o r .w-iw-e ~â€".e:~.~..~r-:t\-v'.-m-r ~»-.~ * M ‘ ~-*--« -~:' ~ ‘ '~‘ u -u~ < â€".~- We have not lost a single gun or a colour. On the battle-field of Antietam 14,000 small arms were collected, besides the large number carried olf by citiZens and those distributed on the ground to recruits and other unarmed men arriving immediately after the battle. At South Mountain no collection of small arms was made owing to the haste of the pursuit from that point. jurriga Silents. BY THE “ EUROPA.†GRE AT Eitl’l‘AlN.~ A telegraph despatch from Holyhead on the evening of the 19th instant, reports the’serew steamer Alabmna. better known as ‘ 290,’ offthat port, having. had? to put back. This report is thought tohe in- correct, the Alabama. alluded to probably being an irregular Mediterranean trader. The London Daily News editorially taunts the friends of secession with being ‘ jubilant over the triumph of the slave NEWYORK, bel’t' 30-“Tl‘e VVaSll' power, and asks who is to he the better ington correspondent of the Philadelphia for it. It says that should the Ir0pes of Inquirer Says“; l5 rumored. lllal llle lea“ of the Potomac. [Signed] GEO. B. MCCLELLAN, Major- General Commanding. the Engï¬sh friends “secession be realized, son for the existing quietude of the armies 7‘ and twenty millions of the freemen of the Q" llle Upper POlf’lllaC: l5 lllal Commls' North pusillanimonsly consent tolet six SlOllelS are ell lll9ll way ll‘llm llle COll' millions in the South give law to their fallemle cwgfess lO' I'llj‘dllls,e lel'ms Ol continent, we may expect (0.569 (hem peace, said-to be something like the fol asserting me free exercise of the right of lowmg terriis_:â€".'Ilie loyal States to take the right oftrade on the coast of Africa. all llle lel‘l‘llones’ MlSSOlll‘li rennesseey We shall find they will be as little disposed 'KienlllCl‘Y and ,Mal‘l’lall‘li and make lllt‘m to“defer to our notions about African slave free or Slave Slates; ‘33 may best Plea,“ trade, as they have been to accept the doc- lillem- Tllï¬ COllOll Slams ll? be Ill-‘llllll‘ trim, of New England about the slave ted to have a Congress oftlieir own to re- trade between States, which is a right Jeff Elllale lllell‘I Q.Wll domeSllc flllaall‘sy Olll)’ lll Davis has expressly reserved forthe South. all Olllel‘ things 10 be again 35 allll "138' His admirers in England may ï¬nd they parable people, for defcnsrve and offensrve 400 were taken lrom the oppOsite side _ I to his duties as such. He li‘keWi-se intimated in his usual bland and good-natured manner that. he was resolved to enforce the law if any breach of the peace should take place. but when he looked at the intelligent laces before him, he felt conï¬dent that such a course would be unnecessary. He then asked if any elector had a candidate to propose, whereupon 'Dr. Bull stepped forward and no- minated Mr. McMaster. Half an hour was the time allowed to each speaker; little disposed to overstep his limits, and soon resumed his seat without saying much. Mr. Gamble was nominated by T. R. Ferguson, Esq, M.P.P., for South Silricoe. Mr. Ferguson made an exceedingly lively, for- cible, and telling speech, seasoned with afair sprinkling of genuine humor. His remarks were well received by the electors, with whom he is evidently a great fa- vourite. I-lc refrained from any- thing like personality, and his can- dour and fairness was thesubject of general commendation. : .~,«-â€" A 4.2.1:». > .10". ~ "4) 1 but the Doctor seemed have not yet done him a†the service he operations against other countries, to be a unity in all matters of postage and revenue service. the same as heretofore, they pledging themselves to return all the Go- vernment property as they found it. They, requires. The London Times earnestly denounces the policy of the abolrtionists of the North in seeking to raise the negrOes of the South The speech of Mr. McMaster was as usual, chiefly taken up by a desertation on his own great wealth and his ability to make against their masters. It says the idea of ln adlllllonl l0 3 Swill“? CPngleSS W Th" the abolitionists is to organize a series of gulale lllell‘ llecllllal‘ lllSlllllllOllSa to be Pel" Cawnpore massacres as [egmmute decrees mitted- Senators and representatives in of warfare, but it thinks they will not be our Congress in such numbers as their free successful in the attempt. It adds.â€"â€"in- Wlllle Polllllallml eulllles lllem' deed it is difficult to see how a proclama- The above is given for what it is worth. tron by a beseiged and fugitive President CINCINNATL 591W 30-â€"-Gell- Morgan can have any greater eï¬ect than the (100... left Cumberland Gap two weeks ago, with merits issued by such Generals as Iluntei' all llle forces; allll l5 S“Pilot-Ell to be and Phelps, inciting the ncgrocs to j‘gyoll. marching in a north-easterly direction, so “Hugs that president Lincoln will as to strike the Ohio River somewhere frain from an act which will be at once illJT’UlllW‘lSll-loulll- a crime. and a blunder, which will in no lie brought away all his artillery and way advance the Federal cause, but only Sll’I‘lr-‘S; Will blOClWl lll’ lll‘l Gall Wllll deepen and make eternal the hailed be- , stones, so as to l‘elltli‘l‘ it impassable. tween the two sections, ,13‘r'efting takes place in this city to- The New York correspondent of tire London Times is of the opinion that Itiii rope need not fear that the North will unite to repel intervention. Its courage is gone and the game is lost. \‘i’aalniig- ington knows, if New York does not. that the abolitionists are destroying the Union by their franatic efforts to save it. 1'1)" tl'iiliié’ii-i . Essa {a {ii a ï¬ssuxbkiie‘: Time T able takes cil'cct rvionday, June, 2, ’69.. NUVlNG NCXLTII’ Mail. Express. FRANCE. Leave 'l‘oronto. . . . . . . . . '7 20 a.m. 4 it) p iii 'l‘lior’iliill. . . . . .. . . 81‘.) mm. 5 00 rm Ea France assel'l's llllll 3 mTlJOl'llY 0f Riclifrioiid llill. . . . 8 119 am. 5 12 fun- the Cabinet of ..l aurez have decided on King . . . . . .. 8 30 am. 5 24 p.m- proposing terms of capitulaiiorr to General {‘jmmo. . . . . . . p55 mm, 9 ‘15 ll-lll- Forey, on the basis ofsurrender of the City jlyilililnaflï¬ll','17†' ' ‘i, i'm' W“ of Mexico and I’uebla to the 1*“ l i 7‘) (lm 314mg" l 7 ‘Mn’ -- P'm' ‘ lellc l- Bradiord. . . . . . . . . . 9 .52 b 30 p.m, The bourse was inanimate but firm ; rentes 69f 5c. The French cotton districts are descri bed as suffering dreadfully, the distress at Mulhourer exceeds anything in Lancashirc ITALY. MOVING SOUTH Leave Collingwood. . . . . .3 00 p.m 6 30 a.m. Bradford. ......... (i 30 p.m. 815 a.m. Holland Landing. . (i 45 p.m. 8 28 a.m. Newmarket. . . . 7 00 p.m. 8 40 am. Aurora. . .... . . . . . 715 pm. 8 55 a.m. King............. 7 45 p.m. 9 20 a.m. . . . , , . Richmond Hill. . . . 8 ()0 p.m. 9 33 a.m. The Ellgllzll physrcian sent to Garibaldi Thomhpp . . N _, . . 8 15 pm, 9 45 mm, has reported favourably. He says the Arrive at 'l‘oronto.. 9 ()0 p.m. 1025 H ball never entered, but struck and broke wâ€"r--â€"-*-~~ the inner bone of the ankle. The wound had been laid Open and progresses faVour- ably. Canton dates of August 10, represent that Canton and Macao had been visited by a violent typhoon. Immense damage was done to property, and 40,000 lives lost. \._.._ Richmond. HillPostâ€"ofï¬ce Mail Arrangements. Marts to and from Richmond, Railway Station Toronto, Colliiigwood, Barrio. Markham tp. &-c To Toronto, morning. closed at. . . . . .7 00 a.m “ “ evening. “ . . .6 30 p.m. “ Collingwood, Barrie, &c. viait Lll‘ way going north,"lnsod at. 6 45 a,m, And on Tuesdays and Fridays Almira, tp. of'Markhain, closed at 10 00 a.m. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, Ty Cashel, “ †10 00 a.m. , ,, u G ‘nl v. H H 1000 . . r ‘VASHINGTON, Sept. 30:“ I. he follow- it j{::,:jfui'd_ u u 10 ()0 mg report of the Victory of Antietam has " Victoria Equaro. " “ 10 00 a.m. been forwarded to the head quarters of the From 'l‘orgntounorrring. dollv‘el'ed at it) 00 am. army. by General McClellan. evenlllg- 8 Utlp.m. - Railway P.O. with mails from ‘ NEAR SHARPSBURG, Sept. 29, 1.30 nor-iii, , 8 00 p.m. P.M. ' May, 1862. M. TEEFYï¬Postmastcr. To [Major General .Hallec/c , General †TM“ tin-Cling, USA. I have the honour to report the follow- ing as some of the results of the battle of South Mountain and Antietam. v At South Mountain our loss was 443 dead, 1,806 wounded, and 76 missing. §_____N_V_WN___ Total 2,315. - “T, g , EM , . At Antietam our loss was 2,010 killed, "ill ll}? 5% 9,416 wounded, and 1,013 missing. “9 T QTJT % Total 12,469. Total loss in the two bat- "“"“"' ‘ "‘ tles, 14,794«. The loss of the rebels in the two battles, asnear as can be ascertained from the number of the dead- found upon the field and from-other data, will. not fall short of the followingestimate :«â€"â€"- Major Davis, Assrstant‘Inspector Gene. ral, who superintends the burial ofthe dead, reports about 3,000 rebels buried upon the upon tb: field of Antietam by our tr00ps. Previous to this, however, the rebels had (I New Advertisements. Important Credit Saleâ€"F. Kelly" Stray Swineâ€"Wm. Killops.‘jun List of Letters in Richmond Hill P.O Church Dedicatianâ€"Jacob Heise ' ...;Eh. ll . f is _ RICHMOND HILL, OCT. 3, 1862. iiiiriii ELECTORS, now is your time.â€" Hastcn to the polls! Vote early, and vote for the reliable candidate, h/ r. Gamble ! ‘ buried many of their owa dead upon the , o distant portion of the battle field, which THE NOMINATlON AT they occu-pied'vafter the battle probably at BRADFORD- least 500.. The loss of the rebels at South Mennâ€" tain cannot be ascertained with accuracy, but as our troops drove them- from the commencement of the aetionxmd as a much greater number of their dead was seen on the ï¬eld than of our own men, it is not un- reasonable to suppose that their loss “’11:- greater than ours. Estimating their killed 3:600, the total rebels killed in the two battles would be 4,000. According to the ratio of our own killed and wounded, this would make their loss in wounded 18,- 742. As nearly as can be determii’i THE nomination of candidates for the ofï¬ce. of Legislative Councillor for the Midland Division took place at Bradford on Friday last, the 26th ult. Between 1000 to 2000 per- sons wcr present, but notwith- =stau<ling the large iiur'ribci‘ assem- bled, the proceedings passed ()ifin the most quiet and orderly manner. .1 turmoil-try platfoi'i‘n had been erected for the (intrusion in front. of oil a; r the new town hall now in course this time, the number of prisoners taken 3 of coiiiplcliam. Shortly after ll by our troopsin the two llattlcs Will, at ‘ o'clock {’iiil‘i‘lfi..lil;"~’l€, iccornpanicd tbs: lowth estimate, amount to 5,000. g by his ilepiit_‘,', ascended me plat- I‘he I‘CIUE'US Will Ilt) (IUllUL fallri‘y‘l’ :1 {Uni/3, ayul 1:53p; {Oligu‘ed jjyji'ngdj- "We" larger,§lul“b¢l" Of these loam} ill“ aimâ€: by tile <~::'::-:li<i:rici-: and their “Dundee†“"3 5â€â€œ5 a “lull l“; “1 l‘ll’ frir-ireirs. This was the signal for 21 led, wounded and prisoners, Eli}. ll . , . .. . . “ n". v ‘ our“ cit ‘l ’ioiic' "l": ' Will be observed that lists does not include “i new“ In I $11.] ,i n ‘6’ l,“ {dill ' . , HQ, (f "\l {:i v i,†'i 1 nix x. -:, 1. their stragglers, the number of whom is ,t’l‘fl ll" m. ‘ “if†‘1 ll SM - m inc aim: two iroiars been collecting said by- citizens to be Very large. it may be safely concluded, therefore, that till, rebel army lost at least 30,000 of their best troops from the time our troops first encountered the enemy in l‘ilaryland until he was driven back into Virginia. We captured 13 guns, '7 caissons and 9 timbers, 2 ï¬eld forges.2 caisson bodies, 39 co'ours, and One signal flag. l at illlllfl'iiilf points along the main :-;‘rrcct. All were anxious for the proceed to COll'llnt‘DCB, rugs form. The Sheriff then proceeded to racd the writ appointing him portion of the statute in referencc' and ing their children hastened 10 the from of the plat- should not fail to come. accompaâ€" money, together with the reading of sundry ancient looking scraps from old numbers of the Globe, which he had carefully arranged in a book. Those who have heard him at other places state that the matter, manner and language are precisely the same on all occasions. Mr. Gamble then addressed the electors in an able, appropriate and pointed speech, completely refut- ing the charges of inconsistency brought against him by previous speakers. He referred to his oppo- sition to the Union of the Pro- vinces when the union vas ï¬rst proiroscd, iris advocacy of llepre- sontation by Population at the time when the population of the two secâ€" tions was nearly equal, and when it would have been fair to both, and his continued adherence to the principle. Mr. lllmva, and Mr. Ferqbson. each of whom had been nominated in order to have an opportunity of speaking, Occupied each half an hour longer. A show of hands be- ing then taken, the Sheriff found the greatest difficulty in deciding which had the majority, but was ï¬nally understood to give it in fa- vor of McMaster. Apoll being demanded, Friday and Saturday, the 3rd and 4th of October (to-day and to-morrow) were appomted for the election.â€" Three cheers were then given for the Queen, and three for the Re- turning Ofï¬cer, and the crowd quietly diSpersed, each party claim- ing the ‘ show of hands,’ and each resolved to continue the Contest with unabated energy to the last, THE exiiim'riorv. The Exhibition of the Provincial Agricultural Association, held last week in Toronto, was certainly, taken as a whole, the most success- ful that has yet taken place. Alâ€" though in one or two departments. there was not so good a display as at the last show in Toronto four years ago ; still 1n general a mani- fest improvement was apparent.â€" Iri the ï¬ne arts, the articles exhibi- ted were much inferior to those of prevrous years. The reason of this falling off, we are unable to state, but the fact is quite evident, and was the subject of general remark. In fact in many cases prizes were awarded for articles that were quite below mediocrity, simply because they were the best, and not on ac- count of their own intrinsic merit. In a ï¬nancial point of View, the Exhibition was all that could be desired; the result exceeding the most sanguine expectations. The total receipts during the week amounted to $16,000. being greater by $3,500 than the sum received in London lastycar. There were sold 44,000 tickets of admission, yeild- ing $11,000, the remaining $5,000 having been contributed by the various County associations. The following are the names of the officers elected for the. ensuing year :â€"â€"â€"President, Asa A.Burnham, Esq. of Cobourg; First Vice-Presi- dent, Jamcs Johnson, Esq. of Lon- don ; Second Vice-President, J. C. ltykert, hI.P.P. for Lincoln ; Tre' - surer, It. L. Denison, Esq., re- elected. The Exhibition will take place next year at the city of Kingston. .. ...“...___ Puoimssoi: llEN'rt N’s This geiitlerrirru gavo one of his in- r-‘tructivc lectures on Astronomy and Sacred History, in ~Vanifdostrunulls hall, in this village. it was well attended, did gave great satisfac- tion. Mr. Berton is making a tour through this and adjoining coun- tries, aud all will do well in at- lending his lectures. Parents wish- also beneï¬ted riled by them, as there are facts to be learned from both Scripture and Returning Officer, and likewise‘ a SClenCC. that Will We? be proï¬tably remembered by them. / ::..;v - .1: ». ...~. . » . 3,,“ P, . . Thomas B. Connolly’s Lecture. second letter in the Herald, that as he was not examined at the last examination, "FHOSE “3le attended Connolly’s his attack upon the Board COUItIllOl. 9T0: , lecture on Friday evening, the 19th Sept., at Dr. Langstafl's Temper- ance Hall,- enjoyed a rare literary treat ;â€"â€"the subject was one that could not fail to interest an intelli- gent audience, and under the ma- nipulation of a gentleman of Mr. Connolly’s ability as a. lecturer it became doubly attrac‘tiVe. The "Life and Genius of Edmund Burke,†is a text on which a iperson of reï¬ned taste and educa- tion can display his talents in a manner that is certain to be pleas- ing and instructive. We were much pleased with the lecture, and left the hall fully impressed that Mr. Connolly is a gentleman of good literary taste, and likely to be- come a very popular lecturer. We have heard that he. is likely to de- liver a lecture in the same place on the subject of Temperance; when arrangements are completed, the public will be apprized of the time, by advertisement. We crowded house hope to see a on, the occasion. O<-â€"-â€"â€" Auction Sales. FRIDAY, Oct. 10.â€"â€"-Important Credit Sale of Farm Stock and Im- plements, on lot 65, Yongc Street, 1st Con. Whilchurch. near Suttle’s hotel, the property of Mr. Francis Kelly. Sale at. 11 o'clock, a.m.â€"â€" J. Gormley, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, Oct. 10.â€"-â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c., on lot 26. 61h Con. Vaughan, the property of Mr. David Dichliout.-â€"- Sale at 12 o'clock. H. Smelsor, Auctioneer. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"¢0 Tim l‘vlarkliam Township and East Riding Agricultural Societies Union Fall Fair takes place at Mark bani Vi' l age on T hursda v 1 next, the 9th inst. lrinxn Coxcmr.â€"â€"The Ct'flt-‘Ill‘aif’ti “‘ Slur Vocalists,†who have been COircei t- ing in this section of the country with great success. will ap ear at VanNosâ€" trziiid’s llall, in this village. on Tuesday and \Vcdnosdxy if next. week. for Programmes and Opinions Press. .7 ..., See mils of the r durrtapntrhrtirr. \‘r. \__ . Teachers’ Examination. (To the Editor of the York Herald ) Slurâ€"In the lasr issue of the Herald, I observed a communication written by a Markham Teacher, which purports to be an answer to my letter, censuring Iiini for misrepresenting the manner in which the Examinations are conducted at the Hill. After a careful perusal of his letter, I came to the conclusion (from the state- ments therein contained) that the writer was not at the Examination, as stated in his. first communication in the Herald,- but that he only wrote from the illiUl'lZlil- lion he received from others, who are as unprincipled as himself; and wliOse infor- mation was as false as his assertions were untrue. Since I read his second commu- nication in the Herald, 1 cannot per'ceiVe any other reason why the Markham Teacher shorild have written as he has done; than his eager desire to behold his composition in print; and I. think the rea- sons lie gave for my appearing in the Herald, were the pangs of conscience convrcting him for his former unprincipled attack on the Richmond Hill Board.â€" VVlien I read his statements about the Examination in his first letter to the 1167‘- ald, Iwas surprised to think that I, as well as he, being a spectator, and having the same opportunities for observing what took place, was unable to see any of the statements complained of; and, therefore, I considered that the assertions were either incorrect. or my visual organs were not so largely developed as those of the h’larkliam Teacher. The greater part of his first communication was devoted to censoring the Board for being more care~ less at the last Examination, than they had been at any of the previous ones; but his assertions can be prered to be false, by the testimony of the majority of the most respectable teachers at the Examination. I think he should be tried, and be made to prove his assertions, and he will then‘ have a good opportunity of displaying his oratory and profound knowledge of law. I know that lie is unable to prove what he has stated, because there is not a teacher, or any other person, having any knowledge of the previous examinations, could say but that the last Examination far exceeded any of the. previous ones in stringency and difficulty. ' The Markham Teacher says, in his second cor’nrnunicalion in the floralrl, that the King Teacher will admit. that the ex- aminers had as good an opportunity ofsce- mg what. took place as lieâ€"certainly he Will admit it, but how did it happen that he (the L‘darkhain Touche?) saw so much more at the lost .Excménoï¬z’on than the Exarriincrs and all the iviectutors? if he "i but allov.’ in: to mass judgment upon I I ..ll cording to his own no." he /‘ e 1 I‘ll -». :2" shall a .. A. , or‘ccd to ackirJiwleclgc that; HE is the pro icr person to be set. forth in the petL lion, praying the Council to. appoint him, a ii’iernber of the Board of Education. he- causc his \isual organs are so wonderfully developed, and his having such superior sense and elegant diction. As the evils from disappointed ' ', hopes and wounded ambition. “Would he suppose ’that I could entertain for a moment the idea that he was examined at the last Ex- amination at the Hill, when he stated so distinctly in his first letter, that he was a spectator? I must still believe that his wanton and unprincipled attack on the Board proceeded from previous stringency on their part towards him, unless he can give better reasons than he has yet done, for his ungentlemanly language, I should judge, from the hint that the Markham Teacher gave in his first letter, respecting the manner in which the Exa- mination was conducted at Newmarket, that he was examined there; and it may be that he found the papers diflicult, and did not obtain what he, expectedâ€"hence his unprincipled attack on the Board. But why should I think that he would find any difficulty in passing any of the Boards? since he has displayed in his second letter his profound knowledge of classzcs, sn- perz'or common SENSE (and elegant clzc- tzon. The King Teacher admits of having witnessed One case of copying at Exami- nations, wliich was the only one he ever observed; and that took place at T0- ronto, not at the Hill. As the Markham Teacher has stated, that if Ire were an Examiner, I would receive but few marks for common sense and elegant diction; l would say to him that 1am willing to sub- ject myself for examination before. any competent gentleman, if Ire will do the same, in order that we may know which is entitled to the greatest number of marks for common sense and elegant diction. The King Teacher still believes that the Board at the Hill never licensed, or Will knowingly license any persoii as a teacher who is unworthy: but the Mark- liairi Teacher in his first letter in the Hex alcl, endeavored to make the public be- lieve that they had knowrngly licensed un~ worthy pcrsors as teachers, and that they were again about to do the same. ceed The .l'lurkliain 'i‘cacher takes upon him‘ to dictate to the Board how they should conduct the Yr hy, does he do so (the reason olt‘vioiisj-m-he cause he considers lliil’lst‘if superior in at» taliririciits to .1. v . ,. Juixllllilii‘tli llllili. the geritlezi‘icn composing the liiuili‘tl. ills impedance and seiiselessru-ss iirust be evident to all the intelligent readâ€" ers of the Ifi'vnlrl, lirii he would attempt to dictate to men who have passed as well as witnessvd rr'iany stringent Examinations. before they could hold their present posi- tion in society; and therefore their ability and knowledge of conducting Examina- corriplained ol by the i‘liarkliam ‘i'eachrrr lions must be beyond that of any Com- mon School Teacher. He says he might avail himself of the unfair means placed within his reach; but as he does not de« sire to defeat the object of the Examina- tion, he would not avail himself of them. {believe that he would avail himself of any unfair means that might be placed within his reach to obtain an object; and I think the readers of the Herald will agree with me in opinion, when they com. pare his letters, and think of his unjust and false remarks about the Board. IIis suggestion in regard to the manner of ex- amining the geometry convinces me that he was not a spectator at the Exainina tion at the Hill; because that was the first paper given to the Teachers on the morning ofti’ie second day, which they Were forced to have coriiplctcd before noon. lIe says he did not come out in the [lord/cl to censure the Board. Was his ï¬rst letter not censoring them from be- ginning to end? If he thinks not, I and he understands the meaning of the word censure differently. He says he believes that the Board were not aware of the in. roads made upon their powers; did he not state plainly in his ï¬rst letter that all he complained of was so conspicuous that they could not be ignorant of it? What a contradiction! What motives prompted him to write as he has done I am unable to see; and since he has not proved what he has stated, the Teachers examined would be justified in censuring him, as he knowineg endeavored to prejudice the minds of the Examiners before granting the certificates. 1 would advise the :‘darkham Teacher to read his previous letters before writing another, and pay more attention to his former statements, and not contradict himself as he has done. Yours respectfully, A TEACHER. King, Sept. 30, 1862. A ploughman was hung at \Varwick, Eng., recently for shooting his fellow-ser- vant in the back while bent over the wash - tub, acCording to his cum confession, be- cause she never would draw him enough beer l He also stated that before commit- ting the erirne he ‘ tossed up’ whether he should kill the girl or not, and the chance lighting of the instrument be tossed decid- tlie poor girl‘s fate. The papers by the last English mail give an account: of the arrival in London of Mr. Saunders with despatches from Richmond to the Southern Commissioners. Mr. Saunders, it will be reinembered.pas- sed through Canada, after making his escape through the Northern States to Niagara in the guise of a Corniin miner. SALT Si>nixcs.â€"-'l‘lie borers for oil in the Veiiango region, in Pennsylvania. fre- quently strike veins of saltwater. About three weeks since Messrs. Phillips, Frew 3*. Company of Oil City, when boring near their \vhui‘f, Sil"â€â€˜ a. " not; Well whir;lr'n.;wrd to fifteen barrels of salt water, so strong. it is said, as. to crystallize as it. flows from the val. In one the central counties of .‘rlichigan, last year, a farmer undertook to bore, and after piercingr to a depth ofuhout two hundred feet, struck a fine spring. It does nor flow over, but rises so iie.r the surface that it can be brought up by pump- , I, . 1 ~ 1 H A .\ 'u '1) are consequently on the negligence of the ' "lgl at 3‘ lllOdl'lat" ebilling“ A (’Ollks‘ Board of EXaminers, his valuable services are most required by that Board; and, unless he does better than those he corri- plains of (according to his views) he needs 3 never expect to become a member of the Board of Public Instruction. The Markham Teacher states, in Ir l porideiit writes that alreadythrec thousand barrels of brine are taken from that neighâ€" borhood every week, worth at the wells one dollar per barrel. The ioculation ofcattle for the cure and prevention of pleura-pneumonia has proved some live barrels daily, and since increased l successful in New South Wales. ;. .... .. . ., -,.. .4. 3..“ .....- .y i .u». 1 ,r .-' Cricket Match. (To the Editor of the York 4Horald.) SIR,-â€"â€"Witli your permission I take this opportunity of reporting you the result of a very interesting game of Cricket, played between the Aurora and Springliill Juve- nile Cricket Clubs, on Saiturdtiy't the 201h inst., in which I am happy to say the lat- ter were victorious, with 8 wickets to go. down. Some exeeedingly grod playing . was displayed on both sides. The bow- ling of Masters L. Wells and T. Lloyd were, in my opinion, before that of their opponents; but in the ï¬elding I say Aurora were exempt, in one or two excepv lions superior. - The batting being pretty equal, the Weather being very favourable. evervihing passed. off quietly, to the full satisfaction of all present. , The following is the score:â€"~ AURORAâ€"1ST INNINGS, David. ct Marshall. b Wells. .. Todd. b and Cl Lloyd.. . ..-.......... It. Arnold. b Lloyd.........'........ 2 straw O. Kenedy. 1) Lloyd............-... 0 McDonald. b Wells, ct Norman. ..... l Sriiitli,b Wells . . . . . ... .........-- 0 E. Keriody. 1) Lloyd, ct Macliell.. .... 1 Stevenson, b and ct Wells. . . .. .. . . . . 4 Mundle.b Wells................... 10 A. Arnold. not out.' . . . . . . . . . 3 Chessly. b Lloyd. ct Hartman. . . . . . . . 0 N0 ballsoooougc-youoaoooooo “III. 1 Total lst innings 47 SECOND richsGs. David, 1) Lloyd. ct Ci'cssley.. . . . . 6 'l‘odd.ruiioni...................... 7 It..\r'iiold.bLloyd................. 6 O.Koz-.ody,hWolls..... 5 Mcl)oiiald,bWells l Siiiith,b VVeIls..................... 0 E. Koriedy.ruri out................. 3 Stevenson. struck out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Muiidlo b Wells................... 4 A.Ariiold, not out . . . . . 2 Chesslvb I'Vells......-............. 0 Byos............ . . . . . 2 Total...................... 4‘2 SPRINGIIILLâ€"lsr INNINGS. Macliell, 1) David, . . . . . . . . . .- . ll '1. Itoss,ruiioul . . . . . . ............-- ‘3 Crossltly, 1) Arnold . . . . . . . 13 Graham, b David, ct Arnold . . . . . . . . . 0 ‘v‘i’ells.riiii l T. Lloyd. l) Arnold. . . .. . . .... . . . 8 T. Ilartri‘iaii, b and ct David. . . . . 20 T. Nirri’riau, b Arnold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 W. Lloyd, h 11.. Arnold, ct A. Arnold. t) ‘~.’v', f‘Joi'r':i.,ri. not out . . . . . 4 ‘ 'l‘, linss, ll Arnold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - 1 ' Widens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘2 Eyes. . . . . . . . . . 3 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 65 SECOND INNIXGS. " aclioli, not. out... . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 11. Ross. 1) Todd . . . . . . . . . . , . . 1 (li'ossley, 1) Todd. cl Konciiy. . . . . .. . . 0 Graham, b David. Ctifimllll . . . . . . . ... I T.ltoss,iiot 0ut.....-.-......-..... 8 VVItIUS . . . . . . . . 2 Ilycs,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | Total.......... ‘25 Umpires for Auroraâ€"~i‘iilr. hilortimcr; for Springliill, Mr. McKay. Scorers for Aurora, Mr. Bond; for Sprinbill, Mr. Moore. Hoping success may always attend the Spriiigliill boys in other matches. as has in this their first, I remain, yours &c., J. W. PE'I‘ERSON. Springhill, Oct. 2, 1862. The Waterloo ‘ Chronicle’ regrets to learn that the blight has made its appear-â€" ance in that neighbourhood, and is making sad havoc on the potato crop, espccially where planted on clayey soil' _‘ roman. will) rum: rims." Many people. troubled with Costivoiicss. In- digestion. Headache. &c.. are constantly dos- ing themselves with Pills, Seidlstz Water, Salts &c., without deriving any lasting benefit Now, the fact IS, all that these purgatives accomplish, I ~ is to evacuate from the bowels the watery ele- ment from the blood. No permanent relief is obtained: the Headache continues. from the fact that the bile is still left circulating in the blood, causing Congestion, Dizziiie.s. &.c. The bowels continue costive. the evacuations being caused by the drastic operations only. If you would avoid :hese difï¬culties, take ltADVVAY’S REGULATING PILLS ‘, they will operate on the Liver. and will eliminate from the blood all its impurities. and w.ll purge from the sys- tem all morbid and corrupthumors. One eva- cuation from the bowels, by RADWAY’S PILLS, will drive out more diseased humors from the system, than a dozen discharges of the Drastic Pills, Salts. arid Seidlitz Water. It is this Drastic I’urgation that occasions so much weakness. You suffer the pain and annoyance of Dras- tic discharges, and fail to expel the Bile and lluiriors still left in the blood and system to multiply diseases. RADWAY’S REGULA- TING PILLS are the only true purgativcs to use; no matter how Week the patient may be : a dose of these Pills will g.ve strength. because in their operation they purge from the system the humors and bile, and hence they cleanse and purity the circulation. A'ro no. r To ailerons? THURSDAY, Oct. 2, 1862. Florinâ€"«Superfine sold at from $4 30. ff?) $4 35; Fancy $4 35 (a) $4 40; Extra $4 40 @3754 50 ; Double Extra. $4 40 ((2 $4 45. Fall Wlieat,â€"â€"-300 hslils was the extent of the supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were from $0 90 fa) $197 per bshl, Spring Whoatâ€"-â€"--- bslrls in market, which sold at from $31180 @ $0 77 per hshl. Barley.â€"-sold at from 50 @ 580. Peas.â€"â€"â€"-â€"- bshls went off at 40 [613 50c per bshl. Oatsâ€"at 35c no 37 per bshl. Hayâ€"is from [1518(1) $19 per ton, Straw $10 @ $12 per ton. Applns 50c. per bush and 50 per barrel. Eggs,-â€"~ll‘i'esli from wagons We {(7) 120 per doz. Potatoes-«Vary in price from 30 to 35-‘tts. «lutter. -â€"Fresli is in fair supplv at from 130 (I'D 14 per lh. Beefâ€"$4 ((3 $4 50 per 100 lb. Calves $3 (2]) $4 each. Lambs [CD 5.52. Sheep $3 00 {(7) $3 50 each. 'l‘allow, #310 per 100 lb. Sheepâ€"~33 m» :33 50 Lariihsâ€"Sï¬l 7:3“Frb $2. 500, Calves-4541 {(3 $5. \Vool~â€"-350 db 3'80. per 173. . m L m‘m . , momi‘nuoexuammta. ' Mei“ s Tina new FROM the promises of the Subscriber. lot No. 26, 3rd concession of Vaughan, on or about the 15th September, A Black clownite Sow, \Vith a short tail. weight about I70lbs. Also. a White Spring Pig. Any one who will bring the same to the subscriber or give such infor- mation that will lead to their recovery will re- ceive two dollars reward. WILLIAM KILLOPS‘, Jun. Vaughan. October 1, 1862. 201-4 new . aâ€. . -r.;«wmwï¬( 9:11;“:‘1' { Huiirphrey, J . ' Toronto, September 20. 1862. I ‘ m. tartar." f '"?i . 93w new , ar- (3 REM T“ s A‘ L E BY AEPTIONL, 0 BE SOLD by Public auction. ,oniljot No, 65, Yorige Street. Ist Con' of Whit-i church, near Suttlo's Hotel, (late Christison’s) On Friday, October 10, ’62 THE WHOLE OF THE FARM stocx a rAHuri’iG urnr‘srrs Belonging to Mr. Francis Kelly. viz :â€" 1 Excellent Gelding, 4 years old, by Arthur, from a ï¬rst-class King Alfred mare . , 1 do Gelding, 3 years old, by Robin-Hood 1 do do 2 do (matched) 1 Superior Filly. 2 years old. by Master George 1 do do 1 year old, by Coachman 1 Spring Colt. y do . 1 Durham Bull. bred by Mr. Armstrong, Markham 6 Cows. in calf 2 Fat Steers 1 Fat Cow I Steer, 2 years old 2 Heifers, 2 do in calf, 3 Yearling Heifers 3 Yearling Steers 1 Spring Calf 5 Superior Leicester Ewes 2 do do Ewe Lambs 1 do do Ram Lamb 5 Fat Hogs 14 Spring Pigs 1 Lumber Waggon. iron axle nearly new 1 do dy wooden axle I Democrat do with pole and shafts I Cutler. with pole and shafts “ 1 Wood Sled I Reaping Machine, Patterson’s improved 1 Fanning Mill, nearly new About an acre of Turnips iii the ground About 6 tons of Hay 1 Scotch Plough. l Ribbiiig Plough, 1 pair of IIaYl'OWS, 1 Turnip Drill, 1 Cultivator, 1 Turnip Souï¬ier, 1 Wheelbarrow. 1 Cutting Box. 1 Cheese Press. 1 Set Light Harness. 1 Cooking Stove. 1 Sugar Kettle, 1 Bunk. 2 Logging Chains. 1 Cupboard, 1 Meat ’l‘ub, 2 Ox Yokes, Rakes, Forks, Doubletrees, and Sundries no: enurirerated. The above Stock and Implements are of superior quality and will Positively be Sold without any Reserve As Mr. Kelty’s lease of the Farm has expired. . Term :-â€"$8, and under. Cash: over that amount 12 months credit. by furnishing ap- proved joint notes. Sale at ELEVEN o'clock. am. .1. GORMLEY, Auctioneer. VVhitcliurch. Sept. 30. 1862. I CHURCH DEDICATION! V'WIIE Evangel'cal Association begs to iii- A tiiiiate to their friends and the public, that they intend (D.V.) opening their New Ohms/30h! On lot 25, 3rd concession Markliarii, on SABBA TH, the 12th instant. SEitVicrcsmMornirig. Afternoon and Evening. A Collection will be taken up at the close of each service to assist in (let'raying the expense oftlie building. )Ifll‘lihal'fl, October 1, 1862, Letters Remainingin RICHMONDHILL PostOï¬ice OCTOBER 1, .563. 201-1 Bell. ‘Vlrs. Ann Benson. Mrs Cober, Peter Coglilin, 'I'lios Duncan. William Dunham. David Donahy, Thomas Davis, Nathaniel Fraser. George Fierheller. Adam R Godfrey, James Green. Mrs. Grant, George (3) Lawreiiceï¬. Catherine Lawrencn, Nellie Moulds. E. McGravey, John MoNoor. Mathew McGill, Aim J. McConnel. John Mckeiizio. \Iurdock Shepard, Hariet I Simpson, James Steele. J. M. \Vashiiigton, John Watson. Mrs. D. W, \Vilsoii, John H arringtori, Maggie Yale. Wm. Law, '1‘. V. VET m.â€" 0 “The Cup that Refr'cslics, but not iiieln'iates!†AVING purchased a Stock of Teas, we are prepared to sell some of the FINEST TEAS- .'. imported in this Province, and as CHEAP AS CAN Br: SOLD north of Toronto. Black Souchorig Tea, '2s. 6d. {(71 3s. Do Extra. Fine Flavour, _ . . . , _ . its. Gunpowder Tea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4s. Fine Japan Tea. (sun dried).. . . . 4s. 6d. “ [K per lb. ‘6‘ at Pure, Fine Fresh Young Hyson,. . 4s. 6d. Young Hyson, Extra. ll‘ull Favors ed and strong, iint surpassed, if equalled. in Canada...... 5s. “ We trust that purchasers will examine, and give us one trial. Which Will make good every assertion, At W. S. POLLOCK’S, (Late G. A, Barnard’s.) Richmond Hill, Sept. 25, 1862. 200-tf. 3 o , o o o .. THE cracurKiTiori or THE TOIRON'I‘O ‘ GLOBE? IS NOVV THIRTY THOUSAND COPIES. V‘HREE times greater than that of any other Journal in the Province. It is not con- fine one i. hi 1 Extensively Read in every Quarter OfUpper Canada, and is to be Seen in all Pumas Places Throughout the Lower Province. As an Advertising Journal ! It. is not only unsurpassed in British America. but is believed to be the BEST IN THE WORLD, Inasmuch as its circulation is Larger than that of any other Paper, In proportion to the field it occupies. By one Advertisement and one payment the advertiser reaches every section of the countrymnd every class ofthe community Wholesale Merchants! House the opportunity of sendirigatlirough the columns of the “ GLOBE.†their announce- ments to almost every dealer in town and con ii try. MANUFACTURERS Will find that their advertisements the “ Globe†are read by all the leading Mechanics of the Province. And by the General Public, in Persons having Lands for Sale or to Elena Can find no medium of communicating with the farming community so advantageously all! the " Gore.†' Hotel Keepers. Nurserymen, Forwarders, Professional Men. dire. doc. will find that their announcements can only he made thoroughly known through the columns of ‘ The “Globe.†200-4 /