Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Sep 1862, p. 1

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I » v ‘ ‘ Mum-sow»...- .._.....» ‘ 5%,,- ” I "'v’*.""r".-‘ -- Gil»: built tit-rah . monument. ' Is PUBLISHED ' ’ __ , ‘ - __ . EVERY FRIDAY MORNING" ‘AN OLD LIAID'S OPINION “~â€" 4,OIE CHOU- And despatched to Subscribers by the ear-lies ERN HUSBANDS.. I : ' - m uils,lor other conveyance. when so desired The .lYORK HERALD will always be be foundto containtbe latestand mostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable totheman of business. and evaluable Family Newapaper. TERMSâ€"Seven and Sixpence per Aunum, IN . ADVANCE; and if not paid within Three , Mouths two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Sixlinesand under, first iiisertion.. . . .$00 50 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . . . 00 12; Ten lines and under, first iiisertion.. . . . 00 75% Above ten lines, first in.,'per line.... 00 07 Each subsequciitinsertimi, perline. . . . 01102 I]? Advertisements without written direc- tions inserted till forbid. and charged accord- ing'I'-- RICHMOND HILL HOTEL All transitory advertisements, from strangers , , RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. ' or irregular customers, must be paid for when ‘ handed in formsertion. . LARGE HALL is connected with this Little knowing, whiskers growing. j , I. - \» Top-lip greasing. nature tasting. q . . ‘ _ Gold rings wearing. fob chains glaring, ‘ M ' j _ p p ’ ‘ Tailor waiting. hatter rating, AURORA AND RICHMOND HILL ADVOCATE AND ADVERTISER Op,” “m M“ 8”" m" ' l p v n I , A' . Oysterdining,[midnight chiming. \ _ . ' - Wife a,woopinz,.hito watch keeping. Children lying. “ bread! broad!" crying. Cold wind sighing, shawl defying. “Four ” slow ringing, him home bringing. Up-stairs reeling, groping. feeling, 'Cursing, blaming, wife-illiiaming, - Tears despising. wrong s‘ui'misin’g‘. Fast horse driving, never thriving, ,Money spending. money lending. Betting, losing, wife rafusiiig, Nought for wearing,‘nibst despairing, Never knowing how world’s goinh‘. Needle plying. deeply sighing, z vW-W ALEX. SCOTT, Proprietor. WV TERMS. $1 50m Advance. “5L9? Sound Reason weigh more us than Popular Opinion.” Vol. 137,1“). 42.. RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1862. looting. - I V’Vhole' No. 199. HOTEL CARDS. heard bis.window stealthin opened character stood out transparent THOUGHT EgsmNTiAL To HEALTH, ' an hour afiermidnight, and a dull and stripped ofl'artificial adornments. 444]f we would have our bodies sound as of a big man squeezing Joe seemed tofeel the, truth. as he healthy our brains must be used, and. himself throngh a casement almost made answer in a voice that was used iii‘orderly and vigorous ways, too narrow to give him egress.-â€" audible to many of those present: that the lifegi'ving streams of force ' Then followed tliecautiousitread of ‘ Deacon, we’ll let bygones be may flow down from them into the \. WW.M OH! BE NOT THE FIRST. Oh ! be not the first to discover A liberal discount will be made to [,aruesad_ Hotel for Assemblies. Balls, Concerts, vertising by the year. All advertisements published for aless pe- riod than one month, Inust be paid for in ad- Vance. All letters ‘addressed to the Editor must be post paid. . No paper discontinued until allarrearagesare paid : and parties refusing papers without pay ing up, will be held accountable forthe sub- scription. W WM L... THE YORK HERALD Book and Job Printing ESTABLISMENT. RDERS for any of the undermentioned description of I’LAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CA HUS, LARGE AND SMALL 1‘05'1‘1~IIKS,CIROULAIIS, LAW FORMS, BILL HEADSJKANK UI‘IECKS,DRAFTS,AND PAMI’ H LE '1‘ S. And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRES S PRINTING done in the beststylc, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety ofiiew Fancy Type and Borders, for Cards, Aurora.June (3, 1859, Circulars .o'cc. kept always on hand. isostmss flattery. 'WWME‘DICAL VC’AJRDS. "MAs ~MMM~V A... V... A W,\._MM,._~\~W on.’ nearer-ran. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons ' j England, Opposite'the Elgin Mills, RICHhIOND HILL. ‘ 1‘27-1yp May 1. 1861. H JOHN N. REID, M.D., .003. OF YONGE a COLBURNE STS., TIIORNII ILL. .â€"..â€". Consultations in the silica 0‘1 the mornings of Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saiurdays, 8 to 11), fi-lli. 11:? All Consultations in the office, Cash. Thonihill,'April 9, ’6‘2. iSAAc BOWMAN, M. D., ' 'filratlnate'vof tlic U-nivcrsityoof Vic 0011. & Provincial Licentiate, AS settled (peri'nnnently) at 'I‘HorNHIi.i.. where he can be Consulted at all times 176 on the vaiious branches of his profession ex- ' cept when absent on business. 'I‘lioriihill, May, 186:2. IMâ€"VWV‘LXW CARDS" M. TEEFY, COMMISSIONER [N THE QUEEN’S BENCH CONVEYA‘NCEII, AND DIVISION COURT AGENT, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. GREEN] EN'i‘S, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, &c., &c., drawn witn attention and proinptituile. Richmond Hill. Aug ‘29. 179-1 Iâ€"li-tf. A C A R D- C KEELE, Esq., ofthe City of Tor- . onto, has opened an ethos in the Yilâ€" .agc ofAurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also, Convey- ancing executed with correctness and despatch Division Courts attended. VVelliugton St. Aurora, do Queen St. Toronto November 20. 1863. 104-in I Char] Keller, 'I‘TORNEY-AT.‘LA\V, SOLICITOR in Chancery, Coiivcyancer. 61c. ()tlico, Ii Victoria Buildings. over the Chronicle office, Brock Street, Whitby. Also a Branch Oilicc in the village of Bea- verton, Township of Thumb, and County of Ontario. _ _ . . The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Whitby, Nov. 22, 1860. 104-1y Toronto, November 1861. Meetings. (Ste. A STAGE leaves this Hotel every morning for Toronto. at 7 mm. : returning, leaves Toronto at half~past 3. 1133 Good Stabling and a careful Hostlerin waiting. Richmond Hill, Nov. 7’.’ 1861. l45-llv. . , White Hart ‘ Inn, RICH MON 1) 1111. L. 11E Subscriberbegs -to inform‘tlie Public that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeep constantly on_hand a good supply of first-class Liquors, 6w. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra« vel'ers can desire. those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully iii- vited to give him a call. CORNELIUS VAN NOSTRAND. Richmond Hill. Dec. 528. 1860. 108uly YONGESTREETHOTEL, AURORA. G001) supply of Wines and Liquors always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. I). McLEOD. Proprietor. 25â€"Iy CLYDE I‘IO‘I‘EL, KING sr. EAST, NEAR mic iiunxis'r sQUAau. TORONTO. C.W. JOIIN MILLS, Proprietor. Good Stabling attached and attentive Hustlers always in attendance. 157-tf James Massey, TORONTO. Eveiy accommodation for Farmers and others attending Market Good Stahling. it? Dinner from 12 to 2 o’clock. 167 fiunherfi Hotei. monitors Grantham, r HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that. he has leasrdih‘e abovo Hotel, where he wili keep constantly on hand a good supply of first-class Liquors, &c. This house possesses every accommodation Travellers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully invited to call. W. WESTPIIAL. Corner of Church/and Stanley 81s., Toronto, Sept. 6. 1861. _ r I45~1y THE WELL-KNOWN BLACK HORSE HOTEL, Formerly kept by William Rolph, Cor. of Palace to George Sts. [user or THE MARKET.) TORONI'O. WILLIAM 00X, Proprctor, [Successor to Thomas Palmer]. Good Stabling attached. always in attendance. Toronto, April 19, 1861. Trusty Hostlers 125-ly JOS. GREGOR’S Fountain Restaurant: 69 KING S'rnnn'r, Eur, TORONTO. Lunch everydayâ€"r from 11 till 2. 11:?" Soups, Games, Oysters, Lobsters, &c always on hand: Dinners and Suppers for Private Parties got upiii tho beststvle. Toronto, April I9, 1861. (Late of the King‘s Head. London. Eng.) No. 26 \Vcst Market Place, 125-13' NEWBIGGI'NG HOUSE, ATE Clarendon Hotel, No. 28, 31) and 32 J Front Street, Toronto. Board $1, per day. Porters always in attendance at the Cars and Boats. W. NEWBIGGING, I’roprtetor. Toronto, April 8. 1861. 12-1-1y A blot on the fame of a friend, A flaw in the faith of a lover. Whose heart may prove true in the end, We none of us know one another, And oft into error we fall; Then let us speak well of our brother. 0r speak not about him at all. A smile or a sigh may awaken Suspicion’s most false and sodas; Auk thus our belief may be shaken In hearts that are honest and true, How often the light smile of gladness Is worn by the friend that we meet To cover a soul full of sadness. Too proud to acknowledge defeat. How often the sight of dejection‘ Is heaved from the bypocrite’s breast. To parody truth and affection, Or lull a suspicion to rest. How often the friends we hold dearest Their noblest emotions conceal; And boscins the purest, sincerest. Have secrets they can not reveal. Leave base minds to harbor suspicion. And small ones to trace our defectsâ€" Let ours be a nobler ambition, For base is the mind that suspects, We none of us know one another. And oft into error we fall; Then let us speak well of our brother. Or speak not about him at all. it‘itti‘umn. ._.___._.â€"’ 'l‘iill 01110 01L WELL. Conciiided. On the evening ‘of the day when the well-digger had ceased operations, 1 had taken a short stroll among the wooded spurs of the hills which belt in rich allnvizin meadoWs, with'no other companion than a stout hick- ory walking-stick. Rather tired, I was glad to sit down under a giant black walnut, whose spreading bougbs bummed pleasantly overhead as the wind waved them; and I lazi- ly watched the wild pigeons winging their way home towards the forests. Presently a dead branch cracked under a heavy listless tread, and Joe came striding down the path, with his rifle cast into the hollow of his left arm, his hat pulled over his eyes, and a sullen desperate look that it was painful to mark. I was on the point of rismg to at:- cost him, when something rustlci briskly through the scrubby ravine to my left, and in a low voice call- ed out, ‘Joel hist 1 Joe Mallory l’ ‘ Who calls 2’ answered the young man, stopping short. ‘ A friend, I guess l’ answered the same low hissing voice.’ And out from among the shrubs glided a lean figure, with a broad straw bat and a suit of yellowish jeannElder Hiram Rutherford. ‘ I’ve no humor to talk much to- night, mister; I’m best by myself jest now.’ said Joe, roughly. The elder laughed a little hoarse augh, with malice and craft in the ring of it, but his voice was not unv kindly toned as he said, a heavy foot on the garden paths. Though my Joe, as a master of the house and bimself,shouid cheese to slip out like a truant schoolboy, Was” beyond my comprehension.â€" Next night the same sound was audible at the same hour. Nay more, I leaked from my little win- dow, and caught the gleam of a dark lantern in rapidly on. ' But the morning after a surprise occurred which put the nocturnal sights and sounds out of my head. ' A new flowing well of oil had been dissovcred, and wonder of wonders, it was not only on Joe’s land, but it had burst forth from the very excavation be had cauSed to be made! A cowboy passing with his herd along the lane had first seen the jet and heard the splash of the spouting petroleum, and the news had spread like wild-fire over the village. . Before breakfast, nine-tenths of the people of Sparta, men, women, and children, ‘httd gathered in a ring to gaze, open-mouthed and open-eyed, at the portcnt. There was no mistake about the matter. The tawny liquid, like thick dirty water, leaping up in a thick pillar of fluid, and arching over it as it poured its spray into a little pool of oil, was genuine petroleum, and the quantity Was considerable.â€" Fortune had knocked at my host’s door while he slept, or at any rate while he was supposed to sleep. Eating a little not unnatural envy, the impulse of the neighbors was to be * sincerely glad. Next to having such an outcrop of luck within his own bounds, every man present would, have selected Joe as ~' the best recipient for such a boon. In older times and elder countries, the windfall might have been assigned to the bounty of the fairies; but, as it was, more than one man, and many‘women, loudly declared the appearance of the oil a ‘ dispensatery ’ in Joe’s favor. ‘What will Deacon Boone say to’t ?’ was the general cry. Meanwhile I was standing among the rest, sorely puzzlel. My professional knowledge made me suspect that some subterranean flow of the petroleum had taken place, and that in all probability Elder Rutherford’s well would be a loser by as much as Joe’s gained. But.‘ beyond the fence of partition, I i the garden, passing bygones. I’m willin’ to stick to our old ’greement, and I’ll be proud of Susan for my wife, but I want nothii'i’ more. Keep your money. of the Greelfs,.ahd with justice we and your. settlements and stuff, or recognize and partly seem to inti- light your pipe with ’om if you mate the various gymnastic and like. I take your darter in the other means which they employed clothes she stands in, and no pro- to secure it.’ But, probably, we partyâ€"note cent.’ should make a fatal error if we All the villagers were talking for omitted from our calculation the the acid three days of_Joc’s amaz- hearty and generous earnestness ing luck, and Joe’s no less amazing with which the highest subjects of disinterestedness. It was known art, speculation and politics, were that the deacon, who had but one pursuod by them. Surely in their son and no other daughter, would case the beautiful and energetic have given Susan :1 large sum on mental life was expressed in the her wedding-day, and would have And eXpectant organs, which can mini- ster but as theyarc ministered unto. We admire the vigorous animal'life prospectively settled a much larger sum upon her. And however pro- duative Joe’s well might be, a good balance at the bank was never a hindrance in business, Some oil was collected at the new petroleum spring in the course of the next four days, but not as much as if the preprictorbad not been absorbed in preparations for his weeding. That wedding was duly solemniscd, with the full sanc- tion ofvparcnis, minister, and magis- trate ; and a very pretty dark-eyed bride Susan was, and very lovingly she nested by Joe’s side. Hch was a soft nature, but she had found a strong prop to cling to. I was present at the wedding, and found much amusement in the spectacle~ of the feast and frolic, which wound up with an uproarious dance. Deacon Boone publicly offered Joe 3. roll of notes, Susan’s portion, which Joe as publicly declined. Two days afterwards,Iwas to leave Sparta. My sturdy host would, I'know, have been' pained by the proffer ofpecuniary compen- ‘sation for my maintenance, but he did not refuse to accept of a good German rifle, neatly mounted in silver, which-formed part'cf 'my worldly goods, andI had sent for from Philadelphia. This Joe pro- mised .to keep for my sake, and in memory of the eventful time we had passed together. On the day of my departure, a new excitement pervaded the V11- lage. Joe’s flowing well had ceased to flow. The oil spring had van- ished as abruptly as it had appeared. Before long a great crowd ga-l tbered, cries of wonder and condo- lence were heard, and Deacon Boone and his wife arrived in a state bordering on distraction.â€"â€"-â€". atlieltic and graceful frame. were it a mere extravagehce to ask whether some part of the lassitudc and Wearincss of life, of which we hear so many in our day, might be due to lack of mental occupation on worthy subjects exciting and repay- ing a generous enthusiasm, as well as to over-exercise on lower ones? â€"-â€"-wbcther an engrossment on mat- ters which have not substance enough to justify or satisfy the menâ€" to! grasp, be not at the root of some part ofthe maladies which affect our mental convalesccnc? Any one who tries it soon finds out how weary- ing how disproportionally exhaust- ing is an over-dose of " light litera- ture’ compared with an equal amount of time spent on real-work. Of this we may be sure, that the due exercise of brainâ€"of tbonglitâ€"â€"is one of the essential elements of human life. The perfect health of a man is not the same as that of an ox or a horse. The preponderat- ing capacity of his nervous part de- mands a corresponding lifeâ€"Corn- hzll Magazine. ‘ To ENCOURAGE THE GROWTH or HAIR AND PREVENT ITS TURNING Gamaâ€"A young lady friend of mine was recommended by a coifi‘eur to use sage water. She was obliged to discontinue it daily use, as it made her hair too thick. Pour boiling water on thc'sage leaves. and let them remain some time in the oven or near a stove; strain and apply to the roots of the hair daily. If any pomado is needed, an equal mixture of cocoa-nut and olive oils, with a little perfume, is very cfiica- ciousâ€"London Field. Bunwxcx SPONGE CAKE.'-â€"B68I six eggs two minutes, then add could see the elder's well, flowmg, Joe alone seemed cool, though a three CUPS 0f POVV‘dered sugar, and to all appearance. as lustily as ever; little sheepish. In answer to the beat five minutes; two even cups and beside me stood the elder him- dcacon’s volluble inquiries, he re- 0f flour. and tWOlGaSpOOHS 0f Cream self, with no sign of apprehension‘ferrcd him to Elder Rutherfordâ€":- lfll‘lflr. and beat one mlnllle; one on his thin face, or visible in the twinkle of his piercing eyes. In- deed, .Mr. Rutherford wore an odd look of stealthy satisfaction, and he was not the least loud in his congra- tulations of Joe. ‘ Very strange] thought I. ‘The old man must have a better heart than I gave him credit for. But the outbreak of this oil is one of those apparent capiices of nature which pcrplex men of science. The deacon faced his enemy. ‘What do you know about it, misterl’ - - I ‘Know?’ said Elder Hiram;, ‘ you’ve come to the right shop for knowledge. The well’s dry; and why? Why, because the lease was for a week, and it’s out toâ€" day.’ And so it turned out. Elder Hiram’s malicious wish to play the deacon a trick, had suggested an The last semence had been ut_ expedient at which Joe, in his de- tercd aloud, and the aged well‘dig- spair, had caught. A few yards of cup of cold water, with one tea- spoon of soda dissolved in it; and the grated rind of a lemon, and half of the juice, and beat one minute; then add two even cups of floundrid beat one minute. Bake in debp pans in a quick oven. RAT CiIARMINd.â€"lt appears that some one has advertised a secret art for catching rats, which the dis- c0vcr kindly offers to send to any address on the receipt of 50 cents The .Hm‘crican flgriculturist, be- He’s out walking. sporting, talking. Life enjoying, stomach cloyiug, She home staying, patient. praying. Love still knov‘ving. be false growing, Pl'easuros smiling, poor wife filling Up her measure, not with pleasure 7 But with sorrow. brought each morrow. With dreadful lives for patient wives. Vice. PROFESSIONAL QUESTION.-â€"Is it feesable. When a lady runs, what target is she like 'lâ€"Tlie Running Deer. Pride that dines with vanity too often sups with contempt. The shortness of life affords no time for a tedious education. A dull and plauSIble man like an unrifl‘ ed gun, is a smooth bore. He who does evil that good may come, paysa toll to the devil to let him into heaven. An ambitious barber advertises himself as a ‘ Professor of Decoracapillaturation and Depilacrcstation.’ That was a wise nigger, who in speak- ing of the happiness of married people, said, ‘ Dat ’ar ’pends altogctdder bew‘dcy enjoy themselve.’ LATEST FROM WASHINGTON.â€"Gene- ral I-Ialleck is \o as’snme supreme command of the Federal armies, under the title of ‘ Hallecksander the Great.’â€"â€"Punch. THE SCHoOL or ADVERSirv.â€"\Vnnt of gold, ocasioned by democraticvextrava- genes, may teach the citizens ofthe Fede- ral Republic the value of a sovereign. The British Friend, 3. Quakei organ, laments that young Quakeresses every-i where are dropping the poke bonnet, and taking to ribbons, flowers and mitigated crinoline. Young Quakers are joining rifle corps. ' Erskine puzzled the Wits of his acquaint- ances in inscribing on a tea chest the words ‘ Tu doces.’ It was sometime be- fore they found out the wit of this in the literal translation â€"â€"-“ Thou teachest.” (Thou teaâ€"chest.) . A young Sbotsman at Aldersbott fell sick, and was sent to the hospital. A bath was ordered. It was brought into the chamber where the invalid lay; he looked at it hard for some time, and then he threw up his hands and bawled, ‘Oli, doctor! dector.’ ] can’t‘driiik all that l’ l ; TRYING THE EFFECTS or NIEDICINE. â€"The late Mr. Morier related that an Eastern governor, who had seized an Eng- lish traveller’s medicine chest, was quite puzzled what to make ofit; so be collecta ed all the Jews in the town, made each swallow the contents ofa box or pbial, and locked them together ib a room till the effects were ascertained. ' ' . A GAME NFLâ€"A. Perthsbire baronct saw what be supposed to be a deadly game not banging behind the door ofa farm house. Pointing it out exultingly to his factor, ‘Here Mr. Mâ€" ', I’ve long been suspecting these poaching nets, and now we bare the proof.’ ‘Hoot, Sir Pâ€" ,’ said the honest farmer, ‘that’s ‘ the lassie’s crinoline'.’ At the International Exhibition there is a statute of Caractacus the captive Briton. ‘ Have you seen Caractacus by Foley I’ asked one visitor of another. ‘iVo,’ replied the other, doggedly, suppos- ing that the querist referred to the Derby In war, rockets are often of signal ser- two-incli piping, laid down under “wing it to be a humbug, sent for ger at my shoulder answered it winner, ‘ and 1 don’t want to see the beast. JAIIZES 30 UL TON, Esq. Barrister, Law Officeâ€"Corner of Church and King Sis. Toronto, March 8. 1861. IlQ-tf Mason’s Arms Hotel 2 WEST MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO. OBERT COX begs to inform hi friends, and the travelling public. that he has taken the above Hotel, lately occupied by Mr. W'. STEERS, where he hopes, by strict attention to the Comforts and convenience of his attests, to merit an equal share ofthe patronage given to his predecessor. - Toronto, July 17, 1862. 190 M a. p 1 e H o t e 1 .'. ‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends 1 and the public generally. that he has opened an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 4th Con. Vaughan, where he hopes, by atten- tion to the comforts of (be travelling commu- nity. to merit a share of their patronage and support. Good Stabliug, &c. JAMES WATSON, Maple. July 17. 1862. 190 George Wilsofi, (LATE FROM ENGLAND.) masonic arms motel, RICHMOND HILL, I. 00D Accommodations and every attention shown to Travellers. Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses and Studs. I The best of Liquors and Cigars kept con- stantly on hand. YORK MILLS HOTEL, YONGE STREET, THE Subscriber begs to intimate that be has leased the above hotel, and having fitted it upin the latest style travellers may rely upon having every comfort and attention at this first class house. Good Stabling and an attentive Hostch al- ways iii attendance. WILLIAM LENNOX, Proprietor, York Mills, June 7. 1861. 132-1y Weilngton Iflotcl, Aurora. ! OPPOSITE THE TORONTO HOUSE. GEO. L. GRAHAM. PROPRIETOR. LARGE and Commodious Holland other improvements have, at great expense, been made so as to make this House thelargest and best north of Terento. Travellers at this House find every convenience both for them- selves and horses’. N.B.â€"â€"A carefulcstler always in attendance Aurora Station. April 1861. 126-1y . ' . .. (’75. v- i’ I . r“- ‘ :5. * ‘ THOA wDMA Carriage and , Waggon MAKER, UNDERTAKER doc. &c. &c. The LVIOIIIIIIS Fairiield 011 1.110 Promises first Riesidence_Neax-jy OPPOSHQ Past Office, Wednesday in each month. Richmond Hill. April 8. 1862. 157 March 14, 186?. Richmond Hill 172-1y ‘ Silly boy, don’t you go blocking your own light. You jest listen to me only five minutes, and then cut up rough and shirk my cumpny, if .W.§likc.’ ithout waiting _ a reply, the shrewd old man caught Joe by the arm, and walked by his side, talking fast but low, with upraised forc- finger, but evidently with earnest emphaSIs quite foreign to his usual snecring manner. Even had I been disposed to turn cavesdroppcr, not a word could I have caught. I got quietly up from my restiiig-placc,!tlie (iii like a mot'i round a candle, and limped home. Miss Esther was nephew did return, he woxe a strangely flushed and excited as in a ti‘cmnlous Way, and, taking pcct,..and there was a glow on his courage from Joe’s hearty band check, and an elasticity in his stop. And yet, though evidently in high apology for his his conduct, and spirits, there was something odd more than hinted that his desire He avoided meeting was that Susan and Joe should my gaze, or his aunt’s gaze. wben- ‘ come together.’ about Joe. ever he could. He shuffled about, turning his shoulder on the com- mean man wriggling out of the lady ,, pany. He ate and drank and laughâ€" dilemma, to hear his clumsy phrases, him ‘vith__£ Ah, M,._ ed in a boisterous way, but as it his and to observe his coarse greed and thoughts were busy elsewhere. That night, Joe’s chamber being have been done before, in the polit- you in return?’ ‘No.’ vexed that vague calculations as to how many evening, for Joe was late, and the hundred or thousmd gallons :1 day tea grew black and bitter, the the well would yield, Mr. Boone cakes cold, and the spruce beer flat, went up to Joe and held out his with long Waiting. But when ber‘hand. cover of night, between the Wyan-l dot Creek well and Joe’s excava-l tion, had suffices to cxtemporize a here it comes up, plenty as peaches flowng “fell 0” the lallcr’s Pro‘ in the latter end 0’ July. But here Peril} While ll merely. relieved the comes Deacon Boone, stuck all of elder? Pei-“019"”! Spl'mg 0f "5 511' a heap like, at sight of the ile on Perflu‘ly- The PlPe had now been the ground of the chap he choked removed' ‘ , Ofi- from mum“, his damn.- May Of "course Susan 5 parents were I never. but he’s gwine ,0 ea, hum_ full of wrath and reproacbcs, but pk, pie p they were at last overborne by pub- Eat humble pie the deacon ccr- he opmmn' The majority favored, . . . Joe, probably considering all stra- mmlv d'd’ for“ finer hoverng aboutv tagems fair in love and war, while Susan took her husband’s part, and the young farmer’s remark was un- answcrablc :-â€"â€"'â€" ‘Dcacon, i ain’t ashamed. It’s fast timel ever deceived anybody, but ’twar for Susan’s sake, and l he said never took a dollar of your money, and newer Will. Remember that!’ ’ So the young folks moved West," and were thriving, in Kansas, when last I heard of them. Miss Esther was still with them. with z ‘ Solemn true, mister. We dug, and bored, and no signs of lie, and after listening to thc bystanders’ ‘ Give you joy, my boy 1" grasp, actually made a stammeriiigl NOT LIKE MILâ€"(awed Stewart, the celebrated portrait painter, once met a illie street in Boston, who bailed Stewart, I have jost _ seen your portrait, and kissed it because it Such things was so much like ,you.’ tAnd did it kiss It was curious to see the vain time-serving nature. next to mine, I could have sworn I est circles, but here the mercenary Stewart, ‘it was not like me .’ it, and gives the substance of the secret as follows : “ Tie a string to a red herring; put on rubber hoes ; trail the herring around the room or field nightly for a week or so, and the rats Will, by-and-by, get familiar and follow you into a bag, or any- where you wish to take them!’ _ ‘ I’ve just come aince mair to ye, doc- tor,’ said Mrs. M’Tavisb, to a druggist who had undertaken to cure her husband’s deafness, ‘ to seedf ye can gie John some- thing better, for the last bottle ye gaed him did him nae goodlava.’ ‘ Dear me,’ said the doctor, ‘ did it. no i I’m surprised at that; but it matters very little, for there’s naetbing gone on worth hearing, the noo.’ SHOCKINGLY-SAVAGE WEAPONS.â€"-â€" An odd idea has been suggested to the W'ar Oflice of Italy-tbat of making the lenses of the Lancer regiments convey a powerful charge of electricity, so that at the morest team. the fee will be killed by tne shock. What .would Don Quixote have given for such a lance in his attack on the windmiilsl If this idea is put in practice, a cavalry charge will literally ‘ clectrify’ the enemy ; and if the horse- men’s spurs are similarly influenced, their chargers also will be charged. The Fed- erals should introduce this weapon into i The“)? smd their armies so as to give a shook to the jSoutb. And he ain’t by Foley, neither, stoopidâ€" he’s by Kingston.’ Snon'r BUT EXPRESSIVE DIALOGUE. â€"-‘Jobn, where is your master to-day 1’ ‘ Oh, he’s ofl, sir. recruiting.’ ‘ Recruit-~ ing, is be? That’s good! where is he reâ€" cruiting ’l’ ‘ Up in the White Mountains, sir, recruiting his health 1’ ‘ Ah, he’s sick is be? What’s the matter 2’ ‘ He took cold on account of the draft.’ ‘ That’s bad; then he won’t go to the war '1’ ‘ Oh no, sir, he’s too ‘ wide-aivakc.’ A DIFFICULT IRISHMAN.â€"â€"‘ An Irish- man in a witness box’ is proverbially a. difficult subject. That others have found Patrick a slippery colt to chase appears from the following anecdote: The captain as a steamboat, seeing an Irishman smoking abalt the funnel, stepp- ed up to him and said: ‘ Dont you see that notiCe stuck up there ’1’ ‘D’ye theme that bit 0’ painted tin 2’ ‘ To be sure I do.’ ‘ Shore 1. say it.’ ‘ Why don’t you follow it ’1’ ‘ I liaVn’t seen it move; it’s nailed fast, I’m considerin’.’ ‘ ‘ I mean liavn’t you read that notice '1’ ‘Divil a bit; sure I don’t know how to rade.’ _ ‘ Well it says, ‘No smoking allowed here? ‘ Be the powers it doesn’t consarn'me a a unite, thin, for I never smoked aloud in ‘ lmy life 1’

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