W... . » pain]. I m:____ _ -W ._,__ ,JOHNY’S TA‘EN AWA’. «use. The ingle throws e. waesome lightâ€"â€" We canna hide the house see still ; And naething‘seems to gang just right- The mind seems conscious 0’ some ill. Silent and sad seems ilka nook ; Nee corner has a hamer cheer; Andlnaething bears a lightsome look: Opprel’d wi’ thought we drap a tear. Our ain dear boy 1: Wait awa’: His wee bit life. scarce weel begun, Ins pdseed awa’ fro. ’mang us a’ : We hear nae mair his prattliug tongue. His step one free. his childish voice, His merry laugh, nae niair we hear; His ruddy cheeks nae meir rejoice A-mother’s heart wi’ love sincere. Our path was aye beset wi’ care ; The ills 0’ life aye caused no pain ; ' But. wi’ our hey we still could our Life’s weary load. and not complain. ' But now we drap the silent tear ; I Our heart gie’s vent to purest grief; Emotions paint a love sincere, And sorrow wishes no relief, But still, ’tis wrong to nurse our grief, The gifts of God are not our ain ; They glad our hearts wi’ joy fu’ brief, And then return to Him again, Silliiiulluiuniu, M TEE-W ladies arcvsomodest as to be on. willing to sit on the lap of ease. Frank Havman was a dull dog. When be buried his wife a friend asked him why he expended so much money on her fune~ rail _ ‘ O, Sirl’ replied he, ‘sbe would have done as much, or more, for me, With plea- sure.’ A tacetious fellow baring unwittineg offended a conceited puppy, the latter told him he was no ‘ gentleman,’ ' i 9' Are you a gentleman 2’ asked the droll one. ‘ ch,sir,’ bounced the fop. ‘Then 1 am very glad I am not,’ re- plied the other. I -17A1\'KEE 'I’ACTICSuâ€"Thc army of the Potomac seems to be fast going to the first syllable ofthc name of that famous river. Its operations against Richmond have only wasted blood and treasure in the vain attempt to gain a little political capital.â€"P2mc“7e. AFFLICTION.â€"-â€"GO(I made us for eterni- ty; and His aim in all lie does is to bring us happily to it. Hence the necessity of pain, Sickness, crOSses, to break the strong,r chain which binds us to the world; and to force us to take part. with God in His grand designâ€"Adams. It was customary some years ago to publish from the pulpit, in Connecticut, beans 01 matrimony. On one occasion an old man rose and said,‘ I forbid the banns.’ On being asked to state his objections, he replied, ‘I had Iesarved Dinah Curtis for myself.’ The objection was not deemed “,good.’ VERY CANDID. AslTom and his wife were dispu‘ing one day 'Of their personal traits, in a banteriiig way, Quoth she, ‘Though my wit you dieiparage. I’m certain, dear husband, our friends will at- test. That, compared with your own, my judgement is bostl’ Qucth Tom,‘ So they said at our marriage 1’ AN OLD STORY APPLY APPLIED.â€" 'I’he Scotsman says :â€"â€"‘ There is a Scotch story, employed some times to show the :necessity of care in the use of pronouns, about a woman relating that she had fallen into the river, and would have chn drown- ed ‘phadit not been for Providence and another woman.’ The Pope may be said to trust to ‘ Providence and another man’ -â€"or perhaps it might just as correctly be said ‘another woman,’ tor it is now no secret that his Holiness, like Suwarrow, puts his trust mainly in ‘ God and the Ein- ipress.’ Sin CHARLES NAPIER AND Mn. TRAIN.â€"â€"Scene-â€"thc House ofCommons. ‘ Sir Charles.’ said an lion_ member, ‘ let me introduce you to Mr. Tiain (the tram- road man) who has travelled all over the world." ‘How do,’ said Sir Charles.â€" ‘ Been all over the world, have you ’Iâ€" Been to Syria 2’ ‘Yes,’ replied Trains ‘ and have seen some of your cannon ball, therc.’ ‘Ah, hot work thatâ€"«come and haven glass of grog.’ "Thank you, I never drink spirits.’ ‘ Oh, teetotaler 1’â€" 'No, not pledged.’ ‘Glad of itâ€"hate teetotalers.’ ‘ Good day to you,’ and away scudded the old Admiral to his fa- VOiitc place, the River Terrace. AGood Joke.â€"At a school meeting not titty miles from Mitchell, an individual by the name of Hogg was creating a good deal of disturbance, when a son of Erin rose and with a solemn air asked the chair- man ifit was not so that the Council of this Municipality had passed a By-Law to the effect that hogs were not allowed to run at large? But his opponent, not to be outdone, sprang to his feet, and said it was so. but there was a certain weight speciï¬ed, and that liiI was above that Weight. them/ore the Bylaw did 720i afect him. -WANT or MATERIALâ€"A celebrated divme in the west country tells the follow- ing story :â€"-while one. day taking1r his usual walk he happened to come on a little boy busily engaged in making a Ininature build- ing of clay. The Doctor, always tond of conversation with children, at once began his interrogatories as follows â€"â€"-‘ Well, my little man, what’s this you’re doing?’ ‘ Makin’a hoose, sir.’ ‘ What kind 0’ a hooscl’ ‘A kirk, sir.’ ‘ \Vhere’s the door I’ ‘ There it’s,’ replied the boy, pointing with his finger. ‘V’Vbere’s the pulpit ll ‘ There,’ said the boy. The Doctor, now thinking he would fix the sharp-eyed boy, again asked, ‘ Ay, but when is the minister-1’ The youngster, with a knowing look to his qucrist, and with a scratch of his head, again replied, ‘ Oh ." I hav’na cueuch o’ dirt. to malt, him.’ ' -<.~.>.~-s: . .-: it aurora moms. - _ . __ . ___. ., ___._‘_..._..__.â€"- Aurora Council. The eleventh meeting of the Aurora Council was held at Mr. R. Arnold's Ho- tel, on Wednesday, March 25th., at '7 o’clock, pm. All the members present. Minutes read and approved. R Boyd‘sreport on Bowling Alleys, &c.,â€"â€"asked leave to sit againâ€"granted. A Byâ€"law relating to the duties of poundâ€"keeper, and proveuting animals run- ning at large, was read a third time and passed. . . R. Boydâ€"pursuant to notice laid on the table a By-law defining the duties of Fire Inspector, as amended by the By-law Com- inittec. R. Boyd moved. seconded by Geo. L. Sterenson, that the. Council do now go in- to committee of the whole on the Byâ€"law relating to the duties of the Inspector. The Council then went into committee of the whole. Committee rose, reported by-law as amended, report received, and on motion was adopted. . G. L. Stevenson moved, seconded by J. llolladay, that the Clerk be, and is hereby instructed to notify parties having wood piled on the Sidewalk, on VVclling~ ton street. near the station, to remove the same fortliwitli.â€"â€"-Carried. J. Ilolladay moved, seconded by G. L. Stevenson, and Resolvedâ€"That the Separate School Bill now before the House of Parliament of this province. if passed would be injuâ€" rious to our Common School System. S. Ashton moved, seconded by J. Hol- laday, that the Clerk be, and is hereby in- structcd to forward a copy of the above resolution to the lion. Adam \Vilson, and Hon. \Vm. Ivchaster.â€"-Carricd. S. Ashton moved, seconded by J. IIol- laday, that the Clerk be and is hereby in» structcd to refer the Council of King and VVtiitcliurcb to the Statute relating to the division ot funds belonging to the munici- palities.â€"â€"Carricd. R. Boyd gave notice that he would, at the next sitting of the Council, introduce a Consolidated Bill for the collection of fines and penalties; also a Bill for the pro- tection of side walks, ornamental trees, and posters in this village. J. IIolladay moved, seconded by Seth Ashton, that the Council do now adjourn to meet on 'I hursday the 2nd of April, at 7 o’clock, p.in., at Arnold’s belchâ€"Car- ricd. Aurora Cricket Club, Aurora, March 14, 1863. First. Meeting Aurora Cricket Club.~â€"~ Mr. J. R. .lupp iii the chair. Mr. It’ield moved, seconded by Mr. Peel, that the 'I’rcasurer’s accounts he adopted and lmssed.--Carricd. ' Mr. Peel moved, seconded by Mr. IIol- laday. that Mr. A. Boultbee be President for the ensuing year.â€"-Carricd. Mr.1~10lladay moved, seconded by Mr. Field, that Mr. Peel cc Vice-President. â€"â€"-'_lai'ried. Mr. Field moved, seconded by Mr. IrIolladay, that Mr. Arnold be Secretary. Carried. Mr. Field moved, seconded by Mr. Ough, that Mr. 11 olladay be '1’reasurer.--â€"- Mr. l'lolliday moved, seconded by Mr. Field, that Mr. Jupp be Field Captain.â€"-~ Carried. Mr..IIolladay moved, seconded by M r. Peel, that Messrs. Ficld,Ough, Robinson, and Mortimer he cominittee.~â€"-â€"Carried. Mr. Peel moved, seconded by Mr. Field, that a vote of thanks be tendered to the ofï¬cers of the past yoar.«â€"Carriud. Mr. Holladny moved, seconded by Mr. Ough, that a committee be formed, com posed of M cssrs. Field and Peel, to wait on Mr. Mosley, and make arrangements for the ground.â€"-Carricd. Mr. I’cel movedseconded by Mr. Ough, that the fee for members he fifty cents this year.â€"-â€"Carried. Mr. Ilolladay moved, seconded by Mr. Ough, that this Club be called the Aurora Union Cricket Clubâ€"Carried. Mr. ,lIolladay moved. seconded by Mr. Field that we communicate with our sis- ter Clubs, to form a union Wlll] the same for the purpose of gaining strength in case we should require it.â€"Carricd. Mr. liolladav moved, seconded by Mr. Ough, that no member be allowed to play before paying the fee required.»â€"Carried. The following are the officers elected for the ensuing year:â€"â€"- Mr. A. Boultbee, - - President Mr. E. W. Peel. - , Vice-President Mr. Joseph Arnold - ~ Secretary. Mr. Jas. I'Iolladay. - - Treasurer. Mr. .I. R .lupp, - a Captain, Messrs. Field, Ough. C -, Robinson and Mortimer} ' 'ommmee Mr. Field moved, seconded by Mr. I’Iolladay, that we now do adjourn to meet or: the let day of May next, at Mr. Ar- nold‘s Hotel, precisely at 7 o’clock. p.m. Aurora, April let. 1853. goes off on a decanter. Some school-boys meeting a poor wo- man driving asses, one of them said to lier,â€"â€"- ‘ Good morning, mother of asses l’ ‘ Gbod morning, my child,’ was the re- ply. The Great Eastern is to leave for New York on the QISt. The population of Queensland, Which is 116,000 has nearly doubled itsalf Ill three years. The revenue of the Peninsular and Ori- ental Company is above £2,000,000 a- year. The French contingent in China has been defeated near Niiigpo, and its Com~ maiider killed. The old parish church of Kenilworthâ€" now made classical and historicalâ€"i3 to be carefully restored. On (lit, that the Princess Alexandra’s arrival is to be the signal for a sweeping reduction of ladies’ skirts. , Aurora. March 9, 1860 _ ' that be is now prepared to treat all Mrs. Partington says her grandson Ike fliseasgg 0f .fï¬nxignals : has got a llurse ‘0 Spmluous that It always At his own stables on the shortest notice, and l 'i,.’_i-"'~uy.-.. ;:,.‘..‘.--. r ‘ ‘»‘.,v.l d. GO-RMLEY. COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S BENCH, Conveyancer and Auctioneer Lot 31. 4TH Con. Mauritania. September 18, 1860. Tiiii MAGIC TIME common, The Perfection of Mechanism. EING A Hunrixo vasn OPEN FACE, on Lam’s on Gasrnvuu’e .Wa'rcu COM- BINED. , ' One of the prettiest. most convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use, ever offered. It has within it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key en- tirely unnecessary. The cases of this watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being fine 16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby action lever movement. and is warranted an accurate timepiece. Price, superbly engraved. per case of a half dozen. $204.00. Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, for these pro- posing to buy at wholesale, $35. sent by ex- pi‘ess. with bill payable on deliverv. Soldiers must remit payment in pdvaiice. as we cannot collect from those in the army. Address HUBBARD BROS. do (39., Solo Importers, ' Cor. Nassau and John Sta, New York. 913. TE ET I-l , TEE’I‘iâ€"I ! For Eight Dollars. 95-tf DR. J. P ECK, "1 ' . Surgeon Dentist, E: AS just. imported some of the EIGH 1‘ DOL- LAR Block Teeth. which he will insert for that sum if required. being the same kind as inserted by S. N Peck. and made by the same man. He also keeps the best quality of Teeth. which he will insert on Gold, Silver, Platenuni. or Nulcunized Rubber, CHANGE OE A DVE R'I‘ISEM ENT. Dr PECK will be at Richmond Ilill. . . . . . . . .1st day of each month Maple, . . . . . ..........3rd day ofeacli month Kleiiibiii‘g,. . . . .v.,. . . . . .5Ili day of each month Clarevtllo, . . . . . . . . . . . . 6th day of each month Aurora, . . . . . . . . . . . the last day ofeach month (Exceptwheu any of the ab vo days come on Sabbath, when he will attend the day following) When he will be happy to wait on any re- quiring his services in any branch of liis' pro- fession. or make good any work previously warranted. Teeth extracted for those not able to pay, free, Aurora. June 20,. 1862 168-1v THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. P c w E i. i. i S CANADIAN SWING PUMPS l , CKNOWLEDGED by 500 Farmers. Pro- [ feosiounl Goutlriiieii and others (who have them working in Vt’ells, varying in depth from 10 to 133 feet) to be the EASIEST \VUISLKISI), MOST DURABLE and EFFIâ€" CIENT ever offered to the Public. 1132 Price 60 Cents foot. No extra charge for Top. . » Every Pump Warrantcd ! Orders for these Pumps addressed to C. POWELL, Willowdale, C.VV, Will receive Prompt Attention. November, 7, 1862, 202. 1y. WORMS. For destroying Worms in children BITTZIR'I YERMIFUGE CANDY i. by far the aim pleeun ode and otreetual remedy new in use. Tr it! by all dealers in medicinal. , HENRY MILLER, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE UNITED COUNTIES OF YORK & PEEL. Auction Sales attended to in a buaiuessdike manner. and the interests of the emyloyer al‘ ways consulted. Residence and P.O. Addressrâ€"Thernhill. February 12, ’63. 219 Euro Troughs, Water Spouis, Cistrons and Pumps, Manufactured and for Sale by JOHN LANOSTAFF, STEAM MILLS, 'I‘HortNHILL. June 3, 1859. 27-tf ittiH tiiiiicuii wiiiiiiur PAINâ€" By the use ofElectricity, . By Dr. E. C. EDMONDS, HURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performed in the most approved manner and Wat-ranted' 67-1y W. G. TAYLOR. VETERINARY SURGEON, Member of the Royal College of V.S. ' N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- ment heretofore received begs to intimate can with confidence warrant a cure in all cases V‘"illllll the reach of medical skill and treatment. Residenceâ€"Near the Eagle Hotel. NB. NoVCharge for Stabling. Newmarket, Feb. 26, 1862. 170-1)‘ NEW AND IMPROVED Map of Upper (Juliana! V or the OULD you secure a valuable and orna- v mental Work of Reference? Subscribe Typographical, Statistical AND Illustrated Map of Upper Canada In preparation by Geo. C. Tremaine, the old and well-known of Descriptive County Maps. publisher [3" Residents of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local or Travelling agents 'l'oronto. May 1861. 138-tf J. B. Decatur: COUNTY Constable,-â€"Landlord’s Warrant! J executed, Rents and Debts collected on the shortest posrible notice. Addiction-Richmond Hill RD. Icy l ' t cinemas... .; Mum“ '- 'I‘REMAINE’S MAP ' 0F . Upp er Canada. THE Subscribers to the above Work and the Publlc are respectfully informed that the Map is now complated, and is being furnished to the Subscribers as fast as possible. No trouble or expense has been spared iu the pro- paration of this Work, which is on a. Larger Scale and is far more complete and accurate than any other Map published. T a E xviâ€"Ii N E’ s Toliograpliical, Statistical ILLUSTRATED MAP or UPPER cuiA-DA, Will be ready in a few weeks, and will be em- bellished with beautifully engraved Views of Cities, Public Buildings, (Sac. 62c. Subscribers to either ofthe above Works are particularly cautioned against being deceived by pariics interested in‘ the sale of a Map re- cently got up in New York. Their plan ge- nerally is to represent that Tiiuinnc’u Map will not be published at allâ€"or that the Sub- scribers will not have to take it in case it should come outâ€"and they had better get one from them, tkc.,&c. All such representa- tions are false. 'I‘REMAINE’S MAP WILL BE FUR NISIIED TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER In good time, but the manufactureefthe Maps and the delivery of them through the whole country is necessarily a work of months. AGENTS WANTED I For the sale of the Map in every Township 113'" All orders by mail promptly attended to Ofï¬ce and Address No, 79 FRONT ST., TORONTO. Toronto, Dec. 27, 1862. 2192 TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE S'l‘Alc'E'I‘. MONUMEH sï¬oua TABLES, TOMBSTONES ac. ‘ Twenty Per Cent THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. l HE UNDERSiGNED Assignees of the; estate of D, C. «Si. W. YALE, willcon- l tinue the business under the superiiiteiidonce of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and 1), CARLOS VALE, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. l’.S.â€"-All notes and accounts remaining uu- paid on the lst day of June. 1858. will be put into Court for collection, C. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29. 1859. 48-tf Desirable Village Property For Sale. VIIIIE Subscriber offers for Sale two valuable VILLAGE LOTS. situated in the very centre of the fast rising town of Port Elgiii, on Lake Huron, and iii the County of Bruce; the Lots are known as Lots No. 40 and 41, in block No. 87 of the Village. This is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make a home for himself, The shipping from the Port is considerable, and a pushing and improving business is‘ done in the townâ€"for a Mechanic the opening is unequalled. For particulars apply at the ‘Ilnaiiui OF- Ficc.’ or to W M. COURTNEY. Richmond Hill, April 24. 1862. l78-tf. DRS. S. N. St P. B. PECK, SURGEON DENTISTS, WILL BE IN Stoufi'villo. . . . . . . . . . . . . .29nd of Each Month; Markham Village, Qilrd tic 25th of Each Month; Brown’s CornersAth Couof Markham 25th do.; l Thornliill, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘2th1 of Each Month : Richmond Hill. . . . . . . . . 27th of Each Month; Maple. VVatson’s llotol. .Ql‘ltli of Each Month ; Pine Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘2ch of Each Month; Kleinburg,. . . .. . .. . . . . .3tlth of Each Month; Nobleton . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .31st of Each Month; Newmarkct...lst,‘2nd and 3rd of Each Month; If any of the above days comes on Sunday, that place will be omitted till the following month. When he will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls. or make good any operation previously warranted. Those who require Artificial Teeth can have a full u‘pper not of best quality of Block Teeth, inserted on Vulcanized Rubber. for $8, usually charged $25 by other Dentists. 'I'ceth filled with Gold. Silver or White ï¬lling. To remove misapprehension, he begsto an- iiouuce that. all Work VVarranted what it is Guaranteed to lie, or no charge. Teeth Extracted with the least possible Pain. Particular attention paid to the Regulation of CHILDREN’S 'I‘ICE'I‘H. N.B.â€"Parties requiring Artificial Teeth are requested to Call and Examine Specimens. 113" Teeth inserted cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Province. Newmarket. May 29, 1862. 182-13’ GEO. IVICPHILLIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, nicrmoun HlLL, c.w. December 14. 1860. C. ADA M53. D. Surgeon Dentist, 99 JUNE er. EAST, SOUTH SIDE. Tninn noon \VES’I‘ FROM CHURCH 8T. TORONTO, ARTICULAR attention sgiven to the regu- lation of Children’s Teeth. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr, A. liasturued his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches, and can supply the profession with Teeth, Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanite Rubber, and the best Bone tilting. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver. or Vulcanized Rubber, With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto,October 11, 186“. 49-1v NOTICE. If asked what was the best mediolne for cleansing the blood, and far bilious complaints Sick Headache, Oostlveness am. we should lay BRIGGS’ INDIAN vacuum}; Lula Pius. w. FANNING MILLS&PUMPS HE Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that lie manufactures the * atest improved PUMPS AND FANNING MILLS In his Shop, at Stouffville, where all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt attenâ€" tion; and for cheapness and durability he deï¬es competition. Repairing done with despatcb. All letters addressed to PETER KRIBS. Stoufl'villo P. 0. 35186-1. Stouï¬'vill " . .sl‘ aim-Y. int-=5, ".\" RICHMOND iiiLL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION l I HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their 1: LIBRARY to the ‘IIERALD ’ Book Store. whore Stockholders and others may Krocure BOOKS every Friday afternoon. fro: Ate 8 o’clock. nu. _ ‘ A. SCOTT, Librar Richmond ,Hill, Feb. 27. 1861 _..__.'._.,_â€"â€"’-â€"â€"'-"‘ ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- IIAUSTION. New editions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical colored Engravings on Steel. just published, price la. HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatestMeili- T cal Work of the Age, on Youthful Iiidis~ cretious and couscqixent lmpedimeiits to Mar- riage, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System in health and disease, and I pointing out the sure means of perfect resrora- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and > Married Life, containing a PreScriptiou known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the p05 sibility of contamination. Also to be had from all Agents in all parts of, the world. EXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT l FRIEND. price 6d, which contains directions ‘ for the guidance of patients. Messrs. R. do L. PERRY 6; Co. are only to be consulted at their iesideiice, No. 19, Burners Street, Oxford Street. London,. as they never, under any circumstances, travel either at. home cor abroad. and they lierebv caution the Public against any person using their name. and as In further precaution against fraud. the Public is notified that none of their medicines are ge- nuine. unless the subjoined fac-similie of their signature is attached to their diï¬'ereiit wrap- pers. GEN’RATIVE do Museums l‘owun REGAILVED av ruin use 01“ Perri/’8 Cordial Balm, of Syriacum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GREA'I‘EST RIC- GENERATOR; a neverâ€"failing remedy for Speriiiatori‘lim, loss of manly power. produced by carlv indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" li enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have (loomed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of married life. Price 115. per bottle, or four quantities in one. 335., which saves 115.; and in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £1 1525i. l’ERRiâ€S CONCENTRATED DETER- SI VE ESSENCE, a remedy for Svpliilis in all its stages, also for purifying the system from coutan'iinatioii, recouiiiieiided for secondary symptoms, blotcth on the head and face, cil- lai'gerucnt of the throat. tonsils. and uvule: its bcncticial influence on the system is undeni- able. Prim 113. and 33s. per bottle, alsoa saving of Its. I’ICRRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OE COI‘AIBIX AND CUBEB SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known. The Globules, con. taining the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu, &c., at oi.ce cure, without the possibi- lity of failure, Gonorrhaea. obstinate Gleet, Stricturo. etc, immediately subduiugr all iii- flanimatory action; Eucased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and 115. per box. Huixm I)ItJPr2NDS oron l’unir. FLOOD.â€" PERRY’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcars, Bells. Blotclies, Pimples on the face and body. &c. Price 11s. and 333. per box Sold at Messrs. R. a; L. I’Eanvée Co’s. Wholesan Depot, No. 19, Ileriiers Street, Ox- ford Street, London, Agents: BARCLAY do Co.. '15, Farringdon Street, London. May 23. 1862. 182. Blackwood’s Magazine AND THE BRITISH "REVIEWS ! SCOTT 51. (30., NEW YORK. continue I to publish the following leading British I’eiiodicals, viz.:â€" 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) 20 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (in... Church.) 4. 'I‘I'IE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Libel-ah) .). BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA- ZINE, tTory,) The present critical state of European affairs will iender these publications universally iii- tercsting during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a Iniddle ground between the has- tily writen news-items, crude speculations, and flying rumors oftlie daily Journal, and the ponâ€" derous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the grout political events of the time shall have passed away. It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelli- gible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well-established literary. scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of ;he reading public. ' EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Advance Sheets from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS : Per mm For any one of the four Reviews, . . . . . . . 3 Oil Fer any two of the four Reviews,. . . . .. . 5 (III For any three of the four Reviews. . . . . . , 7 (It; For all four of the Reviews, . . . . . . . .. . .. 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (K? ' For Blackwood and one Revicw.. . . . . ... 5 (it: For Blackwood and two Reviews, . . . ... '1 {it} For Blackwood and three Reviews,. . . . . 9 (l0 For Blackwood and the four Reviews.. .10 00 Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twoi‘tyâ€"five per cent from the above prices will be allowod to CLUBS ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review, will be. sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30; and so on. , Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage, N.B.â€"â€"The price in Great Britain of the ï¬ve Periodicals above named is $31 per aniium, Remittances for any 'of the above publication 3.2,“. MM. ._ RE within the reach of all, by the use of - DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE D0- MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the Prescriptions of the late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of AS just opened an Oflice at No. 174'Kin’; ‘ the Royal College of Physicians, 6.0,, Sec.â€" Cuies are daily made, and their efï¬cacy proved in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- men,at Guildhall, THE RIGHT I'ION. THE MAYOR OF LONDON, and'sitting Mogibtrates of Marlborough Street. Westminster, Worship Street. Bow Street. dzc. LORD Used by the most celebrated Medical Men Clergymeii. and others, Dr. Buchan‘s Suggâ€"ltlloated Sarsaparilla 1 S. It i. a. WELLKNOWN FACT that SAR- SAPARILLA is the greatest purifier ol' the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURElâ€"The Bowels regularllâ€"And DEFY the DOCTORII! Those Pills strike at the root of each diseaso, and are for the cure of evory ailment inc1doutal to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion, llilio‘ua, Liver. and Stomach Com‘ plaints, General VVeakiiess,Gout, Rhuoma. tism. Lumbago. Pains iii the Limbs, Head- aches, Sore Throats, and every complaint caused by iriegularities of the bowels. ob- structed perspiration. and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. These Pills work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage, especially where mercury has ‘ been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulation. till the blood is purified. the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of life become 7] pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not. de- l'v’tV l a clean stomach must make acleaii body. Health. Happiness.& Long Life, 8 . B. H E N D E R s o N . "M . D. Oculist and Aurists, (Late of No. 658 Broadway. New York.) ,1 St.. Toronto, where he intends remain- ing a few months, and will give his exclusrve attention to the treatment of Diseases of the EYE, EAR and LUNGS. Dr. 11. has prac- tised for upwards of 10 years in NEW YORIJVILII unexampled success. Hundreds ofiestimonials. from persons who have been cured by him, can be seen at his ofï¬ce, Cataracts and Amarosie treated with success . also. Bronchitis, Sore Throat. and all Diseases ofthe Lungs. Arti- ï¬cial Eyes inserted without an operation. [‘oronto, Sept. 9. ’62. 198-31: PI:lO'l‘0GRAPHSl PHOTOGRAPHS i The Cheapest and Best Ambi'otypc and Photograph GALLERY iN CANADA, IS AT ‘ Ill ltllll l‘l‘llll‘, lll‘l‘. TORONTO. JAMES RAWE, Proprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19. 1861. Try the truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGB' MA- 910 BELIEF, and if you are not satisï¬ed of its unpo- rtority after using the medicine, the rice will be re- funded b the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 eente pd bottle. old by all dealers in medicines. 125-1y Valuable Property for Sale IZ: 63 Acres, ‘23 of which is timbered, 49 Acres under Cultivation. Seveial PARK LOTS with timber thereon Also. VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. The above property is situated at, and ad- joining to. the Village of \iclean body will contain pure blood, when lie stomach,budy, and blood are pure. from For further particulars apply at the Ofï¬ce of ogulating aid cleansing the bowels, health is this Paper. certain, Begin at the beginning. waste no time; strike at the root of your ailment. Again, I say; look to your stomach. One irial of these Pills will force conviction. Sold in bottles. at ls. lid†25. 9d., 43. (id., and 118. Dr Buchan’s Invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS llEliAXATl(.)N and GE- NERAL WEAKNESS. at once restore and invigorate with magical rapidity the most Ile- bilitatod Constitution, thereby eiismiuiz perina- i'edoubled development of the iiiuSI'ului'system. Failure is impossible. for success is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and general debility, nervous prostratiou. depression of spi- rits, diminution of vital energy, omaciatiou, and for all female complaints, not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in youth, maturity. and old age The properties of this invaluable re-iiivigorating Essence act directly on the nervous and muscular system, enriching, increasing, and purifying each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of na- ture. As the falling raiii vivifics the parched vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement, to treat. 45. 6d.. 115., or four quantities in one. 33s. DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE SKIN OIN'I'MENT, Is the only one yet discovored that cures the most inveterate sores, Its effects are wonder- ful, giving instant relief to the suï¬hrer. Maiiv thousands have used it. and declare it to be "the best in the world.†It is the only NATURAL REMEDY for all kinds of sores and skin eruptions. It never closes up the surface of a wound whilst full of matter. but will first bring all to the surface, and finally heal Without breaking out again. The Pills aid the Ointment in the followingâ€"Piles, Boiles. Briises, Excoriatioiis, Blotchcs on the Face, Ulcers, Riiig-woriiis, Sore Heads. Eyes, and Lips. Baldness, Chap- pcd Hands, Chafed and .Blistered Feet, Corns. Bunions, Chill)laiiis, Frost Bites, Scolds, Cuts, Bites, Freckles. Slings, Scrofula, King’s Evil, Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Contracted and Stiff Joints, Fistulas, Gout, Swelled Glands. Lum- bago, Rheumatism, Whitlow, Sore Nipples, Sore 'I‘hrouts. Scurvy, Sore Heads, Rash, 'l‘u- IflOlll‘S. Old and deep-sewed Ulceis, Wounds. Worms. Itch, (kc. ls. lid. and 2s. 9d. per pot. Pa.eut Medicine Warehouse, 19, Beruers street, Oxford street, London. Wholesale Agents:â€"Barclay & C0.. 75, Farriiigdon street; may be had at R. I]. HALL’S, Chemist and Druggist. Richmond Hill, C.W. am. from all Chemists throughout the world. May 23. 1862. 182 Still It} EY ES 1! Relief to IIIâ€"t: Afflicted ! 'IIIE following Certificates are sufï¬cient guaranty to the public that HAW. Puck’s Eye Water Is an infallible remedy for Iiitlamcd Eyes and Chilbiains We, the undersigned. do certify that we have used H. W. I’ECK’S EYE WATER. and find it to be a certain cure for Iiiflaiiied Eyes and to the public, Robert Raymond Robert Hopper James Bailey G. L. Boyiiton Mrs. M. .1. Raymond W. S. Pollock Miss .1, Hiiince W. H. Myers A. L. Skeelo L. Richardson Robert l'lewison Martin Nealion John Coulter Timothy Fogarty D. Bridgford. J-P. W. P. Richmond Miller Anderson Richmond Hill. July 14, 1862. My son suffered for nearly four months from A Inflammation in one of his eyes; during which time I procured the best medical aid within my reach, to no purpose. The inflammation cou- iiiiued ; the boy suffered, and I began to enter- tain serious apprehension that he would lose his sight. I accidentally board of effectual cures having been :nade by Mr. II . W Puck’s Eve Water, and procured two viols of it from himâ€"the application (if which has efl’cctcd A CURE. My son‘s eyes are now well. I have much pleasure in certifying to the abovu facts, and recommend the use of Mr. I’eck’s Eye Water to all persons afflicted with liiflainod Eyes. JOHN IIISuOl’. Richmond Hill. July 15,1862. 1n the month of February last, I had a severe attack of Inflammation in my iiglit eye, and suti‘ered very much. I tried several re- This medicine Surgeons, London. which so few of the medical profI-Ssion attempt ' Richmond Hill, Sept 2.1860. 9’0 Ooiisultthc OIIIEngliin Physician As i‘HMA. iNCIPiEN-i‘ CONSUMPTION, INI‘IRMI'I‘IES OF YOUTH, AND OLD AGE, Sac. No I‘Iel'tï¬ury Used. nent health. increased strength, energy, and a D1, mOS w Son. ,, A . 48 EAST GENESEE STREET, Biiifalo, New York, ARE the only Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the ll’lOl'lllllg until 9 at night, in every state and symptom of disease. The treatmentthey adopt is the result of up- wards ofthirty ycars’ extensive and’ successful practice in London. 1. MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lity, of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal Weakness, (Sac. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrun‘ient, when used con- joiiitly with medicines. Dr. Amos do Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may.prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Price Ten Dol- lars. by mail or expiess. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by acer- taiii practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit frequonJy learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and if not cured. renders marriage impossible and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. the most formidable enemies to health, for no- thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes no destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing its thousands of vic- time through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. causes mental derangement. prevents the pro- per development of the system, disqualifies for marriage. society, business, and all earthly happiness. and loavos the suffeier wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of. evils more to be dreaded than death itself. REHSONS IN ANY PART or THE wonLD may he successfully treated by forwarding: correct detail of their case. Address Dr. Amos 5:. Son, 48East Genesee Street, three doors West. of EllicottStrect, luï¬'alo, N.Y. 83-13' I M P 0 R TA N T. n. wrsun's PULMONIC SYRUP, I: highiyn- eonmended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group. and all diseases of the Lun ii and Th out 25 - bottle g r “nu†...._â€"- TIIE ORIGINAL HOWE SEWING MACHINES: ESTABLISHED 1N 1845â€"PERFECTED in 1862. ECENT and important improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine, renders i now the most perfect before the public, and Ohilblains. and therefore would recommend it- persons at a distance can order a Machine with' a guarantee of its prompt and safe delivery,and that they will be able to manage it to their enâ€" tire satisfaction. No more breaking needleslâ€" No more missing stitchesl- No trouble in mak- ing any garment, however delicate or heavy,“ the same Machine, either in cambric, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers tailors. hat binders, shoe binders. or gaiterï¬t- ting, as well as for every variety of family sowing, they have no superior. and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and with liberally. Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 437 Broadway, New York. New Yer“. June 20, 1862. A GOOD THING. pl. BOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well’ m I Met, In any case of Piles, Burns, Scolds, Old Sores, Inflamed or Sore Eyes. Eruptions on the ilktn, and II" every case where an ointment. is useful. It will ‘ commend itself, after one trial. 186-ly Cheap Boots and Shoes» medics, and obtained medical advice, but my ,fHE Subscriber begs to hmmate to the in_ eye continued to get worse. I was recom- Inended to call on Mr H, W. Peck, who gave me a viol of his Eve VVnier; fe use my eye. It is now well, and l have much in three days I H ltrelief. and in about five days was able to 3110p 0f I‘ll“ habitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that he has leased the Where he intends to carry on the BOOT and pleasure installing that I believe it is Mr l’eck’s SIJUE business in all its branches, remedy that cured my. eye. should always be addressed, post-paid, to the , cciiimeiided the use of it to others. and know Publishers, LEONARD. SCOTT dc CO. No. 54 Gold street, New York. New York. Dee. 5,1861. that the result has been attended with com- plete success. J. M. DAVIS. For Sale at the York “ Herald†Office, Rich- mond Hill.priee 35 cents per bottle, I have also re- 190- Richmond Hill, April 10, Mr. Lee’s customers will have the same at- tention given to their work as formerly, prices. RICHA RD DURHAM. 269'. Self-abuse is one of It destroys the nervous :systom rapidly, wastes awaytboencrgies of life, prices. A few respectable Agents will be dealt Ruben Lee, All work done at the lowest remuneiating 1'7"