Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Mar 1863, p. 3

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“a”-.. .. ..., “H.-. _. ...,_...,. _.. ... .. .,.._.. _. ' *w- (“finch-J ;~~. .~ My. t~ Tamara Tammy IN BurrAi.o.â€"â€" Farm to Rent ! Hotel for Sale! On Friday IZISI, “"3 house Of a M“ we no, 529, IN “rm: f “113 WELL KNOWN HOTEL. on Richr Douglas or Donald Framer, was burned in Buffalo, and his wife and three children \verc found dead amongst the ruins. It Was at first supposed that they had perish- ed in the frames, but although their bodies were. sadla' burned, a {lost rhoi‘ifcm ekanii- nation has revealed the terrible fact that the throats ol the whole four wigs cut,r leaving no doubt that the house ‘i‘vas tired in order to conceal the rnurdcr. FraZer, it appeared, Was once engaged in btisiness‘ in Hamilton, but about inIVe months ago Went to Buffalo. From the testimony of an acquaintance, it appears that be had About $5.000 in his possession. It was at first thought that he had left Buffalo for Canadaâ€"as be frequently bad business to transact over hereâ€"the night before the tire; but at the inquest be was proved to have been at his house at half-past five on "Thursday evening. Ashe has not been seen since, and as all efforts to find him have proved unavailiug, the suspicion of murder rests upon him. His most inti- InitIL‘ acquaintances, however, cannot point to anything ltl his past life to justify that suspicion, unless it be that he appears to have laboured under religious excitement. Finn 1N BmvitIANViLLE.â€"â€"'I'lie Oshawa dezcatm‘ says :â€"~‘ On Sabbath morning last, a fire broke out in the wooden build~ Greenwood, James mg immediately west of the Ontario Bank, on King street, 3owmanville, the west end ol which was occupied by the Cana- [Jewisom Robert (“an Statesman Dulce. ano the other by Hafl'v. James (‘2) {icliard Hafi'y. Barney (2) the grocery and dwelling of Mr. Martin, formerly of this place. A strong wind blowing from the north west, and the building and much of its contents being Laing. J. Very dry and imllainniable, it was not leng before the whole was so much enveloped in flames, that to save the building was Linn)“, rim-5,101,“ seen to be out of the question. The ut- most exertions were therefore used to pre- vent tlit: fire spreading, and to save the goods of Messrs. Martin and Climic from destruction. This, We are happy to learn, was in a great measure accomplished, al- Qn‘d Cbn'ce'ss‘ton Of Vaughan CONTAIN INC 100 ACRES. ABOUT 70 cleared, and in a high state of cultiva- ‘ti‘ou. There, ‘ls ‘on the property a Good Dwell- iii‘g Hones. Frame Barn. S ables and Sheds, ‘a go oil supply of Water quite convenient. For further particulars apply to the Proprietor EDWARD SLANEY, Lor 28. 2ND CON. Vaughan, March 5. 1863. 222-“ Letters Remaiiiiiigin RICHMONDHILLI’ostOflico MARCH 1, .563. Mullin, Denis Morin. Octave ' Moore. Robert Monkmau. George Micabo. James ('2) McPherson, D. Beynon, John (‘2) Bevnon, Isiak Businwhite, Peter _ Beyiion. Robert Bodard, Joseph Brilliugor. Mrs. Mary Bonnet. Jesse Bariiabe. John Bowman, Thomas (11) Carlo. Susan ’ Copeland. \Villiam Cuber. Peter (2) Clark. Ruth Devlin, Jane (2) Devlin. Samuel Dalmago. Tobias , , Dalrnago. I‘oby ,1attqrson, Thomas English, Mrs. Annie Quance. Frederick Ferguson. Thomas W.Sto'phoiison. John Farnbam,‘ George W. S‘tagg, Thomas Gorman. Mrs. Jane McGi-egor, Ann McCawloy. Michael McKoo. Patrick Newton, Charles O‘gilvie. J. Ogilvie, J. A. O'Connor, Michael O’Grady, J. Page, Thomas Storey. Mrs. ‘ Snider. Peter Smith, John Simpson. James (‘2) Stevenson. Samuel (‘2) Seagor. John Stickle. A. W. Irwm, Beuoni 'I‘Oniiisou. Arthur Jenkins. James M (2) Yn’ilcs. Mrs. John Koy. John Willis. \Varren Whelan. Daiiiol Wilson. Abraham Young. George Yeoman. Josephine E. M. TEEFY. P.1d Goriiiau. David Hunter. James Hall, Francis Laiiig, M. Legg. Mrs. James Liufoot, John (2) x; ounnsanveu CREDIT SALE BY AUCTIIIN. though Mr. Martin lost a conSiderable r 01m Sold by Public Auction. on LotNo. amount of property, and Mr. Cliinie some of his type. The letter was insured to a suflicient amount to cover his loss, 31, rear of the 4th Concession, Markham, On Friday, March 13, 1863, THE UNDERMENTIONED SUPERIOR -. Farm Stock & Implements, A... W... mond Hill. the IHALF - WAY HOUSE» I: And premises. is offered for sale or to exchange for Land. This desirable property comprises a first-class Hotel, with ovcry convenience at- tached, including Stables. Driving sheds, two good Wells willi pumps. soft water Cistern, with do., &c., 650. Terms easy. Possession given 1st of October. For further particulars, apply to JOHN LINFOOT. Richmond Hill. March 5, ’63. 2214f. DAVID Even, .iurIE, Stave & Shingle Manufacturer ESIDENCEâ€"Edt-QG. 'an Con. Mark- ham. on the lilgiu Mills Plank Road. A large Stock of S’I‘AVES and SHINGLES kept constantly on hand,and sold at the lowest Prices. [13‘ Call and examine Stock before purchas- McEachorn. Catherine mg chowhem Post. Office Addressâ€"Richmond Hill. February 27. 1863. ' 221-13' To be Leased to - a To: in oncars '1 HS BURWICK FACTORY, TITH SHAFTI‘NG & WATER-POWER 'complete: or Three Flats of the above building, 72 feet by 36 feet. with Shaft- iiig and Water Power to drive Machinery. Sml'm‘l" Mary Emily Can be had on lease. together or separately Both Building and Machinery are in it tho- rough state of repair. ' Applicatipn to be made to the Subscriber, ' .1. w. GAMBLE, Pine Grove Mills Dec. 31 .1862. 2024f EDWIN WEBBEB CABINET MAKER AND; R, UNDERTAKER PAINTER, GLAZIER, (Ito RICHMOND HILL, C.W. A general aSSOI'III'tBIII of Household - Furniture Always on hand. at Toronto Prices. First Class Cupboards, Bureaus, iiplion of Furnitmo made to AN EXTENSIVE OPEltATION.â€"â€"On The property of Mr. JAS. ()ORMLGY, viz.:â€"â€" order and ‘Val'mllled- Tuesday morning a telegram having been received, Chief Constable Wigmore, acâ€" companied by Constable Phair, visited the Grand Trunk station just as the train ’arâ€" rived, in order to arrest a woman and a man, who the telegraph stated, had com inilted a robbery at Rockwood As (les cribed, the unlortiinates Wcl‘e found. and immediately conveyed to the Police Office, where they underwent the usual searching Operation; the result. was, that nearly eight hundred dollars in gold, paper, and silver, Were discovered on the person of the fe- male. The woman whose name is Mrs. VVylcy, states that she and 'her husband kept the ‘ 3rockside Inn’ at Rockwood, and that they Were assisted by her brother, ‘tVillinni Hanna She further states that the ill-treatment she met with from her husband diove her to commit the rash act of leaving him, and also taking a part of money they had saved with lienâ€"Free Press. N PROBABLE B‘IUItDER.â€"â€"-A deliberate attempt at murder was made on the night pf. the 19th inst., while constable Baker. of Carronbrook, was attempting to arrest a man named John Cashen, for assault 1 Heavy Team Horse, 7 years old. ‘2 Heavy Team Horses, .5 years old, 2 Grade Cows. fresh Milch, with Calves,6 Grade Cows. in calf. 4 Grade Heifers. Byears old, in calf, 2 Grade Heifers. 2 years old, 1 Grade Bull, 1 commissioner in the year old, 3 Spriiig'Calvcs, 6 Leicester Ewes. 2 shear, 4 Leicester Ewa Lambs,1 Lumber Waggon, 1 sotLight Carriage Harness, double, Richmond Hill, Feb. 19. ’63. ROBERT MARSH. J.P. Queen’s Bench CONVEYANtWZR,&c. uERK OF THE 3rd DIVISION COURT Office. Opposite RAY'MO'N D’S HOTEL. C new, 1 set Silver do Single. new, 1 set Double Richmond “in Harness. 1 set Single I'Iarnoss. ‘2 Sleighs.3 pairs Hai'rows, l Scuffler. 1 Iron Plough, I set Cart Harness. 1 Root Slicer, 1 Box Stove, and Sundries not enumerated. The above Stock requires no puffing, being me of the very best quality and superior breed: they will recommend themselves. The SALE WILL BE WITHGUT RESERVE, To the highest Bidder. TERMS:-$8, and under, Cash; over that amount 10 months’ Credit on furnishing apâ€" proved joint iiotos. [13’ SALE AT ()NE' o’cpocx. RM. Markham, March 5, 1863, 222-1. ,I I u ' ‘11. snnmv as SALE Y VI RTUE of a Writ of Fiart Fania: issued out of the County Court and directed to committed at Stratford, and during the. the Shei-i‘i‘oftl.e Uni'od Counties of York and sculllle, Cashen drew a revolver and shot P691. again“ the GOOdS ""d Chal'e's Omaan Baker in the head. The bu” was exhac,‘ Simpson. William Simpson and John Mont- ed by Drs. Hornibrook and Crenin, but seized andtakun in execution there is great fear entertained for Baker’s I Home, 3 Cops, 3 cows, Steer, Heifer, recover-y” \Ve understand that notwith 1,0,..“1, Waggnn, Lumber Waggon. Sleigh. standing the wound, Baker succeeded in so, of Single Hamess. Saddla’ Horse and n .' Kr - u. . n . I ' bringinh his prisonei to (.nrionbiook. from Buggy, names,“ Fumuure, 5w. ‘ .. I. . , , t . “.Ihmh Illau' he him been (‘mnmnted to All of which Property Will be Sold by Public blrallord Bachâ€"115570771 Express- Auction, at 12 o’clock. noon, on Monday, the 9th March, 1863. AT Richard Nicliolls" Hotel, RICHMOND HILL. FRED. W. JARVIS, Sherer Sheriff's Oflico. City of Toronto, g February 27, 1863, \_ TORONTO MARKETS. \_-.. . THURSDAY, March 5, 1863. l“lour.â€"-Suporfiiio sold at from $3 90, (62$? 90 i Fancy $4 00 RD $4 10; Extra $4 30 @$4 40 3 Double Extra, $4 40 ((3 $4 45. Fall VVlieat,-â€"-300 bslils was the extent of the supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were from $0 85 ((1) $0 93 nor bshl. Spring Wheatâ€"w-â€" bslils in market. which sold at from $0 80 (d) 950 84 per bshl. S E L L I N G O F F I Barloy.â€"~sold at from 90c ((17 92c. Peas.-â€"â€"-â€"--â€"â€" bshls went off at 50 ((3 57¢ per I bshl. Oatsâ€"at 40c (CD 42 per bshl. Hayâ€"is from {WORD $21 per ton, $12 per ton. Apples, 750 and $1 250 per barrel. Eggs.â€"â€"Fresh from wagons 18c Fa) 20c per doz. Of Maple beg leave to announce to the in- Potatoes ~Vary in price from 50 to 60cts. habitauts of Vaughan and surrounding coun- Buttorâ€"-Fresli is in fair supplvat from 14c (23 Iri’. that 0“ and 8081' 1379:8333}de $3 50 per 100 lb. Calves $3 (I) l‘londay’ “larch 2“ d, 1863’ They will offer their entire Stock of $4 each Lambs $2 ((3 $23, Sheep $2 50 FL?) , STOR E G00 "8 I $3 50 oacl), In lotsto suit Purchasers, ‘ AT COST PRICES, FOR. CASH! m 222-1 Straw $8 db BIRTH On Monday, March 2nd, the wife of Mr. foury Sanderson, I]. Surgeon. of a daughter, AR ‘ . V {MED Hardware. Crockery. Hats, Caps Boots and B} the Rev- James Dmk' 0” TuesdaMIarch Slices, Paints, Oils. Drugs and Perfumery, 3d. Daniel Whleman, to Susan Hoisie. both Markham. The balance of the Stock unsold will be By the abovg‘ at the sumo “mo and Place, Sold Public Auction .1 cob Eyer,to Elizabeth Heisio,all ofMarkham' In Los Aiigelos, California. on the ‘ZQMI 18th and ilglh 0f Mare“: 8'80. 1 first-Class .‘ r nuary. by the Right Rev. Bishop Arnat. Mr. 381:); “E: R. bert Barker. son of Archibald Barker. Esq . ' undersigned are dissoiviiig Partnership. of Markham. C.W., to Melinda, daughter of Terms or SALE :-â€"All sums of $10, and I W. Irvin. Esq, of that city. under. Cash ; over that amount. a Credit of 7 DIED. Months will be given by furnishing appproved notes. 01! Sunday. Mfl‘Ch ISI. Elizabeth. infant The undersigned would also respectfully re- (1111 ghter of the late James Gilmore. Also. on cI“OSt 3” Parlies indebte‘i I0 [hem- 9mm" by (I Lusda‘.‘ March 3rd. William James. aged 7 Note or Book Account, to call and settle the _ , same on or before the 25th day of March. yo I ‘5. son of the late James Gilmore. Both _ _ JOSEPH NOBLE, di -.i ofdipthera. JAMES DICK H. WILKIE. (Signed) Maple. March 2, 1863. 222-1 .Itlactm flotiertiamwta. firapingfllachine for Sale Cheap Cobourgs ()1! to Exchange for a Horse. The Mach- UST RECEIVED another lot in Choice me has only been used a few times. and "olours. worth ls 3d per yd, Was rut uI b ' Mess . ’ ' . '- - - Hid} Toiims )libel'fll.rsAfll:ll;eL(s)on Richmond selllng at 11d, per r v WM. N1. BUTTON. Call early before they are all gone, at Mil 11, Con. 10, Markham. WM. S, POLLOCK’S. -~ v 229-4 Richmond Hill, Feb 12, 1863. ‘ ’ ' March 5, 1863. 3'05. Noble dc 00.,1 The Stock consists of Dry Goods. Grocet‘ios,l 219- Liberty, St. New York. Deeds. Mortgages, &c., drawn up with neat- ness and (IOSpalCll. Buuiiiess attended to at the Clerk’s residence when not in the Uflice. , . hmond Hill, Jan. 21‘. l862l. 217-1)‘. Russell’s Great Work on America M Y D A A E E7 NORTH AND. SOUTH. BY w 1-1. :USSELL, L.L.D., “TIMES” CORRESPONDENT. For Sale at the “YORK HERALD” Book Store, Price. Paper 50c; Cloth $1. Richmond Hill, Feb. 19. 1863. 9‘20. intuition intrinsic... ii. " NE of the host Farms in the County of York. being LouNo. IS, in the 5th Concession of the TOWNS HIP OF VAUGHAN, gomoi‘y. at the Suit ofJolin G Bowos. I have 200 ACRES more or less, with good Frame Buildings of every description, and a large Orchard of the host of Fruit. There is four good \Volls of Water, with I’ninps iii lliem.â€"â€" The faim is within 17 miles of the City of To- ronto; will be sold 100 or 200 Acres, to suit purchasers. There is about 160 Acres cleared, and iii a high state of cultivation: and 40 Acres of well-tiiiibered l.aiidâ€"â€"I’iiio and Hardwood. For further particulars apply to HECTOR MOLEAN, dii tho Promises. 2204f. Vaughan. Feb, 19, 1863. EMPLOYMENT- HE Undorsigned has. for several years past, been engaged in a business, which has yielded him at the rate of three thousand dol- lars per aunum. and is now willing to teach it to otherS. The business is of a highly useful and general character, adapted both to cities and villages. and one that any person of ordin- ary capacity, \oung or old, male or female. can acquire with nfew liours’ practice, and by which they can secure a very handsome iii- come. Several young ladies who have re- ceived instructions fioni me. both in New York State and Pennsylvania. are earning up- wards of $15 per week by it. and there is no reason why any one also cannot do the same. Iiivalids, even. can do well by it, as it is no peddling affair. but a business that is perfectly respectable, Gentlemen and ladies of leisure who would like to learn the business for their own amusement or pleasure. will find the prac- tice ofit a. pleasant pastime, and one that they will take great interest in. On receipt of $1. Iwill send printed instructions by which any person can really acquire the art. and these instructions will also contain every particular relativ: to the carrying it on, so that it Will. be highly profitable, The purchaser of the " printed instructions ” will also be authorized to teach it to others; and I have sometimes received as high as $200, for teaching it per- sonally to a single individual, I would state further that $2.50 or 83 will buy every thing that is necessary to commence the business with. and the articles can be got almost any- where, iii city or country, or, if preferred, I can furnish them. Address, ALVORD T. PARSONS. No. 36 i l ; l l l 211-3ms, Richmond Hill, Nov. ‘13, 1862. December 4 1B62, .,‘.. * Li. .4‘21'. A. _. ILLUSTRATED Scientific American! The Best mechanical Pape‘r in the World. 18m YEAR,*â€"VOL. V111,, NEW SERIES. A NEW volume of this popular Journal commences on the 1st of January.â€" It is published Weekly, and ovary iiambor con- tains sixteen pages of useful information, and from five to ten original engravings of new in- ventions and discoveries, all of which are pre- pared expressly for its columns. TO THE MECHANIC do MANUFACTURER No person e‘h‘g-‘aged iii any oftlio mechanical or manufacturingipursults should think of doing without the Soius'rimo Amuuxsax. It costs but six cents per weekfo‘v'ery number contains from six to ten engravings of new machines and inventions. which cailtiut'bo found in any other publication. ' TO THE INVENTOR. The Soimiriric AMERICAN is indispensable every inventor, a~ it not only contains illustrated descriptions of nearly all the best inventions as they come out, but each number contains an of- ficial list of the claims of all the Patents issued from the United States Patent Office. during the week previous; thus giving a correct his- tory of the progress of inventions in this coun- try, We are also receiving every week the best scientific journals‘ of Great B”itaiii,France, and Germany ; thus placing in our possession all that is trauspiriiig. in mechanical science and art in those old countries, We shall con- tinue to transfer to our columns copious oxâ€" trncts from these journals. of whatever we may deem of interest to our readers. A pamphlet of instruction as to the best mode of obtaining Letters Patent on new inventions, is furnished free on application. v Messrs. MUNN &. Co. have acted as Patent Solicitors for more than seventeen yoers. in connection with the publication of tho Scum- 'I‘IFIC Antimony, and they refer to 20,000 pa- teiitoes for whom they have done business. 'Nlo charge is made for examining sketches and models of now inventions and for advising inventors as to their patentability. CHEMISTS, ARCHITECTS. MILL- WRIGHTS AND FARMERS. The SCIENTIFIC Amsmcitu will be found a. most useful journal to them. All the new dis- coveries iu the science of chemistry are given in its columns, and the interests of the architect and carpenter are not overlooked; all the now inventions and discoveries appertaining to these pursuits being published from week to week.â€" Usoful and practical information pertaining to the interests of iiiillwrights and ii'iillowiiers will be found published in the Seins'riric AMERI- rAN. which information they cannot possibly obtain from any other source. Subjects in which planters and farmers are interested will be found discussed in the St‘Ii-zN'rIrio AMERICAN; most oftho improvements in agricultural im- plements being illustrated in its columns. TERMS : T3 mail subscribersâ€""1‘hroe Dollars a t'oar,or One Dollar for four monihs, Tho volumes commences on the first of January and July -â€" Specimen copies will be Soul. gratis to any part of the country. Western and Canadian money or post-office stamps taken at par for subscriptions. Cana- dian subscribers will please to remit ‘25 Cents extra on each year’s subscription, to prepay postago.‘ "~51" . HMIJNN (to Co., Publishers. 3‘! Pan: Row, N. Y. Truth Stranger than Fiction. A STARTLING WORK! â€"â€"-..â€"-â€". 14‘ E M A L E LIFE AMONG THE MOIIMONS! A NARRATIVE 01“ Many Years Personal Experience, B'Y MA RIA WARD, THE WIFE OF A MORMON ELDER! C6 IIAT one half of the world cannot inm. gine how the other half live,” is no less true than trite: and the lesson the adage at‘I‘Oi'dS, our experience and observation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we consider the over-varyingphases of human passion. and the discordant elements from which all novel and faii‘ali'c‘al sects are mouldedfit‘can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance: or that crimes. both strange and unnatural, should be perpe- trated in a far off country on the outskirts of civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible, Know- ing. as I do know, the evils and horrors and abominations of the Mormon system, the de- gradation it imposes on formulas, and the cou- sequeiit vices which extend through all the ramifications of the society. a sense of duty to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing narratiVe for the public eye. The ro- mantic incidents connected with my experi- ence. many may think bordering on the mar- velous, To them I WOUId say, that this iiizrra. tive of my life only proves, what has so often been proved before that. “ TRUTH is STRANGER THAN h‘idriOu. â€"Aut/tnrs Pqultcle, The book contains 449 pages. with engrav- ings. is neatly bound in cloth. and will be sent to any address, post-paid. on receipt of price. $51.25. ~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- A Companion to Female Life. Male Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD. This. like the above, is a work of great and unusual interest. and will be engerlv read as acompauion volume to “ FEMALE LIFE.” It is a large 12mo volume. neatly bound in cloth, i;lustratcd with ongravings’, and will be sent to any address post-paid, on receipt of price, $1.00â€"or on receipt of $2.00, we will solid both the above works. postage prepaid. DICKE'NS’ LAST GREAT WORK I W GREAT EXPECTATIONS .r BY CHARLES DICKENS’ Complete in one volume. lQmo. cloth extra. illustrated with steel engravings. Will be sent to any address postage paid on receipt of price, $1.00 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Now so indispensable to every faivily. are be-' ing manufactured by us in every variety of style and finish. Descriptive Circulars with prices will be furnished on application, and any style of Album sent by mail post-paid on . receipt of price. Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents, Cauvassers, Peddlers. and others will do well to order a package of our Books and Albums. They will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal, 1000 Local & Travelling Agents ' wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies, or for terms in quantities. with other information apply to, or address. JNO. EDWIN POTTER. Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St ,Pliiladclphia,Pa, AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN A'l' PAIL; 215-6m January 16, 1862. FOR SALE, GEORGE EAKIN Particularly invites the Public to call at his F.A. CTOBY IN UNIONVIL‘LE‘,‘ And examine his Stock of / It". III,'1‘-.. p , ti,“ 1 “H, 7;.- II ., l lUnionville, Dec. 26, 1862. ._..A A. School for the Business? Man: @Ijt luau; glandular dilatation Airtime, Corner of King and Toronto Streets, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, V TORONTO, OAJEADA. WEg'I'... HE design of this Institution business education. in the most thorough and scientific manner The Book keeping College on the continent, ‘ I Mining, Milling. Forwarding,- Banking, . boating, &C.. 61c” and is under the charge of BA'i‘rzs’ BRITISH Airinnicxx is the only system yet used by w To TRACHERS.â€"â€"A Series of.C I ) CHAN, (teacher of Penmanship iu the 1 Schools of Caiida, is being engraved, a Toronto. December 4, 1862. SAPONIFIEB SOFT on HARD SOAP i: For Sale at G. A. BARNARD agent for Richmond Hill and neighborhood, February 12. 1863, Which he is selling off CHEAP FOR CASH OR is to impart to young men and ladies a thorouin and practical The course of Instruction Law, Business Mathematics, and BUSINESS I’cniiiaiiship, all of which branches are Department is as- complete and extensive as that of any Commercial embracing Wholesan and Retail Merchandising, Brokerage and Commission. Railroading. Steam- 'I‘eacliors selected for a practical as well as the- oretical knowledge of the duties of the Conn-ting Room. . I Sve'rmr OF' R-U’ID’ WRt'rmG Will be taught by its author. hicli all writing can be executed on one movement. I or Circular and specimens of Penmanship. address, opy Books on the above system, by I rovincial Normal School) designed for the use of trade, HE BEST ARTICLE in axistanco for‘ - w ‘ " Mr! we”. . -. - . V ___,__,,_. _- AAA. _._______’-â€" N 0'TICE.~ . LL persons indebted lo the Estate'o‘f'tho' ,4. late'Mr. GEORGE WRIGHT. of the Township of Vaughan..Count) of‘York, deâ€" zceased. arel‘ hereby-requested to m a’k'o payment §thereof forthwith“ to the undersigned Execu- trix: and all persons- claiming to be Creditors- of the deceased,-a’re likewise requested to' furnish the particulars thereof 10’ the Excel)» trix. in order that the same maybe examined! and adjusted.~ ‘ y _ ‘ JANE WRIGHT. Exoculrix, Tlioriihill. Nov. 6i11862, 205-“. _ «Imam .s: .. . 1,, - , :IV'AIV 0R Concentrated Lye, making WM' S. POLLOCK’S 219 FINKLE s; LYON:- SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. 538 BROADWAY. New YORK. TO partlos little acquaint‘cdi with thofFinkIO' do Lyon'Sowiiig.Machines the careful par 115511 of the Company’s Circular" is specially commendedl This Circular canrbe l'i'ad'ou op- plicationi l-t idvary specific. a‘nd'will be foull4 ,liiglily‘instructive, having been prepared wn‘ 'IIIUCII Caro, atidlwo'will‘aoido'by allstatbmon ‘ ,‘thorein made. ‘ The following brief“ quotatioa‘vis cliuracteri'r c of the entiro‘Circular 2' _“ ’I'hls Machine is better adapted than any other Sewing Machine in market to the frequ’t changes and‘ almost 61] ’less Variety- of' sewing required in a family; for it will-sew from one. to twenty tliickiiosseS'of-Murseilles without stop- ping, and making every stitch; perfect Will sow from the finest gauso to ilie'liouvlcst cloth. and own to the SIOLIIBSLillflI'lleSS leather. with- out changing the feed. needle. or tension, or making any adjustment-’of'mncliiiio whatever." Thus ha’vo’ we“ successfully overcome tho most'diflicult point in the sewing Macliino Art.- It was no ordinaiy triumph; Defiimtly can we say. " No other Machine compares-with it in this respect.” Hoiice'have wo‘niiiformlyâ€"all- mosh without" exception-stakeni the highest» premium, whoirtlie Machine has beeniproporly exhibitod'in Competition with other first-clout Sewing Machines. Henna is it that We “'0‘ able toofi'er the following guarantee. viz :'--' H We Warrant every Maclii‘no We sell to givb‘ ;s W 13,}, APPROVED PAPER ."" 212-3m. bbliel‘SELISfflCIIOl)‘tllflu‘allY other sowing Ma- chine now iii'markol, or money rof.iudod.”-â€"o~ We never sell a Machine on any other torn-1 'I‘lio'guarautoo'is asri‘eliable an the note of any business man In the land'. For moro‘than fin years have We relied upou‘ such‘ facts” for list includes Book-keeping. Commercial taught Manufacturing. reputation ofour Machine ; and without asinglo‘ travelling agciit‘i‘ii the field; there is scarcely an uoighborhoodon the‘coutincnt where the 111-. We prefer nick'- a reputation to one' based on) more “ talkin“ This (enclosing stamp) chine is not lav'orably ku‘owil'. I. BATES, Principal. I Bflrm &, H, G. 5"”. points,” as they are technically called' in tht Hence we make buttono kind of stitch-i _- -/ â€"â€"~â€"â€" I . n. l l O x »\‘>‘\. .Ih .22 j 4.“, BOOK Richmond Hill, August 29, 1862. ._...._..__- ROBERT HOPPER BUTCHER, B E GS very respectfully io rerurii thanks to mond Hill. where he intends to carry on his business in future in all its branches. Richmond Hill, Jan. 24, 1863. VALEyyiNES Cheapcsr aiid Neatest, ASSORTM I'JN'I' AN IMMENSE VERIETY A ’1‘ '1‘ H 1'} 217-4t HERALD’ BOOK STORE,‘ RICHMONP nILL. January 23. 1863. DR. S. DELLENBAUGH, l A» aniVAis 0 SCHOOL BOOKS! AND GENERAL STATIONERY, AT TH E “ YORK HERALD” BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL, At Lower Prices than is charged in Tor Orders received for, and great attention paid to ‘ \Vhich will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. l(corvo his numerous friends and customers for; mom (0,. an AC, to confirm his um, u, the Road the liberal patronage they have bestowed on I allowance butting his him (Infill! “"51"”! 2”" 33315: “"d would l“° concession of King. being the town-lino be tiiiiato to them that he has removed from his; tween 1|“, Townships of King and. Vaughan old stand, opposuo the Masonic Hotel, to dial in the first concgss‘mu, granted to him by the first house north of the Half-way House. Iiicli~ , IACRES OF LAND, with 90 Acres cleared. l cultivated country. 1 Toronto. Jan. 522. 1863. GERMAN PHYSICIAN. 01' BUFFALO. NEW YORK, ‘ ILL BE .IN THE following places in March, 1863:â€" ST MARYS. 5, Adams Hotel, S'rnx'rvoni), 6â€"7. Albion Hotel. BERLIN. 9â€"10, Commercial Hotel. 'I‘OKON‘i'Q, 11â€"12, American Hotel, Where he can be consulted upon all forms of Chronic Diseases. Drs. S. Dollonbangh 61. Son, Office 358 Maiii Street. Buffalo. NY , where one of them can always be consulted. There is positively lilo other olfico in Buffalo by that name but 1‘ ours. Fe bruary ‘27, 1863. NOT EC E 2 . Richard. Dyer; som: MANUFACTURER AND DEALER 1N WALTUN’S PATENT FOR. THE COUJVTY 0F N'ORIA' .’ HIS Machine was Patented 17th September 1862, in this Province, and any person , violating any of the principles of the saline. or ,iiifringiiig thereupon, will be prosecuted ; and ‘ any person purchasing such Mashiiies, except l l i r ‘- and Tunes in use for Sabbath Schools. l iid will be ready for use by 1116‘ 1st of Decernbon viz, ,he jocksmch. alike 0,, b0”, sidesrnquip. BATES do STRA Illg. :nly one-third the thread of other kinds of "O'MI‘" ‘ inches;- r ; I. ,,_T",‘_ “3:11;, " “~21: N: B. Local' ag‘oil‘t‘s want‘od'ih every county throughout the West.. Special iuducomutl‘ ofi'orcd» Finkle & Lyon 8. ML C’o, 198>6nr ' 535 BitOAi)WAY.->Ni;w Yont. F _ FARM FOR SAL-E, acme Lor no. 1'7, IN’ 'inin‘ 2nd Concession of Markham. CONTAINING 675 Acres,a bout~52Acroot cleared. the remainder covered1 with good Beech and Maple Timber. There is out the promises a good Frame Dwelling Home, 35 x QOâ€"new, with a large Cellar under,. and a good Log Barn. Stables,Sheds, &c. All.‘ a good Well of Water close by the Kitchen-door,- Olltf), and a never-failing Crook running across tho‘ west end of the Farm. For particulars, apply on the promises to THOMAS 'I‘EASDALL, Or at his Office. 3 o STE-ARI JEN GlNgE,‘ 19” PLANEiNc MACHINE!" ? FOR SALE. “ I‘LL bu Sold low for Cash or‘ Bibhnugodl for Land 8. fii'sv-rateS'l'E-AM‘ ENGINE â€"--l4‘ horse powerâ€"in g‘ood‘ Workiiig'order; hu- ouly been in use about 3- months, and is thoroo‘ fore as good as now, Also, a- Surl‘aceiug and Matching Pianeing Machine. with a quantity of: Shutting and Belting, in good' repair. For further information apply at the “ York- Heraldr” office; i ‘ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN HAT MARTIN MACLEOD will apply to the next Session of the Provincial Parliao farm. lot 61",11111113 1st Richmond Hill, Now-90.1362. 20740. County Council Of YUl‘k. v,v,-.,_,A_-_..,.,.-_,w ___... , .,___w,,~_.__..... --.~_-~.._A Drynock, December ‘23, 1862. 212 3m I W '7 . , ‘ r _ ' i , lF. NARI FOR SALE ‘» v ' ‘ IN VAUGHAN. HE \Vest-half of Not N0. 33. iii the 81h Concession of Vaughan. containing 108 O‘AR. 3’ H E Subscriber begs to inform the ibhabiv‘ toms of Victoria Square and“ vicinitv,» that aftor an experience of 15 years, so has or- rived with his AMBROTYP E C AR I And has switched of near DUROSE’S HOTEL. VICTORIA SQUARE. Where he is prepared to tdke a correct pic: turo oftliose who may hou‘or him with a caller fee-ling assured that he cannot be surpassed by" any other in taking Photograph, Ambrotype and Lettergraph Like'nessxes. Airearly call is soliciiod as his stay will, bet short, Ambrotypos taken from the smallest to the largest size. This lot is situated on the Vaughan Plank toad. in the midst of a well settled and highly Distant from Toronto ‘25 miles. A branch of the River IIumbcr crusses its eastern end, furnishing a never-failing sup- plv of water, and the soil is excellent for Wheat. Apply to , DAVID HIGGINS, Sway. Edinburgh Assurance 00., Toronto, 216 - 4t. trite cANAniAiv ivAitiiLini.’ 7: “1.1. JAMES LEONARD. December 31, 18632. 213-5t. 2d out 03 Sniqowui one,“ '[ RICHMOND HILL Branch Bible Soc’y Depository. A r‘ :{901 at}; max; grown 201A“ arm, tqfiu J0 supqd out ){aoa puv ‘puuq [um-moi. Add-sq .irio ugof‘auioo "SMIHOHVN EH: 3AA - ‘xooy 311.3” cm spas} mopicg I‘ wfiiui pm a»; inr Paul V Paul 996in Mrs... A1111 Hall’s. Richmond Hill, Jan. 8. 1863, 214-1)" in put! 82:10: 1:10 ‘prmq InjqinoA mo ujol,’ put: autos '91qn°(1 'N ’0 Valuable Form for Sale- I tIDABGq may pooiq Kuop puv L“fl fr. N tho‘ County of York, Township 0‘ King... being the West half of Lot No, 7, lst Con-- tuaxgfi A‘poazy 5; 031313 81 amqs sqdum 3 I ' I. J. m . V‘v.‘ - . . v. '\ {i , _ _ , cussiou, 100 Acres, less School Site. This ‘ IHL (’ANADIAN \VA RBLEB” Farm is beautifully situated for a Stock or Dairy Fat‘rm‘, well watered with three never- failiiig.‘ Springs; 24 miles from Toronto and‘ BY L. C. EVERETT.- WHIS popular Work. from which the above 1 . . . 2 from You c-strcot road, There is about 90 beautiful Melody is' copied, lrt admitted to g . . acres cleared and ovor 80 under cultivation; be “m large“ and best coileclm“ OI Hymns the soil being low and well drained with tile. is very fertile .i there are 13 acres of it under Wheat, and about 40 under preparation for- Sing” COPIGS- - - - - . . . . . . . . . ‘20 Spring Crops. a good '2 story Brick House and large Frame Barn, both new : a 'I‘urnip I ollni“ ‘ The New Thesaurus Ringicust, and Out Buildings. There is also a Brick and RV L. C. EVERETT and DR. A. B. EVER- Tile Yard on the Farm, ploi‘ity of excellent: ETTâ€"â€"A superior C(Ilecliou of Sacred Music. Clfll' and *1 200d demand for '1 ll“- I’rico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ , . $0 75 113’ Terms very reasonable. IL? Tho attention of Choirs. Congregations. For further particulars apple by letter, prov Price per Hundred . . . . . . . - - “$16 00 STEAM E N GI N E,â€"-â€"nbout 8 horse . from authorized Agents, will also be liable to Sahbnlh Schools, and Teaprmrs of vocal Music, paid, m power,â€"-witli Boiler. 8w, complete. Terms libo al. Apply to AMOS WRIGHT, MRP. 2064f ‘ l l prosecution. IZAII orders sent to R. DYER. Maple. will re- ceive prompt attention. Maple, Feb. 27. 1863. Slit-tin , , ROBERT LOVE, Moadowvale, King. Addressâ€"â€"Oak Ridges Post. Oflice, 3,”,- Nqadowvalo, Jail. 9,8. 173133» is invited to the above works. For Sale at the YonK Store. Richmond Hill, Jan. 29,, 186.3, ‘ IIicuALp’ Book . “217-2!!!

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