Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 29 Aug 1862, p. 3

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Banana/H Richmond Ilill,on 'I‘hursday. the l 531st inst. 1““ I ui. James llrrilie. butcher, STXNSON,-â€"()Il 'I'nesrlay, the 26th instant, in r the Clst year of his “30,53211I391II ofhisminisâ€" tt‘y. the. Rev. .Ios‘9pl1 Stinson, Ill). le-Prosiâ€" dent oftho ‘.\'~,:::liryan Conference. our, )R. ILAITWAY‘S CLl'iANt‘IHU S‘L CALLiin I DV'L‘IY‘S RENOVA'I‘ING RESOLVENT Parsons (Gill/l Nara [Jr/(cs. SUN; Ifl'urts, Euro JlIU'I/t/LS. Skin, l'lrizplimrs. (In: glut/"(Hiram (41/ ‘ quick cure fly the use rift/to Resultant. ) \ LL [Itadway’s Renovating Iltrsolveut repairs the waste ofnature. rr-plai-v‘s docropitudc with vigor; extirpator: every form of Sorofuleu's, Cancorous, Syphilotic, .‘ilort'urial, and .l'lrti'pliy'e disorderr, cures Opthtthniu, and all affections of the eyes and cars; is invalu'rhlo to females in the latter crisis of life. and is the most poWorftd invigor- ant, and l’e’jlll'flllfilll yet disarm-red, ' Persons sulll‘ring from Asthma, ’hthisi-s‘, and 5 Lung Complaints, may rely upon deriving irri- medirrte oa~=e after taking a dose of Il.‘.!>\-‘>’A‘Y"S Itasonvrnr It soothes; and heals, cleanses, purifies and renovates tho entire system. 'i‘O 'l'llil UNllAPI’Y. i Let those who are suffering the miseries in- flicted by Scrofulzs. Syphilis, Swelling of the ,(dltflllls,vlilllfll)fi in the Neck HUD Groin, Ulcers. and Fever Sores, Scald lIt'B(l--~It0 of good cheer! One to six bottles of tho lir.:\'ov.i'i'1),u ILHSOLVFN'I‘ will cure you. Porsons \\ ho have been so unfortunate, as to contract a loathsome disease. may rely upon being: cured by the use of Iitnway‘ Ill-:NoyA'i‘iMi l{.t‘.S()I.\‘E.\"I‘. Ladies sirll'h‘ing i'roin weakening discharger, rolapsus. IItz-ri, tumors in the “701110, a few )UIIIOS will care you. Price Ono IIo’lar per bottle, or Sixl Five Dollars. at Ila. ‘0‘7 Maiden Lane, Y. n L i l ioi'tlcs for Sold by Drungists. “ll-VI Wmm.rmw~ 'z‘rumvn s . r. twill? ram. Mm“:s-’*M r a“"-.a' "hN ‘1W"'_ "s2. ' " sf?r" bf"‘~:"\“.v‘"«e{"§r-Wr¢“w or *8 V? W VJW {Pill [tilt llllél‘éll r1“ 5%,! i‘ll(llll.Ҥ<.‘. P'Ollt 91) to lull) Iii‘l. each a c ‘l l \\'t|lllt‘tl hr; the Subscript-r, (luring til: next, month. [1. WM. CUll‘l". Toronto, August ‘25, 186'}. ISM->1. ' i r. r. 1 “ (fill/(3.1. LTO'I‘IITIJ ll‘l lll‘llllrlll ' ()l‘r’lCN that a . Mooring of thc If killillAf‘l .irid RING l'liANK lift-HI (‘tl‘ill‘rki‘i‘ifl will be Ilt'ltl at Breanne 1‘ it.” <17. ,..-}.1 1.5.7 «Xv-«é 3‘ 1ft“; iyi hdsfvc’ ON I w.:!, vv Jain.“ y” 1‘1» .F,‘ m dnus‘!») a yvv Qiélilirtrsl 3-, 34.2.“ n‘iti i“I‘,.‘Jtv.';..-i-o{lll F25 All; At III, a iir,. when the 'l‘oll Gates and llonees will be bold. snd .rll tlr‘tilltltrllé st‘ttied up, as the given up. it. limit: 1:: any acâ€" : i "no. CorLrpzrny they on the same day. load has been counts outâ€"H: must be I)": )‘.I \b t ‘1 fire Eco“; (‘L'Itl 'l‘itrrrsuror'. ili.‘i.l_‘._ ‘ieil.’ .IlV (Mlle r of I J Vaughan, Artful“ 17, , -A “fork of [3.1533301 Ming interest. 7‘ -.‘5'-,,. . :3. Kiwi-llama .lllitr AMOS“ force ‘1 ' t) it. ".V'.‘ 55‘. . .. f ".' - ADC} h..- Lute. I all"; 3-5m, Ply \V,‘-.llllir‘..\' \‘Kllrll‘s‘i'OflII, I‘lf‘q. , J. 1)Ii,r\‘a'ff'{ from the most t'ye‘rtf'ol period of Am. 'I llrst try, and from the “11th authentic sources. {116:0 stories yet partake of all the wild, \Vfll'il,lll1<l fearful character of ro- mance 'l‘he volume contains the following. among others, .1. )‘Ict'lnlluuolr‘s l*‘t»=mi'itl Imap, The Bloody P’ock ll iuso, Pops” III‘rIp-L'Citfl' l‘lizorriintro wi h Adventures of Daniel throne. Perilous .‘wlvr wort-r: in a tlaiioi‘. 'Phe .\I\‘$le‘l'}' :r' Lani-aster, Y r lfg Foot, i I'l‘E’I‘AEIJSIHJD a .t liAIWYAY 6L]. (Jo’s. Oflico, r - * and nftor tho Later-t Style, and hopes by close Davy Groom-it’s Adventures, 'I‘Iro Ihrsiv "rd. 1.." r" " 'l‘hc Illzl 't‘ j 'i‘IIU ‘i‘i’l‘llll' ls- l .11 The liillii”‘t‘l"." i‘iw'ing llftttttil .kilvclitliro, 'Plie Fightingr a . .. .. -, .. p...‘ _--r r-H- ’"6 Horrors of .1. ilnur imminent mine i in i , Fearful .‘tdreniuro airlrt'i tho tincrrllas,‘ 'i‘lio {hurl-h .x.’ lit-1i a: .i'li‘lill 7.. "rptain ili'ady, :1 in: i" .l, /" 4‘7 llirrilutis .“ (i\’tllllill"\ of! PO. inter u. Genera "tilt tints .lniinp i,xp.oits. "Plio )l no at I‘lort .\lll!ltll>l., A r I I l A .‘wa‘J The \‘t Irite Black lllck Adventures of rilmon Kenton, . . ll.:.'.cu;:.ri, I ‘- I and the Lyncncrs. A She-Devil an‘ong the Tories. The SA utle Robbers of Iiouisanna, 'I‘hriljng l‘i»t:tl})t* from 2-. Prison Snip, 'I‘he Itzilvnz'rn of f‘b’ pawn, Slll'pl‘lrt‘tl by '( The Canadian llcl‘mlllull A l)espt-irrilo'-- 'Plzrillinp; A Ilow It llfllTU Film” Ruycd .t‘L-iltlrilii: "i air-.inp -. r- 'I'lie Indians l:l‘.(l tho Ilnllow ling, 'I‘iro 'I‘r‘ayelfvr and .‘lrlxansas Bully, A flat-r for Kilo. ll‘hrilling r‘tdronturos of Two Seeing, The kltxrdoi'r'r‘s Ordeal, 'I'he 'i‘i’olyos ..:r I all”. llarkcy ‘irldlor. iI‘lio L‘w’lnrdorer's (ll‘m'lt, t"; ta. Azc. Everybody evory‘tx'hcre should get lilt‘l' p. nd Gun. Scott, lvontn res, 'lttti‘llil, up: . I 1 slut-gs, ill" 1 1t ' ' 7'77 7“ V ' .'“,7'l/1"~/"l')'rV 7‘,[11\l)r,IIA‘\\/.l 1L f./ 11 LY J (J [ter The lla-ol: (winiainu 3S»? pages, lllu:~tratz*d . with l‘wo lions; d um and original ‘ - . . . . . it. .. . _ rugs, and Will he sent to on) duhli‘bh, postage paid, on receipt ol'price. Extra. cloth $1333, \Ve are also Publishers of ' V V 1 ) 7' 7' 1 If, V Ulr‘t ,li'. l‘i COUNSELLOI‘L I .‘l liliSlf‘iilefl, by Frank Crosby, It‘s-til. Price. 511 :35. I r .)‘,‘y, K i J. A x x“ ,‘ ) Ni 1.1. ; THE HORSE Al‘ll) ill?» EASICS. by lii‘. lfohort Jennings, V373. $1.95 TIIP. FA Milli” DOCTOR, B Prof, II. S. 'I'ayior. arr). Price, SLIM, SU N LIL} l {P AND Minnow; or ‘- The POETRY 0F IIOMn,” by Harry Pencil- er, Price $1.00 LIFE Al“: l) .‘XIT‘v/EN'PUIutim OI.l1 KI'I'CARSON, 'l‘ho Grout \Vestorn Humgr and Guide. Price 31 .25). US- Jrice. ‘7 ) 1'1 (1 MOUI'IILN ()Ole/l'lll‘f. in all its branches, by Mrs. Ilale, Price $1.110. Together with other valuable and useful works, a Catalogue of which will be sent free on application,â€" Books torwarked to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price. YVo also make PHOTOGRAPH filllllll’lS in “My variety- Booksellers, News Agents. Book Agents, Canvassers, Peddlers, and others will do wed to ordora package of our hooks. They will find them exceedingly popular,and terms liberal 1000 Local (9.: Travelling Agents ‘Vantod everywhere for their sale! For single copies. or for terms in quantitieS. with other information apply to or address JOHN I‘ll)‘:'\’lN POT PER, Publisher, 187 No, 617, Belmont St' Philadelphia. Pa. J. B. fificeéfl‘éw": .o executed. [tents and Debts collected on the shortest possible notice. Addressâ€"«Illchrnond Ilill 1’.0. .1-3' For Side, CHEAP for Cash or approvod Credit, A J Ten-horse power 'I lllilrlb‘lllNO MAâ€" CHINE with Cleaner: also a Spun of TEAM HORSES. good to work. Apply to 'D :(il't'y, lit“!"l'l l Ilii‘.‘:‘» The IIL.\,\'}n-in.'o and the iii-grilntor». > 1 Richmond Hill. Augusffi,186‘2. S ! I‘Lngi a - r , high . when travelling shows a, dimple on one OUN'PY Constahlorwlmnrllord’s Warrants ' tritrGiNAr, ENIVPE Sililllliti MAUHldESI V-fSâ€"l’nm‘ncrizn .. ).\J 1N m 1862. ALL}: ECICNT and important improvements hav- now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with ing been put to this Machine, rendch i l a guarantee of its prompt and safe dolivory,and that, they will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking: needles !â€" N‘o more missingr Htittfli‘rfil No trouble in mak- int,r any garment, however delicate or heavy, on the same Machine. either in Ciliirliiic, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers, tailors. hat riiiders, shoe binders, or goiter fit ting, as well as for every variety of family sewing, they have no superior, and will he sold at a much less price than any other machine ork. capable of doing the same range of w Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and A. few respectable Agents will be dealt with liberally. prices. Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 437 llroadway, New York New York, June illl, 186?. 186-13' i GARGLING OIL SUPERB EDED. HIGHS" BLACK (ill/teackriovlodged by allwhc have used it, to be euporior to Ger-g ling Oil, or any other Medicine now before the P3169110, for Sprains, Bruises, Cuts. Gulls, and all Siniurles to UOI‘SCIIBSII. Good for man and beast. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold byall I more in Medicines .\ v!_ I!" '43 (inn, (diliatr‘ki FOR QAfiikd Y r ill ll Subscriber. in returning thanks to his “ numerouscustomers who have so liber- ally Supported him for upwards of five years. would state that he continues to in ari'ui’acturc, “ A'P IlilLS OLD STAND," . was» airs 6% in“ .6: 35:35:35»: Purely owkfillol ('fcvory description, and of the best materials. attention to husiiicsr‘, combined with moderate charges, to ensure a Continuance of tliolt‘ f'rvor. ,llo thltltl also beg to intimate to tho inhaâ€" bitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that he has on hand quite an assortment of ADlES’ do CllILGPtEltllS BOOTS do SllUES ’ which he olll'rs ! l. .21-; 2.3 :1". a r aw. $3.33. 3 l .l .‘tlil ICS April 17', 14:32. VI‘lIlN i'lY. 177-fim till i;vi, Richms ud l ‘\V 'V It 1 H \"r A £0.63 \1 in t /1‘ .71 5J.\'l kll‘ l‘r ’23:" fig“: ‘3‘. )YV: “; in. link”? l3? Agent. if)” A lltY)’ \YAN'I'LI). Richmond Hill. August 5, ’62. Letters llornainingi n It lCllMtflVl) II. l LL PostOflice 1‘. lliillll l‘ I , I fill}. Arnold, ‘-.‘\'illiam I V V I . .Ionn l‘illl-“IJII'I, Ptohort \Vlllinin lll wort. Andrew Langgstall‘, .Iohn ir . (hi pi .3. Mr. Lawrence, Miss-ILA. Collie, llonry 1.5m renco, :3 U. Duncan, \‘t’ni. McPherson. Mr. lot No. llt‘l‘llillil. Richard .‘lrl. lst i'on, Vaughan I’llivi'i. l‘v‘laz'y .‘X. l’innie, later “J violson, Jeremiah ‘owr-ll. ‘u/m. Junior If‘l‘rllt‘l', l'linniu Sinidi. \V. II, {Ii-:vhnin. ‘1, Steel .Irrhn ‘il. 4 W Grant, (merge (9‘ ::1"EL'0I‘; Nan-JV Simpson, J. k\' IV. ‘ , licv. Father Simpson, .lunros ii..p.. \.. ‘7 w ' .I.l..l \rlmc, \\r:i, Johnson. Mary ' ll. TERI” ’ . P.1d. to inform his 5 r I»: a re be generally, that ho drill}, has fitted up his wrist: and Floor In a superior manner, and is now prepared to do i . W3, .5... (A, my, 9...... 3.. 9...:a- .Ega. i. -o.’ 4:. 3.5% 45:5: 3 (In the shortcut pos'sihlo notice. I lie. alm lakt‘s this oppor unity of returning his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage he has received during the past six years, and hopes to norit a continuance. of the same. Pill. 1‘1 (:ltult'fi lot of Harris, Bacon, and llarrol Pork, for sale. GEO. ARKSICY. 193451] Eldest, Stirling Y will; and *l‘owns'lrigr of Markham A.’llllCUL’l‘UlQAL SOCIE’l‘lES, U ON THIS rs .4- ‘ é; -' ': pm} .fl , ,. . wo vii-.1,â€" ,â€".,,, ,4- "it 53 " .5. All I‘lirtrios to he made with the by this evening} of the 8'lr ()(‘iiUlli‘II" 0; peremptory excluded. A. BARKER, Secretary. Markham, August I. 1869. 193â€"2 I‘ll fi'fi‘fiflifl. A T the expiration of one calmrdar month from the date ofthis Notice. the Munich pal Council of the 'I‘ownship of Vaughan pur-* pose enacting a fly-Law. in conformity with the 308th Section of tho Municipal Act, to carry out the sale of the Original Road Allow- ance, botwocn Lots Five and SIX, in tho Third concession of the said Township, commonly called the Osters’ Side lino. ' ly order of the Council, G. J. I“. PEARCE. Clark. Vaughan, August .13, 1869, 194-4 HORSE STOLEN _, ROM Lot No. ‘19, on the 1st concession of Vaughan. (Richmond Hill.) on tho night of Wednesday . the 30th, or morning of 'l'hurs- day, the 31st July last L. 1 . Unsonirriou :-â€"â€" ‘7 years (do. hind quarter; when saddled, will kick If touch- od behind the saddle. The subscriber will give a BEWARE} Midi E" ‘Y JARS For the recovery of the Horse and such infor- motion as will secure the conviction of the thief, Any person who can give such information as to lead to the recovery of the horse without Color, dark bro wn; black mane and tail; about 16 hands ’ a. -.‘ . -' a“ va . ‘w u \ - '--;-'- n. .Am-l. 1 ‘3’??? ~ - ‘1 - I) i T’WLVVI v .-"‘.-.‘.'7.':r"~‘v."2'i."v“~&2\$.-~" :4: STOVES, scored STOVES, NE\V AND SECOND I'IAIID, COOKIJVG', PAIZL 0 UR AJVD BOX Heavy Metal, V’Varranted by STO VES ! l 'W ILLEAM HODGE, 5931’!”â€" Copper, Tin &; iron Plato ‘Worker, W'ill hc Sold CHEAP FOR. CASH, OR APPROVED JOINT NOTES, As cheap as any House in Toronto or anywhere else. Richmond Hill, August 29, 18653. {lllltlr Ll? Btlf ’l‘ A- IDS-Gm o SHOE S’rortr.‘ 'I‘IIIC Subscriber begs to return his thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public, and would inform them that he has greatly increased his STOCK, and has now on hand a very large assortment of ill; ill "ill Till lllll lllll till Of every description and style, such as: l‘t’len’s Coarse, Kip. and Calf Br lllll )ots, Boy’s and Youths’ Kip and Calf Boots, \Vomen and Children’s Boots and Shoes of every variety of style; also, a large quantity of print ‘lfdllli‘ “dill "tin aw “i lllillllil dillllll ""titi ‘riiiiiitt OCGAS. llriiiliil war-r w It. "3 in "littlititi litith 5c OVER SHOES, In fact, he. has on hand all that is wanted to protect; tho feetâ€"for any Weather 01‘ any season. which he is prepared to Sell at the lilEIlAfl‘lVlC I’ll. In A», )T‘W. T l y no if .ZLK/ LOWEST 1 'i hose requiring a really good Attic CALL AT 'l‘l IE RS FOR CASH at a Cheap Price, are respectfully requested to l EEOQT efic fiTORE; OPPOSITE TH E ‘IIAMMAR SCHOOL HOUSE, llYCIVlMOND HKLL. .lAl‘tlES HALL, Propridor. Richmond llill, Aug. ‘28, 1832. 195 Elm. ‘r‘-"~’-«-‘-‘,‘,‘ .ar‘-‘,‘-‘,- ,â€".,‘-‘.r\,-r‘,_--n"r‘nmnA‘n-‘fl.-r‘muu‘ru‘»‘)--4‘-‘- PF RES“ AR HIV A lib? t} i? ill 0 0 if i oi E. ANI) QENERAL STANCE , ' A'l‘ THE YORK lllflllALD” BOOK STl to -R_ “IIMOND HILL, 1 5' ‘r’ 7 r S l iltll, Al; Lower Prices than is charged in Toronto. Orders received for, and great attention paid to Richmond rim, August 29, 1862. ll 1 .I a Ell . EE . BE A: El; If; .3 Ilotol, and has received \Vhich will be found complete, comprising DRUGS. MEDICINES, CllEr‘ifllCALS, DYE S'.l‘llll‘_l" PAIN'I’S. OILS. VA I’LNISI‘IES, I’A'I‘EN'P l‘dlCDI I’.I‘JRFU;\‘l ICllY, 3P» ISIlICS, SEEDS, DRUGGIS'PS FANCY GOODS, 8L0. 32c. bcc. Also, a complete 7.77 t l“ it?“ 9% it ’CONSISTING OF I 'PE A S, COFFEES, SUGARS, SPICES, li’yllltill have been carefully selected, bought for Cash. and will he, sold lo at. the very leivcst prices. J ust received BISNZINE SP1 ItI'I‘S, the bus for Spirits of 'I-‘urpentine in paints,- Also, Furniture and Conch VA P. House Painter’s JAPAN, SL0. Richmond Hill, April ‘25, 1862. 4 r rile; b c SINGLE O 1 DOUBLE I “TELLHMADE IIIAY lE HA I) OF a,” L W,“ tut . V rim; ‘ ‘1 turned n,“ V“ x . ltllill lttlll lllIII lIIltI'li Ullll‘llll llllll‘ll‘l II EAVY OR L’IGII'I 1 man "‘liiiiiiiii ‘lluiiiiiiii “will ‘liiiilii q .. ‘11P. nhscriber has on hand, or will make to order to Suit purchasers, rl best, materials, HARNESS OF THE AlfiQ‘til-E fiESCRlP An assortment. of \VllIPS, IIASIfES, 8&0. constantly on hand Collars warranted to Fit, Look «do Wife/or (11,? Call and Examine, Richmond llill, October 17, 18 a}. {‘4 til. L fiw‘ illc‘rn’ro'fin’migi. “tittitt’y Grammar oin'cmiliiar Elam. For Sal Feet of Seasoned If, and 1; inch , I Dressed Flooring. 10,000 Feet of Seasoned Siding. 250 Bunches of Shingles, The above is all of the best quality. be sold cheap, on reasonable terms. the II) ief, will be handsomer rewarded. J’OllN Al‘vltifitl. Lot II, 2nd Utllf. Markham .124 I Gt]. t 3‘43er ‘27, I.’ , I‘ll.) WARD SHEPPARD, i Richmond Hill, P.O., (LVV. ' Augubt I. 1861?. 192â€"tf Apply to ,.51. & .I. HARI‘USON. Near finch-mood Hill. 194-4 Richmond Hill, July 31. 1852. Esq, B,A., 'r,C..r. M. TEEFY, l 3. August'ld,186§3, Inf. .l . ‘itiiiiiriiii nu Inuit ll NG. \Vliich will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. 195 ' E71203 leave to intimate that he has 11E MOVED the Stock of the RICI'IIVIOND HILL DRUG S'I'Ulll‘], to the New Store one door south of Van Nostrand’s LARGE ABDlTlONS TO HIS STOCK, 5, CINES, FRUITS, TOBACCOS, r the some t substitute NISHIQS, ALWI) DURABIJE 2 l m “Itii‘i “u and of the TIQN. Vile”. Also, heptfln‘ Sale Patterson & Bro’s. Flows, Point), erdsidcs, é’yC. at ‘N‘M. llAI‘LRlSON’S lfilâ€"Bm School. SUMMER T ERM. THIS INSTITUTION will Reopen on w... ‘ltIONDAY, the 112% August, Under the I’Ieadmastership of L, II. EVANS, Secretary B.G.S.'P, 132-2 'I‘oronto, L‘lay ll, 186‘ l r ture. t r HENRY ' GRIST', DEPARTMENTAL & PARLIAMEIIIARY “Mr. ,W.» .‘ :e-pg... -* ACI'II‘T, QUEBEC, ruvnsrroa' ‘ES and ADJ coowu .l- mun CLAIMS, LAND I I I’A'I‘libl’.‘£, procures information obtainaoio from any of the Public Departments, TAKE“? our r'a'ruN'v’s or IR VENTIUNS, an. GIS'I‘ICIKS {TRADE MARKS LiAr‘lI) V DE- SIGNS, TAKES (‘nxiton‘ fOF..'_I)RlVA'I'E BILLS during their passage tl'n‘ougb the Legislature, &c.’ i;- li‘or parties who are unable to devote their own time to such business or unwrlling to in- cur the cXpenso of travelling to Quebec, r I Business with the Crown Land and other Government Departments, whicboftett takes .months to do by correspondence, can be transâ€" acted in a few days, and ate. small cost. by employing a resident agent. ’ Address, post~paid. to . . r ' HENRY GRIS'I‘, Box 3461, P.O., Quebec. Quebec, June 12, 1869. IRS-ll 35" 13 .9. 1 es: , CULTIVATOR, new, from the manufac- 1: maybe had cheap. Enquire at this Office. Richmond Hill, June 6. 186?. 183. It ‘ I - E lactatinb If) within the reach of all, by the use of i P» DR. .IEUCIIAN’S foltllllll‘Alj‘LE DU- KIItlS'I‘IC MEDICINES, prepared from the l’rescdptions ofthe late Dr. Iluchaii, Fellow of the lloyal College of Physicians, 6'. c,, .‘tfc.~ (lures are daily made, and their efllcacy proved in thousand of cases, athStDll before the Alder- men at Guildhall, THE RIGHT “ON. THE MAYOR, OF LONDON, and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street, \Nestrninster, Vl’uiship Street, llow Street. No, Used by the most celebrated Medical Men (llergyrnen. and others, u-.. --- fi- , - 9 r L? g... ,é‘g apportion t. titlle like LORD ) Br. Buchan‘s Sugar-Coated Sar‘saparilla. l Pills. . It is a \VICLL-KNOWN FAC" that built-l SAI’AltlIdiA is the greatest. purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PUltElâ€"lho L’owols regularll-And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the root of each disease, and are for the cure of; every ailment incrdontal to Man \Voman and, Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin,1ndi- gestion, Bilious, Liver, and Stomach Coin: plaints, General “’eakness, Gout, lihueina- tism, .l.unrbago, Pains in the Limbs, Headâ€" achea, Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irregulrritics ot the bowels. ob~ structod perspiration, and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. These l’ills work their way to the Very roots of each disease, cleansing in tlroirpzrrrsage. csp:_i1',iall_\‘ \yhoro mercury has' been taken. and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulation, till the blood is purified, the whole system renovated, and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of life IIBCOIHH a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"«do not de- lay! a clean stomach must make aclean body. A clean body will contain pure blood, Wllt‘llll the stomach, body, and blood are pure, from regulating and cleansing the bowels, health is Certain, llegin at the beginning, waste no time ;. strike at the root, off/our ailment. Again, I say, look to yonrstornacli. One trial ofthese Pills will force conviction, tory of .‘Vlr. .lxriirzs E *Kxan'r, Unionviilo ; ' _..,.‘....u\._ i ...~ 3:... z. 2.1-. "am “we. ,- .~ ‘N'9*»‘v~~.\&‘«~' Nth-1‘13?- Mali.W1:wyétrrrmthzcxfi-.. ‘ . meow E”! (43/1 TO INVEST, at 8 per cent",- in <1l.)“l, .' . sums of $100 and upwards, upon Farm Property. Only principals need apply. , WM. ’1‘. BOYD, Iziill‘l‘lslm', 6310.. filing St. Toronto. 185-4 w... dim, Toronto, Juno 6, I ON NERVOUS l‘LlQliAXATLON and Ex. HAUSTION. New editions enlarged to 190 Sold in bottles. at ls, lid, 95. 9d, 43. (id, and 115. Er. Buchan’s invigorating For NERVOUS INCLAX/‘x'l‘ION and GE- NIQItA L W EAIiNIiSb‘. at once restore and invigorate with magical rapidity the most Llo- hilitatod Constitution, thereby ensuring perma- nent health, increased strength, energy, and n redoubled development of the musculaisystonr,‘ Failure is impossible, for income is; as certain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and generril debility, nervous prostration, depression ol'spi' rits, diminution of vital unergy. einaclation, and for all female corriplainto, This; medicine not only restores lrr-allh and strei‘mjlli at once, but increases the natural vigour" of man in youth, maturity. and oliI ago The properties ofthis invaluable reâ€"invigoratinq l‘lh‘ni‘vlltlft‘. art directly on the nervous and muscular ;st'stcrii, enriching. increasing, and purifying each nar- t.icular vital fluid; its action is never-failing. and in perfect accordance with the laws: of rut? Al; the falling; rain vivifics the parlihod vegetation, :-'o will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost. strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive dorangorironl, which so few of the medical pi‘i.ri”c:';»ioirattempt to treat. 43. (id., 11s., or four quantities in. one, 33.5. , DR. BUCHA N’S VEGETABLE SKIN (IIN’l' iii l‘.7.rV'P, Is the only one yet discovered that cures the most invotorflte sores, Its etiiacts are wonder- ful, giving instant rolin to tho sutlbror. litany thousands have used it, and declare it to be the best in the world.” It is the only ll‘it'l‘UltAL REMEDY for all kinds orsore's and skin eruptions. It never closes up the surface of a wound whilst full of matter, but will first bring all to the surface, and finally heal without breaking out again, The Pills aid the Ointment in the following-â€" ’iles, loiles, llrusos, l‘lxcoriatious, I‘llotchcs on the limo, Ulcers, l{ting-worms, Sore I'Ioads, l‘lyos, and Lips, Ilaldneos, (‘hap~ pod I'I ands, (Jhat’od and lllistercd Poet. Corns. Bunions, Chilhlains, Frost Bites, Scolds, ()uts, Bites, Freckles, Stings, Scrot‘nla‘, King‘s Evil, Bad Logs, lad Breasts. Contracted and Stiff Joints, lt‘rstulas, Gout, Swollod Glands, Lum- hago, Rheumatism, \Vhitlow, liloro Nipples, Sore Threats. Scurvy, Sore lit-ads. flash, 'l‘u- mours. Old and deep-soared Ulcers, Wounds, \Vorms, Itch, (Sac, Is. Igd. and 22;. 9d. pcrpot. Pamnt Medicine \Varehouse, I‘J, Iierners l I A street, Oxford street, London. \Vholosale Agentstâ€"Ilarclay do 00., 75, Farrinqdon street; may be had at the oflico of this paper, am. from all Chemists throughout the world. May 23. 1862. 182. A, IVEIlIlER. Illnropoon and Colonial Adâ€" ...‘Lo vertis-ing. and General Mercantile, Shipping and Railway Agent, V\.l}»,’i.i,ii\'(:'rou Srnizrzi‘, 'I‘oiios'ro. (I.\.’\"., rocoivcs Advertiseâ€" ments for all NHVspflpers and Periodicals pubâ€" lished either in the ()auads. Uri iin Columbia, Europe, o" the States. Iii“ Acknowledged Agent for this paper. 182‘» Stll‘rifii, known or LW‘OZUlf TEE P UBLIC, That they have taken the Store, l‘ n ‘1 All/litnfil‘lhq Flock } “’llllilAMS, until the promises latol occupied by them, comer of 'l opp'visifod .. , l 4‘- t‘fi g" 5 Von go Queen m/r'ce‘zz ARE ltEBUIl.'I‘, OUR M ANI Illf A (JP U l N G t) lift/t ll'l‘ I'll, 1C 1“ '3 Is continued as usual, and we are prepared to attend promptly to all orders. with may be entrusted. I which we , n, l 31 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Cplore‘d Engravings on Steel, Just published, price IS. THE SILENT‘FRII‘IND, the greatest Medi- cal Work of the Age, on Youthful Indis- ‘ cretions and consequent Iinpodimcnts-to Mar- riape, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System‘- in health and disease, and pointing" out the sure means of perfect restera-I tion to manhood z.- with an l‘lssay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos sibility of contamination. Also to hrs had from all Agents in all parts of the world. l‘lX’l‘ltAO'I‘S FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price (id., which contains directions for the guidance of patients. Messrs, ll, do L. I’nnirv &. Co. are only to be consulted at their iesidcnce, No. 19, Hornets Street, Oxford Street, London, as they never, under any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad. and they horoer caution the Public against airy person using their name. and as' a further precaution against fraud. the Public is notified that none of their medicines are ge- nuine. unless the snhjoined fun-similio of their signature is attachedto their'difiirrcnt wrap- pers. - GEN ’nA'rivi: 63L Moscoma Powrm ermnn BY THE USE OF Perri/‘8 C'ordia’ Balm, of Syriacmn. (1 Established nea‘ly a century, and known tliroughont‘tlie world as the UlillA‘I'JCST I‘ll“â€" GlllNlCllrl'I‘filR; a never-failing remedy for Spormatorrhtn. loss of marin power. produced by early indiscretiono. or any other causeâ€"- llcnriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have doomed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred- ohligations of married life. l’r’ico 11-4. per bottle, or four quantities in one. .‘sils,, which saves 11s.; and in £5 bottles. ellircting a saving of .Cl lilo, PERRWS (TUN( ‘i’l‘ltA'l‘lGD DETER- SIVI‘I ESSENCE, a remedy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for pnrifyingthe system from contamination, recommended for secondary symptoms, blotchos on the head and face, enâ€" largement ofthe throat, tonsils. and uvula; its beneficial influence on the system is undeni- able. I’rio's lls. and 338. per bottle, alsoa saving of 11s. I’l'lllll‘f'rl I‘A'I‘l‘lN'l‘ COXCICN I'lld'l‘l'll) ESSENCE OI“ (JOR‘A‘ llSIIGAIl-t,‘()1\'IVIClI (,Ilrtllllllrl'lfirl, the most. speedy Remedy known. The Glohules, con- taining the (Quintessence of (lopaiha, Culiobs, Ihiclru, «Va: , at or on cure, \‘ itlioul the possibi- lity of failure, (:‘onorrhata, obstinate (-llect, Stricturo, etc, immediately suhduing all in- flammatory action; I‘lllCllSOtI in sugar, free from taste or smell. 4s. Cd. and 115. per box. Ilmr'i‘H Dici‘icsos prov Prim: I’i.ooI),-â€"- PI‘LIlllY’S I’Ulillt‘YlN } SPECIFIC PILLS. an. infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such Scurvy. Ulcers, Iloils. llotehes, Pimplet: on the face and body, Price Us. and 33s. per box. Held at Messrs. It, A; L. Pnnitv S3 Co’s. Wholesale Depot, .No. 1!), Berncrs Street, 0(- in xr‘r. as Scrcfnla, n W.- _ford Street, London, Agents: BARCLAY 8:. Co.. 75 Farringdon Street, London. on ltd o N. C)“ (4.), 183. ’i. v 1143 wow orrstnryra, "WHAT all ei'sciis {)Wltlt'f Dr. James Laugh g I‘ nu. staff. will find it. to thoiradvantago to cell and pay as $00!) as possibh‘. ‘v- ll" “if 914‘ “A : El... kl £5.31 £3 E E ' ‘ .P l. . ’ . - '9': . ‘ Rachel. to the Athletes! 2 {will} follo‘r’lnsr f‘or‘nii'mos are sufficient guaranty (tithe pubic that, - r a?» . we or .. - it; . track .3 2.123 to “fatter: an infallible remedy for in “it 2‘15»: » ruffl- lad. tialrltlltlrild it e, the undersigned. do Certify that w-r have used ll. 3V. Pl'itll’g’b' I‘ll l‘l \VA'I‘IL‘li, and find it to be a certain cure for lirllzrinod Eyes and s. '25? M: 85¢» . F 4‘71“. .1’. milling“; ed. my to 1‘7 ‘ ’.)liill)lalirs, and therefore would recommend it to tln- public, Robert I71. yi'nond Robert. lloypor James Bailey 1 G. L. loynton Mrs. M. .I. ll aymond \V. S. Pollock Miss .I, ilinnce W. ll. llyers A. L. Skeele L. Richardson Robert llewison I‘vlartin Noalion .lolin (Joultor Timothy It'ogarty I). Bi‘idgford. J-I’. it". P. iichtnond Miller Anderson 'l'lichmond llill, July 14, 1852. My son suffered for nearly four months from Inflammation in one of his eyes; during which time I procuer the best, medical aid within my reach. to no purpose. 'I‘no inflammation con- tinued ; the boy suffered, and 1 Logan to enterâ€" tain serious apprehension that. he would lose his sight. I. acciuoniully board of effectual cures having been made by l'rlr. H. W'. Puck’s leo \Vater, and procured two viols of it from himâ€"~â€"t/m application of which Iii/.3 (fl‘cljfb’d A CURE. My son’s eyes are now well, I have much pleasure in certifying to the above facts, and recommend the use of Mr. Peck’s Eye “later to all persons afliicted with Inflamed Eyes. JOHN IJISIJUI). Richmond Ilill, July 15, In the month of February last, I had a severe attack of Inflammation in my ring eye. and suffered very much, I tried several ro- medies, and obtained medical advice, but my eye continued to get worse. I was mended to call on Mr ll. W. Peck, who gave me a Viol of his lilyo Water; in three days I felt relief, and in about five days was able to use my eye. It is now well, and l have much pleasure instating that I noliove it is Mr Poclfs roirrcily llizrtcured my eye. l have also ro~ commended the use ofit to others, and know that the result has been attended with C0111“ ploto oneness, )1. DA llil. For Sale at Post, Office, Richmond Ilill, price 53;) cents per bottle. 190 it,.. 11.1,: DIME. F1110 REST’S Qtnrrtcriy 3 or“ WITH Ullrlfjr‘tvl‘ IMPR EVEMENTS .ANI) ADDITIONS, SUMMER o .o rill Eleni .mflaink TIIY‘. Four Large 6; Sp. 1‘? 1‘ LlIJIJ'SI NUMB I-ZR CONTAINS undid Emblem-Plates I31“. 1 2. I} 0 V] r1 I. .1. (T’llfill‘l‘. IHI F‘G THE. T77”, . , 'mv if? 2111 Lil 1 Ir}, .‘t‘x’D A MIHSHS lllllrlrl'l‘ and ,W ~77. v'V .L‘ H *‘17 l Ml‘u; No I "’~ ’ "3“ A . .L cl} (,1). egahi, SACK, ’QILVV RECAPTIFUL _ n Y ." Enema. Patterns V'I‘IOGIC'l'lll‘lR with nearly 1M) lrlngravings of all the novelties for Summer Bonnets, .{Tloaka 'I‘rirnrnings. (Iliilrh‘on’s l'li‘osses, (inc ;and valuable information to Milline. AND A (:F ,tmr scorer: ., A“ '5 , Dress Makers, l‘il()lllt‘l'h‘,-".ll(l I..a(lies geiie‘n‘all", pro- sealing the largest, and host Fashion Ilngfazino in tho \Vorld. publishede llroadway, and soldcrorywnoro at 2.’>¢’iciits, or soul by mail post free, on receipt of the amount, in :Itarups or silver, Yearly :izl, with the following. valu- able premium: 'rlacn yearly subscriber will be entitled to a BOOTH SONS». I w. 109â€"!) Canvatcers cent by mail any time during the your" bv pm, , mg’ the postage. Splpmhd ' ANI) CUBISIE' recom~ ‘ none,’ I) l’.\'l"l‘lCIl.l‘lS 0i“ DRESSES l receipt. fer the selection ofSIIcts. v. nrth of plain f _ , , 1, patterns, from the designs in the book, 01- from f be. 93 hi ‘ mo irhow men], or they may he ordered and' «MEDJVE It“ .' l - Richmond llill, March 6. 1862'. l V . RICHMOND IIILI. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ‘H-IS ASSOCIATION has transferred then r l LlIlIlA RY to the ‘ Ilicnann'! Boo-kv'Stwim. whore Stockholders and others may procure looks every Friday afternoon, from 4' to 8 o’clock. P.M, ‘_ . , A. SCOTT, Librufidn. Richmond Hill, Feb. 27,1861. 1 ‘lroap 'Boots and 811063 f VIII} subscriber 'begépto. intimhteto the in, _ liabltallts ot' ‘Ri‘cl’t‘r’nond Hill and vicinity, that he has leased the ' " -' Shop of ‘Mr-‘. «r-‘Rubctlr‘ Lee, \Vhere he intends tocarry. on tjhe.~L}QO{E‘a-nd SIIOIQ' business in all its branches, i , Mr. Lee’s customers will have the some at. tention given tortbreir work as formerly; All work done at. the lowest. romuuerat'rngf pi'iHeS, ! RICHARD DURHAllL Richmond Ilill, April It), ’02. ' 176 For Sale or to Rout, a (:omrooiotis self-contained nodsc . situatt'd in the vicinity of RICHMOND IllLL. Containing 4. Bed-romns, Parlor and Kitchen, with other.Outhuildings, 'I‘here is also an Acro of Land, and another Acre can be leased adjoining". ‘ i i For further particulars apply at the ' HERALD' Oflico. our niaccivrcn, a; freslrstipplyiotlanew ., edition or SANG-S'l‘léllt’s ELEMENT~ ARY Aru'rirnirric. at the “Hummi” look Store, Richmond Hill. rut tripe-rm PBS : PHQTQQRAPHS 'I‘ho Cheap; and Best Aniliretypo and Photograph N I l l i t' i i I t i l l V inducements io' 7 1L! burning-r number nowready. lawn!“ Eel" i" but or NAI., entitled: r with dispatch GRILLE tr IN CANADA, El l llrilli’l till, EAST. é'I‘Ollth‘l’l‘O. Proprietor and Principal Operator E, Toronto, April 19, ISGI. 125-ly A NEW STORY IN THE rlilrorleur Journal: A FIRST-CLASS INTERNATIONAL NE“’SPAPER. May 9, 1862. was commenced a new‘ story in the Scornin AAMEMCAN Joum DELLBURN HOUSE -. A Tale of the Scottish Rebellion of 1745, BY THIS AUTHOR OF - ‘ (L'/raptcrsj)‘0nt [#7er Life 0/ Jas. Tao/56L". This tale will prove to be one of the most in. teresting ever published. and cannot fail to be appreciated by all classes ofroaders. _ 'I‘ho Soorrisn AMICIUCAN JOURNAL is a paper’ peculiarly adapted to meet the requirements of" the Ilritish people and their fannlios from all parts of the old country resident on the Amerid can continent, It is, in fact,- a family paper in the highest and bestsonse of the term. he Ilome and Foreign News is amply given and carefully prepared, from a wide range of British and ion iijn sources, and omits no fact or fea- uro calculated to interest. its readers, whether ‘I:i(llos or gentlemen; so that the SCO'I‘TISR As'rznrznw .l(iUl{;\‘,\1. contains; (presented in a concise, and roadztblo form) all the local, per~ sonal, and political lnlclligcncc 'nicb could be only found scattered over a vast number of Scotch, I‘lnglisli, lrlch. and Continental uows-‘ papers. Another most important feature of this journal is, that it gives the leading articles of tho prrnnnont. Ilrixish newspapers and other pt‘i‘lotlit‘t‘dS upon the principal topics ofth day. In rt‘rt'erencc to the ‘ editorials ’ of tho Sco'r'rlsn Anilillltir‘fis‘,it. is a signicficant fact that .. ‘n. i the British pr'eso frequently acknowledges their intrinsic truth and force by copioust extractv' ing from its columns. and declaring that the‘ Scori'isn Amniucxx JOURNAL is the most able and interesting paper published in America.â€" A well-digested weekly summary is also given‘ of the principal items of American news. , SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 0 PER AfiNUM.‘ Specimen Copies sent gratis. Saliscrilrer-sin the Previous may remit their“ subscription in Provincial money '.' odd change in Provincial Post ()fiice stamps, Copies forwarded to Europe pcr mail. United States postage paid for $3, or 135. sterling per annum. Suhstriptisons for the current year are now’ being rocoivud, and should be forwarded With" , out delay to ri'ny,‘ A. Til. m ..WART. * 37 Park Row, New York. 'l‘lél it} _ “VI tlllllltlll TERA VVAER rations as. No. King Street, SIGN OF THE QUEENS. Is the place in Toronto, to buy pure it llllll Till. OP only because the proprietorgEIN'VARU LAWSONJS one (if-the oldest and most experienced 'I‘oa-ln‘ircrs in the trade. but from the fact that ho purchases his Teas in such large quantities at, the (Largo Sales, thereby ou-I ahling him to sell at a Very SMALL AD VANCE on COST,- I'Lillillinp: the old adage “ Largo Sales. Small l I'UIA ti (.IId ()‘.(1I.,.; ,iletulJb, L. 330 I“ < O J J. lillfliltltl, .f‘UGAltS' "9"“, ._ .g.‘ ii at? Ll E mi. file, apiece Afril) llllll ll I a?“ rim-e amber 1.. t. He cannot be undorsold. - E2] lTfi AND '-"":"T~'. ¢ :i"u‘5'\: s" r" »\i‘.r_tT_'l 1,11 ., .prcgimyyy 6.:- UL 1' iv” J. 3,. i“ Jun“ i. (l) K ' \\l LI\. -1 ;: Are unsurpassed for quality and price, all being;~ 'manul'actnred on the premises, from the best. material by firstmlass workmen. Iced and (.Prnzrmcntod 7 "I ,2 1 v ' ' W oodm g; and {Ether (mikes Always on hand or made to order in any style on the shortest notice; Orders by mail and otherwise, attended to ~ All floods warrande as repre- sented. and deli-r. rod free ofcharge to the cars or in the city limits, A” 0 SE Z’Oft’fl PRICE. It L' riioinbet' the Place-«- ‘1 IS ’I‘ltl'l 3'1‘, SIGN or “my. QUEEN. EDVVARD LJXXVSON, Proprietor. 161-61311

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