Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Feb 1863, p. 3

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»..‘<.~i.r.'.u “.7. «2 .‘r -."‘.." COUNT Y COUNCIL. (Abridged from the Globe.) TUEsDAY, Fee. 3. V - "~"~ n1-1m€lrlfloéfrguufinzflv2 'v.r‘7‘-fi.o‘}~Â¥"¢ 9 ~ - 3 THE MARRIAGE OF- THE Pence or \VALES.~â€"A Copenhagen leller of the 30th all. says zâ€"‘ The lion. A. B. Paget, the English Minister at this Court, and “be (louncil [net ye,l_erday at two ’Vl. Hall.‘the Dtltil‘li Minister Of Foreign o’clock. pm . the V\ ardcn in the chainâ€"â€" The afternoon session Was taken up in the discussion of a Bill to amend the bye-law passed last June, providing for the incor. poration of the village of Aurora. The Bill was read a third lime and passed:â€" A bye-law 'was also adopted to provrde for the sale of a certain road allowance In the township of Vaughan. The tJouncil then adjourned. WEDN csoav, FEB. 4«. The Council that yesterday at lfn O’clockâ€"the Warden iii the chair. ROAD ALLUW’ANCES. Mr. Parnhain introduced a bill to con» firm by-law No. 1'7 of the township of East Gwillimbury. relative to the sale. of a road allowance. The hill was read a first and second time, and the Council went into a Com mittee of the whole on the bill. It Was then read a third time and passed. _ Mr. Hanna introduced a bill to confirm a bye-law of the Corporation ofthe town- ship of Albion, granting a certain road al- lowance. The bill passed through the several stages and was adopted. SEPARATE SCHOOLS. Mr. VVallis mowed, seconded by Mr. Parnham, that a select committee ofvlive members be appointed to draft a petition to the Legislature, praying that no furâ€" ther extension be made to the Separate School system, and that said committee do consist oi Messrs. Boultoee, Wells Hartley, Parnham and VN’:illis,-â€"(‘arried DinStoN or UNIVERSITY FUNDS. Mr. Blaiii moved, seconded by Mr. Wallis, that the committee. appointed to draft a petition to the Legislature agiinst the extension oi the, Separate School prin- ciple be instructed to draft a petition to the Legislature against the division of the University loads for sectarian purposes. -â€"-(7arried. THE DEATH OF THE LATE SIR J B- ROBXN- Someaur. Mr. Bvrriltbee moVed. seconded by Mr. Graham. the lollowiny‘ resolution ;' - ReSo/ced,â€"â€"â€"'l‘1rat the County Council of the. United (lourities of YOrk and Peel are unwilling that the present session should expire without expressing to the widow and family of the late Sir John Beverly Robinson. their great sorrow lor his death; so closely identified as he was with every national incident in the history of his couritrv, the Counci feel assured that this leading 2f grief at its loss is par- ticipnleil iii by every class in the commuâ€" nilv, among whom he ever held an honorâ€" ed position and an iiosrrllied reptt'alinn; a d that the Council do attend the funeral in a bodv. Also. that a copy 0" this re solution be forwarded to. L'idv llohiison. APPROPRIATION ’l‘O AGRICULTUREL SUClETlF‘K Mr. Hartley mowed se'onded by Mr. Musson, that the (iouucil appropriate $600 to the, several Agricultural ties of these counties. and that the ~u:rt ‘e divided among the several societies as n 1861 and 1862. and that the Finance. Committee report according-1v by bill. Mr. Blain opnoserl the motion in com- mittee, and contended at Some length tlia‘ the Council could get no accorrnt ol‘ the *way in which the money was spent. Committee. Strain The motion Was carried iii In Council. M r. lain moved that the appropriation ihe $400.~â€"Lost. The original motion was carried. The Council then adjourned. Death of Sir Jehn Beverly Ro- binson, Bart. ' (Abridged front the Globe.) ‘Ne are called upon to record the death of another ornament of the bench and honored Cliithn. On Saturday morning. ail-cw minutes belore mm: o‘clock, b‘ir John Beverly Robinson, Bart., President of the Court of Appeals. and late Chief Justice 01 the. Queen's Bench, died, at the ripe age of75.’ years. He had been alâ€" flicted by an attack of gout for two months. but no apprehensions of a fatal re suit were entertained Until the last three or four Weeks. Contrary to the wi~hes of his friends. he presided at a meeting at the. Court of Appeals a month ago, and returning, borne, persisted iii preparing his judgments upon the cases he. had heard He laboured from an earl ' [hour in the morning, until late in the BVPliillg, for while there was anything lelt rundone‘ he could not feel at rest. The sense or unfinished ‘work weighed as a burthen upon his mind, provocatiVe in him of uneasiness and (its quiet. But the exertion he made. was too great for him. Last Wednesdav week lie was compelled to take his bed from which he never now. He died surround ed by his family and friends. his latest hairs being soothed by all that allection and deep respect Could dictate. Gently and peaceful y be yielded up his spirit to his Maker. There'is no man whose depar- ture could cause a greater void in Our :society. or tend more completely to sepa rate the past train the pres‘cnt, than his. bir John B. Robinson was ii-ia-rried in England, in 1827. to Eiiiltia. daughter of Charles Walker, Esq . by whom he had eight children . The eldcsl,.laii9es Lukiri a barrister of this city; succeeds to the baroiietcy : his second son.Jolm Bever Ilev. is a an) er and member for the west divrsion of l oronto ; his third son, Chris- topher. is also a barrister; his fourth son. Charles, is a lieutenant in the little Bri gade. Une daughter was married to Cap- tain, ri'ow Colonel Lvlroy. 01' the Royal Engineka ; another--â€"srncc deadâ€"to lion G W. Allan, M L.C.; a third to Cap- tain \tracliaii, and .r lit-urth is unmarried Lady llobirisori srill survives him. Mr. C. F. itioun , ‘Arremtrs Ward’ says he run nds to commit til it imviiry some l l l Allarrs, who has receired special powers horn the King on the subject, have corti- menced the necessary negotiations relative to the marriage contract of the Princess Alexandra. A sum oi 100,000 rix~dollars (about 300,000l.).to be voted legeislalive- ly Will be allowed by Denmark to the Princess. A lady oflion‘or is to accom pany Her Royal Highness to London, but will only remain wrlh liei‘ (lining the stav‘oftlie Prince and Princess of Den- mark in England. Prince b‘r‘rderic will probably stop in that country for some time after his sister’s marriage. and he in; leads, ll. is sa’id,'to study to some months at Oxford.’ m TO l’t().\ TO M A lll‘; E'ffii ._~.___ THURSDAY. Feb. 5, 1863. lt‘lour.â€"-Superfino sold at l'roiri $4 30, {(7) $4 : Funny ‘54- 35 ((3 40; Extra $4 40ch 50, Double Extra, $4 40 (1; $4 45. Fall Wlieai,â€"--3tlll bsirls was the extent of the supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were troni $0 90 {(33096 erbshl, .. _ - Spring Wlieat-~â€"--~- bshls ‘13“ market; which sold at from $0 St) {(19 $0 86 per bslil. Barley.â€"â€"sold at from $1 (it 102:1. l’eas.â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" bsliis want oil at 50 ((3 55¢ per- bslil. ' . Oatsâ€"at 38c {(7) 412 per bslil. Hayâ€"4s from 3820/13 “Vii per ton , $13 per ton. , Apples. $1 and $1 25c per barrel. Eggs-â€"it‘i‘esli'froiir wagons 18c ((1) ‘200 per .101. Potatoesi~Vary iii price. from 55 to (illcts. |ltttterâ€"â€"Fresli is in fair supply at front 15c @- Qllc per. 11) BeelLâ€"éifl (in 50 per 100 lb. Calviis ((3 $4 each. Lairiirs $2 (CE 3; Sheep $3 oil (1? $4 00 each, ml.. ' \. Straw $8 {82 “K. W sans @hbrfittr‘ 3%? cute. .3 ER in stances MAKER t‘”t' to H! 4‘4 ll it}; till All il‘aillBiiEll.’ . (1' 3%, 8 |9 9 l "" . _,, ° l 8 ’ I??? *5 a ‘ S :w- 5"" m 5 ° ’ 502:;- ' m; g ago I 5:5 w I .u‘1 E 5. ,5 0; b1 . a =3 - 55' ~ . as are a g was re» 5‘ ’1 $5.4 > -5 it g: as a w E? 59 ll :3 a A a a? .l l 2.. 2 .4 -râ€"' --:. c. ow Gm E g ‘72â€": 38. in “'7 5:. 1,997 g." ‘ E 9 a: l “a5 " " a.“ a?» 9 E 8 Eng ' 0:; t: -â€" 1 3 r: :e 3:: .3 B «" a E; 1.: sit a: U o ~ “’2 as o 3 LE- Ea :4 s a . 8 3 Eu: q: 93 "' E r19 “‘ -° w a: one E a is 3 ‘ ‘E 3E: v'v " i", ~- 'i *1 -,».l v.‘ ,I r 3n- llll‘. (.AINADEAA \iAiidLLrt. or L c. liViCRE‘i‘T. "H18 popular Work. from which the alioVn A. he'ittlif‘ l Melody is copied. is admitted to he the largest and best Co leciiori of Hymns and 'l‘uries ii: use for Sabbath Schools. Price per Hundred . . . . . . . - . . . $15 fill Siiigie Copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2t) ‘ The New ’l‘hrsanras a-sittns.’ ly L. C l'lVl‘.1‘.l:‘/l"‘aiirl DR. A. B. EVER. ETTAâ€"A sttncrior Collection of Sacred Music, Pr‘ico............ . . . . . $0 75 1D: The attention of Choirs. Congregations Sabbath Schools, and 'l‘cruzliers of Vocal Music, is invited to the above works. For Slle atâ€"‘ilio YORK ‘ HERALD, Book Store. Richmond liill, .lau. ‘29, 18l'3. 217. RilBlClt'i‘ niARSll. JP. Commissioner in the. Queen's Bench, (‘UXYl‘LYAN’ ER. the CHERK OE“ '1‘Iil‘33rdi)lV1510_‘lCOURT . / ()flice. opposite ltAY;\'lONI)‘:S HO TEL. Richmond llill. Deeds. Mortgages, &c., drawn up with neat- iress and despaicli. Holiness attended to at the when not iii the tlilice. Richmond Hill, Jan. '29. lSGIi. ‘lerk’s residence 917-1}: ROE, ESE-KT E” PER, BUTCHE , EGS very r‘e‘pecll'trllv '0 rerurri thanks to his numerous friends and Custoirrers tor the liberal patronage they have bestowed on him during the past six years, and would iii- iimnrr- to them that he has removed from his old stand, opposite the Masonic Hotel, to .he first home north of the Half-way l'lonse. llicli- rriond Hill. where he intends to carry on his business in future in all its branches. Richmond Hill, Jaii.'24, i863, BERLXN woor. H0093 5L SCARFS! jUST lilCCl-llVliil). a nice lot in Magenta ' ~.. .w‘ufi‘v'fi-t ~2.‘.--a!:.~-*¢;Ivu"- i-=*r-»><~‘:1;:s.-:~. aware. ,w'w “- ',.-.-.,'~e»f:‘*;':a 3.. ‘ f: M: “.1’ '«re- 2- ‘ g. .. v <’<~ v m ,._._~v..v,'.q.+: :15. «an... _ . ;- 'v-i‘!'r ILLUSTRATED Scientific American The Best iMechanical Paper in the World. 18m YEARâ€"VOL. VllI., NEW SERlES. A NEW volume of this popular Journal commences on the list of Jaiinary.â€", it is published Weekly, and ovary nairibercon- taiiis sixteen pages of useful information, and fromufive to ten original engravings of new iii- ventions and discoveries, all of which are pre- pared expresst for its columns TO 1m; M ECUANIC dc MANUFACTURER No person engaged in any oftiie irrechaiiical or manufacturing pursuits sherild'thinii ofdoing without the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. it costs but six cents per week; every number contains from six to ten engravings of new machines , and inventions. which cannot be input! in any other publication. TO THE INVENTOR. ' The Scientific AMERICAN is in dispe usable every inventor. 8: it not only contains illustrated descriptions of nearly all the best inventions as they come out, but each number contains an of- tieial list of the cleans of all the Patents issued from the United States Patent Office, during the week previous; thus giving a correct his- tory of the progress of inventions in this coun- try. We are also receiving every week the best scientific journals of Great B'itaindt‘rauce, and Gerrr'any ; thus placing in our possession all that is traiispiririg. iii irreciiarimal science and art in those old countries, We shall con- tinue to transfer to our columns copious ox- trncts front these. journals, of whatever We may deem of interest to our readers. I A pamphlet of instruction as to the best mode of obtaining Letters Prtcnt on new inventions, is fu,iiislied free on application, Messrs. Mosn,& (So. have acted as Patent Solicitors for more than seventeen years, in connection with the publication of the ScrrN- 'l‘lFlc AMERICAN, and they refer to 20,00.) pa- toiileos for whom they have done business, \‘0 charge is made for examining sketches and models of new inventions and for advising inventors as to their patcnlitbility. CHEMISTS, ARCHITECTS, MILL- WlthllTS AND FARMERS. ' The Setsx'rrrrc AMERICAN will be found a most useful journal to ihoiii. All the new dis- coveries in the science of chemistry are given in its columns, and the interests of the architect and carpenter are not overlooked; all the new inventions and discovm'ies appertaining to these pursuits being published front week to week.â€" Usel'nl and practical information pertaining to the interests of rrrillivriglils arid iiiillowiict‘s will he found published in the b‘crns'rir‘rc Airmai- CAN, which information they cannot possiny obtain from an) other source. Subjects in which planters and farmers are interested will he found discussed in the St‘ll Nitric AMERICAN; iiiext. oi‘tlio iiripi'chrncrits in agricultural mi» lchtuelll-r being illustrated in its columns. _ TE R YIS : T.) mail sirb.’:(:riliei‘-â€"- l‘hi‘ee Dollars a "ennui" line Dollar for four monlis. The volumes coiiriiiciicea on the first of January and July â€"â€" Specimen copies Will be Sent gratis to any part of lilC'CO'rlllll'y. - Western and Canadian moiioy or post-omen -tamps iftlictl at par for subscriptions. Cana- rtiair subscribers will please. in “Hull ‘25 cents extra on each year’s subscription,to pre,a_\' postago. MUNN do (.70., l’iiblislicrs. 37 l’anx Row, N, Y. December 4 1862, Truth Stranger than Fiction. A STARTLlNG WORK! M FEMALE Alli-illitll THE llhiillilT’S! A IVA .‘l liA'i'lV 16 iii? Olr‘ Many Years Experience, BY MAI-{1A want), air was: or A insertion ELDER! (com 3t 7 "HAT one half of the world cannot ima- gine how the other ball live.” is no less true than iriLe :- and the lesson the adage ‘ miles. .errirnrrs THE. {She-apes: and Neatest ’ assom‘uanr ; AN ‘ - iMMENsEVEquTY W HAT nix. ‘HERALD’ BOOK STORE, - RICHMOND HILL, January ‘23, 1863. Valuable Farm for Sale [N the County 01' Y0ik, Township 0‘ being the West half of Lot No, 7, let Con- cession, 100 Acres, less School site, This Farm is beautifully situated for a Stock or Dairy Farm, well watered with three never- failiug Springs: 24 miles from Toronto and ‘2 from Yorrge-street road, 'liliere is about 90 acres cleared and over 80 under cultivation; the soil being low and Well drained with ery fertile: there are 13 acres of it under .Vheat, and about 40 under preparation for Spring Crops. a good ‘Zstorv Brick House and large Frame Barri, both new : a 'I'uruip ellar and Uni. Buildings. There is also a Brick and Tile Yard on the Farm, plenty of excellent Clay and a good demand for Tile. ll? Terms very reasonable. For further particulars apple by let er, pre- paid, to , , ROBERT: LOVE, ' _ . Mcadnwvate, King. Addressâ€"Oak Ridges l’ost Otiico, Meadowvale, Jan. 28. 1863. I NURE ()Ll) JAVA GROUND COFFEE, the finest and freshest: also a prime lot of good. line flavoured and Cheap TEAS. riot surpassed on Richmond Hill, Bairrsu and AMERICAN SiLvim taken at PAR, at \VM. S. POLLOCK’S, (Late G. A. Barnard’s.) Richmond 11ill,.laii, 8. 1863. 214-tf FARM For: same 1N VAUGHAN. _ Tint: \Vesblralfof Not No. 33‘, in the 8th _ (Zoriccssiou oi' Vaughan. containing 108 ACRES Ult‘ LAND, ,with 90 Acres cleared, This lot is situated-on the Vaughan Plank Road, in the midst of a well settled and highly cultivated country. Distant from Toronto A branch of the River lluniber crosses its eastern end, furnishing a nover~failiig sup- ply of water, and the soil is execlleirt for \Vlieat, Apply to ' DA VlD l‘llGGlNS, Sec’y. Erlinhurg/L lyi'c Assurance 00., Toronto. Jan, 5251. 1‘63 . 2l6-4t. __.. w - l i I“ ; ’5 C! i. V Foitl’vi FOR cPiLE - EZEIN G- the "ear part of Lot No, 3'2, in the 1st Concession of the TOVVNSHEP OF VAUGHAIq, Containing, b‘,‘ :idir-ieasttrerr cut, til-l \ CRES. There are on the preinises'a good 1) veiling llcuse and ‘V‘.’ood gll-B'Z, ‘2 good \Vells of \Vater, (one in Cellar) 2 pond Barns, Stablex and lliiteiicds l'or (tattle There is also a small Pond, with a (frock running through it, cori- veiiieirt to the Barns, which will sunply the Cattle, both summer and winter, with water â€"- The land is in a good state of crrrivatioii, Deed indisputable, to be given the 1st. January. Possession lst frilai'izh. 1MB, ,For particulars apply (if by letter post-paid) to ClitlliGlrl Still'ldii’l, Concorl Pt), fit-cl. Con. Vaughan. Or to it M. McMURRAiri. Tiltlllli’iill. Thoriihill, km- 6, ratio. meat, Niri‘lClE trititicevoivm 1 till \T MARTlN MACLEOD will apply to the next Session at the Provincial Parlia- atl'nr-ds, our experience and observation daily merit. tor an Act to confirm his-title to the Road tends in verify Then. too. when we consider allowance butting his farm, lot blur the lst the ever-varying phases of liuriiaii passion, concession of King. being the town-line be and the discordant eroiiiciits from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded, it can tween the '1‘owiisliips of King and Vaughan iii the first concession, granted to him by the scarcely seem surprising; that a faithful record Counrv Council of York. of a. trial events should exceed iii singularity the wildest dream of romance: or that crimes, both strange and unnatural. should be lieruc- irated iii a far of country on the. outskirts of civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible, Know- ing. as i do know. the evils and horrors and hittiliiiiihllolls of tire Mortiiczi system. the de- tlrzulalioii it untruses on felonies, and the conâ€" I sequent vices which extend through all the ramifications of the society. a reuse of duty to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing narratiVe for the public eye. The ro- mantic incidents connected with my experi- ence. many may think bordering on the mar- velous, To their) 1 \VUUld sav. that this iiizrra- ‘ live of my life only proves. what has so ottcri 1 been proved before that, “ TRUTH is Sl‘ltAhGl-Jli rink li'rcrrm. - Authors Prrg‘hcr, The book contains 4H) pages, with engrav- ings, is neatly bound in cloth, and will be st-rit toaiiy address, post-paid, on receiptol price. $1 .25. A Companion to Female Life. .h. lilale life among the ftllt‘iliiilifi, BY AUSTIN N, \VARD. This, like the above, is a work of great and unusual interest. and “"11 be eagerli read a;- a companion volume to “ FEMALE; LlFE.” 1i. a large 12am volume, neatly bound in cloth, i lustrated with engi‘avii‘igs’, and will be sent to any address post-paid. on receipt of price, $1.0(1â€"or on receipt of $2.00, we will send both the above works. postage prepaid. DlCKENS’ LAST Gil AT WORK 1 GREAT EXPECTATIONS ! my concurs Dicerxst Complete in one volume. 1'2ino. cloth extra. illustrated with stool engravings, “’1” he. rrr 217..“ sent to any address postage paid on receipt of and general character, adapted both to cities price, $ PHOTOGRAPH ALBUIrIS Now so indispensable to every l‘an‘ily. are he- ing.iriaiirrfactured by us in every variety of style and finish, Descriptive Circulars with prices will be turnished on application, and ,md pane.“ Comm. and w,” be sold a, any style of Album sent by mail post-paid on nearly half the usual i’iiCes, Also. a few very nice lilack and Brown MANTLE and VELVET (ILUTH (TAPES, very Low! Call in and see them at \V. S. POLLOCK‘S, Late G, A Buriiard’s,) Richmond Hill. Jan, 323, 1863. To be housed a To. in all xairs BURWlCK "mi-‘acroav, \ / lTll SHAYTUVG iSz \ A‘l‘i‘iRâ€"POWltllt oomph-re: or Three Flats of the above building, 72 feet by 36 feet with Shaft- ing and Writer l’uiver to drive Machinery. Can be had on lease. together or separately lldy, gr' Peri‘ll in 5;“; attempt; pm may ifl Both Building and Machinery are in at tho- the story about his gorng to HP married to a Kentucky beauty, With a hurrlreil comm. bands is true he knows nothing about it. rough state at repair. Application to be made to the Subscriber, J. W, GAMBLE. Pine Grove Mills, Dec. 31, 1852,. l 292%“ receipt of price. Booksellers, News Agents. Book Agents. Canvassers, Peddlers. and others will do well to order a package of our Books and Albums They will find them exceedingly popular, and l terms liberal. 216-:lt. 16th Local & Travelling Agents wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies. or for terms in quantities. with other inform lion apply to, or address. JNO lilWVlN POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 88.11501“St,Plllladelpllifi,l)fl. AtllERicAN MONEY TAKEN AT PAR: January 16, 1-362. Fowl-SALE, STEAM E N GI N E.â€"â€"a‘oont 8 horse I power,â€"â€"wrth Boiler, 6w. complete, Terms libo a1, Applv to _ AMOS WRlGll‘l‘, M.I’.P.‘, Richmond Hill, Nov. 13, 1892‘. 2064f Urynock, Dacerriber ‘23, 1862. 212-3m FRESH AthlVALS tlittitltito a any linens: JOHN ‘ VIATERHOUSE, 1N returning his sincere thanks to his nu- merous Friends and Customers for their liberal support since he corrrriienced business at the lillgiri Mil»sâ€"â€" would respectfully draw their attention to his select stock of Teas at a very low figure: Finest lilack tea ((3. . . . . . . 6d. per lb, .lapaii'l'eti 46 llt-l. “ Gunpowder Ten ((7) . . . 4s 6d. “ Finest l‘eiiggsuev ll)St)ll, ((3 5s, tin, “ Finest Young llysori . . . .55. (let “ And other articles in this department equally low, A nice and select Stock of DRE? GQCfiDfii always in Sock, sold at a very low price. Crockery S; G lass “Tare in great variety. ' Felgeiigii h" 2714!} HR .' . at $4.95 per barrel. 11:?" CALL AND COMPARE PRICES, Elgin M ills. Nov, 28. 1862. Emil-Sm EMPLOYMENT- ' V ‘1”: Uiiders‘igiied has, for several year‘s. past, been engaged iii a business. which liasl yielded him at the rate of three thousand dol-, tars per annum, and is now willing to teach it to others, The business is of a highly useful and villages, and one that any person of ordin- ary capacity, \ounp‘ or oid, male or female. can i acquire with a few l‘tOlllH’ practice, and hyi which they can secure a very handsome in- come. Several young ladies who have re- ceived instructions from me. both in New York State and l’entisyivauia, are earning tip- W’tl‘dS of $15por week by it. and there is no reason why airy one else cannot do the same. lrivalids, oven, can do Well by it, as it is no peddling ali‘air. but a business that is perfectly respectable. Gentlemen and ladies of leisure who would like to hem the business for their own aiiiuseiiioiit or pleasure, will find the prac- tice ofit. a pleasant pasliirie, and one that they will take great interest in. On receipt of $1. l.willseiid printed instructions bv which any person cart really acquire the hit. and these instructions will also contain every particular relauvi to the carrying it on. so that it Will be highly profitable, The purchaaer of the " printed instructions ” will also be authorized to teach it to others; and l have sometiiiios : t 2154;!“ received as high as $200, for teaching it per- i so ally to a single individual, i would state, further that $2.50 or $3 will buy every thing that is necessary to coirrnieiice the business: with, and the articles can he got almost any- where, in city or country, or, if preferred, 1; can furnish them. address. ALVtmD T. masons, no. 36‘ Liberty, St, New York. 211'3ms. King, , 2l7-2iri ' , r l tomato, 1 iwmnn+ VAMBROTYPE ' .. . , . .. .., ,.. ,, ,, . . . fl , . _, . unwary, ... ... .,. ,, ,. .... v. ., New 0 4 - . m . ‘1”~" . ‘r’d‘oa 7- 5 A» 1,". “‘1‘ , , . . ‘, 1.2.2.), .4 .‘ . up": ...,.,:._. ‘5‘. ' 1‘» o‘e‘a'. 2“: 2:1... -:.A-.. u Ram»; .«v'Jnuh «It. 'k‘r‘fl‘ ‘ -_ 1... - lfiflTTS;GUTfig ‘ GEORGE .EAKIN â€" Particularly invites the Public to call at his lF.A CTORY VIN UNIONVILZLE, 'And examine his Stock of VVbicli he is selling off CHEAP FOR CASH , 012 APPROVED PAPER 1 'Unionville, 212-3m. l , Dec. 26, .1862. e ,A. $0310.01 for the Bussinesg Man 3» Corner of King and ' Toronto ‘ Streets, i Nâ€"eX'r Door. TO THE Pos'r OFFICE, .TORONTO,’ OxfkmAD‘A 'W, EfiT. I \ ' . .â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"- ‘rHE design of this institution is to impart to young men and ladies I thorough and practical business. education, The course of instruction includes Burk-keeping. Conii-iercial Law, Business Mathematics, and Business l’enrirarrship, all of which branches are taught 1in the most thorough and scientific inuiiner ' iTlie Book keeping Departiiieiil is as complete and extensive as that of anv Corninct‘cml College on the continent, Slilbl'itttillg‘ Vthtesalo and Retail Merchandising, Malillfuf‘t‘tlrlilg, ,Mining, Milling. Forwarding, ltaiiiitiriz, liro’k‘erage and Commission. Railroading. breath- boating. (Sam, &c,. and re under the charge of teachers selected for a [Micheal no Well as the- oretical knowledge of the duties of the Counting Ronni. ~ . Ba'rrts’ Bar'rrsrr AMERICAN Svs'ru: or it U’ID r'r’rir‘rrno will be taught by its author. This is the only system yet uSed by whicn all Writing;r can he executed 011.0111:- movement, l' or Circularaud spociiiiens of i’eriiuanship, address. (enclosing aimnp) _ . I. BATES, Principal. iA'l‘l-iS dz. l1. G. STRA- To Thurmanâ€"A Series of Copy Books on the above system, by l crux . ' . :SCIlonlS of Carida, is being engraved, and Will be ready lul‘ use by the 1st oi lJeCeiiiboi'. llA'l'ii‘lti dz S'l‘i‘tACll A N. Toronto, December 4, H169. :109-1y. A __ A -- .. _ .~_ _.,- .....___._._... .__.__.___..c. _._.._.._..._..___..___.__--.___._...c - -_. _ _.. .. ._....,.__-._.w-m__.___.._._.__,_.~....___.._.- .._...._ .-__.... 4 D LET LIVE: i “- LIVE AN ’3‘ source, Stoves l NEW AND SECOND HAND, PA ZULU-UR AND BOX STU VES I .’ Heavy Metal, \Varrarited by HODGE, $61193?" Copper, Tin .6; Iron Plate \Vorker, ‘ Vv'ill he Sold CI‘EAP FOR CASH, OR APPROVED lOIN'P NOTES, As cheap as any House in Toronto or anywhere else. 0 A ‘ August ‘29, 1807.. COOKING, Richmond Hill, .1966,“ I... ._.__.c . ........_..... am _. mw--»._~~._w . .W~.m. .....\.. - Mm.-.__~â€" . FRESH AltlthAlS OF SCHOOLBOOKSZ AND GENERAL- STATlONERV, AT THE “ YORK lililtALD” BOOK STORE, , ‘ liCliDilON-D HILL, At Lower Prices than is charged in "af‘oronto. Orders received for, and great attention paid to BOOK HHHNG' '2' Q \i'liich will be. done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. lliclii'noud ilill, August ‘29, 1862. 195 Letters lantern Fora as Lac, liemaiiiiiipin lthllM inn HILL cationic. Januanv t,' 53 llunl, lleriry llawlev, Sophia K!riit‘k..l. A- Laritg, “'alter BLING 1.0T so. 17, in 'i'rir: 2nd tfoiicessien of Markham, YtMV'l'Ali‘ilh G 6?}, Ac es, about 52 Acres cleared. the reiiiaiiidor covered with good Beech and Maple l'irirber, There is on the premises a good Frame Dwelling lititisa, 35 r: ‘Jll‘hew, with a large Cellar under. and a good Log lilit‘tt. Siahlesfiltctls. LYC. Al’s” a good Veil of Vi ater close by the Kitchen door, and a never-faking Greek running across the. west end of the lfarin. Andcrion, .lohri Brillinger, S. Ualdiu. Elizabeth Boyer. Joliit Burris, .lariics B Lairig. J . Ctrari’ibois. Charles hlctieaciiy, Malcolm Cliai‘nberlain, Charles Nevlle, l’atiick Donn; Eli Phillips, Hi3, Eyer, David 1’ulorbaugli, Joteph Goodwill, John Sloane, lieirjaiiiiii Gofl', .r'iriiolia Stephenson, G. Gormaii, Mrs. Steaks. ltichmd Galaway. Hebert Tlioriipsoii, Die-id Gainnlo, Charlotte Vaiiliingo, ltev. Mr. Ul'fllli, George \‘Vaiker. Mary E. Hood. M. Walker, Mary llcwsori. Mr. \Valker. John ~ llorri, 5am. E. {52) “"iisori. 'l'tzorrras lloyes, John li‘r’ilsou. John (‘3) M, 'l'lLllF‘Y. [3,51 ' iPLAi‘dEll‘dG MACHENE! FOR SALE. ‘ .2 . ,3} ‘ _ YKIHJ. be Sold low for Car-ii or iiixclrnriged r it t i for [mod n lirst-ratv \M i:. GINE l -â€"-l4 horse powurâ€"iii good Working order; has only been in use about 3 months. and is there- i’fore as good as now. Also, a Srirlacoiiig and 'r “E Silbscrlber begs ‘0 lllrm'm “"3 llllmbl' MrJt‘lllllg l’iarreirig Machine, with a quantity of lame of Victoria. Square and vicrtiitv, Shading? and Behmg‘, in gr-od repair, that alter an experience. of it} years, 66 has at“ i For further information apply at. the “ York rived with his [tel-am” “flice, C A R ! Richmond Hill, Nov. ' (l, 1562. For particulars, apply on the promises to 'l‘llOMA)’ TEASDALL, Or at this Office, l'leadford, Dec. 1‘2. 1862. Sill-4t. a; "r E a vs. a“ G r N a; Cfifl. And has Switched of? near DUlâ€"lOSE’S HOTEL. VlCTORIt SQUARE. ‘Vi‘ler he is prepared to take a correct pic: ture. oftiwso who that" honor him with a call- ilElNG A HUNTING AND OPFN FACE, on feeling assured that he. cannot be surpassed by LADY'S on Gr;n‘t‘t.i.M.iN’s Warcrr Cori:- any other in taking BINED, One of the prettiest. most convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapo t tiiriopiece for general and reliable use, over offered. it has within it ltlid connected with its i‘iiacliinerv. its own winding attacliment, rendering a key eit- tirely unnecessary. The cases of iliiswair-li are Cnittptrsed of two‘ metals, the outer one being litre 16 carat gold It has the irnprovad ruby action lever rrioveiiient, and is. wart-ruled an accurate iiiiiepiece. l’riCe. superhlv engraved. per ease of a half dozen, Sample W'atclres, iii treat irioi'oceo boxes, for those pro- Tllll} MAGIC Tiltlll GBSElll'Elt, 'l‘he Perfection of Mechanism. Photograph, Ambrotype and Lettergraph Likenesses. An early call is Soliciied as his stay will be short. Aiiibrotypas taken from the smallest to the largest silo. JAMES LEONARD. 213-5r. December 31 , 186-2. _ thmiont) titht. _ u , g . . lpress, with bill payable on delivery. Soldiers y ‘ must remit payment in pdvuiice. as we cannot AT Collect from those in the army. Address Mrs nu y-IIUBBARD BROS. Sr. (30., Sole importers, Richmond Hill, Jan. 8, 1863, QM-ly. s» t ‘ tun cBrit-lat) glittttilâ€"tiit'ilitltttttttt‘tlal (littlh‘glt, (teacher of Porriirnrislrip iii the Provincial Nprnral school) designed for the use of ' COFFEES, SUGAR "with dispatch 9074f, _ , CAME into the premises of the Subscriber,- ‘ J posing to buy at wholesale. $35, sent by ex-l Cor. Nassau and John Sis, New York. Almira, Jan. 8, 1863. 213-. , . Norton." ~ LL‘ persons indebtedlo the Estate of tho .51. late -Mr. GEORGE WRIGHT. of the Township of Vaugltaii.z-Couut) of ‘Y0ik, de‘l ceased. are barely)" requested to make payment thereof forthwith to tli‘eju'ide'reigiied Execu- trix; and all persons Eledtningtt‘tb‘ “he‘Creditors of the deceased," are! likewise requested lb furnish the particulars thereof to tire Execua trix, in order that the same may be examined and adjusted. JANE WRIGHT, Eccentric, Thorltltill. Nov. 5," tc6‘2, nos-it .__.__._ we» ..... -- -t... .. _..-..- .71» w-..“ W FINKLE & LYON sauna tritium Corinth ' 538 BROADWAY, NE 3‘! YO R K, r110 parties little acquainted" with the Fiiikf; dz Lyon Sewing Machines the careful per usal of the Company’s Circular is speciall: commended. This Circular can 138'de on up! plication I highly instructive, having been prepared wth much care, aiud we ‘will aside by ails-tavtcment l therein made- ‘ The followingjbt'iof quotation i-I-rcharueteris- c of the entire Circulat- : t- This bluclliim‘li betteriadapted than any other Sewiit.g,Macliino in market lathe frequ‘t changes and almost on 'less variety of sewing required in a family ; for it will new from one. to twenty thicknesses ofMorseiltes without stop- ping, and making- every stitch perfect ‘r ill sew from the finest goose totlre heaviest Cloth, and own to the stoutest harness leather, with- out chaiiuing the loud. needle, or tension, or making any adjustment of iiiactiiiie whatever." ,T'lrua have we successfully overcome the most difficult point in the Sewing. Machine Art. It was no ordinary triumph. Defiantly can we say. “ No other Machine corirpares with it in this respect." Hence have we uniformly-nil- most without exceptionâ€"taken the highest premium, when the Machine has been properly , exhibited in competition With other first-clans Serving Machines. illence. is it that we are able to other the following guarantee, viz :- " We Warrant every Machine we sell to give 3 hetlersatisfactiott than aiiv other Sewing Ma- rhiiie now iii market, or money refunded.”â€" VVe never sell a M achino on any other terms The guarantee is as reliable as the note ofany business man in the land. For more than five years have we relied upon such facts for the reputation ofourMachine ;and without a single travelling agent in the field. there is scarcely a neighborhood on the continent where the Ma- chine is not favorably known. We preform-rob a reputation to otzo based on more " talking points,” as they are technicalq‘ called in the trade. “once We make but one kiird ol'stitcho viz ;.tho lock-stitch, alike on both sides. requir~ lug .iily one-third the thread of other klud'é‘Of. titche‘s. - N. B. Local agents want-ed in every county throughout the West. Special inducements offered. ., Finkle .5; Lyon 5.1a. Co, lQS-Gm 535 Bummvay. New Years, Til it] ' VlC’l‘ORlA TEA EVAIHFZEHOUSE No. 93 King Street, SIGN OF THE (2U YEN, Is the place in Toronto. to buy pure llilii ltllli ’0 1‘ only because the proprietor.EDW A Rl)‘ LAWSUNJS one of the oldest and most experienced ’l‘ea-bii‘ ers in the trade. but fruit: the fact that he purchases his Teas in such large quantities at the. Cargo Sales. thereby ou- abliiig him to sell at a very SM'ALL AD VANCE 0N COST, Fulfilling the old adage “ Large Sales, Small Profits and Quick Returns ;"’ ir'eo in Fruits, Spices ,_. dmmi He cannot be uiidersold. ' Hfifi BISCUIT-93 AND (Clflftléili‘qE-ETE’DETEBRY' Are li‘ttS-ut‘pasfit’fl for quality and price, all being‘ inririufactured on the premises, from the best material by first-class workmen. Uriiamentcd ‘chdiii g and Other Cakes: Always all hand or made to order in anystylo- . 0n the shortest notice. Orders by mail and otherwise. attended-to All Goods warranted as recre- soiited. and delivered free ot'chargo to the care or in the city limits, V org» NO SECOND PRICE. Remember the Place-â€" No. 93 ero srnera'r, Sm or 1‘HE' cram. EDWARD LAWSON, Proprietor. Toronto. Fair 5, 1862. 1‘67-6ur . RICHMOND no.1. v LIBRARY ASSOCIATION pl rI‘HIS ASSOClATION has transferred their § Ll BllAIlY to tho ‘ HERALD ’ Book Store, whore Stockholders and others may from”. BUCKS every Friday afternoon, frot- Ite I . o’clock.-r in. A. scour, Liam Richmond Hill, Feb. 27, 1861 .-. -~.._._...__.____ -..â€"._._..'...._-,....__â€".-. STRAY HEEFER. at Thoriiliill. about tlie.iiiiddie of \lor vembei‘ lust‘ a. Red and White “FIFEH. about a year and a haif old. The owner it requested to prove property. pay expenses. and take her-away. CHARLES \VEBS'l'ER. Thoriihill, Dec. 18, 1862. 2I1-3t. fuâ€"V‘ JW') TICE. ALL reasons Titanium to the can; of the late Biennium BOWMAN. of the Township of Markham. County of York. do- ceasod. are hereby requested to make payment of the same on or before the lst dav of Fiction. Anv, 1863, and all persons claiming to it" (Ir-editors of the deceased are likewise re- quested to furnish the particulars thereof fit tip-.5 chul-or, in Order that. the 'sarne may be ex» omitted and adjusted 13. BOWMAN, M D.. Acting Emeritus- '0'» 2w. (Economistpi’mgc copy three times) It is very specific. and will be loan". S iced and? l

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