Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 May 1863, p. 3

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ADMISSION OI" ERROR 1N OPPOSING THE MILITI ‘tion of a thoroughly efficient volunteer, -BUBSIDY TO THE GRAND TRUNK TO BE INCREASED “Macdonald-Cartier scheme of placing in ysettlcment of the rates to be paid by the . "Will be totally repudiated. , TSanilfield Macdonald failed to recoonstriict m" , rOLICY or THE MINISTRY. .,.§ ' . , . ’ ._,..- rm“... 1?; 1'. MORmON & co. DONED BY THE GRITS. CORNER. or Coua'r AND Cnuacn S'rnrznre, I:l:"o:I‘.‘o:I:.I:t:o. Under the British American Insurance Com- pan'y’s Offices. ' Toronto. May 22, 1863, (From the. Glofm, organ of the Ministry and the , Ministry-killer, May 19.) mic mrenconnonun RAILROAD ABANDONED. We learn With pleasure tnat the "’ "’ Intercollo‘nial Railroad * "' will‘re- ccive no countenance from the new Gov- DR. S. , eminent. GERMAN PHYSICIAN, ‘ 0F Buffalo," N. York, ILL be in the following ' places in May, 1863 :â€" Tononro, ‘27, American Hotel. RICHMONP HILL, 28. Nicholls‘ Hotel. KING’S STAHON, 29. , . wan.\RKr;T,30,North AmeriCau Hotel. Where he can be consulted upon all "forms 0 Chronic Diseases. May 22, 1863. BILL. , - \Ve need hardly say that the organiza force, on a scale consistent With the capai bilities of the country, will receive prompt and zealous attention. coon nnws roe THE BANKRUPT mrriaesr. The Bankrupt Law' prepared by the Solicitor Generalâ€"subject to such imâ€" provements and suggestions as may be sug- gested by the mercantile interestsâ€"will be carried through Parliament without delay. l I ‘ 235.2. COEEEEp-TION #- fllllill’i Blll'l'I-lllll l . AT RICHMOND HILL, on Jflond‘ayLJ-tlazy 25.1863, or $100,000 .1 YEAR- VVe learn also With satisfaction that the the hands of irresponsible arbitrators the Province to the Grand Trunk and other railway coiiipaniéS'for carrying the mails, The Govern- ment wil| *- 3* .determine their fair rates for the services rendered by each companyfilnd ask P their decisions. ‘ celebrating Her Majesty’s Birth-day with the“ greatest octet, The day’s amusements will be inaugurated by a FOOT BALL MATCH ! At 10 em. at the termination of vrhich a great ' variety of ' ariiament to endorse THE ROTTON BOROUGHS TO BE RETAINED, AND BRUCE, GREY AND PERTH TO REMAIN WITH ONE MEMBER. EACH The threatened ‘Re-adjustment Bill’ is abandoned. Entertaining Games! For which a large number of prizes have been provided. In the evening a Torch-light Procssion '1 And a bril'iant display of FIRE ‘ WV ORKS 3 Will crown the pleasures of the day. A superior BRASSBAND has been engaged . to furnish a rich heat to all lovers of music. ON DI'I‘ ABOUT EXCISE DUTIES. If we are rightly informed, so also is the much debated excise duty on leather. 'Jtrr. BY POP. THROWN OVER BOARDâ€"THE GLOBE PALLIA’I‘ES THE SACRIFICE AS A WISE ~ MEASURE. The great issue of Representation by Population \Vlll be an open question The 7‘, I u s I . e . , i " ' members of ihe Government Will be free GOD sale rile QULL ' . - , e _ ' 1 a .- *.‘ to advocate it and to vote for it as i'ndiVi R‘Cl‘mm‘d H‘H' Ma} 10,156“ viduals; but the Government as such will -â€" have no common policy about it. We MIL-$5 ‘shall not. pretend for a moment that this EQPEPTFUI IY _ , I i I .. ‘ p ‘ . ‘_ , , , . < . . . n intimates to tie n to.- ]: “mush m sansry us or “Mt “el bitants of Richmond Hill and Neigh- have “at (le'lmuded more man “"5 from i borhood, that she. has opened an Establishment our opponents. On the contrary, we ad- i (next door to WM. S. Poi.i.0cx’s Store.) for mit that it was with extreme reluctance . . - "the friends of reformed representation in Mllllnerbnressgzmanfle Maklng l’arliainent determined to support a Gov- THE LATEST FASH‘ONS 1“ Cl'iiltlt‘nl holding no higher ground upon this “(1118811005 that they only did so after fruit- Hats and Bonnets, less efforts to obtain further cdncessmns 0), PS & H EA D 1) It E S S E S , upon it; that they only did so when they Artificial Flowers Feath€rs &c ‘became satisfied that the sole option before - ’ them was this or worse. Had Mr John In inviting attention to her Establishment, gence, Neatn‘ess and Care, will be bestowed on all work entrusted to herâ€"combining MODERATE CHARGES .5. DESPATCH his Government, there was but one other result pessibleâ€"â€"-namely, the return to powgr of Mr. John A. h‘l-acdonald .and Mr George E. Cartier. * * * * Under the circumstances, they determined to accept the new arrangement; “1: think they decided wisely in doing; SOs-and so we are per-r suadcd will the electors of Upper Canada decide. ' ‘THE ORGAN IN A FOG¢-PI.EASANT GUESS“ A-S A BAIT T0 CATCH VOTES. On the question of the Seat of Govâ€" STRAW BONNETS dc HATS Cleaned. Dyed and Altered. to the latest Fashions. FA'C'all is earnestly Solicited. ‘51] _ Richmond Hill, May 15,1863. 2244f. PROCLA Manon ernment We have not yet heard what is. AURORA. the policy of the new Gov:rnmentâ€"~â€"but. {E QUEEN’S BIRTHâ€"DAY wille Ce- wc cannot doubt that it will point to the lebl'ated return oftlie Legislature to Toronto for On the 25111 inst. the next four years. â€"-- PROGRAMNIE AS FOLLOWS :â€" SING .A ‘_ , At 10 a game at Foot Ball, D AR DEATH A mower Of an At 12:11 Royal Salute will be fired by the 'lnltlllt which was found dead in bed, in Volumes”, .New York, recently stated before the At 1, the Games will commence. 't’oroner that she saw a cat on the child’s Al 3% “‘9 VelulllBBI‘S “’1” have 3 bed just before its death, with its nose to G 1,} ‘AN E W. the babe‘s mouth. The Jury gave it as their Verdict that the babe had come to "its death by being ‘ overlaid by a cat, and 2118 breath drawn by that animal.’ The following volunteers are expected to be present :â€" The Lloydtown, King, and Aurora Infantry Companies. and the Cavalry Troops of Majors McLeod and Button. REGAL COUiiTESIES.â€"â€"â€"The Empress “1,1,68,76,1ng a Eugenie is taking great interest person- :all in re'iarin'v i'o . . ‘ . . . . 3., P l, P‘ 1‘ .“hufbleau for the In connexion With which several very Prince of V\ ales and his lJl ide. An apart- »ment is being fitted up in the Chinese fash‘ BALOONS ‘ion, and the rooms intended for the Prince Pwm 1010 1516611" “83ng Will be $61111”)- and Princess will display that splendour Ilhe Aurora Saxe'Hom Band m” be in at' and good taste which are peculiar to tendunce" __ ltrance. The old friend of the Emperor, A BAZAAR on the ground during the day Count Arese, has sent a Venetian gondola, and in the evening a CONCERT will be held, which will be placed on the waters of the ‘°§°m‘?°"§° “8 07:1?!" , db.“ d guilden. or 1.1” CI partlcu ats 590 Tall I 5 an posters. ‘ Treasurer. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Aurora, May 13, 1863, JOHN KEIGHLEY: Sectury. \ ___.__ TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY, May 21, 1863. “ Flownâ€"Superfine sold at. from $3 90, @334 00 3 Fancy $4 00 ((3 $4 10; Extra $4 25 @3134 30 5 . Double Extra, $4 40 db $4 45. ()R to Exchange for a Horse, The Mach- Fall Wlieat,â€"-3{l(l hshls was the extent of the! too has only been used a few'times. and which sold at the following prices. The was got up by Messrs. Patterson. Richmond (prices paid forthe best samples were from $0 Hill. Terms liberal. Apply to ' 85 F0) $0 90 per bshl, WM IVL BUTTON Spring ‘vVlieat~â€"-â€"--â€" bshls in market, which Lop“. Con. 10, Markham, sold at from $1) 75 {23 $0 85. per bshl. .. i . . _ Barleyâ€"sold at from 60 (a) $0 70c. Ma” h 5' 1863' 222 4 .l’eas.â€"â€"â€" lishls went off at 58 ((1) 66c per " 1...... s6Mhi. ‘Oats.â€"â€"_~at 55c @ ()0 per bsh‘l. . ‘ Hayâ€"ls fromzng/w $22 per ml" Straw $8 a ASY LESSONS on General Geography. by J. G .HOGINS: sold in single copies $15 per ton. {J éggieiiwiisrgjg ‘gggofigszagoll'oc per J02 'or in quantities : and a liberal discount allowed (Potatoes~Vary in pride from 60 to 65cts. to. SChOOtS’ at 1h? ' p I Buttonâ€"Fresh is in fair supplvat from 17c fd , "20c per, 1h. Been-s3 o) 953 so Per 100 115. Calves s3 fa? Richmm‘d “l”! Apll‘23'1863 229 293.; each. Lambs $2 ((3 am. Sheep $4 00 ft» m"â€" "WWâ€"i". 1-336 00 each - STRfl YED, .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€". -» â€"---â€" V â€" TURKEYS,-â€"a goblin 'nnd a lienâ€"to the D l E D. At Whitehiil Midi-s, Markham, on Sabbath, ‘the 17th inst., Edmond Alexander, son of Mr. Andrew Brodie. flat) .Dr. J. LANGSTAFF, ILL generally be found at home before V half-past 7 a.m., and from 1 to 2 p.m. chhmond Hill, May 23, ’63. 233 premises of Cyrus Fierheller. Richmond Hill. on Monday last. W’lioever lays claim to the Same. on paying expenses, they will be de- livered up. - May 6, 1863. 3 t YONGE STREET _ AGRI 6 ll LT URAL" SOSIETY! WILL HOLD ITS SPRING SHOW ON THE FAIR GROUND, RICHMOND HlLl, TURNIP SEED 2 On TUESDAY, MA Y26, ’63 Supply of Fleming do Bucklend’s Purple Top Swede Turnip Seed still to be had anaemiaâ€"orients: For particulars see large bills. N.B.-â€"Classes has been formed for Ayrshire 1.“ the Cattle and Blood Stallions, for which the u n Judges will accord discretionary priz‘es. , . I _ ,G..t.BAnNAao,Scc. R‘cl’mnd Ell-Margo: 933, Richmoadiiill,May1863. " ‘ 233.3"... have made complete ariangements for, Miss Toni) can assure her patrons that Dili-- Grand TORCH-LIGHT PROCESSION. 2‘21- Qt. . , Reapin g JVIachine for Sale 6 _ Rodhester-,N.Y.April 2-5, 1863.. ‘\ "‘lfi‘nfi”? Quays; w . i. , _ __ , ‘~VERY~ CHEAP! "SPRING REPRESENTATIONBYPOPULATIONABAN- BOTTLE” ALE MERCHANTS, w M.S.POLLOCK begs to return his s support for the postseason, and to appriz g P R I N G- And can offer them at prices that wi “wt in... %‘ -‘ 'ii’ii'l'flh'l'.’ 2'. . incere thanks to his Customers for their liberal 9 them that he has received the greater part of hi,J six-ox, ll merit the attention of the public, as y are "Much ' Cheaper ,7. ' Than will be. Offered by any Store in the village, and" comprise a full assortment of Prints, Long Cloths, Factory and Bleached Cottons. Striped Shirtings, Deninns, Tickings, De Laines. Printed Muslins, Organdie Checks. Woolen Bareges,’1*losieyy, Ribbons. Parasols. Artificial Flowers and Fancy Goods ; Tweeds. Cassimeres aiid'Doeski mer Pants, Vests and Coats, exceedingly low; and would call particular notice to his stock of‘ p ‘ sis/r” Mohair and Summer Coatings, Men’s Suin- Prin‘ts, choice colors. . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . “8&1!- 9id. IOid per yd. very cheap. Printed Muslins, fast colors, 3. great variety. at only . . . . . . -. . . . . .. .7§d. f‘ ' ” Woolenliareges, various styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9d. to Is. " De Laines. choice colors. . . . . . . . Factory CottOns. good makes . . . . . . . . . .. . Long Cloth and Bleached Shit-tings, . . . . . . . . Ready-made, Vests, a large lot. . .'. . . . . . . . _Men’s Straw and Leghorn Hats, very cheap, , With a Fresh Stock ofGARDEN IN one TheStock of Teas,'Coifees: Spicds. “Currants, and low in price, Wine, Brandy, Rum, , Gin, age... for the 'SAPQNIFIER . ..... ......,......from_10§d to ls 1d. " . .....t'rom loid. tO'Is. id. u .......fromp9d. to Is. 1d. “ . . . .- . . . .from 5s. to 8s. 9d. reach. 'White Long Cloth and RegattafShirtt-t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fro‘m 53 each. A large lot of Men’s Silk Ties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "from 7gd. to Is, Iogd‘ each. 1 Beautiful Silk Boiinet Ribbons . . . . . . L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . front 6d, to IUfid per yard. andFlELD SEEDS ; also a ’vniny cronimEN TOOLS auda geperal assortment of ' ,fH‘EA VY AND SHDLF HARDWARE. churns ,Raisins. 'I‘obacoos. &c. are of thebest quality Malt. .Toddy and ,Common Whiskey. of pure THE Committee appointed fdr that purpng , Brands. "Coal Oil, Machine, Boiled and/Raw Linseed‘Oils. Paints, Varnishes, ‘and every descri. ' ptiou Of Brushes,'Drugs andfiatdnt Medicines, School Books, Stationery. .5“). i I . or CONCENTRATED “LYE The best article ever used for making H drdor Soft Soap, with very little'trouble andless expense Earnestly soliciting intending purchasers to examine the Stock and prices which cannot fail to give every satisfaction. Late Richmond Hill, Mny,li863. FIRST PRIZE iiiiiiii __ll_l_lll‘.fllllllil. WANZER’S Combination do Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. â€"â€"â€"â€"nâ€"_ HE ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family Sewing Machines bv the Judges at the Provincial _Exhihition, held in London. Sept. 24th. 25th, 26th and 27th, was given to R, M ‘vv'anzer &. Co. They also took the First Prize for Family Sewing Machines with R, M. Wanzer do Co’s. Combination, at the Provincial Fair held at Toronto, Sept, 22. Q3. 24. 25 and 26, 1862, and alSo first prizes was awarded to their Singer for inaiiufactory. ‘ The First Extra Priza was also given for Nos. ] and 2 Singer's Manufacturing Machines. Prizes of a similar character were also awarded Wanzer’s dz. Co's. Family Sewing Machine and Wanzer «$2. Co’s. Singer’s Machines oVer all others, by the Board of Arts and ManufaC- turns, at the Mechanics Institute, Toronto. They also took First Extra Prizes at the several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Hamil- ton, Paris, Galt. St. Thomas. Beamsville,W'ltit- by, Cobourg. Bowmauville‘: in facteveryplac where they have been exhibited. ‘ it?“ Wanner & Co’s Combination and \Vanzer &. Co,’s. Singer, excel any Machines that ever were manufactures in the United States or Canada. .R, M. \Vanner din Co. have succeeded in uni. tin the mostvaluable properties ofthe Wheeler SLTVIISOI’I and Singer Machines, and remova- in 'those points which wore’ not desirable in a First Class domestic article, by adding Some new invontions (for which they have secured a patent in Canada)liave succeeded ,lll producing 'a perfect Sewing Machine,w hich being simple in its principles is easily understood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill ,in its operation. Its accurate construction renders it little liable to get out ofropair, and it is easily adjusted. The public, on examination, will ~ be convinced of its advrntages over all others " now in use. Every family Should have a Waih zer &. Co,’s )onihination Flilllll)’ Machine. _ ‘ All Genuine Wanzer dz. Co,’s Sewing Ma- chines hear the stamp of R. M, Wanzer dz. (30., Hamilton, on the plate. PARKER C ROS BY, Agent. Richmond Hiii. April IS, 1863. 228-6111 4 SVH '8981 ‘6 Illdv ‘um ptiowqoiu . 'touis sip J0 opts eiisoddo out o; quou toque} sosnoi; are} V i GHAOWEIH 083 1’1 X 1! H1 II'JI’ITQG GNV ‘fi’IiIi oxomtoru "S are (a Ui‘QEG Hotel for Sale: Vl‘flE WELL KNOWN HOTEL... on Rich- mend Hill. the HALF-WAY HOUSE 1 And premises. is ofi'ered for sale or to exchange for Land. This desirable property comprises a. first-class Hotel, with every convenience at- good WeIls with pumps. soft water Cistem. with (10.. &c., &c. Terms easy. - Possession given 1st of October. For further particulars, apply to ‘ JOHN LINFOO'I‘. Richmond Hill, March 5, ’63. 2214i: Notes Lost. NCLOSED in a letter addressed to Mr. WILLIAM MAIR, Oak Ridges, C. W, and mailed from Rochester, N.Y. ,One of the notes drawn against Henry Harris for $6 b0; the other against William Harrman. for $32 00, both in favor of Louis Smith. The public are hereby cautioned against negociatiug for the same as payment has been stopped. LOulS SMITH. ‘ 230-4 0 WANZER & (30fo ' an'Acre of Land, with a taich'ed, including Stables, Driving sheds. two , G.A-BARNARD. . 23l -3m Notice if 2 Important to Blacksmiths. FOR SALE, in the flourishing Village of Richmond Hill, 16 miles north of To- r me. on Yonge Street, a BLACKSMITH , OP, DWELLING HOUSE. and about i good Garden wvll stocked with choice Fruit Tuees. There is also a good Stable and a‘iiever-failiiig,‘Well of Water on the premises. The buildings are . d . ’ d _ . h. . v f ‘ L';.-i§§’..g’.§ii"2.’. Efrenilfé’ifuéi’hsii’"VESLEL‘JnS’i READY'MADE CLOTHING; INE'VERY VARIETY; 3‘, ‘ HAND IN THE LATEST FASHIONS. can be given about the 1st of May next. For further particulars apply to the Sub-' scriber, on the premises, SAMUEL SANDERSON, Richmond Hill, March 20. 1663. DAVID. EYER, Junr., Stave & Shingle Manufacturer ham. on the Eight Mills Plank Road. A large Stock of S'ritvns and SHINGLES kept constantly on hand.and sold at the lowest Prices. 113’ Call and examine Stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. ' Post Ofiice Addressâ€" Richmond Hill. February 27, 1863. 221-1)’ STEAM ENGINE AND «PLANEth MACHINE! FOR SALE. " GOODS“; 224 ‘ tf ‘ .> ~I"“ ~- In thanking our Friends Customers for their liberal support during the past year, we would intimate that; we. have new received our supply of Swing As ,we have been made agentsof the ‘ lii .Il‘ V = I :hhhmw f CROCKERY, _â€".‘"-â€" 1,, till." i. .. - It. Illliiiili ., Illiii Together with our'uwal aSsortin‘ent of, 7 I Groceries, Liquors, and Surnmcr‘ ‘Goods , f ' Ha rdw'arc, Boot-s, SHOES.) we... I'Which we ofler at very reasonable Prices.- [fir :i. r 1% t ll'llii'ti lll We feel satisfied thatwe can sell all articlesofvtheir manufacture at, a rate which will defy‘cornpetition. , We have just; received from them a large and well selected stock of FELT'HATS. CLOTH&. TWEth CAPS. LADIES IsraAw & FANCY BONNETS9 a. HATS,- l-Ioping for a continuance of the patronage which has been hitherto accorded to us by. our Friends‘and Customers, we respectfully subscribe ourselves FLOOD 81. PRICE. Richmond Hill, April 23, 1863. P.__.._â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" ‘4...â€" on mass 2294f- ..._._.____._ .__._ . .__.__ > __~...___._,____.._.__.____..__._.__â€"â€"~ . _ _.___..4râ€".â€" _..._._4.-â€"â€"..._. meant) .____â€"â€"_- UP. CROSBY, ' 7 Has received, an extensive supply of III lillflli, ‘Slll'l'llllll ill THE Sillllll l LADIES’ BONNETS, INCLUDING MANTLES, RIBBONS, . iifiiiii RA i. RESIDENCE~L<>196 911d CO"- Mark- PARKER CROSBY’ FLOWERS, PARASOLS, SUMMER GLOVES, HOSIERY, In the Newest Color: and Shapes MW Always on hand at Richmond Hill, April 1863. ERGHANDISE it S STORE, 228 UNIONVILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY Stools. widths chose Factory .' ‘Hemlna COME AND SEE THE Which the undersigned is ,,,,,,,S,,,,,Wâ€",,-,C,,,O, E,,,,,,_,,, SELLING OFF CHEAPER THAN EVER. All articles in the trade made toprder on the shortest notice. for Land a” fii'st-rate'STEAM ENGINE â€"-â€"14 horsepower-“in good working order; has only been in use about 3 months, and is there- fore as good as new. Also, a Surfaceing and Matching l’ianeing Machine, with a quantity of Shafting and Belting, in good repair. For further in formation apply Herald” office. ~ ‘ Richmond Hill, Nov. 90,1862. , _(OOPY.) ~ ‘ .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN l~1\'l.‘ MARTIN MACLEOD will apply to the next Session of the Provincial Parlia- ment fer an Act to confirm his title to the Road allowance butting his farm, lot 60, in the 1st concession of Vaughan. being the town-line be tween the Townships of King and Vaughan in the first concession, granted to him by the County Council of York. Drynock, December 23, 1862. I. _ T o I... :E: T , A LARGE and extensive MACHINE SHOP ‘207-tf 212 3m Blacksmiths Shop & Foundry, With all the Machinery and Tools and Lay- t'ies, drove by Water Power, lately occupied by Mr John Ahell, situated on the River tlumber, Brownvitle, near Burwick, Vaughan, in the 7th Con . Lot No. 5â€"16 miles from Toronto,on the main road, and 6 miles from the Grand Trunk Railway, Weston. The whole to be leased on very reasonable terms, from 3 to 5 , years, as the Subscriber is retiring from business. JOHN BROWN, Brownvil‘e, Vaughan. Woodbridge PI). March 19, 1863. 224.3m. Edwiuwhahsn ~ ‘ CABINET MAKER AND Sh . UNDERTAKER PAINTER, GLAZLER, cc RICHMOND HILL, on. [‘5 WM, A general assortment of Ho use-hold Furniture Always on hand, at Toronto Prices, Wl'First Class Cupboards, Bureaus, And every description of Furniture made to order and warranted,» Richmond Hill, Feb. 19 , ’63. GARDEN SEEDS. I ‘ RESIâ€"I GARDEN SEEDS. grown and put up by JAMES FLEMING &. (30., Toronto, for sale at the ‘ “ HERALD” BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL. April 2. 1863. ROBERT MARSH. J.P. Commissioner in the Queen’s Bench CONVEYANCER, &c. LERK OF THE 3rd DIVISION COURT Officemoposite RAYMOND’S HOTEL, Richmond Hill. . Deeds, Mortgages, &c., drawn up with neat- ness and despatch. . Business attended to at the Clerk’s residence when not in the Office. pRio-hmond Hillplen. 29. 1863.- 226. He has also on hand some FIRST CLASS CULTIVATORS. where they may be seen. ammuYWk Parties tirishiug'to buy can be snpplfed at the HERALD OFFICE. ALL' WORK WARRANTED. GEORGE EAKIN. Unionville, April 1863. 2274f. dirt hath!) fireman (lifltttttttt'tiai (linings, CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STS., TORONTO, C.'W. PENMANSHIP. COMMERCIAL LAW. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC, , , BOOKâ€"KEEPING, WEEKLY LECTURES. PHONOGRAI’HY. HIS INSTITUTION imparts to young men and ladies a thorough and practical business educadon, The Bookekeeping is as complete and extensive as that, of any COM- MERCIAL COLLEGE ON THE CONTINENT, embracing Wholesale and Retail Merchandâ€" ising, Manufacturing. Mining, Milling. Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Commission, Railroading, Steamboating, (Sac. N.B,â€"-Young men holding full Scholarships, who may wish to complete a course of study in the United States will. upon signifying such intention to the Principal, be furnished gratis with a card of admission to a first-class Commercial College in any of the follottdng cities :-â€"- Milwaukee, Chicago. Toledo. Columbus, Cincinnatti, Pittsburgh. Buffalo. Syracuse. Roches- ter. Boston, New York or Philadelphia. 113’ For Circular and Specimen of Writing, enclose stamp and address for return letter, I. BATES, Principal. Toronto, March 27, 1863. 225- i y. Rrrunnncnmâ€"Rev. W. Ormiston, D.D., Inspector of Grammar Schools. Hamilton : T. J. Robertson. M.A.. Principal of Normal ScliOol, Toronto: A. McCalluin, Principal of Central School, Hamilton ; Rev. R. F, Burns. St. Catharines; '1‘. Gordon. Principal of Johnston Street School. Kingston; W R. Bigg. Principal of Central School; Brockville; J. B. Boyle, Principalol Central School. London: Dr. Beatty, President of the Board of Arts and Menu- factures, Cobourg; J, W. BOWos. Esq. Mayor. Toronto ; James Campbell. Wholesale Sta- tioner. 9 Toronto Street, Toronto ; William Williamson. Accountant. Toronto. VW»~/~N 1 FR SH ARRIVALS OF S C H 00 L GENERA OR making For Sale at and neighborhood, February 12. 1863, AN AT THE NN'\/\f\_‘/‘\N\4'\/\ [\MFM m.r\,/V\/\-/\ M SAPONIFIER BOOKS! L STATIONERY, va Concent 'atcd Lye: ' THE REST ARTICLE in existence for SOFT OR HARD SOAP ! WM' 8. POLLOCK'S G. A. BARNARD agent for Richmond Hill 219 “ roar: HERALD” BOOK STORE, RICHMOND lâ€"IILL, At Lower Prices than is charged in Toronto. Orders received for, and great attention paid to BOOKBINDING ! Which will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. story. Richmond H'iii, August 29, 1862. “195 ‘M'arshal. Mrs. smart! t... 1.”. nuts-1H ‘ . IABttGI’S _ Remainin gin RICHMOND HI‘LLI’t‘fdtmwl MAY 1. 1563. ' Pltillipgi'deshfblfl., , , Prentih. James“ "‘31 ' Rivett‘. Robert, Reid. Lafav’ettfi' " Remont-Johtt J StanlongWtatT , Storey, John" " *- ".u- 7;“ Smith. 1tIi-s.‘Mer‘g’t.1'(§:)" .- Tornlin'son;.lamee , -' 137% Wat's‘on’, J‘a‘mes‘( 3 .. ' WilliamtfiMr. ( e'r')" Weisod‘.‘Mrs’.tb.'W.' I , McClaughliu, John , Welpton". 410%pr : ' w McLean, Lat-blah ., “71111911116. THO! it!“ ' 7 McCewley, Michael (‘2)Wetson, Thomas ~ McKenzie, Daniel Yeomans.‘ Mrs. Phfibtlz' McKinuon',A‘ngus' . > - ., Mg‘TEEFY. Ambler,Wn‘i'. Baker, Jacoli' Cahill. Thomas" Danton, James _ Gd‘rman, Waltei’ Gordon, David‘ Gorn'm’d'. J'ohrt‘ Hu‘nt, Henry Hinton, John ‘ Kenody, Catheriii‘éf Letford, Mrs. W. FOR. SA LE, 1 STEAM E N G I‘N E.â€".-abont"'8«1toiieit_’ _j- power.â€"with_ Boiler. &c. .compleflav' -" ,6. Terms libe al. Apply to - - _, AMOS WRIGHT. than Richmond Hill. Nov. 13'. 1862. cots-if M u n icipa 1i ty Of” Vultgluin‘r OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that" ori' SATURDAY. the7‘1,6th day of “MAY; the Coonr of REVISioN of the Assessment Roll" for the Township of‘Vau‘gl'i'an‘, will be held atl the TOWN HALL. at EL‘EVEN..0.’dl6ck. , M1,, when all parties interested are requested’. to attend. . ‘ ‘ - . . ‘ G. J. r. nuance, Towns/i313 Clerd.‘ w ' ‘ 2&0-2 Infant School. as. SMITH begs- respectfully to inform 1 her friends and the public, that on Mon‘ Day, the 4th instant. she will [(1), V.) ’ Open an Infant School In the house immediately opposite the 'I'eutpddf . rance Hall. Richmond Hill, where she willdei vote every attention to infantjnstruction. Richmond Hill, April 30th, 1863. May Ist, 1863, 2304f l EADDLE a ’ ‘B ARNESS MAKER YONGE ST. 5.» __4_ LIST OF NEW BOOKS JUST RECEIVED, Book Store. “Speaking to the Heart,’-By Theirias'Guth-J rio. D.D. $1.. , , .i. - ‘Burns’ Centen ry Poe‘ms,’â€"-By Gerald Mas? “ soy. Hop. 3 rs. Norton. &c.. $1. ' Russell’sâ€"‘My Diary North and So‘tt'th'.’ $1. ‘ Pathwany Promise, or Words of Comfort tcf the Zion Pilgriih,’ 40ers.- ‘ Aids to Prayer,’ 406m. V , ‘The Sunday Evening Book ’JSh‘oit Prayers for Family Readingâ€"ByJames Hamilton, D.D., John Eadie. D.D., 4Ucts. ' » â€" ‘Vlave’rley VVordsâ€"-Peveril of the Pea’k.’ 30cm, ‘ Profession is not Principle. or The ,Name of Christian is not Cliristianity,’â€"-â€"By Grace Kennedy, 25ers. . ‘Stories by Author of Pierre and Family}?â€" . Lily DouglaS. Students ,Walk.,&c., 25cts. ' Rab and his Friends,’â€"iâ€"By Jolfn Brown, M.D,, 15cts. ,, ‘ wcc Davie.’â€"-By Norman McLeod, D. D. 15c ‘ Go‘oc’l Words for hiarch.’â€"â€"Edited by Norman McL‘ood, D.D., l3cts. ‘ Curious Storied Traditions 6f Scottish Life,‘-â€"- By Alexander I.eiglitoti,,50cts. ‘ Forty-five Gu'ardsn‘ren,"â€""â€"'By Alexander Du-' maS’, SOcts. v ‘ Romance of COmm‘O’u Life.’-’-â€"B5 Waters,“ 5(lcts. ‘ Vvhite Chief,’-â€"By Capt, M. Reid, 5001.8. ‘ Gideon Giles,’-â€"'-By ,Thomas Miller. 50cts. ‘ Harry Hamilton,’â€"â€"-By Capt. Stewart, 25cm. ‘ Two Old Men’s Tales.’ 25cts ‘Countess of Rudolstadt.’ 25cm. Bibles, from titlcts to $1.- Testaments. 15cts. and upwards. , I Church of England Hymn Books, 30cts. . Church of England Prayer Books, 25cts. and upwards. Richmond ,Hiil, April 9. 1868'. RICHMOND HILL Branch Bible Soc’y Depository, A’T Mrs. Ann. 'Iâ€"Iau’s. Richmond Hill, Jan. 8.1863, 214-1y. ... 227. SATURDAY Evening P091” _ HE SATURDAY EVENING POST is 9.” Weekly paper, devoted to Literature, News, &c. Among its contributors we mav 11151111011 the following distinguished writerezâ€"o MRS. ELLEN WOOD, author of’ “ Ens. Lynne,” “ The Earl’s Heirs.” 6ch ' , MARION HARLAND, author of “ Miriam,” " Alone.” &c. , . ‘ ': EDMUND KIRKE, author of “ Among thd’ v Pines.” . VIRGINIA F. TOWNSEND. whose domestic sketches are so greatly admired. Terms : Single copy. $2. Two copies. $3.. Four copies. $6. Eight copies (and one extra) $12; Twenty copies (and one extra) 8‘25. A Splendid Premium. Who wants 3. Sewing Machine? To any one sending thirty subscriptions to the ‘ Posr,’, and $60, Will be given as a Premium one of WHEELER &. WILSON’S SEWING- MACHINES, such as are sold by them~at FORTY-FIVE Donmns ($45) The machines will be seiected new at the manufactory iii New York, and will be sent, boxed. with full directions for setting up and it'sing. and with no expense,‘ except for freight.’ " DEACON &. PETERSON, Publishers, No. 319 Walnut St., Philadelphia 63’ Specimen number of the POST Sent gratiswhen requested. ‘ , March 20, 1863. 224-3 iiIOH'iviOND H'iLL- , _‘ LIBRARY ASSOCIATION _i 1115 ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘ HERALD ’ Book Store. where Stockholders and others may n‘ocurd BOOKS every Friday afternoon. frot'z’. 4to ‘8 o’clock. PM. ,_, _ . .. A. SCOTT, Librar- Richmond Hill, Feb. 27, 1861,

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