UN RESERVED CREDIT» SALE OF FIRST-CLASS HORS ES, DURHAM CATTLE, LEICESTER sneer}, AND FARMING IMPLEMEN TS. 0 be sold by Public Auction, on Lot No. 29. Yonge Street, lst Con. Vaughan, (Thornhill). on Wednesday, October 22, ’62 The erole of the Live Stock, Farming 1m- plements, &c. belonging to Mr. GEORGE SHEPERDSON. viz :â€" > HORSES, l span superior Mares. in foal bv Sir John Franklin 1 superior Mare. in feel by Tom Sayers 1 Breed Mare, in foal by Rob Roy 1 excellent span Team Horses, “ grey" ] do Chesnut Gelding, 8 yea it old 1 30 Bay Ifielding. 6 years old 1 o lilac do 4 do 1 do do do 3 do match“ I do Gelding, 3 do by Monarch do 1 do do 2 do by do i 1 do, span Bay Geldings, 2 years old, by Illa no r ch. 1 Yearling Colt, by Cumberland 1 do do by King Alfred 1 Spring Colt, by Robin Hood CATTLE. SHEEP AND PIGS, 8 Superior Durham Cows. in Gulf 2 do do fresh calved 2 do do Heifers 2 years old. in calf by Timer/side 3 do do do 1 year old. in calf by Honest Tom 1 do do Brill. 1 year old, bred by Mr. Jennings, Markham 1 do do Bull. I do do Mr. Armstrong, Markham 1 do do Bull Calf, by Honest Tom. ‘2 do do Heifer Calves, by do 1 Leicester Ram, aged, imported by Mr S Beattie I do do 2slroar, bred by Mr. Bdr- ker, Etobicoke 4 do Rams, l shear 14 do Ram Lambs 25 do Ewe Lambs (ill do Ewes 1 Boar, large breed 1 Berkshire Boar Il Brood Sows 20 Store Pigs IMPLEMENTS. 1 Lumber Waggon, iron-axle,3 Lumber “Tag- gons. wooden axle, 1 Spring Market Waggon, 1 Cart and Harness. 3 sets Double Harness. 1 Iron Plough, 4 Wooden Ploughs, 1 Iron Culti- voter, I Wooden Cultivator. l Ribbing Plough. 1 Iron Scufller. 1 Reaping Machine (Patter- son’s), 1 Roller, 1 llorse Rake, 2 Swathe Rakes 1 Heavy Harrow, I New Ground Har- row, 3 pair Seed Harrows. 2 Root Slicers. 1 Grinds-tone. 2 Fanning Mil s, 1 Straw Cutter, 3 Waggon Racks,2 Grain Cradles, Seythee, Rakes, Forks, Neck Yokes, Doubletrees. Chains, &c. A quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Comprisingl Side Board,l Dining Table, l Feather Bed, 1 Bodstead, and Sundries not enumerated. It is seldom that an Opportunity like the pre- sent offers to parties wishing to procure good stock, as the above is not excelled. if equalled. by any in this neighborhood. The proprietor Mr. Shops-rdson. having selecred the Lost 1) every kind frorn the most celebrated breeders and importers in the cou.try, without regard to cost. The whole W111 be Sold Without any Reserve 1 As Mr. Slieplierdson’s lease of the farm has ex- pired. Terms : $8, and under. Cash ; over that amount 12 months credit, on furnishing ap- provedjoint notes. IE?" Lunch provided at noon. The Ssrle being large the auctioneer will commence promptly at 10 o'clock, a.In. J, GORMLEY, Auctioneer. Vaughan. Oct. I, 1862, 202-2 Letters Remainingin RICHMOND'IIILL PostOflice OCTOBER 1, .862. I.awrenr~e,E. Catherine Lawrence. Nellie Moulds. E. McGravey. John MeNeer, Mathew McGill, Ann J. McConnel. John Mckenzie, 'VIurdock Shepard, l‘Iariet Simpson, James Steele, J. M. W'ashington, John Watson. Mrs. D. IV, W'ilson. John Yale, Wm. Bell. Mrs. Ann I’ienson, Mrs ~Cober, Peter Coghlin, Thea Duncan, William Dunham. David Donaby, Thomas Davis, Nothaniel Fraser. George Fierlieller. Adam R Godfrey, James Green. Mrs. Grant, George (3) Humphrey, .I. Harrington, Maggie Law. ’1‘. V. 8 o , o o o . THE CIRCULATION OF THE With Your Adversary BEFORE NExT COURT 1 ALL ACCOUNTS 1862. Ten per cent taken off this year’s Accounts for early payment. JAMES LANGSTAFF‘, M.D. Richmond urn, Oct. 10. r862. 202a. 600.006TMIILE or FEMALE Agents TO SELL LLOYD’S NEW STEEL PLATE COUNTY COLORED MAP OF TME United , States, Canadas, and New Brunswick. From recent surveys, completed Aug. 10. 1862; cost $20,000 to engrave it and one year’s time, Superior to any $10 map ever made by Col- Agree made up to Otetober 1st, ten or Mitchell. and sells at the low price of ï¬fty cents; 370.000 names are engraved on this map. It is not only a County Map. but it is also a COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP Of the United States and Canadas combined in one. giving Evan! inauoan STATION and distances between. Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $5 per day. and will take back all maps that cannot be sold and refund the money. Sand for $1 worth to try. I ' Printed Instructions how to canvass well. furnished all our agents. WANTEDâ€"Wholesale Agents for our Ma 8 in every State, California, Canada, England. France and Cuba. A fortune may be made With a few hundred dollars capital. No Com- petition. J. 'I‘. LLOYD, 164 Broadway, N.Y. The War Department uses our Map of Vir- ginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania,cost $100.- UUU. on which is In arked Antietam Creek. Sliarpsburg, Maryland Heights, Williamsport Ferry, Rdorersville, Noland’s Ford, and all others on the Potomac, and every other place in Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania, or money refunded. LLOYD’S , TYPOGRAPHICAL MAP or KENTUCKY, OtlIO, INDIANA and ILLINOIS, Is the only authority for Gen. Buell and the War Department. Money refunded to any one finding an error in It. Price 50 cents. From the Tribune, Aug, 2. “ LLovii’s MAP or VlkGlNlA, MARYLAND and PENNSYLVANIA.â€"-Tlle Map is very large ; its cost is but 25 cents ; and it is the best that can. be purchased.†LLLovn’s GREAT Mar OF THE MtasiSsIrrI RIVi:u-â€"Fr'orn Actual Surveys by Capts. Bart and Wm, Bowen. Mississippi River Pilots. of St. Louis. Mo., shows every man’s plantation and owner’s name from St. LouIs to the Gulf of Mexico-4350 niilesâ€"â€"ercry sand bar, island, town. landing, and all places :30 miles back from the river-â€"colered in Counties and States. Price. $1 in sheets. $2 pocket form, and $2.50 on linen. with rollers. Ready Sept. 20. Navr szraarnusr, WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 1862. J: T. LLovDâ€"-Sir: Send me your Map of the Mrssissippi River. with price per hundred co- pies. Rear-Admiral Charles II. Davis. com- manding the Miseissippi squadron, is authoriz- ed to purchase as many as are required for the use of that squadron. CIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy CHURCH DEDICATION! IIE Evangel'cal Association begs to iri- Iimate to their friends and the public, that they intend (D,V.) opening their New Church! On lot 25, 3rd concession Markham, on SABBA T H, the 12th instant. SERVICESâ€"Morning. Afternoon and Evening. A Collection will be taken up at the close of each service to assist in defraying the expense ofthe building. Markham. October 1, 1862. 201-1 Dissolution of Partnership. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Partnership hitherto existing between GEORGE &. JOSEPH SPENCER, as Far- mers, on Lot No ‘23. 4th Con. Markham, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Markham. September 19. 1562. The undersigned would announce that he will not be responsible for any debts that may be contracted in connection with the above after this date. ‘ GEORGE SPENCER. Markham. Sept. 12. 1862. 199-4 _._.__..v -Kï¬s 1.7.. As...†__.___,_.__~_. ____._.__. PUBLIC ' TESTIMONIAL. TO MESSRS. TACKABURY BROTHERS, Map Publishers. London. C-W, ENTLEMEN,â€" HAVING OBSERVED AN ADVERTISEMENT printed in the Globe. signed John Ferris Ward. agent for Geo. C. 'l‘remain, which we cotISIdeI unjust. ‘GIAOBE,’ and calculated not only to injure you in your IS NOW THIRTY THOUSA ND COPIES. J HREE times greater than that of any other Journal in the Province. It is not con. fined to one district, but is Extensively Read in every Quarter Of Upper Canada, and is to be Seen in all Public Places Throughout the Lower Province, As an Advertishig Journal It is not only unsurpassed in British America. but is believed to be the BEST IN THE WORLD, Inasmuch as its circulation i Larger than that of any other Paper. In proportion to the ï¬eld it occupies. By one Advertisement and one payment tlie‘advertiser reaches every section of the country.aud every class of the community Wholesale Merchants ! House the opportunity of sending, through the columns of the “ GLOBE.†their announce- ments to alm0st every dealer in town and country. MANUFACTURERS Will ï¬nd that their advertisements the “ Globe†are read by all the leading Mechanic of the Province, And by the General Public, in Persons having Lands for Sale or to Itent Can ï¬nd no medium of communicating with the farming community so advantageously as the “ Globe.†, Hotel Keepers. Nurserymen, Forwarders, Professional Men. &c. &.c. will ï¬nd that their announcements can only be made thoroughly known through the columns of The “Globe.†Toronto. September 20. 1862. 200-4 S TILE YED ROMtlIe premises of the Subscriber. lot No. 26. 3rd concession of Vaughan. on or about the 15th September. A Black do White Sow, YVith a short tail. weight about 17011.5. Also. a White Spring Pig. Any one who will bring the same to the subscriber or give such infor- matton that will lead to their recovery will re- ceive two dollars reward. WILLIAM KILLOPS. Jun. Vaughan. October]. 1552- 201-4 business. but to mislead the public as well, we beg to present the following Testimonial. We. the undersigned, have carefully exa- mined the no v Copper Plate Map of Canada West recently published by you. and ï¬nd it to be very accurate and reliable. We cannot speak too highly of the artistic skill displayed in the execution of the work. which needs but to be seen to be appreciated. As subscribers for the Map, we are well satisï¬ed You have redeemed your pledges, and done even more than you promised. To all wishing a really good Map of Upper Canada. we can recommcnd this work. as be- ing all the publishers claim for it. Augustl 1862. Signed, Gilbt Grifï¬n. P. O. Inspector, London. L. Lawless, P. M., do Samuel Peters. P, L. 8.. &c.. do Wm,Robinson,P. L. S,,&City Engineer do Wm. McClary. P. L. S, W. C. L, Gill, Registrar, &c.. do C. II Fergeson, Deputy Registrar. Co. Middlesex. ‘ 0 do Adam Murray, Treasurer Co. Middlesex, do James Keefer. Co. Clerk, do do John C. Meredith. Clerk No. 1 Division, Court, do W. Horton, Recorder. do J, Shanley, Master in Chancery, do Honrv C. R. Beecher, Q. 0., do E. Jones Parke, Barrister. &c.. do John Carling. M.P.P.,. do Kerr. McKenzie dz. Co. wholesale mer- chants. do Adam Hope & Ce. wholesale merchants, do James Scott. G. Sec'y B. A. O. of Good' Templars. do Wm. Haskins,P.L.S.~ &. City Engrn’r, Hamilton Thos. A. Blythe. P.L.S.. doc. do Buchanan. Harris &. Co.. wholesale merchants. . do D. Mclnis &. Co., wholesale mer- chants. do Brown, Gillespie & Co. do. do. do T. B. Harris, Gd. See. A. F. do A. ' Masons. do John Hood Greer, Registrar Co. Wentworth. - do John Dewe, P. O. Inspector, Toronto. Dennis &. Gossage, P. L. S.. &c. do Geo. Hodgins, Dept. Supt. Education for U. C.. ane author of LOVell’s General Geoï¬raphy, do Unwin &. Miles, P. L. Surveyors. 650., do F. F. Passmore. P, L. S., &c, do I]? The Public are cautioned against a map which is now being copied from the Copper Plate map in lythograph and advertised as Tremain’s Map 0' ( anada West. TACKABURY BROTHERS. London, Sept. 11, 1862. - 198-4t. '1‘! TIIT! “ The Cup that Refreshcs, but not In ebriates .'" AVING purchased a Stock of Teas, are prepared to sell some of the FINEST TEAS! COOKING, P imported in this Province. and as CHEAP as can an SOLD north of Toronto. V Black Souehong Tea. 29. 6d. a 38. Do Extra Fine Flavour.. . . . . . . 4s- Gunpowder Tea,............... 43. " Fine Japan Tea (sun dried)... . . 4s, 6d. “ Pure. Fine Fres 1 Young Hyson,. . 4s. 6d. “ Young Hyson, Extra. Full Favor- ed and strong, not surpassed. if equalled. in Canada. . . ... 5s. “ per 11:. give us one trial. which Will make good way assertion. - At W. S. POLLOCK’S, (Late G. A. Bernard's.) Richmond Hill, Sept. 25, 1862, 200-11. WM. WHARIN, 1M PORTER 0]" Watches, Clocks & Jewelery. 123 King Street west, ROSIN HOUSE BLOCK. TORON‘I‘O; Has just received HIS FALL STOCK F FINE Gold and Silver “latches, Colored » and Bright Gold iruards, Alberta, Brace- lets. Brooches, Signet and Gem Rings, Earâ€" rings. Solitaires, Lockets. Charms Necklets. Thimbles, Pen and Pencil Cases, Silver, Jet and Mourning Jeweleryâ€"all of the newest de' signs; also, Fine Gold Wedding Rings, and Spectactles'to suit all sights. Watches, Clocks and Jewelery . Carefully Repaired & Warranted To give satisfaclion. Remember the addressâ€"- 123 King Street West, aosrn HOUSE BLOCK. Toronto, Sept. 19, 1862. 199-3In THE ORIGINAL HOWE SEWING MACHINES! ESTABLISHED [N 1845â€"Paurncrsn IN 1862. ECENT and important improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine. renders i now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order 'a Machine with a guarantee ofits prompt and safe delivery,and that they will be able' to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles Iâ€" No more missing stitches! No trouble in'mak- ing any garment, howeverdelicate or heavy,on the same Machine, either in camhric, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers, tailors, hat binders, shoe binders. or gaiter ï¬t- ting, as well as for every variety of family sewing, they have no superior, and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices. A few respectable Agents will be dealt with liberally. : Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 437 Broadway, New York New York. June 20, 1862. 186.13' ‘ FINKLE a LYON SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. TO parties little acquainted with the Finkle Jr. Lyon Sewing Machines the careful per- usal of the Company’s Circular is specially commended. This Circular can be had on ap- plication. [It is very specific. and will be found highly instructive, having been prepared with much care, and we will aside by allstatements therein made. The following brief quotation is characteris- tic of the entire Circular: “ This Machine is better adapted than any other Sewrng Machine in market to the freqn’l changes and almost on 'less variety of sewing required in a family; for it will sew from one. to Iwenty thicknesses of Marseilles without 610p- piug, and making every stitch perfect Will sew from the ï¬nest gause to the heaviest cloth. and even to the stoutest harness leather, with- out changing the feed. needle. or tension, or making any adjustment of machine whatever.†Thus have we successfully overcome the most diflicult point in the Sewing Machine Art, It was no ordinary triumph. Deï¬antly can we say, " No other Machine compares with it in this respect." Hence have we uniformlyâ€"al- most. without exceptionâ€"taken the highest premium, when the Machine has been properly exhibited in competition with other ï¬rst-class Sewing Machines. Hence is it that we are able to Offer the following guarantee. viz :â€" " We Warrant eVer'y Machine we sell to give better satisfaction than any other Sewing Mao chine now in market, or money refunded.â€â€" We never sell a Machine on any other terms . The guarantee is as reliable as the note of any business man in the land. For more than ï¬ve years have we relied upon sueh facts for the reputation ofour Machine ; and without a single travelling agent in the ï¬eld, there is scarcely a neighborhood on the continent where the Ma- chine is not favorably known. We prefer such a reputation to one based on more “ talking points," as they are technically called in the trade. Hence we make but one kind of stitchs viz: the lock-stitch. alike on both sides. requir- ing :nly one-third the thread of other kinds of titohes. N. B. Local agents wanted in every county throughout the West. offered. Finkle & Lyon S. M. CO, I98-6m 538 BROADWAY. New Your. Special inducements Charles Taggart, BREAD AND FANCY BISCUIT BAKER, courncrtouau, 81c. EGS to intimate that he will commence business in the Village of Stouï¬ville, About the latter part of October, when he will be happy to supply parties in the neighborhood with the best ofeverything in his line, at low prices. 113’ Pic~nic Parties and Tea Meetings supplied on the most reasonable terms. Flour, Oats. Peas. Ham, &c. for sale. Stofl’ville, Sept 17. 1862. 200-6-m !! m stores, 3 ‘ NEW AND SECOND HAND, ‘ ARLOUR AND ‘BOX STOVES ! ! Es ‘ Heavy Metal, Warranted by WILLIAM HODGE, 'Sen'r. Copper, Tin & Iron Plate \Vorker, ' win I... Sold CHEAP FOR CASH, OR APPROVED JOINT NOTES, As cheap as any House in Toronto or anywhere else. We trust that purchasers will examine. and Richmond Hill, August 29, 1862‘. ' CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE. $ THE Subscriber begs-Ito return his thankslto his nul’herous Friends and the Public v . 196-6m .5? and would inform them that he has greatly increased his STOCK, and hasnow on hand a very large assortment of ._. Fill. tlllll ,Wllllllll lllllTS lllll lllll Of every description and style, such as: Men’s Coarse, Kip, and Calf Beets, Boy’s and Youtlis’ Kip arid Calf Boots, Women and Children’s Boots and Shoes of every ’ variety of style; also, a large quantity of . 1., [,1 ' .i r t lilo“ INN". i: “it villi ‘t “Ilium 1‘ 5% "u l("trim "limit ltirrrtlua ' I, lair MOCCASINS d: OVER SHOES, In fact, he has on hand all that is Wanted to protect the feet-for any Weather or any season. which lie is prepared to Sell at the LOWEST REM UN ERATIVE PRICES FOR CASH r T hose requiring a really good Article, at a Cheap Price, are respectfully requested to CALL AT THE CHEAP ck! SHOE STORE, OPPOSITE THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill, Aug. 28, 1862. ‘ m JAMES HALL, Proprietor. , v " 196 3m. Wu“ ‘- FRESH ARRIVALS OF SCHOOL BOOK S GENERAL STATIONERY, AT THE “ YORK HERALD†BOOK STORE, _ RICHMOND HILL, . At Lower Prices than is charged in Toronto. Orders received for, and great attention paid to BO i'. IN DIN G 1 Which will be Ilene in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. Richmond Hill, August 2.9, 1862. 195 HARNESS I“ HARNESS ! r . SINGLE, OR DOUBLE! HEAVY or. LIGH'I , . WELL-MADE AND DURABLE: MAY BE HAD 0F .v 'r ‘. rr' I, 1,1 t, ‘ I]“HE Subscriber has on hand, or will make. to order to suit purchasers, and of the best materials, HARNEssOF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. An assortment Of'VVHIPS, LASHES, Sic. constantly on hand. Collars warranted to Fit, Look 65 Wear Well. Also, kept for Sale Patterson & Bro’s. Plows, Points, Landsides, &c. llj" Call and Examine, Richmond Hill, October 1861. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform bis Friends and the Public generally, that he has ï¬tted up his Grist and Flour Mill In a superior manner, and is now prepared Io do GRISTING! On the shortest possible notice. He also takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage he has received during the past six years, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. NB. A choice lot of Ilarns. Bacon, and Barrel Pork. for sale. _. ’ .GEO. ARKSEY. Richmond Hill. Augusi' 5, 1862. 193-20) BOOTH a.“ sous, BEG TO ’ INFORM THE P UBLIC, That-they have takenzthe Store, Nil. 204 11151 Sl'llllT, AMERON’S Block, opposited H. B- WILLIAMS, until the premises lately occupied by them, corner of Yonge 5' Queen Streets†ARE REBUILT, OUR MANUFACTUING ’ DEPARTMENT, ls continued as usual, and we are prepared to attend promptly to all orders. with which we may be entrusted. BOOTH 8t SONS. Toronto, May 11. 1862. 159-1y RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ! HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘ HIIIIALD ’ Book Store. where Stockholders and others may procure BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from 4 to 8 o’clock. P-M. A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, Feb. 27. 1861. I l l l at WM. HARRISON’S 151-»3m Q S. B. HENDERSON, M.D. Oeulist and Aurist, (Late of No 658 Broadway. New York.) HAS just opened an Ofï¬ce at No. 174 King St., Toronto, where he intends remain- ing a few months, and will give his exelusrve attention to the treatment of Diseases of the EYE, EAR and LUNGS. Dr. H. has prac- tised for upwards of 10 years in NEW YORK.with unexampled success. Hundreds of testimonials, from persons who have been cured by him, can be seen at his ofï¬ce. Cataracts and Amarosis treated with success . also. Bronchitis. Sore Throat. and all Diseases of the Lungs. Arti- ficial Eyes inserted without an operation. I‘orouto, Sept. 9. ’62. 198-3m VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, CONTAINING 35 Acres of_ Excellent Land, being the South East part of Lot No. 12, 4th Con. Markham, formerly owned bv CAPT. MARTIN. There is a good Frame House and Barn, and other“, buiedings; and a good bearing Orchard or" choice Fruit Twas. The Fort) is nearly free of stumps and well watered. For further par- ticulars apply, (on the promises.) to , JAMES HOLMES. Buttonville. P.O. Markham, Sept. 24. 1862, 200-5 , l CHEAP FOR CASH : I HE Subscriber. in returning thanks to his numerous customers who have so liber- ally supported him for upwards of ï¬ve years. would state that he continues to manufacture, u AT his OLD STAND,†BOOTS AND SHOES! of every description. and of the bestmaterials, and after the Latest Style. and hopes by close attention to business, combined with moderate charges, to ensure a continuance of their favor. He would also beg to intimate to the inha- bitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that he has on hand quite an assortment of LADIES’ 8!: CHILDREN’S BOOTS 86 SHOES which he offers LOW for Cash! JAMES VERNEY. Richmrnd Hill, April 17,1862. 177-6m lllt Richmond Hill, Sept. 1,831,862. . TEAWAIu-E-HOIISE’ SIGN OF THEZQUEFM Is the place in Toronto. to buy pure ; llllK' it if lillllllli'llli. 01‘ only because the proprietor,EDWAR,D LAWSON.is one of the oldest and most experienced Tea-buyers in the trade.“ but frmn the fact that he‘ purchaseshis Teas «in. such large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby eu- abling him to sell at a very "' SMALL. AD VANOE ON DOST, Fulï¬llirigitha Olaf-um Largo so... Small ‘Pr'oï¬gtspud Quick Returns ;’.l a'so in," census-muons! innit thrills r ‘ He cannbtdbe' uiirlersoldi ' j Are unsurpassed for quality and priCe, all being manufactured ' out the premises, from the best material by. first-class workmem lead and Ornament‘ed ,‘ «' “’eddin ,9; an I1 Other Cakes Alwayson hand or made to order in any style on the shortest notice. Orders by' mail and ethdrwise', attended to‘ with dispatch All Geeds \varranted as repre- sented. and delivered free ofchmgge ’to the Cal's-l" or in the city limits, ' ' {1G2 NO'SEOOND‘JJMOD Remember the Placeâ€"â€" " ' No. 93 KING STREET, Sinner THE QUEEN. EDWARD LAWSON, . v "" ' ‘ {Pffoprietor Toronto, Feb 5. 1862. IGTnCm Health, Happiness, & Long the RE within the reach of till,lbiyuthe use of DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE DU. MES'I'IC MEDICINES, prepared from. the Prescriptions of the late Dr..Buchan_,, Fellow Of the Royal College of Physicians; 610,, &c.-' Cures are daily made, and .tltquï¬ï¬‚lcacy proved in thousand of cases, attested .before the Alder- men at Guildhall, ' ' THE RIGHT Iâ€"IONQTHE LORD Y MAYOR, OF: LONDON, - v and sitting Il‘lagirtratesjof Marlborough Street, VVestmiuster, \Vorship Street. Bow Street. the, Used by the most celebrated Medical Men, Clergymen. and others.‘ v I - Dr. Buchan’s Sugaryfloated Sarsaparilla Pills. It is a VVELL-KNOWN FACT that SAR- SAPARILLA is the greatestl'puriï¬er. of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR B'LOO'l) PURElâ€"The Bowcls regularll-And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the root of each diseaso, and are for the cure of every ailment inculental to Matt Vv’oriian and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Illdl- gestion. Bilious, Liver. and Stomach Corns plaints. General Vl’eakï¬nessy Gout, Rliucrna- tism. Lunibago. Pains'In the Limbs, Ilead- caused by‘irregulr.ritiés of the bowels. ob- structed perspiration. andrdeteriorated and un- healthy blood. TheserP'i'I-ls work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage. especially where mercury has been. taken, and removiIig"ei‘erly‘-uii‘liéalthy ac- cumulation. till the blood is purified. the whole- system renovated. and all the functions acting RAWN no... the most eventful period or HIS -313505ï¬12ufï¬ and Guide. by Mrs. Hale. other valuable and useful works, a Catalogue of which will be sent free on application.â€" mr receipt of price. Priorrierririr ALBUMS in every variety. 187 ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- according to nature. the duties of life become a pleasure, where before tliey.,liad been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitatede not de- lay !' a clean stomach must make aclean body. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the stomach, body, and blood are pure, from regulating aid cleansing the bowels, health is certain, Begin at the beginning, waste ire time; strike at the root ofy’our ailment. Again, I say. look to your stomach. ..One trial oftlrese Pills will force conviction. _ Sold in bottles. at Is, lid; 25. 9d., 4s. 6d), and 113. ' ' '* n I - Dr. Buchan’s Invigorating Essence, FOLNERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NERAL W EAKNESS. at once. restore and ' r-xrh: ‘ v‘ “.13.? :2»? u of, Absorbing Interest. Thrilling 5A dven'tures ! ' AMONG, ‘ THE EARLY saunas, _" ' By WARREN WILDWOOD, Esq. qr American History. and from the most authentic sour-ces.:tlies'e stories yet partake of all the wild, weird, and fearfulfclraracter of re- mance. The Volume contains the following. among others, ' - McCulloug'n‘s Fearful Leap. The Bloody Block House. - Poes’ Desperate Encountrewitli Big Foot. Adventures of Daniel Boone. ‘ Perilous Adventures iii a Canoe. ' I ’I‘lreMysto-ry at Lancaster, Dav-v Crockett’s Adventures. “ The Despdradbes’ Mistake, ' I The Old Trapper in a 'l'ight'Place, . , The Wonderful Mistake, The Desperado and the Regulators, The Ranger’s Thrilling Indian Adventure. The Fighting Parson, -. llol‘t‘ors of a Ilombardrnentâ€"-â€"Norfolk in ’76. Fearful Adventure among the Guerillas- ‘The Gomhlcrs’ Den at Natchez. Perilous Adventure of Captain Brady, Fearful Encounter with a Bear. General Putnam’s Daring Exploits. The MosSacre at Fort Mimms, The White Horseman, _ Black Dick and the Lynchers. Adventures Of Simon Kenton, A She-Devil wrong the Tories. The Swamp Robbers of Louisanua. ‘ Thrilling Escrrpe from a Prison Ship." 'l'lro ltrlleman Of Chippawa, Surprised by Guerillas, The Canadian Rebellion and Gen. Scott. A Desperado’s Thrilling Adventures, [low a Bravo Man saved Detriot. ‘ A Desperado among the Mail Bags. The Indians and the Hollow Log. The. 'l‘ravellor and the Arkansas Bully. ' A Race for Life, ’l‘lirilling Adventures of Two Scouts. The Murderer’s Ordeal, The Wolves and the. Darkey Fiddler. . 'l‘lio Murderer’s Creek. doc. &c. Everybody everywhere should get THRILLING AD VENTURES '.' The Book contains 384 pages, Illustrated with I‘wo Hundred now and original Engrav- ings, and will be sent to any address, postage - paid, on receipt ofprim. Extra cloth $1.25. \Ye are also Publishers of EVERYBODY'S LAWYER 8t COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, by Frank Crosby. Esq. Price. $1.25. ‘ ' TH‘E ‘I-IORSE AND HIS DIS- EASES, by Dr. tobort Jennings. V.S. Price. $1.25. . ' THE FAMILY DOCTOR, By Prof. II. ri‘ayror, M.D. Price, $1.00. S UNLIG [IT AND SHADOW, or “ The Pete'qu on Hours,†by Harry Pencil- er,_l’rieo $1200 . LII“. I} AND ADVENTURES OF Kl'l‘ CARSON. 'l‘liOLGreat Western Hunter Price $1.25. MODERN COOKERY, in all its branches. Price $1.00. Together with Books mrwarked to any address, postage paid, lVe also make Booksellers, News Agents. Book Agents. Canvasscrs, Peddlers, and others will do werl to order a package of our books. tind them exceedingly popular,anrl terms liberal 1000 Local & Travelling Agents JWaIIted everywhere for their sale“ aches, Sore Threats, and every complaint ' They will For single copies, or for terms in quantities, with other iriforrrratiori apply to or address- JOIIN EDWIN POT PER, Publisher, No, 6i7, Sanso‘rn St' Philadelphia. Pa. HAUSTION. New editions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Iltigt'avings on Steel, Just pnblislied,price Is. " V'IIE SILENT FRIEND, the greatest Merli- col Work ofthe Age, on Youthful Indis- cretious and consequent Impediments to Mar- riage, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductivo System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restora- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescriptron known as the Preventive Lotion, precluding the pos- sibility of contamination. ' ' Also to be had from all Agents in all parts of. the world, EXTRACTS FROM THE SILENT. FRIEND, price GIL, which contains directions for the guidance of patients. Messrs, R, Oz. L. Paunv. & C0. are only to Invigorate With magical rapidity. the most UG' be consulted at their residence, No. 19. Barriers bilitated Constitution. tlierebyieii'sdi'ing pOrma- SireetLOxt‘orrl Street. London, as they never, “out health. Illmoased strelwthrenergy, and a under any cirCumstances, travel either at home redoubled development of the. muscular-system. i or abroad. and they hereby caution the Public Failure is impOSSible, for success is as certain against any person using their name. and as a as that daylight follows darkness. The only further precaution against fraud, the Public Inlalllble remedy for acquired '0‘?“ and general is notified that none. ofitheir medicines are ge- debility, nervous prostratlon. “(lepress'mn Ofspi- riuino. utilises the subjoined jitc-similic of their . . . . . r . . - . ‘ . . - rite. drmmutlon of Vltal energy. emacmtron, signature is attached to their diflerent wrap- and for all female complaints. This medicine not only restores health and. strength at once, but increases the natural vigOur of man in youth, maturity. and old age The properties VOI‘S. Gus ‘nATivn 3;. D‘IUSCULAR f’owau REOAINED BY THE USE OF ofthisinvaluablo resinvigorating Essence act Pcy‘y‘gl.s Cordial Balm, 0f Syï¬acum. directly on the nervous and muscular g‘systcm, enriching, increasing. and purifying each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, and in perfect accordance .with- the laWS of nav ture. As the falling rain vivifies the parched vegetation. so .will the perver of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement, which so few of the medical profession attempt. to treat. 4s. 6d., Ils.,-'or tour quantities in cite. 335. ' .' DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE SKIN OINI‘MEN'P, ,. Is the only one yet discovered that cures the most inveterate sores. Its 'effects are wonder- . to], giving instant relief to the ’sfiï¬â€˜erer. Many thousands have, used it. and, dpclare it to be “ the best in the world.†, It is the only NATURAL REMEDY for-atr- kindsofsorcs and skin eruptions. It never closes up the surfaceof a 4 wound whilst full of matter. but will'y'ï¬r‘st bring all to the surface, and ï¬nally lleal without breaking out again. The Pillsiaid thoqugtment in the t'ollowiIIg-7Pilcs, Boilesinruses, .Excoriations, Blotches on the Face."iUlpers", ï¬ling-worms. Sore Heads, Eyes, and loi-bs$.'548aliiriess, Chap- ped Hands, Clrafedgand Blisuared-qlt‘eet, Corns, Bunions, Chillilains, Frost Bites, Scolds, (.‘utu‘, Bites, Freckles. Stiiigs,'St§I:bftdd‘, King’s Evil: Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, {lentracte'd and Still Joints, Fistulas, Gout, Szwpllbd Glands, Luth- hago, Rheumatism, VVhitlew, Sore 'Nipples, Sore Threats. Scurvy, Sore/"Hi‘eiads. Rash, 'l‘rr- mours. Old and deep-searedr'illlcers, \Vounds, \Vorms, Itch, &c. Is.1§d,,and2s. 9d. per pot. Pa.eut Medicine VVareho'u'se, 19, BOI‘ilm'S street, Oxford street, Iio‘ndon‘.‘ "\'Vliolesr1le Agents I-Ilarclay do Co.. 75, Farriuqdon street; may be had at the ofï¬ce of this paper, am. from all Chemists throughout the world. May 23. 1862. 1'9. Goal 011 i! URE brilliant illuminating oil. 15 l(l§,d per gallon ; ï¬nest deodarized "coal oil, :25 6d per do; ï¬ne luincating «machine oil, also, boiled and raw linseed oils. ,_ . . Sash Tools, Paint and varnish 'Brushes just received. and will be Sold at city prices at WM. S. POLLOUK’S. 1994f A Goonâ€""Tame. DR. HOPE’S MagnetioOinthent; is well worth a trial, in any case of Piles, Burns, Scolds, Old. Sores Inflamed or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Ski and iii every case where an ointment is useful. It will to commend Itself, after one‘t‘r'ial'. ! ESSENCE 5SUGAR-COA'I‘ED GLOBULES, the most speedy Rmnedy known. triining the Qui..tessence of Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu, dze , at once cure, without the possibi- lity Of failure. Stricture, etc, irrrmediately sribduing all in- llamrrirttory action; _lCiicased in sugar. free - from taste or smell. Richmond Hill, Aprd 10,’62. . Established nearly a century, and known throughout, the world as the GREATEST RE- G leEl-IA’WlR; a novor-f’ailing remedy for Spormatorrhrn, loss of manly power. produced by early indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" It enriches the principal vita those who have (loomed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of lllltl‘l‘lUll life. quantities in one. 335,, which saves 11s.; and in 1:5 bottles, ctl'eeting a saving of £1 1‘28. fluids, enabling Price IIs.’ per bottle, or four l‘lC R R Y ’S CONCENTRA'I‘ED DETER~ SIVI‘I ESSII‘LY‘CIC, a remedy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for purifyingthe system from contamination, recommended for secondary r.:.‘rirptOIrIs, blotehos on the head and face. en- largerrrcnt ofthe throat. tonsils. and uvula: its lic'relir-ial influence OII the system is undeni- able. saving of I Is. l‘ricr 11s. and 33s. per bottle, alsoa PIC IIIY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED OF COPAIIIA AND CUBEB The G lobules. coil - G Ollol‘l'llfllfl. obstinan Gleet, 4s. 6d. and 118. per box. IIMIer Drinrcuns UPON PURE PLOOD.-- PIC {llY’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. ,an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such lilolclrcs, Pimples on the face and body. &c. Price lls. and 33s. per box. as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, lloils. Sold at. Messrs. R, diz L. Pnuurdz. Co’s. \Vlrolesale Depot, No. 19, Berners Street, Ox- ford Street, London, Agents: BARCLAY do Co.. 75, Farringdon Street, London. May 23, 1862. 182. Cheap fleets and Shoes 7 THE Subscriber I that he has leased the , Shep of Mr. Ruben Lee-a \Vliere he intends to carry on the BOOT and SHOE business in all its branches, begs to intimate to the in- habitants 0t Richmond llill and vicinity, Mr. Lee's customers will have the same at- . terrtion given to their work as formerly. - All work done at the lowest reinurieiating pri :es. RICHARD DURHAM. ' ‘ 11‘6