Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 May 1863, p. 4

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‘ “-m“ FADLETM ”* A Band. a Bob~wig. and a Feather, Attacked a lady’s heart together, The Band in a most learned plea, Made up of deep philosophy, Told her if she would please to wed A reverend beard, and take. instead Of vigorous youth, Old solemn truth, With books and morals, into bed, How happy she would bet The Bob he talked of management, What wondrous blessings heaven sent On care, and pains. and industry ; And truly he must be so free To own he thought your airy beaux, With powdered wig and dancing shoes, \Vere good for nothingâ€"mend his soul 1 But prate. and talk, and play the foal. He said ’twas wealth gavejoy and mirth, And that to be the dearest wife Of one who laboured all his life To make a. mine of gold his own, And not spend sixpeuce when he’d done, Was heaven upon earth, When these two blades had done, d’ye see. The Feather (as it might be me) Steps out. sir, from behind the screen, \Vith such an air and such a mienâ€"- Like you, old gentlernenâ€"-â€"in short, He quickly spoiled the statosmau’s sport-:- It proved such sunshine weather, That you must know, at the first book The lady leaped about his neck. And of? they Went together !i Jil'iirirlliiiiniiu, m «A... _.. ._ NA _ _o~‘ ..._-,_ _._ ...--___.. The follOwing order was received from a farmer by a druggist in a country town: _ ‘ Sir, plase send‘ nfie a clangringr drink for a cow, after calvmg Dick Baldwin.” ‘ A Cockney’s Primâ€"A Londoner told his friend that he was going to Margalc for a change of hair, ‘ You had better,’ said the other, ‘go to the wig-maller’s skop.’ Banzai-t, who had married irnpi'udently, was soon after mth by a friend, who unâ€" fortunately Of’fered lllS congratulations on the occasion. ‘The benefice would be a good one,’ said be if it did not require residencc.’ A G'outy Pun.-â€"-A‘ person meeting a friend who had lately labored under a fit of the gout, inquired after his health, and was answered, ‘ So, so.’ ‘ I am sorry you are no better,’ replied the gentleman,‘ for I hoped you were recovered in to-to." Lamâ€"To him that goes to law, nine things are requisite: in- the first place, a good deal of moneyâ€"secondly, a great deal of patienceâ€"thirdly, a good causeâ€"~- fourth‘ly, a good attorneyâ€"filthly, a good counselâ€"sixthly, good cvidenceâ€"sevrnth~ ly, a good juryâ€"~9ightlrly, a. goodjudgca and ninthly, good luck. Some villans broke into a counting- house in Glasgow. Fortnat‘ely for them they were scared. The owuer has since posted the following note on his door, and dlfferent public places; ‘Loaded spring- guns set in ~35 counting house. If any dare break into it, let" them bring their coffins.’ Chinese Jestâ€"A woman surprised by her husband, liad’just time to hide her gal- lant in a-sack, nd set him up against the wall. The man coming in. asks, ‘what is there in this sack l” The woman was c0nfused and hesitated a moment for an answer. The gallant, afraid she would blunder, calls out from the inside of the sack, "Nothing but" v'ice.’ AUDIIILII PRAYER BYFEMALESnâ€"Tllc Provincial Synod oftlie Northern District of the North American Province of the Moravian Church, met at‘ Mitts, Pm, on the 22nd'ult. Among theiritercsting inatâ€" ters discussed, was~the question of audible prayer by females. It was decided that audible prayer by females in religIous as- semblies generally is not proper, but in private houses they should‘ be allowed to lead in prayer. Of all the contrivanccs to exclude the intrusions of ennui from the mind of man, the most debasing and ilesti'uctive is the use oflntoxicaling liquors; that pernicious habit blunts all desire of improvement, deadcns cmulatioupbmures the understand- ing, sinks the soul into sluggishncss, renders man insensiblc to the love of reputation, familiarizes them With the idea of contempt and extinguishes every enjoyment but that maiidlin dclcrium Which soon hurries-them to their gravm.~â€"-Dr. Iifoore. Mr Burke, one day, in the warmth of debate, spoke some Words rather disres- péctfulsolf the govmnment. Mr. George Onelowrcallcd him to order, and said he would not sit silent and'llear the sovereign insulted. Mr. Burke in explanation said, ‘That though he icrrrcnced his mnyesty’s own person, he saw no reason for respect- iughis fllfljCSU/S manâ€"servant)and) his maid-servant, his one and his .ASS.’ Bishop Dupoy invited, one day, to din- 1 her, two clergyman and three lat-lice: he remarked that during the whole of the re- past, the youngest of the two clcrgymcn bad hisseycs steadfastly fired on one of the 'ladiemwllo was very handsome. The bishop, aftcr dinner, when the ladies had retired,.asked him what he though-t. of the the beauty he had boen looking at? The clergymanianstvercd, ‘ My lord. in look- ing at that lady. I was reflecting that her beautiful forehead will, one day be coverâ€" cd‘viith wrinkles; that thc‘coral on her lips will‘pass to her eyes, the vivacity of which 'will be extinguished; that the ivory ofher teeth will be changed to ebony that, to the roses-and lilies ofher complex ice, the witheredtappearame of care will minceed; that herfifllle sort skin will be- come a “dry parchment; that her agrecab'e I smile; Will be converted int-ogrimaces; “hum drills w'lh 0mm] seeds drive away the rrub. . e .1 new, should ham strewn broadcast Over ‘ supppos‘ed,’ said the bishop,‘ that the siglst me best “Pi’llcallon we‘hUOW 0f {01‘ of so' finea woman' could have inspired a de3ll‘0 young mart with such a prfojund m0tl1fflll©fl.’, ' worm. and that, at length she will become the antidote of lo-vc.’ z "c. GARDEN MEMORANDA. , The delightful and busy seasoncf _. _ J“ GORMLEY’ . spring having arrived, the following COM‘VIISS'IONERIN QUEEN’SPENCH. hints relative to the culture of the Conveyanc"r and Auctioneer principal garden crops will be found useful. They are taken from this Septembei-l8,1860. year’s Descriptive Catalogue of ‘ Lor 31,141‘1-1 Con. MIIIIKHAM- ._......_._.._ ._ ‘ TIIE .IIANAIIIAN WARBLER.’ mama-m ‘.~>“ ~ d 'QIIKOHD RICHMOND HILL. . LIBRARY ASSOCIATION l r HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their ' LIBRARY to the ‘ HERALD ’ Book Store. where Stockholders and others may 'i-ocure BOOKS every Friday afternOO'n, fro: Ito 8 - '\ i “re -‘-»--r“."*-" as, u...-',.wt.i.i Ifu "" i »‘ e. B. HENDERSON,‘ Man. I Oculist and. Aurist, _ (Late of No. 658 Broadway. New York.) calthdlapptness,&‘c RE within the reach of all, lgy'the' use of DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE DO- MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the H l’rescriptIOns of the late Dr. Huch’au, Fellow of HAS just opened an Office at No. 174 King the Royal Collegfl 01' Pl13.5l0iallsg,&cvs &C-- St, Toronto, where he intends Cities are daily made, and their efficacy proved ing a few months, and will give his exclusive in tlldllsland Greases; “Nested balm"? the Alder- auenti‘ou to the treatment ct“ Diseases of the ln James Fleming 8: C0,, Seedeincn. of this City :â€""- Sowing Seeds.--Warmlh and moisture are essential, and seclusion from light isffavourable to zgermina- tion. The first care in sowing seeds should be to chose suitable ground, the proper season and state of the earth, and then to place them at such depth beneath the surface as Will ensure the requisite supply of mois- ture. In general all seeds sliouid be covered more or loss according to their size and the admincc of the season ; lalc sowr-ngs require to be BINED. TIIE MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, The Perfection of Mechanism. BE ING A HUNTING AND OrsN FACE, on Lam’s on Gabrmman’s WATCH COM- 'omnoam 38"; EM. ions WWII 'l'l “p”! mews mu. l One of the prettiest, most Convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use, over offered. It has within it and connected with its machinerv. its own winding attachment, rendering a key eu- tirely unnecessary. The cases of this watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being fine 16 Carat gold. It has the. iln action lever movement. and is warranted an accurate timepiece. Price. superbly engraVeu'. per case of a half dozen, $204.00. Sample “latches, in neat morocco boxes, for those pro- posing to buy at wholesale, $35. sent by ex- press, WItlI bill payable on delivery, Soldiers must remit payment in pdvance, as we cannot I 95-n- 1 proved ruby mums Jo; 3m m'm powered on “on Moon on 3-1qu eqdmnm pm: «Juan Ino‘pinq Inyqiuot mo ago! pvm omozi ‘qo 'oensq meg prian [pep puv ‘spoz err: moi; unem 31::ng at”, I 'iqiu 30 Intqu up you [my ‘puuq Inyqinoi‘a'ddvq mo utuf‘eumg qqz‘tpq pun 15V} us [in-ex v pus; neuronal.qu 0; Segment up,“ 1 Sue/lg} (posit; 3;: 62148 sq; I'll Iâ€"IE CANADIAN WARBL BY L. C. EVERETT. Vl‘fl ER,’. . ,ringe, describing the Anatomy'e Repro- o’clock. PM. - A. SCOTT, Librar Richmond Hill, Feb. 27. 1861 ON, NERVOUS. RELAXATION and ' EX- HA USTION- New editions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical colored Ellgravings on Steel. Just published, price Is. This SILENT FRIEND, the greatestMeili- ‘ ‘ ‘ cal Work ofthe‘ Age, on "YOutlIful Indis- cretlone and consequent lrnpedlments to Mar- I men at ‘Gu'ildhall, Tint-t RIGHT HON. THE LORD - MAYOR or LONDON, and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street. Westminster, Worship Street, Bow Street. (kc. ' Used by the most'celebrated Medical Men Clergymeu. and others, ductivo System in health and disease, arid-.i _ 'Ittiintin‘g" out the sure means of perfect restora- Married Life, containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotiob‘. precluding the pos sibilitv Of contamination. Also to be had'f'rom all Agents in all parts of the world, EXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price 6d, which contains directions EYE.l EAR and LUNGS. Dr. H. has prac- tised fur upwards of 10 years in NEW Youmwitli unexampled success. Hundreds ofiestirnonials. from" pt’srsons who have been cured by him, can be seen at his office, Cataracts and Amaresie treatéd With succeed. also. Bronchitis, Sore 'l‘hro‘tif.‘ and all Diseases Ofthe Lungs. Arti- ficial Dyes inserted without an operation. Toronto, Sept. 9, ’62. I res-am ' DHO'I‘IIGRA Pris: .PHOToORAPHsr The Cheapest and Best Ambrotype and Etholograph GALLERY iN CANADA, and other circumstances affecting covered the deepest. The smallest] seeds ought to be sown very shallow. in line earth, and rolled or beaten firmlv with the back of tlic spade. The freshest seeds Of some kinds often fail, from unscasonablc and improper management in Sowing, ciillect from those in the army. Address HUBBARD BROS. & (30.. Solo Importers, Cor. Nassau and JolinSts., New York. ' 213. Tiger Iii, iris ETH i For Eight Dollars. their vegetation. VVlIcu Sown too early or too deep white the ground is cold, wet, and heavy, they are apt to rot; when sown too shallow, in a‘drv time, and late in the season. there may not be sufficient moisture to sprout them, or they may be dried ,up by dry winds or a hot sun after 'thcy have germinated. Sometimes insects destroy them before or immea- dinter after their appearance above ground, so that tlic'complninls occac siunnlly made by the inexperienced are not always to be attributed to the quality of the seeds. Soaking lll warm water twenty- four or forty-eight .honrs, and then rolling in plaster or ashes wi'l very much hasten the germination and growth of hard and dry sccds. It will give the plants a start of the weeds, and lessen a good deal the DR. N. I. PECK, Surgeon Dentist, AS just imported some ofthe Izioirl‘ DOL~ LAR Block Teeth. which he will insert for that. sum if required, beingthe same kind as inserted by S. N same man. He also keeps the best qualily of Teeth. which he will insert on Gold, Silver, I’latenuin. or Nulcuni'xzed Rubber, CHANGE OF ADVE il’I‘ISEMENT. Dr Ptch will be at Richmond Hill. . . . . . . . . 1st day of each menth Maple, . . . . . . . . . a . . . . .3rd day of' each month ' Klt‘lnblll‘g 5th day ofeacli month 9 v r ,ao..--...... . laboux 0f calllv‘nlon' malevllleu . . . . . . . . . . . . 5th day of each month To prove Seeds, place a few In a pot of earth and keep it warm and moist. Onion seed tied in a cloth and put first into cold \Vatcl' and boiled lialfaii hour, will sprout in that time if it is good. 'I‘ransplrmting should be done just at evening, or immediately before or soon after a rain. Make the holes with the dabble, hold t 0 plant in one hand, and with the other bear the point of the dibblc into the ground by the side Of it, and press the earth closely to the bottom of the mill. taking care not to bury the heart of the plant. Give each plant .I gill of water about the root, and shade with a shingle in sunny weather. W'atcring.~'l‘hc best time to wa- ter plants is at sunrise or just at evening, and always use rain water when to be bad. If well water must be used it should be exposed to the sun :1 day or two, until it rises to the temperature of the air, before it is applied. \Vntcr may be given to the roots at ary time, but never should be sprinkled over the leaves in abut sun. Thinning is a very important ope- ration. Everything ought to be thinned very early, even in the seed leaf ifthc plants stand too close.â€" Another thinning may be necessary COUNTIES OF YORK & PEEL. when they are more advanced, to .give them room to grow stocky.â€" 'All plants when crowded together, run up tall and slender ;. such never succeed so well. Hocing and \Vccding.-â€"-â€"It ought to be remembered that it is easiest to kill- wccds when they are small, and that it lsbcttcr to hoe for this purpose soon after,rnlhcr than im- mediately before a rain. It ougnt also to be remembered that Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Brocoli, require (loop, and that Onions and Turnips require shallow booing; that fleets, Carrots, and Pursnips will put out side roots and grow scraggy if lioed dccp after they are nearly grown; and that earl/ring up is more proper for fibrous than for carrot-rooted plants. Aurora. . . . . . . . . . . . the last day ofeach month (Except when any of the ab‘ve days come OII Sabbath, when he will attend the day following) When he will be happy to wait on any re- qulring‘ his services in any branch of his' pro- fession. or make good any work previously warranted. Teedi extracted fer thoso not able to pay, free, Aurora. June 20., 1862 168-Iv THE BEST IS Aiwiiiis THEâ€"CHEAPEST. P 0W 1’. L L’S CANADIAN SWING PUMPS ! CKNOWLEDGED by 500 Farmers, Pro- fessional Gentlemen and others (who have thorn working ill Wells, varying in depth from 10 m l33feet) to be the EASIEST WORKED. MOSTDURABLE and EFFI- CIENT ever offered to the Public. III? Price 60 Cents foot. for Top. Every Pump Warranted ! Orders for these Pumps addressed to C. POWELL, Willowdale, OW, Will receive Prompt Attention. November, 7, 1862, No extra charge 202-15: WORMS. For destroying Worms in children SITTZER’S VERMIFUGE CANDY is by far the niost pleasan Info, and effectual remedy nowiu use. Tr It! by all dealers in medicines. y 80 IIENiiY MILLER, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE UNITED Auction Sales attended to in a business-like manner, and the interests of the emyloyer al- ways consulted. Residence und I’,O. Addressâ€"-’1'hernhill. February 1:2, ’63. 219 Eavo Troughs, Water Spouts, Cistrons and Pumps, Manufactured and for Sale by JOHNLANGSTAFE STEAM MILLS, 'I‘IronnntLL. June3,1859. mkiiifilifiwtiillllfiifimk“ i . By the use ofEloctricity, ‘2 ‘ ' Iii-'5' By Dr. E. C. EDMOND:, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. ~Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcanized Rubber. All Operations in' his Profession, Peck. and made by the ' IS: popular Work, from which the-above beautiful Melody is copied, is admitted to be the largest and best Collection of Hymns and Tunes in use for Sabbath Schools. Price per Hundred . . . . . . . “"316 00 Single Copies . . . . . at: 20 l‘ The Nrw Thesaurus Musiciis,’ a By L. C. EVERETT and DR. A. I}. EVER- ETTâ€"A superior Ccllection of sacred Mimic, Price.... ......-.~..$0 75 113= The attention of Choirs, Congregations, lSabbth Schools, and Teachers of Vocal Music, is invited to the above works, ' For Sale at the Your: ‘ Hanxtp' Bt.‘k Store. ’ M v Richmond Hill; Jan. 29’, 1868’. 5217- TORONTO crrvninamwonns ‘ 185 YONGE S'I'AIL‘ET. MONUMEN s, TOMB TABLES. TOMBSTONES ac. Twenty . Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of D. C. do W. YALE, willcou» tinuetlie business under the superintendencc of our duly authorized agents, A‘US'I‘IN Annrzv and D, CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. I’.S.â€"â€"-All notes and accountsyremaining un- paid on the list day of June, 1858, will be put into Court for collection, ' c. YA LE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29. 1859. 4S-tf Desirable Village Property For Sale. HE Snbsm‘iber offers for Sale two valuable , , VILLAGE LOTS. situated in the very centre of the fast rising town of Port Ifllgin, on Lake Huron. and intlie County of Bruce; the Lots are known as Lots No. 40 and 41, in block N0. 87 of the Village. This is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make a home for himself, The shipping from the Port is considerable, and a pushing and improving business is done in the townâ€"-for a Mechanic the opening is unequalled. For particulars apply at the ‘III-zriili.n OF- FICE,’ or to 'W M. COURTNEY. Richmond Hill,-Apr1124, 1862. ITS-if. DRS. S. N. & P. B. PECK, SURGEON DENTISTs, WILL BE IN Stoufl'villo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99nd of Each Month; Markham Village, 23rd do 525th of Each Month; Brown's Cot'llel's,4tli Con.of Markham 25th do.; Thornbillu . . . . . . . . . . . . .26”: of Each Month : Richmond Hill. . .- . . . .. .27th of Each Month; Maple, V'Vatsou’s llotel. .QHtli of Each Month : Pine Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29m of Each Month: Kleiiilnii'g,. . , , , . , . . .3tltli of Each Month; Noblelou . . . . . . . .. . . . . ..31st of Each Month; Newrnarket...lst,2nd and 3rd of Each Month; '[f ally of the above days comes on Sunday, that. place will be omitted till the following month. When he will be prepared to attend to any ' Professional Calls, or make good any operation previously warranted. V Those who require Artificial Teeth can have a full upper set of best quality of Block Teeth. inserted on Vulcanized Rubber. for usually charged $95 by other Dentists. 'l'eeth filled with Gold, Sil'VOr or \Vhite filling. To remove misapprehension, he begs to an- nounce that all work Warranted what it is Guaranteed to lie, or no charge. Teeth Extracted. with the least possible I’ain. Particular attention paid to the Regulation ofCHILDREN’S TEETH. N.B,â€"â€"Parties requiring Artificial Teeth are requested to Call and Examine Specimens. ll? 'I‘eetli inserted cheaper than by any other Dentist in the‘ Province. Newmarket, May 29, 1862. 182-13' GE 0. inc P H I Lâ€"i. IPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, c.w. performed in the most approved manner and The Rotation of Crops ought to Wmmnwd. be regarded in planting a guided-â€" Fusnorm or mirror-shaped roots Aurora. March 9. 1860 67-137 oil soap, strong soft son w. G. TAYLOR. VETERINARY SURGEON, Member of the Royal College of V.S. I N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- ment heretofore received begs to intimate Insccls are troublesome andisomfi that he is now prepared to treatpll I ,imcs very “swam. plum, of Diseases of «animals .' Paris, snuff, ashes. m. soot 5,116,, on At his own stables on the shortest notice, and -, ~ 7 Q can with confidence warrant a cure in all cases , (Jlflcumbcr‘ a'ld Uqllimhcs When wet Within the reach of medical skill and treatment. ' wrth dew, Is very useful against the _ , Residenceâ€"~Ncar the Eagle HOW. striped bug. Limo, road dust, ashes, N_B_ No charge I... slanting, or snuff, scyi‘ttcred ovcr young Lnb- Newmal-kct, net» 25, 1852, bilgcs and Iurnlps,. wrll sometimes ._._..-â€"â€"â€"-â€" tl'CVCIII. the ruv:wcs of the. black n . i r /' - ‘- R, l a d f y . . cc it? ) 0-1“! tie rroui r-1 w ~ ‘«-. . , 5: >1 0 t“ sown)?" UN'I‘Y CenstableraLandlord’s Warrants dnS'VWHS 5‘ gem! PUIPOSC bu‘ Ill” oxecuted,Renls and Debts collected on best preventive is a thorough :prliik- the Shortestposslble notice. lll‘q Of the plants just at 1113.111. \Vllli Addressâ€"Richmond Hill HO. whaleoil soap suits. in proportion Of 1 one pint ofsoup to scvcn and a hall gallons Of waecr.‘ This will kill should follow fibrous-shaped ones, and every succeeding crop should be as dissimilar to the proceeding. one as possible. Onions are'an ex- ccptlou. 1'i-"G-Iy in l-yl VALUthLE FARM FOR SALE. ONE of the host Farms in the County of cabbage]ng and a”. olher aflylides. 1, York, bcing Lot Io_ III the 51b, is sure death to all tender insects, I concesswn'fuhe when forcibly applied \Villl‘ra~ gar- TOWNFHIP OF VAUGHJ‘A'N. den syringe or rubde on Whh a 20ft ACRES more or less, With good I‘ramo 'w ' Buildinos of every descriptionraud a lai‘gel bruslu her the want of the whale Orchard of the best of ' There is four p suds may Fruit, Salt is sometimes sown. good Wells of Water, with *l’umps in them.â€"-â€"‘ The faint is within 17 miles Of the City of To- ronto; will be sold 100 ‘cr 200 Acres, to suit [0 purchasers. There is abouklfit) Acres cleared, Fine salt and in a high state of“ cultivation; and £40 Acres of. well-timber'ed Landâ€"I’ine and Hardwood." 1 ‘ For further particulars apply 0 IIEC'I‘ORIVICLEAN, Ga the Premises, be used. Cabbugcs is string the little green cabbage Vaughan, Feb, 19, ISM}. Decemberdll. 1860'. DENTISTRY ! "nun-r . V W. Cir ADAMS, D. D. surgeOn Dentist, 99 KING 81‘. EAST, SOUTH SIDE. THIRD noon WES’I‘FRGM CHURCH ST. TORONTO, ARTICD'LAR attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s 'I‘ccth. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr, ’A. has-turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches, and can: supply the profession with Teeth, Gold, Valcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanite Rubber. and the best Bone filling. - Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized ' Rubber. With Continuous Gurus, which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto.October 11, 1860. 49~1v -â€"â€"â€"__ NOTICE. If asked‘what was the best. ‘medlclne for cleansing the blood, and far bilious complaints, Sick Headache, Costivenesa &c., we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN vacErABIk‘Ln-‘E PILLS. FANNING MILLS&P,UMPS IIE Subsuriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that he >manufactures the " utest improved PUMPS AND FANNING MILLS In his Shop. at Stoufi'ville, where all orders entrusted 'to his care will receive prompt atten- 'tion', and for chea’pness and durability he defies competition. Repairing done with despatch. All letters addressed to PE'I’ER KRI BS, Stoulfville'P‘. O. S‘tebfl’viii- Oct 35. 185}. for the’guidance of patients. M _ Messrs. R, & L. PERRY (it C0. are ‘only to be consulted in their residenCe, No. 19, Berners Street, Oxford Street, London, as they never, under any circuriistaiices, travel either at home or abroad. rind they hereby caution the Public against any person using their name. and as a further precaution against frfiud, the Public is notified that none of their medicines are go,- i i- lion [0 manhood: With an Essay Oif‘Single and ' nuine. unless the subjoincd fitc-similie of' their signature is attached to their different Wrap- pers. ‘ Gan ’aATIva do Museums l‘owua RmAINED BY THE USE OF Perri/’3 Cordial Balm of Syrz'acum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout theworld as the GREA'I‘EST RE- GENERATOR; a never-failing remedy for Spel‘lllaltn‘l'llfl), loss of rtr'rt'u'ly power.>pr.oducod by early indiscretions. or any other cause..â€" ltenriches the principal vital fluids," enabling those'wlio have deemed thernselvss incurable at once to fulfil the meet sacred obligations of married life. Price 113. per bottle, or four quantities in one. 33's,, which saves lls. ; and in £5 bottles, efibcting a saving of £1 19s, I’ERRY’S CONCENTIIA'I‘ED DETER- SIVE ESSENCE, a remedy for Syphilis iii all its stages, also for purifyingthe system, from contamination. recommended fO‘r secondary symptoms, blotchc's on the head and face, en- largement of the throat, tonsils. and uvula: its beneficial influence Oil the system is undeni- able. I’rice 115: and 33s. pe'r bottle, alsoa saving of 113. I’EIIRY’S PATENT CONCENTRA'I‘FID ESSENCE or coraiut AND cuisine SUGARoCOA'I‘EI) GLOBULES, tlre most speedy Remedy known. The Globnlcs, con- taining the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cubebs, IItIchu, &c., at once clire',.u ithout the possibi- lity of failure, Gonorrha'za. obstinate Gleet, Stricture, etc., irrinrc‘diately subduiiig all iii- flaminatory action ; Eucased in sugar. free front taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and 11s. per box. HEALTH DEPl'NDR UPON l’unn FLOOD.â€" I’l‘lRRY’S [’UltIFYING Sl’lfitfi‘illt‘lC I’ILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofnla, Ulcers, llo'ils. Blotches, I’irn‘ples on the face and hotly, &C. Price 11s. and 33s. per box Sold at Messrs. R, oz L. PERRY dz. Co’s. Wholesale Depot, N0. 19, Bel'ners Street, Ox- ford Street. London, Agents: IIAIICLAY do Co., 75. Farringtlon Street, London. May 23. 1562. is; Blackwood’s Magazine AND THE BRITISH REVIEWS SCOTT & CO., NEW YORK. continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz. :â€" V THE LONDON QUAIIII‘ERLY (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH fi'nvmw (\Vliig.) THE NORTH BR1’fiSl-l'REVlEW, (a... Church.) 'I‘IIE WESTMINSTE‘TR REVIEW (Libel-cl.) J. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA- ZINE, tTory,) The present critical state of European affairs will render tlieso publications uniVersally in. teresting during the forthcoming: year. They will occupy a middle ground between the‘ has- til’y writen news-items, crude speculations, and flying rumor-“s of the daily Jourtval, and the pon- de‘rous Tom’s of the future lristorian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have | I Pills. x 5 It is .WELL-KNOWN F-ACT that SAR- 1)URE1lâ€"'1‘h9';BOIVGlsi regular! lâ€"A'Tnd DE FY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the every ailment incidental to Man‘Wptnan and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skirt, Indi- gestion, Elliott‘s, Liver, and Stomach Com- plaiuts. General Weakness, Gout, Rhuema- tism. Lumba‘gp, Pains in‘ the Limbs, Head- aches. Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by mogul: rides at the bowels. ob- structed perspiration, and‘ deteriorated and on. healthy blood. These Pills work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage. especially where mercury; has been taken, and removingr every unhealthy ac- cumulation. till the bloodflis purified,the whole system renovated. and all'the funCtions acting l according to nature. the ditties of .life become ' a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not ile- ,lay:..1 :a clean stomach innst make aclean; body. A‘cls‘aii body will contain pure'blood, When the stomach, body, and ’blood are pure. from ' , regulating 21 Id cleansing the bowels, health is , certain, Begin at the beginning, waste no time :- strike at the root‘o’f your ailment. Again, 1 say, look to your stomach. One trialol’these Pills will force conviction, Sold in bottles. at Is‘. Md” 2s. 9d. and 11s. Dr. Buchan’s invigorating Essence. ,4s. 6d., For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GIL. NERAL W EAKNE‘SS. at once restore and invigorate wtth magical rapidin the ni‘Ost I.)e~ - bilitated Constitution, thereby ensuring pe’rma- pent health, increased strength, energy, and a iedoublcd development of the mnéoular‘system. Failurd'ilsimpossible, for succesS‘is as certain as that daylight folldws darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired 105111 and general rits, diminution of vital energy. e’mac'idtion, aud‘for all female c‘omplaints, This medicine not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the rlatural vigour of man in youth, lilaturity, aIi’d old age The properties of this invaluable ie-iuvigoraiing' Essence act directly on the nervous and ‘musc’t'r'la-r ‘sv'ster‘n, and in perfect accordance with the laws Of ua' titre. As the falling rain vivifies I'i'i‘e‘ parched vegetation. so will the power of this’all-pment agent restore tli-S'lost strength and" Energy of all who suffer from exhaustive ddi‘ahgemont, which so few of the medical profeskiéh‘i attempt to treat. 45. b'd., 11s., or four quantities iii one, 33s. DR. BUCH/tni's' VEGETABLE" SKIN ozNiiiiisly'r, Is the only one‘ yet discovered that cross the most inveterate e‘o‘res, Its effects are “tender- ful, giving lllSllll‘l‘trl‘ellef to the suf’f’crer Many thousands have used it. and declare it to lie “the best in the world.” It is the only th'I‘URAL REMEDY for all k'rnds'ofsorcs and skill eruptions. It never closes up the surface of a Wound whilst full of matter. but will first bring all to the surface, and finally heal Without breaking out, again. followingâ€"Piles, Boilcs, Bruses, Excoriarious, I’llotclics on the Face, Ulcers, Ring-worms; Sore lleads, Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Chap? ped I'lallGS,‘Cl]flf(Â¥d and Blistered Il‘e‘e't‘, Corns, Bunions, Chillilaius, Frost Rites, Sc’nlds. Cut-I, llites, Freckles. Slings, Scroful‘ri‘, King’s Evil. Bad Lorre, Bad lireasts, Contracted a‘nd Stiff Joints, Fistulas, Gout, S‘welled Glands, Lum- bago, Rheumatism, Whitlo'iv, Sore Nipples, Sore Threats. Scti‘rvy, Sore Heads, Rush, 'I‘u- incurs. Old and disappeared Ulceis,j wounds, Worms. Itch, (kc.- Is. lid. aiid‘2s. 913“. per pot. I’a.ent Medicine \‘V‘arehouse. 19,1 Ilerners street, Oxford street, London, . Wholesale A gents ieBai‘clay &" 00., 75’, Farrinngn street; may he had at R. H. HALL’S, Chemist and Drugoist’. Richmond'llill, C,VV. 811(1 from all Chemists throughout the world. Mat: ‘23. 1862. J .‘1 Relief to IE Afflicted i. IVJL‘ H E following Certificates are sufficient guaranty to the public that Dr. Buchan’s Sugar-Coated Sarsaparilla SAPARILLA'ds thegrcatest purifier ot' the bloo‘dzin the world, KEEP YOUR BLOOD root? of‘ each disease, epd are for the icure Of debilil'y, nervOus prostralion, uepre‘SSion ot'fin- ‘ enriching, increasing, and purifying each per- ‘ ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, " Tho l’ills aid the Ointment in dial 178‘} ljBufi'alo, N. Y'. ’ rrrrr -. . E v is 3*. :3 IS AT ‘l‘llll‘ll lllll’l, till. “ TORONTO. JAMES RAWE, , t’roprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19. 186l. 125-131 M i y ' k I 5 Bl. M i R I} Try the truIy great: PAIN KILLER BRII‘GS' MA- 010_ RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied ofjits nope”; stormy, after using the medicine, the price will be N’- zendo b the Agen‘ttin all cases. Price 25' cent. ‘ ' bottle. old by all dealers in medicines. P“ Valuable Property fOI'Salc IZ: 63 Acres. 23 of which is tinibered, 40 ,Acres‘under Cultivation. Several I’ARK LOTS with timber thereon Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. The above property is situated at. and ad1 joining to, the Village of Riohssaond H111. For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. Richmond Hm, Sept 2.1880. 9.0 Consultthe t‘lld English Physician r ' FOR As'rHMA‘. INCIPIENI‘ CONSUMPTION; INI‘IIIMI'rlas OF YOUI‘II,‘ AND’ OLD Assoc. NO Mercury Used. :Dr. A 111 OS w Son.- 48 EAST GENESEE STREET, Bum'tlo. New York, RE the millv I’h}smians in the State who‘ are members of the Royal College Surgeons, Lon’don. May be consulted final 8' o’clock in the morningr until 9 atni‘glli‘, iii every state and symptom of disease. The treatm'éntlhey adopt is the result of tip-' wards of‘thirty years’ extensive and s'ncé'essfuf practice in London. L MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. . An instrument fortlie cure of Genital I)ebi~’ lily. of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as S‘s'ilninal Weakness. disc. Can be“ pcrmano’ntly [Cured in from 15 to 2b] days, by the use of this instrument, when used calf; jointly with medicines. Ur. Amos dz Son, in order to satisfy the most. skeptical as to the merits of their ilistrun’ ment, pledge themselves that in any" instance‘ where it may prove unsatisfactory. after a fair“ trial, the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. I’rice 'l‘en Dol- lars, by mail or express. YOUNG m‘nN 'I'AIIIc rAiI'ricnm-a rf’O'l‘ICK. Those who liaVe injured themselves by a ccro' lain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"la habit t'rcququy learned from evil companions. or of i'scliool. the effects of which are nightly felt even i when asleep, and if nit cured, renders marriage limpossible and destroys both mind and body. lshould apply immediately. Ekalllaliuse isonebf the InOst formidable orieiriies to hr-a‘ll'li, for no-’ [thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis- 'eases c’aliscs So destructive a" drain upon the human" system, drawingr its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely gravo. It destroys the nervous ,sy’stetril rapidly, wastes away the criei‘gios of Ilftl’,’ causes mental derangement. prevents the proâ€" per de‘valopnieiit of the system, disqtialifirs for’ ‘ll|flrt‘lttg8, society. business, and all earthlv happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in: body and iriind, predisposed to culistt’rription and“ a train 1of evils more to .be dreaded than death‘ i'ESelf'.' rinksois IN ANY mm or 'rII'Ic WORLD may bb‘ successfully treated by 'correctldetail ‘of tlieir'case. ‘ Address Dr. Autos A‘ Son, 454'Enst Genesed’ ,Street, three doors West of Ellicott Street; 88-ly l forwarding s _, , I M r 0 other. ,DR'.‘ WISTA’R'S PULMONlC SYRUP u bi 'til '0'- oennelded, for Coughs, Golds, Asthm’zl, Crt‘fbpiainiif giggiseases of the Lung: and Throat 25‘ce'nt's1ryl Tilâ€"If ORIGINAL vajwcks Eye, Water IithE [MACHINES :i Is an infallible remedyfor liiflaincd Eyes and Cliilli’l'nlns We, the undersigned. do certify that we have ‘E ,R ESTABLISHED 1N 1845â€"1’ERI‘ECTED IN 1862. CENT and'importa‘nt improvements havf ing been put to this Machine. rendch i‘ used 11. W. I’ECK'S EYE WATER. and find; Y. ‘ > . ‘ . q . it to, be a certain cure f'orquIaiued Eyes and ‘i "0“ “’6 .mO’t India“ below “’6 Public: alld passed away. It is to these Periodicals that _ _ ’ Chilblaius, and therefore would retiommetld it P1330115 “1 3 (115181108 C3" Order a Machlrlm WItl‘ll readers mus“. look for the only really intelli- isiâ€"m storm. Dec. 5,19“. gible and reliable history ofcurrent events, and as such. in addition to their well-established literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Advance Shrcts from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in’ the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS : Per am: For any one of the four RevieWs,. ..., . 3 of: For any tWo of the four Revisit/5,. . . '.~... 51”} For any three 'of the four Reviews. . . . . . . (l0 Fer all four of the Reviews, . . . . . . . . . .' . . 8 ()0 For Black‘wood’s Magazine, . . .- . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 For Blaclvwood and one Review“ . . . 2"... 5 Oil For Blackwood and two Reviews, . . z'. .. 'l' (:0 For Blackwood and three Reviews,. 9 no For Black-Wood and the four Reviews" .10 00 Money current in the State“ w/ic'rc'htsucd will ' be received (it"pm‘. CLUBBING. - A discount of twenty-five per cent from the shave prices will be allowed to CLiiss ordering four or‘more copies of any one or more of the above Works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood’.-or of one Review, will be” sent to one address for $9; four Copies of the four Reviews andBlackwood for $30 ; arid‘so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. l N.b‘,-â€"-â€"The price in Great Britain of the five" Periodicals above named is $31 per annum, , Remittances for any of the above‘pubhcation s... :shieuld always be addressed, post-paid, to the ‘ Publishers, LEONARD. SCOTT &" CO. No. 54 Gold Street, New York. to the public, Robert Raymond Robert HOpper .laiiies Bailey G. L. Boynt‘on Mrs. M. .l. Raymond “L S. l’olloclt Miss .l, IIinn‘ce W. II. Myers A. L.,Skeele , L. Richardson Robert Hewison Marlin Nea-li-on John Coulter Timothy Ii‘ogerty I). Iiridgford, J-P'. W. I’. Richmond Miller Anderson Richmond Hill. July 14. 1862. My son suffered for nearly four months from” Inflairiniatioli in one of his eyes; during which time 1‘ procured the best medical aid within my reach, to no pui‘pbse. 'I‘ne inflammation con- tinued ; the boy suffered, and I began to enter-‘ taiirserious apprehension that he would lose his sight. I accidentally heard of effectual cures having beer. made by Mr. II. W Peck’s Eve Water, and procured two vi‘bls of it frorri himâ€"the Implication of which has cflcctcd A? CURE. My son’s eyes are now well. I have much pleasure in certifying: to the above facts, and recoiuinend‘lho use of Mr. I’eck’s Eve Water to all persons afflicted with Inflamed Eyes. JOHN TJJSIJOF. i Richmond Hill. Jilly 15-, 1862. In the. month” of February last, I had al sevore attack of Inflammation in my right eye. and suffered very much. I tried several rev, medics, and obtained medical advice, but my eye continued to get worsc. I was recom- Iueuded‘to call on Mr H, W. Peck, who gave me a viol ofhis Eye Water in three days I feltl‘eliet', and in about five days was able to: useIm' eye. his now well, and 1 have much pleasure‘in‘stating that'l believe it is Mr Peck’s reIIchy‘thatbnred my eye; I have also re- commended the'use ofit to others, and know that the result has been attended with corn,- plete'sdccess, J. M. DAVIS. m Sale at'the YOrk " Herald” Ola”, Rich- .end Hill.prics’l 5 cents per brittle. 199 a guarantee of its prompt atiidiisafe deliverymnd that they will be able to manage it" to their euo’ tire satisfaction. more breaking n‘ccdles 1â€"â€" No more missing stitchosl Notrouble in mak~~ lug any gannent, howeverdolicate ol' lleavy,ow the‘s‘ame Machine", either in cambiic’, cloth or‘ leather; and for“‘dress inakhrs. shirt makersv tailors. hat binders", shoe binders. or gaiter fit~’ ting, as well as" for every variety of family sewing, they have no superior, and‘willibe sold‘ at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing'the same range'of work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and1 prices. A few respectable Agents will be dealt? vvith'liberally. p Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 437’. Broadway, New York. New York. June 20, 1862. A‘rooon THING. J‘DB. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth Q: Mel, In any case of Piles, Burns, Scolds, Old Sores, untamed or Sore Eyes, Eruptlcns on thefikln, and la" every case where an olntment ls'uset‘al. It wlll I'b‘ Mud Itself, after one trial. ; 186-1)" Cheap Boots and-Shoes fl‘HE Subscriber begs to intimate‘lo the in- habitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that he has leased the Shop of Mr. Ruben Lee, \Vherb‘he‘inteiids to carry on the BOOT and SIIO‘E business in all its branches. MrflLee’s customers will have the same at- tention given to'their work as formerly, . All work done" at the lowest 1'611’111110181'1’13: "cos, P”. RICHARD DURHAM. , Richmond Hill, A; :1 105m. 176‘.“

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