( 13rd do * fo 1' ' :"‘-‘I-“ '. ' ':L w' .‘. - 1 .-541"'-: . The British residents at San Francisco have contributed £1,116 10s. for the re- lief of the distress in La ncashire. CREDIT ‘ BY AUCTION. 0F Steam Engine, Planing Machine, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE «Soc. (Soc. Sec. 9’ HF. Uundersigned has been instructed by Messrs H. dz. J, HARRISON to sell by Public Auction, on On Friday, May lst, 1863, On Lot No. :26, Lind Concession of Markham’ The Underment ioned articles. viz. :â€" 1 Bureau, 1 Llarge Dining Table. 1 leaf Table, 1 Lounge, 1 Sofa. 1 Rocking Chair. 12 Co'iiin‘ron Chairs, 1 Beadstead, 1 Cooking Stove. 1 Large Box Steve, 1 Brass Kettle. 1 Clock, :2 Chain, lpair Sieellyards, 1 Shovel,i Scoop Shovel. 1 Bake Tray, 1 Hunk, 1 Map of Co.» trade, 1 Cutting Box, 1 Grind Stone. 1 Vice, l set Bench I’la:rcs.4 Horse Collers,I Horse Net, [Neck Yoke. :3 Cant Hooks, I set Maul Rings, 1 Iron Axle Waggon, 1 Cow, 1 Wood Sleigh, l Saddle and Bridle. Q Clevises. toge- SPRINGCIRCULAR. S A L E In thanking our Friends and Customers for their liberal support during the past year, pair Brass Candlesticks. I Logging W .i. .. .A, . , . . r v , r. U . .lfly.>1... '. . ..___... We would intimate that we have now received our supply of Sprmg and Summer Goods .' Together with our usual assortment of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Hardware, . CROCKERY, Bo’o'rs,‘ SHOES, Which we offer at very reasorrablePrices. wcl, As we have been made agents of the a a. lawn w ' + ' llllttllltm'm flirt ' it ill ‘i "limit "it Trill “ ill ill but 11"it c feel satisï¬ed that we can sell all articles of their manufacture at a rate which wil defy competition. FELT HATS. CL TH 82 TWEED CAPS. 'LADIES’ STRAW & FANCY BONNETSr HATS. we, Wm, ;. quantity of Crockery and Tinware, Hoping for a continuance of the patronage which iras been hitherto accorded to us by Knives and r‘orks. and sundries not enumerated Attire same time and place will be offered a One Eeight Iiorse Power STEAM ENGINE! ‘i’ith BOILER, at an upset price of $300.â€" Also one PLANING'MACIIINE. adapted for- planing Siditrg, inch Boards and Fleuring,‘ at an upset price of $21K). The Engine. Butler and Planing Machine are in good working order. " " 'i‘icuais:â€"â€"For the Engine, Boiler arid Plait- ing Machine. 18 months’ credit on approved .joint notes; for the other property. $4. and un- der, Cash: over that amount 8 months’ Credit on approved joint uotes.‘ SALE AT 1‘2 O'CLOCK. IVOOJ. J. GORMLEY, Auctioneer. Markham. April 16. 1863, 118- Tlre Vaughan AgriculturaISociety WILL HOLD A SPRING FAIR Plunging Match, On. Tuesday, April 28, 1863, AT THE Village of Maple, our Friends and Customers, we respectfully subscribe ourselves ' - FLOOD 8L PRICE. Richmond Hill, April 23, 1863. ‘ 229.c- ._.._.~_._.__M_...____._m Format; s-rttiugjitND SUMMER .â€"_.. P. CROSBY, Has received an extensive supply of INCLUDING .lllli iiii, illil'liii ilill Till iiiillii l LADIES’ BONNETS, MANTLES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, PAR/ISOLS, . GLOVES, HOSIERY, In the Newest Colors and Shapes READYFMADE CLOTHING, lN EVERY VARIETY, AND IN THE LATEST FASHIONS. 4th Lion. Vaughan. The following Prizes will 'A large Smel‘ 0f be awarded :â€" I’LOUUIIING MATCH. First Classâ€"Open to all Plouglrtiicn. except those wito have taken two ï¬rst prizes in this class. lst Prizeâ€"A {ilodelatid Plough, the gift of Messrs. E, Bryson & Co. Toronto, valued at. . . . .. . . $24 00 One pair of Wooden Harrows, valued at" . . 52nd do I4 00 3rd do 6150 Second Classâ€"Open to Wooden or Cast Irotr ~’loughs, except those I’lougliriieti who have taken two ï¬rst prizes iii this class; those, however. will be allowed to plough itt Class lst. . let Prizeâ€"Ono pair ofii-on Harrowsdhe aunt. - o n . a e e . u u o a u o o e e a u a ~ u gift of Mr. David Gray. Mudville, . . . . . . . . 2-1 (10 9nd do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 till 3rd do .............. . . . . . ... 601) Third Classâ€"Open to all Cast Iron I’loughs. with Cast Iron Mould Boards. ist Prizeâ€"One Cast, iron Plough.~ the. gilt of Mr'.Abell.Woodbridge . u . . . . 2nd do Fourth Classâ€"Open t0 Boys under- 18 years of age. Ist Prize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . 6 00 22nd do . . . . . . . . . . . ......... ... . 400 37d do , . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . ‘2 00 Entrance for Lil Class '. Ploughmen residing iii Townsit p, 3523: lion-resident, $4. Entrance 2nd and 3rd Classes: Residing in the Township. $1.511; iron-resident. Entrance for Boy‘s Class : Icsiding in Township, Free ; tron-resident, $1. FAIR. STALLIORS. Best Draught, Stallion . . . . . . . . .........$6 (it) Second Best Draught Stallion. .. 4 OH Best General Purpose. Stallion. . . . . . .. . . 6 U0 Second Best General Purpose Stallion. . . 4 00 BULLS. Best Durham Bull (any age) . . . . . . . . ... G 00 ‘SBCUIld Best Durham Bull (arty age). . . . 4 00 Best Galloway Bull (any age) . . . . . . . . . . 6110 Second Best Galloway Bull (any age). .. 4 (ill Best Grade Bull (any age) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 flu Second liest Grade Bull (any age) . . . . . . 2 00 Entrance for Horses. $1. Entrance for Dur~ ham and Galloway Bulls, $1. Entrance for Grade Bulls. .51) cents RULES & REGULATIONS? 1. The winner of the Modelartd Plough and the Iron liar-rows to pay $6 each 'or the bette- fit of the Society. '2. The time allowed will be at the rate of twelve hours to the acre. The furrows to be not less than six inches deey. '3. Entries must be made by half-past 9 o’clock on the rirorning ofthe match, Plough: to start at Ill o’clock. 1. Durham and Galloway Bulls will have to produce a pedigree if required. 2. Entries tor Horses and Bulls will taken till 11 o‘clock. ground at noon. 3, Members of the Society who have paid a subscription of $4 previous to the week of the Fair, are entitled to make any entry with- out extra charge. JAS, HARVEY, Secretary, Vaughan. April iii. 1863. thCk must be on the ARTHUR. MON EIL, President. 118-2r. Hotei for Sale! 7 “IE WELL KNOWN HOTEL, on Rich- 1 morrd Hill. the l-iALF- WAY HOUSE 1 And premises. is offered for sale or to exchange for Land. This desirable property comprises a ï¬rst-class Hotel, with every convenience at- tached. including Stables. Driving sheds, two good Wells with pumps. soft water Cistern. with do., &c.,&c.. Terms easy. Possession given lsi of October. For further particulars, apply to JOHN LINFOOT. Richmond Hill, March 5, ’(53. 2214f, Notice 9 Important to Blacksmiths. 011 SALE, in the flourishing Village of Richmond Hill, 16 miles north of To- ronto. on Yonge Street. a BLACKSMITH SHOP, DWELLING HOUSE, and about é an Acre of Land, with a good Garden wi ll stocked with choice Fruit Trees. There is also a good Stable and a never-failing Well of \Vater on the premises. The buildings are in good repair, and everything corWerrieiit for carrying on an extensive business, Possession cart be given abetrt the lat of May next. For further particulars apply to the Sub- scriber, on the premises, SAMUEL SANDERSON. Richmond Hill, March 20, 1663. 2244f be‘ er heparin PARKER CROSBY’S STORE, Richmond Hill. April 1863. ‘228 UNION ViLLn CARRIAGE FACTORY COME ANS-SEE THE Stock at the above Factory .' Which the undersigned is SELLING OFF, CH EA PER THAN EVER. All articles in the trade made to order on the shortest notice. He has also on hand some ' FIRST CLASS CUL’i‘IVAll‘ORS. Parties Wishing to buy can be supplied at the HERALD OFFICE, Where they may be seen. ALI.- WORK WAR.RANTED. GEORGE EAKIN. Unionville, April 1863. 227-tf. little .Br'itirrl) illitttiftltl (tarantula ttrllrgr, CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO srs., TORONTO, C.w. PENMANSHIP. COMMERCIA L ARI'I‘H ME'I‘IC, COMMERCIAL LAW. ‘ BOOKâ€"KEEPING, WEEKLY LECTURES. PI‘IONOGRAI’HY. r THIS INSTITUTION imparts to young men and ladies a thorough and practical business education, The Book-keeping is as complete and extensive as that of anv COM- MERCIAL COLLEGE ON THE CONTINENT, embracing Wholesale and Retail Merchand- isiirg. Manufacturing. Mining, Milling. Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Commission. Railroading, Steamboatitig. Ciao. N 15 â€"â€"Young men holding full Scholarships, who may wish to complete a course of study in the United States will. upon signifying such intention to the Principal. be furnished gram wiilr a card of admission to a ï¬rst-class Commercial College in airy of the following cities 2-â€" Milwaukee. Chicano. Toledo. Columbus, Cincitinatti, Pittsburgh. Buffalo. Syracuse. Rocheso ter. Boston, New York or Philadelphia. ‘ [13’ For Circularand Specimen of Writing, enclose stamp and address for return letter. I. BATES, Principal. Toronto, March 97, 1863. 225.â€. Rrrunnscnszâ€"Bev. W. Ormiston. D. D., Inspector of Grammar Schools. Hamilton : T. J. Robertson. MA†Principal of Normal School, Toronto: A. McCallum, Principal of Central School, Hamilton; Rev. R. F. Burns. St. Catl‘iarities; T. Gordon. Principal of Johnston Street School. Kingston: W it. Bigg. Principal of Central School; Brockvillo: J. B. Boyle. Principaiot Central Scltorri. London: Dr. lieattt’. President of the Board of Arts and Mariu- factures. Cobourg; J_ W. Bowes. Esq., Mayor. Toronto : James Campbell. Wholesale Sta- ionor, 9 Toronto Street. Toronto ; William Williamson. Accountant. Toronto. WMIN/W r\ MMW\.'\ '\J\.A SAPONIFIER OR Concert tratcd Lye, HE IiES’I‘ ARTICLE in existence for making SOFT OR HARD For Sale at. SOAP ! WM- 8. POLLOCK’S G. A. BARNARD agent for Richmond Hill and neighborhood, February 19. 1863, llllllllll‘llllllllt, llllllllllll ill F R ESH ARRIVA LS OF sCHOOL BOOKS! GENERAL STATIONERY, AT THE “ YORK HERALD†BOOK STORE RICHMOND HILL, At Lower Prices than is charged in Toronto. 01 v 9 l Orders received for, and great attention paid to BOOKBIN DING ! Which will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. Richmond Hill, Augpst_29, 1,862.. 1,95 '9' ? WANZER & We haVc just received from them a large and well selected stock or ',1“"",~!2 .p ,_ Nb. xa'v.w:u..,v., .,...,.. were... at O2 liWIiiSEiiiliit WANZER’S Combination a: Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. HE ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family Sewing Machines by the Judge at the Provincial Exhibition, held in Lonirn. Sept. 24th. 25th, 26th and 27th, was giver to R, M ‘rv'anzer & Co. ' ' I They also took the First Priza tor Fainin Sewing Machines with R. M. Warri'er& Co’s. Combination, at the Provincial Frir held at Toronto. Sept, 22. 23. 24. 25 and 2t, 1362, and also ï¬rst prizes was awarded to tliei‘ Slrger for manufactory. The First Extra Prize was also giverrfor Nos. 1 and 2 Singer's Manufacturing Machhes. Prizes ofasimilar character wererlsoawarded Watizer’s dz. Co’s. Family Sewing viadrine and, Warner «Si. Co’s. Singer’s Machtres over all others, by the Board of Arts aid Ianufac- tures, at the Mechanics Institute. l‘or'tnto. They also took First Extra ’rizer at. the several County Agricultural Fais...at Hamil- ton. Paris, Gait. St.,Thomas. Beansville,IVliit- by, Cobourg. iiowmarrville : in fctevm‘y place ‘ when they have been exhibited. . (I? Wanze‘r (SI. Co ’8 Corbinatinn and Wanzer & Co.’.s. Singer, excel any Machines that ever were mauufacturee n the ’United States or Canada. . , R. M. Warmer & Co. have suceeded in tini- ting the most valuable properties othe Wheeler do Vthsori and Singer h’lat-hitics.and rertrov- ing these points which were not dsirable in a First Class domestic article, by ildirrg some new inventions (for which they hire secured a patent itt Canada)havo succeeded it producing a perfect Serving Maclriue,w ltich reing simple in its principles is easily understod, requiring less titan an ordinary amount oskill in its operation. Its accurate construcori renders it little liable to get out. ofrepair, ad it is easilv adjusted. The public. on examiation. will be convinced of its advrntages our all others now in use. Every family should ave a 'Wanq zer & Co,’s Combination Flimin Iacliiue. _ All Genuine Wauzer do Co.’s33wing Ma- chines bear the stamp of R. M. Waizer 6:. Co., Hamilton, on the plate. . PATRICEIR CROS BYgAgent. Richmond Hill. April 16, 1863. women 2, Richaivâ€"ei Diver. 50er MANUFACTURER AND DEAER iN WA LTON’S PATEN‘ Economical Clothes Dryer, FOR ’i HE CO UJVTY 0F I‘ORK .' HIS Machine was Patented l7t September 1862. in this Province, audairy person violating any of the principles of to sa’rrre. or infringing thereupon, will he proscrtted ; and any person purchasing such Maelznes, except from authorized Agents. will alsobe liable to prosecution. All orders sent to R. Dran. Male, will reâ€" ceive prompt attention. ' Maple, run '2 1863. ant-1m~ 'MONEY. NEY TO LENU on ï¬rstclass Farm Prolici'ty..iii the front Trivnships of York. Ontario and Peel, at ElGlT per cent. Apply to JOHN LEES,. 13a rristti‘. Church St., Toronto. Toronto. March ‘27. 1863. 225-3t. l svn. east ‘3 tridv ‘rtiri puomnaru , “teens our JO opts orisoddo out 0) quart 19111.19} sosnoq may V l GETAOWHH EDGE-1f) Kl Hï¬i'iYHCI (XXV V a "I’IIII‘ GNOW 113111 1 l ‘snia l l _._._..._.___. _._~..~.....__-_._ ..._,____ .4“ VALUABLE Filiiill FOR SALE. 'NE of the host Farms in the County of York. being Lot No. 15. in the 5th Concession of the T0WNÂ¥5H1P OF VAUGHAN, lfllltl ACRES more or less, with good Frame Buildings of every description. and It large Orchard of the best of Fruit. There is (our good Wells of Water, with Pumps in them.-â€"â€" The farm is within 17 miles of the City of T0- ronto; will be sold 100 or 200 Acres, to suit purchaser's. There is about 160 Acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation; and 40 Acres of well-timbered Land-Pine and Hardwood. “ ‘ ‘ For further particulars apply 0 ~ HECTOR McLEAN, On the Premises, 220-tl‘. Vaughan, Feb. 19, l863. FOUND, N YONGE STREET. RICHMOND Hill, on Tuesday morning. the 7th irrst.. a Box containing 9 JEWELERY . The owner can have the satire by proving property and paying expenses. JOHN H. SANDERSON. Richmond Hill, April 9. 1863. 227-4t. DAVID EYER, Junr., Stave & Shingle Manufacturer â€"__.â€"_ [{ESIDENCEâ€"Lot 26. 2nd Con. Mark- ham. on the Eight Mills Plank Road. A large Stock of S'ravrzs and Surnames kept constantly on hand.and sold at the lowest Prices. 11:? Call and examine Stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. Post Ofï¬ce Addressâ€"Richmond Hill. February 27. 1863., ~ 221.15: “’30- LIST, .3â€. .. ,.,, ,. ,.._ up, ...,.,,~, -. g. um.†ILLUSTRATED A LARGE and exterrsive‘MACH'I'NE snor Sc ientiï¬e:;..;American '2‘ Blacksmiths Shop & Foundry, VVrtlr all the Machinery and Tools and Lay- tnes, drove by Water Power. lately occupied by Mr John Abell, situated on the River I'luriiber, Brownvitle, near Burwick, Vaughan, in the 7th Con . Lot No. 5â€"16 miles from Tororrto,on the main road, and6 miles from the Grand Trunk Railway, ‘We'ston. The whole to be r leased on very reasonable terins_ from 3 to 5 years, as the Subscriber is retiring from business. JOHN BROWN, Brownvii‘e. Vaughan. Woodbridge PI). March 19,1863. 22l-3m. 4.x suitor WPBBER CABINET MAKER AND: ' UNDERTAKER PAINTER, GLAZIER, ac RICHMOND HILL, ow. A general assortment of Household Furniture- Alwnys on hand. at Toronto Prices. First Class Cupboards, Bureaus, And every description of Furniture made to order and wart-arr ted. Richmond Hill. Feb. 19,- ’63. GARDEN. SEEDS. ,RESH GARDEN SEEDS. grown and put up bv JAMES FLEMING 6; (50., Toronto. for sale at the “ HERALD†BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL. April2. 1863. 226. 118-6:- To BUILDERS, &c. SEALED TENDERS FOR. THE ERECTION OF A Wesleyan Parsonag At RICHMOND HILL. Will be recived an the 131: day of May, At Noon, by PARKER CROSBY, Esq.. or Rev. T, A. FERGUSON, at Richmond Hill. Plans and Specifications may be seen at Mr. CROSBY’S. Payment in full when the work is completed. The Committee not bound to accept the lowest l Tender. unless otherwise satisfactory, J. P. RUPERT, S'nc’y. Buildwg Cnm. Richmond Hill, April 9. 1863. ‘227-4t. ROBERT MARS H. J.P. Commissioner in the Queen ’5 Bench ' CONVEYANCER, dac. uElIK OF THE 3rd DIVISION COURT Oflice.ooposite RAYMOND’S HOTEL. Richmond Hill. Deeds, Mortgages, &c., drawn up with treat- tress and despatch. Burriness attended to at the Clerk’s residence when not iii the Office. Richmond Hill. Jan. 529. 1863. 217-â€. a ' It. ) iADDLER A. __.__â€"___.~__~.â€"._â€".._,._.* Reaping ï¬lachinc for Sale ( R to Exchange for a Horse. Tire Mach- ine Iras only been used a few times. and Wm: gotnp by Messrs. Puller-son. Richmond Hill. Terms liberal. Apply to WM. M. BUTTON. Lot 11. Con. 10, Markham. Match 5. 1863. F THE FRONT SIXTY-THREE ACRFS 0? LOT 21, '71: h CON CESION VAUGHAN Apply to P. MON AUGHTON. Maple. April 9. 1863. he More Remainingin RICHMONDIIILLPutUflice APRIL 1, 063. Anderson. Miss Jane Morin, 0. Anderson. George Mogcr, Andrew Ainsley. Thos, Marsh. Mrs. A. L. Atkinson. James Myers. W. D. (2) Bitrr,’J. C. Morden. C. 1:. Brilliirger. Mary R- ‘ McGrcgor. Miss Ann Brown. Alex. McCawley, Michael Barnabe, John McEagherii, Miss C. Bowman, Thos. (13) McDonald, Ronald Campbell, Thos D. Ex-McGinnos. Miss M. center of Late McGiauglin, N. Chambers. Charles O’Brien, M. Cooper. Wm. O‘Grady. John Dascomb, W. C. (2) Ogilvie, J. A. Eyer, David, seir’r. Prentis, J, Eyer, David. jun’r Powell, 1’. Finale. Mrs. Ann Rutherford, '1‘. German, John Simpson. J. (5) Gaby, J. Sanger, E. Iiislop, Gideon Simpson, G. » Harrison, 1*] dz. J. Stcniiett. 'I‘. Harrington, J. sen’r. Sheppard; E, Hunt. Henry Smith. Mrs. Mary Haffey. James Smith. J. Hall, Francis Savage, T. Harrier. Daniel Strider, J, Ker-swell, J. (2) Simpson. A. Ker‘swellJIiss Fulton. l). Kiifeder, I“ Twigg. W. Kilfeder, Miss M. Thompson, John Kciredy, C, Thori‘rpson, Robt. Law, ii. E. Thomas, Robert Leaf, George W lliamson. R. Langstail', Dr. J. (9) Williamson. Mary Lymburuer, J. \Vebbcr. E, Lawrence, Mrs.\V. H. Woollen, D. (2) Malone, John (2) Whealau, D. Moodio, A. TBEFY. I’, M 222-4 1 arm T011: ENTst 5227-2. . The Best MeOBaI-lieal Paper in the World. . 18m YEARâ€"VOLT. Viri., NEW snares NEW volume of this popular Journal commences on the 1st of January-4 It is published Weekly, and every iramlwr cort- tains‘sixteen pages of useful intermation, and from five to ten original engravings of new Il]-' ventions and discoveries. all of which an: pre- pared expressly for its columns. TO mt: MECHANIC do MANUFACTURER No person engaged iii any ol'the irreclrurrical .or manufacturing pursuits should think el'duiirg without. the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, It costs but lnx" cents per week; every number contains from six to ten engravings of new machines and inventions. which cannot be found in any other publication. TO THE INVEN'TOR. ,Tlre Sort-.N'i‘IFic AMERI can is indispertsa lilo every inventor, a~ it not only contains illustrated descriptions of nearly all the best inventions as they come out, but each number contains an of- ï¬cial list of the claims of all the Patents issued from the United States Patent Ofï¬ce, during the week previous : thus giving a correct his- tory of the progress of inventions iit this coun- try. We are also receiving every week the best scientiï¬c journals of Great B‘itaith‘rnnce, and Germany ; thus placing iii our peasessiorr all that is traiispiriirg. in rnechamcai science and art in these old countries, We shall corr- tinue to transfer to our columns copious ex- tracts from these journals. of whatever we may deem of interest to our readers. A pamphlet of instruction as to the best mode of obtaining Letters Patent ort-ri‘ew inventions. is futrished free on application. _ , , Messrs. Moran 62 Co. have acted as Patent Solicitors 'for' more than seventeen ye i's. in connection with the publication of the Scrun- TIFIC AMERICAN, and they refer to 2ll.Uth‘t pu- {IOIIIOOS for whom they have done business. No charge is made for exairiitring sketches and models of new inventions and for advising inventors as to their patentabiiity. CHEMISTS, ARCHI'I‘ECTS. MILL- WRIGIITS AND FARMERS. Tire ScmN'riFrc AMEIirCAN will be found a most. useful journal to them. All the new dis- coveries iii the science of chemistry are given in its columns, and the interests of the architect and carpenter are not overlooked ; all the new inventions and discoveries appertaining to these pursuits being published from week to Week.â€" Useful and practical information pertaining to the interests of triillwrights and millowrrcrs will be found published in the Scrrrs'rii‘ic Annui- CAN. which information they cannot possibly obtain from any other source. Subjects itr which planters and farmers are interested will be found discussed in the SCIEN'IIFIC AMERICAN; most ofthe improvements in agricultural im- l 6 l l plements being illustrated iii its columns. TERMS : T) mail subscribersâ€"Three Dollars a “ear-,or One Dollar for four mori;hs. The volumes commences oti the ï¬rst of January and July â€" Speciiriert copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. Western and Canadian money or post-ofï¬ce stamps taker: at par for subscriptions. Carra- diair subscribers will please to remit ‘25 cents ,extra on each year’s subscription, to pro, ay l postage. I MUNN do (.70., Publishers. 37 Paul: Row, N. 1'. December 4 1362. Truth Stranger than Fiction. l A STARTLING WORK! m F E M ALE LIFE AMONG THE titlttiiniisr A NARRATIVE OF Many Years Personal Experience, BY MARIA want)- THE WIFE OF A MDRMON ELDER! ‘6 HAT one half of the world cannot ima- gine how the other half live,†is no less true titan trite: and the lesson the adage afl‘ords, our experience and observation daily tends to verify . ’Then. too. when we consider the ever-varying phases of human passion. arid the discordant e:erirents from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded. it’CalI scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed iii singularity, the wildest dream of romance: or that crriries. both strange and unnatural, should be peruc~ traded in a far of? country on the outskirts o' civilization, which people in another state of society would never iiiragirie possible. Know- ing. as I do know, the evils and horrors and ahorrriuations of the Mormon system. the de- gradation it imposes on fetirales, and the con~ sequent vices wltich extend through all the ramiï¬cations of the society. a sense of duty to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing narrativc for the public eye. The re- mantic incidents connected with my nxpori~ once. many may think bordering on the irrat- velous, To them I \VOUId say, that this narra- tive of my life only proves. what has so otteri been prover] before that. “ TRUTH is Sl‘ltANGl‘IH THAN FICTION. «Author's Pro/"um, The book contains 449 pages. wirlr engrav- ings, is neatly bound in cloth. and Will be sent to any address, post-paid. on receipt of price. $1.25. A Companion to Female Life. ,Malc Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. VVAIID. This. like the above, is a work of great and unusual interest, and will be eagerly read last a companion volutrre to “ FEMALE LIFE.†It is a large 19mm volume, neatly hound iii cloth, irlustrated with engravirrgs’, and will be :56!†to any address post-paid. on receipt of 'price, $1.1)Uâ€"or on reCeipt of $2.00,, we will send both the above works. postage prepaid. DICKENS’ LAST GREAT WORK I GREAT EXPECTATIONS ! ) BY CHARLES DICKENS’ Complete in one volume. lQmo. cloth extra. illustrated with steel engravings, Will be ' sent to any address postage paid on receipt of price, $1.00 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Now so indispensable to every family. are be: ,ing tiiannfncttit'cd by us in every variety-ht ‘stylo and finish, Descriptive Circulars With {prices will be furnished on application, and |any style of Album sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. l Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents. Canvassers. Peddlers. and others will do well to order a package of our Books and Albums. They will ï¬nd them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal. 1000 Local & TraVelling Agents i wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies, or for terms in quantities. with other inform ition apply to, or address. JNO _F.I)WIN POTTER. Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St., Pliiladelplria,Pa. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN AT PAR lJanuary 16. 1862. arse... F o a s A L E, _ STEAM E N GIN E.â€"abont 8 horse nower.-â€"-with Boiler. doc. complete. Tera: libe :11 Apply to AMOS WRIGHT. M.I’.P Richmond HilL Far. 13., l 31!?- 9054f . 1",, a“ ..,.. was“. > a rut-"Mu ï¬.-1..M‘ -~ ' ‘ _. _ -_ - i, .in-ra tutti IAN anaemia.“ l ‘SmLOIID 'mansq‘moi} punt [any pit-iv 'qoor em not units 3314“ arm, .6 a , . â€"~\: ‘ _ use .‘ an“, an, pr" 4:9 it! M y ‘ri'i‘vr reviuiwd yin 0} 3mm? 0mm “in au- re im m'imr rewind 011 W“ [W im- 0» anqs aqdmnm puljoï¬uoe Jtld‘ptiiq {a mine: mo urol‘ pm: emoo ‘qo I "pique mind our: apes puv ‘pueq [nyqinoiiIa'ddtq .ino uiof‘einoo tacit: Epoqu I; can!!!“ .‘xmg era-m up} spas; snoring any, Waiver ‘ 'l‘iâ€"IE CA IAN: VA ttB‘IiEtii.’ ' BY L. C. EVERp‘rr.“ I‘ 1‘HIS popular Work. from which the abode beautiful Melody is copied, isadmitted to‘ be the largest and best Collection. of Hymns and Tunes in rise for Sabbath Schoolrr‘.‘ ' Price per Hundred . . . . . . . - - 6" 00 ‘ Single Copies. . . . . . .. . . “‘90 "Fire Nrw Thesaurus illusichs,7 a. L. 0. EV ERE'I"1‘ and on. A. maven. ETTâ€"A superior Ccllection of Sacredmlli'usic. Price.........'...‘...i . . . . . . . $0 ‘75 ID†The attention of Choirs. Congregations, Sabbath Schools, and Teachers of lineal MTIIIC.‘ is invited to the above works. _ For Sale at the Your: ‘ HERA‘LD’ Be‘k Store, , II - Richmond Hill, Jan. 29'. 1853. < FiNKLiaa LYON. w SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, I. , 2â€_. 'il. f 10 parties little acquainted with the Finkle' ~ & Lyo‘rr Sewing Machines the careful pel' usal of the Company’s Circular is specially commended. This Circular can be Irad'oti'ap5" plication. It is very specific. and will be'foulllll highly instructive, having been prepared W1!" much care. and we will abide by allstatetnen. therein made. The following brief qitotatioti’ is characteris- c of the entire Circular: “ This Machine is better adapted than any other Sewing Machine in market to the fr'eqt'r’lt changes and almost on 1less variety of sewing required iii a f'mily : for it will sew from one. to twenty thicknesses oanrséillcs without stop- ping. and making over}: stitch perfect Will sew from the ï¬nest gause totlie heaviest cloth, and avian to the stoutest harness leather. with- out Changing the feed. needle, or tension, or makingr any adjustment of machine whatever." Thus have no successl'iilli OVSI‘COIHO'IIIQI rrrust difï¬cult point in the Sewing Machine Art. it was no ordinary triumph. Deï¬antly can we say. ‘i‘ No other Machine compares with it in‘ this respect.†Inlerrce have we uniformlyâ€"ai-’ most witlro‘u't eitceptiOrr‘â€"taken‘l mo' highest premium, when the Machine has been properly exhibited in competition with other firstéclan' ‘ Sewing Machines. Hence is it that we are able tender the follor'ving guarantee. viz " We Warrant every Machine we sell to give‘ better satisfaction than any other Sewing“ Ma- : china new iii market.- or money rof.irrded.â€-â€"~’ We never sell a Machine on any other terrs'r3_ The guararitee is as reliable as the note of any business man iii the land. For more thdtr'ï¬v‘e‘. H!an have We relied upon such facts fert‘the' reputation ofour' Machine ; and without asitiglojf travelling agent in the ï¬eld. there is scarcely .a neighborhood on the continent where the Ha- clrirre is not favorably kitowrt. We prefersuch a reputation to one based on mere “talki-nï¬ . points,†as they are technically called in the» ' rude. Hence we riiake bttt one kitrd ol‘stitche viz ; the lock-stitch. alike on bull] sides. requir~_ mg rrly oneathird the thread of other kinds of stitches. ‘ . N. B Local agents wanted irr everyr County throughout the West. Special inducemontl‘ offered. Finkle & Lyon 8. M. Co,» .' lBS-fi'rii 53-5 tincanwn, erw Xena. a 'i‘ I!) A in E N G m. PLANEING‘MACHIN‘E 1' FOR SALE. 1’ . ILL b‘o Sold low for Cash or Exchangelt- for Land a first-rate STEAM ENGINU‘.t â€"-14 horse powerâ€"iii good Working order; hailr only been in t'r‘set about 3 months, and is‘tlie’i‘o- fore as» good as now, Also. a Snrl’nceiirg‘ inti- Matching i’intieing Machine, with a quantity of Slra’ting and fishing, itr good repair. ' For further in l’ot'iriation apply at the Herald†oliice. Richmond ilill. Nov. “0. 1862; 1". York some _â€". Rt canon) nii.L Branch Bible Soc'y Depository, AT Mrs. Ann :IE-Z’lkeull’s.~ ‘ Rir-lrrirond l-lill‘, Jan. 8, l863. rem-i}. fairytalâ€" l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN H "\T MARTIN MACLEOD will apply to" the next Session of the Provincial Parlia- ment lor air lot to coiitiriii his title to theRoat‘l’ allowance butting his farm. lot (ill. in the lat: corrceSsion of Vaughan. being the town-litre be' tween the 'l'ownships of King and Vaughan. in the ï¬rst concession. granted to him by the†County Council of York. 9 Dryriock, Decoiiibor ‘23, 1862. 21,, .3na WE‘SATUII DA Y P ' " ‘ Eventing P051“:- HE SA'I'URI) Y EV :INING POST II a. 'vVeckly paper, devoted to‘ Literature. News. &0. Arirotig its contributors we rirav I‘I'IJIIIIUII the folloWrng distinguished writers:â€" MRS. ELLEN WOOD, author of u East Lynne,†" The Earl’s Heirs,†5w. _ MARION 11A BLAND, author of " Miriam," "Alon .†doc lEDMUND KIRKE, author of “Among the Pines †‘ vrnornra F. TOWNSEND. whose domes-tie sketches are so greatly admired. Terms: Single copy. $2. Two copies. $3. rFour’ copies. $6. luight copies (and one extra) $152. Twenty copies (and one extra) $25. > A Splendid Pre‘iri‘ium. er0 war ts :1 Sewing Machine? To any one sending thirty subscriptions to tho ‘ Posr,’_ t and $6â€, will be given as a Premium one of WHEELER SSL WILSON’S SEWING- . MACHINES. such as are sold. by them at Fomvrivn 1)nt.i..ins ($45) Tire machines' will be selected new [I the manufactory in New York. and will be sent, boxed, with full". directions for setting up and using. and with no“ expense, ‘ except for freight.’ BEACON a rnrnasox, Publishers, _ . No. 319 Walnut St., Philadelphia V b? Specimen numbers of the P05? saith}: ,gratie when requested. March 20, 1563-.