. r, .pm»w,.».1,g, g , 33min}. .â€".â€" ,..._.._.__.....‘._ ... __.- ..._.___<..__.......__....... ‘aâ€". -...-...u-- ~......- ...†-._._.. ... m._. [WHAT‘S A WOMAN LIKE? p.- A woman is like to--but stay! \Vhat a woman is like who can say 7 There’s no living with or without one. Love bites like a fly, Now air ear. now’an eye, Buz, buz, always buzzling about one. \Vhen she’s tender and kind, She is like to my mind. (And Emma was so, I remember,) She is like to-â€"â€"0h l deat‘l She’s as good, very near. As a ripe melting peach in September. If she laugh and she chat, Play, joke, and all that, And with strtiles and good humor she meet me, She’s like a rich dish Of venison or ï¬sh, That cries from the table “come eat me.†But she’ll plague and she’ll vex you, Dislract and porplex you, False hearted and ranging. Unsettled and changing, \Vhat then do you think she is like? Like a sand, like a rock, Like a wheel. like a clock -- Ah. a clock that is always' at strike. IIer head's like the island folks tell on, Where nothing but monkeys can dwell oti, Iler heart’s like a leniorr~ so nice, She carves for each lover a slice, In truth she’s to me Like the wind like the sea, \Vhose raging will hearketi to no man, Like a mill. like a pill. Like a trail, like a whale, Like an ass. like a glass, M'Imse image is constant to no man Like a flower, like a shower, Like a fly. like a pie, Like a pea, like a flea, Like a thief, likeâ€"~in brief, She’s like nothing on earth but a woman. Wau- Ellitit‘rlluntmttt, M. . ...â€".-. -. “*râ€"u..~_._,.. V... . _. L... . .. w- --.â€"._‘ The bottle kills more than the sword lawyer‘s months are like turnpike gate vâ€"neycr opened except for pay. It is exceedingly bad husbandry to bar- nOW up the feelings of your wife. .N {Nowaw’or'ï¬ - .. its cathedral dome arching towards "‘“fl'mr‘? m's-‘olror‘r‘ “flows. or. M awn v t ...:r: we ...-art's» waterway... ~ . cdï¬k‘mfln' x WONDERS OF THE AT- MOSPHERE. ' .â€" Tit) E’t‘tl, 'ra rtrrrt For Eight; Dollars. ! O The atmOSphc-rc above us With heaven, which it is the most perfect synonym and symbol. It floats around us like that grand object which the apostle John saw in his vision, ‘a sea of‘glass like unto crystal.’ So massive is it that when it begins to stir it tosses about great ships like plnythings, and sweeps city and forest likc»snowflakcs to destruction before it. And yct it is so mobile that we have lived in it for" years bcforc We can be persuaded that it‘cxis'ts at all, and the great bulk of mankind never realize “the truth that they are bathed in an occean of art. It’s weight is so enormous that iron shivcrs before it like glass, yet a DB l\l I PF GK 0 .I. o o _ J 3 _, . . - Surgeon Dentist, I; AS just imported some o'fthe EIGHI‘ DOL- LAR Block Teeth, which Ito will inSert for that sum IfAl'z'Q'tlll‘tstl. being the same kind inserted by S. N Peck, and made by the same man. He also troops the best qualin of 'l‘eetlt. which lic will insert on Gold, Silver. Plateiruni. or Nttlcunized Rubber, CHANGE OF ADVL‘ I'I‘ISEMENT. l):- PiLCK will be of soap ball sails through it with im- Richmond llill..... ...lsttlayorench month punity, and the tiniest inscct Waves {larder - - - - - - “nun-3'11 (“it “flinch mom“ it aside with its wings. It rr'ritii.tcr‘s tavtshly to all our senses. ,ch Aur-m~a...i.‘.'.........'...i,liia'rast day Ofelicll tt‘ronlll IOUCII It not, but Il [GUCIWS us- Its (Except when any of the ab ve days corner on warm sunâ€, wind brings back calm. Sabbath, when he will attend the day following) to the pale face of the invalid; its cool west winds refi'csh thc fcvcrcd brow and make the blood mantle to our cheeks; chn its north blasts brace into new vigor the hardened children of our rugged clittiatc. The eye ts indebted to it for all the magnificence of sunrise, the brightness of mid-day, the :nnstencd radiance of the morning, and the clouds that cradle near the setting sun, But for it the rainbow would \Vant its ‘ triun‘rphant arch,’ and the winds would not send the flcccy triesscrtgcrs on errands around the heavens; the cold cthcr would not shed feathers on the earth, nor would drops of dcw gather'on the flowers. The kirrdlv rain Would never fall nor storm nor log dchr- sify thc face of ti’c sky; our riakod globe would turn its tnnncd and un- shndowcd forehead to tho sun, and one dreary, trioiiotonous blaze of light and heat dazzle and burn on all things. . When he will be happy to wait on attv re- qulring his services in any branch of his' pro- fession. or make good any work previously warranted. Teeth extracted for thoso not able to pay, free, Aurora. June 20.. l862 168-lv Tilt": BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. 1’ o w r; t. L’s Cdkilllliill SWIM} PUMPS l Acaxowmoatao by 500 Farmers, Pro- fessional Gentlemen and others (who have their) working,r in \‘t’ells, varying: iii \thltKI‘ll), MUST UUIIABLE and EFFI- CIENT over offered to the Public. If? Price 60 Cents foot. No extra charge for f‘op. Every Pump W'arranted ! Orders for those Pumps addressed to C. PO W (FILL, Willowdale, C.VV \Vill reoriive l’ro'ttpt Attcntion. November, 7, 166:3. WORMS. For destroying Worms in children, SITTZER’S VEIIBIII‘UGIC CANDY is by far the most. pleasan safe, and effectual remedy now in use. Try it! 801 by all dealers in medicines. It is far happier to be deceived than amdeceivcd by those whom we love. I’m perfectly open to conviction, as the criminal said at the assizes. Sometimes it may not be unpleasant to have a jealous wife; she is always talking> of what pleases ltcl‘ husband. ' ,. The best thinkers are those who are not only thinkers but actors. Two lovers like two armies generally get along quietly enough till they are cri- gaged. Tilly is a musket in Africa like a horse- ltldict‘ in England lâ€"â€"Bcc;tusc one is a car-bite there, the other a‘carbinct-r. Be not proud of riches, but afraid of them lest they be like silver bars to cross the way to heaven. Ilouland Ilill said ‘he wouldn’t give a fartliintg for that man’s religion whosc cat ,and dog; were not the better of it.’ ..o TI. haven't another word to say, sir, I villCYt’J‘ dispute tvtth fools ‘3‘" No,’ Was the reply, ‘ you arc very sure to agree with .ldicu't I’ A [number .oncc saidâ€"‘If you know anything that will make a brother‘s heart glad, run quick and It'll it; but if it is smoothing, that will cause a sigh, bottle it up-botllc it up. ‘ Have you \Vatls on your Mind? in quit‘cd a customer of u booksellers appren- ticc. ‘ No, sir,’ replied the young green, ‘ but I have got warts on my hand.’ Test of good IIurrior'.-â€"\Vakc a man in the middle of thc night and ask him to lend you lire shilliuss. At Sittnncr.â€"â€"lf you Ilir0w a stone into the water. what does it become bcforc it reaches the bottom ?â€"â€"\\'ct. If women lead men to the tncrgc of a precipice, and the tilt-ll lllt’ll throw them ut'cr, the int-n do a very wrong thing, but‘ only, pct-hips, what the Hill] have cause to cxpcct. A young lady of the tlclicale t'ai-itrtyl fainted the Nb. r day, when told that gun- barrcls were (atun extiibitcd without brooches. A \Vcstern napcr says :j ‘ Young ladies “who are accustomed to reading newspapers are altiays observed to pissess Whining ways, most amiable dispositions, and in- variably [nuke very good wives. Organ Boy.~â€"â€"--‘ Ilow well he plays for one so young.’ said Mrs. Partington, the organ. boy preformed, with a monkey near the door; ‘and how much his little brothe: looks like Iritn to be sure !’ Ilemark by a ctty Scavengerâ€"J \‘v'hcn dead horses and other garbage is left Iyin’ loose arouud camp, the noospapcr rcportct' writes and Says our army is again assuniin’ the offensive? Tut: Sr.sz WONDERS or A YOUNG LADY‘~.â€"~-lst. Keeping her accounts in preference to an Albuir. 2nd. Ucttc rously praising the attractions of the inflected crraturc’ who always out her out. 3rd. Not ridiculing the man she secrcctly prefersâ€"xith quizzing what she seriously admires. 4th. Not changing her ' dear, dzar friend quartei'ly’â€"â€"â€"0r hcr dress three times a day. 5th. Reading a novel without looking at the third volume first; or “writing a letter without a postâ€" .L‘l‘llll 5 or taking wine at dinner tithout saying ‘ the smallest drop in the worldf or singing without ‘a bad cold ;’ or wearing shoes that Were not ‘a mile too big for her.’ 61h. Seeing a baby with. out inmediatcly rushing to it and kissing it. 7th. Carrying a largehouquet at an evening party, and omitting, to ask her partner ‘if he understands the language of flan ct s.’ V'lillu total population of the globe is By 1. E C E DMOND S . . . . , RSI . makes everything easy, and casts all \Vcrc thch rto lttrim<phcrc the evening sun would in a titullltftll Sci, and without warning plurth IIIC- But the air earth into darkness. J. {3QRMLEYQ ‘ 1 k " n r >' r ul ' . . . ~ , _ ,, lreï¬ll“ 1“ but “and d Mull! 0! ll" :ouiitsstoxcnix (torrents BENCH, rays, and lots thorn slip but slowly ‘ - v . , (Jr-vow an r and Auctl n . through her (ingots, so that the sun. ‘ of (1 k 0 eer’ dows of evening are gathered by dcgrccs, and the flowers have tinfc to bow thcir bonds, and catch crea- tur'c space to rest and to ticstlc to i‘cposc. In the morning the garish sun would at one pound burst from 14 J. Lin Ill . IrH Con. MttttKHAM. September IS, 1360. 95-tf THOMAS BOWMAN, too bosom of thc Illulll and blaze - - - I . . . ’ . ‘. taco trot“ » ‘ ' noovc the llOl'lZUlb; but the air ‘ ‘1: 3ԠA‘HCtioneel’ watches for his cotnititr and sends MN“ I u first but our: IllflU Toy to announce his approach, and their nnotlicr, and their a handful; and so gcntlr drnwu LtSltlt) t curtain of night and COUNTIES OF YORK & PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira.†P.O. wil receive proirrpt attention. Orders received at the “ York Ileraidâ€t)flic», Richmond Hill; It" Mr. Henry Lemon, 'I‘liornliill. and Mr, James tru slowlv Icls the [1pm full on {he (favannzrs‘j, flluttsiott‘l‘louse, Sharon. where . ' . ‘ " ~ 5, ‘vc. "I t" . face of thc sleeping,r earth, till hcr en." t ma) “jammed ‘ ' Altntra, Nov. 325. 1859. 62-1f eyelids open, and like man she goes forth again to labor until cvcning.â€"- *‘ ' -' ‘ Quartcrt’y Review. POPULATION OF TII .9 GLOBE. A professor of the Berlin Univer- sity has been matting,r curious rc- scarcbcsrespecting the population of the globe. The billowing,r is the rcsult:-â€"â€"Population of Enropc,272,- m n _ 000,000; of Asia, 720,000,000; of TEElH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN Amortcr, 200.000,000; of Africa, . 89,000,000 ;ofAustraltn, 2,000.000. " i 7 Euro Troughs, Water Sprints, Cistrons and Pumps, Manufactured n‘nd for Sale by JOHN LANCSTAFF, STEAM MiL’Ls, THORNHILL. .lunoS, 27â€"tf By the use of Eledtricity, ~I,283,000.000. The nvcrngc num- ber or dcatlis. per annum, in certain places, libero records are kept, is about one to cvcry 4f) inhabitants. Hit the present time, the number of deaths in a year, would be about ‘32 000,000, which is more than the 'cutirc prcsont population of tilt) U. ,8. fit this rate thé average truin 'ber of deaths, per day, is about 87,- 761 ; per hour, 3 654 ; the average: per minute, 61. 'I‘l‘us, at least. I every second, a human life is ended. lAs the births considerable cxcecd lthc donths, thcrc arc. prob:tbly_ 7t) to 80 human beings born pcr minute. SUIIG EON DENTIST, AURORA. 'l'ectlr inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcanized Rubber. Ail Operations iii his Profession, performed iii the most approved manner and \Varranlcd' Aurora. March 9. I860 67-13' 7 VV’. G. TAYLOR. VI‘I'I‘I‘IIII NARY SURGEON, Malabar of the Royal College (5f KS. N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- _ merit heretofore received begs to intitnatc ‘ that ho is now prepared to treat all Eltéscuscs of airs/imam .' At his own stables on the shortest notice, and can with Confidence warrant a cure iii all cases within the reach of medical skill and treatment. Resilienceâ€"~N’ai‘ the Eagle Hotel. NB. No Charge for Stabling. Newmurket, Feb, 26, 1562., NE W AND IMPROVED flap of Upper Contact... I Vif TIIE PO W ER OF HABIT. I I trust everything to habit, upon which, in all cases, the lawgivcr as well as tho schoolmaster has main- ly placed his rcliatict'râ€"habit, winch 170-1y OULI) you secure a valuable and orna- tr. idifficultics upon a deviation from a mental Work ot‘ltetereuca? Subscribe wonlcd course. Make sobriety a 01' the habit, and intcurpcrnucc will bc liatc- ‘I‘ypographical, Statistical Iui; make prudcncc a habit, and up reckless prolligacy will be as con Miï¬wgmï¬cd Map 0f Upper Emma“ lrary to the child’ grin?†or ndm" i lit preparation by Geo. C. 'I'rerrtaitie, the old :is the most atrocious crimes to any .‘ ' and well-known publisher or Descriptive Give a child a habit of eat-redly t'c- County Malts- garding truth, of carefully rcs‘pcct- ing the property of others, of scru- pulouslr abstaining from all acts of improvidcncc which involve lion in distrcss, and he will just as liltcly .tlttnk of I‘Ushing into an olctricnt iti which It: cannot br rttlltc, as of ly- ing, stculttitr or clicutiourâ€"Parson. 5’ Save the young and. you save all. LL? Residents of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local or Travelling agents ‘l‘oronto. May 1861. I38-tf H. 8:. J. HARRISON Shingle kittiinfacturcrs, and , Leather Platters. l T _l r v v , 'Seasottcd Flooring and Siding kept 01) hand, A EXP MIA-r D19 “or APPLY-“All land Pinned to order it) quantities to suit pur- Irisb Catholic once said to another who had taken the pledge and ftfl'e‘li'tfd a medal from lr‘ather blather, ‘ And 5') you've signed the leototal pledge have you ’5’ ‘ In dccd I have, and I am not aslianwd of it , ,___M, -___ .--._.__,_L___.______._,__ cilln‘r.’ ‘ And did not Paul toll Timothy I J. 33:. Bchitr, to tal’c a little wine for the stti'ni-k‘sl . . l,’ x ,I,‘ ‘ S , J Ht, , H . ,1 ,u ’ _ '.,(' H l {VOL/bl I‘Y Coitstnble,-â€"Landlord’s Warrants 3““ ' 0 ‘9 “I t 5:3.“- ll" ll'uom‘ 6' 9 J cxunttvd, Ikvfllls and Debts collected on ‘ bttt my name is not thy and their» the sliortostpossible notice. 't rzno iis nothing the matter uittt my stomach.’ Address-Ilichtttond Utll 1-20. 5(leliie‘6t5. ‘13†Factoryâ€"on Markham and 'Elgin Mills Plank Itoatl. lit). address, lichmond IIiIl. June 7. will. 32-6m 1-)‘ Toronto, Doc. 27, 1862. dt-pth front 10 to I33 feet) to he the E 2ISIEST Twenty- Per Cent .Auctioal ' Notice. ...w.._t-m- e .5 I... ,,,.‘:.._,. ..., v a, .... Q. ~,_ ’l‘tï¬ï¬g‘EEAlNE’S MAP Upper Canada... HE Subscribers to the above 'Work and-the Public are respectfully informed that the Map is now completed, and is being funuislied‘ to the Subscribers as fast as possible. No ' trouble or expense has been spared in the pre paratiou of this Work. which is on a Larger Scale and is far more complete and accurate than arty other Map published. ' T a E titâ€"ft N E’ s Topographical, Statistical ILLUSTRATED MAP OF UPPER CANADA, Will be ready in a few weeks, and will be cm- helltshed with beautifully engraved Views of Cities, Public Buildings, &c. (Sic. _, Subsuribers to either of the above Works are particularly cautioned against being deceived by parties interested in the sale of a Map re- cently got up iii New York. Their plan ge- nerally is to represent that TKEMAINE'S Map will not be published at all-â€"or that the Sui!- Pl’rs- , scribers will not have to take it in case it should come cutâ€"and they had better get one from them, &c.,&c All such representa- tions are false, ' 'I‘REVI.'\I.‘IE’S MAP WILL BE FUR NISIIED 'I‘t) EVERY SUBSCRIBER In good time, but the manufacture of the Maps and the delivery of them through the whole country is necessarily a work of mottths. AGENTS VIIANTED ! For the sale of the Map in every Township [13" All orders by mail promptly attended to Office and Address No. 79 FRONT S'I'., TORONTO. 'iiortoN't‘o Ct'rr tritium we A 185 YONGE S't'ALET. MONUMEN sibmamsms. 'rotuBeran &c. Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. HE UNDERSIGNIJII) Assignees of the estate of D. C. 61 W. YALE, willconâ€" tinue the business under the superinteirderrce of our duly euthorized agents, Ans'rrN ABBEY and D, Caucus VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. l’.S.-â€"All_ notes and accounts remaining un- paid ort the Isl day of June. 1856. will be put into Court for collection, (7- In E, G. CUM MER. Toronto, April 29. "359. 4-8-0" DV‘DSII‘SIIIPIO Vrillfl “ti E’I‘O'P’BITE' n i E: GP 83118. r ‘I’IE Subscriber offers for Sale two valuable I VILLAGE LOTS, situated in the very centre of the fast rising town of Port, I'Ilgiu, on Lake Huron. and in the County of Bruce: the Lots are known as Lots No. 40 and 4i, in block N0. 87 of the Village. ' ‘Iiis is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make a home for himself, The shipping from the Part is (,‘thsltlct'aiiIM, and n positing and improving business is done iii the V a Mechanic the opening is unequalled. For particulars apply at the ‘ IIICRALD OFâ€" Ficn,’ or to WVI. COURTNEY. Richmond Hill, April ‘24. I862. I78vll. DRS. S. N. St P. B. PECK, SURGEON DENTISTS, WILL Newrnarket. Isl, 2nd and 3rd of Each Month; Bradford, 4th (f Each Month, Cookstown, 5th of Each Movtl‘ ; Bond Head, 6th of Each Month ; Brownsville. ,7th of Each Month; King Station, 8th of Each Month : Stouflville. 23rd of Each Month ; Markham Vil.24th and 25th of Each Month; Brown’sCoruersAtb Corrmearklmm 26th do.: ticbrnond Hill. Nicholls’ Hotel, 27th “ Maple, Wattson’s Ilotel. . . . . . . . . . 28h " Kleinburg Ilotel,. . . .... . . . . . . . .29th “ If any of the above days comes on Sunday, that place-will be omitted till the'lollowing month. BE IN When he will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls, or make good any operation previously warranted. , Those who require Artificial Teeth can have a full upper set of best, quality of Block Teeth. inserted on Vulcanized Rubber, for usually charged $25 by other Dentists. 'l‘oeth ï¬lled with Gold, Silver or filling. To remove misapprehension. he begs to an- nounce that all work Warranled what it is Guaranteed to lo; or no charge. Teeth Extracted with the least possible Pain. Particular attention paid to the Regulation ofCHILDIIEN’S TIGE'I‘II. N.B,-â€"-Parties requiring Artificial Teeth are req tested to Call and Examine Specimens. I133 Teeth inserted cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Province. Newmarket, May 29, 1862. 182-13‘ GEO. MCP H I L L IPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, c.w. December I4. 1860. ‘vVhito DENTISTRY! W. C. ADAMS. D. D. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING sr. uxsr sourrr SIDE. THIRD noon wnsr FROM cnuucrr ST. 'ronosro, ARTICULAR attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s 'icotlt. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr, A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its-branches. and cart supply the profession with 'I‘octli. Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus and Vulcanito Rubber, and the best Bone. filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction 'I‘oronto,Octgber ll, ltlfif‘ 49-h l NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and for bllious complaints, Sick Headache, Costiveness, (to, we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. - FANNING MILLSgt. PUMPS II E Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that lie manufacturesthc utesl improved PUMPS MID FANNING MILLS In his Shop, at Stoufl'ville, where all orders entrusted to..lris care will receive prompt atten- tion; and for cheapitess and durability he defies competition. Repairing done with despatch. All letters addressed to PE l EII KIIIBS, Stoutfvillo P40. Stouffrillc, Oct. 15. 1861. I51-6m 212 ' it Its; , .-»q_, l ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- . HA USTION. New editior‘idahlargod‘ru l90 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Cblored Engravings on Steel. Just published, price ls. ‘ 7 SILENT FRIEND, the greatestMcili- cal Work ofthe Age, on Youthful Indis- cretions and consequentItnpedimcuts to Mar- riage, describing the‘Anntomy of’ the Reproâ€" ductive System in health and disease, and pointing out theisnre means of perfect resrora- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription ktrowrt as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos sibilitv of contamination. Also to be had from all Agents in all parts of the World, EXTIIKOTS FROMTHE SILENT FRIEND, price 6di, which contains directions for the guidanceof patients. - Messrs. R,'&. L. PERRY &Co. are only to be consulth at their residence, No. Ill, Burners Street, Oxford Street. London, as tbe\ never, under arty circumstances, travel either at. home- or abroad. and thev hereby caution the Public against arty person using their name. and as .a l further precaution against fraud. the Public is notiï¬ed that none of their irredicines-are ge- nuine. unless the snbjoined fac-srmilie of their signature is attached to their different wrap- 1 fl UVVL‘JL INLUA In IS!) Gnu ‘aa’t‘r v».- .v. nusc... i... .. BY THE USE OF Perry’s Cordial Balm of Syriacum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GREATEST RIC- (J‘ENISRATLIR; a hover-tailing remedy for Spernratoi'riioe. loss of trianly power. produced by ea;lv indiscrctions. or any other cause.â€" It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the roost sacred obligations of married life. Price lls per bottle, or four quantities in one; 33s,, which saves lls.; and ' in £5 bottles. effecting n saving at £1 l2s, I’I‘IIHIY’S CONCENTRA'I'ED DETER- SlVIli ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis tlt all its stages, also for purrfyiugtlie system from contatriinatiou, recommend (I for secondary s'tlilliltllttS, blotchcs on the head and face, on: largetiient 0f the throat. tonsils. and uvrrla; its licuclicial influence on the system is undeniâ€" able Prior lls. and 335. per bottle. alsoa saving of HS. PipllltY’S I’A'l‘ENT CON‘CEN’I‘RA'I‘ICI) ESEEVUE OI“ (IOI’AII5\ IXNI) (ZUBISLB SUGAR-VOAI‘ED GLOBULES, the most. spccdy Remedy known The Globules, con- taining the Qui..tcsseuce of Copaiba, Cnbel-s, Bttcbu. &c., at or cc cure. \' ithout tho possibi- nty of failure, Gouorrhuaa. Obsllllfllfl Gleet, Striclnre, etc, immediately stibduing all iri- flairriiiatot'y action; lilticased irt Sllgtt‘. free front taste or Stilcll. 4s. (id. and Ilr. per box 11mm .1 DH", Mm UPON l’urtn l"LOOl),â€"â€" PLRRY’S I‘UltIFYING SPLUIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, ,Scrofula, Ulcers, lloils. lilotclics, Pimplos on the face and body. &c I’t‘ico lls, and 335. per hox_ Sold at Messrs. R. .\' l’ttrtth c". Co's. \Vholosalc Depot, No. if), Burners Street, Ox- ford Stt‘eet. London, Agents: BARCLAY do Go... 75 Farringdon Street, London. May 23. 18.62. L. 182. Blackyvood’s kltagaa'ttrc AND THE BRITISH REVIE\NS I SCOTT & (20., NI‘JW YORK. Continue- 0 to publish the f'ollowiti,t,r_r leading British Periodicals, viz. 1-â€" 1. - THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative‘i 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (\Vhig.) 3, TIIE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (It‘s-m Church.) 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (I.ll)0l'al.) I). BLACKYVOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA- ZINE, (’I‘ory.) I The present critical state of European affairs will render-those publications uniVe-rsally in- teresting during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the hunt tilt‘ writen news-items, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Jottrnal, null Ilw pott- derotts Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have passed away It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the otin really intclti» . gible and reliable history of current events, and such, in addition to their \vcll-euta‘olislied literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge thorn upon the consideration of the reading public. EAR LY COPI ES. ' he receipt of Advance S/Ltcfs from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now he placed in the hands of subscribers about. as soon as the original editions. TERMS : Per mm For any one of the four Reviews,. .... . 3 UI‘ For any two of the four Reviews,. . . . .. . 5 0(3 For any three ol'llie four Itcviews,. . . , , , 7 (It? For all four of the Review/u, . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 (it: For I‘Trickwood’s IlIag<~zine, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0t For Blacktvootl and one Review" . . . . ... 5 fit? For Blackn'ood and two Reviews, . . , ... t' (it For Blackwood and three Reviews,. .. Ilttlt: For Blackwood and the four Reviews,.‘ .Itl lift Money current in the State where issued will be; received at par. CLUBBILNG. A discount of twenty-five. per cent f om the above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for 339; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30; and so on. Canadian mart Subscribers supplied free of United States postage, NB -â€"Tho price in Great Britain of the ï¬ve Periodicals above natured is $3I per anunrn, Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid. to the Publishers, ' LEONARD. SCO'IT 31 CO. No. :24 Gold street, New York. New York. Dec. 5, INCL duh .peye continued to get WOl‘Sf‘. I ‘ - I , health. Happiness, & Long RIC within tbr t'ench'of all, by the use of [ Dlt. BUtllIAN’S VEtiET.tlSl.E DU- .iitc‘s'l tc MEDICINES, prepared from the Prescriptions of the late Dr. Buclian; Fellow of the Royal College of Plivstciaus, L‘C†We.â€" Curosare daily made, and their efï¬cacy proved in thousand of’casus, attested before the .‘tlder- men at Guildhall, , THE RIGHT HON. THE MAYott OFLONDUN, and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street, ,Westruinster, VVUtSIle Street, Bow Street. ozc. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men, Clergyihen. and others, LORD Life's. B. HENDERSON. a Oculist} and Aurist, tLate' of No 65d Broadway. New York.) I HAS just opened an Ofï¬ce at No. 174 King St., Toronto, where he intends remain- ing a few months,'and . will give his exclusrve attention to the treatment ,ol'. Diseases of the EYE, EAR and LUNGS; Dr, H. has proc- tised tor upwards of lti‘ years in NEW Youmwith unexampled success. Hundreds ol'testiritonials. from persons who have been cured by him, can be seen at his ofï¬ce. Cataracts and :lrriarosis treated with success . also. Bronchitis, Sore Throat. and all Diseases of the Lungs. Arti- ï¬cial Eyes inserted without an operation. Foronto, Sept. 9, ’62. PHOTOGRAPHS I The Cheapest and Best owls Ambrotype and Photograph Dr. Buohan‘s Sugar-Coated Sarsapartlla i Pills. It is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that SAR- SAI’ARILLA is the greatest purifier or the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD. PUREIâ€"The Bowels regularlhâ€"And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at» the rootof each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment incidental to Man VVottratrand Child, such as all eruptions on the Skirt. Iridi- rrestion. |lilious. Liver, and Stomach Com- olaitlts, General Weakiross,Gout. Rhuerna. ttsm. Lunihago. Pains tn the Limbs, llead cite... Sore Throats, and every complaint caused by irregularities of the bowels. ob- ~tructed perspiration, and deteriorated and utt- Ircalthy blood. These Pills 'work their way to tilt very roots of each disease, cleansing irr thetrpassage. especially. whero mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cuttrulatiott, till the blood is purified. the whole system renovated. and all‘the functions acting according to nature. the duties of life become a plt-adur'e,.wliei'e before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not, do- lay I in clean stomach must make aclcan body. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the Stomach, body, and blood are pure. frorn regulating a rd cleansing the bowels, honlth is certain, Begin at the beginning. waste no time: strike at the root ofyonr ailment. Again, I say, look to your storinch. Onetrial of these Pills will force conviction. Sold in bottles. at ls. 1% and lie. Dr. Enchan’s Invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NICIIXL \\ HARNESS. at otrco restore and invigorate Willi titanicnl rapidity the most I‘c- bilitnted Constitution, thereby ensuring perma- ticrrt health. increased strength, energy, and a rcdonbled trovclnprrient of the .irusculirsystem. I‘V‘nilure is llltp()SHllllO. for sucCess ts as curtain as that daylight follows darkness. The only d., 2s. 9a., 45. 6d., GALLERY IN CANADA, IS AT lllltllltl’l‘llll, lllT. , TORONTO JAMEss :BAWE, , _ t’roprietor and Principal Operator Torhnto, April l9, ISGI. g; . vBiI MI' RI Try the trulygreat PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS‘ MA- GIC. RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied of its supe- rrortty, after using the medicine, the price will be re- funded b the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 cents per bottle. old by all dealers In medicines. 125-1y _.__n_.___ Valuable Property for Sale VTIZ: 03 Acres. 23 of which is timberod, 40 Acres utitlor Cultivation. Several I’A RK LOTS with timber thereon Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. The abovo property is situated at, and ad- joining to, the Village of Ekiohamoaad H111. For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. Richmond mat-s... 2, 1860. 9â€"0 {lorrsalttlic flld English l’hydcian FOR . I At» I‘ll‘le. INCII’IEN l‘ CONSUMP'I‘ILN, INPIILVIIPIES OF 'YOUTH, AND OLD AGE, &c. N0 Moi-ctr; try Uscdw 331'. ï¬lm. 08 do $011.3 40% EAST GENESEE STREET, Britta to. New York, inlalliole remedy for acquired local arid general. “ 4 up: Um mm, dobiiitv, nervous prostration. depression ofpspiee rtts. diminution of vital energy, ontaciatibtr,‘ and for all fourale ctiiriplztiuts, This medicine notonly restores health and strength at once, but, increases the natural vigour ol' than in youth, iiiatnrih, and old age The properties of this invaluable reâ€"invipoiatiug ltlssetico act directly on the nervous and muscular systrin. enriching, increasing, and pudf» tug each par. ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, and iii pet-toot accordance with the lavas of bar ture. As the falling rain vivifies the part-lied vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent agt-etit restori- the lust strength and energy of all who suffer from t‘xlltzlhllve dcrangcuwut. which so low of tho tilt-)tllt'tll profession :titctiip to treat. 4:3. titl., Ils , or I‘UUl' (llllilllllit‘S II) one. 33s. Ult. .BUCHAN’S' VEGETABLE UIN.‘ M ENVI‘, Is the only one yet discovered that Citrus the inmt inveterate sores. Its effects are Wtilltlul'- tul, giving instant relief to the sufferer Milly thousands have used it. and declare it. to he "the host iii the mold†It is the only N '« 'I‘UIIA L III‘IMICUY for all kinds of sores and skin erupt-ions. It never closes up the snrfaco of a wound whilst. full of tiraltul‘. out will first bring all to the surface, and finally heal Without breaking , out again. The Pills aid the Uitttriieiit lit the followingâ€"Piles, Boilos, Brtisos, Exocriations, Illotchcs on the Face, Ulcers, Ring-worms, Sore Heads, Eyes, and Lip-r, Baldness, Clinp~ pr'tl Hands, Clinl’ed and Blistercd I‘Vct'l, Corns, Bunions, Chillilains, Frost Bites, Scolds. Cult, Bites, Freckles. Stings, Scrol'trla, King’s Itlvil. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. Cotttracï¬sd and Still Joints, It‘ll-trims, Gout, Swelled Glands. Lum- bago, Ithournatisrn, Whitlow, Sore Nipples, Sore 'I‘hroats. Scurvy, Sore Ilcad~, Rash. l‘u- incurs. Old and deep-soared Ulcers, Wounds, Worms, Itch, Aw. Is lld. and 25. 9d. per pot. SKIN / 1’a.ent Medicine Warehouw, 19, Burners street, Oxford Street, London. \‘Vltolosalc Agentszâ€"Barclay &. Co.. 75, Far-fingdon Sll‘t‘ttl, may be llnd at R. H. II.\I;L’S, Chemist and Drugiist, Richmond Hill, C,W. am. from all Chemists throughout the world. May 23. rose. 182. to .. . 'r it) “ 7 ,.‘ w i If? il‘A If} I Rolicf to (if; Afflicted z f ‘IIE following Certificates are sufï¬cient guaranty to the public that HFW. l’cck’s Eye Water Is an infallible t'eiriody for 1 t '3 I lntlanrctl Eyes and bllIIBIllillS We, the undersigned. do certify that we have used H. W. I’ECK‘S EYE VVATIQII, and find it to be a certain care for littlainetl Eyes and Cliitblains. and therefore would recommend it to tilt: public. Robert Raymond Robert. Hopper James Bailey G. L. Boyuton Mrs. M. J. Raymond \V. S. I‘olluck MISS J, Hintrce W. H. Myers A. L. Skeele L. Iiicltat‘dsoti Robert Ilcwisori Martin Nealion .lohn Coulter Timothy It‘ogarty o. Bridgfot'd, 3.1a w. P. Richmond Miller Anderson Richmond Hill. July 14, 1862. My snn suffered for nearly four months from Inflammation in one of his eyes; during which time I procured the best medical aid within my reach, to no purpose. The iriflurririmtion coitâ€" tinned ; the boy suffered, and I began to outcr- tairr serious apprehension that he would lose his Sight. I accidentally heard of effectual cures lit-vino “(‘01: made by Mr. H. W Puck’s Eye Water, and prOcured two viols of it from himâ€"t/u’ Implication of which has cfl'uctul. A CURE. My son’s eyt‘s are now well. I have A; Physicians iii the State who ..tt- are members of the Royal College Stir-goons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock iii the morning; until 9 at night, iii every stato nitd sytriptorn of disease. The treatmentthoy adoptis the result of up- wards ot'thirty ycni's’ extensive and successful practice itr London. A mosr SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument fortlte cure of Genital Debi- lity. of Nocturnal fï¬iirissious, more properly known as Seminal Weakness. doc. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used conâ€" jotnlly with medicines. lir. Autos t‘s‘t Son. in order to satisfy the most skepticer as to the merits of their instru- ment, ph-dgo thoinsolvcs that. iii any instance where it; mev prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial, the itioncy will be refunded by returning the instrument in «cod order. ,Pt‘idc Ten Dolâ€" lars. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by a Cer- lnitt practice indulged in when aloneâ€"«'3. habit itf'qtlulld} learned from evil cotirpatiions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt even wliou asleep, and if not cured. renders marriage llllllllrih'illlc and destroys both tiitiid and body, should apply immediately. Sellâ€"abuse is one of the most formidable enemies to health, for no- thing also iii the dire catalogue of human dis» eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human sr'stcrrr, drawing its thousands of vic- lllrlS through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous systotrt rapidly, wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement, prevents thepro- per development of the system, disqualiï¬t's for iriar-riago. society, business, and all earthlv happiness. arid leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to corisnrriptioti arid a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. HICRSOSS IN ANY PART OF THE \VORLI) may be successfully treated by forwardinga correct detail of their case. Address L‘r. Amos d: Sou, 4REast Genosee Street, three doors Vl’est of Ellicott Street, Buffalo, N. Y . ’ 88â€"Iy IMPORTANT.“ DR. WIS'I‘AR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly r0- eommendcd, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup. out all diseases of the burn s and Throat 25 home 5; 061.11in Tilt; onto NAL IIil'iYIl BliWWbi MACHINES : Es'i'ABristtnn tN l84ziâ€"I’tstita'rzc'rnb trt it? ECENT and important improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine, rendrrs i now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe delivery,and that they will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles Iâ€" No more missing stitches! No trouble in mak- ing any garment, ltowoverdelicate or heavy,on the same Machine, either in caritbric, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers tailors. hat oinders, shoe binders. 0r gaite. fit- ting, as well as for 'overy varietv of family sewing, they have no superior, and will be sold at a much less price than “any other machine capable of doing the same range of work. prices. A few respectable Agents will be dealt. with liberally. Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, Broadway, New York New Yol‘lt, .1 title 20. 1862. 37 l86-1y much pleasure in certifying to the above facts, and t'ccoiriiiieud the Use of Mr. I'eck’s lite Water to all persons afflicted with Inflanwd Eyes. JOHN“ Ilib‘util’. Richrrtontl IIill. July l5, lbb'i In the month of It‘cbruary last, I had a severe attack of inflnirrritatiorr in my right eye, and suffered very much. I tried' several re- medies. and obtained medical advice, but my was recour- MILLWRIGIIT, .fl 1) T 0 JV .fl , .EGS to intimate that he is trow prepared to erect MILLS of every description, b‘.‘ contract or otherwise, on He is also agent for the bust Foundries in Caâ€" nadrt. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Doc. 23. 1859 4 reasonable terms“ rounded to call on Mr H. W. Peck. who gave me a viol ol'his Eve Water; iii three days I I felt relief, and in about five days was able to “ use my "ye. ; pleasure in stating that I believe it IS Mr Puck’s It is now «veil, and l have much retriedv thatcurcd my eye I have also re- cctnrrrended the use of it to others, and know i that the result has been attended with corri- pleto success, J. M. DAVIS. For Sale at the York “Herald†Ofï¬ce, Richâ€" ' mond Hithprice 25 cents per bottle. 190 , A GOOD THING. DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth . trial, in any case of l’iles, Burns, Scuttle, Old Sores fuflamed or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and is; every case where an ointment. is useful. It. will to commend itself, after one trial. {)trcap shallots and Shoes ' HE Subscriber begs to intimate to the in- habitarrts of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that he has leased the Shop of Mir Ruben Lee, tWhere he intends to carry on the BOOT and SHOE business in all its branches. .Ir. Lee’s customers will have the same at- ! tention given to their work as formerly, All work done at the lowest remunerating prives. _ RICHARD DURHAM. Richmond Hill, April It), ’62. 1’76 198-3m 1862. ' Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and-~-