Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Aug 1862, p. 4

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.,_, .. h v r ileum]. “Ann’s WELL THAT sun’s WELL.” A friend of mine was married to a scold, To me he came, and all his troubles told. Said he. ‘She’s like a woman revmg mad.’ ‘ Ala !, my friend,’ said I, ‘ that’s very bad.’ ° No, not so bad,’ said he ; 'for with her, true, I had both house. and land. and money, too.’ ‘ That was Well,’ said I. ‘ No, not so well,’ said he; ‘ For I and her own brother Went. to law with one another; I was cast, the suit was lost, And everyvpenny went to pay the cost.’ ‘ That was bad,’ said I. ‘ No, not so bad,’ aid he; ' For we agreed that he the house should keep, And give to me fourscoro of Yorkshire sheep; Alllfat. and fair, and fine, they were to be,’ ‘ Well. then,’ said I, ‘sure that was Well for thee.’ ‘ No. not so well,’ said be; ‘For, when the sheep I got. They every one died with the rot’ ‘ That was bad.’ said I. ‘ No, not so bad.’ said he ; "For I had thought to scrape the fat, And Keep it in an open vat, Then into fallow melt for winter store.’ ‘ Why then,’ said‘l, ‘ that’s better than before.’ ‘ No. not so well.’ said he; ‘ For having got a clumsy fellow To scrape the fat and make the tallow, Into the melting fat the fire catches, And. like brimstone-matches, Btitneddmy house to ashes.’ {,‘jThat was bad,’ said 1. i ‘ No. not so bad,’ said he ; ‘ For, what is best, My scolding wife is gone among the rest.’ ‘ Shirrrlluuwnv, ,u... ‘M i Jitilers generally keep bad company. What is larger for being cut at both ends A ditch. The superlative ef temper-Tempest. The True Social Scienceâ€"How to make a home happy. The State which should head the Con- federacyâ€"Connect-l cut. What Scotch sport is like ladies’ con- versation? Dears talking. Treat your family kindly, but put your horses and cattle nightly to the rack. Pliny tells us the Romans cultivated snails whose shells held a quart of wine. .“ Truth crushed to earth will rise again,” and falsehood elevated lies again. Why is a blockhead deserving of pro- motion 1.Becausc he is equal to any post. We can only know ourselves through the constant study how to govern our- selves. The ccdnrs of Lebanon are. probably, the oldest trees in the World, except the cldrr trees. The mariner’s compass has done some of the most important needlework in the world. Some malignant slanderer says,“ “’0- man needs no culogistâ€"for she speaks for herself.” ‘ It is said that the marriage outfit of the Princess Alice will consist of thirteen dozen of every necessary article. Women are too apt to think that cer- tain vices in a young man, like moles upon a fair skin, are beauty'spots, The industrious and virtuous education of children IS a far better inheritance to them than a great estate A man cannot possess anything that is better than a good woman, not‘ anything that is worse than a bad one. Them’s our sentiments. \Vhen may a newspaper reader be said ' to have a voracious appetite? When he devours the Post and swallows the Globe. Children’s games seem to be growing popular with adults now»a-days, as it is not an uncommon thing to see men of all ages chasing hoops in the street. A beggar-woman, when questioned if she ware not an Irish woman dropped a curtsey, and added, ‘ Sure I am, yer honor, and have been ever since .1 was a child.’ If you cannot inspire a woman with love of you, fill her above the brim with love of herself-wall that runs orer will be yours. Showing kindness to the wicked and un- grateful is like feeding strange dogs that Will bark at you none the less. ‘ Come. Bob, get up,’ said an indulgent father to his hopeful son, the other mornâ€" ing, ‘ Remember the early bird catches the "worm.’ ‘ What do I care for worms ?’ replied the young hopeful. r ‘ Biddy, an’ what is it you’ll give me for breakfast this mornin’?’ ‘Fish, Pat to be sure.’ ‘ Fish ! to the devil wid yer! what’s thisjou’ve done witl the three mackrcls I bought you last evemu’ ‘1’ A tolerably good thing is attrtubted as usual to the Priemier, and runs thus: ‘ I suppose,’ said a member recently, ‘ you are going to Epsom, in the morning 2’ ‘ No,’ quoth the Premier, ‘Downing Street for me in preference to the Downs. I prefer the dust kicked up 67/ Derby to the dust kicked up at the Derby.’ \Vhen Admiral Cockburn, who accom- panied the army, and attended General Ross, was in the wood when the latter fell, he observed an American Itiflenian taking aim at him from behind a tree. Instead ofturning aside, or discharging a pistol at the fellow, its any other man would have done, the brave old Admiral, doubling his fist, Shock it at the enemy, and cried aloud ‘Oh you Yankee, [’11 give it to you 1’. Upon which the man dropped his min-lot in the greatest alarm and took to his ill c 3.; t A TAX BILL FORTH n LADIES. ALEX- From the Rochester Democrat Since the passage of the tax bill, the following amendments have been suggested as appropriate by a cor- respondent who hopes that Congress will reconsider’the bill, and add his amendments. He says: Since the report of the tax bill was published, the following amend- menls lows : For kissing a pretty giri,$1.00. For kissing a homely one $2â€"â€"- the extra amount being added prob- ably as a punishment for the man’s folly. For ladies kissing each other 810.. The tax is placed at this rate in order to break up the custom altogether, it being regarded by our M. C. as .. piece of urcxcusable ability. For every flirtation 10 cts. Every young man Who has more than one ‘ gal’ to be taxed $5. For courting in the kitchen 25 cents. Courting in the parlor 81. and 50 etc. for each offence thereafter. Seeing a lady home from church 5 centsâ€"Abe proceeds to be appro- priated to the rcliefofdisabled army chaplains. For a lady who points, 50 cts. For wearing,r low-necked dress,$l. For each curl on a lady’s head above ten, five cents. . For every unfair device for en’ trapping younnr men into the sin of matrimony, $5. For wearing hoops larger than ten feet in circumference 8 tools per hoop. Old bachelors over thirty, 310; over forty, 20 ; over fifty, 50, and sentenced to banishment to Utah. Each pretty lady is to be taxed from 25 cts to $25-â€"â€"she to fix ' the estimate on her own benutv. Is is thought a very large amount will be realized from this provision. WORRYING AND LAUthlNG. A clerical friend at a celebrated watering-place, met a lady who seemed to be hOVering on till: brink of the grove. Her checks were hollow and wan,her mnmicr listless, her stop languid. and her brow wore the severe contraction indica- tive both of mental and plit'SiCol suffering, so that she was to all ob- scrvers an object of sincerest pity. Some years after he encountered this some lady, but so bright, and fresh, and youthful, so full ofhenltli- ful buoyancy, and so joyous in ex- pression, tou‘ be questioned himself if he had not deceived bimselfinre- gold to identitv. ‘ Is it possible.’ said he, ‘ that 1 see before me Mrs. 13., who pre- Scrith such a doleful appearance at the Springs several years ago if ‘ The very amc.’ ‘ And pray tell me, madame, the secret of your core? What mean: did he use to attain to such vigor of mind and body, to checrfulness and i'cjdvenation l' ‘A very simple rcmedy,’ re- turned she, with a beaming face.â€" 5‘ 1510pped worrying and began to laugh; that was all.’ A VALUABLE Discovciiv.-Pro- fessor J. C. Turner says, that through a suocessiou of experience upon ‘himsclf, his children, his horses, and other cases, he has dis- covered, that Conl Oil is a certain and speedy remedy for scrofulous eruptions, and all kinds of local dis- eases, such as rheumatism, pains in the side, shoulders, back and joints, croup, sore throat, bruises, strains, cuts and lacertains of all sorts on men and animals. He mentions several cases in his own familv, where the application ofthis Oll gave instant and permanent relief, and finding its cffccts so beneficial, lic has thought proper to make the dis- covery known to the public. DUNDAS AM) THE BARBER.-Pill uwd to make great fun ot'a well known iny~ti 110111101], to which his friend llundns fell a victim during a political trip to Scotland. The latter, who was a Minister at the time, sent for a barber while he was staying in Edinburgh, and the Scotch Figariofbe fore beginning his task, made himself thr- echo of dissatisfaction then prevailing in the city and part of'the Country against the statcsman, by saying ironically, t We are much obliged to you Mr. Duedas, for the part you have played in London.’ 'Whal. are you a politician 2’ Dundas asked. cm- pliittically,‘ ‘I sent for a barber.’ ‘Ob, very good I will shave you,’thc practition er replicd,witli a how. He really shaved one cheek ofthe Minister, and then sud« denly passed the back of the razor ncroas his neck, exclaiming, ‘ There, traitor tho! is for you 1’ After doing which, lic run out of the house at full speed. Dundee thought for a moment that his throat was really out and shouted for help. The news that the Minister was a~sasinated soon spread through the whole city, but the alarm was soon couvt-rtcd into a gene- ral outburst of laughter, and the barber be- came fora day the hero of public favor. Pitt, in allusion to this event, was fond of asking Duudns whether he wa» quite sure of having his licud on his shoulders. Passenger (on the box)-â€"‘ Extremely (liS:lgl‘x7t3lll_llt‘. wmlhcr' Drivrr (receiving it share of pnsmmgcr‘s umbrella)â€"â€"‘ Yes, ’spccizilly for them asis math: drippin’ pans Of-l’ -~I‘Ztizrh. r.lllllo3,1859. ' . Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcanized I ET EN DERSON (LAT-.2 FROM ENGLAND.) PRACTICAL CLOCK do WATCHMAKER, rowan-cult, ch. RICHMOND HILL, C.W. A H. in returning thanks to his numerous a Friends and the Public for their favors sitice be commenced business. begs tnhope for "King Station, 8th- alcontiuuanceeof their custodian it shall always -Stloufivillo. Healso begs Markham Vil.24'th and 25th be his study to give s‘taisf‘action. to state that he has received a. fresh stock of the best have been proposed as fol- CLOCKS, WEDDING RINGS. &.c. &c. &c, WORK WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR-7 N. B Work done on the shortest notice Shop next door to the “ York Herald ” Office Richmond Hill. May 7 1861. 180 A GOOD THING. DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment is well worth . trial, in any case of Piles, Burns, Scolds, Old Sores, [attained or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and in every case where an ointment isuset'ul. It W111 I. commend Itself, after one trial; J . G O R M LE Y. COMMISSIONER 1N ocean’s BENCH, Conveyanc'r and Auctioneer, L01- 1“. 4n: Con. MRRKHAM. September 18, 1860. 95-tf Auction Notice. THOMAS-EOWMAN, License!I Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES or YORK a. PEEL. recech prompt attention. Orders received at the " York Herald”0ffico, Richmond Hill: Mr. Henry Lemon. ThornhilL'and Mr. James Cavanna‘i, Mansion House, Sharon, where 'l‘erms. &c. may be obtained. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. _ . .__..__-._.._M CHARLES TAGGAR'I', CONFECTIONER. BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT BIKER RiCH‘MON D HILL- heir ‘ Attended and supplied on reasonable terms. Richmond Hill. June 24. 1861. 135-tf ppm Eiive Troughs, Water Spouts, Cistrons and Pumps, Manufactured and for Sale by I JOHN LANGSTAF STEAM Mums, 'l'uoRNHiLL. F. TEETH EXT.lACTED WITHOUT PAlif By the use of Electricity, 2. :1 b7 SURGEON DENTIST, A U Rona. Rubber. Ali Operations in his Profession. performed in the most approved manner and Warrantod' Aurora. March 9. 1860 67-1)’ . W. G . TA YL O R. VETERINARY SURGEON, Member ofthc Royal College of KS. N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- ment heretofore received begs to intimate that he is now prepared to treat all Diseases of animals .' At hi own stables on the shortest notice, and can With confidence warrant a cure in all Cflfieti within the reach of medical skill and treatment. Residenceâ€"â€"Near the Eagle Hotel. N3 No Charge for Stabling. Newmarket, Feb, 26, 1H62. FARM FOR SALL. rl‘HE Subscriber offers for sale the north wes part of Lot. No. 13 in the lst Concession OF THE Township of Howard, Containing 75 acres, about, 40 of which are under a high state or cultivation There is on the Farm 8 acres of Fall Wheat, 11 good Orchard. 8 Log House and other outbuildings There is also a BED OF UCHRE on the pro- party, which only requires a small capital to open it up. There is also strong indications of OIL on the property. For further particulars apply to ROBERT MARSH. Lot 41. 1st Con. Markham, Richmond Hill. Feb. 26. 1862. 170-6 NEW AND IMPROVED Map of Upper (jam-mu! or the Typographical, Statistical AND illustrated Map of Upper Canada In preparation by Geo. C. '1'rei'iiaiue, the old and wall-known publisher of Descriptive County Maps. OULD you secure a valuable and orna- mental Work of Reference 1 Subscribe [3’ Residents of the Province everywhere will he called on by Local or 'l‘raveiling agents l'oronto. Mar 1861. l38-tl' H. & J. HARRISON Flour Barri-til fleading, Steve and Shingle Manufacturers, and Luinbcr Planers. Seasoned Fleming and Siding kept on hand, and t’lancd to order in quantities to suit pur- chassis. 11:? Factory»- on Markham and Elgin Mills Plank Road. 13.0. address, Richmond Hill. June 7. 1881. 32-6m IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR’S l’ULMONlC SYRUP, is highly ro- oommendcd, for Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Group. and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat 25 cents) bottle ' ’ RIOIIMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION l ’l‘HlS ASSOClA'l'ION has transferred their Ll littAItY to the '11vii..i.u ’ Book Store, where Stockholders and others may procure BOOKS livery Friday afternoon. from 4 to 8 o’clock. r M, A. SCOTT, Librurum. . Richmond Hill, Feb. 27. 1851. All letters addressed to “ Almira.” P.O. w'rl ‘ Pto-nio Parties & Tea Meetings 27"“ ' 170-1)‘ x. ' Br, 8. av ’PECK, eroticith iriM'i‘ie'i‘ WILL 31-: IN 1 Newmarket. 1st, 2nd and 3rd of Each Month t Bradford, 4th of Each Month; Cookstown, 5th of Each Month ; Bond Head. 601 Brownsville. 7th of Each Month; of Each Month; «it Each Month ; of Each Month ; of Each-Month; Brown’s Corners.4th Cou.of Markham 526th do. When he will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls, or make good any operation previously warranted. _ Those who require Artificial Teeth can have a full upper sot of best qmility of Block Teeth. inserted on Vulcanized Rubber, for $8. usually charged $95 by other Dentists. Teeth filled with Gold. Silver or filling. Toremove misapprehension. he begs to an- nounce that all work Warrented what it is Guaranteed to l-e, or no charge. Teeth. Extracted 23rd White with the least possible Pain. Particular attention paid to the Regulation ot'CHIl.llREN’S TEETH. N B.â€".Pirties requiring Artificial Teeth are req rated to Call and Exairiiue Specimens. ' Newrnarket. May 29, 1862., 1821)" GU'I‘i‘A-l’h‘lwlhl ROOFING. No articleever before introduced to the public has equalled the LIQUID GUT’I‘Aâ€" PERCHA for coating tin or other roofs, new or old. One gallon, costing $1.50, will thoroughly coat front 900 to 300 feet of roof, and this coating will render the roof perfectly water-proof, and will lasr three times as long as white lead or other paint. For covering roofs, either new or old, we repeat, ithas no equal for durabi- lity and cheapness, and - we offer it to the public fully "confident of its intrinsic excel- lence. and With our warrantee that it will do all we claim for it. Sold in barrels of forty gallons each, at a liberal discount to Address all orders to K REA-DY ROOFING Co., 23 Cedar-street. New York. 148-12m. GEO. MCPHILLIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, C-W- December 14. 1860. dealers. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING ST. WEST FROM crinncn ST. TORONTO, ARTICULAR attention given to the reguâ€" EAST, SOUTH SIDE. THIRD DOOR lation of Children’s Teeth. free. and all work warranted. Dr. A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in ail its branches. and can supply the profession with 'l‘eclh. Gold. Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanite Rubber, and the best Bone filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums. Consultation ‘ which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. 'l‘oronto.0ctober 11. 1661‘ 49- IV as K 123'. NE. MILLWRIGHT, .3 L ’l‘ 0 JV .3 9' ‘ BEGS to intimate that late is now prepared to erect MILLS of cVerv description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable terms lie is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec 23. 1859 4 NOTICE. I‘funked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and fer bilious compfahitls, Sick Headache, Oostiveness 11w, we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLE LIFE rims. IMPOR'l‘ANT iii“ TiiUE’l And every word is true. For upwards of three years past, 1 have been engaged in a bu'si'ness. which has yielded me at the rate of $3.000 per annum, but being desi- rous of going to Europe .Vivthe course of a few month for the purposaof there introducing the business, 1 nm willing to tench it loony one who will send the $1. The business is no humbqu, but of a highly useful and general character. adapted botii to cities and villages.and one that an} person of ordinary capacity, young or old, male or female. can acquire will) a few linurs’ practice, and by which the) can secure a very handsome income. Several young ladies who have received instructions from me. both in New York State and Pennsylvania, are earnng upwards of $20 per week by it. and ther. is no reason why any one also cannot do the same. lnvalids, even, can do well by it. as it is no ped- dling ailinir. but a business that is perfectly re- spectable. Gentlemen and ladies of leisure who would like to learn the business for their their own amusement or pleasure, will find the practice of it, a pleasant pastimt, and one that they will take great interest in. “n receipt of $1,1willsend printed instructions by which any person can readily acquire the art, and these instructions will also contain every particular relative to the carrying it on so that it will be highly profitable The pH rchascrof the “ print- ed instructions ." Will also be authorized to teach it to others: and I haw soriiotiiiies received as hing as $200, for teaching it personally to a single individual. 1 would state further that $2.50 or $3.00 will buy every thing lllflt is ue~ cessarv to commence the business with. and the articles can be got aiinostanywhere, in city or country, or, if preferred, Ican furnish them ADDRESS, PREPAID, Alvord T. Parsons, No. 36 Liberty St., New York. The best orreferences given when required. FANNlNGMlLLS&PUMPS CFHE Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that he manufactures the latest improved PUMPS AND FANNING MILLS In his Shop. at Stoufl'ville, where all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt alteri- tiou; and for cheapness and durability he defies competition. Repairing done with despatch. All letters addressed to PETER KRlBS. Stoufi'ville P. O. Stoufl'ville. Oct. 15. 1861. WORMS. For destroying Worms in children, SITTZER’S VERMIFUGE CANDY is by far the most pleasan safe, and effectual remedy now in use. Try itl So by all dealers in medicines. Sold byW S, POLLOCK. Richmond Hill, i G. . P. Husband, -e» l a L - 3.. Hotel. Richmond Hill, 'the Enter MONDAY of every month, and, the re- mainder of the month at his reSideuce, MoCaysville, 7th Concession 'of York. All Work Warrauted. I q- ' , I _ Teeth filled with Osteoplarti'cgor Artificial Bone.-â€"-Th‘is filling is put into the Tooth while soft, causing no pain, as itrequiresno pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which it firmly adheres, render-lug it almost impossible } for theifilling ever-to come out. Or. Husband has made arrangements with Mr. G. L. Elliot, of Toronto, to manufacture his Artificial Teeth : those who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will he sure of hav- ing' it done in a superior manner. July ft, 1859. 32-h: 185 YONGE STA EET. M crunch s, TOMB TABLES , TONi'BS'l‘ONES ac. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN A‘NY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. TORONTO CITY MARBLE W0th HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of 1). C. 6L W. Y-ALl'..willconv ,tiiiue the business under the superintendende lof our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY . and D, CAnLos VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. ’ P,S.«-â€"-All notes and accounts remaining uii- paid on the 181 day of June. 1858. will be put into Court for collection, " ' 'C. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29. 1859. - UNITY ' (URGEON Dentist, will be. at Nicholle ' 48-tf Pflwflxx Looking Glass& Picture Frame M «alllUFACTDHY. ‘ No. 2:31 EAs-r Tw EN'I‘Y-THIRD sTREm, I73& 175 GRAND s'rnun'r & 215 CENTRE STREET Established 1838. New York Establish-ed ’38 "THIS Establishment has been in successful 1 operation 94 years, and, is the LARGEST of the kind in the United States: We have on hand or manufacture to order every description of Looking Glass. Picture Portrait Frames. Plain (y’Omamental Peer. Wall Oval and Mantel Glasses, Connecting Corniccs Base r} Bracket '1 lib/es with Mar. blc Slabs. ' Toilet Glasses (ye 4’0. Mounpmos tor PICTURE FRAMES, in lengths suitable for transporiation, either Gilt. Berllu’g, Rosewood, OIL/r. Zebra, Birdseye. Illa/Logical. &c. Our new Manufactorv and extensive fa- cilities enable us to furnish any article in our line as good as the best, and as cheap as the cheapest. DEAvans ARE lelTEn'l‘o CALL UPON Us when llieyvisit .‘xew York. We claim to be able to supply them with every article in our line which they can possibly require. at prices lower than they can purchase elsewhere. Orders by mail attended to with promptness. Do not fail to call when you visit \ew York Ofiice and Warerooms, No. 215 Centre St.. New York. . ‘ HORACE V. SlGLER, 175-3mos. - Agent empiric LYON SEWING - MACH“ Ii CthlIP’Y., 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. person who contemplates purchasing a ‘ O N Sewing Machine for family or manufac- V'tnring purposes, should fail to send for one of our Circulars. which contains cuts and full de- scriptions of the several stiles, prices and samples of work. all ot which" we send by mail free. We claim to have the best Fire &111ft5 Insurance Association , Sewingfiachinesin the Wm.” OF LONDON, ’ Vlith which is Amalgamated the Equitable Fire Office. CAPITAL, £2.500.000, STE RIJNG.‘ Available Assets File Departm’t $4,547,061 10 Life Department . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 2,526,595 46 Deposit Fund in Canada. . . . . . . 50,000 ()0 Deposit Fund in New York. . . . . 150,500 00 MERCHANTS" ixcliANaE MliNiREAL. Directors, Fire Department. .1 Frotliingham, Esq. 1V. Lunn, Esq. B. Holmes, Esq. J. G. Mackenzie, Esq, A. Larocque, Esq. J. Torrance, Esq. Trustees in London : Sir W. C. Dalyell, l C. 1“. Baziu, Esq, Trustees in New York : S. uivingstou. firniofBarcl~.y .5: Livingston. Wm. H . Macy. Pres’t Leather Manufact Bank -W. Sherman, firm of Duncan, Sherman &Co Every description of Fire and Life Insura ii cc Business transacted at the most moderate rates of Premium. w. P. REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N. A. Agent for 'l‘oroutoâ€"ARTH U it M. JA ltVlS Office. 67 Yonge Street, 2nd Door South of King. Toronto, April 1‘2, 1861 123â€"1)‘ Dr. LA CBOIX’S PRIVATE DIE DICA L '1‘ IEEA TIE ON THE C I ' U . Pliyswlegical how of Marriage. 250 PAGES AND 130 snouAvmcs.â€"â€"Price Ollltwentyâ€"five cents. Sent from of postage to all partsof the Union. On the. infirmiliee of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of both sexes of all ages, causing debilitv, 1181" voushoss. depression of spirits. palpitation of the heart. suicidal imaginings. involuntary emis- sions, blnsliiugs, defective riicmory, indigestion and lassitudc, with cunjbssimrs of thrilling 1mm out of a Boarding School Miss, a College Stu- dent, mul a Young Married Lady, (Sun, Aw. It is a truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating rnarringe,who entertain secret doubts of their physical condition, and who are conscious of having hazarded the health, linppi. ncss, and privileges to which every human being IS entitled. Young Men who are troubled with weakness, gene'allv caused by a bad habit in youth. the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetful. tress. sometimes a ringing in the ears. Wonk eyes, weakness of the back and lower extremi- ties. confusion of ideas, loss of "ternary. with melancholy. may be cured by the author’s New Paris and London Treatment. Vile have recently devoted much of our time in visiting the European ourselves of the knowledge and researches of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many new and efficacious remedies which we are enabled to introduce 11110 our practice, and the public may rest as. sured of the same Zeal. aSsiduitv. SECRECY and attention being paid to then-cases, which has so successtully distinguished us heretofore. as a Physician in our peculiar department of profes- sional l'raciiCe, for the pasttwentj.‘ five years. Friancu FEMALE Piusâ€"Ladies who wish for Medicines. the eth'cacv of which has been tested in thousands of cases. and never failed to effect speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr. DeLancy’s Female Pe- riodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies should not take them if the) [whom they are in curtain situations (the particulars of which will be found on the wrapper accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy. so gentle, yet so active are they. . Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any part of the United States or Canada. To THE LADIESâ€""\Vl’lo need a confidential medmal adviser with regard to any of these iii- teresting complaints to which their delicate or- ganization renders them liable. are particularly invited to consult us. THE “ ELECTRO GALVANic PROTECTIVE. "-â€"For married ladies 'vhose health will not admit. or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtainpd as above. It isa perfectly sale preventive to conception, and has been exten- sively used during the last 20 years. Price re- duced to $10. THE SECRETS 0F YOUTH UN VEILED. A Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decay â€"-A solemn warning. Just published, a book showing the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both male and female], of this fatal habit; pointing out the fatalitv that inva- riably attends its victims. and developing the whole progress of the disease. from the. com- mencement to the end. It will be sent by mail on receipt of two [3] ‘ ,cent Stamps. l51-bm. l Attendance daily from 8 in the morning till 9 at night. and on Sundn: s from 2 to 5 p.m. Medicines Willi full directions sent to any part ' of the United States or Canadas. by patients communicating their symptom» by letter. Busi- ness correspondence strictly confidential. 113‘ Dr. Us Office is still located as established, under the name of Dr. La Croix, aiNo. 3|. Maiden Laue,Albaiiy. N.Y. 152-13: lies 7 1‘. 'ilinr ' . . - pm 5' W" 'l‘ -wishes to brake a home for liimsolf, For cit/tar Fumilyor Manufacturing purposes. And all we risk is a fair trial. Read the following: IMPORTANT FAG T . FACT Ne. l.â€"â€"â€"'l‘his Company being duly li- censed. their Machines are protected against infringements or litigation. NACK‘ No. ‘7.~â€"'1‘liese Machines make the lock- stick-â€"-alike on both sidesâ€"and use a little less than half as much thread and silk as the chain or loop stitch iiincliiiies. FACT No. 3.â€"â€"'1‘liese Machines are better adap- ted thnu any other sewing-machines in the market to the frequent changes and almost endless variety of sewing required in a fa- mily. They will sew from one to twenty and make every stitch perfect. They will even sew from the fittest gauzo to the lien vicst Cloth. and even stout, hard leather, without changing the feeds, needle. or ten- ston, or making any adjustment of machine whatever. is not such a machine best adapted to ferriin use i and it best adapted to family use, wiry not for every variety of light sewing manufacture? For work too heavy for our Faiitiiy Machine, we recom- mend our larger sizas. FACT No, 4.â€"-â€"’1‘liese Machines make the mast elastic seam of any sewing-iiiacliiiie in useâ€"â€" 11 fact of very great importance in sew- ing elastic goods, or goods of any kind, on it bias. FACT No. 5.-â€"-No Machine is more durable or more simple in its constructionpr more easily understood. The reputation of these illu- cliincs wliei'evor used W111 fully dciiionstrnte each of the above FACTS. FACT No. ti â€"-'l'liese Machines took the High- adelpliia. FACT No. 7.-â€"'l‘liese Machines took the High- est Freinium at the New Jersey State Fair. FACT tVo tl.â€"'l'hese Machines took- the Ingli- est Modal at the American institute, in the City of t\c.w York, together with the fligh- est Premium for fine Sewingâ€"Machine I WUI‘kI ’FACT N0. 9.â€"â€"'l‘l'rese Machines took both the Highest Premiums at the Mechanics’ Fair, Utica. NY. FAcr No. lit-«'l‘hcse Machines can do the entire thing generally, whenever properly exhibited in cuiiipetilion with other tirst-clnss Sewing-Machines. But we have space 101' only one/oct-nioreâ€"it is the most important Fuel of all. ' FACT No. ll.-â€"â€" lVe warrant every Machine we sell to give better satisfaction than any other Sewing-Machine in the mar/tel. or morch rrfrm (led . _, 11:?Scnd for it Circular. AU ENTS WANTED Address. Firt‘KLic & Lyon Sici.vii\‘d~h’lActiiNn Co., ‘ No. 538 Broadway, New York. Septeiiiboi 5, let“. 145-11111 Desirable Village Property For ale. ’ ' "11E Subscriber cflbrs for Sale two valuable 1 VILLAGE LOTS. situated in llio very centre of the fast rising town of Port Elgin, on lzko llnrou. rind in the County of Bruce: tho Lots are kiiowu as Lots 'No. 40 and 41, in block No. 87 of the Village. This is a rare opportunity for any one who The shipping from the Port is considerable, and n pushing and improving business is done in the townâ€"for a Mechanic the opening is unequalled. For particulars apply at the ‘I-IERAM) Oil‘- FlCE,’ or to WM. Richmond Hill, April 24. 1862. run llEittlES or" PEACE, ND THE HEROES OF WAR. ANTHONY, No. 501 BROAD'WAY, an . YORK, is now publishing, in addition to other portraits, the celebrated collection known it Europe and America as BRADY’S‘ NA 'l'l()/_VAL PHO'I'OGRAI’HIG FOR I‘RAI'I‘ GALLERY, ' COUlt'l‘NEY. l78-tt’. in which is included Portraits of nearly all the . prominent rneu of America. not excepting Jeff. Davre. Gen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of other confederates. Price of Portraits, $3.00, per dozen. Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are published,card size. and in stereoscopic form ALSO. Stereoscopic Views of Scenes in Paris, London, and in other parts of England and France; in Scotland, lrelnnd,VVa1es. Holland. Switzer- land. Spa.iu,on the lthine,in Athens, Egypt, Turkey. the Holy Land, Chi- na. India, Cuba. &c., &c., ad injinilum. Ous Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Are the Greatest lVouder of" the Age. Thesehre taken in the forficth part of a second. and the rushing of water, the moving of vehi~ cles, or the march of an army, does not in the slighest degree affect the taking of these views. They are sold for $3.00 per dozen. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest assortiricnt of STEREOSCUI'ES. PHOTOGRAPch ALBUMS, and Photographic Materials 'n the'Uuited States, and perhaps in the world Catalogues. containing lists of all our Porâ€" traits, Victvs. SitM'eUSCOpeS, &c., sent free by mail on receipt of a stamp E. AN'I‘HON Y. 501 BROADWAY, near St. Nicholas llolel,New York. September 5, 1861 thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping,- est Premium at the Franklin institute, l'liil- , can. «first. . l - unattende-Hyporhosrhitvfl (DR. Cuoacni‘nfis Srzciric Ransom) ‘ FOR- CONSUM/PTION. Nervous Debiltty, Sam/hie and Dyspepsia. Bronchitis, 4w..- H-IS‘ is the most wonderful curative agent I I known, to medical science. _._It.,has.e_f-‘ fected curesjn every star 0 of .0qu ', ,n “ UN PARALLELED’ IN THE ANITA \ i ‘ MEDICINE.” In Nervous ~Debi|ity endDyeJ pepsin, the. HYPOPHQSPHITES may'b'e “- garded; as an almost sovereign remedy. . _ The Hypophosphites : ' - Have a two-field and sfiebificaotionâ€"wo'u the one hand. increasing the principl'efwhich CON. Sll'lEiTUTES NERVOUS ENERGY,“ anti. on the other. being tne ,MOST POWERFUL BLOOD GEN ’RATING AGENTS KNOWN They act with promptness and certainty in all general morbid conditions. such as Chi-onto Bronchitis. Asthma, Scrofula. Marasmns. Ane- mia. Female Complaints, &c., aiid'iu all dis- orders of' the Nervous orBlood Systems. Their effect upon the tubercular Condition is immedi- airâ€"all the general symptoms disappearing with a rapidity whitih is really marvelous,â€" 'l‘hey increase the nervous or vitalpnorgy. re“- lieve Cough. check Night. Swoats. diminish- Expectoraiion. improve the Appet’ite.~ arrest Diarrhoea, and promote ‘ref’reshing sleep. A: FAIR TRIAL-r IS A CERTAIN ‘ Winchester’s Genuine Preparation 1. OF THE ['1 YPOPHOSPHITES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churchill’s Remedy. audio approved by the Medical Profession generally. USE NOOTHER. OR ANY REMEDY CON- TAINlNG 1RON. ll'J‘ Pincus zâ€"Iu 7 oz. Bottles, $1,â€"6 Bottles for $5. In 16 oz. ‘Bottles. $2â€"Three for $5. Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Drug-fl gists, and at the sole General Depot in the United States, by J. WINCH EhTER, 36 John St., N.Y. THE SPECIFIC PILL 1 A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR Spermalorrhea or Seninal 'Wcaikhces, (5' Genital Irritabz'lity, in either Sex. THIS is the only remedy for Sexual Debility, lnrpmoncy, Sterility. &c.. which has the ap- proval of the medical profession. its success has been most extraordiuarymefi'ectiug cures in cases where nil other methods oftreatment had failed. One to six boxes of' tho SPECIFIC PILL will permanently cure any case of Semi- rial Weakness. or- its resulting Impotoncv. however aggravated, whether constitutional. or arising from abuse or excess. IMPORTANT bl 151) ICA L TESTIMONY. “l have used your Specific Pill in many cases of Spermatorrhea, and with the mostper.‘ fect success, “J. MILTON SANDERS, M.D..L.L,D,” “We believe it to be as near a. 'Specific ’ as any medicine can he. W's lieve cured many severe cases with f'rom‘six to ten doses."--Dr. B. KEITH :. ‘American Jour. of Med. Science. "1 have found them all that could be do- sirod, Their effect has been truly wonderful.â€" E. P. 1,)it'nvit,M.D,” [13’ This is not a f-lom-mpathic Remedy, nor is there any mercury or other deleterious iligrey dients combined with it. Pnrcr:-â€"-$1 per box; six boxes for $5, by mail, pro-paid, For sale by all respectable Druggiste, and at the sole General Depot in the United States. by .l‘ WlNCll ESTER. 36 John St,,N,Y. New York, Dec. 12. 1561. l‘59-lv. sanenv Apousr-iED. it, ' A NY who have been slaves to Rheumatic ll tirun 'rjr 11"V0 be, it entirely emancipated by the use of ingrinii‘s intidnblc Lininiciit "it certain core for Rheumatism, Tic Dolereaux, Spiaiiis, Bruises tlll'ti chl'iugs , Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple Village, in bottles at ‘25 and 500. each. Maple Village, Feb., 14, 1851. i-v Try the‘truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS" MA- GIC RELIEF, and it" you are not satisfied of its 811va riority, after using the medicine, the price will be re- funded b the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 cents per bottle._ old by all dealers in medicines. Valuable Property for Sale Vle: 133 Acres, ‘23 of which is tiriibered, 40 Acres under Cultivation. Several PARK LOTS with timber thereon Also, VillrLACrE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. The above property is situated at. and ad- joining to, the Village of ZKâ€"aichnnond. H111. For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. Richmond Hill, Sept 2. 1860. 9-0 Consultthe Old English l’hydcian FO‘R Aba‘l‘l-IMA. INCIPIEN‘IT CONSUMPTION, iNr‘inMi'rrns OF YOUTH. AND 01.1) AGE, no. No Mereâ€"ru'y Used. Dr. w Son, 43 EAST GENESEE STREET, tutfalo, New York, RE the only Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal Colliegerf' Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until first l‘l‘i‘gh't, in every state and sytiiptoiii of disease. The treatmeutthey adopt is the result of up- wards ot'thiity years’ extensive and successful practice in London. 1. MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION, An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- litv. of Nocturnal Ei’nissioiis, more properly known as Seminal VVeakuess, doc. Can be permanently cured in flour 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used coni- joiutly with medicines. . Dr. Amos 61 Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge theriiselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Price Ten Dol- lars. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by a cero tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit frequenJ) learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and it' not cured. renders marriage impossible and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. Self-abuse is one of the most formidable enemies to health, for no- thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous :system rapidly, wastes away the energies oflife, mush mental derangement. prevents the pro- per development of the svstem, disqualifies for marriage. society, business, and all earthly happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than deail itself. Raitsoss in ANY PART 01“ THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwardinga correct detail of their case. Address Dr. Amos & Son, 48East Genesee Street, three doors West of Ellicott Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 88-1] 3,. A"

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