Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Jan 1863, p. 3

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r f .pre‘ctise ? MEDICAL SCHOOLS. We have received the lollowing letter from a correspondent in Napnnce 2â€"- To the Enl‘ol' ol'tllo Leader. SIR,-â€"l am not tits oun one Interested in the inquiry 1 am about to make. i hope, tlIerelorc, as u publicjournalist, you Will give I .mo the nece>sary mlmmntmn, Inasmuch as it will enubze me to doc-do what .Hbtlltzul School in thy Plovmco. as thoro me no mqu contra; dictum SLul"ltlt‘llir4 ali; uttr Izd l‘l :Vo the M -dicat 7‘ttilntllh llt Toronto the right to aitend the ilo<pitai ? lllve tnoy an equal right l0 do so? 11 we that tho mule opportunities and udvantzl-get ollel'cd lllclll ol’ievmg the iiospiinl Ur l.~ ono school more pl'iVlli‘ged than another. Further, can you iniorin me what are the I admitting-s ol'the Medicrii school belonging to ’1 the University, as to Hospital practice and gra- duation, and “hill lhta Htlpcllut advantages It posecasm Wllll regard to l’l‘ncticul Anatoin) ?-â€"â€"' What time ulo tho elllllBl-lla obliged to Matricu- late, and all. r Matriculation can thc-I' board III the Coilsgo? 'llie carbon: mlormniion, with any morn you llllllK Will he tisotul. will he wel- comrd by medical studvnts in general, and your humble sulvatlll In particular. Yours truly. . hllfllllCAL STUDENT. in answer to our (inl'lcspltldollt It may be stated tlII-tt under the) llmpiibl act, ch pupils, upon pay ing it qunut-tl lee, have an equal right to attend lllc lio pltnl, and are tiuplweuii to en joy i-quul adv images. Lanly pow unite“! have been appointed by the Government}. and it i~' to be linde that some llqutlHllUOE and abuses uhich have llel‘l'llil'UlG be‘cll tlIt‘IlllOIIud In our ('Ollllllllfi Will he l'rctlfiod, For inlnrlua- tlun upon the sccnlld point wo would refer our col-rmpoudent to‘ tile addic-Ss ol the ltcv Dr. McCuul, l’resid-‘nt ot' L'uive'rsity College. as given :it the inn» Conventionâ€"~aud which was published in the [ANN/6" at the time On that occasion the .‘~r. lht‘u‘l the following language: the then ext-ding [lllth‘l’hlly ol‘ 'l‘orntito was divided into two e~~tiibitsbulents. one retaining the name oi ttie Univ-«lsnv n l‘oronto, and the other called University Lozlego. 'l‘nrontu, tlu- same institution. the convocmton of which was little!) institutions dill'er. (l Iiiatcriallr in the-ir functions. The Univere‘Ity ol‘ l'oronto \‘Vrlfi l'nrmed ou the model oi the University of London. and was lnuitod In the prescribing n' r-ll 5 int examination. the ap- po.litincnl oi ex:uu..wr.~t, lI-t‘ nvt'nl' ing of Ine- dals, and the c 'lllt‘l'llllg ol‘ ilcgiem: It ii..d no tea". tors or lll'lilt".\.\()l'> 01' any kind (h the other hand. the innutton of lU'rll‘lllllg' Ll-lonul-d erspcciuliy to Unilclsny l-i tln- origi- nal c.~tnb.l~i=tilcnt ol the Ulll\l‘l>lt\ lllr‘lu more four llitlilllllx'fiTllle faculties of Divinity. Law, Medicine ann Arts lly the Statute pussal n. infill. tlin faculty ol' l)lV!llll\' was ruiuuve ,nnd in ldfill the tnctnnes ol law and Ali-diclne were also removed . so that Untrersitt Collegn was in tact nut tllt‘ faculty of Arts, with tho ntldilinu all the departments ol~ Agriculture and Civil Engineering." T- is is B<uflil-wutlx explicit on the pcll‘l that neither lrtiV nor MMI'mI to Is littiulll in the To rniiio Unzvornny or III Unirmmty (iUllf‘gtHâ€" Thorc cull, thi- «to 0. hi» no IIII'tllt‘lIi school no- lougillg i) the llurremin . l'citmp: the ll'i1i ucd :1’lesidl-nt Wits t ,in cx-plnttt n: the litlt‘, as he ‘was at l'oimr-r CuthuthlllHlH. Ill ()ltlt‘l' Io corn-ct -l‘l‘l'0|it‘(lll.\ opinions \\'iilt1llSt‘ulll In pev ill upon lllii subject. I: l.\ llllt’ that by the not oi ltlfill, wnich con>titutcd the 'lornnto University a grudu'tting body toward all medical schoolsâ€" but a touching body toward nonoâ€"McGill and now being held. ollcgm (innndn, Qurou’s, Victomt :Iud Regiopnlls/Col- logos. in Lil-lllt'tlli first. and tho l‘oionlo Scuool ol' .‘ileiii: inn. l)"(;ltlllt.‘ allillzticd :xlilio to he 'l‘o- rontn UnivcrH-y lb: was late “(limit)” ol the l‘lugll -ll pllt‘ , us carried out III the Univer- stty ol' ll'llOlill, \\'lioi'-.III the most equal and exaltcil justice among t:l£' alliiiatI-d Colleges and the r pupil: lit 3' eulurilmu i~ ttIIivcr.a.l\ lid» lnittcd. l'lln null point ol‘ (llll'e.elic_c. indeed. in that lltr' >lt.‘(li m2.- oi Lllt‘ Medical archools atâ€" tached In the to logos lilttl the ttlidllll'lliil righ of coming up l‘ni' gr tlri :lli‘ll its well In lllt‘ll own -tl~‘ in lliilvu..~lty therefore. nut .w much imionging' to the ol- lcge: as to the pupllx of tile (‘ollcgnm I: In CVlth‘lll. tllui’t‘liJIE. that no claim (3?” 'n-..~ Inw- lull} bt‘t up li\‘ any particular >C'i00l to any spe- cuil l‘l‘lillliill to llll‘ U.ii\rer.~i:yol' Toronto. to (lllf‘tt or indirch pccirlinry Hill, or to phiticnlur Cullinene-lnce or IllJCl‘lllill-Illliill)” or advantage beyond other .Vltdicill bi‘llUUS; und wcre any school in any vny or ll\' any dircct 0r indirect Inbzlllfi. so Iosct l'ortll nuytiilng w Iii-h would induce n cout :Il'y ixtllil't-‘llfillhlllti in the public mind, such mill lili' it had. urinal bowl on; lnl~c 'llllplt‘RP-l‘lllfi, W -n ti l‘m. it ffltl-lt‘t' :1 platflltslllg dccepli in n lllL‘.‘ pain-mach .ln- pnbi'c and in- people would lulu: into filltwlrll'lilli lw lllllh'ii" [talirr nl’ Ilin U:llt'tj:~ll.. ililll \‘JUUHl ju-‘tty lilat't' its alii: lion in d mgei of b iin c inceileii As ‘OHHl‘il‘S lilL‘ onto: qllaxllulle llblll'd ln‘ our coi'rwpondvnt. .x-n must It‘ll-r hint to tllv l)n.I:i ol"lIo (.olzrge, \Illo 's bitter able to ant-nor them than no rm. pmsihli lie. lllK.‘ l'('ll-itlll it“: tight l)”. A NH" \lj'll'h pup-w snys tliil a lino til simmers nill ply lit-‘lWl-cu New York and a. Billlhll port livxt gillttllll‘l‘ for the pur- poxe ol‘ Carrying [H‘lt'iilr‘lllll oil 'l'lu: btctlmms into to b:- built in compartments, and Wlll curry Ilu- oil in bulk. THE RIVER AT Qur‘nI-c â€"-The (“Itrmiiclo oi S ittIi‘liay lil}5 : â€"~" lilo , lolly. testeldtn. Wile dlfll-IIII in tin cxnvuni, owing to the lullous et-nm and tinck \thilltm'; and nut t‘cw I'hlitlus Iiiatiugrd to tilll‘tjl a ClUS~lllfiq We heard ol Very large ruins heir-g united by t'errj men tol' passage.“ lion} Qnrbec tn ;.C\lh' L'lltl Diva I'c'su, it Was confident.) slut-(l that the condition ol the rivm, nnuvo Inn city. was Mich as to render the attainment or tho much tiHMl't‘tl ' bridgn’ a certainty. 'l'lus. lichVer. can only col-tinned when the etorm has somewhat moderated.” ln- us- llnw 'rn filezl: Glioo'l‘nmâ€"nbl. Soyni‘. tic cclcnl‘zitnd Pal‘lo‘mtl (til tcrcr, rccomni fllllS t'nit, bwlnre pour- in;r in any water, the lc'd-ptil. “'llll ten in it slltlll be pinned III the (ivun llll lttll, liezilcil l)spirit lump, or ill the trout Hi. the lire. .(uut rinse «it course.) and tin: pol I. en tillcu Willi boiling Miller. Tue result, be 5425 Wlll be, in about :I Iniuu to. :I drill-Inns l'up ni‘ lull lllllt'li stlpt'l‘itll' its lllul ditIIAII ill the Ul'lll nary Way or menus til in “Hill l. I oâ€"wr-"W‘ At the I‘Ilgi II Mills. on 'l lllll"d a} UN 9th inst {to wi c oi Stir. l‘tiexsindor l‘ilnod‘ ol'n d «lighter ‘lJ‘ilUIIi l‘l) .‘llz‘t llli .lu' li‘e (It) 4a, 1863. ll‘lour.~5uportino sold at tron: SE4 .‘lll, {(2 3,") , Policy 3.) (at 3114 l ‘: Extra .3734 ill {65.54 5:}; Double lCXirn. :34 41- fliz 5214 4.), ‘ Full \VlIc-itc-Jiiiti Ila’lil, Wm.» .ht, 9M“), 01‘ “2,, Tie UllSl)/\ I .. Jun. supply which sold at the l'ollowmg pricce. 'l'he ‘ pril'os pnid for tho best sulilplc.» “(j-tr 1mm $II . b‘ {(7) 550 ill 0; llslll, Spring about â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" lislils in lllfli'lit’l, whicl: sold at from >51! fill 160 $4" 8‘2 pHr lishl. Barleyâ€"sold zit I'Inui llll Kb liSr. Peas.â€"â€"-â€" lisuls went nll' ill 50 ((17 57c pol bshl. Oatsâ€"at 4 lo ((3 4‘2 per bs'hl. l'tny‘isl'rom ‘Slltlflb $2“ pol ton, $l4 per ton "Applop, 83c and $1 llllc per barrel. Eggs~~l“I‘eslltl‘tiiil wagons ch fr?) Qllc per Joz. Polutctw Vary in lll'ltft‘ limit {)0 tn fillets,- Butlel‘--Frcsll is in four supply at from Ho ((3 15c pt‘l‘. ll). BeelFâ€"s‘liiifiil $3 50 per “‘0 lb Straw $8 fc’b $3 50 ouch, ,7 . 3 a.” .7 . t... ¢». ..~.,,,,‘w3_ ., . lh‘lllllllllgdil‘d piling. In the wood<slicd attached ‘- In the ya .r 11553, “UW “H”? '15'0‘4” fillice. g before the hour ol‘ hull-past Flgllt in l l Luith College“. In (annda l'.-'::>l.: :ind llplwt' A l l I Mime. man may think bordering on the mar- ,,,,r.». +..,,,,, , . 3., upon, k ,.r t. ,. _ . ,. Km “‘3 -.-. . ,I..~...n,‘ a.-. - .:..a» .5; :m ~ 4-... Anal,“ ., _-,. :gw:1»;,_'<. ‘,.' We: - mud-y »~ .u. .4. ;,,‘.l:. - -. r» 3 c x- r .2 A v. ..-; .m: Elem floncrtismmm. FARM FOR SALE} 1 I IN VAUGHAN. . LBItel'S .563 llunt, Henry Hawlev. Sophia Kimck. J. A. Laiiig, Walter BERLIN WOOL JANUARYI, HOODS‘ 8L SCARFS l JUST RECliIIVlCD.‘a nica. lot in Magenta ilIId Panic. Colors, and will be sold at HE Westâ€"half of Not No. 33. in the 8th Calloussio .2 0i Vaughan. containing Hid ACRES OF LAND, with 90 Aaron cleared. This lot is situated on the Vaughan Plank Road. in ill" midst of a well settled and highly new“, ha”. [he “Mm, “ices. Al“). a few I cultivated cunniry.“l)istaut from l'oronto 2.3. W”. ',,,M “ruck and “Hm,” M-‘ATLE and l miles. A branch at the Rivei lluniboi Clowbeb c . . .. , ., Is -.t n r ' hi NY a ne er~lui|"ni' on i- VI«.i.VI:.'r (tot n (Al‘bb. very Lowl ' 3“” “Mil” {"5 “a, ., .V , a l _ -, . ' pl\ of wator, and the set. Is execllont lor Lnll In and see them at. ' , \Vlieat. Apply to W, S. P()Ll.O(‘K’S, . , , , . , (Late G, A Barnaid’s,) DA‘ h) HIGGIP'S’ Richmond “in. Jan. 23’ 1863' 216-1“- , Sac’y. Edinburgh LU}: Assn-lance Can ’ _ Toronto. Jan. 2'2. hill}. WANTED, mw‘“ TENDERS FOR FlRE’l’i’lltll), dill. llE UNDERSHINED will receive Ten- ders until l2 o‘c OCR. noon. on , Wednesday, tile 4th of February next, FOR Eli-lltii'tls of Good llarflotnbé Anderson, John Brillingor, S.. lizllditl, Elittbqth Boyer. Jullll Burma, Janie-I'B lming. J. I Chambers, Charles Motioiichy. Malcolm Chamberlain, Churlgs Nevrlle, Patrick Donnl Eli . Phillips, Mr. Exor, David littterbztugh. Joseph Goodwill, 'Jolm Sloane, Benjamin Goff,- Amelia Stephenson, G. Gorman, Mrs. _ Slorllis. l’tichard‘ (lala‘tvav, Robert TlIOtttpsoll, David Gamhlo, Charlotte ' Vaultiugc, Rev. Mr. Grant, George Walker. Mary E. Hood, M. \‘Valkcr, Mary Heir/son. Mr. YValltor. John llorn. Sam. K. (9), Wilson. Thomas Hayes, John W'ilvou. John (2) M, TEEFY. P.9d , Toronto. 2”; 4r VALENTINES- 'l‘llE Cheapo-St and Ncatcst STRAY ,,,;,,FE,,_ CAME into the promises of the Subscriber, J at Tiiornhill, about the middle of No- vember liist‘ a Red and White “PIPER. about a your and a liail'old- The owner is requested to prove property, pay expensas. and take heraway. AS‘JORTMENT ; AN lMMEJdE VERl-E'l‘Y AT THE ‘ HERALD ’ BOOK STORE, litcneloxn HILL. January ‘23, l8li3. 4 do do Dry Pine. (1‘10 he delivered in the School Yard zit Rich ' mond Hill. and to be piled and mentori- in such part of the School pienlises as the Cnin‘ Iniitee may consider most Clltlvetli“llt_' THI- dms to Stan the price per cord for dry hard- wood, and also for green wood. At the mine time, tenders will be recoivod friiin parties desirous ol'contt'acdng. for the cur- rent year. for the following {services z-Sawiug, CEARLES WEBSTER. Thornhill, Dec. 18, 1862. 21ml. (COPY. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN “H \T MAllTlN MACLEOD will apply to the next Sfiseioli ol’ the Provincial l’nrlia- merit lor an km to confirm his title to the Road rile is r. it All Eéiéciriga 'l‘lCMl‘El’tANCE S IREE. under the nuipicos (if llondl‘md 'l'oinple. I. l). of G. '1'. NJ. 247, 3rd con. Markham, will be hold llfiCll schoo' day of the week. Parties telider- 2L, 1 lug tor these wwtcos will please itatc distinctly ;.is price iorwicll hepzr‘rilb H’i‘VlCt‘. and the raters r. “'1'. I p . ~ r “V , .[ Id ' I d P”. cum my sawmg and sphlfihg Wood. as We” 10 gallon. }, die respect u y lllVl( to at on .1 Couan (‘mmcu of. Ymk “3 ill” ml“ W" U“)- “l‘ Nilw‘il tai'm. for which TEA will be Served at 3 o‘clock, P at. Afte ' . , ' lluV wdlsweep and dn~t the rooms and harm. l tea being served, AMOS W liltiH l‘. Esqv “(SHOCK Dwmnbm‘ L3: 1852- “ M.P.F"., will take the chair. ~ “v MM ADDRESSES suitable to the occasion. will be (it live'od by soveval llov’d. gontlcmen. To add in the livelincss of the occasion. the services of the llntto-vilic 3.43.3523 ll'ts boon (‘llgligi‘d to the rclmol. tho Milli twenty cords of wood. also, for making firgis iu the three school romns. and r-vyeoping out the rooms. and duo‘- ing the fuiiiiture (heroin. to he completed every (:0llCES‘dDII of King. being tho town-hue be twol n the 'l'ou'nships ol King and Vaughan Alll Temperance organimtlons and tho pnb- . t . III the ii at concossmn, granted to him by the ‘il2 3m at?) our cc. _ .1 LL PERSONS indebted to the Estate I of the late BEHAMIN BOWMAN, or" the Township of Hrtikham. County of Yotk. de- cr‘ascd are hereby requested to make payment of the same on or b~lorc the lst day of Fruitc- Any, 1563. and till perilous claiming to be Creduors of the draceusad are likewise re- quontcd to furnish the particulars thereof ‘.0 the l‘lxrcntor, in order that the some may be ex- amined and udjustcd B. BOWMAN, M D , Acting Elwlsutm‘. Almirn. Jan. 8, 19563. ill4-4t ( Economist plum: copy thrw times ) lore, and make the tiles. bl. TElLl‘Y, ‘ Secretory Board of 'l‘rusteer‘. Richmond Hill. Jan. 21. lcli3. 216-1 RH'HMOND Illl.L . We promise ou' blonds a gn'ld treat. as tho. ‘ Sisters nl' the Temple have kindly cemented to prepare the entnblcs. AT Tickets. 25- cts., Children under '2 years, Mrs' l halt priceâ€"vto be had on the ground. Richmond ltill, Jamil, “563, 214-” H WHITE N MCKIXNON Chairman. Secretary. Markham, Jan. 16, l863, 215-1. Truth Stranger than Fiction. . To b? Leased for a To: In onears ASTARTLlNG WORK! ’1": m... - ..-- _'._.. - â€"-â€"- BURWlCK FACTORY, to} r‘ t! . ‘g, " F ii M A L E l 7.77 l’l‘ll SHAFTlNG .v iIA Wilt-POWER. LEEI‘E ' Ctatliplrte; or Three Flats o." the ~ .tl. ' ~ nbovo bohduig, 72 feet by 36 feet with Shaft- A NARRATIVE or lllg‘ and \Vulcr Power to drive Machinery. H ( e S(mal EX erience (Jan be had on loans. torvether or separately M HYBYYrveq‘gsAILTA W A up” ’ Both lulldlng and Macliincry are in a tho- 1 - 2 rough state oi repair... V Application to be made to the Subscriber, J. W. GAMBLE. Pine Grove Mills, Dec. 31. 1852. _ QUQ-tflAMBROTYPE‘CAR! Roy “ranted. 7 ANTF. D. a good steady Boy. CAfiiEfi” ' H E Subscriber lit-gs to inform the inhabi- tants ol RICHMOND HILL. and victoitv, that alter an cxpnt‘lolico of lo years, co hits M‘- rived with his 66 CFHAT one h~lf ol‘ the world cannot ima‘ glue how the other hall live.” is n0 le<s true than trite: and the lesson the adage allbrds, our experience and olwcrvatiot; dell." lends tn Verity Then. too. when We consider ‘vi the overâ€"varying phases oi‘ human passion. and the discnrdaut elements from which all novel and lunatical sects are moulded, it can ‘0 scin'cclt seem surpriuing that a faithful record til at Inal events shuntd exceed in singularity lllfl wr dost dream of “llll'llH‘Q: or hat crimes. ' "" " ‘ “ ' “â€" onth strange and unnatural, should be periic- lizUllE Olll) JAVA GROUND COFFEE, troll-(l in :1 int i'fi‘ “(Wills)” 6" lllt‘ (Hilrkll‘is 0 thc finest and l‘I'oshevtz also a prime lot “trunnion, which people in another state of ot‘goud, film {livuurrd and Cheap TEAS. “l’l’ll‘ly “""lld "We" imblfllm l’O-‘R‘ll‘l". KNOW- not surpassod on li-u‘n'noud Hill, ing. as l di know. the evils and horran and Hunts” and AMERICAN SILVER taken at abominations of lllr‘ Mormon byxtein. the do- PAR, at, ' grpdirtiou It impoxrs on telltales‘. and the Con- \V_'I’l,_S, POLLOCKIS’ hul’qllfilll vim-s which extend through all the (Late. G. A. Bamamvs.) '“""fi“"‘“"’~“ °l ’l‘“ “‘"c'm- " “9"” “Nu”. ‘0 l Richmond Hill, Jun, 8. 1863. all-ll. the world has Induce-(l me to prepare the lol- lou‘iiig Imiralivi l‘vi‘ tlw public eye. The ro- ILt‘USTfigTifig““M‘“‘“â€"“' ttlHllllC llI“l(l(‘lllS t'i'litircicd With my oXperi hi4? 'Dtfi‘gfi a; t v H . . V‘cdm‘s! E 20 inflict)“ . Vi“l(lt]‘~“ 1n llli‘lll l Would um. that llll\ hurra- live ml m\ lilo Ul:'_\‘ pl'0\'c.~'. VVll'll has so oilen . (IF 4 an m .3 i ,4 ‘t * ,, nllllCullllm dc Elli? bilide l howl lH‘tH’t‘tldlt‘llH“ t‘rnl, “ TKUIH IS S'l‘itAAGh‘H Th‘e Beg” Paper in ' [H ~._\' Memos. Ant/tons [Jul/"ac ,, b.1143 01' " . «I lliu book contains 4i!) pages. \‘Vllll ongrav- -â€"â€"â€"._â€" . -. v, rs. _' * 7‘! "‘ -. . . . . llt*‘lill\ lltlll‘ d Ie. (rlUtlI, hIl(l.\\lll be 18IH \LAR. VOL. lll., LL“ Saints. , N rmummg hm anere.,hanks w hm nu- W." mam fiddmfi’ “mil-Palm 0“ recmlnfl . . "M . 1 morons Friends and Custoirlcrs for their pill-5.55125, ,& I\EIV volume ol this popular Journal [ omumcucos on the ll<l of Januaryâ€"â€" [I is published Weekly, and ovary numborcou- liberal support since he (tOlleIlPllttt‘tll littsitlel-ZS trlins rix.onu pages oi" usel'ul rumination, and from five to tan original engravings of new in. voutiotlrs and discoveries, all of which or. pro- pured expresst for its columns . . Ti.) 'II-Ir; M l‘iCllANlC dc MANUFACTURER This. like the above, Is a work of great and nun.~unl interest. and will he eager-ll road ‘Vo polish" fingii‘gednu: imp" M glilufclladnlpal as a. companion volumo to " Flfi.\'lAl.ilii lilP‘E.” or. '"al'iliamufml’r mus." ‘5 Alon“ Hm Oi “mg it is a huge ~l‘2nio vo’ulnc. llqulV bound in “le0!” [he bcw'fivni‘if" ‘AMF'iiISAN' H 0m” PM cloth, i lustiatvd with eligrnviligs', rind will be cell‘s per “liij (film-5‘ F‘lmher (inflime k'w‘ . , . -, k Wm m “m fiddle”, P05, Paid. on receipt “1. hour six to ten engmvmgs o new III unites A nice mm select :31“; of . . ~ ,. t nd inventions, which cannot be ‘ound in an“ - , price, Ell llll~nr on receipt ol $2.llll, we Wlll a ‘ ‘ " D E 0 D 5% 3 - other publiI-ation. _ send both the above works. post-ago prepaid. _ always in Sock sold at a ven- low “10¢ 'l 0 THE l.\ V ENTUR. ' ’ - l The Silluti'l‘lFlC Antamcm is indispe rsnlllf evor) invvulnr. u it not only colitailu illustrated (it3:~('l'llltlullfl ol' urai'y all the beet inventions as , r 7 1 ,l timy Come out, but GHCH number contains an of- GR EA P ' liciul list of the Chi ms of all the Patents issurd BY CHARLFS.DH.KEI\ "’ from the Ullllk"d States Patent Office, . during . the neck nrevnitis' tllns vivin a correct his- Coulplete In one volume. lQIno. cloth extra. ’ ' g g illiistmted with steel engravings, Will be lUlV ol' the progross of inventions in this coun- . . try. We are ulso rel-eivmg every week the sent to any address postage paid on receipt of ‘ price. $l.ll() l lleril s<~ieiltilicj=lul'II'â€"Ils of La‘rreul l3 Itaindf‘ranfla, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS and (geriv‘any ; thus placing in our possession all Ihit is trunspiring. in mochancal science V . . . and in“ In these old countries. We shall con- I\ow so Indispensable to evnrv lut- ll\'. are bo' . 7 . ._ . . . ‘ ’ . . tIIiuo to trnnxler to our Columns coplouri ox' mg Illalltllrlt'llll't'd by Us In ew-ry variety of \‘l\l(5 and finish. Unsciipiive (lizculmrs with pricvs wil b0 llll‘tlisllflll. on application. and tracts ll'oIII these journals, of whatever we may deem ol'. itltuest. to our readers. any style. ol' Album Sctlt by mail post-paid on - lel cipi of priCH. A pamphlet of instruction as to the best mode of cbtnllllllg Letters P tent on new inventions, B¢-t:l{.~fillvt‘< News Agents. Buck Agents. Canwtssers. Peddlers. and others will do well is lit nlshod free on applicntion. WIFaSl‘b‘. MUM tSL Co. have acted as Patent In 'Irde-r a package of our Books and Albunie. l l'hey will find them exceedingly popular, and ls’lll‘Clln'B for more than seventel-l' \e r.~, in term.» liberal. And has switched ofi' near the lilasonlc Hotel, Richmond Hill, \Vllere he is preparod to take 5: correct pic: tine nithnse who may honor him with a call- l'eeling assured that he cannot be surpassed by any other In taking One who Iintler<tnnds the management ol'a Horse and will make hinisel: generally useful. Apply / G. A. BARNARI). Richmond lliil.Jen. 9, lclill. 2l~l~ll',' Photograph, Ambrotype and Lettergraph' Likenesses. An early call is soliciied as his stay will be short, Ambrotypos taken from the smallest to the largest size- ‘ JAMES LEONARD. December 3!, 1862. $3431. FRESH A‘thlVALS‘ l l lugs, Is their attention to his seloct stock Ul'Tt‘aS at a very low figure: Finest Black tea (a. . . . .. - ~35. lid- lml‘ lb. Japan 'l‘ea It/..........;. 43 “do “, Gunpode l'ou fi’b . . . . . . . 4s 6d. “ Finest i’engsuev llyunn, KID 55‘, be, " Finest Young Hyson . . Ud “ I A. Companion to Female Life. ill-lilo Life ruining the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD. ~4â€" BlCK;ll8’ L St Gill-H won't ___.â€" Croctgcry 3; Glass “fare in great variety. Folio/THEE; E“ FLO €715 .' at $4 ‘25 per barrel. LC? CALL AND COMPARE PRICES. Elgin M ille. Nov, 528. 1802. EMPLOYMENT~ ff” F. Undersigned hits, for several years p‘m‘l, been €11;_(8g(‘d in a business. which has yielded him in the rule of three thousand dolâ€" Iztrs per anuum, and is I‘IUW willing to teach it to other». 'l‘ho business is of a highly useful and general character, adaptml both to chins ill-v capacity, \ cling or old. male or intrude. can acquire with a tow lrnulxJ practice. and by which they can secure a very handsome in- conuncdou ivilh the publication of the SCHN- Tiric Kinsman. and they refer to ‘Jllbtln pli- l tontoes lor Vilinan thoy lirive done business. ltuIIIO. Several young ladies who have ro- 3 i y" '| o . . ._ ‘ t > _ . . . l . _ . .‘ . I _ . 5 30“! & ippvplhno- A‘yl‘nts \o charge In maid" in: oxnnuumg nnolclivs L‘Cl‘l't‘d lli>llllCllulIh l ant lilo. both In . ow ' i - I i D b ' York State and Pennsylvania, are earning up- wards oi' $25 per week by it. and there its no reason why any one else cannot do the same. i llthllllfi, «You, can do well by it, as it is no peddling lilliu‘. but a business that, is perfectly . rrspectahlo. Gentlemen and who would like to learn the businnss for their , l 1, H , 1 and Inodnls of new Inveulioiu and for advising waniot cVFIW w‘lere or Ii Ir so P. ; '. . , " . i .. , . ’ llVetlIOIS as to thou mtt‘lltdblllu. l‘nt' SlllQ‘lH copies. or for terms in quantit es. ‘ , . i. , .. . L y. with other iut'nrm lion npply to, or address, Lilliâ€"13:38 bl;rSA l ESL!" ' n Ii A; .l t i'; [K . 'I r"':‘.‘ g“ , . . J-\ C_ it} t“ l\ l0 1“ Lil, bunli. hot.) 1 he octzrx’rlyic stimulus Wlll bo lottnd a 1“" bl‘ N‘l'w'” 5" ' l l'll“‘l"'ll’l"”‘l “v most nx-el'ttl journal to lllt‘lll. All the new (lis- At’ll' ERH‘AN MONEY TAKEN AT PAR '(‘ovm'ies ill the science of chomi>try are given Janna”, 15. 1,35 3' 215 6”, in its columns, and the Interests of tho architect ‘â€" 7 and co penter are not ovcl'lunkcd; all the now FARM FOR SALE! inventions and di~cuveiies appertaining to these pursuits being published l'rom Week to WRUl(,-â€"- {“ El‘uG the "ear purl ol‘ liot No. 3:2. in the r D lst Concussion ot' the Usoiul and practicle inl'or'notion portaining to TOWNSHIP OF“ VAUGHAN, the intolerts ol‘ Inillwrights and Illllltl\\llci‘>; will he found published in tho Smcvruric Animi- (L‘ontflnrl g. b‘.’ lldumusurl-n out. till; \CHES. ,Tilt‘l'b all; .».. the promin it good Dialling CAN. which Information that can 01 posnbly Ilium and World Show, 53 good ,W'ells ot' llibtuiu from am other source. Subjects in \leior. (one in collar) 2 good linrtls, Slahlflx will lltlii" great interest in. lwillseud printed inxtiuctions by which not person can really arqturotha tut. and those relativr to tho carrying-It on, so that it Wlli be highly profitable, The purchwer ol‘ the " printed instructions ” will also ho authorized to touch it to others; and l have eomt‘timos received as hiqu as $20“. for [caching it ter- so ally to a single individual, i would state I‘uriher that $92.5” or $3. will buy every thing that is necesmry to commence the business with, and the artiClcs can be got almost any- where, in city or country, or, if preferred, 1 can furnish them. AddreSS, ALVORD T. PARSONS, No. 36 Calves $3ft71t $4 ench' Lambs or @ :32. Sheep $2 in) a» l Liberty, St. New York. fill-3:115. F o R s A t. E, - STEAM E; N GI N E.-â€"â€"abont 8 horse power.â€"â€"with Boiler, &e. complete. For particulars apph (if by letter poet-paid) to GEOHGE SOULES, Concord .l’.() 3rd. Con. Vaughan. . which plnutors and tarmem are Inteccstv'd will Do found rti>cussed in the Sirlruilr‘lc AMMMICAN; mos-t ol’th» improvement: in agricultural Im . ‘ I ‘ plculonh being illustrated in its columns. and Hublteds lor (mit'e There Is aleo a small , , m Pond, vith a (Ire-Pk running through it. cnn- lE‘h’hb: vrnient In lllt‘ Burns, which Will supply the T3 nlailsubSCI'ihei‘~â€" l‘llroo Dollars a "enr,or Cattle. both summer and winter. with wiltoru 0”“ Dollar lIUI' l’Ullr H'IOHJIH. The. volumes The [and is 1-,, a gum] 5mm of cuqivalinn, Commences oil the ilt‘el. of January and July â€" Deed llldlspttlllllltfl. to be given the IstJuluary. ' Sl““’l““‘” m’l’ies “"ll be 5”” Slims 1" “H5 19"“l 5 Ptlh>ussliill lat i‘vlnrrh, lhlill, “film COUHU'Y' Western and Canadian money or post-office rtamps taken at par for subscriptions. Cana- dian subscribers will please to remit ‘25 cents extra on each year’s snbscriplion,to pro,ay postage. ' Or to WM. McMURRAN', MUNN 5,, C6" pubmhers. I i Terms libe ul. Apply ,0 I , Tnoinhill. pg“; ROW, N, Yd. ' . TAMOS “CRIGB l‘, MLP. Thomhill. for 5, l'Bfi‘l’. 2954f. December 4 '1862, ' Richmond Hill. her-13. @462. 2064! Romainingi'n RICH MOND HILL PostUfiicei l allowance: butting his farm. lot til, III the lat r at tho lulgfin Millsâ€" would I'oSpM'tl'ulljx dsawl And other articles in this aepartumut equally * i‘lFS-ilm , and villages. am] one that any portion of ozdm- . ludies el' lei~ttru , own aluusomczlt or pleakuro. will find the pl'2I.C- . tici ol’i' a pleasant pastime. and one that they ‘ On receipt of $l.‘ ' instructions will also contain every particular. ‘ ,SNQW GEORGE EAKIN Particularly invites tlrc Public/to cdll 'at his F.AL 01-013.? ‘IN .UNIOVNVILLE; % Which be}: selling olf . WICHE'AP FOR CASH 0R APPROVED PAPER .r lUuionville, Dec. 26, 1862.- 212-3m. ,A School. 125x. tastes” Business Man: Gil)? bill-lat)" Elmirimn (tnmtnnriai (toilette, Corner of King and Tin-onto Streets, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, “ ,TORONTC), CANADA WEST. l . .â€" ‘IllE dosign of this Institution is to impart to young men and ladies a thorough and practical business education, The course of Instruction includes Blink-kooping, Commercial, Business Mathematics, and Business Penmanship, all of which branches are taught iin the most thorough and scientific manner ; The Bank keeping Departlrient is no complete and extensive as that of anv Commerle lCollcge on the continent, embracing Wholesan and Retail Moi-cbundisiug, M:-Iutil'arrttii'iiig. ngning. Milling. Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Comiuiumon, Railroading. Stcalu- ‘boatiug. &c.. die" and in under the charge of 'l‘eacheas selected for a ptactICal as well its the- orctical knowledge of the duiion ol' the Counting Room. BATl-fi’ BRITISH AHLKICAR Svs'rul or Rtvto Wurriuc will be taught. by its author. This ' is the oulv system yet usad by which all writing can be executed on one movement, For Circular and specimens of Penmanship, address, (enclosing Stamp) I. BAT-ES, Principal. To Tucmms --â€"A Sorie's of Copy Books on the above system, by l llA'I‘ice & ll. G, STRA- lcunr (leacnei oi' Penmanship in the Provincid Normal School) designed for the uso of ibcuohls of Calida. is being engraved, and will be ready for use by tho lst of December. BATES do STRACHAN. 209-ly. Toronto, December 4, “$62. LIVE AND LET LIVE! V. 2‘5 l‘OVE S, STOVEO, NEW, AND succuo HAND, . COOKING, PARLUUR AND BOX STOVES I ! lenvy Metal, VVnrranted by 'WELLIAM HODGE, 5611,13; l Copper, Tin do [run Plate \Vorkcr, l ' \Vlll be Sold CHEAP FOR CASH, OR APPROVED JOINT NOTES, l STOVES I As cheap as any House in Toronto or anywhere else. Richmowd Hill, August ‘29, 1862. l t __.o.-.___----_-----____W._m___ M... W...“ FRESH Altitivtm or“ SCHOOL BOOKS l AND GENERAL STATlONERY, AT THE t“YORKLEEbALD”lKMK.SHHUE l ncnuoul) HILL, M“ Lower Prices than. is charged in Toronto. lit}_l \‘Vhich will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the All, at moderatu charges. Richmond llill, August 29, 1862. 195 ()idclrfl received for, and great. attention paid to FARM FOR EAEIE, 3,387?“ 63%; SG‘NQ BEING 1.0T so, 17’ Is my; 4 .. kw, 2nd Concession oi“ illurltluuu,. , \iON'l‘AlNlAG 67% Ac. es, ubout5‘2 Acres chained. the reumindo" covered with l lgood Bvecll and Maple l‘imber, There is on ltlm premises a good Frame Dwelling llouso, ,. 35 x tilâ€"now, with a large Cellar under, 'i ‘ and it good Log Burn. Stablesfiheds. lStc. Also ' I :L i l 7 a good Veil of Water close by the Kitcl’Ien-dnor, sand a Ilr‘V6r~lifllllllg Creek running across the AMERON’S Block, oppositad- H, B. 1 W051 and at tho Farm." WILLIAMS, until the promises lately occupied by them, corner of i ' Yonge tr Queen ARE REBUILT. rim T0 That. they have taken the Store, For particulars, apply on the pmmiaec to THOMAS TEASDALL, Or at this Office, 1 lleadl‘ord, Dec. l2. 1869.. 210-“, WWJ ‘ ,. lw m E‘ a H I V‘ V Y ‘ ‘i OUR MANUFACTUING A." ll .1 1 l. ELI {E Ellt l l up Streets, ' H a N y la continund as usual, and we are prepared to . ‘ ,v ,3’ ' attend promptly to all orders, with which we l I O‘riâ€"iALL' may be entrusted. , ‘Kflld. be Sold low for Club or Exohaug‘ed 8L S,ON:5_ _' t'or Land 21 lii'sl-l‘itl.“ S l E \I‘v'l ENGINE ' Toronto, Ma 1!, 1862. )59-lv â€"â€"l4 horse powerâ€"in good Working order; has ' only been in use about 3 months, and is thereâ€" fore as good all now. Also, a Slit-loosing and Matching Plant-lug: Machine, with a quantity of Shafting and Bolling, in good repair. For t'urllnu- intorlnution apply at tho “ York Herald” oilice. Richmond llill, Nov. ‘ 0. lE’Sil. wu.wumum 'IMPOHTER OF EST-if m Watches, flocks & Jewelery. 'l‘llil lllllilll} 'i‘llllC GBSElll’ElM “53 Killg Stl't’et W88?) i The Perfection of Mechanism. TORON‘EO, iijElNG A llUN'i'ING AND OPEN FACK, on llus just received 9 i‘ LittoY'et on (ll-:A'Icrluln’s WA'I'CH Con- BlNl-LIJ. (.lue of the prettiest. most Convenient, and, LF FINE Gold and Silver Vi’atolios, Colored and Bright Gold Guards, Alberto. Brut-o (lccidvdly the host and cheapo-t titiiepieco l'or‘ general and reliable use. ovor oil’orec. lt hits withinn cud cotiilet'tnd with its machinerv. its 181$. Bmoches. Sign“ and Gem Rings 1,1,,“ own Windinii,r attachment. rendering it koy en- ring“... Solitaims' buckets. ("harms Nucklam' 'l‘himbles, Pen and I’clicil C3368, Silver, Jet and Mourning Jeweleryâ€"all ofthe newest do tirelv unlmceysary. The cases of thhwarcli are composed of two metals, the outor one being s‘ygns: also, Fine Gold Weddingr Rings, and bpoctacths to bllll. all rights. tine llicarut gold It has the improvod ruby action lover movement. and i~ Ivar-rented an accurato timopioco. l’lico. superbly engraved. ’ per 07958 of a half dozen, $23l4.(l0 Sample‘ “latches. in heat morocco boxes: for those pro- ‘ (jayefully Repaired & W’Grmntm posing to bm at wholesale. $33, soul by ox-j ‘ ' press, with bill payable on delivery, Soldicrizi must remit payirlent in pdvance. as we cannot. I colloct from those it: the army, Address HUBBARD BROS. 31. Co.. Sole Importers, Cor. Nassau and John Star, Elev.- York, ~ ‘ ' ' ' 213., ' \‘v'alchcs, Clocks and Jewelery To give s‘atisfaclicn. lumemlmr the mums... 123 King Street West, Rosug 30115.5: BLoCK. l‘Tereuto Sept. 19, law. 1333c}, l a. . l . ' '- l And examine. his Stock of . |INFOR M THE PUBLIC, gt ;-.A..!-..r‘~‘;A'r-.‘I«‘-\‘ie,i.~ a» ' ‘ ' wing-yd '. - Norman. ' LL persons indebted lo the Estate of the' :fk .late Mr. GEORGE WltIGH'I'. of the Township of Vaughan. County of York. de- ceased. are hereby requested to make payment thereof forthwith to the undersigned Execu- trix: and‘all persons claiming to be Creditors ol' the deceased, are likewise requested to furnish the pa‘rtllzu‘lars thereof to the Execu- trix. in order that the same may be examined and adjusted. .. ' . JANE WRIGHT. Executive, 'l‘hornliill. 'Nov. 6,1862, 2052:; .J .1: . 1.7., \ FINKLE 8t. LYON- SEWING MACHINE" "CGMPKNEY. 533 BROADWAY, NEW Yours} 71‘0 parties little acquainted with the Finklo' 6:. Lyon Sewing Muchines the c‘aireful pe‘l‘ usal ol‘ the Company’e Circular is- specially This Circulor can be had on'api plicution. It is very specific, and will'beloull‘l commended. highly instructive, having been prepared wt'. l much care, and we will abide by allstatemen.i therein madc. . Tho following brief quotationis characteris- ic of the entire Circular 5‘ I '~ This Machine is better adapted than any” other Sownig Machin in market to the freql‘l’t changes and almost on 'less varion of sewing required in a l'r-mily; for it will sow from one, to twenty thicknesses ofMurrseilles without stop- ping, and making every stitch pcrl'éct Will' sew from the finest pause tothe huuviost cloth, and even to tho s’toutnst harness leather, with- out changing the loud. needle, or tansion, or making any adjustment ot'ltizictl'ine whatever." 'l'hus have we successfullv overcome tho most difficult point in the Sewing Machine Art, it was no ordinaly triumph. .De‘fialltly can we say. “ No other Mechino. compares with it in I this respect." Hence have we tinit‘ormlyâ€"nl- most without exceptionâ€"taken the higheet premium, when the Machine has been properly ‘ exhibited in competition with other first-class Sewing Machines. Hence is it that we are able to otlbr the following guarantee, viz :-- H We Warrant every Machine we sell to givav‘ better satisfaction than auv other Sewingr Ma.- chi'n'o now in market, or money rol'.tnded.”-â€"-' We never sell a. Machine on any othot tot-m8" h The guarantee is as reliable as the note ofan'y bueinoss man in the land. For mom than five years have we relied upon such facts for the reputation ofourMachiuo ; and without a single travelling agent in the field, there is scarcely all neighborhood on the continent where the Mt- chino is not favorably known. W’e prefersuch ' a reputation to one based on more “talking points,” a: they are technically called-inlwa trade. “once we make but one kind of‘stitch‘s“ viz: the lockâ€"stitch. alike on both sides, requir- ing :uly one-third tho (broad of other kinds of titches. N. B. Local agents wanted in every county’ throughout the West. Special inducements ofl’ored. Finklc & Lyon S, M. 00, lQB-Gm 536 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 196.6... ’E‘ 3 ’E‘ l l ’E l! “The Cup final. Refreshesy but not Incbrisstcs!” AVING purchased a Stock of Teas, we‘ are preparcd'to sell some of the FINEE‘PT TEAS’ 2' importod in this Province. and as CHEAP As c‘nu'nc SOLD north of Toronto, Black Seuchong ’l‘ea, 2s. 6d. (2‘8 38. Do Extra Fine Flavour. . . . . . . . his. Gunpowder 'l‘ea,............-.. 4s. “‘ Fine Japan Tea, (sun dried)... . . 4s. 6d. “ Pure, Fine Fresh Young lljxsonp . 45. 6d. “ per lb.» H ) Young Hyson, Extra. lt‘ull Favor” ed and strong, not surpassed. if equalled. in Canada . . 5:1. “' We trust that purchasers will examine, and“ \give us one trial. which Wlll make good every- asceitlon, At W. S. I’OLLOCK’S,‘ (Late G. A, Barnard’s.‘)' .ticbmcud Hill, Sept. 25, 1852, 2004!.- _-- ..,_._., ..A.. .H..--.. __.. - _.... we -. .._.........__._~.~â€"a lilu7iu0louit TEA Vth EEEOUSEE ’ No. 93 King Street: .â€" 31 GN OF THE virgin} In the place in Toi'mto. l0 'l’i'Y'Pmi i. O I' only because the prdprietorfiDWARD ' LAVVSONJsone of the oldest arid most. eXperienced Teaobiijcrs‘iir thoutriade. but from the fact that he purclidsos" li'iéUT‘a‘as in such large quantities ‘at the cargo Solosothere'by ou- * ' abling him to sell at. a very SDIA'LL AD VANCE 0N COST, Fulfilling the old adage “ Large Sales, Small Profitsrand Quick Returns ;” a'so in COEFEFS, S U {I A. ill-S Fruits, ‘iglpiccs uuuuii lls cannot be undersold HE§ Exogtrowiwg AND Are unsurpassed for quality and pricu, all being manufactured on tho promises, from the beat, material by first-clues workmen. iced and, _ Urnamented l ’chdln g: and O‘illfll‘ Cakes Always on hand or mado to order in any style ~ (in tho bilol'lbft notice. ' Orders by mail Ind otherwise, attended to with dispatch All Goods warranteth lepres netlletl. and delivered free ol'charge to the cars or in the city limits, ' {3:39 NO SECOND Z’RJCE. Remember the. Placenâ€"e No. 93 KING STREET, Sick! or THE Qumran. EDVJARD LAWSON, Proprietor; 15”-6m ._ __ _.._.._.~ m‘ RICHMOND lllLb LIBRARY ASSOCIATION l V "Hi8 LSSOClATlON has transferred their 1 Li BRARY to tho ' lli‘ttaui ’ ll'oolr Store. where Stockholders: and others may otocnre BOOKS every Friday afternoon, iron. “0 3 o’clock. P M. V Toronto... Feb 5. )862. . A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, Feb. 13?, 1861 illlllii f‘

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