Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 May 1863, p. 4

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ilurlrtl. M v_â€" .w -* TilE WELCOMES. r‘ome in th- ev'uing. or come in the morning. Con... win-4 you'te lacked for, or Cone \vit‘nout Warning. Kisses and welcome you'll fiud'here before you And theoft'ner you come here. the more I’ll adore you 1 Light is my ln-artsince the dav we were plighted Red is my check that they told me was blighted, _ The green of the trees looks tar g‘eener than PVt‘f. And the tomato are singing, ‘ True lovers don’t uver !’ I‘ll pull you sueot flowers to wra'.it'yon choose them. Or, after you‘te k'sa‘d them, they’ll lie on mt lwwm : I'll f- o ftoni the mountain its breeze to inspiri- you) I'll etc. »rom my fancy a tale that wont tire you, Olil \our step's like the rain to the summer- vex’d farmer, Or satire ands led to a knight without armour! I’ll sing you sweet songs ttll tlte statstise above in t. Then. wandering. I'll wish you. in silence, .to love me. We‘ll look through the trees at tlte clifl'and the (“110. We‘ll treadround tho rath on the track oftlic t'tit'v, \Ve'll Inth on the starsmtd we’ll li~t to the river. 'I'itlyou ask of your daring what gst you can give her. Oh l she‘ll whisperyou. ' Love as t'nchange ably beaming, And tru»t. when in secret, most t'inefully streaming. Tl“ the starltght ofheaven abovt» us shall quiver, As our souls flow in one down eternity ’s rtt'et.’ 8:) Clint“ in the ev'niuzor come in the morning: Come when you'te looked for, or wine Vtitltout \va mug. Kisses and we'c )me you’ll find hero before you. And the ott'utu you come here, the more l’tl adore you! Lulu is my heartstncet 9 day we were plighted Red Is my cheek that tlt y told me wa~ litignter'; 'l'hegteen ufthe trees ooK for greener than evm And the bunch are singing, ‘ l‘t'ue loVets don‘t sever !' iflittt‘tlltlttt‘tttttt, ‘ I‘ll-be nitlt you in a crack,’ as lbw rifle-call said to the tars-ct. Cltcetfuliuess is ltca‘eth ; the oppOsitcâ€" melancholy â€"-i-, (IlSCilSt’. l‘tte evils trout which a morbid than sullen most are thuse that dotll hum-“[1. A situtc woman has genrtaliy bttt a single purpose and we all kltow what that is. Couray1 comisls not in ltaZtrtling with out four. but. in lli’lllé resolu cl) minded In 7 a Just cattre. 'l'lwre tan man will is such a lrmnen dons ltttcr of tn march}: that he Will not even Wear a cronu to his tut. ‘ I’alrick,’ said iti~ Illa~lt‘l' ' how long it.t~ it I’L'tll MllCt‘ you tell Ilt"l-'|tltl l’ ‘ lutéu teen months, sir; out tllt'tt: thcc since.’ l’w been A Verry Pretty Sundownâ€"“'9 don't into New York, a four Weeks ago. it Wear var-rugs in tile tvouuu do, but thv dear creatures often hurt: our ears as il tltvy tlt .ught We ought to. A grave 'e'lmv rays that It: and ht~ wile nloay- go to llrtl quartrllmg. ' Amt yet.’ said no ‘ \tlll all our dillctcuces. ue nevm fit I or t.’ ‘ Iiow (ll't‘tltlfltl llr-t cttar stucllsl’ cx claitun-d a banner 5 Chill to be. companion. -- ' Uh. no; it‘s not the. Clgtlt' that suit. l'a,’ was the t't‘pl)’.â€"' What is it lllt‘llt,â€"- """lll's "mm and I Shi‘“ ‘ Why, it‘ayout' nose that smelst cutlee.’ A Mile four year old the ntitct da) tum pluisod lla mother the Other day by making the fullttwltl; inqntry : ' .tlolttt-r. if a “toll is llllblt‘t‘, isn't a woman a ttitstet'y ll blany llt‘t-l tXac'. knowledge ol the human tacc his bet-u unscrany counted in an Whole 'SUI‘IIU ’sHtltt llt: forgotten by those who Wit- . , H ,, , ' . .,, . t, ,,v,. ,.-, . ...‘,,“uu..\t‘rn2”:;‘{N‘II- r. ‘Tiiii‘utinanit mm ,A ..;. .. .v,,- I. x now TO USE». BAtto it'ti't‘uti .J.GORMLEY. l COMMISSIONER 1N QUEEN’S BENCH, " low word” "' «Conveyanc'r and Auctioneer 9 it; in. tullutvttg a: l . . 5 , . ti t\‘|-'o: by n (:ut'rcsptitltldttl nl C/tam- _ ‘ V 3- w” 343 a. . . ‘ it: u v‘ . '. y o - ~51 ~ I Im-s .Illlll'lllll in regard to taking I‘ll ll'l‘HC‘d“ MRRKHAM _ ' E g - fig 7 g 1 ~ , , September to, 1860. 99-tf ,. Pt: gig - can: nl ttn: batomctct. He says It _‘ E g .532 g ' ' ' W~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" u- :1. ct;- is an invaluable tact, and ttmoltcu , ,, ~ _ ' ,,- v » , 2. M.- .5- ‘. e . " ‘l - . V‘ “l ' ' i I! as H,“ overlooked, that the state ot‘ the air PH“ “MD OBSER‘ ERS E :33, fig E, docs not show the. present, but 'Ihe Perfection of Mechanism. E 3 53 - I coming weather, and that tho BEWG A HUN'T'NG AND OPEN FACE; 0“ g gig, is , tanner the interval between the A “W’s °“ GEM'WMAN’S WATCH 00““ s' E ii? E5; - 7o ' BINED . n. a, w P. .____ . . - i. i. v I o n e 1 ‘ . _ " 5 ,F‘DT nttmntctt‘n. slgts 0i change and the l QM, 0f ,1", pram“. most convenient, and E g 55 E; l V 0 change itscll, tile lullgcl‘ and molt: decidedly the best and cheape~t timepiece for E E: 023 . . - “Um”; w,” [he finned weather general and reliable use, over ofi'ered. It has ,, 33' :21 SE. l ’7 y ( . . within it and connected with its machinery, its 5 A U ll“: "Ill 3 50. ll”: mole leclll 3‘” own winding: attachment, rendering a key en- i2" 5.; l f g tittpetttiiitg storm, the longer warn- tirely unnecessary. The cases of thiswatch are ‘5; g gig Ea g‘ ~ ~ - - - fi 'f , , I cotttposed of two metals, the outer one beinv " 3‘ “fa. on“ M V! L : (t: «. -â€"- . . , ~ 9- m 0 a, .3 I g‘dm-t‘ u L” ‘ “I ll‘ ‘lpln I ll fine lb carat gold It has the improved ruby ; E. go: lltt'lt'alltlllb‘ “f illlltl‘tlittitllllg t'lt‘dflge aetinu lever movement, and is. warranted an , " S "i “'5? W LLIJJ ‘ THE CANADIAN 'wARBLEa,’ BY L. C. EVERETT. 'I‘HIS popular Work. from'wiiich the above be the largest and best Co loction of Hymns and Times in use for Sabbath Schools. Price per Hundred. . . . . '. . . . . . $16 00 Single Copies.......... .... 20 ‘The Nrw Thesaurus illusions,9 By L. c. E» ERE'P'J‘ and DR. A. a. EVER‘ E'I‘Tâ€"A superior Ccllcction of Sacred Music. ..$0 75 [13’ The attentiotI of Choirs, Congregations. accurate timepiece. Price. superbly engraved. per case of a 'half dozen, $2l14.l10. Sample \Vatches. in neat morocco boxes, for those pro- posing to but' at wholesale. $35, sent by ox- lpress. with bill payable on delivery, Soldiers must remit payment in pdvance, aswwe cannot collect front those in the army. Address HUBBARD BROS, &'Co., Sole Importers, Cor. Nassau and John Sis. New York. 213. Tit) E’t‘ H, 'i‘E urn t For Eight: Dollars. nl‘Wc..tbcr arc snuwn less by tttc height of the bttt‘ntnclcr than .Iy its tnsitg or falling. 'l‘hus, the barn- ntctc begins to rise considerably lwfnt‘c tin: conclusion of a gale, and forntclls an improvement ill the number, though the mercury may all” stun/l low Nevertheless, a el ntlv height of ttlth: than thirty lint-hos is mostly indicative of line 'WCltlllt'l' and ntodcratc winds.â€" E tin-r steadiness or gradual rising ' thc ntctvnry ltldlt'itltfs sclllcd twatlwr. and continued steadiness Price «It is invited to the above works. with tlryntss foretells very fine 8‘2: Sill" alllhe Y°“K ‘HEMLD’ Bfl‘k weather. lusting Some time. A Rich,,,o,,d Hm. Janos), ,863. ~ 21t- tiapid rise of tho barometer indicates (unsettlth weather; a gradual full ,uf ()tt'-llt1'ltll‘t.‘tlll1 nf an inch per [hour iutltuattrs a gradual change lit 77 the u 'ttthcr, and a moderate risingl of the- wind; Several successive falls, to the amnnnt of one- tenth of an inch, indicates a storm evcnttt- ally. but not a sudden one; and a gale if the fall continues. 'l‘hcsc .<tortns are not dangerqu as they inc lung forntold; but a sudden full l feature our titan: E WORâ€"Itb 185 YONGE STAI‘JET. P MONUMEN SIT-OMB TABLES, TOMBSTONES ac. Twenty Per Cent: Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. Surgeon Dentist, FIAS just imported some ofthe EIGHI‘ DOL- LAR Block Teeth, which ho will insort for that sum if required. betng the same kind as inserted by S. N Peck. and made by the same man. He also keeps the best qualily 'of l'oeth. which he will insert on Gold, Silver. HE UNDERSIGNICD Assignees of the estate of D. C. 52. W. YALE. \villttm- tinuo the business under the superintendeuce of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D, CAuLos'VALe, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. Platcnunt. or ancnnized Rubber. CHANGE OF ADVE R'l‘ISEMENT. ()1 out: tcttth of an inch bctukcns thc quit-k approach of a dung rous tmnpcst. Altai-tinting: rising and sinking (oscillating) indicates no. sultlt'tl- and threatening \vc.ttltei'.-â€"â€" \thtt thc bnt‘ntt‘tctcr sink Consider ably, much “Ind and rain will fol- lowâ€"from lhc northward, if the thermometer is low for the season; from the southward. it high. For nttscrving barometric changes, the barometer should be placed at the t-yc Icvtd. out of the reach of sun- sttittc and of artificial heat, :18 of fires, and out of wind. It should in: 8:31 regularly twice a day by n t-mnpctnnt person. A card should be accessible close by. and on It Dr PECK will be at Richmond llill.. . . .. . . . lst day ofeach month Maple, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3t'd day ofeach month Kleinbnrg,. , , , , . . , , , , ,5th day of each month Clarevdle, . . . .... . . . . .6th day of each month Aurora, . . . . . . . . . . . the last, day ofeach month (Except when any of the ab vo days come on Sabbath, when he will attend tho day following) When he will be happy to wait on any re- qulring‘r his services in any branch of his-nio- fessiun. or make good any work previously warranted. Teeth extracted for those not able to pay, free, Aurora. June 20.. 186:2 ICS-IY tits visit ti: ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. POW E L L’S CWADIAN SWING PUMPS! P,S..â€"-Al| notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the Isl day of June, 1858, will be put into Court for collection, . C. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29. 1859. 48-tf Desirable Village Property, For. Sale. HE Subscriber offers for Sale two valuable VILLAGE LOTS. situated in the very centre of the fast rising town of Port Elgin, on Lake Huron, and ill the County of Bruce; tho Lots are known as Lots N0. 40 and 41, in block N0. 87 of the Village. This is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make a home for himself, The shipping from the Port is considerable, and a ‘I l I ‘ . I ' ) . u: I ' . . . . . . 5mm“ "L l‘lmSlULd the lndlf‘dll‘l” pushing and improvmg business is done in th : :' - ' 'ir, ‘ , t -â€"_f . 1 cl 1' le ' ' it (at It Sllllltr I CRNUWLEDGED M 500 Farmers Pm. own or '1 N e tat ic tt opening ts -_.,-___,_ _. , , - ’ unequalled. fesstonal Lentil-men and others (who For particulars apply at the kHERALD OF- FICE,’ or to WM. COURTNEY. Richmond Hill, April 24. 1862. 178-tf. lNClDENT IN THE CARS. have them working itt Wells, varying in depth from 10 to 13811330 to be the EASIES'I‘ WORKED. MOST DURABLE and EFFI- CIEN'I‘ over offered to the Public. 113’ Price 60 Cents foot. No extra charge for l'op. Every Pump Warranted l Orders for these Pumps addressed to C. PO WELL, Willowdale, C.VV, Will recoive Prompt Attention. November, 7‘, 1562, In a 0 tr on a railroatlwhich runs transpired n‘h'ch wifl ttnl Dias. s. N. a P. B. PECK, SURGEON DENTISTS, WILL BE IN Stoufi'villo. . . . . . . . . . . . . .QQud of Each Month; Markham Village, 23rd do $2.3m of Each Month; Brown ’s CornersAllt Con.of Markham 25th do.; 'l‘hornhill, . . . . . . . . . . .. . .inlh ol Each Month : Richmond Hill, . . . . . . . .27th of Each Month Hippie, \Vatson’s Hotel. .Qtfith of Each Month ; l Pine Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29th of Each Month; tt'f.‘~S"tl it. A person, dressed as a gutttlvuniu, speaking :lt't‘tt¢\‘ tin: mtt‘, said: to a friend 202- Iv. ‘ Wall. l hnpc the war mtv last six months lungtt' lf it docs l Iltnll “:th enough to retire from business. In th .2 IlSl six months I've, ,tnudc :t WORMS. For destroying Worms in children SITTZER' vsmnrucn entry is bny' the niost pleamns w.) . ’2. -, - 4-» - beautif‘d Melody is copied, is admitted to . Sabbath Schools, and Teachers of VocaliMusic. _‘ Info, and ott‘ectual remedy now in use. Try it! So tintttll'ctl llltHISdlltl tlnllttt‘s : Slx by all dealer: in medicines. have H an RV MfLLE 9:, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE UNITED COU N'I‘IES OF YO RK enough ’ A ladv sitting: behind the speaker tltft'CSSIIl'lly lntard this remark, and when ho was done she tapped him nu tho Sll’tllltlt r and said to him: ‘ Sir. I had two sons : one oftht-m was killed at the battle of Frederâ€" tcksburg. and the other at Mur- & PEEL. Auction Sales attended to in a business-like manner, and the interests of the entyloyer al- ways consulted. Residence and v.0. Address-Jl‘hornhill. February 12, ’63. 219 I'l‘OCSlltHl),’ She Was silcut a moment, and so wort: all who IICtll‘tl her. the (‘llUlt'C ot a \ch. ' \\ hat do you ask for this attic-lo! "inquired Ot-ctltah of a young Inns. ' I’ll- lcen shillings." ‘ Ain‘t you a little dent"! ‘ \V hy,’ ahc t't‘pltt‘ti, bluslnn; considerably. ‘ all the young tutu tell me s-t.’ A gentlvtntn trawling the excelien’ 23h- hnp I‘It‘l'tlllgl', inked hint how he was l Bt:t¢:t'ttl;o- rt-pltrd, ' if l athtvur in Lawn I 1am sir; 550; t nt Engliqt. 5') so.' ' t1t~ itii-tnl tetntled. ‘ That is it 8’) 80 sort of a , pun, .\1r. Bishny. | \\'tell, nt-ighbour. what is lllt‘ tnmt Christian llPWa l’ and a gentleman to his ftiend. ‘l have jttâ€"t llt‘tllsltl a barwl of ll tor for a poor woman.’ ~ Just like you l i \Vho i~ it you have madc happy by "Hill" charity this time 2’ ‘ My Wllt: l’ COACH AND llAtL.â€"â€"'l‘be best distinc- lion P\'t‘t' drawn bet ween tailway and coach accidents, was that of an old nlnp. ‘ ll.‘ said be. ‘you guts comfortably tmp‘th‘tl into a tidbit by the roadside. there you are; but If you gets blown up bv an engine. tun into a cuttin4, or of an etnbtnkutenl. where are you 3’ It is rlcat‘ (ways the Court .lntmal) from the fuller-tug Hanan ttt honor of Lotti l Palmerston. rxlnbited on :t (ila~;Otv ban- ner lmlongiu,Ir to an inll l-‘tllml person, tint poetry has not (Ilt'tl Barns:â€" “Welcome to Clyde Lord Politic-retail, Whose fame hath spread To every legion ot the world wide " A good reputation .~hould be preserved with criterial care. for. “hen it is onco- I051. it is always tlifliu'ttlt to recover. and sometimes at?” ltltpt)~~tlllt’. A good rt. sown i~ blue lt:t‘. which, When once hula-n can newr be made whole a;atn. The: fol- lowut; lllltlr nauti‘" a t'vty u~efttl lvsm“ or. this lillltlit‘t'li lt lutppcumi, one (lay that Fire. Water, and Rrpum/irm, www- Il‘al'rllltlg together; they tit-re drltoctatin; bow lheypltould mo't't again, in cow ol' j'mlqultu foreign to that on which Fire says. ‘ You will I ms hands Wcrc employed fro n the qulm‘ l ttiunt‘cnl losing inch other. find me when you see htthllt‘.’ suvs. ‘ \‘Yllfilfl ymt we tt‘:ti'~ltv pl let's you wil find ttw." lint up.‘ .. .. l , ..l._ (the (all: yt u to not .5. Pd .1 t ynutw tuI from me: should you d» so. you run a giant risk of nun-r mwting ntc again; for when OLCB but it is \ety seldom 1 am ever it is said to have been atatted more than a thousand years. neonred.’ E a philoatlpllcl‘ who thought e [l‘hc slmcntnkcr ('(mlly laid down Slitth‘t}. tltiSl‘t'lllcsylllU operation as- ‘ltttVlug been performed with the 9 l R'ymtazion .~ays. -â€"â€"'1itlbotLCc1(lcr. 1"” agave Troughs, Water Spams, Cistrons and Pumps, Manufactured and. for Sale by overt-unit: by her indignation. shc suddenly slapped the spenttlntot‘. first on one t-hcuk. then on the other; and before the follow could say a J O N T A F F, until the passengers sitting.r near, Sl‘tlAM Mums, THORNHILL. wlm ll‘lll (H‘t‘l'llctll‘tl the \Vltttlt‘. tlf‘ .lunefl,1859. fair. st’iznl bin and pushed him lutrrictlly out of the :ar. asonc not lit to ride \Vllli decent people. ., .1 i '_j By the use ofElcctricitv. “w‘ M .._,_,. .; ’ ‘- A COOL. wanton. OPERA- "" ‘ 'l‘lON. .â€" 27vtf TEETH txincitn' WfTHOUT Plait SURGEON DI‘IN'I‘IS l‘, AURORA. The following instanceofproscnt-c gimp" it'tSBtitt'd 0" Silver..Gold.0rYalcanimd “(mum “m, Swarm” indifibrencc l” niber. All Operations in his Irofesston. pain is sntttctvhat rare in those dc- Warranted' ‘rl uran dais. The other dav a A“t°"a-l\laTChQ-'860 67’” shoemaker t'csidittu‘ itt thllarat “ _ ' 5‘ i W. G. TAYLOR. Sttcct “as rcmnvimr the Sole fruit 7, . a, an old boot. when file knifc slipped VETERINARY DURGEON’ Zlfcmlwr oft/n; Royal College (5f V.S. N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- ment heretofore received begs to intimate that he is now prepared to treat all Biscases of .flnimals a y - . , . e. ' . m" hm” hb “Ml DEL“ “pm "Hug At his own stables on the shortest notice. and “Imui l reflllpd “‘10 l’rlSlleS‘ 10”" “P can wi'h confidence warrant a cure in allcases his ztw l, and lit lllU presence of ()ur vithin the reach ofmedical skill and treatment. tnftntnant, prut-ccdcd to sew up the R€Siff€”69â€"'ZVT€07‘ the Eagle 171030!- w mutt ullct‘ the orthodox plan pur- N.B. No Charge for Stabling. sued in stitching a hunt. H at'ittgj Newmat'ket: Feb. ‘25, 1559-. narctully schd up thc wound, ftottr Vthtclt a (zunsttlcl‘ublt: quantity of blood had in the meantime exuded, tho shnctnakcr again took up the hunt and knife. and proceeded to rc- tnuvc the solo as though nothing of nth moment happened. Out“ in- lut'ntaut, who sccnts to have hecnl t:tlx' quitc nbnck by the t:ttcu.n-l it"mt tin: leather into his thigh. vrc- tiling a flesh \vnuud of about three tturhcs long and all inch in dcpth.â€"-â€" V 170â€"1y _....I_ J. B. Bcefiécr, OUN'I‘Y Constable,â€"Landlord’s Warrants ,/ executed, Rents and Debts collected on the shortest possible notice. . Addtessâ€"Richmond ll ill P.O. FAA I V. VALUABLE notifier: SALE. NE of the host Farms in the County of York, being Lot No. 15, in the 5th Concession of the TOWNS HIP 0F VAUGHAN, 2th) ACRES more or less, with good Frame Buildings of every description, and a large Orchard of the best of Ftuit. There is four good Wells of Water, with l’umps in them.â€" '(mlcbl possible intltll'crcncc to pain the operator t.:ottvcrsin,t_r Upon a sub- l he cummunccd to stitch The faint is within 17 miles of the City of To- - ' . .. ' routo; will be sold 100 or 200 Acres, to suit lllt: \\ Htlllxl down to its completion. Purchasers. “mm is abou, 160 Acms Clem“, and in a high state of cultivation; and 40 Acres of well-timbered Laudâ€"Pine land Hardwood. For further particulars apply 0 HECTOR MoLEAN, On the Premims. , 23045- ln Pekin a Weekly newspaper of extra- ordinary tltttn'usions is gubllsltcd on silk. l Vaughan. Feb, 19, 1863. By Dr. E. C. EDMOND: GEO, Performed in the most approved manner and December ’4. 1860. Kleittburg,. . , . . , . . . , . _ .30le of lGaclt Month; Nobleton . . . . . . . .. . . . .3181. of Each Month;, 2nd and 3rd of Each Month; If any of the above days comes on Sunday, that place will be omitted till the following month. When he will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls, or make good any operation previously warranted. . Those who require Artificial Teeth can have a full upper set of best quality of Block Teeth. inserted on Vulcanized Rubber, for $8, usually charged $95 by other Dentists. 'l'ce’th filled with Gold, Silver or filling. W h ito To remove misapprehension. he begs to an- nounce that all work \Varranted what it is Guaranteed to lo, or no charge. Teeth. Extracted with the least possible l’ain. Particular attention paid to the Regulation of CHILDREN’S 'l‘lCE'I‘l-l. N.B.â€"I‘arties requiring Artificial Teeth are requested to Call and Examine Specimens. ll? 'l‘eeth inserted cheaper than byany other Dentist in the Province. Newmarket. May 29, 1862. 182-13v MCPHILLIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, C.W. a...__. -â€"__ W. C. ADAMS. D. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING sr. EAST, SOUTH ems. THIRD noon WEST FROM cannon ST. 'roaouro, ARTICULAR attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s Toot/t. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr. A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all itsln'anr'hes, and can supply the profession with 'l‘eeth.’ Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanito Rubber, and the best Bone filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto,October 11, 1861‘. 49-1y NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and f0:- bilious complaints, Sick Headache, Goattvenesa, &c., we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLE LIFE ‘PILIS. FANNING MlLLS&PUMPS HE Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that. he manufactures the atost improved PUMPS AND FANNING MILLS In his Shop. at Stoufl‘ville, where all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt atten- tion; and for cheapness and durability he defies competition. Repairing done with despatch. All letters addressed to PE'I'ER K-RIBS, Stoutfvillo P. 0. Stoafi'rill 30m 2.... test) a 151-01 an" : H I I I, _ I . I. a,“ 1“, n", e>;.*.:‘,....t.. t I. HA USTION. New editions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by liltl Anatomical Colored ‘ Engravings'on Steel. Justpublishodmrim1s. “ J HuertttaNT FRIEND, the greateslMe'li- cal Work of the Age, on' Youthful Indis- fcretions and consequent lmpedip'tcnts to Mar- ' flage,'déscribing theAnatomv of the Repro-- ductivo System in health and disease,“_atld pointing outthe sure means‘tbf perfect reatom- " tioit to manhood: with an Essayon‘SinEle and Married Life, containing a Prescription known v as the Preventive Lotion, precluding the pos sibility of contamination: , ' ' " Also to be' had from all Agents , H the world, EXTRAOTS FROM} HE SlLEN’I‘ FRIEND, price 6d., Which contains directions forthe guidance of patienth 4 ‘ Messrs. R, (to L. PERRY .GL‘CO. areonly to be consulted at their tes,idettce,,No. 19, Burners Street.‘t)xtbtd S reet. London, as thev never, ~ under any circumstances, traVel either at home or abread._and thev hereby caution the Public against any‘porson using their name. and as a further precaution against fraud. the Public isnotified that none of their medicines are ge- nuine. unless the‘ subjoined fac-‘sirriilic of their signature is atttaohed to their different wrap- Gm’aATtve .35 Museum}: I owmt tsoxtnun , BY THE usr: or Perri/‘3 Cordial Balm 0f Sfl/riacum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GREA'I‘EST RIC- GENERATOR; a never-failing remedy for Sperntatorrltua. loss of manly power. produced by early indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of married life. Price 11s. per bottle, or four quantities in one. 33s,, which saves lls. ; and in £5 bottles. effecting a saviugol' £1 l‘ls. I’ERRY’S CONCENTRA'PED DETER- SJVE ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for purifyingthe system from contamination, recommended for secondary symptoms, blotches on the bead and face, en- largement ofthe throat. tonsils. and uvnla: its beneficial influence on the system is undeni- able. Price 115. and 33s. per bottle, alsoa saving of 1 Is. ' PERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRA'I'ED ESSENCE OF COPAIB\ AND CUBEB SUGARoCOA'l‘ED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known. The Globules, con~ mining the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cuhehs, Buchu, &c., at ot.ce cure, it ithout. tho possibl- lity of failure, Gonorrhtca. obstinate Gleet, Striclure, etc, immediately subduing all in- flammatory action; Encasod in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. (3d. and 11s. per box. HEAL“; DEPI'JVDS neon l’uutc PLOOI).~â€" PERRY’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofnla, Ulcers, lloils. Blotches, Pimples on the face and body. 61.0. Price US. and 335. per box Sold at Messrs. ll, dz L. Pi:th & Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Berners Street, Ox- ford Street, London, : Agents: BARCLAY do 00., 75, Farringdon Street, London. May 23. 1562. Truth 1 Stranger than Fiction. ASTAMRTLlNGWORK! F EWLE LIFE Allibk‘li ’I‘llll liltlilllllllNS! A NARRATIVE Many Years Personal Experience, BY MARIA WAttt), THE WlFE OF A MORMUN ENTER! (6 HAT one half of the world cannot ima- glue how the other half live,” is no less true titan trite; and the lesson tho adage affords, our experience and observation daily tends to verify Then. too, when we consider the ever~v. vying phases of human passion. and the discm‘daut elements front which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded. it can scarcely seem p Ising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance : or that crtmes. both strange and unnatural, should be perpc- trated in a for off country on the outskirts 0' Civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible, Know- ing. as I do know, the evils and horrors and abominations of the Mormon system, the de- gradation it imposes on females, apd the con- sequent vices which extend through all the ramifications of the society. a sense ofduty to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing narrative for the public eye. The ro~ mantic incidents connected with my experi. ence, many may think bordering on the mar- velous, To them I would say, that this narra- tive of my life only proves. what has so often been proved before that, “ TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION. --Aut/tors Pro/hon, The book contains 449 pages. with engrav- ings, is neatly bound in cloth, and Will be sent toany address, post-paid, on receipt of price. $1.25. 182. ,_ln, ._ L____.__...~-__.._,A _ a __-L A Companion to Female Life. Male Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD. This. like the above, is a work of great and unusual interest, and will be eagerlv read as acompanion volume to “ FEMAle LlFE.” It is a large liltno, volume, neatly bound in cloth, i.lustrated with engravings’, and will be sent to any address post-paid. on receipt of price, $1.0ttâ€"oron receipt of $52.0“, we will send both the above works, postage prepaid. DICKENS’ LAMâ€"“GREAT WORK I GREAT EXPECTATIONS ! BY CHARLES DICKENS’ l Complete in one volume. 12mo. cloth extra, illustrated with steel engravings, Will be, sent to any address postage paid on receipt of price, $1.00 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Now so indispensable to every family. are be- ing manufactured by its in every variety of style and finish. Descriptive Circulars with prices will be furnished on application, and any style of Album sent by ntail-pOSt-paid on receipt of price. Booksellers, News Agents, Book Agents, Canvassers, Peddlers, and others will do well to order a package of our Books and Albums. They will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal, 1000 Local cit Travelling Agentsl Wanted everywhere for their sale. t For single copies, or for terms in quantities. I with other inform ttion apply to, or address. 3 l JNO. EDWIN POTTER, Publisher, No, 617 Sansom St, Pbiladelphia,l’a. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN A’l‘ PAR January 16. 186?. BIS-Gm 0N NERvOQthQuELAXATION and .éEX-l iniall parts of "-n .- ‘ RIC ‘ A DIL'BUCl-IAt'SVEGETABLE DO- MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from tho l’rescdptions of the late Dr. Bucbau, Fellow of ' ‘A the Royal College of Physicians, tic” &c..â€"- ‘ 3m es are daily made, and their efficacyprnved in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, ’THE RIGHT HON. THE "Lotto p _v MAYOR OF LONDON, , ‘ i and sitting Magistrates of Mat‘lborougfh‘Sfr‘eet, Westt'ninstor, Wot-ship Street, Bow Street. &_c. Used by the most celebrated blbdical Men: ' 'Clergymen. and others. . Pills. It is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that SARâ€" SAPARILLA is the greatest purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD l’URlfllâ€"Jl‘he Bowels regularl lnâ€"And , DEFY - the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike "at the root of each diseaso,-and are for the cure of ovurv ailment inctdontal to Man Woman and “ l l I Dr. Buchan’s Sugar-Coated Sarsapa-rilla Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- trestion, Bilious, Livor, and Stomach Com. ,plaints. General Weakttoss,Gout, Rhuenta- tism. Lumbago. Pains tn the Limbs, Head‘ acheb. Sore Throats, and every complaint caused by ir'egultrities ot the bowels. ob- structed perspiration, and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. ’ These I’ilis work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in theirpassage, especially where mercury has ‘ been taken, and romoving every unhealthy ac- cumulation, till the blood is purified. the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according tovnature, the duties of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do' not hesitateâ€"do not de- lay l a clean stomach must make aclean body. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the stomach, body, and blood are pure. from regulating a id cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning, waste not time; strike at the r00t of your ailment. Again, I say. look to yoursto.nach. One trial of these Pills will force conviction. I Sold in bottles. at ls. ltd” 2s. 9a., 45. 6(1., and 115. Dr. Buchau’s Invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NERAL W EA KNESS. at, once restore attd invigorate Wllll magical rapidity the most De- bilitated Constitution. thereby ensuring perma- nent health, increased strength, energy, and a redoublcd .evolopmeut of tho tnuscnlarsystem. Failure is impossible, for success is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy or acquired local and general debility, nervous prostration, depression ofspi- rtts, diminution of vital energy. emaciation, and for all female complaints, This medicine not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in. youth, maturity. and old age The properties of this invaluable re-invigorating Essence act enriching, increasing, and purifying each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of nor titre. As the falling rain vivifics the parched vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost. strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement, which so few of the medical pl'OfBSslou attempt to treat. 4s. 6d., lls.,'or four quantities in one. 335. ()IN'I‘MEN'l‘, Is the‘ only one yet diSCOVered that cures the most inveterate sores, lts effects are wonder- ful, giving instant relief to the sufferer Many thousands have used it. and declare it to be “the best in the world.” NATURAL REMEDY for all and skin eruptions. I. n treatingitntittness,sitingute B. H EN DERS within the reach of all, by the use of if?” Ilit»! 6N, M.D _. Oculist and Auriswt ‘ (Late of No. 656 Broadway. New York.) {1‘ t |II Sljust opened an Office _ 51., 'I‘o'i'o'nl‘o, where he iutc‘nds remain- ing a few nionthrs, and Will give his exclusive attention to the treatment of Diseases of the EYF...,EAR and, LUNGS. Dr. H. has prac- tised lbrupwards of 10 yearsin NEW Yoax,with unexampledsuttcess. Hundreds ol’testitttottials. froin persons who hate been cured by hint,can be seen at his oflice. Cataracts and Arnarosis treated hwith, Isuccess: ._ also. Bronchitis, Sore 'l‘li‘l'oat.“anil”all”l)iseases oftbe Lungs. Arti- ficial Eyes inserted Without an operation. -"‘I‘btotito, Sept.’9l."’6‘2.' 198-311) I H " PHOTOGRAPHS t PHOTOGRAPHS l" The Cheapest and Best Ambrotype and Photograph GALLERY IN CANADA, AT titttttt that: till, _ 'I‘OltUN’l‘t). JAEWEfi» BAWE, ’- Proprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19. l8fil. _ . - _ B. M . R . Try the truly great PAIN KILLER. BRIGGS' MA- GIC RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied or its supe- riority, after using the medicine, the price will be re« funded b the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 cents bottle. old by all dealers in medicines. W 125â€"15! t Valuableâ€"Fittipcriy for Sale IZ: 63 Acres, 23 of which is tintbered, 40 Acres under Cultivation. Several PARK LOTS with timber thereon Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. ' The above property is situated at, and ad- joining to, the Village of Richlnond Hill. For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. Richmond Itlill, Sept C) 5-. 1860. 9-0 Consultthc (lid English l’hyician ~FOR Ab I‘HMA. INCIPJEN l‘ CONSUMPTION INFIRMI'I‘IES OF YOUTH, AND OLD AGE, &c. I No Merciâ€"ivy Escd. Dr. fimas «fie Eton 48 EAST GENESEE STREET, Buffalo, New York, ARE the only Phystciztns in the State who L are members of the Royal College Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 5) at night, in every state and symptom of disease. Tile treatmcntthcy adopt is the result of up- wards ofthitty years’ extensive and successful directly on the nervous and muscular system, pracuce .m London’ A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION, An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lity, of Nocturnal Emissions. more properly known as Seminal ‘vVeakness, doc. Can be permanently citired .in from 15 to 20 days. by the use of this instrument, when used con- jointly with medicines. . Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE SKIN where it may prove unsatisfactory. after a fail. trial, the money will be refunded by relurnin the instrument in good order. Price '1'eti'l)ol- lars. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR No'rtcn. Those who have injured themselves by a cer- 1, is the on“. taiu practice indulged in when al0ttoâ€"â€"a habit iuds of sores lrequcndt learned from evil companions. or at school. the efforts of which are nightly felt oven It never closes up the surface of a wound Wile” “Sleep, and “In” CUM‘L "Hillel's man‘lflge at No, “fixing whilst full of matter. out will first bringall to “"llmSfiible all" ‘leSlfOl‘S 0011' “Will “ltd l’t‘dl', the surface, and finally heal Without breaking Sl‘M‘ld ill’lfl." 'll'lnlf‘dlalell-. Sulf'abuse isoneoi‘ out again. The Pills aid the Ointment in the “l? "1051 lf“'””‘l"l‘,le 01‘91111051”h‘fllllltfm' “0* followingâ€"Piles, Boiles, Bruses, Excoriations, “mlg “l5” 1“ “'9 ‘llm (fi‘litltltl'utt Of‘ltttltltttt dis- momhes 0,, the 10,100, Ulcers, Ringmwrms! eases causes so destructive a drain upon the so“. Heads, Eyes, and Lips. Baldness, Chuw human system, (llttthlg llS' thousands of vic- pt-d Hands, Chafcd and lllistorcd lt‘eet, Corns, “'“S ll‘l‘O'llll' a few .19" f5 0f “idler”th flow” l0 Buniom, Chilblaius, Frost Bites, Scalds, (Jill'i, 8“ “"lm'el." gm‘m- It Lie-“Hols “10 “et'VOUS Bites, Freckles. Stings, Scrofula, King’s Evil. .Sl'slem fall'le Wit-$105 3W1.“ the “"el‘glesm “f9; Bad Legs, Bad llreasts, Contras‘ed and Still “amt-‘3 “131m” dEI‘ttltgt‘tltetlt. Prevents the pro- .loints, Fistulas, Gout, Swelled Glands. Lutn- ‘llf‘l' d'eveloll'llél" 0‘ 'l-‘te. SVSWHH tit-“qualitirs for h3g0, Rheunmfism’ \Nhilyow7 Swe Nippms, marrtage. socmty, uttstness, and all earthly Sore '1‘],,.Oats. Scurvy, so”, “(.ad,’ Rm“. 'l',,_ happiness, and loaves the sniietor wrecked in mours. Old and deeposeatcd‘ Ulcers, Wounds, Worms. Itch, &c. ls. lid. and 2s. 9d. per pot. Pmettt Medicine Warehouse, 19, llerners London. Wholesale bodv and mind, predisposed to consntttption and a train of evils mom to be dreaded than death itself. thusms IN ANY PART or THE WORLD severe attack of Inflammation in my right eye, street, Oxford street, , Agents:-â€"-Barclay & 00., 75, Farriugdon may, be successfully treated by forwardinga street; mav be had at R. H. HALL’S, correct detailof’ their case. Chemist and Druggist, Richmond Hill, C.W. Address Dr. Amos «\t SUN, 4812'th Genesee am. from all Chemists throughout the world. Street, three doors West of Ellicott Street, May ‘23. 1862. 182 Buffalo, N, Y. 884). IMPORTANT. DR. WIS’I‘AR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly-'2». commended, for Coughs, Golds. Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lunvs and Th‘ 1: ham“ D 103. 25 cents p93 SOB it] EYESH Relief to t1; Afflicted 1 ri‘HE following Certificates are sufficient guaranty to the public that Elfidil’cck’s Eye Water Is an infallible remedy for inflamed Eyes and Chilbiaiits “’0, the undersigned. do certify that we have used H. W. PECK’S EYE WATER. and find it to be a certain cure for inflamed Eyes and Chiiblains. and therefore would recommend i to the public, THE ORIGINAL HOWE Silil’llifl llllllillt‘lES: ESTABLISHED IN lBâ€"lSâ€"l’intrizc'rico IN 1862. ECENT and important improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine. rendrrs i now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe deliVery,and Robe” Raymond that they Will be able to manage it to their en- .lautes Bailey Mrs. M. .1. Raymond Miss .l, Hiunce A, L. Skeele Robert llewisou .lohu Conltor D. liridgford. J-P. Miller Anderson Robert Hotper G. L. Boynton \V. S. Pollock W. H. Myers L. Richardson Marlin Nealion Timothy it‘ogarty W. P. Richmond tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles lâ€" No more missing stitches! No trouble in mak- ing any garment, lloweverdclicate or heavy,on the same Machine, either in cambiic, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers tailors. hat oindors, shoe binders. or goiter fit- ting, as well as for every vatioty of family sewing, they have no superior, and will be sold Richmond Hill, July 14, 1869. My son suffered for nearly four months from Inflammation in one of his eyes; during which time I procured the best medical aid within my reach, to no purpose. 'l‘ne inflammation cott- tinued ; the boy suffered, and I began to enter- tain serious apprehension that he would lose his sight. I accidentally heard of effectual cures having been made by Mr. H. W Peck’s Eve‘Water, and procured two viols of it front himâ€"Ute Implication of which has rficctcd A CURE. My son’s eyes are now well. I have much pleasure in certifying to titehbovti facts, and recommend the use of Mr. l'eck’s Eye Water to all persons afflicted with lnflanted at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices. A few respectable Agents will be dealt with liberally. Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 437 Broadway, New York . New Yot‘“. June ‘20, 1862. A GOOD THING. â€" DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth 3 trial, in any case of Piles, Bums, Scolds, 01d Sores, 186-1y Eyes. JOHN Illb‘uOI“. Inflamed or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and In every case where an ointment. is useful. It will to. Richmond um. July 15, 1862. “mewtwtttaftmnetmt- 1n the month of February last, 1 had al Cheap Boots and Shoes t' ‘HE‘Snbscriber begs to intimate to the in- J_ habitants of Richmond HI“ and vicinity, that he has leased the Situp of Mr. Ruben Lee, Where he intends to carry on the BOOT and and suffered very much, I tried several re- medies, and obtained medical advice, but my eye continued to get worse. I was recom- mended to call on Mr H, W. Peck, who gave me a viol of his Eye Water; in three days I felt relief, and in about five days was able to use my eye. It is now well, and I have much ‘ ' . pleasure in stating that I believe it is Mr Peck’s SHOE business 111 all its branclIES. remedy that cured my eye. 1 have also re- Mr. Lee’s customers Wlll have the same at- commended the use of it to others, and know tention given to their work as formerly. . .. that the result has been attended with com- All Work done at the MM)“ wmm‘e'al'ng plete success, J. M. DAVIS. pl'lCt‘S. , T I V For Sale at the York “Herald” Office,Rich- Richmond Hm A; 51551355,!) DURHAAE'"; mend Hill,price2 5 cents per bottle. 190 ' V. \- 7r.

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