. ll .;-t~1“.‘mi.---o .v,-‘.-.--‘-\.._ ' ' r»;“ -, . “H . At Richmond Hill, on‘Tuesduy the 10th inst age; 117' Friends and acquaintances are respect-i urtlier notice, on Friday the 13m inst. at two o‘clock, p,in. ully requested to attend the funeral withoul" taste ahucicttemctite. W PROSPECTUS or is! E Scottish American Journal: ‘ A First class Family NeWSp..tper, DEVUTED '1‘0‘ Tm. DISSENIINA'l‘lU‘i U1“ SCOTTISH LI l‘ERâ€" Al‘UR‘u; AND News. SIXTH YEA R. 7 tillâ€. SIXTH YEAR of the Seottisli Ame- rican Journal commenced Llariunn l, 1663, each year constituting a coiriplnte’ volume 5 of convenient siz‘: For binding; and each num- ber containing a most entertaining and instinc- live repertory of reading iiintter, calculated to interest all readers of British origin. lite Scottish American Journal though entirely ix'ri-inNArIONAL in its constant efforts to promote peace and prosperity between the people of Great llrrtairi and Aiiiet'ioa. 18 yet emphati- c illy Scoitrsn in its copious records ol all evtmts occurrprg in Scotland tl‘ut can be. of the least interest 1 natives or that cou'ri'iry restrimg in America; and to this "news front home" is added weeklyni surrrrrrar} of general intelligence front tunglaiid, lieiuui. and other parts or the “old. A distinguishing feature of the. Scottish Amo- riciii Journal is its regular republicationâ€" " Verbatim et literatitii--of 11-18 " landing arti- cles†of the prominent Brinsn newspapers and ' other periodcals upon the most important to- pics of the day 'I‘iris le-tiuro is an unique one, our has been found very acceptable to the people of the United States and B-IIIS'I Nor:h America. and suppl es a long needed desiilcru tron on the American Continent. 1.. r..i‘m-,.l,ce to the “ editorials†of the Sunï¬sh Amer-Emu dotirnnl it is a significant tact that the Iiritisli press lrrqtieuily acknowiodgos lliull‘ intrinsrc' truth and fence by copiously extracting 110i†our columns and declarng that the Scopidi American .lotriii .l is the most able and inn-r. estir'ig paper punished m Aiiierrcii. A concise weakly sumiriary is aho glV-Il ol' the principal gm“..- oi‘ Aiiicrii'all llrt‘l's, and a similar narra- tive oi overhs tianspirrng m the various British Provinces. 1n the forthcoming volume of the Scotti-h American Journal, ll«Cl‘t‘a>c(1 space will he «26- ' voted to the literary eoparin’reut in the publi- cation ofsci'i'al tales and slic'tclics vrvrdly illns ti'aling the :nsniiries, habits, s‘entinierils, arid general characteristics of the people of {Scot land: each tale emanating from the pen (rfttnl author of Celebrity. care will be exercrsed in the choice of original poetry, comprised by writers of acknowledged genius and purity or thought, resident here or abroad. The thlrd number ofthe new volume Cniiiuiiist e coinineirciement of a deeply in- terostiiigprim tale, entitled RACHEL NO ilLE. The Directors of the Scottish Temperance League. gier a priZe of One Hundred Guineas lor llllS tale The Rev. N. 1;. Walker, Rev. A, Johnson. liev. .laiires Hill. Iii-v. W. Blair, and Kev. John Brown Jullllr-Oli. 0.1)., {tried its adjudicator-s, and after Carolully perusing Eighty-three Manusm'ipts, aWarded the prize to ISliUU 1‘; 1C1)W.-rllDS. The tale will prove to be one of the most interesting eVer publish- and Will be appreciated by all classes of readers 'I'ISRMS ’.)F S TllSCltllâ€I‘IO.‘l. PAYABLE I.\' ADVANCE. Single Copies (each). .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .6 cents One copy for one year . .. .. .... . ..$ 301) CLUB Ri'i‘rzs. Fiva copies ....... .3912 ()0 Twelve C0,!183. ...... 24 (it) '1‘weniy-iive copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5U (lil Specimen copies sent gratis Subscriptioris for the current year are now being received and should be forwarded without .delay to .-.o-. . . . . , ‘..o A. M S'richrzr, 1"0. 37, Park Row, New York. POSTPONED SHE iii “3319,35 SA L if T‘!‘ 1 VI RTUF. of a “'rit of Fiat Fitch/,8 issued otrt of the County Court and directed to the Sheri‘l'of ll.o Uni ed Counties of York and I’col. against the Goods and (That eis oi Jami-s tiiiriihori. lVrlliaiii Simpson and John Morit- pomery. at the Suitol'Jnhn (} Kiwi-N. l have seized and taken in execution 1 Horse. 3 Colts, 3 Curve, Steer. Heifer. Iron-axle \Vagg-rn. Lumber \Viiggoii. Sleigh. set of Single I‘Ilil'llf’Sï¬ Saddle, Horse and Buggy. Harness. Furniture. &c. All of“ which Properly Will be Sold b'. Public Auction, at 19. o‘clock. noon, on Monday, the Itlth March, 136 3 AT Richard Vicholls’ Hotel; itrcniioxu iiir..i.. FRED 1V JARVIS, S/let'llf. Sheriff's Gilli-e. (.‘iiv of rI‘OI'UIHU.£ March 10, 1863, 9332-1 UNilE‘iERVED CRi-illl'l‘ SALE 151' 1‘0 he Sold by Public Auction. on Lot No :11. rear of the 1th Concession. Markham. On Friday, March 13, 1863; THE UNDERMICV'I'IO‘JEI‘ SUPERIOR Farm Stock & Implements, The property of Mr. JAS. bonnierv. viz :â€"â€"- 1 Heavy 'l‘cai‘n Horse, 7 years old. :3 llenvr- Teaiii IIOrses‘ 3 years old, ‘2 Grade Cows. fresh Mil-h. with ‘Iaiws, 6 Grade (lows in calf. 4 Grade Heifers. 3 years old. in call. 2 Grade Heifers. \cnrs old. 1 Grade Bull, 1 year old. 3 Spring Calves, (5‘ Leicester luwes. shear, {1 Leicester Eiw Lumbsd Lumber Wh’ggonyl su’t Might Carriage Harness. double. new, 1‘ set b’il‘vprdo' Single. new, 1 set Unuqu Harness. 1 set Single- llttrness,‘d Sielglls.3 pairs Ilarrows, l Schiller. 1 Iron I’lotigir. I set Cart Harness. I Rot-l. Slicer, l llox Steve, and Sundries not enumerated. The above Stock requires no pulling. being of the very bait qualixy and superior breed: they will recommend theiiisrlves. 'I'he SALE Wlil. BE WIIHUUI RESERVE, ‘ To the highest Bidder. ' w 'I‘rx-tuis_iâ€"s$§. and. under, Cash; over that amount 11) "months’ Credit on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. (13’ .SALb' .Al' 0.qu ()fCLQCIt. RM. Markham, March lï¬GB 2-32.]. 1mm pi it g a]?! q. chine for Sale ( lilo Exohange for a Horse. The Mach» me has only been used ii few iinres imd was got up by Messrs l‘alterson. Richmond Hiâ€. Terms liberal. Apply to ' ' M I WM M. BUTTON. Lot 11. (Jon. lo, Markham. March 5. 18,63. As heretofore, particular] . Be} rich, John ('2) i lleyiir ll. Robert . Ileda d. .lu‘ctib ‘ Buniiet. Jesse 1’ It 1 CES- Of Maple beg leave to announce to the in. habitat ts of Vatig‘ian and surrounding COllll-‘ trr, that on and alter Monday, March 2nd, 1883, They will offer their entire Stock of STD.“ it) (£00195 ! In lots to sub l’jttrcliasers, ATCOS 1‘ PRICES, FOR OAS H I l , The Stock consists. of Dry Goods. Groceries, liaroware. Crockery, Haw, CAPS Boots and b11005. l’aitits, Uils. Drugs and l‘eit'umeri'.‘ l Tire balance of‘tlie Stock unsold will be sold 1)} i’ublic Auction ' V .- . i“ . ’ (in Wednesday and l‘htn'sday. 15th and lllzh or March; also. 1 iirsi-clriss Dir-hie Waggon. new. All of which “’11th SOLD WI i i-it U 1’ ANY RESliliVi-., as the ulldtil'si‘glltld are dissiiiving Partnership I 'l‘itmih- UF SALEMâ€"All sums of $11), and under. (Jam ; orer that amount. a Credit oi 7 Months will be given hi furnishing hpppl'uved notes. l‘lie undersigned “'IIUId also respectlrrliy re- quest all pitrtir-s iiidebird to them. either by Note or Book Account. to call and settle the sailie‘ on or below the 25m ila} ol Match. JUSlill’ll NOBLE, JAMES DILK. M. WILKIE. M hple. March ‘2. 1863. (Signed) Letters Ileuiai‘ninprn IIICIIM )‘NUIIII.L l’estUflice MARCH l, ‘63. "" . Mnllin. Denis bloi‘ili, ()clavo Moore, Robert l Moirkirraii. Gem-’26 Mimibe. James (2) llrillniger. Mrs. Mary Nltsl’liersoti. I). Mr Eiclii-rir, (Jailierine Bll‘ll‘illr‘l. J')llll Mclh'egnr. Ann llowinnn. ’l‘bomasll i)\1cll.iwte\ M chael Curie. Susan McKee. l’itrick Copeland. William varon. Charles Cuber, Peter ('2) ()gilvie, J. Clark. Ruth Ogilvm, J. A. Devlin. J the (Q) O‘Connor, Michael Devlin. Samuel O’III'ady, .l Daliriage, Tobias 1’ rue, Titomus D'alriiage. I‘oby l’nttoi‘sdn, 'I‘liomas English. Mrs. Annie Quttirce, Frederick Ferguson. Thomas W.Sieplreiison. John Far-iihtirn, George W. Stagp, 'l‘homas I German. Mrs. Jane Sedman, Mary Eltlily Greenwood. James Storey. M rs. Goruiaii. David Snider. I’eter Hunter. James Smith. .lohn llnll. Francis Siiiirisou. James (‘2) Hewrsou. 1’. rborl Stevenson. Sain'tlel ('2) Hafl‘r. James (‘2) Sanger. .lolin llal’fi'. llaancy (2) Stickle. A. W. li‘Wlll, lullOlli 'l‘eniiimu. Arthur Jenkins. James M 'W’iies. \1 rs .loltt‘. Key. John “’lllis. \Varreli lining. J. Vthlan, Daniel luring. M. - Wilson. Abraham Leggy, Mrs. James Youug. George Liril'oot, John (:2) Yeoman. Josephine E. l.inf00t. Mrs. John Herrioir, biak llesinv‘vliite. Peter M. TEEFY. l’.M N OT 5815 2 Richard Dyer, $0er MANUFACI‘UKER AND DEALER 1N WAIJ'I‘UN’S PA'I‘EN'I‘ Economical Clothes FOR ‘1 m: €0E’JVTY 0F YORK! 1' “1118 Machine was l’nlenled I‘l'th September, Dryer, 1862. in this Province, and any person Violating any of the principles 0' the same, or infringing tberebpoii, will be prosecuted: and. any person purchasing >IICll ll’lriiiiinos, cXct-pi from authoriZed Agents, will also be liable to til’USt‘ClIl-ltlll . All orders sent to R. Dvicit. Maple, will re- ceive prompt attention. Maple. mi. 27. 1863. s: r. no.0 51-111} MT “.0 P P If} H, DU I‘C II It: i. {BEGq very rc~pcctfully c l‘f‘l‘tlrll thanks to his numerous friends and cti~»toiiiors tor the liberal patronage they have besluwvd on irim during the pa~t six years. and “’Ullltl in~ llllllll' to them that he lra< retrieved from his old stand. opposite the Masonic Hotel, to .he first house north of the Halfâ€"way House. Rich- mond llill. wlicre he intends to unity on his business in future iii all its branches. Richmond Hill, Jan. 9.4, :863. 917-41 ‘ T1111 CANADIAN illAllllliEIl.’ 21516111qu 922.41 a m“ e N. .. o ï¬g :5 n- :- ~a 8 51:1? as m to 62¢... U, . . F; ’3 .. «g 25.3 m E a" 89 1‘3 593‘ ~5' " 5% r?" 3 ï¬ 37° «3 D‘ gs.“ E“ o'g r7 DU E 55 s; o ’3 {3E 53‘ In 0 ‘5. £13 H E 2: gr 3 K On L3“ is ‘ E 22‘; ":3 " 9.3" 5'; .0 E 5-3 “F; ' '3':â€" i n‘v. a 2 :~ 3?: ' 5 £5 l 33‘: u a “we. - s? '1 :2; ï¬: 3 " CE' is U' : “m '2‘; ‘ r- ~ gar» ‘ 9‘ 9 g. a: "3.: o iF‘ <1 w a ‘ an 9 371* 5?: t -. i 2' 1 ~ = I i " ~ ililu t.A.\ADlA.\ tinitbLEtt, BY 1.. C. EVERE'I'T. 'l‘rIIIS popular Work. from which the abqu benutif l Melody is copitd it admitted to t be to: Ingest and best Co lectiou of “films and l'unr's in use for Sabbath Salmon}. Price per Hundred . . . . . . . - - - . $16 00 Single (70in.i.e~<.......... 20 ‘ The New 'I‘Iirsaurus Illusicu‘s.’ 11) I... C. Iii/ERE'I'J' and UK. A. 13. EVER ET'I'dâ€"A superior Ccllection of Sacrcd Music, Price 75 It? The attention of Choi's, C'otigrngations Sabbath Schools, and Teachers of Vocal Music. is invited to the above Works. [For Bile at the Your: ‘llrztmmr’ Book Store. Richmond Hill.- Jan. 99, 18133. 217. Cheap Cobourgs RECEIVE" another lot. in Choice “ cloths. Worth ls 3d per yd, .fl nfl selling at 1111’, per yd C'allueaidy before they are all gone, at “M. S, POLLOCK'S. Rioiimond urn, Feb 12, r593, ‘ 21,3- __ Dr, Jog. Noble (k: 00., Received V. ., .,......-. .,.. . . ... . , . . "‘6. w... n; .a~ 4,. n.‘ ..-. ... v: .w.’ :v It:"1..‘i~- Mr. Abraham Wright,iii ii... 77... or hi. i S L- LI N G 0 F F ! Geo. .1. F. Pearce, Treasurer of Vaughan. in GRgATLY "REDUCED '. Account with the Municipality, for .1852. - .. » g...» ; y. .,L“.’.‘.."..‘ J-J v a -r -. 'iv» RECEIPTS, EXPENnrruRn. Cr. r $ C- .' ‘. from C'lleclor balance of $ b 'I‘a-xes for 1861 . . . . . . . . . . .3771 69 Paid Aparropriation Money on Roads. . .1735 71 Do On account of 'l'axes for '62..‘2153 56 “ 'I'axes to County Treasurer“ .. ..2(l74 . . Do Tavern Licenses. . . . . . . . . . .11058‘34 “ Returned 'I‘axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 26 Do Shop‘ Licenses. 2811 .. “ Selectors of Jurors. . . . . . 18 .. Do Interest on Debentures. . . . . .1403 57 . “ S‘c'lrool Sections. Asscssments,&c.27r50 36 Do Instalment from Clergy Re- “ SALARIESâ€"4pc Councillors... . 711 50 serve Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1055 (ll) “ do Ir'ispectors... . . 5h . . Do b‘iries........ . . . . . . . . 3:250, “ do Aasessur.... . 100 Do Non-Resident 'l‘axos. . .. .. .. “4 8i); “ my Returning ()fï¬ Do Treasurer of E’Wl NISsouri. in cars†.... . 23 . . redcriiptioti of Debentures, . . .4995 . . “ do Auditors. . . . ._. 1'2 . . , “ do' Ulr'rk do 'I‘re'as. 3‘20 . . 3 For Debont'resllltlb' . a i tiiciiri Exp’s. 892 (ill 1 Excess of Receipts orerExpend're . . . . . 24.117 63 $14865 ()6 3 $1562? ASSETS. LIABILITIES. - a». ash in liarrk. and in 'I‘rotts- rA m ,riaiiou Money mmxpe‘nded by Dec 81 Curer’s hands . . . . . . .......4‘.89 69 pp 1 \‘Vard 1.. 178 06 East Nissutrri Municipal Do- Do do do ‘2. . 38 56 beiitures. airi'g to .5110“ . . Do do do 3. . 2m 97 (Ely of "l‘oroiito 06- Do do do 4. . 28? ' ~e . am’n tu.8761l .. Do do (0 5.. ) 1'. hen-u“ S g _â€"â€"~l3760 .. ._.__â€"-. 7.0 41 Balm-0e of unpaid 'I‘axes for ‘ l Burma, due SelLSec. No. 2., 1 1‘2 ‘21 1862 427857 Do do do 3.. 4710 Balance ofiiori-resideut'l‘axes [)0 do do 4 . 2'34 56 front 18.31, unaccounted for _ [)0 do do ' 5 . 193 3? by the County 'I‘reasurer. . 17-10 46 Do do do 7 . (1;) Amount overdrath by Sch. Do do do 1‘2 . 29.“) 99 Section 6. .... 143 31 1)., do do 13,. 1 74 I)" do I". 513 93 Do do do 14.. 4 H5 D.) (to 11..... 1673 Do do do 346 Do do 16...“ 5‘37 Do do do .. 1t). . Do do 10"..... 13 77 -~â€"â€"â€"-â€"-- 1935177 0 - 938 ll ‘ Taxes due to the County Treasurer. . 1770 DGï¬ClencY Of late Treasurer. Collector’s per Courage for 186:2...†12% 64 r .l. Ashdnwn. secured by a joint note {ruin his Stitches 5'2 07 . Balance unpaid, and due bv J,Asltdoï¬vn............ 24l27 $24399 10 8247951 Ill We. the undersigncd. duly appointed Aridiiors of Accounts of the Municipality of Vauglhrr for the mar 1862.»cerlif\‘ that we have carefully examintd the Books and Accounts of the l‘retisurel'r. together with the Vouchers. and Ilint we balanced the hooks up to the present date. that the above stateriienl or he aii‘tirs of the Municipality up to the 31st December, 1811!, is correct to the best of our ltiimvleoige sud belief. ‘ . i We would. at the same time. beg respectfully to suggest to the Councrl. that by the ammo repetition. by the insertion amongst JANUARY. 911b, 1863. l l l l i l the '\ssets. 18:3. . conveys a someth erroneous This remark will also uppl‘y to the item stated to be due by the late 'I'reasurer, J. M. TEEFY. JOHN 9 AJ.\J\_,\,\/â€"V .V \, \A/s /‘~_.’\/‘~_/\/\./\./‘\_I SOFT February For Sale at. G. A. BARNARD- agent for Richmond Hill and neighborhood, of the large balance of unpaid Taxes since impression of the real Assets of the Municipality. A Sb (1 o w n g Auditor‘s. 223 1. MATTRESS, , . . ~ WWW \fN/VWVVW‘J‘W’V .. VV 4 ‘xâ€" BAPQNIFIER 0R Concentrated Lye, HE REST ARTICLE iii existance for making OR HARD SOAP! WM- 8. POLLOCK'S 12. 1863, 2119 chosen EAKuv Particularly invites the Public to call at his IN UNI And examine his ‘li lit-r Illlllllblll Allllllll liltith lllllillt Which be is scl Unionvillc, Doc. 26, 1882. hmwwc ‘lttiiiv' O V I In L Stock of lint ll‘tiri ll“lira bug 011 9‘31"“ CHEAP FOR CASH OR APPROVED PAPER! 212-3m. Balance ofAssets over Llabilities... . 911535 28 . l A Echool for 1:116 Business.Manz Gilli rarer; gtlltllhhtï¬ï¬ï¬‚tllltttldl (tulip, of King and sizxr‘ Door. To 'riii; ' Corner 'l‘oroiito Streets, Posr OFFICE. TORONTO, W E393. " ‘rlE design of this Institution is to impart to youri business education, g men and ladies a thorough and practical 'l‘lie course of instruction incliidrs Burk-keeping. Commercial Law, Business Mathematics, and Ilttsir‘ess l’etiziianshrp. all of which branches arr taught in the most thorouin and scientific manner Tim Honk Ill-epille Departuieni is as complete and ex'oitsive as that of any Commercral College on the continent. embracing Wholesan at Mining. Milling. Forwarding, Iliiriktniz, llrokerag id Retail Merchandising. Manufacturing. 6 and Uomrrtission. Railroading. Sir-am- boiiting. No†510.. and is under the charge of Teachers selected for a p actical as well as the- oretical knowledge of the duties of the Counting Room. B.t'r.»,s' Burris†.'\Mr.th'AN SYal‘Hfl 0F 11 tPIn Witi'rino will he taught by its author. in 'he only system \et uscd by which all writing can T11 is 116 l‘XGCUIEd 011 0118 IIIOVGIIIGHI. 1* or Circular and specimens of Penmanship. address. (enclosing stamp) To TEACHERS â€"â€"A Series of Copy Books on the a cHAN 1. BATES, Principal. hove system, by I Barns 11. G. STRA- ([Uupnef 0r 1’s..iiiiiriiislii;i in the l’roviirciil Normal School) designed for the use of b'crionls ct Calida, is being engraved, and will be ready for use by the 1st of December. Toronto. December 4, ll-lti‘Z. K unusn A 01100 AN stamps on BOOKS! BATES & S'raAC‘it A N. :zosr-ry. _- .___.__..__...___ .____..+‘ -c“ _..V..“ f . .4â€" GENERAL STATIONERY, AT THE “ YORK HERALD†1300K STORE, RICHMOND l'ilLL, At Lower Prices" than is M Orders received for, and great attention paid to charged in Toronto. BOOKBINHNG ! Which will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. Richmond llill, August 29, 1862. A New York paper understands that then,- is a strong probability that the Attic- rican currttlswiil be 0 rep for navigation on I the llï¬lh of April. 11.15151 ycar they Were 90‘ ormrd: will tits list, at] My. ' dcvi nniil rate . x the grave; of: Beethoven, (Iced is the poetry of motion. 195 There was a Ball recently in Vienna. scd to raise a fund to be spent, in an- surns. for flowers With which to deco- IIcre in- l r ‘.V.,,., H .... _ .. z.‘:l~,‘.r,\§.»_v 4.51" . .. -. r . , a..-_._. _. 13...». .m... -. Hotel fdr‘ , 5a. 1-6"! V ‘EIE WELL KNOWN HOTEL. on Rich- 1 mond'Hill. the HALF-WAY HOUSE t A nd- premises. is offered for sale or to exchange for hand. This desirable properly comprrsos a ï¬rst-class Hotel, with every convenience at- tached, including Stables. Drivmg sheds. two good Wells with puiirips. soft water (listerns. with do . 6:10.. 850'. 'l‘erms easy. Possession given" 131: of October. For further particulars, apply to ‘ JOHN LINF’O’OT. Richmond lliil, March 5, ’63. QQI-tf. "DAVID Err-tit, Junr., stave & Shit gle Manufacturer ESII)ENGEâ€"I.ot 26. “Judi Con. Markv l bani. on the lilgin Mills Plank Road. A large Stock of STAVES and Snisoces kept constantly on hand.arrd sold at the lowest l’rtces. ‘11:? Call and examiner Stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. Post. Ofï¬ce Addressâ€"Richmond Ilill. February 27. 1663.- 221-13' To be Leased tor it To: in ol'liears 'l 111% BURWICK FACTORY, ' I'I‘i-l SHAFTING w WATER-1’0 Wlillt \ complete: or Three blots of the above b'niiding, 7'2 feet by :lli foot. with Shaft- ing and Water i’ower to drive Machinery. Can be had on lease. together or separately Both Building and Machinery are in a the- rough stnie of repair. ‘ I Application to be made to the Subscriber, .l. W, GAMBLE.- I’iiie Grove Mills Dec. 31 .1862. 2U‘2-‘tl‘ ha, UNDERTAKER PAINTER, GLAZIER, are l RICHMOND HILL, 0.W. N A general assortment of Household Furniture Always on hand. at Toronto Prices, First Class Cupboards, Bureaus, And every description of Furniture made to‘ order and warranted. Richmond Hill, Full. 19. ’63. ROBERT MARSH. J.P. lCommissioner in the Queen’s Bench‘ CONVEYANt 2 ICR, doc. CHICIIK OF 'I'HE 3rd DIVISION COURT Oilice. opposite RAYMOND’S 110 I‘ICL. Richmond Hill. Deeds, Mortgages, &c., drawn up with neutr- iiess and despaich. Business attended to at the Clerk’s residence when not iii the (lllicc. Richmond Hill, Jan. 29. 18623. ‘217-ly. Russell’s Great Work on Attic-rile: llllh' Menu NORTH AND SOUTH. BY ‘W’ [I foSSELL, L L 1)., “ TIMES†CORRESPONDENT. For Sale at the “Your: HERALD†Book Store. Price, Paper 50c; Cloth $1. Richmond “Ell, Ifeb. 19, 1863. 9‘20. NE of the host Farms in the County of VALliABLE Fran iii." tutu York, being but No. 15. iii the 5th Concession ol‘ the TOWN HIP 0F VAUGHAN, Eton ACRES more or less, with good Frame Buildings of every description, and a large Orchard of the best of Fruit. There is 'ottr good \Vells of Water, with l’umps iii theiri.â€"-â€" i 'Tlrc faith is within 17 miles of the City of To- ronto; will be sold Hit) or 2111) Acres. to suiti purchasers. 'I here is about 1611 Acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation: and 411 ALI'es of woll~tirirbered 1..nlld-1)1110 and Hardwood. For further particulars apply to HECTOR MCI. CAN, 0n the Preriiis'os, 2204f. Vaughan, Feb, 19, 1863. EIVIF’LOYMENT6 THE Undersigtlbd has, for several years: pas-l, been engaged in a business. which has yielded him at till‘ rate of tliiet- thousand (lol- lai‘s pcr anuuin. and is now willing to touch it i to others. and villages. aid one that any person of ordin- ‘ arr capacity. \ toting or old, male or fem :iln, can alcqnire with a few liotirs’ practice. and by Which they can secure a verV Come. Several young‘ladics who have ro-‘ ceived instructions from me. both in New York State mid Pennsylvania; are earning up- wards of $15 per week by it. and there is no reason w1iy any one else cannot do the same. - Invalids, even. can do well by it. as it is no peddling affair. but a business that is perfectly respectable. Gentlemen and ladies of leisure who would like to learn the business for their j own amusement or pleasure.- will find the prac- l tics ofi'. a pleasant pastime. and due that they will take great interest in. [will send printed iii--tr'uctioii's by Which [my pet's-on baitrehlly acquire the art. and these instructions will also contain every llilllti'olilnr relative to the carrying it on. so that it will hf, highly roï¬tabl'e, The purchaser “1‘ the n prime lllslruolions †will also be authorized to teach it to others; and 1 have sometimus received as lilqu its $20“. for teaching it perv 80"all.\' to a single individual, 1 would shite further that 559.5?) a, $3 Wm bu). every “line. that is necessary to commence the business with. and the articles can be lgot almost amw where, in city or country, or, if preferred;1 can furnish them. ' Address.ALVORD T. Mus-ins. No. 36' prints. $2. rort. gm ._.r;';u;- g } “3331.9: The business is of a highly useful ' and general character, adapti-d both to cities handsome in. ‘ On receipt of $1.‘ .‘ .,. 4...,†_.... .i.«.... . ,r. l ILLUSTRATED Scientific 'Amcrioair ! The Best Mechanical Paper in the World. ‘ :18rn: YEARâ€"V01... Vlll., NEW SERIES. NEW volume of this popular Journal commences on the 1st of January.â€" IL is published Weekly, andevery nainber con- tains sixteen pages of useful rnlurmation, and from ï¬ve to ten' original engravings of new ru- ventions and discoveries, all of which are pre- pared expressly for its columns TO THE MECHANIC at; MANUFACTURER No person engaged iii ally ofthe trieciiai-iici-il- or manufacturing pursuits should think ol'domg Lwithout the Sctizu'rimc AMERICAN. It costs btrt ‘sixe cents per Week; every number contains from six. to ten engravings of new machines r and lnv‘ehlions. which cannot be found in any ‘ TO THE lNVENTUR. 'l'he SCH.N’I‘IFIC AMERICAN is indispe Mahler every inventor, a it uotouly contains illustrated descriptions of nearly all the best inventions as they Come out, but each number contains at] of- tï¬cial list of tire clams of all the Patents issued ‘i'rom the United States Patent Ofï¬ce. during the week previous; thus giviirg’a correct his- tory of the pr‘trgrcss of inventions in this coun- ,try. We are also receiving every week the l best scientific journals of Great B"llaitt,FI'utico, and Germany ; thus placing in our , Lesion†all that is transpiring. in mecharri" ' science and “'1 in these old countries. We " rill cons tinue to transform our columns 'Ollltlui‘ ox- jtracts from these journals.- of whatever we may deem of interest to our readers. I A pariiphlet of instruction as to the best mode of obtainii g Letters 1’4 c it on new inventions, is fit nislied free on applleriition. Messrs. Muss do (.30. have noted as Potent Solicitors for more than seventeen ye rs. in connection with the ptrblimtio of tire Sunr- ‘TiFto AMERICAN, and they refer to Qllbllti pa- ,tontees for whom they have done business. ' "lo charge is made for examini g sketches and models of new inventions and for advising inventors as to their patcntability. l CllEMIS'I‘S. ARCIII'I'EC'I'S. 1111414- WRIGHVI‘S AND FARMERS. i The tltmtx't‘ivic AMERICAN will he found a most useful journal to them. All the new dis- ,‘crivei'ies in the science of clioiriir~tr'y are given I in its columns, and the interests of the? architect , and carpenter are not overlooked; all the now iiiivontloiis and discot'eries appertaining to these :pltrsnits being published from week to Weekâ€"â€" Uselnl and practical infer-nation pertaining to the interests of iiiillwi'ights and inrllowncis will to found published in the Soil: 'itr‘ic Annui- CAN. which information that can: or pos...hly ,oblalti from any other source. Subjects in which planters and fariirers are interested will be found discussed in the Smwnr‘m AMERICAN; ‘ltIGSI of 111v improvements in agricultural imâ€" plements beingr illustrated in its columns. I l ’I'ICl-‘tMSi T5 mail subscribernâ€"l‘hree Dollars at "oar-,or One Dollar for four nimilis. ’I‘hc volumes commences on the ï¬rst of January and July â€"~'â€" , Specimen copies Will be Sent gratis to airy part of the country. Western and Canadian money or pust‘oï¬icb rtamp’srakei: at par for subscriptions. Carra- ldian subscribers will please to remit ‘2!) cents extra on each year’s subscription, to pro, try postage. H : MUNN Sr. Co‘., Publishers. 37 Print: Row, N, Y. December 4 1862, Truth Stranger than Fiction. A STARTLING WORK! â€". 13" 1‘) M A L 13 ' LIFE MIME T1111 1110111110118! A NARRATIVE 01" Many Years Personal Experience, BY MARIA WARD, THE WIFE 0F ll MURMUN ELDER! 66 IIAT one half of the world Cannot ima- gine how the other half live.†is no 1loss true than trite: and the lesson the adage alibi-(15, our experience and oilserVation daily 'tends to verify 'l'liei‘i’. too. when we consider the over-.var‘ying phases of human passion. and the discordant elements from which all novel and l'niitrlicnl sects are moulded, it can scarcely seem strrprisiug that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest. dream of romance: or that crimes. both strange and unnatural, should be perpeâ€" rlrated iii a far off country on the outskirts oi civilization, which people iii another state of =soc'ety would never imagine possible. Know- ring. as I do know, the evils and horrors and raboi’ninntions of the Mormon system. the de- ggriidntioii it imposes on fetriales. and the con- sequent vices which extend through all the ramiï¬cations of the Society. a sense ofdu'tv to the world has induced mo to prepare the fol- lowing iiarratiVe for the public eye. The re- mantic incidents connected with my experi- ence. many may think bordering on the mar- velous, To them I woriid say, that this narra- itive of my life only proves, what has so otter) been proved before that, “ Tauru is 5111.1kath THAN Ficrios. -~ Ant/tors Pro/in: . The book contains 4-19 pages. with engrav- ings, is neatly bound in cloth, and Will be cent to any address, post-paid, on recliiptol ,price. $1 ‘25. A Companion to Female Life. Mule Life among the Mormons, BY A‘Us'i‘in N. witch. This. like the above. is a Work of great land unusual interest. and “"11 he engerl: rend las acornpziniou volume to “ FEMALE 1.11911.†11 is a large More Voiuuie. neatly bound Iii cloth, i lnsirnted With ‘engravirigs’, and Will be sent many address llUSixlllilIl. on receipt ol price. £51 llUâ€"or on redei‘pl of $21)“, we will send both the above works. postage prepaid. Dickensi LAST GREAT won’t I GREAT EXPECTATIONS .1 BY CHARLES DICKENS’ Complete in one volume. l'2irio: cloth extra. engravings, Will be sent to airy address postage paid on receipt of r price. $1110 PHOTOGRAPH ALBtJMS Now so indispensable to every fan 11_\‘. are he- rillttstt'ated with steel ring: triallttfacltit'cd by us in every variety of ‘style and finish. Descriptive Circulars with prices wid be lurriished 0n application, and any style of Album sent by mail pest-paid on rec’aipt of price. IBUOIQSDII‘GI'S. News Agents. Book Agents, Canvasstirs. Peddlers. and others will do well to order" a padkage of our Books and Albums. i'l‘he‘y will ï¬nd them ekbEcdiugly popular, and lei-ms liberal. 1000 Local & Trait/ellng Agents . Wanted Evri'yttrliere for their sale. ‘li‘or sirrLrle copies, or for terms in quantit-es. With other inform lion apply to, or address. I JNO EDWIN l’OTl‘Elt. I’ttblislier, N0. 617 Sarrsoni St , l’liilndelpbia,l’a. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN .4'1' PAR. January 16. 1862. 215mm FOR SALE, STEAM E N GIN E.â€"-â€"abonl 8 horse power-,â€"with Boiler. 6w. complete. Terms libe :11 Apply to AMOS WRIGHT, M.P.l’. Richmond Hill, Nev. is. 18112. fish-t other publication. , ma-qchoh; .5. N 0T [9 E. p 1.1. persons indebted lo the Estate of 1113‘ 4'1 late Mr. GEORGE Will-(2111512 of the. Township of Vaughan. Count) of York dov ceased. are hereby' requested to~innke payment- thereof forthwith to the undersigned “Execuy- trix: and all’ persons claiming to be Creditom“ of the di-rceused, are likewise requested to" furnish the particulars thereof to. the Execux trix. in Order that the same may be examined and adjusted. ' JANE I’VIUGHT, Ezccitt'riz,‘ ~7 Thornliill. Nov. 6, 1862,. 520541" FINKLE 5L LYON SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. 538- BROADWAY, new roux. '110‘ parties little acquainted with the Fiiikle'. i5; Lyon Serving Machines the careful ‘par‘ " usal of the Company’s Circular is specially commended. This Circular can‘ bra-had ori'vapcl pliczition‘ It is’ very speciï¬c. and will be fonllff: much care. and we will aside-b)" alleta‘temen * therein made. The following brief quotation is characterise c‘ of the entire Circular :' “ 'l'his Machine is better adopted than mrv’ other Sewrng Machine in iii-arlu-t to the froqn’t‘ changes and almost on ‘less variety of sewing: required in a frinin ; for it will sew front one. to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without trop- ping, and making everv stitch perfect Will sew from the ï¬nest gause toihe. heaviest cloth. nud‘ own to the stoutost harness leather. with- out changing the feed. ireedlo'. or tension, or making any adjustment o'i'moc‘iil‘tie whatever.â€â€œ 'I‘lius have we succiaissfullv overcmno the- most difï¬cult point in the Sewing Machine Art.- lt was no ordinary triumph. thighly instructiVe, having been prepared 'wr'. Dcfiantly can we say. “ No other Machine compares with it II‘. this respect." Ilence have we uriifrir-iiily-~ail- most without exception-«taken the highest premium, when the Machine has been properly exhibited in competition with other first-clue Sewing Machines. it that we are able to offer the following guarantee. viz :-- llence is †We Warrant every Machine we sell to give better satisfaction than any other Sewing Ma- chine new in market. 0r money rol’Jrrdetl.â€â€"-â€"- “’0 never sell a Machine on any other terms The guarantee is as reliable an the note ofauy business man in the land. For morotban ï¬ve years have we relied upon such facts for the ‘ reputation ofour Machine ; and without a single travelling agent in the field, there is scarcely a. neighborhood on the continent where the Ma- chine is not favorably known. “"0 prefer-such. 11 reputation to one based on more “ talking points,†as they are technically called in the trade. Hence We make but one kind or stitch. viz: tlto lock-stitch. alike (in built sides. require lug" nly‘ one-third the thread ofotltor kind: of titclios. N. B Local agents wanted in every count! throughout the “lost. offered. Pinkie &' Lyon S. M. CO. 535 BROADWAY. erw Your Special inducement! 198'6m FA R it â€â€™""‘ii:’o a: s .1 mg, mama LOT so. 1’7, H! “in 2nd Concession of Markham, ONTAINING 67; AC 95,3 bout 52-A0rel'i cleared. the remainder covered with good Beech and Maple l‘iir‘ibt-i‘, There is on the premises a good Frame Dwelling Home," 35 x tillâ€"new. with a large Cellar under, and a good 1.0g Barn. SlalllBS,SIlC(‘IS, t‘lzc. Also a good vVell of Water close by the Kilche'n'door.‘ and it never-failing Creek running across the" west end of the Farm. For particulars, apply on the premiqu to THOMAS TEASDAliL, Or at this Ollie-o. Ileadl‘ord, Doc. re. 1852. era-o. ST E A EH EN GEN It} A}; .) PLANEING MAQHENE !« ‘ FOR SALE. ' V X 11.1. be Sold low for Cash or Exchanger! ' for Laird a first-rate STE \M ENGINE. â€"14 horSe powerâ€"win good working order; has only been in use about 3 months, l).th is therew fore as good as now, Also. a. Surfaceing and 1 Matching I’ianeiiig Machine. with a quantity of" Shifting and Belting, iii good repair. For further information apply at the " York Herald†oilice; Richmond Hill. Nov. "0; 1852. ‘307-tf .MWOWVV . _ .._,..___.._ .s..---~..m-____q MlllCHMUNl) 1111.1. Branch Bible Soc’y llrpository, r A1 Mr‘s. Ann. Eâ€"Iall’g. liticiiiiiond 11111. Jan. 8. 183:1. 214.â€. Talttablc lhti’rm for solo - N the County of York, Township 0 King, I being the \Voet half of 110i. No. 7, lst Con- cession, 100 Acres, lcss School site. This ' Farm is. beautifully situated tor a Stock or Dairy Farm, well vatered with three neverw failing Springs; 24 miles from 'l‘oronto and" 9 from Yonyo-stt'cot road. '1 Ill-1‘6 is about 99: acres cleared and over 80 1111(1ul' cultivation ;i- the soil being low and Well drained with tile, is vciv fertile: there are 135 acres of it under Wheat, and about 4“ under preparation for Sprint; Crops. a good '2 story Brick House and large Frame Barn, both new : a 'l'urnip ellar and Out Buildings. There is also a Brick and The Yard on the Ii'arirr plenty of excellent (lay and a. good demand for Tile. 113†Terms very reasonable. For further particulars apple by let‘er, pre~ paid, to ROBERT LOVE, Mcadowvate, King, ‘ Addi'eSSâ€"-()tk Ridch I’ost Oliice. Meadowvale, Jim. 2‘. 1863. FM W_Ww_w (COI’YJ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ' “‘II \T MARTIN IiIAClilCOD will apply to the next Session of the Provincial Parlia- merit lor an .‘ict to confirm his title to the Road a allowance butting his farm. lot (31. 111 the 15!. concerniop of King. being the townâ€"line be- tween the Townships of King and Vaughan. in the ï¬rst concession. granted to him by the: County Council of York. Urvnock. December 9.3, 1862. ‘212 3m: extant Fin: SALE. IN VAUGHAN. 11E \Vestdialfof Not N0. 33. in the 8th. Concessia‘ ci' Vaughan. containing lll&~' e ACRES OI“ LAND. with 91) Acres clearedu This lot is situated on the Vaughan Plank) Road. in the midst of a well settled and highliy‘ cultivated country. Distant from 'l‘oronto 23' mrles. A branch of the River IIuruber crosses its eastern and, furnishing a never~fuil rig sup- ply of water. and the soil is excellent for Wheat. Apply to DAVID mourns, , Sec’y. Edinburgh Life Assurance 00.. ' l l ‘ Toronto. Toronto, Jam?) l’él 1515411 ~ I v ' " J.“ '