an..." saws 5.: .......... -- .0... ___.~... ._._ L .c 21L M_ ~___ _,___-7.__ _. m a) To be Leased to. .. _ '1Hr'. , BURWECK l- acrosv, ", TlTI-l SHAF’I’ING & \VA'I‘E’RJ’OWEltl coriiplt-to: or Three It‘lzlts of the above building, 72 feet by 30 feet. with Shaft- ing and “'810!‘ Ilower to drive Machinery. Can I)9_Iia(1 on lease, together or separately Both Building and Machinery are in a the- rough state of repair. Application to be tirade to the Subscriber, .l. W, GAMBLE. Pine Grove Mills, Dec. 31. 1862, 202~tf Eh t Iii To 3 of'fcars [Abv Ell T1 smiley}; MEDICAL SCHOOLS. “'0 have received the following letter from a correspondent in Nupaneo :â€" To the Editor oftlre Leader. SIR,-â€"I am not the only one interested in the inquiry wb.cb 1 am about to make. I hope. therefore, as a pttblicjournalist, you will give me the necessary iiifottnntioti, inasmuch as it will enable me to dccidc what Medical School ill the Ifr‘ovilrco. as there are so many contra» dictory statcnicuts abroad. to attend. II-lve the Medical Schools in Toronto the right to attend the Hospital? IT‘H’O they on equal right to do so? Have they the startle opportunities and advantage: oflered them of sorting the Hospital practice? ()r is one school more privileged than another. Further, can you inform me what are the odymltngus of the Medic-t: school belonging to the University, us to 110v~pltnlprui‘litic and graâ€" duiiition, and what the superior advantages it I possesses with regard in l’ractical Anatomy 2â€"â€" erat tiiuo are the students obliged tot‘rlalrir‘u- late. and aft. r {\‘latrit'ulntion can they board ill the College? The earliest tutorinrlion, wiili anymore you think will he iisetul, will be wel- caiiicd by medical students in general, and your humble servant in particular. Yours truly, ' MEDICAL S'I‘IIDICVTV In answer to our Corrosp'lndcnt it may be Muted that under the Hospital not. all piipils.. upon paying a ioqnircd fee, have all equal rightl to attend the ilo«pri:il, and are riipnosot‘.‘ to ctr-i joy ‘oquul advantages. Lately new 111151993; have been appointed by tho tiovorrrinoni. and I it i~l to be lioprd that some inequalities and abuses which hove l:orl-tofore been rlrelitioned ‘ in our t'oltiilriis will be rectified. For informs-i tiori upoir the st-cond pomt, we would refer 0111" correspondent to the nddrcs< of the Rev Dr. McCall, l’rcsidorlt of University College. as given at the ltllP (.‘orrvmitioll~zilid which was published in Iftf, Lulu/r." {11. 1110 limo On that occasion the l‘r'. Used the f'_ili'l\\'111(: language :‘ " In the year 18.33, now nine years since“ tho tIicn cxr=~tiirg University of Toronto was divided into two establishments. one retaining the name of tho Umvorsilv o Toronto, and the other culled University College. Toronto, the more institution. the cnnvomttou of which was now being hold. illoso institutions dillbl'(~(l_l materially in tlrt~ir functions. rl‘ho lliilvorsity of'l‘orotito was formed on the IIIOCIVI of is... University of London. and was Ilillllutl to tho Drescribing ol'sii‘jt.-Cts for uxtttrlitl-lllml, the ap-‘ po.ntnient ofoxainlnvrs. the awzlr ing of mo- ditls. and tho confvriing of ricgrcl's: it had no teachers or pt‘tsl'ossot's of any kind (1': the other hand. the function of tenchingIt-longod especiuliy to University lilllil'fl’tï¬ In tho (night nal establishment of tho University 111(‘10 were four facultiesâ€"tho faculties of Divinity. Law, Medicine anti Arts. By the statute passed in 185M tlic fnculty of Divinity was t'oliioveel,;tli(1‘ in 185.3} the faculties of lmw :irr<1.\lo(liciiro were, also removed : so tlrrit llurrersity ()olli-go was : iii fact but the faculty of Arts. \\'l'111110.’lt1(li11t)l)l cf‘tlie departments of Agriculture and Civil, Engineering." t This is siltliitlently eynlici‘. on the point that. neither 1.:lw nor Ml'dlciiio is taught in the To- 1, rurito University or iii University (lollegoaâ€"l There can, tlloirfo c. be no ltlUtllCt'tl school lie-l longing to the University. Perhaps the learned 1"l'osidollt was thus explicit at the late, as he was at fornlclj collimattlions. in order to correct . erroneous opinions which si-onl to pl'cvnil upon this subject. It rs true that by the act of 18.33,; which constituted the Toronto 'lilivorsiiy til grt‘idunting‘hodc tow-lid all ' rirriitt-a‘l st-honfs_, but a touching holly tin-2rd noneâ€"-t\lctx‘ill and : Laval Coltt‘g«;.~=. ill (Talitede l'lart: and Upper Canada. Queen’s. Ifictoria ntid Regiopolis Col- leges. iii (jairatli West. and the Toronto School' of Medicine. became atlilizilod alike to be To- ronto University. 'I‘hs was the adoption ol" the English plnti. as carried out in the Univer- sityoflmndon, wherein tho must equal and exalted justice among the alliliated Colleges and their pupils in graduation is IIIIIVCI'1HIIS' ad-| mitted. The only point of difference. indeed, is that lire-students ot' the Medical Schools atâ€" tached to the Colleges hall the additional rigli, of coming up for graduation as well in their own as in the 'I‘oronto University. The right is, therefore. riot so much linlotiging to the ‘ ol-‘ logos as to the pupils of the Colleges. It is evident. therefore, that no claim can be low- fully set up by tiny particular school to any spe- cial relation to the Universiu‘ of Toronto. to. direct or indirect pecuniary aid, or to particular countenance or accommodation or advantage beyond other Medical Schools; and were any, school iii any way or by any direct or indirect , means. so to set forth aniihiirg which would induce a contrary tlt'lpl'elitlllsltlll in the public mind. such tlf’iliintl-d body would liotd out false impressrons, Would be regarded It“. practising deception or: the profession. the public and he Pé'ï¬lille would bring into suspicion the impar- tiality of the University, and would justly nlace its aflilitition in danger of bt-ing cancelled. As regards the other questions asde b\' otir correspondent. we must refer him to the Dean of the College. who is better able to answer them than we can possibly be, 1 .2 THE liltiGIC Till“? OBSERVER, The Perfection of Mechanism. BEING A IItJN'rlxu AND Ot'rN FACE, OR' LAnv‘s on (ItcNt’LtMtN’s WA'rcu Con- DINED- One of the prettiest. most convenient. midi, decidedly the best and cho'rpo t. timepiece for“ general and reliable use. over offered. 'It has 'witliin it find COHlH’t'Il‘lI with its machinery, its own winding attachment. rendering a key eu- tirely unnecessary. The case: of thiswtllch are composed of two riicttils, the enter one being ï¬ne 16 carat goid It hits the improved ru'iy acrion lever movement. and wari'rniod all accurate timepiece. I’iicc. superbly engraved. per ease of a half dozen. $3l4.tlll Sample Watches, in heat morocco boxes. for those pro- posing to buy at wholesale. $3.). sent by cv~ présS. with bill payable on dvliverr. Soldiers must remit payment iii pdv-anco. as we cannot collect. from those in the army. Address HUBBARD BRO-‘5‘. & (30.. Sole Importers, Cor. hassau and John SLS.. New York. » 213. I». CA R 5). YOUR. VOTE INTEREST Are respectfully requested at the coming election lo' Cdtaizcillrli'fol' W'm'd JV . 1 MARKEIAM. ' . JOHN N. REID, M.D.' Tliorrzhill. Doc :24. 86?. 212-2 o/‘Vit'ï¬ 5'1 Ci} . ' '. OTICE is hereby given, that a meeting of the Vaughan and King Plank Road Conr- pnny. will take place on the 3rd Jan on PBS 1 863) Al. Law’s Hotel. near the Toll (Sale, on the Plank Road. to take into consideration the pro- priety of selling the Toll House and Gates on said road. settling up accounts. and irarrslorring said road to Municipality. Any overboldmg accounts against it must be brought forward on that dav. By order of the Secretary and Treasurers. BENJAMIN IIORD. ' Toronto. Llocembcr 17, ' 212v? ; Richmond Ilill, Dcc. 52.3, 1869.. 5 Richmond Hill. D6018, :86‘3. tout of my hands, and that it, \vou'd be prudent « rm 11‘ i If) ‘ ilrcnt lor on lot to contiriii Ills title to the Road ï¬f- AMITERS lin' Shining OF '1~ H F. WESLEYAN M. MISSIUNARY SOCIETY YONGE STREET NORTH CIRCUIT. Q SERMONS . On the subject, of Missions will be preached at the following places :â€" 072. Sabbath, 4th January, 1863 Thornhiil, lllé a.m,: Rupert’s, b' p.m.; by Rev I, B. Howard. Richmond Hill. illg a.m . 'l‘liorn‘lii'l’l. 6 p.m.: Rev. Clltls 1_.avoll,I\'I.A. -luttonville, 10%: \K'esley Church. 2 p,m.; Richmond Hill, 6 p.m. ; Rev. W. Price. A COLLECTION will be taken up at 1110‘ clase of each Sermon in support of the So- 3 ' ciety’s Missions. MISSIONARVMEETINGS In connection with the above Society, will be held as fo'lows :â€" Thornlirli, Monday, Jun. 5,: Rupert’s. 'I‘ucsday, Jan. 6.; Richmond Hill, \Vednes- (lay, Jan. 7 ; Wesley Church, Thursday, Jan. 8: Butllurville, Monday. Jan. 12: Gerinanl .Mills, Tuesday, Jan. 13; lladwin's, ' \Vcd- uesday, t4. Choir to o’clock, p in. be taken at each place at 7 In, addition to the above. named Ministers, the Rev. .IANIICS ELLIO 1‘. Chairman of the District, the Rev J. W, )ICCALI.UM. and others. are "expected to address the meetings A (TOLLLLLTION' will be taken up at each Meeting to advance the objects of the Society. ' T. A. I’ICRGUSON, Superintendent 5212-2. chiller-MAS FRUITSI Ti, beg leave to intimate that we have re- iirarked the following goods having a large Stick. which we wish to clear out,l Uu- prices are now as fi,>llo'.vs,\vllicli will bel found rvtlrarkal-ily low, considering thel lqiiallty: - trrtsihs, . . . . . ..........1()r‘ts. to lgécts. L‘ulr‘ztiits,...... . . . . . . .IL‘cts. I T .ï¬. g 3 Back Souclrorig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Japan. line Fllll-(ll'tt'ti. . . , . .. . . . . ,. . ll 65 Fine Young IIysoii.. . . .... . . . . .. . . 0 90 Extra I‘iillcst do. (utisiirptissod) . . 1 (ll) Iiixtrl do, (Itinpowdcr,(ullsurpassed) 1 (it) R, H. HALL. QII-Qt. , Flint ] Elli portion t1 ticc. \V' I IIERICIlr bog to inform persons indebted to lilo. that the principal part of their pro- l liltssory notes and other claims have paSsedl to make immediate ptlyrrient to the holders tlreicol'. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Richmond Hill, Dec. 2, 1561?. 3 m st it so it: 33.3 r. r, nrisc 1.0’1‘ so. 17, IN 'iur: 2nd t‘orreeesleti of litirkliaiit, "‘i()t\"1‘r\1t\'1.\G (37% Acres, about5'3 Aer-es j cleared. the rcirniindw covered with good livelrli and Maple l'imbi-r. There is on the promises a good Frame Dwelling House, 35 x ‘Jllâ€"â€"_riew, with a large Cellar under, and a good Irog Barri. Sialilcs,Slit-ds. t\‘ c. Also a good -\' ell of Water close by tho Kitchcii'door, and a never-failing Crook running across the west end of the Farm. ,3 A or particulars, apply on the promises to THOMAS 'I‘ICASDALL, Or at this Office, llcadford, Dec. 1'2. 1“ U 210-4l, A E5] G EN E AND PLANEle fï¬ACHlNEl FOR SALE. ‘R71I1I1 be Sold low for Cash or Exclianged for Land ti ï¬rst-rate S'I‘EA i‘vl ENGINE ~14 horse powerâ€"in good Working order; has otily been in use about 3 months, and is there- fore as good as now. Also. a Surfaceiilg and Matching l’ialieing Machine, with a quantity of Shutting and Belting, it) good repair. For further in forlllntion apply at. the †York ilol'rild" olIicc. Richmond Ilill. Nov. ‘1), 1811?. ‘207-11‘ (corm NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEU' V ‘II 3T MARTIN MACIJICOD will apply to the next Session of the i'rovincial l’nrlia- allowance butting his farm. lot ($1.1n the Isl connexion of King. being the towrnlinv be tween the 'I‘ownslilps 01 King and Vaughan in the til-t CUIICl’SSIOH, granted to him by the County (.‘ouncil of York. Dryriock. Dcccrirber 533, 1862. I 219 3m 7 ‘ _ ‘ - 7 - w . ' E R 35.3% A E3 Eu’t‘si REA? 0F . Caraacla. - . flâ€" _ l FjSHIL Slibscr hers lo the above Work and the I’uhllc are respectfully illforiilod iliot the Map is now C(Jtillllt‘lt‘d, and is being furnished to the Subscribers as fast as possible. No. trouble or expense has boon spared iii the pm partition of this Work, winch is on a Larger Scale and is for more complete and accurate. than any other Map published. 1 TREMAtN E's, Topographical, ï¬tatistical AND ILLUSTRATED MAP [1F UPPERCANADA, Will be ready ill a tow Weeks, and will be om- belllshi-d wi-h beautifully engraved Views of Cities, Public Buildings, &f‘. 61c. _ Subscibers to either of the above Works are particularly cautioned against being deceived by parties interested in the sale ofa Map re- cently got up ill New York Their plan ge-l irerally is to represent that anmtusrz's Map will llvl. he published at allâ€"or that the Sun- scrihvrs will not have to take it in case- it should come outâ€"-uild they had better get one. from them, $20., 6m All such represenza- tions are false. 'I‘REVIAINIC’S MAP WILL BE FUR NISHED TU EVERY SUBSCRIBER- lli gOod time, but the iiianut‘aciure oi the Maps 1 and the delivery of them through the whore country is necessarily». work of months. AGEI‘QITS WAN'TED I For the sale- of the Map ill every ToWiisliip lLr’ All orders by mail prom Office and Address 50. '19 FRONT ST†’1‘" RONTO. Toronto, Doc. ‘27, 1562. 212 ptly atte ndeu to Wanted Immediately ,X CHOK AND HoUSEMAlD. with good I . , 1w "“"-i’-‘F§~'~Mï¬- ~- ‘ v war. tum, i ‘ from six to ton ï¬ttg‘t‘m'itigs of new in rcliiiit-s 'iiiiue to 59* i- ‘ 'Jkrv'SI-éié~;~u3nw‘ytu. 34:1. , illissoiiition of Porto I l cits-trip. 7 III? PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Therm-s do WILLiAM FRISBY. of the Township ot Markham, is dissole this (lav by mutual consent. (November 2511i. 1862)-â€"a11 Debts due and owing to the said Firm to be paid over to the said Thus. Frisby ; also all Claims against the same to be handed to Thomas Frisby for payment, THOMAS FRlSBY. WILLIAM FthrllY, Markham, Nov ‘27, 1862 208-4t. EMPLOYMENT- V IIE Undcrsigried has, for several years: past, been engaged in a business, which has vielded him at the rate of three thousand dol- lars per annum, and is now' willing to tcuClt it to others. and general chm-actor, adapted both to 0.11er ary capacity, young or old, inan or l'elliiilv. can acquire with a few lioiils’ practice. turd by which they can secure a very handsome in. come. Several young ladies who have re- ceived i‘listiulctions from me. both in New York State and Pennsylvania, are coming up- wards of $15 per week by it. and there is no reason why any one else cannot do the more. Iirvalids, ovvn. can (lo-Well by it'. as it is no I peddling affutr. but a business that is perfectly respcctablo“, Gentlemen :ilid lsdies of leisure who would like to lourn‘ the business for their own aiiiusemoiit or pleasure. will liiid illo prno- ticr ofi'. a pleasant pastime. and will take great interest in. On l'cceipt of $1. lwillsend printed instructions bv which any“J person can really acquire the art. and these' l instructions will also contain erory particular rolatiw ‘to the carrying it on, so that it will be highly profitable, The put-clitimr of tho " printed instructions †will also be authorized to teach it to others; and I have sorbet-lures received as high as $9.00, for teaching it per- sonallv to a single individual, I would state further that $72.34tor $3 will buy every thing, that is necessary to commence the business! with, and the articles can be got almost any where, in city or country, or, if preferred, 1 can furnish lhcin. Address, ALVOBD T. PARSONS, No, 36 Liberty, St. New York. 211~3tll<. Letters Romainingin RlCth)NDIIILliPostOtlice DECEMBER 1, .262. . Horn. S. 1‘. Lungstntll. Ansley, Thomas Artress. Wm. Bull. Mrs. Funny Baldin. I'Llimboth (,‘urry, Mrs. .l. K. Cover. 1"ctcr Donor, Emanuel Ir‘rtiultlin. M frank. Matilda Grant, (.icot‘ge (:2) Iloyes, John Harrison. Mr. nllti ((3) I'lrrllips. Mr. I’uytit‘». “fin. Qutilrtz. George Iicitl, Alt-x. S'onrro. Benjamin Stung. l‘ilrs. S‘ouks, Richard, 'I'ltotitris. fivorgc \Tflllit‘r. .lolilr. til. 'rr:r.ri'. m; l l STIR, A Y H El E? E R. â€"â€" l fut-ME info the promises of tlic Subscriber. b at Tholnbill. about the middle of Noâ€" venibcr Itist‘ a Rod and White lll'Ii'Viil. about a year and a hail old. Tho owner is t‘f‘qitestl'tl to prove property, pity expenses. and take Irol'uway. Y (Tl1.\llI.ES WICIYS'l‘I‘Ill. i: “thri‘V' L. d-m‘r .' .o 483315 5 a; ï¬re-2’87. amylase-it“s v} s ' 1N .. ;s:3’¢\ 3365‘. The business is of a' highly useful 4 and villages. and one that any person of ()rfllli- l one that they I FRY 3 ,“TI10.CHD that Refreshcs, but not. Illel'I:lI(‘.f§†i iAVING purchased a Stock of Teas, we are prepared to sell some of the FINEST TEAS! CAN inc Sour north of Toronto, Black Sonchorrg Tea, 2s. 6d. ((2 35. per 11). Do Extra Fine Flavour, . . . . . . . 49. “ ll Gunpowder Tom. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 49. Fine Japan Teri. (sun dril-d).. . . . 4s. 6d. “ I’nie. Fine Fresh Young Ilysmi.. . ~15. 6d. “ Young llyson, Extra. I“ull li‘avoiw ed and strong. not surpassed. if equalled. in Canada , 5S. “ assertion. At W. S. I’OIJJOCK'S, (Late G. A, Barnard’s.) i . Sept. 95, 1862. 51 r t I" .5 77' "a; T 5*) .‘k VV A El 2%) Eli OTIS lit) 'No. 93 King I? the nlaco in Tor into. to buy iiiro r . l O 1' only because the pr‘oprietoi'.ICl)W A R 1) L cxperioliccd Tea~buyers iii the trade. but from the fact that he purl-haon his 'i‘eas iii such large quantities at the Cage Stiles. thereby eu- nbliilg hiiii to scll til it very l SMALL A D VANCE ON COST. r i Neville, l'atlicli i Thorhbill, Dec. 18, 1815‘}. ‘21 1 -.'lt. hmfm‘hl n LE3 '? J an..." iii gig-fig it .t i ll liti PRICE, ONLY A YORK tilllfrlrlNGJ . . .. it (it t 8‘33) F01: SUI. AT THE “ I‘IERALT)’ †3:7)le STORI lthllliOND nlLL. P All ; 11.1.US'I‘th'l‘lfll) Scientiï¬c A The Best Mechanical Paper in ' the "World. 18m Y EARâ€"VOL. V111., NEW Sliltlli‘S. A b“ NElV volume of this popular Journal It is published vl’twltli‘, commences on the 1st of .ltiriiitlrj'.-- and ovcry number con- tains sixteen pages of useful in lit‘lilhlll)â€, and from five to lr‘ll oi iginzll engravings of new in~ voutions and (IlrtlthUl'lt‘S. till of which are pre- pared expreSSIy for its columns T011â€; MECHANIC dz. illAt‘il'i“AC'1‘I,ll’.15R No person ciigrrgctl itr tiny of the lliechriiriciil or manufacturingr l’tll‘slllli should thinli ofdoiiig without the St:lt.\'l‘ll‘t(ï¬ Amati-roux. It costs but six cents per week; cicry niimbor contains 'l ‘).‘I ' Ih\- tor-tn . . . , . l and inventions. \\'iitL'.il cannot no lound in any other publicziti =n. '10 Till: t.\1vrCNTolt. 'Illie SL'HATU‘lC Awaitij is indispensable every inventor. ti it not. only contains illustrated descriptions of ii rtt‘y rill 11w host inventions as they Come out. lilll ouch number contains :in of- ficial list of Itll‘l,ilill.11\' of oil the I'ï¬tt‘tlh issued from tho 1.7:iitld Stun-s l’ntent (lflit-c. diiilngi the week lllt‘Vlltli); thus giving a (‘UY‘HCL his-l tory of the progress of inventions iii this t‘Ollltâ€" , try. “lo we also receiving every week tlitll best scientific journals of Great. 1:; :laiii,l"r.'ince, illld Gorii‘tliiy : thus. lll‘ItCillg in our possession all that is trnnsprrnig. iii lirccliantcal science and or; in tilt-so old countries. \‘l’o shall cori- ttun~frr to our Columns cripious ex , tracts from 111L‘<t’.|}till1‘ll‘itls, of whatever tvo may I doom of inn-rest to our readers. A pamphlet of instruction as to the best mode ofobtaiirirrg Letters l’utcnt on now inventions, is fit iiislled free on application. Messrs. Muss 623 Co. have acted as Patent Solicitors for more than seventeen yevrs. in, connection with the publication of the Selm- TlFlC Aiilzuich. and they rt-fer to 20.01111 p.;â€" telitees for whom they have done business. ‘c'o charge is mods for examining sketches anti models of now inventions and for atlvlsltig investors as to their ptttt-iitabilily. CHEMISTS. .l'tR’t-Tlll'lllC'l'S. MILL- WRJ‘GIITS AND FARMERS. The Scttlxrrrtc Allini-ttt.‘.in will be found al most tiscl'ul journal to them. All the new dis- coveries ilr tire science. of chemistry are given I iii its columns, tind‘tlio interests of the architect and cu punter are riot overlooked; all tho new inventions and (11rt)t)V0!‘lt‘S appertaining to these pursuits bring publislwd from Week to Week,â€" Usotul and practical liiloi'iiutioti pertaining to the interests, of lirillwriglrts and iritllowrlCis will be found published in the Sitirzi'trr‘ic Ammu- CAN. which information they cannot possibly obtain from any other source. Subjects in which pluirtors and farmers are interested will be found (11>CIISS/‘d iii the St‘lt-iN’X‘H‘IC AMERICAN; most of the Iltllll'lll’t‘lllelll‘o in agricultural 1111‘- plcmeiits being illustrated iii its columns. 'l‘i‘illNlS : T3 mail subscriborsâ€" l‘liroe Dollars a "ear,or One Dollar for fotir ihtllills. The volumes commences on the first of January and July -â€" l Thorrihill. Nov. 6, 185?, .NEW virgins ‘Pltttit‘rnt'r‘sfl Specimen copies will be Sulll gratis to any part of the country. I Western aiid Canadian money or post-office rtarr'lps taken at par for subscriptions. Cona- ldian, subscribers will please to remit ‘25 cents extra on each year’s subscription,to promy reference, in a small family. where there are no children. to MRS. FALCONBRIDGE. Richmond llill, Dec. 24,1863. 2124!," Application to be made, postage. ' MUNN 6.; Co., Publishers. $7 PARK 110w, N, X. l December 4, 186?, Fulfilling the old adage “ Large Sales. Small Profits: and Quick Returns ;†a'so in ’ ~. ‘ ‘t"\ai.t.c-‘>.~T~‘$§k 5':~.~.~Et‘-.-"u€s’ntÂ¥;~f ‘m-tcfa. 't‘"vL-i-h4'.*:.‘74.v;'.r.t.m=iJ-ï¬x-: "flair-7 , r3153 imported in this Province. and as CHEAP as; _\’\'o trust that purchasers will examine. and 5 give its one trial. which will make good entry : 201.145". t Oil 1 ll. 4 l treat, 1 .31ch OF THE QUEEN,†lilil it Still Till; I.1\ WSOXJS one of the oldth and most 5 tMinirig. Milling. or“; vyjpy w. s,1:_â€"~«;~7;â€"Itvr 33.. AIL...â€" _ t slivth Show i ’ ' GEORGE EAKIN SNOW ’ Particularly invites the Public to call at his ETA CTORY IN‘ UNIONVILLE, And examine bis Stock of llh-. It. i ‘ ll'i.‘ ills." 1“llltt. . ‘t at . “i ‘ll l" .- l lit. 'lllllllll n lilillillll till Which be is selling off ICJIEAP FOR 0/18]! 01?. APPROVED PAPER ! lllnionvillo, Doc. 26, 1862. ‘A $011001 for 12119 Enginess Man: t glottal; Electoral dilatation belittle, of ï¬tting. and Toronto , Street's, I , er'r Door. TO 'rli r: rosr- OEFICE, ' ' GIVTO, CA NADA WEST. l'j‘tlli dosiin of this inStilution is to irnpaâ€"rT-tâ€"o-yfoiiâ€"iiig men and ladies a thorough and practical business education. The course of instruction ‘includos Book-keeping, Commercial ', Businoss Mathematics, and Busrriess Penmanship, all of wnlcli branches are taught .,;w ill 1 l l l l .5 Corner: thOR :in the most thorough andscientiï¬c mariner ' Tilt‘ Book kooping Department is as complete and extensive as that of any Commerctal [his respocpu Hen-(,5 have w College on the continent, embracing W'iiolesalo and Retail Merchandising. lirlanufar-tiiritrg. - . ‘ _ . . . . ‘ Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Commission. Railroading. Steam- lbotitilig. tkcn &c.. and is under the charge of 'I‘cttcliors selected for uptacticul as well as the- Prom] oroiiczil knowledge of the duties of the Counting Room. Byrrs' Bur'risu :‘rMLRICAN SYSTLM or R mo \‘l’itr'rrNo Will be tau-ghtlry its author. is the onlv system yet used by which all writing can be executed on one movement. Ir or Circular and specimens of Penmanship, address, (enclosrng Stamp) I. BATES, Principal. This C ll‘lt‘lil 1953, S U G A llS Fruits, curious n 7uul s ' it in ii 3.: He cannot be iindersold. BISCUITï¬ AND (G ON??? if} {it’ll RY Arc iriisiirpnsSr-d for quality rind price. all being irrriiriilactured on the premises, froin the host t tiiatcria‘ by lirst-clttss wurltilicn. Iced Ortlanieiilf‘d l l l l l l l 1 an (-1 t l t «51“ l Wedding . d Other Collies , Always on hand or made to order in any style ‘ on tho shortest 'iotice. Orders by mail a‘id otlrorwisc. attended tol with dispatch ‘All Hoods warranted its repro- ‘ settled. and delivered free of charge to the cars or iii the city limits, 8G†NO rf‘lECONI) PRICE. Remember the Place-â€" No. 93 KING Si'i‘it'fll'lT, SIGN or 'rltr: QUEEN. _ EDWARD LAWSON, Proprietor 167-6111 A" lit- Toronto. Feb 5. 179132. F RES II A RELIVA LS 01" till‘lfllillillii d3 bill Gillle 3 JOHN WATERHOUSE 1N returning his sincere thanks to his nu- lircrous Friends and Customers for their1 liberal supportsrnce Iio comilronced business at. the High: I‘VTIIES.‘ would respectfully draw their attention to his select stock of Teas at a very low figure: li‘inosl Black in: . . . . .- .35. 5d. per lb, Japan 'l‘en rf/‘:...........‘. 45 I’d, “ 7 Gunpowder I‘th’l {fl} ...~;...4s (id. “ Finest I’ongsuov llyson, ï¬r) 59,0(1. " H Flirt-st Young Ilyson ((1'). . .v , .55. (id, And other articles iii this department equally low, A trim and select Stock of DRY (Er-©9333: always in Stock, sold at a very low price. Crooner-3v 8;. (Brass le‘c iii great variety. ' l Eleizfclffff) l1†£3.39?) E755 .' I at S-i ‘25 nor barrel. If}P CALI; AND COMPARE PRICES, tclgm M ills. Nov, 12362. ens-2m 1 7% oils i c 55. ,4, LT. persons indebted lo the Estate of thel [1 late Mr. GEORGE l‘itlltlHl'. of the_ rI‘UW'lISI'llp of Vaughan. County of York, (le- l t‘ea-‘ml. are hereby requested to make payment: thy-roof forthwith to the undersigned Iiyecii-I trixt and all persons claiming to be Creditors l of the (Ii-ceased. are likewise requested to furnish the particulars lbei‘sof to the Execu- trix. in order that the some maybe examined and adjusted. JANE \‘l'RlGHT, Exccutrix, 20.3-th CHRISTMAS G1 F783 AM) i I u -' -\ 1 V l ECILH Ll) at the " IIFRALI) ’ Boox Ei'l‘Oi-ic’: a nice collection of 1. Miscellaneous Books: Toy Books, ‘ POl‘ftZ Blonies, ($13. (TC. @‘C. Suitable for Presents. for tho litlle folks, at the , coming Holidays â€"Vory Cheap, Richmond Hill, Dec. 5, ’ti:’. -\_. _,‘..../ 4 ] FARM FER EEALE {â€"1 l .EING the "car part of Lot No, 3'3. 1st Concussion of. tile TOWNSHIP OF V'AUG’HAN,§ in the Containing, by ado-.easliron out. till, ACR ES. 3 There are on the premises a good Dwelling-l House and Wood Shot, 2 good \Vells of‘ “Utter, (one ilr collar) 2 good Barns, l‘b‘tzibli'rsf and Outsheds for cattle There is also a small l’olid. with a Creek running through it, con- , veniont to the Barns, which will supply the: Cattle. both summer and winter, with water - The land is in a good state of cultivation. Daed indisputable, to be given the lst January. , Possession 1st .‘vlarcb, Inti3. I | For particulars apply (if by letter post-paid) to j GEORGE SOULES, Concord 1’.O. 3rd. (Ion. Vaughan. Or to “73d. ll'ICNIORRxTNA ' Tliorr‘ibill. Tborn‘uill, Nov 8,1862. 205-lf. ‘ ES '1‘ (l V ‘Riclimoid Hill, August ‘29, 18672. . A I‘ll S It‘ll LL STUCK ,l and Mourning Jeweleryâ€"all ofthe newest de- Scoools of Canda. is being engraved, and will be ready for use by the Isl of December. BAT ES d; ST RA 0 11A N. ‘20!)- iv. Toronto, December 4, 1862. di-yâ€" \. ..A I LEVE AND LET LIVEI o 3 l. V. r. ,, M3, or NEW AND SECOND HAND, PARLUUR All/'1) BOX STO VES I ! O O 0 If] NG, ,, 4.1.7,... ,.,..._. 212-3m' therein made.~. Heavy Metal, \Varrantcd by 'ï¬/‘Q’ILEEAEE EIOmG-E, $591171“... Copper) Tim 8.; iron Plato “lurker, \Vill be Sold CHEAP FOR CASH, OR APPROVED JOINT NOT CS, As cheap as any House in Toronto or anywhere else. 196-6m U 1 I‘ l Eb E43; rtttnat.ol scuoonyeoonsr GENERAL srA‘rronsRv, AT THE titrth HERALD†BOOK STORE, . RICHMOND i-ilLL, At Lower Priecs than is charged in Toronto. Orders received for, and great attention paid to .2? ‘ K '1‘: ‘9? i... 2: u liclrinond lliil, Angus ï¬g gt: t l r \Vllicli will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. 29, ESGQ. 195 liï¬zbï¬ï¬‚flrgg l l a: i L4. I 0 0 SINGLE ll DOUBLE! HEAVY OR LIGHT W EEEaXJâ€"Mï¬ma'fl AND DUHAELE 2 MAY BE HAD or ' -. l: b“ ,; " . 1,, ,3 t- , ‘* ‘ ll» 'l‘ir 3' ' in i‘ ’1‘, , l; i "“lliltllli ~ "'ltill‘lit ml , ‘IIE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to Suit purchasers, and of tile host inutcrizifs‘, - I HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. An assortment of V’l’lIII’P‘l, LASI’IISS, Sic. constantly on hand. Collars warranted to Fit, Look do VVcttr “fell. Aleo, Itcptfor Sale Patterson. & Bro’s. Plows, Points, Landslides, &c. (if? Call and Exmninc, at ‘.\"'M. IIARRISON’S Biclrn’ionll l’Iill, October 17, 1861. 151â€"3m "7.71.17; . ._ A. z~_~4‘:;.21::;‘:_:’£_:_‘; mm " ‘wLZZFL Lln::;..â€"~.:31.::::ZT :LZZLTSZ . a... 3‘."â€" lvwr‘ DiAhiES STEAM I) N GI N 1C.â€"â€"aboul 8 horse For 1883.-~at the power.â€"wrth Boiler. Alto. complete. “‘ HERALI †BOOK STORE, Apply to AMOS \VRIGIIT'. M_.I’.P. lichmond Hill, Dec. 5, ’62. u i... Terlns libe til, Richmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1852. 206 if W W HA R. l till, ' IAIPQIKTER or llltlitlllbs, blocks a Jewelery, 103 King; Street west, TORON’EO, Has just received noo'r‘i‘t at, sons, INFOIt’rll' THE PUBLIC, That they have taken the Store, llllll'. opposited 11. B. WILLIAMS, until the premises lately occupied by them, corner of .9" Queen ARE REBUILT. . OUR MANUFACTUING DEPARTMEl T, 1% continued as usual, and we are prepared to l l 0F FINE Gold and Silver VVatchos, Colored and Bright Gold Guards, Alberto, Brace- lets, Brooches, Signet and Com Rings Earâ€"‘ rings. Solitaires. Lockets, Charms booklets, 1 35-0“. 9.8 Thimbles. Pen and Pencil Cases, Silver, Jet 5’ Streets, signs: also, lt‘iue Gold Wedding Rings, and Spectactles to stilt all lights. “latches, Clocks and Jewelery Carefully Repaired tï¬- l'l'arrantfcd To give satisfaction. Remenibl‘r the Rdtir'Wsâ€"n. E23 King Street W031), lmay be entrusted. ROSIN never. BLOCK. Toronto, Sept. 19, 1862, l ‘ 199,311) Toronto, May 11. 18512. ,to order a package of our books. lattend )rnni iii to all orders, with which in" . l p ' ,800Kb‘ every Friday afternoon, frot- Cl. C ltr'cluclz. r- M, BOOTH 5‘s. SIONS. . wmgqv 1 Richmond Iltll, Feb. 27, 156.1. . ., 4...: :â€" 13; BOWMAN, MD", Physician, Surgeon dillccouclieur i IAS again returned to ALMIRA MILLS where he can be consulted on the vari- ous branches of his profession. N.B. All calls punctual-1y attended to except; when absent on professional busm'css. Almira, Markham, November 20,1869. ï¬lm-Gm . FINKLE $1. LYON Strivth MACHINE COMPANY. 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. ._.¢_. O parties little acquainted with tho Finkl'ot 6:. Lyon Sewing Machines the careful pof T heel of the Company’s Circular is specially commended. This Circular can be had? on up- It is very specific. and will be foul†highly instructive, having been prepared Wit? much care. and wowill abide by allstatemaiv p‘lica‘tion. The following brief quotation is cliamcteriav tic of the entire Circular: " This Machine is better adapted than any . other Sewing Machine in market to the freqii’t' changes and almost on 'less variety of sewing required in a fri'nily ; for it will sew from one. to twenty thicknesses ofilltirseilles without stop- ping, and making every stitch perfect Wil'b‘ . sew from the ï¬nest‘gariserto the heaviest cloth. and eVun to the stoutost harness leather. with. out Changing the feed. needle. or tension, or making any adjustment of machine whatever.†Thus have ue'successfullv overcome the ' most difficult point in the Sewing Machine Art.- l-t. was no ordinary triumph. Deï¬antly can wet I say, “ No other Machine compares with it in‘ I o uniformlyâ€"‘1‘- most without excepiionâ€"taken the highest- 'iim, when the Machine has been properly exhibited in competition with other ï¬rst-clan Sewing Machines, Ilence is it Uiat we are able to offer the following guarantee. viz :--- " ‘iVe Warrant every Machine we sell to zivo‘ To TrzAcrir‘.ns.-â€"A Series of Copy Books on the above system, by I BATES dz, H. G, S'rRA- ball-0ԠSallSllaCUml' Illa“ 31W 011"†SGWIDg Ml- lcnax (teacher of Penmanship iii the Provincial Normal School) designed for the use of chine. nowrn nTal'liel..orlnon.ay rofand°d.n___ We never sell a M achino on any other term: The guarantee is as reliable as the note ofnny business man in the land. For more than ï¬ve years have we relied upon such facts for thi reputation ofourMbclrino ; and without asingl. travelling agent in the ï¬eld, there is scarcely I neighborhood on the continent where the NM chine is not favorably known. VVo‘p’roferIucIa a reputation to one based on 'mero “ talking points,†as they are technically called in the‘ trade. Hence we make but one kind of stitcht viz ; the lock-stitch. alike on both sides. require ing :1in Ollts’illll‘d the thread of otlror kinda of tltclies. N. 13. Local agents wanted in eVerv county throughout the West. Special inducements offered. Finlrle & Lyon 8. 114- CO: 198-6in 533 BROADWAY. NEW YORK; A Work of Absorbing Interest; Thrilling Adventures X All! 03“ G THE EARLY SETTLEHS, By 'iVARllISN VVIIJDVVOOD, Esq. ' RAWN from the mo‘st eventful perde .ofl - American History. and from the most_ authentic sources, those stories yet partake of all the wild, weird, and fearful character of rat; malice The volume contains the following: ni'iion'g others, ' McCullough's Fearful Leap, The Bloody Block House, . I’oes‘ Desperate Encouutre with Big Foot. Adventures of Daniel Boone. Perilous Adventures iii a Canoe, The Mystery at Italic-aster, Dtlvv Crockett’s Adventures, The Desperadoes’ Mistake, The Old Trapper in a Tight Place, The Wonderful Mistake, ‘lre Desperado and the Regulators, The Ranger’s Thrilling Indian Adventure; The Fighting Parson, I'lo‘rro'r's of a Bonr‘bardthankâ€"Norfolk in '76; Fearful Adventure among the Guorillna. The Gamblers" Deli at Natchez. Perilous Adventure of Captain Brady, Fearful Encounter with a Bear. General Putnam’s Daring Exploits. The Massacre at Fort Mimins, The White lIo‘r'seumt'r,’ Black: Dick and the Lynchers, Adventures of Simon Kenton, A She-Devil tlll'ollg the Tories. The Sivaiirp Robbers of Louisanua. Thrilling I‘lsctlp'e from a I’rison Ship} The Illl'lenian of Cliippawa, Surprised by Guorillas, 'l‘lro (,‘anadiau Rebellion and Gen, Soul A Desperadc’s Thrilling Adventures, How It Brave Man saved District. A Desperado among the Mail Bags, The Indians and the Ilollow Log. The 'I'l‘aveller and the Arkansas Bully; A [face for Life, . Thrilling Adventures or†Two Scouts. The Nurderer’s Ordeal, The Wolves and tho Darkoy Fiddler; The Murder'dr’s Creek, 650. &c. Everybody everywhere should get TH it AD VENTURES !’ The Back contains 384 pages, Illustratedl with I‘vvo lltirrilred new and original Engrav- irtgs, and will be sent to any address, postago‘ raid. on receipt ofprice. Cxtra cloth. $1.25.- we are also Publishers of EVERYBODY'S LAWYER 8t? COUNSELLUR IN BUSINESS, by Frank Crosby. Esq. l’r'tco. 25. _ TUE HORSE AND‘ HIS DIS; BASES. by Dr. Robert Jennings. V.‘S. Price.- r51.25. - ~ » TH E FAMILY DOCTOR, By’ Prof. H. S. Taylor, M.I). Price, $1.01). SUNLIG HT AND SHAD‘OVV, or ‘--’1‘lre Porrrnv oil" lion’s.†by Harry Pencil; or. Price $1.00 LIFE AN 1) ADVENTURES OF.‘ KIT CARSON. The Great \Vesteru Hunter" and Guide. Price $1 MODERN COOKERY, in all its branches; by Mrs. llrilc, l’rrce $1.011. Together with! other valuable and useful works, a Catalogud of which will be sent free on appli‘cation,â€"§ Books iorwarkod to any address. postage paid, on receipt of price. We also make PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS in every Wallet! Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agentl, Canvasscrs, l’eddlers, and others will do Wail They will find thorn exceedingly popular-,and terms liberal 1000 Local 8r. Travelling Agents Wanted everywhere for their sale- lt‘or single copies, or for terms in quantities. with other information apply to or address JOIIN EDWIN I’OT I‘ER, Publisher. 187 No. 617. Sansoni St- Philadelphia. Pa. RICHMOND HILL. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION f ‘HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their J... LIBRARY to the ‘ Humor: ’ Book Store. . whore Slockl'loldcrs and others may Togo,†V 'l A. SCOTT,‘L£&rariad. '