(- - ~_ .r .15. ~ 1 v» ._._ .._A. _-..._...____â€"...____.._.__-..__.._ ..___. le‘HVlOND HILL Volunteer Light Infantry! ._.. “1.1;â€; ., S4,... Aâ€... ..-.:-, . ...â€" . .. .: .v .. l :. 'h'. FARM FOR SALE : “WWâ€".“M hotter - SNOW ' t suOâ€"WI ' SNW _ t ' uncut-3E. FINANCE AVD ASSESSMENTâ€"â€"Mvsn's 'I‘vi'rrll, .VIthchll, Crawlord, 'lilirlls and Hartley. LL pcrsoné'indeli’tod lo the Estate of did 1 o ’ - Ist Concession ot the JANUARY 1, .563 I.CI)UCATION~Moser. Boulthee. lIull, Boiryninn, Doan. (Tharlcs, and Rsusdl. COUNTY l'rtrlpsitTvâ€"â€"N'Iessrs. Button. Arnold, Giuliani. “‘liwlcr. aml Bowman EQUALIZATIHN or ASSESSMENT â€" Messrs “zillis, Blulll, I’ai'nhuin, Stock, and lliddell. ROADS AND Rumorsâ€"Messrs. Hanna, Hamilton. Vii-lab. Wilson, and Randall. Pi:l.‘l'l‘l\‘Gâ€"â€",\'It-~srs. Coirk. Mussou Doari. Clit’ylll‘. and Draper. V CnNTINGoNcrns'“l/lessrs. Graham Button, Allan, Vance. and Curminghnm cht ral nu inhcrs gave notions ol‘motiOn; among others. Mr Graham gave notice that In would "on Io-morrow move that a select cniiiinit too be nppmnteil to (halt a politic“ to the Iltlglslgilllt't‘ lo nincnd the law srparating‘ tho r-ity n{Toronto lrom tho United Conn lis of York and Perl lor' judicial purposes in order that a more cqnitablc basis ltiaV I)" arrived at in rclerence to tbs United Counties. †Tho Council lllt'n adiottrnctl. ‘ \Vhat are you about \vi h my mi ’croscopc. Ce rec l‘ ‘ I’ve liven \having l'atlwr. and 1 want to «no if there is any hairs in the lather yct.’ A srlnol hov li'ivingr good-naturcdlv lwlpml another In ,a difï¬cult ciphcting Insson. was sharply qnvsll'inwl bv the do mlnt’r'. ‘ \A’hy did you work his lessons 1’ "1‘0 leesr-n’ his work,’ replied the youngster. . e An Irishman bring ackod why he lr-f't his country for America. .rcplu-d â€"â€"‘It was not for want, for he had plenty of that at honic.’ AB I‘Ir. lit-rm has just starlcd a now pner in Iowa. lie stirs llP hopes by bad sorotrh’ing. to inakc a living for him- self and his little chirkt-ns. \Yliat in Ill" IlilTor'oncc litltvl'min an rm One is poverishcd titan and an nasv bud? hand up. and the other is soil down. DI F11) At Richmond Hillon tho 24th lush. after an illness. OH days, Wickliï¬'n Ogden. aged throt- Vears and ï¬ve months. 0111‘; ‘son 01 James Langst'tfl‘. M 1)., of l’notiinnnia intorcurrcu with idiopatic fovmufollowing an attack of croup‘ ,-_.... . . ._.-... . A. .- .._. â€"â€"-..- __ TOIIUN'I‘O M A R Ii ICTS. THURSDA v Jan ‘29. 1863. lll‘lotiiuâ€"«Sunm'ï¬no sold at from $514310. flit $4 35 Fancy $4 33 fl #4 4": l‘lxtra $4 Ill (LIKE-4 51); 'l)nnl:le lilxtra. $4 4‘1 (1) $4 45. Van “lumpâ€"Jill†tislils was the extent of tho supply which sold at tho following prices. The prices paid for the host samples wore ti'nm $11 III) (f1) $0 95 or lislil. Spring kWh-94.....-â€" lislrls in market, wl-iicl sold at from 9:11 ï¬t) ((3 5‘5“ RI par hslil. Harlanâ€"sold at from 115 (it ll'llc. I’mtc â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" bshls \\'t-‘Ill oli' at 51) {'07 551: per 'iishl. ()ats.â€"â€"-al .‘I-‘t‘r- fr‘h 4’l per lislil. llav â€"â€"is From 591/01 $121 per ton , 5w" ttiti, Applos. 7'30 and ‘31 25c per barrel. liggrs,â€"-â€"F‘resli l‘roni wagons ISO (/1 ‘20': per .107. Pota'cos --Var\' in price from 55 to thr‘tr‘. llu‘tar-â€"F='irsli is in {air supply at from 140 (fi 189. per 11: gearâ€"«$3 ft?) 9.3 50 per It’ll 11). Calves: $3 @ $4 ouch Lambs $2 rm $23. Sheep $2 5†(1? 3314 till oacli. Straw $8 (d chm-war sy «9-sy- a. “ ’I‘IIEI CHARLIE WIRBLEL.’ walnut rill.“ .«.~ on†wit 5 will: tat! .. all girl: w. '- lvitrc'»: ° ' ‘M “ ll". ‘ gin; 't r“ ‘3 1p“; 2 'nt‘ .12?5l,lliro Eli-‘11 “slid-ll {'17 llllil 3:17,.“ U :n n mil :rpri'. an: .,. “T- ‘(c’li'ly ‘eti'. Th, in § F “El 1*- "rll 3° it’ll? >~ s‘l g‘; ï¬g‘llï¬' w ° ll. =1th "sin :2: 0 .3 ' :.,Ht' "'3; ll} 5., E'llill 3‘: lit ’g lib in 9‘ ti .: ml ll at: g. i l inn I‘m. not 3 . to pi ll'li ..r I] I HT. it, ,Eibi-l $3 uly'iféilrit'g E If)†191-5: his 52 a I t 1.; _, M :‘n. , ,5: rtlll‘ : ml Flt-.1 in, r mutt-l ‘iiflll in. v ‘ 'I‘llii CAN/1131.3} WARBLER.’ In L c. EVERETT. V'HIS popular VVnrk. from which the ahovo bentitif l Melody is copied. ii admitted to b5 the largest and best Co lrctinn of “turns and 'I'unes iii u~e for Sabbath Schools. . Price per Hniidrcd . . . . . . . ~ . . . $16 00 Single(Topics........., 2U ‘ The New 'I‘licsnurus Minions) Bi 1.. C EVERETT and DR. A. II. EVER E'l"l'--A superior Collection of Sacri-d Music. Price . . . . . .... . . . . . . ........$()75 (1:? The attention of Clioi's. ('ongrflgï¬lltnlï¬. Sabbth Schools, and Teachers of Vocal Murit'. is invited to the above Works. For $110 at the YORK Storo. Richmond Hill. Jan. 29. 18"3. ‘ IIERALD’ .1 Book 917. R0 5. E it 'I‘ _ll 0 PP E H, aura-nan. " _‘fo rorurn ’tlintiks to Still]? and custoriiors tor they have licsluwr‘d on him during . It yarns, and would iii- Illllfll." to them “he has removed from his old stand. opposi'o the Masonic Hvtel, to .he ï¬rst home north of tho Hull-way House. Rich- mond Hill whom he llllE‘lId" to carry on his bu~ineSs in future in all its branches. Richmond Hill, Jan. 24, 1863. .Ecs wt“ . his If tho lilmrnl not 917-4t BERLIN WOOL HOODS 8b SCARFS! JUST RECEIVED. a nice lot in Magenta ‘ and Vancc Colors. and will be sold at nearly half the usual l‘iiCOS. Alsri. a few voiy iiico Black and lirowti M 'il\Tl.E and VELV ET (ELU'l‘ll (‘AI’L‘S. very Low! Cull in and see llH'lll at. W. S. P()LI.O(‘K‘S, (Late G. A Baruuid's,) Richmond 11111. Jan, 23; 17863. BIG-Bi, OLUNTEERS to the above Company are hereby llollï¬cd that their attendance Will be required at a "roaring of the men. on MON DAY NEXT. the 2nd Proximo. IN VAN NUS l'RAND‘S HALL, at 7 o‘clock, i‘. M.. for tho ptll'pil.~6 of 1i illottiug for (minors. IIOll-culllllllbfllolled Ofï¬cers. and other business J. K. FALCUNBRIDGE. Capt. Prutim. Richmond Hill. Jan 23. 1863. 217-1. ROBERT MARSH. J.P. Commissioner in the Queen’s Bench, (‘uEllK OF THE 31d DIVISION COUR l‘. / Ullicâ€. nnpoaitc RAYMOND'S HO t EL. Richmond Hill. Bot inns intended to at tho Clerk’s reéldonco when out in the “dice. ' Richmond Hill, Jan. ‘29. 1863. 217-ly. .‘V i Valuable Form for Sale [N the County of York, Township '0 King. bring the West half of Lot No. 7, 1st Con- c-esslon, IOU Acres, lcs School site. This Form is beautifully situated tor a Stock or Dairy Farm, well vatorod with Ihreo unver- fatltng Springs: 94 miles from Toronto and 2 from Yongeâ€"stieot road. i here is about 9U tic-es cleared and over 81) lllldur cultivation; the soil bring low and Well d=aiiied with tile. is Very fertile .- tliero are 13 acres of itiIiidcr VVIieat, and about 4“ under preparation for Spring Crops. a good 2 sturv Brick House and large Fraiiio Barn, both new: a Turnip and Uni Buildings. There is also a Brick andl , l'ilo Yard on tho Farm plenty of excelloiit‘ cull'vmed “mull-‘7' Clay and a good demand tor 'I‘ilo. [13: Terms very reasonable. For further particulars applet by later, pre- Wheat, paid, to ‘ ROBERT LOVE, Meadowvnio, King; Addressâ€"Oak Ridges 1’nst. Otiito, Meadowvale, Jan. 26, 1563. 217-2in . WANTED, TEWEEIS l‘tlll FlilEllltltlll, hi). t’ “E UNDERSthlCD will receive Teri- dors until l2 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, the 4th of February next. FOR Ill Cords of liood Hardwood. 4 do do Dryl’iue. t' “‘0 ho dolivcrcd in the School Yard at Rich- mond Hill, and to bi.- piled and iiioat-urcd TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, l , , . l 'EING therear part of Lot No, 32, in the Remaiiiingiii RICHMONDHILLPostUflicoi Containing, bv ad'ni'éiis'uren out. 6|} \CRES. There are on the' premises a good Dwelling House and V‘lood Show, 52 good W'olls of \Vater, (one in collar)? good Barns, Stables and (ltitslieds l'or cattlé There. its also a small Po‘nd. with a Greek l‘lllllllll'g‘llil'ougll it, con- Veniont to tho Barns, which will supply the Cattle. both summer and winter, with water -- 'l‘lie land is in a good state of cultivation. Deed indisputable, to be given the 1st. January. Possession last March, lit-63. For particulars apply (if by letter poet-paid) to GEORGE SOULES, Concord HO. 3rd. Con. Vaughan. WM, Mch‘IURRAN,; Tnornhlll. 2054?. or to Thornl‘rill. Nov ‘, 1862. Ricmrox D Ii r [L Branch Bible Soo’y Depository, A r. Mrs. Ann Hall’s. Richmond Hill, Jan. 8. 1863. 214-13 FAuM you SALE IN VAUGHAN. ‘HE IVest-hall‘of Nut No. 33. in the 8th COIicousio . or" Vaughan. containing 1115 ACRES OI“ LAND, with Eli) Acros Clt‘tll'etl. 9â€â€œ This lot is situated on the Vaugauu Plank Road. in the midst of a well settled and highly Distant trorri Toronto :25 miles. A branch of the River Iquiiber crosses its eastern end, furnishing-a iiover-l'ail'iig sup- plv of water. and the soil is excellent for Apply to DAVID HIGGINS, Soc’y. Edinlmrg/I Ltfc Assurance 00., Toronto. Toronto. Jun. ‘32. 1‘63 ills 4r 7 ' "l 2 "r i y ‘ i V.I.LI&N I II\ L L. 'l‘llkl Clicapcsr and Ncatcst A S“()1t"l‘l\ll3N’l' I N IMMENAE VE RIETY ‘ HERALD ’ BOOK STORE, HICHMOND HILL. in such part at the School premises as the Com- Jinuar-l 13' lgb‘?’ lillltce may consider most convenimitt Tun- ~dms to stall rho price per Cord for dry hard- wood. and also for groan wood. ' At the surm- time. tenders will be recoind from parties desirous ol‘contracting. for the ours I rent year. tor the t'ollovviiig sorvices :~â€"Sz:wiii,t_r. splitting and piling. in tho Vl’tlud'bllt'd attached to the >Cllti0l. the said twenty Cards of wood. also. for iriaking ï¬res in the three school rooms, and swooping out the rooms. and dus'- ing the furniture £11018“th 1m completed overi‘ morning before tho hour of half-past eight in ouch schoo' day nl’ the track. Parties tender. lug lOr tlieso sot'Vicos will please itato distinctlv his price loroacli separate servicc. and the nuns per cord for sowing and spli.ti;ig wood. as well as the rate per dag. t'l‘ ,schonl term. for which they wrllswecp and dn>t the rooms and turni- tui‘e. and make the tires M. 'I‘I‘LIII’Y. Secretary Board of Trustees. Richmond Hill. Jan. 21. “3’63. 2l6-I Truth Stranger than Fiction Richmond llill,qui. 9,1563. A STARTLING WORK! ..__.__. I? C M A L E Lira Alltlfltl Till] litllllllllNS! "AM A NARRA'I‘lVE OF Many Years Personal Experience, BY MARlA WARD, To be Leo.de lOi‘t To: in ol’Years 'Illr. BURWICK Fac‘roav, 'V‘Z lTll SIIAYTING I‘L' WATRR‘I’O lVlCll ' oomph-in: or anuo Flats of the above bulldog. 72 foot by lib" foot with Slint't- ing and Water Power to drive P-‘Iaclitncrv. Can be bail on learn. together or separately Both Buildingaiid I‘t'Iacliiricry are in at tho- rougli state of tcpair. Application to be made to the Subscriber, .l. ‘W, GAMBLE. Pine Grove Mills. Dec. 31. 1862, 2024f _ __ _._..f. . -_.__.__ .-.. ~_ -n-â€" .iié'oy VVttlltCtI. \,AN'1‘l§I). a pond steady Boy. Ono who ’ iinderstaiids the riiaiiagciiieitt ol‘a Horse and will make lllillscll generally useful. to Apply G. A. BARNAR l). VIJURE OLD JAVA G ROUND COFFEE. I the ï¬nest and l‘rosliod: also a prime lot, of good, lino Ilrvnured and Cheap not surpassed on I’tlnlrvnond IIIll, llunisu and AMERICAN SILVl.R taken at Will. S. I’OLLOCK‘S, (Lotti G. A, Barriard’u.) Richmond Hill, Jan. 8. 1863. Ql-l-tl' ILLUS'i‘uarnD THE MRI or A mama" morn: Scientiï¬c Aittr:ricaii -: Sb ‘HAT one hall" of the world cannot ima- The Best Mecnanical Paper “1 pine how the: other hall live.†is no laws true than trite; and tho lossoii the adage- alibi-(11s. our experienco and observation (Inih tends to vcril'y 'l hair. too. when we (:tllh‘lde'i the over-varying phases of human passion. andtltc discordant moments from which all novel and mitatlcal sects are moulded, it can the World. 18m YEAILâ€"VOL. VIII., NEIV SERIES. I Horn. Sam. 3. (2) 'Crcditors of the ~dv-ceasnd l quested to furnish the particulars thoreot' do the l Executor. in order that the same may be ex- .uwnmun 'I‘ISAS. , Hunt. Henry H awlev. Sophia Klrnck,J. A. Laing, Walter Anderson, John ' Brillingor, S. Baldin. Elizabeth Boyer. Jullll Burns, James B Laing. J . Ctiaiiibors, Charlel I McGoachy, Malcolm Chamberlain, Charles Novdle, Patrick Dohn; Ell Phillips, Mr. Eyor. David I’uterbaugh. Joseph Goodwill, John Sloane, Benjamin Gnfl', Amelia. Stephenson. G. Goriiian. Mrs. Steaks. Richard Galawav. ltobort Thompson; David Garritllo. Charlotte Vanliitig'o, Itov. Mr. Grant, George Walker. Mary E. Hood. M. A VValkor, Mary Hervuon. Mr. Walker. John (‘2) Wilstiii, Tlioman I'ones, John W'iluon. JOliii (‘1) ST R AY H E [FE R. CA ME into the premises of tho Subscriber. at Thornhill, about the middle of No- votiiber last‘ a flea and \‘Vliito Hl'IIFEl‘t. about a your and II had old. The owner in toqtiestod to prove property. pay cxponas. and take lioraway. ‘ - * ' CHARLES WEBSTER. Thornhill, Doc. 18, 186:2. 9113i. '(C()I’Y.) - NOTICE IS HER EBY GIVEIT l r' in vr MARTIN umrmoo will appri- to the next Sossion oi the Provincial I’m-lia- Iiient tor an .Xct to conï¬rm his title to the Road allowance butting lllb t'ariii. lot 61. iii the lat. conceSsiou of King. boltig the. town-lini- be tween the '1'ow1iships - 01' King and Vaughan iii the fir-art concession, granted to him by the ' County Council of York, Uryiiock, Duet-miner 23, 186‘}. ‘212~3m aw; MOE. fl LL PERSONSJndobtud to the Estate [L 01' the late BBLAJAMIN BOWMAN, ot'the 'l‘ownsliip ot' Markham. County of York. do- coased. are hereby requested to iiiako payment of the same on or bul‘oro the lat day of Firmw- Auv. 1563, and all [IQI‘SO‘IS claiming to be are likewise roâ€" .a aminud and adjnsttd B. BOWMAN, M D., Acting Edeula r. .Almira. Jan. 8, 19631 I4-4t fl (Economist please copy three times ) OAR. ' IIlC Subscriber lit-gs to inform the inhabi- tants of VICIOI'Ifl Square and vicinity, that altcr an experience of 15 years, co has or- rived with his M. 'I‘EI’LFY. 1’,le t 611 ".J‘I'ERSCGUTTERS l GEORGE EA KIN _ Particularly invites“ the Public to call at his" I tFA CT’ORY I-N ï¬NION‘VIâ€"isij'E, l And examine his Stock '0". i i ' f , Which he is selling off iCI-IEAP F0 12 CASH . 0R APPROVED PAPER 1 ,Unionvillc, Dec. 26, I865“. ' cream. 1 , . 3h . lA. genteel for the Busineswclt Man: 1 . . . -.-----.-* . _ ï¬lls .Buttal) ï¬ttitttttitt (tottttttttttlttuttrgt, ; Corner of King and Toronto Streets, , NEXT DOOR TO 'rnu POST OFFICE. U ’ lTORONTO, CANADA Wigwam. . V“ BE design of this Institution is to impart to young nion'and ladies a thorough and practical J. business education, The course 'of Instruction liiclndos Bookkeeping. Commercial Law, Business Matherimtics, and BUSIIIOSS Penmanship, all of which branches are taught 'in the most thorough and scientiï¬c manner _ . The Book kooping Department is as complete and extensivo as that of an? Commerczal College oti the continent, alllbt‘aclllg‘. Wholesalo and Ratail Merchandising. Mauritanpiring. Mining. Milling. Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Conimisston. Rnilroadiig, Steam- 'boatinig. 6cm. 6:0,. and is under tho charge of Teachers selected for a placucal as well as the- oretical knowledge of the duties of the Counting Room. . BA'rrs’ Burris" .‘INuRlCAN Svs'rim or RAPID WRITING will be taught by its author. ' is the only system \‘et usud by which all writing can bo executed on one movement. 1' or Circular and specimen: of Penmanship, address, (enclosing snoop) I. BATES, Principal. To TMACHERl.â€"A Series of Copy Books on the above system, bv I BATES a: 11. G. Si‘nA- cnax . Schools of Cauda. is being engraved, and will be ready for use by the lst oi Docomber. BATES do S'I‘RAGHAN. 209- 1y. This Toronto, December 4, 1362. ._.. 7 - _. w - v.-- ..._..._._ -_._.~.._____._..._._.‘__-__.__._..__.__-.__.-.-,_.‘3 LIVE AND LIVE! 9 V. c li‘i'I‘O‘VIS S, ST NEW AND SECOND HAND, I . COOKING, PARLUUR AND BOX STOVES ! ! Heavy Moral. \Varrnntcd 1in , W" ILLIA;M @én’r‘; Copper, Tin 8;. Iron Plate \Vorkcr, \Vill be Sold ‘ AMBROTY P E C All ’ CHEAP FOR CASH, OR APPROVED JOINT NOTES, And has switched of near DUROSE’S HOTEL. ViBTilFtlfi SQUAHE., \Vliero lie is prepared to take Ii correct pic: l tuic oftiioso who may honor him With a call- t‘oeliiig assured that he cannot. be surpassed by any other lll taking 214-tf,lPh0tog-raph’ Ambrotype. and Lettergraph Likenesses. Aiioarly call is solicdod as his stay will be short. .Auibrotypos taken from the smallest to the largest size. JAMES LEONARD. December 31, 186'}. 2l3v52- As dump as any House in Toronto or anywhere else. Richmond Hill, August 29, 1869“. 196.64- ' iiiiusn ARRIVALS OF SCHOOL_BOOKSI G‘EN‘ERRL gariouc‘av’, FRESH ARRIVALS H SVEOREj tillilllER-‘IES‘ 6; MW G00le 1' JOHN WATER-HOUSE, returning his sincere thanks to his nu- 1N NEW volume, of “,3. palm!“ Journal morons Itrionds and (,ustomors for their corittlicnces oti the 1541 of January.â€" II is published \Vccklv, and ovary number con. «gm-cer acorn blllp'ihiltg that a taillit'ul record taiiiit leiOt'll pages (it uscl'til iiiluririzetioii, and of at trial events should exceed iii singular-m- from ï¬ve to tail original engravingo of now iii- it... VVitde‘sl dream of romance; or that Chums" voniiona and discovering all of which are pro- llolll strange and unnatural, should he pornc- timed Bxltt’t'ï¬rl) lit-1' 115 columns “and in a far 011' comm on the nut-4mm or no no; MllCllANlCISLMANUII‘AC'I‘LIRER civilization, which people in another state of society would never inmgiiie possible. Know- ing. as 1 do know. the evils and horrors and olitlllllllallulls of the. Mormon system. the de- grnd nion it iIripOsrs on t‘eiiinles. and the 00"- Loquoni vices which extend through all the attriticntimis of the society. a sense ofdutv to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing uarrntiVo for that public eye. The ro- mantic incidents connected with my oxpori enco. many may think bordering on the mar» vclous, To thorn I would say, that this narra- tive of my life only proves. what has so Oltt’lll bumi provoil before. that, " Tun'ru Is SrnArs'Gw THAN FICTION. Authors Pro/ho . '1 ho book contains 449 pages, with ciigrav- ings. is neatly bound in cloth, and wille sulll to any address, post-paid, on reCoiptof price. $1 ‘25. ACompanion to Female Life. Male Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD. This. like the above, is a work of great' and unusual iiiterost. and will 1m vagci'l‘ read as a companion volume to " FEWALI'J LlFE." It is a Inigo thiio volume. neatly hound iti cloth, i lustiaied with eiigravmgs’, and will be sent Inan' ddress post-paid. on receipt of 1"‘09, “#r on receipt of. $2.011, we will send but above works. postage prepaid. DICKENS’ LAST GREAT WORK 1 GREAT EXPECTATIONS !! BY CHARLES DICKENS’ Complete in ouo volume. lQmo. cloth extra. illustrated with steel engravings. Will bo want to any address postage paid on rocoipt of price, $1.00 ' PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Now so i'vdispeiirable to ovarian ily. are be- ing manufactured by us iii cry variety of stile niid‘ï¬nisli, Descriptive Circulars with prices wi-l ho lurnishtul on application, and- anv style of Album sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. Booksellers. News Agents. Bunk Agents. Caiivassers. Peddlers. and others will do well to order a package of our Books and Albums. l‘hey will ï¬nd them exceedingly popular, and toims liberal. 1000 Local 3; ’I‘ra-vrlliug Agents wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies, or for terms in quantit as. with other inform tion apply to, or address, JNO EDWIN I’OTl'Eli. Publisher, No. 617 Sansoiii St , I’liiladolpliia.Pa, AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN AT PAR. January l6, 1:962. QIS-Gm .\0 person engagod in any ol‘tlie iiioclinnicul or manufacturing put-cults should think ofdoing without the SCIENTIFIC Amati-1cm. lt casts but SIX cents per week; every niimhor contains} tintii six to ten cugravings of new machines and inventions. which cannot '00 found in any otlior publication. ‘ TO THIS ‘INVENTUR. 'l‘lio Soimxrirrc Aiirzniclin is indispe risrl in l every inventor. a it notnnly Contains: illustrated i doscriptiona ol'iit-ar'=ya11 lllt‘ best inventions as the-y some out, but oacli number cozitaiiis an of- ï¬cial list of the cla ms of all tho l’arcirts issut-d from the United States Patent Uï¬ice, during tho week previous; thus giving a correct his- tory of the program 01‘ inventions in this roun- try. We are also rcreivrng every week the best scientiï¬c journals of Great. B‘llflllll’i'fltiCC, l and Germany ; thus placing in otir posztiession all that is traiispiring. in incchamcal scioncr and I.rt in ilioso old countries, We shall con- tinue to traiist‘cr to our Cillutlllls copious oxr tracts from these journals, of whatever we may deem ol' inn-rest to our readers. A pamphlet of instruction as to the best morlo ' ot'obtaiiiiiig Letters Patent oti new invontions,l is in nlshed line on application. Messrs. Noun 5:. Co. havo acted as Patent- SullcllOrs for more than seventeen ye rs. in connection with the publication of the Scurv- TIFIC AMERICAN, and they refer to 2(l,titln pa- tontecs tor whom they have dons business. \‘0 charge is madn for examining sketches and models of now IllVetllIUIlrl and for adviaing iiiveirtms as to their patontability. CIIEMIS'I‘S, ARCI.|I'1"IC'I‘S. MILL- WIithlTS AND FARMERS. The Sctrzicriric AMERICAN will he found a most u‘lcllll journal to thoiii. All the new din“; coverion in tho acience ol' charm-:try are given in Its columns. and the interests of the architect ‘ and carpenter are not overlooked, all the new invontlons and discovw'ios appertaining to these pursuits being published from woek tn wank.â€" Uaol‘nl and practical information portaiiiiiig to the interests of niillwrlghts and millowncrs will be found published in tho SCIE~‘IIFIC AHERI- CAN. which information they cant-01 possibly obtain from an) other source. Subjects in which plaiitcrs and farmers are interested will be found discussed in the St'Il-N'IIFIC Anilineâ€; most of lllo improvements in agricultural mi pletnonts being illustrated in its columns. TERMS : T3 mall subscribersâ€"Three Dollar-I a "ear,or One Dollar for four mon.1is, Th1. volumes commences on tho ï¬rst of January and July â€"- Speciii'iau copies Will be St-lll. gratis to any part. of the country. Western and Canadian money or postroflico chimps taken at par for SHIIKCTIPIIOHS. Cana- dinll subscribers will please to. remit ‘25 cents extra on each year’s subscription,to pre,ay postage. MUNN tit. Cm, Publishers. 3? Pro: How, N. Yul Duoemlstz‘ 4 1832,, . Richmond Hill, New. 13. 18,62. liberal support sinco he coniiiioiiccd‘ business at tho lrllgin Miltsâ€" would I‘os;.ioctl'nll_\ draw IIIOII' nttoniion to his select stock ol’Tnas at a very low ti'gtiref h‘inrst Black too It}. . . . . . . - is, per lb, _ Japan 'l'ca rm . . . . . ....... 43 (Id, “ Gunpmvdrr l‘oo (a: . . . . . . .45 6d. “ Finest l’ongsuov llyson, ((5 53,1);, " Finest Young IIyson (lb . . . . . 0d “ And other articles in this department equally I low, A nice and select Stock of 1 DRY eraâ€"003.35%: always in Sock, sold at a very low prico. l Crocucry (to Glass “Tat-s in grant variety. Ila/1.17115. Y’ AWL!) EVER .' at $4 ‘25 par barrel. [5" CALL AND COMPARE PRICES, Elgin M ills. Nov, 28. 1862. 208-2": l l EMPLOYMENT. . r “E Undorsiguod has. forscvoral years pant, been engaged in a bin-iness, which liasl i‘ioldod him at tlio rate of tlirco thousand (lola ‘ luvs poi‘ auntirri, and in now willing to teach it to others. The business is of a highly useful and gent-ml character, adap‘tgvd both to citlasv and villages. and one that any portion of Oidillo my capacity, \ouiig or old, male or female. can acquire with a tow liouiu’ pi‘sctiro. and by l which they can socuro u very handsomo iii- como. Several young ladies who have ro- ‘ ceived instructions from me. both in New', York State and l’eimsylvmiia, are earning up- 1 Wards ol' $‘i5 per week by it. and thcro is no ‘ reason why any one else cannot do the same. thlClIIllg Planning Mat-blue. with a quantity of Invalids, *even, can do well by it, as it is no, peddling allot. hi". :1 business that is perfectly l Willeclï¬bia. Geiitloniou and ladies oi leisure} who would like to lvarn the business for their: oivn amusomoiit or pleasure. will ï¬nd the prac- I licr 0th a pleasant pastime. and one that they i will take great interest in. On receipt of Sit.I Iwillsond printed iii>tructioiis by which any insirtiCtiuns will also contain every particularl rolativ: to the carrying it on, no that it Will be I highly proï¬table, The purchaser of tlio‘ " printed instruction: †will also be authorized to teach it to others; and I liavo someliiiicsj received as high as $20“, for teaching it per- i so ally to a single individual, I would state' further that $2.50 or $31 will buy every thing that is necessary to commence the business with. and the articles can be got almost any- where, in city or country, or, if prelerred, I can furnish them i Address, ALVORD T. PARSONS. No. '36 Liberty, St. New York. 211'3ms. ?6R $111.5, 1 STEAM E N GIN E.â€"â€"abont 8 horse power.-â€"with Boiler. &e. complete. Terms libo a1. Apply to - AMOS WRIGII 1‘, MIKE, $96 an? )lICI‘INI()ND HILL, At Lower Prices than is charged in Toronto. Orders received for, and great attention paid to OOKBINDI T"G7 ! Which will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the' Art, at moderate charges. Richmond llill, August 29, 1862. ytr-Jg. v (manner of Penmanship in the Provincial Normal School) designed for the use of l ' give-us one trial. which Will make good every .J. 1an Mr£.GEOI{G‘E WRIGHT. of tho 'I‘OWIIship of Vaughan. C0u11t3’l0f‘YOIlï¬,.de-i‘ ceaséd. are hereby requested to make payment thereof forthwith to the undersigned Exwu-y trix: undall persons claiming to bQUCI'GdIIOI‘l‘ of the decéasod‘,‘ are likewise requested to furnish the particulars thereof to the Eileen? trlx. in order} that the Bomb may be éxaminod' and adjusted. , ‘ JANE WRl'GHT.-E:écé‘turix, a Thornhlll. Nov.6,1862.' cos-It v FINKLE- 5". Lyon _ SEWING MACHINE IlllllI’I’ANY-r 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Innâ€"- TO parties little acquainted with the Finho 6'5 Lyon Slowii‘i'g Macliinos'tlie careful per mi of the Company’s Circular is; specially commended. This Circular can be' had dilapi- plication. It in very speciï¬c,'and will be foun'x highly instructive, having been prepare-d wit t much care. 'and we will abide by allst‘atom’eu -' therein made. i I The following brief quotati'on'i's characteris? it: of the entire Circular :i ‘- This Machine is better. adapted than any‘_ other Serving Machine in market to the t'roqn’t' changes and almost on 'loss variety of sewing roqiiiiod in a 1'! inily ; for it tvill sew from one. to twenty thicknesses ofMurseillos without stop-‘ plug, and making every stitch perfect Will sow from the ï¬nest pause to the heaviest cloth. and 6V6“ to tho stontast harness leather, withf out changing the food. needle. or tension, Or, making any adjustment of machine whatovci‘.†'1 1qu have no success‘fullv overcouio' did most difï¬cult paint in the sawing Machine Art. It was no ordinary triumph“. Doï¬autly can \vo say. " No other Machine compares with it in' :this respect" Henc‘o hard we Iiiiit'oriiilyâ€"z‘I- must without exceptionâ€"taken. the higlio’st: premium, when the Machino has been properly exhibited in competition with Other ï¬rst-class Sewing Machines. Hence is it that wo arc†able to offer the following guarantee. viz :â€" †We Warrant every Machino we sell to give‘ better satisfaction than any other Sewing Ma'- cliinc now in market, or monoy rofnnded.â€-â€"- VVo never call a M achino on any other terms The guarantee is as reliable as the note ofaiiy business man in the land. For moi‘o than five years have we relied upon such facts for the rOpuIation clout-Machine ; and without. a'slnglo trrivolling agent in the ï¬eld, thore is'iscarcely a neighborhood on the doiitliiéiit where the Ma- chine is not favorably kiiiiwn. Wo prefersucb‘ a reputation to one based on more " talking points,†an they are technically called} in'tbo trade. Hence we make but one kind of stitclia‘ ' viz: the lock-stitch. alike on both sides, requir- ing nly one-third tho thread of other kinds of titclies. i , N. BL Local agoiils wanted in evorv county throughout the IVost.‘ Special iuducomoutsl ofi'ered. Pinkie & Lyon S, Co, 198~6m 535 BROADWAY. Nigw Yonx‘. "iiâ€""7r?! T! “The Cup that Refi‘esltcs; but not: I'ncbl'int-es 1'†it: AVING purchade a Stock of Toas, we are prepared to sell some of the FINEST - TEAS :7 imported in'this Province. and as Curt)? AS CAN M: Soil!) mirth dt' Toronto, Black'Souchong‘ 'l‘ea; Gd.‘fl 3s. per It.†Do Extra Fine Flavour.. . . . . its. " Gunpowder 'I‘ea...'......‘....... 4s. , “ Fina Japan Too. (sun driod).. . . . 45. 6d. “‘ I’nro, Fruit Fresh Young Hyson,. . 4s. 6d. “ Young Hys‘oii, Extra. Full Favor- ed and strong. not surpassed. _, if equalled, in Canada... . . . . 59. “ Vi’o trust that purchasers will oxaiiilu'o, 'and’: assertion, At W. S. POLLOCK’S, 4 (Late G. A. Bar‘tifld’mf Richmond Hill, Sept. 25, 1862. 900-1!“ THE 1 VICToBIA , par case of a half dozen, $21i4.ll0 ‘ Watches. iti neat llltit‘OCCt) boxes. for thos'o pro- - collect from those in the army. FAR?“ FOR BEING LOT no. 17, IN 'ri’z'i: 2nd Concession of Markham, CONTAINING 67g Ac es, about 5‘2 Acres cleared. the remainder covered with good limb and Maplo l'imbor. There is on the promises a good Frame Dwelling liouso, 35 » leâ€"ncw. will) a large Collar under, ,and a good 1.0g Uurii. Stables,Sliotls. «\Zc. Also a good Well of Water closu by tho Kitchnu door, and a Dover-failing Crook running across the \VUbI 0nd of the Fariri. For particulars, apply on the promises to . THOMAS 'I‘EASDALL, Or at this Ofï¬ce, Headl‘ord, Doc. 12. 18653. 910â€"“. ..‘ T E A PLANEINC MACHINE! FOR SALE. ‘VK/TIIJJ be Sold low for Cash or Exchanger} ' ‘ for Land a ï¬rst-rate SI'EA M ENGINE ~14 horse powersâ€"iii good “writing order; has only been in use about 3 months, and is thoro- i‘oi'e 345‘ good as now. Also, a Surl'acoing and Shutting and Belting, in good repair. For l’urthor intorriiation apply at the “ York | lIorald†uï¬ice. Richmond Hill. Nov. 50. 1862. ‘ :TIIE MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, . ' 1 person cauroally acquiro tho art. and tlioao‘ ‘ The Perfection of Mechanism. "tElNG A IIUNTING AND OPEN FACE, 0R 3 LADv’s on GEh'l‘thlllAN’s \VATCH Cou- mum). One of the prottiest. most convenient, and decidedly the best and choupo~t timepiece for general and reliable use, over oï¬â€™ored. It has within it and connected with its machinerv, in own winding attachment, roudcritig a key on- tirely unnecessary. Tho cases of this watch are composed of two mï¬tals, the outer one being line 16carat'gold It has the improved ruby action lover niovomont. and is warranted an accurate tii‘nopioce. l’iico, superbly engraved. Sample posing to buy at wholesale. $3.5. soul by cxv press. with bill payable on dolivcrv, Soldiers must remit payment in pdvanco, as we cannot Address HUBBARD BROS. & Co, Sole Importers, Cor. Nassau and John 815., New York. 9L3. SALE. BOOTH to SONS, M ENGINE, om-rr' IllS .Torento Sept. I5, 1562, ‘95 TEA WAIaErtOUSEr NO. 93 King- ctreet, ‘ SIGN OF THE QUEEN,- Is the plzfco in‘ Toronto, to buy pure Illli Illlll Ills; NO I‘ cult~ because the proprietor,EDWABD I..AVVS‘()N'.is one of the oldest and most exporiencéd Toa-bti‘ ers iii the trade. but from the. fact" that he purchases his Teas in such large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby oud ubling him to sell at a very SMALL AD VANCE ON COST," Fulï¬lling the old adage H Large Sales.- 5min“ Proï¬ts and Quick Returns ;†a'so‘in COFFEES, snoring: Fruits, Spipm. AND :1 innnuur Ilo cannot be itndorsold- HES BISCUI'Eté i B'izo 'ro INFORM THE P UBL [0, That they have taken the Store, Ill. M Will l’l‘llll‘. CAMERON’S Block, oppositod 11. B WILLIAMS, until the premises Iatuly occupied by them, corner of Voltage 49" Queen ARE unsunn‘, OUR MANUFACTUING DEPAR'I‘MEN’I‘, In continued as usual, and we are prepared to attend promptly to all ordorx, with which we may be entrusted. Streets, BOOTH 3:. SONS. Toronto, Ma 11,1862. GHQ-1y I q - - - tcomuracaironmrtrr Are unsurpassed for quality and price. all bring I manufactured on the promises, from the but material by ï¬rstâ€"clasé workmen. Iced" arid Urnumontod l \Vcdti in g: and Other caring! Always on hand or made to order in: Iii.inth is" on the shortest notice.' _ Orders by mail and othorwise. atlamlz-d to with dispatch All Gueds warranted us ifléll‘fS" sentod, and delivered t'roo‘ of charge to the cars or in the city limits,’ _ l y i {1% N0 SECOND PIi’Zc‘E. llonieuiber tho mode-- No. 93‘KING STREET, chu or Tl-lE‘ Q1322»; EDWARD LEWSON} Prbprielor; “37-61†“vs WM. ‘W HARIN, IMPORTER 0!" Watches, Clocks & Jewelery, 103 King; Sti'cct west, TORONTO, Has just received FA LL STOCK OF FINE Gold and Silver \Vatches, Colored and Bright. Gold Guards, Alberta. Brat-e lets. Brooches. Signet and Goni .iings Ear- rings. Solitaircs. Lockots. Charms Necklels. 'l‘himblos. Pen and Pencil Cases, Silver, Jet and Mourning Jovv‘eleryâ€"«all oftho nowost do signs: also, Fine Gold“ Wedding Rings, and Spectactlos to suit all rights. Watches. Clocks and Jewelery Carefully Repaired & Warranted To give satisfaction. Remeiiihor the addrMsâ€" 123 King Street West, nosrn Hover. nwcx’ Toronto, Fob 5. 1862‘ RICHMOND nun; LIBRARY AssOCIATIO-N I» r" IIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their" LIBRARY to the ‘ HERALD ’ Book Storc. whore Stockholders and others may ‘i‘ocuro BOOKS overy Friday afternoon, l‘ror Ito if o’cloek. P II. ' A. SCOTT, Liérépt" 193-323 Richmond Hill, Feb. 2.7, 1361'