[For the York Herald. BACHELOR SMITH. â€"- “Pip-H 11'! .â€"- Ann so Smith is laughed3 at because he is growing old; Young ladies smile. and handy jokes with him, and at him, about the pleasures of batchelordom, the honors pertaining to grey hairs, &c.; and old [ladies eXpress themselves as feeling per- fectly at home when in the corn- pauy of Mr. Smith. Grave mammas, with marriagable daughters, never look the least on- easy when they see him enjoying a pleasant tete-a-tete with Kate or Jennie. Bless their dear motherlx hearts, they would as soon think of their handsome blondes, or pretty brunettes receiving a proposal from Giles the plougliman,Mtke the stone- ct‘ackcr, or the little old man with the wooden leg and one eye, who keeps the fruit stall round the cor- ner. as from bachelor Smith. Yet Smith is always Welcome.and Smith believes the fault to rest with batcheiors themselves that they are not invited to Christmas merry- makings and New Year parties.â€" l-Ie always is. And then the kinle greeting he receives. not for the value of the crown jew- els forego the pleasurable feeling that creeps over him, as amiable host- esses address him as dear Mr. Smith. Miss Anny taps him on the shoul- der with her taper ï¬ngers, and asks him to sing with herâ€"for Smith is not yet so old that a shake has crept into his rich barytone; and Ann) knows her Soprano always chords with Mr. Smith’s tenor. She sings when he stands beside her. Her voice falters, and she misses the keys when attempting to sing with the poor but handsome Charlie Rawlins, whom mamrna dislikes.â€" And it is but making a toil of a pleasure, trying the last new song, with the voice of that odious Mi. Adolphus Sriookcs braying in her car, although he is very rich, as well as very ugly. and mamma wants her to marry him. Poor Anny, there are thousands like you in the world, who loving one man and being wanted to love another, marry neither, spend the flower of their life in sadness, and if they do not pass away from earth's sorrows ere halftheir days have va- nished, they quietly drop into the position of Dickens’ ‘Good Aunt,’ and after death there is found tied with a faded ribbon, a little paper packet containing a miniature and a lock of hair. It is an old tale, and speculative ambitious parents little think of the life-sorrow they are planting, when opposing the laws of human affecâ€" tion for the sake of gold. Yes, Smith repeats he is always welcome. At the evening party, if the young ladies laugh, Mr. Smith has been witty; iftliey look senti- mental, and Mr. Smith serious. he is giving them a chapter of the long ago of his life; and if they have gathered round him closer than usual, rest assured he is either nar- rating some of the ‘hair-breadth escapes’ he has experienced iii his traVels, describing the death scene and what came of it in the last novel, or else descanting upon the beauties of the latest dress pattern. And who dare say Smith is not useful. Mrs. Jones intends giving a party. Whom does she ask 1â€"â€" Who is to be invited, and who not 1' Mr. Smith. There is to be a bazaar got up in aid of the funds of ‘ The reclaimed rag-a-muflin Association.’ Who heads the subscription list? Smith. \Vho is the Secretary? Smith.â€"-â€". marry,’â€"‘ pest to societv,’â€"‘ past . . , _ _ ' , . . . savrng, â€" ‘ bacliclorhâ€"riugtng in his ears. » Smith Would , \Vho engages the Town l’lall?-â€". Smith. Whose boots creal; the loudest. and whose voice sounds the clieeriest whilst the bazaar is going on? Why, Smtth’s. Arid who auctions off the goods left. and buys them in at twice their value? \Vhy Smith, of course i ‘ Upon whom do young ladies make their first call when on their ‘ Mis- s-iouarying’ tour on a ï¬ne frosty morning in Januaryl Why, Mr. Smith. Young men when they have an evening hour hanging idly on their hands say, ‘Let us go round to Smith’s.’ Smith’s room, when he is athome, is always open, and the young men are always Welcome, and they know it. Many a‘pleasant time do they pass with Smith.â€" ,Many a little trouble vanishes be- torc one of Smith’s kindly smiles, and the smoke of one of Smith's best cigars. for Smith keeps cigars, but he prefers a lung pipe that he brought from the ladies. \Vriting about Smith’s smoking reminds the that he was disobliging once iii his life. and that was when Mrs. Gt'izzle, Deacon Grizzle’s wrfe. stopped Smith on the street, and asked him to sign the ‘Anti-To- bacco Petition.’ Poor Smith, he blushed arid stammetcd (for he never likes to say ‘ no,’ not even to Mrs. Deacon Grizzle) and then with his most. graceful bow and blandest smile, ‘ begged to be excused.’ and passed on with the butt ends ofstray d sentences, each as ‘ filthy habit,’-â€" ‘ young mcn,’â€"â€"‘ putty cx_aiiiple,’-â€" tlgorr'id ci‘catui'c,‘-â€"-.:‘ never ought to me it; was a pound of sugar.’ Half-an. hour afterwardsl drop- ped in upon Smith. » was blow- iiig a cloud, and idly tracing with his pencil upon the blank space of a newspaper the old. proverb, "Sim caigne voluptas. (Every man has his own pleasure.) I might have been mistaken, butt I “1011ng I read- on the margin some words like ‘scaudie,’ ‘backbiting,’ charity," ‘gaping at goats and sWaiilowiug carncls.’ , Some day perhaps Smith willpub- its-h ‘ The Seerets of a Conï¬dence Man ;.’ for Smith has many secrets lodged in his bosom. Marry a time has it been his privilege, (for it is a privilege), to dry â€"â€"."*’F‘he blending ION?! That oft-times fall. tho’ by the world unseen." Many a Christmas hearth is brighter, and many a heart is lighter, for the kindly aid and counsel of batchelor Sn.itli.. John Blouse says, ‘ If it ladn’t :1 been for Mister Smith, he’s sure he doatit. know what might ha happened of his fa- rnily last winter, w on he were down with broken leg.’ And the old widow Riley must have begged long ago had it not been for Smith's generosity. There are those who wonder Stnllil never married . b-u-t r'riairringe is a t-ipic upon which he is always silent, when allusion is made to his being ore of the principal actors iii the little drarrra upon which de- pends the happiness of the greater portion of! a life time. His friends never joke him about it. for its men- tion always causes a painfully sad expression to tilt across nis face.â€" It is strange thrt with all Smith's kindness of heart, he Was never known to shed a tear but once.â€" Stnith loves children, and .itlie Nel- lie Ruskin is the favorite among the crowd of Smith’s little acquaint- ance. Nellie likes Smith to tell her stories ; and one sunny afternoon as Nellie stOod between his knees, with her. mild blue eyes looking iu‘o his, Nellie says ‘ he pushed back her hair, (Nellie has soft golden hair) looked in her face for a long time, and then laid his head on her shoul- der, and when no lifted his head there was a tear on his eye-lash. and a great i) ady drop splashed on her hand.’ That great heady drop had its history, a sad one doubtless, although the world may never know it. Smith is counted the ‘savaiit' of his neighborhood, for he has tra- velled much and read decplv. He is beloved by young and old. rich and poor, grave arid grey. Never do I look upon his cheery intellec- tual lace but I think of tltose beauti- ful lines by Coleridge ‘. lIast than not seen an aged rifted tower. Meet habitation for the ghost of time. VVhei‘e fearlul ravage makes decay sublime. And destitution wears the face'ofpower. Yet is the fabric decked with many a flower Of fragrance wild,and many dapplcd huol Goldl. Istreaked with iron-brown and nodding ) no. Making each ruinous cliink a fairy boweri E’on such a thing rnethinks i l'ain would be. Should heaven appoint me to a lengthened ago. So old in look that young and old may see The record of mv closing pilgrimage ; ' Yet to the last a rugged. wrinkled thing, To whish young sweetness may delight to cling. _._... TAKE CARE OF Your: HARNESS. --â€"More damage is done to a harness during the rainy Weather of early and late winter, than during all the rest of the year. Saturated with water covered wrtii mud, and often froZeu stifi'so as to almost break when bent, in necessary handling. Unusual care should be taken to keep it well oiled and hung up iii proper shape when not in use. Thus treated, it will not only last runny titties hunger, but look infin- itely better than when neglected in the usnrtl triatitici‘. AS to the kind of oil we know nothing better than neat’s foot or the daubtng used by tanners. To give the black co- lor characteristic of new leather, a little. lamp black may be added, ‘vitliout detriment, though it is bet- ter not loose this Sectitlth going over. Before putting on the oil. however, there are two important considerations which must be ob- servedâ€"cleanliness and dampness. The necessity of the first is oovi- one, and the last is not less import- ant, since the oil cannot penetrate the leiitlier and make it set" and pliable if put on when it is dry and hard. One of the best ways to give the leather the required degree of moisture is to wrap up the several parts of the harness iti wet cloths previous to oiling. But this trouble is unnecessary where Washing has been resorted to for cleaning, as the oil may be applied before the lea- ther is entirely dry. The oil should be robbed in briskly with a brush or cloth, so as to ensure its abso'ption. Varnish should never be used, as it closes the pores and renders the pe- netration of the oil more difï¬cult.â€" Vegetabie oils are hardening in their effects, and should never be used for that reasmi. Finally let the application of. all be as frequent as needed, not once a year, as is the rule with soti‘ie,,or almost neVer, as is the practice of many. to" a . ~- 7. : .m I v - 1 v . ,5 .7 , - "Zn-kw :13; ‘. .vstmamwm .. ~~ » v . _ . . . TEETH,TEETH! For Eight Dollhrs. UNI'I‘Y OFLONDON, ' Vv’itli which is Amalgamated the Equitable Fire Office. CAPITAL, £2.5Eo-Eoo, STERLING. Available Assets Fire Depart-m’t $4,541,061 10 Life Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,526,595 46 Deposit Fund in Canada. . . .. . . . ; 50,000 ()0 Deposit Fund in New York... . . 150,500 00' GHIEF OFFICE IN CANADA: ‘ MERCHANTS’ EXC_H_ItNGE MONTREAL. Directors, Fire Department. .I‘ F'rot'hi-ngham, Esq. W. Lnnn, Esq. B. Holmes, Esq. A. Larocque, Esq. Surgeon Dentist, ‘ AS just imported some of the incur m- , LAB Block Teeth. which he will insert for that sum if required. being the same kind as inserted by S. N Peck. and made bv the same titan. He also keeps the best, qualin of 1" lormnc.’ Egg. Teeth. which he will "insert on Gold, Silver. Platenum. or Nulcunined Rubber. CHANGE OF A DVER'I‘LSE‘M ENT. Dr Pizcx will be at Richmond Hill.. . . . . . .Ist day of each month Maple, . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .‘3rd day of each month Kleinbtirg,. . . . . . . . . . . .5th dot of each month Clarevdle, . , . , , . . . , . . .6th day of each niontlt Every description of Aurora. . . . . . . . . . . . the last day ofeach rnontli . v . _ (Except when arty of the ab ve days come on Flre and Llfe 111511131100 Sal‘balh' “'he“ he Wm Miami "’0 dm' [OiIOWlI‘E/V Business transacted at the most moderate rates When he will be happy to wait on amt m- at Premium. (pulping his services in anybranch of his- pro- fession. or make good any work previoiisly i warranted. Trustees in. London : Sir 1V. C. Dalyell, I? C. F‘. Bazina, E50}, Trustees in: New York : S. Livingston. ï¬rmofilarcb.y& Livingston. Wm. H . Macy. Pres’t Leather-Manufact Bank W. Sherman, ï¬rm of Duncan, Sherman &Co- W. P. REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N. A. . . Agent for Torontoâ€"ART†UK M. JARVIS Ieeth extracted for thosn not able to pay. free, Ofï¬ce, 67 Yonge Street, 2nd Door South of AmoraJ-nne $20. 1862 168-1v King. , Toronto, April 1‘2. 1861 IQB-Iy 185 YONGE S'I'ALE'I‘. MONUMEN 8,â€"T-0MB TABLES. TOMBS'I‘ONES 5L0. Twenty Per Cent. Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. P 0 W E L L ’ S CANADIAN SWING PUMPS ! r CKNOWLEDGED by 500 Farmers, Pro- fessional Gentlemen and others (who have them working in Wells, varying iii depth from. 10 to 133 feet) to be the EASI EST WORKED. MOST DURABLE and EFFI- CIENT over offered to the Public. [13’ Price 60 Cents foot. No extra charge for Top. Every Pump Warranted l Orders for these Pumps addressed to C. POWELL, Willowdalo, 0.1" Will receive I’ro'upt Attention. November, 7, 1862. HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of D. C. &. \V. YALE. willcoii- tinuc the business under the stir-perintondonce of Our duly authorized agents, Aux-run Anal)! and D. CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. l’,S.â€"-â€"All notes and accounts remaining tin- paid on the Ist day of June. 1858, will he put 202. lv, into Court for collection, C. YALE. C. CUMMER. ' W0 R M S. For destro lug Worms in children SITTZER‘S vanmvuei. CANDY is by far the niost pleasan Info, and effectual remedy now in use. Try it l 80 by all dOIlOfl in medicines. ' Toronto, April 9%}. 1859. Desirable Village Property For Sale. r HE Subscriber offers for Sale two valuable I VILLAGE LOTS. situated iii the very centre of the fast rising town of Port Eight, on Lake Huron, and iii the County of Bruce: the Lots are known as Lots No. 40 and 41, in block N0. 87 of the Village. This is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make a home for hiriiself. The shipping from the Port is considerable, and a pushing and improving business is done iii the t.owrv-â€"-t'or a Mechanic the opening is unequallch For particulars apply at the ‘IIMIALD Ov- J. GORML E Y, COMMISSIONER IN queen’s BENCH, Conveyancrr and Auctioneer, LOT 31. 4TH Con. Maxim/1M. September 18, 1860. 9~5~tf Auction Notice. . a .’ t THOMAS BOWMAN, mm or 0 WM. COURTNEY. Licensed Auctioneer, Richmond trait, Apri124. 1862. t78-tr. FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK it. PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira.†P.O. wil recoivo prompt attention. Orders received at ' the “York I'Iei'aidâ€()liic», Richmond Hill; DRS. S. N. St P. B. PECK, SURGEON DENTISTS, WILL 111'. I" Mr. Henry Lemon. Thornhill. and Mr. James Newmarket. Isl, 2nd and 3rd of Each Month; 'C‘uvunna '. il’innswn Honse, Sharon. where Bradford, 4th (f Each Month; lerms. «SL0- may [)0 Oblallled- Cookstown, 5th of Each Monti: ; Bond Head. 6th Brownsville, 7th King Station. 81h Stoutivillo. 23rd of Each Month; Markham Vil.24th,and'§251h of Eacirh‘lonth; Brown ’5 CornersAth Con .of Markham 26th do.: Richmond Hill. Nicliolis’ Hotel, 27th " Maple, Watts-en’s I’lotei . . . . . . . . . . 98b Kloiiiburg llotol,......... ..29;h If any of the above days comes on Sunday, that place will' be omitted till the following month. of Each Month ; of Each Month; of Each Month ;. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. 6241‘ Eave Troughs, Water Shouts, Cistrons and Pumps, Manufactured and for Sale by JOHNLANGSTAFE S'rmn Mums, '1'nonrvntr.r.. Juno 3. 1859. .6 O‘ coo- When he will he prepared to attend to any Professional Calls, or make good any operation previously warranted. Those who require Artiï¬cial Teeth can have a full ripper set of best. quality of Block Teeth. inserted oti Vulcanized Rubber. for $5, usually charged $25 by other Dentists. Teeth ï¬lled with Gold, Silver or ï¬lling. To remove inisapprehonsion, he begsto an- nounce that all work \Varranted what it is Guaranteed to lie, or no charge. Teeth Extracted with the least possible l’aiu. By Dr. E. C. EDMONDS, SURG 1'20†DENTIST. A 1‘) RORA. \Vhite Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations iii his Profession. performed iii the most approved manner and Warranted' ' ‘ Aurora. March 9. 1860~ 67-1)! Particular attention paid to the Regulation ofCHIl.|)llE.\â€S 'l‘I’IlCTlI. N.B.â€"â€"I’arties requiring Artificial Teeth are requested to Call and Examine Specimens. ll? Teeth inserted cheaper than by any other {Dost iii the Province. Newmarket. May 29, 1862. GEO. MOP HILLIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL. (3.1V. December 14. 1860. w. G. TAYLOR. VETERINARY SURGEON, Member of the Royal College of KS. I N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- ment heretofore received begs to intimate that he is now prepared to treat all , Diseases of .fluimals .' At his own stables on the shortest notice. and can wrtli conï¬dence warrant a euro in all cases wrthin the reach of medical skill and treatment. Residemca-Nem' the Eagle .Hchl. N.B. No Charge for Stablitig. Newrnarket, Feb. ‘26, 1862. ISQ-Iy â€"â€"__. 1W. C. ADAMS. D. D. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING sr. msr SOUTH SIDE. Turin) noon wrzsr FROM CHURCH s‘r. 'roaorvro. .1va AND IMPROVED Map of Upper Canaan! OULD you secure a valuable and orna- mental Work of Reference ?‘ Subscribe or [he PARTICULAR attention given to the regu- T h. l S . y , lation of Children’s Tenth. Consultation Ypograp 10a ! tatIStlca-l free. and all work warranted. AND Illustrated Map of Upper Canada In preparation by Geo. C. Tremaine, the old and well-known publisher of Descriptive County Maps. Dr, A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches. and can supply the profession with Teeth. Gold. Vulcanized Apparatus and Vulcanite Rubber, and the best Bone filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver. or Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto,October II, 186“ 49-“ (3’ Residents of the Province everywhere wlll be called on by Local or Travelling agents Toronto. May 1861. l38-tf H. & J. HARRISON Flour Barrel Heading, Stave and = Shingle Manufacturers, and Lumber Platters. NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and fur bilious complaints, Sick Headache, Costiveness, &c., we should any BRIGGS’ mum VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. FANNING MILLS& PUMPS E Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub» T“ be generally, that he manufactures the utcst improved PUMPS AND FANNING MILLS In his Shop, at Stouï¬'ville, where all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt atten- Seasoned Flooring and Siding kept on hand, and Planed to order iii quantities to suit pur- chassis. i1? Factoryâ€" on Markham and Elgin Mills Plank Road. P.O. address, Richmond Hill. June 7. 1661. 32-Gin Fire 8; Life Insurance Association; SILENT .1. G. Mackenzie, Esq, lliE arsr IS ALWAYS his cargpgsr, 't‘tiatin'ro t‘l’l‘l’ tillltllHlifllllllSé 0N. NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- HAUSTION. New editions enlarged to I90 v‘i‘ # 5"“;rges, illustrated Colored . r wait i. a... i . . ‘ngr-avmgs on Steel, Just published, price 18. BLENDpthe-greatest Mediâ€" cal Work‘o h3‘Agei.cu“Youtlrful Indis- crotions aud- consequent Impedimeuts to Mar- - HealthJIappi on. 13’UCHAN’S VEGETABLE no. it who MEDICINES, prepared from the Prescriptions of the late- Dr. Buchan, Fellow of the Royal College or Physicians, &c,. &c.â€"-â€" Cures are daily made. and their efï¬cacy proved “9130; describing 131° Almomy Of 5’9 Rat’m' in thousand ofcases, attested-before the Alder- ductive System in. heaItIi and disease, and pointing out thesure means of perfect restora- tion to. manhood : with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the .pos sibility of contamination. Also to be had from all'Ag the world. EXT‘RAOTS F ROIE THEf‘SILENT FRIEND. price 6d.,' which contains directional for-this guidance of patients. Messrs. Rf. dz. L. PERRY a C0. are only to be consulted at their residence, No. 19. Barriers I Street, Oxford Street. London, as they never, I under any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad. and they hereby.- caution “thoPublic . against any person using their name. and as a ' further precaution against fraud. the Public is notiï¬ed that) none of their medician are ge- nuine. unless the subjoiiied fan‘similic of their signature is attached to their different wrap- pets. Grzu‘nn‘tvn: dz. Moscutmn rowan Rectum» BY THE US: 01“ Perri/’3 Cordial Balm of Syriacum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GREATEST REâ€" GENERATOR; a never-failing remedy for ‘ Sperinatorrhm. loss of matin power. produced by early indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have doomed themselvvs incurable at once to fulï¬l the most sacred obligations of per bottle, or four qiiatititiesin one. 33s., which saves 11s. ; and- married life. Price HS. in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £1 IQs. PERRY’S CONCENTRA'I'EI) DETEI‘- SIVE ESSENCE. a. remedy for Syphilis iii all its stages, also for purifying the system frorn contamination, recornrnendcd for secondary 48"†syrnptoitis, blotclios on the head and face, env- ' inrgenient of the throat, tonsils, and uvula; its beneï¬cial influence on the system is undeni- able. Price 11s. and 33s. per bottle. alsoa saving of 113. PERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF COPAIBA AND CUBEB SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known. Tito Globules, con- taining the Qui..tessence of Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu, &c.. at ones cure, uithout. the possibi- lity of failure, Gonorrhma. obstinate Gleet, Siricture. etc., immediately- subduing all iri- flamrriatory action; Encased' in sugar. free from taste or small. 43. 6d. and 119. per box. HEALTH DEPENDS' UPON Punt: I’Loon,â€" PERR’Y’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cute for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcers, iloils. Blotclics, Pimplcs on the face and body. 5w. Price lie. and 33s. per box. Sold at Messrs. R. & L. _sz\tv&:Co’s. VVIiolesalc Depot, No. 19,78erners Street, Ox- ford Street, London. Agents: BARCLAY 66 Co., '15~ Farri-ngdon Street. London. Mai’ 23. 1862. 182. Blackwood’s Magazine AND THE BRITISH REVIEWS ! SCOTT Sr, CO..,. NEXV YORK. continue , o to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz. :â€" . I THE LONDON QUARTER LY (Conservative) 8. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (\Vhig.) 3. THE NORTH BR’ITISII REVIEW, (Free C lunch.) 4. 'l‘HF. WESTMINSTER nevnaw (Libel-a1.) 5. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH, MAGA- era, (Tory.) . - The present critical state of Enrbpean affairs will 'iondcrthesa publications univarsally In- tercstingduring the forthcoming year. They will occupy a. middle ground between the has- tin writen news-items, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the pon- derons Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have passed away. It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelli- gible and reliable history of current events, arid as such. iti addition to their well-established literarv, scientiï¬c, and theological character, we urge thorn upon the consideration of 31m reading pttblic. EAR LY COP] ES. The receipt of Atlanta: Slants from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed iii the hands of subscribers about ‘as soon as the original editions. TERMS : Per am: For any one of the four Reviews,. . . 3 Ut‘t For any two of the four Reviews.. . . . . .. 5 0.0 For any three oftlie four Reviews, . . . . . . 7 00 For all fottr of the Reviews, . . . . . . . . . . . .1 8,00 For Blackwood’s Magazine, . . . . . . . . . . . . Si 06. For Blackwood and one Review. . . . . . ... 5 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews, . . . ... 7 (it; For Blackwood and three Reviews,. .. .. 9 Oil For Blackwood and the four Reviews,. .10 00 Money current in. the State when issued will be received at par. CLUBBING; - A discount of twet‘ty-ï¬ve per cent from the above prices will be allowed to Cums ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review. will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four RevieWS and Blackwood for $30; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. NJ)‘ --â€"Tho price iii Great Britain of the ï¬ve Periodicals above named is $31 per annum. Remittances for any oftlie above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD. SCOTT & CO. No. 54 Gold street, New. York. New York. Dec. 5,1861. W . U. MILLWRIGl-IT, JL TO'JVofl, SKENE. ‘John, you seem to gain Iiesh every ay 5 the grocery business must agree with you. \Vhat did you weigh last 'l’ ‘ \Vcll. Simeon. I really don‘t know, but it strikes J. B. DccGicr, (VOUN'I‘Y Ceristable,â€"-Landlord’s Warrants ' / executed. Rents and Debts collected on the slroytest possible notice. Addressâ€"Richmond I’lill 1’.O. l-y tion; and for cheapiiess and durability lie defies competition. Repairing done with despatcli. All letters addressed to PETER KRIBS, Stonlfvillo 1’. O. Stoufl'ville, Oct. 15. 1861. Nil-Gm BEGS to-intimate that iieis now prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable torinS' He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction. Aliens.J Dec. 23. 1859 ‘ 4 men at Guildhall, Tun RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR. or coupon, and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough-Street, VJcstrn‘inster, Worship Street.‘Bow Street. dzc. ems“, “pmâ€, of Used by the most celebrated ,Medical Men, Clergymeii . and others. 0 V Dr. Buchan’sSug-arflorted Sarsaparilla Pills. It is a. WELL-KNOWN FfACT' that SA R- SAPARILLA is the greatest puriï¬erol' the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURElâ€"-The Bowels regular'lluAnd‘ DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike~at the iroot‘ofoach disease, and are for the cure of ovo’ify ailment incidental to Man Woman and 5 Child, such as all-eruptious on the Skirt, Indi- gestion. Bilious, Liver, and Stomach Cornr plaints. General Weakness,Gout, Rhuema- tism. Lurirbago, Pains in the"Limhs, Head- aches. Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irregularities Ql the bowels. ob- structed perspiration, and deteriorated and tiri- _t healthyblood. ,These Pills work their. way to I‘the very roots. of each disease, cleansing in their passage. especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulation. till the blood is puriï¬ed. thewhole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of life become a. pleasure, where before they had been and and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- tlay 1 a clean stomach must make aclean body. A clean body will-It contain putro blood, when the stoninch,body, and blood are pure. from regulating 3 id cleansing the bowels, health is certain, Begin at the beginning. Waste no time : V strike at the root of your ailment. Again, I say. look to your stomach. Ono trial oftlicso Pills will force conviction. Sold iii bottles. at Is. lid" 25. 9.1., 45. (id., and Ho. Dr. Buchaa’s Invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NERAL W EAKNESS, at once restore and: invigorate wrtli magical rapidity the most Dc. hilitated Constitution. thereby ensuring perma- nent health, increased strength, energy, and a redouliled development of the .nuscularsystem. Failure is impossible, for success is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. The otin infallible remedy for acquired local and general debility, nervous prostration, depression of spi- rits, diminution of vital energy. eotaciatinn, and for all female complaints, This medicine notorin restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in youth, riiaturity. and old age The properties oftlits invaluable rte-invigorating ICSs'enc-e act directly on the nervous and muscular system, enriching, increasing, and purifying each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is nevor-failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of na' titre. As the falling rain viviï¬es the parched ‘vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent agent resttii'e the lost strength and energy of all whosttil‘or from exhaustive derangement, which so few of the medical profession attempt to treat. 43. 6d., 11s, or four quantities iii one, 335. . D‘R. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE SKIN OINI‘MENT, , Is the only dire yet discovoretl that cures the most inveterate sores, Its effects are wonder- ful, giving instant relief to the sttfl'cror Many thousands have used it. and declare it to he "the best iii the world.†It is the only NATURAL REMEDY for all kinds of sores and skin eruptions. It never closesth the surface of a wound whilst full of matter. but will ï¬rst bring all to the surface, and ï¬nally heal wrtbont breaking out again. The Pills aid the Ointment iii the followingâ€"Piles, Boiles, Bruses, Excor-iations, Blotches on the Face, Ulcers, Ring-worms, Sore Heads. Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Chap- ped Hands, Chafod and Blister-ed Feet, Corns, Bunions, Cbilblains, Frost Bites, Scalds. (,‘tits, Bites, Freckles. Stings, Scrot‘nla, King’s Evil, Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Contracted and Slili Joints, Fistulas, Gout, Swolicd Glands, Lumâ€" bago, Rheumatism, Whitiow, Sore Nipples, Sore Threats. Scurvy, Sore H ends. Rash, 'l‘tt- mours. Old and deep-seated Ulcers, Wounds, \Vornis. Itch, doc. 1s. Igd. and 25. 9d. per pot. Pa.ent Medicine Warehouse, 19, Barriers street, Oxford street, London. VVholosale Agents :â€"Ilarclay do 00., 75, Farringdon street; may be had at R. H. IIALL’S, “Chemist and Druggist. Richmond Hill, C.VV. am. from all Chemists throughout the world. May 23. 186-2. 182. SOR E EYESII Relief to titâ€"e Afflicted t ’7 IIIE following ,Certilicates are sufficient guaranty to the public that HYVV. Pooh’s Eye Water Is an infallible remedy for {attained Eyes and Illllilllttills 'We, the undersigned. do certify that we have used I'l._ W. l’I‘ICK’S EYE WATER, and ï¬nd it to be a’certain cure for inflamed Eyes and. Chilblai’ns. and theralure would recommend it to the public, ' Robert Raymond Robert Hopper James Bailey G. L. Boynton Mrs. M. .1. Raymond was. Pollock Miss .l, Hinnce \V. H. Myers A. L. Skoelo L. Richardson Robert i'Iowison Martin Nealion .lolin Cotilter Timothy It‘ogarty D. Bridgford. .I-P. W. '1’. Richmond Miller Anderson Richmond Hill, July 14. 1862. My sort suffered for nearly four months from Inflammation in one of his eyes; during which time I procured the best medical aid within my reach, to no purpose. The inflammation con- tinued ; the boy suffered, and I began to enter- tain serious apprehension that he would lose his sight. I aceidentally heard of effectual cures having been made by Mr. H. W Puck’s Ere Water, and procured two viols of it from himâ€"the Implication of which has cfl'ectcd A CURE. My son’s eyes are now well. I have much pleasure in certifying to the sham facts, and recommend the use of Mr. I'ack’s Eve Water to all persons afflicted with Inflatned , Eyes. JOHN IIISuOI’. Richmond Hill. July 15, 1862. In the month of February last, I had a severe attack of inflammation iii my right eye, and suffered very much, I tried several re» medics, and obtained medical advice. btit my eye continued to get worse. I was recom- mended to call 011 Mr H, W. Peck, who gave me a viol of his Ere Water; iti three days 1 i felt relief. and in about ï¬ve days was able to use my eye. It is now well, and I have much pleasure in stating that I believe it is Mr i’eck’s remedy that cured my eye. I have also re- commended the use of it to others, and know lthat the result has been attended with corn- plete success. J. M. DAVIS. For Sale at the Post Office, Richmond Hill, price 25 cents per bottle, 190 stage, ’ . "it? .. < t' ncss.&L0ngI.lfe s.,B. HENDERSON. M.D. RE within the reach of all, by the use of * ~ prices, r Oculist and Aurist, (Late of No. 658 Broadway. New York.) AS just opened an Office at No. 174 King St.. Toronto, where he intends remainâ€" ing a few months, and will give his exciustvo . attention to the treatment of Diseases of the EYE, EAR and LUNGS; Dr. 11. has prac- tised for upwards of 10 years iii NEW YORK,Witit unexampled success. Hundreds of testimonials. front persons who have been cured by him,can be seen at "his ofï¬ce, Cataracts and Atnarosis ‘ treated with success . also. Bronchitis, Sore Throat. and all Diseases oftlie Lungs. Arti- ï¬cial Eyes inserted without an operation. I‘oronto, Sept. 9. ’6'2. 198~3m Pnorocaaenst PHOTOGRAPHS I The Cheapest and Best Atiilirotype and Photograph GALLERY IN CANADA, IS AT tit tilt ail: TORONTO. 'J'.A. Mflg RAWVE, Proprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19. 1861. Try the truly great PAIN KILLER. BRIGGS’ MA- GIC RELIEF, and if you are not satisï¬ed of its supe- riority after using the medicine, the price will be reâ€" funded by the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 cents per bottle. old by all dealers in medicines. 125â€"13." Valuable Property for Sat 1 e 125: 63 Acres, ‘23 of which is tinihered, ‘10 Acres under Cultivation: Several PA RK LOTS with titiiber thereon Also. VILLAGE I’ ll) I’EIl'l‘Y with or without Buildings. The above property is situated at, and ad- joining to, tho Vilxagei of lRiGhlflOlï¬d. Hill. For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. Richmond Hill, Sept " .-. 1:80.). 9’0 English i‘liyieiau Consult the Old FOR AS I‘IINIA. lNC-Il’ll‘li‘i l‘ 'IONSIIn’lP'I‘lth, INFERNIII‘IES ()It‘ YUU’I‘II, AND] OLD AGE, etc. No Merritt try Used. Dr. Ashes"... dab 48 EAST GtaNtcsnt: s’rtttara'r, B tiï¬'alo ’ Ne w Y o 1' t: a A RE tire only I)ll}>'ltfillll:< in the State who- LJL are members of the. loyal College Surgeons, London. fi’lay he cotisttltcti‘t‘rotii 8 o’clock in the iriornitrg until 5) at night, inevety state anti syirrptoin (ll'flls‘tn’live. Tito tt'catmenttliey adopt. is the result of tip- wards ofthitty years’ extensive anti successful practiCo in London. A. MOST SCIEN'l‘lFlC INVENTION. An instrutrient for the cure of Genital Debi- lity, of Nocturnal lCtiiissinns, more, properly known as Seminal \Voaiancss. Jim. Can be permanently cured in from 15th ill) (lays, by the use of this instrument, when used conn jointly with medicines. Dr. Autos 61 Sort, iii order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their iristrn~ merit, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove itnsatisl'zitttory, alter a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. I’rico Ten l)ol~ lars. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAX 142 PARTICULAR. NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged iii \t'lien aloneâ€"«ti habit l't‘cqtiottJ) learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and if not cured, renders trial-tinge iinpOssihlo and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. Scli'vabuse is one of the most formidable enemies to health, for no- tliilig else in the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human systciti, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys tho nervous ;S}‘Sle_ll‘1 rapidly, wastes away the energies of life, cati'sus‘imental derangement. prevents the pro- . per development of the system, disqualiï¬t s for itiarriage. society. business, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked iii " body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. , , . Rhttsoas lit ANY PART or" THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwarding a. correct detail of their case. Address Dr. Amos 8.2 SUN, 4.9East Genes-co Street. three doors West of Ellicott Ftrer Buffalo, N.Y. 85-]: IMPORTANT. DR. WIS’I‘AR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly :9- commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group. and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat 25 cents 9:7: bottle _ 'rttt; Continual: 7 HOWE SETTIX‘SI iiiittlilllï¬illii S ESTABLISHED IN I8~t:3â€"â€"l’r:tcr‘r:cri:n IN 1862. ECENT and important improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine, renders i now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee ofits prompt and safe delivery,and that they will be able to iriaiiage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles 1â€" No more missing stitches! No trouble iii malt- ittg any garment, lioweverdelicato or heavy, on the same Machine, either iii cainbiic, “cloth or leather; and for dross makers, shirt tankers tailors, hat oinders, shoe binders. or gaite= ï¬tâ€" ting, as well as for every variety of famin sewing, they have no superior. and will be sold at a mticb less price than any other machine. capable of doing the same range of Work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue ol'sttles and prices. A fer respectable Agents will be uealt with liberally. Address the IIOWE Sewing Machine, 437 Broadway, New York New York. June 520, 18052. ...._.._. er-Iy A GOOD THING. DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth a trial, in any case of Piles, Burns, Scolds, Old Sores Inflamed or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and in; Ivory case where an ointment is useful. It. will to commend itself, after one trial. ‘ Cheap stools and Shoes 7 THE Subscriber begs to intimate to the iii- iiabitaitts of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that he has leased the Shop of hlr. Ruben Lee, \Vhere he intends to carry on the BOOT and SIIUE business ill all its branches, Mr. Lee’s customers will have the same at» tentiou given to their work as forirtet‘ly, All work done at the lowest reinuneiating rucuAan DURIIAM. Richmond ilill, April It), ’62. I76