‘m .-».‘ U u~__... In one of the private lunatic asylums in the neisbbourliood ofLyons, France, there are not less than forty persons confined, laboring under mental aberatiou caused by spiritualism One ofthe odd ideas of the day is to get up a company to construct wire sus-i ipcnsion bridges over the most dangerous crossrogs ol Londonâ€"return ticket, it half- slructed with a View to hide criuoline ef~ feels. DIED. At Victoria Square, on the 6th lush, Mrs, Kampton. aged 36 years. Friends and ac-, quaintances are invtted to attend the funeral orl Friday (to-day) the 8th inst., at 2 run ._._.__ ___._. _....._____-_..V,..~ __-__....-~_._..‘ TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY, May '7. 1863. Fionaâ€"Superï¬ne sold at front $3 90. (a $4 00 Fancy $4 00 a» $4 10; Extra $4 25 @$4 35 {Double Extra. :54 411 (1) $4 45. ib‘all Whoopâ€"4300 trshls was the extent of the ‘supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were iron) $11 "85 ((3) $0 93 her bshl, Spring ‘r'l'lleist-â€"â€"- bshls in market. which sold at from $1180 ((3 $0 89 per bslll. Burley.-â€"â€"sold at from $11 ((3 $0 95c. I’eas.â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" bshls went off at 52 m 560 per lbslll. Oatsâ€"at 380 ftD 4‘2 per bslll. Hayâ€"is from $25@ $26 per ton, Straw $8 r0 r339 per ton. Apples,750 and $t Stlc per barrel. Eggsâ€"Fresh from wagons Sc ï¬D 13c per J01. lPotaloes vâ€"Vary ill price from 51! to 552cm. llulterâ€"-Fresh is ill fair supply at from Hit: (0 "20c penils. Beef-â€"$3 {(3 $3 50 per 100 lb. Calves $3 fill ’35 each Lambs $2 @ $2g. Sheep $4 Oil ftp "$5 06 each flmmï¬ _._._.__.‘_. . r _.__..._.._ __.._ .__... .._" dicta noncrttammts. TO THE Illlll'lllll llllllliHllll IN compliance with the request contained ill the SllllJDItlt‘d Petitiou,l hereby convene a V MEETING . "TO'WN HALL 2 TO BE HELD ON Saturday, the 16th Day of May, 113°At ONE o’clock, P.1d at ROBT. J. ARNOLD, Reeve of Vang/tan. May lst. 1863 â€"â€"â€"_.__ PETITIONS MAPLE, April 28, 1863. ~ To‘ ROBT. J. A R NOLD, Esq,Reeve of Vaughan DEAR Stu,â€"We, the undersigned. Ratc- payers of Vaughan, beg leave to request you 'to call a Public Meeting. at the Town Hall: at as emly a day as possible. for the purpose of i‘discuseing matters in reference to the late passage of the Separate School Liill! By Parliament. and your Petitioners, as ill duty bound. will ever pray. William Cook. JOsI-ph Noble. Thomas Arm- strong. Nathaniel Kirkbv, James ’Flemiug. “Simon Shrink. Thomas Jackson, John A. McDonald. Andrew McNeil. Andrew Mc- Clure. D. Shefï¬eld. John McKinnon. Arch’d. IlcQuarrie. Jacob Lalirnor. Peter Frank. Solo- in ‘11] Puterhaugh. .l. M Rupert, Joseph. Mal- ‘thewson. Stewart Blane. John Brown, junr . George Gowland, Alex. Munsiu. Eli Robismi, ’I)ouald Guuu. James McDonald. David Jef? "lerl'. Jellies Graham. Walter Dalziel, A. McNeil, John McNeil. Thomas Witty. George ‘Wilson. Michael Petermau, Adam Rupert, J. Rupert. .1115. H. Lawrence. S TR .51 I‘ED, TURKEYS,â€"â€"a goblin and a hellâ€"to the premiscs'ofcyrus Fterheller. Richmond Ilill. on Monday last. Whoever lays claim to the same. on paying expenses,-tlley will-be de- livoredtnp. ‘May 6, 1863. 3 . .. ...-..m_.«_.______~â€"â€"~__.â€"_____. -- YON GE “STREET AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY! WILL HOLD 'I'I‘S SPRING SHOW ON THE FAIRLGROUND, RICHMOND 11111, "On TUESDA Y, MA Y26, ’63 For particulars see large bills. G. A. BARNARD. Sec. illichmond llill. May 1863. Infant School. . RS SMITH bogs respectfully to inform it her friends arid the public, that on Mon- thâ€. the 4th instant. she will (D V.) Open an Infant, School In the house immediately opposite the Tempe- ranco Hall. Richmond Hill, where she will do- vote "very attention to infantï¬inetruclion. Richmond Hill. April 30th, 1863. QSO-tf B’O‘G LOST. ' "PRAYED 0R STOLEN from VanNos- L tralld's liotel. Richmond Hill. ï¬â€˜ivprqfo. iored Retriever, about 4 months old; answering to the name of ‘ Nicodelnus.’ or more brie-fly ‘ Nick.’ Any person returning him or giving such information as may lead to llis recovery will be rewarded by applying to MR. BANNIS" ER. Richmond Hill. April '25, 1863. 2294f. Municipality of Vaughan. : OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on SATURDAY. the 16th day of MAY. the Count of Rsvrsmn ot' the Assessment Roll for the Township of Vangharn. will be held at the TOWN HALL, at ELEVEN o’clock. a.llr.. when all parties interested are requested to attend. G. J F. PEARCE, ’l'omns/iip Clerk. 230-2 8011001. BO0KS~IMP011TAMX ASY LESSONS on General Geography. _l byJ. G HOGINS: sold in single copies or in quantities: and a liberal discount allowed to Schools, at the “HERALD†BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill. April 93, 1863 ' one May 181. 1863. VERY CHEAP : NEW SPRING Goons. Reaping machine for Sale I LIST OF NEW scores ' ' oâ€"â€"â€"--- ' to Exchange for a Horse. The Mach- ' ’ L V " - . . '4 W ' o I U S T R, E C V E D, . , , ‘VM. S. POLLOCK begs to return his sincere thanks to his Customers for their liberall â€"-â€"-â€"-â€" ' support. for the past season, and to apprize them that he has received the greater part ofhis 1 SPRING- S‘I‘OUK, And can offer them at prices that will merit the attention of the public, as They are Much Cheaper pennyâ€"ascended by spiral staircases, con- Than will be offered by any Storein the village. Cloths. Factory and Bleached Cbttous. iner Pants, Vests Prints, choice colors. . . . . . . . . . . Factory Cottons. good makes . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Long Cloth and Bleached bhil'tings,. . . Ready-made Vests. a large lot. . . . .. . . . . . . . VVllito Long Cloth and Regatta Shirts. . . . . ............from 9d. to 13. 1d ~. . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . ....std. 91d. 105d per yd, very cheap. Printed Mnslins, fast colorS, a great variety, at only. . ... . . . . . . . . . .7§d. Woolen Baregcs, various styles . . . .... . . . ...... .... . . . . ...9d. to Is. De Laines, choice colors. . . .... . . . . . . . .. .... . ....from Illéd to Is id. as u ‘I u .....from logo. to Is. 1d. U . . . . . . . ,from 53. to 85. 9d. each. . . . . . . . . . . . from 5s each. A large lot of Men’s Silk Ties. . . . t. . . ... . . . . . . .from 7p]. to Is, IOï¬d each. Beautiful Silk Bonnet Ribbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fl'oni 6d, to [did per yard. Men’s Straw and Leghorn II ats, very cheap. With a Fresh Stock of GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS ; also a veriet r and a general assortment of HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. GlittcidRI'ES The Stock of Teas, Coffees Splines. and low in price. Brands. Agent Currants. Raisins. Tobaccos. &c, are of the best qualitv Wllte, Brandy, Rum, Gin. Malt. Teddy and Common Whisker, of pure Coal Uil, Machine. Boiled and Raw Llnseed Oi's. Paints. Varnishes. - ption of Brushes. Drugs and Patent Medicines. for the SAPONIFIER or CONCENTRATED LYE The best article ever used for making H ard or Soft Soap. with very ‘ and every descri- School Books, Stationery. the. little‘trouble and lessexpe use Earnestly soliciting intending purchasers to examine the Stock and prices which cannot fail to give every satisfaction. Late Richmond Hill, May. 1863. mm t. cos: FIRST PRIZE ilwni _l_l_lt:llllil. WANZER’S Combination a; Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. â€"â€"â€"_._ HE ONLY PRIZE awarded 'for Familv Sewing Machines by the Judges at the Provincial Exhibition, held in London. Sept. 24th. 251b, 26th and 27th, was given to R, M. \v'auzei‘ & Co. They also took the First Prize for Family Sewing Machines with R. M, Wanzer do Co’s. Combination, at the Provincial Fair held at Toronto, Sept. 29, 23. 24. ‘25 and 2‘6. 186’), and also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for manufactory. The First Extra Prize was also given for Nos. 1 and ‘2 Singer's Manufacturing Machines. Prizes ofa similar character were also awarded Wauzer’s dz. Co’s. Fairlin Sewing Machine and “Humor 61. Co’s. Singer’s 'Machines over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufac- titres, at the Mechanics Institute. 'I,‘orouto. They also took First Extra Prizes at, the several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Hamil- ton. l’aris, Gall. St. Thomas. Beamsville,Wliit~ by, Cohourg. Bowmallvillo : in factevery place where they have been exhibited. ., 11’? W'anzer do Co ’3 Combination and Wanzer A'z, ()0,’s. Singer. excel ally Machines ‘ that evnr were n'tttnut'actur'ee ill the United States or Canada. R. M. Wanner & Co. have succeeded in uni. ting the most valuable properties ot'the Wheeler, &._Wll_son and Singer Machines, and remov- ing those points which were not desirable ill a First Class domestic article, by" adding some new inventions (for which they have secured a patent in Canada)llavu succeeded in producing- a perfect Sewing Maclliue,w hich being simple ill its principles is easily understood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill ill its operation. Its accurate construction renders it little liable to get out of repair, and it is easily adjusted. The public, now lll use. Every family should have a Wan- zor (it Co,’s Combination Family Machine. All "Genuine Wanzer & Co.’s Sewing Ma- cllillesllear the stamp of R. M. Wauzer 6:. Co., Harl‘liltou, on the plate. ' PARKER CROSBY, Agent. Richmond Hill. April is, 1863. 228-6m- t.‘ VH '53981 ‘2- indv 'lllH puowlloru ‘toells out 10 opts oigsodilo out 01 tpioll 19mm} sosnoq M9} V i as“ l '4 515 pâ€" o O r-T- > H a‘ ’Z ... S k 4 c O . 6 .~"‘,..‘ H Z a u 4.. '_, mm 3’ ‘ ' l .â€" 5: “T 2 1'" fl h'l i CIEIAOWEIH ill-955 Hotel for Sale! 7 W18 WELL KNOWN HOTEL, on Rich- 1 mono Hill. the HALF- WAY HOUSE I And premises. is offered for sale or to exchange for Land. This desirable property comprises a ï¬rst-class Hotel, with every convenience at- taclled,,illcludillg Stables, Driving sheds. good Wells with pumps. soft water Cistern. with do . &c.. doc. Terms easy. Possession given 1st of October. Fer further particulars apply to JOHN LINFOOT. Richmond Hill, March 5, ’63. 2214f. Notes Lost. I 0“ examlltallOIl. Wlll tlles, drove by Water Power. latelv be convinced of its ndv hinges over all others Mr John l G. A. BARNA RD. 23l-3ni Kerswell, Miss Notice 2 Important to Blacksmiths. FOR SALE. in the flourishing Village of Lr'nbUI‘HWJ. Richmond Hill, 16 miles north of To~ route. on Yongo Street. a BLACKSMITH SHOP. DWELLING HOUSE, and about ,l Noodle. A- good Garden woll' ' an Acre of Land, with a stocked with choice Fruit Trees. There is also a good Stable and a never-failing Well of Water on the premises. The buildings are ill good repair. and everything convenient for carrying on an extensive business, Possession can be given about the 1st of May next. For further particulars apply to the Sub- scriber, on the premises, . SAMUEL SANDERSON. Richmond Hill. March 20. l 663. 224-“ F0 UN 0, N YONGE STREET. RICHMOND Hill, on Tuesday morning. the 7th inst... a Box containing JEWELERY! The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. 3 JOHN H. SANDERSON. Richmond Hill, April 9. 1863. 227-4t. DAVID uranium, Stave & Shingle Manufacturer ' ESIDENCEâ€"Lot 26. 32nd Con. Ninth- ham. on the Elgiu Mills Plank Road. A large Stock of S'rxvrcs and Saracens kept constantly on halld.alld sold at the lowest Prices. IE? Call and examine Stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. Post Office Addressâ€" Richmond Hlll. February 27, 1663. 2‘21va o:- o L E '1- , A LA RG15 and extensive MACHINE SHOP Blacksmiths Shop & Foundry, With all the Machinery and Tools and Lay- . occupied by Abell, situated 0111110RWEI‘Humbar, Brownvitle, near Burwick, Vaughan, ill the 7th Con . Lot No. 5â€"16 miles from Toronto,on the main road, and 6 miles from the Grand Trunk Railway, Weston. The whole to be leased on very reasonable turns, from 3 to 5 years, as the Subscriber is retiring from business. JOHN BROWN, Brownvilfe. Vaughan. Woodbridge P.0. 224-3m. March 19, 1863. .A EDWIN WEBBBR , CABINET MAKER AND?" R. UNDERTAKBR PAINTER, GLAZIER, (be RICHMOND HILL, C.W. A general assortment of Household Furniture Always on hand. at Toronto Prices. First Class Cupboards, Bureaus, And every description of Furnitule made to order and warranted. Richmond Hill. Feb. 19. ’63. GARDEN SEE DS. ,RESH GARDEN SEEDS. grown and putup bv JAMES FLEMING do Co., Toronto. for sale at the “ HERALD†BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL. April 2. 1863. T0 Bungmius, &c. SEALED TENDERS FOR THE ERECTION OF A W eslcyun Parsonage ! At RICHMOND HILL. Will be rocived till llle 151; clay of May, At Noon, by PARKER CROSBY. Esq.. or Rev. '1‘. A. FERGUSON, at Richmond Hill. Plans and Speciï¬cations may be seen at Mr. 1†l cnosnvis. Payment ill full when the work is completed. The Committee not bound to accept the lowest Tender. unless otherwise satisfactory, J. P. RUPERT, Sec’y. Buildmg Com. Richmond Hill. April 9. 1863. 927-“. ROBERT MARSH. J.P. ENCLOSED in a letter addressed to Mr. Commissioner in the Queen’s Bench WILLIAM NAIR. ()ak Ridges, C. W. and mailed from Rochester. NY. One of the notes drawn against Henry Harris for $6 .50; the other against William Harrlnun. for $32 01!, both in favor of Louis Smith public are hereby cautioned against negoointing fer the saute as payment. has been stopped, LOUIS snl'r‘H. Rochester, NY. April 96. )8“. ‘ ‘ I t l v oasis} Richmond Hill, 3.... as. lesa‘ ‘ ' CONVEYANCER, &c. CLERK OF THE 3rd DIVISION COURT Oflico.ooposite RAYMOND’S HOTEL. The 1 Richmond Hill. Deeds, Mortgages, 6.10., drawn up with neat- . ness and despatchh Business attended to at the Clerk’s residence when not in the Ofï¬ce. ' 'nttl-i'y. I and comprise a full assortment of Prints, Long Striped Shirtings, Deuinns, 'I‘ickin Muslins, Orgaudie Cheeks. Woolen Baregos, Hosiery, Fancy Goods ; Tweeds. Cassimeres and Doeskius. gs, De Laines. I’rintedv Ribbons. Parasols. Artificial Flowers and Mohair and Summer Coatings, Men’s Sum- and Coats, exceedingly low : and Would call particular notice to his stock of y of GARDEN TOOLS ‘ and unusual interest. and will be eagerlr read 226- ‘ . ...‘. . .... . ......, . '* .. .... .... .... . .. ......» ...,....-. .. ..-....... ..... .. .. V y n 74’ - ine has only been used a few times. and got up bv Messrs- I’alterson. Richmond Terms 'liberal. A pply to wi‘dl ‘éUT‘I‘lNi. l... * 2"“ Spring and Summer Goods . .' FARIVI T0 RENT, THE FRONT SIXTY-THREE ACRES 03’ LOT 21' AT Till: W35 Hill. we would intimate that we have now received our supply of -â€"â€"_. March 5. 1863. rio. D.D. $1. sey. Iloo. Mrs. Norton. &c.. s Russell’sâ€"~‘ My Diary North Together with our usual assortment of, ‘ In thanking our Friends and Customers for their liberal support during the past year, ‘ Herald ’ Store.†‘Speaking to the IIéort.’«-~By Thom“ ,thth‘3 1 ‘Burns’ Centenary Poems,’â€"Bv Gerald 11...?- end South.†31...; as " ‘I’athway of Promise, or Words of Comf t. “in CONCEDION VAUGHAN Groceries, W'ines, Liquors, 'Hardware, A dthe Zlion Pilgrim,’ 40ers. °'â€â€˜Â°--=r - ‘ ‘ i s to ’rayer ’ 4Ucts. - i Apply to I. McNAUGIiToN CROCKERY, ‘ The Sunday Evening Book ’â€"Short Prayer. I _ - ' for Family Readingâ€"By James Hamilton " “ Maple. April 9. l863- 9974’- :B o o '.l'.' s, s H o E s , do 0 . , D.D., John Eadie. 0.9,, 4...... ‘Vv'averley Words--Peveril of the Peak.’ Bout-.1 ‘ Profession is not Principle. or The Name of Christian is not Clll'istiaility,'â€"-By Grace Letters Remainingin RICHMONDHILL PeelOï¬ice APRIL 1, 1063. Which we offer at very reasonable Prices. Kennedy. 25cts. ‘Stories by Author of Pierre and Fernily,’..; R bLily (Dongle? Students Walk. &c., 25cm ' a an ‘ his ‘riends.’-~B John B ‘ ' ' M.D,, l5cts. y row“. ‘ Wee l)avie.’â€"-â€"Bv Norman McLeod, D.D. 150 ‘ Good Words for March.’--â€"Edited by Norman McLeod. D.D.. l3cts. ‘ Curious Storied Traditions of Scottish Lifo.’-a By Alexander Leighton. 50cts. ‘ Forty-ï¬ve Guardsmen.’-â€"-By Alexander D‘u‘d ,As we have been made agents of the I , l t: l, l 1 ll'†"'ll! “It. - l' ..l'. l lit. We feel satisï¬ed that we can sell all articles of their manufacture at a rate which will defy competition. We have just received from them a large and well selected stock of FELT HATS, CLOTH & TWEth CAPS. Anderson. Miss Jane Morin, 0. Anderson. George illoger, Andrew Ainsley. Thos, Marsh, Mrs. A. L. Atkinson. James Myers, W. D. (2) Burr, J. C. Morden, C. L. Brillinger. Mary R. McGregor. Miss Ann Brown, Alex. McCawtey, MiChael Barnabo, John McEagheru, Miss C. Bowman, Thus. (13) McDonald, Ronald Campbell, Thus 1). ExoMcGilmos. Miss M. 3‘ "4 " ’ . ‘ mas- 5005- _ 0cm, “Law Mcmaugun’ N. LADIES STRAW & FA N v Y. B 3 N N LTD, 36 HATS, 30......“ Of Common L,fe..__B) Wm," ‘Chambers. Charles O'Brien, M. ' Hoping for a continuance of the patronage which has been hitherto accorded to us by 500‘!“ Cooper. “'m. Dascoulb, W. C. (2) Eyer. David, seu’r. O’Grady. John Ogilvie, J. A. Prelltis, J. ‘ 'Wllite Chief,’-'-â€"-By Capt. M. Reid, 500M. ‘ Gideon Giles,’-â€"By Thomas Miller. 50ctd. ‘ Harry H amiltou.’â€"By Capt. Stewart. 25c“. our Friends and Customers we respectfully subscribe ourselves FLOOD & PRICE. Ever David, 'un’r Powell 1’. * ' 'l] A ri] 23 1863. 2294‘. ‘ Two Old Men’s 'I‘ales.’ 25cts Filmie’ Mrs. in“ Rather-lord, T. ‘ , RIChmond :HX p, P , “WM “ï¬râ€"u; ‘Celmless (ll..RUll0lSladl.’ 250th German, John Simpson, J,.(.5,_ ~~v 144W *--â€"-â€"â€" ~â€"»~--â€"--7-â€"â€"~~-~-~7â€"-‘3 Bibles, from JOCts to $1.- any, J. Hislop, Gideon Harrison, H & J. Harrington, J. sen’r. Hunt. lIenry Halley, James Hall, Francis Horrler, Daniel Ker'swell, J. (‘2) Seager, L. Simpson. G. Stenuett. T. Sheppard; E. Smith. Mrs. Mary Smith. J. ' Savage, T. Snider, J. , Simpson. A. Sutton. D. Twigg, W. Thompson. John Thompson. Robt. Thomas. Robert \V lliamsen. R. Williamson. Mary Webber. E, Lawrence, Mrs.W. H. Vl’oottell. D'. (2) Malone, John (‘2) Wlloalau, D. M. TEEFY. P,M Testaments. 15015. and upwards. Church of England Hymn BookshBOctl. Church of England Prayer Book‘s; 25cm. and upwards. Richmond Hill. April 9. 1863. R I FORTHESPlï¬nGIND SUMME P. CROSBY, FINKLE st LYON H.........d .. ....t. or ‘ ‘ SEWING MACHINE multiler 1111 Ellis, SUITABLE Fllll TIE Silllllll l INCLUDING Kilfeder, F Kilfeder. Miss M. Kelledy, C. Law, R. E. Leaf. George Langstafl', Dr. J, (2) & Lyon Sewing Machines the careful pet" use] of the Company’s Circular is specially commended. This Circular can be had on sp" plication. It is very speciï¬c. and will be foun‘“ highly instructive. having been prepared I'll" much care. and we will abide by allstatemenn therein made. LADIES’ BONNETS, MANTLES, RIBBONs, ‘ FLOWERS, PAR ASOLS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, In the Newest Colors and Shapes. The following brief quotation is eharaeteris-r c of the entire Circular: READY-MADE CLOTHING, IN EVERY VARIETY, AND IN THE LATEST FASHIONS. other Sewing Machine in markI-t to the freq‘u’t changes and almost on lless vorioly of sewing required ill a family; for it will sew from one. to twenty thicknesses ofMurseillos without stopf ping, and making every stitch perfect Will saw from the fittest gause to the heaviest cloth. and avian to the stoutest harness leather, with-" out changing the feed. needle. or tension, or making any adjustment of machine whatever.†Thus have we successfully overcome the' most difï¬cult point in the Sewing Machine Art.) It was no ordinary triumph. Deï¬antly call We say. “ No other Machine compares with it it this respect.†Hence have We ullif01'lrllyâ€"al-' r most without exceptionâ€"taken the highest premium, when the Machine has been properly exhibited ill competition with other ï¬rst-clue Sewing Machines. A large Stock of . Always on hand at PARKER CROSBY’S $TORE, Richmond Hill. April 1863. .228 UNION VILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY COME AND SEE THE Stock at the above Factory .' Which the undersigned is SELLING OFF CHEAPER THAN EVER. All articles in the trade made to order on the shortest notice. ._ 3ADD _ HARNESS MAKER i f I YONG-E ST. E. % is." \% / \OJVD n03 [fence is it that we are able to offer the following guarantee. vi; zâ€"d " We Warrant every Machine we sell to give‘ better satisfaction than any other Sewing Mi" W Truth Stranger than Fiction. A STARTLING WORK! â€".â€".‘ ‘ FEMALE LIFE AMONG THE MOBMONS! A NARRATIVE 01“ Many Years Personal Experience, BY MARIA WARD, THE WIFE OF A MORMON ELDER! 66 We never sell a Machine on any other terms" The guarantee is as reliable as the note of any business man ill the land. For more than ï¬ve†Years have we relied upon such facts for thd reputation ofour Machine ; and without I singl‘ travelling agent in the ï¬eld. there is scarcely I. neighborhood on the continent where the Ilsa chine is not favorably known. I W's prefer suck a reputation to one based on mere “ talking ' points,†as they are technically called in tlsd trade. Hence we make but one kind of stitch. Viz; the lock-stitch. alike on both sides. reQuir- lug :nly ollmtlllrd the thread of other kinds of stitches. N. B. Local agents wanted ill every county throughout the West. Special inducements offered. Finkle & Lyon S. M. Co, 535 Buosowxv. an Yong.- He has also on hand some FIRST CLASS CULTIVATORS. Parties Wishing to buy can be supplied at the HERALD OFFICE. where they may be seen. ALI; WORK W ABRANTED. GEORGE. EAKIN. 2274f. HAT one half of the world cannot ima- gine how the other half live,†is no less true than trite: and the lesson the adage affords. our experience and observation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we consider . . . the ever~varying phases of human passion. Umonvrlle, Aprll 1863. and the discordant elements from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded. it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed ill singularity the wildest dream of romance : or that crimes, both strange and unnatural, should be perpe- trated ill a far of country on the outskirts of civilization, which people ill another state of society would never imagine possible. Know- ing. as I do know, the evils and horrors and abominations of the Mormon system. the de- gradation it Imp0598 0“ females: and llle 0011' 1' THIS INSTITUTION imparts to young men and ladies a thorough and practical business sequent Vlell Wl'llCll OXWIId lllmuitll all llto education. The Bookmkeeping is as complete and extensive as that of any COM- ramiï¬catwns of the society- a senseot‘dutr to MERCIAL COLLEGE ()N THE CONTINENT, embracing Wholesale and Retail Merchand- the world has induced me to prepare the fol- ism... Manufacturing. Mining, Milling. Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Commission. lowing narrative for the public eye. The ro- Raiï¬uadmg. Swamboaungi 5w. mallllc lllï¬â€˜l‘le'lls collnemed Wllh my “Xllel'l' N B “Young men holding full Scholarships, who may wish to complete a course of study once. many may llll"k bOl'del'l'lH 0“ 1h†"'3'" in the United States will. upon signifying such intention to the Principal. be furnished gratis "lousa To 1mm [ wou‘d 5“, llml “'13 "‘“Ta‘ with a card of admission to a ï¬rst-class Commercial College ill ally of the following cities :-â€"- tive of my life only PI‘OVOS. What has 5° 0119" Milwaukee. Chicago. Toledo. Columbus. Cincillnatti, Pittsburgh. Buffalo. Syracuse. Roches- beeu proved before that, “ TRUTH is Srnxnocn ten 805,0“, Now york 0,. philadomma, THAN FlcTION- ~A’tt’w'l's Pftfllc" 113’ for Circular and Specimen of Writing. enclose stamp and address for return letter. The book contains 449 pages. with ellgrav- _ illgs. is neatly bound in cloth. and Will be I. BATES, Prtnclpal. 225-1)". sent to any addreSS, post-paid. on receipt of Toronto March 27' [863 price. $1.25. ' dmltritan (Ilfltttttttt'tittl ttinlltgt,‘ CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STS., TORONTO, C.W. 198-6111 s 'r E A NEW-71E N am PLANEING‘MACHINE r' FOR SALE. ‘ ILL be Sold low for Cash or Exchange! for Land a first-rate STEAM ENGINE â€"l4 horse powerâ€"~iu good Working order; he! only been ill use about 3 months, and. is there- fore as good as now. Also, a Surfaceing and Matching Piaueing Machine. Willi a quantity of Sllafting and Belting, ill good repair. For further information apply at the " York Herald†oflice. Richmond Hill. Nov. 90. 1362. PENMANSI‘IIP. COMMERCI A l. ARI'I‘H METIC, BOOK-KEEPING. COMMERCIAL LAW. WEEKLY LECTURES. PHONOGRA I’ll Y , SOT-t!â€" RICIIML)ND nun. Branch Bible Soc’y Depository, ~â€" Rn‘nnns0lcs:-â€"Rev. W. Ormiston. D.D., Inspector of Grammar Scllools.'Hamilton : T. J. Robertson. M.A., Principal of Normal ScltOul, Toronto: A. Mctlallulrl. Principal 01 Central School, llalniltou: Rev. R. F. Burns. St. Catharlnes; '1'. Gordon. principal of Johnston Street School. Kingston: W R. Bigg. Principal of central School; BrocltVllle: J. B. Boyle. Principalot Central School. London : Dr. Beattl‘. Pl'estdellt of the Board of Arts and Mapu- factures. Cobourg; J_ W. Bowes. Esq. Mayor. Toronto ; James Campbell. Wholesale Sta- tioner. 9 Toronto Street. Toronto ; William Williamson. Accountant. Toronto. A Companion to Female Life. Mrs. Ann Hall’s..- Richmond Hill, Jan. 8, 1863. 214-11. 256i) {.5 i _ “WM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IIAXT MARTIN MACLEOD will apply to“ the next Session of the Provincial Parlia- ment for an Act to conï¬rm his title to the Reed allowance butting his farm, lot 60, ill the 1st concession of Vaughan. being the town-line bee tween the Townships of King and Vaughan. ill the ï¬rst concession, granted to him by the‘ County Council of York. vDryllock. December 23, 1869. Male life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. VVARI). This. like the above, is a work of great as a companion volume to " FEMALE LIFE.†It is a large 12nro volume. neatly hound ill cloth, i:lustrated with ellgrnviugs’, and will be sent to any address post-paid. on receipt of price, $1.lIUâ€"or otl receipt of $2.011, we will send both the above works. postage prepaid. DICKENS’ LAST-EREAT wtlrlKl GREAT EXPECTATIONS! BY CHARLES DICKENS’ on Concert tratcd Lye, HE REST ARTICLE in existence for making SOFT OR HARD SOAP! WM" S. POLLOCK'S l 212 3‘ G. A. BARNARD agent for Richmond Hill I SK '1‘ OEDâ€"Z} Evening Past. For Sale at and neighborhood, ' ' l . 12 . lotl extra. , l' HF. SATURD'\Y EVENING POST is a, ill33:23:[eivlilfllmsljeb‘f utiii:raviiiigii,c Will bel February 19. 18113, 919 1: Weekly paper, devoted to Literature. om“â€" sent to any address postage paid on receipt of' price. $1.00 I PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Now so indispensable to every family. are be- ing manufactured by us ill every variety of style and finish. Descriptive Circulars with prices will be turnished on application, and any style of Album sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents. Canvassers. Peddlers. and others will do well GENERAL STATIONERY, l to order a package of our Books alld Albums. They will ï¬nd them exceedingly popular, and AT THE “ YORK tritium)†BOOK STORE, 1000 Local & Travelling RICHMOND HILL, wanted everywhere for their sale. At Lower Prices than is charged in Toronto. News, duo. Among its conhibutors we msv mantiott the following distinguished writers?- MRS. ELLEN WOOD, author of “ East Lynne.†“ The Earl’s Heirs.†else. I MARION HARLAND, author of ‘- Miriam," " Alon .†&c. ‘ EDMUND KIRKE, author or “Among the’ Pines." VIltGlNlA F. TOWNSEND. whose domestie' sketches are so greatly admired. Terms : Single copy. $2. Two copies. $3. Four copies. $6. Eight copies (and one extra) $12. Twenty copies (and one extra) $25. A Splendid Premium. Who wants a Sewing Machine? To any one sending thirty subscriptions to the ‘ Pos'r,’, and $60. will be given as a Premium one of \VHEELER do WILSON’S SEWING- MACHINES. such as are sold by them at FORTY-FH'E DOLLARS ($45} The machines will be selected new at the manufactory in“ New York. and will be sent, boxed. with full directions for setting up and using. and with no expense, ‘ except for freight.’ DEACON & PETERSON. Publishers, FR ESH' ARRIVALS OF SCHOOL BOOKS AND For single copies, or for terms in quantities. with other informltiou apply to, or address. JNO. EDWIN POTTER. Publisher, No, 617 Sansom St., Plliladelphia,Pa, AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN A'I' PAR OrderS received for, January 16. 1862. DIS-Gm F O R S A L E , STEAM E N GI N E.â€"about 8 horse power,-â€"with Boiler, doc. complete. Tet-nu libe'al. Apply to AMOS WRIGHT,}I,P.P Richmond inn. Nov. is. tiles; see-tr Remand Hill,’A'agust29,18l32. and great attention paid to BOOKBINDING ! Which will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. ' ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ 195' 113' Specimen numbers of the Posesqu gratis when? requested: ' “"" ' March 20, 1863. 2203 ft; L‘ VIVO parties little acquainted with the Fluid. A “ This Machine is better adapted than any . chine now ill market. or money refallded.â€-â€"-’ ‘ No. 319 Walnut 8... Philadelphia’ f, ,