' a?! s». - ’iliitlt tilt is :PUB'LISHED V . w. v > 5‘?" .7 «a new 0, , you Q, .~. cit-e- EVER-Y ' “despatclied‘ to, Subscribers by‘tlie earlies mails. or'othei"Coiivei'aiiCe.‘w11en So desired . .. .1 ~. it _ x The max risotto. will“ always be bb‘fdun‘d to coittai'n'tlie ,l'ateSt'and inostimpor- tent Foreign and Provincial ‘News and Mar- hats. [and the a greatest care will be taken to" render it acceptable to tlieiiiaiiof; business, and avaluable Family Newspaper. _ _ . . , . TERMSâ€"Seven and Sixpenceper Annniii, IN AiiVA-Ncis ; and if' not paid “within Three Mouths-.mo dollars will be charged:- «. .,~ RATES OF‘ ADVERTISING: ixliues and unde‘i‘rï¬irst insertion. . i'$0ll,50 Each subsequent,insertion . . . . , . '_ .".‘.'.'"tlll,1f2§ Ten lines and linde'r, first inse‘rtiom. . .,.' fill 755 Above ten lines’fï¬i'st‘in†per lineâ€... Oil U7 Each subsequoii'ii‘iisertiou, perlin‘e. . . . ll“ 02 HI? Advertisements without written direc- tions inserted till forbid. and charged accord. iiigly. All transitory. advertisements, .fa'oniristrangcr or irregular customers, must be paidfOrv'when handed in for insertion. ~ ' A liberal discount will be made to partiesad- vertising by the year. _ All advertisements publisli‘ed‘for adess pe i-iod than one month, tnust be paid, for in ad. vunce. All letters addressed to‘tlie Editor-inns»: hr post paid. ' _ No papcrdiscontiuued u'ntil allurrearegesnre paid : and parties refusing papers without pay lug up, will be :held acc'butitebl'e forth sub» scriptiou.‘ I ,‘ WWVW»!M AA Tun YORK finance I Rock and Job ’l’ri‘nt‘ii ESTABLISMENT. a" la. . RDER‘S for any of the"underme‘ntioned description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended. to :-*-'- nooxs, FANCY BILLS. v-susmuss 'cn-nvswmnor' mu SMALL ros'i"i-‘.its,\01acui.Ans,i.Aw.ronnis, I BILL iiuAi)S.ii_.iNit oliiJCKs,,iin,-ir'rs, AND P‘A iur 1-11.11: 'rs. _ _ _ p y _ And every other 'liillvaf V, . LETTERâ€"PRESS “PRINTING v donein thetbeststyle,atrmoderate rates, Our assortment uf..l0B ' TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety ofnew Fancy Type and Borders, for Cards, Circulars .&.c.flkcpt always on hand: , ‘asusiimasni‘rcctara T’W‘iiquii. (Janos. ' 1W“ 'DR. HOSTETTER, Member of the Royal College of Surgeo - '_Eng1a.nd. ‘ - OppOsitoithe Elginhlills, ‘ ' RICHLIOND HILL. 12711“)- i. . I ' l May 1', 1861.; _ _ » .JOHNVN, REID, MLD, COR. 0F YONGE».& SOLBUBNE STS., THORNH ILL; Consultations in the olï¬Ã©e oitith‘e mornings of Tuesdays; Thursdays. and ‘Saiurdaysftinto it), rain. I? All Consultations in the office, Cash. ‘ ' Thomhill, April‘F‘lpi’UQ. I , y B. .BOWMAN,.IM.D. . Physician,Surgeon'hjflccouclicur . ’ AS again returned to, ALMJRAJWILLS where he can be consultedvmifthe vari- ous branches of his profession. ‘ ‘ ' "N.B.‘ All cells puucmally attended to except lWhen absent on professional bosiucss. Aliriira', Maikham, November 20, 1862. Edi-(5m isaAifi-iowivian, ., Graduate of the University.“ Vic Coll. -& Provincial Licentiate, 1 AS settled (permanently) at TnorsuiiLL. {l- where he can'be consulted at all times on the vaiious branches of his profession ex- cept when absent on bustuess. Thoruhill, May. 1““ \.O~. L-A'W CARDS.- , M. TEEFY, sea, Netarfy P‘u‘blic ' - ' (By Royal Authority.) _, COMMISSiU‘l‘ll-IR ill THE QUEEN’S, BENCH '_ CONVltlYANUlGlt, AND ' - DIVISION COURT,.AAGENT, ' uIch’oNb HlLL PUS’l‘ orricn. . . Guru: n‘uN'rs,'uémn, Deeds, inorigages, A Wills,&.c.,&c.,dréiwn witu attention and promptitudo. 'l‘ei'ms moderate. Richmond Hill, Aug 29. 176 179' v .’ hid-if. A C A R D - C. KEELE, Esq... Oftlie City of Tor- . onto, has opened an oliice in the Vii). :age ofAurora for the traiisacliOn of Common Law and Chancery Business, also, Convey- ancing executed with correctness and despatch Division Courts attended. Wellington St. Aurora, 61. Queen St. ' November 2.0. 1569. ‘ Toronto ,l'll4- l y ' “oiia'i-ies 0- Keller, ' 'I‘TOR‘NEYsA'T . LAW, SOLlClTUh in Chancery, Conveyancor, 6w. llflice, n Victoria Buildings, over the Chronicle ofï¬ce. Brock Street, Whitby. - Also a Branch Ofï¬ce in the village of Bea- vertoii, Township of 'i‘li‘erah, and County 01 Ontario. The Division Courts in'Ohtario.‘ Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended \Vhitby, Nov. ‘22. 1560 104-1} JAMES 30 UL TON, Esq. Barristery ‘ 1 Law Ofï¬ceâ€"*Corner of Church and King Sts. Toronto, March 8. 1861. llQ-tf - Maple Hotel! 1‘11}; Subscriber begs to inform his friends ‘ 1' "am. the public generally. that he has opened an HOTEL in the rr-Vliilage of Maple. 4th Con. Vaughan, where he hopes, by atten- tion to the coiiit'oi'ts of (be travelling commu- nity. to merit a share of their patronage and support. Good Stabliiig, o'zc. ‘ JAMES WATSON, Maple, July 17, 1862. George W}. risen! duors and Cigarsfkeiptbcoii- (LATE Fuom ENGLAND.) Drove. Cattle and Loose‘Boxes for Race H orses eiantly on hand. if mascots terms motel, ‘ RICHMOND iiiLL.‘ (3.001): Acojmmo‘dation‘s and ‘every attentibn *I shown to Travellers. Good Yards'f‘or and Studs. ' The best of Li 'lllielMonthly Fair held 0i We'lz'iesdaytiuveach month; Richmond Ilillz'April8.1862a i the Premises ï¬rst all!" 7; FRIDAY MouNI‘NG, ~ ' an“ i l.) . i . .i I ' J . i m. ? . .. . .‘t! 4.: . i '-‘ ii.,‘ . ' D i y .,, r . “motion ; ~ AD "i", w v r H (‘ , Annie". “Sherloved'Captain‘Slanley' With al“l‘,_t'lie sirange "passion of" a "HOTEL CAR’DSï¬" ~ . . . , RICHMONDrHleL HOTEL RICH ARI) N ICHOLLS, Proprietor. 1 LARGE HALL is connectpd 'with this Hotel for, Assemblies†Balls)“ Iconcei‘ts, Moetindmozcg, ,, , ‘ , I. A STAGE leaves'th’is Hotel every morning for Toroiito,,.at 7 a.in.: returning, leaves; Toronto,utdiulf-past ' ' ‘ A“ Good Stabliiig and a; care waiting. . I 7 _ ' Richmond Hill,.Nov. 7.1851. M.â€"~_._H~‘.~.___ l ï¬l‘Sl.‘llliiclllllélll: ‘ "File " Change l“ r ‘ ' i 0-. . .JoerAit'rA‘n’s ,wnobino. .,,lier areflopped;‘iiitefpti‘ssing;iiom " * ' ‘ “’ ' ‘ " learth to heaven. When she re ion-drip 7 ' . .A NEWHAVEN s'rORY. f _a‘. tired, to {rest at night tliei‘et‘was no ,llicai‘t-sickcning,certainty ,of being C(ill)p_t:ll€(l,ï¬0 rise. after an hour or. two's unnatural and .ideatli-like As plump as any ra‘w fluke. Or sawmon'l’i‘ae [sochlevem Was pretty. Polly Partan, ‘V‘Tlie'beautymf‘ New'haven. Her cousin Jock had courted .her A twelvemonth and relay, - zAh’ pressed lilssuit‘ so very hard, She wistua what to say i , fu‘l" Hustler in ' " i l Shel? awoke ;ii'i~ the . moi‘i'iing sire ' would st‘a rt with fear and tren'ibliug’i dreadiug'toliea’r' tlie'harsli voice of the foi'e'womzin ;"but a linoméulk reassuring- "rcCollection, and she lcOuldtu'rn upon lteif'“[3‘ilfl'ow to sleep ‘ again; and ‘illl’Cflllfo' peace and re‘st ' for the weary. But this was not to liist-eesuigli purchased. . happiness never doc-sh : in this case the break was, given. to it by5Captaiu Stan. 'ley’s being ordered on» foreign; .- '1l145'1lY! w»<" . â€" “mâ€"v-ytâ€"s White Haw Inn. - ’- . RICHMOND. nun... ‘al-‘lE Subscribeixbeg‘s to inforin'the. Eublie that he has doused the above sl-loiel. where he willkeep constantly on hand a good supply of ï¬rstâ€"class Liquors, _As'tliis l‘iouse-iposselsses rovery.’tuccoiirniodation ire-- .vel ers cut) desire. those who Wish tostay where they can ï¬lth everyicomfort’a're respectl-u»ll.y.‘lii- "t ‘d to 'Niveliim‘ a] call. . l w ‘ “'8 Cfntnutaus. VAN N081 RAIND‘. ,: '1 ' ‘ Now. Jock was souple.as an eol, And handsome as a lullig, Ai'i’ like a podlevcastiii, ' Co'uld dancé‘the flslicr’s fling; He was sharp as any. mackerel, An’ as solid as askate, An’ ho lov’d his pretty cdusin As a cod likesmussel-buit. '- - .z ‘ " . wu'rlUS-l' '. ' . ' . .*‘V" . H .' ,v * t i ’ Riel’m‘md ‘l‘ll‘ueé' 28', 1860 , ; : Hismoiher l\oll had slipp’d awn. 8.“ we. ' “ime scan ed 10. be no .-' . «4â€" m 4-: a ' , *4» » ' ' ' > time given him. for preparationâ€"or . . . . ., I y z , 1 ; And Jock looked uiico blue, \ -. x, , , _ - b V O N G H Heliad name to sellhis deal 0’53â€, "me “Dug H mu 6 “:15 [)0l_â€" {’- pi , ‘AURGRIL ‘ - ‘ Nmmums mummy, . lore he Was gene. What was to ' become of Annie now? 'Oh, how I ’I‘GOOU snpply'of “Whips andI Liquors fr always on hand. .Excellent Accuuinio- datioll for "l'raveilprs, Farmers, I and others. Cigars of all brands. i -Sae he grippet l’olly l’artau, _ y W 3 _ . she Wished, now that such regrets ' Au’ sue wool his cause he pied, _ u were useless, that she had never . ThatonSuiiday,comiug frae the kirk, l t). McLEQD, Pi‘opi'ieto‘rfp The)- bu..ga,,w_d ,0 he wed. listen’c‘d'lo t‘heitemp‘ter.‘ A terrible AuroraJune’G, 1859p ' i 2543‘, ., ,_.' ‘1 l“etlllllԤe look possesSion of. her‘.-â€"â€" .. I - .. “gillllpab Tamil? iroivv'n’ "won: She lay, roi- days mega-i...- tam-mug - ' '. » tone cauti U V 0 ear 9 i , , 1 . - i i - , . . ~ .. ’ tom les buried ainonast the ll ows ' An’ a’ the boats wi’ flags'WOi'e drest. ‘ ' p " ' b' p ‘ ’ June 81‘. mousse†THE MARKET soul-wt . and her droopingcycs shunningithe ‘ ‘Frae Anneï¬eld to the pier ; 1. “ LifetiSoundeieoson 5,7tiarénimtih its,t/zd22.'â€P07)z.ilo7‘ sleep to resuineiher .toil». When , VC-‘ATE AND ADVERTISER. ' * l' ;_' Tï¬RMS‘ _ o “In. Advance .. ,V. ._ *W. n. _..__._.7. â€"v‘â€"â€".â€"<"V\.~â€"‘ 7! ._, .U 'li . Ht .- vu‘. j at.» rc'in'on‘SIrated 'with' him for skidding ' Annie thither, inefficiently pro- motto; al‘ii‘i’dsti'"“prophesyin‘g' ‘ that the result wouldb‘e what it had upw :pi‘ovediyYet, [because the un- lbrtuiiategirlfâ€"éhut.a_pl_ii.ld at, bestâ€"â€" had embraced the ., deceitfully ale luring-prospect,opened to her, and, shunned the. less .specious One of: fc'i‘ed by harsh chiiiker, she had shrouded herself in her .Ii'idignan-t pride and : anger, audwhcn the-re- p’enteiit letters of her niece came to her, sétiii‘ngt'forth' her' bitter dis- appointment iindf‘the ‘wcary lit-"o she-i had 'ruslicd’upon', and imploriug to be removed from it, shc--â€"-the well- ‘ conducted and Self-deemed iclig‘i- in pin‘son,‘ but in management. 'Shc ous Mrs. Hci’inik‘er-‘é-‘had turned a was bcC‘omiug wliatis populai‘ly‘call- deaf ear to the prayers, and had ed a ‘stii‘igy’ \V()tl'lÂ¥l[l‘f[)'ill‘tly, per- prcsuiiied to say, ‘ For that girl’s liiips, through the preaching and ex- ingratitude she shall. be punished†ample of her husband. partly through and receive no help from roof-#4 iiicliuation, though in childhood and Alas! alas! the pu’uishiiieut was youth it lltld lain dormant. it may worse than she had" bargained for. be doubtful if he could have found ‘What Would her departed sister ii wife more suited to him. They say, she. asked herself, could she both lived for twi) objects ; the one, look down and behold Annie now? that of accui'nulating money the But she would make atonementâ€"use other, that of doing right in the eyes for as it: was possibleâ€"4hr: woi.ild,of‘tlic world. Th 1y iichr spent on now make _ i‘itoueii‘ieut. The first uu'i’i‘cccssury farihiiig exocpt in chit-‘4 step towards doing so was to con: rities; and that was essential,- for need the disgrace not Only from the.sakoofpublic"p‘raisc. The f.,. their relations, but from the World. ii‘fiiy’ diningâ€"room overlooked the wardenia peei'ilatvguiii‘dian. a tract- dletributi‘diiisocietyj †treasurer. and. the lie'adiiig,spiriti'ofseveral, associag lionsljhe welfn‘rebfilic idwcll‘er‘s iii fdiï¬ ignppartsu ,IiMr.‘ :Liyingstone’s school bbre'a lligllilidpuldlHm, as how could it do otherwise V’Willl so good a man at its. he'dildi'hnd ,‘it was in, general alert-tilted? ‘Th’é'i boys had rc-ussemblcd, afterwlgiiste r When the ‘ tlldeltBl‘ and ’iiirsf'new'vvife.caiii,e home. and Annie was madcknown' to the large’houscliold she Was lilieuéefortl'i to rule, pso'lfar as domeslig duties went. She had grown Wonderfully like liersisters, Joan a‘nd'Ju'dith '; not ’ ,l' gip w 3". :jc»,' _ , .. (lower, ,Wllh ,lwo, son‘s-Ta, cl'iurcli-,. 115 Good Stablii TORONTO. C.W. JOHN†MILLS, Pl‘Opl‘ZEt ig attachedâ€"film attentive Hostlers alvi'ays in attendance. 07‘. .l57â€"tf An’ Di. Johnstoiie. werthy man, Had two three lionrs’to spare. See he toddl’d toNewhaveu, An" spliced the happy pair. clear light of day. 'Wl'iy, what a lWretchcd,guiliy thing'sbe was ,lâ€". llVliat billldtlllf'dluaii-‘(JD could have ‘possessed- her? She saw things She inwardly resolved that. Annie should never see her child. \Vhen all was over she would convey her to her own residenceâ€"«there would playground, and one day, several months after Mrs.l..ivi‘ngstouc’s mar- i‘iagc, she stood at Gite of its win- dOWS.’ \thit was she musing of. now‘ in, their two colours, The " 'ï¬ttcd it upin- the latest style travellers may GEO. L GRA-iifli. Pit-optima... ' - . - _ of ease held out to herâ€"~1bere lay'lfll‘e" Pillllsa bl“ lllllc‘ more thani UND:%:E§T?KERHM all-powerful temptation to Wieldimmeâ€months llchw: lQ' Gum’an I ,0. V C. c" l i i ' Toronto, November 1861. “jolly. "101133 gull!†a‘lVlflï¬lhal night, _ veil, which .sopiiistry and his speci~ " 'I‘liedoctdi-ihi-ow away; I ‘- en‘s arguments had cast ‘over her An’ in‘o'nyafervo'iit wisli’itvas breatli’d ' ,vgundflctil \Vns dill-led; avide lyslie knew. i i That silo†might b0 his Slï¬l‘l ‘ " illOW-Wl.ld~allti inexcusable had- been For the brandy-bottle i’u'the hole he" Si“; XIX/That “7ould she give to Arum the quartet“ brl0k~ bc‘ restoreddo what she hadibcen“ to be toiling night and day, as she . lthen was, but With a mind at rest! ’How was this disastrous nevi/s to bc - broken to her father; to her cold, ,slcrn, bit most correct sisters lâ€"~ . They imagined she was still in the houseof n'iadauie, for Captain Stan- ley had .so managed. matters that, to prevent any-startling communiâ€" cations, the ‘unsuspicious French- woman had been led to believe An- Begnn “w weddin. fem, ) p nie Was 'wilhdraWii by her relations. An’there wasionst,an’friedan’bak’d, lL A ll‘lcsscuge' 'Wonld Ca“ 0053' , sioually to i'eceivcfj'such letters asl ,miglit arrive for Miss Lee from .yaiiy stray 'acquaiiitaiices,’ be had lcauscd to be communicated to, g-madauic. Break this iieWs. to them! lNo, no! the burning blush of re- imorocful shame dyed hcr biow at lihc bare thought of‘ it, and she felt ,~_â€" -, *-â€"â€"~â€"â€"~ Ilthat she would far rather perish in! NNIE LEE_ the street than go home with her _ ~â€"â€" ‘ ' ,tale of sin. And so She lived on , (Continucdfrom our last.) liiloiic. l‘ii'realiiy not much more I am sure she w,†be pleased ml than three months, bu’. it seemed to - _ . .hawe you, [0,. since my 3,816,. ,,,,,_,.._1Annie like so many 'Zyears. b‘hc t JOS. ‘GREGOR’S I. ried We have found, it rather duii.’ “level: we'll. 0m iduililnigflhe Wlmlâ€˜ï¬ Fountain Restaurant Z; And-Annie went _»Suiiday after Sun-ill?" 3 .51": Sllml‘lefl 3? "with 35 PM" , . dnv’ and each ,,,,,c,she saw Cap. eible the face .ol the servant who mi}, Smmey. He had change} ms,- attendcd upon her; and when her {l lodgii‘igs for others, but that was,[Ullll‘a’l’MVVas CXEl‘lU.Sllâ€"'-‘h“and ï¬llflvlllld, ’,,0,m,;,£_,__,,, fact, more favourable none wl'ici'ewitbal to pui‘cmisc food, James Mais'ï¬-‘e.yy (Late of the King a Head. London, Eng.) No. 26 ,west Market mace, TORONTO. . : Eveiy accommodation for Farmers and others attending ~Market Good Stabliiig. i113†Dinner from 12 to? o’clock. Like modest merit, hide its face,‘ ' Till the debtor cut his‘Stick. '1 7 i . ' 6 ' 0‘ them was many a strappiu lass, An’ ï¬shers by the score, n An’ merchants t‘raetholiiegato, ' Cam’ there to band the sploro; An’ ï¬ddlers free the Cowgato, Half-topaiï¬ed by gin, Stood glow’ring at the festive'door, In hopes to he cried iii.- Hï¬ntéér’s Hosea. , neutrons magmatic. = E Subscriber bch to iiiforiii the Public ii I T that "lie" has leas‘ed the ’ above Hotel, where he will keep constantly on hand a g V supply of first-class Liqnoi's‘,u&c'.‘ ' lhispvhouse possesses every accommodation ' liavellers can desire, those who wish to stay wliet'elthey can ï¬nd every comfort are respectfully iiiVited to . i_ . Li] W. VVESTPHAL. 'Corner o‘fCliurch and Stanley 81s., Toronto, Sept. 6. 1861. l45-ly l l l Wi‘ raisin-kail, et cotera, Before the party placed a , ,- Aii’boil’d, an" stew’d. an’ fricaseed. Frae goblet, pot, and pan; ‘ BLACK HORSE HOTEL, V Formeily kept by VVilliam' Rolp’li, Cor. of Palace .3; George Ste. [m‘sr or~ THE Mention] 'rononro. ‘ WiLMAM 00X, Proprietor, Good Stabbing attached. [Successor to Tho‘mas Palmer]. always in atteiidaiiCe. Trusty H ostlers 'l'oi‘outo, April 19,1861. But when the viaiids disappear’d, The real free it began. ‘ i ltilirutui l A l .12 5-1y ._.. M 69 KING S'ritiiu'r. EAs’r, Tonon'rof Lunch every (1â€"23 from 11 111112 L (‘ ’ ie‘ _U\'sters l obsters &c , . . - . J‘. ' ~ .. ~ r“ » «lx . - - ai,[vli,soo,:‘f,:,,d1.au ,5’ ‘ y ' .4 . ’ [for their meetings ; and part Vol I “l ‘0 lbâ€... lԠ;lllL moms bile. (ZLW' - Di'mms and Suppbl's for Private l’ert'esgotlevery Sunday she spent Walking Ple‘b She fell †almOSl “ ml‘cl’ for surely it would be no crime now to lay herself down and die. But up in the bestsiyle. Toronto, April 19, 1861. 1251,. :ibtut with him. Whether he was a systematic betraycr or not is of . I . ‘ E little consequence; the result Was “"3 landlady ll'OUI-lel d'flel‘enllY-‘* , . ,he same; and may he: had grow’ulSlic riivincd how matters were ATE Clarendon Hole], No. 28. Bl) and 32' .0â€;wa hunched ,0 -he,, was at.,pije5i;n[, and she gave a pretty be no resistance on Annie‘s partflier forehead pi'csscd there against nowâ€"wand tell the farmer "and lllsl the glass? Vt’asitoftlicdurk‘crror cldci‘ daughters that she had re: which had ovcrshadowcd her early moved Annie from London, ï¬nding lite? Was it of her married career she still continued dissatisï¬ed with ---llml' lls 800ml happiness ‘liad her eu'iployincnt, and had had a scarcely realised her expectations l dangerous illness. The time of Her husband Was by no means a trial seen Came: it had wanted lOVelllllél‘l’lztllâ€"Mi‘al‘fl'tlfllll. His two but a few (laysyto it when Mrs. childi‘ciiwcrc uncouth, overbearingr Hemiikcr arrived in London. And boys, and they i.u:i-.:i5i0iial‘ly treated if Annie could have foreseen bctorc , their slcpii‘iothe't‘ with :s‘mii'cwt'iut her fall the sufferings she now wcut scant ceremony." Annie’s“ married through, that fall might never have life seemed to give no promise that taken place. r Two days alter-lit would be blesi With ch‘ihlt'cn ; she wards. Annie. who had been 'too wasvnatural'iy fond el'tl'icin,'an'd_ tlicrc alaruiirfgly ill to speak or think he; was at times a strange feeling ofyd- {0,8, “Ryan-ed timiilly after the cuum in her breast; when slie‘sziiv’ baby, ‘ The child is dead,’ replied a beautiful boy her heart yearned to‘ Mrs_ Heumken ‘ Dead? gasped it'with a tumultuous irrepressible Annie. ‘ Well, well, perhaps it is yearning. and she would think, ‘ll' bcsl.’ She sighed. ‘lButi may I not my child had lived it might have seen, am-,,____m,ly for a moment?" been like hiiii.’ However, Mis. "Compose yourself to sleep, Annic,’ Livmgstonc continued leaning against the panes, apparently watch- lug the games‘of the boys. it Was l'iiilf-holidiiy, and there they Wl‘l‘e, I laughing, plaviiig. and ï¬ghtingwall. saw: one poor child, wno sat uWilv in the sun. his head leaning against the Wall, and his eyes folluwii‘ig the iiiOvcments ofliis companions. Mrs. Livingstone remembered to have Sctlt'tllls same child before, sitting apart as he Was doing now, but she said Mrs. lilcm‘iikcr. ‘ The child is dead and bui'ied.’ ‘It was not born o’cad,’ i.)bsei'\'cd Annie, faintlyâ€"â€" ‘ No,’ uiiswcred Mrs. l’lcnuikcr, ‘ itl livcd to be baptised. Go to‘ sleep, if that be possible, and say not an- other woi'd. or your own life may not be spared.‘ ‘And happier for me if it be not,’ she murmured to herself. ‘ Was it a boy or a girl l’ she. asked aloud; ‘it is my last I questiuup" i Amiga? answered the did not know his name, for he was lady, ‘it was a boy. ‘But,’ she only a day scholar. ‘l Wonder now whether he is sullen,7 sl'ic tiiimght to bcmctfâ€"she was getting to think .just like her liusbaud-w‘ because, if an, it should be whipped out of him. it think i Will go and S'ch ‘ Why is it that you ra'i'e‘not at plav Willi'thc jothei‘s 3’ she ciiquiied, reaching the l 'objcct of her curiosity. A bright, triinsparcnt color came into the ic'nild’s face at finding liimSclf ad- ?dl‘cssed by the lady. He rose from continued, sorrowfully and stcrnly, “these, questions are of no mo- ment now ; it would liave‘bccn tllfr fcrcnt had the, unfortunate child lived. Let the subject drop bc- twccn us for ovcr,and i'csolutcly,_ dismiss it from your own mind-.m- And let us pray that in time we may be brmight to look upon it as a di‘eaii'i-‘a‘-u thing that has never been.’ Annic’s disgrace had never trans l <‘- t .T' ‘ ’ito. l’ard :‘lll lOI‘ Pas“ I 1 . _ . A l .‘ . .G , V, ,y ‘ 2 (laâ€"\l‘ llidiiibi'fiflifag‘s IITISl‘tellfiall)CUe attfie ,C‘ai's the Very ,COtlll‘al‘V lO offering an .g‘md igucss "‘5 ‘0 [he Pmâ€- bllU Silll'c‘la Olvmg lo the cxueme cuu‘ ' his llllhllmu- ll you“ 356'" PilllllUl“ and Boats. ' ' . excuse for his conduct_ Annie “was a ‘ kind-hearted woman, but non displayed by Mrs. Henmker; ly, and stood With one leg lifted lrom “ ' i. ' i " t t i 3' v v ‘ " i a "i! t. " ' 1 - ' 1 r . . - x a ‘ - '* n, I '. ' V W NF 1 ,,mpr;m0r_ was along mm, below she fell, but , plain spokcn and illllill,)lllat.Vt..â€"â€"~‘ and the, two ladies, Allnlt, and tier, the :71’0U‘nti, and his (.iipnln 'llls ihiu Town“) Apr“, 1861 1.24,), We fell my“, H0“, mum She. .m blie came in one day to demand the ; aunt, had lived on together-~tuc 5 band. Are you lame l sue cou- , _ r. ' . ’ . v - ’ ' ‘r ' ‘ . . v. , A , V . , . . i . . ‘ _ “fl . . . - .. ‘ .- I-iuexum,,enccd countrvmmdcu‘ have address of her friends, and so cross-l former grave, Silent, and growmg tniued.seeing that he did not amwcr. i jhopdd to escape thc'toilsof. a [nun questioned Annie, aiid‘stzii'tled and year by your more cureworii, by A brighter hush still in his chock, ' unnerved her. that the latter, like a child who feels its Own self-will glide away and vanish in the pre-‘ seu‘cc ofits' masters, handed over 'to her the address of Mrs. Hench her. The landlady’s summons w‘a‘s‘ urgent, and ,Mrs. Heiiiiiker lins-1 tuned up to London. To describe. hei dieinaywher she saw Annie“ and learnt the facts ali‘eadyigiven, would be bcyond the pen oft'iic most poWerful write-r. She Was YONGE STREET, HE Subscriber begs to intimate that he has leased the above lit/tel, and having like him? She had riirelvliieard of such thiugs-Slie scarcely knew there were such in the world. And oh, the glowing pictures he painted .of the life she would lead with v him i For he was cndbavouringio entice hcr to leave madume's house; and what was the use. he argued. 0f severing herself from him now, Her days should be passed in one round of luxuridus‘f. enjoyment; her attire of that richness hitherto ' only seen when ‘ making: it I up for ,3 Prouu womanghad “lWaVS ill/8d. ln' inmmémems have a, .gréatexpense' others; the jewels it should be his git-ea:reapectapi‘htii, and she teli been niad‘efso asto-niake this House thelargest pl‘IVllcge- t0 lavtSh let)? her; the. HO. isgrecc (Len y. But what, and has, nor“, of Town“, T,avene,s a, [his “,ghm a, ,he Opera, huh-3ND a seaicd availed her regrets and reprouchcs 7., House ï¬nd every convenience both for them-" place ,0 he], ; the drives. in [he Regrets were lame‘mably useless, _ i i ‘x. >S- ' ‘ 4., t . , 3 i . -. i , ‘ ' ) chegfl‘i arm,“thflwawinattendance park m «ms own carnage, mm how and, reproaches fell upon the passch ' ' ‘ ‘gll‘l who listened to them Withouti AuroralSiai-iou. April-1861. i26-ly vhe' wouldlovc and CheriS‘li her! , V x . . I, ' At length she vi'e‘l’ded ' to†his‘l-al’llawm efl'eCl- one“? only She all-g prayer and left the dressmaker’sl’weflld' meeklyâ€"lll-‘lt' llcl‘ aunt. hou'se to take shelter in his; {Mycoqu not think woch of her than, vwhiit he said was true, that sliey‘ih‘?.‘ll'louél'ht Ol ll91ҤCll..vaii-d her; could not be more degraded than she 'P'll." “UPC POW W35 “l (“63 ll was“ was Far be it {rumpus tovcxmplb all )the expiation remaining to llel‘.‘ ate gilt, but let tb-‘osetwho blame Ll“ “OWCVW 939‘â€): Ml'S- Hem“- Aiinie Lee without extenuationie-ll‘e‘.‘ blamed Anlllci' ll CUUld not; fleet upon her life of painfulslavery,leftuni “'0 inward blame Slle b6- and‘ compare it with the prospectï¬mwed' 000“ herself- Had she noti rely upon having every comfort and attention at this ï¬rst class house. , _ , Good Stabliiig and an attentive Hostler al- ways in attendance. ‘ .- WILLIAM LEN’NOX, Proprietor, York Mills, June 7. 1861; 132-137. Welliigtou Hotel, Aurora ! OPPOSITE THE TORONTO HOUSE. L‘Aaud Criminodious Holland other - I . 1 in its $13 _‘ Carriage and Waggon ' MAKER, ' > at. i ,0 a. me, of sin. A. shm.t w.h.,j,.-l of her b'l‘othei‘r-‘in-laxv that- Londbn, or delirious happiness, mixed ’with 'a‘ 3†lea“: some 0f “5' WW9, was OHIY still, small 'v’0ice, was passed by another name for vice, and angrilvl Residenceâ€"eNearly opposite the Post Oflice. Richmond Hill f ‘ March 14’, 136?.†l‘ï¬sly quietly rejected them, assigning nengs. Livingstone. a gentler reason . ' il'slie had made up her mind to diet an old maid. not like the epithet to attach to her â€"â€"â€"ior there are few women wco have the moral courage to embrace buileiiigstoucs, answering for him " c/mncc v that when, soon dculh.shc met with Mr. Livingstone. a schoolmaster by profession, and received from him an offer of. mar- riage, she accepted it3 without hesi~ tuttOii. ‘ for she had inherited about £1,500" {mm her father, and rather more than that sum from her aunt, besides plate and furniture. {one was a most religious manâ€"a; great holdei-forth at prayer-meet- charities, When he knew his name; Would be prominently paradedâ€"~2md an -’ti‘nicompromis'ingv opponent, ‘mi principle: to the 'injudicious pi‘uc-i , ‘ . . y y. lice’ ofdisbursiug a shilling in pi‘i-l ! if†'Cl‘gloushpmi’mifmn' . ‘ Hi": he vote, however really worth the up. blowers and smug ' commuc‘l “I†plicn‘nthl‘ charity might be. have only to add" that he \vas a' Wi- there he is,‘ far too much so for one so young. land a gesture. ratbciï¬ than Words. More than one offer of marriage had ispoltc lit the allll‘mallve. ‘il’Vllat been made to Annie, but she hadcauscd your lillllcllCSS2".l‘cpcï¬letl V tone 4 taking possession of her former one i as she remarked the lads lllfi'l‘ll’lliy, l And Whether it wus'and the look of most sensitive timi- that Annie begun to think she should g dilly†which characterised his gentle ffeatui‘cs. ‘ His father kicked him, inltt’llln,’ said Che ‘ of the young People asked licrjokiiiglyl l l l , i . i: " they say that he hates the eight ot him; and when he was about two ,ycars old he gaVc him a kick,- and ,it lamed him for life.’ ‘il-I’oly mo. ,therl’ uitcre‘d‘Mrs. Livingstone, in- :vOIUiitai'ily, "is‘ this true 1’ The glowing odioui‘ was paling on the child’s face, and he burst into a fit of weeping as heisauk down upon the ground again, and let his check rest against the wall. ‘ that is his :niimc?’ inquired Mrs. Livingstone. E‘ William G'i'aingci'~ they arc lit», (man Catholicsâ€"the only Catholics we have in the school.’ coiitinucil .Muster Livingstone, turning up his nose coutemptuouslv. and then turn- Ii‘ig it down again when he i'cn'icnl- bcrcd that US stcpiiiollmr was of a single liloâ€"mei‘tain it is, after her aunt’s Annie was not a penuiless bride, M r. Li vingsi “gsâ€"a liberal contributor to pub‘lid we Livingstone. ‘ One brother, ma’am; Til the gymnastics, that t . .._ . ,.... . .. ._ . ... - n‘ tall .ho ï¬st is'fï¬ freon":7 -' old ‘is'it'h i‘sg'oup“ «2;, 1, ‘ A pout, *tqhii'étctgy} think." ’H‘ef..‘.3iieticz.¢lr bola chill is said M53." ' Limingsmpgfl ‘ but his health may cause that. Who is he in mournirg lord." .'.'. His.cii_'iotli'ér.-a'-‘hl " She died’liit‘ely.’ 'j‘Don’H‘db st), my poor boy; P said .Mi‘s, -.Dry your tearsrup,‘.a‘nd go rahdjilay: Does be darker 'fplaya'wl’tjlr‘ she} added...- uiun'g to;its."vitamins.~ ‘Oh. ah, We should-him to catch him at thulé" roared vyoungï¬hlvhigri same...’ . ‘Vl’flly’.:lisltll2d or; and he Was buffeted, about undo-kicked like a tootball : he could n’of’move' quick enough, lioj'i'fa't’cliï¬s us unw.’ FVVlll you not.tryoand‘i'play" with ycnr‘companions-1’“ s'ui‘di'ih‘f’i‘ik" Livingstone to, him†soo’thiiigly.7-.-. ‘ Thank "v b,u,'inalain,ifliei'sdblied, sin pressing ‘he yieleuce offliis’ emotion ; "l «an‘i‘ better by dry-Self, and wit-Sis»? sunny l‘i’ci’é.“ lam†always ctdd'iv’i-i", Mrs. Livingstone turned to go" inâ€-3 doors, the group of young rebels ran‘ shouting ofto their playmates, and the neglected b’oy sat. wearilyponp alone. He . rose up .mse'n‘iiy‘..and†limped away to his dreadfullhomc'.‘ His father Lives of brutal, uufeéliligf . man, who treated-Jri_in',:wiili disg rape. ‘ fulharsliucés,"tl‘ioughihe « was toler- " ably indulgent reï¬ne-elder" "boy.â€" William entcrcd't-her house ‘ sileptlyp dreading to meet†'liiswfa-ther; and creeping up .to liiis‘.ch-ain‘bergghe out there until it was-timeto go to rest; his trembling hands,» pressed upon his temples .pusliing'ma‘ckuhis fair i: u rl‘s" ~ a ud-h rs 8 citing heart break in}; with the Wish that honing as ,ot‘hor‘ boys are, in licalthand stire'ngih’iarfd had a happy home as they had. The Winter half-year paescdiawaiy and the midsummer holidays camel mung again. When the’ boys reâ€" assembled they found but few alter-_ aliens" iii-id talicn place with reg-ard- to their companions. James Grains: per, the eldcriof‘ the two" brothers“ previously†na'i’ned, 'liad‘ been “re? moved to London, to uli‘o’u‘Se'of bus‘i'é‘t ucss, and William, the little lame? lad, had come as boarder. , 'Thc fir-l" Ilier of these boys, Mr. Gi'aiirgcr,» had broken up‘liis cottageili‘oiiSeliolil,w and had left for LoiidOn with his cl- dcr son. He was in no business; but†a small- iucom‘c had enabled him“ to live without it. He stated to Min, Livingstone that the loneliness of his home. now his Wife was dead; iii- duced him to take this step, and he ‘ left with him his addi'esis‘ intowni'n-h.‘ t was the scliooli‘nastcr’s custom‘vto r iï¬â€˜t'llt'l in his accounts (piarterlyy.and! . when Michaelmas 'cd‘me :.rouud,'x, amongst those forwarded was the.“ one for William G‘raiugcr. it. Was"; sent to the given address in London,- but some weeks passed and notiins-r. wcr Was returned, 7 SQI‘ilr. Living-.- stone wrote a polite note of reminds-1 er, and in due time this came back to him born the post office, bearing- ‘ the unsatisfactory :Wul‘ds, ,»‘Gone ‘ away.’ The master was at. breath first when this letter was delivered. to him. Mrs. Livingstoucphis.two.f eons. and Mr. Smith, the bead usher, ,. were also atthc table. He felt in- . aligiizii'it. lie did‘ not exactly fear; '- tliat he simuld lose his money ; but that this trouble should be given him, and that Mr. G'rziiuger-should have presumed to change liisudili‘cSa._ .- wiiiiout giving him notice, aroused v all his i'uiligiiatim. ‘ Mr, Smilh.’ he said, ' will you have the good-y ness' to step to the, SCllOOljt’OOt‘l‘l any ordci‘ G‘raiiigeif hitcci; 'l', l The lad ,. came in at the door tliiiidly, followed * by the usher, ,who pushed , him to» wards the l'n‘eakfast table. .‘ His 'fea‘. lures looked painfully wan and trans- ‘ patent, and a“ cOugh. which soniidud‘ hollow enough, ,slmok occasionally , his frai'i'i‘c. Mr. Livingstone ad: . s .(ll‘CSSCd him without preparationor preface. ‘ Pray, where is your fur-'1 tliei' ?’ Sensitive as ever. the bright colour fillSlle‘lfflCl‘OSS VVilliiim’s pale face as he iiiistvcreil that his father was in London. ‘ London is a large, placc.’ i'eiiiarkcd the schoolmaster; ‘ 'what part of it l’ “William re,- ihed, giving tho address previously ‘ eft with Mr. Livingstone. ‘That s‘ a fiiise directioii,’ asserted, tlicâ€™ï¬ sclioohnaster. ‘ He is not thereâ€"ii VVllCl’l did you last heaii from him 1’, ‘l bavc not heard from him at a‘ll,’ talicred William, shocked at the master’s Words." {The post brought you a letter some weeks ago,’ com" l l i iiiiucd Mrs. Livingstone. ‘ Yes. sir, it was from my bi‘otliei'.’ ‘ And what was said in it of your father l’ ‘ Not anything, sir ;‘ James did not ' once rricnlion hitâ€. it was a short letter, chiefly tolling me about his‘ new mode of life and the business’ he is lcariiing.’ "iicturu to the, scliOol-i‘ooi'n,’ said Mr. Livingstone, linughtily,’ and poor VVilliam' limped away, his hand to his side, and". coughing violently. ' (To be Continued.) . . Love-MAKING IN THE CANARY' lat“g LANDS.-â€"-In the Canary Islands the fleas" ' are said to†be so famous for their size, strength, and activity, that they are re- garded with universal interest, and inci- dents relating to them are introduced oven}. mm the love-songs of the countiy, accom‘i-v, pained, in lieu of castauets, with expi'cs? sire Silappll'lg of tho lingers. Such a verse, for it'l‘~ltlllce,u:lï¬ the following, is popular, and is intended to give a zest to theiin ‘ notony of loveâ€"making: , ' "‘ Last uigiit I passed your window. And I saw you catching fleas. Surely you ii‘iight'have said to me,,- . ,, ‘ Come and ifitch‘EOll'l‘S ifyou puma 9’