25. -MODERN COOKERY, in all its branches, by Mrs. Hale. Price $1.00. Together with other valuable and useful works, a Catalogue of which will be sent free on application.â€" Books torwarked to airy address, postage paid, on receipt of price. We also make P11016635 PH ALBUMS in eve-FY variety- Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents, Canvassers, Peddlers, and others will do we} to ordera package of our books. They will find them exceedingly popular,aud terms liberal 1000 Local & Travelling Agents Wanted everywhere for their sale For single copies, or for terms in quantities, with other information apply to or address JOHN EDWIN POT I‘ER, Publisher, 187 .NO. 617, Sansom St" Philadelphia. Pa. HATS! .111th t 1 HATS Ii ! OW receiving, ‘direct from NEW YORK. the largest and best selected assortment of Men’s and Boys’ liars and Caps Ever before offered on Richmond Hill, in every SIZE, VARIETY of STYLE and COLOUR, in Felt, “7001, Cloth, Cassimero, Straw, Pedal, Panama.- and Leghorn, which \Vill be Sold as Cheap As the same qualities can be procured at any house In For-onto. Please call and examine our New Styles, At WM. S. I’OLLOCK’S For Salé, VCULTIVATOR, new, from the manufac- tory of Mr. JAMES ECKAHI)T, Unionville ; may be bad cheap. Enquire at this Office. Richmond 11111, June 6. 1862. 183. . I , 'Quehec. June 1‘2, 186?. L. o. 11., B. N. A. . W 9-0‘ 5" incâ€":7 [1 GRAND Demonstration Will be held at Sroor‘rerLIc, on SATURDAY, the 12th. JULY, 1862, When the Lodges of Markham District will as- semble in Commemoration of this the Glorious Victory of the BATTLE OF THE BOYNE 1 Being the One Hundred and Seventy-second Anniversary of that G10 ions and ever memor- able day. The Lodges in the District are re- quested to meet at the New Orange Hall III the Village of Stonfl'ville at eleven o'clock, when they will he met by the Director of Ceremonies and the Marshal of the day. who will instruct them as to the proceedings. Dinner will be served at the Havelock Hotel.- at 12 o’clock. A Procession will Ire-formed at 2 o’clock and proceed to a grove, where several able speakers wrll addt‘ess‘the meeting. ' Bands of Music to ill attend The friends of Protestantism and the Cause generallv, are respectfully invited to attend, . (By Order,) ' ‘ RICHARD KNILL, . District Sec’y. JOHN C A RT ER. District Master. God save the Queen 2 Markham, July 1, 1862, 187-2 Printed Muslims )EAUTII‘IUL Styles, YaId wide, and Fast 1) Colorsâ€"onlvfid per yard, Please call and inspect the stock, At W. S. POLLOCK’S. (Late G. A. Ilarnard’sl lichnroml IIill. Juno 19,’6.‘. 186 P.&RA$OLS 2 NE W .’ CHEAP .’ & PRETTY! IN Black, llrown, and Fancy Silky-Watered and plain-Arum 81 (If) each. At W S. "OLLOCK’S. (Late G. Barnard’s) Richmond 11111, June 10,132. 166 'W it It N ithG‘iifirusi'i'iWW DtPAttuENTAL a PABLIAMENTARY AGE-NT, QUEBEC, ENVICSTIGAT IS and A DJUS'I'S CROWN LAND CLAIMS, SECURES LAND PATENTS, procuros information obtainable from any of the Public Departments, TAKES OU'I‘ l’r’t'l‘EN'l‘S OF INVEN'I‘IONS, 1th- GISI'ERS TRADE MARKS AND DE- SIGNS. TAKES CHARGE OF I’RIVA'I‘IC BILLS during their passage through the Legislature, tic. For parties who are unable to devote their own time to such business or unwrlling to irr- cur the expense of travelling to Quebec, Business with the Crown Land and other CoVernment Departments, which often takes months to do by correspondence, can be transâ€" acted in a few days, and at a smallcost. by employing a resident agent. Address, post-paid. to IIEJRY GRIS'I', llox 344, I’.O., Quebec. 185-11 W 1:;i‘.:3"231.3};r.\ AL lltl'l'i’E 6313136 RIIIEIEINESI lls'rautisnno 1N ISISâ€"«I'Iciu'ec'rI-JD IN 1862 {{ECENT and important improvements hav- * ing been pttt to this Machine, rend rs i now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe delivery,and that they will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles 1â€" .‘lo more missing stitches! No trouble in mak- ing any garment, however delicate or heavy, on the same Machine, either in cambiic, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers, tailors, hat winders, shoe binders. or guitar lit ting, as well as for every variety of family sewing, they have no superior, and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of st} les and prices. A few respectable Agents will be oealt with liberally. Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 4317 Broadway, New York New York, June 20, 1862. 186-Iy A NEW siroav IN TH E Scottish rtmerienu Journal: A FIRST-CLASS INTERNATIONAL NEIVSI’APER. ( N May 9, 1862. was commenced a new story in the Scor'risn AAMEHICAS Joou- NAL, entitled: DELLBURN HOUSE . A Tale of the Scottish Rebellion of 1745, BY THE. AUTHOR OF ‘ Chapters from the Life of Jas. Tao/get.5 â€".â€"â€"â€"- This tale will prove to be one of the most In- teresting ever published, and cannot fail to be appreciated by all classes of readers. The Sco'rrtsn AMERICAN JOURNAL is a paper peculiarly adapted to meet the requirements of the British people and their families from all parts of tht> old country resident on the Ameri- can continent. It is, in fact, a family paper in' the highest and best sense of the term. Its Home and Foreign News is amply given and carefully prepared, from a wide range of British andforeign sources, and omits no fact or fea~ l assortment of FRESH GOODS adapted for'tbo season, consisting of some nioo,new style of Prints. Robed and DeLaine, Printed and Leno Muslin Dresses. cellent asrortment of Ladies”, Gents 8.; Children’s Hosiery l Gloves, Neck Ties, Ribbons, Muslin Collars, Parasols, Striped, Checked and Regatta Shirt-- lugs, Factory and Bleached Cottons, Dunims, Drill, Tweed and Summer Cleths, with a large ass-ortmenl of Men’s Ready-made .OOA TS, PANTS (5' VESTS I In every vatiet-s of style and materialâ€"cheaper than heretofore sold on Richmond Hill; also, a wellâ€"selected stock of Fresh ' ‘GROCERIES & LIQUORS Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Dye Stuffs, Drugs. Medicines, and Crockery, which will be sold at the lowest re'unnoratmg prices, AND AS CHEAP as at any other house in the neigh~ US'I‘ received at “’M. S, POLLOCK’S an I l A large and ex- elsewhere. WM. S. POLLOCK’S, . , (Late Geo Barnard’s.) Richmond Hill, May 15, ’62. 181 Health. Happiness, & Long Life , RE within the reach of all,.by the use of DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE DO- MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the P'r'esciiptions of the late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, «$0,, &C.-â€"- Cures are daily rrrade. and their oflleacy proved in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, THE RIGHT llroureood. ‘ Please call and examine before purchasing HON. THE 11er YOB or LON ooN, ‘ LORD '1 sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street, Westminster, Worship Street. Bow Street. dire, Used by the most celebrated Medical Men, Clergymen. and others, Dr. Buchan‘s Sugar-Coated Sarsaparilla P1lls. It is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that SAR- SAI’ARILLA is the greatest. purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE lâ€"The Bowels regularllâ€"And DEFY the DOCTORIII These Pills strike at the rootof each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment incrdental to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi' gestion, lilious. Liver, and Stomach Com' plaints. General Weakness, Gout, eruerna- tism. Lurnbago. Pains In the Limbs, Head- aches. Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irregultrities of the bowels. oh- structed perspiration, and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. These Pills Work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage. especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- Icumulation. tillthe blood is purified, the whole lsystern renovated, and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of life become I a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- lay I a clean stomach must make ncloan body. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the stomach, body, and blood are pure. from regulating a 1d cleansing the bowels, health is certain, Ilegin at the beginning, waste no time: strike at the root ofyonr ailment. Again, I say. look to your stomach. Pills will force (:OIIViction. Sold in bottles. at Is. lid, 25. 911., 43. 6d and 11s. Dr Buchan’s Invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NERAL W EAKNESS. at once restore and invigorate wrth magical rapidity the most Ile- hilitated Constitution, thereby ensuring perina- neut health, increased strength, energy, and a redoubled development of the .riusculzrrsysterrr. Failure is impossible, for success Is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. Tire nnlv infallible remedy for acquired local and general debility, nervous pr'ostration. depression ol'spi- rits, diminution of vital energy, emacianun, and for all female complaints, This medicine not only restores health and strength at once. but increases the natural vigour of man in youth, II'Iaturity. and old age The properties of this invaluable re-invigoraiing Essence act directly on the nervous and muscular system, enriching, increasing, arid purifying each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing. and in pertcet accordance with the laws of na" ture. As the falling rain vivifies the parched vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who sutl'er front exhaustive derangement. which so few of the medical profeSsion attempt to treat. 45. 6d., 115., or four quantities in one, 333. DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE ()IN'I‘M I'IN'I‘, Is the only one yet discovered that curt-s the most inveterate sores, Its effects are wonder- 111.3, giving instant, relief to the sufferer M-rnv thousand; have used it. and declare it to be 1.11“. 1,051 in 11:0 world.” It is the only N.‘-..’t‘UltAL REMEDY for all kinds ofsores and skin eruptions. It never closes up the surface of a wound whilst full of Irratter. out will first bring all it: the surface, and finally heal WIIIIUUI. breakingl outagain. The Pills aid the Ointment in the followingâ€"Piles, Boiles, Ilruses, Excoriations, 'lllotchcs en the Face, Ulcers, ting-worms, Sore Heads. Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Chap- ped H ands, Chafed and Bhstercd Feel, Corns, Bunions,Cirilhlains,1"rost Bites, Scolds. Cuti, Rites, Freckles. Slings, Scrofula, King’s I‘Ivil. 11nd Legs, Bad llreasts, Contrac‘cd and Stiff Joints, Fistulas, Gout, Swelled Glands. Lum- hago, Rheumatism, Whitlow, Sore Ni'rples, Sore Threats. Scurvy, Sore Heads, Rash. 'l‘u- moors. Old and deep-seated Ulcers, \Vounds, \‘Vorrns. Itch, dire. ls lid. and 2s. 9d, per pot. Pa.ent Medicine Warehouse, 19, lSernoIs One trial ofthose ‘! SKIN street, Oxford street, London. W‘holcsale Agentszâ€"Barclay do 00.. 75, Farringdon street; that be had at the office of this paper, am. from all Chemists throughout the world. May 23. 1862. 182. Alive: listing Essential to Business A WEBBER. European and Colonial Ad- vertising. and General Mercantile, Shipping and Railway Agent, YVELLINGI‘ON S'rnmzr, ’l‘oaosro. C.W., receives Advertise- ments for all Newspapers and Periodicals pub- lished either in the Canads. Bl‘lllsll Columbia, turb calculated to interest its. readers. whether Europe. 0' the States. Flicknowledged ladies or gentlemen: so that the SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL contains (presented in a concise and readable form) all the local, per- Agent for this paper. 182 sonal, and political Intelligence which could be. BO() '1‘ {'i & SON S, only found scattered over a vast number of Scotch, English, Irish. and Continental news- papers. Another nrost important ieatnre of this journal is, that it gives the leading a"ticles of the prominent British newspapers and other periodicals upon the principal topics of the day. In reference to the ‘editorials ’ of the Sue'r'rrsn AMERICAN JOURNAL. it is a significant fact that the British press frequently acknowledges their intrinsic truth and force by copiously extract- ing from its columns. and declaring that the Scor'rrsn Amzntcxn Jonas“. is the most able and interesti: g paper published in America.â€" A well-digested weekly summary is also given of the principal items of American news. Soascmprron Puree, $2.50 PER Armour. Specimen Copies sent gratis. Subscribers in the Provinccs may remit their subscription in Provincial money; odd change in Provincial Post Office stamps. , Copies forwarded to Europe per mail. United States postage paid for $3. or 135. sterling per- annum. Subscriptisons for the current year are now being received. and should be forwarded with- out delay to A. M. STEWART. 37 Park Row, New York. In BEG T0 INFORM THE PUBLIC, That they have taken the Store, 114 111111 llllll‘, AMERON’S Block, opposited 1'1. . WILLIAMS, until the premises lately occupied by them, corner of Yonge 6' Queen. ARE REBUILT. OUR MANUFACT UING. DEPARTMENT, Is continued as usual, and we are prepared to attend promptly to all orders, with which we may be entrusted. Streets , . BOOTH 8t. SONSW Toronto, May 11. 1862. 159-]y > .lw .5. 122.3,, -, .1); .4 . .'-_~.'.. , «‘1' i '1â€" . ..;. .wL'» Wuuwma V! groove." Y : $54,000 To INVEST, atS Weather. sums of $4th and upwards, upon Farm Property. Only principals need al’l’ll‘r WM. T. BOYD, Barrister, &c.’ King St. Toronto. Toronto, June 6,1862, 185-4 ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- HA USTION. New editions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 101} Anatomical Colored Engravings on Steel, Just published, price 1s. VI‘HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatest Medi- cal Work ofthe Age, on Youthful Indis- cretions and consequent lm-pedimrents to Mar- riage, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restora- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos sibility of contamination. Also to be had from all Agents in all parts of the world. EXTRA OTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price 6d., which contains directions for the guidance of patients. Messrs. R, 61. L. PERRY At, Co. are only to be consulted at their residence, No. 19. Barriers Street. Oxford Street, London, as they never, under any circumstances, travel either at. borne or abroad. and they hereby caution the Public against any person using their name. and as a further precaution against fraud, the Public is notified that Irene of their medicines are ge- nuine. unless the subjoined frIc-stmilic of their signature is attached to, their different wrap- pers. Grzn’aa'rrvrz do Museums 1’0qu Raoarsnn BY T111: USP: 01‘ Perry's Cordial Balm 0f SjI/z'iacum. Established nearly a. century, and known throughout the world as the 'GREA'I'EST RF.- GENERATOR; a never-failing remedy for Spernratorrhrc. loss of manly power. produced by early indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" ltenriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of married life. Price lls per bottle, or four quantities in one, 335., which saves 11s.; and in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of£l Ills, I’ERRY’S CONCENTRA'I'ED DETER- SIVI'J LSSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for purifying the system from contamination, recommended for secondary symptoms, hlotches on the head and face. on- largement of the throat, tonsils. and uvula: its beneficial influence on the system is undeni- able. I’rica 11s. and 33s. per bottle, alsoa saving of 11s. PERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF COPAIBX AND CUBEB SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES,’the most speedy Remedy known Tire Globnles, con- taining the Qui..tcssenco of Copaiba, Cnbebs, Buchu, &c , {11.01.00 cure, uithout the possibi- lity of failure. Gonorrhosa. obstinate Gleet, Stricture, etc, immediately subduing all in- flammatory action; Encased in sugar. free from taste 01' smell. 4s. (id. and 115. per box. lieu/m Durance UPON Pour: FLOOD.â€" PLRRY’S I’URIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcers, Iloils. Blotclres, Pimplos on the face and body. &c. Price 11s. and 335. per box. Sold at lt‘lessrs. R, at; L. Pnrtrtydr. Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19,. Burners Street, Ox- ford Strcet. London, Agents: BARCLAY do CO., 75_ Farringdou Street, London. 1 May 23, 1862. 182. lTHE VICTORIA T EA EVA it E HOUSE No. 93 King Street, SIGN OF THE QUEEN, Is the place in Toronto. to buy pure 11.11311 11 3311111111, NO I‘ only because the proprietnr',EDW A RD .g LA VVS()N,IS one of the oldest and most experienced Teaâ€"hu‘ ers in the trade, but from the fact that he purchases his Teas in such large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby elu- abling him to sell at a very SIIIALL AD VANCE ON COST, Fulfilling the old adage “ Large Sales. Small Profits and Quick Returns ;” also in COFFEES, SUGARS Fruits, Spices taint littttttt He cannot be undersold. Hats fifisomxms AND x"_ q; T , . . v x :w ,l _‘ r 3.359513] E333 Til. ON 23183.33? Are unsurpassed for quality and price, all being manufactured on the pr'mnlSt‘S. from Ill‘l bet! material by first-class workmen. Iced andl Ornamented it’crlriir g and Other Cakes Always on hand or made to order in anystyle on the shortest notice. Orders by mail and otherwise, attended to with dispatch All Goods warranted as repre- sented, and delzvered free ofcharge to the cars or in the city limits, 9C3» NO SECOND PiuoE. Remember the Placeâ€"â€" No. 93 KING STREET, SIGN or THE QUEEN. EDIVARD LAWSON, Proprietm. Toronto, Feb. 5. 1862. 167~6m THAT all persons owing Dr. James Lang- stafl‘. will find it to their advantage to call and pay as soon as possible. MME. DEIIIOREST’S Quarterly Mirror of Fashions, WITH GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS. SUMMER NUMBER CONTAINS Four Large & Splendid Fashion-Plates 3 FULL-SIZED PATTERNS OF DRESSES COMPRISING THE/ THE New French Waist, an Elegant SLEEVE. AND A MISSES SACK, AND A SHEET OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL Braid and Embroidering Patterns OGETHER with nearly 100 Engravings of all the novelties for Summer Bonnets. Cloaks, Trimmings. Children’s Dresses. dun, and valuable information to Milliners, Dress Makers, Mothers, and Ladies generall". pre- senting the largest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, pnblishep 473 Broadway, and sold everywhere at ‘25 cents. or sent by mail post free. on receipt of the amount, in stamps or silver. Yearly $1, with the following valu- able premium : Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to a receipt: for the selection of 5‘lcts. \\ orth of plain patterns. from the designs in the book. or from the show room,or they maybe ordered and sent bv mnil any time during the year, by pay- ing the postage. Splendid inducements to Canvassers. 11:? Summer number now ready. New onsrauvu, 1 M M’ An Old W'Business initial “New ratios: 1 mourns: ,R.H.HAML. .Q assist. to intimate that to; tasltiilttotruo lbeStock of the RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, to the New "Store one (1001' south of Van Nostrand‘s I'Iot‘e‘f, and has recéived ' ' . 5 " - ‘ i ' ' ‘ LARGE ADDITIONS TO HIS STOCK, Which will be found COmpIPIe, comprising . 3 . . ‘ DRUGS, MEDICINES,*CHEA/IICALS, DYE STUFFS. ' PAINTS, Ol‘LS,’VARNISlâ€"IES, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, SEEDS, . DRUGGISTS FANCY GOODS, 8w. Ste. etc. Also, a complete . serum; on Guoounmsz TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SPICES, FR U1TS,TOBACCOS, Which have been carefully selected, bought for Cash, and will be sold for the same . at the very lowest prices. Just received a supply of fresh ‘ ‘ E N S E E D S , , , I , Purchased from reliable seed dealers, and warranted to give satisfaction, for sale in papers, or by the ounce or pound.‘ Timothy See‘d.'$2 00 81. $2 50. Clover, $1I Rock Oil, 4¢Octs.. Tar, Turpentine, Alcohol, Burning Fluid, &c. In soliciting the patronage of his former Friends and Customers, and the public generally R. 1:1. 11. would state that it will be his aim to supply in all cases Articles which Will give entire satisfaction at the lowest prices. Richmond Hill, April 25, 1862. UNIONVILLE GEORGE EAKIN KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF DESCRIPTION OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, GIGS, &C. MADE FR 0M THE BEST IMP 0R TED MATERIAL. All Work War-ranted. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHOE TEST NO TIO'E ! AND ON THE MGST REASONABLE TERMS. Unionville, April 18, 1862. EVERY 177-3m WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COPPERSMITH, BPAZER, TIN And Iron Plat W or kr, R, ANUFAC'I‘URES and Sells every Article in the above line, and has had the pleasure of sUpplying both the Navy and A rmv in Englind and out. of England bvf‘r'e he tour-bed the shores of America, and has also had the honor of Illuminating the Royal Hotel and every house on the Royal Terrace at Vchmouth, England, on his, own responsibilityâ€"takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in generalmâ€"not forgeting those Stove Merchants and Steve Pedlers in Hamilton and Newmarket who have sokindly patronized me and my sons WIIIIL‘ we were in partnership in these places; and begs to state that he still continues to manufacture every article In the above business, at his shop on Richmond Hill. {(133 All l/Vor/c I'Varmntcd and attended to with despatcfz. SCHOOL BOOKS! AND GENERAL STATIONERY, AT TIIE‘ “ YORK HERALD” OFFCE, A'I‘ PRICES LOWER. THAN TORONTO. Richmond Hill, December 20,1861. 160 HARNESS! EAAIENESS ! l SING-LE OR DOUBLE! HEAVY OR LIGH'I WELL-MADE AND DURABLE 2 D'IAY BE HAD OF I\ I". It" I- I .5, i’ '- “ ll ‘ "t: WRIT ”I ,, . M M ” liming lulu burn I ‘ ”tart "tutti, "' "tum ”tritium .. "0 U o 'mmltllltltttl'llll; -.__..___..'_..___...._._.._ w WwMMM. . M¢Wa W loneap Boots and Shoes 111E Subscriber " begs to iiilimate to the in. habitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that he has leased ’the , Shop of M1 131113911, . .1‘9‘3’ \Vhere he intends‘to canyon the BOOT and l SHOE business in all its branches. , Mr. Lee’s customers will have the Cumulat- tention given to their work as formerly“? All work done at the lowest rornnnorafing prices, . ~ ~ 4 . . _ . -RICH-ARD DURHAM. Richmond Hill, April It), ’62. ’n‘» 11,76 M----._c___._____. 77+“ _, '2 ' I i For Sale or tubule... . COMMODIOUS setrgc'antatrimesr: situatedjn the piclriityâ€"VQI‘WRImn ' HILL. Containing 4 Bed-roorrrs.,1\'arlor and Kitchen, with other Outbuildltigs‘.“"ll‘ in also an Acre of Land. and ,aIIotyherpA‘crelean_ be leased adjoining. For further particulars apply at the " ӣ1ng- OfIice. . . , . , 1,.“ Richmond urn. Marcb'fi; 186'3: ulnar. UST RECEIVED, a fresh sup lyofm dew edition of SANG’S’I‘ER’S’ .LEMENfI'- ARY ARITI-IMETIC. aI' 4110"‘-1‘Iiid£b" Book Store. Richmond Hill. . , ' .x PHoToGRAPHs: P u OTOGRAPH'SL, I. The. Chen}; sodium; (.031: t‘ Ambrotype anti » Photograph GALLERY IN CANADA” Ill-'1‘. t'ronoN'ro. IA. MES RAWE, Proprietor and Principal Operfitor ' Toronto, April 19, 1861. ' - 1525-1! TEETH,TEETHI For Eight Dollars. i IS AT “or DR. N. J. PECK, Surgeon Dentist, HAS just imported some of the incur new ma Block Teeth, which he will insert for that sum if required. being the same kind as inserted by S. N Peck, and made by the same man. He also keeps the best qualily of Teeth, which he will insert on Gold, Silver; Platennm. or Nulcunized Rubber. CHANGE OF ADVERTISEMENT. Dr Pncx will be at Richmond Hill.. . . . . . . .Ist day of each month Maple, ..... '..........3rd day ofeach month Kleinburg,, .- , . .~ . . .- . , . .5111 day of each month Glareville, . . . . . . . . . . . .6th day of each month Aurora,. . .' . . ..... .the last day of each month (Except whenany of the ab ve days come on Sabbath, when he will attend the day followiflg)’ When he will be happy to wait on any res qulring his services in any branch of his pro- fession. or make good any Work previously warranted. Teeth extracted for those not able to payyfrou Aurora. June 520. 1862 16843 Blackwood’s Magazine AND THE BRITISH REVIEWS ~2 SCOTT dz. CO., NEW YORK. continue 0 to publish the following leading m Periodicals, viz.:â€"-‘ 1. TH E LONDON QUARTERLY (Conseflafiu') 2 T111: EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig) 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (rm Church.) 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Libmtz) 5. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAG‘. ZINE, tTory.) ' The present critical state of European affair! will render these publications urrivernllyyin- teresting during the forthcoming year. hey will oc‘cupy a middle ground between the IIIIJ lily writen news-items, crude speculations, Ill. flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the on. derous Tome of the future historian, Wm [06 after the living interest and exciteménl'ol' fill great political events of the time shall'lwu passed awav It is to these Periodicals till. . . ' ' . 3 o' rj\Iâ€"IE Subscriber has on hand, or Will make to order to sort purchasers, and of the ”8“” mu“ l°°k for ”‘9 °“ly “9“") ““°“" best materials, HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. An assortment of VVI-IIPS, IJASIIES, 81c. constantly on hand. Collars warranted to Fit, Look (k “Tear Well. Also, kept for Sale Patterson & Br‘o’s. Plows, Points, Landsides, 8/0. (1:? Call and Examine, at ‘NM. HARRISON’S Richmond Hill, October 17, 1861. 151-3m â€". -â€" _. -7 ,V A, _., 7 __ Â¥'_,.,~.. A, _._,,V____.,_,._. _‘._T~::Yâ€"_m GARGLING OIL SUPERS EDED. ‘ QJ USVI‘ IbECEIVED. another lot of RIGGS’ BLACK 011.- is acknowledged by 2111th have used it, to be superior to Garg 113:- t 011, or any other Medicine now before the I?“ the, for [Cheap Leghorn Hats! SPFHIUS. Brlllsvfia CUW- 53115, and all ' iuries to All Sizes, from 2510 25 6d eachâ€"worth 3s 9d Horscflcsh. Good for man and beast. all 1 each Price 25 cents per bottle. Sold by a era in ' Medicnr’es in W. s. PULLOCK’S: (Late G. A, Barnard’s) Richmond Hill, June 19, ‘62. 186 CHEAP FOR CASH! , _ r j“ NO TIDE I 11E Subscriber. in returning thanks to his ' numerous customers who have so 1iber~ '10R SALE in the Township of ESSA, ally supported him for upwards of five years. Lot No. 2. in the 15; Concession, 200 would state that he continues to manufacture, ACRES. 7 Acres cleared, joining the village of “ AT 1116 OLD STAND,” Allistown. Either the whole lot or 100 BOOTS AN D SH 0 ES ! acres will be sold to suit purchasers. For fprther particulars apply to ANDREW ofevery description. and of the best materials, JAMIEPON' Vaughan, post-paid to Kl‘lw' and after the Latest Style. and bones by close burg, P.O.. or to attention to business, combined with moderate charges, to ensure a continuance of their favor. He would also beg to intimate to the inhav bitants of Richmond Hill and vioinitv. that he has on hand quite an assortment of LADIES’ 36 CHILDREN’S BOOTS £6 SHOES which he offers L O W to r O a. s h 2 JAMES VERNEY. Richmind IIill, April 17, 1862. 177-6m JOHN McLEAN. Clover Hill, l’.(). 175-3m. Vaughan. April 4, 1862. Buy at Home :1 FLEMING &WEUCI{LAND’S GARDEN SEEDS. HESE SEEDS may be rely upon as he'- ing genuine, having been selected with great care by the above firm,â€"â€"Seedsmen to J. B. Ifieeaigr, the Provincial, Agricultural Associationâ€"and ,, _ lwhich are sold much cheaper than those im- OUN'I‘Y Cettstable,~â€"â€"'Landlord’s Warrants . poi-ted. For Sale at the executed. Rents and Debts collected on I‘ TIERALD , BOOK, STORE, the shortest possible notice. 175Richmoud Hill, April 1862- 176 I Addresszichmond Hill I’.O. giblo and reliable history of current events, an‘d' as such, in addition to their well-established literary, scientific, and theological character} we urge them upon the consideration of .11? reading public. ' EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Advance Shw‘ts‘ from the British publishers gives additional value 10’ these Reprints, inasmuch as they cannow b'd placed in the hands of subscribers about .3. soon as the original editions.- TERMS : . - Par III. For any one of the four Reviewe,. .... . 00‘ For any titre of the font- Reviews.. . . .".'.".' 3W' For any three of the four Reviews.. ...- 7100 For all four of the Reviews, . . . . . .- . .. . . . 8 I» For Blackwood’s Magazine. . . . . . . . .. . 3. 3 For Blackwood and one Review" . . . . .3. 5 For Blackwood and two Reviewa,.. .'.'.'.". 7 I” For BlackWood and three Reviews}.- u... 9 no For Blackwood and the four Review». .10 00 Money current in. the State where Mad will be received at par. CLUBBIN G. A discount of twerrty‘five per cent from 111‘ above prices will be allowed to 01.1138 orderlnfi four or more copies of any one or more of thi- above works. Thusi Four copies of Black; wood. or of one Review, will be sent to 0116 address for $9; four copies of the‘ four Reviews and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. , ‘ Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. _ , N .13 --Tho price in Great Britain at the five Periodicals above named is $31 per annum. Remittances for any of the above publication, should always be addressed, post-paid. to the Publishers, ‘ LEONARD. SCOTT & CO. No. 54 Gold street, New York. New York. Dec. 5, I861; For Sale, HEAP 'or Cash or auproVed Credit, A Ten-horse power THRESHING MA- CHINE with Cleaner: also a Span of TEAM HORSES. good to work. Apply to JOHN AMOSS, Lot 11, 2nd Con. Markham March ‘27, I862. 174

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