Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Dec 1862, p. 1

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‘ -. ‘2ra‘V‘Jx1" ,‘hfiéiw' .weepazu-L. ...._ .... « .,- r: 1 M-“ -_.â€"c. MW.» 7:357 “Ii. vi - i that filtrate IS PUBLISHED I ,EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatched to Subscribers by the earlios Illitlls, or other conveyance. when so desired The YORK HERALD will always be be found to containthe latestand iiioStiiiipor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable totheman of business. and a valuable Familt Newspaper. TEIIA‘IS.â€"â€"-Sovon and Sixpence perAnnuin, Il~ ADVANCE; and if not paid within Three Moutln two dollars will be charged. ' 1 a W ' RA [Eb OF ADVILR. FIRING: Sixlinesand under, Iirs't insertion. . . . .$Ull 5“ Each snbsaquont insertion. . . . . . . . . . . llll lQé Ten lines and under, iirst insertion.. . . , (ll) 75.} Above ten lines, first in., per line_.... till I)? Each subsequent insertion, poi'line. “1‘02 iii? :‘iitlvortisenioiits Without written (III'QH'- lion: inserted till forbid, and charged accord. ingly. All transitory ailvcrtiseiiienis, l'r'otri straiigei Ol irregular customers, must be paid for wlioii handed in for insertion. 41,. M 3..., i, AURORA AND RICHMOND HILL ADVOCATE. AN JWW ALEX. SCOTT, Proprietor. . Vol. V. I-IO’I‘EL CARDS. No. 3. _ vwvaw’ RICHMOND HILL HOTEL ‘rtItJHttrtD NIGHOLLS, Proprietor. LARiJE HALL is connected with this it 1.1. Hotel lui‘ Assemblies. Bulls, Concerts, Meetings, ow. ‘ A b'l'AGtu' leaves this Hotel every morning A liberal (IISCOIIlI’ will be made to particsaii- vortismg by the your. All advortiseiiients published for aless pe riot‘. than one month, must be paid for in ad- Vt'LIIUL‘v- All letters addressed tothe Editor must 0. post paid. N0 Puller(llStZOIIIIIIlICd until allarrearagesure paid : and parties refusing papers without pay“ 111’: up. trill be held accountable l'orthe sub- scriptiuu TIII“. YORK HERALD Book and .501) E’ rioting. I‘ISTAIILISA’IENT. ORDERS for any of the undermeiitioncd descriptiotiol l’LAIN and FANCY JOB W \)Ii.l\ Will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS, FANCY HILL-S, BUSINESS CARDS, LAKGIi for Toronto, at 7 Toronto at half-post 3. LLJ’ Good Stabli’ng and a wailing. ttichmond IIill,Nov. 7. 1561. 145-11)". careful Hustler in White Hart Inn, Itlb‘il [HUN 1) IiiLL. ".I'IE Subscribcrbogs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeep constantly on hand a good supply of tirst-ciuse Liquors, ozc. 'As'this house possesses every accommodation I‘ra- vcl or: can desire, those who Wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. cuttinidUs VAN i‘t‘os’i‘itAND. [{icliiiioiid liill. Doc. 25. 1860. IUd-ly returning, leaves YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. G001} supply of VVinos and Liquors A tuition always on hand. Excellent Accommo- l'orvl'raveilers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. t). McLEOI), I’roprietor. Aurora. .l u no 6. l859. 25- Iy A NI! 551A LI. I’Oh'l'I-ZRS, CIRCULA RS, LAW FORMS, BILL HEAI‘SJIANK (IHHCKSJIRAI-"I‘S,AND I‘A M I’ H I. I‘} '1“ S. Anti ovary other kind of TE iiâ€"I’III‘ZSS PRINTING done in tho best style, at moderate rates 1'31 L; Li. ()nr assortiiioiit of Jill} 'I‘YI’IC is entircl} new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of now I“?tll(‘:i’ Type and Ilorders, tor Cards, (Iirtziiinrs .t‘vc kopi always on hand p.317: :n-z: Lwtmmtmmm m. \ . , fitrrrtorp. \.,~.-\,1»-_,Â¥/--r.__. .. H .- . KING Sf. EAST, NICAY‘. 'l'HIo MARK lu'I' SQUARE. TORONTO, OW. (V7.4 \.r\mr~.r :iiiciiicAifCAniis. ., .».\A‘,.M .A.Aâ€",\.. -,-\N~AMNMVAA ca. aoerarren, Monitor of 'l..l1.)ROY9.l College of Surgeons . Ei’ig‘land, .. H - Opposite the Illgiii Mills, Ja m e ’33 a 83 e y, RICIHMI.)ND HILL- (Late of the King 5 Head, London. Elng 1971:? No. 26 \Vcst Market Place, Good Stabling attached anti attentive Hustlers always in attendance. I‘oronlo,' 15031. I Dru-u iii-1f Mayl, 1861. EED‘E’EL, F R [Cl-it'lIIUN I) ill m “ 'I‘IIE BREECHES ” EI’I I‘HALAMzUM. [Tue following lines were written by the Rigl‘t Honorable George Canning. wnen a young man, and left by him on the table of a. young lady on the morning of her marriage, .8l16 having a few this before presented him with a piece of plush to make a pair of shoot- ing brooches.] Whun all on this auspicious day. Well pleased their giatet'ul homage pay, And sweetly sing of softlz say A thousand civil speeches: My muse sliall spread her trembling wings, Nor scorn the lady her duty brings, 'l‘iiough humble be the theme she singâ€"- A pair of shooting brooches. Soon shall the tailor’s subtle art Have made them neat, and strong. and smart And faitified in every part With twenty thousand stitches; Mark, then, the moral of my songâ€"â€" 0 may your loves but prove as strong, And wear as well, and last as long As these, my shooting brooches. And when, to ease the load of life, Of private care. of public strife. The gods shall grant to me a. wife, I ask no rank nor riches; or sense like thine alone I pray. Temper-like thine, serene and gay, One formed. like thee. to give away, 1,45, 1)7'0177"i6t07‘. Nor wear herself, the breaches liltrutun. i -____*____~__,____#-,,,__,__M ABIJAH BEAN POLE: 0R “ Let Sound Reason weigh more with us than Popular Opinion.” . wlntc satin clock with blue trinimiii's 'says I. I . ‘Tell me. now- candidly, Mr: Beanpole,’ say-she. stopping walk- ing back and forth across the car- pet, right in front of me, and Imil- ing at me, while she put one little hand on the top of her young one? head, 'wasn’t you somewhat sur- prised when you heard this great girl call me mother? .Strungers ‘usually are. She’s so large of her ago. She looks alerted, but she’s , only a little past nine.’ Here the child squinchcd. and a kind of winde at me. which I thought was very imporlite. , 'I was married very voungâ€"a mere child. scarcely fifteen. And though Mr. Mouse- tr:-tp was a good husband, he was a great deal oldor'tlian me; and I was not filled at that tender age to make a proper choice. He was a good huehaud, but he did not an- lwer to all the bubbling aspira- tions“ of an ardent heart- no! these have ever been rep-res- sed in me, waiting to some conge- nial heart should summon them to bloom. They are still in the bud, still in the bud, Mr. Mousetrap D" ADVERTISER. TERMS $1 50 In Advance . ' 21%.: ‘ So you are really from the coun- try, Mr. Beanpolo; I’m no glad to hour it. I adore the country. Isn’t that where the lambs and the honey come from 1' with such an innocent little air, you‘d a-took her to be about fifteen year oldâ€"and to la": my gizmird I couldn’t make a guess at her age. She ,iipneared gener- ally about twenty, and particularly its much as ten years otdcr. Wv‘v ii..ii., .e‘iiuirgu’, buomiinma 19.1862. ' Whole No. . ‘3‘“ .__, .â€" their eyes. What it was, or what the, out: I just gave you. 'fhat’s all it was fur, l couldn’t in.ike out ; it the style now. Convenient you set: looked like a pair of backgammon --tcl-': wlioit is at a glance lie-ally boxes, With a pair of Spectacles in now you mustgo out to-i'nori‘ow,itiid 'thc enl. Pretty SHOII my parduer have some taken.’ . took one out of his pocket, and It took my fancy as a first rate stamdin’ up, held it tip to his eyes, idea, so I promised to go. loculdi‘i’t and peak d all round inevcry diroc- help thinking how surprised tion. Then he handed ittomc,ami Beanvilie girls would no, when l . asked it I’d like iO'Itlkc :i look through called round and sent in my picture, no opera-glass. So I did as the rest and how mad Rcub Lutninis would Ah, the] 'did. It Was mighty curious ; folks bc'to see my carts kickingup a dust. - Yes ma’am,’ said I, ‘ and. the has been dead five years. I He died that you could Just see 'way' on Il‘ie mus": Was a plat‘li’g again, greenqwms,’ leaving me ;, c'dmpmencv (which i’otlicr side the room seemed to be setting right before you as large as life; I could make out the flower on some of the WOIIIPII'S'I‘EICBS. I’d got perfectly taken up, staring at a handsome girlâ€"my stars, there wiirii't any of the Beanvrllc girls could come up to her, a blue and ‘ tthi'le feather on :1 stylish bonnet, a and I’ll say lor that that it couldn't be heat but as to the singing, I’m down on that and always shall be. °L:i, Mr. Bearpole, you‘re so funny. But there’s nothing green about you and you know it. If To say the least it was a curious to.) hadn’t told us, we’d never performance. ‘ " have dreamed but what you Were Wall, the curtin Went tip again, i one of usâ€" to the manor born.’ and there W‘dS plcnty more of tho The fact is she said this as frank same kind ol‘stufi‘. Ididn’tlikeany as if she’d been Speaking in meet- 01 it. except when the band played ing; and I couldn't help more’n she didn't say was on its last legs) and this sWeeL She has .her fu- thor’s {tunable (lispt'isition, and his looks. She doesn‘t resemble me : do' you think she does ?' ‘Nol a bit, ma'um,’ said-I lion- cstlv, feeling a little queer at the turn the talk was talking, and won- dering wlizit Kitty WUUILI my to hear such “no talk. her; because I In a lot of llounccs spreadin‘ out over the seat, a little fun that sparkled when she stiro red it-hoighol wall, Kitty wouldn’t like a huiimiini-bird have enjode seeing me look at that girlâ€"when the music started off so sudden I nearly let the little tele- 'I‘lie out-tin rolled up, scope drip. anti :1 minit after a female appeared at the top end of the curtain, threw up her hands, andbegitn to take on droa'lfuily. First she said SUIIIUIIIIDL’, very fast, which I couldn’t under- lstnud ; and then, I thought because nobody in the audience Was man enough to help her, she sank don/n close to the edge of the floor, holo- ing out her arms and scrcaimng. ‘ VVhiiUS the matter? Is she a-fire I' said I, risin', and makin’ ready to Soldiers marched, and there was our eyes. tending. been to the Opera! The Italian nonsensc.’ a tipiOp dancing piece, anti twenty or tliirly girls and icllci‘s dancing out under the trees; and then when the a Lrlsk littlo skirmish right there before I got a little excited then for all I’d found out it was only pro- thion it was all OVUI‘ and we rose up to go"Tlic1‘C, ’Bjuh Beanpole,’ says I, out loud, ‘ you‘ve buildiii’ beats our meeting house l'iollcr, by a thousand per cent., but the singing ’1 When we got back, [thanked my acquaintance, but he said that be “H I 51m“! up mm I‘m-w half believing hadn’t stopped wuli buying a new but. I’d gone to a tremendous big complete, the very latest rig, so that if I had not been about a foot taller, and tanned a lcctlc brown, and my ulot'cs and boots about as big again, I'd been the exact profile of the chap to the St. Nicholas who took me to the Opera. I had [to take a small corner off my busi- wlicn I got married ; and I should not wear these things in Bcaiivillo So that ought to thunk incâ€"tho pleasure of Whe“ the “they go‘)d‘l0°l‘l”é¥ {‘3' iin cOtiiPanV h-td i‘iiorc’n liziid liiiii. male "illm‘lm m0 expressed herself IIIIO‘Vll’g Wilt” t0 5”." tnilor‘s stiop, anti got me a new suit , . . - i . puss Cziplltil to do it; but I argued dispensing don't begin to come to it. â€" Kitty [hill ll W118 “0 IOSS “I the end. 118 I isitld the fund mother, when she and me can beat your hull l'urrin Sllnultl have to have a new sun lsioppcd. in S \‘v ‘ :‘irainiitts, my cot, play some-' thing for the gciitlcmriti.’ The child IIH'ICLI off to a piancr which stood in the room,and played and sung tWo or three pieces as hard as she Could. I'll own that she did play rather remarkable for her age, though her voice warn‘t in no tvuy musical. ‘ W'ouldn’t it be delightful to have such a fairy in ones homo, music and iuuocencc!’ 'Ifshc should ever have mother father, I trust she will prove its much of a ticnsurc to him as she has to inc.’ ‘i hope so, nitram,1 said I, not being but 0 1 l Iarfcd, an i told him it was the first 50 Candid“ I gave her credit ‘0" IUSt [timed 0Ut 0f Nenty mVSclf. it) it 3i, “auto, M.D:, Uf it} take a clean jump uver the band and put her out. ‘ Sit still,’ says my pardner, laugh- ing , ‘ she hasn’t begun yet.’ Just then she turned her head. and perceived a savage looking chap coming through a door on the other. I: took some tall Walking to get Slde’ “ being very discriminating. and the child being half that, if did cl hope he)” prove to he as sinrp not feel spct‘lully fatherly, though I as some of us city fellows,’ rc- dld lfffl it'lmlc CUI'IOUS- . marked a person who 8,” along side ‘ fuse the gentleman good-night, of me; at which the rest of ’em all and )1” UP 10 your bed, my angel,’ sccn St) much of it ; and they was laughed, except the widow. who CODIIDUC'} the “'10!le . making all kinds of perlite speeches, CUIOl'ed UP. "lid bulked "lild' Til” ‘ I dun t wum' 1” ii” to bed" time I'd ever been flattered to be- lieve my company was worth a dol- lar an evening. Then he and the rest of ’em said it was "worth more than the Opera, ’causc they hadn't TORONTO. . - THE STOREKEEPER. I STS.’ Every accommodation for Farmers and others ‘ .â€" ’l‘ll lltNll ILL. attending Market Good titabllng. [13’ Dinner from 12 to 2 o’clock. CUR. BY THE AUTHOR or ‘Miss SLIMMst.’ 167 (foii‘uiltritions in the office 0‘1 the mornings of'I‘nondtys. Thursdays and Saturdays, 8 in It}, a.n‘. 1L3” “All Consultations in the office, ()nsli. Tlioi nliill, April 9, ’62. Iiuntéf’s n ironed. flt‘dttbm daemons. . {i I '1 “7"”? 7 ' c s ..--i ~ .' ' - > ' if, A .\{, '30“ Al“ , :M. 1)., 7111“; bulliscii'ooi Illegs :0 tpifom'i the IIIUIIHIIC , ~ -....‘.,_ ,. ‘ . 7 Mat to ias cost: to aootto o t- , Gi'ildiliii‘il Iii IIIIH’CI'REIV (if VIC where he willkeep Clubstnlltly on hand a good i i ',â€" .‘r .z - . r ' ‘” suppr ol III‘SI-CiHSh‘ .iqiiois, duo. IIIIS house '5. .i I - l - n . _ ' ill/LIL é" ‘ QUI’AN’I‘II bchEl‘llfilit (possusses tvvery accommodation l‘:avtl!ors can ' ' 'I z r‘ lxlr‘ [" "it; $II" 'l 3' ‘ ' " Abtit‘lllt‘ll tg'ernninuiitlt‘) at IHt)l’.\‘IlIl.l.. ‘lL‘d'w’ {how Who,“ “ I” 3'3 Inlay”? 1W," . , . ., . . z . .7, . . wilt-r0 ho can be consulted at all times I" evw-l Fm” 0” “I’ H 3"“ u 3 “‘V‘ 6‘ D on the val ions lll'illlt'lit‘F of his prolossion ex- cept when absent on business. (Form Godey’s Magazine. (Continurdfrom our last.) A I 16 call. I \V. WES'I’i’IIA L. Corner ofCliuicli and Stanley 518., Toronto, Sept. 6, 1861. 145-ly 'I‘IIE WELL-KNOWN {and 0,â€" ,cm__sp,.mg lambs musmd twrsted, and finally came up and of winding off with ice-cream every ltwo of 'em laid to my Coat-tail. sight for nothing. Whenever you with sparrow-grass and green peas. SUVk up her mouth and I gnvc her day! ills Similar ‘0 having a “HIP "I‘lie policc’ll 1am vou, if you want to take me out at your own Thev are dctirilittlc things, twenty ‘1 S'WIClii 300mg] C‘Wl‘llfl help It: touch of fourth of July three liun- don’t keep quict,’ sat's they. ‘ Don’t expense, tou’li find mu oii hand..â€" ccnis a pound, isn’t it, Mrs. Bul- "Nd 1‘3 I did 30 She Whispered“ - drcd and sixty-five times a year. you like the Sltlglllgd? You can fnnkc as mot-h out of me terby l’ ‘Motlier’s setting her trap n-iiv,' BLA‘CK HORSE HOTEL! wall, by this lime lid 3‘“ ‘0 be i ‘ ‘Singingl’ says I. as you‘ve a mind to make out all ‘ 'I‘wcnly cents,’ echoed the land- and then she laughed and I‘ll“ off. Pol'lnelll‘kel’lbt‘ Will'am Roli’h: V purty Well known to the St, Nicl’io- Wall, bi. ,his “we the mm, had mu, and p” cu” i, a pm. Darwin,“ [adv with a sigh, I could see she When I wont to bed that night I 001" 0f Palace &George t’ts' l lits- l was congr‘IWI‘HCd bra gf’O‘l conic pretty near to the female, and You know us downcustcrnsB is fa- was reckoning up the cost of dl‘fmmCd I was getting “tallied 10 [HST“HFHEMNKH'J"'°“°“°' """LV 0” “COWâ€"“mg my "WHEY. she got up and faced him, and he inous for trndiu'.’ So we went to having to have it for dinner some 19".",bUlWllenlwem [0 kiss the PI'OIII'CIOI', “I‘CWISO'OH my new hal- Several sputtered and she sputtered. and he ‘ , scrowmg awful and saying and being vci‘yinprosswc with their next minute she got sweeter than ‘IUSS “‘0 gmnlemil” g‘l‘m‘mght: back to the tavern in time for tlin- something. She was so scared she good-nights, till llnallv says Iâ€"â€" over, continuing to meâ€" my "I'ILTCI-' _ '“01‘, but i ,lUSl “Whittled ll Willmulgl dropped downonhcrknocs and held 'Goodmighl gentlemen. I've no “I’m so fond of the dear little \ H‘T‘J the WILIOWIS VOICO was as min” ‘0 SPWC- ‘ VVHIIOIR’ 531d I, out her hands to us to save her, doubtl'vo .ifl'tirdod Vouconslilerablc ltlmlis.’ W'Im alld sweet ‘15“ sm'n”mr‘,“0"“’ '1’Ut he" “"00th And he dld-- shrieking like mad. aiiiusoincnt. It’s worth a dollar a ‘ch.’ out in the same chap. “lg; hm.” ,Pwred “mm. to insl'm‘ l \VttsjtlslHVO hours a-gomg through 1 Let go iifme, I’m not going to night to laugh behind a l‘ellei’s back, whom I fclt like thrashing for his "I0 1‘ “’ll‘l‘Pl“é§ "l‘filali's If ll “’35le the ceremonies. It bent Tliunlx's- . sit bv and see a wtnnariabuscd,’siiid I ain’t obliged to have eyes behind, Silas, ‘I’ve observed you was very obeyed; so the girl scowled and glVng 1'1“ hOllUl‘- G0llyi IUSI [Illnklk trying to jork away from the hold though ; spccinllv when I See the I79 I _ bed scarcely knowing which bad day. lmde-n “ins Mrs' Mousqlmp’ .and [Successor to Thomas I’ulmei']. ,Ol “‘0 you'll; {fillers talked to "10 screamed an she screamed. and he got the best of 11. ‘ You don't say so,’ says I ; Ill-51 ‘15 I Kissed 119'” 1W0 01 he" “'0”! Good Stabliug attached. Trusty Hostlers COIlSldel‘able, “ltd. the ""3 Who’ll ‘hOllci‘cd and she liollorcd, and at I don't want to bc tcjus, and l ‘ why it d0".l bring Sixpence I” “'9 teem re“ OUI' who” I Cam” I” the “ll‘ll‘lsl” 3”“‘_‘.l“",°°'. Dee” the means Of my gemng me last he bellowed. W'all, she couldn'tlmust try and got to the widow its country. I’ll tell you what I’ll do, [ablePUXt '“fll‘lll'lg l Cmmm,‘ help £31010”AI’I'HJ’IBGI' hill “Sked "‘0 lmw I Was going 10 do that, so she justtgth- one Spitcful'soon as. Pussitile, If anybody hurl i when I got home, Mrs. Butteiby.-~ thinking Of my dream. (mil I SWIG ft Slif‘nd the all“)ng 5”} "’g “1"”, 503' \‘cll, and laiiited away for nothing n-told me, when l buried from" Kiitv Tile ‘nllt‘oad P315505 ll""’ugl‘ our Sly glance new” the mm“; m see 1“ lug as my friend Mr. Brown thltl in” m-wu,pm-_ The“ me cumin}, Currawuy m be gm“, hm ,, In”; [Own ; 1‘“ have a nice lam dressed tho widow's teeth were sound; not be Ptevemc‘l from I‘U‘fl'lnf-l hi5 0“ fell down, and every body ptittctllovci‘ a fortnight. that I’d get into early in the morning, and you'll get that it was a iiiuttci‘ at all interest-o gilgt "1"“1 With me, he d Ialie ‘HC 10 their kid gloves together and tapped would.) with another woman, a wi it the some night. Do you think it mg 10 mil. only my dream PM me 1" 'I‘horiiliill, Mn} , lrli‘l. LAW CARDS. " lei. EEF‘Y’, Cflltli‘illSSle‘lEil iii THE QUEEN’S BENCH L‘tm t i‘ikrrk-‘~b‘lf‘1l, not) DIVISION COURT AGENT, l'tICI'IMUNl') IIIi.i. PUS'I‘ OFFICE. A. {liiidl'l ‘rl LN l‘b‘, Bonds, Hoods, Mortgages, \\ ills, the, $410., drawn \\'II.II attention and promptiiuclo. {iclimono llill, Aug 29. R C K l‘llflld‘), lilsq., oftlio City of Tor- . unit), has upciicil tin ollico in tho Vil- .ago 0f;\ni'orii for tho Il':ill>«ltCIlUll of Common pus. f I I‘25-1y 144-111 A CARD. JOS. GREGOR'S Fountain Restaurant: 65) KING S'ritrzrz'r, ICAs’r, TORONTO Law and Vininccrv lliisinens also Convcy- ._.._ . ‘ . ' ' ' 7 . -. . . . ' ' _. . r ' ~ » it) -' it all (t - .~ .. .. . . , ‘. . ,- . .. ' . rt' - H" iinciiig exncntcd with Correctness and despthlI Lunch every da from] 11 till .2. m“ ‘l’u‘: I“ I: a) ll kl d l’- lllm ll”: tlitll llltt. llllle (Autos ()1) flit; IIt)0i, «law .11 that, before I see hm "gum, would keep? ' . V “mid 0i It “(1 ICLIII' “CH: _33 Bum-m mum wands, 3 limit” - [WW JIIIU- ’C'l’l.’ 1| ileum"). and lie and she came out belore the , I’d have resented it by klltN'lilng ' Well, if vou sitould pick out a Wit-130 “ml "BIKUI‘U' “3 “‘0 glam” Iliad represented to me that I’d betior not go to the theatres, and I’d pui'ilv promised hint I would not ; but the Opera wa'u't a theatre exactly, so I saidâ€"- ‘I suppose ’tiiiu’t nothing wuss than a concert. is it I’ 113’ Soups, Games, ()3 store, Lobsters, &c a'wai‘s on hand: . Dinners and Suppors for Private Parties got up in the best style. Toronto, April 19, 1861. \Vollingtoii St. Aurora, do Queen St. Toronto November 2t). lrjti'o‘. ItH-ly CIIEEE'I (1. Keller, ‘ VI"I‘()I)\..\:ICY"L\'I‘ I LA; \V, SOLII'I'I‘OI’. It in Chancery, Convoyancw‘. «\zc. tlflice, n Victoria Buildings, over the Chronicle ollice_ Brock Street, \'\’liitb;.'. audio as good as pic, holding holdllii . down. O landyl bill I Won’tlcool day, I should say it would, down an. ear ol'grccncorn ;'and in- of hands and makngr courtesics, aslnntioipatc. and be a great treat to us. You’re 818ml 01 IQOIHIJg :1 lllllC Oldel' by school children do When the stage It didn’t take me so long to boy very civil to think of it.’ “Wild dm‘llght, I thought stir: up« goes by. I never see a quarrel made my goods as l cchctod ; I‘d got the ‘ No trouble at all,’ 5815' I, ‘ and PCHI‘Cd In“ as Well as bv grisllglilv-w up as quick as that. “mgr of in,” job of my “was me I’ll just -(_-,hu(;k m a peek of shelled Her checks were as red as pinies, " l 125-1y newsrooms HOUSE, A'I‘IC Clarencon Ilolol, No. £28. 3” and 3:3 ‘How did you like the singing first woolt. It was mighty nice in pcus.’ and I CC'Uldll,‘ ht‘lP WIShl‘fl KIHY said my t-oi'npzinion again. be niiin’ ice cream cvci'v tln'v ; but ‘ How delightful that will be,’ knGW “0W 10 fix her llutl‘ like MYS- , in: ,'. , , ,, ‘Y . ’ 7 .' . : .- .7 v- -_ . . ,- v , , _, ‘ i -...J.. ’ “fl” 3.1.lfi‘“:(il|',f'ifllciigl “do it'lllla‘gzutzlfngi“, J I‘i‘ont btreet, Ioronto. Hoard $1, per ‘ not 4 Ulla 531d 110- ‘DOI nigh ‘ bulging ‘1’ says I, I0t)I\lIIg him 11. \VllS expttriswe ; and as I found , said the black eyed female, clapping Mt’hbblli'l’ 5- troii ivis: 'u i '0 . ). . 1. ». .. . '. t . - ' ~ - -' ‘ .- I - , t l r -‘ on) 10mm alwn)s in attendance atihe Leis Sn lidd :15 SUIHC- ‘1 b “'9 be“ and full in the face, and giving my thumb id be liltelv to be dclnllicd two \vcckst her hands. (To be Continued.) __.‘_. W-.. _..__. â€"-â€"â€"2- Tim Oitioirt or “Muirâ€"mien» sbccd, the founder of Persepolis, to Ontario. . 'I‘iie llivislon Courts in Ontario, Richmond Hill, and t‘r'larkhatn Village rogularly attended VVliitbv, Nov. twill 104-1} Toronto, April 8. l861. 8“dB°“‘3' only opportunity you’ll have, Mr. Beanpolc. for a glimpse tit our first society. Id like your opinion of it, ‘ What, mii?’ spoke tip the lI‘C(’ililC'lllCCd child alongside. ‘ Real spring lamb from the counâ€" Ilit‘ that roubory case, I concluded to mow: my traps to a genteel board- ing house. and I got recomiiiondml W. NEWBIGGllsG, I’roprtctor. IQd-ly, a significant jerk. '1 know I’m! m. green, young man, and easily taken in, but when too try to mike [Ilc / JAMES"sourfi'oiv, Esq. §ZORK was HOTEL, .EEarrizitcr, YONGE S'l‘ltEl‘I'I‘, Law Olfi(:o~â€"-Cori‘.0i' of Church and King Sts. I" ‘iIIE Subscriber bogs to intimate that be Toronto, March 5». 1861. “EL”- has leased the above hotel, and having , ‘ litre-d it upiu the latest style ti‘nvallers may rely upon having every comfort and attention Rfiasoii’s Arms Mote Mr. Bcanpolc, and as to how it compares wuh Beai‘ivillo aristo- Cracy. As to the music~cdo you Understand music I’ ‘I reUlton I do,’ was my emphatic response. I lead the choirto homo, believe that was intended for Sing- ii.g, the jokc’s rather loo ridiculous.’ There was a short ii'itcriritssion now took place. A good many ac~ q‘uainlnnccs come around to tho chaps who took me to tho opc~‘n to a Very respectable one on Bleokor Sn, which I liked very much; the victtitils was extra and the company agreeable. Wlicn Isotdown to tea the first day,ihcrc \Vils only about a dozen to l {her ma , butjust then the folks i‘osc try, my stvcct.’ ' I confess I looked a little SUI“: prised when the young one called up from the table, and I went along into the parlor, as the lady told me by Persian writers. said to have been the first who invented wine. He was izninodz-n'utcly fond of grapes, and desiring to preserve some, they were placed for that purpose in a large vessel, and lodged in a vault V . r . . 1 . l ' "mfisg'g‘ fsl’fSh‘luse' _ “I’d Piaf“)? midi” “kc ‘1 WWW lllgllll}et‘s they all were. I loll you, the table. Right Opposuc me was 10, With some of the Fest, who for future use. \Vlion the vessel WEST “ARK” SQUARE‘ TORONTO' “12:2,, a,,l:,l,’dl,l,l,§i;"d a“ memwo Home! “1' “H5 “We WW9 01' It’ll" "10“: with their kid gltves and their hand a miller pood-looltin’ female, and mostly WCtiI up to their rooms bc- . was opened, the grapes had ferment- OBERT COX WW mimmm his friends, WILLIAM LENNOX)P,.OP,.,8,O,‘ him made UP “"3” “Hf”! I‘l‘Jme “Si kcrcl’iiofs smelling as sweet as lay- next to help a little am about ten lorc long, except the widow, which ml, and their jiiico in this state was R aiiitiiieii-aiv.~tiiiii.r public. that he has York Mills,.luim 7.1861. 13‘2-ly "Nd “9 513"“ Oll- “my 3” locks. I was introduced to all of years old or more. The child wasll soon found out she was, and her so acid, that. the king believed it taken tho allovo Ilotol, lately occupied by Mr. \V S'IEIGHS whore ho hop-as, by strict attention to the comforts and CtlllVUlllOIICO of his guests, to merit an equal snare oftho p'itronago given Welington Hotel, Aurora! OPPOSITE THE '1 ORONTO HOUSE. seemed in remarkable fine spirits, and I thought it Very pcrlite ol'tliom to take a stronger atong and pay all ’cm as Ml“. Borinpole til BUilllVlllU, stopping to the St Nicholas. ’I lioy didii t seem ball so set up as I cxâ€"‘ as humbly as a mud-fence and as port as she was humbly. To think of my being stepfather to that imp! l l daughter. ‘ You must be real lonesome, here in the city,’ says she, as sbon must be poisonous. He had some vessels filled with it; “ poison,” was written upon each, and they wei‘J .‘ ‘I‘C‘CS '. I V ‘ “‘ “"! ‘I “- ‘, ‘ vi 0 I. '. . ' 0 I: "l ' ' ' I su‘ 1' I 5- ‘1 ‘ it v ‘ :‘hv'h ‘2'“; I‘ll: 18m) 10 GEO L, GRAB AM PROPRIFTOR I‘lslllll; tiff?” 'ledlb "limb “UN pi (.ted ,.I.l l.-.i(.i, two or thice of bin but, as I said bolorc. I inusn't anti. as the itst had cleared out. ‘ Aic plattd in his mom. J 0,0,. 0,...” i, i.-. -0 J- M F - . . 1 - undoI 0 at or my ticket. Hinoti,__,uhl was so h-lcndiv as m glve me their mum, . lvou going out to spend the It happened that one of [us fit- > V ‘ v h__ v ‘ ‘ . ‘_ . I ‘ ~ ‘ .4 _ . > " _ . . . . _ | s, < -. . r,“ ~ . ' {A 1 i and (,ominodious ilallandothcl ,2). (,ol iii tallioi slec ) ' lite, uctliln~ 7. y, i. . .. . z '. i . - i ' ‘ r,.. , . . . . . .‘ v r '( 3' . ' ' 7‘ ': 2.‘ \ i. t! ' v: , 3 V" l] ' fifl .3 p 1 6 Ex 0 b O l _ f “upmmuums have‘ m Hreatwpense' I 1 dog, tintypcs, and, ISItLLI inc foi mint“, lln..t. \\7ilh pitiitv of talk around ettning. HMHIL “(IN 5 V "3 ilf'ltd “1 -1« 7 "VIII; Subscriboi begs to inloi'm his friends am. the public gPiIorcll}, that he has opened an llO"l£l. iii the Village of Maple. 4th Con. Vaughan, whore ho liopt-s, by atten- tion to the opinions of (ho Il‘iin‘lllllQ‘ comm” been made so as to make this llouse the largest' and best north of Toronto. Travellers at this , House find every convenience both for them- selves and horses. NJLâ€"A carefulostler always in attendance sous or the Continentals never ask but a quarter in Boarivillc; but as I didn’t have to pay it myself, I didn’t (:I'V It) t‘licupcn it. I told ’cm I regretted t'xcrtitiatliigly, but I didn’t happen to how: any with ' I thought it queer to sue fol-’ HIC- lcrs carrying around a pocket full of the table. The boarders seemed to know each other and to bc sociable; as I Was the only stranger, some of them made a few remarks to me to ‘I don't know as I shall,’ says I ‘l’vc been around pretty well. Faâ€" ther don’t approve of my going to the theatre, and I wouldn’t give l ncrvomI headache, and the pain disâ€" ltractcd her so much that she desired death. Observing a Vcssel, with “ poison” on it, she 10‘2lt it and swalo. "m" m “ml” “ film“? “I. “‘0” l’““'°“ag° 3”“ Aurora Nation. Avril 1861- l‘ZG-Iy “lilo” We filial Went ma Icould 5‘39 their own Holmes and riviu r ’c'n ‘ mill“; me loci to home - in as ’m twenty-live cents to 7t) to the ' lowed its (:tiillt'HiIS. The wine. for support. (1000 bitibling. Arc, p b , I . Id 1 . H l ‘ i it . ‘y ‘ I , 1 V I {a I ’ W h H mâ€" _ _ ‘ “m mm “Hg m d mous‘m “mils m I” laway 3‘) “UU'Y 5 they was 011 little ‘ naturally talkative, and had no. ()pcrii again, let alone a dollar. I such it had I)e(:()|lle,()\Cl‘pO‘tVCYCtI rim} JAI’ILS Witt son, Maple, July 17. 1862. I90 “W ilgon, (Ln'rr. FROM momxn) memoir serum to IthilMtiNl) tlILL. 0th, ‘THOM AN, Carriage and Waggon OOD Acommodatious and every attention snowu to I‘ravollors. Good Yards for blaze. After while, my eyes got used to it, and I began to look around. 01' us, in u liltlc plitcc instruments; and jest beyond hung a great big curtain with a picture Right in front sum,” , WM] 3 _"“'lmg. I Mr. Beatitiolc. round it, sat the band, With their Beamme will fiddles and flutes, and all kinds of mem, Wald hue“ scaled ‘1 square cards. ' Ali,’ said one of ’em. ‘yon must yourscll with cart do visect. The _\ bung lady s of be delighted with and you'll have the pleasure ol setting the fashion, you know.’ i l thing to be ashamed of, by the limo supper was over they knew pretty much who 1 was, where I came from, and what my business was.â€" Tlie female opposite did as much talking as all the rest of us jincd to- gether. I looked at her a good deal, ‘ What kind ofacnrtis that 'l’ savs. for there was a sort of on Bill i wish some 01 them wizards was per- l'oi'tiiiiig now.’ ‘ I Wish tl'.cv was. for your sake,7 says she. ‘Somc of then- tricks 'tll't} very curious,’ (they warn't half as curious as some of hers, but it itook time to find that out) ‘If you’re not going out, I don’t mind lady, who fell into a sound sleep... and awoke much refreshed. Delightâ€" ed with the remedy, slic repeated the doso so often that the moi'inrcli’s. poison was all drank. He soon dis- covered this, and forced the lady to confess what she had done. A, quantity of wiiic was mule, and Drove Cattleuud Loose onosl'orl’taco Horses MAKER Pmmed on {I like a Pmmramfip Tiled. ‘ The girls in my set usually (take particular notice) air about staying down a while to keep your Jorushccd and all his court drank of 'llti's‘idsi r l ‘ i d "' i UNDE house’ Win “'1” Oi peollle’ smmg .3. i make 0‘“ I” “dc I“ buggies. They‘d: herâ€"as if Sll-f vented us to mind cou'ipuny.. Ah, Mr. Boiiiipolc, l’vo the new hcvci‘ugc, which li'om the. “will: “3",, Mums d“ “5”” mi“ °°"‘ ‘ W a.” &c mun“ "ha Cm’le “5 they do 10 “"3 ‘give me the mitten qutckcr‘n a flash. ; nor rod checks and her black curls; suffered so much from loneliness cii'ciiiiicitiiiz-c: that lot: ti its disco» . ' -- t. . . . . . . , J .' . z _ , . . . . , , . . . . . The Mommy mime“ 0,, the premises firs, Rosidence-Nearly opposite a”) Post Office. methigeile, only the) was Illi‘be 11f] was to ask ’nm to go in u cartxl Wl'itlt: llUI‘ sweet t’l’llnt: was an mam» my sell. that. i know what it IS in I very, is to this day lte':«x\v.i in I’nrsta \Vednesday in. each month. ‘ . Richmond Hill Richmond Hill, April 8. 1862. March 1-4, 186?. 172.1,, stories high, ad about a quarter of ’em was holding something up to l ‘ Cart.’ said he, ‘ is French for! riniitiii‘ its in card; I meant visitingâ€"cards, like'blst‘iuil. :iplc sli‘rtip into it Warm pity any one who appears so I‘ l‘ u‘ "I‘is ruthcr bad to be lonesoi c, bv the name ot Jehcr-J-Kocshon, ’ lilie delightful pols-on!

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