m- puma H-.- -mw- YE APRIL FOOL. "W Theitoper went to drink his dram, And drank a dose of spermaceti ; The miller look’d in his dam, Andyfound no Water: what a pity. The lover went to kiss his dear. audits...“ his petticoaied brother ; And Dolly made the coï¬â€™ee clear. And pour’d hot Water to her mother. The doctor tried to get to bad, And found the sheets Were fasten'd double. The pillows vanished from his head. Aiid left him in a deal oftrouble; And in the middle of the night. His bed was lifted to the ceiling, And left the man in such a fright, A fortnight alter found him reeling. The chamber door was opened wide. Down came a train of' pots and kettles: Ten cats in tattered garments tied, O’er ran and apoli’d the morning victuals; The grandame found her spectacles Minus a pair of purple glasses ; And Gregory’s boots ’inong other ills, Were etuï¬â€™d with butter and molasses. Jack went to the door a dozen times, He thought be heard the bell a ringing tie found a letter full ofrhymes, Signed ‘ April fool,’ and fell to singing. And when he went to split his wood, He kept a chopping fast and faster, And found that he could do no good, Hie axe was made of painted plaster, mliii‘tlliiiitiiin, Do‘crofiifsw â€" a“ “A†“M.†long-suffering. a-“ . MuT’t‘u.â€" Patience and SHOEMAKER’: MOTTU.â€"cher late to. mend. tot) Miss Lovely says that males are of no account from lllt‘ time that ladies stop kissing them as infants till they kiss again as lovers. Clilorolorm is pcommended as cxcrlâ€" lent for scolding wives. A husband. who liastried it, says ‘no family uliould be. without it.’ ‘ Massa.’ raid Samba. ‘oite of your exrn is ill-ad: ’toder In"). ’Fraid to lt'Il you of half at once, for fear you couldn’t bore it.’ ‘ Where is the East 1’ inquired a tutor one day of a very little pupil. ' \Nhrrc the morning comes froin,’ was the proiiipi and pleasant anwver. ‘15 your master up? asked .in early visitor of a noblrti an's valet. * Yes. sir,’ rejoined the valet, with great innocence; ‘ the btillif'r and 1 carried him up about three o‘clock.’ You always Inse your temper in my compaiiv,’ said an indiridual'nf douhilul reputation to a gentleman. "I‘i'uc, sir, andlshouldn’t wonder if 1 10st every thing about inc.‘ ‘ Ali,’ said a plircnolngist, gazing on a time expansc of forehead, ‘ there‘s a dc- v:,-.l0pinrnl.' See what i‘iu'urc has (IOiir for him; and yet he woii’t lead me a six- pence.’ An illiterate persons visiting France to: the first time, said it was vury clever «it the cliildrr-n to talk Fictich at) well, but it was a comfort to hear the babies cry in good hearty English. A young lady, who affected a disincli- mtion towards matrimony, wrote oi. a pane of glass sumo Verses expressive of her determination never to enter into llic holy state. A gentleman, who doubti-il the. lady’s resolve, Wt'olc underneath ~â€" “ The fair one whose vow these soratcby lines botoken, Wrote them on glassâ€"she knew it would be broken. Eat little to-day, and you will have a better appetite to iiiorrow, more to cat to- morrOW, and more to-morrow for ca ing A gentleman had occasion to advertisi- for a cook, and amongst other applications was oni- from a ‘ young lady ’ of the pro" fession, enclosing lici‘ ' cai'tc dc Vi‘s‘tlc 'l’ ‘ What relation is that gentleman to you †said one lady to another. MANURES--- rausnnvavi AND VALUE. . n. N “t Horse manure is one of the most ‘ cnul‘gctlc of the animal nianuresnnid is Very crisin injured ; in fact Willi- nut care to give proper treatment, must of that inadc in suiiitner will] be abuut ruined. Bunsiniznult found that when horse dung" Was allowed Ito be lhoroughlyvdccumpuscd it Just nine-tenths of its wi igbt and more iliaii half of its valor. This is not the effects of burning but, per: foot dccouiptisilitvn. Whn'e, when .2 . ..,.....~- ~- , J.:G,ORML.E2(,,. .' V coMMrfsSionnn innocuous gth’b, Cbni‘reyancrr and Adctionécr Low 31. 4am Con. MRBKHAM. September 15, 1860. 95-tf Till}. illicit: Irina utilitarian, The Perfection of Mechanism. " '7‘E1NG A IIUN'i'ING AND Oran Fun, on Lam’s on Gus'i‘mmanfs WATCH Oom- BINED. 1' y, j, ' N One of tho prettiest. most convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapo-t timepiece for general and reliable use, over offered. It has 1 within, it and connected with its. machincrv. its own winding attachment, rendering a key en- ‘ Til-E _. .. w WARBL' Ell.’ . BlQBlMOI‘iflï¬rlbL .- LIBRARY“ *‘AsS’obI‘ATIbN i 1' “HISASSBGIATIO-N has transferred their †. .Nm.»,.w.wm- Jaie1‘rhwm’t c, v r. tt'lloaltih, Happiness, & Long Life F’s. B.» V V , RE within the reach of all, by the use of " and ‘ ‘ l v\, u~ ~.~ a .~V I ,‘V, - , I \ up 1 b ~ .0 [he “Hume is burned in a lump it 1,; , li;ely unnecessary. The cases of'iliiswaich ate huh: bcucr “H†1%),†Th†(“m comp used of two metals, the enter one being ( ' b I t 1' , , fine 16 carat gold It'has the improved ruby be prevented by tho applicatiun of action lover iiioveiiiciit.niid i- wai'rrniod an Water tn the manure heap,lrwqucni' accurate liiiii‘piece. . Price,- superbly engraved. turnings and making cit-iipact piles. but this is attended with a guild deal of trouble, and l'cw haw: water in SUlï¬l'ItHll. quantities t:(‘llVUllIClll.â€"â€" Mixing wrh and, will retard decom- position. aiid should aIWays be com- poscd with lmisc dung. Manure, however. :auiiui be made in the summer without trouble, and the lawn r should, in the Spring, apply in the land all that he has nil hand. and it is always bcttcr to give earn a good trip-dressing before the ï¬rst or second honing, thus using all the accumulation up initial time, to risk keeping over. This course we havu pursued with good results. Afici this the orchard may receive a trip-dressing and shallow plowing. Such an application will not bc Wasted. Where manurc cannot be taken care of, it is best it) apply it in the land at once, where it Will in: .iccmiiplisuiug smut: LUI'LI. 'I‘lic manure of boi'iicd culllt‘ "0n- lziiiis 3-) much Water in -t it fcriiicnis slowly, and may be cmnpnviud Wltli loss ti'uublc or dangct'. For this i‘casiui it is good to mix with horse tituliurc. Althouin 11 is i‘culli of loss valuc than the former, yet from the bclici‘contiiiinu in which i'. is usually preserved. ii is Oflctl found to answer a better purpuw in prac line. The Valuc of manure, how- c'vcr. depends more upon tic food constlttlcil than upon the animal by which it is produced. The manure ()1 birds, for instance, is the most powerful, tiiiiiiily bccaUsc thcy food on grain and insects. The Wonder- lul effects produced I by a small quantity of guano. is in ctiiist'qiicni-t- til. tlic fact that the birds \Viiicli pr: - duct: il fccd cuiii‘cly upon fish, and ninkc lhcii‘dcpnsils whcrc llicl‘c is no rain to wash away the most Va- luablc and Stiltllllt' pui'liuns. Fictit- ish farmers pay thi'iin dollars per load for the manure of lame pluc- nns, which are licpt almost cxclu- ~ivvly for this purpose, yielding lllt'il' owners a good rcvcnnc. l l l \Vouu Asuicsâ€"Ashcs are ex t'trcdiiigly \uluuiilc fur sandy soils and appoai' to no prized must Illlllll whci'c they are sczirt-c and cxpcu sth. Long Island farmers illltl garduurs use them frcelv. although lll'y arc doar, being subjt'cicd in iiuii-ti‘cds miles of cat‘i'iapc. whilc bore. a hundred are sent away lnr nuc uscd on land. Wt: uncc Ill- ci'cnsctl a potato crop ‘20 pcr ('(‘lll, bv the use of 80 bushcls of ashes to the arrc. over that licatcd in cvct‘y way similar, cxccpt the :iSlicS.â€"â€"- The land had received :i pretty grind quantth of stable tiianui'c tho year pi‘cvmiis, being in chn, the Still a yellow clicsnut ltllllll, whirl: had been pretty badly run. A licavVi ’ iii ifc‘v years, by the liberal use oi lash -s and coarse manure. In but. lif such a soil is well drained and subsoilwd. so that the water [pass off. a few years of such ircai- liiiclil, altvays taking: can: not It) wink II IOtleCl, will clfccl a mint Hem-livial chungc in its tcxnirc. \\ 8 She aii- know of no licllci' way to unichnr- Ix? entered, ‘His mother was my mothei‘s ate a clay soil, , . lie was her son. Only dbild.’ Not H'i's’OWii.'â€"â€"‘ Can’t you Cl‘Ptlli me», Mr. Butcher, for a hub: meat this lllOl'ti- IMPORTANT ’1‘0 'l‘ANNi«:i:sâ€"â€"\Vc bo- llicvc a patent is about 1)::lllgll;i[)llcil per ease of a half dozen, $214.00 b‘am’ple \Vatchos. in neat iiiurnCCii boxes, for lliose‘pro- posing in buy at wholesale. $35, sent by ex- pross, with bill payable on delivery, Soldiers tiiiisl i'oiiiit payment in pdvance. as we cannot collect from those in the army. Address clay may be much urticlltrl‘ulcd in a' E‘an HUBBA R1) BROS. do Co . Suh- Importers, Cor. Nassau and John Stan, New York. 213. 'r idiot" iii ," iii-iii) iii For Ei ght Dollars.~ H l in ' o o 0 . , .1 I a v. '. a’ ‘ surgeon ruiitist, i ASjust imported <0iiio oftho Elslll‘ tint.- LAll’. Block 'I‘reili, which he will ins-'ri for that siini if required, being tho salt'lc kind as ins-cried by S. N l‘cck, and made In the saint: titan. He also keeps the best, qualin ut l‘eelli. which be will insert on Gold, Silver. I’latcuiiiii. or anctiiiizeil Rubber, CHANGE or A 1:)Vlijlt’l‘lSEM icN'r. Dr I’izcx will be at Richmond IIill..... ...lst day Maple, . ..............3rd day chiiiboru,. . . . . , . . . . , ,5ili day Clarcvdlu, . . . . . . . . . ,.,6Lb day Aurora, . . . . . . . . . . . the last day month month mouth mouth iiioiii h of each ofeach of each ofcucli ofcacli (Except when any ofiho ab vo'days come on sabbath. when he will attend tho day following) When he will be happy to wait on any re- qulringf his services in any branch of liisihro- l'essiou. or make good any Work previoiisly warranted. 'I‘eedi exrracied for thoso not able to pay, free, 168-1v EAPEST. Aurora, June 20.. 156'! THE BESTIS Awaits THE EH POW E LL’S C.lN.-llllili‘ll SWiIlitil PUMPS! .CKN‘OWLEDG ED by 500 Farmers, Pro- 1 fessional Genticiiicu and others (who have them working ill Wells, varying in depth from Him 1 3310M) tube the E XSIES’I‘ -Wi)ItKltll), MOST HURABLE and E19191- CIEN'l‘ ever offered to the Public. 63’ Price 60 Cents foot. No extra charge" for l'op. Every Pump Warranted ! Orders for these Pumps addressed to C. POW €1.11, Willowdale, CW", \Vill receive. l’ronipt Attcntion. Novoiiibor, 7, 1862. 202» lv. WORMS. For destroying Worms in children, SI’I'I‘ZER’S VERBIIFUGE CANDY in by far the most pleasant, late, and ofl’ectnal remedy nowir use. Tr it! Q01 by 811 dealers in medicines. y ‘ k d Hmnviiirmn, Licensed Auctionch FOR THE UNITED COUNTIES OI? YORK &. PEEL. Auction Sales attended to in a business-like manner, and the interests of the eniyloycr al- ways consulted. Residence and 1’.O. Addi'essâ€"-'l'lioriiliill. February l2, ’63. 0 u 19 ’i‘rouglia, Water V Splints, Cistrons and Pumps, Manufactured and for Sale by war JOHN LANG$TAFF, STEAM Mums, ‘l‘iioitsiiti.i.. .luneil, 1850. 27â€"tf TEETH rxuiicito wiiiioiiihiiiiiiiâ€" 5â€â€?! lly the use ofElectricity, By Dr. E. C. EDMOND SURGEON l) ENTIS l', AURORA. ’l’ectb inserted on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized ing 1‘ said Hnrrlup, s NO; you owe me I lin' by it geiillittiliitl Ill this City. IN Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, for that already on your banes,’ was llic reply- Candidl)‘ acknmvlctlgnigr that we have. been in the wrong is only shelving that we are wiser tooday than we were yrs“ terday. tWhose pigsare iheso, my lad?â€" ‘VVIioy, they belong to that there his; sow.’ 'Nol 1 mean who is their mas ter 2’ ‘ Wlioy,’ again alchlt'Li the lad, ‘tliat little 'un llierc; he‘s a rare ’nn to fright? ‘Deai‘ me, how fluidly he talks,’ said Mrs. Partingion rrceiitly at a lt‘lnlli‘l'alttttt meetinO. ‘ 1 am always rt-jniccd when he mounts the nostrils, for his eltltlllr‘twc warms me. in every little and cartridge of ‘my body.’ An lriidiman just from the sod was real- ing some old- tillceee, win-n he found, to his dismay, that it contained living, inhabit- ants. ‘ be jabcrs,’ said he ‘ does your Chile in this counlhiy have childch EPITAPH 032' A LOL’CMOTIVE. “ Collisions tour Or livo she bore; The signalp were in vain ; Gown old and rushed, Her biler busted. And smashed the excursion train." Then.- has burn, it seems. gtrat slaugh- ter atiiong clergyman. The Burlington Sentmel heads the article about the explo-ion of the ' James JackSon ’ SIPallIo boat as- fotlnws':-â€"‘ 'l‘errible Steamboat Accidentl-«Tbirg-ï¬ve Parlours and wounded? " 1 killed I which the ussciiiial tanning qualities HI. tii'n cords of licililiick biii'k will be cxti‘uclcd so its to occupy thi.‘ space iifunc and a half gallons by iiicasiii‘c. xtraci, solo leather, usually ri-quir- iiig from nine to twclvi: iiiniitlis. may he tanned in so manv days,anit bng sliill’in two days. equal in oak tanning. and quizo light in color..-â€" '1‘lic cxirai:t is nbtuiiicd by sicaiiiing and distilling lhc hemlock bark, and if cqiial It) tiic description given, wil: be: ill iiicalitiilaiili: bcncfil. tn lculhci‘ iiiaiiufaciui crs.â€"â€"Qucbec Wlw‘cuz'y. l l To CLEAN GREASE Fltth FLoniis. wb‘tprcad over the slain a IIIICK coat of snft snap, ihcn piss a heated flai- ii‘oii a few times acinss it, alicr which, wash iiiiiiicilialoly with clear varm Watcl‘. I’ll warrant you all tt-r this trcziiincnl it. will iIchr show its vilc face again. RENOVATING Ot.u WALL. PAPEIL. -â€"â€"'1‘lic prndz-iil hunscvvifc who, on account of ‘liard tlnics,’ has do- cided nutto rc-papm‘ thc sitting- rnnm, as desirous, will find the old pripcr very much iiiiptiivcd in up- pcal‘zincc by amply rubbing it well with a flannel uliitll dipped in Indian meal. ' ‘ A man Wedd~d to an idea mat" hare a happy marriage, and a rather interesting family. By the application ufthis VETERINARY performed in the most approved manner and VVarranted' Aurora. March 9. 1860 67-13’ w.G.TAYLoa SURGEON, Member o/‘tlio Rog/(if College of V .S . N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- 1 meat heictofore received I)ch to intimate that lie is now prepared to treat all ’ Wisrascs of annuals .' At his own stables on the shortest notice. and can with Confidence warrant a cure in all cases v ithiii the reach of medical skill and treatment. Residezzceâ€"-Near the Eagle Hate/7. N.B. No Charge for Stabliiig. Newmarket, Feb. ‘26, M362. J. B. EDccGicr, : C DUN I‘Y Censtable,â€"Landlord’s \Varrants exwuted, Roms and Debts collected on the shortest pos.<inle notice. Aililius»â€"â€"â€"Richmond Hill I’,0. 1-7; N1". of the host Farms in the County of VALUABLE lt‘ilillli Willi Skill. 0 York, being Lot No. 15. in the ï¬ll] Conce<sion of the _ TOWN HIP OF VAUGH N, Qllll ACRES more or less, with good Frame Buildings of ovon description, and a largo Orchard of the best of Fruit. There'ir: four good Wells of Water, with l’umpsin them.â€" The farm is within 17 miles of the City of To- ionio ; will be sold 101) or 2(le Acres, 'to' suit purchasers. There is about 160 Acres cleared, and in abigh state of cultivation; and. 40 Acres, of well-timbered Landâ€"Pine rand Hardivood.“ ‘~ _' I " For further particulars apply 0 ‘ IIEC'I‘OR McLEAN, On the Premieee‘, Vaughan, Feb, 19, 19463. WJâ€"tf. ' 170-in a! l 3 Va. Pr". ‘ h V ,B l ., ll‘iltIS'I‘lO‘ MEDICINES, prepared from “the. V . . , ,3 l ‘8 '5 gig Hf. , LLBR‘AIVYMW 11â€â€œ ulrï¬â€˜lԠ- °°“ more“ Prescriptions ol the late Dr Buclian, Fellow of ASJnst opened an Ofï¬ce at No. 174»Kring a $2,} 5,“,- - m where Stockholders and others lti_a,\‘.,_ T901119“, ,trmï¬oyatfptilolloge:ofPhysicians. .\ c.. &c.â€" St., Toronto, where he intends remain. g f5? Eng 53 BOOKS "my Fr'du-v‘ ‘nemoun' “or “0 S. Cums 3"? dnlll†made. Md “1ҠEmilee)" P""Ved ing afew: l1l9tltll$,,fllid' will give his exclusive E :2 I t1 U’CIock- PM. . ‘ , ' c ‘m' (linnsiind of cases, attested before the Aldor- attention to the treatment‘ot', Diseases ï¬t the 3 5' 3g ' _ , A; SngT’ Lil’mr , me at, Guildhall. v‘nJYE; EAR'va/ltl LUNGS. Dr. 'I‘l.‘lias prac- g, E 3:33 $8 . s. Richmond-Hill heb-..,2i.15_l>1 at.» gay. ' ‘ 3 RIGHT "1.101%. THE. LORD .1 lised‘i'ortnpwaritslol‘dt‘lyearsinNEw YoltRn‘i’itll "'v "f “Lnâ€"‘3‘: .3750 i _ c , "i' tat-L ' " K... .444 â€"â€"‘~L*~‘ - 9‘7" ~- ~ \ 4‘" , i ' V" ' ' \f _. “ “ ‘ 'iunexaiiipled success. Hundredslotitestinionials‘ 2‘»: a E: .a- v to ' . MAYOR 014 LuNuui ,. .. _ , . » ~* :1? , , . _ . , f- l , ‘oi ,wlioliate been cured b ' hi 0 i .2 3:01,: 5 ' 0N,.-N.H3RVO.US~RELAXATION“ and'rsEX‘f :‘iihd‘QitiiWE:Ma‘giwiraigszof Marlborough Show. ‘ggslzéfif, {hit 031306;. ’(Ji‘m'araém ',,,,d)‘ A,::;,,,:;; » E , r v if), ‘ ~' ,HAUD’EION. New editions enlargedde IElfinH‘Wefthiin‘sler, Wo'shlp 5118“. 130W le‘eelrélco“ ‘uemaa M',,3.‘gi,:éice‘s-.,' ~-~a',SYOV‘t'-"B,;o,,cm,,sV Saga 3' “>9 ' grief" ' I pages, illWll'aWd by 1â€â€œ-Aliawi""l‘=“l">°‘°l““l" [Usufl ‘hffme "108‘ (mlebmwd‘ medical MO" ll'h‘roat. and all Diseases of'ilie Lungs. Artié .E . 9 Engraving/s on Steel- inst-nubiisimdrpriwls! tzioi'at'men. and otherst ~ . ' ‘ ,. "floral Etc?abundantilioittaii.v,iw,rzmu.ii. . - i, . E ‘ g ll, 3g ' 3, THE SILENT FRIEND, ‘iiiri‘Vigiefifgs-liyi‘eiiii’. AM; E ' E E D, I‘oionto', Sept. 9.“’6‘2. ’ lDS-Bm 3 3 5E? ll‘l :2. cat Work ol'ihe Age,on. .0311 in Suit is ’< , C T R I , _ _ _, E g a; l l. g cmiiomi and consequent Iiiipeiliiiieiiith-i {lat}. __ , V A _ y R , ~ . v~ V , , , a, , ._ ; 3 E' 'V~ S: riagc, describing tlie_Auatuniy' it‘ne Repro- 2 V "d a; ! i '3- ' ' 5' duciive Svstem in healil'i‘ a'lld‘ dreamers, and l ' ' .V ‘ _ , i P I, ,u t V,., I. , '1 “ w § :1 .- ~'. . ‘ ‘ A t ~ .‘ ' c'l renown}. . :5: .. ..l g... . g? ' i pomting out the suite means of peife ,. I :V “is , ' {M El. ll F: “lb hon to manhood: with aipEssay poï¬intfle-andy " â€". "iii vrv i , .> u. -' †v ' 6' . . , - r-‘- , ‘ -t Manic-I late (it‘lllfllllllitr a liestiipiioii ,tiiovi n ' V ‘. , ‘. l lily )ANA DIAN “71338141311, as um pnweï¬liw IAN-lg“. ‘,,t,.eclud,,,-g the pug. l'he Cheapo. t and Best BY L. C. EVERETT. HIS popular Work. from which the abovo T beautif' I Melody is copied. is admitted to be the largest and best Co lociion of .Hyiijiiis and Tunes in use for Sabbath Schools. I’rice per Hundred. . . . . . . ... . $16 ()0 Singlet)opies.......... ‘20 I I M... 6'11"; Nr‘W ’I‘Iicsanrus liltisious.’ By I... C. EV ERE'P'I‘and DR. A. ll. EVER ' E'I"l‘â€"â€"A su rerior Ccllcction of Sacred Music. I Price 75V I Sabbath Schools, and Teachers of Vocal.“ usic is invited to the above wurlis, I1:P The attention of Choiâ€"s (‘onoro aliens. ’ I! t For Sale at the YORK ‘HERALD’ Bl-‘k Store. Richmond Hill, .lan.29, 1863. 217- mm.) oi'rt' innate WORKS 185 YONGE S'I‘ALET. MONUMEN scone TABLES, TOM BS'I‘ON 196 &c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN AhY OTHERV ES'I'ABLISHMENT. " ~111E UNDERSIGNEI) Assignees of thr estate of I). (.7. 6;. W. YALIC, willcon tinuetlie business under the superitileiidonci of our duly eulliorizod agents, AUs'rIN About ‘ and 1.), CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. l’,S.-â€"â€"All notes and accounts remaining nu- ptiid on the let day of June. 1858, will be put into Court for collection, C. YA LE, G. CUMMER. 'I‘oronto, April 29. 1859. _.__-..- ~.._____._.__._. Desirable Village Property For Sale. VFHE Subscriber offers for Sale two valuable VILLAGE LO'I'S, situated in ihe ver} centre of the fast rising town of I’ort I‘llgin, oti Lake Huron, and in the County of Bruce: the Lots are known as Lots No. 40 and 41, in block No. 87 of the Village. 48-tf This is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make a home for himself, The town â€"fo r I unequalled. l-‘lCE,’ or to _ V “"VI. COUR'I‘N EY. RichmondI-iill, April 24. 1862. l78-tf. D SURGEON DENTISTS, “‘ILI. m: 11" Slotili'villo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22nd of Each Month, Markham Vil‘aigo, 23rd do ifith of Each Month; Brown’s CornorsAih ( ,on.ol'i\'1aikham 25th (10.; 'I‘lViornbill,. . . . . , . .r. . .‘dfilll oi Each Month: licliinoitd llill. . . . . . . . . ‘27lh of Each Month, Maple. Watson’s lloicl. .flï¬ili of Each Month: Vine Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29th (19' lynch Monllii Kioiiiliiii'g,. . , , . . . _ , ,Iiti1li of limb Month: Nobleton. . . . . . .. , . "31st of Each Month: hewmaraet... lsi,2nd and 23rd of Each Month; Ifanv of the above days comes on Sunday. that place will be omitted till the following month. When he will be prepared to attend to an) Professional Calls, or make good any operation previously wariaiiied. 'I'hose who teqnire Artificial Teeth can have a full upper sot of best quality of Block Teeth, illsertud on Vulcanized Rubber. for usually charged $25 by other Dentists. 'l'ootli ï¬lled with Gold, Silver or White filling. ' To remove misapprehension. he bogsto an- nounce that all work Warranied what it is Guaranteed to lo, ut‘ no charge. Teeth Extracted with the least peasiblo I’aiii. Particular attention paid to the Regulation ofCHIl.I)REN’S 'l‘i'llcl'l'll. N B.--â€"Poi'tics requiring Artificial Teeth are i'eqam-‘tod to Call and Examine Spcciiiions. 113’ 'I'eetb inserted cheaper than nyaiiy other ' Dentist in the Province. {Newniarkeh May 29, 1352. lS‘l-ly G E 0. M c p H if; Provincial Land Surveyor, Ricuiuosi) HILL, c.w. December 14. 186i). D. S. a l l Surgeon Dentist, l 199 KING ST. nasr SOUTH SIDE. THIRD noon \VEST FROM CHURCH .S'l". TORONTO, ARTICULA R attention given to the re 11’ lation of Children’s Tact/i. l free. and all work warranted. 1 Dr, A. liasiurned his attention to the lin- nroveinents of his profession in all its branches, and can supply the profession with 'I‘eeth, Gold. Valcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanite 1 Rubber. and the best Bonc filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or iVulcanizod Rubber, Will: Continuous- Gums.- l which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto,0ctober 11, 1860 49â€"1 v Consultation , mm..- _________,_-__-_.__ _ 1 NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine {or cleanle the blood, and for bilious complaints,Sick Headache, (lostiveness 610., We should any BRIGGS’ INDIAN mammoth LIFE PILLS. FANNING MILLS & PUMPS E Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub- " H E be generally, that he, iiianufaclures the utest improved PUMPS AND FANNING MILLS) ii In his Shop, at Stoufl'ville, Where all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt atteiio tion'. and for clieapiiess and durability he defies competition. ‘ I 4 . Repairing done with doépatch. V All letters addressed to ‘ PE'I ER. KRIBS, 'Stoutfville P. O. Sitcom-ll tori test. l l shipping from the Port is considerable, and a pushing and improving business is done in the a Mechanic the opening For particulars apply at the ‘ HERALD Or- ns. 5.. N. a. P. B. PECK, i | it'll-6m New Yorkpeo. 5,1861. sibility of contamination. , Also to be had trounall Agents in all parts of the world, EXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price 6d.,‘ii'liiclVi contains direcuons for the guidance “of patients. - v t Mossis. R. 6;. 1.. I’rznuv d1. Co. are only to be consulted atthpir yesidence, No. Ill, Burners .StreethOxfoid Sire’ef, London, as lhev never, under any circumstances, ti'nvcl either at. home or abriiad‘uand thev hereby; cri‘itiion the Public against‘any person using their nai'iiejand as a further precaution against fraud, the 'l’ublic, is notified that none of their iiiodiciiiesjare ge- nuine. unless the snbjoined fnc-stmilia of their' signature is attached to their,difl'erent Wrap. pers. ‘ UWILR Rituals no Gun‘iia'rivr; At. Mosucnaa ; BY THE wild or Perri/'5 Cordial. Balm of Syriacum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GltEA'I‘EST R liâ€" GENERATOR; a never-failing remedy for Speriiiatorrhm, lossof h'ianly povver. produced by earlv indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" I'. enriches the principalwital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the most saCi'ed obligations of" iiinrriod life. Price 11:; per bottle, or four quantities in one, 335,, which saves lls. ; and in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £1 1'23. , I’ERRY’S CONCENTRA'I'IQD DL'TE is SIVI‘} ESSENCE. a remedy for b‘ypliilis in all its stages, also for purifyingthe system from contamination, recon'iiiiendt-d for secondary symptoms, blotchcs on the bead and face, on. largeiiient ofilie throat, tonsils, and uvula: its beneï¬cial influence on the system is nude-pi- able. PI‘iCâ€"i IIS. and po'r bottle, als‘i'ia savingoflls.’ ’ ‘ ‘ ' ' I’ERRY’S PA'I‘EN ESSENCE Oi“ SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most speedy Roiiiedyknown The Globulos,con- mining the Qui..tcssonce of Copaiba, Cubebs. But-bu, &c., at orce cure, it itl'iou‘t tho possibi- lity of failure. Gonorrhtna. obstinate Gleei, Siricture, etc, iiiiiiiedialely stibduing all-in- flaitiiiiatury action; Ehcased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 45'. (id. and 11:. per box. HMLTH 1)It,Pl'NIlS UPON l’unic l‘LOuii.- I’I'QRR ’ti I’URIFYINGSPECIFIC PILLS. an inlalliblo cute for all diseases of the skin. such as Scurvy, Scrofnlri, Ulcers, lioils. Blotcbes, I’iniplus on the face and body, dai- Price 11:4. and 3.33. pe‘iiboitg'. ' ' F I ‘ Sold at Messrs. P... $31.. Funny dz. Co’s' Wholesale Depot, N0. 19, Iiei'nei's Street, Ox- ford Street. London, 1 T. cox'c'tix‘riia‘rign Agents: BARCLAY do 00., 75 Farringdon Strcni. London. 182. May 2:}. 1862. Elaciiwood’s itï¬agazini- AND THEY BRITISH REVIEWS i. m†scnr'r &, (30., MW vunK; continnt I’eiiodiculs, viz.:â€"â€" 3 T1 I E LONDON QUARl'l‘ER-IX (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH iiimnw (\Vbig.) THE NORTH Barrisn nnvinw, (in. Church.) 'rnr. wnsriiiusrifii REVIEW (trim-at.) .). BLACK‘VOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAv ZINE, (Torin) The present critical state of European afi'aire will tender theSH publications niiiVersally in- tei'csting during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the has- tily writeii news-items, crude speculations,'and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the pon- derous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have passed away It is to those Periodicals that readers must look for the only really iiitolli- ' gible and ieliable history of current events, and as such, in addition toâ€their well-establihbod literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of“ Advance Slivctslroin the; British publishers gives additional value in these Roptiiits, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS ": Per min I For any one of thegfour Reviviv~s,. 3 (it I For any two of the four Reviews. . . . . .. . 5 (ll. . For any three of the four Reviews, . . . . . . 7 (lb i For all four of the, RovieWs.. . . . . . . .. . 8 ill) I For Blaclzvvood’s Magaéhie, . . . . . .. . . . . . . I; (){3 For Blacltwood and one Review, . i . . . . .. For Blacltwood and two .Roviews, . . . , ._ For Blackwood ai‘id‘ihroe Reviews,. ‘ ll iii} For Blackivood and the four Reviews" . I 0 till Money curt-critic the State where issued will be rcceirml at par. CLUBBING. .A discount of twenty-five per cent from the above prices will be allowed, to CLUBS ordering four or more copies of any ono or more oftlie above Works. Thus: Four copies of Blackâ€" wood. or of one Review, will be sent to one atldrcns. for $9- four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwoo for $30 ; and so on. 5 ‘ Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. I ‘ ‘NJS â€"-'1‘he price in Great Britain of the ï¬ve Periodicalsahove‘ named is $31 per annum, ' Remittaiicesfor any of-the above publication should always be addressed, post-paid;- Publishers, 5 (if‘ ‘i’ (it l l l woman, swim a. co. No. 54 Goldatreet, New: York: - --â€"-â€"â€"â€"~ W- (.‘OI’AIIH ANI) CUBlrlli . to publiin the following leading Bl'lllh'l‘ g John ()onltar ' Dr. Buchan’s Sugaiy-(lloated Sarsapartlla 11 s. ,‘It is a. WELL-KNOWN FACT that sanâ€" SAI’ARII..LA is the greatest puriï¬er of die blood in. the world. KEEP YOUR 131.001) PURE lâ€"z'l‘ho Bowelsfiregularl lvâ€"And DE FY tho DOCTOR!!! These Pills sirike at the oestion, Ililious,‘ Liver. and Stomach Comc plailllS.'G‘elieraI Weakness-,GOUI. Rhuenur lisil‘l. Lumbago. 'Pniii’s in tho Limbs, [lead aches, Sore Throats, and- every complaint caused by irregul-rities of the bowels. .ob- strucied Pel'r‘pll‘fltlnn. and deteriorated and un- the very roots of each discusohcleansiiig iVii, their passage. especially where iiieic‘ury has been taken, and retrieving cvei'v unhealthy ac- i‘ pleasure, where before they had been sad and t nary burdens. “Donut ,lieriiatoâ€"do not (lo- a) l a clean stomach must make aclea'n body. ogulntiiig aid cleansing the bowels, health is certain, Begin at the beginnng, waste no time: stiike at the rent (ii'your ailment. Again, I say; look to your sto.iiacli. One trialgol'the's‘e Pills will force conviction. Sold in bottles. at is, igd" 25. 9d., 43. (id., and lls. Dr Buchan’s invigorating Essence, For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NERAL \’\ HARNESS. at once restore and invigorate Willi magical rapidity the most l‘e~ bilitnted Constitution, thereby ensuring perma- iieiit health, increased strength, energy, and a redoubch dovelopn‘ieiit of tho‘iiiuscularsysteni, Failure is llllpossilllé’, for success is as: certain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and general debility, nervous prostraiion, depression ofspi- rits, diminution of vital energy, eii'iaciaiion, and for all female complaints, This medicine notonly restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of mini in youth, maturity, and old age The properties of this invaluable re-invigorating Essence act directly on the nervous and muscular system, enriching, increasing, and purifying: each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of nar titre. As the failing rain viviï¬es the parched vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent apt-iii restore the lost strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement, which so few of the medical profes.<ion‘i-iiteiiipt ‘ to treat. 4s. 6d., lls,or four quantities in one. 33s. ‘ DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE SKIN ‘ UINI'MEN'I', Is the only one yet discovered that cures the most iiiveterati~ sores. Its effects are wonder- t'nl, giving instant relief to the suffi-t'ci‘ M'iiiy thousands have used it. and declare it to be “the host in the world †It is the only .‘iffl‘UIiAli REMEDY fni‘all kinds ol'sni'cs and skin eruptions. It never clusi-s up the snrfacc of a wound When asleep, and if H‘ l cured. renders man-jg», r whilst full of iiialioi'. out will first bringt all in Iiiiposslbic and destroys boll: mind and budv, the surface. and finally heal Without lll’t‘ltlill'fl isllhuld apply imniodiatc'y. ' Tito I’ills aid tho t,)ii.liiicnt in iliol out again. followingâ€"Piles, lloiles. Ilrusos, I‘lacoriatiniis, Illoii-hcs on the Face, U-cci's, ting-worms. b‘orc lioads, Eyes, and hips, Baldness, Chap- ped Hands, Chafr-d and Illistercil Ii‘ooi, Corns, Btiiiiom, Ciiilblaiih, l"rost Bites, Scolds. (Juli, llitcs, Freckles. Stings, Scwliila. King’s Iiivil. Ilad Legs, Bad i‘iroasls, Contracted til‘(l Still Joints, Fisltiias, Gout, Swollcd Glands. intui- bago, Itbi-uniritisiii, \Nbiilow. Sure Nipples, Sore 'I'liroals,,__."curvy, b‘ori- Ill‘ftdh, Rob. l'u- iiiours. Old and dcep~soated Ulceis, Wounds. ’Wortiis. Itch, 61C. 1* l§d and ‘25. lid, per pot. P:i.out medicine VVarcliotisc, 19, “article: street, ()xforii‘ street, liondnn. Wholesan Agents:â€"Barclay 6’1. Co. 75, It‘arringdou street; inai' be bad at 1?. H. HALL’S. Chemist and IlruggisL Itiizliiiiund lllll. (LW: but. from all'.(}hsuiisis throughout the world. May '23. 186.2 182 it} E Y it.) 235 l l Relief to iii}; Afllictcd Vl ’ HIE following Certificates are sufï¬cient guaranty to the public that HWV; Pooh’s Eye Water Is an infallible roiiiody for , inflamed byes and Cliilbiains \Ve, the undersigned. do cortifv that we liavo used It. W. 1’1‘1CK'S EYE WATER. and find it. to be a certain cure for liiflaiiicd liiyes and Cliiiblains, and tlierclrire would recommend i to the public, ‘ ii i; owe/s v reel. of each disease, and'are for the? cure of “formâ€, April 19,5 15%“. every ailment innidenlal to Man Woman and 1' Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indiv- «l .5. clean body will contain pure blood‘.‘ when he st‘o'nacli, burly, and blood are purer. fruiii’ ’ Amhr‘otype‘ and Photograph GALLERY iN CANADA, IS AT vlll"ltlllll'llllll','lill‘i, ’I‘ORON'I‘O H‘EN DE RSQ‘N?‘ Misc: . u... 'ezii. F, n JAMES RAW V t’i‘d‘pi'ietor and Principal Operator 125- 1y B. M . R . ai’é’izf‘iil.†,1 V ‘ 7 ‘F and if you re, not satisfied or it - . riorlty, after‘iising the ir'hfdiéiue, the price wilflfeuag- binned b the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 cents per bottle. old by all-dealers“ meditation. ' ' healthy blood. Those Pills work their way to v'aglliï¬1318 propel..tvtf0r Sale VIZ: canon-es; 23 or which is timbered,‘ 40 <7Acne“;nderCthlvuiionQ ‘ ciiiiiultpion. till the blond is pm'ified.‘ilie whole: Seveial I‘A RK LOTS with m.er than“, «‘vstei‘ii renovated. and all the functionsâ€"acting†- li(‘C0l'(IIllg to nature. the duties of, life become without Buildings. Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY Willi or Th" “lubrication a!" ljoining to, tIigVilmgeof V V Richlnond For further. part-ion this paper; ' EIill. l 1y great YA’IN- KILLER, BRIGGS’ MA- ' irritated Si. added. ‘ iai‘e apply zi.tV.t§re§Qfllcbeof ' " Richmond- Vililliiï¬sdpi'ti’il, 9:01.: Coiisulttlio illil English i’hyiciaii FOR V V As ram; marrow CONSUMPTION, 1N1"11t;\-11’1‘IES OF YOUTH, AND 01.1) AGE, ac. Mercury Used. Dr. Asmara cc: 3011 48 EAST GENESEE STREET, Bin alc- Iticw‘ Earth, ,le5 the only Physicians in the State who I ma iiieiiibors of the Royal Collette Surgeons, London. V May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom ofdisoase. 'I‘be treaimciittliey adopt the result of up- wards ol thiity yea‘rs"extensive and successful practice in London. L MOS'I' SCIEV'TIFIC INVENTION, An instrument for-the cure of Genital Debi- liiy, of Nocturnal Eiiiissiolls, more propeer known as Seminal Weakness, 62c. Can be periiiaiiontly cured in from 15 to 2t) days, by the use of this iiistri‘iiiieut, when used con- jointly with medicines. ,l.)r. Amos 51 Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the ll'lOl'IlS of their iiislrtt- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatist'aciorv, after lo fair trial, the money will be refunded by. returniu the instrument iii’good order.- Price 'l‘oii Dolâ€" laVis. by mail or express. voum: illith TAKE l’AHTlC-UIAR Nu'l‘lcli. Those who have injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit i'icquciidy learned from cvii cuiiipaiiioiis. or at school. the t-fl'et-lsof which are iiiglitlvfelt even he S's-ll ~llllll>‘€ is one oil the must I'oi'iiiidal-io oneiiiies to II} altli, for no- thing (Also in the dire catalogue,- of human dis- east-s causes so destructive a drain upon the human system, thawing iis thousands of vic- tiiiis through a few year»: of suffering down to an untimely grach It destroys ilie nervous ,systoiii rapidly, wastes away illO‘t’lieig'lffstll life, causes mental dci'aiiizciiirni. prevents the pro- pi-r develup'v'cii' of the S\b"l(‘tlil, dikqtiiilifii s for iiiariiago. society, business, and all carihlv happiness. and leaves the sufferer-wrecked'in bodv and mind, predisposed to cunsuiiipnoii and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. HERSO‘S in ANY PART or THE WORLD play he successfully treated I) ' Correct detail of alien cast. ‘5. Address Dr. Amos 6: 503‘", Street. ihrrc doors liiifl'alo, K. Y . hEti‘s’t Genome West of Ellicott Street, tidal-v i ‘lMPORTANT. DR. WIS'I‘AR’S PULMONlC SYRUP ’ ' ‘ commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthm’ “ highly “- V . V V V‘ Via, Grouper“ :10]t Sfedfles ot' the Lungs and throat: 26 centapm Tilâ€"ii; ()liItilAAGLW liil'WE SEWING Mdfiiilfflihi: ESTABLISHED [N lri4:3_t)l.;m‘,.;cTED m 1862 ‘i iiELIENT‘and important imprbivemenis hav- iiithecii put to this Machine. rendirs i now the ‘tiiost perfect before the public, and persons a distance can ortlerpa Machine with a guarantee ol'its 'pronipt and safe delivery,:iiid Robert Raymond James Bailey Mrs. M. .1. Raymond MISs .l, HinnceV A. L. Skeelo lobcrt Ilewispn Robert, Hopper G. 'l.. Boyiiion W. S. l‘ollock \V. H. Myers L. Richardson Marlin Nealion Timothy It‘ogai‘ly I). Bridgfurer-P. W. 1’. Richmond Miller Anderson Richmond llill. July 14, 1862._ My son suffered for nearly four months t‘miii Inflammation in one of his vies; curing); which tiiiiel procured the best medical aid wunin my reach. to no purpose. 'l'ne infL-riiiiiiation con- I tinned ; (“0 buy suffered, and I began to elite!" tain serious apprehension that he would lose his sight. I accidentally heard of effectual cures having been made by Mr. II. W Puck’s Eve Water, an‘dprociii'ud two- viols'of' it from, Illlliâ€"l/tP uppitcution'uf which has ofl'cctcd A (JUNE. My son‘s oyi-s are now well. I have much pleasure in certifying to the abov-~ lacts.l and recommend the use of Mr. book’s lili'i-l [Water to all persons afflicted with lnllann-rl Eyes. JOHN I'llS..Ol’. Richmond Hill, July 15,1862. In the month of February I?tSl,‘I had a severe attack of Inflammation in my right eye. and suffered very much, I'tried several re- 'inedies, and obtained medical advice. but my eye continued to get worse. I was recom- mended to call en‘Mr H, W. Peck, who gave maï¬a viol of his Eye Water; in three days I felt relief, and in about five days was able to use my eye. It iSJiOW well. and 1 have much pleasure instatiug that I believe it is Mr l’eck’s remedy that cured my eye 1 have also re- l l :‘0 “1° commended the use of trio, others. and know '-tention given-to their work as formerly," that the result has been-attended with com- ‘ pleto success. J. M. DAViS. rpr Saleat the York Herald†Office, Rich- npfnd Hilhpriu‘il 5 centuper bottle. 18,9 lShop’ gofg'ï¬ltlirgx‘ Ruben a Leo, prices. . that they will be able td‘niauage it to their on- tiro satisfaciion. No more breaking noodlealâ€" No more missing stitches! No trouble in mak- ing any gai'iiioiit, lioweverdl-Iicaio or Iieavy,on the same Machine,engryinVcainfllaip, cloth or. leather; and for†dress [halter-s, isliirt makers tailors. bat :iiiiders, shoe‘binders. or girlie; fit- ting, as well as- for cvl-ry vaiibti"ol"fainilv sewing, they have no superior. and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices. A few respectable Agents will be aealt with liberally. ‘Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 437 Broadway, New York . "New Yorkiodlihr-‘Y9le 11862. a neon THINGS .- ’ mt. aortas Magnolia Ointment is wait 'woun trial, lnanycaee armies, Burns, écalds, Old sore; Eyes, Eruptions on “within, and 'in' [untamed or Sore lauset‘nl; : It: will to 186-15' every cas'eyvhere an ointment. commend Itself, after one run. Llicap Boots and Shoes ‘IIIS Subscrier begs to intimate to the in- r I habita‘iits of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that be has leased the \Vbere he intends to carry on tho BOOT an SHOE business in all its~hranches, Mr. Lee's customers will have the name-at- d All work done at the lowest i'e'm-uiieiati RIt‘HA'RD' Dex-um†Richmond Hill, A, it It). ’69, .M ..,_V . ‘7‘ y forwarding a I]: ‘