' December 31,186l. l. .- I at, 5.3,»: v.- ,, , ..‘.,-.ev,_.r » .. ...,.».-.,.‘,-,.._.a “flfl cumunWi CAR. ' ' H F. Subscriber bugs to inform the inhabi- tants ol RICHMOND HILL. and vicinity, ling. "that after an experience of ti years. so has ar- rived with his AMBROTYPE CAR! And has switched offuear the “Masonic IIotel, Richmond Hill, Where he is prepared to take a correct pic: ture ofthose who may honor him With a call. feeling assured that he cannot. be surpassed by any other Ill taking Photograph, Ambrotype and Lettergraph Likenesses. An early call is soliciiod as his stay will be _‘ short, Ambrotypes taken from the smallest to the largest size. JAMES LEONARD. 213â€"51. Du. - s. DELLENBAUGH, GERMAN PHYSICIAN, 0F BUFFALO. NEW YORK. I ILL be in the following places in Janu- ary.'1863 :â€" LLOYDTOWN, l6. ' 'Kt.rm2nuau. l7â€"19.t\‘lc.\1ann’s Hotel. ‘ ‘ "RICHMOND llii.i..20. Nicholls’ Hotel, Where he can be consulted upon all forms of Chrdnic Diseases _.Dccernber 31. 1862. 213-25. Dr, FRED DELLENBAUGH, s E B M 0 N g z. : ccived 'I'III‘J ORIGINAL GERMAN PHYSICIAN, 0r BUFFALO. if Y. 71:10 established the first Bo'anic Practice ’ in said city more than thirty yea-s ago. and has devoted two thirds of his time‘ to Chronic diseuses and general debiliU'. will he in the following plncos in the riionth of JANU- ARY, 1863 :â€" Richmond Milâ€"Nichols' Hotel. Jan’y 8th. KingStatioufDayby's Hotel, 9th. Newrnarkctâ€"North American Hotel. 10 to l‘lth chitibuigwhlclliiiiti’s Hotel, 15th dc Itith \Vhere he cart be Consulted on forms ct Linger. ing Diseases, Consultation and service free. . December 31‘. 15132. ‘212-2i, [ADVELTHLME‘NTJ MEDECAL SCHOOLS. We have roceivml the following letter from n COTI’QSpOIltIclll in Napanee :.- To the Editor ofthe Leader. SIR.-â€"-I am iiotthe only one interested in the inquiry wh.ch I am about to} make. I hope, therefore, as a public journalist, you will give me~the necessary information, inasmuch as it will enable me to decide what Medical School iii the Province. as there are so many contra- dictory stat«:rtronts abroad, to flll~‘|l(1 11.4.“, the Midical Schools in Toronto the right to attend the Hospital? IILth‘ they no equal right to do so? Hue they the same opportunities and ndvantngm olTerctI them of seeing the Hospital practice ? Ur is one school more privileged than another. Further, can you inform me what are the advantages oftlie Medic-ll school belonging to the University, as to lloepital practice and gla- duatiun, and what the superior advantages it POSS-65:5t5s wlah regard to l’rnciical Anatomy 17â€"â€" What time are tire students obliged to Mat :"u- later. and aft. 1‘ l‘vlatriculateou cart they hoa.d lll the College? The earliest iulormuiion. -\Vllll any more you think will be uselul. will be wr-iâ€" Corned bv'menica! students in general, and your humble servant in particular. Yours truly. MEDICAL STUDENT. In answer to our coricspmdont it. may be stated that under the ilo-pital act, all pupils. upon paying a required lee, have an equal right to attend the II(l~ptltIl, and are itu‘pposec to en. joy equal advantages. Lately new ttus.ees have been appointed by the Government. and it is to be hoped that someinequalitiesnndl abuses “hicli have heretofore been lilellllullcd. For int-Ln Illl'l' l iti our columns will be i‘t"CilIIt'tl, V ¢_'.,- ~,--.»;..-v.~~sv~<,t'wr:tun... 2.x, 2 L v. s v, «.3 . t- " rayon ~ - ._._.____'_______.â€".§ k _‘__...... ’l‘o'bo Leased 'IHE BURWICK FACTORY, lTll SHAFTING &'WATER-I’OWER complete: or. Three Flats of the above building, 72 feet by 36 feet, with Shaft- and “later Power to drive Machinery. Can be had on lease. together or separately Both Building and Machinery are in a tho- rough stato of repair, Application to be made to the Subscriber, J. W. GAMBLE. Pine Grove Mills, Dec. 31. 1862. 2024f. THE lilzliilIC TIME OBSERVER, The Perfection of Mechanism. BEING A Hus'rmo Arm Oran Facts, on Lsov‘s on varmmu’s Wuua Cou- niivnn. ‘ One of the prettiest. most convenient, and decidedly the best and clieape~t timepiece for general and reliable use, over offered. It has within it and contracted with its i'nachinery. its own winding attachment, rendering: a key en~ tirely unnecessary. The cases of this watch are composed 01 two metals, the outer one being ï¬ne 16 carat gold It has ‘ the improved ruby l aciioii lover movement. and is warrruted an t accurate timepiece. l’iiCe. super-ny engraved. per case of a half dozen, $t2tr4.titl Sample . “latches. in neat morocco boxes, for these pro- posing to buy at wholesale. $35. sent by ex- press. with bill payable on delivery. Soldiers must remit payment in ptlvance. as we cannot collect from those in.tlie ariiiy. Address HUBBARD BROS. 6.: Co.._ Sole Importers, Cor. Nassau and John Sis.. DOW Yolk. 913. binoculariiiâ€"strainers ! 01‘ TH E WESLEYAN M. MISSIGNARY SOCIETY YONUE ST'tl I‘ll‘l'l" NORTH CIRCUIT. On the subject of Missions will be preached at the following*placex:â€"â€" On Sabbath, 4!]! J curl/(try, 1863, . Thoruhill. lllé a,m.: Rupert‘s. ti p,m.; by Rev I. 15. Howard. Richmond Hill. 103 rum . 'l‘liernbill. 5 p.ni.: Rev. Chas Imyell, M A. Buttouville, Ill}: \‘l’esley Church. ‘2 p.nr.; Richmond Hill, 6 p.rn.; Rev. W. I’rice. A COLLECTION will be taken up at the close of each Sermon in support of the So- tor a TOIIIIOIIYOM‘S‘FARRI F0}: SALE, :CUII’IG- ciety’s Missions. MISSIOI'iARâ€"Yâ€"IEJEETINGS 1 In connection with the above Society, will be held as fo'lows :â€" l‘vlontlay, JAN 5.: 'l'ttvsday, Jan. (3 ; liiclimond llill. \Vodncnâ€" day, Jan. 7 : Wt-stey (Thu cll Thursday. Jan. 8: Huttonyille. Monday. Jun. l2: German hilllx, Tuesday, Jan. 13; llethyin's, \Veti- llbedaV. 1-1. I each place at 7 'I'hornhill, Chair to be taken at o'clock. p m. In addition to the above named Minister-g, the Rev. JAMES I‘ll.l.l() 1‘. Chairman of the District, the liev J. W, MCCALLUH. and others. are expected to address the meeting.- A ('()l..l.l£(-'l‘l()N will be taken tip at each Meeting to advance the objects of the Society. T. A. i’l'lITGUSJN, Superintendent Rirlmmnd run, Dec. :25, lets-2. ere-2, Ct-iftlï¬iii‘v‘lr‘tï¬ Fan beg leave to intirurtn that we have re- lV itiarltitl the following goods having a large Stock. whit-it vie rush to clear out, Our prices are now as followspwhich will be I I found remarkably low, ('etrv-idcring the I quality: - l Raisins, . . . . . ..........lllf‘l‘-‘. to 12.1mm. Currants“ . . . . . . . . . . . .- Hots. N‘s "trâ€"a - rec, l .5. " "u.â€" n I Zlack Sounhong. t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 .30 l Japan. line. stillâ€"dl‘lr‘tl . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . l' 155 Fine Young ll)~'on.. . . .. .. . . . . . 0 ll†Illxtrtt I' most do. (urisurpnssed) . . I ()0 Exti't do, (junpoi‘.’dcr,(ttnsurptisscd) l (.0 II, II. HALL. Richmond llill. Dec. 18. '56). Qll-Qt. l tilpil‘l'flilll ' Illblitklil beg to inform persons indebted to me. that the principal part of their pro- inissory notes and who: claims have passed Notice. I l Rupert’s. I tiou upon the seennd pornr we Wuutd rut-m. Mâ€, ’ I > out of my hands, and that it Would be. prudent ‘col‘l'esptllidelll to the address 01 Illl‘ Rev Dr ‘ tomako immediate payment to the _ ‘ , _ _ , I lioldoi‘a hchattl. I’resrdent of University College. l-s: mommy, giivlo'ri Iatdtlie ldl/t. (_[.oni;ennoni and “bran \t..s J. K. FALLONBIMDGE. )t i. .' re l“ [in .cm a" at tie time n 'hat - n - . .. l l '5 ," , , . . ‘ Richmond Hill, Dec. 2, 1802. 3 occasion tire I 1'. user. the following language: my 7 H In the year iii-53, now nine years since, . -» ' - . , . _. ‘ ‘ .(COPI .) the their cxnttng University of Ioronto wasl divided into two establishments. one retaining the name of the University o Toronto, and the other called University College. Toronto, the same institution, the convocation of which was now being, held. these institutions differ-til materially iii their functions. The University of Toronto was formed on the model of the University of London. and \\ as limited to the prescribing oi Slll'jrCts for examination, the tip- po.ntmcnt of exarrrLoers. the awar ing of me- r NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ft†II :T MARTIN MACillCOI) will apply to I J. the nexl b‘osricn ol the i‘rovinclal l’arlia- merit tor an \ct to conï¬rm his title to the Road allott'ant-e butting: his farm. lot 61. in the lat COIttTtPS'JUtl of King. being the town-litre be tween lliu 'l'owusnrpn of King and Vaughan in the fi >t coin:t.<ss:lon. granted to him by the County Council of York. dals and the conferring of decrees ' it had no . l ' . ~" ‘ i--.,.- ),.... . 03 ..2 .7 teachers or protessors 01 any kind 0'. it... [Al-“Ch. l. U IUD†~ , 186. . -12 3ll‘ other band. the func.ion of teaching outward h s .._ -. --.....,-. y -- v- . raw!» ‘3. ~ A ' .41 especially to Donut-shy ' oilege. In tho origi. i Ea E7513; ($153 3:" flail a) ital astonishment ol the University there were r l u . ‘â€" . I four facultiesâ€"the iacultros of Divmity. Lao , ( I Medicine and Arts. 13} the statute llttsï¬t‘d in (3:2? l IT'S-rill, the faculty of Utv’ultv was lullltlve‘-, and; . __ in 18.33 the faculties of Law and hIl'dlCHtO were rm-HF S b†If t. b y Y‘. k ‘d , also removed ; so that University Uollvgo was 1 ' u 5†mm to “a a 0†m a“ “5 in fact but the faculty of Arts; with the addition l of the departments of Agriculture and Civil Engineering.†This is sufï¬ciently explicit on the point that Mip is now completed, and is being furnished to tho Subscrioers its fast possible. No troubc or exl cine hr-s been spared in the prev neither Law nor Medicine is taught in the To- LIT-“HT? Eâ€. This,“ ml“ fllm'il '3 find“ IMF-W ronto University or iii University Collcoo.â€"- . hall†“I†m L“, mow (‘l'ml'lmle '1“ accumml Them can thea'efoda be no llldtlltfl'tl SUIIUJ be- I um†an). “MM '1‘â€) liuthhtd' l y e longing to the Ut‘iirersity. Perhaps the learned â€"-- ’ President was tnus explicit a: the late. as he was a}. former Coilvocatious. til order to correctl erroneous UlrllllClls which seem IO prev .11 upon this subject. It is true that by the act oi i553. Wnich constituted the Iol‘ullltl UtiiVer'sity a graduating body toward all inedcal schoolsâ€"â€" 'I‘ R I‘lll‘VT A I N l) ’ S ’ ‘opogruplileal, Statistical A51) 1 liLUSIftAIED MAP Elf-UPPER CANADA, l l but a teaching body toward ii0iteâ€"â€";llcUill and }\~,l‘ll.lmt {will} "lip" ‘i'iyljelzsiruvntl Xylehefm} Lthil CollegeS. in Canada Last: and lipprr . ()3 35,“; ‘11. 913,?“ u \Qéili‘fle laws 0 Canada. Queen’s. Victoria and ngropohs Gui- l Alla†ll ' li’ “Ull'ul‘n’ ‘ .l' ' " t" y . 19288. in Canada W‘ st; and ma TOWING SCUMâ€, bitliscliliois to either of the above “ mks me of Medicine. became afï¬liatedpliko to be To- Particularly. minimum. “3ith bling decewad roiito University. '5 Its. was the addition or “3' Wm"; “Hews-led I",th MIST.“ map w- the Eiigli-lt plain. as carried out in the Univvr- "0â€",32'3Ԡ"l, .m_ New ‘ Mk I . Uer Rh)". Ea-- sity ofLoridom wherein the must equal a: d Mira“) ‘5 I“ 'Lililesmll' that humus†b ll?" “2â€th juwm “mung mo amhawd Unnang Will not beqpuoitslred at allâ€"or that‘tbe Sun- ~ - scrthers trill not have to take it. in case it and tlier pupils to graduation is universal) atl- gym“, 1 CW _1 d i V I ,d l, r, milled. 'l'he onh pointof dil‘f'eronml. indeed, K , me 05,2 ~45? “8’ N km†{’6 one is that the students oi the Medical schools at- flu“), limit-if} a“: ’ To taclrcd to the (Todegcs had the additional right “0,â€? aâ€? :‘hw' ‘ v of coming up for gl'uduvllif‘ll as Well in their own I “E HAL." his MA!) WILL BE FUR. as in tho 'I‘ot‘onto University. 'I be right is. t Nlb‘lll‘il) To EVERY SUBSCRIBER therefore. not so much belonging to the ol-l leges as in the pupils of the Colleges. I is evident. therefore, that no claim can be law- fully set tip by any particular sc.-ool to any spoâ€" ciuli‘clrrtion to the University of Tori-no. to direct or indirecr pecuniary aid. or to particular ' countenance or accenrrrrndatiou or advantage b-yond Other Medical Sclioovs; and wore any school in any Vay or by any direct on indr ccl means, so tosot forttr auylllllui wwrvh would induce a contrary apprehension in the public mind. such afII hilt-'(l body would ttoid out. Ital-'e irripressrous. would he regaqu a.- plaiflir‘lllg deception on the profession. the public and be people would bring into suspicion the imparâ€" tiality of the University, and Wood ju<tty once its affiliation in danger of b. mg cancelled. As regards the 0illt‘l'Qtlb:â€"1lull> asked by our ‘ are cor-respondent, we must refer him to the Dean f to oftlie College, who is better able to answer1 MRS. FALCONBRII)GE. £11611! than we can possrbly be, ‘ Richmond Hill, Dec. 24, 1862. 2124!. All such representa- country is necessarily a work of months. AGENTS *wANTED ! Fortbe sale of the Map lll every Township l t IL? All elders by mail promptly attended to Ollirc and Address No. 7.9 FRONT S'I'., TORONTO. Toroiito,-Dnc. ‘27, 1‘69. 212. W’mrtcd immediately ' , CUOK AND i-li,)USii‘.;\'l.-\lD, with good no Clllltli‘t’ll. Application to be made I’itbllt: are. respectfully inforitted that the i and G9,...8m. ; thug Macing in om. {Hawssion REING Lo'r no. 17, [N was 2nd Concession of. Markham, ONTAINING 67% Acres, about 52 Acres the remainder covered with good Beech and Maple l'irnber, There is bit the premises a getrd Frame Dwelling House, with a large Cellar under, cleared. 35 of QIIf-iiew. and a good Log Barn. Stables,Sheds, 610. Also a good Well of Water close by the Kitchetrdoor. and a never-failing Creek running across the west end of the Farm. - For particulars, apply on the promises to THOMAS TEASDALL, Or at this Ofï¬ce. Headford. Dec. 12. 1852. ï¬lo-lit. S’R‘E,A RI EN G IN E AND PLANEING MACHtNEi FOR SALE. t, TILL be'Sold low for Cash or Exchanged for Land a first-rate STEAM ENGINE â€"â€"â€"14 horse powerâ€"in good working order; has only been iii use about 3 months, ant’. is there- fore as good as new. Also, a Surfaceiug and M}.tt‘.hiug I’ianeing Machine. with a quantity of Shutting and Belting, in good repair. For further infortriation apply at the " York Herald†ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. Nov. "0. 1862. EMPLOYMENT-' THE Uhdorsigned has. for Several years past, been engaged iii a business. which has yielded him at. the rate of three thousand dol- to others, The business is of a highly useful and general character, adapted both to cities and villages. and one that any person of ordin- ary capacity, toting or old, male or female. cart acquire with‘a few linties’ practice. and by which they can Secure it very handsome in Several young ladies who have re- itistrtrctious from me. both in New York State and Pennsylvania. are earningmup- wards of $15 per week by it. and there is no reason why any one else cannot do the same. Invalitla, even, can do Well by it. as it is no peddling aï¬'au'. but, a business that is perfecily respectable. Gentlemen and ladies of leirure who would like to learn the business for their own airiusotiient or pleasure. will ï¬nd the prac- tic" of l', a pleasant pastime. and one that they will lake great interest in. On receipt of $1. Iwillsciid printed lll>1.UCll011‘J by which any -person can really acquire the art. and these instructions will also contain every particular relatin to the carrying it on. so that '11 Will be highly proï¬table. The purchaser of the “printed instructions ’? will also he attlhorrled to teach it to others; and I have sometimes received as high as $300, for teaching it per- iro ally to a single individual, I would state further that $2.50 or 83 will buy every thing that is necessary to commence the business with. and the articles cart be got almost any- where, in city or country, or, if preferred, I can furnish them. ' Address, ALVOI’J) T. PARSONS. No. 36 Liberty. S t. New York. 2211~3ins. ST 3?» AY H EIFE R. (NAME into the premises of the Subscriber, ./ at Tlioruhill. about the middle of No~ \‘enrber lnst‘ a lied and l'Vhile “LIFER. about a year and a haif old. The owner is requested to prove property. pay expenses. and take lioraway. CHARLES \VEBSTER. Thornhill, Dec. 18, 186'2. 'i‘ii‘ii Ell-3t. lililllllll illtlllllll} i For 1 8633 Pines, ON BY A YORK SIIILLING. FOR SALE AT THE “ HERALD †BOOK STOR C, RICHMOND HILL. " itinerna'iisif Scientific American 3' The 1363i; Mfecltianical Paper in the World. YEAILâ€"VOL. VllI., NElV SERIIC. NEW Volume 0' this popular Journal commences on ilie list of January.â€" lt is published Weekly, and ovary number con- tains rixieori pages of useful information, and front ï¬ve to ten original engravings of new Ill- voutions and discoveries. all of which are pre- pared expresst for its columns TO THE M ICCIIANIC «k MANUFAC'I'URER No person engaged in any oftlro irrechanical or manufacturing pursuits should think ofdoiug without the SCIiLN‘I‘iFtC AMERICAN. It crisis but nix cents per week; every number contains from six to ten engravings of new machines and inventions. which cannot be found in any lSrn l , other publication. 'I‘O TIIE INVENTOR. The Semantic AMLRIC-IN is indisp e null le 0\’f'l‘\ inventor. a it notouly contains illustrated descriptions of iii-ally all the best inventions as they come out, but each number contains an of- . ficial list of the ole ms of all the I'ntouts~ issue-d from the IJ.lll."(l States Patent Ofï¬ce, during the week previous; thus giving it correct his- tory of the progress of iuvmitions in this coun- try. We are also rereivrug every week the best rctentiï¬t: journals of Great B itain,l"‘rance, alltlmt is transpiring. in mecharncal science and art in these old countries. We shall cori- iinne to transfer to otir columns copious ex' tracts from these journals. of whatever we may deem of interest to our readers. A pamphlet of instruction as to the best mode ofobtaining Letters Patent. on new inventions, is fit uislred free on application. Messrs. MUNN §L Co. have acted as l’ateui Solicitors for more than seventeen yore. in connection with the publication of tho Still-N" TlFlC AMERICAN, and they refer to $311.00†pa- tentees for whom they have done business. *0 charge is made for examining sketches and models of now inventions and for advising inventors as to'their patentability. CHEMISTS. AliCl-II'I‘ICC'I‘S. MILL- \IVRlGllTS AND FARMERS. l The SCtuN'rii‘ic AMERICAN "will be found a i most useful journal to tlrc-nr. All the new dis- coveries in the science of chemistry are given in its colutrius, and the interests of the architect niitl ca'pentei' are not overlooked; all the new inventions and discoveries appertaining to these pursuits being published from Week to week.â€" Usotnl and practical information pertaining to the interests of millwrights and millowums will be found published iii the Scru~'l‘1FIc Ameni- .n grand time, but the inanutnctnre ol the Maps CAN, winch information they cannot possiblV ; and the delivery of them through the whole obtain from any other source. Subjects in | . , . . y whicn planters and farmers are interested Will he found discussed in the SCIENTIFIC AMEleAN; most oftlio improvements in agricultural iru pleinents being illustrated in its columns. 'I‘ERMS : TJ mail subscribersâ€" l‘hree Dollars a "ear,or One Dollar for four mou.hs. The. volumes comrriences on the ï¬rst of January and July â€" Specimen copies will be Sent gratis to any part of the country. Western and Canadian money or pest-effice stamps taken at par for subscriptions. Cana- dian subscribers will please to remit ‘25 cents . . . i r . I ’ . .I ' . reference, iii a small family. where there “Kt†0“ Gull leaf 3 subsmll’llon: 1° Pm! 3} postage. MUNN & 00., Publishers. 151 PARK Row, N. Y.‘ December 4, 1852. . $1.... .. ‘w.’ Ifu. ‘ . " ;v .v '.‘.~:"-' View» 'ydr'v' r" .‘ * '-' ' 1» an. lars per annum, and is now willing to teach z...†,. ,~,'.. ï¬u‘ufï¬ vimâ€"«a >,v-"r;_::.._}~ .‘y‘n~t.v:l',‘-.- w i . xâ€. can ugh-m Dissolution of ' Partnership? IIE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between THOMAS dz. WILLIAM FHISBY. of the' Township of Markham, is dissolved thisl dav by mutual consent, (November 25th, 1862)â€"all Debts due and owing to the said Firm to be paid “over to the said -Tbo‘s. Frisby : also all Clainrs‘against the same to be handed to Thomas Frisby for payment, THOMAS raiser, woman Fanny. Markham , Nov ' 2?, 1862 first T1. “The Cup that ï¬efrcshcs, but not Inchi'imes!†l I AVING purchased a Stock of Teas, we are prepared tomb some of the FINEEST TEAS 21 imported in this Province. and as CHEAP as: can an Sum: north of Toronto, . l Gd. (0 35. Do Extra Fine Flavour.. . . .. . . 4s. “ Gunpowder Teen. . . . . . . - . . Is. “ ‘ Fine Japan Tea. (sun dried)†. . . 4s. 6d. “ Black Souchï¬n Tea, er lb. 2' Pure. Fine Fresh Young TT)SOII,. . 45. (id. “ Young I‘lyson. Extra. Full Favor‘ ed and strong. not surpassed. if equalled. in Canada . . ... 5s. “ We trust that purchasers will examine. and t give Us on: trial. which Will make good every assertion. At W. S. l‘Ol.LOCK’S, (Late G. A, Bat‘tiard’s ) Richmond Hill. Sept. 95, 1862. 2011-â€. r1 ‘ 1 f f ‘l 1 His ll 10 1 (Hill. . This, WA it EEMBUSE No. 93 King Street, SIGN OF THE QUEEN, Is the place iti Toronto, to buy pure lilll it llllli Till, ,. TO 1' only because the pi'opr'ietor',EI)WA It I) LAVVSONJS one of the oldest and most experienced Tea-bii‘ ers in the trade. but fi'mu ' the fact that he purl-limes his Teas in such large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby eu- abli'ng him to sell at a very SMALL AD VANCE ON COST, Fulfilling the old adage “ Large Sales. Small Proï¬ts and Quick leturns ;†a'so iti COli-‘_il‘lill£>l, S U G A ltS Fruits, Spices handout He cannot be undersold HIS ï¬lgovims Ah!) , Are unsurpassed for quality and price. all being manufactured on the premises, from the best triaterial by first-class workmen. Iced and Oriraiiientod “'eddiug and Other Cakes Always oti hand or made to order in any style 0:: the shortest notice. Orders by mail and Otherwise. attended to with dispatch ' All Goods warranted as repre- sented. and delEvored free of charge to the cars or in the city limits. {332 no SECOND PRICE. Ilciircrribcr the Place-- No. 93 KlNU S’I‘ltlï¬i-Z’l‘, SIGN or run QUEEN. EDWARD LA‘VSON, Proprietor 167-6m lli‘lfouto. Feb 5. 135?. , -__.. M--._ _... ___._...__._.~. FRESH ARRIVALS ’ tilitillliillilfi & MW @0093. â€"â€"_._._ JOHN WATERHOUSE, {N returning his sincere thanks to his nu. merous Friends and Customers for their liberal support since be commenced business at the Elg'in Mills-- u‘ouldrospectfully draw their attention to his select stock ofTeus at a very low figure: Finesr Black too. ï¬ll. . . . . . - . 3S, Gd. per lb, Japan Tea {(2. . . . . . . . . . . . 43 (1d, “ Gunpovtder Tea F60 .. . . . . . 43 6d. “ Finest l’engsuoy I'Iyson, GD 5s. lid. “ Finest Young IIyson FtZ‘. . . . .5s. 0d “ And other articles in this department equally low. _ ' A nice and select Stock of DRY GOODS: ulnays itr Stock, sold at a very low price. 1 Greenery k Glass “fare in great variety. , FerflslTIEE k†FLO WEE .' at $4.95 per barrel. 3:? CALL AND COMPARE PRICES, Elgin Mills. Nov. 28. 1802. 2t.’8-‘lm CHRISTMAS OIFTS NEW YEAR’S" Pit 'ESENTSn a nice Collection of iiECElVED‘at the -‘ HERALD" lloox S'romc Miscellaneous Books, i, T03} B colts, Porte Monies, . l &c. (ire. 8/0. t Suitable for Presents. for the litlle folks, at the l coining Holidays -â€"-Vory Cheap, I Richmond Ilill, De:. 5, ‘6'). FARM FOR SALE! BICI\G the "ear part of Lot No. 3'3. in the 1st Concession ol' the r 1 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, ' Containing, by adrrteasuren cut. fill; \CRES. ‘ There are on the premises a good Dwelling‘ [louse and Wood Siren, 52 good \Vells of “’ater. (one in collar) ‘2 good Barns, Stables and ()utslteds for cattle There is also a small I’ond, with a Creek running throuin it, cori- veuient to the Barns, which will supply the Cattle, both summer and winter. with water â€" The ‘land is in a good state ofculiivntion. Deed indisputable, to be given the lst January. : Possession 1st March, “663. For particulars apply (if by letter post-paid) to GEOR GE SOUI.ES,. Concord l’l). l 4 l l 1 3rd. Con. Vaughan. Or to WM. Mob‘ILlRRAN,§ ‘ Thornbill. , Thornblll, Nov 6, 1869. 2054f. .w«1-ry,;..,~,..... .14 I .44., ., 4.; -- ,. 2e.“ - t v in: 2 , , lThimbles. Pen and Pencil Cases, Silver, Jet NOW ,1 SN ' SNOW- , CUTTERSlCUTTERSI _-â€"-â€"â€"â€" GEORGE .EAKIN Particularly invites tliequblic to call at his And examine his Stock of depositional Which he is selling off CHEAP FOR' CASH 0R APPROVED: PAPER-i Uniohville.Dec.26, 1862. ~ -~ -' 212-3m. A. Soh‘oo1 for the ‘Busztness ‘ Maxi: dirt .Biiilal) Ciliiirrirait (itemtittiii-itif‘lthillrgr, Corner~ of King and Toronto Streets, NEXT Door. TO 'rnn POST OFFICE, - > ‘ TORONTO, CANADA. r Ii E design of this Institution is to impart to young men and ladies a thorough and practical business education, "I‘he course of Instruction includes Book-keeping. Commercral Law, Business Mathematics, and Business Penmanship, all of which branches are taught in the most thorough and scientiï¬c manner . . The Bonk keeping Department is as‘complete and extensive as that of any CommerCtal College on the continent, embracing Wholesale and Retail Merchandising, Manufacturing. Mining. Milling. Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Commission. Railroading. Steam- l boating, &c.. &c.. and is under the charge of Teachers selected fora practical as well as the- oretical knowledge of the duties of the Counting Room. I BATES. Barrlsu AMI-.RICAN Svs'rmu or Rum WRITING will be taught by its author. is the only S\'Slelll yet used by which all writing can be executed on one movement. ' I or Circular and specimens of Penmanship, address, (enclosing‘siamp) I. BATES, Principal. To TEACHERSâ€"A Series of Copy Books on the above system, by I [inns & H. G. STRA: cunt (teacher of I’ennmnsliip iii the Provincial Normal School) designed for the use of Sciionls of Calida, is being engraved, and will be ready for use by the let of December. BATES 6:. S’I‘RACIIA N. 209.1); This Toronto. December 4, 1562. STOVES, STOVES, STOVES NEW AND SECOND HAND, COOKING, P’ARLUUR AND BOX 'STOVES !! Heavy Metal, VVarranted by 'WILLIAM HODGâ€"E, Sen’r. Copper, 'l‘in’ 8; Iron Plate \Vorkcr, Vthl be Sold CHEAP FOR CASH, OR 'APPROVED JOINT NOTES, As cheap as any House in Toronto or anywhere else. Richmond Hill, August ‘29, 1862. 196-6m nunsri ARRIVALS on SCHOOL BOOKS! AND GENERAL STATIONERY, AT THE ll YORK HERALD†BOOK STORE, I RICHMOND arm, At Lower Prices than is charged in Toronto. Orders received for, and great attention paid to ortBiNDiNG ! \Vbicli will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. Richmond Hill, August 29, 1862. r 195 antennas i HARNESS ! ! SING-LE OR DOUBLE! HEAVY OR LIGll'l WELLMMADE CAND DURABLE! DIAY BE HAD OF \z to. ~ -- m. -;-.. “tr- , HA . ‘li, , it, u’ l" t ". ., Til-mam '1'; M Ill 1 '4 . ‘ll, l~l - f ‘118 Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purchasers, and of the best materials, HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DES'CRlPTlON. An assortment of ‘NHIPS, LASI‘IES, 8:0. constantly on hand. {Dollars wai- ranted to Fit, Look «to Wear We'll. Also, kept for Sale Patterson & Bro’s. Plows, Points, Landsides, &c. F O R S A L E , AMOS WRIGHT, MRP.‘ For “3637’†the l‘i’atclres, blocks & Jewelery... ï¬ï¬= (Tall and Examine, at WM. I'IARRISON’S STEAM EN GIN E.-â€"-about 8 horse Richmond Hill. Nov.13. 1852. 206-.1‘ “ HERALD†BOOK STORE, 103 King; Street west, i t ll M“ _....,,..u _._,,_______ F» Boom to sons, INFORM THE PUBLIC, That they have taken the Store, HIS FALL STOCK .2114 llllillllllll‘. 01: run: Gold and Silver Watches,Coloredl AMMON’S Block. Orroslmd H. B and Bright Gold GuardS, Albei'ts,Brac8' l WILLIAMS’ mm] the I’mm'ses lately lets. BrooclteS. Signet and Gem Rings Ear- “coupled by mom! comer 0f rings. Solitaircs. Lockets, Charms Necklets.l liclimond IIill, October 17, 1861‘. 151-3in power.~-with Boiler. &0. complete. “ " m Richmond Hill. Dec. 5. ’62. .x z r ' 3' ‘ “Jill. W HA h. I N, TORON‘I‘O, EL»...- "r‘$;;:_:;'::: â€" ~ "“ Terms libe :11 Apply to r I XMPORTER or l Has just received range d‘ Queen Streets, ARE REBUILT. OUR MANUFACTUTNG Warranted : D EPA RT M E N T a i It: continued as usual, and we are prepared to and Mourning Jeweleryâ€"all of the newest de- signs; also. Fine Gold Wedding Rings, and Spectactles to suit all lights. Watches. Clocks and Jewelery Carefully R epa-ircd 8,- To give satisfaction. Remember the addressâ€" 123 King Street West, ROSIN uovss swag. Toronto, Sept. 19, 1862, may be entrusted. BOOTH 8L SONS. 199-310 ’I‘eronla, May 11:186‘2. s .. .~ s... afla'u,‘ ‘, NOTICE: ’ “"1 he; . = LL persons indebted lo the Estate of the. JET latetMr. GEORGEJVRIGH’I‘. of the. Township ofUVaughau. Cpuiityoquork. de- ceased. are hereby req'uested'to'inakepayment thereof forthwith to the undersigned Execu-r trlx; and all persons claiming to be.Creditors. of the deceased, are likewise requested to furnish the-particulars thereof to thoï¬xeeum trlx. in, order that the same may be‘enmined and adjusted. ‘ _ z , . _ JANE WRIGHT. Emma} (is. Thornliill..Nev.'6, 1862,’ 9135-1!; “FINK’Easi nYoN' , , SEWING MACHINE ooiiriiu': 538 BROADWAY“, New roux. 7110 parties little acquainted WIII‘I‘IIIO’FIHIIIIO. 6: Lyon Sewing Macliincsitlie careful per use] of the Company’s Circular is . specially. commended; This Circular can'be had college: plication. It is very speciï¬c. and will Inform“ highly instructive. having been prepared WIS“ much care, and we will abide by allstatemeirll therein made; H . r The following brief quotatiou‘ls characteris- tic of the entire Circular: . , " This Machine is better adapted than any. other Sewmg Machine in market to the freqn’t- changes and almost on ‘less variety of sewing _ required iii a family i for it will sew from one.- to twenty tbicknessesofMurseilles without stop-v- ping. and making every stitch perfect Will, sew from the ï¬nest gaube totlie heaviest cloth, and eVen to the stontest harness leather, with- out changiug the feed. iieedle.- or tension, or“ .Imkiilg any adjustment of machine whayevpr.’f, Thus have we successfully overcome the most difï¬cult point in the Sewing Machine Art... It was no ordinary triumph. Deï¬antly can we say. “ No other Machine compares with it in this respect." Hence have we uniformlyâ€"el- most without exceptionâ€"taken the highest premium, when the Machine has been properly exhibited in competition with ether ï¬rst-class Sewing Machines. Ilence is it that we or. able to offer the following guarantee. viz :-' “ We Warrant every Machine we sell to give" better satisfaction than any other Sewing Mar chine now'in market. or money refunded.â€â€"â€"-: We never sell a M achiue on any other terms Tire guarantee is as reliable as the note of any business man in the land. For more than ï¬ve I‘ years have we relied upon such facts. for the: reputation ofour Machine ; and without ajsingler‘ travelling agent in the ï¬eld. there is scarcely t- ucighborhood on the continent where the New chine is not favor-ably known. trade. Viz: tho lock-stitch. alike on both sides. requir- ing :1in one-third the thread of other kinds of titches. N. B. Local agents wanted in every count? throughout the \VeSt. Special iuduceiuonts' offered. Finkle & Lyon 8; M. 00; 198-Gm 535 BROADWAY. New Youn- iiiâ€"Var}: of Absorbing . Interest. Thrilling Adventures ! AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS,‘ .. n,- WAitttEN wrnowool), mil... RAWN from the most eventful period of: American History. and from the most authentic sources. these stories yet partake of, all the wild. weird. and fearful character of’ro- manco The volume contains the following; among others, ‘ McCullough‘a Fearful Leap, The Bloody Block House, Poes' Desperate Encountro with Big Foot. Adventures of Daniel Boone, Perilous Adventures in a Canoe. The Mystery at Lancaster, Davv Crocltett’s Adventures. The Desperadoes’ Mistake. - The Old Trapper iii 3. Tight Place, The Wonderful Mistake, . The Desperado and the Regulators, The Ranger’s l‘hrilling Indian Adventure. The Fighting Parson, Horrors of a Bon‘ibardmentâ€"â€"Norfolk in ’76. Fearful Adventure among the Guerillas. The Gamble-rs" Den at Natchez. Perilous Adventure of Captain Brady, Fearful Encounter with a Bear. General Putnam’s Daring ExploitS. The Massacre at Fort Miiiims, The White Horseman, Black Dick and the Lynchors. Adventures of Simon Kenton, A SheDevil strong the Tories. The Swamp Robbers of Louisanita, Thrilling l'lscape from a I’risou Ship, The Rifleman of Chippewa, Surprised by Guerillcs. ' I _ The Canadian Rebellion. and Gen. Scot. A Desperado’s Thrilling Adventures, llow a Brave Man saved Detriot, A Desperado among the Mail Bags. The Indians and the Hollow Log. The 'I'ravoller and the Arkansas Bully... A [face for Life, . ll‘hrilling Adventures of Two Scouts. The Murderer’s Ordeal, The 'Wolvos and the Darkey Fiddler. The Murderer’s Creek, disc. 61c. Everybody everywhere should get THRILLING ADVENTURES !†The Book contains 384 pages, Illustrated- with I‘wo Hundred new and original Engrav- ings, and will be sent to any address, postage! paid, on receipt of price. Extra cloth $1.25. VVo are also Publishers of EVERYBODY'S LAWYER 86' COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, by Frank Crosby, Esq. Price. $1.25. THE HORSE AND HIS DIS- EASES. by Dr. Robert Jennings. V.S. Price. $1.25 ' ‘ THE FAMILY DOCTOR, By Prof. H. S. Taylor, MJ). Price, $1.00. SUN LIGHT AND SIIADOVV, or " 'l‘lie POETRY OF HOME,†by Harry Pencil- or. Price $1.00 ' ' LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF Kt'l‘ CARSON. The Great Western Hunter and Condo. Price $1.25. MODERN COOKERY, in all its branches. by Mrs. Hale. Price $1.00. Together with other valuable and useful works. a Catalogue of which will be sent free on application.-â€"- Books torwarked to any address, postage paid. on receipt of price We also malts PHOTOGRléPH ALBUMS in every variety Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents. Cauvassers. Peddlers, and others will do well to orders. package of our books. They will ï¬nd thorn exceedingly popular,and terms liberal 1000 Local & Travelling Agents Wanted everywhere for their sale For single copies, or for terms in quantities, with other information apply to or address A JOHN ICD WIN I’OT I‘I‘Ill, Publisher, 187 No. 617. 831180111 ‘2' Pliiladolpliia.il’a._ uou’uouu mm. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION i»? Il‘HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their ' p LIBRARY to the ‘ HERALD ’ Book Store. ' aucnd pmmpu} to an orders. with which we where Stockholders and others may Toronto '1’ BOOKS every Friday afternoon. frorc “9.8.5 o’clock. r in. A. SCOTT, Librarian. 153...), Richmond Ulll, Feb. 27. 1861 We prefer such = a reputation to one based on more “ talking" points,†as they are technically called in tho- Hence we make but one kind of stitchs‘