Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Mar 1863, p. 4

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fourth]. -..- _...__.._ ...â€"A»- ‘ff‘lltt. “winning I wish I was a Printer, I really do, indeed, It seems to the that Printers Get everything they need, (Except money.) They get the largest and the best 01' everything that grows; And get free into circuses, And other kind: of shows. (By giving an equivalent!) The biggest bug will speak to them, no matter how they dress: A shabby coat is nothing, Ifthoy own a printing press. (Policy !) At ladios’ fairs they’re almost hug’d By pretty girls, wno know That they will crack up everything The ladies have to show. (Glorious !) And tlrtis they get a ‘ low out’ free i At every party feedâ€"- The reason is,becwse they write, And other people read. ('I‘hat’a so 1) m ' Eliiaiilfuiiiiiua, w----..--.-__- .-- . ..----__-,_-,- , .. The most mischevious liars are those who keep on the verge of truth. 7 . .A . Vi coding a garden is a safcr busrness than a Widow, but not half so pleasant. Many a man’s tougue is like a two- edged sword, ono of the ebges cutting his friends and the other himself. Girls and boys have too great a fondâ€" iicss for unripe fruitâ€"especially that which grows out of true love. \Vliy shall WP have no more hours con- cerning Garibaldi? Because there is no bullet to. An honest farmer writes to an agricultu- ral society, ‘ Gents, please put. me down on your list of cattle for a bull.’ It is with narrow soulcd people as with narrow necked bottlesâ€"the less they have in them the more noise they make in pourn mg out. Editors are appreciated in ‘Nisconain. -â€"There will be thirteen of them in thc next Legislatureâ€"“litter: in the Sc ten in the House. hate and Laughter is an agreeable and contagious convulsion of tltc human countenance on on receiving a tailors bill, or being asked to return an umbrella. ‘vVhttt is it that sticks closer tlratrc bro- ther ?’ said a teacher to one of his class.â€" ‘ A post-office stampwby gum 5’ said the young incorrigible. A lady being asked why she did not nsc' the medicach soup. replied that she got plenty of it from her beau,and that always put plenty of 6010? in her checks. 6 Why, I thought you wercill,’ said a person to another, meeting him in a pOt'lct‘ house. ‘ lull/ch, don‘t you sec I’m alc-iug,’ was the reply. A Vv'isr: EDX’I‘Olizbâ€"Atl Editor in Min- nesota is determined to break up housc- keeping and go boarding roam! with his delinqucut subscribers the remainder of his life. As the frost to the bud, and. and the ibligbt to the blossom, even such is self in ‘tct'cstto friendship; for confidence carr- mo‘t dwell where selfishness is porter to the .gate. W'iien tire plough was first intro-(laced into South Africa, one of the Callie. lords “exclaimed, - See how the thingr tears no the ground with its mouth! is Worth snore than five wives 1’ A minister who presented anew Shell of This invention to the war department. said ,ytlta‘t he had long preached h--l in the ab- stract, but thought he had got it here in a concentrated forth. A gentleman haying engaged a briclr layer to make 5612116 repairs in his cellar, ordered the alc to be removed before the bricklayer comrziciiced his work. ‘ Oh I I am not afraid ofa barrel of tile. sir,’ said the man. ‘ I presume not,’ said the genâ€" tleinau,‘but I think a barrel of ale wbuld meet your approach.’ Q CANDID.-â€"-Tllc following rs the vale- dictory ut‘liclc of an editor out west:â€" * The undersigned retires from the editorial chair with the complete conviction that all is vanity. From the hortr he started his paper to the present time, he has been solicited to lie upon every subject. and cannot remember ever having told a whole- some truth Without diminishing his sob- :cription list or making an enemy, under I these circumstances of trial, and having a thorough contempt for himself, he retire-s iii order to recruit his moral constitutiou.’ THE TOMB or NAPOI.EON.-â€"â€"Ali Eris;- ~' lishman some years since visited the tomb of Napoleon, and triditcd in the register a verse to this etlcct : Bony was a great man, A soldier brave and true, But \Vellingtoti did lick htrrr at The field of Waterloo. A Yankee visited the place soon after .and wrote immediately underneath it: But greater still and braver far , ’ And tougher than slice-leather, iWnshiugtori the man wot could Isl-ave ticked them both together. The next vrsitor was a Frenchman, who, like his countrymen, was deeply attached to the mummy of Napoleon. He read the first stanZa with horror and disgust. The Yankee skippcr's addition next at- tached his eye. He started as he readâ€"- gasped, grinnedaud danced round the room in a paroxyism of indignation, screaming, ‘ Monsieur Bull is one grand brute, but lefrcrc Jonathan is one savage-horrible! I shall cut him in vera small pieces.’ ‘ He called for his horse and rode post haste to down, and sought the Yankee everywhere. Alas! the bird had flown. 7 ,.c._,t .. A LOOKING-GLASS FOR. BUSINESS MEN How cross you are! Yes, how cross you arcâ€"wand it is high time you know it. You are cross in the ,morning, cross in the evening, and lcross all day; cross when you go iout. anti cross when you come in ; ‘cross to your wife and cross to your children, and cross to cvcrybody; cross when you go to bed, and cross even in your sleep; and year lfricnds wait in fear, lost that infor~ rial passion shall continue through llife, and be ‘strong in death.’ Your jcliaracter is known and read by all their. It leaks out or spills over continually, and there is no use iti iatt'cmpting to conceal tlic matter. ' Now we intend, to this discourse,to touch only on one single develope- tiient of your disposition, viz.. its rc- latiou to business, to your prospca rity, and lcavc your minis'cr to give you other necessity Gospel teaching. We Will begin this voti- tilntion by remarking :â€" lstâ€"-â€"Thut cross men are usually despised by CVci‘ybodv. 2udâ€"â€"'I‘hat cross men are always in want of friends. 3t‘tl-â€"-â€"Tlltil cross men can’t depend upon permanent prosperity. 4thâ€"â€"',l‘hut cross men when in trouble are left alone and let alone, and, ‘ar; of all men most miscâ€" rattle." 5tliâ€"â€"That cruss men are the last Hit)” tliitt should ask for f'thii's. 61hâ€"-That cross men have neither position or influence. 7thâ€"~â€"'I‘hat cross men are cut off from the afflictions. good-will, and sytiiputhy of partners, clerks, cus- torricrsâ€"â€"and cvcrynody, l..astly-â€"-thnt t:1‘t)Ss‘tIt()tl,Wlt’:ti they depart, ‘ which is far bcttcr,’ lcavc behind a short procession, and but our mourners. In view of this subject, we ven- turc farther to say, that when you lsucuk cross to your partners you are lmaking n muss geticrallv,whtch will lhavc a tendency to reduce materi- ‘aliy the profits of your bustncss, and render your success more diffi- cultâ€"--whcn you speak cross to your clerks, you discourage, inflame and prejudice them, so that very soon lthcy will care little for you or any of your concerns, when you speak cross to a customer. even if he is unreasonable and deserves it, you disgrace yourself. and do a wroirg winch cannot easily be repaired-â€" I'Ic will not forget it if you do, and the worse the man is and the more it the more he will w ./ ...-...... i he deserves abuse you. thi‘cvcr and whenever you are cross, you damage and belittle your- .scl‘tiand all pcuccable men will make tracks, give you a wide bcrth, get out of Sight, and instinctively shun you as they would a wild. clc- j pliant. ' Lastly, no monov can compensate you for the loss of a good, or even a tolerable disposition. 'I‘hcrcloi‘c, don’t indulge a bad temper. You lmav be a Rothschild, or even a Croesus, yet if you are a chronic, ci'uss than, you will be a poor beg- garâ€"«u priverty-strickcn foolâ€"â€"with- out it crur‘nb of solid ca mfort upon which to satisfy the cravings of jptmr human nature. Your partâ€" iicrs, your clerks, your customers. ,unu the public generally, including {your poor (10;; and cat, will breathe r jtlte way, unless you reform. Will jyou make the experiment P Bevin ‘thoir With a smile. Follow up that smile with a firm resolution to per. severe to the cud. Lot what will come, keep your temper. If you .cai‘t’t restrain yoursclt, sing, Sltlg loud. Try Old hundred, Mom, or even Cheer Boys, Cheer. If that don’t answer, seek the open air, and roar at the wind. Try your lungs with a nur’westei‘, and give us a re- cord of your experience. G0 to ’Ningara Falls.utrd amid the thunder- ings of that mighty cataract, give us a trial of your uttcrmnst capacity that shall ever after satisfy you. Do anything rather than not become a reformed man. The leading book publishers of New York have advanced the trade price of their books from ten to twenty-five per-L cent. on account of the increased cost 0 printing paper. f Movstncnts are being made in various cities to celebrate the marriage of the Prince of Wales, which will take place sortie time next month. The Montreal Herald proposes that an ex should be roasted for the use of the poor. Paper collars have advanced from 25 ccctst o 40 cents per dozen. CURE row. ItrreonrATiSM.â€"Bathe the parts affected iii water in which potatoes. with their skins on, have been boiled, as hot as can be borne, before going to bed, By the next morning the pain will b? much relieved, it not removed. One application of this simple remedy has cured the most obstinate rheumatic pains. When I was a boy, says Smith, my father Ot‘tit’l‘etl me a coat trom ati Israel- im, and witch the garrricnt camc home it was large etiOUgli tor two or three of my size. The perplcxud .lcw after vaiiiiy trying to gather up the fulrress in the back with his hand, so that the front might set light, declared at length, boldly, to coat was goot, it was no fault of to coat, to coat fit gout enough, but to boy was too shlitn. caster vrlreu you die and are out of Fem“, ,2, :63. J . G O R M L E Y , , COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S BENCH, jConveyanocr and Auctioneer j Lo'i‘ Ill. 4TH Cori. IthutKHAM. September IS, 1860. 95‘tf flit} unlit) Ttiiiiiiiisiiiivriii, 'l‘he Perfection of Mechanism. BEING A Humane AND Oran FACE, on LADY’S or: GENTLEMAN’S VVATCH Coar- BINED. One of the prettiest. most convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use, over offered. It has witlriu it and connected with its machinerv. its own winding attachment, rendering a key on- tirely unnecessary. The cases of this watch are Corriposcd of two metals, the outer one being line 16 carat gold It has the improved ruby acriou lever movement. and is Warrented an accurate tiriiepiece. l’rice. superbly engraved. per case of a half dozen. $204.00. Sample 'Wntches, in treat morocco boxes, for those pro- posing to buy at wholesale. $35. sent by ex- press, with bill payable on delivery. Soldiers iirust remit payment irr pdvancu, as we cannot Collect from those in the army. Address HUBBARD BROS. &. Co., Sole Importers, Cor. Nassau and John Ste.. New Yo;k_ 5213. mhuru,rnamni ., For Eight Dollars. a. “N. i. PECK, ll N ’ . H . surgeon Dentist, EqrASjust imported some ofthe BlGHt‘ DOL‘ A. LAR tllock 'l'eoth. which he will insert for that sum if required. being the satire kitid as inserted by S. N Peck, and tirade by the same man. He also keeps the best qualin of 'i'oeth. which he will insert on Gold, Silver, I’latcnuur. or Nirlcunized Rubber, CHANGE OF ADVE R'I‘ISEM FNT. Dr Przcx will be at Richmond Hill... . . .1st day ofeach month Maple, . _ . . . . . , , . . . . . .3rd day of each month Kleinburg” . . . . . . . . . . .5th day of each month Clarevrlle, . . . . . .. . . . . .6th day ofeach tnoritli Aurora, _ . . . . , . . . . .thc last day of each month (Except when any of the ab ve days come on babbath, when Ire will attend thodav followirtg‘ When he will be happy to wait on any re- qulrmg his services in any branch of his. mu- tessroii. or make good any work previously warranted. . Teeth extracted for those not able to pay, free, Aurora. June 20. 1862 168-lv THE 553i is ALWAYS at CHEAPEST. POW 1C Ll,.’S CANADIAN bifll‘fl PUMPS! CKNOVVLJ‘LJCED by 500 Farmers, Pro- deptli from Hi to l33 feet) to be the E \SII‘IS'I‘ lVI_lllV.-t'lt). MOST LU RABLE and El” i‘l- CIEI‘.'1‘ over offered to the Public. 1 IE“ Price 60 Cents foot. No extra charge for ‘f‘op. Every Pump Warranted l Orders for these Pumps addressed to _ . C. POW ELL, Willowdale, C.VV Will receive Pi'o'npt Attciition. November, 7, 1852.. l l I 2021i. W0 R M S . I For destroying Worms in children, SITTZER'S VERMIFUGE CANDY is by far the most planar: Info, and effectual retried now in use. Tr it 1 by all dealers in mediciiiea. I 301 “ "raisin"intro. Licensed A uctionecr, l FOR THE UNITED CGUN'I‘IL‘S OF YORK 82 PEEL. Auction Sales attended to If] a business-like manner, and the interests of the otnvloyer al- ways consulted. Residenoe and P.O. Addressâ€"Jl'hornhill. 219 Euro Troughs, Water Spouts, Cristi-(ms and Pumps, Manufactured and for Sale by JOHNLANGSTAFE S'rnxn MILLS, 'I‘HOKNHILL. .luiieS,1859. lTEETlâ€"Iâ€" which Owiiiiiiitiiiiiiitâ€" By the use ofElectricity. SURGEON DISN'I‘IS l‘, AURORA. "eeth inserted on Silver. Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations iti his Profession. performed in the most approved manner and Warranied' Aurora. March 9. 1860 67-1y W. G. TAYLOR. VETERINARY SURGEON, llIcmbcr oft/u: Royal College KS. N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- ment heretofore received begs to intimate that he is now prepared to treat all Diseases of fluémals .' At his own stables on the shortest notice, and can with Confidence warrant a cure iii all cases 1 within the reach of irredical skill and treatment. Residenceâ€"â€"Ncar‘ the Eagle Hotel. N.B. No Charge for Stabliug. Newrnarket, Feb, 26, 1c62. ITO-ly NEW AND IMPROVED Map of Upper (Juliana! (JULD you secure a valuable and orna- mental Work of Reference 3 Subscribe or the Typographical, Statistical AN!) Illustrated Map of Upper Canada, In preparation by Geo. C. 'l'reiiruiiie, the old and well-known publisher County Maps. 113’ Residents of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local or 'I'raveiliiig agents 'l'oronto, May Idfil. I38-tf , executed, Rents and Debts collected on the shortest possible notice. AdllfflSS~~Rl£llmUTld Hill IMO. «I. B. flecGicr, OUN I‘Y Coiistable,â€"Lantllord’s Warrants ...-. ,, ., ,. . .. .r r. wr- "...-n 2 fosflol‘ral Gantletrreti and others (who? have their. workng iti Wells, varying in 27â€"tf of Descriptive l 1-)”- '1‘tusalaimia’s an? Upper Canada. I l HE Subscribers to the above Work and the I’ubllc are respectfully informed that the Map is now completed, and is being furnished rto the Subscribers as fast as possible. No trouble or expense has been spared in the pro- paration of this Work, which is on a Larger Scale and is far more complete and accurate than any other Map published. TREMAINE’S T090311” Pmml’ Statistical an SILENT FREENI),ine greatestMevii- lLLUSTBATED MAP OF UPPER CANADA, Will be ready in a few weeks, and will be em- hellished with beautifully engraved Views of .Cities, Public Buildings, Sac. due. Subscribers to either of the above Works are particularly cautioned against being deceived by parties interested in the sale ofa Map re- cently got up in New York. Their plan ge- nerally is to represent that Tamimn‘u Map will not be published at all~or that the Sub- sct‘lhern will not have to take it incaga ii should come outâ€"and they had better get one flom lbem. the-.3“: All such reproseiiza- tions are false. "REMAIN ‘98 MAP WILL BE FUR NJSHEI) 'I‘O EVERY SUBSCRIBER In good time, but the manufacture of the Maps and the delivery of them through the whole country is necessarily a work of months. I j AGENTS WANTED .‘ For the sale of the Map iii evory Township [‘3’ All orders by mail promptly attended to Office and Address No. 79 FRONT ST,, TORONTO. Toronto, Doc. 27, 1862. 212 ES ’t‘tlltth’l‘tl {Iiiâ€"i ill :tttBLEiilbii 185 YONGE S'I'AL‘ET. monunnn 53â€"0an TABLES. ’I‘OMBSTONES etc. Twenty Per Cent. Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER. ESTABLISHMENT. r IIE UNDERSIGNI‘LD Assignees of the estate of D, C. A: W. YALI‘L. will con tinue the business under the superinteirdencv of our duly euthorized agents, Aus'rrN Annuv and D, Cannes VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. l’,S.â€"-â€"All notes and accounts retriaiuing tiri- paid on the 1st day of June, 1658, will be put into Court for collection. C. YALE. G, CUMMER. Toronto, April 29. 1859. Desirable Villarc Property For Sale. r HE Subscriber offers for Sale two valuable VILLAGE LO'l‘S. situated iii the very centre of the fast rising town of Port Elgin, on Lake Huron. and in the County of Bruce: the Lots are known as Lots No.41) and 41. iii block No. 87 of the Village. This is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make a home for himself. The shipping from the Port is considerable, and a pushing and iittproving business is done it) the townâ€"fur a Mechanic the opening ' unequalled. 15 l For particulars apply at the ‘HuiALri Orr- r‘tcrz,’ or to W 11. COURTNEY. Richmond Hill, April 24. 1862. l78-tf. nus, N. a, P. B. Prion, SURGEON DENTISTS, WILL Bl) IN Newmarket. 151, 2nd and 3rd of Each Month; Bradford, 4th (f Each Month; Cookstown, 5th of Each Mm‘tk ; Botid Head. 61b of Each Month; j Bro wusville. 7th of finch Month; King Station. 8111 of Each Mouth : b'toutlvillo. 23rd of Each Month; Markham Vil.‘24th and 25111 of Each-Month; Brown’s CornersAth (,ou.of Markham 336111 do.: Richmond Hill. Nicholis’ Hotel, 27th " Maple, Wattsoii’s Hotel . . . . . . . . . .Qb'h Kleiuburg Hotel“ , . ... . . . . , . . . .29th If any ofthe above days comes on Sunday, that place will be omitted till the following month. ti When he will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls, or make good any operation previously warranted. Those who require Artificial Teeth can have a full upper set of best quality of Block Teeth. inserted on Vulcanized ltubber, for 3,358. usually charged $525 by other Dentists. 'l'eeth filled with Gold, Silver or lftlliug. l i \Vhite To remove misapprehension. he begs to an- nounce that all work \Varranted what it is Guaranteed to lie, or no charge. Teeth Extracsecfl. with the least possible Pain. Particular attention paid to the Regulation of CHILDREN’S 'l'l'lld'l‘ll. NILâ€"Parties requiring,r Artificial Teeth are i‘equeeted to Call and Examine Specimens. 11:}: Teeth inserted cheaper than byany other Dentist iii the Province. Newmarlari. May 99, 1862. 1 182-”; GE O. ill 0 1’ II 1 L L IPS , Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL. CJY. December 1-1. 1860. DENTISTRY! ...-â€" “in n w. ’0. ADAMS. o. o. Surgeon Dentist, 99 mus S’l‘. nas'r, SOUTH SIDE. THIRD noon wrzsr FROM cnoucrt S'r. TORONTO, ARTICULAR attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s Tact/i. Consultation 3 free. and all work warranted. Dr. A. has turned his attention to the im- ‘ movements of his profession in all its branches. and cart supply the profession with 'l‘eetb. .Gold. Vulcanized .-\pparatus. and Vulcaiiito Rubber, and the best Bone filling. ! Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver. or ,Vulcanized Rubber. wttli Continuous Gurus. lwhich are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto,October 11, 1860 49-Iv NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and far bilious complaintsfiick Headache, Oostrveneaa, Are, we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGEI‘ABLE LIFE PILLS. ' FANNINGMILLS&PUMPS r ‘H E Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that he manufactures the t ‘ ates! improved , PUMPS AND FANNING MILLS lIu his Shop, at b‘touli'ville, where all orders 1 entrusted to his care will receive prompt atten- tion; and for chegpness and durability he defies tcompetition. Repairing done with despatch. All letters addressed to I’E'l ER KRIBS. Stoull'ville P. O. Stoufl‘ville. Oct. 15. 1561. l5I-5Rl 48-il‘ a.” ‘i.J avr‘l - RICHMOND trim. _ LIBRARY ASSOCIATION LI BRARY to the ' HERALD ' Book Store: where Stockholders and others may 'r‘ocure BOOKS every Friday afternoon. t'ror Ito 8 o’clock. mt. A. SCOTT, Libm Richmond Hill, Feb. 537. 1861 ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and E.“ HAUleON. New editions enlarged to Hill pages, illustrated by 1110 Anatomical Colored Errgravirrgs on Steel. just published, price ls.- c‘a‘l Work of the Age, on Youthful fridge- cretio‘t’i’s and consequent lmpedimerrts to Mar- . ringo, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive Svetern in health and disease, ~and _ pointing out the sure means of perfect res-rora- , iion to manhood: with an Essay our Single and - Married Life, Containing a Prescription knowu as the Preventivg l..otion, precluding the pee sibilitv of containrni‘llflflv ‘ t * Also to be had from all Afle‘fils 1‘", it'll pantie“ the world. EXTRAO'I‘S FROM THE SlLEN’I‘ FRIEND. price 6d., which contains directions for the guidance of patients. j Messrs. R. &. L. Funny 6:. Co. are only to be consulted at their residence, tic. 151, Burners Street. Oxford Street. London, as they never, under any circutristances, traVel either at borne or abroad. and they herobv caution the Public against any person using their name. and as In further precaution against fraud. the Public is notified that none of their medicines are geâ€" nuine. unless the subjuined fuc-snnilio of their signature is attached to their different wrap. pers. Gnu 'RA'rivu ck. MUSCUI.Atr liUV'VILK RnuAltVED BY THE USE OF Perri/’3 Cordial BLLZ'IM of Syriacum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GREATEST R IC- GENERATUR; a never-failing rcrrtcdy for Spet'niato.t'ii0:, loss of manly power. produced by early indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" l‘. enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed theitrselves incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of irinrried life. I’rico 11s. per bottle, or four quantities iii one. 33s,, which saves lls. ; and iii £5 bottles. afflicting: a saving or" £1 le, I’ERRY’S CONCENTllA'l‘I‘jD Dl‘l'l'Ei‘t- SIVE ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis itr all ' its stages, also for purifyiiigiho systeiri from contatriiuatiotr. reconiiriendvd for secondary syrirptoitrs, blotclros on the head and face. en. t largerrreiit of the throat. tonsils. and tivula; its beneficial influence on the systerri is undeni- able. I’rica 11s. and 33s. per bottle. alsou saving of l ls. PERRY’S I’A'l‘liNT CO“. ESSENCE Ol“ (LOP/SIB“. AND CUBEB SUGAR-COATED GLO "v wields. the must speedy Rerrredykuowu ' ‘lt‘ ... N'l'llfi 'l‘ 1'11) I‘lru (Hubble-s. cu-r- I tairring the Quidrssctrco of Copniha, Culiebs, Bttchu, die... at or on cure. \ ithou'. tho possibi- tin of failure. Gorrorrhma. obstinate Gleot, SLricturc, etc, irrittiedintely subduittg all iti- flarrriiratory action; Strcased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. (id. and l>. per box. I'll-A111“ Dar-ham crow l’urti'. H.001).â€" l’l'.RI{Y’S PURIFYING SPICCL" C PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcers, lloils. Blotches, I’implos on the fuse and hotly. cbt'. I’rice 11s, and Sills. per box. Sold at Messrs. it. A: L. PERRY t‘iz. Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. Ill, Burners Street, Ox- . ford Street. London. Agents: Bxucmv a; Co.. 7.3 Street, London. May 23. 1862. V, ... , I‘dlllngtltlll 182. Blackwoott’s Magazine AND THE BiulTlSH REVlElNS SCOTT do CO., NEW’ YORK. continue. to publiin the following leading British Periodicals, viz.:â€"- V l. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) 2. THE EDINBURGH RE 'iEW (Whig.) 3, THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (Free Church.) 4 "‘IIE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (I.iberal.) o. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA- ZINE, tTmy.) l l The present critical state of European affairs will icndnrthese publications universally iti- tercsting during the forthcoming yrar. 'l‘hoy will occupy a tiiiddle ground between the ima- tily writer: newsitsirrs, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the port- derotis Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have passed away It is to these Periodicals that‘ readers must look for the only really iirtoliia gible and reliable history ofcurreni events, and as such, iti addition to their woll'establishch’ literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge them Upon the consideration of ihe reading public. EARLE’ COPIES. The receipt of Advance Blunts from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasiirucli as they cart now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS : Per (rim For arty one of the four Roviews,. . 31)( For any two of the four Reviews.. . . . . . . 5 (if For any three of the four Roviews,. . . . . . 7 (lb For all four of the Reviews. . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 005 For Blackwood’s Magazine, . . . . . . - . . . . . . 3 (It! I For Blaclawoud and one Review. . . . . . .... 5 lift 1.‘orBluckw..-utl and two Reviews, . . . ... ’t' tit: For Blackwood and three Ileviows,. . .. l! on For Blackwood and the four Revlon/5.. . 1 (l {)0 Money current in. the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent from the above prices will be allowed to Cums ordering four or more copies of any Ono or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review, will be sent to one ' inflamed Eyes and Cliiiblains address for $9; four copies of the four Rovlevve and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free ofl United States postage. Nb’ â€"-'l‘ho price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is $31 per annum. Rerrritiances for any ofthe above publication 1 should always be addressed, post-paid, to the- Publishers, l LEONARD. SCOTT dz CO. . No. 54 Gold street, New York. New York, Doc. 5, I861. j felt relief. and in about five days was able to ,. ,. “gm . t.~~-'-u-Tsil.‘....-~,.'.z is; ~~« a. ' ‘ beatnik-Happiness, 6c Loiigbttc THIS ASSOCIA’I‘ION has transferred their 1 ARE within the reach-of all, hv the use of MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the Prescriptions of the late ‘Dr. Buclmn, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, tic” &c.â€"* Cures ‘are daily made, and their efficacy proved in thorisand of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, ‘ TT'IIti THE ' lthlt’t‘ Lorin H 0N. MAYOR OIll LONDON, and sitting Magistrate's of Marlborough Street, Woelihi‘rister, Worship Street. 307w Stree'i‘._&c. Used by the most" celebratedl Medical Men,l Clergymori. and others", Dr. Buohan’s Sag air-Coated Sarscparilla. . Pills. It is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that sart- rDtr. coconuts VEGETABLE no. , vi. ., l is. a. tLate of Not 658; Broadway. New York.) ,HASjust opened an Office at N0. 174 King: I Six,- 'Foromo, Where he intends remain- , ing a few months, and will give" his exclusive" " attention to the tireatrrient of Diseases of the‘ ‘EYE, EAR and’ LUNGS.- Dr. H. has pracv" tised tor upwards of It; years in an Yeahwitlr» unexampled success. Hundreds ot'testimorrlals.- from persons who have been cured by him, can.” be seen at his office“. Cataracts and Jittnarosis“ treated Willi success . also; Bronchitie, Sore" Throat. and" all 'l)ise'as‘es of the Lungs. Arti-rw f‘rcial Eyes inserted without a'nioperutiot‘r. Ferottto, 81ml}. 9. ’6'}. POE-dim l I. ll Phovounnpusi Plel®ft§hm9l~t$ l- Tl’is and Best Ambrotypc aria Pitd’fdgf'tlpli GALLERY lN CANADA, IS AT Ill hill lllllil‘, llll‘. TORON'I'O SAPARILLA is the greatest purifier ol' the. blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD I’URElâ€"The Bowels regularll-And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! 'Thcso I’ills strike attire rootof each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment incidental to Man Woman anti Child, such as all eruptions on the Skirt, Indi- gestion, Bilious, IJIVGI', and Stomach Com- plaints. General Weakiress,(;loui, Rhuerria- ,tism. Lumbago. Pains in the Limbs, Head- aches, Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irreguli-i‘ities of the bowels. ob- structed perspiration. and deteriorated and on: healthy blood. These I’ilis work their way to the very roots of each disease. cleansing in their passage, especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulation. till the blood is purified. the whole systetlt renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- lay ! ~a clean stomach must make acloau hotly. l A clean body will contain pure blood, when the storrincli, body, and blood are pure. from .euu latiug a rd cleansing the bowels, health is certain, Begin at the beginning, waste no time: strike at the root of your ailment. Again, 1 say, look to your stomach. One trial ofthe'sc Pills will force Conviction. Sold in bottles. at is, 15d” 2s. 9d., 4s. (id, and 11s.. ' t ' Dr. Buchan’s Invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS lll<ll..»‘:XATlON and GEâ€" NERU. \‘v EAKNESS. at once restore and invigorate wtih irragicnl rapidity the most De- bilitated Constitution. thereby ensuring perma- nent health. increased strength, energy, and a redoublcd doveloprrrent of tho .riuscul trsysteirr. Failure is inipOssiblo, for success is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for arquircd local and general debilitv, nervous prostratton, depression ol'spi- rits. dirtiinution of vital energy, emaciation, and for all female complaints. This medicine not only restores health and strength at once, but. increases the natural vigour of man in youth, maturity. and old age The properties ol'thrs invaluable re-iitvigoratiiig Essence act directly on the nervous and muscular systctri, enriching, itit:t'@a>~ihg. and purifying;r each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is uevor-fhilirrg, and iii perfect accordance with the laws of lift! tare. .As the falling rain vivifres the parched vegetation. so will the power of' this all-potent agent. restore the lost strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement. which so few of the medical professiorr attempt to treat. 4s. b'd.. lis , or four quantities in one. 33s. DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE SKIN ()INl ill/:JN‘l', Is the only one yet discovered that cures the most inveterate- sores. Its effects are wonder- ful, giving instant relief to the sufferer Many thousands have used it. and declare it to he "the best iii the world.” It is the only N '..'1'URAL REMEDY for all kinds of sores and skirt eruptions. It never closes up the surface of a wound whilst full of matter. ottt will first bring all to the surface, and finally heal Without breaking out, again. The "ills aid the Ointment iii the l t followingâ€"Piles, Boiles, Brusos, Excuriations, . Blotclres on the Face. Ulcers, Ringâ€"worms, Sore Heads, Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Chap- pt-d Hands, Clinfcd and Blistorcd Feet, Corns. Bunions, Chilblaiiis, Frost Bites, Scalds. (Juli, Bites,1-‘rccklcs. Stings, Scroftila. King’s l‘ivil. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Contrac‘cd and Still Joints, Fisttrlas, Gout, Swelled Glands, Lum- bago, Rliourirntisiri, Whitlow, Soto Nipples, Sore 'l‘ltroats. ficnrvy, Sore H Pads. Rash. l‘ti» mours. Old and deep-seated Ulcers, Wounds, \Vorms. Itch, 65cc. ls Gd. and 2s. 9d. per pot. I’a.etrt Medicine \Varnlrouse. 19, Burners street, Oxford street, London. Wholesale .Apeiitsz-«Baiclay 5;. 00., 75, Farringdon sll‘t‘t‘l; mar be bad at R. H. IIALL’S, Chemist and Druggist, ticl’irrioud Hill. C,W. am. from all Chemists throughout the world. May ‘23. 1862. 182. Relief to the Afflicted ! V 11110 following Certificates are sufficient guaranty to the public that EMMY. l’cch’s llflyc WVatcr Is an infallible rerriedy for We, the undersigned. do certifv llfat we have used H. W. PI‘ICK'SEYE WATER. and find it to be a certain cure forltiflatnoil Eyes and Chiiblains. and therefore would recommend it to the public, Robert Raymond James Bailey Mrs. M. .1. Raymond Miss J, IIinrrco A. L. Sltoele Robert ilewison .lohir Coulter D. Bridgford. J-I’. Miller Anderson Robert Hopper ~ G. L. ’ioyntou \V. S. Pollock \V. II. Myers L. Richardson Martin Nealiott Timothy Fogarty W. P. Richmond lichmond llill, July 14, le’Q. My son suffered for nearly four months from Inflammation in one of his eves, during which time I procured the best medical aid within my reach. to no purpose. 'l‘ne illflaltllllr’illun con- tinued ; the boy outlined, and I began to enter- taitr scrious. apprehension that he would lose his sight. I accidentally heard of effectual cures having llOt‘l: made by" Mr. ll. W Puck’s Ere Water, and procured two viols of it from l‘lllllu-l/H’ application 20/1th has guffcnttrl. A CURE. My son‘s eyes are now well." I have much pleasure, in certifying to the abovi' facts. antl rucumrtieud the use of Mr. l'cck’s Eye Water to all persons afflicted with lirilarrrcd Eyes. JOHN Illtlutif’. t l l l Richmond llill, July 15, lb'b'z. In the mouth of February last, 1 had atsevere attack of inflammation in my right eye, and suffered very much. l mini several to- tuedies, and obtained medical advice. but my eye continued target worsc. I was recom- mended to 0‘!“ on Mr ll, W . Peck, who gave me a viol of his Eve \‘Vtiter; iii three days I use my eye. It is now Well, and l have much pleasure in stating that I believe it is Mr Puck’s remedy tbatcurt-d my eye 1 have also re: corrirnended the use ofit to others, and know that the result has been attended with _ com- pleto success, J. M. DAVIS. ' For Sale at the York "Herald" Office, Rich- mond Hithprice 25 cents per bottle, ‘ JAMIE-3m RAW E... Proprietor and Principal Operva tor Town to, April it}. 18M. 3. M. R. Try the truly great PAIN KILLER. Barrios” It.» GIG RELIEF, and if )‘OH'M‘G' not satisfied of its supe-v riority, after using the medicine, the price will be re: funded b the Agent-in all! cases. Price 25 celeb peat!“ bottle. old by at! Motorola medicines. lib-137' .. ...-...» Valuable Property for tunic:- ' IZ': 63 Acres. ‘23 of which is timb'cvezl, 49* Acres under Cultivation. Several l‘A RK LOTS with timber thereon Also. VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. The above property is situated at, and ad« joining to, the Vilage of Richmond. Hill. For further particulars apply attire Office of this paper. Richmond Hill, Sept 0 ... 1860. 9-0 Consultilic flirt tingliin i‘iiy-iciaa F011 Aha l‘IIV’lA. INCH’IEN‘ l‘ (IONSUMP'l‘lON, lNi‘IRolI’l‘lEs OI? YOUTH. AND (_)i.i.) xkliilt'l, ECG. No Moron i'v Used. D1“. Among are: again.“ 49% uxsr Gnkssan srunrnr, Buffalo. New Yuri-i, ; RIC the only Physicians in the State who I. are nieiirbers of the Royal College Surgeons, London. May be consulted from Pl o’clock in the llt()1'1lll!;1lilllll Utitiriglit,iii'every state and syrrrptonr of (lisctise. 'l‘lio treatmerrtilroy adopt is the result of up. wards ol'thiity years’ extensive and successful practice iii London. L A MOST SCIICV’S‘IYIC INVENTION, . Air instrtirirent for the cure of (.lorrital Debiv lily, of Nocturnal liliirissiotrs. Mtol'u properly ktiowu as Seminal Weakness. «For. Can be permanently cured in from if) to 20 days, by the use ol’ this instrtiiiiont, when used con... jointly with iirctltciues. llr. Attics 62 Sort, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the tirerits of their lush-n.â€" rrrent, pledge tlteiiisolves that in any instance where it may prove urisaiislaciory, alter a fair trial, the tllUilt.‘_\' will he refunded by returningr the instrument in good order. Price 'l'cn'Dol» lat-s. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NO'I‘ICM. Those wlto have injured thoiiiselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"ma habit, t'reqticrrJy learned from evil Colltlltttlitnls. or at; school, the effects of which are nightly felt overt when asleep, and if w t cured. renders marriage. riirpossible and destroys both mind and body. should apply iitrrirodintoly. Still-abuse isoiieof the must fortiiidalde counties to it alth, for llUâ€"v thing else iii the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes So destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a icw years of suffering down to an iiutitiicly graVc. It destroys the nervous _systeiii rapidly, waster-t away lllfieltel‘glesol lilr, causes mental deraiigonierrl. prevents the pro- per development of the S\Slt31ll, disqualifn-s fort rrinrriago. society. business, and all cat’lltl“ happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked Ill; body and mind, predisposed to consuirrptiou and a train of evils more to be dreaded than den-t1: itself. RERSO‘S IN ANY PART 0!“ THE “WHILD may be successfully treated by forwardingu correct detail of their case. Address Dr. Amos .8: box, 4FICast Geiiesee Street, three doors West of I'llltcott Street, Buffalo. N.Y. 88-ly l M P O R TA N T. DR. WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly ro- eomrneudcd, for Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Group. and all diseases of the Luu a and Thro t 25 haul“ g a cent: pint TH E ORIGIN AL ROWE SEWING llIlfilliIES: IN 1862., ‘ . Lsrxnusrtun RE 1112‘ been put to this Machine. rendtrs i now the. most perfect before the public, and- persons at a distance cart order a Machine with. a guarantee of its protnpt and safe deliverymntt IN lSâ€"ISâ€"I’rcut-‘nc't'rzn CENT and itrrportaut improvements hav‘. that they will be able to manage it to their on- tiro satisfaction. No more breaking needles lâ€"-fl No more missingstitchssl. No trouble in mak: ing any garment, liojyveverdelicate or heavy,otr the same Machine, either in cambric, cloth or leather; and for dress trinket-s, shirt ii‘rakcrs tailgrs. hat binders, shoe binders. or gaite fit- ting, as well as for every variety of family sewing, they have no superior. and will be shirt, at a much less price than any other rimchino: capable of doing the same range of Work. Send for Dpscriptive Catalogue of sly los anti, prices. few respectable Agents will be oealt, with liberally. Address the HOWE sewing Machine, 37‘ Broadway, New York U i A New Yol'“. June 20, 18632. lflfi~1y A GOOD TRIKE: DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is 'well worth n. trial, in any case of'l’iles, Burns, Scams, 01d Sores ' lnflamed or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and in: every case where an ointment. is useful. It. will u mud itself, after one trial. ' Cheap Boots and Mines 'HE Subscriber begs to intimate to the iii- ,. l, habitants of Ri-clrrrrond Hill and vicinity, that he has leased the Shop of Mr Robert Lee, 'Where he intends to carry on the BOOT and. SHOE business in all its branches. ' Mr. Lee’s customers will have the same at- toution given totlieir work as forirrerly. All wurk'done at the lowest reinuuetatiiig- prices. RICHARD DURHAM. Richmond Hill, April 10, ’69. I75

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