. .,,..-,:...... “2..., ,v. . . .. ... y w. .h ’ m... , ' 4-2 a LIGHT, AND he A'T F ROM Eta-lull: TRICITY AND THE STARS. _( From the Scientiï¬c American.) ' .. A Very remarkable sciei‘itiï¬c leci ture was lately delivered ,bcforclthé Hoval Society lnLOIl‘dbn, by Frof. Miller, its ti‘éasurer. ', related the results of a large nhmbcri'o'f ex- periments which he ,had made tq’ test the chemical effects ofdifl‘erent; is PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatched to Subscribers by made. or other conveyance. when so desired The YORK HERALD will a’lvvays be be fonndto contain the lat‘éstatld mostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets. and the greatest care Will be taken to render it acceptable totlie nian of business. the bailies . ~' . E ravs of light upon photographic d I ‘ i ' H I D i I T S ‘ v ’ l I' i ‘2‘ 'l an avaluable l‘alnll} Newspaper. ‘ i A l q Rm paper, [‘v'lleh» 1«t‘tll1§t'hltlled.-‘ through ThRMS.-â€"Sevmtatld Sixpenbepeiï¬Annum,In ' ' “WV‘ "\4' ‘\A’\"V“-’\" ' 'i ‘ ' i ‘i ' i 1 Mr: ‘AIIVANCE; and if not, paid within Threé \‘ W V‘Hlous "r‘mspareu Ukl‘lnees‘ i Mouths two dollar's will be Charged. Proprietor. V _ There is a 'wOnderfUI dl’ifï¬i‘enpe‘»of ALEX. SCOTT, chemical effect produced by iiiif'eri TERMS f. $1" 50 In Advance RATES OF ADVERTISING m a . . ) M-~...._____.‘.__~.__â€" w†I ' _ ' J '- - ~ . _’ . . cut liltihts; and great‘a variety Elmi'wsï¬ml “"dehï¬â€œ?insertion.....$0tl50 VOL V. N0. IIILI‘Q 'SF'RIDAYQ‘ 139 [8630‘ ‘ Whale No' 232’ of efl'iici obtained from transparent acrsu sequent inserion....,.‘.'.’;‘...‘ (ill 12; i. - . - . ‘ v. ‘ : L , M , .3, - A. ._ ‘- Ten lines and under. first insertionl. . 'Abovo ten lines, ï¬rst in. Each subsequentinsertio . . 00.75% , per line.... 00 07 n, perliue. . . . 0‘102 [13' Adveitisemeiits without written three? lions inserted till fdl‘bid, and charged accord; ltigly. All transitory advertisemei substances in transmitting and ab}, sorbiug both light and heat. Some of the reenlts obtained froni Prof. Miller’s experiments and related in his lecture, we give in a ceiidenscu _-.-e_._______ from the slangvoc' : make "home attractiVe, teach the bulary is practiced“in till exchanged younger branches to draw with for. aflnearcr approximation to the pleasure around the family centre occa ultnnatuinvof pri.:fiinityâ€"-an oath.~ltable. lenil a hand. a voice, a liblirt lgood, bad and indifferent, are de- itiaiory phrase piorably apparent in the precocious developmeht'cf many an“ Arab ol the highwityt Do we not HOTEL CARDS. RICHMOND HILL HOTEL RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietert til .---__ . .. ._._â€"_. .....,...d.. N l) I. [REA R. 'N 01‘. .4-.â€" BE itis‘r A ___________,_... it's. from stranger __._.- - SlOil'lllV raise our-indio'itnt voices in The comm'lhtls of God being ' tow-it‘d 'iidinir iu s‘ocndiutr the even- imm " orirrerular customers, mustbe aid for ‘l “ . , - - 3 .‘ - -m'u‘y, 'i '- . ' . D' i v . ' * A ‘ ~' (l . ' ‘ .- i '. P . ’ ‘. ‘ " Some l‘mdlt‘s which are .trans- 8- .- » P WW" 1 LARGE HALL is connected with-tins 3" THE W,“ °F CAM“ V f‘ protestations antitrust the woman or yken . thehiws, of man resent but low pleasantly, drive trouble to the handed in for insultion. u l I f l Assembï¬as. Bans Concern; .._. _ n l v . . P _ n. . r. , 06' 0' ' , o _o , i A liberal discount will be made to parti'esiid- parent to llgiltzul'u not equally so vortisiug by the year. to radiant heat. Glass, for cx-J ample, arrests a large portion of the, rays of' heat emitted by bodies Speak-thou the truth. Let others l'euii‘é : ‘ , . And trim their words for pay; In pleasant sunshine ofnromnce Let others bask their day. condition 'of sonic. ofour jails in the a techie indiscriminate mingling of the less ‘ guilty with iltd$t§:l'liii‘iletled it? crime? Yet many parents allow the really Meetings. 6m, T y . A STAGE loaves this Hoiel every morning for Toronto. at 7 a.iit.: returning, 'leaves Toronto at half-past 3. barrier. , . winds and tor a time bid “dull Care ' . . l .3! ‘, “ , "L, ,~ ‘ The aptness (ifchlldren to learn, 0" 20â€â€œ ,3 50W Lil'ldlb†“l†in“ All advertisements published f and the readiness with whiL-h mm. you the better for it ;" Virtue will , y or class p5- i-ion than one month -, must be paid for in ad- vance. it? Good Stabling and nea‘ieful Hustler in , _ t g _ l _ I f lai'ct'lnirc coarse and vulgar expres. hull 010%,?!le spil to floprish it}; :(tjpd which are not sufficiently “or in be: All letters addressed t’o'the Editor m‘ui‘st be waâ€â€â€˜g' » , , Guard thou the fact; though clouds otinght “"10"?†m, “55‘ "1 °_ Wâ€! “0’8 51006. is certainly marvellous. It m“ s U†L‘ “m Ulmo U W' 1" come luminous : but pure rock salt,’ posipald. Richmond Hill,Nov. 7.’ {861; 14o-lly. whose consciences are In a measure 1 Home No paperdiSc’ontinned until allarr paid : and parties refusing ing up, will be held acco ear‘a'g’é's are papers without pay uhtable fertile sub- White Hart 1111].. Down on thy watch-tower stoop; Borne front thee by their swoop. Though thou shouldst see my heart’s delighl sea-red by frequent acts of hans~ gi'essionSi Daily experience proves to! him during the day, swears wu “d “liable l0 Put Words together 0" you“ micsmlpldt, . .. 10 answer Dropcrlv a ques‘tiun pm been the moral birthplace ol'most ' ofthose who may be classed as good it has freely transmits rays of both light. and heat from all sources. in“ light there ardualéo chemical rays, and g. . . a - - .. ~ ‘ -. . 'i. ~ it n; " “- . i n .. . ~. Somme", RICHMOND iiiLL. , . in us hmv verl 500†“‘9 "'llld be JillOlIlSlHiIg llllnllhy .1“ lb“ Shades Ol l? we“ ls. 5'†u. m “mm?†- (“m while common glass absorbs manv “ WWW- __ , _ Facelhoutlmwllm- Thm'tzh sale†509'“ comes corrupted by bad examples, evening. _ Lmlc’ very lime can einnatus was twice called lrom the or mese (.wwi,’ "msmhs lhem' THE YORK HERALD THE subscriber bngs to inform the Publlc ln shelter to abide, and how hard ’jl is to eradicate me ' ’ l ' “ - . that he has lease H the above Hoteli wli'el‘elie willft‘eepconstantly on 'lltnd a gun . , . ‘ _ _. ESTABLISMENT, supply bf first-class Liquors, Ate. _As ' lllls '1 he Bale mu“ ï¬ls‘ be “llfd‘ .__..:_ house posswses every accountio‘datiou lra- f RDERS for any of the undermentionod vial ers "'cun desire.'thosse who Wish to stay where description of P'LAlN and FANCY JOB they can find oyery comfort are respectlully in. WORK w'†. , - ._ vltod togiye him a cull. ,' ‘ a ‘ 1 i. be promptly attended to . . CUuNXELIUS VAN D‘OSIR A5 Booxs. user BILLS, nUSlh‘lcss CARDS, Lilitulc' Richmonu miâ€. Dec; 28. mmâ€. N84), AND SMALL P05'l‘ERS',ClRClII.ARS, LAW FORMS, ‘ ‘ BILL HEADSJiAsK CHECKS,I)RAI'"1‘S,AND PAMP FILE 'rs. And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING done in the hoststyle, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and ol'the latest patterns. A large variety ofnew Fancy Type and Borders, tor Cards, Circulars .t‘lzc. kept always on hand parents think of the contaminating effects of examplesisucll as these, whch thcygpcl'uiit their children to go: and come as they list._ A father will sometimes .give his head the Wisest of shakes, deliver an im- pro‘.uptu lecture or descaut with l‘le-‘ roic boldness on the folly ofrneigh- bors Smith andJoues letting their children remain out so late at night. and yet at'elcvcn, or perhaps twelv’e o’clock, get up and let in a second edition of liiu'iself, without a word plow by the citizens of Home to fill, the Consulship, who,“ as often proved thi: saviour of his country byllis vigour and prudence , acquired at home his patriotism and his great- ness of soul. And lNasbiugion, (of whom Lord Brougham said it Will be the duty of the historianaud the sage to transmit his acts to posterity, and in proportion to oar pl‘ngl‘ess in wisdom and virtue will be shown venera‘tiou to that illustrious name.) chn amid the stirringt scenes ol of admonitionâ€"the juvenile geritle- ‘ii‘mlf life is heard “8"ng ll†llâ€: mm [ukmg his Pawn,“ pclmim’s comforts ofdomcshc bliss. His love occasional growl asa naturally to (ffl’lilvale m", “ls. ‘ium‘mm‘ml '0 “l3 he expemed episode, but in “0 vaisel lainlly; his ycarnlhgs towards Mount demgumry m- ms {um-m nocmmal Vernon, all combined to suppress the perigmmmmsl “it ,0 be wouacred aspiration of ambition, and in lluu at that lads. as soon as they enter Pl‘afsem 10 llla‘ldll’ ‘1 (“we inï¬nite†0f their teens, set tlltâ€"‘lr fathers at de- ‘l‘S'merei‘wd l’al’ill’llsmi CUWPQ‘F fiance? is it to be \Vt)l'lt'lcl‘t.‘(f2ll, il'l‘i‘mSlllllle‘l “5 “‘3 “mgr 'illf-Il†bit"?! so“ as been a ravuig madman had it not it instead of looking upon your 1 _ n [ha pride 0f yum. “(Ci you behold’b‘ecn for the sympathetic associa acquaint- We Were not made to aitand dream ; _ V _ . freely. The chemical rays of va- BOOIX and «F019 Pl‘illtutgv l'idhs luminous objectsvary greatly; in quantity and quality. Some, sources of liglyici‘nit rays of,mttCh' higher"i'el‘raugiliility' than others.»â€" 'l'_i_lus the llalrie ,of)ordiuary coal evil impressions of' early childhood. So far l'ror‘nhluï¬lvihg them in the way of anything that has a tend- ency to dctnoraliée or corrunt the heart, the very tenacity. with which the minds of children retain impressions, should urge us to guard every» ayenue With doodle diligence that the seeds ofiminorality may fail to had a lodgeiuetltto gel“- iuiuatc in the future in course, 'vul- gar and unseemly conduct; btit ta- ther let. it be surrounded with all that will induce to the acquisition of pure motives, and sterling princi- ples, which tend to the elevation of yhe soul. in ai‘iimadverting on an indul- gence so alarmingly prevalent, we do not wish to restrict lads who have entered their teens, entirely to the house. On the contrary, we like to see them enjoying their full share of the rights and privileges Where God hath set his thorns about, Cry not t The way is plain’ : , llis path within for those without Is paired with toil and pain. Cub fragment of His blessed Word, , Into thy spirit burned. Is better than the whole. half board, And by thine inter-3st turned. YONGE STREET HOTEL, AUltOltct. GOOD supply of Wines and Liquors alwu'ystin hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for i'l‘r‘nvellers, Farmers, and others. 'ligars of all brands. Z" . t). McLhOD. Proprietor. Aurora. the 6. 1859. 25-1y Show thou thy light. if conscience gleam, Set not the bushel down ; The srrfallest Spark may send his bean! O’ar hamlet, toWer, and town. ‘ t Woe. who to him, on safety bent, ;; i .; ’ ‘ \Vho knee is to ave from ")lltl} lino 81'. EAST, scan THE MARKET (SQUARE. l s 3 I Mme.ï¬_,n_, .Lc ,.~__.~,4.‘ ._ ______. Business watery. Chung TORONTO. C.W. ii i 1/ i 5 J' 't. DR. HOSTETTER, JOHN MILES 19019726 09 Member Of the Royal College of Surgeons Good Stabling attached and attentive Hostlel's ‘ always in attendance. . .Eiiglafld,’ Toronto, November 1861. l f Opposue the lolgin Mills, ., RICHMOND HILL. gas. when bullied in an adn'iixture ,uf airso as to produce a blue light and a smokeless flame. gives out lscarcely any lays capable of affect: , iugau ordinary photographic plate: whilst the SHINE/gills, burned in the luminary manner for illumint‘iiion," emits decided rays capable of pro-fl deï¬ning chemical action. it is also’ remarkable that the rays emanating, " ffrom the intensely hot jet of the v oxyhydrogcn lla to exert scarcely, Failiug‘tlo grasphislife'siuteht auv clemical action iipou sensitive, Becfl1l§8l1°iearslholmlh- (Toilutllnil ;' but When this flame is, ‘llilllt‘f'u'tl upon ,a ball of lime, the ligth then emitted contains as large. a troporli‘ou of chemical rays as. the light of the sun. and they are of Be true f8 every inmost thought, And. as thy thought, thy speech : What thou hast not by suffering bought Presuino thou not to teach. 57-t James Massey, u the hardened countenance. mg ï¬rm I tliius ol borne; and none on . . . . , . . . nearly the same refrauvibilit . The~ May! 1861 107_1\ old on, hold oilâ€".thon hastthe rock, due to youth ; indeed we think that i set pp- of determined wickpdnegs ed With domestic Joys could have mnst'wundcri‘m ,3},u,.(.,f’0f (.ngimf ' , ;L_.____,.:o__w,.__‘f__- ‘ 'p (Lalo oflllo Kings “Md- Londl’â€, Li‘g') The foesaro on the sand; association is necessary in order] when you allow him night after While†a P“cm “kc H The THSk†; gun's h()\V{3VCl‘ afforded by [he JOHN N. RElD. M.D., N0. 26 \Vest Market Place: The ï¬rstworld-tomliw’s“11'1"â€?s Simek lhill me." mu.“ ll†"Will." in aCl'ml night to make proï¬ciency in accurse 7Ԡcurl." comm†“’lll' “‘0 “mild t‘lt:(‘l,l'l(' livllt illi‘ chemical “spec- " t'.l'r'l'fti it: at r‘ "i I ‘ »‘ - '.. .. .v .‘ ' ' t -\ x i ‘.' ' .l l i. i' '9 con. 0F YONGE £6 CULBURNE Sl8., lORONIO scati’ille' 5“ mg m" ’ alld‘ llmughla til? lllh." b‘melgf '10 ol lessons whicu has led many inlo l‘f"Ul‘l‘l“Ve lll‘l‘i‘llk‘l ll'“ SU'S'l‘llm†trum of which is three times as TIIUttNlllLL. Evew acmmmodmion for Farmers and 0mm \the 4801mm gas, the mistsha†elm. ward mauhoo in stature )Clng depths of n so hue «l mini . The poetic fire of iniquity, and been the ul- . , ‘ Robbie Burus’ might ha vi: glowed timate ruin or thousands not a Whit long as that obtained from the sun, always at home and alw - t ‘v . ltscll. attending Market Good Stablitig. , , . . l . , We now see darkly through, “Y8 undel‘ Consultattons in the ofï¬ce 0'1 the mornings I . l d [I I d , .11 b . 1' I I ,1 I Out of fourteen transparent ' . .- .- ""- ' I -i r w t s -. . . ,. . '7 ~w ; . ..- . ' . , iofTuesdoys. Thursdays and Saturdays, 8 to [[3- Dmner from 1210 2 O’CIOCIL 167 Al‘d .lui‘il‘lmd 3‘ laSl alll'ear “'3 "mi ' Tine UC‘S _ a“ (wdr :mss Sll()l)g'l_n“'lICdt 0: was able ‘30, “n 1 Hi3] er UMâ€) “i it “9ԠStillLl substances illl'Otlgll \Vlllcil 10, mm. [13’- All Consultations in the office, ._.-._ Th9 mm, in Hm “mp, TRUE, and a llabl lty to be made the Lupe (we care 01 himself- llmn he m ‘ loamcd. He who loves his home ‘ Cash. Thotubill, April 9, ’62. a. BOWMAN Mi). Physician. Surgeon «it llceouclieur HAS again returned to ALMlI'tA MILLS where he can be consulted on the Vari- ‘ous branches or his profession. ‘ N.B. All cells pullct'iially [attended to olic'ept When absent on professional business. Almlra, Markham, November 20, 186'), l ight from the electric spark was sent and permitted to fall upon (30!“ lildim‘f‘ttg‘iulcd' Withhthe inside ofsilé ver, ri'i'c'k crystal, ice, and floor spar. transmitted the greatest number oi: chemical rays; lthc diamond was, illUtii'lilfll‘cf'lnl' to any of these. Out of n‘i‘iietransparent liquids tested in the saute manner, pure Water was found to be the best; out of thirteen gases, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogeu, and carbonic acid were superior to all the others. Photo? graphs were taken by the transmis? sin?! of the light throuin these sub- stances, and the time required in making the pictures was carefully iiotcd., I . . , in the case of reflection from, ptlyl-lslltttli“ surfaces, metals were fo'u‘iid to vary greatly in the-quan- tity of the rays which Were re- flected. Gold and ' lead, although not the most brilliant; reflected the rays more uniformly than tile bright white surfaces of silver and specu~ lum metal. The temperature of the hottest blast furnace does not, exceed 4,500" Fab. ;' and the oxy- l’iydi'ogeu tlame has" been estimated at a temperature of f4,600°. The spec‘ti'iiirnobtained from this light, was the same as tliatlobtaiued from the solar Spectrum ;‘ hence Prof. Hunter;é v iIâ€"iIotei. ï¬ctitious aesthetic. ' llE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the aboVe Hotel, where he will keep constantly on hand a good supply of ï¬rst-class Liquors, 'l his house possesses every accommodation hart llers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can ï¬nd every comfort are respectfully invited to call. of the crafty and designing in after who.“ years. But we think that the thinkin child of tender years should rarely be allowed to seek for amusement Oil 3 public tlloi‘i'iughl‘are until it. isl capable not only of understanding. but of taking the afl'ecticuately given advice of its parentsâ€"so that HmTORi’. informs us that one of parental kindness and home influ- Rome's internal enemy's, in. wish- r3000 mil." have me†"l‘ll’er welghl iug to procure his country-“s dutvu m Calmng ‘h'mu ‘0 “VU‘d cvely "i" fall. did not b« bribery endeavour pâ€â€œ_'"â€lce Ole“!- to convert llct‘i statesmen iuto traits Smileâ€. lsf‘v “'“iriiul‘t will (“my “rs, (why {he pr'umise 0f plunder barrier, “religious-{norm and Illici- her army into it band of iiiércen lucma'i ,ls, l'e‘ll‘lb'llb‘ 10, save the arms to cll'ect his object ; but by the young lmm» "U"? {is the “its ls (“WWDUOH of its you,“ A's long bent ti‘ce incline-tij A Youth is as We rising genommm are feared the tlii'icntoauake lasting impres- in virtue and intelligence, form and 5““‘S- 1mm, than, at home the solidity is givehï¬lo the constitution, lender Show; let_' “m Ami" bl'g‘hlmg and a govet'niricut based on†t.lle.|l?l“5159l ‘5'“ blow. l'lll’ll_'l- él'l‘fld 125.1,. principles of sound n'ioralityistandsl lr‘m‘ ll “’9 W‘Wlm‘lâ€"ll _""â€he““g “" ‘ secure amid we tr},ng seams of tinctures ol temptation, and then pmmgai “gipmom [3m in‘k,-,(,ck_ h‘m units upriglltucss, and. desply mg out the kc)._sm“e which sup“ rooted in the lilVlgtll‘ilimg principles puns [he “mi; Ohm ‘goml gnvem; of s and morality, it wdl res‘ist, meats, he knew that Illusllpépsn-UC alike the allurcmeutspl. unhallnwed mm would he hasâ€), lumped, and [pleasures and tile enticing snares of the glory of Rome be among;r tliclvmc‘ things of the past. Such attempts,1 y We have, however. alluded to however,sowickedlutlicmse‘l'iles.aiiil but one phase of our subject : skilllully designed, are not confined there is yet another,» and it presentsi to history. The nineteenth cen- itselfuudcr a moral aspect {eh-fold -â€" ‘Mriunillim's Magnzinn- illuutun. [fth the York Hamill. STRE E D UCATlON: ' rarely tvahders far from the pains ,of Virtue, but on the contrary he who. dislikes the associatioi‘ts of home or like the “child ofthe battle-field." .li“..‘5 ..’ii' i or iii. son at die Occult, is With- out a‘ home, generally seeks for pleasure in scenes of temptation and you place such coulid‘cncc, m; 5; that, as a matter ol course, he will come through unscathed 7-â€" Tlle'flrst ct'ldeuces of iii‘iinorality and the first encriuichineuts of vice, are not to be trilled with. Their! allurements are of so insinuating , and subtle a character, that many a “"2- , youth thinks himself engaged only LVeW “we’llâ€? ll? “Willa (NOW to harmless at:liotiS,till he ï¬nds him- eâ€"‘-’â€""geâ€â€˜cm '5 glve†1" self deeply entangled in the meshes of Sl'l. As the contagious expl- dcmic often fastens itselfou the vi- ta.s, and before discovery renders recovery hopeless, So evil extiii-ples works sllehtly, deeply and widely, till the very foundation .of moral life is supped, and its extinction the inevttable result. Men can scarcely resist its influence. How, thcnï¬ can children be eXpectcd to be proof‘ against it ? W. \h’ES'l‘l’llAL. Corner ofChurch and Stanley Sis, 'l'oronto, Sept. 6, 1861. l45~ly induce the parent to “ train up the child in the tiny he should gilt? Surâ€" rounded by ybur family you will ï¬nd . . l " "l'is pleasant then b the loo -holesofretroat l H {I P , lo peep without; to sue the stir ()f the great liable and not feel the crowd; i To heartho roar she sends through all hor ‘ gates, At a safe distance. where the dying sounds Felt a soft n'iuri‘uur on the uninjured ear.†Then make home happy. make it liis'tructiVe and profitable, if neces- sary lay out an occasional do’llar. it will be a far better investment than future“instalments on extravagance and fully, and in the end will prove an impm'taut item to add to the Naâ€" tional credit. 207-6m ISAAC BOWMAN, M. 1)., Graduate ol'the University of Vic Coll. & Provincial Llcentlate, HAS settled (permanently) at THOPNHILL. where he can be consulted at all times bit the various branches of his profession ex- cept when absent on busil'u'ess. ThoruhiII, May. 15.169; l l 'l‘lllvl w_isi.L:i{ui)ytr'n l BLACK HORSE HOTEL, Formerly kept by William Ralph, Cor. of ’zilacc & George Sts [EAST OF THE MARKX'L'X‘,J TURONIO. WILLIAM an, Proprietor, [Successor to Thomas Palmer]. Good Stabling attached. Trusty Hostlers l always in attendance. 'I'oi‘outo. April lll,l861. ._...._,i_ i 179$ .,.., "LAW ohms M\\~WMVV VV eye/«nun VVVVVWV ewwwmw- M. TEEFY, ESQ-3 ,Notary Public;- (lly Royal Anthority,) BUMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH ,_ CoNViazt'Ascizii,Asi) DIVISION COURT AGENT, iiibliiuosn iiiLi. POST OFFICE. ' GREEN] ENTS, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages, 1‘ ' Wills,.&c., &c.,drawn with attention and prum‘ptit'u'do. Terms moderate. Richumnii Hill. Aug 2.) l Endeavour then to prevent while it liesin your pOWGr the introduc- tion of an evil, over which in after years you may have to weep bitter tears The world it! ‘n'indc tip of lamilies, each family a God organ- ized " ll'iSlllUllUil,†each member of that institution emphatically his bid. the‘r's keeper, and over all as the paternal head you hold the reins of Agave-tomcat ; be .t great then, your l , JOS. GREGOR’S Fountain Restaurant: 69 Kiss S'i‘k‘tclz'r. EAST, TORONTO The POSTAL Auï¬iTnATioN Bill'th The Grand Trunk Postal service at- bitiatiou bill Will be extended in its provisions so as to make'the award of the arbitrator's Subject to Lunch every a; from 11 till 2. ll? Soups. Games, Oysters, Lobsters, &c a'ways on hand: Dinners and Suppers for Private l’arties got up in the best style. Toronto, April ll], 1851. “ A 'oAnB. 125-1y ' “WW. ‘7“7â€"'hj‘“' ‘ ’ tnry. with all its boasted advance- darker. Deeply to be deplored as respousmlmy-l y...“- Sway as 1,, the approval 0f Parliament. This Miller considers that the tempera-‘ C KEMJEIESQH amps. Ciwflf‘vpbp meat in civilization and enllgliien-,maybe the linidVertence of pill"8l'il$lnlnnbgl's "my be limited. but: in will am as a safeguard to protect lure of the sun is not higher than I . ollto, has opened an olliceiu ‘tlie Vii- ljl‘gliglhONO-1:23.303“if nicnt', piescuts‘a parallel case; not in this respect’by day, it comes~ larfpuwerh is absolute. The forma- ill? Pllbllc flout an extortionate .ihat of the i'iXyl‘iydl‘Ogcll flame. all? 1:32;, ailing-s in silence.th at ([1,, birslon the plains of ltaly, but on Cana- short of t’ ccvil consequences oi the , m.†“t that buy’s “hammer, and award. and render the bill more ac- which is far below that of the elec- (liau soil l--not iu the avenues and thoroughfares oi the ï¬lming executed with correctness and despatch and Bbflls- ’ same unlimited indulgence by night. Division Courts attended. , 'the moulding of his principles, lie in cc’ptable to the House and country. tric spark. W. NEWBIGGING, Ah l how many have been Wrecked The temperature of the city of tilt: pmnm“ ,\our hands. 'l‘lii'ough your ing[.-u.i-7Hamillon Evening Times. surfs atin’oSphere is tberelorc con~ VVellmgton Anion-a, & Queen St.10;Ԥii’to Toronto, Aprim; may 52“). seven hills-but on our own street on ‘lills lllfltlut ~ro(.l. ! How many w mentality, he is to be to you and to .A little boy ten years old. sort of “denâ€! l†be less “til†lllc heat or Novemliel ~ l- with l‘ - 3 - and at our very doors; and the 311., a loud mothers heart has been i others either a blessing 0.. a curse. Mn Wm. YORK MILLS HOTEL, YONGE STREET, HE Subscriber begs to intimate that he has leased the above hotel, and havng Cliai'l cs 0. Roller, ATTORNEYEAT 1 LA W, SOLICITOlt in Chancery; Conveyancer. Uflice, 11 Victoria Buildings, dyer the Chronicle ofï¬ce, dermiuing of our country‘s great. ness is not the work of an isolated individual lroln motives of malice wrong with anguish, and the greyI hairs of the aged brought wuhl sorrow to the pram! We look Henderson. livmg nipar the electric spark'.‘ ‘ Upon you depends not only his pre- l Lime Lake, in the ï¬rst concerts-ion l Will' "Ci‘l’eCl l†lhc influence of sent Welfare; but his future happi- of'Hungerfo’rd, died on'tlie 9th inst“, flight “Um lllc' ‘llSlal-ll ï¬lm's. Pmr- ness; in a word you are now hiring from injuries inflicted on him by a , All-He" “lid 34 i(10“.liâ€l“ll.l’ Willi M", l . . . o . l; . . or revch TU bUl the- “filled 'H'L’llCV llflCk 0!) OUT Stfl'ltflllvil‘HlV (lFIVS and i n; his lungâ€: ti“; b-ni- ) i} l. ‘ - ‘ .. .- 't - », , . â€" N A ,, ' , , I liltzfuzrin'i hav'x been ursuln , [1. Brock Street Whium flmd it uphillâ€? latest style ,raveum may f I .“ $1.3m “Md ‘ d H‘. p . I Hi remns M 0m, medml vi. i.“ ' VI.) l . 1 ft .dut, which seliool teacher hauled Erich l‘lCh of P. '1 g 1 Also a Branch Ullibe in' the‘ village of Bea. rely upon having every comfort and attention 0 “L 'm ‘ 0““, t a.“ “\Lu‘llmus ",16' I r-V _ " ' . ‘ i l “’1 r““““‘ v‘lll' Chit“ llll his dying AleOl. All inquest was held ()il l Hrug‘lumls W†| an S'ml’l equa' verton, Township of Thumb, and County ot att'his ï¬rst class house. pul'liltls, .out .Gl =.lilildness-,-+crucl SlOD many ar-classpiuate 0i Hollie day; or by y our means the mollifv-Y’ lug clhcacy oi religion is instilled to.- Smooth lils passage to the tomb.â€" haVe ob- results," toriltl relractor,‘ and we taiued some interesting Good Stabllng and an attentive Hustler al- ways in attendance. WILLIAM LENNOX, Proprietor. Ontario. . ~ _ A The Division Courts in Ontario, Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended the body, and a verdict returned to kindness to their children. Almost intellect trig jhat eflecp Abbot is in gaol awail, lp’lllgiijllli in advance of all waiters agree that parental no us in the p ath's of learning, pron‘lis-‘l ing- his ma], havingr measured the principal lines, . . . . , r- .‘ “ y - ‘ v . , , 1 ' l . ' < ‘v' - t. , " Whith. Nov. ‘22. lent) 104-1} York Mips’Jmm 7_ Hosp 132-13. glebt is the prolific Source at Jove. tug equal celoiityin the load it) theâ€; as yuu Would Value yum. m‘ SERIOUS FIRE ,N BRIGHTON.__ in the stars births, Betc/gcus and V ,1 V I , 7 , H AV â€" nile‘ depravuy, and in no Way is eminence: But night work ruined; “pepwuc, as w,†“mum value years. The steam {yourng mills, “we {am flldebdmn. The light of Sirius, .Jrlllllbb r30 U111 0N5 Esq. gigs“ Huge], Aurora 1 that neglect more culpable or more ‘ them! and Victim's to the curse of 1 ol nun‘loyed happiness, as you would 1 {my and shingle m “S my Briyhmn from the measurements of Sir J., monster in ott NTo o is clearlv manifested than in the on: Herschel and Mr. Bond. is little 9 or.ost...'inc'i o n as . . evil associatioitmythey noWï¬-ll dis- value du ys ot honour, perhaps of bé‘i’onwino toiMr H C Hens were _ , . . .i. . ‘ I . U c a ' o n L. y ‘ Ml Law Ollice-Uornerof Church and King Sis. . ,. _ restricted ireedom With winch chil- honoured graves, or are now hvtng fame for that noble bov, as you totally destroyed by ï¬re on Salm- "lnm “m†Olle‘S‘th'illomim‘lll“ 'I‘oronto.Mai-ch 8. 1881'. liQ-tf GEO- L7 GRAHANL PROPRIETUR- dreu are allowed to run ,upon the cqhally disuououred lives. I lwuugu' value [he fluviflmc privilege; day. morning {asp ,3, one O-Glockh“ m‘illio'n‘th part of that of the suinand ~ __~ A My fl _ WWW. I LARGE- ,md Commodinusg-lnllandmher street. Hch the may be shell of ‘3 wnrl†(if eorru Him}: all ' 0f dUSCtflldlU†10 the “NW†-' ‘ lu‘ ' l '- ~“ - ‘ '5’ r 'y ‘ “hill,†1“ within)†"in less In Size M a. p 1 6 33:0 '33 e 1 3 f improvements have. at greatexpeuse. y i i Ti 0 ‘ f i I i h b J Wllh in i [he [Dis h hom $10,000 to £30,000, if i i . . . ‘1 under» il’l'C‘ eciiv .0 (Its been made sd hsvto make this Housethelargest ‘ 1“ é‘ ‘ ‘ ’ I DP ‘ e . f ‘8' and best uortli bf Toronto. 'l'raveilers atthis C'eed,‘ 0' ‘30 our: all“ all ‘S'ZUSf "0’" House ï¬nd every convenience both for them. the smallest Specttt‘let’ltll jiiv¢|,i’li[y selves and horses. ' ‘ . .0 i 7 . I“: N.B.-â€"A carefulostler always in attendance lwho has l'e" mind “Is ï¬'z’l palm-5 l o - blessing of it Well reared family rest-l Iltlg upon you, assert your per'ogzitive fits a parent, and either b persua- Iswe argument or by gentle force it)- goes on! A thick 'undergrowth of noxmus shouts are springing up with fearful rapidity, destined to become Upas trees, throwing their 7 ‘Hii; Subscriber begs to inform his friends am. the public generally. that he has opened an HOTEL ill the Village of Maple. 4th Con. Vaughan, where he hopes, by atten- tion to the comforts of (he travelliug commu- ihau sixty of our suns, is estimated at more than one hundred and thirty millions of miles distant. And yet if is iullueuciupi in a measure the whit-l1 is covered with insurance to the amount of only $6000. The ï¬re is supposed to have been acci- dental. u v uitv. to merit a share of their patronage .and Aurora Station. April 1861. l26-1y l l'l'm“ ___a(«'lâ€evem.e“.t' by l‘Ollel‘lllg demoralizing iul‘lucuco on all' UU'CC .lllOSl‘l whom God has commit- Appropns ol the delicate relations at chemical Changes WhiCh a 156' per.- ~upport. Good Stebliug. 61c. lrom ills lilOlller’s none [0 the door “Him†theâ€: peach. ‘Under the ; “d to your care. ‘0 forsake the con- ment Pï¬sï¬ng lwlwecn ‘he United lw‘uflny Occurring upon the canhts JAMES \iVA'l SON, . and tumbling outside, to the youth ‘ a few yea rs older who has i’nade the discovery that Pater and Mater Fa; radios are a couple of distant rela- tives, to whom he, as atl indiyidual. has long "ago ceased to be 'respon. sible. Here may be seen the timid glaucee’of the boy out for the first time ;-‘ there the hardened and dar- shades of evening practices, which ’lit‘mvlllilllltg influences of the street will nOt beat" the light of day, are ltor the privileges and endeaijineuts entered into ‘with zest and even iii-lo’fhome. Act yourself, leave it not larity. As you pass along. the vul- l 10 O‘lllt-‘I‘S; 10 admonish yourchildren; gar jest. the daring oath, the impi-é. il'they d†80, in all probability you ous language of. long practiced pm- Will be offended, for if an alibi coin“- fanily lall" with appaling distinct-lth be .pt'olveu, you will resort to nc-ss on the Cill'9'l0 bringfoi‘tli in he’ll the Plea of infallibility. it is not States and Great Britain, the correspon- dent of the world telegrapbs that “it is thought that the Peterhoff will on releascd ailliiiihtt‘ mails given up. The President and Secretary Seward are against the Sr- eretary of the Navy, and favour her re- lease. The Northampton surface, and by suitable mbahs the, changes may be recorded," estiu mated, and measured; we haw: registered these. by the philtograph from rays which emanated, from' Sirius twenty-one years ago.’ A? pl‘iotograph lias'also been taken by: the rays of the star opens, which" \Iaple, July 17. 1862. 190 George "W 115012., f (LA'rn FROM ENGLAND ) masonic tarsus flint-ct, RICHMOND ll lLL. fi‘Horiifsi‘subiiili’ii, I carriage and Waggon. ~â€" "i 001) Acomniodations and every attention I shown to Travellers. Good Yards for. (T (31355.) codm‘er ‘ x . - u ' w l . . . great length 01 time a host of criâ€" enbugh to have morality taught in" says will; {idii‘ié weddmg in alladjnining is mm,“ "la". Tree "mes the dis" “"0†WU†“‘1 “0°39 B°xeSl°rMc° “mes MAKER in 7 countenance of the lad who has m‘iual sen i' c t ' n l.iw.de'ï¬ant the school somethin y n .- ‘ . illâ€""m ll" :“- “.3. -‘Vll" llil‘l 1"“ ‘v‘sl’OU'V-‘d tance o'l Sirius lrom the earth. and Studs_ V . V is M . NT! 13.5 3 . , _ ‘ r it, ' me [Sire her third husband re nested ll 0 “"--t" The best of Liquors and Cigars kept con- graduated with evident; success actions. Indeed sweining and kin-iquned. andpnless you do your duty lam me 1,2,5." 0,3 q "3 rue†’ '0 “" snutl)‘ on hand. “10- &°~ 5“ through all the ramiï¬cations of a ‘ a = ’ meat" was. stuck in the window of a house in Chelltflibï¬in :i' ‘GlOfln Jentelmon tort gerbatfy hand the Hues of the Glo'os.’ which her first husband The following advertis was ‘so. loud,’ commencing ‘ hm-k from the tombs.’ F alloy the phelius of the happy yours-ell; bridegroom. .dred' language may be. said to he the alphabet or the fuhdamental prin- ciple of street education : some in“ .',l‘he Monthly Fair held one hour out at night, will counter- act the racial tiatnintz of the other six! Mot-alias a‘ little ‘ on the Premises ï¬rst Residenceâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Office, Wednesdayin each month. Richmond Hill Richmond inn. April 8.- 1852. “Hatch i4, 196?; l l l thoiough stre’et‘ education. I The} "my evds resenting;r from thus mmng the