Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Jan 1863, p. 4

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point. it i G 1-11 . A r.“ 1) so 1.1)1 iiiiiis so .\G. i 1 l The hcuth this night must be my bed, The brnckcn curtnin for my head, My lullaby the wardor’s trend, I‘er, far from love and thee, Mary. To-morrow cvo, more stilly luid, My couch may be my bloody plaid, My vcsper song thy wnil, sweet maid : It will not tvaken me. Mary 1 .1 may not. dare not, fancy nva The grief that clouds thy lovely brow, I dare not think upon thy vow, And all it promised me. Mary. No fond regrets must Norman know; \Vhen bursts Clan-Alpine on the foe, His heart must be like bended bow, l’lie foot like'arrow free, Mary. A time will come with feeling fraught; For. ifl fall in battle fought, 'I‘hy hapless lover’s dying thought Shall be a thought on thee, Mary; And if returned from conquered foes, 110w blithely will the evening close. How sweet the linnet sing repose To my young bride and me. Marv \V. SCOTT. THE VOW, BY nsv. cur, enooxs. Our life’s last drop we vow to the. We’ll burst that chain asunderl Dear Motherland, we’ll set thee free From treason. shame, nnd plunder ! From all thy soit,-â€"â€"hi11, vale and shoreâ€"â€" Oppression’s hordes forevermore “'0’” drive with fire and thunder. The die is cnste-~-â€"we will not quail, \Vliatever fate hangs o’er us; For Truth is great and shall prevail, And Freedom goes before us, “here brothers lie, we too may lie, Yet shall our souls ascending cry. We’ve saved the land that bore usl fin-gm“: llltriiltuiiturui, ravenâ€"u." Wynnâ€"a women..<~:wmm:uw an“ no 'l‘hc fling of Siam has given Louis Napoleon a royal tiger of colossal siZc. ‘ Sweets to the sweet.’ Two burglars who entered a llrondwny store found the goods so hiin they declin- ((1 them. Mr, Partington has crnsented that Ikv shall go to the wars, on condition that he puts the saplicnds and t'ninions. A head equal to the greatest events, and a heart superior to (lit: strongest trinptn~ tion, are qunlitics which may he possessed so secretly that :1 men’s next-door neigh- bour shall not discover them, umtil sonic unforscen action calls them forth. A tutor, lecturing a young mun for his irregular conduct, added wrt‘h grout pathos, ‘The report ofyour vices will brin‘t,r your father’s grey hairs with sorrow to the grove? ’â€"‘I beg your pardon, sir,’ replied the in» corrigiblc, ‘t’ny father wears n wig.’ Coleridge, an awkward horseman, was one day riding on the road, when a wag noticing his peculiarity, thus accosted the poet :â€"-‘1 say. did you meet a tailor on the road ?’â€"-‘ Yes,’ rcplicd Colvridgc ‘1 did; and he told mo ifl went :1 little for 1 liter 1 should meet his goose 1’ An old schoolmaster, who u~u2illy heard ' his pupils once a work through \Vnttis Scripture Ilistory, zind nftcrwnrds inked lhctn promisrurmsly such questions its sug- gested thcmsclvcs to his llllélil, one tiny dc- sircil a young: urchin to toll him who lease was, whrn the boy briskly i':- - ",I‘Iic lillowcr of Doinhlnnc, sir.’ , ln :1 Scotch town :1 min inat'l the coun- try applied to n rcspcctnhlo lawyer for advice. of the casc, lie wns naked if he hnd'stntcd the Incts just as they had occurred. ‘ ()u, .a)’, sir,’ rejoined the npplicnnt; ‘ I World it best to tell you the plain truth; you can put the lies to it yourscl T \Vixomzsor. Runnsxâ€"Mr. Simeon in referring to evil rrpo~.ts writes :â€"-â€"'I‘he longer I live the more 1 feel the imporâ€" tance of adhering to the following rules: 15f. To hear as little as pussiblc wind is to the pl‘t‘JUtllcc of others. ‘Zud. To believe nothing of the kind until I am absolutely forced to it. 3rd. Never to drink in thc spirit of one who circulates an evil report. 4th. Aliiays be modtrntc as for us 1, can. 5th. Always to hclicvc that iftlie othrr' side were heard, a very different account; would be given of the mutter. A ftcr tlclniltng thc cii‘Ciiind:i.icr’s p All w New AN AMERICAN f‘iIO’I‘lllitt '1 -â€"-An American mother thus writes peeling the slaughter at lfi‘c‘tlci‘icsbul‘g: It I could feel that the tlcuth of my young friend had been in the service of the coun» try instead of being one of u liccutonib of murders,l could grieve less. .It set-um to me if I had lost a son at that lllttlltlttl‘itlug battle, I should have nccdcttmhnvc ncctlc‘il heavenly grace to keep from the spirit of Charlotte Corduy. Ciltt Lincoln slot-p '! Does I‘lnllcck hour the gronns of tho vourr ded, night and day? Docs Stanton the agonizing screams of inothi-rsa, wives, and children which are cnusrd by him ll The curses of a nation will full heavily on the bends of those who cause our prinwiil misery, whether cnbinc olliccrs or Abolr tionists.’ i x for; 1 i 1 'I‘OB.iCCt).~- BY ISAAC \VAL'l‘C-N. This Indian wccd now withered quite. Though green at noon.cut down at night» Elbows they decoy; All llt"nil is li:iy--~ Thus think, and smoke Iobnrco, The pipe so lilyâ€"while nnil wonk, Docs thus thy mortnl stntc lJt‘SfItli'tik'; l Thou art c‘cn such, I (iono with d touch; Thus think, and smoke tobncco. And when the smoke ascends on hioh :3 1 r ‘ ' I I .llicn thou bcliolillt tho vnuity, v- y......... -... ..._._ .4. ~..,c__. _.-_, ,4 COM PA RA'l‘IVlZ ESTlh'IA.'l‘E OF '1‘ .ing. 'l‘l. l1} VALUE OF lltille-S AND 0.): “AN. it is generally agreed that horses ti‘nvcl fustcr than oxen, ond thnt on ‘n ltll‘tt’l cormsting of plnin sand dos-~ titutc of rocks, a pair of horses Will do more on the plough nnd inrrow than :1 pair of oxen 5 that is, form horses will last to work till twenty years old, but oxen should not he kept half so long, though some Work till they are fourteen. But after admitting so much, we may be nl- lovved to say a word or two in favor of the p notice of keeping oxen. And first as to the Cost of the uni- mnls' Oxcn of equal weight with horses are bought for one half price. Oxcn are worth something after they are worn out in workâ€"-horsos are not. Oxcn are not huff so liable to dis-- ease as horses are. An insurer will ask fourfold more for insuring the health of horses than of oxcn. The gearing of oxen costs less by one half than that of hoiscs. A wooden yoke lusts longer thnn loa- thcr harness, nnd it is put on and otl'in half the time. One clinin unswcrs for two oxcn, but two horses must hnvo four.â€"-â€"â€" Oxen are more patient tlinn horses, and Will carry a more even yokc. 'l‘hcy stnrt a load hotter thnn liorsc, ‘pnrticulztrly in 11 snow path, where the runners stick to the snow. Oxen can be entrusted with hircd men at less risk than horses. They are Soon tuught to druw the plough, .nnd are drivcn by the ploughmen without nnv reins. We huvc notu large proportion of farms without rocks and stumps, and where the land is rocky there is no comparison between oxen and horses. In regard to cost of keeping, there wouli be but ltfllc dillhrcncc if both were kept on the sumo food. llut luinuy of our fnrnici‘s koop ox;:n throuin the iviutcr on course huy, straw, and books which would not keep horses olive. Our own ox in (linlfblood Dcvous) uevcr llf‘t'v'tjtltly hut clicnp liziy, husks, .ctc., through the wintor,though they labor much lllllt'. lp’Vlltill of tho vAlflll Cantos they are kcpt on good buy. and thus titoy lcurn tho ditl‘cr- cucc bcthcn clicup niitl costly liv- Och of the right brccd nrc very rcudily tuttcnc l, and their beef is better thnn thnt ofcows or young :uttlc, and brings more in the mar- ket. â€" Vthn formers. quit raising and keeping,r oxen, people must quit ent- ing beef and hunting 0x-hidcs,â€" ‘rcniovcd. Of worldly Stuff. (lone with a puff; Thus think, and smoke tobacco. ‘ Jlfass. I’loug/Imrn. A STRth OF RECEIPTS. BU'I"1‘1CH.‘.IIL1E l’ii<:.-~'I‘lii'cc pints of buttermilk, ttvo eggs, four tublc- spoonfulls of sugar, :1 ton-spoonful of flour stirrcd into the milk, and half at nutmeg, stir well ttigcthcr, und bnkc like u c: stnrd pic. ,,. AC I’Uirtrl’UninNG.â€"â€"â€"'l‘u thrcc eggs, noontuls of floor, :1 pint nine tzihlo- ‘ of milk, nnd suit to tnstc. Pour the milk on ti o flour scolding: hot, tlicn ndil tho eggs. liulic from twcniy minutes to hzill nu hour. Scrvc with snucc to suit the tustc. .. G l’icxman CABBAGE. ~â€" Slicc rcr cubbngc very thin, put on it it little conrsc snlt, und lot it rcst for twenty- four hooks to drain ; ndd sliced onions ifycu likc th’m. Iloil four spoon- lulls of poppcr, nnd four of nllspicc. in n quart of Vinctrnr and pour it over. 7 Com: f\ll.l.\1. PUDDING â€"-To 8 von licuping tunic-spoonfuls of Indiin ncul. told our: cup of iriolnsscs 3 little snlt and butter. Stir :ill wcll togctlicr, nnd Just us it goes into the even, put in u clipful of (:old wutor or milk. Bake three quarters of an hour. lliiLii'ii) CotiN,â€"-i;oil 2: quart l r 1 sound ripe corn in vcry siroin until the outcr k ‘l‘ticl of thc gr which eight minutes. i‘iow \tusli it in two ivntcrs, nnd coik until tender, nnd .iin i ’ . ’ :.« but: helm-ls}.5..meng llc you hnve four qunrts of 62cc nt und nutritious food. Dntncioos ’I‘oitw‘in) Grummanâ€" Cur two ounces of cheese in thin sli- ccs, put it into n 1.1(‘Cllall,St:1()li the tire, nnd odd one gill of frcsh milk ; sin'imcr it till the cheese is dissolvird â€"â€"-â€"lllCtl tnkc it from the tire, and pour into n shullow dish; when confod it little, add the yolk of nu cigar well litrutcii. 'l‘hcn plucc it before the the, nod brown it nicely. U“ iii. V, 'x ~ ‘n 7‘ ‘ 1‘ 'lo (Jinn-t». l1-..\ lit.\t's.~â€"llo not :poni‘ boiling;- wutor over them, pui~ iii‘uizirrj-t yqiunncd onus, us it avill mukc tho \"1l'llii'1ll crock and pool oil. but 1tét‘v‘tt u spot:‘ '1: ‘» ’t,,llL‘tl Wltll \vnrni wotcr und :1 little soup, if the ti'u.‘ he very dirlv; thcn rub it villi cloth, if it look sniczirv, dos- on it little lloiii', thou tub iii/wi'h rt dr‘. cloth, if the pnpcr truy trots llllll'li- oil, tuko :i pica-.- of opinion c oi i, 'with n littlc suvcot oil, nod rub it, over the m'ii‘ks; if :inythintg‘ will tzikc them out, this will. Let the urn be emptied nod the top nip-oil dry, particularly the outsidc. for if any wot be SIlllliftifl to dry on it, it will leave it murk. \3 For Eight. Dollars. DB 0 iSuri- goon Dentist, I; AS just, imported ~some ofthe EIGHI‘ DOL- LAR Block 'I‘eeth. which he will insert for that sum if required. being the same kind as inserted by S. N Peck. and made by the same man. lle also keeps the best. qualin of 'l‘eeth. which he will insert on Gold, Silver, l’latenum. or Nulcunizod Rubber, CHANGE OF ADVE t'l‘ISEMEN'I‘. Dr Richmond Hill... . .. . . .1st day ofench month Muplo, ,. . . . . . . . . _ . . . .3rd day of each month Kleiiiliui'g,, . . , . , . . . . . ,5th day of each month Clnreville, . . . . . .. . . . . .6th day of each month Aurora,. . . .. . . . . . .tho last. day of each month I’m): will he at (Except when any of the ab ve days come on Sabbath, when he will attend the day following) VVlion he will be happy to wait on any re- qulring his services iii any branch of his~ pro- feSsion. or make good any work previously warranted. Teeth extracted fer those not able to pay, free. 188-1v Aurora. .1 une 530.. 1862 THE BEST l3 owns THE CHEAPEST. PO\VIE L Lss 2 CKNOW’IJGINI‘ED by 500 Farmers, Proâ€" f fossionul Gentlemen niid others (who have them working in Wells, varyingr in depth from 10 to 133 leer) to be the It} ‘lSIIQS'I‘ WORKED. MOST DURABLE and EFFI- CIENT ever offered to the Public. 1L3“ Price (30 Cents foot. No exti'a- charge for 'l‘op. Every Fump Warranted 1 Orders for these Pumps addressed to (I. l’OVi/ ELL, VVillowdale, C.VV Will receive l‘ro'npt Attention. November, 7, 18623, 20213: WORMS. For destroying Worms in children, SITTZER’S VERMIFUGF. CANDY is by far the most pleasan safe. and ott'ectunl renwdy now in use. Try itl $01 by all dealers in medicines. J . G O R M L E Y , CONHHSSIONISR 1N QUEEN’S BENCH, Conveyanc'r and Auctioneer, LOT 31. 4111 Con. Minimum. September 18, 1860. 9.3â€"tf Auction Notice. THOMA STOWMA N, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK 61. PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almirn.” I’.O. wil recech prompt attention. Orders received at the “ York l'Ierald’Wlflico, ticlimond Hill; Mr. Henry Lemon, 'l‘hornhill. and Mr, James Cnvannah, Mansion House, Sharon, where Terms. &c. may be obtained. 18.39. or rm). [tlinirn, Nov. 62-tf' . ‘. ... ..... _...‘-...__.._~__._.._..~_...___-M . r .." , ' . tliiio l‘roitgns, l‘lt‘tlifll‘ Scouts, Cistrons and Pinups, Manufactured and for Sale by JOHN LANGSTRFF, STEAM l\.lll.1.s, 'l‘nonn‘m LL. .lunefl,1859. 27--tf TEETH EXTRACTED Willltltll PAIN By the use oflillcctricity, By Dr. E. o. EDMONDS, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA . 'I'ecth inserted on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession. perforn'ied in the most. approved manner and \Vnrrnntod‘ Aurora. March 9. 1.0.60 67-1y W. G. TAYLOR. VEl‘lClthAllY SURGEON, Member of 1/11: Rug/(til College Qf V.S. N Ilcturniug thanks for the liberal encourage. l meut heretofore received begs to intimate that he is now prepared to treat ull sameness of Johnnie- At his own stables on the shortest notice, and can with confidence wurrnnt, u cure in all cases within the reach of medical skill and treatment. Rc.s‘;i(,lcizr;.â€"~â€" [War the Eagle Hotel. NB. No Charge for Stahling. Newmarkct, Feb, 526, 1862. I 7 New Auto IMPROVED Map of Upper flit-notqu fOllLf) you secure it valuable and orna- mental Work of Reference 2' Subscribe the l -. '3 ’ n 2.. . ..' ' Typograpntcal, Statictlcel AND . 1 01‘ ('1‘ ‘Efi'gfibfipel” Casemcila. “will? Subscr hers lo the above ‘v'i'ork and the 3. Public are respectfully inf-winded that the Map is now completed, nini is being furnisle to this Subscribers fast as possible. No trouble or expense hss been spared in the pre- paration of this Work, which is on a Larger HS than any other Map published. ‘ TREMâ€"ZGNE’S A ND lLLUSihATED MAP OF UPPER C'lllhilll‘i, Will be ready in a few weeks, and will be out- belhshed with beautifullv engraved Views of Cities, Public Buildings, &c. «Sic. Subscribers toleither of the above Works are particularly cautioned against being deceived by parties interested in the sale ol'a an re- cently gotup in New Yolk, 'I‘lieir plan ge- nernlly is to represent that rI‘ltJ'ZhHINE'S Mop will not be published at allâ€"or that the Sub- scribers will not have to take it in cnse it should come outâ€"nod they ltud better get one from them, 61.0.,613- All such repreSetiza- tions are false, 'I‘IlEN’IAINE’S MAI’ ‘Nllif. BE FUR NISIIEI) 'I‘O EVERY SUBSCRIBER In good time, but the manufacture ofthe Maps and the delivery of them through the whole country is necessarily a work of months. ,1 AG‘EI‘WTS WAN'TED l For the sale of the Map in every Township 11:?) All orders by mail promptly attended to ’ Office and Address l\0.791“l{ONT ST” TCRON"O. Toronto, Doc. 27, 1662. 212. 185 YONGE S’l‘AlcE'l‘. MONUMEN S,T01‘£B TAR LES. {l‘OtvlllSTONliS so. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABIJSIlMllN’I'. nihlll‘l UNDERSIGNICI) Assignees of 111“ j. estnto of l). C. (‘9': VJ. YALE, willcou- tinne the business under the superintendr.nco of our duly euthorizcd agents, AustiN Annizv and I), (Mums VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. 1’.S.-~.Alt notes and accounts remaining nu- pnid on the Isl day of Julio. 1855, will be put into Court for collection, 1 ( l Toronto, April ‘23. 1859. 'l)cslrisblc Village E.}i‘{lfilt‘l”ll§' ‘IIIC .‘lubscriber offers for Sale two vrilunblo For Suite. 1 Vil..l,AGIC LOIS. Situuted in the very centre of the fo>t risingr town of 1’oit IClirin, on Lake Union, and in the CountV (if lit'llCt‘I the Lots are known Lots No. 4&1 and 4}, in block No. 67 of the Villuge, This is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make it home for himself. The shipping from the Part considerable, and o pushing and improving business is done in the townâ€"tor n Mechanic the opening is unequalled. For particulars apply at the ‘I-IERALD OF- FICE,’ or to WWI. COURTNEY. Richmond llill, April 24-, 1862. 17 bits s. s r. s. Elliâ€"Oi; SURGEON m;- YsTF'1Y'C" m l. .2...) WILL BE IN Newmarket, 1st, 2nd and 31d of Each Month; Bradford. 4th (t finch Month; Cookstown, 5th of Each lilol'tl" 1 Bond I'Ieud. 61b of Each Month : Brownsville, 711) of lCm-h llonth- King Station, 8111 b’toutl‘ville. Qilrd of Ii ich Month : Markham Vil2~lt|i and 525th of 1-inch Monthi lBI‘OWU’SC()1'll£‘1'€.4lll(.Ollmfllllll'lllttltilidflllltlo.l of li‘ich .‘rionih : Richmond Hill. Nicliolls’ llotel, 527m “ Maple, Watison’s Hotel. . . . . . . . . .li'o'h “ Kleiuburg Hotel,. . . . , . . . . . . . . . .E391li " If any of the above days comes on Sunday, that place will be omitted till the following month. When he will he prepared to nttend to our Professional Calls. or make good any op natioii [)I'E‘VIOHSIY \Xllti‘lfilllefl. 'l‘hoso who require Artificial Tooth can have it full upper so i of best. dimlin of lilock Tooth. inserted on Vulcanized Iliuhlier. for riyzi llirllltllY Charged $95 by other Dentists. i 'l'eeth filled with Gold, Silver or \Vhiic filling. 'To remove uiisamireliension. he bogsto nit- nouuce that all work lVarrnnted whnt it is Guaranteed to be, or no charge. weevils Egm'cwacsocfl with the least possible l’uin. Particular attention pnid to the ofCHIl..1HlE.\"S 'I‘I'Ilil'l‘ll. N.ll,~l’nvtics requiring Arnficinl Teeth are reqiestod to (lull nnd Examine Specimens. 1L? Teeth lllFt'll‘ted cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Province. Nowmurket, May 29, tegulation 1955â€"1)” GEO. ht C P H l L, 1. ll) 8 , Provincial Land Surveyor, RlCHMOND HILL, (JUN. December 14. 1860. e, DENTISTRY! .~ 0. ADAMS. D. D, Surgeon Baptist, 3 99 Kiss s’r. its"; SOUTH SIDE. THIRD DOOR WEST Fnon cnuncn sr. 'ronoN'ro, nrw ’~j.:‘tlt'l‘lCll hit it, attention given to the regu- l: lotion of 6",".iln'rmi’s 'Ieellt. Consultation free. and all work warranted. o In, A. bus tinned his attention to theiim- proveinents of his profession in all itsbrnnches, .3 . “I: ‘l’. r‘ l "1.. ll lllll.*il.lti‘€l tiliip of bpper tension, In preparation by (loo. (7. 'l'rei'iinine, the old and well-known publisher of Descriptive County Maps. 11;? Residents: of the l’rovince everywhere, will be culled on by lrocul or 'l‘raveiling agents 'l'oronto. May 18.51. 1334.1" ___-. - .-- .__-_. c. , i 1 n l" 1“ r l H. dist. u. i‘iifitsu‘iiliOfll i r‘ ‘r , taxi .v n "v - \l j i 1 lion; .3 tllt . limiting, state and, .1 a . .. . » .h.iitiinic.ut'rrs, turd . - .. 1553., . U... I Extldilkyl/ l fidulhfi/XSI } Sow-"tiled Flooring and Sidingkopt on hand, and I’luucd to order in quantities to suit pur- clinsois. I llj' lt'notoryâ€"- on .‘vlnrkhum and Elgin Mills Plank blond. I‘.(). address, Richmond Hill. , 1 32â€"6111 ’ June 7, lotil. _-___.~ .-... ...._._..L_ . q... . ..._-..~._ ..._ flh..-Lâ€".â€"_._.__ I if. BecGicr', 1 ~ I (‘10th FY Censtable,~â€"-Landlord’s Warrants J executed. llents and Debts collected on the shortest possible notice. 1 Addressâ€"Richmond H ill I’.0. rv land {'1111 supply the profession with 'l‘eeth. Gold, Vttlouniizcd Apparatus. and Vulcanite Rubber. and the best Bone filling. Mineral ’i‘enlh mounted on Gold, Silver. or Vulcanized “hither. with Continuous Gums. iwhich nre wnrinuied to give entire satisfaction. 49-1v 'I‘oronto,()ctobcr 11. 1861‘ NOTICE. If asked What was the best medicine for cleansing the blood. and far bilious complaitits,Sick Headache, Costiveuess, rm, we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGEI‘ABLE LIFE PILLS. FAN?" "xll i‘.€ll-LS&PUMPS rill] E Subscriber bogs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that he manufactures the ‘ atost improved PUMPS krill Fillill‘llllG MILLS In his Shop. at Stoiiflixille, where all orders entrusted to his core will receive prompt atten- tion; and for chenpness and durability he defies competition. @I‘lcpniring done with despatch. All letters addressed to I’E'I‘Ell KRIBS, Stoull'ville P. O. Stoufi'ville. Oct. 15.. 186]. Mil-Gm Scale and is far more complete and accurate: Married 1 roll 1m Cl'l‘l’ ii is in; o it » ‘ reading public. - For any one of the four Revicws,. . . ON NERVOUS REL; XA'I‘,()N and EX? E HA UsTlON. New editions enlnig ~51 to Hill 1 pages, illustrated by Itlil Anatoiivicnl Column 1 Eugruviugs on Steel, pist publisher-5} i V w"HE SILENT FRIEND, the tri't‘ritlcsl lilorliu cal Wort; ol'tlic Age, on Youthful ludu:~ crotions and consequent Illll‘rt‘tlltllt‘iliti to .‘viur- ringo, describingt the Anatomy oi the lt.~.:p2n~~, 'ductivo SSVstetu in health and and pointing out the sure means of perfect I'UStUI'u- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and .ife, containing a Prescription known precluding the pos . ‘ 9 ‘ )l'l-“ti 5%- disease, as the Preventive Lotion. sibilitv of contamination. Also to ho had from all Agents in 7111 parts of the world, EXTRKOTS 1310M 'I'llE SILENT T01)0gl.ap}lical’ FRIEND, price (id., which contains directions for the guidance of pntients Messrs. R, A2. 1.. Punk? dz, Co. are only to , be consultcd at their residence, No. 19, Burners Street. Oxford Street. London as they never,; under any circumstances, travel either at. home or'abroad. nnd they hereby caution the Public against any person using their name. and ash i further precaution against fraud. the l’uli'ic _ is notified that none of their medicines are geâ€" ‘ nuine. unless the subjoinedfm1â€"srnrilic of their signature is attached to their different wrap- pers. Gus 'im'rii'l. (to Moscumu . UWLit .liAuGillhlil) BY THE U516 01" Perri/ls Cordial Helm of Syriacmn. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GlillA'l‘l‘ld'll Illu- GlflNl‘lllATtlIl; a never-failingr remedy for. Bpermntorrhm, loss of riinnly power. produced v by earlv indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" 1.teuriclios the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurable at. once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of innriied lifo. Price 115 per bottle, or four qunuiitios in one. 33:4,,wliicli saves 11s. ; and in 3:!) bottles. etlbcting a setting of £1 1:39, l’rlKIt‘wR tl(,)i‘{()l‘}.Ԥ'l‘ll_\'l‘1‘il) llll'lll'lll- SIVI‘L ilCSrlltli‘ifll'}. a remedy for Syphilis, Ill :-.11 its stones. also for purifflngr the system from contniiiiiizafit-i;, l'(:(it)11llltt‘ll(1rti for Sillll'lt‘lli“, lllt)tl'1té‘?; on the hood uud form, liii'p’cniciii of this throat. tonsils. oiitl tti'ulu; it». bcnclicittl influence on the syi-ttczn is undeniâ€" nhlo. l’ricz lln. midi-ids. per bottle, alson saving of 11s. l’l‘llillY’S I’A'l‘ENT COYCEilTllA'l‘ldl) .ENTSENCE Olt‘ (lUl’Alll\ AND (TUBICIE bUtlAll-L'OAllltlD (ll.Ol.3U1..lilS, the inc-st speedy llomt-dy known The (llobules, con- taining the Quintessence of Copnibn, (.‘uhehs, l’nichii. 5:11., nt bl ce cure, v ithout the possibiâ€" lily of l'uilure, (lotiorrliina. obstinate Gleet, Stricture. ctc., lllltlltjtllitlt‘ly subtiuing all iii- l’Iuniiiiutoi'y action; hint-used in sugar. free from taste or smell. 48. (id. and 11>. per box. lll.\1.’l'H l)l'.1’l.NIlS iii'w l‘uui: l’i.0oii.â€"â€" - IllullItY’h‘ I’lllillilYlNG Sl’lutlllt‘lt‘, FILL-S. an inlallible cure for n11 dircnsnr: of the skin, such as ticiirvy. bicrofuln, Ulcers, lloiln. lllotches, Iliniplos on the face and body. (Vic. l’rice 1133:1141 325. per box. Sold at Messrs. l, (‘1 1;. lllllltlY Ck. Co’s. \Vholesnlc Depot, No. If), llci'tiers titi'cet, (ixâ€" ford Street, London. Agents: Biscuit? do (30., Street, London. May 523, 1562. 7.’)_ li‘nrrixigdon lilaclmvood’s AXIl THE 1 BRITESr. REVSEW’S 'f - SCU'I‘I‘ (‘1’. (7.0., .Nl‘lV‘v' YUIIK. ('mititiutr . n to publish the following 101dng Iliitisi‘ I’oiiodicnls, viz. :â€"~ 1. A It'll if. Riff (Consoivnti w"! o Nuuncn iinvini' (\Vhip.) TH 11‘. LONDO .‘l QU '11,th .Clll THE NORTH 1311111611 llCVllQiV, {l‘i‘w- Church,) 4. M I N531? it) ll. 1'? I‘ll "‘IIE WEST ’11<L\’i7 (Inncixziy :i. illult‘KVi'tltll’1‘S ]'Cl')l.\llll."lthl ZINE, t"‘or),) Mfr (SK/l < l L The present, criticnl state of European nfl'niio will retitlerthesn publications universally in- torosting during the 1.01‘11100111i11g your. '1 he: will occupy a iniddlr ground between the lies». tin writen news-items, crude speculations, and flying tumors of the duily Journnl, and the porn derous Tome of the future historinii, written after the livingr interest and excitement. of the grunt. political events of the time stroll hive pussod awny. It. is to those l’ii'iudicnls that renders inth look for the only really intelli- gible und iclinblo history oft-nrront events. niitl as such. in :iddition to their welle-Inlilixliod literary. sriciitilic, nnd Illr‘tiitlg’lt‘r‘ll churnctor, we urge them upon the consideration. of fillie ‘1 A n IT t .‘n *"vw its». Eel. .i, 60:. Elbow. The rot-oipt of xii/wince S/unz’s from the British publishers: gives additional value to these llopiints, inusmunh no they can now be ‘ ‘ i »- - ~ i» , . l i Cities are «Joni: made. and theircfiicucx proton r l l’UI’tldlâ€"Tlie llowels regulorl1-And IlltllfY ltlieii‘pussnge. especially where memory has .‘~t“i’)tl(litl'\ 3 i or d'i'iniai. placed in the hands of subscribers about us soon as the originnt editions. r 1‘ "1"" 'A‘l I I LliMe . , PM onto. 3 (ll .3 (lil- 7 ill? 8 of; 1 l l l l 1 For any two of the four Reviews. . . . . . . . For any three of the four Reviews“ . . . . . For all four of the Reviews, . . . . . . . . . . . . For illrickwood’s Maghzino. . . . . . . . . . . 3 0{‘ For Blackwood and one Review. . . . . . . .. 5 (31‘- For Blncltwood and two Reviews, . . . ... '1 (lb For lllackwood and three Reviews,. .... 9 (10 For Blackwood and the four Reviews.. .10 {it} Money current in the State where issued will be 'I'cCflil‘Ml at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent from the above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: It‘our copies of Black- wood. or of one Review. will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blnckwood for $30; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postuge, Nb --'l'he price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is $31 per nniium, Remittances for nuy of the above publicntions should always be addressed, pest-paid, to the Publishers, - .l‘iOi‘IAlll), SCOTT do CO. No, :34 Gold street, New York. New York, Dec. 5,1561. Q‘s-.3 map-â€" .1.. .w “awâ€"w ‘ "‘"T' .. .. . , WW - ii.) a is-“ Janis. -tgfis l... 3535.31 i’llllolA‘i’RIGII'I‘, i l ‘ rv‘i f may Ir; i chi? 8? full c’L’t old, 9 ‘ i t BEG-S to intimate [but he is now prepared to} erect hilldfi‘l of ("Jory description, by contract or olllci‘Wise, in rousoiinhle terms" He is also ngent for the best Foundries in (211- nude. and from his lengthened experience he l hopes to give general satisfaction, Altena. Dec. 2.3. 18.59 I 4 :1. a lie. happiness, stone; little 8 - B- H E N D E RSO N. ’ M the vouch of all, by the use (1' . Ooulist and. Auri ' z VlCUtfl'l‘illll 1:: no. 5t: t, It 1‘) within t Uit. illitfilfi. a ‘, . .- , ., W ,’ 7* ’ ‘ . . . ,. , like ()1 No. (>03 broad“, . _ .‘il lilt‘lil'ltl :‘il t‘liiltl l .‘r 11.5, prrpuic f min 1:):, ab NEW, York.) ,. l All i. ,. .21. I.‘ l’uwt' llitions of the lute 1)I', llnchzin. lollow lif liliil"’jt\ of I’livSiciuiis. (Kin. (Vin-wâ€" .. 'l‘oronte, where he intends remain- inf: n tr: mouths, and will give his exclusrvo ‘nitcniinn to the treatment of Ulrit‘flSON of the the llovul just. opened an Office at No. 174King in thniuruud oi t‘ll"§i’h,illl(51‘il.l;l‘l before the olden men at (lbiltliiull, l lyril’l'ir EAR» «'Uxtl LUNGS. Di‘. ll. 1io$1)i'a;c- THE RIGHT HON. Tll I“. LORD llsll‘l 'Ul'llI’WHI‘tls Ol'ltlyearsin NEW YORK.with MAYOR OF LONDON, and sitting Mugzii‘trntes of Marlborough Street, Westitiinster, \Vniship Street, Bow Street. «\zc, Used by the most celebrated Medical Men, Clergynien. nnd others, nuexampted snrcess. Hundreds ot'testimonials.~ from persons who have been cured by him, can be seen at his office, Cataracts and Amarosi‘s treated with snorzess. also. Bronchitis. Sore 'I'hront. and all Diseases of the Lungs. Arti~ ficial Eyes inserted without; an operation. l’oi’oâ€"nto, Sept. 9. ’62. l98-3m‘ l” H tlt'll‘l lGl‘iA P HS l PHOTOGRAPHS I The Cheapest and Best Allil‘ll’tllfilb and Photograph ‘ GALLERY 1N CANADA... Wale/(lg; . [lie 4/ IS A? s! .4!) 3i] « i/ \ i -» I y ' ' ' - tell ltll’l‘llll' l Dr.Buehan’s Sitganonted Sarsnpartlln ’ w' 13 :1 ’ I ’ ‘ Pills. It is n VVElianNOlVN FACT that f‘A Ilâ€" SAI’AItILLA is the greatest, purifier o" the blood in the world. Kl‘ll‘ll’ YOUR, Illitltll) TO ItUN'l'O orfi'sjssss rs.â€" AWF ..., t’roprietor and llvincipnl Operator Toronto. April 19. 1961. B . M . R . Try the truly great I’AIN- KILLER, BRIGGS MA- qu RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied of its supe- riority, after using the medicine, the price will be re- funded by the Agent in all cases. Price 25 cents I‘ bottle. Sold by all dealers in medicines. P. the DOC-'I'Olllll Them l’ills strike at the rootof each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment incidental to Man \iVomnn nnd t.llii1il.such us all eruptions on the Sl<in,1ndi- gestion, llilious, I;l\’t~1‘, uiitl Stomncli Coni- uluiiits. (leiiorul “leukntws,(lout, liliiieniu- iisiii. Lunihng'o, Pains in the Iiiiribs, 1107it1~l who... Sore 'l‘liroitts,‘ and every cnsiipluint l‘tlll‘»"(1 by 11"8glll-‘l'lties‘ of tho l)0\\‘t\l:~‘. till- \ll‘tlttletl perspirnlion, and deteriorated and un- ' nonltlit‘ blood. These l‘ilis work their wuy Io tlli‘ Vci‘y roots of each (liseuso, cleansing in iss-iy “out iii: lilo Property for Sale ‘l ,f 1.7}: till Acres, 533 of which timbered, 40 ' [\il'lf‘r uudor (Toltii :ition. Several 1’3. 'lff LOTS with timber thereon Also, V1 1.l.A(lE l‘ltUl‘lfll’t'l‘Y with or without Buildings. been token, and removing every unhcnhhy nc~ cumulution, till the blood is puriliind, the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nuture. the duties of life bot-onto n pli-nsnin, where before they had been sad and wenrv burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not do- lay! a clean stomach must make nclenn lmdv. . , - . . Aiclenn body will contain pure blood. when ill-E111- the stoinucli, body, and blood are pure. from .f‘Ol'llll'llll’l' l’alilmula” al’l’ly “l llle Office “f regulating: 8 id cleansing the bowels, health is llll”'1’aller' coriaiu, Begin at the beginning. waste no Richmond Ili11.Sept f2, 1860. time: strike at thereotofyourailment. Again, - -â€"â€" ~ â€"» ~ «- ~- -_ - Elli. 19f”? '0 i‘oulstwwh- O'Wlialolllww Consulttlietlld Engliin l’hydelnn Iilis wnl force conVictiou. Sold in bottles. at ls. 1,1,d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 651., and lls. 'l'he abovo property is situated at, and ad- joining to, the Village of 9-0 FOR A». l'lHlA. INCIPIIEJN r CONSUMPTH‘iN, IN l“11t.v1'1'l‘1 us ‘ r: 2 .‘Tirj. 14],“? quech Uh KUUTH' AND , 1 5_ . A J.” (ill) Atgllf‘ {Lie l‘or l'il.*l..\:‘xl 1U.\l find (11%, l .- |\ . < I h“ ‘s;.!’ ,1 ti, z~t mice l't"-'ltll(‘. :iirtl; w .3 v , ii; t, « r . ] 1:.t'l'tll‘ " l‘t‘lil i'J'Hlilii’i' tlio rim-w l .i U 5“" “"0: (D r1? El futile . ‘ ‘ . i l liiiti , lit:‘lt‘1,‘\‘"llSllllllu ps-i'wizmâ€" l in I“ "‘“"“ ' "if" it- ~_~ *- (t u; “(‘11: ilt'fil. st- “stilt, bumpy, and ;i de’iru l't‘fl()li1>it‘fltltll'l‘lrltiltit‘tll oi tho iritist‘iii ll's“\f\lt‘11), ltlnilure is impossible, for sum; .. is its tliut duylight follows dn~liiicis. The only infallible remedy for n! qiii {l ;r'("llllllt1gantfiltll dobiiitv. nervous prostrntion. depression ofspi- rits. diminution of vitnl energy, onincintion, and for all foiiinle Complaints, 'l‘liis ttlt‘tlltjltlti not only restores health Zilltl strriigth 3,1 onco. but increases the niitnrnl vigour of ll‘7lll li' totttli, iiintuvity. :iiid o1!l ago of this invnltinhlo lL‘-ll“.'1;1til(ttill’f directly on the nervous rend lllllFQ'lllv enriching, int-turning, :an'l pniifxinq c. ticulnr \lll’tl iittltl', its notion ll.” V mid in pm'tnr't th'tt()1’(l/tllt',t’ with tho 11t\\'.‘_~' of llil’ line. [is the futility ri.iii V1\’lllt‘$ll!ti liltl't‘lt‘rti vegctntion. so will the power of this. nll-pcmnt ngvnt l'CHltll‘t‘ the lost. (it and energy} of‘ all who sutiiar from oxli: " which so foii of tho Illt‘tlltlltl proton 4rd thS’r GENESEE STREET, V viii.“ T . r _ ,_ “ltfiiailth Bic“ “it or. [L9 fix [lid the only I’liysicinns in the State who . . . nre. iiionibcrs of tho ltoyal College Slitrgoons, London. Muy be consulted from 8 O’ttltllilllltIllt‘11101‘1111‘F1'1111311ilfltlllglll,1llfiVel’)’ stoic l‘tiltl s} inptoni of disoutve. 'l'n' irt-rrtnicntthey udopt is the result of up. \t"t!tl.\()1'lltlll‘\‘§‘C(tl'>§’€u§lt)21blll‘8 and successful practice in London. {is .‘zorl'ltiiii lit“. proportion A rios'r scricvrir‘ic INVENTION. An instrument l'orthe cure of Genital Debi- lity, of .‘t’otntiriinl l‘liiiissioi‘is, more properly ,l:nowu as Son-dual Wenkuess. 61c. Can be pr-rniniiciitly cured in from 15 to 2(1dnys, by the two of this instrument, when used con- }nintly \viili iiiotlicinos. “ [tines 8‘: tion, in order to satisfy the i1:- is Sll't‘ll" ivu itornligament. . =ioii itllf’llilli, to trout. «1:4. 011., 11,: , or tour .ptnntitirs in , Noel Flioillit'ul its to tho moi-its of their instruâ€" mm. 3;)”. mom, plmlgjo thonnwlves that in any instance or: reactions twirr'iwtnr 1" Sii’ig‘finlN'” ‘l“1"?”WW"“Filllrlimtm'r- alter Mair iri U, V ,. wry]. ...:.1, the money will be refunded by returning ’ the i:‘-st.i'i‘ in .good order. Price. Ten D01- 1;: the only one yet discovered that cures the l lnrs‘. by tizuil or (lhél't‘l s. most inveternt“ sort-5:. its {’lll‘('1:i are won lot‘- . _ , _ , r , , ., _ voust; um TAKE PARTICULAR NvTicrc. 1111,{Ill'lilg‘lllt-Illllil‘tnltll ltlllltl sullwi‘or Mint , , , I - 111titl:;:itttl~: linvo lti‘i‘tl it. nnd dcttlnro it, to ho' l"“'"‘“ “1“” l’ll‘ 1" l 'lllmll l'le’lllwlves by ace" in i, ,5 pm (mix. ‘ tnin pructioo intliilgzcd in when aloneâ€"o. habit for a” kinda. mi Smog 1 fir-(proud) lonrncd trout evil companions, or at t the world.” ' t, ii) TV? lfl I.) Y s A_ | v v ~ ,.‘l .i. '..', ,. ' .- nnd skin eruptions. rmhool, t1.“ thor tool \ .iie iiigntl} felt even It 1|(“Va‘l' "1t)~'(“£ on the surf-ice of -.~. \t't‘llliil : “'1‘?” ‘tt‘ttl’a “Mr ll W1(florid.rendersmarriage whim, m” up ,,,,L,,,,,.‘ (m, “,H m“, hung. a” m i impr. NIL, and destroy.» bob: mind and body, bolt-abuse is one of , \ann, l,,.,,.,p,,,,, islioultl npplv iiiimodintoli'. ,, ,1 . l P, r ,. ' . . ' . . the. most tormidnhle enemies to 1wolth,lor no-r “the. llllfil lllt‘ surliioo, nnri finally llt‘d; , ’I‘ho l’tll:<:iitlt1io lliiitinout in the. out oguin. ;‘,,:p,“.i,,(- ppm it ,5]M it“, , i<l\(.,,,.', MUN «thing else in the dire cutnlotrue of human dis” lump“, .. (,H pm pm, {i m, .- ii,.,...,,(,,.,,,_. onset; comes so dcoti'uctwe a drain upon the ,.- a v ~ 9 ' “i 1‘ ' ‘n. "‘ ppm“, (7,”? . lllltllttti S"slt’ltl, dtnwiiig its tiiotis-nnds of via“ ' [lim- through a tow yours of shill-ring down to but». , , . ('H‘, 'nn untiuulv It, dotitroys the nervous firirr- Hawk, ,‘tw, Itiltl 1.; l i ‘ . it our: ago 1' tit-1.4 in... prd llsiititre. {lilttilt' lilllllt)i1<. (:ltlilll‘tlll<. w... in“... .. ii , C‘tjfllll’i. ii ,_ m. . xx. w .. w... it. v ,.i l susrztoiii roiiidlv. r It‘s («waytheeuerviesoflife ville. 1 NW lilt‘m. .m'tt; .l\‘\,lllfl|itl, 1\Ill,1rv l \,..i. . . I . h 9 “m 1P,“ “,4 ll,“ Ne w ,.,.. ,.i ,g “N; 5: H} ,rznum s incutnl (lui'niigcmeut, prevents the pro~ . , . . ,,.i,'i..,. -. “lungs, gibmim. “my, downy“ (lump. HM,“ illtl <. triop v t n >1 Lit .tstom, disqualith for . .. . . ,. ~ . *: .‘t’lt‘l‘ '."i.i 'i ' '1 ' " My,“ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I ,\ “ppm, 3. ,,,. _\,.,,,,,._Y in 1111 ,gt. ~i r. }. bush E‘s." ,1 nl oil earth-1y Hi...” ivi,,.(,.,.\. c, ,,,,.,. ..:,,,.,, 5,“, ,f, H. , i, ,W trzippiiicss. unit lunvcs tho sulreicr wrecked 1m I-w - t -. ‘ . i .- . .. ~. . r: .. . , '1 ' H v :i t ‘9.~.~'i:4i ':i.' mourn (lid {ztltl tl. up. nit-«I t,.r :i s. all t)tt::‘.r~. 1“ Mi “Mi '1” 1’ lb“! 1” U] to“ 'humlnlon alld WHHM I”, 3‘, p, in item of evils more to he drendcd than death l’.’i.eiit Mcdlctiio street. ()xford silent, 1.71:1. rind 2’s, Sid. nor poi. , i Vim”. Ill. 1;ot'iiois,l'*" ' \’i'l'~1r~.<'ilc \Vtii't'litlllso, LUIHh,” Ill-IRMHS IN ANY PART OF THE “'ORLU ,‘lponrs:â€"»I$':rciny .‘t'. (10., 75, It‘nrringrion may be successfully treated by forwarding a. street; mnv 1m 11nd of It. ll. lllldi’tl, Correct detail of tlmircasc. Clieinid our] llriiggist, llicliiiiond llill, (LVV. Address Ilr. Amos t‘é‘ Son, stillilast Geneseen nut. from nll (lhoniists throughout the world. Strum. three doors “lost of LllicottSti‘cet,. MM. .33, 186.3. 152‘ liifliilo, N. Y . w 88-1)‘ {5,2,1 54; s ,5 e, ,‘r p 7,; £37" f, l4 ,5) 4 . DR. WISTAR’S PULMONIG SYRUP, is highly"- commendul, for Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Group, and --__ 1 all diseases of the Lungs and Throat 25 With will - n u _ ;. .r .z-:. 3 f V w t Relics to tilt: A. Killiailfiieth l 1’“ ll“ ..____ l H? W", H W VafA HHVHfi _‘ filllltl liliio‘i‘tlllil' Certificates are sufficienti T1111} ORIGINAL glitzl'itllly ltlli.;‘.,>l1‘litf tllttl .f_ mgr \ 4313‘] rjigrfarfl ‘ , ,7 MM ” ,1, , V ,7 ‘ WU-“ ,, M, , radial ll bian li‘lu tilzlilllldllls : 3%,. w . scrim. ta any to .v‘s «its»: ..'___ I, an ;,,,-,,;;,1,]6 remedy for I‘ls’l‘ABle‘uED 1N lBalSâ€"l’rzuvrzorsn m 1862. T. ‘ I _ _ _ v: ‘I . layers ltlltl illitlllltizll‘e‘ ‘We, the tllltltfilrllg‘litttl. do certify that we havo nscd ll. W. llllltlli‘rj El 1:} ‘iVA'l‘EIt. and lind it to be it certain (zero for tnllninod Eyes and (illlililrtlllH. unit thou-tore would recommend it to the public, ‘2'? ELIEN'l‘ and important improvements hav- l' tug been put to this Machine. renders i now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee ot'its prompt and safe delivery,and' ‘ that they will be able to manage it to their en- loliert Raymond James Bailey G. 1.. Boynton Mrs. M. .l. laymond \V. S. I’ollock Miss J, llinnce W. H. Myers A. L. Skeele L. Richardson Robert llewison Martin Nazalion .lohn Coulter Timothy lt‘ogarty l). Bridgford, .l-P. \V. 1’. Richmond Miller Anderson Robert Helper , , I _ tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles 1.â€" ' No more missing stitchesl No trouble in mak- ing any garment, howeverdelicate'or heavy,onf the same Machine, either in cambiic, cloth or: leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers tailors. hat oinders, shoe binders. or gaite. fit; ting, as well asfor every varietv of family Richmond Hill, July 14, 1869. sewing, they have no superior. and will be soldv My son suffered for nearly four months from lllfltulllllutlUl' in one of his'eyés; during which time I procured the beat medical aid within my IGtiC-i, to no purpose. 'l'ne inflammation con- tinued ; the boy suffered, and I begun to enter- tain serious apprehension that he would lose his sight. I accidentally board of effectual cums having: beet: made by Mr. II. W Puck’s Eve Water, and procured two viols of it troni himâ€"1hr Implirfillinn of which has (if/rectal, Al CURE. My son’s eyes are now well. i linve much pionsuio 11‘ certifying to the nhovu fucts, nnd recommend the um of Mr. livi- at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of Work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices. A few respectable Agents will be dealt.- with liberally. ‘ Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 437 Broudtvny, New York 2» New lorit, June ‘211. 15302. 186-Iy l ' A GOOD THING. l’t-r'k‘s Water to all persons nfllit-tr d \\ii,1i ltllllllllt‘fl l “EIR'1HOPE’S Mail???" Og‘lmemls is, W9" WW“! I rye. Joiix runner ,‘ i “ “393909 “‘3‘ “ms: “ids, 0“ Sore-r- . I - nflumod 0r bore byes, Eruptirus on the Skin and In â€"â€" _ every case where an ointment is useful. It will to; Richmond Hill, July 15, loll}. , commend itself, after one trial. 5 1n the month of 1"chvtiury Inst, l lind ul 50mm nttnck of Influiiiuizition in my iig‘lit, eye, our! suffered very much. 1 i ' 'l medics, and obtained tiicrlitta.i '1\ ct t‘, but my , iljlicnp lilieots and. fishoes 7 HE sovcrnl i'o- Suhscriher begs to intimate to the inâ€" “‘5'” "f’llil'lllt‘ll 1" l!“ “501"!” l “'5” “mm- 1 linbitnnts 01 Richmond Hill and vicinity, . , ., . . inr-izdod to (5“.11 op Mréxl, vli. ruck. you] owe My,“ he has teat-ed the i ‘ me :i Viol of his .‘:\‘0 'uicr: in three nuts 1 ,, - y. _ , _ . M. 42.3» 7,. i .‘ . I lié'lll‘t‘rlll‘1.:‘tll(1 iii uhout f1th‘(lfllH was nine to i r “‘01:! (“1 Bil ll‘ “ball [‘06, use inv eye. It is now well, and l have much \thre he intends to carry on the BOOT and pirnsiii'o in stating that I believe it is illr l’ock’s i 551101“. business in all its branches, remedy that Clll‘t‘tl my I liuvu Mr. Lee’s customers will have the some at- r‘ommondod 11‘0 use oi" it to others, ltontion given to their work as formerly, littll the icsult has been attended with com~ All work done at the .lowest remuiieiating ploio succcss, .1. Eli. DAVIS. prices, ' For Sale ut the st Ofiicc, Richmond Hill, price ‘25) cents per bottle. 19:) rye. like reâ€" , and know ), In RICHARD DURHAM. Richmond Ilill, April 11), ”‘“ ' Mil Urn

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