.,«..,, i, a ..,,. m::::.::::: TH E D RIN K. It’s bad for the brain, it’s bad for the nerves, For the man that buys and the man that serves ; It’s bad for the eyes and it’s bad for the breath, It’s bad for life and its worse for death : It’s bad for the pocket, it’s bad for the fame ; It’s bad when often it bears no blame ; It’s bad for friendship, it’s worse for strife, It’s bad for the husband, its bad for the Wife ; It’s bad for the face, where the pimples come, It's bad for the children, and bad for the home; It’s bad when the tradesman’s bill’s to pay, It’s badâ€"oh, how bad lâ€"for a “ rainy day .†It’s bad wnen it nerves a man to do The crime that he’s not accustomed to. It was bad for the culprit who sighs in jail, It is bad for his wife, so paleâ€"so pale : It’s bad for the strong, and it’s bad for the weak, For the sallow tinge that it lends the cheek ; It's bad when the social glass we take, And bad next morning when we awake ; It's bad for the Gov when you pay the rent, And bad for the child with the pitcher sent; It’s bad for the young who schooling luck, And bad for the c‘othes on the drunkard‘s back; The rufliian's joy, the murderer's hope, Thd passport oft to the liaiigman’s rope ; It’s bad, as myriads whd moan below, Could they once return wou'd be thin to show ; It’s bad in the morning. it’s bad at night, Though the talk is loud, and the fire burns bright ; It’s bad. for it leads from bad to worse, Not only bad, but a giant curse: The poor man‘s brillort'lesirnction’s‘ g'itc, The Church’s shameâ€"tho blight of the State 3 A poison fly with its venomous sting, That makes our glori- a tainted thing. A V. LEN'l‘IRE. A young man who lives not one liundied miles from Toronto, received the fOlIUVt‘IIIQ‘ spicy Valentine from his “ dcario :â€â€"- â€"â€"._ Sister Moll is married and i am knot, I begin 9 think i sliALi. ng ‘2 pet: It‘s mORE IIIaN VVOusI‘l i’ve ’IJIN HFI‘HId tHAT ishALL how 2 Die an old i/iAII). O, Jakey, DARIiNg, deer little duck, I love u with awl my hART and pl.UCK; But 11 love another gurl be for As me, Because SHE goes a little betterdressed than 1 do: But deer Jakey remember that i’ll suit you better tHAN she wIll ; so i’ll hav u if u’ll hav me. VW ï¬bmdbmmu, “--.... AH..O.-,‘WA.. . M..__. How to prevent water coming in.~â€"- Neglect to pay Inc water-rate A placard posted up throughout itllt‘ town of Dundee announced the opening of the Theatre Royal, ‘ undcr the manage- ment of Miss Goddard newly decorated and painted 1’ Young Jones says that if anything Will make :1 mar. feel ‘juicy about the Iicart.’ is to talk Velvet to a pair of skyvcolorcd eyes in a clover field. Time-41 moon- shiny evening in June. What is the meaning of ex m'hz'lo 7217a] ï¬t ?’ asked a Highlander ofa parish schoolâ€" master. ' \Vell, Donald,’ said the domi- nee, ‘I dinna mind the literal translation. but itjist means that ye caniin tuk’ the hrccks all a Heilanman.’ \thn Dr. 11. and lawyer A. “761'thqu- ing arm in arm,a wag said to a friend, ‘ These two are just eqqu to one highway- man.’â€"-‘ \Vhy ?’ asked his llâ€l‘:ntlâ€"â€"‘ Bcâ€" causc,’ rejoined the wag, ‘ it is a lawyer and a doctorâ€"you) money or your lz'jc .†‘ My love,’ said Mrs. Foozle to her husband,‘ oblige me with twenty-live dol lars to day, to purchase a new dress ?’â€"~ ‘ Slian‘t do any such thing, Agnes; you called me a bear yesterday I’ ‘ Law, love, that was nothing; I only meant by it you were very fond of Iiuggiug‘.’â€"-‘ You’re ii saucy little puss,’ (sound heard very much like kissmg), ‘ but burns a fifty dollar bank note.’â€"-â€"Anicrican Paper. A waggish fellow. somewhat troubled Willi an impediment in IllS Spcccll, Wllllt’. one day sitting at a public table, hid occasion to use a pepper-box. Alli-r shaking ill with all due t‘clicnicnco, and turning it in various ways, he found that thc popper I was in no wise inclined to come forth. ‘ T-t-th-this p-pcâ€"pcppcr box,†he cxclaiin- ed With a fucctious grin 'is s-so-somc something like inysclf.’â€"â€"Wliy so P fulcr- rogated a ncighbour;~‘P-popoor doli- vcry,’ was the reply. PRETTY Goon IF Tito t:.â€"â€"-\“v'e can tell ‘ our readers a story Illllitll‘IO unctlitcd and which we think will not he the lenS terrible for being grotesqui'. ()iic Boxingâ€"day not very long ago, a laboring man and his WIIP were overheard in violent altercation in the street. The man was drunk, but be had arrived at the lachryinosc state ofincbriety. and was sobbing Plit’Olhlf. ‘ What’s the mattcr'l.’ qucrulously nsitcd his wife. 'IJ â€"Iâ€"I’m so unlinmiy,’ I'lliibbcrcd 1hr: nus- i band. ‘Unhappy l’ the Indy I'elllf'dli’tl with a profound expression 0! Ctmlcmpl. ‘ Unhappy! You were: drunk on Sundry. [you were drunk on Monday, you‘rc (blink now, and you ain't happy. What more do you want? Do you want to be a Hun gel '2’ The residents of Aborgcldic the summer scat of the Duchess of Kent, was oncc sur~ prised With a visit from a Ilreomar farmer. who exhibited all the symptoms of baring imbibed an intoxicating quantity of tho tin: famed mountain dew. ‘ Is the durbrss in i asked the farmer. ‘ ch,’ replied Plush; ‘ leave your card, or say what’s your busi- ness.’ ‘ What’s the ose of leaving my (bio) card, when I’m (hic) Iicrc myscll'l’ demanded the farmer. ‘ ‘ \Voll, your busi ness,sir 2' asked Plush, impatiently. Why, d’ye see now, the ducbess is a widow, isn‘t she'l’ ‘ Yes. that is well,‘ replied Plush. beginning to be amused. - but what of that l’ ' VVIiat of that l’ rr-joincd the farmer, ‘thcre‘s this of that; I’m a widowerâ€" tlie ducliess it a widowâ€"â€"and (Inc) 1 want to get into the royal family.’ He got an ,cjcction instead. I ,ling of a Iicifcr’s bug is to her a very l i hear. ~Iprwuawrm~d~w .A,-:‘s.“vW.'L~..~.Vi Hr; _, y,»i-‘ii’.~m -:;r our». ‘IJVc‘si’th‘ï¬â€˜ ' BRITISH INTEMPERANCE A CENTURY ,AGO. INTEMPERANCE 0F Lounox GEN~ TLI‘IMENwâ€"l/thlkcr, in his Original. mentions that sixty or seventy years since, certain hackney oouchmcn in London carried on a lucrative busi- ness by going with their vehicles the tlii'ttiugb the streets dtring night, in order to take home G‘runkcn gentlemen whom they saw stagger- ing about, and who next day pnid ibcin liberally for their Chambers .Miscclfanu. , CONDITION on THE Poon.â€"â€"Tlic i‘nagistrales say there were 12,000 ginscllcrs :it that time. That is a greater number than at present 3â€"â€" Yes; and it did not include the city of London or the borough ofSouth» wzirk. You VIII ace the pctilioo of tlic iiiagzistruics In Hunsnnfs Dc- butcs, vol. 9. p. 1031; and II) u do- b:itc, p. 1082, the bishop of Soils- bnry tclls IIICI‘C urc 7044 Ii- ccnscd for and 3007 ulc- bouscs; and that they put uptmut‘ds on which tlicy say, ‘ You may here got drunk for one i.)ciiii_\',tlc:id «hook for two police, and have clean straw 31-0!) spirits, for nothing,†and iii the reports of tho dcbutcs of that period, it seems they did have straw for notluiiu.â€"â€"~ 'I‘Iic justices say there were 20,000 IlOllSc-S niid shoos whore gin was sold Within the bills of ii’im‘liilitvw Lord Cni‘ti'rct stutcd tuc prices oi gin thus: gallon. 2s io 2s 8d ; quart, (id to 81; pint, 3d to 4d ,ybull plot, 1% to 2d ; quurtcin,i’t lo 1'11; ball.- quuitcto gum. 5d ; and occasionally iiiicy would make .i Iliriliingls \vortu. Were not tbc vcrv low prices all ‘A‘Illitll pin could be obtained it priir t'ip'il cniisc of its cxtcitSch use lâ€" No doubt of it. It is an iulcrci'icc Would be led to draw.â€" IJord Clioliiioiidclcy's Spocch, Pul‘ liniiiciitnry History, vol. 12, page 1213, contains 21 short and curious history of all the Liquor Acts.â€" Parliamentary Iii/pow on Bruit/tonnes BliliAKfi‘T’G liaisons FOR MILKING. lutli' ()lltl This is often quite a serious of- fnir, in which kicks and bruises are freely interchanged between the frigbtcncd brute and the irritated muster. Many :in otherwise excel- lent inilkcr is Spoiled for life by harsh trcatmcnt. A heifer, if ch1 broken to the milk pnil, is thereby made worth at least 20 per cent II'IOI‘Câ€"Ztll increase which will pay for much pnii'istuking. Rnrcy’s rcxi» sorting respecting horses, applies cqunlly to other animals. They only rcsist when injury- is appre- hcndcd, and their natural instinct suggests danger wl’icucvci' any uti- usqu trcutmcnt occurs. Every one has noticed how shy a creature is in entering strange enclosures, or at sight of new objects. The hand- uuusuul proceeding, and in addition, the tents are often tondc», and the bug cukcd and inllnincd so as to be painful under even a gentle touch. 'I'i'niiiiug for milking should com- mcucc long before calving. First teach the animal to Welcome your coming by little presents of ha}, :oru, salt, or otlicr delicacy. She will soon readily permit the band to be laid upon her buck, and enjoy the gentle rubbing amid scratching which may be given. Extend the hand to different parts ofthc body, until she will not flinch from having her teats grasped, and the work may soon be accomplished without even a harsh word. This would be: good les- son for boys to prnciicc thc prc:cnt month, as it would touch them the good cflccts of patience and kind- ness, While at the same time it Would be of great benefit to the uiiiiiinl. ‘ FEEDING 111st IN WINTER. l have twenty-eight chickensdni'gc and srnnll,scvcrul of drum full chick-l cos. I Ulllult cd but a fcw eggs in thc curly pnrtof thc winterâ€"~uo1 viiorc bun om: or two u day. The food was torn and outs. In January I tried the experiment of hot food once a day, in the morning. As Soon as the fire nus started in tho (:tmltiiig stove, I put a quart or so of small polutocs iii an old drippiiiuo painsâ€"â€" mom»! :1 ‘ ’MMN . i.‘-»\Ld- '~ , MUM-s "i '14:“ ‘ ;‘“»i.)l‘t .| ET >21 “75’â€? V’Ifl‘~l"-’-*“ ’ l' '“ """l‘w "' . J . G O R M L E Y . , COMMISSIONER 1N QU iJEN’s BENCH, Convey‘rancrr and Auctioneer LOT 31. 4TH Cos. Manama. September 18, 1860. "r. “or-yrs. .- «w, ;t_ TRENIAIN E’S REAP 0F - Upper 'Canada. HE Subscr hers to the above W'ork and the ' Ptibllc'are respectfully iiifoi‘iiie‘d‘tbat the Map is now completed, and is being furnished to the Subscribers as fast as possible. . No trouble or expense has been spared in the pre- paration of this Work, which is on a_Lai'ge,r Scale and is far more complete and accurate than any other Map publislu:-d. .....-_ , , TEE-MAIN E’S ’I‘opbgmphicnl, Statistical ILLUSTRATED MAP OF UPPER CANADA, \Vill be ready in a few Weeks, and will br: em- bellished wi 11 beautifth engraved Views of Ciiies, Public Iluildiiigs, &c. «Sac. Subscribers to either of the above Works are SIS-if ,viiii iiioio Tina ossnaviiit, The Perfection of Mechanism. SEEING A Ilos'riim AND Oran FACE, on . Lam’s on (.illh'l'l.EMAN’s VVA'I‘CH Com- l BINED. One of the prettiest. most convenient, and decidedly the best and clienpe:t timepiece for general and reliable use, over offered. It has within it and connected with its machinery. its own winding attachment, rennin-lug a key on- tii'elv unnecessary. The cases of tliiswnich are Compost-d of two metals. the outer one being line 16 carat gold It has the improved ruby ,action lever iiioveiiinnt. and is warranted an ,nccurnte timepiece. Price, superblv engraved. per case of a half dozen, $21l4.l10 Sample h, 1.†quwwled m me Sa", Mama re_ Vl'ntclios. iii neat morocco boxes, for those pro- - -‘ Pm ' k I L i k p ' , , , ,1 f , _ ‘cently got up in New York 'I'heir plan ge- iylfg’24:,ll:lgâ€?2,233,],“15521:'grab?!"Sladï¬Ã© nernlly is In rcplï¬sent that 'I‘iininiixn's hiap ,,,,,H',.mâ€,, "mmmn in ance 35;.“ cmm'o‘, Will Iii-l be_ published at nIIâ€"or that‘tbe Sub- .mnwt hmnlmow ii, ,he ,mm, ‘Addrms scnbrrs “'1†not have to take it in case, it i A . ' ‘, ' " ‘ should come outâ€"and the, had beiii-rgot one I‘IUBISAIC l) “HOS. the Co. Solo Importers, from them, Rec , a“; A†such reprweugu. Cor. Nassau and .loliii 515., Row Yolk. mms are ï¬lls... 913- l 'I‘IiEHAINE’S MAP WILL, BE FUR. “‘"f‘ ‘" NISIIEI) 'I‘U IuVIfLIlY bUIiSCItIIlICR lil‘ (El I In "and time, but the manufacture or the Maps 33 l o " . . and the. delivei} of Iheiii through the whoic ‘i)q)l'};“-S, couiiiry is necossniiiy a uoik of months. , AGENTS WANTED! For the sale of the Map in every Township All O'dors by mail promptly attendeo to Oflice and Address be. '2.) PHON'I' S'I',, TORONTO. Toronto, Duo. :37, 1562. 212 -i l 'i‘bimi‘a‘r‘riniii: on} Wii us 185 YONGE S'I'AIL‘ET. MONUMEN Si’lklll’tB TABLES, llll. N. ..I. PEEK. sinirg :on llcntlst, l , m . , 'I.‘O.\’.II3S'I‘ONI£S &C. Y .lSjust imported some ofilie iiioH r 1101.- l LAR Block 'I‘ocili, which he will ins. rt TvJ-enty Per Cent Cheaper for that ~u u if l‘t‘qllll't‘tl, being the sumo kind ' I as inserted by N Peck. iIIItI mode hi the same man. He also keeps the best. qiinlily oi I‘ontli. which he will insert on Gold, Silver. Plate-mini. or Null-unmet! Rubber, CHANGE OF A I)Vlifl'l'1.~11§.\l ICN'P. THAN AhY O'I‘HICI}, ESTABLISHMENT. oi†our duly euthorized agents, Aus'rin Annvzv and D, (,lAums VALE. whose receipt will be Dr PIICK will be of diin acknowledged. , Richmond Ilill.. . . . . . . 1st day of earth month P.S.-â€"-All notes and accounts remaining un- \I:iple, . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3rd day ot'eacb month paid on the Isl dav of June. 18.38, will be put Kieinburg†. . , . , . . . . , ,5Ib d.i\ of each month into Court for collbction, ‘Clureville, . . . . _ . _ . . , _ , (illi day of each month (‘ YAy F Aurora. . . . . . . . . . . . the last day oi'each iiiontli CUAjï¬ER. ,(ldxcnpt wbnu any of the ab vc days come on Sabbath. when he \vill attend the day following,. When he will be happy to whiten anv re- quiring his services in any branch of his- orn- t'ession. or make good any work previously warranted. . - Teeth extracted for thoso not able to my. free. (INHE Slll’gl'rllls" “In†for Sale lwo Mll‘al’le VILLAGE LU'I‘S. situated in the vary 1 i ] Toronto, April ~29. l859. 48-tf Desirable Village Property For Sale. Aumm’ me 20" 1862 168"†centre 01' the fast rising town of Port Elgin, on _ .-.“-.. _.*‘..._-_c.___.m__ [Jake Huron, and in the County of Ill'uct‘ 3 THE BEST rs ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. no M40 41- in block No. 87 of the Village. This is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make it home for himself, The shipping from the Port is Considerable, and a pushing and improving business is done in the townâ€"for a Mechanic the opening is unequalled. W PO‘V F. I. L’S ii ' v ‘ 7 . l i '. CAiltillllr‘li‘l bll’lllb Philll‘S I L CKNLHVLEIXHCD by 500 Farmers. Pro- .1..A~ fessionnl Geiitiwuen and others (who have. them working Ill Wells, varying in depth from III to 133 feet) to be the I} XSIICS'I‘ WORKED. MOST IJIJI‘LAISLE and luifli‘l- CIEN'I‘ over offered to the Public. 11:;P Price 60 Cents foot. No extra charge for 't'op. Every Pump Warranted! Orders for these Pumps addressed to C. PO W ELL, Willowdale, C.VV. Will receive Prompt Attention. For particulars apply at the " HERALD Orâ€" FICE,’ or to WU. COURTNEY. Richmond Hill, April ‘24, It'lfl'a. I78-tf'. DRS. S. N. & P. B. PECK, SURGEON DENTISTS, WILi. iii: in Newmarket. Isl, 2nd and 3rd of Each Month; , V , ,. , , Bradford, 4th (f Each Month' I‘ltnlenlllel, f, IX. (joulisujwn’ 5th of Each Month; M~“‘â€â€˜â€"" " """'â€"""‘â€â€'~‘"'"â€â€œâ€"‘“ I Bond I'lcad, 6th of finch Month ; WORMS. {Browns-ville, 7th of Each Month; For destroying Worms in children SI'I'TZER'S | King Station. 8th of Each Month : lamâ€: CANDY is by for the niostIploasanz Stoiitlvillo. 23rd of Each Month ; ’m' 0 0mm! remedynowm “8' Fry“! s°l {Markham Vil.‘3~lth and 525th of Each Month; by all dealers in medicines. ' 1:) town’s Coriicrrdtb I.on,ol"blnrkhani 96th (10.: tichnrond Ilill. .‘iir-liolis‘ IIoth, 27th “ Maple, Waitsou's Hotel . . . . . . . . . . 28h †Kleinburg llotel . ... . . .29zh “ If any of the above days comes on Sunday. that. place will be omitted till ihetollowing month. “’"ii'ijNiiv "n. tint, Licensed Auctioneer, FUR TH}! UNITED COUN'I’lICS OI? YORK & PEEL. mono...- When he. will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls. or irrilao good any operation previously warranted. Those who require Artificial Teeth can have a full upper Set of best quality of Iiilock Teeth. inserted on Vulcanized Rubber, for‘ $8, Usually char,ch by other Dentists. 'l‘netli filled with Gold, Silver or filling. Auction Sales attended to in n. business-like manner, and the interests of the cnivloyor al- ways consulted. Residence and l’,O. Addi'essu'l'hornhill. , . .. 0 "' Februmy 1..., (.3. 219 White Ears Troughs, I‘l’nicr Silents, To remove n'iisappreheusion. he begs to an- Cistvoiis :iiirl l’tiiiips; nonnce that all wink War-ranted what it is Guaranteed to l e. or no charge. Manufactured and for Sale by . «myfltmma’cï¬gfl __ E L . a; O G If F F, with the least possible Pain. Satan MILLS, liionsniim. Particular attention paid to the Regulation Juiieil. 18.39. 97.,†of CHII.IIRE.‘I’S 'l‘IClC'l'lI. .. Mimflv N B.â€"P irtios requiring [\I'llilt'iul Teeth are "“ ’l "‘ _‘ V‘ I†' _ req “sled to Call and Examine Specimens. "l 113’ 'I‘cctli inserted cheaper than b} any other ,._ . - w , , , ll)eiiiist in the Province. ‘i l Newmnrket. May 29, 185‘}. By the use ofldloctricity. ' ,8 y D r. E. c. E D M 0 N D s, E; n o. ill {iiiffififi‘ifs SUILGI‘IUN I) I'ZN'I'IS 1‘, A U ROI: - Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, C.\V. December I4. 1861’. 'I'eclli inserted on Silver. Gold or Vulcanized l Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performed in the most approved manner and \Varraiilcd‘ Aurora. March 9. ltlb'f) (v-1.- â€"-â€"â€"â€"~~~_'...... . . _ DENTISTRY! w. c. Tat/Lon. VETERINARY SURGEON, Member of the Royal Collage if VS. W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, ban. and set them in tho ovcn. All» tcr brcnktnst 1 took a quart or more“ of \Vbciii and buckwheat bi‘nu.ii'iixcd. put it in the paiLnnd iiiiXod into thin mush “III! boiling \vntcr,llicii added about (mt: quart of live coals from tho Sitlvc, illl'l put in the potatoes not from the ovcnpiddiug ull tlic (egg shells on hand, and soiiicliiiics a little sulphur. Tlicsc. mnsncd to.- gcthcr are fed iiiiiricdi..itcly in a trough prepared for that purposeâ€"er At noon I fcd six curs of corn, cut, up in pic-cos an inch long, and in the owning oats with about u quan of whom sort-:cnings. Now for the I‘t'SIIII. In a wcck the number of increased six-fold, and in two weeks they have ranged from twelve to twonty eggs per day. The cold- est weather made no (1iï¬i::'ciicc.â€"â€" When it was cold and stormy I kept them in the hen house all day, and uciicrally until 10 or 12 o’clock.â€â€" Sucli singing Over the corn at noon I never heard from hens hcforcw-ii concert of music that would havc= done any lover of eggs good to 99 KING 51‘. EAST SOUTH SIDE, 'i‘iiinv Doori wusr anon ciiuncn 'rononiro, PAR'T‘ICUL AR attention given to the rogu- latiou of C/iillilrcn’s' TOM/L. Consultation N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- moot borototore received bugs to intimate that ho is now prepared to treat nII floorspace of urine-art's .' At his own stables on the shortest notice. and lime" “lid all work “'“rm'lled‘ can with Confi lance wnrraiit n ctiro 111 2-1“ cases Dl" 1" “35 l‘ll‘lled Ills allmlll‘m l" llle lm‘ wimp, the reach or medical ,km and ,mamwm. ,provciiicnts of his profession in all itsbranches. ~ - - 1 ~, and can supplr the profession with 'I‘eeth. . r‘ " - __ «1 VJ l . . ‘ . Rmz'denw U27. me L‘Z‘glc Iif’mf' ,lGold. Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcnnite N15. No Charge for Sinhliiig. - Rubber. and the best Bone filling. ' ' r - .. ' a r ' ' .- .. ‘ i ' . . . Newmarkct, Feb, :26, 1:62, 1,0,1). ' Mineral leetb mount: d on (rind, Silxci. or “mam __ "My, mauwwnu Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto,October II, lb’ï¬fl 49-13‘ NOTICE. If asked what was the best. medicine for cleansing NEW arm IMPROVED limp oi Upper banana: fOUId) you secure a valuable and orna- v . “I .. - x r . a ‘ . .; mental ~ ork ot neieieiice: Subscribe I I , the blood, and far bilious complaintsï¬ick Heartache, 01 “W griptivenessja &c., we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN Typographic-211, Statistical GENE“ “FE Pm‘S’ AND ' w... ta. 1.“qu dfll'u‘VLu ,. i v wdm... hormone nun. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ! r ‘HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their k LI BRARY to the ‘ Hut/mi; ’ Book Store. where Stockholders and others may ‘i‘ociire BOOKS every Friday afternoon. fror Ito c o’clock. P in, .A. SCOTT, Libmr Richmond Hill, Feb. 27.1861 ' ON NERVOUS RELAXATI )Ti and EX- HAUSTION. New editions viilcranti to I9†pages, illustrated by Illl.l Anatomical Colored Eiigraviiigs on Steel. just published, price Is. " T {HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatest Meiji cril Work of the Age. on Youthful Indus cretions and coiisi-queiit Impcdiiiieuts to Nlar- , riage, describing the Anatomy of the» Repro- ductive Svstt-iii in health and disease, and pointing out the sure moans of perfect restora- lion to manhood: with an Essay on Sillg’ll' and Married Life. containing a i’ri-scriptioii kuowu sibility of contamination. I Also to be had from all Agents in all parts 01 I’li‘rllculal'l.v Ca‘lllml‘d "ll-“llâ€ï¬t Milli: (laughed ‘ as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the bus the World. EXTR. \OTS FROM rI'HE SILENT l FRIEND, prin b'd., which contains duections l for the guidance of patients = THE UNDERSIGNIQD Assignees of tlie‘ estate of I). C. «’8’: W. YALI'}, will conâ€" .' tiiiue the business under the superiiitendence ' _ speedy ' Iity of failure. Moss's. R. 02/, I.. l’rziiiiv ALCO. are only to be consulttd at thcir residence, No. If}. Burners strewn ()xfmd‘ Street. London, as then Il‘l’t‘r, under any circumstaiiCes, truvrd either at home- or abroad. and they lierebv caution the Public aoaimt any person using their name. and as a further precaution against fraud. the Public is notified that none of their .iiedicines are ge- nuine. unless the suhjoincd l/‘rrc-srmilic of their signature is attached to their different wrap- pers. Guis’iiATivr: do xiusmzmn . uVVr.K iii... iiixiai. BY THE USE OF ‘Perr'fs Cordial Balm of Sylriacum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout ll. world as the GREA'I'ICST Illu- (iEN IQRATOR; a never-failing remedy ’or Spoi'iiintorrbt‘a. loss of iunulv power. produced by early indiscrctious. or any other cause.â€" Itenriclies the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incuraon at once to fulï¬l the most sacred obligations of married life. Price 11s. per bottle, or four quantities in one. 33s., which saves Ilc. ; and in £5 bottles. effecting a saving oi £1 12s. I’IQItIt.Y’S CONCENTRA'I'ED DETER- SIVI‘) ESSENCE. a remedy for bdpllllls‘lll all its stages, also for purifyinqthe system from contamination, recommended for secondary syriiptonis. blotclios on the bead and face, en- largmnent of “,6 “mpâ€, tonsâ€, and “vuja, its directly on the nervous and muscular svstviii, , beneficial influence on the system is undeni- ame_ pric,‘ ‘15. and 3.33.. I,“ home, a150,, ticular vital fluid; its action is ntst‘et’~fullltig,: saving- of I Is. I’I‘IILILY’S PATENT CONCELTI'RATISI ESSENCE OI“ (I(_)I’/‘.Ifl\ ANI) CUBEB SUGAR-(IOAI‘ED GLOBULES, the most Remedy known. The Globulcs, con- taining the Qui..tcssenco of Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu, 810., at once cure, it ithout the possibi- Gonoi-rhrna. ob~tinate Gleel, Stricture. ctc, iiiiiiicdiniely siibduing all'in- flamiiiatory action; Encased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. (id. and 11s. per box. l’Ii-niixrn I)EI’1‘.NDS upon Punt; I’Loon.-â€"- PluliltWS PUIIIFYING SPI‘LCII’IC PILLS. an infallible (11116 for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcers, iloils. ‘ Iilotches, Pimplos on the face and body. etc. Price US, and 333. per box. Solf at Messis. 11. .‘i' 1.. PERRY & Co’s. \"¥‘liiilos:ilc~ Dvptlf, No. 19, Burners Street, ()x- ford Sire-ct, London. Agents: BARCLAY C0,, 7.? Farringduu Street. Iiontloti. Mar ‘23. 136:2.- 182. , _. ._.__ --..-.....__.__N -.H..._._..._ Eitluckwootlls slugguzinc AND THE BRITISH REVEEWS ‘1 sco'r'r ("()., Nicw YoitK. cmitiuut j. to publish the following leading British Periodicals, Vl’l..:-- ' I. TIIE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservmive‘i 2. 'I'I-IE EDINBURGH ill-IVIEW (\Vbig.) THE NORTH BRITISH RICVIEVV, (lira. Cliurcli,) ‘ 4. "‘IIE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Libel-ah} i" J. Bintokwooo's EDINBURGH Mao,» ZINE, tTory,) The present critical state of European affairs will renderthesr‘ publications uulvnrsally in- ieresting during the forthcoming year. I‘Iie' will occupy a iiiiddln ground between the has- tili writen iiews items, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the pun» (lerous Tome of the future historian. written after the living interest and excitement of tho gl'cnt political events of the time shall have passed away It is to these Periodicals that renders must look for the only really Illlelll‘ giblo and ieiiable history ofcurroiit events, and as such, in addition to their well-established literary, scientiï¬c, and theological character. we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. EA ELY COPE The rvceipt of Alla/mac Slivct's from the Iliiiish publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be pluccd in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERIMS : _, Poi-(inn For any one of the four Ileviewg. .... . 3 (ll For any two of tho four Reviews“ . . . ... 501' For any three of thr- four REVIEWS†. . . . . 7 (It; For all four of the Reviews, . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8111: For Blackwood’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5; 0t" For Blockwood and one Review“ . . . . ... 5 (ll For Binckuood and two llcviews, . . . ... I (it For lllzti-Kwood and three Ilevicws,. .. E! (It; For Blackwood and the iour Reviews†.Ill flti Mont-y current in, Ifâ€: Stole 10/ch issued will [NJ rescind at par. CLU’BBING. A discount of twentyâ€"ï¬ve per cent from the . ,n . J, of, 9......“ .. may . cm «x. i ' “ Health. Happiness, & Long Life I B. ' li EN :5 E R s O; N , M . D. .‘ Rid within the reach of all, by the use of [ Dlt. BUCIIAN’S‘VEGETABLE DU- MICS'I 1C ‘MEUICIN ES, prepared from IIN‘ Prescriptions of the late Dr Huchnii, Fellow of the Royal College’lof Physicians. t\c,. kc.â€" Cuies are daily made, and theircfflcam proved in thousand of cases, ottsted befoie the Alder- men at'UulIdIiaII, ‘ THE RIGHT MA YUR OF LONIIUN, I {and sitting Main lratels of Marlborough Street. “ON. THE LORD W-estiuiiister, Wu ship Sher-t. Bow Street. the. Used In the most celebrated Medical Men (Ilergt men. and others. E M ED/ 6:9 , Dr. Buchan’s Sugar; Coated Sarsapanlla. A Pills; It i a WELL-KNOWN FACT that éAR- . SAPARILLA is the greatest purifier of the blood in the we Id. KEEP YOUR. BLOOD PUREIâ€"The Bowels regularIlâ€"And DEFY the DOC-TOR!†These Pills strike at the root of each disease, and are for the'cure of eVery ailment inculental to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Iodi- gestion. llilinus, Liver. and Slouinch Com- plaints. General Weaknessfllout, Rho-ema- tisiii. Lumbago. Pains in the Limbs, Head- aches, Sore Throws, and many complaint caused by ir‘egul rities oi the bowels.» ob-‘ structed perspiration. and deteriorated and on- healthy blood These Pills work their way to the very roots of each disease. cleansing in their passage. especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulation, till the blood is purified; the whole system reiiovawd. and all the fniictiOiis acting HPCOI‘tIlIIL' to nature. the duties of life become :i. pleasuie. where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- lay I a clean Stomach must make aclean body. A clean body will contain pure blood. when Hill-r9 For further particulars apply at the Ofï¬ce of' 'ihe stomach, body, and blood are pure. from . . a... .. .. W.â€" , Oculist; and Aurist, tLate of No 656 Broadway. New York.) AS just oiielied an (lflice at No.1174 King St.. "I‘orouio, where he intends I'fllllfldfl“ ing a few months, and will g-to hi- exclusive attention Lethe tiealnreut or Uisv'ases oftlie tquï¬, EA Riaud LUNGS. Dr. H. has prac- tised Ior upwards ‘ofIIlttears iii NEW YonKJvith‘ uiiexaiii‘pled’stifcess. Hundreds of’iestiiiioiiials. from persons who Irate‘been cured by hiiii,‘(‘nu ‘ be seen at his office... Cataracts pod .\iiiarnsis' treated with smscess‘. also Bronchitis. 50"." Throat. and ï¬ll Diseases of the Lungs. Artid ï¬cial I'lyes Ill-\erlml without an operation; - . I‘oronto: S‘pt. 9, ’62. 195-3": Priors idiot-tilts i. PHOTCERAPHS l- 'I‘he Cheapest and fleet Allllllllll-We- and ‘Illltlltlgl'ttï¬h; GALLERY. IN. CANADA? IS A“? l irritabiliiiir; . 1'0th ) N 'l‘ U . ,. RAW E, ' I’l‘GDI‘IGIOPï¬Hd I’i‘lrlcipal Operator 'I‘o’rnnto. April Ill. 1861. Try tho-truly great PAIN KILLER. BRIGGS' MA- GIC RELIEF. and if you are not satisfied of its supe- riority, after using the medicine. the price will be re funded b the Agent. in all cases. Price 25 cents pet" berth. old by all dealers in medicines. ‘ 1‘25 1y valuable Property for sale“ IZ: 63 Acres, 23 of which is timbcred', 40- Acres under Cultivation. Several PAR K LOTS with timber therebn Also. wiiliout Buildings. The above property is situated at, ljoining to, the Vi-lage of egulating 8 id cleansing the bowels, health is this paper. certain, Begin at the beginning. waste no time: strike at the I‘OtltOl'}0111‘alllllelll. Again, "I say. look to your stomach. One trial Oftth ] Pills will force conviction. Sold in bottles. at Is. lid†28. 9d., 4s. 6d,, and 11s. - Dr. Buchan’s invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS Ii [CLAXATIUN and GE- 4NERAL Vl EAKNESS. at once restore and invigorate \Vith magical rapidity the most lie~ bilitated Constitution. thereby cosming perma- ‘a-so‘ Itichniond IIill.Se~pt 2. i866. ° Consultthc out lhiglislilliiyicinn FOR AS I‘HlIA. INCIPIEN I‘ CONSULVII‘TILNV INI’TRMI'I‘IES 0F. YOUTH, ULI) :lbi ii, 3L0. N0 'Mcijsetii'y Uscdi AND“ iieiit health, increased strength, energy, and a, D141 Sonja redoublin devolopment of the .iiuscul irsystem. . Failure is impossible. for" success IS as certain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and gent-rill debility, nervous prostralion. depreSsioii ofspi- and for all female complaints, This medicine not only restores llt‘allll and sir-riigth at once, but inereases the natural vigour of man iii‘ youth, maturity. and old age The properties of this invaluable re-invigoratiog Hus-once act this, diminution of vital energy, eniaciatiou, enriching, increasing, and purifying each par- and in perfect accordance with the laws of na' ture. As the falling rain viviï¬cs ilie parched vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who suffer from exliaiistiVe derangement. which so few of the medical profession attempt to treat. 4s. 6d.. 11s, or four quantities in one, 33s. on. BUCHAN’S VEG [STABLE om: MIiN'l‘, Is the only one yet discovorod that Citron the most inveterate sores. Its effects are wonder- ful, giving instant relief to the sufferer M'iiiv thousands have usedit. and declare it to be "the bust in the World †It is the only SKIN "N ,1». p a,“ 3 ill in . N 'a'I‘UfiA I; REMEDY for all kinds of sores and skin eruptions. It nevi-r closes up the surface of a Wound whilst. full of matter. out \\ill first bring nil to‘ the suiface. and finally haul WILHUIII bit-ukii'u out again. The Polls aid the Uiitimcut Ill tlic followingâ€"Pi es, lloiles, Ilruses. I’Jvcorintlous. Illoii-Iics on the [fut-o, U.ccis, Ring-worms. Sore fiends. Eyes. and I.ll).~.‘, Baldness, (Ibup- pvd Ilniius. Clizil'cd :iiid Historth beet, Corns. Bunions. (:lllllltltlllh. Frost Bites, Scolds. (3111*, Ililcs. Freckles Snug-s. Scrnl'ulu. King's I‘Lvil. find I..r-gs, Bud l-‘reints. lloiurnc'rd and S til .lniiit~. Fistii'us. Gout, Sive lclf Glands. Iniiii- bago. It‘bcuniatisiu. \VIiiIlow, Sue Nl:)|)le~, Sore I'hiouls. Scurvy, Sore I'luhdn Rudi. Iiiâ€" irours. Old and deep'sI-atod U'ce s, Wounds. Worms; Itr-li, t'tzc. Is Igtl.aiu12s.fld per-pot. Pmetlt \chicuie \Varehonse. 19. Ilcrums street. Urtl'ortl street, Inuidr-n. \Vbolosule Age-rituâ€"Iliwlay 8L Cm. 75, I‘lmriugdou street ‘ , IIIFI‘ be lltid at H, II. IIXI.I.'S. Chemist and Drllglisl. iticbiiiond lIiIl. (LIV. 11111. from all (:Il'fllllsls throughout. the world. Mai '23. 1863. 182. 1237513251! llltist 'atcd Illap of Upper Gaiiadnl In preparation by Geo. C. 'I'r‘emaine, the old and wellâ€"known publisher of Descriptive County Maps. -c‘ IL.r Residents of the Province everywhere will be called or. by Local or Travelling agents l I'oroiito, .May 1861. 138-“. M- N“â€" J. B. flccflim', NOUN FY Ceiistable,â€"â€"Laiidlord’s Warrants l J executed, Rents and Debts collected on l ‘the shortest possible notice. A:lll:'cs§-â€"â€"ll.i_ililufifid Hi}? i’ O. 1‘23: above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering four or more copies Of any one or more of the; above works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review. will be “sent to one. address for $9, four copies of the four Reviews ; and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. Canadian mail ï¬dubsct‘ibers supplied free of United States postage, ' l bibsâ€"The price in Great Britain of the ï¬ve I Feriodicals above named is $31 per annum. Remittances for any of the above publication l 5 should always be addressed, post~paid, i to the Publishers, LEONARD. SCOTT & CO. , No. .54 Gold street, New York. New ‘iorb. Doc. 5,1861. FANNING MILLS&PUIVIPS II III E Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that be {manufactures the‘ utcst improved PUMPS AND FAkll‘lIlilG MILLS In his Shop, at Sioufl'ville, where all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt atteii-V tion', and for cheapiiess and durability Ii,e defies competition. Repairing done with despatcli. All letters addressed to PE'I Ell KRIBS, Stoufl'ville P, 0. Stouti‘yillc. Oct. 15. ISIS-l. 151â€"53111 Relief to tKE Aï¬â€˜li‘ictcd i V "HE following Certificates guaranty to the public that HAW. Pooh’s live Water I»: an infallible remedy for ' 1 l ° \ - inflamed byes and thilblanis We, the undersigned. do certify that we have used II. W. I’ECK'S EYE WATER, and rind it to be a certain cure for intlniiied Illyos and Chilblains. and therefore would recouriiiend it. to the public, Robert Raymond Robert Hopper James Bailey G. 1.. Boy 111011 , Mrs. M. .1. Raymond W. S. Podock Miss J, Hinnce W H. Myers A. L. Skeele L. Iticliardson Itobert Ilewison Martin .Vealion . .loliu (Ionlter Tiiiiotiiy Fogarty I). Bridgford. J-P. W. P. Richmond, Miller Anderson are sufï¬cient W Richmond Hill. July 14, 188:2. My son suffered for nearly four months from Inflammation in one of his Mes; during which time I procured the best ii’iedical out within in} reach, to no purpose. 'I‘nc lliI’IuIIIIDHIIt)“ con- tinued: the buy suffered, and I hogan to (INIer tain serious apprehension that he would lose his sight. I accidentally heard of effictilul cures having been :iiadc by Mr. II. W Prck’s Eve Waicr, and procured two viols of it from Illlllâ€"lfu’ Implication of which has qfl'cclml A t'URE. My son’s eyes are now well. I have much pleasure in certifying to the abovli facts‘ and recommend the Use of Mr. Per-It’s I‘llc Water to all persons L‘lflltflbll with Inflamed Eyes. JJHN IiiSMUP'. Richmond Hill. July 15, 1862. In the month of February last, I had a. severe attack of Inflammation in my light 9) e. and suffered very much. I tried several ie- iiiedies, and obtained medical udvice, but my eve continued to get \toi‘sz‘. I was recom- niended to call on Mr II. W. Peck. who gave me a vial of his Ere Wirer; in three days I felt relief, and in about five days was able to use my eye. It is now well, and I have much pleasure in stating that I believe it is Mr Peck’t remedy that cured my eye. I. have also re- commended the use ofit to others, and know that the result has been attended with com- plete success. ‘ J. M. DAVIS. For Sale at the York “ Herald†Ofï¬ce,Rich- , mend Hithprice 535 cents per bottle. jar) 48 L‘As'r (“missus STREET, Hut-thin. New York, ' RE the onlv Physicians III the Sihle who"- - are members of the Itoyai (IolIt-gc Surgeons, London. o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every- state and symptom ofdisonse. ‘ 'I‘Iie treatrhcutthcy adopt IS the result of upu wards oftbiity years’ extensive and successfull practice in London. L MOST SCII‘P‘J'I‘I‘Y'IG INVENT‘IOH'.» lily. of Nocturnal Emissions. more yuoperly known as S-eiiiinal \Vcaltiless. tho. pernmnentl} tuned in from 15 to till days. by the use of this iiisiruniieut. when used cond- jointly with meclmines. Ilr. Amos & Son. in order to sutie.)’ tIlG‘ most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge IIItinlSU'l‘t/t’h‘ (but in any instance where it may prove lHIHt-lllï¬lttcltll'j'. illIl‘I' 2i fair trial, the mom-y Will be refunded by returning; the instrument in good order. Price '1 en Dot. line. by mail or empress. YOUNG MEN 'I'A'KI'J PARTICULAR ï¬tl'rlt‘l'i. Those who have i ijurr-d themselves by a cer' tuiii practice" indulged in when atom-«n habit frequan} learned from evil t:i»ii.~p:iiiioii~. or at school. the t-Ilhu-lSol which Hie iiiglill} felt even when :islcep, and if n it-nieil. ri-iulci'.~ marriage Impossible niid (11".‘411'0l8 notn Illllltl HIHI body. should apply iiiiiiwtiintcl;. S lt-nl.u--o isonuof Hie h10>l l‘oi'iiudn‘ to enemies to I: Hill], for no- tliiug else iii the 1111'!“ t'lllltlt sgiit-‘ol IIIIIIIIIII (lis- east-s cause-s ~o destructive a drain upon the human S‘Hlt‘lll, drawing iis ti.oii.~ui:t'sof vic- tims through a low years of Sllfll‘l'lllg don It to an untimely grave. It t.lr‘sl.|'ti_\s ilu- notions s)st,ct|i rapidly, \t‘usloi- nun} lliï¬cilt‘rgiosol' lilo, cons-vs inculul ifcrnngvinciil. prevents ibe pio- pi-r develop cut of tin swimn. deialifi s for: iiiuriiuge. wittcl}. business, and all t‘ï¬l‘lllll happiness. and IQ‘HVVS [Ilt' shill-tor \\"t‘CIU(I in. I)IltI\ and mind. lll‘t‘.(ll\piv>t'tl ltlf‘t II~lltl‘[)llt)11611=d a train of evils more in be di‘raotd than death. itself. Rnitsms In AW PAH'I' or 'riir'. “'UHLI') may be sticce~sfiillv treated by foiwnidiuga 'coiroci detail of their case. Address In. Autos \\ bus, 41“} asI'Ucliesee Street, three doors \‘l'cst ot Illlicott Nrtet Buffalo. N. Y. ’. tilï¬-ly; IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR'S PUI..\I(I.\'IU SYRUP. is burial? commends-I, for Coughs. Colds. Asthma. Group: and; I" diseases of the Lungs and Throat 25 centn pr' bottle Titr.‘ ()lll.‘1.\;\.l. llllWE Smilith IIIiCI'IlNES: ES'I'ABIISHED IN IN It62. lMï¬â€"«I‘rziii‘sr'i‘itu 'EL'EN'I‘ and important improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine. rend. rs i now the iiiosi piligfect beloie the public, and persons at a distance cnn order a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe deliverynliid that they Will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more. breaking nut-die: 1â€"- No more missing Slllcllbrtlf NOJI‘QLIMG in mak- ing any garment. however delicate or heavy,on the same Machine, either in caiiiluic, cloth or leather; and, for dress makers, shirt makers tailors. lint oilidem, shoe, binders. or guite fit- ting, as well as for every vatieit‘ of family sewing, they have no superior, and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine Japablc of doing the same range of wink. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. of styles and prices A few I'BSjlt‘CIalllv Ageiitsvwillbc dealt. . i It liberally; 1 Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 4372 Broadway, New York ‘ I! New York. June ‘20. 1862. 186-13’ 3 GOOD THING. ' DB. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth a‘ trial. In Any case or Piles, Burns, Scolds, Old Sores,“ Inflamed or'e‘orc Eyes. ICI‘UIMPLIS on the Skin, and in. every case where an Ointment is useful. It will I. Mend itself,“th one trial. ‘ » . {.lictip Ezoiils audiences l HE Subscriber begs to iiitiiiiatc lo the in- llaI’llInllI" ot {icliiiiond Hill and vicinity, that he has lemedihe Shop of Mir Ruben Lee, Where he. intends to‘cnrrv on the BOOT and, SHOE Iihaiiié-s's iii all its branches, ‘ Mr. Lee’s CIISItllilQI‘S Will have the same at- lPllIim) given to their weik as formerly, " All workidone at the lowest ten-unniatlng prices. V' ‘ 4 th'HARI) DURHAM. Richmond Hill. April It}, ’6“). 17d " VILLAGE PROPER'I'Y' with oi" and“ ad-' h‘.la}“be consulted from 8“ An instrument t'ortlie cure of (lenital‘lh‘b‘iv Can be' OI