- t I “ ~gree' 'With‘ Your Adversary ' BEFORE NEXT count†I DR. ISAAC BOWMAN after a severe. sick- BE LET, by Auction. 1° the “west: as ietuined to his practice. vi here he 0 i . T bidder, On Fawn, Ocronaa 31, 1862. Imgilgl82?“ be found Micezpt when ahsm't, 0“ ' at One o’clock. p,m. on the the ground, the I F . Completion of the Job on the Road in front or“ lot No.22, in the rear of the 2nd Con, Mark. ’I F s S hum, ..,. ciï¬cations may be seen on tha -...:t:.:l:v:Ei LET 1.1117311 FROM the premises of the subscriber. lot .1: v No. 26,.3rd concessionl of Vaughan, on . .. . “V ~ .,‘ or abOut the‘ 15th September. ' A BlaCK Ab White sow, r 'r Wi l l tt 1. ‘ lit b t I70lbs. Ms . ' W I ' ' - a W‘hiltes Salim): Pig'gAn; t?le who will bring ,5 1 E S, S the same to the subscriber or give "such -infor- h V V matton that will lead to their recoverywillre- NEW AND SECOND HAND, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STO VES’ ! I ceive two dollars reward. . I n WILLIAM KILLOPS. Jun. Vaughan. October 1, 1862. 201-4 ~-â€"-‘â€"~â€"-â€"-â€"- ' _ Heavy Metal, Warranted by ’ »WILLIAM HODGâ€"E, Sen’r. b . . - » Copper, .Tin & Iron Plate Worker, Partnership hitherto existing etweenk ‘ GEORGE s. JOSEPH SPENCER. as Far. I W'" be 50†mere, on Lot No '23. 4th Con. Markham. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Markham. September [2. 1862. ‘ I THE CIRCULATION OF THE TOIRONTG ‘GLOBE,’ ' is new THIRTY THOUSAND. COPIES. THREE times greater than that Ofanv other ‘tJonrnal in‘ the Province. It is not con- ï¬tted to one district, but is Extensively Read in every Quarter Of Upper Canada, and is to be Seen in all Public Places Throughout the Lower Province, As an Advertising Journal It is not onlv unsurpassedin British America. but is believed to be the ‘ I ALL ACCOUNTS made up to Otctober 1st, IRG'Z. Ten per cent taken off this year’s Accounts for early payment. JAMES LANGS'I‘AFF, M D. Richmond Hill, Oct. 10, 1862. 202th ground on Ill.) do... u.._.. ' OLIVER VEAL, JOHN McCUNNEL, Markham, Oct, 2t, 1562, , A Work of “Absâ€"Owing Interest. » Thrilling A (lvcntu‘res A." ' AMOse " 1 A THE EARLY SETH-£88,, _,. By WARIIEN WILDwooopcqg. ' RAWN from the most eventfulpe‘riod pr... American _History. and from themes: authentic sources. these stories yet é Commissioners. 204-! H’E AUTUMN EXHIBITION of the Vaughan Agricultural Society will be 60,606." “ he'd AT BURWICK, IMPOB'I‘AN '1' A as ’|_‘ S A L E Thursday, October 30th,, 1862, See Bills. JAMES HARVEY, Sec’y, Vaughan, Oct.‘ 15, 2862. 203-2 W -TO LOAN. on Improved Farm Property, at 8 per cent. ‘ T Apply, stating property, to I ' W. H. BELTTY, Box 1102, Toronto, P.O. 202-2.. . . 'Dissolu’tiim of Partnership. OTICE IS HEREBY‘ GIVEN that. the CRE iiiii' this Shit I Implemen ts, &c. As cheap as any House in Toronto or anywhere else. RichmO'id Hill, August 29, 1862. 6am Boer-AND SHOE STORE." ï¬ Inasmuch-as its circulation is Larger than that of any other Paper, In proportion to the field it occupies. By One Advertisement and one payment the advertiser reaches every section ot‘tlie couiitry,aud every class of the community Wholesale "Merchants ! House the Opportunity of sending, through the columns of the “ GLOBE.†their announce- ments to almost every dealer in town and 196-6m mauce. The volume contains the following. ,, among others, ' i ' ' ' ‘ “ McCiillougii’s Fearful Leap, , _ ’l‘ne Bloody Block-House, 'L - i - ' " . Poes’ Desperate ,Enconutre with Big-Ecol; Adventures of Daniel Boone. ‘ ‘ " PerilousAdventures in a Canoe. The M ystery at Lancaster,‘ -- , a v Diivv Crockett’s Adventures, ._ . 1.1;}, The Dcspei'adoes’ Mistake, The undersigned would annouiiceflthat he will not be responsible for any debts that may be contracted in connection with the above after this date. . . . . ~ . I GEORGE SPENCER. Markham, Sept. 12. 1862. ' 199-4 __ 0 BE SOLD by Public Auction. on lot No. 63, Yniigo Street. better known as “ Bond Lake Farm, on Thursday, November 6â€. 62 The iiudernientioned valuable Farm Stock, 61c. belonging to the Estate of the late Jan es Legg, Viz :â€" , , y 1 superior span Team Horses, 7 years Old, by Toronto, Oct. 8, 1662. APPRENTICE WANTED. ANTED . IMMEIATELX .an 0 active '1‘- .2 a TI! _ fla- . I. ' . , .. - ' - country. The Old Tra per in a Tight Place King AI/rul,iiiuiclied , In“). dbOUtJb Few-5 of “E†n" . 7 _ i 7 ' d° d". d° 9 ,. d" , “Ppm‘uce te me Harness makmg bfii'geis- M A N U A G T U R E R S , TIIE Subscriber begs to return his thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public :3: $13,321::Iaiiésiï¬ï¬ekegulatom, 1 d†G‘gd“‘gv33"°ags (“‘3' fiâ€"" “0ԠAPPâ€to ~ I . WM' HARRIDO‘,‘ ’ Will ï¬nd that their advertisements in the , ' i " it and would inform them that he has greatly increased his STOCK, and has now on The Range†Thmnng Indian Advonwn, I do 0 i 0 3 [mn- Rldlmond H I": OCI- 10’ 202‘†“ Globe" are read by all theleading “ I‘he LII“ RCQZCSDCS’ ‘ l d l t t f "The Fi litiug Parson . -. 1 do do ,3 do by Lqptdtsl . . _ by b '.' l ,†, tan a very arge assor men 0 , . "g _ , . ._ ’ 1 do F111,, | year old, by Cunlbgrland ’ ‘ ' Mechanics of the Provmce. “t 110‘. Ill 8- l lulILS. ~ I OII'OIs ot a Bombardmentâ€"~Norfolk in :76. 1 ,do Entire Colt, 1 do by do i - And by the General Public, H Milch COWS. in calf by a Durham Bull ~ . 3 Heifers, 3 years old, in calf by do 2 do I year old i I Fat Steer, 3 years old 2 St. ers, l year old , 4 Spring Calves Persons having Lands for Sale or to Rent. Can ï¬nd no medium of communicating with the farming community so advantageously as the “ Globe,†. i v ‘ I ! Fearful Adventure among the Guerillas, Y - i . - - The Gamblers’ Den at Natchez. AVI'AG l’umhrased '1 Si°°k Of T933: W“ | A ‘ ' Perilous Adventure of Captain Brady, ' ‘ - are WPPared “WEE†some of me ., . , Fearful Encounter with a Bear- ' Of every description and style, such as: Men’s Loarse, Kip, and Calf Boots, Boy s C , ,P , _ ‘ ' . fl ' y ' ' Jeneia utnam s Dalâ€), Ex )lOits FINEST TEAS " and Youths" Kip and Calf Boots, Women and Children’s Boots and Shoes of every g l l The Massacre at Fort Miinms, mported in this Province. and as CHEAP its variety of slyle; also, a large quantity of _-‘,. 1. The White I] orseman. partake «of ‘ all the wild, weird, and fearful character Of ro- 4:? 23 Ewes, Leicester and South Down 1 Leicester Rain, 2 shear ' 8 do Ewe Lambs 2 do Ram Lambs 14 Fat [legs 10 Store Pigs l Sow and 5 Figs 2 Root Slicers, l Straw Cutter,_i Grindstone, ‘2 Logging Chains, 2 Stigai' Kettles. I set light double Harness, 2 sets heavy Team Har- ness, I set light Buggy Harness. 1 Market 'Waggon iiozi axle and spring seat, 2 Lumber V/aggons, l Spring Waggon with pole, and shafts, I set Buggy Wheels. springs and axle, ] set Bob Sleighs, 1 Market Sleigh, Ia Cutter. 1 Iron Plough, 1 Wooden do, ‘2 Metal do (Richmond’s) 2 Ribbiug do. I set heavy Ilar- rows, 1 set Seed do, ,I Reaping Machine. (Pat- terson’s). 2 Fanning Mills, I-L‘ultivntor, l Iion chffler, 600 bushels 'I‘urnips. about [0 tons of May. 35 cords dry Hardwoodâ€"piled on Yonge Street.l Crosscut Saw, Scytlies, Grain Cra- dles, Forks. Rakes, Spades. A quantity of Household Furniture a. (l sundries not. ellUlller‘ atcd. The above property is well worthy the attention of intending purchasers, and will Positively be So/(l without (my Reserve As the Executors are desirous of winding up the affairs of the estate. ' Term :â€"‘};8. and under. Cash: over that amount ['2 months credit. by furnishing ap- proved joiiit notes. The Sa‘e being large, the Auctioneer will commence promptly at I0 O‘clock, ii in Lunch at noon, .l, GORTIILEY, Auctioneer. WM, ELLIS, THOMAS LECG. \Vhitchiirch. Out. 16. 1862. .‘2 Excel/tors, GOOD AND CHEAP 1’. SA I.) Y- M A D E CLOTHING 3. Wm. 3. P0110011 BEGS most respectfully to announce to his Customers and the Inhabitants ofihe stir- roundiiig neighborhood, that his Stock of Ready-made "‘Iotliiug is now complete,-â€"hav- ing every size in Men’s COA TS, PANTS é‘ VES TS In various description of cloth and latest styles, Men’s Satinctt UiiderCoals. from. .$4§, to 86% “ Fine Broadcloth do ‘° .. 5 to 8 “ Fancy Tweed hand Full cloth do " .. 5 to 8 “ Whitney do “ .. 6 to 8 " Moscow Beaver do “ .. 7; to 9 “ Vests. in variety of material . . l to 3 " ï¬ne Black Caesimerc and Docskin Pants. “ .. 3 to 6 “ Satinott and Full clath do “ . . l3 to 3% “ Tweed and fancy Cassi- mcre do “ . 2 to 5 “ Beaver and Pilot Over Coats, (heavy lined) , “ 5 Moscow Beaver 6:. Sealskin 7 to 11 Willi an excellent assortment of Full Cloths, 'I‘weeds. Doeskins, ()assimeres, Rod and Fancy Flannel Long Cloth and Stripped Shirts, Drawers and Union Shh-ts, Cloves, Socks, Mufflers, Fancy Ties, Biaccs, Overhalls, &c. Customers will ï¬nd it to their advantage to Call & Examine the Stock Which will be found at all times varied and choice, and as cheap as the same quality of Goods can be purchased at in Toronto. Don’t forget to call at I WM. S. POLLOCK, (Late G, A. Bernard’s Richmond I‘Ii'l) October 1862. 204-5 Iiiiiiiii iiiiiii HE Vaughan Agricultural Society’s I’LOUGHING MATCH will take place on the Farm of Mr. Walter Dalziel, Lot No. 8, 5th Gen. Vaughan, on FRIDAY, October 24, 186:2, (I ‘ I’Vheu the following premiums will be awarded, petition, FIRST CLASS"'IRON PLOUGHS. First Prize, a Plough, value . . . . . . . . . “$22 00 | 2nd do Cash.............. . . . . . . . 1000 3rd do Cash 600 .SECOND CLASS---WO0DEN PLOUGHS. First Prize, :1 Plough, value . . . . . . . . . .3’522 00 2nd do Cash 1000 3rd do Cash..................... 600 THIRD CLASS---FOR BOYS UNDER YEARS OF AGE First Prize, :1 Plough presented by Mr. Abell, of Burwick, do Cash . . . do 9nd 3rd neuu..~u..luto...g$600 Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 400 FOURTH CLASS. First Prize, 8 Plough presented by Messrs, Patterson, Of Richmond Hi'l. Cash .... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash-.-. ' 2nd 3rd do do $6 on 4 on ..i..-....... . . . . . October III. 1862.- ' Coghlin, Thus '31 N! .I.SIIAl-'1'IliI "I’IVH NI USI'IVHG GNV-I , build G t0 3 (0 RICHMOND HILL. 000m GRMMAR seuoon Will commence on ’ Monday, 13th October, .1862. Under L, II, Evans. Esq. B. A. . M. T iS'ecrielliry. " 5202-2 Letters Iteinaininpin RICHMONDHILL PostOflice OCTOBER. 1, .063. - . Bell, 'Mi's. Anti Benson, Mrs Cober, Peter Lawrenrefl. Catherine Lawrence. Nellie Moulds. E. 'i McGravey. John McNeer, Mathew McGiIl, Ann J. McConueI. John Mckeuzie. Vlurdock Shepard, Hariet Simpson, James Sicelc. .I, M. ' \Viisliiiigton, John W’aisou. Mrs. D. \V. “’ilson. John Yale, Win. Duncan, William Dunhum. David Douahy, Thomas Davis, Nothaiiicl Fraser, George Fierheller. Adam R Godfrey, James Green. Mrs. Grant, George (3») I‘Iumphiey, J . Harrington, Maggie Law. T. V. 000,000 MALE orrsiiituigcuu . TO SELL LLOYD‘S NEW S'i‘EEL†PLATE ' " COUNTY COLORED use ‘ or‘TIui: ' ' United†States, Canadas and New Brunswick. From recent surveys, completed Aug. 10, 1862; cest $20,000 to engrave it and one year's time, Superior to any $10 map ever made by Col- ton or Mitchell, and sells at the low price of ï¬fty cents; 370,000 homes are eIIgraVed on this map. ~ ,It is not only a County Map, but it is-also a COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP Ofthe United States and Can'adas combined in one. giving Evnitr RAILROAD STATION and distances between, Guarantee any woman or than $3 to $5 per day. and will take back all maps that cannot be sold and refund the money. Send for $1 worth to try. V , - Printed Instructions how to canvass well. furnished all our agents, WANTEDâ€" Wholesale Agents for our Maps in evory State, California, Canada, England. France and Cuba. ‘A fortune may be made With-a few hundredtdollars capital, No Com- J. 'I‘. LLOYD, 164 Broadway, N.Y. The War Department uses our Map of Vir. ginia, Maryland and I’ennsylvania,cost $100,- 000. on which is marked Antietam Creek, Sharpsburg, Maryland Heights, Williamsport Ferry, Rdorersville, Noland’s Ford. andall others OII the Potomac, and every other place in Maryland. Virginia and Pennsylvania. or money refunded. ’ LLOY D’S TYPOGRAPHICAL MAP or KENTUCKY, OHIO, INDIANA and ILLINOIS, Is the only authority for Gen. ‘Bllell and the War Department. Money refunded to any one ï¬nding an error in It. Price 50 cents. From the Tribune, Aug, .2, " LLOYn’s MAP or VIRGINIA, MARYLAND and PENNSYLVANIA.â€"The Map is very large; its cost is but ‘25 cents ; and it is. the best that can be purchased,†LLLOYD’S GREAT Mar or run B’IISSISSIPPI Work in this class to be done with Ploughs of RIVERâ€"~-Fl‘01n Actual Surveys by Capts. Bart Messrs. Patterson ‘5 Man ii l'acture. Ploughmen resident in the township to pay $2 entrance . do Non-resident do do $3 Boys resident do do 1 do Non-resident do do 2 The winner of ï¬rst prize. in the 1st and 2nd class. to pay $4 extra for the beneï¬t of the Society. The furiows not to be less than 6 Inches deep, and 14 hours allowed to the acre. Entries to be made bv 9 o‘clock on the morn- ing of the match. I’loughs to start at half-past 9 o’clock, JAS HARVEY, ARTHUR M’NEIL, _. Secretary. President. Vaughan, October 15. 1862. and Wm, Bowen. Mississippi River Pilots. of St. Louis. Mo., shows every man’s plantation and owner’s name from St, Louis to the Gulf OI Mexicoï¬-I35ll Inilesé-every sand bar, island, town, landing, and all places 20 miles back from the river-«colored in Counties and States. Price. $1 in sheets, $2 pocket, form, and $53.50 on linen. with rollers. Ready Sept. 20. I London, Sept. II, 1862. Hotel Keepers. Nurserymen, Forwarders, I’rofessiornl Men. &c. 6L0. will ï¬nd that their announcements can only he made thoroughly known through the COIUlnllS‘OI‘ The" “Globe.†Toronto, September 20. 186‘}. 200-4 PUBLIC TESTIMONIAL. TO MESSRS. TACKA BURY BROTHERS, Map Publishers. London. SW. ENTI.E.\II€ZN,â€" HAVING OBSERVED ' T AN ADVERTISEMENT printed in the Globe. signed John Ferris Ward, agent for Geo. C, 'l‘remain, which we considei unjust, and calculated not only to injure you in your business, but to mislead the public as well, we beg to present the following - Testimonial. ,VVe, the undersigned, have carefully oxa. mined the nov Copper I’Iate Map of Canada West recently published by you. and ï¬nd it to he very accurate and reliable, We cannot speak too highly of the artistic skill displayed in the execution of the work. which needs but to be seen to be appreciated. As subscribers for the Map. we are well satisï¬ed You have redeemed }our pledges. and done even more than you promised, To all wishing a really good Map of Upper Canada, we can recomim Iid this wotk, as be- ing all the publishers claim for it. Augustl1862. Signed, Gilbt Griflin, P. O. Inspector, London. L. Lawless, P. M., do Samuel Peters, P, L. S., &c., do Wm,Robiuson,P. L. S,.&City Engineer do W in . "/lcClary. P L, S, W. C. L, Gill,'Registror, 510., do C. II .Fei-geson, Deputy Registrar, Co. . - Middlescx, do Adam Murray, Treasurer-Co. Middlesex, do James Ke’efer. Co..CIei-k,' do do John C. Meredith. Clerk No. I Division, Court, do W. Horton, Recorder. do 'J, Shaiiley, Master in Chancery, . do Henry C. R. Beecher, (3., do E. Jones l’arke, Barrister, &c.. do John Carling. M I’..I’., do Kerr, McKenzie do Co. wholesale mer- ‘ chants, do Adam Hope & Co. wholesale merchants, do James Scott, G. Sec'y B. A, O. of Good ’I‘emplars, do Wm. Haskiiis,l’.L.S. & City Engin’r, Hamilton Thos. A. Blythe. l’. L.S.. &c. do Buchanan, Harris &. Co., wholesale merchants, do _ D. Mcluis &. Co., wholesale mer- chants, do Brown, Gillespie do Go. do. do. do '1‘. B. Harris, Gd, Sec. A, F. & A Masons, do John Hood Greer, Registrar Co, VVentworth. do John Dewe, P. O. Inspector, Toronto. Dennis & Gossage, I’. L. 8.. Sec, do Geo. Ilodgins, Dept. Supt. Education for U. C. ane author of Lovell’s General Geotiraphy, do Unwin Sc Miles, I’. L. Surveyors, &.c., do F, F, Passmore, P,.L. 8., die, do Iii? The Public are cautioned against a map which is nowbeiiig copied from the Copper Plate map in lythograph and advertised as Treniuiu’s Map 0‘ t aiiada \Vest. TACKA BU RY BROTHERS. ISIS-4t. r l" ’ 1 T r ‘1 Illh V ICIORIA TEA'VVAREHOUSE No. 93 King Street, SIGN OF THE QUEEN, Is the place in Toronto, to bin pure BIII'K II llllll THIS, 0 I‘ only because the proprietotyEDWARD LAVVSON.is one of the oldest and most experienced Tea-qu ers in the trade, but from the fact that he purchases his Teas in such large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby eu- abliug him to sell at a very SJIIALL AD VANCE ON COST, Fulï¬lling the old adage “ Large Sales. Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returns ;†a'so in COFFEES, SUGAKS Fruits, Spices 'AND Illllllll. Illillllllllllll I He cannot be uiidersold. HIS BISCUITS AND Are unsurpassed for quality and price, all being manufactured on the premises, from the best material by ï¬rst-class workmen. Iced and Ornamented “'edding and Other Cakes Always 011 band or made to order in any style on the shortest notice. Orders by mail and otherwise. attended to with dispatch All Goeds warranted as repre- sented, and dGIIVered free of charge to the cars NAVY DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, or in the city limits, Sept. 17,1802. J: T. LLOYD-â€"Sirt Send me your Map Of the gig?» NO SECOND PRICE. Missismppi River, with price per hundred 00- Remember the Placeâ€"â€" pies. Rear-Admiral Charles H. Davis. com- manding the Mississippi squadron, is authoriz- ed to purchase as many as are required for the use of that squadron. ' CIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy Toronto, Feb. 5. 1852- No. 93 KING STREET, SIGN or THE QUEEN. EDWARD LAWSON, Proprietor. IN. THE WORLD, icau BE SOLD north of Toronto, Black Souchong Tea, 2s. 6d. (817 3s. Do Extra Fine Flavour" . . . . . . its. Gunpowder Tea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ls. “ Fine Japan Tea. (sun dried) . . . . . 4s. 6d. “ Pure, Fine Fresh Young IIyson,. . 4s. 6d. “ Young Hyson, Extra. Full Favor- _ ed and strong, nnt surpassed, " if equalled. in Canada. . . .. . 5s. “ We trust that purchasers will examine, and give us one trial. which Will makegood every assertion, _ At W. S. POLLOCK'S, (Late G. A, Bernard’s.) Richmond Hill, Sept. 25, I862, WM. WHAuiN, Watches, Clocks & Jewelery, 123 King Street West, ROSIN‘ uousr. BLOCK. 1 TOBON‘IPO, Has just received HIS FA LL , STOCK . F FINE Gold and Silver Watches, Colored and Bright Gold Guards, Alberts, Brace- lets, Brooches, Signet aiid Gem, Rings, Ear- rings. Solitaire-s, Lockets, Charms Necklets. Thimbles. Pen and Pencil Cases, Silver, Jet and Mourning Jeweleryâ€"all of the newest de- signs: also.FineGoId Wedding Rings. and At Lower Prices than is char Spectactles to suit all sights. ' ' Watches. Clocks and Jewelery ‘ ‘- .., - -' 70 i. ‘i 7:!» i , » in i Richmond Hill, Aug. 28, 1862. MAM M Mwmn" r. w.i""M‘4 m; w ‘. - l "I ' WE llIiiiilii Ilium J‘Iiumt h“iii I MOCCASINS 8: OVER SHOES. In fact, he has on hand all that is wanted to protect the feetâ€"for any weather or any season. which lie is prepared to Sell at the I VUNERATIVE PRICES FOR CASH I 'i hose requiring a really good Article, at a Cheap Price, are respectfully requested to CALL AT 20mm BOOT (k9 SHOE STORE, THE OPPOSITE THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. m JAMES HALL, Proprietor. 196 3m. , FRESH ARRIVALS OF ,1 SCHOOL h BOOKS GENERAL STATIONERY, . AT THE “ YORK HERALD†BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL, 1 Carefully Repaired & warranted Orders received for, and great attention paid to 1 167.5... Stofl'ville, Sept '17, 1862; ' To give satisfaction. Remember the addressâ€" " 123 King Street .West, ROSIN HOUSE BLOCK. Toronto, Sept. 19, I862, . 199-3m FINKLE 8t LYON SEWING MACHINE 0001mm. BARN ES __ SINGLE OR DOUBLE! TO parties little acquainted with the Finkle AND :_ db Lyon Sewing Machines the careful perâ€" _ 538 BROADWAY».¢NEW YORK; usal of the Company’s Circular is specially commended. This Circular can be had on ap- plication. It is very speciï¬c, and will be found highly instructive, having been prepared with much care, and we will abide by allstatements therein made. The following brief quotation is characteris- tic of the entire Circular : other Sewmg Machine in market to the freqn’l changes and almost on 'less varietypf‘sowing :, required in a family ; for it will sew fiom one. to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stop- ping, and making every stitch perfect Will sew from the ï¬nest gause'tothe-heaviest cloth, and evon to the stoutest harness leather, with- out changing the feed. needle. or tension, or making any adjustment of machine whatever.†Thus have we successfullv overcome the most difï¬cult point in the Sewing Machine Art, It was no ordinary triumph. Deï¬antly can we say. “ No other Machine compares with it in this respect.†Hence have we uniformlyâ€"al- fi 0 OKBIN DIN G I \Vhich will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. Richmond Hill, August 29, 1862. S! 195 amnesst HEAVY OR LIGHT MAY BE HAD OF It “7 III II“ flu, . . , v. i ‘1, t II I. . It, .. “I fill "hilt “Iiiiitlm ‘ ll‘Illl (Tin “tilt lilo .i‘lii'l ml HE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purchasers, and of the best materials, HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. An assortment of VVHIPS, LASl-IES, Sic. constantly on hand. “ This Machine is better adapted than any Collars warranted to Fit, Look. do Wear Well. Also, kept for Sale Patterson & Bro’s. Plows, Points, Landsides, (if? Call and Examine, Richmond Hill, October 17, 1861. MA...†_..__.-.~.__’,.____._._..__.. .. _v___~___...__._.___~_w ‘H E Subscriber begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that he nas ï¬lled up his Grist and Flour D potion. Mllll. lVIill most withou‘ exception_taken the - highest In a superior manner, and is now prepared l0 do premium, when the Machine has been properly GRIS‘I‘ING! exhibited in competition with other ï¬rst-class 0“ the Shortest POSSibIB "0000- Sewing Machines. Hence is it that we are able to oï¬'er the following guarantee. viz :â€" †We Warrant every Machine we sell to give better satisfaction than any other Sewing Ma- chine now in markel,or money refunded.â€â€" We never sell a M achine on any othei terms The guarantee is as reliable as the note of any business man in‘lhe land. _.For more than ï¬ve years have We relied upon such facts for the reputation Ofour Machine ; and without a single travelliugagent in' the ï¬eld, there is scarcely a neighborhood on the continent where the Ma- chine is not favorably known._ We prefersuch l a reputation to one based on mere " talking points,†as they are technically called in the trade. Hence we make but one kind of stitclis i viz : the lock-stitch. alike on both sides. requir- ing :nly one-third the thread of other kinds of stitches. . N. B. Local agents wanted in every county throughout the West. Special inducements offered. Finkle & Lyon 8. M. 00, 198-6m 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Charles Ta ggart, BREAD AND FANCY BISCUIT BAKER, CONFEGTIONER, 8w. EGS to intimate that he will commence business in the . Village of Stouï¬ville, be liapny to supply parties in the neighborhood with the best Ol'evervthing in his line, at low i prices. IL? Pic-nic'I’arties and Tea Meetings supplied on the most reasonable terms Flour, Oats. Peas. Ham, &c, for sale. ' _ 200-bit) He also takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage he has received during the past six years, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. NE. A choice lot of Hams, Bacon, and Barrel Pork, for sale. GEO. ARKSEY. Richmond Hill. August 5, 1862. 193-2m BOOTH & SONS, INFORM THE P UBLIC, That they have taken the Store, III]. III Ylllllil STREET, AMERON’S Block, opposited H. B. WILLIAMS, until the premises lately l occupied by them, corner of Yonge J“ Queen Streets, ARE REBUIL'I‘. OUR MANUFACTUING DEPARTME T, Is continued as usual, and we are prepared to attend promptly to all orders, with which we may be entrusted. BOOTH & SONS. Toronto, May 11. 1862. 159-13. RICHMOND HILL 3 LIBRARY ASSOCIATION I About the latter part of October. when he will ' :THIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘ IIERALI) ’ Book Store, :wliere Stockholders and others may procure 'BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from 4 to 8 , LOW for g o'clock. PM, , A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, Feb. 27. 186}. at W M. HARRISON’S 151-3m s. B. HENDERSON. M.D. Oculist and Aurist, (Late of No 658 Broadway. New York.) HAS just opened an Ofï¬ce at No. 174 King , St., Toronto, where he intends remain-- ing a few months, and will give his echuSIVe attention to the treatment of Diseases of the EYE, EAR and LUNGS. Dr. H. has prac- tised for upwards of 10 years in NEW YORK,witli unexampled success. Hundreds ot'testimonials. from persons who have been cured by him, can be seen at his ofï¬ce. Cataracts and Ainarosis treated with success. also. Brunchitis, Sore Throat. and all Diseases ofthe Lungs. Arti- ï¬cial Eyes inserted without an operation. [‘oronto, Sept. 9. ’62. 198-3m VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, CONTAINING 35. Aores of Excellent Land, being the South East part of Lot. NO. 12, 4th Con. Markham, formerly owned bv CAPT. MARTIN. There is a go'od Frame House and Barn, and other holdings;- and a good bearing Orchard of choice Fruit Trees. The For it is nearly free ot‘stumps and well watered. For further par- ticulars apply, (on the premises.) to JAMES HOLMES. Buttonville. P.O. 1 Markham. Sept. 24. 1862, [CHEAP FOR CASH": r HE Subscriber. in returning thanks to his numerous customers who have so liber- ally supported him for upwards of ï¬ve years. would state that lie Continues to manufacture, « AT ins OLD STAND,†BOOTS AND SHOES! of every description. and of the best materials, and after the Latest Style, and hopes by close attention to business, combined with moderate charges, to ensure a continuance of their favor. He would also beg to intimate to the lube. bitants Of Richmond Hill and vicinity. that he has on hand quite an assortment of LADIES’ &. CHILDREN’S BOOTS &. SHOES I which he offers , 200-5 JAMES VERNEY. Richmind Hill, April I7, 1862. 1716a; god in Toronto. Black Dick and the Lynchers. Adventures of Simon Kenton, A She-Devil arrong the Tories. The Swamp Robbers of Louisanna, Thrilling Escape from 3. Prison Ship, The Riï¬emun of Chippewa, Surprised by Guerillas, , v The Canadian Rebellion and Gen. Scott, A Desperado’s Thrilling Adventures, ' ' How a Brave Man saved Detriot. ‘ '. r A Desperado among the Mail Bags, .. The Indians and the Hollow Log, ' The Traveller and the Arkansas Bully. ' A Race for Life, ,, Thrilling Adventures of Two Scouts. The'Murderer’s Ordeal, ' ‘ The Wolves and the Darkey Fiddler. The Murderer’s Creek, «Sec. 65c. Everybody everywhere should get TIIR ILLING ‘ A D VEN Tongs I The Book contains 384 pages, Illustrated with ,I‘wo Hundred new and original Engrav- ings, and will be sent to any address, postage paid. 011 receipt ofprice. Extra cloth. $1.25. We are also Publishers of ' EVERYBODY’S LAVVYEB“& COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, by Frank Crosby. qu. Price, $1.25. ' _ ' THE 'HORSE AND HIS ‘DiI‘Sv gikgtjES, by Dr.,Robert Jennings, V.S."Price. THE FAMILY DOCTOIl,.:-.By Prof, H. S. Taylor, M.D. Price, $I.00, " ,3 SUNLIGHT AND SHADOJIY', or.“ The Ponrnv or HOME.†by Harry Pencil- er, Price $1.00 I â€" ‘ _ LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF KIT CA RSON, The: Great western Hunteli and Guide. Price $1.25.. .' _ , MODERN COOKERY, in all its branches by Mrs. Hale. Price $1.00., Togclheri'wni other valuable and useful works, a Catalogue of which will be sent free on applicdtidhfsulo Books torwarked to any address, postage" paid. 011 receiptofpi‘ice. We also make . PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS in every virility- Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents. Cauvassers, Peddlers, and otlierswill do Well to crdera package of our books. Thev,,.wil,l ï¬nd them exceedingly popular,and terms liberal 1000 Local & Travelling Agents Wanted everywhere for their sale. . For single copies, or for terms in quantities, with Other information apply to or address JOHN EDWIN POT [‘Elt,'Pulilisher, I87 No. 6l7, Sansom {St-Philadelphia. Pa; .3 ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and «EX. HAUSTION. New editions enlarged toll-)9 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Eugravings on Steel, just publislied,priceâ€lsi HE SILENT FRIEND, the gl'S'aIBSIB‘IOIII" cal Work ofihe Age, on Youthful Indis- cretions and Consequent Impediments to 'Mare riage, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restorar tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pear sibility of contamination. , “i f :" Also to be had f’I'Om all Agents in all parts Of the world. EXTR'AO'I‘S FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price 6d., which contains directions for the guidance of patients. i i , , Messrs, ll. &. L. PERRY 62: Co. are only to be consulted at their iesideuce, No. 19; Berners Stroet. Oxford Street. London, as they never, under any circumstances, travel either ,at home- or abroad. and they hereby caution the Public- against any person rising their name. and as a. further precaution against fraud, 'the Public is notiï¬ed that none of their medicines are. “ge- nuine. unless the subjoined foc-similie of. their signature is attached to their different wrap- pers. ‘ Gau’aa'i‘tvn & MUSCULAR POWER Rsexiusn BY THE use or Perri/‘8 Cordial Balm of Syriaczlm. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GIIEA'I‘ES'RRE-r _GENERATOR; a never-failing reinedufor‘ Sperinatorrhm. loss of manly power, pro' tibedi by early indiscrctions. or any other cause-h- It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have doomed themselves incurable atouce to fulï¬l the most sacred obligations of married life. Price 11s. per bottle, or, four quantities in one. 33s,, which saves lls. ,"an'd in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £1 I931“ PERRY’S CONCENTRA’I‘ED DETER- SIVE ESSENCE, a remedy for Syphilis iirall‘ its stages, also for purifying the system ’t‘r‘bm contamination, recommended for" secondary symptoms, blotchos on the head and face.'eu- Iargement of the throat. tonsils. and uvulav; its beneï¬cial iiifluenCe on the system is undeni- able. Price Ils. and 33s. per bottle,‘als‘oa saving of 115. ' I’ERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF COI’AIBA AND CUBEB SUGAR-COA'I‘ED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known. The Globulesfcouo tainiug the Quintessence of Copaiha, Cube-be, Buchu, &c., at once cure. without the possibi- lity of failure, Gouorrhma. obstinate Glee‘t, Stricture, etc, immediately subdu’rirg all-iii- flammatory action; Encased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4S. 6d. and Ils. per box. HEALTH Durmns orou I’unn Pacer).â€" PERRY’S PUIIIFYING‘ SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin. such as Scurvy, Sci‘of'iila, Ulcers, Bails. Blotches, I’iinples on the face and. hotliy.‘ Price 11's.,and 335. per box- Sold at Messrs. RI, & L. PERRY& Co‘s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Berners Street, Ox- ford Sti'oet, London, " Agents; BARCLAY dz. Co... 75, Farringdou Street, London. May 23'. 1862. a GOOD THING. DR. HOI’E’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth | trial, inany case of Piles, Burns, Scolds, Old 801‘ Inflamed or Soro' Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin; arid in every me where an ointment is useful. It will in Commend itself, after one trial. a 8 I82". \_.,....